#Eiré (agus an chuid eile)
kingdom-of-ire · 4 months
Here's my draft for an Ireland (and the rest of em) Intro!
it'll be coloured in final and there'll be a voice over because I can't compose for crap man so no music
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kingdom-of-ire · 4 months
eiré agus an chuid eile intro is done (now to actually start the season)
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kingdom-of-ire · 4 months
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so I'm planning a bunch of eps of Eire rn and I came up with a joke Musical number about bombs-
call me anti-myself for posting this on saint Patrick's but I think it'd be hilarious to pay tribute to my favourite Broadway musicals while simultaneously having Ireland sing about improvised explosive devices.
drawn hastily in the notes app because ibis kept crashing
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kingdom-of-ire · 4 months
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Lil concepts for Ireland (+the rest)
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I'm a lil iffy on my Russia design rn my old one looked a lil too basic but this one doesn't seem distinct enough
(Ukraine is wearing a gasmask because I was sick of drawing noses)
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kingdom-of-ire · 3 months
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he's sad because his boot got wet and the ink ran
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kingdom-of-ire · 4 months
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Eire (agus an chuid eile) idea
whole episode based on a fanfic I wrote two years ago. beat for beat.
the whole thing I bait a group of people into thinking I'll be writing Ireland/Scotland content before swerving the story 180° and doing something else right before anything happens (this is the basis of a much better fanfic on amino, the og copy of both are pretty much gone but I remember em pretty well)
it was very funny to force my beta reader Natalia to deal with.
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kingdom-of-ire · 2 months
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due to political reasons, the drawing a guy at school said he'd pay me 4 euro to post here, is now my official Russia CH design
move over human boy, flag bear is coming for your job
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kingdom-of-ire · 2 months
Nordics! Eiré (agus an chuid eile) style!
Iceland is an author, she loves murder mystery novels and is actually quite superstitious
Finland is still in college, he's got an interest in wildlife husbandry and heavier music. he's got hair like his mother's and takes great care of it
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Norway works on an oil rig most of the year. he makes the most money out of the nordics, he often ends up paying for stuff even if he didn't expect to
Denmark is known for one thing- his lego- he's got a collection and makes stop motion movies with his sets, he would rather be an actor than a country if he's honest
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Sweden is a tech enthusiast and honestly pretty bad with socialising
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kingdom-of-ire · 3 months
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Redraw of C4: the musical I did in art one day
probably gonna do it again on digital
and don't tell my Co show runner chillaxe about it idk if he'd approve and as Ireland herself I am making C4 the musical if it kills me
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kingdom-of-ire · 3 months
Important info in this vid. please watch all the way through
I am so HAPPY that IrelAnd (and the rest of them) Pleased someone so much that they really and truly bought the RIghts from me. Lots of love to you all.
FOr those whO foLlowS me, my YouTube account has been bought too. Don't worry About it though. You can still follow me here.
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kingdom-of-ire · 4 months
here's the official server? have fun with my buddy Chillaxe!
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kingdom-of-ire · 4 months
I'm gonna pitch Eire (agus an chuid eile) to waffle corner and the other VAs of TPOE
if they accept me with only mild slagging I'll cover a random song on my YT
if they don't like it I'll make an Ad for TPOE to make it up to them
(don't tell them)
and go check out The Power Of Earth by waffle-corner!
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kingdom-of-ire · 4 months
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Potential CountryHuman series based on Ireland
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I'll be tagging all planned posts with the irish name (it looks better man, eire and eile make a good mirror)
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kingdom-of-ire · 2 months
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scotland on da concrete unfortunately passed away in the rain.
so here's the dry version
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kingdom-of-ire · 2 months
Join the supporters discord for Eire (agus an chuid eile)
it's a small country human based show I'm making rn and we're getting lonely in here lol
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kingdom-of-ire · 3 months
hmmm- should an dreoilín be the official outro to eire (agus an chuid eile)?
it's in irish and it's the exact type of song Ireland would unironically listen to
if you haven't listened to it. just listen to an dreoilín by Sean monaghan
I promise its a bop
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