#Ipoh Hor Fun
radio-charlie · 1 year
If u are earning a 5-digit salary here, less than half of it goes to repaying loans, u got no dependents, high recurring medical expenses, then idk how u manage to not save anything at all. prices are a lot higher than they used to be but if u are struggling to save with that sort of lifestyle, my hunch is that ur food and drink expenses are positively insane. either that or ur splurging too much on games/collecting watches/something. just get an instant pot or an induction cooker and make a lot of beehoon soup son.
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rcarx · 1 year
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better meme time. Thanks for tagging me @gleerant ! i'm forgetful and left this for way too long
1. Three Ships: i can't choose just three i'm sorry lmao - brittana, clexa, juliantina, avatrice - each of this ship triggered my shipper monkey brain hive mind on equal levels
2. First Ever Ship: if we're being honest i was reading harry and hermione fanfiction before anything else (i was 12)
3. Last Song: oh god, i don't pay attention to what i listen to but according to spotify its escale á madrid by evelyne brochu and before that ya me enteré by reik
4. Last Movie: glass onion!! that was fun
5. Currently Reading: avatrice fics yesss (i'm also halfway through gideon the ninth by tamsyn muir)
6. Currently Watching: the last show i watched was probably warrior nun, and then nothing else after. i'm currently addicted to boxbox's tft streams
7. Currently Consuming: like food? i just had some chicken rice noodles (ipoh hor fun for the knowers)
8. Currently Craving: i just woke up from a nap and i would like to go back to it
@wearysighs @stayclose--dontgo @orphanblaque @mitski @ahappilyexhaustedperson @myhumbleme @downbythewestbrook @jaggedwolf @ladyarduenna
and you. yes you, i tagged you 👀
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turnaboutwright · 11 months
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Just finished eating Ipoh chicken hor fun! The soup here always makes me feel like I took medicine in the best way and is a once a year treat for me! Ah time to go home and take a nap now 💤💤💤
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genderlessjacky · 4 months
What was the best thing you've eaten so far?
mmmm malaysian food in general is AMAZING , especially ipoh kai si hor fun
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lilgraceandi · 6 months
Ipoh 27-29 Dec 23
After we visited Sun Yat Sen Museum, we met Biow Huei and Ah Hwa for lunch. The original plan was for Grace and I to take a bus on the 26th to KL, put up a night at Uncle Beck Sian's, then take the train with Biow Ming, Xi Yu, Zhen Yu and Rong Yu to Ipoh to meet Biow Huei. Instead, because of the turn of events, we met Biow Huei and Ah Hwa for lunch, then visited her apartment, which was cosy and neat, then drove south to Ipoh together, sans Ah Hwa.
Biow Ming reached Ipoh before us. The apartment was situated in the heart of old Ipoh town, but we had to climb a steep flight of stairs to get to it. Definitely not for the old! However, it was cosy and comfortable and there was a washing machine, which was really great, because we could do our laundry.
We rested and walked to the famous Tuck Kee restaurant for dinner. Its signature dish was the stir-fried hor fun with two raw eggs on top of it. You stir it to give it that additional gleam and silky texture. Yummy!!
The next day we had caramel pudding and Wu Yi Cha (武夷茶)at Thean Chun coffee shop, together with fried kuey teow, porridge and hor fun. Wu Yi Cha is something only the locals know about, according to Biow Ming, who's born in Ipoh. So we got a taste of it, which is a hard-boiled egg soaked in a special sweet tea. Unique and delectable!
Then we went walking around and bought some tea. Biow Ming and Biow Huei bought additional Chinese herbs when we found the shop that sold 武夷 herbs.
At night we headed to Lou Wong Restaurant for its famous chicken rice. To be honest, it was a bit of a curate’s egg. The chicken was a bit tough for me but the sauce that accompanied it was really delicious. It was a long queue, just like it was at Tuck Kee, but once we sat down, the food was served very quickly.
On the 29th, after breakfast (prawn noodles and hor fun), the kids followed Leslie in his car to the train station while the rest of us walked there. Then Leslie drove all the way alone to KL Sentral to pick Grace and me up. It was jammed half the way so it took him four hours plus to reach us. He was really wonderful. On the other hand, Biow Ming, the kids and I had a relaxing train ride. Biow Huei also took the train back to Penang.
Leslie, Grace and I finally reached home at about 8pm. It was a long trip but a memorable one!
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rhaelias · 6 months
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Kai Si Hor Fun Malaysia Easy Ipoh Shredded Chicken Hor Fun Get a taste of Malaysia with this easy and delicious Ipoh Shredded Chicken Hor Fun.
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what-dat-ritalin-do · 7 months
Tuesday, 21st Nov 2023
12:58 PM
A bit of a late start again today. I woke up early and managed to go out for breakfast with my family. At around 8:30 AM my breakfast was as follows: 
Hor Fun noodle soup with shredded chicken
A glass of iced Ipoh White Coffee 
I sort of goofed off for a bit before finally showering and getting dressed for the day. I took my medication about 10 minutes ago so it should have started to take effect by the time I’m writing this entry. 
It has been about 12 days since I last took medication. Partially because of the holiday period, and also because of some other reasons. I think I was a bit hesitant to take it after the last two times because of the jarring reactions. For one thing, the experiences themselves were jarring enough– one moment I’m in complete control of my body (noticeably more than I usually am), and the next I lose all control of it to the point where I can’t even lift my body out of its stationary position. Then there’s comparing the experiences together. In attempt #1 I was fluctuating between flurry and clear states, in attempt #2 I blacked out entirely before being awarded one hour of uninterrupted lucidity. 
I kept on trying to accommodate these reactions and it became a big obstacle. It became a big 4-hour block I was trying to fit into my already erratic schedule. I couldn’t even fit 1-2 hour errands (accounting for the amount of time it takes for me to get dressed, travel, and actually run the errands) into my day. Trying to fit in a whole 4-hour block of potentially feeling possessed was just impossible. 
I managed to recollect myself and readjust my perspective: I’m going to see how the medication reacts with my therapy sessions. I had originally planned not to take medication on the days of my sessions, especially after attempt #1 because I was afraid I’d have such a bad reaction, I’d miss them. But this time around, I wondered if I would behave differently if I was medicated. This is how I “convinced myself” to take the medication. 
The last hour of the 4-hour active block seems to be the most stable so I’m going to try (*) to see if it’ll affect my sessions.
4:19 PM 
I’m done with therapy and I’m currently writing from the building’s parking lot so my girlfriend can pick me up (is it relevant to mention I’m gay?). She might come at any moment so my writing may suddenly cut off. 
The effects should be steadily wearing off soon and I’m feeling jittery and dizzy. Perhaps because I talked a lot during my session. I remember speaking at a slightly faster pace today, but I think I tripped over my words a lot too because it felt like my thoughts were moving faster than my mouth was. I haven’t eaten since 8:30AM so maybe I need to eat something. I’ll be running errands with my girlfriend for a bit so I’ll grab something to eat then. 
While I was writing the last paragraph from my first check in of today, I experienced a sudden numbness in my wrist and palm. This occurred at the (*) symbol. This was preceded by an abrupt heaviness in my head. I almost face-planted onto my desk and my body felt limp. It didn’t last very long, maybe less than 5 minutes. When I came to, I felt a stiffness in my hand. I had planned to write more, but I found it hard to hold a pencil. It wasn’t, however, difficult for me to type. I was in the mood to communicate something and I was able to type, so I decided to do something I’ve been meaning to do for a couple of weeks now: Open up a blog and type out all these journal entries so it’s easier for anyone who’s interested to keep up.
My girlfriend is here so I’ll be continuing this entry after being able to walk around and have something to eat. 
6:52 PM
I’m back and my head is still slightly dizzy, but I’m feeling a lot better. I had a small chicken wrap and some iced tea after doing some shopping around a local mall. I got a minimal amount of physical activity and some carbs from the sugar in the sweet tea and the wrap so I have some energy to continue typing this entry. 
Yes, typing. I didn’t have too much trouble writing the previous check-in in my journal, but now that I’m home, for some reason my wrist feels very heavy so this final check-in of the day will be typed. I’m not sure why this is happening. After mentioning it during my session, S suggested it might be because my dosage is too high. I had the same hunch, but we both agreed I shouldn’t change anything until I get to see Dr. J again on the 29th.
I feel the effects, wearing off. My mind is slowing down. 
I remember my thoughts moving very fast when I was in today’s session. I had mentioned in previous sessions (before we even concluded a diagnosis) that my brain felt like a busy central station. I had many “trains of thought” going off at the same time and it was difficult to address them all at the same time. I’d get so overwhelmed that I couldn’t fit all of these differing (sometimes conflicting) “conversations” into my head, I’d get overwhelmed and reach an impasse where I just get catatonic. 
But on medication– particularly in my most lucid hour– it was like being on one singular train track, steadily chugging along at a fast pace. I wasn’t a terminal where many thoughts converged and I had to divide my attention to satisfy all of them. I was just “riding” one state of mind where I was not only dynamic (as opposed to stationary), I was moving in one stable direction. 
The next challenge is being able to point myself in the “right” direction. I have the energy and motivation to move. I want to move and do something, but I can’t seem to do what I’m supposed to do. I’m supposed to be doing research for my final year thesis (something I’ve been struggling to do for three years and is largely the focus of even why I was looking for a diagnosis), but I just don’t want to. 
I don’t want to do it.
That sentence was so hard for me to say because of how much weight it carried. Money for one thing. It’s not cheap to re-do a thesis, let alone three times. There’s a lot of guilt in it. A lot of baggage. But it was so easy to say it out loud in the therapy room today when I was medicated. 
The weight wasn’t there when I said it. I could just say it out loud– multiple times even. I didn’t feel like I had to “earn” the right to say it. My thinking behind that decision was simple:
I don’t want to do my thesis -> I want to know why -> I’ll tell my therapist about it -> We’ll confront it together and get to the bottom of it.
It seems so logical doesn’t it? It seems so straightforward? So why did it take me three years to be able to do this?
Being on medication is really amazing in a terrible sort of way. 
I had discussed in a previous session with S that I was afraid of feeling like my life was “stolen” from me because I didn’t find out I had ADHD sooner. That if I had gotten medication–or any kind of treatment at all– I might have been more successful. I might have graduated “on time” with good results. I might have had multiple certifications. There was an endless sea of wasted potential and broken possibilities because I couldn’t sit down and focus on one thing at a time. 
Perhaps I’ll go into that in another entry. This one is long enough already. The conclusion we came to in that session is that we can’t change the past, but we can change the future. Now, I have a diagnosis (that I worked very hard to get), medication, and a structured treatment plan. 
In fact we discussed part of the plan today! I’m writing down my “therapy homework” for today so I can have some accountability: 
With CBT, we want to tackle that “I don’t want to do my thesis” thought by challenging the rationales that make it up. For example, currently my brain is like this:
Thought: I don’t want to do my thesis because I will not be able to complete reading and understanding one article in one hour” 
Behaviour: I avoid doing any reading. 
Feelings: I feel guilty I didn’t do any work even though I had time to do it. It makes me lose confidence and feel like I’m incompetent.
In order to change the rationale behind this thought, I have to challenge it.  I’m not terrible at research and I know I genuinely like and enjoy psychology. That’s the whole reason this blog exists! 
So I guess S decided to leverage on that and turn my homework into a little “data collection” activity. I’ll become my own experiment:
Aim: To systematically challenge thoughts that precede maladaptive behaviors
Statement to Disprove (Thought): I am unable to read and understand an article in one hour.
Method: Choose a day, take Ritalin, and read a “doable” article 
Record Findings: - Record thoughts and feelings (perhaps via a mood tracker) throughout the activity. - Be aware I may not get it right the first time. It’s not about “getting it right”, it’s about doing the activity. 
That should be enough for this very loooong entry. I’ll hopefully update tomorrow!
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endlesstravelingmap · 10 months
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[#ETM_Malaysia] Chasing the best food in Ipoh, one dish at a time
1. Dou Fu Hua or Soybean Pudding
2. Ipoh White Coffee
3. Prawn Noodles
4. Chee Cheong Fun or Rice Rolls
5. Bean Sprouts Chicken
6. Moonlight Hor Fun
7. Salt Baked Chicken
8. Caramel Egg Custard
9. Chili Ban Mian or Spicy Dry Noodles
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carimakan · 1 year
Kopitiam List
Sun Hin Loong (SS2 PJ)Traditional Kopitiam with Aroma coffee
Pun Chun Classic Wanton & Herbal Duck Noodles @ Bidor, Perak
Delicious and old-school yong tau foo from Restoran SM in Klang
➖Restaurant Info➖🐔 7-Chai Ipoh Hor Fun Address:33, Jalan Perdana 4/1, Pandan Perdana, 55300 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur Operating Hours:6:30 - 14:30
cecil street market penang opening hours
Cecil Street Market 七条路巴刹 - Penang Puri & Suehttps://puriandsue.com › cecil-street-market CECIL STREET MARKET (PASAR LEBUH CECIL) 七条路巴刹. Address: 40-48, Lebuh Cecil, 10300 George Town, Pulau Pinang Opening hours: Opens daily from 7:30am to 7 ...
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greedyapron · 1 year
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9/5/2023 - Dinner
Even though its chicken breast, the meat was tender with enough bite. A really good hor fun!
2/3 noodles
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adzizi · 1 year
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Karipap & Ipoh Hor Fun #foodporn #sedapgiler #fyp #MYfoodie #fypsarawak #menurahmah #dinner #malaysianfood (at Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuching) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp-IWvOPiwZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lilmissjlxy · 4 years
Recipe: Ipoh Kai See Hor Fun - Shredded Chicken Kway Teow (鸡丝河粉)
Psst... Did you know that the secret to a good bowl of Ipoh Kai See Hor Fun is an incredibly flavoursome soup? 😍😋 Save this post for later so that you too can enjoy a delicious bowl of this yummy goodness! #BeyondNormEats #MummysKitchen #IpohKaiSeeHorFun
I might not be an Ipoh-rian (person from Ipoh) but I married one. And during our visits back to Ipoh, we will definitely have the famous Ipoh Hor Fun from Thean Chun Coffeeshop. It might seem like a simple and underwhelming noodle dish compared to curry laksa or prawn mee but it is arguably one of Ipoh’s most iconic dishes – and for a good reason.
The secret of this noodle dish lies in the…
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chubbydumplings · 3 years
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Mmm Gai Si Hor Fun ~ wish I could go to ipoh to eat guess with covid I have to settle with the one in KL 🙈 , which this bowl happened to be pretty good
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radio-charlie · 4 years
☕️ malaysian food!
oh no what have u done!!! how could i ever be brief about this... hahah. my feelings on malaysian food is that the peninsular north has the best food. ipoh chinese cuisine has some wonderful dishes but the flavors can be a bit too quiet for me. nothing beats a nice ipoh hor fun though. i still remember this one great bowl i had when i was maybe 14-15 or so. it had a generous amount of that orange chicken oil drizzled over it. puas!!!
melaka nyonya is ok but so heavy. either too much santan or too much belacan. chill yo... 
curry mee is a bit overrated to me, especially next to the way more complex lemak laksa, which has that curry-ish aroma for lovers of such things but also lots of fish and fragrant herbs. so good man. but a bit hard to make la. i gotta practice
food holds an almost sacred place in our hearts i think. it feels like the most nationally revered symbol of malaysian love, tenderness, and self-sacrifice. not much more to say about that, it just seems like something we live more than we probe. guess some things feel too sacred to analyse haha.
thanks for the ask!!
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foodinthehoodsg · 4 years
Is there a way to spoil something great? Introducing the Honey Chicken Rice
Is there a way to spoil something great? Introducing the Honey Chicken Rice
HONEY CHICKEN RICE from Tenderfresh
As far as I can remember, Tenderfresh has always been serving their Roasted Chicken in 2-ways, mainly either as a whole chicken or with flavoured rice. And when they serve it with rice, customers are able to choose from 2 wings or 1/4 Chicken (Roasted leg) or 1/2 Chicken. Only until recently have I found out that they also serve it “cutlet” style where they…
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drewlazor · 5 years
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Feel like the best thing I ate in Malaysia changes hourly, but here’s the current titleholder: Curry Mee at Xin Quan Fang in Ipoh. You get your personal bowl of noodles (bihon, mee hoon, hor fun, or a combo), bathed in an incredible crimson curry broth flavored by oil tempered with chilies and spices. Communal bowls of pork (belly, ears, skins), chicken (leg, feet, intestines), shrimp and more go in the middle, then you go crazy. I’d become a breakfast person if I could wake up this way daily.
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