#Investment banking training institute
surajheroblog · 5 months
Tax-Efficient Investing: Strategies and Pitfalls
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Investing wisely isn’t just about maximizing returns; it’s also about minimizing tax implications. As an aspiring investor in Bengaluru, understanding tax-efficient strategies is essential. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore various techniques to optimize your investments while staying tax-savvy. Let’s dive in!
1. The Basics of Tax-Efficient Investing
1.1 Know Your Tax Bracket
Before implementing any strategy, grasp your income tax bracket. Bengaluru’s tax laws apply differently based on your earnings. Consider:
Income Tax Slabs: Understand the thresholds for different tax rates.
Capital Gains Tax: Learn how gains from investments are taxed.
1.2 Asset Location Matters
Taxable vs. Tax-Advantaged Accounts: Allocate assets strategically.
Equities in Tax-Advantaged Accounts: Favor tax-free growth.
Fixed Income in Taxable Accounts: Minimize tax impact.
2. Strategies for Tax-Efficient Investing
2.1 Harvesting Capital Losses
Tax Loss Harvesting: Offset gains with losses.
Year-End Review: Evaluate your portfolio for tax-saving opportunities.
Wash Sale Rule: Be aware of restrictions.
2.2 Dividend and Interest Income
Dividend Stocks: Choose tax-efficient dividend-paying stocks.
Municipal Bonds: Tax-free interest income.
REITs and Tax Implications: Understand real estate investment trusts.
2.3 Holding Periods and Long-Term Capital Gains
Short-Term vs. Long-Term: Different tax rates apply.
Long-Term Capital Gains Tax: Plan for the long haul.
Index Funds and ETFs: Tax advantages over active funds.
2.4 Tax-Efficient Fund Selection
Expense Ratios: Lower fees mean less drag on returns.
Passive vs. Active Funds: Weigh tax efficiency.
Direct Indexing: Customized portfolios for tax optimization.
3. Pitfalls to Avoid
3.1 Chasing Yield
High-Yield Investments: Beware of tax traps.
Risk vs. Reward: Evaluate yield in context.
Tax-Deferred Annuities: Understand their tax implications.
3.2 Ignoring Estate Planning
Estate Taxes: Plan for the future.
Beneficiary Designations: Optimize tax efficiency.
Trusts and Tax Benefits: Seek professional advice.
4. Bengaluru-Specific Considerations
4.1 Navigating Local Tax Laws
Property Taxes: Know your obligations.
Wealth Tax: Bengaluru’s unique tax landscape.
Investment Management Courses in Bengaluru: Stay informed.
4.2 Seeking Professional Guidance
Tax Consultants: Expert advice pays off.
Financial Planners: Tailor strategies to your situation.
Continual Learning: Attend workshops and courses.
Conclusion: Join Our Investment Management Course in Bengaluru!
Congratulations! You’ve now gained valuable insights into tax-efficient investing. But why stop there? 🚀
Unlock Your Financial Potential: Take the next step by enrolling in our Investment Management Course in Bengaluru. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced investor, our course covers everything—from tax strategies to portfolio optimization.
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marvelstars · 3 months
The Jedi Council are not the villains of TPM but they are not the heros either
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This was completely intentional and an important part of the narrative of Anakin´s fall to the darkside, his isolation from the Jedi Order.
The Jedi Order were not written as the villains in TPM, not more than the Senate when they rejected Padme´s appeal to save Naboo were, which made her accept Palpatine´s plans of taking down Valorum as a chancellor despite the fact he genuinely wanted to help their planet and send the Jedi to help her because he didn´t have enough influence in the Senate to give her more help.
Padme´s obstacle was the Senate, Anakin´s obstacles were slavery, Watto and the Jedi Council
But the main villains of TPM are the Sith Order, Darth Plagueis, Darth Sidious and Darth Maul.
Darth Maul kills Qui-Gon, Darth Sidious planned the attack on his own planet and convinced Queen Amidala to take down Valorum to get the Chancellorship, he also told Maul to kill Qui-Gon and Padme so he could have easier acess to groom Anakin and Darth Plagueis is already getting the resources to create the clone army as a member of the banking clan before he was killed by Sidious. Everything bad that happens in the story began with these three characters.
The Jedi Council in TPM are not villains, they were just written set in their own ways,meaning they were not going to change their rules for a kid they didn´t know existed, who was too powerful for his own good and who already lived and knew the love of a family so him getting used to the Order was going to be difficult from the beggining, they acted as an institution in this instance and decided to reject Qui-Gon´s proposal to train Anakin, their role is to serve as an obstacle for the protagonists of the first movie, Anakin, Padme, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan.
They represent a system with their own philosophy that doesn´t have a place for any change in their pov, they prefer to believe Qui-Gon is wrong about the Sith being back instead of looking at the evidence of Maul´s existence and to think Anakin is dangerous for his love of his mother because he wasn´t raised at the temple, than try to see beyond their own perception of things. They don´t mean any harm to Anakin or malice or bad faith but they are not his allies, friends or family either. They just are and only Qui-Gon Jinn is personally invested in Anakin´s personal well being beyond being a strong force user, becoming a jedi or being the chosen one, this is critical to the story of Anakin´s fall, this is why Qui-Gon had to die in the "duel of fates" agaisn´t Maul.
Anakin and Padme mirror each other in their sense of isolation and loneliness towards being rejected by the institutions they trusted to help them achieve their respective goals, the Jedi Order and the Senate, which are for Padme the freedom of Naboo and for Anakin the freedom of his mother and his dream to become a Jedi and get to free the slaves on Tatooine using his powers.
At the end of the movie, only Padme, with the help of Qui-Gon, Anakin and Obi-Wan is able to get her goal of freeing Naboo while Anakin´s own personal goal of seeing his mother again, free her and the other slaves on Tatooine, gets tragically forgotten in the story, because Anakin´s goals are not anyone´s priority and this sets the way to Anakin´s fall because unlike Luke in his own story with the rebellion or Padme story as Queen and Senator of Naboo, Anakin doesn´t have allies to support him in his dreams, instead he is asked to fulfill the Senate, Jedi Order and Palpatine goals and this sets the theme of his story.
So Lucas definitely knew what he was doing here, he didn´t meant for the Jedi to be the protagonists or the villains of the story, he is telling the story of how the Sith became rulers of the Republic turned Empire and this lead to the fall of Anakin Skywalker, the birth of Darth Vader and the destruction of the Jedi Order, that´s the tragic story of the Prequels.
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cinnamonnangel · 2 years
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(The First House is ruled by Aries and Mars.)
The first moment you open your eyes to the world, first breath, first sight, first intention and first experience
General appearance, form and shape, physical body, general health, vitality and energy, action
Character, identity, self image, personality, mask, self interest, how others perceive you, self expression, independence, behavior, name, attitude, fame
How you see the world, how the world sees you
Spirit, life, ego, soul body
First impressions, beginnings
Head, face, eyes, blood, brain, muscular system
The moment of birth and people around you, place of birth and atmosphere, birth experiences, mother’s health and experiences during childbirth
(The Second House is ruled by Taurus and Venus.)
Material and non-material resources, attitude toward possessions,
How you make money or meet obligations, self worth
Personal finances, money matters, sense of value, stocks and share, trade, jewelry, documents, cash money, valuables, wealth, possessions, trade, material possessions, luxuries, banking activities, loans, economic situation, wares, rank, guarantee, financial security, artworks
Talents, comfort zone, security, self esteem, valuables, sense of values, resourcefulness, nutrition
Face, neck, throat, vocal cords, thyroid, metabolic system, voice and vocal talents
Economy, sovereign debt, colonies, fees, trade, banks, internal debts, artistic approaches of a country
(The Third House is ruled by Gemini and Mercury.)
Conscious mind, memory, mental confusion, communication, intellect, mentation, thinking
Skillfulness, study, ability, writing, speaking, researching, learning, reading, perceiving, adaptability, ability to learn foreign languages
Depthless thoughts and informations, smattering
Elementary and primary education, puberty
Siblings, brothers, sisters, cousins, close relatives and neighbors
Short trips, tour, daily travel, neighborhood, public transports, vehicles, motorbike, cars, train, bus, boats, urban roads
TV, radio, telephone, computer, mails, messages, text, communication network and channels, short correspondence on social media, weather forecast
Shoulders, collar bone, arms, hands, fingers, lungs, nerves, the nervous system
Bookstore, library, school, post office, educational institution, streets, telephone kiosk
(The Fourth House is ruled by Cancer and Moon.)
The place where we live with the family, home atmosphere, home life, house, mother, family, lineage, family matters, ancestry, custom, femininity
Subconscious, things we hide about ourselves, emotional problems, early childhood, depression, personal commitment, the deepest and the darkest point of the chart
Old age, the end of the life, diseases, grave
Land, realty, genetic heritage, underground sources
Chest, breaths, stomach, uterus, diaphragm, upper alimentary system
Agricultural enterprise, historical values, mining site, real estate, refuge facilities, farmers, cemeteries
(The Fifth House is ruled by Leo and Sun.)
Actions and activities we do for ourselves, things we like to do, hobbies, how do we spend our free time, creativity, activities we enjoy, pleasure, self expression, risk taking, leisure time, artistic talents,
Love, romance, dating, courtship, love affairs, the way we flirt
Children, birthing and creation, the character of our children
Acting, drama, dance, music, sports, artists, celebrities, stage
Games, cards, puzzles, fun, amusement, games of chance, gambling, speculative investment
Chest, upper back, heart, spine, cardiac system
Hotels, entertainment centers, casino, beauty shops, coiffeur, resort, amusement park, cinema, theatre, sports center, park, art exhibition
(The Sixth House is ruled by Virgo and Mercury.)
What we do to survive, daily work, everyday routine, details, skills
Work routines, where we specialize our skills, workers, competition, employment, workmates
House of sickness, exhaustion, disease, allergies, health, physical body, physical condition
Issues that tire us and weaken us, drugs and addictions
Pets and animals
Abdomen, intestines, lower liver, alimentary canal, spleen, digestive nerves
Hospitals, health care providers, employees, service sector, trade unions, state employees, restaurants, food and beverage services, enemies, soldiers, police, military, army, security guard, navy, animal clinic
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theculturedmarxist · 1 year
SHANGHAI — Over the past generation, China’s most important relationships were with the more developed world, the one that used to be called the “first world.” Mao Zedong proclaimed China to be the leader of a “third” (non-aligned) world back in the 1970s, and the term later came to be a byword for deprivation. The notion of China as a developing country continues to this day, even as it has become a superpower; as the tech analyst Dan Wang has joked, China will always remain developing — once you’re developed, you’re done. 
Fueled by exports to the first world, China became something different — something not of any of the three worlds. We’re still trying to figure out what that new China is and how it now relates to the world of deprivation — what is now called the Global South, where the majority of human beings alive today reside. But amid that uncertainty, Chinese exports to the Global South now exceed those to the Global North considerably — and they’re growing. 
The International Monetary Fund expects Asian countries to account for 70% of growth globally this year. China must “shape a new international system that is conducive to hedging against the negative impacts of the West’s decoupling,” the scholar and former People’s Liberation Army theorist Cheng Yawen wrote recently. That plan starts with Southeast Asia and extends throughout the Global South, a terrain that many Chinese intellectuals see as being on their side in the widening divide between the West and the rest. 
“The idea is that what China is today, fast-growing countries from Bangladesh to Brazil could be tomorrow.”
China isn’t exporting plastic trinkets to these places but rather the infrastructure for telecommunications, transportation and digitally driven “smart cities.” In other words, China is selling the developmental model that raised its people out of obscurity and poverty to developed global superpower status in a few short decades to countries with people who have decided that they want that too. 
The world China is reorienting itself to is a world that, in many respects, looks like China did a generation ago. On offer are the basics of development — education, health care, clean drinking water, housing. But also more than that — technology, communication and transportation.
Back in April, on the eve of a trip to China, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva sat down for an interview with Reuters. “I am going to invite Xi Jinping to come to Brazil,” he said, “to get to know Brazil, to show him the projects that we have of interest for Chinese investment. … What we want is for the Chinese to make investments to generate new jobs and generate new productive assets in Brazil.” After Lula and Xi had met, the Brazilian finance minister proclaimed that “President Lula wants a policy of reindustrialization. This visit starts a new challenge for Brazil: bringing direct investments from China.” Three months later, the battery and electric vehicle giant BYD announced a $624 million investment to build a factory in Brazil, its first outside Asia.
Across the Global South, fast-growing countries from Bangladesh to Brazil can send raw materials to China and get technological devices in exchange. The idea is that what China is today, they could be tomorrow.
At The Kunming Institute of Botany
In April, I went to Kunming to visit one of China’s most important environmental conservation outfits — the Kunming Institute of Botany. Like the British Museum’s antiquities collected from everywhere that the empire once extended, the seed bank here (China’s largest) aspires to acquire thousands of samples of various plant species and become a regional hub for future biotech research. 
From the Kunming train station, you can travel by Chinese high-speed rail to Vientiane; if all goes according to plan, the line will soon be extended to Bangkok. At Yunnan University across town, the economics department researches “frontier economics” with an eye to Southeast Asian neighboring states, while the international relations department focuses on trade pacts within the region and a community of anthropologists tries to figure out what it all means. 
Kunming is a bland, air-conditioned provincial capital in a province of startling ethnic and geographic diversity. In this respect, it is a template for Chinese development around Southeast Asia. Perhaps in the future, Dhaka, Naypyidaw and Phnom Penh will provide the reassuring boredom of a Kunming afternoon. 
Imagine you work at the consulate of Bangladesh in Kunming. Why are you in Kunming? What does Kunming have that you want?
The Bengali poet Rabindranath Tagore lyrically described Asia’s communities as organic and spiritual in contrast with the materialism of the West. As Tagore spoke of the liberatory powers of art, his Chinese listeners scoffed. The Chinese poet Wen Yiduo, who moved to Kunming during World War II and is commemorated with a statue at Yunnan Normal University in Kunming, wrote that Tagore’s work had no form: “The greatest fault in Tagore’s art is that he has no grasp of reality. Literature is an expression of life and even metaphysical poetry cannot be an exception. Everyday life is the basic stuff of literature, and the experiences of life are universal things.” 
“Xi Jinping famously said that China doesn’t export revolution. But what else do you call train lines, 5G connectivity and scientific research centers appearing in places that previously had none of these things?”
If Tagore’s Bengali modernism championed a spiritual lens for life rather than the materiality of Western colonialists, Chinese modernists decided that only by being more materialist than Westerners could they regain sovereignty. Mao had said rural deprivation was “一穷二白” — poor and empty; Wen accused Tagore’s poetry of being formless. Hegel sneered that Asia had no history, since the same phenomena simply repeated themselves again and again — the cycle of planting and harvest in agricultural societies. 
For modernists, such societies were devoid of historical meaning in addition to being poor and readily exploited. The amorphous realm of the spirit was for losers, the Chinese May 4th generation decided. Railroads, shipyards and electrification offered salvation.
Today, as Chinese roads, telecoms and entrepreneurs transform Bangladesh and its peers in the developing world, you could say that the argument has been won by the Chinese. Chinese infrastructure creates a new sort of blank generic urban template, one seen first in Shenzhen, then in Kunming and lately in Vientiane, Dhaka or Indonesian mining towns. 
The sleepy backwaters of Southeast Asia have seen previous waves of Chinese pollinators. Low Lan Pak, a tin miner from Guangdong, established a revolutionary state in Indonesia in the 18th century. Li Mi, a Kuomintang general, set up an independent republic in what is now northern Myanmar after World War II. 
New sorts of communities might walk on the new roads and make calls on the new telecom networks and find work in the new factories that have been built with Chinese technology and funded by Chinese money across Southeast Asia. One Bangladeshi investor told me that his government prefers direct investment to aid — aid organizations are incentivized to portray Bangladesh as eternally poor, while Huawei and Chinese investors play up the country’s development prospects and bright future. In the latter, Bangladeshis tend to agree.
“Is China a place, or is it a recipe for social structure that can be implemented generically anywhere?”
The majority of human beings alive today live in a world of not enough: not enough food; not enough security; not enough housing, education, health care; not enough rights for women; not enough potable water. They are desperate to get out of there, as China has. They might or might not like Chinese government policies or the transactional attitudes of Chinese entrepreneurs, but such concerns are usually of little importance to countries struggling to bootstrap their way out of poverty.
The first world tends to see the third as a rebuke and a threat. Most Southeast Asian countries have historically borne abuse in relationship to these American fears. Most American companies don’t tend to see Pakistan or Bangladesh or Sumatra as places they’d like invest money in. But opportunity beckons for Chinese companies seeking markets outside their nation’s borders and finding countries with rapidly growing populations and GDPs. Imagine a Huawei engineer in a rural Bangladeshi village, eating a bad lunch with the mayor, surrounded by rice paddies — he might remember the Hunan of his childhood.  
Xi Jinping famously said that China doesn’t export revolution. But what else do you call train lines, 5G connectivity and scientific research centers appearing in places that previously had none of these things? 
Across the vastness of a world that most first-worlders would not wish to visit, Chinese entrepreneurs are setting up electric vehicle and battery companies, installing broadband and building trains. The world that is looming into view on Huawei’s 2022 business report is one in which Asia is the center of the global economy and China sits at its core, the hub from which sophisticated and carbon-neutral technologies are distributed. Down the spokes the other way come soybeans, jute and nickel. Lenin’s term for this kind of political economy was imperialism. 
If the Chinese economy is the set of processes that created and create China, then its exports today are China — technologies, knowledge, communication networks, forms of organization. But is China a place, or is it a recipe for social structure that can be implemented generically anywhere?
Huawei Station
Huawei’s connections to the Chinese Communist Party remain unclear, but there is certainly a case of elective affinities. Huawei’s descriptions of selfless, nameless engineers working to bring telecoms to the countryside of Bangladesh is reminiscent of Party propaganda and “socialist realist” art. As a young man, Ren Zhengfei, Huawei’s CEO, spent time in the Chongqing of Mao’s “third front,” where resources were redistributed to develop new urban centers; the logic of starting in rural areas and working your way to the center, using infrastructure to rappel your way up, is embedded within the Maoist ideas that he studied at the time. Today, it underpins Huawei’s business development throughout the Global South. 
I stopped by the Huawei Analyst Summit in April to see if I could connect the company’s history to today. The Bildungsroman of Huawei’s corporate development includes battles against entrenched state-owned monopolies in the more developed parts of the country. The story goes that Huawei couldn’t make inroads in established markets against state-owned competitors, so got started in benighted rural areas where the original leaders had to brainstorm what to do if rats ate the cables or rainstorms swept power stations away; this story is mobilized today to explain their work overseas. 
Perhaps at one point, Huawei could have been just another boring corporation selling plastic objects to consumers across the developed world, but that time ended definitively with Western sanctions in 2019, effectively banning the company from doing business in the U.S. The sanctions didn’t kill Huawei, obviously, and they may have made it stronger. They certainly made it weirder, more militant and more focused on the markets largely scorned by the Ericssons and Nokias of the world. Huawei retrenched to its core strength: providing rural and remote areas with access to connectivity across difficult terrain with the intention that these networks will fuel telehealth and digital education and rapidly scale the heights of development.
Huawei used to do this with dial-up modems in China, but now it is building 5G networks across the Global South. The Chinese government is supportive of these efforts; Huawei’s HQ has a subway station named for the company, and in 2022 the government offered the company massive subsidies.
“For many countries in the Global South, the model of development exemplified by Shenzhen seems plausible and attainable.”
For years, the notion of an ideological struggle between the U.S. and China was dismissed; China is capitalist, they said. Just look at the Louis Vuitton bags. This misses a central truth of the economy of the 21st century. The means of production now are internet servers, which are used for digital communication, for data farms and blockchain, for AI and telehealth. Capitalists control the means of production in the United States, but the state controls the means of production in China. In the U.S. and countries that implicitly accept its tech dominance, private businesspeople dictate the rules of the internet, often to the displeasure of elected politicians who accuse them of rigging elections, fueling inequality or colluding with communists. The difference with China, in which the state has maintained clear regulatory control over the internet since the early days, couldn’t be clearer. 
The capitalist system pursues frontier technologies and profits, but companies like Huawei pursue scalability to the forgotten people of the world. For better or worse, it’s San Francisco or Shenzhen. For many countries in the Global South, the model of development exemplified by Shenzhen seems more plausible and attainable. Nobody thinks they can replicate Silicon Valley, but many seem to think they can replicate Chinese infrastructure-driven middle-class consumerism.
As Deng Xiaoping said, it doesn’t matter if it is a black cat or a white cat, just get a cat that catches mice. Today, leaders of Global South countries complain about the ideological components of American aid; they just want a cat that can catch their mice. Chinese investment is blank — no ideological strings attached. But this begs the question: If China builds the future of Bangladesh, Indonesia, Pakistan and Laos, then is their future Chinese?
Telecommunications and 5G is at the heart of this because connectivity can enable rapid upgrades in health and education via digital technology such as telehealth, whereby people in remote villages are able to consult with doctors and hospitals in more developed regions. For example, Huawei has retrofitted Thailand’s biggest and oldest hospital with 5G to communicate with villages in Thailand’s poor interior — the sort of places a new Chinese high-speed train line could potentially provide links with the outside world — offering Thai villagers without the ability to travel into town the opportunity to get medical treatments and consultations remotely. 
The IMF has proposed that Asia’s developing belt “should prioritize reforms that boost innovation and digitalization while accelerating the green energy transition,” but there is little detail about who exactly ought to be doing all of that building and connecting. In many cases and places, it’s Chinese infrastructure and companies like Huawei that are enabling Thai villagers to live as they do in Guizhou.
Chinese Style Modernization?
The People’s Republic of China is “infinitely stronger than the Soviet Union ever was,” the U.S. ambassador to China, Nicholas Burns, told Politico in April. This prowess “is based on the extraordinary strength of the Chinese economy — its science and technology research base, its innovative capacity and its ambitions in the Indo-Pacific to be the dominant power in the future.” This increasingly feels more like the official position of the U.S. government than a random comment.
Ten years ago, Xi Jinping proposed the notion of a “maritime Silk Road” to the Indonesian Parliament. Today, Indonesia is building an entirely new capital — Nusantara — for which China is providing “smart city” technologies. Indonesia has a complex history with ethnic Chinese merchants, who played an intermediary role between Indigenous people and Western colonists in the 19th century and have been seen as CCP proxies for the past half century or so. But the country is nevertheless moving decisively towards China’s pole, adopting Chinese developmental rhythms and using Chinese technology and infrastructure to unlock the door to the future. “The internet, roads, ports, logistics — most of these were built by Chinese companies,” observed a local scholar. 
The months since the 20th Communist Party Congress have seen the introduction of what Chinese diplomats call “Chinese-style modernization,” a clunky slogan that can evoke the worst and most boring agitprop of the Soviet era. But the concept just means exporting Chinese bones to other social bodies around the world. 
If every apartment decorated with IKEA furniture looks the same, prepare for every city in booming Asia to start looking like Shenzhen. If you like clean streets, bullet trains, public safety and fast Wi-Fi, this may not be a bad thing. 
Chinese trade with Southeast Asia is roughly double that between China and the U.S., and Chinese technology infrastructure is spreading out from places like the “Huawei University” at Indonesia’s Bandung Institute of Technology, which plans to train 100,000 telecom engineers in the next five years. We’re about to see a generation of “barefoot doctors” throughout Southeast Asia traveling by moped across landscapes of underdevelopment connected to hubs of medical data built by Chinese companies with Chinese technology. 
In 1955, the year of the Bandung Conference in Indonesia, the non-aligned world was almost entirely poor, cut off from the means of production in a world where nearly 50% of GDP globally was in the U.S. Today, the logic of that landmark conference is alive today in Chinese informal networks across the Global South, with the key difference that China can now offer these countries the possibility of building their own future without talking to anyone from the Global North. 
Welcome to the Sinosphere, where the tides of Chinese development lap over its borders into the remote forests of tropical Asia, and beyond.
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quordleona03 · 2 years
Social class of M*A*S*H surgeons I got the idea from reading this interesting post by @majorbaby about Frank Burns. My reference was 8.3 Social Class in the United States
Charles Emerson Winchester III is upper-class his family has money and social position. He would certainly like you to think that his family is upper-upper class all the way back, and perhaps that's even true.
"Members of the upper-upper class have “old” money that has been in their families for generations; some boast of their ancestors coming over on the Mayflower. They belong to exclusive clubs and live in exclusive neighborhoods; have their names in the Social Register; send their children to expensive private schools; serve on the boards of museums, corporations, and major charities; and exert much influence on the political process and other areas of life from behind the scenes." B. J. Hunnicutt is upper-middle class. He went to Stanford: he was past of an exclusive fraternity, which Frank Burns comments on. He and Peg may be having cash-flow problems, but they're on the lines of "how do we pay for the second mortgage" not "how do we pay the rent". "People in the upper-middle class typically have college and, very often, graduate or professional degrees; live in the suburbs or in fairly expensive urban areas; and are bankers, lawyers, engineers, corporate managers, and financial advisers, among other occupations."
We don't get enough clues from the six appearances of Oliver Harmon Jones what social class he was supposed to be before institutional racism cut him from the series. Henry Blake - insufficient clues about background, but certainly comfortably upper-middle class when drafted. Frank Burns wants to be upper class and is origins are probably lower-middle class - he wasn't allowed into the exclusive fraternity that BJ Hunnicutt joined. "Members of the lower-upper class have “new” money acquired through hard work, lucky investments, and/or athletic prowess. In many ways their lives are similar to those of their old-money counterparts, but they do not enjoy the prestige that old money brings." John McIntyre and Hawkeye Pierce both look like scholarship students to me - McIntyre's accent places him on the South side of Boston, and Pierce's father, though a doctor, probably acquired that training the old-fashioned way, not by eight years of medical school. I place both families as lower-middle class. "The lower-middle class has household incomes from about $50,000 to $74,999, amounting to about 18% of all families. People in this income bracket typically work in white-collar jobs as nurses, teachers, and the like. Many have college degrees, usually from the less prestigious colleges, but many also have 2-year degrees or only a high school degree. They live somewhat comfortable lives but can hardly afford to go on expensive vacations or buy expensive cars and can send their children to expensive colleges only if they receive significant financial aid." Sherman Potter was a farm kid. He joined the cavalry in WWI because he could ride, and though I don't know they've ever mentioned Potter's rank in WWI, I get the impression he was an enlisted man, not an officer. He went to college to train as a surgeon as a military officer. His son-in-law is a salesman. His family may have been land rich before the Great Depression, and lost that land in bank foreclosures. That would put him in working-class origins - if so, the only other officer at the 4077th who had a working-class background is Father Mulcahy, which may explain why they get on so well.
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jordanianroyals · 9 days
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17 September 2024: King Abdullah II visited Jerash, describing it as the city of history, civilization, and authenticity that reflects Jordan’s image to the world and embodies the Kingdom’s cultural, social, and touristic diversity.
During a meeting with a number of local community leaders and figures in Jerash, attended by Crown Prince Hussein, His Majesty highlighted the promising opportunities in the governorate, especially in tourism, stressing the importance of investing in it.
The King said the governorate’s residents should benefit from these opportunities to establish entrepreneurial and income-generating projects that enable them to build a promising future.
His Majesty also spoke about the recent parliamentary elections, stressing that Jordan has completed the first stage of political modernisation, expressing hope that the elections will be a starting point towards a platform-based partisan parliament that meets Jordanians’ aspirations.
The King pointed to the need to continue implementing economic and administrative modernisation, to achieve comprehensive development that impacts Jordanians in every city and village.
Turning to recent regional developments, His Majesty reaffirmed Jordan’s support for the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, noting that Jordan will persist in undertaking its historical role in safeguarding Muslim and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem, under the Hashemite Custodianship.
Reiterating Jordan’s unwavering support of Palestinians’ steadfastness, the King expressed complete rejection of the forcible displacement of Palestinians.
His Majesty also reiterated Jordan’s readiness to respond firmly to any attempts to undermine its sovereignty, whether through attempts to settle scores through the Kingdom or by escalating the situation in the West Bank and Jerusalem.
Speaking at the meeting, Jerash Governor Firas Faour expressed best wishes to the King on the Silver Jubilee, highlighting achievements in Jerash in several sectors over the past 25 years.
Faour stressed the keenness of Jerash residents to move forward with modernisation and development, under the leadership of His Majesty.
Upon arrival at the site of the ancient city of Jerash, the King was received by Al Hussein Music Band, and the Roman Army Band, affiliated with the Jerash Heritage Revival Company.
Prior to the meeting, His Majesty inaugurated the Regional Centre for Training in Maintenance and Restoration, which aims to hone local skills in the field of conservation and restoration of antiquities, and was equipped and rehabilitated through a 3 million euro grant from the Italian government.
During the inauguration, Crown Prince Al Hussein said the centre will attract students from Jordan and neighbouring countries, as it is the result of a partnership between the Ministry of Tourism and partners in Italy, stressing the need to sustain the centre’s work to live up to expectations.
During a tour of the centre’s laboratories and halls, the King listened to a briefing by caretaker Tourism Minister Makram Queisi on the centre’s training programmes, where the first phase of training on the restoration of antiquities ended in June, and the field training phase in tourist sites is scheduled to start in October.
Queisi cited plans to link the centre with similar centres across the country, to exchange expertise.
During the meeting with Jerash figures, His Majesty bestowed the Silver Jubilee Medal on individuals and institutions in Jerash, in recognition of their contributions to serving Jordan, especially the local community in the governorate.
Caretaker Prime Minister Bisher Khasawneh, Royal Hashemite Court Chief Yousef Issawi, Director of the Office of His Majesty Alaa Batayneh, and Adviser to His Majesty for Tribal Affairs Kneiaan Bluwi attended the meeting.
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Unlocking Success : Digital Marketing Courses in Noida
In the dynamic world of digital marketing, staying ahead of the curve is paramount. Whether you're a budding professional seeking to dive into the realm of digital marketing or an experienced marketer aiming to enhance your skill set, finding the right course is the first step towards achieving your goals. In Delhi NCR, a hub of innovation and opportunity, the demand for skilled digital marketers is ever-growing. Let's explore how digital marketing courses in Delhi NCR can pave the way for your success, covering everything from internships to interview preparation and beyond.
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Digital Marketing Courses in Delhi NCR  : Navigating the Options
With a plethora of options available, finding the right digital marketing course can be overwhelming. However, in Delhi NCR, renowned institutes offer comprehensive programs tailored to suit diverse learning needs. Whether you prefer classroom-based learning or the flexibility of online courses, institutes in Delhi NCR cater to all preferences.
Digital Marketing Internships: Gaining Hands-on Experience
An internship is often the bridge between theory and practice. In Noida, a burgeoning tech hub within Delhi NCR, numerous opportunities for digital marketing internships abound. These internships provide invaluable hands-on experience, allowing you to apply classroom knowledge to real-world scenarios and build a strong foundation for your career.
Digital Marketing Course in Noida: Your Path to Expertise
Noida, with its proximity to Delhi and Gurgaon, offers a conducive environment for learning and growth in digital marketing. Institutes in Noida provide comprehensive courses covering all aspects of digital marketing, from SEO and SEM to social media marketing and analytics. By enrolling in a digital marketing course in Noida, you equip yourself with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in today's digital landscape.
Digital Marketing Course in Cheapest Fees: Affordable Learning Solutions
Cost is often a significant factor when considering enrolling in a course. Fortunately, institutes in Delhi NCR offer digital marketing courses at competitive fees, ensuring that quality education is accessible to all. By opting for a course with affordable fees, you invest in your future without breaking the bank.
Digital Marketing Tools: Empowering Your Campaigns
In the digital marketing realm, proficiency with tools is non-negotiable. From Google Analytics to Hoot suite, mastering these tools is essential for executing successful campaigns. Digital marketing courses in Delhi NCR include hands-on training with these tools, enabling you to harness their full potential and drive results for your clients or organization.
Digital Marketing Interview Questions: Ace Your Job Interviews
Preparing for job interviews can be daunting, but with the right guidance, you can ace them with confidence. Digital marketing courses in Delhi NCR often include modules dedicated to interview preparation, equipping you with the knowledge and skills to tackle even the toughest interview questions. From explaining the meaning of digital marketing to discussing industry trends and strategies, you'll be well-prepared to impress potential employers.
Digital Marketing Course Online: Flexibility at Your Fingertips
For those with busy schedules or geographical constraints, online courses offer the perfect solution. Institutes in Delhi NCR provide digital marketing courses online, allowing you to learn at your own pace and convenience. Whether you're in Noida, Gurugram, or anywhere else in the world, you can access top-quality digital marketing education from the comfort of your home.
Digital Marketing Course Near Me : Convenience Redefined
While online courses offer flexibility, some prefer the structure and interaction of classroom-based learning. Institutes in Delhi NCR have branches located conveniently across the region, making it easy to find a digital marketing course near you. By opting for a course close to home or work, you can minimize commute time and maximize learning opportunities.
Digital Marketing Services:  Meeting Industry Demands
The demand for digital marketing services is at an all-time high, with businesses of all sizes seeking to establish and expand their online presence. By acquiring the necessary skills through a digital marketing course, you position yourself as a valuable asset in the job market. Whether you choose to work for a company, start your own agency, or freelance, the opportunities are endless.
Digital Marketing Course Fees : Investing in Your Future While the cost of a course is an important consideration, it's essential to view it as an investment in your future rather than an expense. The skills and knowledge gained through a digital marketing course are invaluable, offering long-term returns in the form of career advancement and higher earning potential.
Digital Marketing Salary : Lucrative Career Prospects
One of the most attractive aspects of a career in digital marketing is the potential for lucrative salaries. With the right skills and experience, digital marketers command competitive salaries in the job market. By undergoing training through a digital marketing course, you set yourself on a path towards a rewarding and financially satisfying career.
Digital Marketing Jobs : Exploring Career Opportunities
From entry-level positions to senior roles, the digital marketing industry offers a wide range of career opportunities. Whether you're interested in content marketing, email marketing, or search engine optimization, there's a role suited to your skills and interests. By completing a digital marketing course, you open doors to exciting job prospects and career growth.
Digital Marketing Meaning : Understanding the Basics
At its core, digital marketing encompasses all marketing efforts that utilize digital channels to reach and engage with target audiences. These channels include websites, search engines, social media platforms, email, and more. By understanding the meaning of digital marketing and its various components, you lay the foundation for a successful career in the field.
Digital Marketing Agency: Entrepreneurial Ventures :
For those with an entrepreneurial spirit, starting a digital marketing agency is a viable option. By combining your expertise with business acumen, you can build a successful agency that caters to the needs of clients across industries. A digital marketing course equips you with the knowledge and skills necessary to establish and grow your agency from the ground up.
In conclusion, digital marketing courses in Delhi NCR offer a comprehensive and accessible pathway to success in the dynamic field of digital marketing. Whether you're seeking to kicks tart your career, enhance your skill set, or embark on an entrepreneurial venture, these courses provide the knowledge, tools, and opportunities you need to thrive. From internships to job placements and beyond, the possibilities are endless with the right education and training. Invest in yourself today and unlock a world of opportunities in digital marketing.
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stuintern1 · 24 days
Boost Your Career with Our Banking and Finance Online Training Course: Earn Your Certificate Today
The banking and finance sector is one of the most dynamic and rewarding fields in the world. As financial markets continue to evolve, there is an ever-growing demand for professionals who are well-versed in the latest industry practices. Whether you are an aspiring banker, a finance enthusiast, or a working professional looking to enhance your skills, StuIntern's Banking and Finance Online Training Course is the perfect stepping stone to advance your career. With a focus on practical learning, industry-relevant skills, and certification, this course will equip you with the knowledge and expertise to thrive in the competitive world of finance.
Why Choose a Career in Banking and Finance?
Banking and finance is more than just numbers and spreadsheets; it’s about understanding the global economy, making strategic decisions, and managing resources effectively. A career in this sector offers numerous opportunities, including roles in investment banking, corporate finance, risk management, wealth management, and financial analysis. These positions are not only financially rewarding but also come with the chance to influence business decisions and contribute to economic growth.
Moreover, professionals in this field are always in demand, making it a stable and secure career choice. With the right skills and certifications, you can find opportunities in banks, financial institutions, consulting firms, and multinational corporations across the globe.
StuIntern’s Banking and Finance Online Training: Your Pathway to Success
StuIntern’s Banking and Finance Online Training Course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the financial world. Our course goes beyond traditional learning, offering a blend of theoretical knowledge and hands-on training to ensure you gain practical skills that are immediately applicable in the real world.
Comprehensive Curriculum: Our course covers a wide range of topics, including financial markets, investment strategies, risk management, corporate finance, and banking operations. Each module is crafted to give you a deep understanding of how the financial system works and how to make informed decisions in complex financial environments.
Expert-Led Training: Learn from industry experts who bring years of experience in banking and finance. Our instructors provide insights that go beyond textbooks, sharing real-world examples and case studies that help you grasp complex concepts with ease. This expert guidance ensures that you are learning the most relevant and up-to-date skills in the field.
Practical Learning with Real-World Scenarios: We believe that the best way to learn is by doing. Our course includes interactive assignments, live projects, and simulations that mirror real-world financial scenarios. You will have the opportunity to work on financial models, analyze market trends, and develop strategies, giving you the confidence to apply your skills in a professional setting.
Globally Recognized Certification: Upon successful completion of the course, you will earn a certification from StuIntern that is recognized by employers worldwide. This certification not only validates your skills but also enhances your resume, making you stand out in a competitive job market.
Who Should Enroll in This Course?
StuIntern’s Banking and Finance Online Training Course is ideal for:
Students and Graduates: Looking to kickstart your career in finance? This course provides the foundational knowledge and certification needed to enter the industry with confidence.
Working Professionals: If you are already in the banking or finance sector, our course will help you stay updated with the latest industry trends, sharpen your skills, and boost your career prospects.
Career Switchers: Thinking of transitioning into a finance role? Our comprehensive training will equip you with the necessary skills to make a successful career change.
Entrepreneurs and Business Owners: Gain insights into financial management that can help you make better business decisions and manage your company’s financial health effectively.
Step Up Your Career with StuIntern
The banking and finance industry is constantly evolving, and staying ahead requires continuous learning. With StuIntern’s Banking and Finance Online Training Course, you can gain the skills, knowledge, and certification needed to excel in your career. Our flexible online format allows you to learn at your own pace, making it easy to balance your studies with other commitments.
Enroll Today and Earn Your Certificate
Don’t let opportunities pass you by. Invest in your future with StuIntern’s Banking and Finance Online Training Course. Enroll today, earn your certificate, and take the first step towards a rewarding career in the world of finance. The skills you acquire will open doors to countless possibilities, empowering you to make an impact in the financial sector. Your journey to success starts here—boost your career with StuIntern!
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 11 months
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November 6, 2023
NOV 7, 2023
Since taking office, the Biden administration has focused on using diplomacy in foreign affairs and has used it to solve global issues by strengthening regional partnerships.
On Friday, President Biden hosted the first leaders’ summit for the Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity (APEP). Biden announced the creation of APEP in June 2022 to establish a forum positioned to improve the economies of countries in the western hemisphere, with the idea that stronger economies will be able to address economic inequality, bolster supply chains, and “restore faith in democracy by delivering for working people across the region.” 
APEP is also designed to strengthen the Los Angeles Declaration for Migration and Protection that established a responsibility-sharing approach to addressing this era’s historic migration flows. Rather than working solely on getting Congress to pass legislation to fix the border—as Biden has urged since the beginning of his term—the administration has focused on the prosperity and security of the countries from which migrants come, so that they feel less pressure to leave. 
The administration has worked hard to develop that strategy. Vice President Kamala Harris took the lead in “diplomatic efforts to address root causes of migration from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras,” and in July 2021 she released a report on strategies to slow migration from the region. In June 2022, at the 9th Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles, the administration helped to bring to reality a long-standing realization among many countries that migration must be addressed on a regional level rather than with patchwork attempts by individual nations. That’s when the U.S. got 21 governments to sign on to “a comprehensive response to irregular migration and forced displacement in the Western Hemisphere,” known as the Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection. 
The Biden administration has emphasized that it wants to work with the region, not dictate to it, and the leaders of APEP are working with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to fund improvements to infrastructure and train skilled workers and entrepreneurs. The IDB is an international financial institution, owned by 48 member states and headquartered in Washington, D.C., that provides development financing for Latin American and Caribbean countries.  
A senior administration official on a background call on Friday noted that “the APEP countries are collectively hosting the majority of refugees and migrants in the Western Hemisphere” and that “each has been significantly impacted by the historic flows in recent years.” The official said that President Biden deeply appreciates how regional partners have offered new legal status to millions of people displaced in the western hemisphere, and noted that APEP is part of stepping up to support those countries and create incentives for other countries to do the same. 
“The bottom line is that President Biden believes that targeted economic investment in top refugee and migrant host countries is critical to stabilizing migration flows,” the official said. 
Today the U.S. State Department announced nearly $485 million in additional humanitarian assistance to address the needs of refugees, migrants, and other vulnerable populations across the western hemisphere. It specified that the funding advanced the goals of the Los Angeles declaration and noted that the U.S. is “the largest single donor of humanitarian assistance for the Western Hemisphere,” providing more than $2.1 billion in humanitarian aid in the past two years. 
“We are committed to working collaboratively with governments, civil society, international organizations, and other partners to help protect displaced persons and migrants in situations of vulnerability, to address the root causes of irregular migration and displacement, and to humanely manage migration in the Western Hemisphere,” the State Department said. “We urge other donors to help support the humanitarian response in the region.”
On November 11–17 the U.S. will host the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in San Francisco, where world leaders from 21 countries that border the Pacific Ocean, along with around 1,200 chief executive officers and about 20,000 other attendees, will meet to facilitate trade in the region. The APEC countries have almost 40% of the world’s population and support almost 50% of the world’s trade. They absorb more than 60% of U.S. exports, while the member states have invested an estimated $1.7 trillion in the U.S. and, as of 2020, employed 2.3 million U.S. workers. 
The U.S. has hosted APEC this year, and Chinese president Xi Jinping is expected to attend this final event, where he will meet with Biden. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters: “Intense competition means intense diplomacy. That’s what you’re going to see.” 
“[P]retty intensive negotiations with all sides relevant to this conflict” were what enabled 300 U.S. citizens, lawful residents, and their families to leave Gaza, according to Jon Finer, the deputy national security adviser, on CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday. More remain as negotiations to gain the release of hostages continue.  
The administration’s focus on diplomacy and regional partnerships contrasts dramatically these days with Pakistan’s expulsion of as many as 1.7 million Afghan, Uyghur, and Rohingya refugees because leaders blame members of the refugee community for terrorist attacks. Some of the Afghans have been in Pakistan since the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979. The Taliban, currently in control of Afghanistan though not the internationally recognized government of the country, is struggling to manage the influx of people who are being pushed back across the border.
In the U.S., in the face of House Republicans’ repeated votes on bills to slash funding far below the amounts Republican leadership agreed to in May as a condition for passing a bipartisan law to raise the debt ceiling and fund the government, the administration on October 30 issued a “statement of administration policy” insisting that the Republicans honor their agreement on funding for transportation, housing, and development.
On Friday the U.S. Department of Transportation announced an investment of more than $653 million to fund 41 port improvement projects across the nation. They are part of the work being done under the nearly $17 billion dedicated to ports and waterways in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, designed to strengthen supply chains, whose weaknesses we discovered the hard way during the pandemic.
This week the Republicans have before the House a bill to cut more than 64%—about a billion dollars—out of Amtrak, as well as other significant parts of the country’s passenger rail system. Most of the cuts would come from the heavily traveled northeast corridor, which carries about 800,000 people a day and serves the region that produces about 20% of the country’s gross domestic product.  
In contrast, President Biden today announced $16.4 billion in railroad investment from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law in the northeast corridor. It will rebuild century-old tunnels and bridges and upgrade tracks, power systems, signals, stations, and other infrastructure, enabling higher speeds on the route and cutting delays.
Overall, the administration will invest $66 billion in passenger rail, the largest such investment since Congress founded Amtrak in 1971 under the Nixon administration.
In contrast to the slow, steady work of governance, we had today the pyrotechnics of former president Trump in Manhattan, where he testified in the civil trial in which Judge Arthur Engoron has already found that the Trump Organization, Donald Trump, the two oldest Trump sons, and two organization employees committed fraud. The trial is to determine damages. 
Trump used his time on the stand to shout, accuse the judge and New York Attorney General Letitia James of engaging in a political persecution, and yell about how unfair the whole lawsuit is. Whether or not it will work—he hardly sounded like a strong man while he was complaining that the judge was being mean to him—he was playing to his political base.
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surajheroblog · 5 months
Market Watch: Analyzing Trends and Predictions
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In the fast-paced world of investment banking, staying ahead of market trends is essential. As professionals in Pune explore opportunities in finance, understanding market dynamics becomes a strategic advantage. In this comprehensive blog post, we’ll delve into the art of market analysis, predictions, and how they impact investment decisions. Join us on this journey as we explore the intricacies of financial markets, with a focus on the Investment Banking course in Pune.
1. The Role of Market Analysis
Why Analyze Markets?
Market analysis provides insights into economic conditions, industry performance, and asset valuations. As investment bankers, we rely on data-driven analysis to make informed decisions for our clients.
Types of Market Analysis
Fundamental Analysis: Examining financial statements, economic indicators, and company performance to assess intrinsic value.
Technical Analysis: Studying price charts, patterns, and trading volumes to predict future price movements.
2. Macro Trends and Global Influences
Economic Indicators
GDP Growth: Analyzing GDP growth rates helps gauge overall economic health. How does India’s GDP growth impact investment opportunities?
Interest Rates: Central bank policies affect borrowing costs and investment behavior. Keep an eye on RBI rate decisions.
3. Sector-Specific Trends
Technology Sector
AI and Automation: How are tech companies leveraging AI? What investment opportunities arise from automation?
E-Commerce Boom: Explore the growth of e-commerce platforms and their impact on retail and logistics.
4. Regional Insights
Pune’s Financial Landscape
Startup Ecosystem: Pune hosts a thriving startup scene. How can investors tap into early-stage ventures?
Real Estate Trends: Analyze property prices, rental yields, and commercial spaces. Is Pune’s real estate market resilient?
Market watch isn’t just about numbers—it’s about understanding the heartbeat of the economy. As you navigate the world of investment banking, keep your eyes on the trends, analyze data meticulously, and make informed choices. What trends do you foresee? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
Stay tuned for more insights, and remember to enroll in our Investment Banking course in Pune to sharpen your analytical skills. Happy investing!
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reddeadreference · 2 years
Blackwater Ledger No. 74
-Click here to return to the index for Newspapers-
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This issue is available after completion of the mission: Uncle’s Bad Day
(All article transcripts below the cut)
Articles marked with * are exclusive to this region’s issue.
Articles marked with ** are only there upon completion of the related mission.
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Bureau of Investigation Founded
The Attorney General has formed an autonomous investigative agency to be headed up by veteran law enforcement officer Edgar Ross in an attempt to track high profile and dangerous criminals. The Bureau will also be tasked with investigating financial fraud and other organized crimes.
Ross served for many years as a senior agent with the Pinkerton Detective Agency under the mentorship of the late Andrew Milton and then went on to work at the National Bureau of Criminal Identification, founded by the National Chiefs of Police Union in 1896, which was tasked to record information on criminals and gangs and work with law enforcement. He has been billed as one of the most humble, innovative and honest law enforcement officers of his class, and colleagues say that Ross produces results where others fail. Upon swearing in, he stated: "I want all criminals to know that here in America, everyone will eventually pay for what they have done."
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Unrest in the Tropics
Island residents from Barbados to Cuba are experiencing soaring prices and short supply of food and fuel. They are blaming local politicians and sugar barons for the situation. Shortly after the political unrest in the area, including the assassination of prominent sugar industry advocate and Guarman governor Alberto Fussar in 1899, American banking institutions, including JD McKnight and Co., took control of the sugar industry on several islands, including Barbados, the Virgin Islands, and Guarma.
Fields which once flourished with locally grown foods and were used to feed the island nation suddenly switched to growing sugar cane. As a result of a single crop economy, all foodstuffs are imported, to great expense for local peoples. Foreign investors hire locals to guard and police their massive plantations, subjecting workers to harsh conditions and penalties.
Local groups argue that island residents are suffering the most, while businesses say heavy investments by American financial institutions have allowed for the revitalization of the local economies.
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'We Are Helpless'
A cacophony of outrage has been building at the lawlessness that prevails in towns across the area. Numerous outlaw gangs seem to operate unchecked or unstoppable by law enforcement, rendering terrified citizens helpless. The reward for the killing or capture of infamous outlaw Micah Bell and his gang was recently increased by government officials in response to the unanimous outcry from citizens that something must be done about this murderous gang of thieves and killers.
Mr. Bell and his associates continue their spree of killing and robbing while running roughshod over law enforcement. His acts of lawlessness rival that of Van der Linde himself. They pay no debts and dynamite banks and buildings as a recreational pastime. Bell has long been a suspect in the Blackwater Bank Robbery and Strawberry massacre back in 1899 and numerous train robberies that have ended in dismemberment or death of passengers in the years since then. Little is known of Mr. Bell's origins.
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Reverend Swanson Leads NY Church
Reverend Orville Swanson was inducted into his official capacity as minister at the First Congregational Church of New York this week, having moved to the city to accept the position. A service was held and then a reception was given to celebrate the appointment. Encouraging reports from attendees indicate that Reverend Swanson delivered an impassioned and heartfelt sermon about acknowledging sin and seeking redemption. He spoke about his own break from faith, a dark period when he could not attend church, falling into sin, depravity and wanton gluttony.
He chronicled the period where he rediscovered his faith and began witnessing on street-corners, to then become assistant pastor at a church in Ohio and now New York. During his recent attendance at the Convention Meeting of First Congregational Churches he delivered a very moving oration, impressing attendees as an eloquent and persuasive speaker, and was almost immediately offered the position.
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Tallulah Jetty Gang Killed
United States Marshal Fulkerton received a dispatch from Silver Springs indicating that after years of evading capture, the Tallulah Jetty Gang was chased down after a brazen bank robbery in broad daylight. After a series of outrages, including the killing of several women and elders, officers placed 200 men in pursuit of the gang, which was overtaken near Anadarko.
A combination force of Cherokee Indians and a militia formed after the bank robbery pursued the gang to a cave in the bluffs south of the area, where a spectacular gun battle took place, killing several officers. After a period of quiet, one man entered the cave where he found a gravely wounded William Bishop bleeding out next to deceased henchmen Harold Sutton and James Shaw.
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Liquor Smuggled Into Indian Territory
A dispatch received from Comanche Indian territory yesterday says that Deputy United States Marshal Tidwell and another deputy attempted to arrest Cletus Yarnell and Lawrence Branch for introducing intoxicating liquors into Indian Territory. The outlaws resisted arrest and a gun battle ensued, with Marshal Tidwell's horse being shot out from under him. The desperados fled into Indian territory and were pursued. Yarnell was mortally wounded, Branch was arrested.
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Bubonic Plague in San Francisco
After an earthquake that destroyed 80 percent of the city and killed over 3,000 people, the city of San Francisco now reports that a second epidemic of bubonic plague has broken out. It is believed the outbreak is due to the large number of rats in the area. Fleas from infected rats transmit the disease, resulting in fever symptoms, seizures, gangrene and necrosis of the extremities, along with, in many cases, death.
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New Railroad Completed
The final ties were laid and spikes driven through to complete the Central Union rail line stretching through New Hanover. Passengers will be able to bypass the Grizzlies, Rhodes, and Scarlett Meadows, drastically reducing travel time. Now with a direct line connecting Cornwall Kerosene and Tar and Saint Denis, freight and commuters will flow fast and freely.
The project came with complications, including controversy over missing workers' wages and a land dispute. Representatives from towns such as Van Horn Trading Post and Annesburg say the new line will result in the decline of their towns. Civic planners hail the railroad as a new dawning day in American progress and history.
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The Art of Angling by Jeremy Gill
Last year while fishing in the Alaskan territories, I soon discovered that a family of bears was fishing too, and one particularly angry Kodiak took exception to my overwhelming success of pulling dozens of Sockeye Salmon out of the water. I could not blame him; however, now his head sits sentry above my foyer with a salmon in its mouth, a testament to the hunter becoming the hunted.
In cold streams, and particularly in the Grizzlies, salmon will strike river lures and are possibly the best tasting fish you can bring home for supper. They are so plentiful you may take as many as you like with no consequence. Happy casting.
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hoursofreading · 11 months
To do a modest bit of good while doing nothing about the larger system is to keep the painting. You are chewing on the fruit of an injustice. You may be working on a prison education program, but you are choosing not to prioritize the pursuit of wage and labor laws that would make people’s lives more stable and perhaps keep some of them out of jail. You may be sponsoring a loan forgiveness initiative for law school students, but you are choosing not to prioritize seeking a tax code that would take more from you and cut their debts. Your management consulting firm may be writing reports about unlocking trillions of dollars’ worth of women’s potential, but it is choosing not to advise its clients to stop lobbying against the social programs that have been shown in other societies to help women achieve the equality fantasized about in consultants’ reports. Economistic reasoning dominates our age, and we may be tempted to focus on the first half of each of the above sentences—a marginal contribution you can see and touch—and to ignore the second half, involving a vaguer thing called complicity. But Cordelli was challenging elites to view what they allow to be done in their name, what they refuse to resist, as being as much of a moral action as the initiatives they actively promote. Her argument is not that every bad thing that happens in the world is your fault if you fail to stop it. Her claim, rather, is that citizens of a democracy are collectively responsible for what their society foreseeably and persistently allows; that they have a special duty toward those it systematically fails; and that this burden falls most heavily on those most amply rewarded by the same, ultimately arbitrary set of arrangements. “If you are an elite who has campaigned for or supported the right policies, or let’s suppose that you are not causally complicit in any direct sense,” she said, “still, it seems to me that you might owe a responsibility or duty to return to others what they have been unfairly deprived of by your common institutions.” The winners bear responsibility for the state of those institutions, and for the effects they have on others’ lives, for two reasons, Cordelli said: “because you’re worth nothing without society, and also because we would all be dominated by others without political institutions that protect our rights.” To take each of those in turn: She says you are worth nothing without society because there can be no hedge fund managers, nor violinists, nor technology entrepreneurs, in the absence of a civilizational infrastructure that we take for granted. “Your life, your talents, what you do could not be possible if they weren’t for common institutions,” Cordelli says. If the streets weren’t safe or the stock markets weren’t regulated, it would be harder to make use of one’s talents. If banks weren’t forced to offer a guarantee of guarding your money, making money would be pointless. Even if your children attended private school, public schools very likely trained some of their teachers, and publicly financed roads connected that island of a school to the grid of the society. Then there is the fact that absent a political system of shared institutions, anyone could dominate anyone. Every person with anything precious to protect would be at constant risk of plunder by everybody else. To live in a society without laws and shared institutions that applied equally to all would be, Cordelli says, to live “dependent on the arbitrary will of another. It would be like a form of servitude.” Think of the person who seeks to “change the world” by doing what can be done within a bad system, but who is relatively silent about that system. Think of the person who runs an impact investing fund aimed at helping the poor, but is unwilling to make the connection, in his own head or out loud, between poverty and the business practices of the financiers on his advisory board. Think of a hundred variations of this example. Such a person, for Cordelli, is putting himself in the difficult moral position of the kindhearted slave master.
Anand Giriharadhas
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7hrrecuitmentuk · 1 year
Banking sector in UK provides a dedicated service both to Clients and job seekers
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The banking sector is the key component of the financial system. Credit institutions conduct settlements, ensure the safeguarding of clients’ funds in bank accounts, and transform these funds into loans to the economy. A Bank is a financial institution licensed to receive deposits and make loans and to invest and earn profit. A Bank is a financial institution licensed to receive deposits and make loans. Two of the most common types of banks are commercial/retail and investment banks. Banks also engaged in providing payment services, thereby facilitating all entities to carry out their financial transactions. On the other hand, banks can create vulnerabilities of systemic nature, partly due to a mismatch in maturity of assets and liabilities and their interconnectedness. Therefore, the soundness of banks is important, as it contributes towards maintaining confidence in the financial system, and any failure may have the potential to impact on activities of all other financial and non-financial entities, and finally the economy. With the passage of time, the activities covered by banking business have widened and now various other services are also offered by banks. The banking services these days include issuance of debit and credit cards, providing safe custody of valuable items, lockers, ATM services and online transfer of funds across the country/world.
As the financial hub of the world, the UK offers some of the most diverse and exciting jobs in banking. In addition to more traditional banking roles, there are career opportunities at any of the numerous banks headquartered here. Banks look for economists, marketing, and HR, statisticians, media and government relations specialists and, connected to the explosion of financial technology, IT professionals. What’s often less well known is the contribution the industry makes to the UK’s regions and the career opportunities available via graduate schemes, apprenticeships or for those looking to return to work. Working for a bank is so varied; it could mean working in head office in marketing, HR or in any number of other roles including IT. As banking organizations are so large, there is always the chance to progress through the organization into other roles. Banks are well known for having well trained staff so whatever your job role is, you will be given the skills required to do the job and many of these skills are required for your job and many of these skills should be transferable. A career in banking offers both a competitive salary and excellent benefits. As a new starter you can expect around 23 days holiday a year and this will rise to 30 days after you’ve been there a while. Banking Sector recruitment agency in London is international in nature and some roles can offer excellent opportunities for travelling and working in other countries.
The fast-paced nature of the banking and financial services industry requires people who embrace change and can adapt quickly. They have the scale, insight and deep understanding in banking and financial services to help shape your hiring strategy. Using a customer-first and data-driven approach to meet your business needs within banking and financial services, they make it easy for you to deliver against the complex talent and recruitment landscape you need to navigate. Their dedicated financial services recruitment teams assist organizations in recruiting permanent, temporary and contract banking & financial services staff. They are active in these markets and have built a strong database and network of contacts across all areas of risk, audit, cyber security, treasury, business resilience and legal. Banking Sector recruitment agency in London consultants specialize on specific areas of banking and so they are able to offer advice and direction based on an in-depth understanding of your area of interest or requirement. With global operations and offices across the UK, their reach enables them to source the financial services skills and experience you need to support your business priorities.
Specific recommendations on prudential and market policy should help the industry better support the wider UK economy. They are also adamant about the “digital first” approach the UK should be taking, with the aim of leading global innovation in areas such as data sharing, open banking and digital IDs. The shift to remote working and virtual customer service has dramatically changed how services are delivered. Without the usual in-person customer engagement, lenders have been forced to find creative, innovative and collaborative solutions in a short space of time to ensure the customer demand is met. For an incumbent bank, digital transformation has become a herculean task in an age saturated with technological options, requiring traditional lenders to embrace unpredictability, maintain agility and digitize to the core, which requires support from agile fetch players. From building an agile platform to meet the expectations of demanding customers, creating an optimized digital operating model, going beyond diversity and building a strong work culture, Top Banking Sector recruitment agency in London must address central challenges to lay the foundation for success.
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yourtraderlearning · 1 year
A well-known stock market institution, YourTrader is committed to offering thorough financial training and instruction. With the goal of equipping people with the expertise and skills necessary to successfully traverse the complexity of the stock market as a whole, YourTrader provides a wide selection of programs and courses that are appropriate for both novice and seasoned traders. The institute is home to a group of knowledgeable professors with a wealth of real-world trade expertise, guaranteeing that students get real-world knowledge and practical training. YourTrader is dedicated to promoting financial literacy and building an informed investor community. YourTrader is a dependable resource for people trying to succeed in the ever-changing field of investment and banking, whether they want to learn the basic principles of investing in stocks or improve their trading tactics.
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katexharmon · 1 year
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Welcome to Aurora Bay, [KATE HARMON]! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [SOPHIE TURNER]. You must be the [TWENTY THREE] year old [WAITSTAFF AT NEPTUNE]. Word is you’re [INTELLIGENT] but can also be a bit [HOTHEADED] and your favorite song is [BOOM BY CASSYETTE]. I also heard you’ll be staying in [OCEAN CREST APARTMENTS]. I’m sure you’ll love it! 
Tw: Drug mention, fire
Name: Katherina 'Kate' Harmon Gender/Pronouns: Cisfemale/She&Her Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Bisexual Age: 23 Birthdate: February 14th Occupation: Wait Staff at Neptune/Semi-professional Ice Skater
Overall, she is the epitome of wasted potential.
Kate grew up in Aurora Bay as the youngest daughter to wealthy parents that were very invested in their children's future, much to the point where her and her sister's feelings were left behind to be replaced with academic ambition and intelligence as a priority.
Both were sent to private schools, but Kate became expelled when she was ten for lighting a fire in the science lab for, as she claimed, scientific curiosity.
She never cared for education and actively rebelled against her parent's attempts at private institutions, until they were forced to put her into public school.
Besides her hatred, she was naturally smart academically, and got through high school with straight As without even lifting a finger. However, she wasn't interested in applying herself. She was much more interested in smoking pot behind the bleachers and getting into fistfights with her peers over something stupid. But some would say, she actually loved the thrill of it.
Her older sister on the other hand, graduated from private school and went on to make a name for herself, securing her spot as the favorite child.
The only thing that grounded Kate and didn't make her seem like a complete write off to her parents was her love of ice-skating. She'd been taking lessons since she returned back from private school to appease her mother's wishes that she have an interest. There was something about being on the ice that made her feel free and not tied down by the societal expectations her parents had crafted for her into their own heads.
In her teenage years, she even entered a few amateur ice-skating competitions and won. She had a partner, he was a couple years older and she admittedly didn't get on with him at first, but when she was sixteen she ended up losing her virginity to him after a show.
When she hit eighteen and refused college, she was given the ultimatum to get a job and move out by her parents. She was given a hefty monetary care package that she was smart enough to save away in some bank account, while finding the bare minimum of somewhere to live.
Her parents tried to get her to pursue her ice-skating career, but ultimately she settled on getting a wait staff job at Neptune, while still performing occasionally on the side.
She'd still be found training at least three times a week, before heading to the beach to relax with a little herbal break.
Her reckless streak unfortunately didn't end, and she'd often still get herself into trouble some way or another, whether that be pissing off the townsfolk or causing havoc whenever she could.
Despite this, she is fiercely loyal towards her friends and will go to any extremity to maintain their safety and happiness.
the cousins she didn't know she had. she liked to think that fate had brought them together and given them the family they had always wanted. // @astridhansleyy @natexdanish
her roommate and her best friend all wrapped in one, kate adores eleanor and is her personal protector. despite their differences, their dynamic works and she often reminds kate to smile in situations where her grumpiness gets the better of her. // @gcldrushed
she can't remember when she became friends with aiden or when she decided to give him the title of one of her best friends, not that she'd ever tell him that. she enjoys his company and their banter, and would even go as far to say that she would fight to the grave for him. having a partner in destruction is also beneficial. // @aiden-stevens
her work colleague and one-time hook up. she often gets along with wes, but sometimes lets her attitude get the best of her. they slept together once and love to make jabs and take the piss out of each other for it. she also loves to tease him about the fact he's married to their boss' daughter. // @wesxevans
there was something about the surfer that drew kate in instantly. enough for her to trespass onto his property and end up making out with him on his dock. of course she found him attractive, but there was something else there... she just couldn't put her finger on it. she constantly found herself wanting to be near him and silently wished he'd break down those walls she'd put up to keep people out. // @surfsupharry
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blackhistorychatgpt · 2 years
Tell me about income and wealth disparity in America
I went to a panel tonight on Reimagining Public Health in NYC - A Discussion on the Racial and Wealth Gap and Health Equity
Can you write an essay about the connection between redlining, income and wealth gap, and health outcomes in the Black community? Highlight the disparity in maternal mortality race based upon race
The connection between redlining, income and wealth gap, and health outcomes in the Black community is multifaceted and complex. Redlining, a discriminatory practice that involves denying financial services or access to housing based on race, has had a significant impact on the economic wellbeing of Black families. This, in turn, has contributed to the widening income and wealth gap between Black and white households, which has led to disparities in health outcomes.
Redlining began in the 1930s and was a federal government policy that allowed banks and other financial institutions to deny loans and insurance to people living in certain neighborhoods. These neighborhoods were typically populated by Black families and other minorities, and the practice was based on the assumption that these communities were risky investments. As a result, these neighborhoods were deprived of essential resources such as quality education, healthcare, and healthy food options.
The legacy of redlining has contributed to the income and wealth gap between Black and white households. According to a study by the Brookings Institution, the median wealth of white households is ten times that of Black households. This disparity is largely due to historical and ongoing discrimination that has limited Black families' access to education, employment, and housing opportunities.
The income and wealth gap has had a profound impact on the health outcomes of the Black community. Black Americans have higher rates of chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease, which are often linked to poverty and limited access to healthcare. They are also more likely to die from these diseases than white Americans.
One area where the impact of these disparities is particularly stark is maternal mortality. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Black women are three to four times more likely to die from pregnancy-related complications than white women. This disparity cannot be explained by differences in income or education level, as it persists across all socioeconomic levels.
There are several reasons for this disparity, including the fact that Black women are more likely to experience complications during pregnancy, such as hypertension and pre-eclampsia. They are also more likely to receive substandard care during pregnancy and childbirth, including being ignored or dismissed when they report symptoms of distress. Studies have shown that implicit bias and stereotypes about Black women's pain and abilities to cope with childbirth are also factors.
To address these disparities, it is essential to address the root causes of redlining, income and wealth gap, and implicit bias in healthcare. Policies and initiatives that promote equitable access to education, employment, and affordable housing are essential. Additionally, healthcare providers must receive training to recognize and address implicit biases that may affect their care of Black patients. Finally, Black women must be empowered to advocate for their health and hold healthcare providers accountable for providing high-quality care.
In conclusion, the connection between redlining, income and wealth gap, and health outcomes in the Black community is a complex and multi-layered issue. The legacy of redlining has contributed to the income and wealth gap between Black and white households, which, in turn, has led to disparities in health outcomes, including maternal mortality. Addressing these disparities will require a comprehensive approach that involves addressing the root causes of redlining, income and wealth gap, and implicit bias in healthcare.
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