#Internet Mom says goodnight
i-lavabean · 9 months
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How to be a mum
pairing: reader x the grid (platonically), hinted Pierre Gasly x reader                              
warnings: swearing, assault (someone is punched in the face), description of injuries/bruises, throwing up, passing out, unconsciousness, mentioning of hospital, mentioning of crash
summary: Being the only female driver on the grid basically makes you everyone’s mum - and that with just in your mid-twenties.
notes: feel free to leave comments and/or feedback. likes and reblogs are always appreciated! also, feel free to send in requests! Another part will follow, so let me know if you want to be tagged 😊
disclaimer: English is not my first language, so please excuse any mistakes 😊
word count: 4.1k
Your parents had raised you to be a good, kind, caring and helpful person. Where you could, you helped other people out. On top of that, you were basically illiterate to the word no, it was almost impossible for you to tell other people no. No matter the time or the troubles it cost you, you were always there for others. Essentially, that meant little time to yourself, which you didn’t mind most of the time. You loved helping people, and it made you happy.
So, when you were promoted to Formula One, you almost immediately become the mom of the grid. All the drivers, despite some considerably older than you, needed help or supervision. It was like a crazy playhouse and sometimes you felt like you were the only sane and responsible person. It was a menace, someone always needed something. But then again, you loved to help, and you collectively adopted all of them. Metaphorical, of course. But the last weeks were a lot, maybe too much, and you were exhausted. The different time zones had taken their toll on you.
However, when your friends ask you to join for a night out, you agree. It is the Thursday before the race weekend, and Charles, Pierre, Carlos, and you went out to grab some dinner. Mexico is warm and full of life and buzzing, and you had spent an hour looking on the internet for the perfect place to go.
When you arrive there, you are happy to have Carlos with you, as he speaks Spanish. You sit down, you talk, life is good, and you enjoy spending time with your friends. Until suddenly, Charles whinges – he had cut himself God knows how. “Let me see!”, you demand and he shows you the cut on his finger. It isn’t very deep, but it is bleeding a lot. You get your purse, rummage in it for a minute, and pull out a band aid. “You are full of wonders!”, Carlos chuckles while you wrap up Charles finger. “All done!”, you say and plant a gentle kiss on the band aid. Charles blushes and you laugh. “I am sorry, my mum always used to do it to me, so it is a force of habit!”
After dinner, you all enter the car. Charles makes you sit in the passenger seat, even though you would have preferred to sit in the backseat and close your eyes for a bit. But Charles insists, arguing that you give directions the best. So, of course you stay awake and make sure that all of you will arrive safely in the hotel. Before Charles pulls out of the parking lot, you turn around. “Any music wishes you gu-“, you are about to ask, when you realize something. “Put you goddamn seatbelt on, Pierre!”, you scold the guy in the back seat. “Yes mum!”, Pierre jokes, but puts his seatbelt on. Carlos and Pierre request some songs, and the way back is actually quite fun as well.
When you arrive, you say your goodnights and then you are finally on your way to up to your room. You want nothing more than sleep and are already laying in bed in an oversized shirt and short pants when someone knocks on your door. You get up and look through the peephole. In front of your door is Mick and he looks miserable. So, you open the door - of course you do. “I don’t have a seat for next season, they screwed me over!”, Mick says, his voice is breaking. You let him in and end up spending of your night consoling the younger driver. You hold him, let cry, gently play with his hair until he falls asleep. You fall asleep not long after him, holding the blond boy in your arms.
Micks alarm rings painfully early. He blushes and apologizes when he realizes that he fell asleep in your arms, but you wave it off. Once he left, you shower and get ready for your breakfast date with Pierre. Pierre and you had become closer in the last months, and sometimes spending time with Pierre was the only time where you could properly relax. “Good morning!”, you greet the Frenchman, and he engulfs you in a hug. “Are you okay, you look tired.” “Yeah, sure, I am okay!”, you assure him. You enjoy the breakfast; Pierre makes you laugh a lot. Afterwards, the two of you get ready and drive to the track together for Friday testing. You carry a huge bag out of the room and Pierre just laughs before he takes it for you.
The testing goes well, all in all. The car is good this season, you might even land on the podium this weekend. But then again, you are happy when everyone crosses the line safely. And you are always happy when your friends are on the podium, maybe even happier than if you stand there yourself. Sometimes you wonder how you made it this far – while you were competitive and scored good results, you were not as fierce in your ways as most of the other drivers. Still, you managed just fine, and many people saw great potential in you.
After the testing, you hug your teammate, Lando. “You seem to really have gotten the hang on the car, I am proud of you!” He smiles at you. “Thank you, y/n!” You glance down at your phone. „By the way, I think you should get going. You have an interview in 15 minutes!“ He nods. „Oh yeah, thank you for reminding me!” You wave it off. “No problem, and now go! I will see you later!” You rush the boy out of the garage, then you are on your merry way to look for Checo. The man had invited you to stay with his family for dinner and for the night and since you adored his children, you had happily agreed. You carry the bag, that is full of presents for his kids, and a thank you present for Checo and Carola.
“Checo!”, you call out to the older driver. He lights up when he sees you. “Hola, corazon!” Most of the drivers call you nicknames because you are that close with them. Checo for example is like an older brother to you. He pulls you into a hug. “Ready to go?”, he asks you. “Give me one minute, I need to say hi to Max, otherwise he is offended again!”, you laugh and walk deeper into the Red Bull Garage. “Verstappen!”, you yell and like a demon summoned he appears immediately. “Y/n!”, he exclaims, smiling widely. You hated that everyone always painted Max to be an asshole while he really was a ray of sunshine if you were able to gain his trust and friendship. You greet him with a kiss on the cheek and talk to him briefly before you leave together with Checo.
Carola already stands in the door when you arrive, and you practically sprint out of the car to engulf her in a tight hug. “Hola!”, she says laughing and motions for you to come inside. You excitedly bubble to her before you spot the three little kids and you heart becomes even fuller. They almost attack you with love, you speak to them in the few Spanish sentences you know, giving out presents. When they run off to play with the new toys, you turn to Checo and Carola and hand them their presents. “You are too kind, y/n”, says Carola and the three of you hug again.
After dinner, you help bringing the kids to bed, tucking them in, trying your best to read the Spanish children’s books, which results in giggles from all sides. When the kids are asleep, Checo, Carola and you sit up with a glass of wine. You get to bed not too late, and the next morning you and Checo drive to the circuit together.
It’s a beautiful day, the sun is warm on your face and life is buzzing around the paddock. The moment you exit the car, you are swarmed by fans. You sign their stuff, take some pictures, answer questions. You can hear the cameras click. Even though you had been in Formula One for two years now, you were somehow still more often than not the star of the show. Often it was praise, sometimes it was stupid comments, sometimes gossip. By now, the media had attached an alleged affair to you paired with any driver. It was quite fun actually, sometimes you and your friends teased the media. Going out for dinner with Charles on Monday, Lunch with Daniel on Tuesday, going for a walk on Wednesday with Lewis, partying on Thursday with Max, having a late breakfast in the sun on Friday with Lando. Acting like you just got caught. It was the funniest shit in the world to you.
Qualifying went good for you, for Lando as well. You had gotten everything out of the car, and that makes you content. When you drive into the paddock, you are happy and bubbly, spreading good mood. That is, until you look at the little screen in the garage and spot Esteban crashing into the wall. “Oh god, is he okay?”, you breath out before you rush to the medical quarters. The medics tell you that he has to go to the hospital to be checked out thoroughly.
„I will go with him!”, you say without hesitation. Since none of his family was there, you offer to go to the hospital with him, no questions asked. On the ride there, you hold his hand and whisper words of encouragement to him. When you arrive, he is taken by the doctors, and you have to wait. As soon as the doctors tell you that he is and will be okay, you call his family to tell them the good news. When you can go in the room with him, Esteban looks a lot better. You pull him in a gentle hug and make sure that he arrives by his hotel room safe and sound.
By now it’s the middle of the night and you sigh. In a few hours Yuki and you will meet in the gym because he has asked you to show him some meditation and yoga tricks that would help with his mindset. You promised to show him before the race so that he could use it right on track. You decide to sleep the three hours you would get and go to your room.
You wake up feeling completely exhausted. On top of that you had overslept, so you decide to skip breakfast and just head straight down to meet Yuki. It is quite fun, and you feel a bit refreshed. However, by the time you arrive at the track, you find yourself in a low. You are very well aware that you possibly shouldn’t participate in the car, your lack of sleep endangering you and the others. You go to your driver’s room, splash water in your face and then you meet up with your personal trainer. Somehow, you find whatever concentration is left in you, and channel all of it. When going over one last reflex training and everything goes well, you are feeling a bit better about participating. And you are right. You even score in the points, which makes you happy.
After the race, you are scheduled for an interview. Arriving a bit early, it is not your turn yet. Charles is still being interviewed. You watch Charles doing his interview, and for once it seems like you are graced with one minute of peace. Until you suddenly hear someone yelling. “Charles!” “What is that?”, Charles asks and looks just as confused as you. You find the source of the scream before he does. Daniel stands on the balustrade of a roof close by, shouting and waving. You pinch the bridge of your nose. “Be careful, for fucks sake!”, you scream up to him, before you are on your merry way to drag him down there with your bare hands, if you have to.
You manage to get him to step down after a few more shenanigans. You rush down again, arriving just on time for your interview. It is actually a respectful interview for once, the interviewer showing genuine interests for your driving and not for anything else. Somehow, despite your tiredness, you are the best version of you, joking with the interviewer.
After the interview, the debrief happens, and then you head straight to the hotel. Your flight was going tonight because you want nothing more than a few quite days and nights in your own apartment. Pierre had offered to drive you to airport, which you gladly accepted. When you get out of the car, Pierre exists as well and pulls you in a hug. “Get some rest, Cherie, you look tired!”, he tells you and you grin crookedly. “You don’t even know, Gasly!” The two of you hug, and then you are on your way back home.
When you step into your apartment, you almost start to cry. You are so relieved, and you look so much forward to just sleep. You will only spend three days before you have to leave for the next race again, but you full on intent to spend most of that time in bed sleeping and relaxing. You order some take-out food and head to bed right after. Everything is good, until your phone wakes you up in the middle of the nights. It is around four in the morning, and you groan. Max´s name shows up on the screen. You wonder how the fuck he managed to get back to Monaco as quickly as you. You pick up, of course you do.
“Heyyy!”, slurs Max and you know what he wants before he can say something. “Where are you?”, you ask, already half out of bed, “I will come and get you!” You arrive at the club half an hour later, a bottle of water and a bucket with you. You get out of your car, and look for Max. You find him in an alley next to the club, surrounded by two guys. Speeding up, you step in front of Max the moment before one of the guys throw a punch at him. Instead of Max, the fist hits your face, and you almost fall over. You shake your head, and stare down the guy who profoundly starts to apologize to you. You scoff. “I suggest that if you don’t want me to call the cops on you, you get the fuck out of here!”, you threaten, and they leave immediately.
You sling Max arm over your shoulder and manoeuvre the drunk man to your car. He is slumped over, his body weight seems to have doubled, and your face is throbbing. He doesn’t seem to realize what just happens, and instead throws up on your shoes. You have to take them off and drive home with just your socks. Somehow, you manage to get him all the way to his apartment, where you make sure that he drinks some water. He falls asleep as soon as he hits the pillow and starts to snore. You prepare him breakfast, place water and painkillers on his nightstand, and make your way back home – still in socks. When you arrive home, you text him about the breakfast. Your face still aches, and when you look into the mirror, a big purple bruise is already forming, and the skin around your eye is turning darker by the minute. You groan – it would be a pain to cover that up.
You get back to bed, but you cannot really sleep. Your head is killing you, so you get dressed, put a hoodie on and big sunglasses. Luckily, no one sees you in the streets, and you arrive at the doctor’s office without any incidents. The doctor knows you - ever since you lived in Monaco, you came here. He examines your face and tells you that most likely you have a mild concussion, which explains the headaches. He tells you to rest a bit, and if you do that, racing wouldn’t be problem next weekend. You thank him, pick up some of the recommended painkillers, some make-up to hide the bruise and then you go back to your apartment.
You have two more hours of sleep, before your phone rings again. Daniel asks if you want to go and have breakfast with him because him and his girlfriend are having troubles and he needs someone to talk to. You assure him that you can be at his place in latest an hour. You get up, jump under the shower and afterwards you manage to cover up the mark. On the way to his place to pick up some groceries for the breakfast. Half an hour later, Daniel lets you in his apartment and you talk for what feels like five hours. You barely eat for breakfast, the headache and a nauseous feeling overwhelming you. Daniel doesn’t realize, he is just happy you are here, and you are more than happy to help.
This evening, you don’t get to bed as early as you had wished, because you talked with your family and your best friend. You firmly tell yourself, that you would sleep most of the day tomorrow before you would head to the next race. However, your plans are crossed, when Charles calls and asks if you can help him buy a present for his girlfriend. Of course, you accept and spend most of the day out with Charles, visiting different shops and boutiques. When you get home, you pack your bags and go to bed, because you have to get up early to leave for Brazil. You were already not looking forward to the time difference, not knowing if your body could take it.
Lando, Charles, Pierre, Daniel, Max, and you had decided to take the plane together. It was usually more fun than flying alone, but this time you wouldn’t have minded. A bit of peace and quietness would have been nice. However, when you see the boys on the airport, you are happy. They are your friends after all, and you loved them dearly.
“I am hungry!”, Lando whines almost as soon as you board the plane. He sits on the opposite side of you. You knew that this was going to happen. You open your bag pack and whip out 6 neatly packed lunch packages. “I gotcha!”, you tell him and throw him one of the packages. It contains two sandwiches, some cut vegetables and some small snacks. You know all their diet plans, so every package was a bit different. You had gotten up extra early that morning to make sure all of them had something, knowing that they would possibly forget to prepare something.
Lando thanks you profoundly, and you just smile at him. You loved the boys, even though it wasn’t always easy with them. You are still wearing your sunglasses, because the bruise around your eye had become even darker, and your unprofessional attend at make-up didn’t cover it properly anymore. You are not ready to show the boys, because you don’t want them to worry, and you don’t want Max to feel guilty. He had texted you that he remembered parts of the night, and that he remembered how you stepped in front of him. You had assured him that you were fine. Lost in your thoughts, you drift to sleep, your sunglasses still on.
You are awoken barely 30 minutes later by loud music. You almost jump out of the seats, the boys laughing. “Very funny”, you murmur, but have to smile a bit. It could’ve, maybe should’ve annoyed you, but you were not one to hold grudges. “Why are you still wearing your sunglasses, mon ange?”, Pierre teases you and you shrug your shoulders. “Because it looks cool!”, you argue half-heartedly. Before you can react, Pierre pulls them off your head and gasps in the same motion. You try to cover your face with your hands, but it is too late. Pierre´s reaction has drawn all attention on you. “Jesus, what happened to you, y/n?”, Pierre asks, all teasing has left his tone. “Nothing”, you are quick to lie. “Didn’t look like nothing!”, he sounds a bit angry, and you sigh. You remove your hand from your face and show him and the others.
“Oh my God!”, breathes Max out, “So something happened after all?” You sigh again. “Nothing bad, it is just a bruise and a blackeye!” Daniel shakes his head. “You should have told us!” “I know!”, you defend yourself, letting your shoulders hang, “I just didn’t want you guys to worry!” In this moment the guys realize that maybe sometimes they need to take better care of you as well. However, the scope of your state is not yet fully obvious to them.
After you told them the story, Max apologises again, and again, but you wave it off. “Max, I would do that again any day, you are like a brother to me”, you give him a warm smile and hug him. He looks like he feels a bit better, your head on the other hand is killing you. You excuse yourself to the bathroom, where you throw up once. You brush your teeth, put some water in your face and tell yourself to get your shit together. When you return, you sit down again. Pierre sits down next to you, opens up his arms and you gladly accept. Daniel puts a blanket on you, and you sleep the rest of the flight in Pierre’s arms.
You wake up feeling a tiny, tiny bit better. The weekend goes by. You again sleep too little - one of the boys always needing something that you were happy to help with. The devil works hard, but you really worked harder. Qualifying went better than ever and you wondered if you maybe should always need to drive sleep deprived. On Sunday, you almost fall asleep in the meeting before the race, and you know you should probably just cancel the game. But you sit down in the car anyway and start to race.
“P1, I repeat, P1! Y/n, you did it! Your first win!”, screams one of your team members over the radio. You whoop and pump your fist in the air. “Can I do donuts, please?”, you beg, and everyone laughs. You do a couple, and then you drive to your garage, where everyone jumps in your arms, and you cry tears of joy. “Yes, yes, yes!!”, you yell over and over again. On your way to the podium everyone congratulates you, as there is not a single soul on the grid that dislikes you. You had even managed to woo Christian Horner with your kind nature.
When you step on the podium, Max and Charles are there, and you spray each other with champagne. At the end, they lift you on their shoulders, and the fans are going ballistic. You take another sip of the champagne and realise that this might have been a mistake. You feel terrible dizzy all of a sudden when you step down from the podium. Downstairs, Lewis and Seb wait for you. They are about the only guys on the grid that don’t need your help, and act like your parents, rather than the other way around. “Good job kid!”, says Seb and pulls you in a tight hug. Lewis ruffles your hair and grins. “You deserve that win, now go celebrate!” You nod and start your walk to the McLaren paddock. The cameras follow you; you smile and wave for them and for the fans.
At the paddock, all of your friends wait for you. While you are excited and want to get to them as soon as possible, your legs feel incredible heavy and wobbly at the same time. You reach Pierre, who lifts you up and spins you around, which is really not good for you. When he sets you on the ground again, you grab his arms and have to hold onto him. You feel like the ground below you is an ocean, and among the waves you cannot plant your feet there properly. You look up at Pierre. “Pierre”, you whisper, “I think I am about to pass out.” With that, you slump down in his arms. He tries his best to hold you up, slinging his arms around you, keeping you safe and warm. As soon as the others realize, something is wrong, a wall of people is built around you and miraculously, the media misses the fact that you are unconscious in Pierre Gasly´s arms. At least for now.
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artofhazbinhotel · 17 days
Class of 09 as The Vees part 3
Valentino: If you were my boyfriend, what would you do for me?
Vox: I don't know, anything you want?
Valentino: Anything? Damn. So any depraved ass shit you're just down for?
Vox: For you? Yeah
Valentino: Could I choke you while we make out?
Vox: If you want
Valentino: Could I smack the shit out of you in public?
Vox: Yes please
Valentino: Self esteem
Vox: Am I too desperate?
Valentino: No, not your self esteem, my self esteem, it's through the roof right now
Valentino: You think I'm just another sheep, don't you?
Velvette: Is sheep interchangeable with dipshit?
Vox: Valentino, you're a cold, corrupt, selfish, psychopathic bitch. Literally the most sadistic fucking whore- I wouldn't be surprised if you like killing animals
Valentino: Haven't tried
Vox: You don't even get mad at the assumption of that! You're severely twisted, evil, manipulative, and in general just a heartless bitch.. Doesn't mean I don't want you every waking moment of my sad fucking life
Valentino: Excuse me?
Vox: You show every sign of an abuser and I don't give a shit. You're the kinda guy who'd choke me goodnight, the kinda guy who'd walk in on me cutting and take the razor blade and do it for me. I don't want a boyfriend to marry, I want a boyfriend who helps me plan my own suicide. You're that man Valentino, I need you bad
Valentino: Bitch you need therapy
Vox: Right, honey?
Valentino: "Right, honey?"
Velvette: Dude I said don't call me that in public
Vox: Oh, I thought it was don't say it in private
Velvette: If I didn't want it in private why would I want it in public??
Velvette: You probably don't even watch anything good
Valentino: You watch Smallville
Velvette: You're evil
Valentino: You're friends with someone who's evil
Velvette: You're friends with someone who watches Smallville
Valentino: Holy shit don't say it that loud!
Vox: But then you gotta ask, would you rather be alone? Or have a hot twisted bitch who demeans you in public but gives amazing head? These are the real questions that plague society
Velvette: But why?
Valentino: That domestically beats me, I have no fucking clue
Velvette: I feel like he sexts in perfect grammar
Vox: Is this really necessary?
Velvette: Is that extra cheese at Chipotle necessary?
Vox: I don't get that every time-
Velvette: I'm so hungry
Valentino: Red lobster cheesy biscuits?
Velvette: Fuck no, chipotle
Valentino: You don't like the cheesy biscuits?
Velvette: They're okay
Valentino: I'm a whore for the cheesy biscuits
Velvette: You say you're a whore for everything
Valentino: Oh yeah, like what?
Velvette: Bottled water, massages, Internet, McDonald's French fries, Percocet-
Valentino: We need to hang out less
Vox: Like you could write a better script
Velvette: Then this? I totally could
Vox: About what?
Velvette: About a girl who's superpower is all her insides are poisonous so if a guy tries to molest her his eyes melt out of his head and he dies in a slow grueling pain
Valentino: So then he can't deny it? That's good
Vox: Why wouldn't you just make it so her superpower avoids getting molested altogether?
Velvette: Who the fuck would wanna watch that? Her superpower is nothing happened? Wow great movie idea
Vox to Sir Pentious on that call be like: You are so fucking pathetic, I hope you kill yourself while your mom watches
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hollandsfavbabe · 1 year
Popsicle Pairs
pairing: dad!tom holland x mom!reader
synopsis: in which you and tom decide to enjoy more than just popsicles until your son intrudes
warnings: super cliché, bathroom talk(toddler training)
word count: 1.3k
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a/n: based off of that one super cliche imagine if anyone knows what I’m talking about. i can’t find it anywhere on the internet, but trust me, it’s a thing. really i just had to get this out of my drafts ... enjoy!
“MOMMY!” your toddler shouted from the hall bathroom, eager to show you his latest accomplishment. You rushed from your position in the kitchen, leaving the ingredient cupboard open as your son took priority over starting dinner.
It was just three years ago that you and Tom were blessed with your wonderful son, though it felt like only a week. And now as he started to get bigger, you had begun every parent's favorite process when raising a toddler … not. Indeed it was potty training time. Helping your son switch from diapers to undies was a challenge for you two, but with Tom’s optimism and your determination, you were both sure you could do it. The trek had been long, but you were close to completing one hell of an accomplishment.
You took baby steps, starting by rewarding your little boy with soft candy whenever he simply alerted you that needed to go to giving him a treat when he had gone in the actual bathroom, whether he had taken off his diaper or not. Now, bigger steps caused for bigger rewards, so when he started actually using the loo you upgraded his reward to half of a popsicle, his favorite sweet.
When you arrived at the door of the bathroom your son was excited to inform you that he had yet again earned another popsicle half.
“Nice job buddy!” you congratulated before helping him to reach the sink so that he could wash his hands the way you taught him to.
When you were finished you both left for the kitchen, only to be greeted by your husband Tom. He stood outside the bathroom door with a curious expression.
“Did you make it again?” he asked, referring to your son’s triumph. The little boy nodded in reply, jumping up and reaching his hands into the air, gesturing for Tom to pick him up.
“I did it daddy, I did it!” he squealed excitedly.
“Oh I’m so proud!”
“Can I have my popsicle now?” your son asked, eyes widening.
“I don’t know, it’s awfully close to dinner. You’ll have to ask your mother.” Tom replied, looking at you as he waited to hear your decision. Your son turned towards you too, eager to hear what you had to say as if he could burst out of your husband’s arms, quite possibly the definition of jumping out of a seat from excitement. You let out a defeated sigh. You supposed your son could stray from his normal meal plan for one night.
“Sure.” you answered. Your son cheered in Tom’s arms, delighted by your conclusion. “It’s too late to start dinner anyways. I’ll just order a pizza.”
“Yeah, pizza!” your son whooped. You couldn’t help, but giggle at his reaction as you pulled out your phone to order the food. Tom chuckled with you walking off in the direction of the kitchen.
“Let’s choose a flavor while mommy orders. What kind do you want?” Tom asked, opening the fridge as he got close to it.
“Blue! I want blue!” your son demanded and so he was given what he desired.
Tom set him down as he handed over half of a blue popsicle, grinning at his son who was overjoyed by the frozen delight.
“The blue one is my favorite.” your son said, sticking the popsicle in his mouth.
“Oh really,” smiled Tom. “And why is that?”
“It colors my tongue!” exclaimed your son, showing his now blue stained tongue to his father. Tom laughed at the little boy, bending down and tickling his sides the way the boy loved.
“Silly.” grinned Tom and the two both broke into contagious fits of laughter.
Two empty pizza boxes lay on the kitchen table, the food they once contained now long gone in the digestion process as you and Tom laid your son in his bed, tucking him in before wishing him goodnight. He nestled his head into his pillow and bid you goodnight, ready for sleep. It was when you heard soft snores that you closed the bedroom door gently behind you.
Tom took your hand as you closed your son’s door, leading you away from his room and back into the kitchen where once again he opened the freezer.
“There’s two halves of two different popsicles left over that I doubt he’s gonna miss. Do you want red or blue?” He asked you, having no care which flavor he had himself.
“Red.” you replied, prompting your husband to hand over half of a red popsicle, the wood underneath sticking out the top, untouched by the knife you used to cut it for your son. Tom took a similar looking blue one for himself and together you peeled off the already opened wrapper and started licking them.
Tired of standing, you led Tom to the nearby sofa in the living room, taking a seat on one of the cushions and patting the one beside you for your husband to sit on to which he happily obliged, allowing you to lay on him as you both got comfortable.
“Today was a good day.” you stated mindlessly, almost finished with your popsicle. Tom set down the now bare stick of his and wrapped his hands around your waist as you laid on him, placing feather light kisses to your hairline.
“It was indeed.”
You were finished with your popsicle now, setting the stick on top of Tom’s discarded one, you turned around in his lap to face him, sitting up so that you could better see his features, better admire the structure that made up his heavenly face.
He plucked one of your hands from your lap and brought it to his lips, kissing the back of it while grinning at you.
“I love you.” you blurted, the words falling from your lips easily as he showered you in affection.
“I love you too.” He replied, pressing another kiss to your knuckle.
“No way.” you whispered with obvious sarcasm.
“Yes way,” Tom joked right back before moving his other hand to the bone above your cheek, his thumb gently caressing your face as he gazed into your eyes. “Would you care for me to show you just how much I love you?”
You smirked, giggling as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Yes please,” you nodded.
Tom scanned your smirk and no longer stalled to kiss it away as his lips met yours.
It was slow at first and built as you went along. It wasn’t very long before his tongue was in your mouth forcing a groan out of you.
You wanted to take it further, almost suggesting he carry you to your shared bedroom, but as your son walked into the living room you pushed yourself away from your husband and erased any lewd thoughts from your mind. You swore he had been asleep no more than five minutes ago.
Luckily he hadn’t seen anything and forchabtly for a three year old, smug red faces and crazy hair were not clear indications to him of what had been going on.
“What’s up honey?” you asked, blushing furiously after being nearly caught.
“I did it again!” he cheered with such pride in himself. You smiled, smoothing down some of the strands that were out of place as you stood to usher him out of the room, Tom by your side.
“Good job bud!” your husband praised.
“Can I have another popsicle before bed?” your son asked, ironically also taking notice of the two sticks on the table.
“Did you and daddy have some?” he questioned curiously.
You nodded with Tom, picking up the sticks to throw them in the nearest bin.
“Yep, we did.” you affirmed.
“Oh cool!” your son grinned. “Can I see your colored tongue?”
You shrugged and opened your mouth, Tom doing the same so that your son could see. Instantly the face of your toddler skewed into one of confusion and you felt immediate guilt.
“How’d you get purple tongues if there aren’t purple popsicles?”
You looked at Tom absolutely mortified, catching sight of his purple tongue before he shared your expression.
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mr2swap · 2 years
Not now "Dad"
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-Hey SON look I just finished my routine in the gym, so I'll go a little sweaty for you to soccer practice later, I hope you don't mind maybe we could go for pizza or something later-
FUCK! I can't believe Richard is still playing this stupid game. If it wasn't for the fact that he now has complete control of my father's body I would beat the crap out of him, Richard used to be one of those fagots who used to harass me all over school, he was so annoying that no matter how many times I rejected him he kept confessing his sick love to me every 2 weeks, the last time I told him that I wasn't fag like him and there was no way I could love him.
It seemed like Richard's job was to harass me every day at school, all my friends made fun of me whenever Richard was around us “oh! look, our star player's boyfriend is here ”they told me every time that Richard used to “support me” from the stands each of our practices, he used to record me with his phone to do his perverted things when practices were over he was a fuck psychopath! he had to stop it he had to put a stop to all this madness. he was really upset and not only that, he was fed up with him.
Maybe I should have been nicer, I never knew that Richard had contacts with a bunch of weird queers on the internet because the next day I found "my father" completely naked masturbating while sniffing my used t-shirts from the laundry pile in my room, Richard was completely crazy and impatient to blackmail me, he confessed to me what he had done that he had used a strange voodoo device to possess the hot body of my 47 year old father..
-Listen if you want me to leave your father alone, you better start treating me with more affection SON, now what do you think if you and your old man have a date?-
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Since then Richard hasn't stopped harassing me not only on my phone but also now at our house. I think he has dad's memories because my mom hasn't noticed any strange changes in dad since Richard took complete control of his life.
It's pretty gross having to pretend to be her beloved son while he harasses me every day at home. at dinner yesterday he started touching my dick with his huge feet while we were having dinner and worst of all he is really good at turning me on! I don't know what the hell I'm going to do with him, I've even started to appreciate all the photos he sends me every day, I don't know how but I have to rescue dad, maybe if I tell Richard that he agreed to be his boyfriend he'll stop possessing dad But I doubt it. I think he is really enjoying having power over me and my family.
I think what I hate the most is when every night he sneaks out of his room and brings his thick mustache closer to give me that goodnight "kiss", as much as I want to scream or say something I prefer to stay quiet it would really break my mom's heart that he will find us doing that kind of thing behind his back…
-Not now, dad, I'm in class...-
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stars4-max · 10 months
Reasons why I think I'm certain character from twisted wonderland.... under the cut
tw — talks of starvation, isolation, death, abandonment, underlining stalking, horror, bullying... not talking of these by a lot but there are mentions so heres your warning
Idia, Malleus, Riddle, Rook, Azul
1. Idia Shroud
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❝ Hey. ...So, uh, can I go now? ❜❜
— Okay hear me out. Listen. If you knew me personally or even if you don't I think you'd realize just how often I don't leave my room or go outside even if i want to
— I'm relatively always on the internet reading, playing games, drawing, watching YouTube, yknow.
— I don't go to sleep at reasonable times even when I say goodnight and if it weren't for the fact I'm tired 24/7 with no real energy I would NOT be sleeping in for even an hour. ((which happens anyway sometimes))
— I dislike irl interactions (unless I trust u a bunch) and I honestly try to avoid it as much as I can.
— I'm only /open/ to close friends(who I will see as family), my partner, or my cousin and I'd let them enter my space with no consequences
— I forget when I should eat and just avoid it whenever I can/want to because of personal reasons.
— Sometimes I forget to care for my hygiene ((dw I shower everyday when I have the will to stand))
— I put myself down faster than you can blink or I keep calling people names ((none offensive, think like... idk, tree or smth.)) to hype myself up
— I really.. and I mean really.. have a lot of family oriented trauma and if I could I would genuinely make a robotic family of how my family was before to me.
— that's not it but it gets more personal as I go on so erm
— #1
2. Malleus Draconia
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❝ You aren't afraid of me. But I'm starting to become afraid...of losing you. ❜❜
— Now. Hear me out. #2
— For some reason, when I would ask my friends of what they first thought of me it was always "I was intimidated" or something of the sort and I would genuinely get so confused while looking like this.
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— I don't get invited much to anything or get asked if I wanna join something a lot but theres this one person who makes sure to ask me if I wanna play games or watch videos together a lot like Malleus and Yuu ((PLATONIC YUU FOR ME DAWG. I SEE HER AS MY MOTHER.))
— I get isolated a lot in my family and if I wanna be around people I gotta do it myself (which is hard) and sit there but still be overlooked
— I'm not as in touch with my emotions as I make myself out to be, I'm very much out of them and I'm only really acting as to how I think people would want me to
— I don't understand human customs hel. Like I genuinely get so confused and be in awe when I see things others see like everyday
— I have big issues with abandonment and death when it comes to close friends (I'm talking like 4 year friendship and stuff.) or family I've grown attached to (my cousin), I'd genuinely do anything if it meant they'd stay with me ((vague spoilers lol!?))
— I take what my friends say very seriously if they aren't indicating that they're joking no matter what I sound like. That being said I make jokes unintentionally sometimes when im not even meaning to be funny
3. Riddle Rosehearts
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❝ How was that? Do you understand the full extent of my capabilites now? ❜❜
— You don't have to hear me out on this one I'm a little shocked too.
— When I was younger I used to be wayyy too bossy and rude and if anyone even apposed me I would get angry and metaphorical go "off with your head"
— The only reason I woupd be so bossy and rude was because of my family and how they'd bend to my every will and encourage my behavior to others because i was a "golden child"
— especially my mom. She would see my bossy self and go "thats my mini me", looks and her personality
— As I grew older that bossy nature lessened of course but there are times i get angry when others dont have the same thought process like me and don't do something correctly in my eyes
— The only reason I don't let that bossy nature slip by is because of the fact I became my own ace and punched and told myself that I'm not the addition of my mother and I'm not the queen of the world
— of course I'll still follow rules but if they're like... unnecessary I'm not following them at all. Especially if its smth like "u MUST tie ur shoes five times" suck my D-'EYE'-C-K fr. 🐈
— I still have anger issues but I try and not let it slip past either. There was a time I got so angry that I was shaking and I had to be held back from attacking someone ((metaphorical "off with your head"))
4. Rook Hunt
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❝ Non... Speak not. At this point, I can hear your inner voice just by gazing into your eyes. ❜❜
— I'm not as shocked by this
— For the other three it's more personal but for rook its in all caps PERSONAL. I see beauty in literally all things even if it truly is the most ugliest thing in space
— I can watch people from afar without getting caught exactly but enough for someone to get restless if I want them to be
— There are times I find information of someone on accident and I will be going deep into it. Like deep into it and then I'll forget it because it's not anything needed at that moment
— People either feel safe talking to me or unsafe and I cannot explain why bc even I dont know.
— I would wear outdoor boots for/with everything if I could and ik it would make people scream in horror.
— talking about horror i would watch detailed horror movies just to say how beautiful it can be and the symbolisms.. etc.
— I can also read characters kinda well??!?! and write them sorta well???!?? idk how to explain it but give me enough time with watching a character and I'll tell you exactly why I think they act the way they do or think the way they do or feel the way they do or how they would react to xyz, etc.
— even when I or my friends dont like someone I don't just base my reaction on that ((like I'm not a fan of neige or vil but if you told me to choose between the two I could not. both of their characters are good and if you wish I can even try to explain how.))
— I had a phase where I would speak in one language for a while ((spanish)) but i forgot what I used to say however half the time it was always me sayinf "i love you" to others i loved
— I called someone my butterfly once i think???? Cant remember who
5. Azul Ashengrotto
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❝ What do you think? I have remarkable potential, don't I? ❜❜
— I used to get bullied for a lot of things, my weight, my hair, my skin, my clothes, how i act, my glasses, my grades, how my moods would change drastically, my gender, etc
— So even when I was younger than I am now, I would see if others needed me to do something so I could gain favors or just get blackmail to raise over their heads for them to do smth for ME
— I was a people pleaser and a people eater no in-between.
— Unlike azul I didn't have a floyd or jade with me and it was just me myself and I
— LIKE azul I got a lot of people indebted to me lol.
— I would change myself and how I acted with people irl and on the internet to get literally every favor i could. I would know everything abt someone and they would feel like they HAD to help me with smth bc of that or bc i would show my more pathetic side
— I got so insecure of myself that I would try to take down any pictures i had of myself so that I could be "free" of the embarrassment.
— my family wouldn't help
— unlike azul I would do a lot of things to ensure i was skinny and cute and nice to others perspectives that I'd starve myself... so um.... yeahh.......
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glorious-poetato · 2 years
[Halloween holiday]
Warnings : none ( if you see any please tell me)
Ship: tommyinnit x American fem! reader
Summary: Tommy comes to America to visit his girlfriend's family for Halloween.
       I and Tommy were sitting on the couch both on our laptops. Tommy was editing his latest blog while I was looking at plane tickets."Hey Tommy is it okay if I fly to America for Halloween?" I ask looking over at him. "Y/n you know you don't have to ask me. But can I come with I want to meet your family.?"He asked me giving me puppy dog eyes.  "Of course, you can come! My family has been dying to meet you."  I smile at home but then pause " what about the streams and vlogs though." I saw his eyes light up as he said  "I'll vlog over there and give you some alone time to catch up with your family." I laugh and give him a soft smile. " You don't have to give me alone time with them but maybe we can go out for a day and I can give you a walkthrough of childhood. I don't know if you want to film that but we could have a date night If you want." A says the last part Shyly looking over at Tommy. I see his face soften as he puts his arms out for a hug. I immediately make my way into his arms as he says in a warm tone. " I would love anything we do as long as I get to do it with you." I smile and think to myself how lucky I am.
Two weeks later
We are seated on a plane now flying to my parent's home in America. I can tell how nervous Tommy has gotten sure he gas said hello when I was on the phone with them but this is his first time officially meeting them. I reach my hand over and grab his saying "Tommy you have nothing to worry about. If they don't like you they have a problem but you don't have to worry about that because they're going to love you just like I do." I can see him soften a little but he's still nervous. I lay my head on his arm.
I open my eyes to Tommy whispering in my ear. "Love, the plane is landing" I look over at him and smile sleepily. Once the plane has landed me and Tommy make our way off the plane. We head over to baggage claim and get our luggage. We then go and rent a car for the week. I pick up the phone and type in the hotel we're staying at we being to drive.
Once we get to the hotel we check in and go to our room. During this whole process, Tommy had filmed bits and pieces making up an excuse to be in America. He couldn't say he was going with his girlfriend to visit her parents because then he'd have to tell the internet about his girlfriend.
My train of thought gets interrupted by the ring of my phone. Ring...Ring...The ring I look at my phone time showing 9:12 pm (2:12 am in the UK) I see my mom's contact info appear I pick up the phone. "Hello," I say "Hi, how was the flight?" My mom asks "It was good but long." I answer "oh sorry for bothering you guys must be tired. I just want to make sure you landed safely." She says then continues "well tell Tommy I can't wait to see him. Love you Goodnight."
"Tommy my mom is so excited to meet you. She's going to love you more than she does me. I can already see it." I tell him " I can't wait to see all your embarrassing childhood pictures," he tells me with the biggest grin.
We then head to bed tired from the long flight.
The next day
At noon Tommy and I  finally got up.  I had planned to go costume shopping with Tommy and then go to my parent's house today. "Good morning, love," Tommy says smiling at me. I feel butterflies in my stomach and say good morning to him. I then let him know today's plan and asked if he was okay with it.
We agree on today's plan and get ready for the day. I grab my bag and keys while Tommy followed behind me out the door. We walk through the halls of the hotel laughing and discussing what Halloween costume we should wear.
I could tell Tommy wanted to be something ridiculous for the laughs. Saying we should be something like steve and Alex or inflatable t-rexes.
We approached the elevator and I get an idea. "how about an angel and devil?" Tommy is quiet for a second thinking it over and says "yeah that's a good idea. I want to be the devil."
At the costume store
"Y/n are you sure you want to be an angel and a devil because look at this."  He says pointing to a custom " Tommy we are not being Mario and Luigi." He then protests saying "but you would look amazing with a mustache." I smile at him and say "you make a very good point but we can't dress up as brothers." He looks at me with a face of defeat.
My phone lights up with a notification. I see I got a text from a friend.
Hey, I'm having a Halloween party tomorrow would you want to come?
I show Tommy the text and he says "can we be Steve and Alex there?" I giggle at his suggestion and say "of course, we can." I see that dorky smile I love to appear on his face and can't help but flash on of my own. I then remembered I should text my friend back and let her know we could make it. Grabbing my phone I send her a quick message. Also making sure it's okay if I bring Tommy.
30 min - 1 hour later
We are heading from the store to the car when I look over at Tommy and see him lost in thought. "Hey what's wrong," I say softly so as not to startle him out of thought. "Oh nothing just nervous to meet your family and friends," I could tell he was trying to play it off like he wasn't super nervous. "Tommy my parents are going to love you and probably say something along the lines of why are you dating her you could do much better trust me they will love you unconditionally. Just like I do," I can see he doesn't fully believe me but I know it will be fine once he meets my parents.
Driving to my parents' house we blast our favorite songs and laugh at each other acting like idiots. Then I see my parents' house come into view.
So I know it's way past Halloween but it's my favorite holiday please let me know if you want a part 2 because I don't know if anyone will like this
@mostlikelycryinglol @paigewashere and @minorinnit thank you for your suggestions and help on coming up with costume ideas
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f0xgl0v3 · 6 months
Ares in Pjo/maybe Hc/ I just ramble
Might possibly make a Ares post to add to the new episode dropping tomorrow because hehehehehehe Ares :3.
Never mind I’m talking about Ares now. Glad to make a longer post :3
I… have my thoughts about him and how he’s portrayed in Pjo (seriously what happened my dudes-?) blah blah blah I’m not quite qualified to yap about it because I’m not a super cool mythology classics trained interpreter or whatever but I am a person on the internet with a surface level idea on Greek Mythology.
First off, would like to say. Biker Ares is such a silly concept that is so fun. I never thought about him in biker concept when going modern; I personally would’ve immediately gone to a punk leaning or shifted him to a more rocker (though all of those communities have pretty cool overlap). But I always sat there thinking about Ares and got the image of punk.
But, I can say- sleazy Ares, now with more info about actual mythos. It’s. A choice. Like Hera (who also had a thing happen to her that I personally don’t like becusdbeisnfianfjedj I really like Hera) but Ares- uh, dude is like historically loves his girlfriend, his kids, and his mom. My man would not be as.. icky to his kids (what was even going on during SoM?) and totally would’ve.. cared more about them? Or be shown to have more explicit worry and concern and pride in them (thinking of that one daughter he had and the son mentioned in the Iliad)? But again might just be my read on it. Of course there’s stuff I love about it, he’s totally ravenous, totally embodies that war spirit that I think of him as (if anyone wants my take I really feel like between all the war deities I know, Athena is the general/high ranking militaries god, Ares is the soldiers god, Enyo is that battle frenzy bloodlust we’d associate with Ares, etc,etc). While also being caring.
When I talk about these Gods in Pjo I think of them and how my brain characterizes them in, their sort of more myth based part, the varying versions of themselves’s from their ‘forms’ in other regions. I still have them in my re-imagined Olympus staying on Olympus, but Gods still somewhat reflect their realms/domains.
Ares somewhat holds qualities of all the bad things of modern war, while also our modern look on wars of the past (specifically like, pre-civil war) and our view on them. Along with his myth alignment, and somewhat taking little bits from other forms.
Also he is a mother’s boy. No idea if it’s canon but I say it’s canon, he loves Hera :3 and his girlfriend. (Whenever I write about Aphrodite along with bringing up that war form of her I’d also like to say that I’m fully supporting the eye beauty of beholder appearance shift). He checks in on his kids much more frequently, whether inadvertently or very obviously (we see him offer the core trio practically McDonald’s and giving Clarisse the boat thing, and calling her).
Okay I’m very tired and I don’t know what I wrote because all of this is like almost midnight for me so uhhh. Maybe I’ll have more brain thoughts at some other point.
Also my room is so grossly warm, I live in a colder area but my room is at sub-tropical temps due to my snake (who I love dearly, his name is Wilbur) but I swear I have to open my window not to overheat constantly, while I’ve adjusted to the heat In the room that everywhere else in the house is cold :[
Okay goodnight.
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rothjuje · 2 years
My sister would be 34 years old today. I normally get the Cheesecake Factory (her favorite and where her husband proposed) or sushi (another favorite) but I normally go with her bff, who is still back in TX. Sigh.
That’s the worst thing about being all the way out here, missing birthdays and holidays with loved ones. I’m dreading Thanksgiving.
Anyway. George has had a great few days at school! I think he has finally adjusted. Monday was his first day with no tears at drop off. Today was his first day completely tearless. He is now saying hi, bye, yes, no, please, and goodnight regularly. Can’t believe how far he’s come in less than two weeks! He has the sweetest little voice. (Before his regression at 21 months he was saying about 10 words).
I am working with Gen on emotional regulation. I think I have to start here. Instead of reacting, I get down to her level and in a soft voice remind her to breathe and use her words to tell me what’s wrong. It’s still a full body tantrum with screaming and throwing but more like 30 seconds instead of 3 minutes now. Alyssa and George very rarely throw tantrums and when they do it’s easy to tell exactly what it’s about. Gen it is the smallest stuff and it’s more rage/screaming than sad/crying (Alyssa and George get more sad than mad). I also get more sad than mad when upset. It is so interesting to me how Alyssa and George got my height, lips, and demeanor and Gen looks and acts nothing like me. It’s like raising Justin’s clone.
Got all the kids’ winter gear. Duplicates for George and Alyssa to leave at school (I hear that’s a thing). Their boots and hats and gloves and mittens are all adorable. The only thing left is boots for me and Justin.
Btw, our driveway was slathered in layers of leaves. Yesterday on my way back from dropping George off, I got halfway up the driveway and lost traction and slid all the way to the bottom of the hill. I guess wet leaves can be as slippery as ice per the internet. I was so scared I almost peed myself. Needless to say I’ll be less lazy with raking from now on.
After splitting the knees open in the one pair of jeans that fits me, I finally decided I deserved to have two pairs of pants that fit. So I took Gen to the mall. Nightmare. How can one child cause so much destruction? Anyway. Replaced my fav jeans and found two more on sale at Lucky Brand and having multiple jeans that fit is pretty amazing. Why did it take me 3 years to buy pants that fit?!
We are getting closer with the other Jews in town. They actually moved here a year before we did for the same reason (land). So they’re also in making friends mode. They have bees (my dream). And kids the same exact ages (daughter in kindergarten is Alyssa’s bestie and a son about to turn 3). And they’re very chill which is so nice.
I am less eager to make mom friends. The mornings George is at school go by so fast and I’m feeling slightly overwhelmed by the current amount of chores and errands I need to get done. I’m sure after the chaos of Halloween dies down I’ll be more open to attempting library events again. Thankfully Gen gets lots of time with peers between the neighbor’s daughter, the Jews’ son, and ballet class (and her brother of course).
It’s been nice this week to get more settled into a routine. We used to have dinner at 7 and put all the kids down around 8:30. Now we have dinner at 6, George goes down at 7 (he needs more sleep) and the girls go down at 8. It is very functional. Everyone wakes up happy. Justin and I could actually spend time together if I wasn’t so burnt out. I think I’m still mentally recalibrating from the intense move/back to back visitors/Justin leaving on two work trips/George starting school. We need to get back to our weekly stay at home date nights. That sweet sweet silence after the kids go to bed though..
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i-lavabean · 9 months
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Hi, here's the anon who's secret thought is that their mom has DID. I just want to clarify (not that strangers on the internet hate me) that I know a bit about DID (since I am suspected to have OSDD) and I didn't mean "she's abusive because she has DID".
She occasionally said (and seems convinced), that I do certain things just to make her unhappy or sabotage her (like, leaving stuff laying around isn't messy but sabotaging her recently cleaned room or, I didn't need to go to the hospital because I relapsed, I did it on purpise so she'll miss a meeting). She also seems to... regret becoming a mother. Idk I sometimes think that she really feels like I am... an issue? Abusive? Words don't come easy today. That I am a bad person and acting against her.
This was what I thought, she's abusive because she thinks it is justified punishment for a child who purposefully makes her unhappy.
That... (big) if she has DID, she believes, she's protecting herself or working for her own wellbeing.
Oh idk if I explained myself or made it worse. It's been a long day. Anyhow. I just wanted to say... that my research paper wasn't split or any other movie. Didn't even see that one.
Goodnight 👋🏻
Hi anon,
I completely understand. Sorry I made it seem like I thought you believed she was abusive because she may have DID. I went on a bit of a tangent there.
Anyway, yeah, it sounds like you aren't doing anything to upset her on purpose despite her being convinced that you are, because I feel like you would know if you were trying to get a rise out of her. Please know that you are not the problem, none of this sounds like you're abusive, and you're not a bad person.
Even if you were purposefully trying to upset her, there are way more mature ways to respond, especially to your own child and being mindful of the fact that you're a role model. There will be people that will make you unhappy in your life (you as in your mom, but this is true in general) and you just have to learn to deal with it instead of fanning the flames.
I felt like Split was an effective and immersive horror movie when I watched it, but I don't recommend it because of it's understandable controversy.
Hope you're doing alright!
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thelustdevil · 2 years
No Shame | ii
Pairings: No pairing.
Warnings: villainy! Angst, mentions of hurt/death, minor swearing.
Word Count: 910
Notes: second part! Secret pov again, I can’t tell which part I love more. But this version of this character is my favorite kind of au tbh.
He loved the way they called out to him. It used to terrify him in high school. Random people coming up to him, asking for a photo, an autograph, even just to say hello. It was all too much, too many people coming to talk to him and his friends. But now? It thrilled him. He was a junkie for the attention.
If you were to ask Izuku when this change had happened, he couldn’t give you answer. He’s sure it was a gradual change, once All Might passed he was left as the New Symbol. His younger self slowly came to terms with the popularity of being the leader of a new wave of Pro Heroes.
Along with that, It was only natural to become accustomed, even to expect, the attention of fans, in his opinion. In fact, sometimes he even went out just to see how many people would call his name. Everyone from young kids, to middle aged mom’s, hell even grandparents, would call out to him.
“Deku! Deku!” “Over here!” “You’re my favorite hero, Deku!”
They loved him. They needed him.
He made sure of that.
In his years growing, he figured out ways to save more people. Even if it meant putting them in danger first. They didn’t know that of course. Izuku himself never put them in danger. Rather the low-life criminals he paid did. Izuku’s job was to swoop in and save the day. Beat up the bad guy, make sure everyone gets home. He knew he could. And so he did. But that’s why they loved him.
But it still wasn’t enough.
Uraraka was the first to notice. He wasn’t surprised. She always paid so much attention to him. He enjoyed it at UA, when he was unsure and still afraid of anything female. But now? Now he was unsure.
Don’t get him wrong, Ochako was a wonderful girl. Smart, attractive, a great hero. But she didn’t give him the same feeling they did. The fans, the media, the followers. It wasn’t her fault. He needed more, more than anyone could give him really, but he didn’t understand that yet.
She came to him one day, after patrol was over and he was settling down to go home. He could tell she needed to talk and he wasn’t in the mood. He knew denying her would just cause more suspicion. So, he let her in, listened to her like he would in high school, held her hand and nodded at all the right parts.
Ochako listed off her worries, her concerns. So many PR events, you’re barely home, tons of fights and villians, always seeing new photos of you crop up around Japan. The best part? She thought he was overworking himself. Like that would ever happen.
“You’re not the only hero in Japan, Izuku.” She scolded him gently.
Yeah, but I am Number One. There’s a reason for that. He wanted to be blunt with her, just lay it all out. But instead he looked down, letting her think she was getting to him.
Izuku doesn’t mean to be an asshole, he knows he’s powerful but he also knows his limits. And he knows he’s barely reaching them. But of course he didn’t say such a thing to her. A blaise answer would surely upset her. So he reassured her and agreed to come to her if he ever needed help.
“We wouldn’t want your fans to worry!” She laughed on her way out. “I’m sure the internet would explode if they did!” She mimed a small explosion with her hands. “Anyways, goodnight Izuku.”
He gave her a smile and a soft goodnight in return. This smile was genuine, she had given him an idea.
It took two months, six meetings with some unsavory characters, and more money than he’d liked to have spent but Izuku was finally ready to put his plan into motion.
The amount of secrets he had to keep, lies he had to tell, they all boil down to this. His defining moment, this symbol will never truly fall.
It was simple, really. But genius all the same. An orchestrated fight against a villain that left Japan’s Number One Hero, in a coma. Fans all over would pour onto the internet, onto the streets. They would write letters, send gifts, all in the name of wanting to see him get better.
And Izuku? Well he would be sitting back and enjoying the show. Obviously. This would skyrocket him, everyone would be talking about him. How could they not? Japan’s beloved hero, in need of love and support to heal him.
If he even makes it.
Of course there were other heroes who could potentially heal him, but it turns out some doctors are easier to pay off than most villains. Being Number One really had it’s perks.
Regardless, he would reign tall at the end of all of this. Plus Ultra and all that bullshit.
The small nudge of One For All grabbed his attention. He brushed it off with a shake of his shoulders. Izuku learned to tune them out long ago, what did they know? They were dead. No one was screaming their names anymore. Anyone who ever did was dead too.
“Deku! Let’s go! There’s a villain rampaging up the freeway nearby.” Shoto stuck his head into the office. Izuku moved to follow, straightening his shoulders as he did.
They would remember his name.
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keeganmantle · 7 months
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Tomorrow is a new week, and nephrite-rod better leave me alone and not do something like this again. Like, what the actual frick, dude! Does this make your stomach twist? This goes against my vision too. I love how he claims he didn't make this. Well Wang, I checked your art and comparing this, oh, who am I kidding? You obviously made this. You just had to use different accounts to threaten me. You know what China is capable of doing.😐
I don't know why this guy has such a hate for me. I did nothing to this creep. My only guess is that he got so butthurt over me turning down an art trade offer. Or he's just a crazy person on the internet and I was just targeted.😔
Whatever, I never wanna see any of this again. Talking smack about me is one thing. But going as far as to send me threats saying you know where I live, then send me this awful art of you killing me, and saying nasty things about my girlfriend and my mom just triggers me and now I want nothing to do with him. Why should I apologize? Apologize for what? That I documented everything you did and called you out for your lowlife and perverted behavior? You should be sorry, Wang. Though I won't forgive you anyway. You threatened to kill me. Why would I forgive a possible murderer? The internet is crazy, man. Why do these people love making our lives a living Hell? I don't get it. I moved on. You better move on Wang! Leave me alone. I want nothing to do with you. Don't mess with me. I warned you. I wasn't kidding, Wang. Let's see how you like it. I don't care. I'm done. He made a big mistake coming back. He triggered a lot of trauma from what he's done. I start shaking just seeing this guy now. Well, goodnight guys.❤️
Try to keep me away from these weirdos. I actually get panic attacks seeing them.
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deviantartdramahub · 7 months
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Dear, if anyone just straight up admitted to that, do you really expect anyone to take it seriously? If someone were to say that, it'd obviously be a joke, lol. Yet you go and make fun of Club for the same thing...
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Them encouraging each other to harass his mom. DBS's dumbass not just doing it herself and telling EVERYONE in the group to spam her proves these actions are indeed malicious. But too bad morons, your little plan didn't work, either bc you're all talk and never even contacted her, or bc she's a good mom and didn't believe the slander about her own son. Club's still on the internet with a healthy family life unlike you bozos.
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Yeah ew, sick indeed, pretty sure you're the sicko fantasizing about that honey-bunch.
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"With every minor and/or fetish account Club-Dreamiverse tries to force to to" Umm I think what you mean is him simply talking to people, sweetie. (And it goes without saying me calling you this is obvious sarcasm, so don't get off on me calling you that, ya fucking weirdo :3
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"So it seems even Fleegle can see when a fellow pedo is gross and more disgusting than himself and opts to tell him to gtfo for it." Yeaahhh real pedos being hypocritical dumbasses towards Club isn't the big proof you think it is, honey. It just shows most if not all people who attack Club are pedo-fetishists and get off on that shit, and also do it to make themselves look innocent.
"Also saying how he ‘doesnt want to get in drama’ yet he goes around attacking randos on the request of his little asshole enabler watchers who are just as braindead as himself." I have no idea what the fuck this is even supposed to mean, are you trying to say he's contributing to drama by simply talking to others???
"Oh and on the job thing Clubby? We do have jobs, you think we have ZERO free time due to jobs to where we dont have time to sit down and laugh at your stupid antics thinking all those with mental disabilities are pants shitting drooling buffoons?" Well apparently being in college is too much for poor little Mod-S, so your group is currently dead. This didn't age well, huh sweetheart? You really made yourself look so stupid. Also the way they themselves talk about disabled people is gross, just bc they have bowel problems out of their control doesn't mean they're any less of a coherent person. Thanks for the further proof you're all just ableists!! ^v^
"Most of us make more than your deadbeat mommy while you beg for V bucks from her so you can get that diaper skin on fortnite lmao." Yep, more of them attacking his poor innocent mother, proves they have strong contempt for her just bc she's his mom. Yet you expect her to trust you all against her own son, smh. Ik you guys probably all have family issues, but that's not the case with everyone :)
"where you are left to rot like the pile of gross shit you are" Okay now it just sounds like you're straight up wishing death on him, don't you at all think that's the littlest bit of fucked up? Nah you got no real morality, and we know it -_-
Anyways that's it for now, goodnight everybody!
I otherwise would refrain from favoritism or assuming why certain people get banned, but since a part of what Miel67 did here was break Tumblr TOS which must be upheld as we are guests, I can confirm he did themselves in here. You're looking at what undid him.
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local-queer-classicist · 11 months
(This is a story/ramble about my late guinea pig’s mushroom farm bc my brain is being loud about it and I need to go to bed. I figured releasing this information onto the internet might get my brain to shut up about it. Please do not feel obligated to read it. It is long. But also hi internet my guinea pig had a mushroom farm on accident.)
So there were these mushrooms that grew consistently (annoyingly) in my guinea pig’s pen nearly every month for 2 years, from 2016 to 2018. We think some spores came in with his botanical hay at some point, but who really knows. Every time they would show up (literally overnight—I would say goodnight to a shroomless pig and then come back in the morning to caps 6-7" off the bedding like a little guinea pig-sized bamboo forest) I would panic text my mom that the demon shrooms had respawned (a few times with a grainy picture of said shrooms from a ways away as visual aid) and she would help me deep clean the pen, and we would leave reassured that this time we had definitely done a good enough job so they totally wouldn’t be back. They came back. Every. Time.
The reason my mom’s help was necessary was because I had very poorly-managed anxiety and a fear of fungus, so obviously I wasn’t going to be coming into contact with the mushrooms myself, and needed her to shuffle the actual mushrooms into a garbage bag so that I could get on with the rest of the cleaning. I was always curious what they were, of course, but not curious enough to overcome a whole phobia or anything, so I didn’t do more than a really cursory google to try and identify them, and I certainly didn’t examine them closer.
But now that I’m older and on better anxiety medication (still weirdly freaked out by fungus, but to a more “reasonable” degree) I’m constantly wishing I’d figured out what they were, and sometimes (usually coincidentally when I have lots of other stress in my life and my brain is probably looking for something inconsequential to focus on) I get, like, really obsessed with trying to figure out what they were. But because I don’t have a good angle from the couple of shitty pictures still on my camera roll and I never touched them to find out more about their texture or “spore print” or whatever, I can’t ever get any further in identifying them than “probably some kind of ink cap maybe”.
The curiosity just eats me alive sometimes. It literally doesn’t matter, the answer effects my life not at all. But it EATS. I want to know so bad. Like I am still actively freaked out by mushrooms but I spent several hours last night looking at pictures of them and reading about how each species behaves because I can’t let go of the demon shrooms.
Yeah so anyways I’m doing it again and this is absolutely not helping me prepare for the start of classes next week.
(I feel like I should clarify that the guinea pig did not care. The mushrooms didn’t bother him, he never tried to eat them, if anything he seemed amused by the magically-appearing stalks when he ran through them in the morning. No piggies were harmed by the mushroom farm. Although we did throw out all of his things when he died instead of donating them because we didn’t want to risk passing the spores on to a rescue since we were clearly dogshit at getting rid of them.)
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derealfeelz · 1 year
Lone Wolf (Kodoku's Lilacs, The Life of a Flowstar, No. 15)
I, as a kid, got social anxiety, and that makes it hard for me to exactly communicate with people. This even affects me with virtual communication for some reason, I just don't got an interest in speaking or even texting to people I guess. I am trying my best to grow out of it, as I did make some friends at school and although we don't hang out, we chat and snap with each other. Well, we just snap 90% of the time lol, but even if we do talk (text) about something, it's just small talk it seems.
I always seem to spend time alone when I get the chance, it's the best way I can express myself with feelings. I don't do this first part btw, but I can write down my feelings on a piece of paper easier, or concentrate on a certain something, as long as I feel no one is watching. I'm not too paranoid as in I can't exactly do anything around anyone like that, I can still do stuff, I'm just a shy kid I guess.
Back in 2020, I was 13-14, which was what I assume depression was kicking in. That was around the time I truly start to be what the first paragraph says, and it's a pain. I remember not even knowing the meaning existed before I starting calling myself this, but from 2020-2022, I called myself a lone wolf, because I believed I was going to be alone forever. Especially in 10th grade when I pussied out and did virtual school, even when I had my mom with me, I was still that lone wolf that wanted friends, but was too shy to even find them. Just sitting in my room, looking at this glowing brick with letters and other buttons on it with school work, it's just something that I didn't even want to do as I already had panic attacks over.
When I felt that I was going to be the lone wolf forever, I knew I had to find a way to cope, and I have, and it's the internet. The internet has so many things to do on, like games and movies, while where I live, there's not really anything to do around here compared to my home state. It's just trees and forest mostly, not like a nice town with a Chuck E. Cheese, real life just felt boring. Don't get me wrong, I'm self aware that I'm still in real life and this is just something virtual, I just knew what to do on here than the real world.
I might be spoiled now, now that I think about it lol. With the video games that I want on a PS5, a computer to do more activities, I'm just too relaxed, and I need to fix that. I recently decided to study for my driver's license as there's not a store that close to us lol. I wish I lived in a neighborhood with my friends, so it can be easier for us to hang out, but I guess it might be better here than being drunk and using vapes there. Oh well, I guess I'm done for tonight, goodnight yall.
Sincerely, Kodoku.
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