unjobaid · 5 years
IRENA Job Openings, As of 05 01 2020
International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) 11 Jobs in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates As of 05 February 2020 #InternationalRenewableEnergyAgency #IRENA #JobHunting #JobSearch #JobSeeking https://unjobaid.com/irena-job-openings-as-of-05-01-2020/ Read the full article
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nepali-sansar-blog · 7 years
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International Renewable Energy Agency
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climatesamurai · 3 years
AIIB, IRENA team-up to accelerate Asia’s energy transition
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The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) committing to work together to support Asia’s energy transition and mobilise greater private capital for renewable energy.  The agreement was signed today by AIIB President Jin Liqun and IRENA Director-General, Francesco La Camera, at a virtual ceremony to mark the new partnership. President Jin remarked upon how the Bank and IRENA will work together to accelerate investment and enhance awareness of renewable energy solutions throughout Asia.  “With Asia’s growing energy demand, and the rising challenges from climate change, we need to ensure the region invests more than ever in renewable energy and energy efficiency to facilitate their transition to low carbon energy mix. This partnership is part of the Bank’s journey toward realising the goals set out in the Paris agreement,” said President Jin.  Under the terms of the AIIB-IRENA MOU, both the Bank and IRENA agreed to scale-up their efforts to unlock capital and accelerate the uptake of renewable energy by AIIB members. La Camera highlighted this agreement bolsters IRENA’s efforts to facilitate the flow of low-carbon capital into the energy transition where it is needed most, including through the Climate Investment Platform, a multi-stakeholder initiative designed to mobilise climate capital, of which IRENA is a founding member.  “The energy transition is the centrepiece of global efforts to achieve sustainable development, address climate change and accelerate a new age of inclusive, low-carbon growth,” said IRENA Director-General Francesco La Camera. “Through partnerships like this, we can catalyse the flow of capital towards renewables and energy transition-related infrastructure to build a more resilient, sustainable and inclusive system.”  Today, Asia is home to about 60 percent of the world’s population and contributes to almost 50 per cent of global energy-related greenhouse gas emissions. The region accounts for nearly half of global renewable energy capacity, according to IRENA, up from less than one-third a decade ago. However, relative to its size, Asia still lags behind, with renewables accounting for less than 15 per cent of total primary energy consumption in 2020.  Furthermore, developing countries in Asia are expected to account for about two-thirds of global energy growth by 2040. With its vast wealth of affordable and sustainable energy resources, such as hydropower, wind and solar, it is essential that this growth is met by renewable energy capacity. Under its Corporate Strategy, AIIB will aim at reaching or surpassing by 2025 a 50 per cent share of climate finance in its actual financing approvals, reflecting its commitment to support the Paris Agreement. Its Sustainable Energy for Asia Strategy (2017) also sets out a clear framework for how the Bank will invest in energy projects that increase access to clean, safe, affordable and reliable energy for millions of people across Asia.  The Bank is partnering with IRENA to support AIIB’s green mandate and help the Bank achieve its ambitious climate finance targets. AIIB is already playing an important role in increasing private sector investment in the renewable energy sector. Over the last five years, AIIB has invested in 12 renewable energy projects, amounting to USD 1.25 billion in Egypt, India, Kazakhstan, Maldives, Oman, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkey and Nepal. Further, 71 per cent of AIIB-financed installed power capacity was in renewable energy with about 940 MW renewable energy capacity added annually. AIIB has also invested at least USD 500 million in on-lending for renewable energy projects through financial intermediaries such as the Tata Cleantech Sustainable Infrastructure On-Lending Facility in India and the SUSI Energy Transition Fund dedicated to Southeast Asia.  IRENA has been instrumental in mobilising finance for renewable energy deployment. Through its partnership with the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD), under the IRENA/ADFD Project Facility, it has supported transformative renewable energy projects in developing countries across Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean and the Pacific. Under the Facility, USD 350 million in concessional loans was committed over seven annual funding cycles, assisting 32 projects in 26 countries.  The Climate Investment Platform (CIP) was launched at the United Nations Secretary General’s Climate Action Summit in 2019, as an inclusive partnership to scale-up climate action and translate ambitious national climate targets into concrete investments on the ground. The founding partners include IRENA, SEforALL and United Nations Development Programme in coordination with Green Climate Fund. Read the full article
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climatesamurai · 3 years
Global Offshore Wind Energy Compact signed by the IRENA and GWEC
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GWEC and IRENA announced a new UN Global Compact to advance SDG7 on sustainable energy for all, in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement on climate change. The agreement states that by 2030, IRENA and GWEC will work together to: - Increase government ambition to achieve 380 GW of offshore wind installations globally by 2030, and 2,000 GW by 2050, in line with offshore wind’s role in net zero by 2050 scenarios. - Enhance the collaboration between IRENA and GWEC to accelerate offshore wind development in this decade, through increased stakeholder engagement, capacity-building, technical assistance and support. 22 September 2021, New York, USA - The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) today announce an agenda to ensure sustainable energy for all that helps the global battle against climate change. At its heart is an ambition to increase substantially the share of offshore wind energy in the global energy mix, by 2030. The compact sets out a clear route to help governments make the fundamental changes required to achieve this ambition, and meet their own NDC goals. IRENA and GWEC’s Compact will help ensure no country or region is ‘left behind’ by the sector, and make sure untapped resource potential is developed to help the world reach its 2050 goals. The Compact sets a target of 380 GW of energy from offshore wind, installed worldwide by 2030; by 2050 the target is for 2,000 GW of offshore wind installed worldwide. As of 2020, GWEC Market Intelligence calculates 35 GW of offshore wind installed capacity globally. IRENA and GWEC have set out how they will help achieve these ambitions. Through IRENA’s Collaborative Framework on Ocean Energy/Offshore Renewables, the groups will intensify governments understanding of offshore wind, as reflected in country NDCs, and by expanding membership of the Framework more governments will be able to increase their interests in offshore wind. The Compact sets out that: “Given the project development and construction timelines for offshore wind, these interventions are urgently needed”. The Compact will also see IRENA and GWEC assess the institutional and resource gaps to help the world achieve the 2030 and 2050 targets. Twinned with an increase in outreach and dialogue with policymakers in countries new to offshore wind, these ambitions should help increase the geographical spread of the sector to help ensure the world’s 2050 target is met. How does this Compact advance SDGs by 2030?                    - Affordable electricity: new fixed-bottom offshore wind capacity is forecast to become cheaper than new fossil fuel capacity early this decade, according to BloombergNEF - Clean power for millions of homes. - Reducing carbon emissions and reducing air pollution: by replacing fossil fuel sources which can create smog, asthma and other health issues - Boosting economic growth: A 500 MW project can create 2.1 million days of work over its 25-year project lifetime. - Supporting energy security by reducing reliance on imported energy and fossil fuels, along with operating at high capacity factors and lower variability compared to other renewable energy sources; - Saving water as a displacement of water-consuming fossil fuel-based generation. Ben Backwell, CEO at GWEC commented: “This compact sets out a clear framework to support world governments as they try to reach Net Zero targets. The rapid acceleration of offshore wind development in every region of the world is vital if we are to meet our collective objectives, and the message from IRENA and GWEC is clear: World leaders, the industry is here to help you make it happen. “Offshore wind undoubtedly plays a central role in global decarbonisation plans - offering solutions for everything from reskilling workers to providing the technology to bring new solutions like green hydrogen to scale. However, these transitions will not happen without governments taking action, and this Compact will help world leaders do just that.” Francesco La Camera, Director-General of IRENA comments: “Offshore renewables have the potential to meet more than twenty times of today’s global power demand. “Particularly, offshore renewables constitute a critical pillar for decarbonising energy systems and fostering a global blue economy, supporting economic growth and climate resilience. IRENA and GWEC have been close partners for many years. Today’s joint Energy Compact is ambitious but I believe that by joining forces we can achieve the deployment of an additional 380 GW offshore wind worldwide by 2030 and 2,000 GW by 2050.” Read the full article
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climatesamurai · 4 years
IRENA, SACREEE signs MoU to accelerate deployment renewable energy solutions
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The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the Southern African Development Community’s (SADC) Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (SACREEE) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), to work together on accelerating the deployment renewable energy solutions, including decentralised technologies, in Southern African countries. The two organisations will also cooperate on policy development, capacity building programmes and regional events aimed at attracting investments to the region. Southern Africa has seen remarkable improvement in electricity access over the past decade. This is largely due to a strong commitment from SADC member states to take advantage of the region’s vast renewable energy potential to improve energy security and meet rising energy demand. As a result, the total share of renewables in power generation rose from 23 per cent in 2015 to almost 39 per cent in 2018. However, despite significant progress, electricity access remains a challenge. “The COVID-19 pandemic has re-emphasised the importance of a reliable, affordable, clean energy,” said IRENA Director-General Francesco La Camera.  “It has served as a stark reminder that the new energy age must be inclusive, just and low-carbon if we are to achieve sustainable development in Southern Africa and around the world. Africa can seize the moment for meaningful change, and dramatically improve socioeconomic outcomes by moving decisively towards the energy transformation. Read the full article
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