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archaicfirehydrants · 9 months ago
boop the hydrant
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yesilhaber · 2 years ago
Küresel rüzgar enerjisi kurulu gücü 2030’da 2 TW seviyesine ulaşacak
Küresel Rüzgar Enerjisi Konseyi (GWEC) tarafından yayınlanan “Küresel Rüzgar Enerjisi 2023” sektör raporuna göre, küresel rüzgar enerjisi kurulu gücü 2022 yılında ilave edilen 78 GW ile toplam 906 GW’ye ulaştı. GWEC 2023 yılında 100 GW yeni kapasitenin eklenmesiyle küresel kurulu gücün 1 TW seviyesine ulaşacağını öngörüyor. Önümüzdeki 5 yılda 680 GW yeni kapasite öngörülen GWEC raporunda, 2027’ye…
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kneedeepincynade · 1 year ago
B..but gommunism is when no science! Pageru said so!
The post is machine translated
Translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
🇪🇺 Nel mentre l'Occidente, ipocritamente, parla di ecologismo, ma non investe realmente in produzione di energia idroelettrica, solare ed eolica, la Cina continua a promuovere la Modernizzazione caratterizzata dall'Armonia tra l'uomo e la Natura, mantiene i suoi primati nel settore e ne raggiunge di nuovi 😍
😘 L'Armonia tra l'uomo e la Natura e la Coesistenza Armoniosa differiscono completamente, sia nella retorica che nell'essenza, dal fasullo ambientalismo Occidentale, come spiegato qui:
🍀 能源危机扒开欧洲环保主义的虚伪外衣 | "La crisi energetica strappa via il mantello ipocrita dell'ambientalismo europeo" 🤧
🍀 促进人与自然和谐共生 | "Promuovere la convivenza armoniosa tra uomo e Natura" 👂🙂🦻
🇨🇳 Il 18/07, il Presidente Xi Jinping, insieme ai membri del 20° Comitato Permanente dell'Ufficio Politico del CPC, ha tenuto una riunione sul tema della costruzione di una "Bella Cina", per promuovere l'edificazione di un Grande Paese Socialista Moderno sotto ogni aspetto e il raggiungimento del Grande Ringiovanimento della Nazione Cinese. 😍
⭐️ La Cina, ha osservato il Presidente, dovrebbe sostenere una Filosofia di Sviluppo di Alta Qualità, caratterizzata dalla Coesistenza Armoniosa tra l'uomo e la Natura, basata su una Prospettiva Scientifica dello Sviluppo 🚩
⭐️ «Il Partito Comunista Cinese deve promuovere il progresso economico, politico, culturale e sociale a tutto tondo, [...] e trovare un equilibrio tra i Rapporti di Produzione e le Forze Produttive, e tra la sovrastruttura e la base economica. [...] Deve perseguire uno sviluppo che promuova la produzione, la prosperità e un ecosistema sano, costruire una società rispetta delle risorse e dell'ambiente», secondo una Filosofia di Sviluppo costruita sul Principio "以人为本"❤️❤️
🇨🇳 L'impegno della Cina nella protezione ambientale e nella produzione di energia pulita è incrollabile, ma il percorso verso gli obiettivi, nonché il modo, il ritmo e l'intensità degli sforzi per raggiungere gli obiettivi prefissi devono essere determinati dalla Cina stessa, non da forze esterne, ha sottolineato il Presidente Xi Jinping ⭐️
💬 «Mantenere i cieli blu, le acque limpide e le terre pulite», ha dichiarato Xi Jinping 🇨🇳
🤔 Anche perché, dove sono i grandi successi dell'Occidente in questo settore? Invece di focalizzarsi su valori assoluti, atti ad attaccare Cina e India, i due Paesi più popolosi sul Pianeta, bisognerebbe ragionare osservando i valori delle emissioni PRO CAPITE 😡
🇺🇸 L'americano medio, negli USA, è responsabile per la produzione di 14.4 tonnellate di CO2 a PERSONA (❗️), mentre il cittadino Cinese medio ne produce 7.1, meno della metà! Questo cosa significa? Che il cittadino USA inquina molto più del singolo cittadino Cinese, e la popolazione USA è costituita da 334,233,854 persone, mentre quella Cinese da 1,425,671,352 ❗️
🤔 Peggio degli USA? Un altro Paese Occidentale, il Canada (15.2) - persino il Tedesco medio produce più emissioni del cittadino Cinese medio. Basta ipocrisia! 😡
💨 In questi giorni, la prima turbina eolica da 16MW al MONDO (ripeto, al MONDO) è entrata in funzione nella Provincia del Fujian, ed è stata collegata alla rete per la produzione di energia ieri, 19/07, segnando un ulteriore sviluppo e un ulteriore primato della Cina nella produzione di apparecchiature eoliche e di generazione di energia pulita 🥇
📊 In condizioni normali, un giro della turbina eolica può generare 34,2 kWh di elettricità, fino a 66 milioni di kWh all'anno. Alla fine del 2022, la capacità installata cumulativa della Cina dell'energica eolica è stata di 30,51GW, pari al 53% della quota globale 😍
🧾 Secondo le statistiche del GWEC, che si occupa di energia eolica, la Cina è il leader mondiale nella produzione di energia eolica, e detiene anche il primato nell'Energia Solare e Idroelettrica ☀️
🇪🇺 L'UE, considerando tutti i 27 Paesi membri, non raggiunge minimamente la capacità eolica della Cina ♨️
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
🇪🇺 While the West, hypocritically, talks about ecologism, but does not really invest in the production of hydroelectric, solar and wind energy, China continues to promote Modernization characterized by Harmony between man and Nature, maintains its primates in the sector and reaches new ones 😍
😘 The Harmony between man and Nature and Harmonious Coexistence differ completely, both in rhetoric and in essence, from the bogus Western environmentalism, as explained here:
🍀 能源危机扒开欧洲环保主义的虚伪外衣 | "The energy crisis strips away the hypocritical cloak of European environmentalism" 🤧
🍀 促进人与自然和谐共生 | "Promoting harmonious coexistence between man and Nature"
🇨🇳 On 18/07, President Xi Jinping, together with members of the 20th Standing Committee of the CPC Political Bureau, held a meeting on the theme of building a "Beautiful China", to promote the building of a Great Modern Socialist Country in every respect and the achievement of the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation. 😍
⭐️ China, noted the President should uphold a High Quality Development Philosophy, characterized by the Harmonious Coexistence of Man and Nature, based on a Scientific Perspective of Development 🚩
⭐️ ′′ The Communist Party of China must promote all-round economic, political, cultural and social progress, [...] and find a balance between Production Ratios and Productive Forces, and between the superstructure and the economic base. [...] It must pursue a development that promotes production, prosperity and a healthy ecosystem, build a society that respects resources and the environment», according to a Development Philosophy built on the Principle "以人为本"❤️❤️
🇨🇳 China's commitment to environmental protection and clean energy production is unwavering, but the path to the goals, as well as the manner, pace and intensity of efforts to achieve the set goals must be determined by China itself, not by external forces, President Xi Jinping stressed ⭐️
💬 "Keep blue skies, clear waters and clean lands," said Xi Jinping 🇨🇳
🤔 Also because, where are the great successes of the West in this area? Instead of focusing on absolute values, capable of attacking China and India, the two most populous countries on the planet, we should reason by observing the values ​​of PER CAPITA emissions 😡
🇺🇸 The average American in the USA is responsible for producing 14.4 tons of CO2 per PERSON (❗️), while the average Chinese citizen produces 7.1, less than half! What does this mean? That the US citizen pollutes much more than the single Chinese citizen, and the US population is made up of 334,233,854 people, while the Chinese one is 1,425,671,352 ❗️
🤔 Worse than USA? Another Western country, Canada (15.2) - even the average German produces more emissions than the average Chinese citizen. Enough hypocrisy! 😡
💨 These days, the first 16MW wind turbine in the WORLD (I repeat, in the WORLD) went into operation in Fujian Province, and was connected to the grid for power generation yesterday, 19/07, marking further development and further leadership of China in the production of wind power equipment and clean energy generation 🥇
📊 Under normal conditions, one revolution of the wind turbine can generate 34.2 kWh of electricity, up to 66 million kWh per year. At the end of 2022, China's cumulative installed capacity of wind power was 30.51GW, accounting for 53% of the global share 😍
🧾 According to GWEC statistics, which deals with wind energy, China is the world leader in wind energy production, and also holds the record in solar and hydroelectric energy ☀️
🇪🇺 The EU, considering all 27 member countries, does not reach China's wind capacity in the slightest ♨️
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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energy-5 · 1 year ago
Wind Farms: Harvesting Energy on a Grand Scale
Wind farms represent the vanguard of renewable energy, showcasing how the forces of nature can be harnessed on a grand scale to power our cities, industries, and homes. These sprawling complexes of towering turbines are becoming an increasingly common sight across vast tracts of land and coastal areas around the world, symbolizing the shift towards sustainable energy production.
The Composition of Wind Farms
A wind farm is an assemblage of multiple wind turbines in a single location used for the production of electric power. A large wind farm may consist of several hundred individual wind turbines, and they cover an extended area of hundreds of square miles. The land between the turbines may be used for agricultural or other purposes. For instance, the Gansu Wind Farm in China stretches over 7,965 square miles, an area larger than some countries.
Site Selection: A Crucial Step
The placement of a wind farm is a meticulous process that involves consideration of wind patterns, environmental impact, and proximity to the grid. Optimal sites are usually in areas with steady, strong winds averaging at least 14 miles per hour. According to the Department of Energy (DOE), wind farms on the U.S. coasts and Great Lakes could generate more than twice the amount of electricity used by the entire country. Coastal areas have the advantage of offshore wind farms which can utilize stronger ocean winds and have less visual impact on the community.
The Technology Behind Wind Farms
Wind turbines in these farms are equipped with state-of-the-art technology to maximize efficiency and minimize downtime. Turbines are now smarter, with sensors and automated systems that adjust blade rotation and orientation to the wind for optimal energy capture. Many have a capacity of 2-3 MW each, with some of the largest offshore turbines boasting a capacity of up to 12 MW. The DOE states that a 2 MW wind turbine can supply electricity to over 500 homes.
The Economics of Wind Energy
Wind farms are economically compelling as well. The cost of wind-generated electricity has plummeted over the past decade, with the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) reporting that onshore wind power is now among the cheapest sources of electricity in many parts of the world. Wind farm projects also create jobs, both in construction and maintenance; the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) reported that the sector employed 1.2 million people worldwide as of 2021.
Impact on the Grid and Energy Markets
Wind farms play a significant role in grid stability and energy markets. As intermittent sources, they are often backed by energy storage systems or integrated into a larger grid infrastructure that can balance supply and demand. Innovative solutions like battery storage or interconnections with other renewable sources are being developed to mitigate wind’s variability. Market-wise, the increased wind energy supply is driving down electricity costs and fostering competition among energy sources.
Environmental and Societal Considerations
While wind farms are a boon to renewable energy, they are not without their challenges. Concerns over wildlife, especially birds and bats, and noise pollution for nearby residents are significant issues that require careful planning and mitigation strategies. Nevertheless, the environmental impact is substantially lower compared to fossil fuel-based power generation. Wind farms also contribute positively to the local communities through land lease payments and increased tax revenues used for schools, roads, and healthcare services.
Looking Forward: The Evolution of Wind Energy
The future of wind farms is intertwined with advancements in technology and energy policy. Continued research in aerodynamics, materials science, and turbine design is poised to make wind energy even more efficient and less expensive. The International Energy Agency (IEA) projects that by 2040, wind and solar will power more than a third of the world, with wind energy being a significant contributor. Wind farms are not just about generating electricity; they are about reshaping our energy landscape, fostering sustainable development, and creating a blueprint for future energy solutions.
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bumblebeeappletree · 2 years ago
One small twist could revolutionize the offshore wind turbines: making them float. Offshore energy’s major problem is that they can only be built in shallow water, but most of the wind in the world’s coastal regions blow across deep water territory. Can floating wind farms solve this?
Reporter: Kai Steinecke
Camera: Henning Goll
Cutter: Frederik Willmann
Editor: Kiyo Dörrer, Michael Trobridge
We're destroying our environment at an alarming rate. But it doesn't need to be this way. Our new channel Planet A explores the shift towards an eco-friendly world — and challenges our ideas about what dealing with climate change means. We look at the big and the small: What we can do and how the system needs to change. Every Friday we'll take a truly global look at how to get us out of this mess.
#Floating #windturbines #offshorewind
Read more:
Offshore Wind Outlook by the International Energy Agency: https://iea.blob.core.windows.net/ass...
Potential Environmental Impacts of Floating Offshore:
LCA of Floating Wind Turbine:
Floating Paper by GWEC:
Cost Prediction of Floating:
0:00 Introduction
0:30 What are Floating Wind Turbines?
02:15 Stabilization
4:19 Global Potential
5:35 Drawbacks
8.26 Conclusion
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cxolanes · 16 days ago
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willyskristina · 17 days ago
Wind Turbine Casting Market
Wind Turbine Casting Market Size, Share, Trends: Vestas Wind Systems A/S Leads
Increasing Focus on Large-Scale Offshore Wind Projects
Market Overview:
The Wind Turbine Casting Market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 8.2% from 2024 to 2031. The market value is expected to increase from XX USD in 2024 to YY USD by 2031. Europe currently dominates the market, driven by aggressive renewable energy targets and substantial investments in offshore wind projects. Key metrics include rising installation of wind turbines, increasing turbine sizes, and growing focus on lightweight and durable materials for turbine components. The business is quickly developing as a result of the global shift to renewable energy sources, government programs to reduce carbon emissions, and technological advancements in wind turbine design. Wind turbine castings are used to make a variety of components, including hubs, rotor blades, and nacelles, all of which contribute to wind turbine efficiency and durability. 
Market Trends:
The wind turbine casting market is experiencing a significant surge in large-scale offshore wind projects. This shift is being driven by the higher wind speeds and more consistent wind patterns available in offshore areas, which leads to increased energy production efficiency. Offshore wind farms require larger, more robust turbines that can resist harsh marine environments, increasing demand for high-quality, long-lasting castings. For example, the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) predicted that offshore wind projects will expand by 18.9% in 2022, generating a record 6.8 GW of new capacity globally. This trend is notably noticeable in European countries like the United Kingdom, Germany, and Denmark, where governments actively push offshore wind development through advantageous legislation and subsidies. The shift to offshore projects is also encouraging manufacturers to develop one-of-a-kind casting solutions that can withstand corrosion and extreme weather conditions while still performing at peak levels. As a result, there is a growing demand for innovative materials and manufacturing techniques in the wind turbine casting industry to meet the specific requirements of offshore installations.
Market Segmentation:
Steel castings dominate the material segment in the wind turbine casting market. Steel castings have emerged as the main category in the wind turbine casting industry, thanks to their high strength-to-weight ratio, durability, and ability to withstand the severe stresses encountered by wind turbine components. Steel castings' dominance could be attributed to their superior mechanical properties, which are required for the production of critical turbine components like as hubs, main shafts, and bed plates.
Recent industry developments have improved steel castings' market position. For example, a well-known wind turbine manufacturer recently introduced a new line of turbines with better steel castings, which enable a 15% increase in component lifespan over previous models. This discovery has had a substantial impact on the offshore wind industry, where turbine reliability and longevity are important due to extreme operating circumstances.
The utilisation of high-performance steel castings in the offshore wind industry has grown dramatically. According to a report published by the Offshore Wind Industry Council, the use of specialist steel alloys in offshore wind turbine castings has increased by 25% over the last three years. This trend is being pushed by the need for materials that can withstand the corrosive marine environment and the heavy loads encountered by larger offshore turbines.
Market Key Players:
Vestas Wind Systems A/S
Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
GE Renewable Energy
Enercon GmbH
Suzlon Energy Limited
Goldwind Science & Technology Co., Ltd.
Contact Us:
Name: Hari Krishna
Website: https://aurorawaveintellects.com/
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yo-sostenible · 1 month ago
En 2021, luego de la pandemia, se presenció en la Amazonía peruana una extracción intensiva de madera de balsa, un árbol cuyos atributos lo volvieron un recurso ideal para construir las hélices de aerogeneradores para parques eólicos de China y Europa. Ante esto, surgen cuestionamientos sobre la forma en que se impulsa la transición energética a nivel global, ante el extractivismo que sigue afectando a los territorios indígenas Balsa: La deforestación del árbol amazónico para parques eólicos de China y Europa Por Carolina Morales* El viento sopla con fuerza en la Amazonía peruana. Esparce semillas del árbol balsa a través de un algodón marrón rojizo que se desprende de sus ramas. La corriente de aire hace que lleguen hasta las orillas de los ríos del territorio wampis, pueblo indígena amazónico ubicado al nororiente del Perú, y que se extiende en las regiones de Amazonas y Loreto, en la frontera con Ecuador.  Es allí donde crecen estos árboles altos, de tronco limpio y hojas grandes, que huelen a tierra y arena, y que suenan a cantos de aves. También se les conoce como topa o guaguaripo. Su nombre científico es Ochroma pyramidale, pertenece a la familia de las Bombacaceae y resalta por su ligereza, resistencia y rápido crecimiento.  Árbol balsa – Foto:Cultivo de balsa La balsa es una especie endémica y nativa de la Amazonía y se encuentra en todo el corredor amazónico a lo largo de las cuencas de los ríos Huallaga, Mayo, Ucayali, Pachitea, y Amazonas, también la encontramos en bosques de México, y de otras naciones en Suramérica y el Caribe.  “Yo recuerdo que mi papá hacía mi avioncito con madera balsa, y también su hélice, y cuando venía el viento corríamos para que esa hélice gire, no pesaba casi nada, era muy bonito”, recuerda Galois Flores Pizango, pámuk ayatke (vicepresidente) del Gobierno Territorial Autónomo de la Nación Wampis (GTANW), ubicado en la frontera de Perú con Ecuador.  Galois Flores. Foto: GTANW En 2021, después de la pandemia del Covid-19, se generó en Ecuador una gran demanda de madera balsa para ser utilizada en la construcción de las hélices de aerogeneradores de energía eólica, comercializados en su mayoría por China, y siendo consumidores finales países como Estados Unidos, Alemania, India y España, según datos de Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), en pro de una transición a energías más limpias.  Al ser un árbol de rápido crecimiento, y de cuerpo ligero y poroso, es óptimo para la estructura de estos molinos de viento.  Los bloques y paneles se transforman en estructuras conocidas como “sets”, que se adaptan a los requerimientos de quiénes fabrican palas. Luego se ensamblan en palas eólicas. Ya terminadas se transportan por separado para los proyectos eólicos, donde se fija el rotor, la góndola y la torre. El boom de la demanda de madera es originado por China, cuando este país asiático empieza a elevar a través de sus planes quinquenales de desarrollo sus metas para la transición energética, según la investigación recientemente publicada Mal viento. Desde crímenes de la selva amazónica de Ecuador a las turbinas eólicas en EE.UU. y China  de la Agencia de Investigación Ambiental (EIA) de Estados Unidos. Ecuador que ya sembraba la balsa o topa de forma comercial, se convirtió en el principal vendedor para China, pero terminó desabasteciéndose de este bien natural. Esta demanda obligó a madereros y comerciantes ecuatorianos a bajar por la frontera con Ecuador y Perú hasta el territorio wampis, agrega el informe de EIA. Allí, la extracción de la madera balsa se comenzó a realizar en bosques en un estado primario, es decir, árboles que no fueron plantados para un uso comercial, sino que eran parte de la biodiversidad del territorio indígena, explica el ingeniero en recursos naturales de la ONG Paz y Esperanza, Melvin Mestanza, quien trabaja en proyectos forestales en la región de Amazonas. Con el boom de la balsa o topa también llegaron problemáticas sociale...
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renewableenergyjoel · 5 months ago
The Future of Renewable Energy
Renewable energy is becoming increasingly crucial in the fight against climate change and the pursuit of sustainable development. As traditional fossil fuels contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emissions, the shift towards renewable sources is not just an environmental necessity but also a practical imperative. This blog post explores the current state of renewable energy technologies, their benefits, and future prospects.
Renewable energy encompasses various technologies, including solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and biomass. Solar power, harnessed through photovoltaic cells or solar thermal systems, has seen substantial advancements. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA, 2023), solar photovoltaics (PV) have become one of the most cost-effective energy sources, with the global capacity of solar PV installations reaching approximately 1,000 gigawatts by 2022.
Wind energy, another leading renewable source, utilizes wind turbines to convert kinetic energy into electricity. The Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC, 2023) reports that wind power capacity has surpassed 900 gigawatts worldwide. Technological improvements, such as larger turbines and better site assessments, have contributed to this growth, making wind energy a competitive alternative to fossil fuels.
Hydropower, which generates electricity through the movement of water, remains a major player in the renewable energy sector. The International Hydropower Association (IHA, 2022) estimates that hydropower supplies around 16% of the world’s electricity, with large-scale dams and run-of-river systems being the most common methods.
Geothermal energy, derived from the heat stored beneath the Earth's surface, offers a reliable and consistent energy source. The Geothermal Energy Association (GEA, 2023) highlights that geothermal power plants provide about 0.4% of the global electricity supply, with potential for expansion as technology advances.
Biomass energy, produced from organic materials, can be used for electricity generation, heating, and transportation fuels. The Biomass Power Association (BPA, 2022) notes that biomass contributes to about 2% of the total electricity generation in the U.S., with significant potential for growth in sustainable feedstocks and conversion technologies.
Renewable energy sources offer numerous advantages over fossil fuels. They are crucial for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, thus mitigating climate change. Unlike coal or oil, renewable energy sources produce little to no carbon dioxide or other harmful pollutants during operation. This reduction in emissions contributes to improved air quality and public health (World Health Organization, 2021).
Economic benefits also accompany the transition to renewable energy. Investments in renewable technologies can drive job creation in manufacturing, installation, and maintenance sectors. According to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA, 2023), the renewable energy sector employed over 12 million people globally in 2022, with the potential for further job growth as the sector expands.
The future of renewable energy looks promising, with ongoing research and development aimed at improving efficiency and reducing costs. Innovations such as advanced energy storage solutions, smart grids, and integration with other technologies are expected to enhance the reliability and flexibility of renewable energy systems (National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2024).
However, challenges remain, including the need for infrastructure upgrades, policy support, and addressing intermittency issues associated with solar and wind power. Continued investment and policy frameworks will be essential in overcoming these hurdles and ensuring a smooth transition to a renewable energy future.
Biomass Power Association. (2022). Biomass Power Statistics. Available at: www.biomasspowerassociation.org
Geothermal Energy Association. (2023). Geothermal Energy Overview. Available at: www.geo-energy.org
Global Wind Energy Council. (2023). Global Wind Report. Available at: www.gwec.net
International Energy Agency. (2023). World Energy Investment 2023. Available at: www.iea.org
International Hydropower Association. (2022). Hydropower Status Report. Available at: www.hydropower.org
International Renewable Energy Agency. (2023). Renewable Energy and Jobs – Annual Review 2023. Available at: www.irena.org
National Renewable Energy Laboratory. (2024). 2024 Renewable Energy Research Roadmap. Available at: www.nrel.gov
World Health Organization. (2021). Air Quality and Health. Available at: www.who.int
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industryinsightsandanalysis · 5 months ago
Supportive Government Policies are Expected to Proliferate the Green power Market!
A comprehensive overview of the global green power market is recently added by UnivDatos Market Insights to its humongous database. The report has been aggregated by collecting informative data from various dynamics such as market drivers, restraints, and opportunities. This innovative report makes use of several analyses to get a closer outlook on the green power market globally. This report offers a detailed analysis of the latest industry developments and trending factors that are influencing the market growth. Furthermore, this statistical market research repository examines and estimates the global market at regional and country levels. The global green power market is likely to showcase a robust growth of more than ~15% during the forecast period (2021-2027).
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Market Overview
Green energy is any energy type that is generated from natural resources, such as sunlight, wind, or water. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), green power is a subset of renewable energy and represents those renewable energy resources and technologies that provide the highest environmental benefit. EPA defines green power as electricity produced from solar, wind, geothermal, biogas, eligible biomass, and low-impact small hydroelectric sources. Customers often buy green power for its zero-emissions profile and carbon footprint reduction benefits.
In 2020, the consumption of all other fuels declined while the only source which increased the demand for energy sources was renewables 2020.  As the global economy recovers from the crisis, The renewable energy source witnessed an uptake, therefore, expand more quickly. As per International Energy Agency (IEA), in 2020,  the annual renewable capacity additions increased and witnessed the highest year-on-year increase since 1999 and increased by 45% or 280 GW.
Green Wind Energy Council (GWEC) expects that over 469 GW of new onshore and offshore wind capacity will be added in the next five years that is until 2025. With the explosive growth of Green Power installations in China, Asia Pacific continues to take the lead in global wind power development with its share of the global market increasing in 2020.  In addition, governments across several countries such as the U.S, India, Japan, Germany, etc., launched several initiatives to remove the dependency on electricity generation from fossil fuels. For instance, as per IRENA, the total installed capacity of hydropower increased from 1,099,767 MW in 2015 which increased to 1,210,616 MW by 2020.
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COVID-19 Impact
The impact of Covid-19 on renewable electricity technologies with long lead times, such as hydropower, offshore wind, CSP, and geothermal, remains limited. Hydropower capacity additions are forecast to increase both in 2020 and 2021, driven by the commissioning of two mega hydropower projects in China and supporting the rebound of renewables next year. The forecast for offshore wind remains unchanged as most projects are already financed and under construction.
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Global green power market report is studied thoroughly with several aspects that would help stakeholders in making their decisions more curated.
By Power Source, the market is primarily bifurcated into:
Low-Impact Hydropower
Based on the power source, the market is bifurcated into wind, solar, low-impact hydropower, and others. The wind category is expected to witness the fastest growth during the forecast period. This is mainly due to the constant technological advancements in the wind energy sector. Higher-capacity wind turbines have larger swept areas and produce more power for the same resource quality, thereby generating higher wind farm output levels.
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Global Green Power Market Geographical Segmentation Includes:
North America
United States
Rest of North America
United Kingdom
Rest of Europe
Rest of Asia-Pacific
Rest of World
For a better understanding of the market adoption of Green Power, the market is analyzed based on its worldwide presence in the countries such as North America (United States, Canada, Rest of North America), Europe (Germany, France, Spain, United Kingdom, and Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, India, Australia, and Rest of APAC), and Rest of World. Currently, Asia Pacific holds a lucrative market share owing to the growing focus on renewable energy. The Asia Pacific acquired an extensive market share in the market and is expected to grow at an extensive rate mainly owing to the growing industrialization, urbanization, and population coupled with increasing investments in renewable power and infrastructure, which is further contributing to the growth of the green power market in the region. Furthermore, the rise in research and development activities for green power sources, growing energy demand in developing countries like China and India coupled with favorable government policies and a growing focus on increasing the share of renewable energy in the power generation mix are some of the prominent factors driving the region’s market. Thus, as the world aims to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels amid the energy transition, several major economies in the region are now looking to ramp up their share of renewable power. For instance, Bhadla Solar Park (India) was commissioned in March 2020 with an installed capacity of 2.25GW and it spans 14,000 acres.
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The major players targeting the market includes:
Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
GE Renewable Energy
Brookfield Renewable Partners L.P.
Iberdrola SA
JinkoSolar Holding Co. Ltd.
NextEra Energy, Inc.
Orsted A/S
Adani Green Energy Limited
Suzlon Energy Limited
Tata Power
Competitive Landscape
The degree of competition among prominent companies has been elaborated by analyzing several leading key players operating globally. The specialist team of research analysts’ sheds light on various traits such as global market competition, market share, most recent industry advancements, innovative product launches, partnerships, mergers, or acquisitions by leading companies in the global green power market. The major players have been analyzed by using research methodologies for getting insight views on market competition.
Key questions resolved through this analytical market research report include:
What are the latest trends, new patterns, and technological advancements in the global green power market?
Which factors are influencing the global green power market over the forecast period?
What are the global challenges, threats, and risks in the global green power market?
Which factors are propelling and restraining the global green power market?
What are the demanding global regions of the global green power market?
What will be the market size in the upcoming years?
What are the crucial market acquisition strategies and policies applied by the companies?
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uptothetrendblogs · 5 months ago
Green power Market Analysis by Size, Share, Growth, Trends (2024-2032)
A comprehensive overview of the global green power market is recently added by UnivDatos Market Insights to its humongous database. The report has been aggregated by collecting informative data from various dynamics such as market drivers, restraints, and opportunities. This innovative report makes use of several analyses to get a closer outlook on the green power market globally. This report offers a detailed analysis of the latest industry developments and trending factors that are influencing the market growth. Furthermore, this statistical market research repository examines and estimates the global market at regional and country levels.
 According to UnivDatos Market Insights (UMI)’ research report “global green power market”, the market is expected to witness robust growth of more than 15% during the forecast period 2021-2027F. The global green power market is likely to showcase a robust growth of more than ~15% during the forecast period (2021-2027).
Market Overview
Green energy is any energy type that is generated from natural resources, such as sunlight, wind, or water. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), green power is a subset of renewable energy and represents those renewable energy resources and technologies that provide the highest environmental benefit. EPA defines green power as electricity produced from solar, wind, geothermal, biogas, eligible biomass, and low-impact small hydroelectric sources. Customers often buy green power for its zero-emissions profile and carbon footprint reduction benefits.
In 2020, the consumption of all other fuels declined while the only source which increased the demand for energy sources was renewables 2020. As the global economy recovers from the crisis, The renewable energy source witnessed an uptake, therefore, expand more quickly. As per International Energy Agency (IEA), in 2020, the annual renewable capacity additions increased and witnessed the highest year-on-year increase since 1999 and increased by 45% or 280 GW.
Green Wind Energy Council (GWEC) expects that over 469 GW of new onshore and offshore wind capacity will be added in the next five years that is until 2025. With the explosive growth of Green Power installations in China, Asia Pacific continues to take the lead in global wind power development with its share of the global market increasing in 2020. In addition, governments across several countries such as the U.S, India, Japan, Germany, etc., launched several initiatives to remove the dependency on electricity generation from fossil fuels. For instance, as per IRENA, the total installed capacity of hydropower increased from 1,099,767 MW in 2015 which increased to 1,210,616 MW by 2020.
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COVID-19 Impact
The impact of Covid-19 on renewable electricity technologies with long lead times, such as hydropower, offshore wind, CSP, and geothermal, remains limited. Hydropower capacity additions are forecast to increase both in 2020 and 2021, driven by the commissioning of two mega hydropower projects in China and supporting the rebound of renewables next year. The forecast for offshore wind remains unchanged as most projects are already financed and under construction.
Global green power market report is studied thoroughly with several aspects that would help stakeholders in making their decisions more curated.
By Power Source, the market is primarily bifurcated into:
·        Wind
·        Solar
·        Low-Impact Hydropower
·        Others   
Based on the power source, the market is bifurcated into wind, solar, low-impact hydropower, and others. The wind category is expected to witness the fastest growth during the forecast period. This is mainly due to the constant technological advancements in the wind energy sector. Higher-capacity wind turbines have larger swept areas and produce more power for the same resource quality, thereby generating higher wind farm output levels.
For a better understanding of the market adoption of Green Power, the market is analyzed based on its worldwide presence in the countries such as North America (United States, Canada, Rest of North America), Europe (Germany, France, Spain, United Kingdom, and Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, India, Australia, and Rest of APAC), and Rest of World. Currently, Asia Pacific holds a lucrative market share owing to the growing focus on renewable energy. The Asia Pacific acquired an extensive market share in the market and is expected to grow at an extensive rate mainly owing to the growing industrialization, urbanization, and population coupled with increasing investments in renewable power and infrastructure, which is further contributing to the growth of the green power market in the region. Furthermore, the rise in research and development activities for green power sources, growing energy demand in developing countries like China and India coupled with favorable government policies and a growing focus on increasing the share of renewable energy in the power generation mix are some of the prominent factors driving the region’s market. Thus, as the world aims to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels amid the energy transition, several major economies in the region are now looking to ramp up their share of renewable power. For instance, Bhadla Solar Park (India) was commissioned in March 2020 with an installed capacity of 2.25GW and it spans 14,000 acres.
The major players targeting the market includes:
·        Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
·        GE Renewable Energy
·        Brookfield Renewable Partners L.P.
·        Iberdrola SA
·        JinkoSolar Holding Co. Ltd.
·        NextEra Energy, Inc.
·        Orsted A/S
·        Adani Green Energy Limited
·        Suzlon Energy Limited
·        Tata Power
Request Sample Copy of this Report - https://univdatos.com/report/green-power-market/get-a-free-sample-form.php?product_id=21098
Competitive Landscape
The degree of competition among prominent companies has been elaborated by analyzing several leading key players operating globally. The specialist team of research analysts’ sheds light on various traits such as global market competition, market share, most recent industry advancements, innovative product launches, partnerships, mergers, or acquisitions by leading companies in the global green power market. The major players have been analyzed by using research methodologies for getting insight views on market competition.
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UnivDatos Market Insights
Website - https://univdatos.com/
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livesanskrit · 7 months ago
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Send from Sansgreet Android App. Sanskrit greetings app from team @livesanskrit .
It's the first Android app for sending @sanskrit greetings. Download app from https://livesanskrit.com/sansgreet
World Wind Day.
Global Wind Day or World Wind Day is a worldwide event that is held on June 15 around the world. It is organised by WindEurope (WindEurope) and GWEC (Global Wind Energy Council). It is a day when wind energy is celebrated, information is exchanged and adults and children find out about wind energy, its power and the possibilities it holds to change the world. In association with EWEA and GWEC, national wind energy associations and companies involved in wind energy production organise events in many countries around the world. In 2011, there were events organised in 30 countries, on 4 continents. Events included visits to onshore and offshore wind farms, information campaigns, demonstration turbines being set up in cities, wind workshops and a wind parade. Many events happened on Global Wind Day (15 June) itself, but there were also events on the days and weeks before and afterwards. In 2012 there were 250 events around the globe and a very popular photo competition.
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ambientalmercantil · 9 months ago
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lu-s-energy · 1 year ago
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petrosolgas · 1 year ago
Relatório aponta que serão necessários quase 600 mil técnicos para trabalhar no mercado de energia eólica
A indústria de energia eólica está em pleno crescimento e evolução, e com ela surge a necessidade de mão de obra especializada, evidenciando a criação de vagas de emprego e a busca por profissionais capacitados. Um recente relatório do Conselho Global de Energia Eólica (GWEC) projeta que, até 2027, serão necessários cerca de 574,2 mil técnicos especializados em todo o mundo para apoiar a expansão…
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The Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) uses 40 years as the benchmark because in the 1970s, Danish engineers began to experiment with designs that now serve as the foundation of today’s global wind industry.
But because of the global wind industry’s massive and rapid growth, GWEC forecasts that it will take less than seven years to reach 2 TW of global installed wind power capacity.
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