#Inter-generational housing projects
androxys · 10 months
Task Force What? An Incomplete (Yet Still Very Long) Guide to Some of the DCU’s Government Groups [Part 1]
So, you’re reading DC comics and a government agency pops up that you’re reasonably sure doesn’t exist in the real world. Who are they? What’s their deal? Here’s a quick primer on some of the groups that you may encounter.
A few notes and disclaimers: This writeup is primarily based on post-Crisis, pre-Flashpoint/New 52 comic canon. I’ve tried to note every exception to that general rule. Also, several of these groups and comics use historical markers tied to the real world, which makes less and less sense as we-as-readers get farther away in time from when these comics were originally published. DC eventually stopped using real people and events so frequently in comics to help with their timelessness, but I’m going to include the historical figures and times as depicted in the source material, even if that means the same Batman is supposed to have been active in the 70s and also in 2011. Just don’t worry about it.
This writeup is split into three parts, described below. This section is the most dense, dealing with the history of 13 agencies, some of their key players, and the organizations' general missions. Special thanks to my editors and beta readers for helping me shape this up.
Part 1: Organization Descriptions and Histories
Task Force X
The Suicide Squad
Central Bureau of Investigation
The Agency
Project: Peacemaker
Department of Extranormal Operations
All Purpose Enforcement Squad
Project Cadmus / The DNA Project
Human Defense Corps
Part 2: Timeline
Part 3: Reading Suggestions
Task Force X
One of the most famous of DC’s government groups, Task Force X is sometimes used interchangeably with “The Suicide Squad.” However, that’s (at least originally) not quite accurate! Task Force X was a government program that housed two clandestine programs: Argent and The Suicide Squad. Task Force X was originally started in the 50s by President Truman to make up for the disappearance of the Justice Society of America after Senator McCarthy summoned them before his House of Un-American Activities Committee and tried to force them to unmask. Task Force X was designed to deal with the “extraordinary” (read: metahuman and alien) threats that might face the U.S. government. Argent was the domestic program, while the Suicide Squad was international. The leader of Argent took his team and disappeared in the 60s, while the Suicide Squad disbanded soon after due to budget cuts.
Task Force X would be revived in the 80s when then-congressional aide Amanda Waller would present to President Reagan a plan to revitalize The Suicide Squad, this time utilizing supervillains for high risk, clandestine missions in exchange for reduced prison time. Waller also envisioned the reorganization of intelligence group The Agency, which would become the intelligence-focused division of Task Force X. The Agency would be led by former Doom Patrol member Valentina Vostok until its reorganization into Checkmate, at which point Harry Stein was named Checkmate’s King. Although Central Bureau of Intelligence leader Sarge Steel had significant reservations about Task Force X, the President ultimately approved the project. 
After an inter-departmental war known as the Janus Directive, Task Force X was dissolved as an umbrella organization. The Suicide Squad and Checkmate were made fully independent of one another, with Sarge Steele assuming direct control of Checkmate from Waller, who stayed on as the director of the Suicide Squad.
Argent was the U.S. based division of the original, 50’s Task Force X that dealt with domestic and civilian “extraordinary” encounters. Originally led by a man named only as “Control,” Argent went underground after Control killed a man connected with the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963. Control’s vision for this new, even more secretive Argent was an internationally focused spy agency for justice, though little is known about how effective he was. Presumed defunct, Argent was not revived when Amanda Waller proposed her new Suicide Squad. Eventually, the new Suicide Squad made contact with the remenants of Argent, and were witness to the ultimate end of the program.
The Suicide Squad
Originally, the Suicide Squad was the self-given name of WWII platoon with a depressingly high fatality rate. Over the course of the war, the squadron found themselves on Dinosaur Island, which certainly didn’t help those numbers. Richard Montgomery Flag Sr. was brought in to help lead the group, turning the squadron around into a highly decorated division of the Army.
In 1951, after the Justice Society was driven underground, President Truman created Task Force X to be able to combat “extraordinary” threats now that there were no costumed heroes to rely on. Truman requested that Flag Sr. lead The Suicide Squad, which focused on international threats. This group was largely composed of veterans of the WWII Squadron S. This version of the Suicde Squad was disbanded after the death of Flag Sr.
A third version of the Squad was created by General Stuart, tapping Rick Flag Jr. to be its leader. This team continued to deal with extranormal threats, but disbanded after a mission in Cambodia that saw the loss of half the squad. It was also revealed that regardless of the fatalities, budget cuts demanded the end of the program.
The most famous version of the Suicide Squad was proposed by congressional aide Amanda Waller to President Reagan in the 1980s, following the Legends event. Waller envisioned a revival of Task Force X as an umbrella program, with the new Suicide Squad being staffed by incarcerated supervillains. These villains would undertake high-risk, clandestine operations in return for reduced prison sentences. Part of the appeal of this model was the deniability: in the event that an operation went poorly, the government could simply blame it on the supervillain. President Reagan approved the program–Waller was the leader of Task Force X, which included both the Suicide Squad and The Agency, which was soon remade into Checkmate.
This Suicide Squad operated out of Belle Reve penitentiary, which was a maximum security prison specializing in holding supervillains. The initial administration of the Suicide Squad consisted of Amanda Waller as its director, Belle Reve’s warden John Economos, psychologist Simon LaGrieve, bureaucratic assistant Flo Crawley, and pilot Briscoe. Waller brought in Rick Flag Jr. to serve as her field leader and Ben Turner, the Bronze Tiger, as second in command. While the Squad certainly lived up to its name and reputed high mortality rate, notable team members include Eve Eden, Nightshade; Floyd Lawton, Deadshot; June Moone, Enchantress; and George Harkness, Captain Boomerang. I’m not going to spoil the whole Oracle plot for you, but know that Barbara Gordon actually debuted as Oracle in the pages of Suicide Squad, so consider this your sign to go read Suicide Squad (1987).
After the events of The Janus Directive, Task Force X was dissolved as an umbrella organization. While Waller was left as the director of the Suicide Squad, she no longer had any leadership in Checkmate, which had passed into the control of Sarge Steel, director of the Central Bureau of Investigation.
After a number of missions, Waller eventually disbanded the Suicide Squad, finding herself disillusioned with the Squad’s goals. However, because this is comics, the Suicide Squad would not stay dead for long. Waller would periodically create new incarnations of the Squad to address spontaneous issues that would arise, often crossing over with other superheroes' adventures. During Lex Luthor’s presidency, Waller would be appointed Secretary of Metahuman Affairs, taking Sarge Steel’s place.
After Checkmate was rechartered as an United Nations organization, Amanda Waller took a position as the White Queen. To limit conflicts of interest, this effectively meant that the Suicide Squad was permanently disbanded, as Waller was prohibited from operations and could not be involved in the leadership of both organizations. This didn’t stop her, however, and Waller formed a new incarnation of the Suicide Squad that began Operation: Salvation Run. This project involved rounding up all supervillains and deporting them to a prison planet via Boom Tube (yes, really) where they were supposed to stay indefinitely. Waller was eventually ousted from Checkmate, but not before she and her Squad managed to deport the majority of Earth’s villains. The Suicide Squad would have to confront its ghosts during the Blackest Night event, when zombified fallen members of the Squad came after living members, but further adventures were cut off by Flashpoint.
Checkmate started from The Agency, a quasi-independent intelligence focused division of Task Force X led by former Doom Patrol member Valentina Vostok. Vostok brought in former NYPD lieutenant Harry Stein, who soon reorganized the group into Checkmate. Borrowing from chess’ hierarchy, Stein was King, working with his Queen counterpart to coordinate various agents. Bishops oversaw Rooks, who planned missions for support agents–Pawns–and special agents–Knights. Checkmate operated out of Konig Industries in Shelby, Virginia until the events of the Janus Directive. During that event, Checkmate lost roughly 40 Knights and its Konig cover was blown. With only a third of its agents, Checkmate was subsequently forced to relocate to a NORAD base in Colorado.
Harry Stein resigned as head of Checkmate after his son was shot, leading Sarge Steel to promote Phil Kramer to King and Kalia Cambell to Queen. They would lead Checkmate against Jade Nguyen, the assassin known as Chesire, during the time she took control of several nuclear warheads and bombed the nation of Qurac. At some point Checkmate would establish their division between black side, which ran operations, and white side, which was primarily intelligence.
Bishop Jessica Midnight recruited Sasha Bordeaux, Bruce Wayne’s former bodyguard, into Checkmate. Bordeaux had been imprisoned due to suspicion that she was an accomplice to Bruce Wayne's alleged killing of Vesper Fairchild. Checkmate faked Bordeaux’s death in prison and provided her with plastic surgery to assume a completely new life as a Checkmate operative.
After Kramer, former Knight David Said would become the new King of Checkmate. He would lead Checkmate against Batman in Gotham City, a campaign that saw them abduct Helena Bertinelli, the Huntress, and install her as Queen in an attempt to have her share secrets from Batman. This arrangement was actually a plan between Batman and Huntress, however, and Bertinelli ended up serving as a mole for Batman on Checkmate. 
For this next section, I choose to believe that Checkmate was a victim of Superboy-Prime’s altering of reality in the leadup to Infinite Crisis. Checkmate is suddenly headed by Maxwell Lord, Said and Bertinelli are nowhere to be seen, and Lord’s motivations are massively different from any of his previous appearances. Regardless, under Lord, Checkmate amassed information on every metahuman on Earth with plans to eliminate them. To do this, Lord was given access to the Brother Eye satellite, and together they controlled over one million OMACs–civilians that had been injected with nanotechnology to make them unwitting cyborg sleeper agents. When Ted Kord, the Blue Beetle, discovered what Lord had been up to, Lord killed him and instructed Bordeaux to dispose of the body.
Sasha sent Blue Beetle’s goggles to Batman, alerting him of Kord’s death. Once Lord knew that Batman was on his tail, he accelerated his plans, using his mental manipulation powers to take control of Superman and send him on a rampage to keep other heroes occupied. When Wonder Woman caught up with Lord, she bound him in her Lasso of Truth and commanded him to tell her how to set Superman free. The only option he gave her was for him to die, so Wonder Woman snapped his neck. Upon Lord’s death, Brother Eye immediately activated all OMACs and began the King_Is_Dead protocol, which involved killing every current Checkmate agent. Bordeaux, who had been imprisoned by Lord after he discovered her subterfuge, escaped, though not before her own unique OMAC programming activated. Lord had intended for her, as his Knight, to be a special type of OMAC, leaving her somewhere between human and machine. Later, Bordeaux would team up with Batman and other heroes to take down Brother Eye.
After Infinite Crisis, Checkmate was recharted by the United Nations to be an international group with a stronger system of checks and balances. Checkmate operated under a system of twos: two Kings and two Queens, with a Knight and Bishop for all four royals. Most specifically, the U.N. charter set out a Rule of Two: each position had to be balanced with meta and non-metahumans. As before, Black side was operations while White was intelligence. Bishops advised their royals, while Knights were special agents. Rooks were an elite Black Ops unit, while numerous Pawns were standard agents.
At the time of its chartering, the new Checkmate had the OMAC enhanced Bordeaux as its Black Queen, Taleb Beni Khalid as its unpowered Black King, JSA Green Lantern Alan Scott as White King, and Amanda Waller as White Queen. After Scott resigned as White King his Bishop, fellow JSA member Michael Holt–Mister Terrific, took his place.
This Checkmate frequently clashed with Kobra, the international cult intent on bringing a new age of chaos to the world. However, they also had a non-insignificant amount of infighting. Significantly, Waller was forced out as White Queen after she tried to preemptively remove Bordeaux and Holt, knowing that they were getting close to uncovering her illicit Suicide Squad and their Operation: Salvation Run.
After the events of Brightest Day, Maxwell Lord returns from the dead and uses his power to make nearly everyone on Earth forget about him. He immediately begins to try to regain control of Checkmate, beginning a misinformation and discrediting campaign against Checkmate’s leadership.
Central Bureau of Intelligence (C.B.I.)
The Central Bureau of Intelligence is a sort of corollary to the Federal Bureau of Investigation within the DC Universe. The organization primarily focuses on information gathering from domestic and international sources, then utilizing that information for operations. However, while other groups are focused on “extranormal” threats, the CBI is primarily concerned with “normal” missions. When special assignments do come up, special agents are dispatched.
The CBI was known to be active when Task Force X was being revived by Amanda Waller. While Sarge Steel was both known to be involved in the CBI and important enough to sit in on Waller’s meeting with the President of the United States, it is not clearly stated that he was the director of the CBI at that time. However, Sarge Steel would officially be the director of the CBI by the time of the Janus Initiative. Despite the massive reorganization at the time, the CBI was left largely alone. Steel would be promoted to the Director of Metahuman Affairs, a Cabinet level position wherein he would oversee all metahuman related operations for the federal government.
Among the most notable CBI agents are the aforementioned Sarge Steel, King Faraday, and former Teen Titan Roy Harper. After leaving the Titans, Harper would work for the CBI as a special agent–it was during this period he met Jade Nguyen, the assassin known as Chesire, and conceived their daughter Lian.
Eventually, the CBI would be incorporated into the Department of Extranormal Operations.
The Agency
The Agency was a group led by former Doom Patrol member Valentina Vostok that aimed to monitor superheroes. When Amanda Waller presented her plan to reform Task Force X, the Agency was reorganized into Checkmate. Among its divisions was Project: Peacemaker.
Project: Peacemaker
Project Peacemaker was the program that created and maintained Christopher Smith’s activities as Peacemaker. Originally, Project Peacemaker was a division of the Agency. When Task Force X was revived under Amanda Waller’s proposal, the Agency was reorganized into Checkmate, and Project Peacemaker is implied to have been made its own entity. However, when Task Force X was dissolved after The Janus Directive, Project Peacemaker became folded into Checkmate under the supervision of Sarge Steel.
The Department of Extranormal Affairs (D.E.O.)
In terms of real-world publication, the DEO began in 1998 as DC’s effort to begin consolidating all of the various federal metahuman organizations under one umbrella. In this author’s opinion, this was for the better.
The Department of Extranormal Operations is the U.S. government’s most modern and comprehensive agency to assess and combat metahuman threats through intelligence gathering, field operatives, and their own research.
The DEO conducts extensive research on metahumans and extranormal entities, with various degrees of transparency or consent. The DEO has been depicted to hold individuals against their will in order to study them, to the point of sending either their own agents or other affiliated groups to hunt down subjects that escape. This research seemed to be, in its early depictions, its primary focus. However, the DEO would take broader forays into intelligence, using that information for good… and sometimes to blackmail heroes into working for them.
In most depictions, the DEO is led by Director Bones, a former member of Infinity Inc, who reports to the federal Director of Metahuman Affairs. Bones is the direct supervisor of operative Cameron Chase, who has proved herself an exceptional agent. Through Chase, Kate Spencer–the Manhunter–was brought in to work for the DEO for some time.
The DEO is expansive enough to have several subdivisions within it. One such group was the Department of Metahuman Affairs, where Wonder Woman would work after Infinite Crisis. This subdivision would focus specifically on gathering and preparing intelligence on active metahumans, should the government need it. This subdivision would be led by Sarge Steel, who had left the White House upon the election of Lex Luthor and Luthor’s subsequent appointment of Amanda Waller to Secretary for Metahuman Affairs.
Another group known to be active during Luthor’s presidency was Knightwatch, a more militaristic division that responded to possible metahuman attacks on federal personnel and buildings.
The DEO’s research facilities are detailed in various comics across the 90s. It is gradually revealed that the DEO either maintains or sponsors a variety of training camps and research facilities, sometimes called “orphanages,” that hold metahumans under various states of duress. One example is Secret, the Young Justice member who is shown escaping from a DEO orphanage, and later gets Young Justice’s help shutting down similar experimentation programs. A group of metahumans who escape from the DEO collectively get taken in by the Titans. Conversely, some of the individuals who go on to be the Relative Heroes are depicted to be in a more traditional fostering environment, though it is still connected to the DEO. 
Within the continuity of the Supergirl TV show, as part of the Arrowverse, the DEO is a governmental organization that specifically deals with extraterrestrial threats and encounters.
All Purpose Enforcement Squad (A.P.E.S.)
The All Purpose Enforcement Squad is an international, interdepartmental group of highly trained special agents. APES features most prominently in the Young Justice series, represented by Donald Fite and Ishido Maad. 
While APES has connections to international organizations such as Interpol and Scotland Yard, they seem primarily U.S. based, as APES was the primary group trying to recover Secret, a metahuman who escaped from a DEO research facility.
Project Cadmus
Project Cadmus, sometimes also known as the DNA Project, is a government supported genetic research lab. Cadmus is involved with cloning and gene sequencing for the purpose of creating new life, with their most famous creation being Superboy.
Originally led by Director Paul Westfield, Cadmus employed various scientists engaged with genetic manipulation. The most notorious of these scientists was Dabney Donovan, who created “DNAliens” with inhuman powers. These DNAliens include Dubbilex, the grey skinned, horned telepath who would serve as a mentor to Superboy. Cadmus also employed the adult members of the original Newsboy Legion. These adults cloned themselves to create a new Newsboy Legion, and additionally cloned former NYPD officer Jim Harper–the original Guardian. This new cloned Guardian would serve as head of security of Cadmus.
Donovan was eventually fired from Cadmus due to the extremity of his experiments. Donovan would go on to align himself with The Agenda, another genetic lab responsible for their own Superboy clone: Match. Cadmus would also have an enemy in the form of the Evil Factory, led by Mokkari and Simyan, servants of Darkseid.
After a virus affecting clones and DNAliens breaks out, Cadmus began to receive intense scrutiny. A purification by fire was attempted, with missiles aimed to destroy sections of Metropolis and stop the virus. After the missiles were stopped, Donovan revealed himself to be the mastermind of the virus and killed Westfield, leading Mickey Cannon to be named the new administrative director of Cadmus. This scrutiny forced Cadmus to withdraw from the public eye, going deeper underground.
Under Cannon, Dabney would be kept imprisoned in Cadmus to serve as a scientific advisor under armed guard. Cannon also brought in Serling Roquette to be the new head of genetics–Roquette would eventually be responsible for curing Superboy of the genetic quirk that kept him from aging. Cadmus would continue to withdraw from attention, especially under the presidency of Lex Luthor.
Human Defense Corps
The Human Defense Corps was a group started under President Luthor’s administration with the goal of having an entirely non-metahuman taskforce that could respond to meta-level threats. This was in line with Luthor’s goal of reducing dependency on superheroes, and as such only recruited from decorated military veterans.
A specific subgroup within the Human Defense Corps was Squad K, a division specifically armed and trained to take on Kryptonian targets.
You may have noticed that I didn’t put what A.R.G.U.S. stands for up above. That’s because sources disagree. According to the wiki, A.R.G.U.S. stands for Advanced Research Group Uniting Super-humans. A.R.G.U.S. was created post-Flashpoint to be a governmental organization associated with the Department of Homeland Security. Specifically, A.R.G.U.S. aims to support super- and meta-human endeavors, rather than having an antagonistic relationship with the superhuman community.
A.R.G.U.S. took on a life of its own within the TV Arrowverse shows, where it’s called the Advanced Research Group United Support. There, A.R.G.U.S. is the de facto government agency for dealing with metahuman threats. It was formerly led by Amanda Waller before leadership passed to Lyla Michaels. 
Before I start to give the details on Spyral, I have to disclaim a few things about it. Spyral was first mentioned in the New Earth timeline, during Grant Morrison’s time with Batman Incorporated (2011). This was immediately before Flashpoint and the New 52 reboot. However, this run of Batman Incorporated kept going within the New Earth continuity past when Flashpoint happened, meaning that the comics had to disclaim that they were still the old continuity, even though the reboot happened. But then! Batman Incorporated (2012) was a direct sequel to the New Earth run, even though this Volume 2 explicitly happens in the post-reboot continuity.
All of this to say, Spyral is an organization that has roots in the New Earth continuity, but was largely fleshed out in the post-Flashpoint universe. Because of the relative lack of information in the pre-Flashpoint continuity, however, we can assume a lot of the later established details can be retroactively applied.
Technically, Spyral is not a U.S. agency. Originally, Spyral was founded during the Cold War to be a United Nations affiliated spy group. The U.N. made former Nazi spy Otto Netz, under the pseudonym Agent Zero, the head of the organization. He was subsequently tasked with recruiting Spyral’s agents and building the organization for the U.N.
Spyral continued into the 80s, at which point Netz was revealed to be a double agent and imprisoned in a lighthouse. Though the organization seemingly collapsed at that point, Spyral’s operations continued. At some point before his imprisonment, Netz recruited Gotham City socialite Kathy Webb Kane into Spyral and tasked her with discovering the identity of the Batman. Kathy developed the Batwoman persona to get close to Batman, though the revelation that Netz was her father caused her to break off contact with both Batman and retreat from Spyral. Kathy Webb Kane was believed to have been killed by Ben Turner, the Bronze Tiger, during his period of being controlled by the League of Assassins.
Netz would be broken out of his imprisonment by the Leviathan Organization, which is a militaristic group led by Talia al Ghul, after her estrangement from her father Ra’s al Ghul. Leviathan seeks to undo much of modern society in order to rebuild the world in a “better” way. Talia set Netz up as Doctor Dedalus to combat Batman and his Batman Incorporated initiative, designing elaborate traps across the globe to keep Bruce Wayne and his operatives occupied. Netz was eventually killed within one of his traps by Damian Wayne, who was attempting to save his father.
It was revealed after Netz’s death that Kathy Webb Kane was still alive, and had faked her own demise in order to become the secret headmistress of Spyral. After Netz’s death, the U.N. officially reactivated Spyral in order to combat Leviathan’s continued growth.
Spyral operates out of St. Hadrian’s Finishing School for Girls. Initially in the New Earth continuity, the school had been a Leviathan facility, training young women as infiltrators and assassins. It was the site of Stephanie Brown’s mission as Batgirl on behalf of Batman Incorporated, and she and Batman managed to stop the Leviathan plot. In the post-Flashpoint continuity, St. Hadrian’s is Spyral’s base, where elite students are trained as spies. It’s assumed that Spyral just took control after ousting Leviathan.
After Dick Grayson was publically unmasked as Nightwing, he joined Spyral to investigate the organization. During this period, he worked with Helena Bertinelli, who was working as the Matron of Spyral. Grayson would continue as Agent 37 of Spyral for some time, until his identity was restored. At that point, he and Bertinelli both returned to Gotham to take up the mantles of Nightwing and Huntress, respectively. With Bertinelli’s departure, directorship of Spyral and the title of Patron passed to Agent-1, the operative known as Tiger.
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disneytva · 4 months
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Variety Interviews Ayo Davis, Meredith Roberts And Emily Hart On Disney Television Animation's 40th Anniversary And What To Expect On From The Past, Present And Future
40 years ago, Disney TVA was founded on the heels of challenging outcomes with features “The Fox and the Hound” and “The Black Cauldron.”
Initially, Disney TVA was restricted from using established Disney legacy characters, but nevertheless had huge successes with new shows like “The Wuzzles” and “Adventures of the Gummi Bears,” both of which became popular in syndication. As time went on, DTVA was able to use its limited rights to create shows like “DuckTales” and “TaleSpin,” which featured Disney characters. Today, the slate has evolved to include shows that travel across Disney’s streaming, linear and digital platforms, including Disney+, Disney Channel, Disney Junior and the Disney Parks
Over the 40 years of the studio has collaborated with Walt Disney Imagineering to bring beloved Disney Afternoon characters to the parks as well Mickey And Minnie's Runaway Railway and AquaMouse for the Disney Wish and Disney Treasure cruises from the Disney Cruise & Ships Line as well collaborating with Disney Yellow Two Shoes Team to redesing some heritage characters for the WDW Passholder Magnets.
Disney TVA characters also have gone to the realm of live action. In 2019 Disney Channel brought Kim Possible to the live action world as a Disney Channel Original Movie in 2019. In Spring 2022, Walt Disney Studios brought Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers to a new generation of fans trought a meta-driven live action/animated hybrid film which won an Primetime Emmy Award for Best Feature Film.
In April 2024, it was announced that Kiara from The Lion King II: Simba's Pride created at Disney TVA will make her live action debut on the motion capture/computer animated film "Mufasa The Lion King" with the character being voiced by Blue Ivy Carter. In Fall 2023, it was announced that Blumhouse Television and Atomic Monster where developing a live action reboot of Gargoyles for Disney+.
The future of the studio looks bright as the studio is slated to debut it's 100th show overall "StuGo" in 2025, as well new interations of beloved classics like The Proud Family, Phineas And Ferb, Sofia The First and Darkwing Duck trought revivals,reboots and spin-offs in the coming years with early talks of new interations of TaleSpin, Kim Possible and Recess since Early 2023.
“We have a wildly diverse development slate because we don’t have a house style,” says Meredith Roberts, executive vice president, television animation, Disney Branded Television and CEO of Disney Television Animation “Our styles are creator-driven, so that allows for real support of the artist or creator to fulfill his or her vision. Anything is possible, whether it's CGI. (“Monsters at Work”), hand-drawn 2D (“Big City Greens”,"Primos","Hailey's On It!"), rig-based 2D (“Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur”,"Kiff") and stop-motion (“Mickey Saves Christmas”,"Rhona Who Lives By The River".). Roberts continues, “We really try and solve all the problems and develop it. We look at the scripts and the story arcs. Every project has to have a strategy behind it that will complement the slate and separate it from other things. Each project has a distinct swim lane to attract an audience. And we’ve learned to meet the kids where they are, in terms of streaming and YouTube.”
Co-viewing, the viewership that happens when adults sit down to watch a DTVA show with the kids in their lives, is part of the studio’s secret sauce and long-term strategy. Many of the shows are written with jokes and plot points for both audiences so both groups will return.
“We double down on the kids and family space,” says Roberts. “We’re not just dipping a toe in the water. We’re diving in. I think we’ve seen a lot of churn with the competition, who just don’t have the patience to develop and are for this audience, which is a very specialized kid audience and co-view audience.” ("The Witchverse", "Rhona Who Lives By The River","InterCats","Fantasy Sports") Roberts reflects: “I think one of the things I’m most proud of is how stable Disney TVA has been for the last 40 years despite a lot of outside churn of the animation industry. Many of our crews feel that Disney is their forever home. I think the excitement they have to illustrate and create with this brand has been terrific because it’s harder to be funny and clean. And nowhere are we tearing down people to get that laugh. I think that’s the beauty of a Disney animated show.”
DTVA also sought to meet kids where they are by making their audience — which is made up of the most diverse generation in history — feel seen, with series such as “Elena of Avalor,” which featured Disney’s first Latina princess, and “The Proud Family,” franchise focused on the life of a teenage Black girl.
“We do have an amazing insights team that are constantly in the field, giving us general information about how kids are watching content, what they’re into,” Emily Hart (VP of Current and Development - Disney Junior) says. “Some of those things are evolving, as we know the ways kids consume content is changing. But there are some universal truths about kids, and it’s great to have that reinforced. Kids still like a lot of the same things that we like. So, there’s a combination that we’re always tracking with every new idea, and we do pilot testing. We get to sit down and talk about the content, and we invite our creators in so they can see the kids talking about it because they’re the audience and they’re the truest test of if the story is going to work.”
Ayo Davis, president of the Disney Branded Television and VP of Current and Development at Disney Television Animation says the division is a “driving force” for memorable kids and family entertainment.
“All of us at Disney Branded Television are so proud of the studio’s 40-year legacy as it continues to entertain future generations with shows like ‘Kiff,’ ‘Big City Greens’ and ‘Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 2.0" --- Davis says.
Those creators who come to DTVA often stay for a long time, partnering with the studio on a variety of different projects or expanding on a hit and reimagining it for the next generation of viewers. “The Proud Family” was a standout in 2001 on Disney Channel. Creator and executive producer Bruce W. Smith is now working on the Emmy-winning “The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder,” which is based on the original series. The show follows Penny Proud as she navigates family life and her own childhood.
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“Being at Disney TVA has allowed me to realize all my artistic dreams,” says Bruce W. Smith. “As a kid, you always have hopes, thoughts, dreams, ideas and characters that can help lay out those ideas in your head. Disney has allowed me to really tap into my creative instinct, at the end of the day, you have to learn how to trust yourself. Meredith Roberts has been a true shepherd for me in all of this, allowing me to stretch my wings. Because of her belief in me and my ideas, she’s really allowed me to blossom as an artist. All that happened at DTVA.”
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“They really seem to be a place that welcomes your ideas,” Dan Povenmire says of Disney TVA. “They want to find people with real strong ideas of the stories they want to tell, and then they let them tell those stories for the most part. They seem to put storytelling and characters over anything. With [‘Phineas and Ferb’], we would write jokes for the kids and the adults in the room because we knew the adults would be there too. We were just careful not to do any double entendres.”
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siderealmaven · 11 months
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Houses in Sidereal Astrology
The most important part of astrology is the planets and the second most important thing is the houses. The houses in a chart show you where the planets are, what they’re doing, and who they’re doing it with. They provide the context for the story being told by the planets and ground them in reality. Without an exact time to indicate the rising sign of a chart, knowing the houses is impossible.
House significations can change depending on the branch of astrology you’re engaging with, such as mundane, natal or horary, or the zodiac being used such as sidereal or tropical. And of course, each astrologer is going to have their own tried and true preferences that they swear by.
Here’s mine.
(Originally published on Sidereal Maven's Patreon Page as a free post.)
1st House
The Self + Personality, outer appearance of the body, things that happen to you + actions that you take, changes made to your appearance such as: hair cuts, body modifications, surgery and injuries. Personal style can also be found here, such as the types of clothes you wear and how you like to present yourself to others.
2nd House
Food, money, and personal possessions. Your income, how you create it, and who you create it with. Your food, what you eat, how you eat it, and who you eat it with. Your sense of self esteem and personal values can also be found in this house, as we live in a capitalistic society that ties personal possessions and income to our individual worth and value.
3rd House
Siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents and close family friends. Family gatherings, parties and reunions. Primary school, classmates, and neighbors. Your daily commute to work or around your local area. Day trips and short distance travel. Reading, writing, and studying. Social media, radio, podcasts, and self publishing. Private spiritual practice that is engaged with alone or within the home with family members.
4th House
Your parents, their home, and/or your childhood home. More specifically your father(s), father figures, and your paternal line. Your physical residence, the land you live on, agriculture, farming, gardening and real estate. Ancestral lands and ancestral parents, as well as your relationship to them. Family secrets, stories and heirlooms. Your private life. Your own relationship to being a parent if you are one, could be found here.
5th House
Children, childhood, and your inner child. The creative projects that you give birth to and nurture into existence. Your romantic partners and lovers, the dates you go on and the things you do together. Sex, sexual health, and baby making. You’ll also find cooking, fitness, sports, and physical activities. Creative hobbies such as art, theater, music, dance, etc. This house can also represent your father’s money + income and how it affected you growing up.
6th House
Job description and work environment. Your coworkers and/or employees that you hire. This could also be creative projects that you consider to be work and self employment. Service oriented work such as; medicine, public service jobs, community service and taking care of ill family members. Pets, veterinarians, and animal related work. Your physical health, illnesses, diagnosis, and treatment is also found here, along with your daily routines of care.
7th House
Partnerships, such as business partners, spouses, and co-parents. Courtrooms, litigation and legal battles. Lawyers, Doctors, Therapists, Astrologers and other professionals that you consult for advice. Rivals and competitors. Open enemies and people/groups/ideologies you find yourself in conflict with.
8th House
Shared finances and resources, especially those you share living spaces or financial responsibilities with. Inter-generational and communal living. Gifts, inheritance, loans, investors, debts and taxes. Death, loss, major life changes and initiations into new ways of being. Mediums and spiritualists.
9th House
Institutions of power such as governments, universities, and religious organizations. Government jobs, leaders, and organizers. Judges, diplomats and ambassadors. Higher education and learning, mass media, journalism, film, and traditional publishing (newspapers, magazines, and books.) Religious leaders, organizers, buildings, and sacred sites. Far distance travel and exploration. Oracles, divination, psychics, astrology, palm reading, etc.
10th House
Public status and reputation, the way you are seen and known by the outer world. Public Personas and your public life. Your mother(s), mother figures and maternal line. Authority figures, bosses, supervisors, and people who hold power over you + your relationship to them. Promotions and scandals.
11th House
Mentors, teachers, guides and helpful friends. Unions, nonprofits, and communities that you are a part of and participate in. Industry partners and allies. Sororities + Fraternities. Students, apprentices, step-children and other people’s children. Child support and custody. Your mother’s money + income and how it affected you growing up. Audiences + fans.
12th House
Foreign or unfamiliar places, cultures, and people. International travel. Immigrants and immigration. Remote work or work from home jobs. New experiences that take you out of your comfort zone. Solo spiritual exploration and experiences. Solitude and isolation. Hospitals, rehab, jail and prisons. Monasteries, convents, or other isolated religious groups. Estrangement + estranged family members.
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dailyanarchistposts · 6 months
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Chapter 3. Economy
How will cities work?
Many people believe that an anarchist society might work in theory, but the modern world contains too many obstacles that prevent such a total liberation. Large cities are chief among these putative stumbling blocks. Industrial capitalist cities are a tangled mess of bureaucracies supposedly only kept running by the authorities. But the maintenance of a large city is not as mystifying as we are led to believe. Some of the biggest cities in the world are largely composed of self-organizing slums stretching for miles. Their quality of life leaves much to be desired, but they do show that cities do not simply collapse in the absence of experts.
Anarchists have some experience maintaining large cities; the solution seems to lie in maintenance workers taking over the organization of the infrastructure for which they are responsible, and neighborhoods forming assemblies so that nearly all other decisions can be made at a local level, where everyone can participate. It is probable that an anarchist revolution will be accompanied by a process of deurbanization as cities shrink to more manageable sizes. Many people will probably return to the land as industrial agriculture decreases or ceases, to be replaced by sustainable agriculture — or “permaculture” — which can support a higher population density in rural areas.
In such a period, it might be necessary to make new social arrangements in a hurry, but it won’t be the first time anarchists have made a town or city from scratch. In May 2003, as envoys of the eight leading world governments prepared for the “G8” summit in Evian, France, the anti-capitalist movement set up a series of connected villages to serve as a foundation for protest and an example of collective, anti-capitalist living; these took the name VAAAG (Village Alternatif, Anticapitalist et AntiGuerres). For the duration of the mobilization, thousands of people lived in these villages, organizing food, housing, childcare, debate forums, media, and legal services, and making decisions communally. The project was widely regarded as a success. The VAAAG also exhibited the dual form of organization suggested above. Specific “neighborhoods,” each with fewer than 200 people, organized around a community kitchen, while village-wide services — “inter-neighborhood collective spaces” such as the legal and medical space — were organized by those involved in providing those services. This experience was replicated during the 2005 mobilizations against the G8 in Scotland, and the 2007 mobilizations in northern Germany, when nearly six thousand people lived together in Camp Reddelich.
These protest villages had precedents in the German anti-nuclear movement of the previous generation. When the state wanted to build a massive nuclear waste storage complex at Gorleben in 1977, local farmers began to protest. In May 1980, five thousand people set up an encampment on the site, building a small city from trees cut for construction and naming their new home The Free Republic of Wendland. They issued their own passports, set up illegal radio shows and printed newspapers, and held common debates to decide how to run the camp and respond to police aggression. People shared food and did away with money in their daily lives. One month later, eight thousand police assaulted the protestors, who had decided to resist nonviolently. They were brutally beaten and cleared out. Subsequent manifestations of the antinuclear movement were less inclined to pacifism.[53]
In England, a yearly festival of travellers and hippies that converged at Stonehenge to mark the summer solstice became a major counter-cultural autonomous zone and an experiment in “collective anarchy.” Beginning in 1972, the Stonehenge Free Festival was a gathering that lasted for the month of June until the solstice. More than a music festival, it was a non-hierarchical space for the creation of music, art, and new relationships, as well as spiritual and psychedelic exploration. It became an essential ritual and social event in England’s growing traveller culture. By 1984, it drew 30,000 participants who created a self-organized village for the month. In the words of one participant, it was “Anarchy. And it worked.”[54] The Thatcher regime saw it as a threat; in 1985 they banned the 14th annual Stonehenge Free Festival, brutally attacking the several hundred people who came to set it up in an assault known as the Battle of the Beanfield.
These examples of impromptu camps are not as marginal as they might seem at first. Hundreds of millions of people throughout the world live in informally organized cities, sometimes called shantytowns or favelas, which are self-organizing, self-created, and self-sustaining. The social issues posed by these shantytowns are very complex. Millions of farmers are forced off their land yearly and have to move to the cities, where the peripheral shantytowns are the only place they can afford to settle; but a great many people also move to the city voluntarily to escape the more culturally rigid rural areas and build a new life. Many shantytowns are plagued by health problems caused by poor access to clean water, healthcare, and nutrition. However, many of these problems are peculiar to capitalism rather than the structure of the shantytowns, as the inhabitants are often ingenious in providing for themselves in spite of artificially limited resources.
Privatized electricity and water are generally too expensive, and even where these utilities are public the authorities often refuse to provide access to informal settlements. Shanty dwellers get around this problem by constructing their own wells and pirating electricity. Medical care is highly professionalized in capitalist societies and distributed in exchange for money rather than on the basis of need; consequently, there are rarely fully trained doctors in the shantytowns. But the folk medicine and healers that are present are often available on a basis of mutual aid. Access to food is also artificially limited, because small-scale horticulture for local consumption has been replaced by large-scale production of cash crops, depriving people throughout the Global South of diverse and affordable sources of local food. This problem is exacerbated in famine areas, because food aid from the US, in line with military and economic strategies, consists of imports rather than subsidies for local production. But within the settlements, available food is frequently shared rather than traded. An anthropologist estimated that in one informal settlement in Ghana people gave away almost one third of all their resources. This makes perfect sense. Police rarely have control of shantytowns, and some armed force is required to uphold an unequal distribution of resources. In other words, those who hoard resources are likely to be robbed. With few resources, little security, and no guarantees of property rights, people can live better by giving away a large portion of whatever resources they come across. Gift-giving increases their social wealth: friendships and other relationships that create a safety network which cannot be stolen.
In addition to mutual aid, the anarchist objectives of decentralization, voluntary association, hands-on production rather than professionalization of skills and services, and direct democracy are guiding principles in many shantytowns. It is also important to note that, in an era of growing environmental devastation, shantytown dwellers subside on just a fraction of a percent of the resources consumed by suburbanites and formal city dwellers. Some may even have a negative ecological footprint, in that they recycle more waste than they generate.[55] In a world without capitalism, informal settlements would have the potential to be much healthier places. Even today, they disprove the capitalist myths that cities can only be held together by experts and central organization, and that people can only live at today’s population levels by continuing to surrender our lives to the control of authorities.
One inspiring example of an informal city is El Alto, Bolivia. El Alto sits on the Altiplano, the plateau overlooking La Paz, the capital. A few decades ago El Alto was just a small town, but as global economic changes caused the shutting down of mines and small farms, huge numbers of people came here. Unable to reside in La Paz, they built settlements up on the plateau, changing the town into a major urban area with 850,000 residents. Seventy percent of the people who have jobs here make their living through family businesses in an informal economy. Land use is unregulated, and the state provides little or no infrastructure: most neighborhoods do not have paved roads, garbage removal services, or indoor plumbing, 75% of the population lacks basic health care, and 40% are illiterate.[56] Faced with this situation, the residents of the informal city took their self-organization to the next step, by creating neighborhood councils, or juntas. The first juntas in El Alto go back to the ‘50s. In 1979 these juntas started to coordinate through a new organization, the Federation of Neighborhood Councils, FEJUVE. Now there are nearly 600 juntas in El Alto. The juntas allow neighbors to pool resources to create and maintain necessary infrastructure, like schools, parks, and basic utilities. They also mediate disputes and levy sanctions in cases of conflict and social harm. The federation, FEJUVE, pools the resources of the juntas to coordinate protests and blockades and constitute the slum dwellers as a social force. In just the first five years of the new millennium, FEJUVE took a lead role in establishing a public university in El Alto, blocking new municipal taxes, and deprivatizing the water services. FEJUVE also was instrumental in the popular movement that forced the government to nationalize the natural gas resources.
Each junta typically contains at least 200 people and meets every month, making general decisions through public discussion and consensus. They also elect a committee which meets more frequently and has an administrative role. Political party leaders, merchants, real estate speculators, and those who collaborated with the dictatorship are not allowed to be committee delegates. More men than women sit on these committees; however a greater percentage of women take on leadership roles in FEJUVE than in other Bolivian popular organizations.
Parallel to the organization in neighborhood councils is the organization of infrastructure and economic activity in unions or syndicates. The street vendors and transportation workers, for example, self-organize in their own base unions.
Both the neighborhood councils and their counterparts in the informal economy are patterned after the traditional communitarian organization of rural indigenous communities (ayllu) in terms of territoriality, structure and organizational principles. They also reflect the traditions of radical miners’ unions, which for decades led Bolivia’s militant labor movement. Fusing these experiences, El Alto’s migrants have reproduced, transplanted and adapted their communities of origin to facilitate survival in a hostile urban environment. [...]Through the neighborhood juntas, El Alto has developed as a self-constructed city run by a network of micro-governments [57] independent of the state. In Raúl Zibechi’s view, the autonomous organization of labor in the informal sector, based on productivity and family ties instead of the hierarchical boss-worker relationship, reinforces this sense of empowerment: Citizens can self-manage and control their own environment [58]
Horizontal networks “without traditional leadership” also play a major role complementary to these formal structures in both the organization of daily life and the coordination of protest, blockades, and struggle against the state.
Now that Bolivia has an indigenous president and progressive government led by MAS, the Movement Towards Socialism, FEJUVE faces the danger of incorporation and recuperation that typically neutralizes horizontal movements without explicitly anti-state goals and means. However, while supporting Evo Morales’ reversals of neoliberal policy, as of this writing FEJUVE remains critical of MAS and the government, and it remains to be seen to what extent they will be recuperated.
In South Africa, there are many other examples of informal urban settlements that organizes themselves to create a better life and struggle against capitalism. Specific movements of shack dwellers in South Africa are often born out of moments of violent resistance that take on an extended life as people who met in the streets to stop an eviction or a water shut-off continue to meet in order to create structures for home care for the sick, fire watch, security patrols, burial services, education, gardens, sewing collectives, and food distribution. This was the case with the movement Abahlali base Mjondolo, which arose in 2005 out of a road blockade to stop the eviction of the settlement to make way for development in preparation for the 2010 World Cup.
The Symphony Way settlement of Capetown is a squatted community of 127 families who had been forcibly evicted from their previous home by the government, which is trying to meet its 2020 target under the Millennium Development Goals to eradicate all slums. The government relocated some of the evictees in a tent camp surrounded by armed guards and razor wire, and the rest in the Transit Relocation Areas, described by one resident as “a lost place in hell” with high crime and frequent rape of children.[59]
Refusing to negotiate with the highly distrusted political parties or to live in either of the officially provided hell holes, the Symphony Way families decided to illegally occupy an area along a road to set up their community. They organize their community with mass assemblies in which everyone participates, as well as a high degree of individual initiative. For example, Raise, a nurse who lives in Symphony Way, volunteers as a teacher within the community center, helps organize a girl’s netball team, a boy’s soccer team, a drum band, a children’s daycamp during holidays, and assists in childbirth. Children are very important within the settlement, and they have their own committee to discuss the problems they are confronted with. “In the committee we solve our everyday problems, when children fight or something. We come together and talk. There are children from other settlements, not only from this road,” explains one member of the committee. The community is multiracial and multireligious, including Rastafarians, Muslims, and Christians, who work together to foster a culture of respect among the different groups. The settlement has a night-watch to discourage antisocial crime and put out unattended fires. The residents told a visiting Russian anarchist that they felt much safer in their community than they would in one of the camps offered by the government, where crime is rampant, because at Symphony Way the community worked together to protect itself. “When someone is in trouble everyone is here,” explained Raise. The sense of community is one reason why the squatters do not want to move to a government camp, despite the threat of police violence, and even though in the tent camp the government provides food and water for free. “The community is strong and we made it strong, living and working together, but we didn’t know each other when we first came here. This year and a half made us all a big family.”
There are thousands of examples of people creating cities, living at high population density, and meeting their basic needs with scant resources, with mutual aid and direct action. But what about the bigger picture? How would densely populated cities feed themselves without subjugating or exploiting the surrounding countryside? It may be that the subjugation of rural areas by cities played a role in the emergence of the state thousands of years ago. But cities do not have to be as unsustainable as they are now. The 19th century anarchist Peter Kropotkin wrote about a phenomenon that suggested interesting possibilities for anarchist cities. Urban gardeners in and immediately around Paris supplied most of the city’s vegetables via intensive agriculture supported by plentiful manure from the city, as well as industrial products, such as glass for greenhouses, that was too costly for farmers in rural areas. These suburban gardeners lived close enough to the city that they could come in every week to sell their produce at market. The spontaneous development of this system of gardening was one of Kropotkin’s inspirations in writing about anarchist cities.
In Cuba, centralized industrial agriculture collapsed after the fall of the Soviet Bloc, which had been Cuba’s main supplier of petroleum and machinery. The subsequent tightening of the US embargo only exacerbated the situation. The average Cuban lost 20 pounds. Quickly, much of the country shifted to small-scale intensive urban agriculture. As of 2005, half of the fresh produce consumed by the 2 million residents of Havana was produced by about 22,000 urban gardeners within the city itself.[60] The Parisian example chronicled by Kropotkin shows that such shifts can also occur without state guidance.
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marlowethelibrarian · 4 months
What does the social hierarchy look like?
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Hi! And welcome to SPLITE NITE, a series of posts about worldbuilding based off of @hyba's post on their SPLITE model post
For this series, I will be making one post per question that they present about Project Cannibalism as I do my best to prepare this project for the first draft and I'll try and get these up at least once a week, for WBW. I know it's not wednesday, shh I got busy.
So. What does the social hierarchy look like in the nation of Suya?
Suyan hierachy is based in matriarchal clans rooted in land ownership and agriculture. Clan often have different ways of organizing themselves, and they can differ, but usually there is a matriarch at the head of a clan.
Suya is somewhat of a confederacy, wherein clans are the primary landowners where, on their property, they have first say on how things go. However, they are all beholden to the first clan, the Daseri who are the keepers of magic and representatives of Suyo. The head house of the Daseri clan mediates inter-clan conflicts, represents Suyan interests to foreign parties, and controls the use of magic.
The Daseri are enormously powerful. The clan doubles as the main body of Suyan religion- to become a priest means joining the Daseri clan, and only Suyan priests can work magic. The Daseri will hold tryouts for young children to see if they have the potential for magic- and if they do, then those children get adopted into the clan. The highest status people in Suya are definitely the women priests in the Daseri clan.
Other than that, clans can expand their power by acquiring more land and more food, taking on and completing difficult work and projects and gaining status within a particular sohae.
A sohae is kind of like a state, but instead of being drawn by boundaries, it is an agreement by the clans who already exist in that area to work cooperatively. Not all clans exist in every sohae- some clans like each other more than others and are therefore more willing to work with each other. Large clans might have small presences in other sohaes, and therefore less influence.
Within a clan, there's usually a matriarch who distributes power and tasks. Inheritances generally run down to the youngest daughter. Land ownership doesn't go to the individual but to that branch of the clan, where the products of that land is theoretically owned collectively by clan members. Older siblings are expected to support the youngest daughter as she learns from them about their lives, the work they do, so she can lead appropriately in the future.
Clans often also sometimes have more than one bloodline that forms the clan. These are called houses. Some clans rank one house higher than other houses, but usually that's internal clan politics that people from outside those clans won't really grok to. You can be adopted to another clan, but you keep your house name. You don't marry people within your same clan, and you don't marry people with your same house name.
The people without a doubt who are the lowest status in the land are the Okono, those without a clan. These are usually exiles of some sort, people who have been driven out of their families. The Okono are regarded with suspicion, because it usually means they have done something criminal and have been removed from the family lists.
Second generation Okono can either be adopted into another clan, should a clan be willing to accept them, or, if they can gather up enough Okono together, they can form a new clan.
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caustic-splines · 3 months
I can be soft and vulnerable, I am willing to let you hurt me because I love you and trust you. I know you are passionate I rediscovered part of the reason why I love you so much. Your love is discrete, inverse pun intended but both homonyms applicable in this analogy. It is private, our unique form of expression
But it is also literally discrete, like recent quantum gravity field theories I may or may not have a hand in. My mind craves clarity, more so, it craves discrete caustic lines an planes. I would like to be like that every day. I want my heart to be in the inner of a particle accelerator bit-west two colliding high energy beams. All the crazy spins and flavor's of normal, charming, and even exotic sub atomic particles smashing apart, smashing together, twirling off in random spirals based on EM fields. That is who I am, not a particle reactor,
but every emergent self and extended phenotype aspect of my projects, world views, emotions, experiences, thoughts and behaviors.
Do you really want to see what I have seen when I was manic, I will make a brief outline, which barely does it justice, nor was the experience worth it in my mind
I saw reality
Across all multi scale layers of objective, subjective, abstract existance. Both perceived and externally existing.
Across all of these non-linear and semi-non empirical scales
Ontology categories of conscious awareness -5 Planc Quantized Wireframe -4 Subatomic Interactions -3 Electron Orbitals -2 Biochemical Interactions -1 Neurological Activity 0 Perception Input and basic awareness/dispersibility [(x n-1…n5) State of dissociation of whatever perceptual order or unconsciousness/dreaming] 1 Awareness of perception and SV 2 Awareness of perception in context or awareness of awareness -Xa Intrapersonal models 3 Awareness of self, regarding one's cognitive topography -Xb Allocentric models 4 Aware of a disruptive axiomatic shift recursively impacting various areas and fidelity of one's consciousness -Xc Global and Orbital Cyberphysical Memetogeographic Space -Xd Cosmology 5 Aware of a fundamental change in perception or PMC affecting POV. Shift in paradigm -Xe Uber Universes/5D+ EGC splines (ego/exo/allo) centric/ totality of EISOA over CT0-9
In the context of modular frames, of which I have objectively real working minimal level of knowledge in all of these domains, some reaching PhD levels of mastery
1 Technology
1 Applied Science/Applied Uses of TSECpm Phenomenon 2 ~Sustainable, Agricultural, Ecological and Environmental 3 Fabrication, Trade/Craft, and Intra/Inter Human Skill/Functionality 4 Military/Security/OMA7 5 Educational, Knowledge, Cognitive, Cybernetics, and Information, DT/PT 6 Electronics, Computers, Software, Spectrum, AI 7 Industries, Material Collection, Cyclical/NA: Supply Chains, Accounting 8 Skills, Fabrication, Synthesis, and Patents, Logistics 9 Civil, Nationality, Era, Civilian, State, and Structural 0 Future Technology/Other
2 Philosophy
1 Logic 2 Epistemology 3 Aesthetics 4 Politics 5 Dialectics, Critical Thinking, and Rhetoric 6 Ethics and Morality 7 Metaphysics and Ontology 8 Meta Linguistics 9 Applied Philosophy 0 Analytic Philosophy/Other
3 Engineering
1 Nuclear Engineering 2 Chemical Engineering 3 Biological Engineering/Medical Engineering 4 Environmental Engineering 5 Systems Engineering  and Cybernetics 6 Electrical Engineering 7 Mechanical Engineering 8 Industrial Engineering  9 Civil Engineering    0 Personal Engineering/Cognitive Engineering/Experience Engineering, ME0002/0013/0034/0049, Other
4 General-Cultural
1 Interactive Mediums/4, 3//Middle World IO MR Interaction/Hobbies/EISOA interactions 2 Geography, Culture, [[SMPH/ME 1/Experiment 0032 TSeCIVii|Experiment 0032 TSeCIVii]] 3 Occult/Niche Allusion/Metaphor 4 Physical, Mental, and Cognitive Skills 5 Day to Day Functionality, House Keeping, BH, and Normative and Exotic Behavior (Anomolies vs Normative Phenomena, timescale/PoF independent) 6 Law, Rules, Conduct, Ethology 7 Finance and Business/Institutions/VSM/States/Governing Bodies 8 Dynamic PPF+/-PoV, People of Interest, UJSF 9 Politics and Society – Collective Conscious Gestalt 0 UM, Pop culture/other, (**(almost) ALL EISOA can be contained in USF(EISOA Correlate))
5 Frameworks
1 Gestalt, Non Gestalt (AS/S)_, Spatial and/or Temporal Patterns, and Non-Modular and Modular Ontology, Shapes, Objects, Sounds,  Qualia Framed Experiences which can be Axiomatized (basically an intersystem link to 1, 1 to enable dual +y/1, 1 functionality) 2 PT/MR Mathematical and Mapping/Fields Competition and Game Theory, NWF (applying [[Experiment 0024 LoUtrix]] to 1, 1) 3 UJSF/Society and Culture/Cyberphysical Environments (EISOA cybersocial considertations) 4 TSECpm, +y/PT, Exocognition/LLM integration 5 Mindmap/MEs, and Modelling, Psychology/EISOA, Thought Traces/2, 5/AE/DABPAx (self imposed 3, 4 for the meta task of utilizing +y effectively) 6 Experiential and PMC/5, x /1, 1/3, 1/2, x/PE (1, 1-2-5-6/2, x subjective experience. MM08, x 7 IESOA, CABS, Frames, (OMA7), Fuzzy Logic, 3, 4/VSMs/SMPH Optimal Scheduling and [[Unsignificant Sentience/Mental Experiments/Experiment 0005 Chewing Gum Loading Dock|Experiment 0005 Chewing Gum Loading Dock]] [[SMPH/ME 1/Experiment 0058 Just in Time 1, 31, 5AE+Y|Experiment 0058 Just in Time 1, 31, 5AE+Y]] HMI workflow (EIOA on IS) 8 Language and Linguistics, Metaphor/SWHs, [[SMPH/ME 1/Experiment 0012 Fractal Cosmic Regression|Experiment 0012 Fractal Cosmic Regression]] 9 Cognition, Learning, and Experience/ 09, x 0 Axiomatic Systems, Perspective Theory/other, PoFs
6 Science
1 Physics 2 Astrophysics and Cosmology 3 Chemistry 4 Biology 5 Interdisciplinary/System Science 6 Health Sciences 7 Earth Sciences 8 Formal Science 9 Social Sciences 0 Other
7 Abstract Constructs, Functions, and Relationships
1 Set Theory 2 Ontology 3 Epistemology 4 Metaphysics 5 Digital/Cognitive Twins 6 Abstract Object Mapping 7 Abstract Object Manipulating 8 Elucidating Abstract Space into IS space and vice versa 9 Metaphysical Abstract Space Workshop, CA 0 Communicable and interactive Abstract Entities/Engineering of the Abstract
At the same time, world building a sci fi universe and multiple systems of systems that would be abstracted and logically patterned into some of the most influential books in human history.
The fourth book? You are a main character you wrote your own part you played. It is probably the first case of hypersituatal fictional historic non fiction that guided the development of humanity culturally and scientifically. I became a living fictive, I had all of my human rights removed, but not my natural rights.
When you see everything, you can change everything
I had reality fuck it's way into my brain and leave gaping wounds that have never healed. I can handle some rough love dear
Maybe one day I will be able to share the light show
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thewhitefluffyhat · 2 years
Day Four
[This is the fifth part of a collected liveblog/analysis of Nona the Ninth! See here for the other parts.]
A short day for Nona means a shorter liveblog from me as well. Have some mid-book general opinions to make up for it!
Chapter 17
-Another new chapter image - a leaf or flower of some sort. I still don’t have any idea what that could mean, other than these symbols of life contrasting with the deathly skulls and barren Tomb.
-p231 Of course CamPal use the recorder to talk to each other. It’s still asynchronous, but must at least be better than text. Especially for difficult conversations, since it preserves facial expressions…
Another conversation of what the meaning of love and freedom are. Themes, ahoy!
And again bringing up the idea of Nona as a true gestalt. But even a gestalt couldn’t understand an RB’s speech, I imagine. Unless Nona is actually a THREE way gestalt…
-p240 Ah, so Angel isn’t House, just formerly shepherded. And as expected, she’s not a human doctor. I was thinking vet, I wasn’t expecting zoos to still be around!
-p246 Hmhm, so what did Nona draw that scared the Angel so badly? Noodle’s skeleton, maybe? Wake’s portrait?
-p246 As the narrative becomes more serious with Ianthe’s arrival, we deprioritize the comedy characters. In this case, that means gently escorting the kids offscreen. …Or in other words, the Knight of Cerberus has appeared, so it’s time to Shoo Out the Clowns. Because even after all these years TV Tropes has still ruined my vocabulary. 
-Speaking of Ianthe - did the Babs fusion make her immune to Herald madness? That seems to be what was implied.
Or perhaps - hm. We know that either the wrong body or the wrong soul can protect a person. The person sounds like Ianthe, but has Babs’ hair… therefore, Ianthe possessing Babs’ body to be able to get to the planet with her sister on it despite the RB?
Also on the subject of Ianthe, I’m really curious how Corona is taking all of this!
-p248 D’aww, it wouldn’t be this series without a little bit of gay romance implied! Beautiful Ruby together with Born in the Morning, good for them. Is this the first M/M pairing aside from Augustine/John and Cam’s two dads?
-p249 Hoo boy when Hot Sauce finds out what Nona and her family are, things will not be pretty…
Chapter 18
-p250 So that was definitely Pal checking Angel for something. I wonder what…
-p251 Ahh, Nona was drawing an Earth animal. Or even an ancient Earth animal? I’m not familiar with the term “cradle creature,” but it sounds like an early ancestor that other species in a group are descended from.
Alternatively: If the trillionaires didn’t just populate the galaxy with humans, but also other animals, perhaps this is one of those original animals they brought with them?
-Also, more planet names! First New Rho, now Lemuria and Miró.
[Later me: Lemuria is a mythical/hypothesized lost continent, and Miró might be a reference to an artist? There doesn’t seem to be any particular pattern or connection between planetary names that I can see. I wonder who named them? Settlers descended from the trillionaires?]
-p256 hmhm? Difficult to make out, but it seems like the Angel had a House implant, but was working for Eden and did know about the “Troia experiment” - Nona being a semi-Lyctor?
-p260 Ahh. So it’s inter-BOE fighting. And hey, we finally get to see Pash’s face! Fanart should have fun with the electric blue hair.
-Kind of hilarious/sad that no matter who they are or where they go, Gideon and Harrow and now Nona still end up being someone’s dubiously ethical science project baby.
-p262 Finally, someone does the obvious thing and calls the Lyctor a lich.
Now here’s a silly question: which is more of an accurate term, zombie or lich? As blatantly incorrect as zombie sounds, for BOE’s purposes it probably is more accurate - after all, to kill a Lyctor you want to target the brain, not waste time searching for a hidden soul container to break!
-p265 Okay, wow. Speaking of brains, it was suggested with the thumbs in HtN that Gideon-in-Harrow had healing powers beyond even normal Lyctors, but this is full confirmation. Lyctors can’t heal from a bullet to the brain, and Nona just did.
-p269 OOF. I thought Hot Sauce learning the truth of Nona would be bad, I didn’t think the kid would actually try to kill her! These books sure love making things as dramatic and tragic as possible!
John 5:1
-p252 The name being “Pan-Euro” rather than the “European Union” is yet another way the old Earth of these books is implied to be slightly to the left and/or slightly into the future compared to real life. (The most obvious difference being the presence of trillionaires instead of billionaires, of course.)
I’d be interested to see a compilation of all these differences that don’t just stem from John’s actions.
-p273 I do find it hard to believe anyone would really care about the cows that much. I think it would be more likely that everyone would harp on about the farmers who lost money because of losing so many cows, or about whoever’s bodies John has been using in his experiments. (Where DID he get all of those?) But then again, real life media fixations can get plenty strange…
-p274 Wonder which nation it was who wanted to puppet around their dead leader? The United States or Russia (or maybe even China?) all seem very plausible. Or maybe the big nuclear powers on this Earth are somewhat different from reality!
Also in light of this plot point, the fact that Nona came out right when the British queen having died is dominating the news cycles is just. Morbidly hilarious.
Also², this is now the third time corpse puppeting to hide an inconvenient death has been a major plot point. I wonder what John would have thought if he knew Harrow had been puppeting her parents since she was ten? …He would just have been even more “aw, she could have been my daughter :)” about it, wouldn’t he?
Chapter 19
-p276 Nona’s brain just got scrambled and she’s having a terrifying tantrum but what jumps out to me here is that she just thought of Crown as Corona in the narration.
I don’t think Nona even knew the name Corona. Are Nona’s memories coming back?
-p278 And now Nona is talking with not her own voice. Wonder who that was? Given how cold it sounds, if I had to say, I would guess Harrow. But Harrow being aware of all the Nona shenanigans and sitting passively by… that doesn’t seem right.
And who is the voice talking to? Harrow to Nona about Gideon? Gideon to Nona about Harrow’s body?
John 3:20
-p282 So John already had a necromancy cult in the old world. Pretty wild!
Also as usual we only have John’s word that the FTL guys were lying. I imagine that they will turn out to be lying, but again… John. Unreliable Narrator extraordinaire.
Quick Thoughts
-This seems as good a place as any to pause and do a few more general thoughts on the book so far.
-Hot Sauce just exited the narrative rather dramatically. Will she be back, or nah? I could see that going either way. On the one hand, she’s quite significant to Nona. On the other hand, so were characters like Aiglamene and Crux to Gideon and Harrow, and they exited from the narrative completely after the first act of GtN. In this space opera, the bit parts have rarely mattered… yet.
-Come to think of it, this book has fewer dogs than I expected. Noodle doesn’t even belong to Nona and we never see her interact with the other dogs on the guest list! 
0/10 Not Enough Dogs (Joking)
-On second thought, my current bet is that Harrow is still AWOL and that moment of Nona talking to herself was Gideon to Nona re:Harrowbod.
But if both Gideon and Harrow were present, that brings up another weird possibility: what if Nona’s dreams were Gideon and Harrow talking with each other in the River? I doubt that the narrative would have those two have their long-awaited meet up offpage, but it sure would be a bold choice!
HtN Redux?
Structurally, this book is very similar to HtN. Perhaps too similar. We’ve got a confused, amnesiatic protagonist. We’ve got dream interludes that recount past events spaced between the normal chapters, with the implication that these sections occur literally as the protagonist is sleeping.
And that moment of Nona hearing a second voice seems almost identical - in both placement and I suspect foreshadowing - to the HtN moment of Pal seeing Gideon in the River bubble, and the narration briefly going first-person. Given Gideon’s corpse showing up in the broadcast, I think it’s quite likely that we might also get Gideon herself making a surprise appearance in Act 5 as well.
All in all, it feels like NtN has the same shape as HtN but executed with less… sharpness? Impact? Unless the end of those John interludes can match the absolutely delightful sequence of AUs and then the Nonius vs the Sleeper duel (which would be very hard), then I suspect I’ll wind up feeling that NtN is a little bit like HtN’s less ambitious cousin.
I also absolutely loved HtN’s POV shenanigans, and I’m now far enough into NtN to regretfully conclude that it isn’t doing anything on nearly the same level at that. Ah well.
Which is not to say I’m not excited for NtN’s conclusion. On the contrary, I’m very invested!
Day Five, Part 1 >>
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econoenigma · 3 months
Project 2025 is inter-generational, dating back to the 1930s.
THE PLOT TO SEIZE THE WHITE HOUSE; Jules Archer; HAWTHORN BOOKS, INC. PUBLISHERS / New York Copyright © 1973 by Jules Archer.
In September, 1934, the press announced the formation of a new organization, the American Liberty League, by discontented captains of industry and finance. They announced their objectives as "to combat radicalism, to teach the necessity of respect for the rights of persons and property, and generally to foster free private enterprise." Denouncing the New Deal, they attacked Roosevelt for "fomenting class hatred" by using such terms as "unscrupulous money changers," "economic royalists," and "the privileged princes of these new economic dynasties."
Butler's eyes widened when he read that the treasurer of the American Liberty League was none other than MacGuire's own boss, Grayson M.-P. Murphy, and one of its financiers was Robert S. Clark. Heading and directing the organization were Du Pont and J. P. Morgan and Company men. Morgan attorney John W. Davis was a member of the National Executive Committee-the same Davis that Clark had identified as author of the gold-standard speech MacGuire had tried to get Butler to make to the American Legion convention in Chicago. Heavy contributors to the American Liberty League included the Pitcairn family (Pittsburgh Plate Glass), Andrew W. Mellon Associates, Rockefeller Associates, E. F. Hutton Associates, William S. Knudsen (General Motors), and the Pew family (Sun Oil Associates). J. Howard Pew, longtime friend and supporter of Robert Welch, who later founded the John Birch Society, was- a generous patron, along with other members of the Pew family, of extremist right-wing causes. Other directors of the league included A1 Smith and John J. Raskob. Two organizations affiliated with the league were openly Fascist and antilabor. One was the Sentinels of the Republic, financed chiefly by the Pitcairn family and J. Howard Pew. Its members labeled the New Deal "Jewish Communism" and insisted "the old line of Americans of $1,200 a year want a Hitler." The other was the Southern Committee to Uphold the Constitution, which the conservative Baltimore Sun described as "a hybrid organization financed by northern money, but playing on the Ku Klux Klan prejudices of the south." Its sponsor, John H. Kirby, collaborated in anti-Semitic drives against the New Deal with the Reverend Gerald L. K. Smith, leader of the first Silver Shirt squad of American storm troopers.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 4 months
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"GIGANTIC DRIVE TO CREATE WORK," Kingston Whig-Standard. May 14, 1934. Page 15. --- Re-establishment of Credit and Stability Helps Government ---- WINNIPEG - Papers are being shuffled in relief department pigeon- holes and preliminary plans checked in preparation for monster drive by the governments of western Canada. Work schemes, carefully fyled away during a period of financial stringency are receiving fresh attention in the face of a better budgetary outlook.
Proposals are being re-examined that will bring workers back to the land, encourage home crafts and local industries, revive building activity and encourage agricultural development. Special attention will be paid to waterworks projects in rural areas in view of the disastrous effect of the recent drought.
Approval of the government's relief bill which ear-marked $50,000,000 for a public works program across Canada provided the spark which set provincial machinery humming for the benefit of thousands of unemployed.
Proposals for housing schemes are being studied by a score of cities. Winnipeg has under consideration several plans including the construction of a community centre, to cost $1,700,000. Other preliminary projects in Manitoba include work at the International Peace Garden and Riding Mountain National park, extensive river works to prevent floods and develop the northern mining industry, government and small public buildings at various points..
Public works in 'Saskatchewan include construction of government buildings at Regina to cost $750,000 and a number of post-offices throughout the province. Construction of airports in the north and a general program to stimulate industry is also planned.
Several cities have indicated a willingness to launch their own recovery program and pay the full cost of labor involved in return for inter- est-free loans. It is believed the Dominion government will encourage such schemes which are well thought out, and justified on their merits. Lethbridge in Alberta, seeks a loan of 500,000 on these terms for an extensive building and paving program.
The proposed British Columbia program includes innumerable public buildings, sewer, water and road works, post-office and bridge construction. Erection of a huge stadium, grandstand and auditorium at Kitsilano Indian reserve would cost $2,000,000 and employ 600 men for one year.
In addition federal machinery is being set up to secure rellef for agricultural communities. Powers of the Federal Farm Loan Board will be enlarged to permit of debt adjustment. Arrangements will be made to loan money to wipe off existing debts up to two-thirds of the value of land and equipment.
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Discover the Elegance of Sunshine Golden River Apartments: A Legacy for the Future
A quest for luxury living in Tay Ho Tay has begun with the launch of the prestigious Sunshine Golden River tower by Sunshine Group.
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Sunshine Golden River Apartments: The Search for Luxury Living in Tay Ho Tay
The hunt for premium apartments in Tay Ho Tay has intensified with the introduction of Sunshine Golden River, a luxurious residential project by Sunshine Group. This development offers a wide range of apartments, providing diverse options to meet the varied needs of customers.
>> Read more: Sunshine Golden River
Sunshine Golden River Apartments: Satisfying the Market's Demand for Luxury
After a long wait, Ms. Duong Tu Anh from Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi, is accelerating her family's search for a new home. "I'm tired of the cramped conditions in the inner city. My biggest desire now is to find a place that meets all the living environment criteria and quality amenities to move to. The demand is urgent, so any potential project is a quick decision," she said.
This year, the real estate market is driven mainly by the need for actual housing or investment opportunities for immediate rental. Real estate agent Mr. Cao Tuan noted, "The market will see positive growth this year and next, but there will also be many changes in housing preferences."
Sunshine Golden River Apartments
"Instead of choosing mid-range apartments, many people now prefer high-end, quality projects in prime locations where they can move in immediately after receiving the keys from the developer. Especially in the Tay Ho Tay area, particularly within the Ciputra Nam Thang Long complex, there are highly sought-after projects that only those quick enough can secure. Sunshine Golden River apartments are undoubtedly an excellent choice, whether for living or as an investment to increase assets," Mr. Cao Tuan shared.
Located within the Nam Thang Long complex, Sunshine Golden River benefits from a well-developed transportation infrastructure and directly benefits from policies aimed at developing the Red River as a green axis and central landscape, promoting balanced urban development on both sides of the river. Therefore, Sunshine Golden River apartments maintain their appeal even amidst market fluctuations.
At the Sunshine Golden River tower, customers can choose between fully finished and raw handover apartments, tailored to their needs and purposes. Additionally, residents moving to Sunshine Golden River will enjoy a living environment enriched with comprehensive amenities, infrastructure, and top-tier service quality throughout the project.
Sunshine Golden River Apartments: A Treasure for Future Generations
Situated in the western Tay Ho Tay area of Hanoi, the Sunshine Golden River apartment tower stands out as a prime focus for investors and buyers because it is one of the few completed "rare items." Moving here, residents will immediately integrate into the vibrant life of a community of successful elites, while enjoying a lifestyle rich in contemporary and unique characteristics exclusive to this location.
Sunshine Golden River apartments not only cater to multi-generational families with spacious areas but also meet the "green" living needs close to nature. Each apartment spans up to 75 square meters and features balconies with gardens and views of the Red River, Nhat Tan Bridge, and the city skyline. This makes it the perfect home, blending modern trends with cherished spiritual values, and touching the emotions of every family member.
Enhancing the quality of living at Sunshine Golden River are interior furnishings from renowned brands such as Porta, Casta, Hafele, Grohe, Duravit, Ferroli, and Ariston. Residents can enjoy comprehensive wellness amenities and services, including swimming pools, gym-spa areas, inter-neighborhood walking paths, green gardens, scenic lookout points, and both indoor and outdoor children's playgrounds.
Additionally, the commercial and service floors of the project provide a sophisticated shopping and entertainment space, meeting essential living needs and catering to the passion for high-end brands among the elite.
For more details about the Sunshine Golden River project, please contact the Tan Long Land Sales Department:
Hotline: 0987.745.745 Email: [email protected] Website: bdstanlong.com
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ao3feed-kiribaku · 5 months
Accio Prince Charming
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/n6d2xoY by KatelynFics The quidditch season is wrapping up at Hogwarts, Griffindor taking home the Quidditch Cup for the second year in a row, but the games haven't ended yet. Seven sixth-year quidditch players from each of the four houses have been chosen to form the inter-house team, meant to compete against the other sixth years from Beauxbaton and Durmstrang. With a win against Beauxbaton already under Katsuki's belt as Seeker, the team has returned to Hogwarts to welcome the players from Durmstrang. Despite the rumors that the Durmstrang Beaters might be trolls, Katsuki's sure this will shape up to be the most uneventful two-weeks of his life. Words: 3766, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Iida Tenya, Kaminari Denki, Todoroki Shouto, Monoma Neito, Sero Hanta, Kirishima Eijirou, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Toogata Mirio, Amajiki Tamaki, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yagi Toshinori | All Might Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Amajiki Tamaki/Toogata Mirio Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Harry Potter Setting, Quidditch, Triwizard Tournament Happens Differently (Harry Potter), Slytherin Bakugou Katsuki, Gryffindor Midoriya Izuku, Quidditch Captain Iida Tenya, Professor Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Professor Yagi Toshinori, Durmstrang Student Kirishima Eijirou, This is what the Triwizard should have been, First Meetings, angry flirting, Bakugou Katsuki Has a Near Death Experience, Magic, Broomsticks, Dirty Textbooks, Another project I might finish later read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/n6d2xoY
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kkconstinc · 7 months
Crafting Maryland's Future: Versatile Construction Solutions for a Dynamic Landscape
In the vibrant construction landscape of Maryland, K&K Construction Investment Corp stands out as a versatile and reliable partner, offering a wide range of construction services tailored to meet the diverse needs of clients. Specializing in civil work, home remodeling, and general contracting services, K&K Construction Investment Corp is committed to excellence, innovation, and client satisfaction.
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Civil Work in Maryland: Shaping Communities with Precision Civil work forms the backbone of Maryland's infrastructure, and K&K Construction Investment Corp plays a pivotal role in shaping communities with its expertise in this field. From road construction to utilities installation, our team of civil engineers and workers possesses the skills and experience to execute projects with precision and efficiency.
At K&K Construction Investment Corp, we understand the importance of infrastructure in fostering growth and connectivity. Our civil work projects are characterized by meticulous planning, adherence to regulatory standards, and a commitment to delivering results that stand the test of time. Whether it's a large-scale public project or a private development, K&K Construction Investment Corp is dedicated to shaping Maryland's landscape with infrastructure that enhances the quality of life for its residents.
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Home Remodeling Contractors: Transforming Spaces with Creativity Home remodeling is an art form, and at K&K Construction Investment Corp, we approach each project with creativity, vision, and attention to detail. Our team of skilled designers, architects, and contractors collaborates closely with clients to understand their vision and transform their homes into spaces that exceed expectations.
From kitchen renovations to bathroom remodels and whole-house transformations, K&K Construction Investment Corp offers comprehensive home remodeling services tailored to meet the unique needs and preferences of each client. We believe that every home has the potential to be a reflection of its owner's personality and lifestyle, and our goal is to bring that vision to life with craftsmanship and expertise.
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General Contracting Services: Your Trusted Construction Partner As a leading provider of general contracting services in Maryland, K&K Construction Investment Corp serves as a trusted partner for clients seeking reliable and efficient construction solutions. Our comprehensive range of services encompasses everything from project management to construction oversight, subcontractor coordination, and quality control.
At K&K Construction Investment Corp, we understand that successful construction projects require meticulous planning, clear communication, and attention to detail. Our team of experienced project managers and contractors works tirelessly to ensure that every project is completed on time, within budget, and to the highest standards of quality. Whether it's a new construction project, a renovation, or a civil work endeavor, clients can trust K&K Construction Investment Corp to deliver results that exceed expectations.
Conclusion: Partnering for Success in Construction In conclusion, K&K Construction Investment Corp is a versatile and reliable partner for clients seeking construction solutions in Maryland. From civil work to home remodeling and general contracting services, we offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to meet the diverse needs of our clients. With a commitment to excellence, innovation, and client satisfaction, K&K Construction Investment Corp is poised to continue shaping Maryland's construction landscape for years to come.
For More Info: -
Civil Work In Maryland
M.E.P. Designing And Planning
New Construction Homes In Maryland
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rpgse7enx4 · 7 months
Art, news, truth, lies and corruption (documentary/series aspect) - By RPG.
The FBI Files, American television series that ran from 1998 until 2006.
(Above): "The Mole & A Sledgehammer" - the story of a Camden, NJ home being invaded by masked assailants; using a sledgehammer and an assortment of various weapons they force themselves in, but not without resilience from the house owner. Case dated February 12 1992.
The second case in the docuseries divulges, assailants have their plan nearly becomes foiled when a tip comes in to the FBI on July 19 of 1997. An armed criminal with intentions to rob the Woodlyne branch of CoreStates bank with, along with accomplices. Three masked men make their entrance into the bank, with assault rifles in hand and a mindset for a good payout; after hollering and threatening the bank teller and customers, they make off with $64,039.
How this relates with my project concept:
My project concept encompasses itself within the world of crime, both international and regional; whether it be murders, international drug smuggling, inter-agency fugitive cases or escapees. Its important to relay the idea that the criminal world is indefinitely corrupt, as examples of centuries of crime furthers the idea of a "criminal circle".
My actual project concept involves the use of assets; asset creation and creating assets for a investigative type "puzzle game", where said assets will be displayed with appropriate backgrounds/uses (for example, the assets being shown in a conceptualised use within a law enforcement type game, or that of a puzzle game where you are a detective solving clues).
The relevance between the story of King Midas and true crime in general is the fact that both criminals and Midas inhibit corrupt and greedy personality traits. "Fool's gold" refers to the material that appears as if it was actual gold, and this could be allegorised to cases of crime; for instance, El Chapo, and the rise and fall of his billions in criminal profits from drug trafficking.
The core of researching The FBI Files is that it is a style as a "docudrama", factual information played out in a realistic re-enacting format.
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lastfry · 7 months
Understanding the Primary Objective of a Library Management System
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In the digital age where information is abundant and easily accessible, the role of libraries may seem diminished to some. However, libraries remain indispensable institutions for communities worldwide, serving as hubs of knowledge, culture, and education. To efficiently manage the vast resources and services they offer, libraries employ sophisticated systems known as Library Management Systems (LMS). But what exactly is the primary objective of these systems?
At its core, the primary objective of a Library Management System is to streamline and enhance the various operations and functions within a library environment. From cataloging and organizing materials to facilitating patron interactions, an LMS acts as the backbone that supports the smooth functioning of a library. Let's delve deeper into the key aspects of its primary objectives:
Efficient Resource Management: Libraries house an extensive collection of books, periodicals, multimedia materials, and digital resources. One of the foremost objectives of an LMS is to efficiently manage these resources. This includes tasks such as cataloging items, maintaining accurate records of inventory, tracking circulation, and ensuring easy retrieval of materials through effective indexing and search functionalities.
Facilitating Patron Services: Another crucial aspect of LMS is to enhance the experience of library patrons. This involves providing user-friendly interfaces for searching and accessing resources, managing membership and borrowing privileges, facilitating online reservations and renewals, and offering personalized recommendations based on user preferences and borrowing history.
Automation of Routine Tasks: LMS aims to automate routine administrative tasks to free up staff time for more value-added activities. Functions like generating reports, managing fines and fees, sending overdue reminders, and handling inter-library loans can be automated through the system, improving operational efficiency and reducing manual workload.
Data Management and Analysis: Modern LMS platforms are equipped with robust data management capabilities. They capture and analyze various metrics related to library usage, circulation patterns, popular resources, and user demographics. This data-driven approach enables libraries to make informed decisions regarding collection development, resource allocation, and service improvements.
Integration with Digital Technologies: With the proliferation of digital resources and online services, LMS must seamlessly integrate with digital technologies. This includes providing access to e-books, e-journals, databases, and other electronic resources, as well as supporting digital lending, access controls, and authentication mechanisms to ensure secure and convenient access for patrons.
Enhancing Collaboration and Communication: LMS often serve as platforms for collaboration and communication among library staff, enabling them to coordinate workflows, share information, and collaborate on projects more effectively. Features such as messaging systems, task assignments, and centralized document repositories facilitate teamwork and improve internal communication within the library.
Adaptability and Scalability: As libraries evolve to meet changing user needs and technological advancements, LMS must be adaptable and scalable. The primary objective is to future-proof the system by ensuring that it can accommodate new functionalities, integrate with emerging technologies, and scale up to support growing collections and user bases without compromising performance or usability.
In conclusion, the primary objective of a Library Management System is to optimize the operations of a library, enhance user experiences, and enable libraries to fulfill their mission of providing access to information and knowledge. By leveraging technology to streamline processes, improve services, and harness data-driven insights, LMS play a vital role in the modernization and continued relevance of libraries in the digital age.
If you like to read more about it please visit analyticsjobs.in
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azeez-unv · 9 months
SCHOOL NAME - Affiliates..... Board Name
Annual report:
“May be there is a road ahead of it, May be there is a new world down the road, Walking forth is the only plight, Because we didn’t come this far to come this far only “
A heart filled with aspirations is all that we knew since the very existence of the school and that’s what gave us the ambition of marching forward till excellence is achieved in all our endeavours. This report is comprised of the achievements made during the year gone by and at the same time set the path for greater accomplishments in the years to come.
 As a regular practice followed every year, this session began with the Orientation Programme for the parents of the students of classes Pre-Kg to X. The programme made the parents aware of the scheme of education we impart here at our school. Query-resolving session by our director of Operations Mr.X illuminated the path of positive parenting.
The Rear block connecting the Kg wing and class I was opened this year for parents to drop their children.
Two wheeler parking area besides the security block was arranged for the parents to drop their children and for the staff to park their vehicles.
A mini multipurpose hall was constructed to facilitate multi activities at a time.
With the sole purpose of updating teachers’ knowledge, the school hosted a series of Teachers’ Workshops. It was an attempt which inclusively engulfed various significant aspects like Moral Values, Life Skills by CBSE, Meditation & Stress Management, English Language and Mathematics. Apart from this, our teachers are made a part of the training sessions and workshops happening at other schools. Our teachers attended various workshops like CHINTAN workshop, workshop on NURTURING EARLY CHILDHOOD and ADOLESCENCE MANAGEMENT, workshops on various ACADEMIC SUBJECTS. Attendee teachers further share the knowledge with other fellow teachers widening the sphere of wisdom. 
SCHOOL APP:  Keeping ourselves up with the pace of the modern world, Complete Digitization of the school was undertaken which transformed the entire school chores channel through the Information Technology, bringing in more transparency and enhanced communication with parents and community.
Having the school completely digitized has innumerous advantages to the parents, teachers and the school itself.  Parents can keep a real-time track of the status of their child for Daily Attendance, Fee status, Periodic Results, School Circulars and News, etc. through the SCHOOL APP on Android.
To take part is what counts in competition and lessons of victory and defeat are what we get in return. This environment was sufficiently created through inter-school, inter-house and inter-class competitions such as debates, Vad-Vivaad Pratiyogita, Shlok Competition, Quiz, Rangoli, Declamation, Creative-Writing, Spelling-Bee, Rhyme and Rhythm, Drawing and Power-Point competitions. Our students took part in various inter-school and zonal level Competitions and brought laudable laurels to the school.
“Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.” – Antony J D’Angelo
Our current  class IX students are getting ready to face the board exams with many changes in exam pattern.
To cope up with this competitive society,it is necessary for our students to get updated with current affairs,Plenty  of Quiz contests were conducted to develop their general knowledge and intellectuality.
EXPO 2023
To outlet the steam of caliber of our students in the field of science, IT, Art and Social Science, Languages, a multi disciplinary project Expo was conducted for two days open to public.
We always celebrate religious festivals with divine, message and entertainment:
Ganesh Chathurthi , Bakrid ,Christmas,Krishna Jayanthi, Navratri, Deepavali, Pongal, Raksha bandan etc.
The school celebrates all the National festivals like Independence Day, Republic Day, Teachers day and Children’s Day with great respect and devotion to the country and to the country men.
The school organized Dental Camp and Eye Camp for all the students and the Doctors advised the students to keep clean their teeth and eat balanced diet to keep the eyes in right condition. The Medical camp was conducted in the month of July 2023.
As a part of the curriculum, we had our field trips for all classes.The trip to ISRO was very informative. Field trips were arranged to many historical monuments in and around Sivagangai and Madurai Districts. Our junior globalians has their visits to all government sectors of Post office, Bank and fire stations. A set of students visited the coir industry, poultry and nursery farm.
In addition to our daily routines, we do activities related to a theme set up for the week – Air, water, solar system, five elements of earth, vegetables, spinach, dairy products, reptiles, states and capitals, transport, safety, National leaders, National Monuments  etc.
Our kindergarten students celebrated their Colour Concept:
All the children from the KG department,and their teachers, were dressed colourfully to celebrate this occasion. The classrooms too were decorated with different colours to welcome our children. Our tiny tots looked beautiful with their coloured attires. The day began with a short prayer and continued with various activities like singing rhymes and jingles on colours, colour identification game etc. They were taught to make balls with coloured papers. All the children enjoyed this special day and went home with smiles on their face. The motive of celebrating Colour Concept day is to create awareness in children on different colours. Through these activities children develop psychomotor and cognitive skills.
On Feb. 14th we had our family day celebration in our Kg Wing. Our kids used it as a platform to exhibit their multi talents. It was a challenging program for the LKg kids to read the sentences accompanied by pictures and sight words. Our UKg kids read the passage with phonic sounds. They rocked the show.
Graduation Day was celebrated on 30th March 2023 with the ‘Sow and Grow’ by Welcoming the Chief Guest  Mr.X, the famous writer. Our School Principal addressed the gathering and highlighted the vision of the school and role of parents and teachers in pupils learning process. Parent representatives expressed their gratitude towards the school and the teachers in instilling humility and self esteem in their children in their varied spectrum of activities and the cultural fest followed hereafter.
Whatever you do, do with determination. You have one life to live, do your work with passion and give the best, whether you want to be a Chef, Engineer, Actor or an Entrepreneur. This is the best process in our school to make the new students mingle with existing students and their parents,and have a great fun, food and entertainment.
Our sports day was celebrated in a grand manner with a young chief guest Mr.X, kabadi defending champion  awarding all our sports champions.
“Do activities as you’re passionate about, which makes your heart and soul feel perky.” In order to groom and bring out inner talent we conduct various in house competitions for students like working out, cooking without fire,painting on different things, writing, yoga, swimming and reading.
Our 3rd Annual day was successfully celebrated with colorful events. Our chief guest Mr X felicitated the gathering by his wonderful speech. Towards the end, we thank the supportive management whose continuous support to our ideology of education has enabled the school to come this far. Teachers and the entire staff members also deserve applause for their tireless efforts in implementing the route map of imparting quality education here. We also extend my heartfelt thanks to the parents of our students who have shown unflinching faith in us by giving us the profound opportunity to transform their children into truly useful citizens of the future world. With that, let us foresee a world of universal singularity where our children are going to be the propellant of this change and the world shall be a beautiful place to live in..!!!
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earaercircular · 1 year
What to do with electronic waste in Latin-America?
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Around 50 million tons of e-waste are discarded each year worldwide. And only 5% of the total is recycled. The regional average reaches around 7 kg per person, per year
Have you ever imagined having gold in your possession and throwing it away? Well, this happens more than we think. For example, with those electrical or electronic devices that stopped working or that we no longer use. These artifacts are generally made of plastics and metals, such as aluminum, copper, and also the famous gold.
However, as we live in an era of consumption and disposal, when we talk about waste from these devices, known as WEEE[1], instead of looking for a new use or recycling it, we throw it away.
Clearly, both the famous planned obsolescence and the latest model fever do not help. And the ranking proposed by the World Observatory of Electronic Waste[2] estimates that what is discarded the most are cell phones, hard drives, cpus[3], disused monitors, modems, printers, cables and televisions.
And this can be dangerous. The composition of the artifacts[4] reaches 72% recyclable materials, 25% reusable materials and 3% hazardous waste (cathode ray tubes, integrated circuit boards, refrigeration gases, PCBs). "Its accumulation affects human health through exposure to toxic elements such as lead[5]," says a study by the entity.
This also describes "adverse health effects [6], ranging from birth problems, neurological development disorders, learning disabilities, DNA damage, cardiovascular and respiratory problems, skin diseases, among others and soil contamination and of the water and the air”.
For its part, the International Labour Organization (ILO) [7] states that they constitute the fastest growing waste stream in the world. And that they require special treatment for having dangerous elements. Their complexity in recycling and their cost generate an urgent need for an adequate regulatory framework since "they constitute an important problem for the environment and the health of the population."[8]
World ranking
According to the Eco House organisation[9], around 50 million tons of electronic waste are discarded each year worldwide. Among the countries most affected by electronic waste that receive more than they emit are: Ethiopia, Ghana[10], India, Singapore and Malaysia. The ILO reveals that the countries that generate the most WEEE are Brazil (35%), Mexico (20%), Colombia (8%) and Argentina (7%).
However, if the generation of WEEE is analysed in relative terms to the population of the countries, the largest producers are Chile (9.9 kg/inhab) and Uruguay (9.5 kg/inhab). "These levels are moderate even when compared to countries like the United States or Italy –22 and 17.8 kg/inhabitant/year, respectively."
Other data comes from the report Technology for climate action in Latin America, by the GSMA Association and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), published in June 2018[11] . There, Uruguay is registered as the country with the highest generation of electronic waste per person, with an average of 11 kg per person per year.
And the country with the lowest generation per person is Nicaragua, with an average of two kg of electronic waste. "The regional average reached around seven kg per person per year, close to the world average (estimated at six), but considerably lower than that of Europe (16 kg)," the document details. “These figures in Latin America possibly respond to the practice of reusing electronics. In the region, reused devices are often given away or sold, increasing their useful life."
Other life
The issue is that although we believe that they no longer make sense in our day to day, that does not mean that their useful life has ended. On the contrary, not only are there many ventures and projects that continue to use it, but by recycling them we are doing good for the planet[12].
The World Observatory for Electronic Waste[13]  suggests that only 5% of the total are recovered or recycled. In general, 50% of unused cell phones are stored in homes and institutions due to lack of knowledge about what to do with them. What can we do from our place?[14]
Acquire electrical and electronic products that prioritize the recycling of certain parts.
Try to extend the useful life of our devices to the maximum
Avoid changing them if they still work or fixing them, while you can
And what we discard, it is advisable to bring them closer to ventures, foundations or programs that receive them to renovate or recycle them. You have to inquire in each region.
What is possible to recycle?[15]
Computers, notebooks, monitors, keyboards, mice
Decoders, modems.
Telephone lines, cell phones.
Faxes, stereos, VCRs, DVDs and televisions, among others.
Where can I take my electronic waste? There are various initiatives in the different countries of South-America. These are some:
Argentina. Electronic waste and art
In the City of Buenos Aires, there is a place where electronic waste becomes art. Nothing is wasted. This is Esquinazo Recicla[16], a civil association that recycles electronic waste. They receive from a headset to a refrigerator. And the most wonderful thing is that the plates of LED televisions or CPUs can end up being from a Mona Lisa to a Darth Vader.
“We carry out a chain of favours. Of the equipment we recovered. For example, we donate recovered computers to social spaces,” Mariano Moreyra, founder of Esquinazo Recicla, tells América Futura.
Other places to bring Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment closer in Buenos Aires are the CABA Green Points[17], the company Qué Reciclo,[18] Gea Sustentable Fundación[19], San Isidro[20] or the Conectar Program in Ituzaingó[21], where used computers are repaired to be donated to families with members with ASD[22].
Colombia, according to the organization Manos Verdes[23], produces 130,000 tons of electronic waste per year. “It is the fourth country with the highest production on the continent, but the first in management, disposal and recycling. This is thanks to the fact that, since 2013, the Law 1672 on Waste Management of Electrical and Electronic Equipment has been in force. This urges the companies that sell these devices to manage their recycling and provide the consumer with spaces for their collection”.
It is one of the few countries in the region with a National Policy for the comprehensive management of this waste that defines the roadmap until the year 2032. Although each country outlines its public policies, in general they are based on some international treaties and conventions. such as the Montreal Protocol[24], the Basel[25] and Stockholm[26] Conventions, and the Minamata Convention[27].
The United Nations Development Program, supported by the World Environment Fund, implemented in Colombia the project called Reduction of unintentional releases of POPs and mercury from hospital waste management, WEEE, metal scrap processing and biomass burning in 2017. As of today, there are initiatives that work in the country are RAEE Colombia SAS[28] and Ekosolv[29].
The trans-Andes nation is another of the countries that has legislation that frames WEEE. This is Law 20,920 of Extended Producer Responsibility (REP). There are some private initiatives such as Recycla[30], which recycles electronics. And Fundación Chile[31], which launched the #Renchúfate campaign[32], which works with the school community and municipalities, providing information[33]  for the correct disposal of these devices.
For its part, the company Samsung launched the Recycle and Save campaign, to remove and recover all kinds of household appliances in Chile. According to the company, "each appliance will go to Degraf, a company[34] in which its components will be separated according to their composition: plastics, metals or glass".
In Ecuador, there is Vertmonde[35], an initiative that seeks an "Ecuador free of electronic waste with technical recycling of e-waste and circular electronics".
It is estimated that this kind of waste is the one that will increase the most in the future due to technological advances. For this reason, every time we stop using a cell phone, a computer or even a refrigerator, what is worth gold is knowing its correct disposition in order to promote the circular economy and a better future for our planet.
Augustina Grasso,  ¿Qué hacer con los residuos electrónicos?, in: El País, 14-08-2023, https://elpais.com/america-futura/2023-08-14/que-hacer-con-los-residuos-electronicos.html
[1] Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
[2] https://www.itu.int/dms_pub/itu-d/opb/gen/D-GEN-E_WASTE.01-2020-PDF-S.pdf
[3] A central processing unit (CPU)—also called a central processor or main processor—is the most important processor in a given computer.
[4] https://residuoselectronicosal.org/2021/03/observatorio-mundial-de-los-residuos-electronicos-2020-version-en-espanol/
[5] https://elpais.com/planeta-futuro/2023-02-10/los-ninos-invisibles-del-plomo-en-el-norte-remoto-de-chile.html
[6] https://elpais.com/mexico/2022-11-23/la-contaminacion-ambiental-el-monstruo-silencioso-que-ahoga-cada-ano-a-8000-personas-en-ciudad-de-mexico.html
[7] https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---americas/---ro-lima/---ilo-buenos_aires/documents/publication/wcms_750434.pdf
[8] Read also: https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/665044124448227328/what-are-the-challenges-in-the-framework-of?source=share
[9] https://ecohouse.org.ar/
[10] https://elpais.com/planeta-futuro/2023-05-11/jugarse-la-vida-en-el-gran-cementerio-electronico-de-ghana-inundado-con-la-basura-del-norte.html
[11] https://www.gsma.com/latinamerica/resources/technology-climate-action/
[12] https://elpais.com/america-futura/2023-04-16/como-reciclar-en-america-latina-sabes-donde-acaba-tu-basura.html
[13] https://residuoselectronicosal.org/2021/03/observatorio-mundial-de-los-residuos-electronicos-2020-version-en-espanol/
[14] Read also: https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/707326337365442560/recycling-raw-materials-from-urban-mines-are?source=share
[15] Read also: https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/670292335907815424/e-waste-an-ecological-bomb-how-to-get-rid-of?source=share
[16] https://www.instagram.com/esquinazorecicla/
[17] https://buenosaires.gob.ar/ciudadverde/noticias/para-acompanar-la-puesta-en-marcha-de-la-ciudad-los-puntos-verdes-ubicados-en
[18] https://www.quereciclo.com.ar/empresa.php
[19] https://geasustentable.com.ar/nosotros/
[20] https://www.idealist.org/es/ong/f54f374b07fe47248b565fc5973c1b79-asociacion-civil-comunidad-organizada-por-san-isidro-san-isidro
[21] https://www.miituzaingo.gov.ar/es/gobierno-abierto/noticias/2023-06-07/mas-de-440-alumnos-y-alumnas-de-ituzaingo-recibieron-sus
[22] Autistic Spectrum Disorder
[23] https://www.manosverdes.co/
[24] The Montreal Protocol is an international treaty designed to protect the ozone layer by phasing out the production of numerous substances that are responsible for ozone depletion. It was agreed on 16 September 1987, and entered into force on 1 January 1989.
[25] The Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal, usually known as the Basel Convention, is an international treaty that was designed to reduce the movements of hazardous waste between nations, and specifically to prevent transfer of hazardous waste from developed to less developed countries. It does not, however, address the movement of radioactive waste.
[26] Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants is an international environmental treaty, signed on 22 May 2001 in Stockholm and effective from 17 May 2004, that aims to eliminate or restrict the production and use of persistent organic pollutants (POPs).
[27] The Minamata Convention on Mercury is an international treaty designed to protect human health and the environment from anthropogenic emissions and releases of mercury and mercury compounds. The convention is named after the Japanese city Minamata.
[28] https://www.raee.com.co/servicios/
[29] https://www.ekosolv.com/
[30] https://www.recycla.cl/
[31] https://fch.cl/iniciativa/residuos-e/
[32] https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1169188090336927
[33] https://fch.cl/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Puntos-de-Recoleccio%CC%81n-Ewaste.pdf
[34] DEGRAF started its activities in 1982 in the field of recycling graphic, photographic and radiological waste. Over the years and in response to the evolution of the industry and the requirements of its customers, DEGRAF has developed new service areas, becoming a comprehensive manager of industrial waste specializing in electrical and electronic waste (WEEE), hazardous waste (RESPEL) and ferrous and non-ferrous metal waste. https://degraf.cl/nosotros/nuestra-empresa/
[35] https://www.vertmonde.com/
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