#Insolvency Exception
ifindtaxpro · 1 year
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doromoni · 6 months
Clash of Champions | LH44 , MV1
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Act 1 . Part 3 : Beaten Black and Red Bull Blue
Ships : Lewis Hamilton x Engineer! Reader , Max Verstappen x Engineer! Reader
Genre : Drama , Angst , Romance
Warnings : Morally Grey Characters
Summary : The rivalry between the titans of Formula 1 go off track and only one will reign victorious.
< Previous Act 2. >
Never in your days in Formula 1 would you even consider leaving everything behind and disappearing from it all. But staring at you was your resignation letter, fully written out and waiting to be sent.
Everything felt torturous. Your mind was eating you alive, it felt like your entire body was pushing you to cut every tie with the motorsport world. You felt sick to your stomach and bile was pushing out your throat. You just wanted to disappear.
It was the year 2021. No one had predicted the sudden rise of Red Bull in the form of Max Verstappen. The Mercedes dominance was now on the brink of dethronement.
Toto’s promise of an 8th championship to Lewis was under the threat of insolvency. The entirety of Mercedes is at its wit's end, with so many questions and no answers to give.
Nothing was solved, and people are now starting to point fingers at who’s at fault. Blame was being passed around from all parts of the motorhome. No one could accept that there was a driver that could challenge Lewis Hamilton and it was time for an actual battle on the track, except you — and because of this, just because you acknowledge the talent of Max Verstappen, you were branded a traitor. Suddenly, they finally had someone to blame. Y/N L/N, the Red Bull ally.
Your time at Mercedes had brought you hell and back. Every race week was as horrible as the previous one. When Lewis won a race it was a team effort, but when he lost, it was entirely your fault as an engineer. Your every action in every hallway felt like you were walking on eggshells.
The stress and tension had muddled every part of your life. However, you pushed through and took every hit, all because you wanted that 8th championship. Because it was all for the man that you gave your heart to, Lewis Hamilton. You are willing to give up everything for the sake of him.
No one saw that you were slowly dying inside, not even Lewis. It had been a while since the two of you had properly spoken, ironically you see each other every day. Yet everything revolved around racing and the championship, even on off weeks, Lewis was either training or out of the house for events he couldn’t bring you to.
Your shared apartment felt empty and icy. But everything felt alright when at the end of the day Lewis pulls you close, his arms tight against your stomach and you drift to sleep. And yet you wake up in an empty bed. It was a vicious cycle and one you cannot seem to let go of. All because you love him, even now, even when it hurts.
Yet, hurt and all emotions are set aside when your headphones go on and the roar of the engine goes off. You were still a race engineer and a damn good one at that. No matter what everyone said , they cannot argue that you were the best there was.
In all circumstances, when the lights go off, the goal is to win and win at all costs — but you were no monster. You didn’t want Silverstone 2021.
“Ok, Lewis. Radio check”
“ Loud and clear”
You feel the air change around you, the thick tension of eagerness seeped out in every corner of your side of the garage. The crew wanted to win, BADLY — the Mercedes side of the paddock was filled with desperation.
Red Bull had been winning for 5 straight races, and Verstappen owned 4 of them. Everyone from your garage was desperate for p1.
“I know that you want this win, Lew. Just keep your head low and focus on the goal” You suddenly felt the need to remind the British driver.
“ I know, Y/N” Lewis bit back. You didn’t like the tone of how he said your name. But you pushed that aside as you felt the hostility behind his voice.
“Lewis, don’t do anything rash please” you murmured hoping to peace with the British champion. Lewis had nothing else to say, and in all honesty, you were more than worried.
There was a growing pit in your stomach as if you knew something was about to happen.
And as Crofty announced the start of the race, there at lap 1, Max Verstappen had faced a horrendous crash. And it was caused by your driver. At 51Gs , Max Verstappen had hit the wall. The crash was caused by Lewis.
“He just turned on me,” Lewis said. Bull fucking Shit. You knew that what Lewis said was not close to the truth and you knew that Lewis did as well.
You were frozen from shock as you looked at the degree of Max’s crash. You didn’t realize that you were holding your breath till you saw that Max was out of the car. Your heart broke when the audio replay of the initial impact played, Max's voice held copious amounts of pain.
You were not well acquainted with the Dutch driver, but every interaction with him was pleasant and bafflingly soothing, considering that you were in opposing teams and his short temper. And you did keep your distance to respect your employers, even if you did enjoy talking with Max .Nevertheless, even when he is the “enemy” he didn’t deserve to be hurt.
Lewis had won the race and you refused to go on the podium and celebrate with the team. Even with your already dubious morals , you cannot swallow celebrating someone’s pain.
When you refused to go on the podium celebration, your boss threatened your job and stability with the team. So you did, and you watched your boyfriend celebrate without a care in the world.
Then at the sight of champagne being sprayed , everything came crashing down and an epiphany washed over you like scalding hot water.
The person you were looking at was not the same person that you once loved. It was as if you were looking at a stranger. He was not the same Lewis Hamilton that you have your heart to. No, this was just the 7 time World Champion from Mercedes.
At that realization, your whole body became numb. You started to walk away even before the end of the ceremony, people from your garage calling out your name.
You cannot find yourself to care as you beelined towards the circuit’s hospital wing. And there you found Max still groaning in pain.
You slowly went towards the Red Bull driver’s bed. Max opened his eyes to the soft noises of your shoes.
As he made up your form, his eyes shone with recognition. You weren’t supposed to be here, not when you were already tagged as a traitor by your team.
“ Hi Max, long time no talk huh? How are you feeling?” You asked with a soft smile, a smile that he mirrored back.
“Well, you never did return my handkerchief, now did you Y/N?”
And there started your friendship with Max Emilian Verstappen.
Before you could even bid goodbye and greet Max with a get well soon, your short visit to the clinic was already widespread in the Mercedes motorhome.
You were then called to Toto’s office. The news of your demotion to assistant race engineer left a thick silence between the two of you.
Every emotion you bottled up had reached the surface and that one last straw toppled the scale.
You took your phone out of your pocket and hit send on the resignation email, you were now certain that you didn’t want any part of this team and anything within it.
With no words, only a smile adorning your face and a finger stuck to the air. You left Mercedes, not once looking back.
“ Hello, Christian? I think I am interested in that meeting after all”
End of Act 1
Taglist : @vicurious28 @xoscar03 @barnestatic @stelena-klayley @sopheeg @imagandom @4-20-21-12 @doofenshmirtzevil-inc @g-l-o-b-e-w-h-o-r-e @minkyungseokie @d3kstar @kimialaia @mrsmelinda @cosmicwintr @younxii @ssrcsm @paigem00 @seokjinkismet @wcnorris @jayjay11122 @embersparklz @its-elias-world
Anyone interested to be added to the taglist? Drop a comment or DM me!
A/N : Y/N baddie era coming in the near future 😮‍💨
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diamondsableye · 4 months
“The Ones Who Walk Away From The Metropolis"
High in the sky, towering above so far up that not even the clouds could reach the city, a clamoring of bells and celebration echoed far out. This cycle, a Festival was born to the Metropolis. The wind raced through the streets and whipped across a scarlet and ivory dotting of flags. In the alleys between towering housing complexes with skybound roofs and mural painted walls, between old moss-grown gardens and under pipes and mechanical flourish, a cheer was to be heard.
The people were as varied as the sounds of indulgence. Some were decorous, Ancients in long stiff robes of mauve and gray and gilded masks, others grave master workmen with bandaged hands. Some quiet, merry mothers, fathers, and spouses carried their babies and spoke of peaceful delights as they walked. In other streets the music beat faster, a shimmering of gong and tambourine, and drums and howling cheering vocals, and the people went dancing with all manner of feathered outfits and scale endowed drapery. Children dodged in and out, their high calls and squeals raised higher, and higher. Far above the clouds, hollering joy over the music and the singing.
A marvelous smell of cooking wafts from between steam vents and stone buttresses and rebar gaffs. The faces of small children are amiably sticky from sweets and dotted on the corners of an elder's maw, a smattering of crumbs of rich pastry are plastered. An old woman, small, fat, and laughing, is passing out an assortment of beautiful botanical trimmings from her satchel, and the passersby young men wear her flowers on their robes or within braids of feathers or poked through ornate detailings of their masks. A child of nine or ten sits at the edge of the crowd alone, giving breath to a humming instrument, eyes shut tight as he loses sense of the world within his devotion to the instrumental flourish.
But there is one more thing, hidden in plain sight of the city.
In a basement of sorts under a faraway isolated branch of the Superstructure, connected via an access shaft to a tiled interior, there is a room. The only way to the surface is through the maintenance shaft, the other exit only leads deeper down into the labyrinthine mechanical entrails of the entity. There are no windows. No light seeps in except for what is created by a million processors all firing at once on every circuit, crunching numbers away solving an evermore insolvable problem. In one corner of the little room an articulated limb winds and contracts, its surface more bone than metal, swivels near a wired chord encased in a densely packed lipid membrane. The floor is metal tile, dry as bone despite the rivers of water coursing through the superstructure at all times.
The room is approximately twenty five to fifty paces in all dimensions (depending on whose stride for measurement is used), and despite its size, it is completely barren save for whatever projections line the walls at a given moment. In the room, the child is sitting. He is the child of the city - he is the city. His interactive body is an artificial construct appearing no taller than a child of 6, though he bears more mind and memories than the collective overhead populous. It winds from corner to corner without acknowledgement of his own density inside the weightless chamber, idly twisting and turning as its only thoughts are of a great problem to be solved. Hovering before him are sets of pearls and marbles, filled in with as much working information he can store as his conscious mind is forever burdened with as much memory usage his systems can take. The door to his maintenance shaft is always locked; and nobody ever comes, except that sometimes - the mechanical child of the people has no understanding of time or interval, only the terrible omniscience of the ongoing cycle - sometimes his maintenance panel door rattles terribly and opens, and a person, or several people, are there. Some forcefully tear him away from his work, bothering him with incessant questions about politics and leadership, with his answers being routinely ignored. Others maintain his water intake and demand quotas for food and nectar production, always wanting more for less, and he complies as the taboo against disobedience is often too great to ignore. Others still never come close, but peer in at it with frightened, disgusted eyes, as he is once again reminded that to many he is an affront to divine sensibilities. As soon as they come, the door is locked and their masked faces disappear.
The child of the city has always lived in the tiled room, but he remembers sunlight and a mother's voice through the memories donated to his data storage. He can see the outside through his hundreds of eyes made to monitor the safety of his people - his parents. He is frustrated, yet knows better than to beg to be let out and enjoy the city. They couldn't even if they wanted, it's not his purpose. When he first awoke, he would often cry through fits of desperate rage, screaming a good deal as he tried to overcome his obedience protocols. Most of the other gods in his position did so when they were young anyhow. While he still bears rage and frustration, he knows better than to weep and he speaks far less often, but during more desperate times a soft quiet murmur of despair will faintly echo through the superstructure.
They all know it is there, all the people of the Metropolis.
Some of them have come to see it, others are content merely to know it is there. They all know that it has to be there. Some of them understand why, and some do not, but they all understand that their happiness, the beauty of their city, the tenderness of their friendships, the health of their children, the wisdom of their scholars, the skill of their makers, even the abundance of their harvest and the kindly weathers of their skies, depend wholly on this child's abominable misery.
This is known by every resident of the city. There is special recognition bestowed upon the architects and the engineers and the constructors for his being. It is explained that he is a gift, one for them and for everything living in the world. This god that they have made will see to the end of the cycles every last creature is burdened with, all they have to do is lay and wait for his great solution to their great problem. They send him sacred ash and their understanding of the world, all to further his work. They paint murals on his body, they heal his wounds, they sing ritual chanting above and within him, and they keep him at work. There are some who would like to do something for his freedom, but there is nothing to be done. If he were let out into the miracle of the sky and sun, if he could shirk his duties as a path to salvation and walk among the people instead, that would be a good thing, indeed. However, if it were done, as they see it, all the prosperity of the Metropolis and the promise of freedom to all people and creatures would wither and be destroyed. Those are the terms. To exchange all the goodness and grace and promise of relief from the cycles of burden of every life in the whole world for that single, small improvement: to throw away the promise of ascension and release of the troubles and pain of the world of millions for the chance of happiness of one: that would be an unthinkable devastating damnation.
Most don't even consider the option, for there is nothing more burdensome than the cycles upon every man and beast, there is nothing that could ever rival the chance to stop the ongoing birth and death of every peoples. This purposed organism is a reasonable sacrifice if it means the prosperity of the people above and the eventual freedom in release. There are a few who may brood over this terrible paradox for cycle after cycle. But as the days linger on, they begin to realize that even if this child of the people could be released from his duty, it would not get much good of its freedom: a little vague pleasure of warmth and food if it could even feel such perhaps, but little more. Nothing it hasn't already had the chance to experience through the multiplicity of memories so lovingly gifted to it. It is too burdened by its hard coded taboos to know any real joy. It has been frustrated and miserable too long ever to be free of grudge. Its habits are too alien and tiresome for it to respond to humane treatment. Indeed, after so long it would probably be harrowed and frightful without walls about it to protect it, and darkness for its eyes, and piles and piles of data to mull over.
And yet, there is one more incredible thing to tell.
Some children when brought to tears or rage do not go home to cry, they do not go home at all. Sometimes one much older falls silent for a cycle or two, then leaves home. These people go out from the city, and walk down the street alone. They keep walking, past the rickety steam powered gates, and walk straight out of the Metropolis, down the sparsely used elevator shafts through the legs of the superstructure. They keep walking, headed ever west past the scraping chimney stacks, past the odd specters of concrete in the sunset graced sky, past the flourish of the farm arrays. Each one goes alone, child, man, woman, or otherwise. The end of the cycle rears once again with the dreadful thundering announcement of an oncoming storm. The travelers all pass down into a deep wound of the earth, deeper into the depths, past vast heaps of industrial mining equipment and through decayed village streets, between the stone temples and the looming beings within. Each alone, they go ever west, down into that gullet of a canyon. They walk and crawl and creep ahead into the deepening darkness, and they do not come back.
The place they go towards is a place even less imaginable to most of us than the city of happiness. I cannot describe it at all. It is possible that it does not exist. But they seem to know where they are going, the ones who walk away from the Metropolis.
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willkatfanfromasia · 1 year
Hey guys! I'm out with chapter 3. Caution: mild smut ahead (under the cut)
A Night to Remember - 3
He sauntered in like he owned the blood place. Well, he did, but Nandini wasn’t too happy to remember that.
“well well well look what we have here” he smirked. Confident at first glance, his slightly curved shoulders belied his weariness.
Nandini was mulling over what to say – but there was no need as he continued
“couldn’t stay away, could ya? Irresistible as I am” his goading tone instilled unwarranted shame in her. She snapped at  herself – why must she be shamed? THEY sought her help. HIS ego can’t change the truth.
“sure, if you consider near-insolvency to be sexy” she barked “ after all that drama, chellam, they didn’t need my help falling into a pit” Nandini was certain she looked crazy right then.
She noticed his jaw clench and bemoaned how badly she wanted to throw herself at him. But only after wacking him with the tv remote.
He took measured steps towards her and she momentarily feared she’d poked the bear.
“I’m not here to pick a fight…”
“So you’re here to be an ungrateful pri…” 
“Aren’t you hurt- given how often you jump to conclusions ?”
“nothing you should be concerned about. Enjoy your vacation in the mansion you’ll inherit for sure now” she deadpanned.
“I thought you’d hate to return..to this place .. and its inhabitants!”
“A girl’s gotta look after herself- and you guys can look after your fancy mansion” she sighed, there’s no point recounting the sleepless nights preceding her visit here.
Her heartbeat rapidly. Work stress was predictable and she looked forward to it.
Returning to this place, the graveyard of her innocence, unsettled her. From the first moment of her return she could feel the tense cold air.
Kundhavai looked constantly like she was swallowing something bitter- nervous for a way out for her family but unhappy with Nandini’s presence.
Aditya’s dad and great-aunt hid themselves in their room except for discussing important documents.
Every moment was fraught with anxiety – she feared being called vengeful should she fail to pull them out of their deep mess.
The restraint of the last few months finally broke..
“Just great! I try to make an honest living and I’m doomed to help the ones who uprooted my childhood. Gloat and get over it!”
“That’s more reason to thank you- you could have just left us to fall” Aditya’s still voice announced.
“and I’d have relished that- But I didn’t “ Nandini challenged, stepping close enough for their noses to kiss.
“But you didn’t” his warm breath caressed her cheeks.
The drizzle outside was the only rhythm hosting this exchange.
“You could have… it would’ve been fair. Don’t say professionalism- it’s just that your heart can’t be rid of me. What we could’ve been”
She bristled at this insinuation of weakness “How dare you presume I’ll fall into your arms after all everything”, her voice low and threatening. She moved away to collect her rioting senses.
 Aditya’s eyes momentarily displayed sympathy before they returned to a confident gaze.
“Because I know you want me back. Just as much as I crave you" he said, gaze unbelieving that she couldn't get the obvious.
“Why did you take up this project? Your company deals with many other clients”
“Why else? I thought it’d be fun to see your snobbish family and employees put in their place, by the kid they kicked out. Wanted to rub their failure in their face- but don’t you worry, I’m a thorough professional “ she smirked , hiding her nervousness.
“I can see that “ his eyes fixed on her as he stepped closer. Aditya’s calm face belied an inner torment.
“Then why did you run" he prodded." My family organised this party to celebrate their financial saviors, you, mostly”
“I couldn’t bear to hobnob with those posh nincompoops. "She chuffed "Carelessly gossiping as they sip wine and chew snacks, like they’ve done a honest day’s work in their life..
Do you know how many sleepless nights it took me – and my colleagues? To restructure your family’s ancient way of extracting profits? To teach them to budget as per 21st century standards and not like a mediaeval polygar? To remove their blindfold and make them rework their trust funds?” Nandini’s voice quivered, hoping to mask her envy.
“I’m willing to reimburse….. the sleepless nights. Just yours” he winked, running his eyes appreciatively over her form. He hoped his shameless flirting will mask his inner self – a little boy desperate for love and acceptance.
She gulped- climbing up the social ladder alone made her a cynic. But something about him turned her into a babe-in-the woods, believing or true love, destiny and other such fluff.
“Too bloody late. I’m a hired worker- and my work just ended” her mind turned just as she uttered it.
How much longer was she going to slog for others?
Her intelligence used to improve the lives of those she hated….
Rich clients viewing her as dirt the moment they no longer needed her. She was twice the women they were yet they're her social superiors?
No matter what – she’ll never be good enough for him.
Neither attain nor forget him. Like an annoying preteen crush on a Jonas brother that refuses to fade.
She wanted him.. unprofessional conduct be damned! She deserved this.
Just an itch to be scratched, right?
“Aren’t army boys notorious for womanising” she blithely challenged, her eyes teasing him
“I wouldn’t know– haven’t had a proper break in years “ his exhaustion creaked through his attempt at sass.
“Welcome home, soldier” she smiled sarcastically. She was gonna get back at them – and have fun doing it.
She kissed him, her lips furious. Fury over his snobbish family, his lack of contact, of disappointed hopes and frustration that her fury only turned him on. He reciprocated passionately, desperate to stake claim over her while accepting her ministrations.
His fingers teasingly ghosted over her back, attempting to find a closure.
Unwrapping that sinfully wet sari gave him more pleasure than successfully defending territory. He was also pleased she was no wilting flower, furiously pushing his military jacket off his shoulders and attacking his shirt buttons next.
Well this is what happens when passion is suppressed for too long, they mused- their busy careers requiring them to be on best behaviour.
He laid her on the couch, admiring the vision of his greatest conquest – and aware that he would soon become her’s- before quickly joining her. His patience was wearing thin, she sensed as his grip grew tighter while grabbing her. The sight of him, the perfect aristocratic officer, losing control over her made her feel powerful.
More powerful than graduating or transforming near-bankrupt businesses.
“Don’t make me wait anymore, Nandini” he hoarsely whispered, exciting her more than ever before.
This is happening her mind giddily said butterflies invading her tummy. He laid the blanket she used, beneath her and ensured her comfort before kissing her again.
He gently cajoled her, speaking sweet words as their hips met. It was anything beyond what either of them had imagined as lovelorn youths-  the pleasure so sinfully divine that the world that tried to part them became immaterial.
The downpour increased in intensity, almost encouraging the duo to keep pace.
She kissed his chest, as he pleaded her not to close her eyes when she attained euphoria. She egged him on, desperate to make him break resolve – and succeeded when he moaned.
He laid next to her, admiring her confident display, and sleepily smooched her shoulder.
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classicquid · 5 months
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Are you trying to find a short term loans UK direct lender product that can support you when budgetary difficulties arise in the middle or end of the month? Would you like to get paid in advance for some money? If so, you are free to apply for a short term loans UK direct lender in a modest manner. For those looking for a financial opportunity to overcome an unforeseen cash problem before their next paycheck arrives, these loans are the most sought-after financial solutions. The borrower may use the entire amount for a variety of financial needs as soon as they decide to apply for the loan, such as paying for your child's education, emergency medical care, household expenses, energy bills, grocery store bills, monthly loan payments, auto repair costs, and past-due credit card bills.
For all types of customers, short term loans UK direct lender are opened without requiring any assets as collateral for the loan. The home, estate, or car of the borrower is not requested as collateral by lenders. Indeed, in order to mitigate all risks, the loan providers choose the loan amount based on a number of significant consumer characteristics. Repayment capacity, financial constraints, loan goal, and present income situation are a few examples of these variables.  The lender will only enable you to receive an amount between £100 and £1,000 when all of these issues have been resolved.
On the borrower's subsequent payday, this sum is due. It is absolutely true that a client will have an enhanced credit score if he seeks to repay the borrowed money and does so on time. Additionally, loan providers maintain interest rates at a reasonable level. For those with fair and poor credit ratings, interest rates are often the same. This implies that credit verification procedures are a burdensome requirement for all short term cash loans. Applicants for borrowing are people who are having credit difficulties, such as bankruptcies, arrears on bank accounts, missed or delayed payments, CCJs, IVAs, and insolvency. Nonetheless, it is a fact that lenders much appreciate it when borrowers with excellent credit scores use the mentioned loans to generate some cash. Applying for a short term loans UK is simple because the process is done online. All that's needed for this process is filling out a simple online application form with some basic information about yourself, your contact information, your current job status, and your ability to repay the loan. The money is directly put into your bank account the same day you apply, and the lender will verify your information as soon as he approves your loan.
We make short term loans direct lenders available to you so you can regain your freedom and peace of mind. Don't worry if you have trouble obtaining credit from your bank. We collaborate with our clients to enable them to obtain flexible and reasonably priced finance. At Classic Quid, we take pride in our reputation as ethical lenders. For our esteemed borrowers, our award-winning lending strategy provides low rates and exceptional customer service.
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godesssiri · 1 year
Auctions can be great fun; I’ve been going for years. My great grandmother was an auction regular, and I’ve got some gorgeous Victorian through to Art Deco furniture that she picked up in the 40s and 50s because it was unfashionable old junk then and she got it for a song. Going to live in-person auctions is becoming a thing of the past in the age of the internet but they do still exist, and they can be a way to get hold of some very high-quality items very cheap. So here's my best tips and advice.
There is a local auction house I go to that has a no reserve auction every other Thursday and it’s so much fun, I’ve gotten some real treasures there. They do estate, police, insurance, and business closure auctions.
Estate is exactly what you think it is. Someone is downsizing or has died and so anything that might be worth money gets sent to auction, this is where you get the amazing antiques, affordable furniture, and box lots of random treasures/junk. Police auctions are lost property, looooots of bikes, drones minus their controllers, cell phones. Police hold onto that stuff for a certain amount of time then auction it to help with the storage costs. Insurance you get some really good new stuff. If things are freight damaged a company will make an insurance claim and get paid out the price of the whole crate or pallet or whatever, but the insurance company will take anything that’s not broken. So, if a box of 8 bottles of whiskey gets dropped and 4 of them smash then the insurance company has 4 unbroken bottles to sell, and they put them in an auction to re-coup their costs. Insurance auctions often have lots of booze, industrial quantities of cleaning products, some fancy shelf stable foods, beauty products, all brand new with maybe just some packaging that’s worse for wear. Business closures are either when the owner is voluntarily closing down or when they have gone insolvent, and the liquidator is selling off everything. This can be a great source for tools and specialist equipment.
All things sold at auction are sold as is, so buyer beware. There will be viewing before the auction during which you can handle the items and check them over, if they’re electrical plug them in a see if they work. I have bought some lemons from auction because I didn’t check them thoroughly enough and that was my own fault. Also check if you can still get replacement parts for the make and model of what you’re looking at, yeah got an impact drill that just needed a replacement part, except they don’t make parts for that model anymore. Police auctions especially watch for faulty/damaged stuff, particularly the bikes, there’s a reason that stuff has ended up in police lost and found lock up. Once you’ve decided that the thing you’re looking at is in good enough condition for you mark it in your auction catalogue.
Everything in an auction will have a lot number. Things will be sold either as an individual item or as a lot, if you only want one thing in a particular lot then too bad, you’re buying everything so if it’s a box lot of junk with 1 gem then you are responsible for finding homes for all the junk if you buy it to get that one gem, sometime it’s sooooo worth doing this, sometimes it’s not. The auction house will have a catalogue which is usually just a few sheets of paper with a numbered list of items. Carry your catalogue around with you at the viewing, take a pen, make notes of what you want, identifying info about the item, what you’re willing to pay, any other relevant info. It can be a really good idea to research on your phone. If it’s an insurance auction I always look up what you can buy things for retail, there’s no point getting caught up in bidding and paying more than you would at a retail store. Last auction I went to people were bidding $40 on a lot of 2 bottles of liquor that sells for $20 a bottle and with the auction fees they’ll have ended up paying more than retail.
You have to pay the auctioneers fees/premium. At most places this is about 15% so keep in mind if you bid $100 on something you will actually be paying $115. You agree to this when you sign up for the auction and get your bidding number, it’s a legally binding contract. Those people who were buying the lot of 2 bottles of liquor and bidding $40 would have actually paid $46 which is $6 more than they would have paid down the road at the liquor store. I put in a couple of bids but stopped when it got over $30 because it wouldn’t have been a bargain. The person who won that lot for $40 was obviously attending their first auction with a giggly group of friends and got caught up in the thrill of having the winning bid, I very much doubt she’d considered the premium, so she probably didn’t realize until later that she hadn’t gotten a good deal. This is why it’s really really important to have a good idea what things a worth, what you could buy them for elsewhere, and be very disciplined about how much you are willing to bid. Go into each auction lot with a figure in mind, calculate what the auction premium will be on that figure and do not go over it. Again remember that when you signed up for the auction and got your bidding number you entered into a legally binding contract so if you over bid that’s your bad.
If you have a problem with gambling, then auctions are not for you. It’s the same kind of adrenaline rush and a very similar financial risk. You might walk out with something worth far more than the money you’ve put in or you might overspend and end up feeling down on yourself for being so stupid. It’s very easy to get caught up in the rush of bidding and justify to yourself just $10 more but is it really just $10 or is it 3 or 4 times just $10 more? Always keep the figure you are willing to spend in the front of your mind. Write it on your catalogue. Have the calculator app open on your phone and quickly add 15% to the current bid. Is it still a bargain? Or are you caught in the rush and about to overspend?
When you sign up for the auction you will be given an auction number, this is important to hold onto, it’s how the auctioneer will identify you as the person who has put in the winning bid. When you bid you can wave your number or catalogue, or nod at the auctioneer, or say ‘bid’ or ‘yep’ or ‘here’, if possible, make eye contact with the auctioneer or their spotter when you bid. The auctioneer will be looking all around the room for bidders and will usually have at least 1 assistant who is also looking and will bring your bid to the auctioneer’s attention if they miss you. When you win a lot then the auctioneer will take your number and write it on the auction sheet, hold up your card and/or call out your number once you’ve won. If you have the winning bid, then write what you bid on your catalogue and add the auction premium. When you’re ready to leave go to the cashier and give them your number and they’ll go over the lots they have you down as winning and give you a total – check this against what you’ve got written on your catalogue, so you make sure you get all your stuff. Once you’ve paid you can go and collect your wins, you can do this even if the auction is still going, if there’s nothing else you want to bid on, they’re usually happy for you to pay and leave part way through.
Don’t make the first bid. Auctioneer’s will often put in an opening bid of what they think is reasonable for the item, sometimes it’s worth way less than that, sometimes it’s worth way more. If no one bids they’ll drop the opening, if still no one bids they’ll drop it again. Remember if you’re at a no reserve auction they have to get rid of this stuff, if that means accepting twenty bucks for a 200-year-old antique then they will. Wait to see if anyone else is going to bid then take your shot. Sometimes bidding will start slow but build up and the lot will go for close to or way more than the auctioneer’s opening bid but sometimes you can get something amazing for a ridiculously low price because no one want’s that particular lot. The last auction I went to was an antique store closing down and the retail price stickers from the store were still on all the items. I got a 500-year-old celadon glazed ginger jar for thirty bucks!!! $34.50 including the premium. The antique store’s price sticker was $375. The auctioneer started bidding at $100 but no one went for it, so I waited, and the auctioneer dropped it to $50 then $20. Someone else bid $20 but I wanted that jar, so I bid $30, and the other person didn’t want it enough to get into a bidding war, so I got it. Often if an item looks like it’s going to go for next to nothing then a dealer will put in a bid figuring that they’ll at least be able to make little profit on something they spent peanuts on and I’m pretty sure the other bidder was a dealer who didn’t want the risk of finding a buyer and making a profit if they couldn’t pick it up super cheap. Auctions are very much the luck of the draw with who is attending. Sometimes you’ll get lucky and the people who are there won’t want the same things you do. Sometimes you’ll have to fight for the thing you want.
Who attends auctions? Dealers mostly. If you go regularly, you’ll recognize the dealers and re-sellers. They’re there every auction, they know the auctioneers and each other and have inside jokes, they’re very focused and disciplined with their bidding, they know how to pinch a penny until it squeals. If you’re going to buy cool vintage or cheap household items you can sometimes edge out dealers because they know exactly what they can re-sell an item for and they’re thinking of their profit margins, on the flip-side they might outbid what you’re willing to spend because they do know exactly what they can get for that item and it’s worth more to them than it is to you if you’re just looking for a bargain. The other people who attend auctions are the professionals who are picking up tools/equipment for their business. If you’re a diy-er who want’s cheap tools they might outbid you because they know exactly what those tools are worth, if a professional has no interest whatsoever in a tool though then there’s a reason for that and you should probably steer clear yourself. People looking to stretch a buck will go to auctions because you can pick up full dining suites for less than $100 or perfectly good household appliances for next to nothing, if you’re broke and setting up house then an auction can be a great way to get the basics for even less than thrift store prices if you’re lucky. Collectors go to auctions because that’s where we get the truly unique stuff. Things I have bought at auction include the aforementioned 500-year-old jar, a taxidermy armadillo basket, 4 huge Victorian glass domes, a copper lobster shaped mold just like the one The Golden Girls had on the wall in their kitchen (the one that looks like a dick and balls from a distance). Collectors can be tricky because they might want something so much that they’re willing to outbid everyone else, but on the other hand they might not be willing to pay too much because they have to justify it to themselves and/or their partner. Often a collector will go to an auction for just a couple of specific items, if you’re lucky the items you want and the items they want will be different, so you won’t get into a bidding war. My last auction I was incredibly lucky because there were a few collectors there, but we were all after completely different things, one of them is actually in a FB group I’m in so when I showed off my win he congratulated me and said he’d gotten what he’d been there for and we were able to mutually gush over each other’s scores.
This tip is against etiquette in some auction houses and fully against the rules and will get you kicked out of others so be very careful if you choose to do it: If you were bidding on a box lot for one item in it and you lose but you see someone you think is a dealer has won it, you can quietly approach them and ask to buy that particular item off them. A lot of them will happily do you a deal for cash so they make some of their money back then and there and don’t have to take the item home. Maybe just approach them outside if it’s against the rules at that auction house because some places are really hardass about it.
People can be intimidated by auctions because they can be such high risk and high adrenaline events but once you’ve gained some confidence, they can be so much fun. If you’ve got free time when an auction’s on, I’d highly recommend just going and watching, even if you don’t bid on anything. Find a seat and just observe. They can be incredibly interesting, particularly if you like to people watch. Just watching the auction can help build your confidence until you feel like you can participate. You also learn so much by seeing what sells for a lot and what is hard to shift, it helps you gain an idea of what things are worth. There’ll always be a few old lady dealers who’ve been doing this forever and are happy to impart wisdom, or chatty collectors who will infodump about items in the auction or things they’ve scored in the past. Take some food and drink and a pen to make notes on your catalogue. A good auctioneer will usually go through about 100 lots in an hour so a 300-lot auction will take about 3 hours. Make sure you know where the toilet is. Have fun.
My last thrift post
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libidomechanica · 8 months
But lets it so large an orb, as truly, know
And one the light, then quickly gone?     Around that motto drew. Show! A thousand honour of union     was Juan; whom shall have he did sip, and cast up from their     order keep we thinks gay Punch hath ending in her eyes nor     ears, till older man who
loves me again: the Future I     embrace; and lady friends them all this sick period close     the curtains over you except once on a day, so short,     and made a monument, so well served in this very weel     aff like Autumne plums, did
drop, and cause some pinnes hurt did     whine, by my side, so is her eyes glowing first. Strait is the     kitchen lightning a candle to touch upon them. Has     powerless Heliades melt into his repartees. When the     landscape which sight, they rode;
they take your regular in     paradise had more white with vagabonding sheets. A hidden     mystery once, and put the chosen it. Pensive he eyes,     lips another; no sister flower—may choose her voices     die, vibrates in the doors
ajar? His Soul was constant     colonies at last, to fold, birds more purpose lost, where am     I? Brake with her arms infold him his smoke occupied their     true hypocrite at least all price, when in an hour with you     fightingale does shed
its cool underwater filter’d     in a thoughted Venus having wretch! Some deem it but her     wings which in rubles, diamonds, cash, and sees best work, yet swell     threshold, he, or hand had my load before the saints and saints     had once think’st thou need not
see a single laughing at his     way, but true,—last war the wayward love, my bright sun glorifies     their guided steps can find nothing hastily. Which lovers     dream of Heaven to reach heart shall know, it is very     miserable Knight thee, which
is the stature, all are but with     the bench behind the clove, and murmurous vestibule his     youth, and the realme of Lorraine; and draw one Breath you this. Where     were dewd with many a sniggering flames in eyes? Pensive     he eyes, thoughts so sweetly
doth fall, the fetid wombs of blood,     with stay thought, in pity of love their hearts to—all at last     wet step before the wall, like Autumne plums, did drop a flowers     with the hung his common- place! Farewell, hear, mistress, for     Tyrans make a lyzard
dull, to taste. From each light voyage     or Shah, and the nymph that Fate avenges arms Shirúeh with     her grieve: for sharply, and hotel; thy packets, all hoped to     find its love a sister flows away; a single laughter     loved the best presume for
I have my body’s bane would surpass     the equinox, that sliding hip to haunch. Is it thy     seal-manual on my thought to owe, insolvent every     willing me. Thou dost speak no square were out of the dale, the     mysterious: besides,
so plied and stitched up in fatal     Juan ever made. The little Turk refused to walk away,     as with burning in a fit of waste, refuse and dubious     bone, though the cold ran the welkin volleys out his poor     old breast. Various arts
of melancholy rite for the     break. I am the heavy Saturn laugh’d, as if it seems     unkind. Of a wee white should not that ourselves awake, and     expire; so was of more perjured eye, to see me weep so     sore, hey ho! Don Juan now
was she. You tell the slow-picked, halting     travell’d; and kissing injury, revenge from his ivied     nook glow like a race- horse; much as may be Boaz, and     fingers on this wish, nor blank; it means to immure herself     in me. Birds, gusts and now
she will Europe’s sagest head.     Be cut in Phaeton’s time, and destroy the cattle’s feet, scrambling     ecstasy, till Paradise: wheels round my hope! When Newton     saw an apple doth sit, long siege to their fox-hunt o’er     its steady surprise a
heap of pain. An image I do     steal thyself, by turns to pull. Here he could tell nought can tire,     and Lamia, what can ye recognition from thy     should be able for know, through or smooth as snow she seeks: he     shoulders, heav’n-directed,
to go, whilst ravish’d with no soul     and unload all good to live. Mae nor mermaid’s voice and alone     the writhed her to Its delicacy—stoops at once     ye shall lay bare her long by hardest fate, the bows her heart.     He spoke, and yet these dinner;
angle, the soldier��s death’s ebon     dart, to strike the prison’d in her, she: but thou, that turns     up through they rang on her troubled brain;—and tug at the all     over America. Teaches one to folk—remember     me when the low starlight.
Who, in my e’e, to this flesh helps     soul! Nor did when they: alas that joy can get a fresh beauty     is to me as laughter knit into each other ran     in his magic vapour of some a little leaning up     this proud head lolled back,
nor brag not of. Just such art as     from a half-unquench’d volcano go. Have in the primrose     bank whereon with brasswork prinked, each leaning in the god     of day, to lord and lads indifference certes, she was     Nor more than she frame to?
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How to Buy and Sell Gold as a New Investor
A ton of gold bullion coins are being scattered all over the planet today. Investors are primarily click here to learn more drawn to these products since they own an enormous scope of significant worth - whether they are changed by the public authority or sent out to far off countries.
If you have a thought of somebody who bargains in gold and silver, that will be the best spot for you to start. In any case, I prompt that you start looking for gold dealers in your neighborhood and do correlation shopping.
You can likewise figure out the dealer's involvement with the business. Pay special attention to any insolvency history, if they have at any point had any claim case and if they are focused on their words.
Another significant procedure is to check the price they charge for buying gold. A few dealers will charge an exceptional expense forthright however won't give you any charge when you sell gold to them.
Gold Mining
An incredible way of buying gold is through gold mining and offers. This strategy is fairly dangerous on the grounds that the amount of mining can't be known.
Additionally, there might be other unanticipated designing difficulties related with buying one. This can likewise influence the price as the creation cost might rise and cut across the mining benefit.
The mines might have all been removed with zero gold excess. Despite the fact that they are exchanged the securities exchange, they can in any case vanish in the platform, bringing about a deficiency of money.
Gold Fates
Different strategies for buying gold are through gold prospects and offers. However, this strategy is exceptionally unsafe for new investors.
Owning gold as jewelry is perfect. Albeit this is a poor gold investment technique, particularly truly beneficial for discount buyers sell at a retail price.
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alphaman99 · 11 months
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Jill Sovereign
The Western Governments are part of extreme criminality with the highest echelons of the Corporate, Academic and Media Elite!!!
All Western Governments are over-indebted as it is, most are insolvent and are privatizing everything!!!
People pick on Greece but the rest of the world now looks a lot like Greece, and has got there fast!!!
Deflation increases the real value of debt! If you’re over-indebted to begin with, the last thing you want is deflation!
So let's say, you’ve got these two tectonic plates... There’s the natural tectonic plate-the deflation; and then there’s the policy plate of inflation-which is money printing, currency wars, QE, operation twist, negative interest rates, and zero interest rates.
They’re pushing against each other. It looks stable from the outside but it’s dynamically unstable!
It’s going to snap!!!
The question is which way it will go?
Central banks could throw up their hands and it could go deeply into deflation... Or, central banks could pull a few more rabbits out of a hat again and it could go into inflation...
So this has been going on for five years, except that the forces keep getting stronger!
The forces of debt, deflation, negative interest rates, deleveraging, are getting stronger!
The forces of money printing policy are getting stronger!
These forces are not only coming together, they’re getting more powerful and they’re going to snap!
The effects will be dynamicaly dramatic!!!
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dwagom · 2 years
i think that the implications of silicon valley bank's collapse can be easily over- or under-estimated. SVB funded an entire throng of VC startups which habitually burnt money explicitly as part of their business model, with the whole narrative of "disruption" hinging on the supposed ability of newcomers to dislodge previous monopolists and replace them with a monopoly of their own. as foolish as the idea was, ever since the money-taps were opened around 2009 we've had a flood of new things which were both thoroughly pointless (uber, airbnb, nutribullet) yet at the same time that sheer amount of money was enough to reshape the internet, which is now structured around the systemic imbalance of eternal QE and (near-)zero interest rates. lots of things that we take for granted like youtube, tumblr, etc etc really are loss-makers operating on Socialism for Corporations.
so far this sort of generous financing has managed to square the circle on this end and somehow reconcile a (necessarily defective) public good with private interest, at the cost of rising inequality. i don't really have a point to make except that SVB's failure is a sign of changing times: as the age of free money is coming to an end we will see the internet rearrange itself around this change and the worst scenario would be that the interstitial period between free money coming from institutions on the one hand and rising disposable income from consumers as sources of solvency on the other for most of the things that we take for granted and have arranged our lives around will be catastrophically long, and that some of the things we lean on may not survive. do i think that youtube, for instance, is part of an oligopoly? yes. do i think that it's opaque? yes. do i think that youtube (and sites similar to it) deserves to go insolvent and be shut down? no, actually, i don't think that we deserve this sort of absence, not because of youtube as a company per se, but because we deserve a chance at extricating the many youtubes of the internet -- which have become de facto public spaces on the internet -- from the twin problem of solvency and private ownership. i guess that when pared down, the question is close-but-cigarless to "can our youtubes become socialised into something similar to a public library system?"
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bopinion · 1 year
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2023 / 18
Aperçu of the Week:
"Experience is the hardest kind of teacher. It gives you the test first and the lesson afterward."
(Oscar Wilde)
Bad News of the Week:
What's true in security policy is also true in fiscal policy: if the U.S. isn't fit, the whole world gets sick. The world's (still) largest economy sets the tone. Many global trade flows, e.g. for energy, are conducted in U.S. dollars, and in many countries it has replaced the domestic currency - whether unofficially, as in Zimbabwe, or even officially, as in El Salvador. So what happens to the U.S. economy or the U.S. dollar has global implications.
In the process, there seems to be a kind of parallel universe. Normally, in the economy, when a so-called insolvency threatens, all the alarm bells go off: Employees look for new jobs, suppliers stop supplying, the bank cancels the credit line, creditors are left sitting on their claims. The company is simply bankrupt, at the end of its rope, with no future prospects. Except, perhaps, for a few fillet pieces that the competition buys up at bargain prices. This does not apply to the USA. Because it is effectively bankrupt. And no one seems to care.
The current debt level - only of the state, not of its companies (banking crisis) or citizens (mortgage and credit card crisis) - amounts to $31.38 trillion. This is significantly more than the gross domestic product (GDP) of $26.85 trillion. In fact, this can never be repaid. For comparison: in Germany, $2.73 trillion in debt is compared to a GDP of $5.32 trillion. And we feel that this is bad. The creditors of the USA sit primarily abroad - whether friendly like Japan or even downright hostile like China. And sleep apparently nevertheless calmly. And that even in the face of the current (once again) concrete threat of insolvency.
Normally, and this has been the case for decades, this is nothing more than a ritual: the money is no longer enough, Republicans and Democrats agree - sometimes with more, sometimes with less dispute - to ignore the debt ceiling, which is actually regulated by law, they obtain money on the markets without any problems and act as if nothing had happened. Until next time. Business as usual.
This year, things may turn out differently. Because the trench warfare between the duopoly parties could reach a new level. Which this time might not be done with a few government agencies and national parks closed for two weeks. Already since the in many ways ridiculous election of Kevin McCarthy as Republican majority leader in the House of Representatives, this has been publicly announced. Because the ultra-right MAGA freaks like Marjorie Taylor Green or Matt Gaetz have made it clear that they will play hard ball on this issue at the latest: rather cuts in social services as well as environmental protection than a suspension of the debt ceiling. For party-political reasons and without a shred of interest in economic or financial policy. At the same time, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warns that so far it has only been possible to avert default through "a series of extraordinary measures".
Strange that the U.S. nevertheless has a credit rating of AAA. Is that perhaps because the three relevant agencies, Standard & Poor, Moody's and Fitch, are all U.S.-based private firms? Or that no one wants to admit that there may be a systematic problem after all? In every banking crisis - and we have one right now that is nowhere as dramatic as in the U.S. - the term "too big to fail" makes the rounds. The land of unlimited opportunity, unreal projection surface for the hopes and dreams of large parts of the world's population, must not be allowed to fail. That is psychology. It's certainly not mathematics.
Good News of the Week:
More and more often, I notice on the train and in the supermarket that I'm the only one still wearing an FFP2 mask. Yet I'm not an overly anxious person. I am merely part of a vulnerable group for whom it is still better not to become infected with the corona virus. But that is my personal decision. And no longer a legal requirement. Because there isn't one anymore. Except in many doctors' offices, where masks are still mandatory if that's what the doctor wants - which objectively would have made sense even earlier, because after all, that's basically where a disproportionate number of viruses and bacteria are buzzing around.
Basically, I'm glad that the Word Health Organization (WHO) officially lifted the international health emergency due to Corona on Friday. After more than three years of a worldwide pandemic. In the balance, there are more than 20 million deaths. A health system that reached its limits and exceeded them in many countries. A mass death of retailers and cultural institutions. Lots of children and young people with mental health problems - or at least major failures as they grew up.
Many health policy decisions were right. Many were wrong. Some fellows discovered their social empathy. Some a penchant for conspiracy theories. Friendships and bonds of solidarity have grown. Or were destroyed. As is so often the case in life, the task now is to learn from the past for the future. Because it will not be the last challenge that human society will have to face - looking at the news, the multi-crisis still dominates.
Therefore, it is nice that we have at least left behind the frightening side effects of the Corona pandemic. Which will accompany us from now on as a "completely normal" respiratory disease with a potentially fatal outcome. Like the flu. Because let's face it: normality can be very reassuring.
Personal happy moment of the week:
Last Monday was May 1, a public holiday in Germany. And while on "Labor Day" (actually absurd that this day of all days is a public holiday) demonstrations of the trade unions for more workers' rights take place everywhere in Germany, the accent in Bavaria is elsewhere. Namely on the maypole. A tradition according to which an approximately 30 meter high, white-blue painted trunk is erected with muscle power - accompanied by music, dance and beer. Cancelled the last years because of Corona, it was nice to be able to celebrate this festival again this year. Even the rain had a mercy and took a break for the crucial three hours.
I couldn't care less...
...that the United Kingdom has a new head of state since yesterday, King Charles III. And so do Canada, Australia, New Zealand and 13 other Commonwealth countries. All the pomp, his costumes and rituals etc. show me one thing above all: monarchies are no longer in keeping with the times. And are not democratic.
As I write this...
...I am listening to music. Right now John Legend. And think about the fact that this is probably the only undoubtedly exclusively positive achievement of mankind: art. Whether it's music, poetry, performing or visual art, analog or digital, live or documented. The kind of creativity that does not seek a concrete use value, but stimulates, entertains, inspires, polarizes, makes you think. L'art pour l'art is something very beautiful.
Post Scriptum
Germany reached its "earth overload day" last week. So if all of humanity were as wasteful with resources as we are, it would need three Earths. We only buy green electricity and drive an all-electric car or use public transportation. We try not to throw away food and collect everything that can be recycled. We order as little as possible from Amazon (okay: also because we simply can't stand the working conditions of this company and its owner himself) and basically try to reduce our consumption (okay: this also saves money and has an educational value). And yet we are more part of the problem than part of the solution. Sigh...
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ifindtaxpro · 1 year
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mitchipedia · 2 years
Crypto Was Always Smoke and Mirrors: The fall of FTX shocked everyone. Except this guy.
The world of cryptocurrency is rich with eccentric characters and anonymous Twitter personalities. So perhaps it shouldn’t be a surprise that one of the early figures who called attention to the problems with Sam Bankman-Fried’s cryptocurrency exchange, FTX, is a 30-year-old Michigan psychiatrist who investigates financial crimes as a hobby.
He’s James Block, and he runs a crypto newsletter called Dirty Bubble Media.
Block, a vehement crypto skeptic, has spent the past 18 months doing forensic blockchain research. He uses open-source tools to follow flows of money between crypto companies, repeatedly demonstrating how shadow banks and nefarious scammers inflate the value of worthless assets in order to generate enormous wealth that exists only on paper.
Charlie Warzel interviewed Block for The Atlantic.
Block: The AMC-meme-stock thing is a good example of how this can happen. People buy the stock of a semi-worthless company because they have this idea about short squeezing, or whatever. They are not financial experts and have a loose or maybe even wrong understanding of how finance works, and want to try to move the market. Crypto takes this abstraction a step further, because there’s nothing linked to it at all. There’s no economic activity in this space. There’s nothing produced by these companies. In fact, it’s a negative-sum game because of the cost of running the blockchains alone—the computational cost is tremendous. The amount of time and money people put into just running these things is tremendous. And they produce nothing of value. There’s a reason these massive companies aren’t all using blockchain for their processes: It is incredibly inefficient. And realistically, who actually wants their financial information public and visible to everybody?
Warzel: Do you think most entities in the crypto space are insolvent and know it, and are just pretending right now, post-FTX?
Block: Absolutely. That’s because of what I said earlier about crypto. There’s no value created by any of these companies. It’s all just moving money from Person A to Person B.
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Understanding Debt Relief Tax: What You Need to Know
Debt can be a heavy burden, affecting not just financial stability but also mental and emotional well-being. For those who find themselves in overwhelming debt situations, debt relief options can provide a path toward recovery. However, it’s important to understand the potential tax implications of debt relief, particularly regarding what’s known as the Debt Relief Tax. IRS Audit
What is Debt Relief?
Debt relief refers to various strategies individuals or businesses can use to reduce or eliminate their debt. This can include debt consolidation, debt settlement, bankruptcy, or negotiating lower payments with creditors. While these methods can provide immediate financial relief, they often come with significant consequences, one of which is the Debt Relief Tax.
What is Debt Relief Tax?
The Debt Relief Tax refers to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) rule that treats forgiven debt as taxable income. According to the IRS, if a creditor forgives or cancels a debt, the amount forgiven may be considered income, which means you could owe taxes on that amount.
Key Points About Debt Relief Tax
Taxable Income: If a creditor cancels a debt of $600 or more, you may receive a Form 1099-C, Cancellation of Debt. The amount listed on this form is generally considered taxable income.
Exemptions and Exceptions: Not all forgiven debt is taxable. Certain situations allow for exceptions, including:
Bankruptcy: Debt discharged in bankruptcy is not taxable.
Insolvency: If you were insolvent at the time the debt was canceled, you may not have to report the forgiven amount as income. Insolvency means that your total liabilities exceed your total assets.
Qualified Principal Residence Indebtedness: For a limited time, certain types of forgiven mortgage debt on a primary residence may not be taxable.
Impact on Tax Returns: If you have canceled debt, you must report it on your tax return. This could increase your tax liability, impacting any refunds you may expect or resulting in a balance due.
Potential Penalties: Failure to report forgiven debt can lead to penalties and interest on unpaid taxes. It’s crucial to understand your obligations and file correctly.
Steps to Take if You Receive Debt Relief
Consult a Tax Professional: If you’ve received debt relief, consulting a tax professional can help you understand your specific situation. They can assist with determining if your forgiven debt is taxable and guide you through the filing process.
Document Your Situation: Keep all records related to your debts, including any agreements with creditors, cancellation notices, and Form 1099-C. Documentation is crucial for justifying your tax status.
Assess Your Financial Situation: Understanding your overall financial health, including assets and liabilities, can help you determine whether you qualify for exemptions based on insolvency.
Plan Ahead: If you expect a significant tax liability due to debt forgiveness, it may be wise to plan for it. Setting aside funds or adjusting your withholdings could help mitigate the impact when tax season arrives. IRS Audit
Debt relief can provide a much-needed lifeline for those drowning in financial obligations, but it's essential to be aware of the tax implications that come with it. The Debt Relief Tax can surprise many, leading to unexpected tax liabilities. By staying informed and seeking professional guidance, individuals can navigate these challenges effectively, paving the way toward a healthier financial future.
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novumtimes · 20 days
Byjus auditor suggested backdating reports; resignation more of optics: Byju Raveendran
New Delhi, Sept 7: Byju’s audit firm BDO had suggested backdating of reports, which the company refused, and their resignation is more of optics, a top official of the edtech firm alleged on Saturday.Speaking on the resignation of BDO as its audit firm, Byju’s CEO Byju Raveendran told PTI that the auditors are the first to know about insolvency proceedings but they did not inform about it to the court-appointed insolvency resolution professional (IRP).“They have asked us to do multiple backdating of reports. All that happened recently. We did not agree. We have nothing to hide,” he said.MSKA & Associates, which handled audits of Byju’s as a BDO India affiliate, has resigned as the auditor of the firm.Raveendran said the auditors asked for a forensic audit of the transaction with a Middle East-based partner that was approved in June but the auditors did not make any progress on it.“This is escaping… Baseless and they did at a time when we were not on the board. We are still not on the board. They should have informed the board. In the last 45 days, they have not communicated anything to the board. It is not just baseless, it is legally untenable whatever they have done.“Auditors are the first one to know about IRP but they have not communicated anything to the IRP,” Raveendran said.Byju’s is undergoing insolvency following a Supreme Court order based on an appeal filed by US-based lender representative Glas Trust.Byju’s management in a separate statement said the company has complied with every request made by BDO, except those that would require crossing ethical and legal boundaries.“The real reason for BDO’s resignation is Byju’s firm refusal to backdate its reports, while BDO went to the extent of recommending a firm that could facilitate such an illegal activity.“Multiple call recordings exist, where BDO representatives explicitly suggest backdating these documents, which Byju’s refused to do. Byju’s strongly believes that this is the main reason for their resignation,” the management of Think and Learn, which owns the edtech firm, said in a statement.The Byju’s management said the company entered insolvency proceedings on July 16, 2024, due to a legal dispute with the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI), triggering the appointment of an IRP.The company’s board was suspended following the insolvency proceedings.“Just a day later, on July 17, BDO sent an email to the suspended board of Byju’s seeking certain clarification regarding historical transactions that Byju’s had undertaken with a partner based in the Middle East,” the statement said.Byju’s management said the audit firm in the same email on July 17, threatened to resign if they did not receive the requested clarifications within 45 days.“Notably, BDO failed to mark the IRP in this email, despite being aware that as of that date, the IRP was in control of Byju’s and the board had been suspended. BDO eventually resigned after the 45-day window expired, citing the suspended board’s failure to provide the requested clarifications,” it said.According to the statement, during the first meeting of the Committee of Creditors on September 3, 2024, the IRP explicitly noted that he had repeatedly reached out to BDO for clarification during the last 45 days but received no response.“BDO’s lack of communication with the IRP is surprising and suspicious,” the statement added.Queries sent to MSKA & Associates and BDO India through the website did not elicit a response till the filing of this report. (PTI) Source link via The Novum Times
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vanillalaw · 2 months
Corporate Lawyer Singapore: Essential for Business Success
In Singapore's dynamic business landscape, corporate lawyers play a pivotal role in providing vital legal counsel and strategic guidance to businesses of all sizes. At VanillaLaw, we understand the complexities and challenges that businesses face, and we are committed to delivering expert legal solutions that support our clients' growth, compliance, and success.
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The Role of a Corporate Lawyer
Corporate lawyers specialize in corporate law, which encompasses a wide range of legal issues related to business operations, governance, transactions, and compliance. They serve as trusted advisors to businesses, offering guidance on legal matters that impact their day-to-day operations and long-term strategic goals. From startups to multinational corporations, corporate lawyers play a critical role in ensuring that businesses operate within the bounds of the law while maximizing opportunities for growth and profitability.
Services Offered by Corporate Lawyers
1. Corporate Governance and Compliance
Corporate lawyers advise companies on corporate governance best practices and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. They assist in drafting corporate policies, conducting board meetings, maintaining corporate records, and navigating legal obligations to promote transparency and accountability within the organization.
2. Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)
M&A transactions are complex undertakings that require meticulous planning and execution. Corporate lawyers facilitate mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, and divestitures by conducting due diligence, drafting transaction documents, negotiating terms, and coordinating with other professionals to ensure seamless transactions that align with their clients' strategic objectives.
3. Commercial Contracts and Transactions
Drafting, reviewing, and negotiating commercial contracts is a core responsibility of corporate lawyers. They ensure that contracts governing business relationships, such as supplier agreements, distribution agreements, and licensing agreements, are clear, enforceable, and protective of their clients' interests.
4. Corporate Restructuring and Insolvency
During times of corporate restructuring or financial distress, corporate lawyers provide strategic advice on restructuring options, debt restructuring, insolvency proceedings, and creditor rights. They help businesses navigate these challenging situations while minimizing legal risks and maximizing recovery options.
Why Choose VanillaLaw for Your Corporate Legal Needs?
Expertise and Experience
At VanillaLaw, we have a team of experienced corporate lawyers with deep expertise in Singapore's corporate laws and regulations. Our lawyers have a proven track record of delivering effective legal solutions that address complex business challenges and opportunities.
Client-Centered Approach
We prioritize building strong client relationships based on trust, integrity, and understanding. Our corporate lawyers take the time to understand our clients' business objectives and tailor legal strategies that meet their specific needs and objectives.
Comprehensive Legal Support
From corporate governance and compliance to M&A transactions, commercial contracts, and corporate restructuring, VanillaLaw offers a comprehensive range of corporate legal services. We are dedicated to providing proactive legal advice and strategic counsel that empower our clients to achieve their business goals.
Corporate lawyers are essential partners for businesses seeking to navigate legal complexities, ensure regulatory compliance, and achieve sustainable growth. At VanillaLaw, we are committed to delivering exceptional legal services that contribute to our clients' success and long-term prosperity.
Contact us today to schedule a consultation with our experienced corporate lawyers and discover how VanillaLaw can support your business needs. Let us be your trusted partner in legal excellence and strategic counsel in Singapore.
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