#Inktober 2017 day 8
sknow-and-ink · 2 years
Day 8 - Crooked
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askbensolo · 4 months
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Ask Ben Solo
What’s up, HoloNet! The name’s Ben. Currently 23 years old. I’m the only son of an Alderaanian princess and a Corellian scoundrel, and I have an adopted sister named Rey.
I started this blog when I was fifteen and afraid of becoming a Jedi. To make things worse, I started hearing voices in my head…voices that turned out to be someone who wanted to control me. Luckily, my friends and family got involved, and Snoke seems to have backed off.
I did make friends with some of Uncle Luke’s Jedi students, but I ended up attending the University of Naboo (Go Shaaks!) and got my degree in Journalism, since I’ve always been interested in writing, history, and politics. (Scroll back enough, and you’ll see my cringe pro-Imperial phase from back in the day. Yikes.)
I stayed on Naboo after graduation, and now I write for The Chommell Sector Daily. In my free time I lift weights, write poetry, and fight with people online.
Ask me a question!
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Run by @luke-shywalker Est. 2016
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Fannie’s Blog: @fanniepentarra
Amalia’s Blog: @mal-is-tall
(Their blogs are dead because they're lame, but maybe if we bother them enough they'll come back)
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Inktober 2016
Posts by Character
Mom: My mother, also known as Senator Leia Organa, also known as Space Mom, also known as Don't Mess With Her. Tough as nails. Also has nice nails.
Dad: My father, also known as Han Solo (or scruffy-looking nerfherder). Isn’t as cool as you think he is, but makes up for it with heart.
Rey: My adopted sister, also known as "Kid". Ten years younger than me. Originally from Jakku. Eats faster than anyone I’ve ever seen.
Uncle Luke: My uncle, also known as Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. Is a cinnamon roll.
Ren the Bantha of Indeterminate Gender or Origin: My stuffed bantha friend. Not much can be known about this humble beast, but they are fiercely loyal.
Threepio: My mom's protocol droid. Has foregone enough memory wipes to pass as sentient. Best ignored.
Artoo: Luke’s beeping trash can. Extremely rude.
Chewie: My dad’s best pal. Gives great hugs. Don’t play holochess with him.
Lumpy: Chewie’s son. About my age in Wookiee years.
Darth Vader: My grandfather. It's complicated.
Fannie: One of Luke's Jedi students, who has since graduated. Twi'lek. My bestie when we were teens. Mom friend.
Amalia: One of Luke's Jedi students, who has since dropped out. Massive Togruta girl. Frenemy.
Treeso: My roommate from college. Gungan. Solid dude.
Sweeper: My archnemesis: the cleaning droid at work that keeps eating my paper notes.
Ugly Raisin Men Who Have Invaded My Mind With the Force
Snoke: Enough said.
Story Events
The Long Night: (2/25/16 - 4/2/16) In which I woke up from a nightmare and couldn’t sleep.
Space Braces: (5/16/16 - 12/7/2017) In which I got braces.
Get Out of My Head: (8/4/16 - 8/28/16) In which Mom left for a diplomatic mission and left me at home with my dad, and I was consumed by fear and darkness.
The Visit: (10/6/16 - 11/5/16) In which Uncle Luke came to visit us.
Sixteen!: (12/3/16 - 12/11/16) In which I turned sixteen.
Life Day 21 ABY: (12/25/16 - 12/26/16) Life Day!
The Impending Future: (9/10/17 - 9/29/17) In which I had an existential crisis about Mom wanting me to become a Jedi, and I discovered Snoke.
Seventeen!: (12/3/17 - 12/11/17) In which I turned seventeen.
Life Day 22 ABY: (12/25/17 - 12/26/17) Life Day!
A Week With Luke: (12/21/17 - 1/7/18) In which my mom made me spend a week at Luke’s Jedi school.
An Awkward Situation: (4/26/18 - 7/15/18) In which I thought my best friend Fannie was going to ask me out. Like, on a date.
About Amalia: (7/16/18 - 8/7/18) In which I accidentally started a chain of rumors about Amalia, Luke’s mysterious and hardest-to-get-along-with student.
The New Roommate: (4/24/24 - current) In which my roommate Treeso moves out and I have to find someone to take over his lease.
Recurring Tags Below
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flowersofsakura · 8 months
Day 8 of #FatesRouteWeek: Old work
I'll show the fav one I did 👀 I'll do multiple posts! I hope you guys love Aqua/Azura and Shigure x'D
- Aqua/Azura I did right after the very first trailer for Fates was released 💕
- Dancer Shigure I designed 👀
- Yeah, 2017 performing art guessing silhouettes x'D it was fun to do
- One layer challenge with Shigure 🎶
- Jakob / Joker I did for 2018 inktober ☕
- Dancer Shigure! I actually never posted this one x'D
- I'm still so in love with this Hydra /Anankos draw 🥰💕
- Legendary Aqua / Azura... 🎶
I'll do a second post because Tumblr can't handle more than 10 pictures 🥲
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space--cadet-glow · 11 months
Inktober: "The 31 Days of Vaati" 2023 (MASTERPOST)
Here are the links to all 31 parts of my 2023 "31 Days of Vaati" Inktober series!
(Masterpost of years 2017 to 2022 HERE).
"Another Brick in the Wall, Part Zero" In which, Vaati holds some forget-me-nots.
2. "When the Tigers Broke Free, Part One" In which, Vaati is stalked by the Running Gag Cat.
3. "In the Flesh, Part One" In which, Vaati welcomes you to his strange show-- his life's story.
4. "The Thin Ice" In which, Vaati's past slowly comes back to haunt him.
5. "Another Brick in the Wall, Part One" In which, Minish Vaati begins adding bricks to his Wall. 6. "When the Tigers Broke Free, Part Two" In which, Minish Vaati hands over everything to Hylian Vaati.
7. "Good-bye, Blue Sky" In which, Vaati awaits the on-coming storm. Sort of.
8. "The Happiest Days of Our Lives" In which, Minish Vaati tries to escape Ezlo's wrath.
9. "Another Brick in the Wall, Part Two" In which, Minish Vaati decides he's done with Ezlo's influence. 10. "Mother" In which, Vaati marks out pictures of his past.
11. "What Shall We Do Now?" In which, Vaati ponders on the various ways he can build up his Wall.
12. "Empty Spaces" In which, Nostalgia and Migraine help Vaati fill those holes in his Wall.
13. "Young Lust" In which, Vaati and Octavo go on a midnight rendezvous.
14. "One of My Turns" In which, Vaati drives Octavo away and is all alone.
15. "Don't Leave Me Now" In which, Vaati laments chasing everyone away. But Migraine's still here…?
16. "Another Brick in the Wall, Part Three" In which, Migraine tries to cheer Vaati up, but it's much too late.
17. "Good-bye, Cruel World" In which, Vaati completes his Wall and is in perfect isolation.
18. "Hey You" In which, Vaati is utterly alone and is contemplating ways to go beyond his Wall.
19. "Is There Anybody Out There?" In which, Vaati slowly begins to wonder if there's truly no way out from behind the Wall.
20. "Nobody Home" In which, Vaati is unavailable. Please send your message to Old Minish, care of the Funny Farm, Tyloria…
21. "Vera" In which, Vaati continues to blot out his past, even behind his protective Wall.
22. "Bring the Boys Back Home" In which, Vaati continues to beg for help. The Wall is strong.
23. "Comfortably Numb" In which, Vaati has finally given up on having a good past and is wallowing in misery.
24. "The Show Must Go On" In which, Vaati contemplates becoming a monster.
25. "In the Flesh, Part Two" In which, sorcerer Vaati returns with a vengeance.
26. "Run Like Hell" In which, Vaati begins his reign of terror. God help us all.
27. "Waiting for the Worms" In which, Vaati's next target is Vaati. Wait, what?
28. "Stop" In which, Vaati comes to his senses and puts an end to his reign of terror.
29. "The Trial" In which, Vaati goes on trial for his misdeeds, and the verdict is to tear down his Wall.
30. "Outside the Wall" In which, Vaati accepts the loss of his Wall and steps outside, finally free.
31. "A Few Spare Bricks" In which, Vaati and Octavo dress as Belafu and Wazukyan for Halloween!
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the-sky-queen · 1 year
Inktober 2022
Day 8: Match
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The perfect match: Aurora and Shade! They are in love and they are so cute. Had a bit of trouble with Aurora's eyes though.
Day 9: Sword (2017 list)
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You know that thing where people make Arthur from Sonic and the Black Knight the Sonic alternate of that world instead of a human? That's what I did here. I like it. :) (Excalibur was an absolute pain to draw though!)
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benrosehsb · 2 years
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2022 october ink drawings, part 7/8. some oddities here, same vampire hunter from day 1 but aged 20 years, plus a redraw of a 2017 inktober in the bottom left
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aerialworms-art · 1 year
Trektober/Spocktober 2023!
Fuck it, I've decided to tackle a -tober drawing challenge for the first time in 4 years! I'm gonna be doing a combo of Trektober (Star Trek themed prompts) and Spocktober (Spock every day!), since my brain is on Star Trek lockdown atm.
In previous years, I've gotten about a week in and given up. I tried the official Inktober (2017 prompt list) in September 2018, then actual Inktober in 2018, then also in 2019, and the farthest I got was day 8 (Sept. 2018). I think my failure was due to being like "Yeah I'll just draw whatever strikes me each day, it's cool if I paint or use markers or--" and getting completely overwhelmed.
So, this year, I am setting some guidelines for myself:
Only inks. Literally just pen and ink. Nothing else.
Well, I'm allowed to do pencil undersketches. But those are only allowed to take 15 minutes, and the inking is only allowed to take 15 minutes, for a total of 30 minutes for each prompt (that way if I fall behind it shouldn't take too long to catch up... I hope...)
Thumbnailing ideas in advance. Takes the pressure off of sketching!
Set page size and notebook: all of these are gonna be A5 and in my main multimedia sketchbook so that if I want to paint them later I can
Post once weekly. In previous years I was trying to post every day, which was stressful and irritating, so instead I'm gonna post them in batches of seven. Or maybe four, actually. Uhhhh. We'll see??
The time limit is not happening, we're just going on vibes
I'm gonna post daily instead but with a delay so I can queue posts in advance
My main goals this October are:
To have fun :3
To get used to finishing drawings
To get used to posting them, too!
To have fun :3
To improve my sketching and lineart skills
To end up with a bunch of finished drawings (of Spock!!!) :3
To let go of a bit of my perfectionism
If this goes to shit and I don't get it all done, I'm still gonna be happy I tried. This is a warning to future me. Don't be a dick.
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Inktober 2017 Day 8: Crooked [Bill Cipher]
I finally drew and colored a Bill Cipher after so many years. :D
Never trust Bill Cipher, or make a deal with him. Then again you should probably never trust someone who looks like a dorito with an eye.
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bob-artist · 7 years
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Inktober Day 8: Crooked
This dweeb has trouble dressing himself. ;_; ;_; ;_;  I mean, he has trouble with putting on or removing clothing in general, really.
This sketch is for chapter 9 of Merritt’s Story, where he’s getting dressed before a very exclusive party hosted by Mercury.  The lighting ended up a little “dramatic,” though...
And if you missed it, day 7 went up for patrons earlier today.
okay, but now he needs to fix his shirt because it’s driving me crazy
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curious-eva · 7 years
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naissenceart · 7 years
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Inktober #8: Crooked 
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deggy98 · 7 years
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One week down, many more to go. Here is day eight's Inktober drawing of Spyro the Dragon.
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aliceleclert · 7 years
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Inktober Day 8
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birdy-the-artist · 7 years
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Inktober Day 8: The Girl With The Mask
"There were many strange individuals in the traveling show I was a part of for several years, but among them only one stood out in my mind. A young girl, no more than 14 or 15 when we first met, who wore a strange mask on her face. She'd worked in a factory before chemicals disfigured her and took her sight, and now she worked as an assistant in exchange for food and lodging. She rarely spoke to anyone, but the two of us had a sort of mutual understanding. A friendship, if you will. I didn't recoil at the sight of her missing jaw, and since she was blind she never knew what I was. I can only now wonder if things might have been different if she did... I never told her. To her, I was just another performer. It would be another few years before she finally succumbed to the toxins in her system and died, only 19 years old. I felt nothing hearing this news but a dull feeling of disappointment, as I'd enjoyed her company. Looking back, should I have felt something more? My first real friend gone, and it meant nothing to me..."
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grumpyoldsnake · 7 years
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Inktober Day 8
I’m not super happy with this one, but! That just means I can leave it be and move forward to other things. I was planning to add more detail to this, put in a field of dark lines thick enough that the background pattern wasn’t clearly visible anymore and just provided brightness variation... But I’ve decided to stop now and save myself the time. ^^;
Activated ‘Inktense’ pencils on watercolor paper.
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larissarivero · 7 years
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Inktober #8 - Crooked
If there's anything that helps me feeling more awful thna usual is my self-awareness about my nose. Most of the time I look at it I feel like the troll that lives under the bridge.
If you want to support my work here are some ways you can do so:
- Support me on Patreon!
- Buy merch with my doodles on my Redbubble
- Buy me a Ko-Fi!
- Commission me!
- No money? No problem! Reblog! ;)
I’m an artist in Venezuela and this is my only source of income at the moment, so any kind of help will be really appreciated!
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