sanityshorror · 2 years
Art trade with @inkher0 !! Their ocs Luce & Mori (clean sketch and flat color) please check them out, their art is amazing and they also take commissions, they've also recently started a webcomic My Darling Demon, and the first chapter is up now and free!! :) 💖💖
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aesolerin · 5 days
Try writing something different! I write poems when I have blocks, or lil songs
lmaooo, i am not nearly creative enough for songs or poems. i'm coping by making the characters in sims instead of writing them 🥲
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You reblog SO FAST xD I used to be able to fall asleep and realize I messed up the anatomy in the morning, now I have to be on the ball
Sorry not sorry OwO/lh
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eyesthecolorofarson · 2 years
The world that harmed us
If you’d told him two weeks ago that he would be seriously discussing leaving the dimension with four used-to-be-strangers in a Kings Dominion he would have slowly backed up and thought you a drug addict.
But here he was, sitting at a picnic table in the shade away from the hustle and bustle of the amusement park, staring at the poke ball on the table as if it could change his life.
For years he tried to gain his father’s approval, to earn a place in his heart. And for years he failed, always compared to his siblings. Never the first like Dick, never the most loved like Jason, never the smartest like Tim, never never never.
He can’t remember when he gave up. Maybe it was after his birthday was forgotten the fifth time. Maybe when he was ignored for days at a time. Or maybe it was the first, and last, time Bruce told him he hated him.
Regardless of when, it didn’t take much for him to pack a bag and leave. It was hilariously easy, actually. You’d think someone would have noticed, but that just showed how little he meant to them. And a part of him was grateful.
In two days time he was out of New Jersey and halfway through Michigan. It was there that he met a rag tag group of metas his age also trying to leave the country.
Danny Fenton, Dove Elopeman, Noel Lok and Lydia Lippet had each been traveling–running away–alone before stumbling into each other and deciding to stick together. The four hoped Canada would be kinder to them as Dove was from Italy, Lydia Ireland, Noel California and Danny Illinois. Damian was then told of their “tragic backstory’s” as Lydia called it, and then had to share his own.
Dove was an orphan street rat who discovered she could control peoples minds after accidentally taking control of a soup kitchen. A few restaurants and a Kardashian later she was blacklisted by the Justice League who thought she was an up-and-coming supervillain and she’s been on the run ever since. Damian could tell she was hiding something, but it wasn’t his business so he said nothing.
Lydia was born with a very odd power—aspects of her life could be controlled like a game of DnD, all that was needed was a twenty-sided dice. If she rolled a twenty on intelligence, she would suddenly know enough about quantum physics to teach a college lecture. If she rolled a one she would forgot what colors were what. She also had a character sheet which affected rolls, and classed herself as a Bard.
She called the reason she ran away “The Crush™ Grape Soda Incident” and no one wanted to know what that meant.
Noel, also an orphan, used to be Californias weightlifting state champion before she was given an experimental steroid by her coach without her knowing. She didn’t realize she was a meta until she lifted her coaches beach house on, what was at the time, a funny joke. Her coach was arrested and the Justice League wanted to recruit her. Noel told them no, and when they kept trying she packed what she had and ran.
Danny’s parents were scientists who were desperate to prove ghosts were real. When their portal into the ‘Ghost Zone’ kept failing, they came to believe that the problem was they didn’t have a strong enough tie to this world to keep the portal open and stable. They decided to use Danny as that tie. This led to them turning on the portal with Danny inside, which led to Danny becoming ‘half’ ghost. When his parents tried to capture and experiment on him, he used his new ability’s and ran away.
All of that led to them putting their various abilities and life skills together to cross the Canadian border, meeting Damian a few days before they reached the border. After telling their stories and hearing his–and a high-speed boat-chase across Lake Michigan with the local police that he knows they’ll never let him live down–they continue their journey with odd but little interruptions.
When they finally crossed into Ontario it was close to three in the morning. They were all tense, each of them expecting someone they knew to jump out and drag them back. But no one did. And when they finally, finally, drove all they way through, they stopped in a forest and sat there in silence.
It was Noel who started laughing first. Him and Dove shared glances and wondered if she was ok mentally when Danny started laughing too. Then Lydia, Dove and he joined in. There was something freeing, something joyous in the air. They were out. They made it.
They fell asleep in a pile, and when they woke up they started driving again. (Lydia kept fighting him for ‘her turn’ to drive even though she admitted she didn’t know how to, as if Danny’s driving wasn’t bad enough)
They all agreed Ontario probably wasn’t safe enough so they kept going until they reached Nunavut. And then they celebrated their newfound freedom with a trip to an amusement park, a place neither of them have been before.
Damian won seven toss games and twelve stuffed animals bigger than him, Noel broke four test your strength games and won about ten thousand tickets, they used said tickets to but about fifty small toys and trinkets, Danny dragged all of them to every roller coaster and ride there was, Dove and Lydia got into a dance battle on a DDR that resulted in an all-out musical war(Lydia won) and they finished their day by buying half the candy store.
They’re food and prizes sat in the middle of the table for them to share as they giggled and joked in ways only sugar-high teens could. Danny and Lydia were in a thumb-war while Noel was messing with a puzzle. Dove was teaching him the pocky game and doing a really bad job at explaining, which was making him incredibly flustered.
However, in the middle of her explanation she fell silent. She looked at him as if she were seeing his soul, and then turned and looked at the others. Lydia cheered as she won and began tickling Danny, but shrieked as Noel began tickling her from behind. She watched before smiling and pulling something out of her bag and setting it in the middle of the pile.
It was…. a Poké ball?
It didn’t look like the other real-life poke balls he’d seen though. While those were bright plastic and bigger that his hand this one was metal and shiny, and was about the size of a tennis ball. The middle button also seemed to be slightly glowing.
“This is a portal to another dimension where Pokémon are real.” Dove said quickly, and everyone went quiet. “I know I sound insane, and I know you probably don’t believe me, but I know for a fact because I’ve been. I’ve seen it. In the world this takes you to Pokémon are real. And I think I know a way for the Justice League, the police, are parents too never find us again.”
They all stared at her for a minute, absorbing what she said. “Are you shitting us?” Lydia asked first, “Are you absolutely, one-hundred percent serious?” Dove nodded softly, biting her lip.
Damian surprised himself with his words. “Then what are we waiting for? Let’s get out of here.” Dove stared at him wide-eyed before Noel nodded. “Yeah, it’s not like I’ve got anything left here. Anyone got a reason they want to stay in boring-land and not become Pokémon trainers?”
Danny and Dove thought for a second while Lydia began listing all the Pokémon she wanted. They came up empty, and Dove began laughing. Damian asked if she was ok and she smiled at him. “I just thought you guys wouldn’t want to leave. I’ve been thinking about it the moment I found it.”
They discussed it a little more–names, Pokémon, money–before packing all their stuff and getting ready to leave the dimension.
“Hey, do you guys wanna be cheesy?” Danny asked, and put his hand on the poke ball. Noel snorted and put her hand over his. Lydia gasped and said “We could be even CHEESIER!” and put a peace sign over their hands.
He didn’t get it, but the others did. Danny and Noel made peace signs next to hers and he groaned. He got it, and Dove did too, giggling and putting her peace sign. Damian looked at their grinning faces, thought of his father—if he was missing him, if he regretted not loving him, if he even noticed that he was gone.
Fuck him, he thought, and finished the star. His friends cheered, Dove used her thumb to click the button—
and the poke ball opened, and they were sucked in.
When he came too he saw they were still making a star, but they were standing in a clearing a little ways away from a forest. They began looking around, and were dazzled by their surroundings.
Small little fairy’s with flowers–“Floettes!” Lydia cried–were everywhere, some were bigger with bigger flowers and in the distance there were about three giant ones that looked to have flowers for their heads. Small little orange hexagon-shaped bees buzzed around, and giant butterflies with big, magenta eyes flew about above them.
This, he thought, this is far better than being Robin. And as he ran with his new friends through the clearing, heading towards the city about the tree line, he knew he would never think about Gotham ever again.
this is just something I’ve had rolling around in my head on tumble dry for the past few days, and it’s not as useless as I thought it would be! It actually helped me flesh out backstory’s for the three original girls here. Descriptions under! Thanks for reading, and tell me what you think! And if–on the very unlikely chance–anyone who writes wants to write a story like this, please be my guest! Take it! You can do it, I believe in you!
Dove—Italian with honey skin and black curly hair that reaches below her shoulders. Her eyes are purple and glow a little when using her powers. A pastel goth, usually wearing skirts and knee high socks and heels-usually always thrifted or handmade
Lydia—African American with an Irish accent. Golden eyes and bright blue hair styled in a side-parted curly bob. Tomboyish with ripped jeans and a jean jacket, worn boots and shirt with memes on it
Noel—Native American with long and wild bright pink hair. Bright blue eyes and MEGA muscles. Usually wears dark jeans and her weightlifting varsity jacket-white sleeves, purple body, and teal accents on the cuffs and bottom and running shoes
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creek-ink · 8 months
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lookie lookie!! i did a lil comm 4 @inkher0 today <3
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inkher0 · 8 months
inkHer0's Spotify playlists for Origin: A Masterpost
Tim/ Masky / Origin
Skully (In Progress)
The Doll
Ben Drowned
The Proxies
Ticci Toby/Masky
The Dark Carnival
Eyeless Jack
Seer Korbyn
Jane (In Progress)
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I forgot to upload this Friday-
Luckily i remembered today with the new chapter!
Anyway @inkher0 and other Origin fans, enjoy my art of cat Tim
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niuniente · 4 years
Hey! Love your stuff! You draw Hordak so adorably 💗
Thank you! I love drawing Hordak <3 I’m busy with commissions and stuff but there will be some Hordaks coming when I’m free :3
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incorrectbnhaquotes · 7 years
Kirishima: Hey, what’s a “furry”?
Bakugou: Enjoy these last few seconds before I tell you
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moosefix · 7 years
Hey! I've been wanting to cosplay Bakugou, and I gotta know where you got the wig for his hair. It's awesome!
hey bud, of course!
i used this exact wig :) 
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the-ship-maker-2 · 2 years
I had a random thought, What is your uncommon ship pairings of the creepypasta cast? Example Puppeteer and Helen are always shipped right, but a odd pairing would be , hmmm Jason and helen. To give an example.
A ship that I like and have been thinking about because of @inkher0 story Origin which I would recommend checking out is Jason x Nina. That's a ship that I never thought of but could potentially work.
I am also very fond of Masky x Jeff as well.
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luna-tiel · 4 years
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Fan art for @inkher0’s fic To Have and to Hold 🌸 Such a good read! I highly reccomend it.
[Edit, because I forgot...] Here is the link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24655825/chapters/59574757
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creek-ink · 1 year
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I will compile all of them into a post if u guys do this!!
or we can make a thread- IDFK BRO!! IM JUST RUNNING IN CIRCLES OVER HERE!!
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inkher0 · 3 months
Hey, I saw a post about more bots on AO3 and was going to @ you in the post, but didn’t know if you’d want me to or not. It’s my most recent reblog/post, if you want to check it out or tag anyone you know in it.
I just read it! Thanks for making me aware! I haven't experienced anything like that, thank goodness, but I'll take steps to make sure the lovely reviews on Origin don't get lost.
And for the record: I never leave reviews on ao3 under inkher0 or SundaySeventh unless I'm writing an essay on why I loved your fic. If you see my name in a comment and its not at least two paragraphs, that bitch is not me
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babyspacebatclone · 4 years
Warning: Discussion of the mechanics of smut writing ahead. Scroll down if you’re not interested. I have tagged this, but stars know that might not come up a lot for peeps.
Giving time for scrolling.
No pictures here. You will have to search them up on your own.
For those curious about writing for male alien genitalia, and how I am managing....
This is my second rodeo.
I never successfully completed any Megamind smut (outside my head), but you know I’ve read everything I could find. Especially from the deity themselves, @setepenre-set
And it just so happens that the descriptions @inkher0 has given in their fics thus far matches one of the references I already have googled to properly visualize Set’s description of Mega anatomy.
Order Cetacea, marine mammals such as dolphins.
The Mega deviate heavily (tentacles, plural, to begin), but it is a nice starting point for a living mammal with internal genitalia for both genders. And theoretically justifiable research for the scientifically curious, because of course dolphins and whales are fascinating.
But yeah, not struggling much here, surprisingly.
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Finally after 2 days!
My Origin fan comic is down!
@inkher0 glance upon my cat art lol
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Jester is literally dangling off of Cane because I quote “They (Jester) gawked, peeking over the Genyr’s shoulder” The Genyr are described as really tall, like over 6 feet, Jester is a 5 foot tall boy. So Jester would have a little struggle to peek, at least in my mind. Also unseen is Jester struggling to climb up the beautiful lion.
And to dip into something I adore talking about, Cane has a mane because Genyr don’t apply by our rules, soooooo lions from another dimension wouldn’t either. All lionesses got manes too from Genyr.
Also go read Origin, it’s a fan-fucking-tastic and story packed.
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