#Indian soceity
anilbudhraja · 10 months
Social fabric of india is in a state of war
Nation of hopes and a nation of diversity,Getting narrated these day by WhatsApp university.Where are we heading is anybody's guessWe have to show great resolve to avoid the social mess.I see a bike from the opposite direction, wondering what's on his mind,Their confidence in doing wrong, I guess own failures make us blind.The audacity of some car drivers to again drive in wrong lane,Do they…
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prettykittytanjiro · 4 months
INTRO POST (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
Hiii! Welcome to my blog page :)
I figured it's about time to make a pinned post so let's do this!!
I am not in the circumstances to make a donation to any sort of account; but I will be certain to share it.
You can call me Lemons or Lilavati! I'm a minor who loves Stamp/Coin collecting, birdwatching and all things mythology :3
I've been on this hellsite for maybe two years(?) by now!
I'm in a fair amount of fandoms- some of the more prominent ones include:
My Little Pony
The Mysterious Benedict Soceity
Night At The Museum
Miraculous Ladybug
Five Nights At Freddy's
NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigation Services
Lord Of The Rings (still getting into it)
Ducktales (2017)
Elementary (2012)
Asterix and Obelix
The Adventures of TinTin
The Backrooms
Ever After High
SCP: Secure Contain Protect
If you wanna know if I'm in any specific fandom, feel free to ask <3
I play the violin, and do indian classical dance!
My aesthetic according to Pinterest:
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"hiraeth (n.): the feeling of being homesick for a home one is not able to return to; homesickness pertaining to a home that never was."
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Moodboard by @kyayarpriyanka (tysm for it it's so beautiful!!)
My tag system:
lemon reflection: My random little ramblings- mostly for me to look back upon or record
lemon contemplates life: Rants and existential crises
lemon writes: My own writings, which I reblog from my side acc!
lemon answers: Asks which are sent to me <3 (I'm super grateful for every single ask, so thank you!)
lemon does music: Stuff about my violin playing or music
lemon wishes: Significant days/events which I want to remember and post wishes for!
lemon rps: My interactions with rp accounts!
tumblr buddies: my interactions with my beloved moots <3 (I love all of you you're all so cool omg)
thats krishna guys (⁠⌐⁠■⁠-⁠■⁠): My personal tag for everything to do with Krishna (bc my brother needs his own tag or my blog will be flooded with yapping smh)
fic recs: Fanfic I have read on here!
My writing blog is @lilavatilikeslemons ! Please do go check it out if you're interested- it means a lot to me!
My inbox is always open, so feel free to drop by <3 (also please please please, use tone indicators if that's possible, I'm extremely tone deaf 😭)
Hope you have a wonderful wonderful day/afternoon/evening/night- and stay safe, healthy and hydrated :)
Alr I'll see myself out-
Also psssst my shifting and manifesting blog is @lemondoesshifting
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aparjan · 4 years
আমাদের সমাজ জীবনে বর্ণবৈষম্য : গার্গী চক্রবর্তী
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"বর্ণবৈষম্যকথাটার মধ্যে জড়িত রয়েছে আফ্রিকা ও আমেরিকার সমাজে সাদা চামড়ার মানুষদের কালো চামড়ার মানুষদের প্রতি দুর্ব্যবহার, অত্যাচার ও উৎপীড়ন। সম্প্রতি আমেরিকায় সেই ধরণের হিংসাত্মক ঘটনার সঙ্গে সবাই পরিচিত। সেদেশে কালো চামড়ার মানুষেরা বহু অংকে দরিদ্র এবং স্বাস্থ্য পরিষেবার নানা অর্থবহুল insurance থেকে স্বাভাবিকভাবেই বঞ্চিত। করোনা ভাইরাসে এদেরই বেশি মৃত্যু হচ্ছে বিনা চিকিৎসায়। আমাদের দেশে শুধু যে বর্ণবৈষম্য রয়েছে তা নয়। নানা ধরণের বৈষম্য—অর্থনৈতিক বৈষম্য তো আছেই, তার সঙ্গে জাতপাত ধর্ম লিঙ্গ ইত্যাদি সর্বক্ষেত্রেই গভীর বৈষম্য, যার ইতিহাস যুগ যুগ ধরে চলে এসেছে। তথাকথিত শিক্ষিত মানুষের হার বাড়লেও মনের অন্দরে ঐ সব বৈষম্য দানা বেঁধে রয়েছে। সে প্রসঙ্গে না গিয়ে আজ আমদের সমাজ জীবনেও কী প্রবল বর্ণবৈষম্য রয়েছে তারই কিছু দৃষ্টান্ত দেবো। কোনো তাত্ত্বিক আলোচনার মধ্যে না গিয়ে শুধুমাত্র মানুষের এই মানসিকতা তুলে ধরাই এই রম্যরচনার উদ্দেশ্য। তাই নিবন্ধ বা প্রবন্ধ আখ্যা না দিয়ে রম্যরচনার নিদর্শন বললাম। জন্মসূত্রে কালো হয়ে জন্মালে, একটা হীনমন্যতা সহজ ভাবেই তৈরি হয়। “মা ফরসা, বাপ ফরসা, মাইয়া এত কালো হইল কেন?” এই ধরণের মন্তব্য যথেষ্ট শোনা যেত এখনও যায়। কালো মেয়েদের বিয়ে দেওয়া নাকি মুস্কিল! দেখতে সে যেমনই হোক গায়ের রঙ ফর্সা হলে সুন্দরী হয়ে গেল! মজার ব্যাপার! এই যে কালো রঙের চামড়ার প্রতি একটা অচ্ছুত ভাব, তার উৎপত্তি কোথায়? "—লিখছেন গার্গী চক্রবর্তী, অপরজন জুলাই ২০২০-তে। Read the full article
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greyhairedlomo · 6 years
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Subject: The idol of Padmashri Devilal Samar who found The Indian Art Society for the Public. (Idol established at the entrance of the Soceity.) 📷: #LomoLCAplus 🎞️: #Kodacolor200 (#redscale) ⚗️: instagram.com/thefilmfotostore #35mm #Lomography #AlternativePhotography #FilmPhotography #FilmTricks #ChemicalPhotography #UdaipurOnFilm #RajasthanOnFilm #IndiaOnFilm #IndiaLovesFilm (at Lok Kala Mandal) https://www.instagram.com/p/Btq-CWUAgyv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2qq98m32ulqp
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thecontemporarian · 4 years
Socio-Capitalism: The way forward for India..
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There is a lot of debate going on, on the issue of privatization and disinvestment of key State owned enterprises (SOEs). The proponents of socialist model of economy are averse to the idea of privatization and are against the very concept of disinvestment. As most SOEs are performing below par in their industries, the successive governments have been trying to privatize and dis-invest from many of those SOEs. But the  idea of socialists centers around the revival of SOEs and by opposing the privatization of any kind. Indian economy, since the 90s, has traveled a long and hard journey to reverse the ill effects of the socialist model of economy practiced since the 50s till about the late 80s or early 90s. No wonder our economic growth was in the low single digits for a very long time.
The economy was bloated with highly bureaucratic and non performing SOEs, the elephants which could not even stand up, let alone them dancing. The liberalization unshackled the economy from the clutches of such bureaucracy and red tapism, the hallmarks of India’s socialist economy policy. Most outdated policies were given a quiet burial in order to streamline the economy and make it ready for the growth phase. Lots have been done over the years to enhance the streamlining process of the Indian economy. 
Yet, the country is saddled with too many unproductive and unviable SOEs in sectors which are of no interest to the government and its economic priorities. India, over the years is trying to become a socio-capitalist economy, a blend of socialism and capitalism. Remember, the pure socialist models of economies have been disasters World over, starting from the USSR and the Eastern European nations. Most socialist nations crumbled and disintegrated because of high levels of poverty, unemployment, abysmally low per capita income along with the crumbling social welfare infrastructure. In essence, most socialist nations such as the USSR attempted to fund socialism through socialism, which was not only a disastrous model, but proved to be highly counter productive for the lives of the people.
In real sense,  the failure of the USSR and other EE nations proved socialism cannot fund socialism, meaning a poor and deprived economy cannot fund social welfare programs as suggested by the learnings of the USSR and the other Eastern European nations. China, the other socialist economy smartly picked up the lessons from these failed nations and re-positioned its economy. So, what did it do? It used the power of Capitalism to fund the socialism within China. China, over the years, created an environment filled with the blend of capitalism and socialism, a clear departure from its earlier model of socialist led economy. The change in its economic discourse allowed people to become prosperous on their own weight and in the process, the government could fulfill its socialist obligations to the society by way of liberal funding generated from the capitalist economy. 
The recent case of a failed "only socialist' economy nation being Venezuela, a country with the highest oil reserves in the World, yet crumbled to become a bankrupt nation plagued by serious economic ills. The usual symptoms associated with a failed socialist economy like high unemployment, extreme poverty, break up of the country's social welfare infrastructure are found in the Venezuelan economy. Not just Venezuela, nations like Cuba and North Korea are way behind on most of the social welfare parameters because of the ills created by the textbook socialist models of economy.
What is the way forward for India?
Indians, particularly the socialist economy advocates, have to look around for the historical and contemporary evidence of the failed socialist economies and their startling symptoms around the World. India with a huge population of over 135 crores and counting, cannot afford to keep a vast number of Indians in the bottom of the Pyramid. But on the other hand the nation has to uplift the people from the bottom to the next levels on the higher side. For that India needs a strong and vibrant capitalist oriented economy to fund the socialist side of the economy. India needs to get rid of the failing SOEs and exit from the non core and unrelated businesses as far as the government is concerned. Except for the key and critical sectors, the government should exit from the non key SOEs, lock stock and barrel. 
Instead the government is better off by focusing on building a high growth economy with vast contributions by the vibrant private sector, which can in turn help the socialist agenda for the peoples betterment. Only that formula will ensure job and prosperity for the people at the bottom of the pyramid. India has a long way to go on creating excellent infrastructure needed for a quantum leap economic growth. At the same time, the nation needs to feed and take care of the people at the bottom of the pyramid. India needs a robust socio-capitalist model of economy for everyone to witness a reasonable amount of prosperity spread across the layers of the soceity.
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askgopal · 4 years
4Qs to determine the cues for the markets...
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With the World grappling for a life after Covid-19 impact, the financial markets across the World are staring a definite phase of uncertainty in the coming months. Though the intensity of the pandemic is slowing down but that does not ensure a bright life for the financial markets. In fact, the worse phase of the markets could take place once the dust settles down. Markets are behaving extremely volatile in the current scenario, given the fact that any bit of news spooks the markets both the ways. Currently the historic crash of Crude prices are spooking the markets. But, more such volatility can be expected in the coming weeks.
Investors, rather than getting carried away by the news flows, should now focus on the factors which could determine the markets in the coming months -
4Qs could actually determine the near future nature of the financial markets around the World, particularly in India too.
Quarantine led lockdown - The World economy is in a Quarantine lock down and India is no different. The lock down has consumed the entire month of April and that's not a great way to start the FY. Even post lock down, the businesses will find it challenging to overcome the Quarantine hangover while getting back to 'business as usual' mode which is expected to last for several months. Such a restricted business environment is detrimental and could slow down the productivity levels of the businesses. Even on the consumption front, the quarantine process can slow down the footfalls in the consumer business establishments like malls, supermarkets and movie theaters. Perhaps, the brick and mortar businesses will have a lingering effect of the pandemic aftermath for a longer duration. And that could have a huge impact on the top and bottom lines of many companies. As long as the Quarantine mode continues, there can never be business as usual and that will have bearing on the financials of the companies. The industrial activity is set to begin on a highly restricted mode and that may spill over to several months. Investors should keep an eye on that.
Quarterly results - We are in the process of witnessing the Q4 results of the companies, which can be termed decent but what is more important will the Q1 of FY21 which will be very crucial to watch out for. Q1 will be awash with low productivity and low business activity thereby causing huge strain in the corporate balance sheets. With the full of April getting washed out, the businesses will be literally limping back to some kind of normalcy starting May. But the slowdown will certainly spill over into June as well. So most business projections for the Q1 will go for a toss and that will have a strong bearing in the Q1 results. Investors should watch out for the Q1 business progress to gauge the future movements in the stock markets and build the portfolios accordingly.
Quality matters - Quality matters always, but more so now. The severe economic strain caused by the Covid-19 will have a profound impact on the balance sheets of the companies, without doubt. Companies which are already laded with high and unsustainable debts will go through a serious crisis in the midst of the economic slowdown. Of course, interest rate cut is only a solace for such companies, but the businesses will have to pick up to service the debts. Moreover, further access to credit for those high debt companies will also be a challenge despite RBI cutting the repo rates quite dramatically. Companies with minimal or no debt with healthy cash flows will tide over the storm in the current economic conditions. Investors should align their portfolios in line with the healthy financials of the companies. In short, quality matters.
Quantitative easing - So far, RBI has done a commendable job on proactively announcing measures to boost the money supply and to support the various sections of the economy. And government has announced series of measures to boost the economic activity in the country. Aided with the rate cut, quantitative easing measures will be most crucial for the economy to limp back to normalcy in a reasonable time frame. And of course, it all depends how those measures get absorbed into the system very effectively. Most importantly, the repo rate cut should be transmitted across the economy to benefit all sections of the soceity, namely the common man. Many sectors in the economy would also want to have some kind of assistance by way of easy credit and bail out measures to ride out the storm created by the pandemic. Nevertheless, one can expect more such measures once the lock down ends and the actual business scenario comes out clearly in the public domain.
Having said that, these four Q's will be crucial for the direction of markets in the coming months and the investors should bear in mind that only quality wins the race in such difficult economic conditions. Of course, Indian markets will have the global impact as well, as most nations are reeling under severe economic strain arising out of the pandemic after effects. 
Random choosing of stocks only based on price action may be unviable and unprofitable in the current market conditions. Rather investors should choose based on valuations coupled with the price action. But investors, the particularly the long term investors should also bear in mind that India as a country is in for a glorious economic growth in the longer term, say 5-10 years from now on. With China hitting a dead end through its mis-steps, the actual gainer could be India which is in a sweet spot to attract FDI in a big way. More over, various International agencies have forecast Indian growth to be on the top in Fy20-21 when compared with the most economies in the World. There are indeed clear silver lining visible in the current dark clouds. Investors should play the game based on clear long term potential of the country's economy!
Happy Investing! 
V Gopalakrishnan
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Book Your Appointment with Best Gynecologist In Coimbatore
Book your Appointment with Best Gynecologist In Coimbatore At Motherhood India Hospital Near by You. Our Doctor Dr Nirmala  has 29 years of experience in the health care for women as an Obstetrician and Gynecologist. Extensive experience in provide medical attention for women in all Gynaec problems. Member Of Indian Medical Council Association Member FOGSI (FEDERATION OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY SOCEITY OF INDIA).
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chaaicoffee · 7 years
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Blast from Past !!! #blast #past #blastfrompast #history #indian #indianhistory #india #britishindia #cvraman #ravindranathtagore #chandrashekharazad #indianfreedom #struggle #freedom #independence #indianindependence #republicday #soceity #InstaBlog #insta #instabloggers #instablogger #chaaicoffee #indianblog #indianblogger #bloggerlife #magzine #lifestyle #lifecoach #instaphoto #rare_footage #rarephoto
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cheapest-usps-eddm · 5 years
It takes almost 50 minutes for the heroine of Kabir Singh to utter her first sentence. "Kabir, what do you like in me?" says this fragile-looking child-woman who was a mute puppet in his hands until then. "I like the way you breathe," he replies. Ooh, keh diya na dil ko touch kar jaane waali baat!
Shahid Kapoor in and as Kabir Singh
Okay, my apologies for the flippant tone, but please excuse it as a defence mechanism against one of the most horrific, harrowing, horrendous odes to misogyny and patriarchy ever created by Indian cinema in any language - humourised and romanticised for our viewing pleasure. Kabir Singh is the Bollywood remake of the 2017 Tollywood blockbuster Arjun Reddy starring Vijay Sai Deverakonda and Shalini Pandey in the roles played in this Hindi version by Shahid Kapoor and Kiara Advani. To call both problematic is an understatement. As I watched Kabir Singh, I could already hear in my head the tired clichés that are rolled out as rebuttals to criticism of such films and are likely to be regurgitated for this one. "C'mon ya, men like that do exist." "Are you saying films should not depict reality?" "If negative characters could influence people to become bad then how come positive characters do not immediately reform soceity?" Or, as Kapoor himself pre-emptively said earlier this week in a newspaper interview: "If we start judging characters, we can't make movies that are real." Oh brother, stop. Please stop. This is exhausting, but for the zillionth time: it is not the depiction of reality that is objectionable here, it is precisely because violent, destructive misogynists do exist and women for centuries have suffered at their hands that it is deeply troubling when a film portrays such a person as cool, funny, and, as Kapoor puts it, a man with "a good heart" who "loves purely" and "wears his emotions on his sleeve". Again brother, stop. Stop with the euphemisms, please. Call the Kabir Singhs of the world what they are and show them up for what they are: obnoxious, ugly sociopaths. Kapoor plays Kabir Rajdhir Singh, an ill-tempered, aggressive albeit academically brilliant medical college student who one day sees a pretty girl on campus and decides she is his. Her name is Preeti Sikka (Kiara Advani) but he does not know that then. They have yet to even have a conversation, but like a dog urinating to mark his territory, Kabir goes to an all-men junior class, announces to the students that they can have their pick of the other women in the college but this one is his woman, and demands that they spread the word on his behalf. Mind you, all this and everything that comes thereafter (he is a chain-smoking alcoholic and drug taker who loses himself further in a spiral of substance abuse and sex addiction when he is forcefully separated from Preeti) is depicted in a comical tone and projected as intensity, passion and profound emotion. Every one of the despicable Kabir's actions is portrayed as the handiwork of a loveable, mad genius. Besides, the heroine who seems initially intimidated by him soon falls in love with him, he treats another woman like meat and she too promptly tells him she loves him, his friends - male and female - adore him, he is popular with the nurses in his hospital on whom he threatens to vent his horniness... I mean, c'mon ya, if so many people are smitten by him he must be having "a good heart", no? Judge for yourself the heart so good that Kabir kisses Preeti for the first time while she stands statue-like, having not expressed any interest in him till then, he physically imposes himself on her subsequently too, he orders her around like one might a pet animal that one is fond of, after they have sex for the first time he instructs her in a proprietorial manner to cover up in public, after she falls for him he roughs her up, treats her like shit, repeatedly hits her and tells her she was a nobody in college whose identity rested entirely on her being known as his girl, and worse.
Kiara Advani and Shahid Kapoor in Kabir Singh
As if none of this was enough, a song titled Tera Ban Jaunga has lyrics that go thus: Meri raahein tere tak hain Tujhpe hi toh mera haq hai Ishq mera tu beshaq hai Tujhpe hi toh mera haq hai (Translation: my path, every path I take, leads to you / I have a right over just you / without question you are my love / I have a right over just you.) The point about his "right" over her is re-asserted in the song Tujhe Kitna Chahne Lage, in which the words go, "Tere ishq pe haan haq mera hi toh hai" (I alone have a right over your love). From the 1990s, Hindi cinema gradually bade goodbye to the portrayal of violence, molestation and stalking as legitimate forms of courtship. It never went away entirely, but for the most part, if a leading man was a stalker, he was categorically slotted as the villain of the piece as he was in Yash Chopra's Darr. The romanticisation of stalking and the mistreatment of women while wooing them has made a big comeback this decade, epitomised by Raanjhanaa (2013) and various Salman Khan, Akshay Kumar starrers. Kabir Singh is in the same league: dangerous to the core because it is such a slick production. For one, it is well-acted, especially by Kapoor, Advani (known so far for M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story, Lust Stories, Bharat Ane Nenu), Arjan Bajwa playing Kabir's brother and Soham Majumdar in the role of the hero's best buddy Shiva. Kapoor, in fact, is so good here that it is heart-breaking to see him use his gift thus, to see the spectacular star of Vishal Bhardwaj's spectacular Haider (2014) descend to this cinematic abomination. The cast is one of Kabir Singh's many pluses. The cinematography by Santhana Krishnan Ravichandran is plush, the editing by Aarif Sheikh and Vanga himself is truly slick, and the songs are attractive. That said, those numbers are ruined by the manner in which they are used in the narrative along with the overbearing, ear-splitting background score. The songs are pleasant when heard separately, but they slammed into the film's soundscape like whiplashes akin to the screechy effects used in bad Bollywood thrillers to startle the audience. Most insidious is the writing of Kabir Singh, which uses humour to lull us into an acceptance of its terrible, terrifying hero's obnoxiousness. As offensive as his patriarchal, misogynistic attitude towards the heroine and other women is the fact that towards the end writer-director-editor Sandeep Vanga seems to be trying to evoke sympathy for him by getting him to tearfully confess that he is an alcoholic. Clearly with this goal in mind, a few bars from the nursery rhyme Twinkle Twinkle Little Star are also woven into the background score - in a silly and tacky fashion, it must be said - when Kabir is dealing with the death of a loved one. Towards the end, Vanga even seems to be attempting a statement about the limits that supposed democracy places on us when a lawyer says of Kabir that such free-spiritedness in a democracy is not okay. Ah, so being a creep is "free-spiritedness". Got it. That line is one of many dialogues in Kabir Singh that are written to sound deep and intellectual, but mean little to nothing especially considering the context in which they are spoken. The naming of the hero in Vanga's Hindi remake seems to be a bow to poet-saint Kabir, and to underline the point, in a voiceover in the opening scene the fellow's grandmother (Kamini Kaushal) recites one of Kabir's dohas. I do not know whether to laugh or cry at this desecration of the great man's writing. Kabir Singh and its Telugu forebear Arjun Reddy must rank among the most disturbing examples of the obsessive stalker hero being glamourised by Indian cinema.
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Week 3
I really enjoyed learning about nurses in the 19th century. My article focused on 19th century nurses in India. This was such an interesting combination as it discussed both the early aspect of nursing as a profession, but also this new profession in caste-system India with non-Christian nurses who did not see nursing as their "calling", and who were not looked at as motherly care-takers but instead servants and low-class, loose moraled people.
I think the information has given me a good perspective for my future practice regarding gender roles within nursing and the struggle that many nurses of the past have overcome to help modern nursing get to where we are today. It makes me sad to think that female Indian nurses had to overcome soceity's views of who nurses were, as well as societal preference to male nurses and white female nurses. It was also sad for me to think of all the nurses who worked at the hospital but themselves did not have access to healthcare.
One especially interesting thing I learned was that family members of the sick often became nurses (or maybe med-techs, rather), because people outside of one's own caste could not administer medication to them - so it was up to the family to administer meds. What a different time to be a nurse!
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sidhant71-blog · 6 years
Indian Advertisements to a new level
Gender equality has always been an issue in India. Women do not get basic rights and opportunities at various place, and are supressed by the soceity. The telecasting channel ‘Star Plus’ has given rise to a new campaign titled ‘Nayi Soch’ where it promotes breaking stereotypes to make this country a better place. One of their campaigns had women empowerment as their main motive.
Star Plus and Aamir Khan came together to create this beautiful advertisement which gives chills down the spine because it shows some out of the box things which supported equal rights for women. Firstly, the ad shows a Punjabi sweet shop owner, whose business is flourishing because of the internet. The owner’s children had set up the business on the internet. This made a man asked that how smart his sons are. The sweet shop owner, Gurdeep Singh corrects the man and says that they are not sons, and pointed towards his two beautiful daughters who were managing the online business.
Then the frame pans towards the board of the shop which read ‘Gurdeep & Daughters’. This justifies the title of Star Plus’s campaign ‘Nayi Soch’ and also was a good social campaign between the audience. The film ends with a thought that success does not looks upon gender, it looks upon the thinking of the people. This movie is a tribute to every women and also gives a strong message out in public that women should get equal rights and opportunities, they also can flourish once they get the right chances.
Uday Shankar, Chairman and CEO, Star India, says, “We at Star trust that little girls are similarly skilled to convey trees to their families and society. Our most recent Nayi Soch film mirrors this certainty. It not just inquiries the sexual orientation separation that still exists, yet in addition repeats our conviction that it is the ideal opportunity for fathers to venture up and move their little girls with certainty and self-conviction. Aamir Khan conveys incredible believability and compassion to the part of a father whose dynamic reasoning gives his girls the flexibility to thrive.”
On being asked for this thoughts, Aamir Khan affirmed, “I think it is an incredible activity by STAR Plus. The film is a tribute to all the pleased fathers and their little girls who turned into the reference points of progress.”
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angelurvi-blog · 7 years
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#Not only Girls but boys also need to change after Marriage# In our Indian Soceity , Girls as a daughter as a wife are expected to change after marriage..They are taught to change themselves according to the norms of society.
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gurugram-blog · 7 years
POLLEX Workshop Press Release
Press Release A uniqe initiative in experimental Physics learning at pre college level by ‘Guru Gram Welfare Soceity (GGWS)’ and ‘Indian Association of Physics teachers (IAPT)’. The program is jointly funded by grants from ‘The Department of Atomic Energy (DAE)’ and GGWS. Pollex-1, the first Physics Olympiad Level Experiment is being organised by IAPT (Apho Cell) and Guru Gram Welfare Soceity at…
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krishna-gopika7 · 8 years
Intelligence is relative...it is not directly proportional to the degree certificates one obtain...many myths need to be busted....no two individuals are alike....intelligence is a way of life...it is not merely about running a race to grab the top rung of the ladder based on rot learning...reflex action is intelligence..presence of mind is intelligence...farsightedness is intelligence...unfortunately,indian society confers the title of intelligence to the ones who possess mark sheets with "fancy" figures...robots too are intelligent that way....a mechanical soceity bring forth a bunch of "three monkey attitude"folks,where their analytical views are enslaved to system...critical thinkers and logical reasoners are compartmentalised as insane,for they are a constant threat to moth eaten philosophies and " blind leading the blind' kind of establishments...system needs only puppets,slaves victims and martyrs....
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chaaicoffee · 7 years
Who is in Fault, ??? Do we need Management for Staff or Customers ?? #anger #angermanagement #indigo #viral #viralvideos #soceity #indian
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sidhant71-blog · 6 years
New Dimensions
Son of Abish is a show where the host welcomes extremely talented guests and talks about their journeys. In the year 2017, on the Transgender Day of Remembrance, the show featured the people of the LGBTQ community which live in the general society with the ‘normal’ people. The first 6 minutes of the video gives a new and very realistic perspective to the LGBTQ community. The feature beautifully talked about how the genders really are, how they live their life, and how people wrongly interpret them.
Have a look at the first 6 minutes of the video.
The first person to come up on the stage was Anisha Sharma, who loves women and is a proud lesbian. She describes that lesbians do not hate all men, but they hate those men who look upon them as an opportunity for having sex. Also, she mentions how difficult it is to be a lesbian in an Indian society.
 The next person coming on the stage was Navin Noronha, who is a gay. He tells how people interpret some actions as ‘gay’, but the gay people rarely do such actions. He also tells about men’s perspective to gay people, men think that gay people try to convert them, but that’s not the case.
 Next was Bhakti Chachada, who is a bisexual women. She mentions that her parents still have hope and persuade her to choose boys as her life partners. She also says that bisexual is neither gay, nor lesbian; and they have more choices than any gender.
 After the homosexuals, came Madhuri Sarode, a transgender and Daniel Mendonca, an intersex. They enlighten the audience by telling that there are different kinds of transgenders, but the society just calls them by a common term, ‘Hijra’. This gender type is the most discriminated. Madhuri says that she’s not trapped in a wrong body, but in a wrong soceity. They do not get basic educations, admission in colleges, and even jobs. In the end of their speech, they urge the audience to accept them as a part of the soceity.
 Then comes Mili Sethia, who is queer. She mentions how the neighborhood uncles want to know everything but they wouldn’t be able to comprehend after knowing it. Instead of worrying what gender Mili loves, they should be happy that she loves a ‘human’ in this world.
 Concluding the speeches, comes Harish Iyer from humsafar.org. He says that no person becomes one of the LGBTQ, but they already are. Also, no straight person can change themselves to LGBTQ; the same way no LGBTQ can convert themselves to straight.
 This 6 minutes of the episode change my perspective towards the LGBTQ community. They are just as human as we are. The choice belongs to the people, whom to love and whom not to. Nobody can question one’s choice regarding their gender, it is a basic human right that every human being on the planet possesses.
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