#Indian medical visa
visacollect · 2 months
Indian Medical Visa:  Requirements and Eligibility
Many people travel to India for medical treatment since the reasonably decent quality of the treatments there is low cost. Before you intend such a journey, you must be aware of the eligibility criteria and procedures for obtaining an Indian Medical Visa. This blog offers comprehensive knowledge on how to apply, the required documentation, and other crucial subjects to guarantee a seamless application procedure.
An Indian medical visa is:
Those from foreign nations seeking medical treatment at licensed, specialised hospitals or treatment facilities travel with an Indian Medical Visa. Getting to India's highly advanced medical facilities and treatments is simpler with this visa.
Eligibility for a Medical Visa
An applicant eligible for a Medical Visa has to:
Be travelling specifically to India for medical treatment.
Send a letter verifying the necessity for medical care from a reputable Indian hospital.
Attendant Visa for Medical Professionals
Family members or companions wishing to accompany the patient can obtain a Medical Attendant Visa. Issued to a maximum of two attendants, this visa co-terminus with the patient's Medical Visa.
Applying for an Indian Medical Visa
Applying for an Indian Medical Visa mostly requires either the e-visa system or a standard (paper sticker) visa applied for at an Indian Embassy or Consulate.
Seeking an e-medical visa
The e-visa procedure is online and does not call for Embassy facilitation. Use these guidelines:
Apply online: Apply by completing the form. Fill out the application form after visiting the Indian Visa Online page.
Documentation: Print the application form and bring it to the Indian Embassy or Consulate together with the other necessary documentation.
Check Status: Track the state of your application online. An email notification will be sent once authorised.
Print e-Visa: Log into the e-Visa website, print off the e-Visa, and then fly to India carrying a currently valid passport.
Requesting a regular medical visa
If you choose a conventional route, apply for a standard Medical Visa using these guidelines:
Fill out the application: Visit the Indian Visa Online site and fill out the application form.
Send Documents: Print out the application form and bring it to the Indian Embassy or Consulate with the other documents they need.
What you need to get a medical visa 
For the patient\
Visa Application Form: Print and sign a blue ink Visa Application Form that matches the passport signature.
Original Passport: In good condition and with a minimum of two continuous blank pages.
Passport Copies:  A pair of copies of the passport's info page are required.
Previous Indian Visa: If relevant, photocopy any past Indian visa.
Photographs: Two recently identical, 5 cm by 5 cm coloured pictures on a white backdrop.
Passport of Second Nationality: Photocopy if necessary.
Minors: Supported by one parent carrying a photocopy of their passport or National ID.
Financial Proof: Passbook or bank statement proving enough Indian income for spending.
Flight Booking: Copy of a flight ticket reservation.
Hospital Invitation Letter: A signed and stamped letter from the Indian hospital outlining necessary medical treatment.
Supporting Records: Aditional medical records
For the Medical Attendant 
Visa Application Form: Print and sign a blue ink Visa Application Form that matches the passport signature.
Previous Indian Visa: If relevant, photocopy any past Indian visa.
Photographs: Two recently identical, 5 cm by 5 cm coloured pictures on a white backdrop.
Passport of Second Nationality: Photocopy if necessary.
Minors: Accompanied by one parent with a photocopy of their passport or National ID.
Financial Proof: Official letter from the bank displaying current balance as proof of finances.
Flight Booking: Duplicate of a flight ticket reservation.
Declaration of Medical Attendant: Declared statement identifying the patient's escort as the medical attendant.
Supporting health records: Medical Records of the patient.
Registration Requirements
Should the visa run more than 180 days, registration with the Foreigners Regional Registration Office (FRRO) within 14 days of arriving in India is required.
Visa Charges
The length of time and number of entries affect the Medical or Medical Attendant Visa fees. Usually, the cost schedule is as follows:
Up to six months: Either single or multiple entry
More than six months through one year: Multiple entry
There may be extra fees based on the method of payment and handling fees.
Getting an Indian Medical Visa requires great preparation and meticulous attention to detail. Understanding the eligibility criteria, application process, and necessary documentation will help you to guarantee a successful application. India's medical facilities are easily available regardless of your chosen route—regular visa or e-visa. 
VisaCollect: Your Comprehensive Visa Information Source
VisaCollect knows that negotiating the complexity of visa applications can be intimidating. We thus commit ourselves to providing you with straightforward, thorough knowledge to guide you through the procedure. Whether your application for a medical visa to India or another kind of visa is for another, we provide all the required information, criteria, and instructions to guarantee a successful application. Check our page for updates and more specific information.
1. Can I travel to India with several medical attendants?
No, the Medical Attendant Visa is provided to two attendants accompanying the patient maximum count. They either have to be close friends or relatives of the patient.
2. While in India, might one change a Tourist Visa into a Medical Visa?
No, while in India a Tourist Visa cannot be converted to a Medical Visa. Before visiting India for treatment, you have to file for a Medical Visa from your native nation.
3. Could one apply for a Medical Visa at any age?
Applying for a Medical Visa has no age limit specifically. Both adults and adolescents can apply providing they satisfy the qualifying requirements and have the necessary paperwork.
4.  Processing an Indian Medical Visa takes what length of time?
The nation of application and the particular embassy or consulate will affect the processing time for a Medical Visa. Generally speaking, an e-visa takes three to five business days; a conventional visa could take more.
5. Could my Medical Attendant work on a Medical Attendant Visa while in India?
No, a Medical Attendant Visa serves just to accompany the patient for treatment. Working while in India on this visa is not allowed of the attendant.
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jubaer01 · 3 months
FOR CZECH CITIZENS — INDIAN ELECTRONIC VISA Fast and Urgent Indian Government Visa — Electronic Visa Indian Application Online
Rychlá a rychlá indická oficiální online aplikace eVisa
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Address : Nerudova 214/20, 118 00 Malá Strana, Czechia
Phone : +420 233 080 111
Website : https://www.visa-indian-online.org/cs/visa/ 
Business Hours : 24/7/365
Owner / Official Contact Name : Chander Mali Chowdhary
Description : Indická vláda zavedla eVisa pro rychlé schvalování od roku 2014. Tato možnost byla omezena na několik zemí, ale nyní byla rozšířena na více než 166 národností. Existuje pět typů indických elektronických víz, jako jsou konferenční, obchodní, turistické, lékařské a lékařské. Vyplnění online formuláře pro indické eVisa trvá pouze 2 minuty. Jakmile provedete platbu, příjem eVisa pro Indii e-mailem trvá 72 hodin. Na pasu není žádné razítko ani nálepka, která se vyžaduje pro indická obchodní víza nebo indická turistická víza. Můžete jet na letiště nebo do přístavu a navštívit Indii. Imigrační úředníci ve vaší domovské zemi vědí, že indická eVisa nebo elektronická víza jsou propojena s vaším pasem v počítačovém systému. Toto je nejpohodlnější způsob, jak vstoupit do Indie. Můžete být požádáni o nahrání fotografie obličeje nebo fotografie stránky pasu, pokud ji nemůžete nahrát, můžete nám ji jednoduše poslat e-mailem prostřednictvím odkazu Kontaktujte nás na našem webu. Náš přátelský a ochotný personál vám odpoví a pomůže vám do 24 hodin. Pokud chcete zůstat v Indii méně než 6 měsíců, pak je tento typ elektronických indických eVisa ideální a nejlépe vyhovuje vašim potřebám. Jediné, co musíte zajistit, je, že váš pas má při vstupu do Indie 6 měsíců platnosti a má pár prázdných stránek, aby vám imigrační úředníci mohli povolit vstup na letiště a do přístavu a dát razítko. Nemusíte zasílat kurýrní pas nebo získat razítko eVisa do pasu. Schvalovací e-mail eVisa si ponechte ve svém telefonu nebo si můžete ponechat jeho výtisk. Více než 166 zemí je způsobilých žádat, zde je vzorek několika zemí, které mohou uplatnit 100% online proces pro indická elektronická víza, Finsko, Rakousko, Saúdská Arábie, Indonésie, Spojené arabské emiráty, USA, Filipíny, Estonsko, Švédsko, Brazílie, Korejská republika , Austrálie, Portugalsko, Brunej, Izrael, Španělsko, Japonsko, Katar, Jordánsko, Řecko, Dánsko, Litva, Bolívie, Maďarsko, Norsko, Lotyšsko, Argentina, Gruzie, Chorvatsko, Singapur, Botswana, Německo, Laos, Kypr, Kolumbie, Mexiko , Belgie, Malajsie, Polsko, Venezuela, Omán, Bosna a Hercegovina, Česká republika, Srí Lanka, Ázerbájdžán, Kazachstán, Irsko, Chile, Bělorusko, Nový Zéland, Arménie, Itálie, Peru, Francie, Bulharsko, Rumunsko, Spojené království, Tchaj-wan , Island, Kanada, Paraguay, Belize, Jižní Afrika, Vietnam, Rusko, Kambodža, Fidži, Švýcarsko, Nizozemsko  Indian Government has introduced eVisa for rapid approvals since 2014. This facility was limited to a few countries, but now it has been extended to over 166 nationalities. There are five types of India eVisa such as Conference, Business, Tourist, Medical and Medical Attendant. The online form for Indian eVisa takes only 2 minutes to complete. Once you have made the payment, then eVisa for India takes 72 hours to receive by email. There is no stamp or sticker on the passport required for Indian Business Visa or Indian Tourist Visa. You can drive to the airport or seaport and visit India. The immigration officers in your home country know that Indian eVisa or electronic Visa is linked to your passport in the computer system.
This is the most convenient way to enter India. You may be asked to upload face photo or passport page photo, if you cannot upload it then you can simply email it to us via Contact Us link on our website. Our friendly and helpful staff will respond and assist you within 24 hours. If you want to stay in India for less than 6 months, then this type of electronic Indian eVisa is ideal and best suited for your needs. The only thing you need to make sure is that your passport has 6 months of validity when you enter India and it has couple of blank pages so that immigration officers can allow you to enter the airport and seaport and put a stamp. You are not required to courier  your passport or get an eVisa stmap on the passport. Just keep the approval eVisa email on your phone or you may keep a printout copy of it. Over 166 countries are eligible to apply, here is a sample of few that can apply 100 percent online process for Indian electronic Visa, Finland, Austria, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, UAE, USA, Philippines, Estonia, Sweden, Brazil, Republic of Korea, Australia, Portugal, Brunei, Spain, Japan, Qatar, Jordan, Greece, Denmark, Lithuania, Bolivia, Hungary, Norway, Latvia, Argentina, Georgia, Croatia, Singapore, Botswana, Germany, Laos, Cyprus, Colombia, Mexico, Belgium, Malaysia, Poland, Venezuela, Oman, Bosnia  and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Sri Lanka, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Ireland, Chile, Belarus, New Zealand, Armenia, Italy, Peru, France, Bulgaria, Romania, United Kingdom, Taiwan, Iceland, Canada, Paraguay, Belize, South Africa, Vietnam, Russia, Cambodia, Fiji, Switzerland, Netherlands.  
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evisaindians · 7 months
Indian Medical Visa Application Online | eVisa Indians
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Getting your Indian Medical Visa online can be a hassle-free and streamlined process for you so that you can receive medical treatment in India. Full out your application now!
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indiamedicaltourism · 8 months
Medical Visa from Iraq to India
In recent years, the field of medical tourism has changed significantly, with India emerging as a worldwide leader in advanced medical treatment. India's comprehensive healthcare system, along with its accelerated visa requirements, has attracted patients from all over the world, including a significant increase in persons from Iraq.
A medical visa is an official document issued by the Indian government that allows overseas patients to come to India for medical treatment. The visa is intended to facilitate access to world-class healthcare and to provide patients with complete treatment and support during their stay in India.
To begin the journey of getting a medical visa for India from Iraq, candidates must follow an organized application process:
To get started with the visa application procedure, go to the official Indian government website.
Fill out the regular visa application form, including personal information, travel reasons, and contact information.
Fill out the complete three-page form, including passport information, medical travel details, and the reason for the visit (quoting "Availing Medical Treatment").
Please provide the hospital or clinic in India where you want to receive treatment, as well as your estimated journey dates.
Attach an updated picture that meets the necessary conditions and confirm the application for a medical visa.
Print and send the completed application form, along with supporting documents (passport, photos, medical certificate, and hospital reference letter) to the specified Indian Visa Application Office or Embassy.
Pay the required visa cost online or in person at the embassy.
Several conditions must be completed to qualify for an Indian medical visa from Iraq:
The main purpose of the travel should be to receive medical treatment.
Having a passport valid for at least six months.
Sufficient vacant pages in the passport for visa stamps.
Selecting a reputable hospital in India for treatment.
Attendees may be accompanied by up to two blood relatives or friends.
Obtain a Visa Invitation Letter (VIL) from the chosen hospital.
Intention to seek treatment for serious conditions at recognized hospitals.
Al Afiya Medi Tour, a reputable medical tourism firm, provides comprehensive help to Iraqi patients seeking medical treatment in India. They provide the following services:
Visa Invitation Letters obtained from renowned hospitals.
A comparative review of medical treatment plans to help people make better judgments.
Appointment booking with doctors and hospitals around India.
Billing and accommodation arrangements.
Facilitation of low-cost airline bookings and air ambulance services.
Language support and help with Foreign Regional Registration Office (FRRO) procedures.
Transportation services provide an effortless trip from the airport to the hospital.
Beginning a path for medical treatment can be scary, but with the correct support and advice, it becomes achievable. Applicants are recommended to contact the Indian High Commission in Iraq with any further questions or concerns, guaranteeing a smooth and hassle-free visa application procedure.
Al Afiya Medi Tour is a leading medical tourism company in India. We offer medical tourism services such as finding the right doctor, the right hospital, and cost estimation for medical treatment in India for foreign patients. Some of the main countries are Bangladesh, South Africa, Egypt, Uganda, Zambia, Sudan, Dubai, Namibia, Iraq, Kenya, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Nigeria, and so on. We provide free medical assistance for TURP surgery cost, lung cancer treatment, the best hospital for heart valve replacement, cosmetic and plastic surgery, heart surgery, knee replacement surgery, hip replacement surgery, best bone marrow hospital, etc. 
Source: https://alafiyameditour1.blogspot.com/2024/02/medical-visa-from-iraq-to-india.html
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krispyblazeartisan · 2 years
How can I get Indian medical visa from Bangladesh?
Applying for an Indian Medical Visa online, paying for it, and providing the needed proof of treatment, such as a letter from the hospital or clinic, are the steps in the procedure. The medical procedures and treatments that can be received on the Indian Medical Visa are not constrained in any way. A proper international travel document, such as a national passport with a valid visa received from an Indian Mission or Post abroad, is required of Bangladeshi nationals entering India. In order to submit an application for obtaining an Indian medical visa and other visas, all Individual visa applicants are urged to use the online application link. On the planned date of the interview, the officially signed physical copy of the application form that has been successfully submitted in all respects must be delivered to the Indian Mission or Post or directly to the applicable Indian Visa Application Center (IVAC). Visit Steps for Online Visa Application to get the instructions for filling out the form and making an appointment. Technical Instructions contain crucial technical information for filling out an online application for an Indian visa. Only individuals who are traveling only for medical treatment are eligible for a medical visa.
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Indian E-Medical Attendant Visa
Support your loved one’s medical journey with the Indian e-Medical Attendant Visa. Apply online for quick and easy approval, ensuring you can be there when it matters most. Experience a smooth visa process designed for caregivers. Visit https://indiantouristsvisa.com/ for details.
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gradico · 1 year
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helplinecanada · 2 years
How to apply family visit visa in Saudi Arabia
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Everyone wishing to enter the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with the exception of citizens of the GCC and a select few other countries, needs a permit. However, you can apply for a Saudi Family Visit Visa if you are visiting a first-degree relative. Valid for up to 90 days, or as long as the Saudi Ministry of External Affairs approves. This permit enables you to travel to the nation to visit family and, as a result, engage in tourism-related activities. A vignette in your passport serves as the visa.
Eligibility for Saudi Family Visit Visa
You must fulfil the following requirements in order to be eligible to apply for a visitation permit: The family member you are visiting must be a first-degree relative, such as a child, parent, sibling, spouse, in-law, etc. You must also possess a passport that is valid for at least six months after the date of departure. If they are your uncles, aunts, etc., you cannot apply for a family visitation permit. The person inviting you must possess an invitation letter for a family visit visa that has been accepted by the Saudi MOFA. You must be invited by someone who has a current Iqama (residence permit). Your visit must be made exclusively to see your family.
Saudi family visit visa requirements
The only person authorised to apply for the MoFA family visit visa on behalf of the visitor is a Saudi national or resident with a valid Iqama. The Iqama needs to be valid for at least 4 months for this.
The process for applying for a MOFA family visit visa in Saudi Arabia must be started by the holder of an Iqama. Please be aware that dependents who do not have their own Iqamas cannot apply for a visit visa on their own.
The following items are needed to apply for a MOFA family visit visa: a copy of the sponsor's passport, a valid international passport for the applicant with at least six months of validity remaining, a copy of the sponsor's Iqama or residency permit, four passport-size photos, and a certified copy of the applicant's national identification card, marriage certificate, which you might need to apostille
Who are eligible for a Saudi family visit visa?
Only immediate family members are eligible for a family Saudi visit visa. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), the following individuals are qualified for a family visit visa: parents, children, father- and mother-in-law, husband or wife, brothers or sisters, and their families (wives/husbands and their children).
How to Get a Saudi Arabia Family Visit Visa?
In comparison to other nations, the procedure for requesting a family visitation permit is very different. Although the procedure is available online, Indians must use an offline method. Not only that, but applications sent directly cannot be accepted by the Saudi embassy. You must therefore speak with a travel agency to have them handle it for you. Make sure to review the visa eligibility requirements before applying. After completing this, you can move on to making the application as follows: Getting all the necessary documents together is the first step. Visit the MOFA Saudi website and download the application once you have them. Continue to complete the form. You have the option of printing it out to handwrite on, or typing it and taking a printout. Additionally, don't forget to attach your photos and sign where it's required.
Pay the travel agency's visa fees online. Direct payments to the embassy are not permitted. Send the documents, along with the application form, to the Saudi Embassy through the travel agency. Please make sure to enter the proper information and submit the original paperwork.
Do you need a visa to enter Saudi Arabia? You can get family visit visas for your loved ones with the aid of Helpline Group.
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Abusive Sexual Contact
Advocating Overthrow of Government
Aggravated Assault/Battery
Aggravated Identity Theft
Aggravated Sexual Abuse
Aiming a Laser Pointer at an Aircraft
Airplane Hijacking
Armed Robbery
Assault with a Deadly Weapon
Assaulting or Killing Federal Officer
Assisting or Instigating Escape
Attempt to commit Murder/Manslaughter
Bank Burglary
Bankruptcy Fraud/Embezzlement
Bank Larceny
Bank Robbery
Bombing Matters
Bond Default
Breaking and/or Entering Carrier Facilities
Bribery Crimes
Certification of Checks (Fraud)
Child Abuse
Child Exploitation
Child Pornography
Civil Action to Restrain Harassment of a Victim or Witness
Commodities Price Fixing
Computer Crime
Concealing Escaped Prisoner
Concealing Person from Arrest
Concealment of Assets
Conspiracy (in matters under FBI jurisdiction)
Conspiracy to Impede or Injure an Officer
Contempt of Court
Continuing Criminal Enterprise
Conveying False Information
Copyright Matters
Counterintelligence Crimes
Credit/Debit Card Fraud
Crime Aboard Aircraft
Crimes on Government Reservations
Crimes on Indian Reservations
Criminal Contempt of Court
Criminal Forfeiture
Criminal Infringement of a Copyright
Cyber Crimes
Damage to Religious Property
Delivery to Consignee
Demands Against the U.S.
Destruction of Aircraft or Motor Vehicles Used in Foreign Commerce
Destruction of an Energy Facility
Destruction of Property to Prevent Seizure
Destruction of Records in Federal Investigations and Bankruptcy
Destruction of Corporate Audit Records
Destruction of Veterans’ Memorials
Detention of Armed Vessel
Disclosure of Confidential Information
Domestic Security
Domestic Terrorism
Domestic Violence
Drive-by Shooting
Drug Abuse Violations
Drug Smuggling
Drug Trafficking
DUI/DWI on Federal Property
Economic Espionage
Election Law Crimes
Embezzlement Against Estate
Entering Train to Commit Crime
Enlistment to Serve Against the U.S.
Environmental Scheme Crimes
Escaping Custody/Escaped Federal Prisoners
Examiner Performing Other Services
Exportation of Drugs
Failure to Appear on Felony Offense
Failure to Pay Legal Child Support Obligations
False Bail
False Pretenses
False Statements Relating to Health Care Matters
Falsely Claiming Citizenship
False Declarations before Grand Jury or Court
False Entries in Records of Interstate Carriers
False Information and Hoaxes
False Statement to Obtain Unemployment Compensation
Federal Aviation Act
Federal Civil Rights Violations (hate crimes, police misconduct)
Female Genital Mutilation
Financial Transactions with Foreign Government
First Degree Murder
Flight to Avoid Prosecution or Giving Testimony
Forced Labor
Forcible Rape
Fraud Activity in Connection with Electronic Mail
Fraud Against the Government
Hacking Crimes
Harboring Terrorists
Harming Animals Used in Law Enforcement
Hate Crime Acts
Hostage Taking
Identity Theft
Illegal Possession of Firearms
Immigration Offenses
Impersonator Making Arrest or Search
Importation of Drugs
Influencing Juror by Writing
Injuring Officer
Insider Trading Crimes
Insurance Fraud
Interference with the Operation of a Satellite
International Parental Kidnapping
International Terrorism
Interstate Domestic Violence
Interstate Violation of Protection Order
Lobbying with Appropriated Moneys
Mailing Threatening Communications
Major Fraud Against the U.S.
Medical/Health Care Fraud
Missile Systems Designed to Destroy Aircraft
Misuse of Passport
Misuse of Visas, Permits, or Other Documents
Money Laundering
Motor Vehicle Theft
Murder by a Federal Prisoner
Murder Committed During Drug-related Drive-by shooting
Murder Committed in Federal Government Facility
Narcotics Violations
Obstructing Examination of Financial Institution
Obstruction of Court Orders
Obstruction of Federal audit
Obstruction of Justice
Obstruction of Criminal Investigations
Officer Failing to Make Reports
Partial Birth Abortion
Penalties for Neglect or Refusal to Answer Subpoena
Picketing or Parading
Possession by Restricted Persons
Possession of False Papers to Defraud the U.S.
Possession of Narcotics
Possession of Child Pornography
Private Correspondence with Foreign Government
Probation Violation
Product Tampering
Prohibition of Illegal Gambling Businesses
Protection of Foreign Officials
Public Corruption Crimes
Radiological Dispersal Devices
Ransom Money
Receiving the Proceeds of Extortion
Recording or Listening to Grand or Petit Juries While Deliberating
Reentry of an Alien Removed on National Security Grounds
Registration of Certain Organizations
Reproduction of Citizenship Papers
Resistance to Extradition Agent
Rescue of Seized Property
Retaliating Against a Federal Judge by False Claim or Slander of Title
Retaliating Against a Witness, Victim, or an Informant
Robberies and Burglaries Involving Controlled Substances
Sale of Citizenship Papers
Sale of Stolen Vehicles
Searches Without Warrant
Second Degree Murder
Serial Murders
Sexual Abuse
Sexual Abuse of a Minor
Sexual Assault
Sexual Battery
Sexual Conduct with a Minor
Sexual Exploitation
Sex Trafficking
Solicitation to Commit a Crime of Violence
Stalking (In Violation of Restraining Order)
Stolen Property; Buying, Receiving, or Possessing
Subornation of Perjury
Suits Against Government Officials
Tampering with a Witness, Victim, or Informant
Tampering with Consumer Products
Tampering with Vessels
Theft of Trade Secrets
Trafficking in Counterfeit Goods or Services
Transmission of Wagering Information (Gambling)
Transportation into State Prohibiting Sale
Transportation of Slaves from U.S.
Transportation of Stolen Vehicles
Transportation of Terrorists
Unauthorized Removal of Classified Documents
Use of Fire or Explosives to Destroy Property
Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction
Video Voyeurism
Violation of Prohibitions Governing Atomic Weapons
Violence at International airports
Violent Crimes in Aid of Racketeering Activity
Willful Wrecking of a Train Resulting in Death
Wire Fraud
That’s the list of all of my crimes
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emirates23 · 7 months
Exploring Nursing Opportunities Abroad: Top Countries for Indian Nurses
Nursing is one of the most in-demand jobs inside and outside India. A profession that is in most demand in GCC countries for Indians is the nursing job. For Indian nurses, who are looking to broaden their horizons, many countries are waiting with promising career opportunities. If you are a skilled nurse and have multilingual capabilities then wide opportunities will be there. The overseas opportunities will give you high pay as well as a high-standard working environment. The respect for nurses outside India is much higher than inside India. Nurses are being recruited through top nursing consultancy in Kerala and here is a list of the top countries that offer promising careers.  
Five top countries that offer promising nursing career
United Arab Emirates: Dubai which is an opulent city right due to cultural and development richness hires nurses from India. A large part of nurses who work in Dubai are Indian and they a decent pay but not much higher than European and American countries. But the most attractive feature of Dubai is that the nurses can take their entire income to their homeland since there are no taxes. In Dubai, there are many world-class hospitals, medical centers, and clinics that offer good employment prospects for Indian and other nationalities. 
Saudi Arabia: In Saudi Arabia, there are a plethora of job opportunities for nurses in both the private and Government sectors. They offer good pay, accommodation facilities and also travel allowances. Saudi Arabia is one of the largest nations in GCC countries and also the pilgrimage place for Muslims, the demand for medical facilities is very high. The demand for trained professionals especially from India is of high demand in Saudi. However, finding the right opportunity is a bit challenging since there is a high scam in the field of recruitment. 
Canada: Canada is a country that offers a healthcare system with the highest standard. This country is facing staff shortages and is now actively recruiting nurses worldwide. The high-quality life and the welcoming stances towards immigrants make Canada an excellent choice for nurses. The medical facilities and education are completely free for immigrants. 
Australia: Australia's flourishing healthcare industry and stunning landscapes attract nurses worldwide. With modern facilities and advanced technology, nurses can work efficiently. During leisure time, they can explore the country's picturesque natural environment. Competitive salaries and excellent benefits make it a lucrative career option. To work as a nurse in Australia, one must register with the AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency) and pass English language proficiency tests.
United States of America (USA): The USA boasts a robust healthcare system with a significant demand for skilled nurses across various specialties. Indian nurses aspiring to work in the USA can pursue opportunities through programs like the H-1B visa for skilled workers or the EB-3 visa for professionals with tertiary education. Opportunities exist in hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities, and community health settings throughout the country.
United Kingdom (UK): With its National Health Service (NHS), the UK offers extensive opportunities for Indian nurses to work in both public and private healthcare sectors. The UK's Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) oversees the registration process for international nurses, which includes passing the Occupational English Test (OET) or International English Language Testing System (IELTS) and meeting other requirements. Work settings range from hospitals and nursing homes to community healthcare centers.
If you are planning for an overseas nursing job, first research the rules and regulations for immigrants. Based on it decide which country is most suitable for you. There will be medical tests, mandatory examinations, and other verifications for each country. It is better to connect with any nursing consultancy in Kerala before you plan to move, they will guide you through the process and also provide you with data regarding the recruitment.
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jubaer01 · 3 months
For USA, EUROPEAN and INDIAN CITIZENS - INDIAN ELECTRONIC VISA Fast and Urgent Indian Government Visa - Electronic Visa Indian Application Online
ઝડપી અને ઝડપી ભારતીય અધિકૃત eVisa ઑનલાઇન એપ્લિકેશન
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Address :  3545 Palmer Hwy, Texas City, TX 77590, United States
Phone : +1 409-948-4512
Website : https://www.visaindia-online.org/gu/visa/ 
Business Hours : 24/7/365
Owner / Official Contact Name : Chander Mali Chowdhary
Description : ભારત સરકારે 2014 થી ઝડપી મંજૂરીઓ માટે eVisa રજૂ ​​કર્યું છે. આ સુવિધા થોડા દેશો સુધી મર્યાદિત હતી, પરંતુ હવે તે 166 થી વધુ રાષ્ટ્રીયતાઓ સુધી લંબાવવામાં આવી છે. કોન્ફરન્સ, બિઝનેસ, ટૂરિસ્ટ, મેડિકલ અને મેડિકલ એટેન્ડન્ટ જેવા પાંચ પ્રકારના ઈન્ડિયા ઈવિસા છે. ભારતીય eVisa માટેનું ઑનલાઇન ફોર્મ પૂર્ણ થવામાં માત્ર 2 મિનિટ લે છે. એકવાર તમે ચુકવણી કરી લો, પછી ભારત માટે ઇવિસાને ��મેઇલ દ્વારા પ્રાપ્ત કરવામાં 72 કલાક લાગે છે. ભારતીય બિઝનેસ વિઝા અથવા ભારતીય પ્રવાસી વિઝા માટે જરૂરી પાસપોર્ટ પર કોઈ સ્ટેમ્પ કે સ્ટીકર નથી. તમે એરપોર્ટ અથવા બંદર પર વાહન ચલાવી શકો છો અને ભારતની મુલાકાત લઈ શકો છો. તમારા દેશના ઇમિગ્રેશન અધિકારીઓ જાણે છે કે ભારતીય eVisa અથવા ઇલેક્ટ્રોનિક વિઝા કમ્પ્યુટર સિસ્ટમમાં તમારા પાસપોર્ટ સાથે જોડાયેલા છે. ભારતમાં પ્રવેશવાનો આ સૌથી અનુકૂળ રસ્તો છે. તમને ચહેરાનો ફોટો અથવા પાસપોર્ટ પેજનો ફોટો અપલોડ કરવા માટે કહેવામાં આવી શકે છે, જો તમે તેને અપલોડ કરી શકતા નથી, તો તમે અમારી વેબસાઇટ પર અમારો સ���પર્ક કરો લિંક દ્વારા તેને ફક્ત અમને ઇમેઇલ કરી શકો છો. અમારો મૈત્રીપૂર્ણ અને મદદગાર સ્ટાફ 24 કલાકની અંદર તમને જવાબ આપશે અને મદદ કરશે. જો તમે ભારતમાં 6 મહિનાથી ઓછા સમય માટે રહેવા માંગતા હો, તો આ પ્રકારનું ઇલેક્ટ્રોનિક ભારતીય eVisa તમારી જરૂરિયાતો માટે આદર્શ અને શ્રેષ્ઠ અનુરૂપ છે. તમારે માત્ર એટલું જ સુનિશ્ચિત કરવાની જરૂર છે કે જ્યારે તમે ભારતમાં પ્રવેશો ત્યારે તમારા પાસપોર્ટની માન્યતા 6 મહિનાની હોય અને તેમાં બે ખાલી પૃષ્ઠો હોય જેથી ઈમિગ્રેશન અધિકારીઓ તમને એરપોર્ટ અને બંદરમાં પ્રવેશવાની અને સ્ટેમ્પ લગાવવાની મંજૂરી આપી શકે. તમારે તમારો પાસપોર્ટ કુરિયર કરવાની અથવા પાસપોર્ટ પર eVisa stmap મેળવવાની જરૂર નથી. ફક્ત તમારા ફોન પર મંજૂરી eVisa ઇમેઇલ રાખો અથવા તમે તેની પ્રિન્ટઆઉટ કોપી રાખી શકો છો. 166 થી વધુ દેશો અરજી કરવા લાયક છે, અહીં કેટલાકનો એક નમૂનો છે જે ભારતીય ઈલેક્ટ્રોનિક વિઝા, ફિનલેન્ડ, ઑસ્ટ્રિયા, સાઉદી અરેબિયા, ઈન્ડોનેશિયા, યુએઈ, યુએસએ, ફિલિપાઈન્સ, એસ્ટોનિયા, સ્વીડન, બ્રાઝિલ, કોરિયા પ્રજાસત્તાક માટે 100 ટકા ઓનલાઈન પ્રક્રિયા અરજી કરી શકે છે. , ઓસ્ટ્રેલિયા, પોર્ટુગલ, બ્રુનેઈ, ઈઝરાયેલ, સ્પેન, જાપાન, કતાર, જોર્ડન, ગ્રીસ, ડેનમાર્ક, લિથુઆનિયા, બોલિવિયા, હંગેરી, નોર્વે, લાતવિયા, આર્જેન્ટિના, જ્યોર્જિયા, ક્રોએશિયા, સિંગાપોર, બોત્સ્વાના, જર્મની, લાઓસ, સાયપ્રસ, કોલંબિયા, મેક્સિકો , બેલ્જિયમ, મલેશિયા, પોલેન્ડ, વેનેઝુએલા, ઓમાન, બોસ્નિયા અને હર્ઝેગોવિના, ચેક રિપબ્લિક, શ્રીલંકા, અઝરબૈજાન, કઝાકિસ્તાન, આયર્લેન્ડ, ચિલી, બેલારુસ, ન્યુઝીલેન્ડ, આર્મેનિયા, ઇટાલી, પેરુ, ફ્રાન્સ, બલ્ગેરિયા, રોમાનિયા, યુનાઇટેડ કિંગડમ, તાઇવાન , આઇસલેન્ડ, કેનેડા, પેરાગ્વે, બેલીઝ, દક્ષિણ આફ્રિકા, વિયેતનામ, રશિયા, કંબોડિયા, ફિજી, સ્વિટ્ઝર્લેન્ડ, નેધરલેન્ડ  Indian Government has introduced eVisa for rapid approvals since 2014. This facility was limited to a few countries, but now it has been extended to over 166 nationalities. There are five types of India eVisa such as Conference, Business, Tourist, Medical and Medical Attendant. The online form for Indian eVisa takes only 2 minutes to complete. Once you have made the payment, then eVisa for India takes 72 hours to receive by email. There is no stamp or sticker on the passport required for Indian Business Visa or Indian Tourist Visa. You can drive to the airport or seaport and visit India.
The immigration officers in your home country know that Indian eVisa or electronic Visa is linked to your passport in the computer system. This is the most convenient way to enter India. You may be asked to upload face photo or passport page photo, if you cannot upload it then you can simply email it to us via Contact Us link on our website. Our friendly and helpful staff will respond and assist you within 24 hours. If you want to stay in India for less than 6 months, then this type of electronic Indian eVisa is ideal and best suited for your needs. The only thing you need to make sure is that your passport has 6 months of validity when you enter India and it has couple of blank pages so that immigration officers can allow you to enter the airport and seaport and put a stamp. You are not required to courier  your passport or get an eVisa stmap on the passport. Just keep the approval eVisa email on your phone or you may keep a printout copy of it. Over 166 countries are eligible to apply, here is a sample of few that can apply 100 percent online process for Indian electronic Visa, Finland, Austria, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, UAE, USA, Philippines, Estonia, Sweden, Brazil, Republic of Korea, Australia, Portugal, Brunei, Spain, Japan, Qatar, Jordan, Greece, Denmark, Lithuania, Bolivia, Hungary, Norway, Latvia, Argentina, Georgia, Croatia, Singapore, Botswana, Germany, Laos, Cyprus, Colombia, Mexico, Belgium, Malaysia, Poland, Venezuela, Oman, Bosnia  and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Sri Lanka, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Ireland, Chile, Belarus, New Zealand, Armenia, Italy, Peru, France, Bulgaria, Romania, United Kingdom, Taiwan, Iceland, Canada, Paraguay, Belize, South Africa, Vietnam, Russia, Cambodia, Fiji, Switzerland, Netherlands .
Keywords : ભારતીય વિઝા, ભારતના વિઝા, ભારત માટેના વિઝા, ઇવિસા ભારત, ભારતીય વિઝા, ભારતીય વિઝા ઓનલાઇન, ભારતીય વિઝા અરજી, ભારતીય વિઝા ઓનલાઇન અરજી, ભારતીય વિઝા ઓનલાઇન અરજી, ભારતીય વિઝા અરજી ઓનલાઇન, ભારતીય વિઝા અરજી ઓનલાઇન, ઇવિસા ભારત, ભારત ઇવિસા, ભારત વ્યવસાય વિઝા , ઈન્ડિયા મેડિકલ વિઝા, ઈન્ડિયા ટુરિસ્ટ વિઝા, ઈન્ડિયા વિઝા, ઈન્ડિયન વિઝા, ઈન્ડિયા વિઝા ઓનલાઈન, ઈન્ડિયન વિઝા ઓનલાઈન, વિઝા ટુ ઈન્ડિયા, વિઝા ફોર ઈન્ડિયા, ઈન્ડિયન ઈવીસા, ઈવીસા ઈન્ડિયા, ઈન્ડિયન બિઝનેસ વિઝા, ઈન્ડિયન ટૂરિસ્ટ વિઝા, ઈન્ડિયન મેડિકલ વિઝા, ઈન્ડિયા વિઝા અરજી કેન્દ્ર, અમારા નાગરિકો માટે ભારતીય વિઝા, યુએસએથ��� ભારતીય વિઝા, અમેરિકનો માટે ભારતીય વિઝા. અર્જન્ટ ઈન્ડિયા વિઝા, ઈન્ડિયા વિઝા ઈમરજન્સી. અમારા નાગરિકો માટે ભારતીય વિઝા, કેનેડાના નાગરિકો માટે ભારતીય વિઝા, ન્યુઝીલેન્ડના નાગરિકો માટે ભારતીય વિઝા, ઑસ્ટ્રેલિયન નાગરિકો માટે ભારતીય વિઝા, બ્રિટિશ નાગરિકો માટે ભારતીય વિઝા. જાપાનના નાગરિકો માટે ભારતીય વિઝા, કોરિયાના નાગરિકો માટે ભારતીય વિઝા, તાઈવાનના નાગરિકો માટે ભારતીય વિઝા, ડેન્માર્કના નાગરિકો માટે ભારતીય વિઝા, બેલ્જિયન નાગરિકો માટે ભારતીય વિઝા, સ્વિસ નાગરિકો માટે ભારતીય વિઝા. indian visa, visa for india, evisa india, india evisa, indian visa online, indian visa application, india visa online application, indian visa online application, india visa application online, indian visa application online, evisa india, india evisa, india business visa, india medical visa, india tourist visa, india visa, indian visa, india visa online
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evisaindians · 8 months
How to apply for an Indian Medical Visa? | eVisa Indians
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Medical visas for India are granted to travelers who wish to receive medical treatment in India. A valid passport is required to obtain a medical visa for India.
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horacemann2024 · 5 months
17 Direct Benefits to Study in Ireland for Indian Students
Do you know why a 1-year study in Ireland for Indian students is sought after heavily these days?
Many courses, MS in Computer Science, IT, Biotechnology, Pharmaceuticals, Management, and Business Analytics rank among the top 10 worldwide.
Most Indian students opt for a Master’s program for the benefits we have enlisted below. Graduating with these above MS degrees in Ireland guarantees high chances of employment in Ireland.
Also, universities in Ireland boast high research outputs, the hallmark of an excellent postgraduate study destination.
Award-winning journalist, John Kennedy, calls Ireland the AI island, highlighting the nation’s advancements in technological research.
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Study in Ireland for Indian students: 17 Benefits
Ireland is the best destination for Indian students due to its top universities, affordable 1-year master’s programmes, and 2-year post-study work visas. These are just a few reasons out of many that Ireland has to offer you. 
Below are the benefits why an MS in Ireland or MBA in Ireland is lucrative and will be life-altering. Notably, as an Indian student, you get several advantages.
Some benefits grace you even before you start your journey!
1. You don’t require a GRE score…
You can still study at Irish universities such as Trinity and UCD. Irish universities, which are in the same league as the US universities, which accept Indian students even without a GRE score.
Isn’t this appealing enough to apply to study in Ireland as an Indian student?
Hence, to get into an Irish university, Indian students require an excellent academic record and scores on one of these tests – IELTS, TOEFL, PTE, and Duolingo.
GRE & GMAT is not required by almost all Irish universities (UCD & TCD may ask for GMAT scores for their MBA degrees).
2. English Language Proficiency Training
All English-speaking countries expect their international students to be well-versed in English, as does Ireland.
But aren’t your English proficiency test scores suitable enough to secure admission?
Not to worry. Irish universities offer Pre-sessional English language programs. These short-term courses are designed to help you gain the skills needed to prepare for exams like IELTS, TOEFL, DET, and PTE.
3. How much study gap is acceptable in Ireland?
The answer is…
Study gaps don’t matter for Irish universities!
As long as you can explain the gap between your last academic year and the time of application, you are as good as any other person without a study gap.
Various reasons, such as employment, vacation, health issues, and business ventures, can be used to explain your study gap. You can provide these reasons in your Statement of Purpose.
Sarem Education will help Indian students with their Statements Of Purpose to study in Ireland.
4. Cost of studying in Ireland is lower for Indian students
Compared to studying in the USA, UK, and Australia, an MS degree in Ireland costs less.
Cost of study in Ireland for Indian students:
Place of study EUROS INR
Universities 12,000 to 36,000 9,97,000 to 28,89,000
Institute of Technology 12,000 to 17,000 9,97,000 to 13,63,000
Colleges 13,000 to 15,000 10,80,000 to 12,00,000
Tuition fee is the most significant cost component, while other expenses like accommodation, student visa, medical insurance, and the like typically cost between €7,000 (5 to 9 lakhs) to €12,000 per year.
There are also independent colleges in Ireland where Indian students can study for lesser fees.
Provided you have the necessary work experience, colleges such as Dublin Business School, Griffith College Dublin, and National College of Ireland should be a sweet deal!
Consultancies do love adhering to “get rich overnight schemes” by giving Indian students the aforementioned options to study in Ireland. However, we do not do that here.
Here is some honest information. Freshers would find it daunting to land a job after graduation from these places. So, apply here at your own risk.
However, experienced candidates should be able to land a job thanks to their experience.
With a part-time job or a paid internship, you can further reduce your expenses to study at an Irish university. We advise that you search for the right one where you can balance your studies with your part-time work.
Just ensure you don’t do anything you will regret on your academic side.
5. Study in Ireland for Indian students: Scholarships
Here is a list of scholarships available for students looking to study in Ireland.
Government of Ireland International Education Scholarships Programme, sponsored by the Higher Education Authority (HEA)
The Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Programme
Scholarships by the Irish Research Council for Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS)
About 60 students get this scholarship which pays them 10,000 euros per year. These Ireland scholarships make life extremely easy for Indian students.
6. The 3 benefits of studying 1-year masters in Ireland
Undoubtedly, Indian students are constantly under pressure to settle down quickly. Studying a 1-year Master’s program at an Irish university can help you alleviate this.
You can fast-forward your dreams of graduating with an MS degree and happily settle abroad sooner than your counterparts in other countries!
Let us enlist and explain the benefits below:
Return to the workforce with world-class skills sooner: Sometimes, students take a 1-year leave to finish their degree and resume work with their previous employer. This is possible if you do a Masters in Ireland. Moreover, a 1-year break for education will also be less harsh on your resume. You can also join the workforce sooner and ease off your loans.
Costs Less: Compared to a 2-year course, studying for a 1-year Masters in Ireland is cheaper. A shorter duration means you pay lesser rent, living expenses, etc.
Resume: In any Master’s course in Ireland, you must complete 90 credits within a year. Inevitably, you will be putting in tons of hard work throughout the year. Consequently, this can bode well for your resume.
7. 100% visa approval
Ireland and India faced the brunt and after-effects of British imperialism and colonization in the 1900s.
Now, both countries share cordial relations owing to which there is less than a 5% chance for your visa to get rejected for Indian students to study in Ireland.
Not impressed?
DAVID FLOOD, Director, India, and South Asia, Enterprise Ireland, shares an impressive stat. The Irish visa approval rate for Indian students has grown by over 95% in the last 5 years.
So what happens to Indian students after they come to study in Ireland?
8. Globally Ranking Universities
Did you know securing admission to Irish universities would allow you to study at one of the top-ranked universities globally? Five universities in Ireland rank within the top 500 globally, and three are within the top 1000.
Trinity College, University College Dublin, University College Cork, University of Galway, University of Limerick, Dublin City University, Maynooth University, and Technological University Dublin are the universities on the list.
9. Highly quality education
The International Graduate Insight Group (i-graduate) found that students pursuing an MS degree in Ireland reported high student satisfaction with their academic experience.
Of course! Why wouldn’t they?
All MS degrees in Ireland are one year in duration. You will be prepared to enter the workforce within one year.
Irish universities and institutions are globally renowned for their programs in Science, Technology, Maths, Teaching, Medicine, Business, and Finance, accredited and recognized worldwide.
Most importantly, the tuition fee is way cheaper to study in Ireland for Indian students than in other top destinations.
Also, Irish universities are ranked among the best in the world regarding gender equality and climate action as per Times Higher Education’s (THE) university impact rankings.
10. Part-time opportunities in Ireland while studying
During their study in Ireland, Indian students can work for up to 20 hours a week.
According to labour statistics, Ireland has more than 400,000 people employed part-time. As regional investment grows and new businesses pop up, part-time jobs shall also grow steadily.
Irish universities also offer teaching assistant positions where students can assist professors with their academic commitments and get paid for them.
Indian students studying in Ireland will be allowed to work 40 hours per week only from June to September & from 15th December to 15th January inclusive. At all other times, students will be allowed to work 20 hours per week while they study.
11. Hub for global corporations
Ireland’s technological ambience is nothing to be scoffed at.
Ireland houses more than 1000 multinational companies, mainly because of Ireland‘s liberal FDI policies and ease of doing business. This opens doors for talent across the world.
Many of these MNCs seek MS degree holders from Irish universities in areas like Artificial Intelligence, ICT, telecom and life sciences.
Several companies – like Google, Facebook, Airbnb, Roche, Abbott, and others – have their European headquarters in Ireland. There are several hundreds of internships for fresher Indian students studying in Ireland.
Down the road, this ups their chances of securing full-time employment.
12. Safe, friendly, party and quality of lifestyle
Consumed by excitement while applying for a Masters, one would leave caution to the wind and fail to read about the destination’s attitude towards international students.
And while Ireland’s windy climate
is often chided for being unfriendly, the locals are super sweet. Indian students in Ireland feel very safe and peaceful, and their study period is a heavenly experience.
Still, undecided to study in Ireland as an Indian student? Contact us so that we can help you connect with alumni.
13. Rich Culture and Heritage
You can earn a 360-degree, fulfilling experience from your education abroad only if you read and imbibe academic papers and the culture around you.
If you are a bookworm, a history buff, or a culture enthusiast, don’t look further into the West than Ireland.
The best part about studying in a European country is that every country is different from the others; in terms of architecture, history, race, music, etc.
Ireland is not just well known for its education but also for reasons like these as well.
Dublin, the capital of the Emerald Isle, is a popular tourist destination filled with parks, museums, and statues paying homage to literary laureates such as Oscar Wilde, Joyce Meyer, etc. Pubs that are about a 1000-year-old grace the ever-alive city centre.
Festivals such as Halloween and St. Patrick’s Day originated in Ireland.
Studying in Ireland for Indian students will be thrilling for those who like to travel to various places and capture the green garlands of nature with their photography skills.
Also, are you familiar with these famous movies- Harry Potter, Star Wars, P.S. I Love You, and Game of Thrones?
All of these films had scenes filmed in Ireland. Ireland’s landscapes breathe life into the dormant desi travel bug in you.
Ireland’s West Coast throngs with breathtaking sceneries, docks, rocky coastlines, and castles. Be sure to check out these places while pursuing your M.S. degree in Ireland.
14. A growing, dynamic Indian community in Ireland
In 2011, The Irish Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton TD, aimed at attracting the 100,000 Indian students moving abroad for their higher studies every year into Ireland’s workforce.
Consequently, between 2013-2017, Ireland saw a 45% increase in international students entering Ireland.
As of 2015, about 26,000 Indians reside in Ireland, of whom about 9,000 are second-generation Indians. They occupy roles in healthcare (doctors and nurses), IT, engineering, and senior management positions.
According to DBEI (Department of Business, Enterprise, and Innovation), the majority of work permits were obtained by Indian students than any other nationality in various fields such as IT, ICT, Finance, Medical, and Business in 2022.
You can see several local businesses in Dublin with Indian owners and managers, which may get you part-time jobs if you can get their patronage. “Muqqabla” and “Urvashi” are some music tracks that rock the corridors of these local businesses. So there is no need to forget the rice, dal, and curry after you leave India.
15. Employment rates are at an all-time high!
It is undoubtedly heartening for us to announce (with proof) that employment rates are at an all-time high. Employment figures from the Central Statistics Office (CSO) confidently state that Ireland is fully employed.
Lifeline for graduates in Pharmaceuticals, Finance & IT, Pharma and biotech industry in Ireland picked up after companies took advantage of the government lowering tax rates for corporates.
19 of the world’s top 20 pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical companies are in Ireland. They constantly attract graduates with MS degrees from Irish universities. Indian students considering where to go after a UG degree in biotech, pharma, biomedical, and instrumentation can seek Ireland for higher studies.
Accountancy and Finance are lucrative for Indian students who study in Ireland. Due to the demand level and a squeeze in supply, companies are increasing compensation packages for both attraction and retention purposes. [Source: Morgan Mckinley]
Several tech-centred Irish institutions offer MS degrees in information technology, data analytics, cloud computing, and business analytics.
The courses are tailored to tackle real-time challenges in the tech-savvy industries in the IT hub of Europe. This is one supporting point for young and ambitious Indian students to study in Ireland for their Master’s.
16. Ireland’s post-study work visa benefits make you go WOW!
So here is the answer to the much-awaited question, “How to work in Ireland post-graduation”.
The Irish government offers a 2-year post-study work visa for Indian students in Ireland to seek employment after their graduation.
Ireland has two types of work visas – General Work Permit and Critical Skills Employment Permit.
The Critical Skills Employment Permit is acquired by people in the sectors included on the Critical Skills Occupations List, such as ICT professionals, professional engineers, and technologists. This visa targets highly skilled people, encouraging them to reside permanently in Ireland.
In 2022, 63% of the 10,171 critical skill visas issued were grabbed by Indian students studying in Ireland.
A General Employment Permit allows the holder to work in various occupations. Unlike the Critical Skills visa, this permit recognizes that all professions are eligible unless excluded from the Ineligible List of Occupations for Employment Permits.
17. Easy Pathway to PR
Did you know Ireland has one of the most effortless PR processes globally?
A list of countries with the smoothest PR processes would include Ireland in the top five.
A Critical skill visa allows you to apply for a PR in two years, and a General work permit will enable you to apply for a PR in five years.
A 1-year study in Ireland for Indian students is flawlessly beneficial.
It is undoubtedly your gateway to finding a job in Ireland and getting a PR soon in Ireland using the 2 years of critical skills work permit.
We can connect you with Indian students in Ireland to enquire about your course and confirm all of the benefits we have mentioned above to studying in Ireland for Indian students.
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Unlocking the Convenience for Navigating Indian Online E-Visa Services
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In today's interconnected world, travel has become more accessible than ever before. With the advent of technology, governments worldwide are increasingly embracing digital platforms to streamline their visa processes. India, known for its rich culture, diverse landscapes, and historical significance, has also adapted to this trend by introducing its Indian Online E-Visa services. Among them, the "Urgent e Visa India" option stands out as a solution catering to the needs of travelers with time-sensitive itineraries.
Evolution of Indian E-Visa Services
Traditionally, obtaining a visa for India involved a tedious process of paperwork, embassy visits, and long waiting periods. However, the introduction of Indian Online E-Visa services marked a significant shift in this paradigm. This digital transformation aimed to simplify the visa application process, enhance efficiency, and promote tourism.
Understanding Indian Online E-Visa
The Indian Online e Visa system allows eligible foreign nationals to apply for various visa categories, including tourist, business, medical, and urgent visas, through an online platform. This platform facilitates a streamlined application process, reducing the time and effort required for traditional visa applications.
Benefits of Indian Online E-Visa
Convenience: Travelers can apply for an Indian visa from the comfort of their homes or offices, eliminating the need for physical visits to consulates or embassies.
Time Efficiency: The online application process is typically faster than traditional methods, with e-visas often being processed within a few business days.
Accessibility: The Indian Online E-Visa platform is accessible 24/7, allowing applicants to submit their requests at their convenience, regardless of their geographic location.
Transparency: Applicants can track the status of their visa applications in real-time through the online portal, providing transparency and peace of mind.
Introducing Urgent E-Visa India
While the standard processing time for Indian E-Visas is relatively quick, there are instances where travelers require expedited visa processing due to unforeseen circumstances or last-minute travel plans. To address such needs, the Indian government introduced the Urgent E-Visa India option.
Key Features of Urgent E-Visa India
Expedited Processing: Urgent E-Visa India applications are prioritized for faster processing, ensuring that travelers receive their visas within a shorter timeframe.
24/7 Support: Dedicated customer support services are available round-the-clock to assist applicants with urgent queries or concerns.
Flexibility: The Urgent E-Visa India option offers flexibility for travelers facing time constraints, allowing them to expedite their visa applications without compromising on their travel plans.
Conclusion: Embracing Digital Transformation in Travel
The introduction of Indian Online E-Visa services, including the Urgent E-Visa India option, reflects India's commitment to embracing digital transformation in its travel and tourism sector. By leveraging technology to simplify visa processes and enhance efficiency, India aims to attract more visitors and showcase its diverse attractions to the world.
Whether you're planning a leisurely vacation, a business trip, or a medical visit, Indian Online E-Visa services offer a convenient and accessible solution for obtaining your visa. And for those with urgent travel requirements, the Urgent E-Visa India option stands ready to ensure that your journey to India is seamless and stress-free. So, why wait? Explore the wonders of India with just a few clicks, and embark on your next adventure with confidence!
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Indian E-Medical Visa
Access world-class healthcare in India with the Indian e-Medical Visa. Apply online for swift approval and focus on your treatment without the stress of a complicated visa process. Experience seamless medical travel with a hassle-free e-Visa. Visit https://indiantouristsvisa.com/ for details.
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