Just want to read rambheem
916 posts
Rambheem is a romance❤️ because Charak is a bromance🫂
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
jrntrtitties · 2 years ago
Look what Netflix India posted on their youtube channel few days ago!
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This is so adorable 😭💞
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jrntrtitties · 2 years ago
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because now i use memes as profile pictures
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jrntrtitties · 2 years ago
not to be nsfw or anything, but what if instead of a little nuzzle, bheem had pressed a tiny kiss into that calloused palm?
i mean WHAT IF?
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jrntrtitties · 2 years ago
Análise Parte 2 / Analysis Part 2
👇 Esse é o momento crucial do vídeo. Tarak recebe um bilhete, e o cara que lhe entrega o papel aponta para o campo.
👇 This is the crucial moment of the video. Tarak gets a note, and the guy who hands him the note points out to the field.
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👇 E o Ram no campo, também recebe uma nota, e o cara que lhe entrega a nota aponta para as arquibancadas. O Ram lê o bilhete várias vezes e não solta ele por nada.
👇 And Ram on the field, he also gets a note, and the guy who hands him the note points to the stands. Ram reads the note several times and doesn't let go of it for nothing.
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👇 E para que tanta força para lançar a bola ? Eu até pude ouvir meu treinador de basquete gritando atrás de mim: "Basquete é habilidade, precisão e não força, aprende Gabriela !"
👇 And why so much strength to throw the ball ? I could even hear my basketball coach shouting behind me: "Basketball is skill, precision and not strength, learn Gabriela !"
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👇 Pai do Tarak, e Ram seu novo amigo, jogam juntos.
👇 Tarak's father, and Ram his new friend, play together.
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👇 E Tarak, por algum motivo, devora os dedos de ansiedade na arquibancada.
👇 And Tarak, for some reason, eats his fingers with anxiety in the stands.
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👇 Tarak parece se acalmar quando entra em campo para jogar com o pai. E deixe-me aproveitar o momento para perguntar. Esse é o pai dele certo ? Eu já vi algumas fotos, mas ainda me confundo...
👇 Tarak seems to calm down when he takes the field to play with his father. And let me take this moment to ask. This is his father right ? I've seen some pictures, but I'm still confused...
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👉 E a análise que ninguem pediu do vídeo acaba aqui. Depois disso são apenas cenas do jogo em que os dois nem aparecem. E eu nem sei dizer quem ganhou, porque como eu já disse antes. Eu não entendo nada de críquete ! Tudo o que eu sei sobre o jogo, é que o cara de camisa preta, com a palavra "TOLLYWOOD" escrita nela, vibrou bastante no fim do jogo. Então eu acho que o time dele ganhou 😁😉
👉 And the analysis that no one asked for of the video ends here. After that it's just game scenes where the two don't even appear. And I can't even say who won, because like I said before. I don't know anything about cricket ! All I know about the game is that the guy in the black shirt, with the word "TOLLYWOOD" written on it, was very excited at the end of the game. So I think his team won 😁😉
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jrntrtitties · 2 years ago
Análise Parte 1 / Analysis Part 1
Essa pérola ☝ foi postada no grupo do Discord e eu PRECISO falar sobre o que eu percebi / alucinei sobre esse vídeo.
This pearl ☝ was posted on the Discord group and I MUST talk about what I realized / hallucinated about this video.
👇 Sorriso nervoso detectado, respire Ram, respire...
👇 Nervous smile detected, breathe Ram, breathe...
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👇 Primeiro contato visual realizado com sucesso !
👇 First successful eye contact !
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👇 Quem é esse cara levantando o Tarak nos braços ? Será que ele ainda consegue fazer isso ?
👇 Who is this guy lifting Tarak in his arms ? Can he still do that ?
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👇 Olhar intenso, e aquela olhada de canto de olho clássica do Ram, que eu já vi ele usar em várias entrevistas !
👇 Intense look, and that classic Ram look from the corner of the eye, which I've seen him use in several interviews !
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👇 A câmera focada no cara de branco fazendo alongamentos, e eu tentando ver a linda amizade desses dois nascendo, bem ali, em 2° plano do vídeo.
👇 The camera focused on the guy in white stretching, and I'm trying to see the beautiful friendship between these two being born, right there, in the background of the video.
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👇 "Uma alma gêmea é como um melhor amigo, mas mais que isso. É a pessoa que te conhece melhor que qualquer outra. Que faz de você alguém melhor. Na verdade, é você mesma que se torna uma pessoa melhor, porque ela é uma inspiração. A alma gêmea é alguém que você carrega consigo sempre. É a unica pessoa que conhecia e aceitou você e que acreditou em você antes dos outros ou quando os outros não acreditavam. E aconteça o que acontecer, você sempre vai amá-la. Nada pode mudar isso." (Dawson Leery)
👇 "A soulmate is like a best friend, but more than that. It's the person who knows you better than anyone else. That makes you a better person. In fact, it's you who makes yourself a better person, because she's a better person. inspiration. A soulmate is someone you carry with you always. They are the only person who knew and accepted you and who believed in you before others or when others did not. And no matter what happens, you will always love them. Nothing can change that." (Dawson Leery)
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👇 Essa imagem me mata, o olhar sério do Tarak direcionado para o canto da arquibancada onde seu pai estava sentado, e eu não consigo deixar de pensar "Será que ele foi repreendido por essa nova amizade ?"
👇 This image kills me, Tarak's serious gaze directed to the corner of the bleachers where his father was sitting, and I can't help but think "I wonder if he was scolded for this new friendship ?"
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👇 Nem tenho o que dizer sobre essas fotos. A postura tranquila do Ram na 3° imagem já diz tudo o que precisa ser dito.
👇 I don't even have anything to say about these photos. Ram's calm posture in the 3rd image says everything that needs to be said.
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👇 Um pouco do jogo, eu acho, não entendo nada de críquete, tudo o que eu sei, é que eu sou péssima para fazer captura de imagens com cenas em movimento.
👇 A bit of the game I guess, I don't know anything about cricket, all I know is that I'm terrible at capturing footage with moving scenes.
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jrntrtitties · 2 years ago
It's beautiful!! 💗💗💗💗💗
Ram Charan X NTR Jr
Manike Edit
they’re so lovely n so is the song 💗🤩🫶🥰🥹💅
@chaidrivenwhore @kaagazkefool @mesimpleone @ladydarkey @meastradeur @fangirlshrewt97 @jjwolfesworld @rambheemlove @rambheem-is-real @jrntrtitties @ronaldofandom
i tagged more fwens frm the server heheheh (pls let me know if u’d want to be removed, or added!!) 😘
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jrntrtitties · 2 years ago
Bheem: What happened to your nose?!!
Ram: Someone tried to break their fist on it.
Bheem: Who???
Malli: Annayya! Lacchu anna needs some salve for his knuckles
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jrntrtitties · 2 years ago
*after Kusa regales him with yet another insane plan that is sure to fail*
Lava: ... you may want to rethink your plan
Kusa: Dude, I didn't even think this the first time
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jrntrtitties · 2 years ago
Bheem: Not to be corny, but sometimes I think my purpose on this Earth is to love people, make them laugh, be kind and share joy. That feels like enough to me sometimes.
Ram, seriously: I'm here to maim and kill and liberate India, but your thing sounds nice too.
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jrntrtitties · 2 years ago
Bheem: *Walks up to Ram frowning*
Ram: What’s wrong?
Bheem: Jake called me dumb
*five minutes later*
Ram, being held back by Babai and Bheem, but frantically trying to break free to attack Jake: Bitch come here.
*Jenny, Sita, and Malli as sharing samosas as they watch this go down*
Jake: I'm standing right here
Ram: *pulls off shoe and throws it at him*
Jake: *gets a shoe straight to his face and goes down like a sack of potatoes*
Jenny and Malli: *cheer*
Sita: *wolf-whistles*
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jrntrtitties · 2 years ago
Dhruva: Shanvi, I want to write Daya a letter for our anniversary but I’m having trouble finding the right words.
Shanvi: Why don’t you think about a recent memory of Daya and then write whatever comes to mind?
Dhruva, thinking about Daya spilling coffee down his shirt and walking into a door while trying to lick it off: Yes, thank you, Shanvi. This will work nicely.
Dhruva, typing: To my beloved, incompetent dumbass…
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jrntrtitties · 2 years ago
Jai: *walks by with a knife in his hand*
Bhairava not looking up from his book: No.
Jai, turning around and walking away: *grumbling* They deserve it.
Bhairava, still not looking up: I’m sure they do, Bangaram.
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jrntrtitties · 2 years ago
*Ram and Bheem flirting*
Lacchu: *stares at them silently*
Malli: You’re really quiet today, Annayya
Lacchu, still staring: Nobody plans a murder out loud, Malli.
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jrntrtitties · 2 years ago
Ram: I'm gonna talk to Bheem
Babai: Good Luck! 👍
*Ram coming back after ten seconds*
Babai: What happened?
Ram: He smiled at me and I forgot how to speak
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jrntrtitties · 2 years ago
Tale As Old As Time... (Part 12)
Could it be? Did this girl finally get her shit together enough to actually get back to the work everyone was waiting for so long that they are over it because of how long she took to get back to it?
Look guys, I have no idea when my next update will be, but I do have the entire story plotted out and am determined to see it though, so I kindly ask you to be patient and bear with me. 
For all the anticipation, this chapter might be a little slow, but. um. Good things come to those who wait? I know I have made you wait A LONG TIME, but you have trusted me to come back to this story. 
Also apologies if the chapter is a little rough, I am trying to get back into the groove of the story. 
So, without further ado…
Full work on Ao3 is here
(Previous Chapter)
Welcome back my dear. Last we left our protagonists, they were sharing a bed in slumber, the first step in their journey together formed between their intertwined hands. Now the time is coming to see whether this seed will blossom, and what it will bloom into.
Jai blinked his eyes open lazily, nuzzling into the black head of hair resting against his shoulder. The scent of sandalwood comforted him into sinking into it. He curled himself from his back to his side, one leg brushing another’s.
The action had him snapping his eyes open as the world came into focus with dizzying speed.
He was in Kala Bhairava’s room.
In his bed.
And Kala Bhairava was curled into his side, face smushed into Jai’s arm.
Jai’s brain may have been difficulty processing this information, but one half of Jai’s body did not. It felt his the nerves of his arm in particular were directly connected to his lower half, the way each brush of Kala Bhairava’s eyelashes against his arm, or the soft exhales of his breaths against his skin sent frissons of static down his spine. Taking a controlled breath, Jai tried to put some space between them.
He didn’t get very far. He had barely moved a few inches before a small whine from Bhairava rooted him to the spot, seeing if his bedmate would awaken. The space allowed him a better view of the other man’s face.
The room was illuminated by faint tendrils of light, though very little made it past the canopy curtains. Extending his free hand to part the curtain, Jai inhaled sharply.
Even the small light seemed very bright after the darkness of the bed, with the rays casting a glow to Kala Bhairava’s figure.
Keep reading
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jrntrtitties · 2 years ago
Bhairava: ...You would do that for me?
Jai: I'd do a lot of things to you.
Bhairava: You ... you mean for me, right?
Jai: Mhm, yeah, that too.
(I think this suits @rambheemlove 's Jairava more than TAOAT, but it is still very Jairava)
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jrntrtitties · 2 years ago
Lava, Kusa, and Bhairava: *screaming*
Jai: *runs into the room* What's wrong, Bhairava?!
Kusa: Wait, hold on, why are you only asking Bhairava that when Lava and I are also here?
Jai: Because Bhairava wouldn't scream unless it's an emergency. You two scream whenever you have the chance.
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