#Indian govt.
ronika-writes-stuff · 4 months
To those people who were calling ppl of uttar Pradesh cow belt, illiterate and what not when they voted for Bjp in 2019.....FUCK YOU.
To those ppl who are now calling them traitors, gaddar, selfish, Agni pariksha lene wale, etc FUCK YOU.
This is India.
They are INDIANS.
And NOBODY has the right to shame or criticize them.
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In case y'all forgot.
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xannerz · 1 year
i think the other frustrating thing is like. people online forget that politics and war is complicated. it sucks, it's tedious. civilians are being hurt and killed as a result of fascism and greed. this isnt a saturday morning cartoon. you can't always be spoon-fed tl;drs on who's the good guy and who's the villain. this shit is fluid, and often just looks like this:
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
“The broad consensus across different communities is that the government, both at the Centre and the State, have played a principal role in the lead up to the violence and the continuance of the violence for so long,” reads the team’s report, which was released last week. It goes on to say that the Meitei community has “broadly aligned” itself with the state government and pins a greater share of responsibility on the Union government, and that the Kuki community finds the state government more culpable instead.
The eight-member team visited Manipur between August 10 and 14 and was constituted by the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation. Probing the two communities’ views on why the violence began, the report says that according to the Kukis, there was a “conscious attempt” to trigger violence by Meitei chauvinist groups, who they said torched the Anglo-Kuki War memorial at Churachandpur.[...]
The Wire has reported on how the Union home affairs ministry was planning to finalise a peace accord along the lines of the sixth schedule – which provides for autonomous territories – with Kuki insurgent groups before the ethnic violence put paid to these plans.[...]
The fact-finding team’s report then says that for the Meiteis, the larger reason behind the ethnic violence was the Kukis’ backlash to three state government policies: its “clamp down on illegal infiltration of Kukis from Myanmar, the attempts to stop illegal forest encroachments by Kukis and the war waged on drugs by the state government targeting Kuki poppy cultivators.” “Underlying this narrative of the conflict, is the strong belief that Meiteis are original inhabitants of Manipur, while the Kukis are late-comers,” it adds. It also says that the economic disparity between the two communities was “accentuated by the lopsided and valley-centric policies of the BJP government”, referring to Manipur’s Meitei-majority Imphal Valley.[...]
The team also said that while the state government facilitated the admission of displaced Meitei students into schools and colleges near their relief camps, the education of Kuki students – displaced or otherwise – is “under serious crisis”.[...]
Regarding demands made by either community following the violence, the report notes that the Kuki community has “taken a clear stand that [a] separate administration is the only way out”.[...]
“On the other hand, the Meitei community demands that the withdrawal of [the Suspension of Operations] agreement, protection of [the] territorial integrity of Manipur and strict action against forest encroachments, Kuki militancy and poppy cultivation and the demand for [a] separate state to be dropped,” the report says. The team has also recorded a displaced Meitei person’s demand for the removal of the Assam Rifles from the state. Meitei civil society organisations have accused the Assam Rifles of siding with the Kukis during the ongoing ethnic conflict in Manipur. As for who is responsible for the violence, the team finds the BJP’s double-engine government “squarely to blame”.
28 Sep 23
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nando161mando · 1 month
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Oh, I’m sure the US gov cares sooooo much about the health and safety of Uyghurs…
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comradejoanmir · 6 months
Oh reminds me of how they held an f4 race in kashmir like that was so fucked up usually I'm not one for claims of 'sportwashing' but this was such an obvious ploy to pretend everything is fine like....
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princessnijireiki · 2 days
money is such a funny thing, bc it's always simultaneously way less and way more than you would think, too.
like there's the easy joke of $5, $20, $100 is HUGE when you're a kid or young adult, but I also fairly recently was in a position where I had like $1K in the bank (in a sweet spot between a TON of major bills hitting) and it was like oh wow so $1K is a lot until it VERY SUDDENLY ISN'T bc it only STAYS a lot if your needs are already met. if your needs surpass your means, or frankly, you've been scraping by below or within your means but really shouldn't have been, that shit evaporates in an instant. car, teeth, emergency vet bills, food. poof!
or I saw a hypothetical, would you rather know every language on earth fluently, or get $3 million dollars? and I had to crunch the numbers, because if you work every year from 18 to 78 (as in well past retirement age/at the end of a lot of people's projected lifespan), you'd have to make $50K per year AFTER taxes, every year for 60 years, to earn an ACCUMULATED $3 million. at $30K/year, you'd have to work 100 years.
and then, the flipside of that is, unless you die at exactly those ages, peacefully and in perfect health, how many people still struggle to make ends meet at $30-50K even when they ARE young and healthy? what's that look like in a hurricane, or after a car wreck, a disability, having a pet, having a KID, a marriage, a divorce, a funeral? how many people make $30-50K and when that check engine light comes on, or their child needs braces, or grandma needs a home health aide, or they get injured or sick and need to take FMLA, they realize that one thing now has them financially fucked? how many people making $30-50K per year do you know who have 6 months' worth of expenses set aside in an emergency savings account?
meanwhile, for $3,000,000, that money as a lump you don't have to touch or live paycheck to paycheck on also means you can accumulate interest, invest money, and so on. the access to lifetimes of funds to provide ease to this one life is a huge privilege most of us will never, ever know, and then you find out some stupid as fuck movie or commercial campaign cost tens or hundreds of millions. those rich people who got squished in the idiot submarine... lifetimes of wealth between them and their imploding stupid boat.
and so you look at all that, and you look at what medical debt looks like, or recovery from a fire or something, and once you see enough of that, the lottery fantasy answers get a lot more boring. like, I'd still have to finish this degree, get and keep a job to carry insurance and max out my retirement— maybe a flexible enough job that you grind for a few years to replace your house's down payment in the lump sum, then pull mortgage, utilities, insurance, etc. out of that interest, and the job income is pure health insurance, 401K, and takeout/walking around money. you pay your debts, help take care of a handful of loved ones, retire them early or pay off a house (over time, so the interest can still accrue on a bigger amount of money than the new sum from X minus $house). splurge on a vacation every so often. set up a college fund for a few kids, or neices, or nephews, or cousins.
and then it's like... go fishing. eat well! learn to sleep without fear of poverty, I don't know. know that if the money can grow, it can help a LOT of people feel safe, and that succumbing to the emotional urge to take care of everybody before that egg can grow bigger is what keeps people in multigenerational poverty, and that it's gonna mean things don't get to be easy for you mentally, emotionally, or even in terms of labor unless you're cashing out your chips right now to take care of yourself (which is also valid!). pick a charity every year to make their day.
and it's bonkers that $3mil feels like such a real number compared to some of these lotteries or very wealthy people/their property in the world, that even though it's cartoonishly out of reach, among the stars, it feels like, "is it even that much?" and like... yes, it very much is lmao, even though if you're under 50 it's not guaranteed "never have to work again" money. but that also means it's not "buy a castle & become a beekeeper slash professional poet as my only sources of income" big dreams & fantasies money, either.
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earningbournvilles · 4 months
yogendra yadav putting india today "journalists" in their place is so beautiful, please watch if you haven't already. also joining him in the hope that bjp being set back by cbn and nitish kumar sets the mainstream media free to actually question the government and amplify opposition voices!!!
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purple-worm · 1 year
Some excerpts from Adv. Vrinda Grover's statement at the Supreme Court of India, as a part of the 15 petitions that were heard for the marriage equality bill. She presented arguments for the concept of a chosen family which was a more progressive stance on how families/unions could be defined by the constitution and it goes beyond just same-sex marriage. It could cover polyamory and recognition of queerplatonic intimacies between 2 or more individuals, and much more:
“During COVID, a study that was done on trans persons found that when trans persons due to lockdown and the nature of the disease, had to return to their natal families and their homes. Over there they faced violence. They faced conversion therapy which is prohibited. And that was actually an illustration of what would happen if other social formations of care and support did not exist. This is what has been described as an atypical family. This form of chosen family is recognized in our law; for instance, adoption.
Adoption is a form of chosen family. Today we recognize families and we conceptualize family as by blood, marriage or adoption."
"There is increasing legislative and judicial recognition of a person who may not necessarily be conjoined through marriage or conjugal intimacies. In relation to the advanced directive, every person who is not a minor shall have a right to make an advanced directive in writing specifying any of the following individual or individuals in order of precedents he wants to appoint as his nominated representatives.
"..Ensure that laws and policies recognize the diversity of family forms, including those not defined by descent or marriage and take all necessary legislative, administrative and other measures to ensure that no family may be subjected to discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity of any of its members, including with regard to family related social welfare and other public benefits, etc. "
"I would say that what we are canvassing before this court is a different imagination. A new imagination of marriage and relationships and of family. An imagination which actually places at the foundation, love, care, and respect which may or may not come from the natal family because of my sexual orientation and gender identity.”
"There can be a feminist jurisprudence and feminist critique of family and that family can perpetuate caste purity and patriarchal control; so there may be persons who are of different sexual orientations and gender identities, which because of the hostility of natal families actually form intimacies that are non-marital, non-procreative, which are intimacies that are the only social conclave and support they can find."
Her statements were pleasantly surprising. Most of the earlier petitions chose to only focus on gay marriage and trans people having the right to marry, and I didn't expect any of the (star)lawyers/petitioners to go beyond that. But this. This is a sign of liberation. It reminds me a lot of the family code that granted marriage equality in Cuba. I love that we have some very progressive minds fighting this case.
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kalpalatas · 5 months
the way I can't talk about genshin lore anywhere without some random smartass coming out of the bushes to accuse me of brownnosing the ccp. sorry I want to just talked about my mediocre video game in isolation for five fucking minutes have you tried riding a cactus naked
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menstitsillness · 1 year
ik i've gone on abt this A Lot recently but it genuinely is so exhausting to exist as a queer woman in sports fanbases but especially in football recently because i love the highs and lows of emotions i experience when watching my favourite teams and players but seeing ppl you look up to and admire for their work casually embrace generally shitty people but specifically shitty towards women hurts man, and that's not even to Begin taking about the casual sexism and general queerphobia so many fans display
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dandylion-s · 11 months
I see all those links and posts that tell people how to reach their government rep and tell them to get their country to vote for a ceasefire and like.... I can't even imagine what that conversation would be for an indian person. Like I'm pretty sure my local MLA would have me killed in the street for questioning the great and powerful modi. And then they'd throw my friends in jail.
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Indian education system is soo messed up. You will be studying Microbiology but the "skill enhancement course" will be artificial intelligence.
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snekdood · 11 months
if same sex marriage is unnatural, why'd shiva and vishnu fuck hard and have a child?
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Lmao, just got to know how pissed foreigners (mostly white people) get when museums and historical monuments charge them more than what locals are charged.
Die mad :)
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nanso · 2 years
The Indian government REALLY doesn’t want anyone to watch the new BBC documentary that makes clear Modi’s role in the 2002 Gujarat riots - and how his administration is repeating their attacks on Muslims now.
So here’s a nice handy twitter thread of the doc if you can’t access it whether by location or because of government censorship :)
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