#India Water Portal
indiawaterportal · 3 days
Water Pollution Causes and Consequences: Addressing a Growing Threat to Health and Biodiversity
The global water crisis has reached critical levels, with water pollution emerging as one of the most challenging environmental issues of our time. This comprehensive article uncovers the causes behind this alarming trend, focusing on industrial waste, agricultural runoff, plastic pollution, untreated sewage, and mining activities. We take a close look at how these pollutants compromise water quality, damage aquatic ecosystems, and contribute to biodiversity loss. In India, where population growth and urbanization are on the rise, the problem is particularly severe, affecting millions of people and wildlife. The article also discusses potential solutions, including waste treatment, better agricultural practices, and stronger regulations. Drawing from insights provided by India Water Portal, the piece serves as a guide for those seeking to understand and address the critical issue of water pollution.
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hindiindiawaterportal · 8 months
Paryaavaran Sanrakshan Ek Satat Bhavishy Ka Poshan
Paryaavaran sanrakshan KE kshetr mein utaren aur tikaoo bhavishy ko aakaar dene vaalee pramukh prathaon kee khojKaren Hamaara gaid paaristhitik tantr ko sanrakshit karane, kaarban phutaprint koKamkarane aur paryaavaraneey prabandhan ko badhaava dene KE mahatv kee padataal karataHai Prabhaavashaalee pahalon, paryaavaran-anukool jeevanashailee aur harit grah kee disha mein vaishvik prayaason KE baare mein jaanakaaree praaptKaren Paryaavaran sanrakshan KE aandolan mein shaamil hon aur jaanen KI kaise chhote-chhote kaaryon SE mahatvapoorn sakaaraatmak badalaav AA sakate hain. Prakrti KE saath sauhaardapoorn sambandh apanaen aur hamaare grah kee suraksha KE saamoohik prayaas mein yogadaan den. Ek svasth aur adhik tikaoo kal KE lie paryaavaran sanrakshan kee duniya ka anveshanKaren
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eatmangoesnekkid · 8 months
Belly Dance Week 22 or So "Soft Flesh and Ocean"
I originally wrote week 46 but just came to the realization there is no way I could be that far along. That would be mean I have been belly dancing for a year which is not case....let's say maybe at at Week 22.
Today in class my sassy teacher said once again that we are "painting with our hips," a gorgeous reference that immediately turns my hips into two paintbrushes I named “Frida” and “Abo.” When I'm in my belly dance classes, I am always happy that the music is turned up loud. I tend to moan in a low register and talk all kinds of lovely shit to myself (my actual cells)---even speaking my dreams into existence while also moving my body through any lingering fears and distrust. You can consider me as a kind of "dance doula." So much fear and distrust hide out in the folds of a female's body--the hips, belly, breasts, ass, and vocals--these parts so fragile, tender, and worthy of being loved on so I clear the space to allow for more easeful birthing. We must be willing to connect to the parts of ourselves that we hide and feel aren't worthy of being acknowledged for it is there that the portals to new narratives can be opened up. Oh, how shadows need to be noticed first though. Just go outside on a sunny day and look at how many shadows your body naturally makes when you walk through the world.
So I feel arousal energy in my belly dance classes--I imagine it is healthy and "normal" to do so but have never asked the other students if that was the case for them. I know there is shame around an aroused female body unless it is in relationship to a male body, so I don't feel compelled to ask. But what I do know is that when I feel the arousal energy rise, when I'm steeped in arousal, consumed by its warmth and nutrients, it's so innocent and pure, and makes me dance a bit slower and more fluid. The more I relax and allow the movement to come find me, the more I begin to feel like water. The medicine is that you are no wasting energy trying to control your movements but you are courageous enough to allow your body open and be moved by the Soul of the dance, this current of pure energy potential.
We had some lovely ladies in our class from North Africa who grew up in cultures where belly dance is a fertility treasure passed on by the elder women in the family, the mothers, aunts, and grandmothers, to the little girls. Ahh, intergenerational traditions.....how amazing!! Egyptian women. Turkish women. Lebanese women. And to see the water in their bodies move when they danced was a pure gift. Poetry. I'm forever changed by their soft flesh and ocean.
I feel most confident in belly dance when I am doing any hip, ass, or breasts shimmies. They feel familiar due to my West African DNA and sexual proclivities. And what's also true is that I loved mimicking the women who were in front of me and were more culturally attuned to belly dance, moving their bellies like waves in the ocean. They unconsciously breathed more from their bellies when dancing and therefore made very complicated movements radiate an effortless scent and texture.
I am opening up in my belly area after years of tightening it as conditioned by western culture’s unhealthy and weird ass, flat belly, beauty standards and self-imposed misoygny. Studying and/or mimicking in a non-obsessive healthy way is a lost art. Sometimes we mimic people, whether famous, culturally-connected, or not, and deepen into our own truth in the process. Today that was my story.
--India Ame'ye, Author
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santmat · 8 months
The Third Eye is a Window to the Heavens - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast
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Rumi Says: "Listen, open a window to God and begin to delight yourself by gazing upon Him through the opening."
Teachings of Hazur Baba Sawan Singh, Sant Kirpal Singh, Baba Somanath, Baba Ram Singh, and Santji: The Third Eye is the Portal to the Heavens and Simran is the Key.
"Recognize the Path to your Beloved, O travelers and take the route of the anguished lover in separation. Keep the Master’s grace in your thoughts, and reflect upon his pure teachings. Develop love and devotion with endearment, and keep the thought of the Creator always before you. Try to merge yourself into God like water and water. Fix your mind within by following the Path of the Sound Current. A yearning will arise; make then an intense and anguished call. Repeat the Name of your Beloved, day and night, again and again and again. With care in thought, word and deed, you will cross to the other shore." (Dadu Dayal, the Compassionate Mystic)
The Third Eye is a Window to the Heavens - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast - Listen or Download MP3 @
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References, Subjects, and Sources Include: Philosophy of the Masters, Spirituality, God, Surat Shabd Yoga, Inner Light and Sound Meditation, Meditation, Soul Travel, Dhyan, Bhajan, Simran, Manas Jap, Zikhr, Prayer of the Name, Third Eye, Gnostic, Gnosticism, Mysticism, Mystics, Consciousness, Near Death Experiences, Out of Body Experiences, Inner Space, Kingdom of God, Kingdom of the Heavens, Religion, Spiritual Podcasts, Satsang, Jesus, Christ, Yeshua, Single Eye, Bread of Heaven, Living Waters, Food For the Soul, Surat, Attention, Seat of the Soul, Sound Current, Audible Life Stream, Shabd, Shabda, Path of the Masters, Sants of India, Way of the Saints, Practicing the Presence of God, Brother Lawrence, Interior Prayer, Mental Prayer, Prayer of the Name, Sacred Name, Sacred Names of God, Lord of Love, Theosis, Divinization, Hazur Baba Sawan Singh, Sant Kirpal Singh, Santji, Ajaib Singh, Baba Somanath, Sant Ram Singh, Sant Bani Ashram, Kabir, Naam, Nam, Bhakti, Love and Devotion, Initiation, Going Within, Contemplative, Union With God;
Spiritual Awakening Radio (and Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts) with James Bean, heard on various community, public radio stations and the web, explores the world of spirituality, comparative religion, world scriptures and other books, East and West, God, meditation, out of body or near death experiences (inner space), the vegan diet and other ahimsa ethics -- education for a more peaceful planet.
In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters, Radhasoami,
James Bean
Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts
Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts
Sant Mat Radhasoami
A Satsang Without Walls
Spiritual Awakening Radio Website:
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trueenewshub · 3 months
Homeless NDA Ministers
IMC WEB DESK NEW DELHI: Indian politics defines transition. Elections saw Modi as the PM heading NDA-led coalition government. Soon after, former Union Ministers asked to vacate their designated homes
NDA goes through changes
Indian politics witnessed weighty changes in 2024. On 7th June 2024, Narendra Modi confirmed the support of 293 MPs to Droupadi Murmu, the President of India. This marked Modi’s third term as Prime Minister and his first-time heading NDA-led coalition government with the Telugu Desam Party of Andhra Pradesh and Janata Dal (United) of Bihar emerging as two primary alliances.
A noticeable step taken by the Directorate of Estates (DoE) under the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) surely makes up for a sweeping swap!
DoE served a notice to few of the former Union Ministers in Indian Politics to vacate their official accommodation in Delhi’s Lutyens’ by 10 July as requests for accommodation pour in from newly appointed ministers.
All Union ministers and ministers of state (MoS) in Indian politics are entitled to a ‘Type VIII’ bungalow in Delhi’s Lutyens’. Former ministers have to vacate such an accommodation when they lose their ministerial berth, according to the DoE rules.
NDA-led coalition government have removed thirty-seven formers ministers in from Narendra Modi’s Union Council of Ministers. Indian politics stands synonymous to shifting gears.
Significant leaders in Indian politics namely Smriti Irani, Arjun Munda, R.K Singh, Niranjan Jyoti, Sanjeev Balyan, and Rajeev Chandrashekhar, lost in the recently concluded Lok Sabha elections. Others, such as Anurag Thakur, Narayan Rane, and Parshottam Rupala, won but did not get a ministerial berth this time. Some, such as Meenakshi Lekhi, did not get a ticket to contest the polls as the BJP replaced them with new faces. When the nation asks what is politics, well this is the face of real Indian Politics.
The DoE notice will be followed by a show cause notice eventually leading to an eviction notice.
Indian politics is often referred as the dance of democracy! While few ministers might still be showing unwillingness to vacate, there are others who have been upfront in changing their designated accommodation.
Former Education minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank, who was served with an eviction notice by the Directorate of Estates recently, has also conveyed that he would be vacating the 27, Safdarjung Road bungalow.
Lutyens-Landmark in Indian Politics
Spread across an area of 23.60sqkm, The Lutyens Bungalow Zone is home to the luminaries of Indian Politics as well as high-net-worth individuals with about 3000 government-owned bungalows.
Serving NDA Union ministers were eligible for accommodation as allotted by the DoE. House committees of the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha secretariats are the competent authorities to allot accommodation to MPs.
Members are entitled to a licence-fee free flat or hostel accommodation throughout their term of office.
Members are entitled to water supply without payment of charges up to 4000 kl per annum. They are eligible for electricity up to 50,000 units (25,000 units measure on light meter and 25,000 units on power meter or pooled together) per annum beginning from January 1 every year.
Other facilities include- washing of sofa covers and curtains every three months. Furniture within the monetary ceiling of Rs 60,000 in respect of durable furniture.
They are also allowed for a 25 per cent remission in the rent on account of any improvement or addition made to it or any additional service provided thereto by way of furniture, electrical equipment and other services.
Editor’s Note
Around 50 former union ministers and MPs from the last Lok Sabha have been sent notice by DoE to vacate their official accommodation. Home is always closest to ones heart and when it is in the poshest locality of the capital and earned through valid eligibility, the address caries a myriad of meaning for the resident. Apparently it is just might be a regular governmental procedure but delving deep, slight feeling uprootedness might haunt souls of Indian politics.
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snaillamp · 1 year
Chapter 2 - Holy Shit
Keh-yah’s mind was reeling as he desperately tried to recount what he could remember. He listened to the priest mumble something and walk away as he pulled his knees closer to his aching chest. The holy water had left a dull ache throughout his whole body, but his chest was the worst.
All he could remember was falling through the portal, manifested by less than the last of his strength, and desperately searching for somewhere to hide. He was more than drained, hardly able to stand and that damned arrow. It had fallen out in the chaos but it was already too late, the damage was done.
The storm he had apparently entered froze him as he limped along the empty road surrounded by nothing except expansive fields of some kind of golden plant, perhaps wheat. He had no idea which country he was in, It could be Russia, Brazil or India and he wouldn’t have a clue. After what felt like an eternity, he had reached the small town, following the main road into the centre of the settlement, glancing at the houses, all darkened.
The night was dark, moonless and the rain made it hard to see, perhaps a blessing in disguise in a way. Using the last of his strength, he felt his body morph slightly, into that of a more acceptable human appearance. Perhaps he be more likely to be assisted.
In the distance, he spotted a spire, a small, metal cross attached to the tip. The symbol sent a shiver down Keh-yah’s spine, but he didn’t seem to have any other options.
Making his way down the streets, he found the church and stumbled towards the door, gasping in pain as the wounds he had gathered burned like fire. One downside of the glamour is that it made them hurt more, but he supposed it was a good enough trade off if he could receive help. Inside he could hear a sound, music and a loud whirring. He could smell human, there had to be one inside.
Reaching the top of the stairs he hesitated a second. This was either the smartest or stupidest plan he had ever had. But he had always admired the human race, many seemed more than happy to help anyone in need, but the thought flickered over Keh-yah’s mind of the evil ones, some worse than even the worst angels. Gasping in pain, he pounded his fist against the door as thunder clapped around him. The whirring stopped. Desperately, he pounded again, whispering to the door. “Please… sanctuary.”
The next thing Keh-yah remembered was the burst of warm that emerged from the door as it opened, hearing a muffled voice as a loud ringing began in his ears. He wanted to lift his hands to cover them, but they were too heavy. Suddenly, he felt the cold sensation of the wooden pew beneath his legs. He didn’t know what it was, his vision focusing and unfocusing with every blink, the ringing getting louder. Through it, he could hear the sound of the man, glancing at him Keh-yah realised it was a priest.
“What are you doing out in this weather, brother?” It sounded muffled, but the word brother made Keh-yah seethe. He figured it was best not to lie, speaking as loudly as he could, which turned out to be hardly audible as his throat burned.
“I… am no brother… of yours…”
The priest continued on, mentioning something about shelters, but the demon wanted nothing more than to go to sleep. ‘Oh shut up.’ He thought to himself, knowing if any more time was wasted, he probably wouldn’t make it. He supposed he should just request what he wanted, making it clear in his pounding head.
“I… request… sanctuary…”
The ringing became louder and everything suddenly felt claustrophobic. Something had been placed around his shoulders at one point and Keh-yah just wanted it off. Standing, he tried to escape, but he felt light headed as he got to his feet.
The next thing he remembered was waking on the ground, feeling cold. The priest had pulled up his tunic, exposing him. Keh-yah felt a little clearer, the pounding less intense and the ringing a lower, quieter pitch. He heard the priest speaking again.
Opening his eyes, he realised there had been enough strength to maintain the glamour, but he could feel it draining him. The look on the priest’s face showed Keh-yah everything he needed to know. He could see the wound. Giving up, with a quiet laugh Keh-yah submitted to the truth. Perhaps he could gain sympathy in this state, regardless of his true nature?
“Well… I guess you… figured it out…” Keh-yah mumbled, fighting to stay awake. He couldn’t afford to pass out at this crucial moment. This would make or break his chance for help. The demon gave in after the priest insisted that he go to a hospital, and the demon finally let go, feeling the glamour lift and his true form take over.
“I am no… human…” Keh-yah mumbled, half proud of this fact as he felt a crushing sensation begin to form on his chest. “You may see… me as…” Vertigo wracked his body as he tried to grasp the words in his mind. “I am not… a threat… to you…” He tried to assure the creature kneeling over him, “Cast me out… if you wish…” He couldn’t breathe, spots began gathering in his vision as his head swam. Out of pure desperation, Keh-yah said the words he did not want to say.
“But if you do… You will.. seal… my fate…”
Fear was wracking his mind as he fought to stay conscious, terrified that the priest, a man of the cloth would not help him.
“I am… a demon…”
The words escaped his lips as he was enveloped by the darkness, the pressure on his chest so great that he could not breathe.
A burning pain at his side roused him. He shot up, cringing at the familiar sensation of holy water coursing through his body. It felt so cold, yet so hot at the same time, travelling through the infection like lightning. The priest explained what he was doing, and Keh-yah half wanted to laugh. ‘You’re a smart one, priest.’ He though as he stared into the man’s eyes.
He knew that holy water was the only thing that would lift the cursed infection form his body, did the priest know that too? It seemed he had no clue what he was doing, despite his snarky tone, his hesitant movements and unsure gaze gave that away. The least Keh-yah could do was provide a little encouragement. “The water should do it… just… warn me next time…”
He lay back, bracing for the on coming pain, but it didn’t seem to come. He snapped at the priest, immediately regretting it. He should be thankful the man was even helping him. Soon, the familiar sensation ricocheted through his body again, making him nauseous, but the slight release of a weight he hadn’t realised he was carrying made him feel secure. The damned water was working.
‘Great.’ He thought sarcastically, he couldn’t wait for more sessions of that.
The priest interrupted his thoughts, concerned that he was hurting him. Keh-yah felt light headed already, a side affect of the water, but explained as best he could through the nausea that it was fine. After one more go, Keh-yah felt so much better. The nausea wasn’t fun, but that would soon fade and he felt the tension finally leave his body.
The stupid priest insisted he sat up so the wound could be bandaged but Keh-yah really didn’t feel like moving at that second. He groaned at the thought of it, the priest moving him the nausea becoming worse as he did so.
A tumbling hum overtook Keh-yah’s mind, as the priest seemed to disappear from his vision. A sudden touch made him jump, and for a slit second he thought he was imprisoned again, before the soft touches of the priest echoed through his body, then sensation of the wound being pressed on by the bandage being wrapped around it. He fought to keep his eyes open and the humming became louder and louder, until he felt like he was falling...
A paralysing jolt of pain shot through Keh-yah’s body, his limbs seized up as he threw his head back. The humming ceased as he came to rest against the sofa, his head pounding and heart racing. The man spoke to him, having gall to ask a demon its’ name.
Annoyed at the constant chatter of the man, Keh-yah snapped at him again, and again, immediately began to chastise himself for it. The name of a demon is their prized possession, it is their title, their honour, their's to protect. To tell someone your name was to trust them with your life…
But he was sore, hurting in too many places in too many ways. He was also cold, completely naked and exposed in front of the priest, all of his body completely vulnerable. He shivered, covering his lower half, partially for warmth and partially for dignity. Even some demons had private areas they wished to not expose.
The priest seemed to read his mind, pulling a heavy, soft blanket over him, before leaning him forward and wrapping a second around his shoulders. This time, the closeness of the blankets were comforting. They felt secure, they felt safe. But they were not going to save him from what had done this to him.
Keh-yah’s mind drifted a scowl forming on his face as he remembered the relentless torture that he endured, the sound of the arrow whistling through the air, and the sickening sound it had made when it had landed in his side.
The angels were fools though, they did not realise how much power Keh-yah could manifest when he was as desperate as he was. He could probably could have manifested 100 portals if he had to force himself to. They didn’t think he could do it. He was too tired to, yes, but he had forced himself to do it, forced the glamour, forced it all. It was amazing how far his powers could stretch beyond their natural threshold when he was trying to survive.
The blankets were warm. Keh-yah wanted to melt into them, become them. 'The blankets of a priest… ' He thought it out in his head, weighing the pros and cons, but with the final ounce of energy he could muster, he whispered the word that would give the priest his most prized posession.
The priest seemed to look confused. Humans had strange ways of reacting that was for sure. Keh-yah mentally rolled his eyes, his stare fixed at the wall in front of him, focusing on not passing out. He decided to clarify. “My name… is Keh-yah.”
The priest nodded, telling Keh-yah his own name, Mark. He did it so casually, like it meant nothing to him. ‘Mark.’ The demon thought, the corner of his lips quirking at the thought that crossed his mind. ‘Matthew, Mark Luke and John. Oh, humans are so predictable.’ He almost wanted to roll his eyes at the name, but chose not to.
A name was to be honoured, respected and cherished, regardless of who had it or what they were.
Mark reached out a hand to Keh-yah, who glared at it. Why would he offer his hand? The only hands Keh-yah had known in recent memory were painful, evil and vile. The thought of biting it flickered across his mind, but he stilled it. ‘No, this hand has not hurt you. Do not give it a reason to Keh-yah.’ He instructed himself, swallowing the urge.
The priest stood, mentioning food. ‘Oh, how food would be so good right now.’ Keh-yah pulled his legs up to prevent his stomach from rumbling. It had been forever since he had eaten, too long. What he wouldn’t do to sink his fangs into a juicy, dripping raw steak or fish. Something with meat, something with sustenance.
At that moment, Keh-yah couldn’t help but feel eyes looking at him, but not from the direction of the priest. The familiar sensation made him exhale in annoyance. If that's what he thought it was, he might have to help the priest out too.
The priest was muttering about bachelors, but Keh-yah’s body was growing tired. As much as he wanted to reply he just didn’t have the energy to do anything except sit there, staring at the wall. The human, Mark was growing annoying, constant chatter. Keh-yah could smell the anxiety, fear and apprehension in his scent.
It was growing stronger the longer he stared, but began to fade as the priest walked away. He was chuckling at a joke he made, desperately trying to break the awkward tension that Keh-yah had no care for. Awkward tension did not kill anyone, why should he have to break it?
The sweet silence, with the exception of the thunder and rain battering the building they were in made Keh-yah sigh with relief. Before he had even realised it, he had collapsed sideways into the sofa cushions with a quiet groan, falling into a light sleep.
A hypnic jerk awoke him, his left leg suddenly flailing for no reason, causing him to roll off balance. He straightened out his legs, gripping the side of the sofa to prevent falling off it, but to no avail. With a heavy thud, he hit the cold planks of the wooden floor.
Keh-yah groaned in pain as embarrassment and confusion overtook his mind. It took him a second to realise why he was on the ground.
Mark came rushing through, a stained apron wrapped around his torso and a dirty wooden spoon in hand. He stopped when he saw the demon sprawled on the ground, lying on its’ back in a tangle of blankets, looking slightly delirious.
It was groaning quietly, and he could see the pitch black eyes of the creature rolling lazily in their sockets, looking around at the room. ‘Poor thing must have passed out and fallen off the sofa. Blast, I was only gone for 5 minutes.’ He thought, kicking himself for leaving the poor wretch alone. Finally, the creature sat up, dazed.
“Hey.” The priest murmured as gently as he could, causing the creature to turn and face him properly. Even though there was nothing to see, Mark could somehow tell as it sat up, its’ eyes were glazed over, not fully taking in everything they were seeing.
It groaned again, placing its’ forearm on its’ forehead, swaying as the world seemed to swim in front of its’ black, endless eyes. It knew he was there, but Mark waited patiently for it to acknowledge his existence, not wanting to scare the clearly dazed creature.
A loud clap of lighting made it jolt and the demon leapt forward, toward Mark, landing on its’ elbows. It shuddered, long black hair falling around its’ face as it panted. Seeming to realise what it was doing, it gulped and sat up, embarrassed. Mark could swear that he saw a slight tinge of pink on the creature’s bruised cheeks.
“It’s okay.” Mark whispered, hoping to comfort the creature. “It’s just the thunder.” “Of course it’s fucking thunder.” The creature growled, standing on its’ unstable legs and stiffly bending to grab the blankets at its’ feet. Mark moved slowly forward, reaching for the blankets, but the demon snatched them up before he could get to them, shooting him a nasty glare. The priest felt a shiver go down his spine. It really was a demon.
“I can do it myself.” It snapped, hunching over and wrapping the blanket over its’ shoulders. It limped back to the sofa, collapsing onto it and sighing dejectedly. Mark pulled his lips into a sympathetic smile, earning another scowl from the demon. Quietly, it mumbled in its’ low voice, “I don’t want your sympathy, Mark.”
Mark was surprised that the creature was using his name, usually people called him Father, despite his insistance that Mark was fine. It was strange to hear such a deep voice coming from the creature, even if it was quiet. It was probably deep, rumbling and commanding, even when the creature was well.
This demon could’ve governed a circle of Hell, lead an army of devils against the world or convinced any desperate sod to sell their soul to it, and it would have worked, all because of the powerful voice it possessed. But now, even though it was there, it was cracked, like a once grand mirror, now splintered into pieces.
It seemed that was Keh-yah in a nutshell really.
Something about it made Mark sense it carried a great heaviness, a burden that it was forced to carry. Something that ate it up from the inside.
The creature was staring at him, a mix of tiredness and defiance. It still struck Mark how much it looked like a man. ‘I mean the four fingers are a bit of a give away, and the fangs… but it looks so… normal?' The creature’s lips curled in disgust.
“If you have a thought about me, say it out loud at least.” Mark looked up, startled at the gravelly, tired voice talking again. “Oh, I- I didn’t mean any offense, I just… Wait, can you read my thoughts?” He frowned, feeling slightly violated at the idea that the thing in front of him was listening in to his private musings.
The creature looked amused, and it raised its’ eyebrows, looking at Mark with a cheeky glint in its’ eye. “And what if I can?” It purred, or at least tried to. Its’ voice was fried, creaking as it spoke. “Well, you could not.” Mark put his hands on his hips, frowning. “That’s kinda rude, you know."
The demon smirked, letting out a single, brief chuckle, before leaning back against the sofa. “I have many powers, Mark. Telepathy is not one of them. You are simply easy to read.” It cleared its’ throat, or at least tried to, coughing hard. Mark frowned again, leaving the room and coming back with a glass of water. “Here.” He said to it, holding out the small glass.
The demon eyed it suspiciously, flinching back slightly. “It’s tap water, don’t worry.” Mark watched as the creature gingerly reached for the cup. It took it, hands shaking slightly and sniffed it. In a flash, a long, deep indigo, forked tongue flicked out like a snake, barely touching the water. Mark’s eyes widened. The creature noticed, grinning slightly again. ‘The damn thing’s enjoying this. Little twit. At least that means its’ feeling a bit better, I hope.’
He watched as the demon raised the glass to its’ chapped, pale lips, delicately drinking a small sip. It glanced at Mark, before taking another and then another. After a few minutes of drinking, the small glass was empty and the creature leaned over, setting it down on the table in front of the sofa.
“Thank you.” It mumbled, genuinely. It lowered its’ head, looking at the wall in front of it. Like a small child that had just been told off, avoiding eye contact with Mark.
Mark nodded once, before sitting next to the demon. “I’m going to go back and finish cooking, that pasta will be almost done by now. Yell if you need anything.” He wanted to pat the wretch on the shoulder, but decided against it. Physical touch was probably something they should work on.
The demon’s eyes flashed as they glanced at the priest, before flicking back to the wall it had been staring at. “There might not be anything good on, but you can watch TV if you like.” Mark gestured at the remote, scattered between the box containing the Eucharist and a thurible. Keh-yah raised an eyebrow, confused.
Mark felt a bit dumb at that moment. “Ah, sorry. Do you know what that is?” He leaned forward as distant thunder rumbled, grabbing the remote and pressing the ‘on’ button. The TV flickered to life, a re-run of Jeopardy! replacing the black screen.
The demon flinched back at the sudden appearance of sound and light, but soon was eyeing it curiously, like a cat waiting to strike its prey. After a minute it turned, looking at Mark. “Pretty cool, right?” He asked, looking down at the demon, who looked puzzled.
“What is the point of this?” Its’ voice was less ragged now, but its’ hand was still shaking as it gestured at the TV. “Uh, Jeopardy!? Well, the people behind there get to pick a topic for a certain amount of points, and then the guy there asks them random questions about the topic. The person at the end with the most money, uh, points wins and goes onto the next episode. It goes on and on until there’s like, a big winner at the end.” The demon blinked, trying to make sense of the game. “Just watch, you’ll get it.” Mark patted the sofa arm, before leaving the room.
When he returned with two steaming bowls of spaghetti, he glanced at the TV. Keh-yah was half watching it, disinterested. “Who’s winning?” Mark enquired, looking at the demon, slouched in the cushions. “Some guy named Tom. Smartass. Knows all the answers, I can smell the ego from here.” Mumbled the creature, picking at the skin around its’ index finger.
“We can change the channel if you want. Find something else?” Keh-yah shrugged not looking as Mark reached over and grabbed the remote. He clicked onto the next channel. A random French documentary about polar bears or something. “How about this?” The demon looked unimpressed.
“Uh, okay. How about the next one.” APTN, airing a ghost hunting show. The demon exhaled sharply. “Ghosts… ugh, those things annoy me.” It grumbled, before wincing, resting its’ forearm against its’ head. Leaning back, it sighed heavily. “You alright?” Mark asked, nervous. “My head… its’-its’ pounding.” The demon groaned again.
“Maybe you should eat? Might help. I’ll get you more water too.” Keh-yah gave a small nod, squeezing its’ eyes shut in pain, before reaching forward for the bowl.
When Mark returned with the water, the demon was hunched over the bowl, hungrily munching the food. “There’s a fork if you want it…” Mark picked up the silver fork, holding it out to the demon. It looked up, tilting its’ head and blinking. “Why? This works just as well.” Mark shrugged, placing the fork back on the table, next to the refilled glass and resumed his own pasta, sitting in the recliner opposite the couch. The ghost show was entertaining, if not a little fake. Keh-yah on the other hand, seemed to be enamoured with it.
A middle aged man with his hair pulled back into a tight braid was walking along, explaining the history of a haunted building and Keh-yah cocked its’ head, watching as intently as the show continued. The pasta was already almost gone. Soon however, the demon moaned again, putting its’ hands on its’ temples. “Headache again?” The priest asked, leaning over in concern. The creature nodded, shivering. “Cold.” It mumbled.
Mark’s eyes grew wide as he realised he had completely forgotten to get the demon anything to wear. “Did you want some clothes?” He asked the demon, watching as it shivered, massaging its’ temples, eyes squeezed shut. It moaned in reply, nodding.
Mark nodded, standing and going to his room on the second floor of the rectory. The demon was tall, but slightly shorter than he was. Probably just under 6 foot. He opened his closet humming as he considered what to give the demon. His clerical clothes were probably not the best idea.
Rummaging around in an old plastic box of clothes he had never gotten rid of, he found some old, stained sweatpants and a loose, black T-shirt. Continuing to rummage, he pulled out an old, thin hoodie, long forgotten from his days back in Ottawa. He grimaced, before nodding. “This is the best I can do, demon.” He grabbed some socks on his way out, nice thick ones and walked back to the demon.
Keh-yah was passed out on the sofa, one arm dangling from the edge, the other under its’ head. Its’ back was exposed, and Mark did a double take, looking at the skin. It was battered and bruised, covered in scars and wounds, some old and some quite recent. The demon twitched in its’ sleep, brow furrowing, before it sniffed and lifted its’ head.
“What’s that smell?” It asked sleepily. “Uh, I don’t know. What smell do you mean?” The demon’s eyes glinted as it eyed the clothes. “Those. They smell like… you but more... decrepit…” The creature’s eyes flickered as it searched for the words to say. “They’ve been stuck in a box for a few too many years, that’s probably why.” Mark smiled sheepishly, “Sorry. It’s all I had.” He did have to admit, the clothes did smell a bit musty and moth eaten.
But once the demon had the clothes on, it seemed to relax. Huddled under the two blankets, head bobbing as it dozed, it soon slumped sideways again, softly breathing against the cushions. Occasionally, it would moan and twitch, but it seemed to actually be sleeping now.
Mark sighed, grabbing the empty bowls and going to the kitchen. He began to wash them, listening to the storm, now lighter, the thunder more of a constant, distant rumble. He quietly put the bowls and cutlery away, creeping slowly back into the lounge room and turning off the TV. He thought about carrying the creature up to the spare bedroom, but he didn’t want to risk waking it.
Instead, he sat in the recliner opposite the demon, watching it as it tossed and turned, groaning softly. ‘It will fall again if I leave it there.’ He thought to himself. He decided to get the guest room ready, collecting some extra blankets and making the bed with some soft, new sheets before going back down to the demon.
Gently he scooped up the creature and carried it up the stairs to the second floor. It was bundled in the blankets, twitching and groaning every couple of steps. Through the groans, Mark could hear it whispering something, nothing he could understand, maybe it was gibberish, maybe it wasn’t, he couldn't tell.
Walking down the hall, he glanced into his room, directly opposite the spare one and sighed. He was tired too, ready to turn in. He had a Mass to prepare for in the morning and did not enjoy the thought of doing that tired. The demon moaned again, worse this time, its head dropping back as it gasped for air, shuddering as it went limp.
Something felt wrong. Placing the creature on the bed, Mark felt the forehead of the wretch. It was burning up. “Oh no.” He squeezed is eyes tight, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Fever. Great.” He was too tired to tend all night to this thing.
Keh-yah gasped again, gulping as sweat began to form on its’ brow. Its’ back arched up and it pushed its’ head back against the pillows, writhing. The tired priest sighed, lifting the blankets and moving the twisting demon, wrangling it until it was under the covers. It seemed to still a little after that, but it was breathing from its’ mouth with laboured breaths, its’ chest rising and falling fast and hard as it groaned again.
“Guess it’s gonna be an all nighter after all. I hope that Mac’s is open early tomorrow.” Mark muttered, yawning. He sighed, going to the small ensuite connected to his room, collecting a face cloth and then trudging down stairs to get a bowl. When he returned, Keh-yah was already in a worse shape. The creature’s sharp jaw was clenched tightly as it sucked in air though its’ teeth.
It had its’ neck arched, head pressed back into the pillows, sweat covering its’ skin in a light sheen. The groaning had stopped, replaced by a quiet, pained whimper. Mark felt his heart melt a little. He couldn’t help but feel compassion for the creature, even though it was a demon, it seemed to be in so much pain.
Sitting beside it on the bed, he began to try and cool down the sick being, gently dabbing its’ head with the cool water. It seemed to instinctively lean into it, desperate for relief. Mark decided to remove the blankets, leaving just the inner sheet, already drenched in sweat around the body of the demon. He also removed the hoodie, and shirt, both soaked with sweat to the point where they had a stain covering most of the front.
At least the tendrils seemed to mostly be confined to within the front of the demon’s chest and stomach now, not going past the collarbones or hips. It seemed to melt when the priest lay a cool cloth in its’ chest, sighing as its’ body relaxed.
The groaning, much more quiet and contained soon began again. After a few hours it seemed to have cooled down enough to rest peacefully. Happy that the creature would at least make it through the night, the priest stood and left the room. Collapsing into his own bed, he soon fell asleep to the sound of the gentle rain pattering against his window and the sound of a pipe dripping.
When he awoke, he yawned feeling drained. What a strange dream he had had. “Demon.” He chuckled to himself, glancing across the hall at the guest room. His stomach froze.
The demon was still there, lying unconscious in his guest bed, panting hard. It still had a fever by the looks of things. “Lord. Have mercy on my soul.” Mark whispered, creeping down stairs to grab a coffee, before taking off tho the convenience store where he hoped to get a Redbull and some medicine.
He hoped that human medicine could even help a creature like that, but it wasn’t worth not trying right? “What’s the worst that could happen?” He thought out loud to himself as he walked down the street towards the store.
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what-if-nct · 5 months
hiiii today's reminder is i went to some proper old delhi markets to run some errands and it is impossible not to feel like you're in a movie while you're there. like whenever i hear foreigners say india is sensory overload i think that's super exaggerated mostly because I'm used to it but walking through chandni chowk is sensory overload in the absolute best way for me, bonus points because there's so much great street food and i had all of it
Hiii, oh yeah the fast paced and hustle and bustle does always look exciting but I can see how it's overwhelming for those not used it. And anytime I watch content creators who live or visit India often eat street food it always looks good, I's great you had such a nice time running errands. Also you were in my dream last night, I've been dreaming about my online friends quite often lately. But first I was at the with my best friend and my boyfriend and we walked in through the Macy's and we were just walking around and I saw you near the end of the mall when I was by myself and we walked into a store that transported us somewhere else. And we were like jumping into movies that didn't exist but were definitely movies, one was a pirate movie we left immediately, another was this movie at like a fancy rehab center and we were talking to a bunch of girls. You were talking to this tall girl with a black pixie and I was talking to this girl with a blonde bob and she wasn't feeling too well and I was helping her get something to eat then she ran off and made herself sick so I calmed her down and was rubbing her back while you and the other girl brought over a towel and water then we had to leave but the blonde girl wanted me to stay but we had to before the portal closed. Then we left and we were at a soccer game I was coming back with snacks when you were getting into a fight with this older lady so I distracted the lady and pulled you away and we were running away from the field and I woke up.
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sunilification · 1 year
Third Class in Indian Railways
Gandhi was forty five when he returned to India - the land he had left as a teenager, the land that was now completely alien to him. As the hero of the South Africa he was extended several invitations by the Congress to join the nascent ‘national freedom struggle’. He politely refused them; instead he chose to travel. He travelled extensively throughout the subcontinent, mostly on trains. The main purpose of such a venture, as he had said himself was ‘to get a grasp of the life’ in India.
During these jaunts, it is believed he made very elaborate entries on his ‘first’ impressions of India. When I picked up this book (free ebook lying in some corner of the net) I was hoping to find his journal entries during these travels. But as it turned out this book was a compilation of six essays/ media articles/ speeches between 1915 – 1918, after the major chunk of his travels were done.
Enriched by his travels, and the success at Champaran, he started giving shape to his ideas - on a social, cultural and a political level. These essays were his initial arguments, where he is still somewhat ambivalent, where he still comes across considering their pros and cons than being conclusive about them. These ideas would later gather momentum, evolve much more powerfully to eventually enter the national consciousness as the core 'Gandhian' values.
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The first essay is actually about the travel in third class in Indian trains. He describes the hopeless conditions of the third class in Indian Railways and as always with Gandhi, makes a case for their improvement. These passages are perhaps one of the earliest documentation of reverse culture shock by an Indian. Consider this one, and imagine the comment section if the following passage for published in an Indian web portal:
Not during the whole of the journey was the compartment once swept or cleaned. The result was that every time you walked on the floor or rather cut your way through the passengers seated on the floor, you waded through dirt.
The closet was also not cleaned during the journey and there was no water in the water tank.
Refreshments sold to the passengers were dirty-looking, handed by dirtier hands, coming out of filthy receptacles and weighed in equally unattractive scales. These were previously sampled by millions of flies. I asked some of the passengers who went in for these dainties to give their opinion. Many of them used choice expressions as to the quality but were satisfied to state that they were helpless in the matter; they had to take things as they came.
Subsequent essays are values one usually associates with Gandhi. Ideas like 'vernaculars' and 'The Moral Basis of Co-operation' are just of historical relevance now. Few others, like the chapter on 'Ahimsa' are perhaps still valid? The one titled 'Swadeshi' is penetrative where he espouses how religion and politics in India are inseparable. ( which is true, contrary to liberal opinion even to this day). Gandhi’s arguments are times warped, at times too vague but it does reflect something unique for that time – one man observing the world, preparing a ground report, and suggesting solutions.
The writing is typically colonial replete with waxing and waning of humility and excessive consideration. Personally, as far as the ideas are concerned, nothing written was new to me; I was looking to find a personal voice, something more direct that would reflect on the writer himself. But Gandhi writes in a very impersonal tone. Even in the article 'National Dress' where he defends against personal attacks (Irwin who had criticized Gandhi for choice of desi clothes against European attire) he remains rather circumspect.
What the book reaffirms to me is what Naipaul had written long back about Gandhi –
No one, no one had understood India like Gandhi had.
As an aside here’s Gandhi writing about Banks and credit system in 1917. See if it rings any bells?
The credit which is becoming the money power of the world has little moral basis and is not a synonym for Trust or Faith, which are purely moral qualities. After twenty years' experience of hundreds of men, who had dealings with banks in South Africa, the opinion I had so often heard expressed has become firmly rooted in me, that the greater the rascal the greater the credit he enjoys with his banks. The banks do not pry into his moral character: they are satisfied that he meets his overdrafts and promissory notes punctually. The credit system has encircled this beautiful globe of ours like a serpent's coil, and if we do not mind, it bids fair to crush us out of breath. I have witnessed the ruin of many a home through the system, and it has made no difference whether the credit was labelled cooperative or otherwise. The deadly coil has made possible the devastating spectacle in Europe, which we are helplessly looking on.
The entire book, first published in an Indian Lahore, is now available for free online. Suggested for light reading may be as a break in between heavy books. Obviously for readers interested in Pre-independent India and Gandhi.
Among other things, this is my first book read on Kindle.
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passportagent · 1 day
Documents Required for Tatkaal Passport
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The Tatkaal Passport service offers an expedited way to obtain a passport in urgent situations. However, applying for a passport under the Tatkaal scheme requires specific documents to ensure your application is processed quickly and accurately. Below is a comprehensive guide to the documents required when applying for a Tatkaal Passport.
Key Documents Required for Tatkaal Passport Application
1. Proof of Identity
The first and most essential requirement for a Tatkaal Passport is a proof of identity. This document confirms your identity as a citizen of India. You can submit any one of the following:
Aadhaar Card
PAN Card
Voter ID
Driving License
Government-issued ID card (for government employees)
2. Proof of Address
A valid proof of address is crucial to confirm your residential details. It must be up to date and match the address you’ve entered in the passport application form. You can submit one of the following:
Utility Bills (Electricity, Water, or Gas) – Not older than three months.
Bank Account Statement with your current address.
Rental/Lease Agreement
Voter ID Card
Aadhaar Card (if it shows your current address)
3. Proof of Date of Birth
For date of birth verification, you must provide a valid document that accurately reflects your birth date. The acceptable options include:
Birth Certificate
School Leaving Certificate
Matriculation Certificate
PAN Card (for individuals born before January 26, 1989)
If you were born after January 26, 1989, a birth certificate is mandatory as per government regulations.
4. Annexure F (Verification Certificate)
For Tatkaal applications, Annexure F is a mandatory document. This is a verification certificate signed by a Gazetted Officer, Magistrate, or public sector undertaking official. The certificate must verify your identity and declare that you are an Indian citizen.
It should include the full details and contact information of the signing officer.
The official seal and signature of the Gazetted Officer is necessary.
The Annexure F ensures that your application can be fast-tracked for quicker processing.
5. Annexure I (Self-Declaration of Urgency)
Annexure I is a self-declaration form that applicants need to submit, explaining the urgency of their passport request under the Tatkaal scheme. In this document, you must:
Clearly state the reason for urgency, whether it’s related to medical emergencies, business trips, or other critical reasons.
Ensure the declaration is signed and dated correctly.
This form is crucial as it helps the authorities understand the emergency nature of your application.
6. Proof of Citizenship
In some cases, additional documentation may be required to confirm your Indian citizenship. These may include:
Previous Passport (if applying for renewal)
Citizenship Certificate (if applicable)
7. Passport-Sized Photographs
You will need to submit two recent passport-sized photographs that comply with the specifications outlined by the Passport Seva Kendra (PSK). The photograph should:
Be in color and have a white background.
Show the full face with a neutral expression.
Be of size 50mm x 50mm or as specified by the PSK guidelines.
8. Proof of Emergency (If Applicable)
In certain situations, especially if you are applying for a Tatkaal Passport due to an emergency (such as a medical emergency or urgent business trip), you may need to provide proof of that emergency. For instance:
Medical Certificates for health-related emergencies.
Travel Itinerary showing the urgency of travel.
Procedure for Document Submission
After collecting all the necessary documents, follow these steps to ensure smooth submission:
Step 1: Complete the Online Application
Visit the Passport Seva Portal and fill out the application form, selecting Tatkaal Passport. Upload the necessary documents and confirm all details are accurate.
Step 2: Schedule Your Appointment
Once the application is completed, schedule an appointment at the nearest Passport Seva Kendra (PSK) or Regional Passport Office (RPO) for document verification and submission.
Step 3: Document Verification at PSK
On the appointment day, carry all original documents along with photocopies for verification. The officials will review your application and ensure all required documents are provided.
Step 4: Payment of Fees
Tatkaal applicants must pay a higher fee than normal passport applicants. The fee can be paid online or at the PSK during the appointment.
Step 5: Post-Issuance Police Verification
Since the passport is issued quickly under the Tatkaal scheme, the police verification happens after the passport issuance. Ensure you are available for this verification, as failing to complete it can lead to complications with future passport renewals or travel.
Applying for a Tatkaal Passport requires submitting the right documents to ensure your application is processed without delays. With documents such as proof of identity, Annexure F, Annexure I, and others, you can expedite your passport application and receive it within 1 to 3 days. Ensuring that all the necessary paperwork is in order will help you make the most of this fast-track service.
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Introduction to BBPS
BBPS (Bharat Bill Payment System) is a centralized platform launched by the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) to facilitate seamless and efficient bill payments for consumers across the country. It aims to provide a standardized, secure, and user-friendly way to pay various utility bills.
BBPS Bill Payment API Integration by Infinity Webinfo Pvt Ltd
BBPS stands for Bharat Bill Payment System, an integrated bill payment system in India that enables consumers to pay their bills easily and securely. It was launched by the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) to facilitate seamless bill payments across various service providers.
BBPS Here are the key details regarding BBPS bill payments:
1. Services Covered
BBPS allows users to pay bills for a variety of services, including:
Telecom (Mobile and Landline)
DTH (Direct-to-Home)
Internet Services
Municipal Taxes
2. Payment Channels
Users can make payments through multiple channels, including:
Mobile Apps: Many banking and payment apps integrate BBPS.
Web Portals: Various websites provide BBPS services for bill payments.
Retail Outlets: Physical locations that are part of the BBPS network.
ATMs: Selected ATMs offer bill payment options.
3. Payment Methods
BBPS supports various payment methods to enhance user convenience:
Credit/Debit Cards
Net Banking
UPI (Unified Payments Interface)
Mobile Wallets
4. Features
Instant Confirmation: Users receive immediate payment confirmation via SMS or email.
User-Friendly Interface: Simple navigation for easy bill payment.
Dispute Resolution: Mechanisms in place for addressing transaction disputes.
Tracking and History: Users can view their transaction history for better management.
5. Security
BBPS employs advanced security measures, including:
Encryption: Protects sensitive user data.
Secure Transactions: Compliance with regulatory standards ensures a safe payment environment.
6. Benefits of Using BBPS
Convenience: Pay multiple utility bills in one place.
Time-Saving: Quick and easy payment process without the need to visit multiple service providers.
Wide Reach: Available across various service providers, ensuring accessibility.
7. How to Use BBPS
Choose a Payment Channel: Select a mobile app, website, or retail outlet.
Select the Service: Choose the type of bill to pay.
Enter Details: Provide necessary information such as account number and bill amount.
Make Payment: Select your preferred payment method and complete the transaction.
Receive Confirmation: Get instant confirmation of your payment.
8. Customer Support
In case of issues, customers can reach out to their respective service providers or the BBPS customer support for assistance.
What is BBPS Bill Payment API?
The BBPS (Bharat Bill Payment System) Bill Payment API provides businesses and service providers with the necessary tools to integrate BBPS functionalities into their platforms. This API allows for real-time bill payment processing, enabling users to pay their bills easily while ensuring a secure and efficient transaction experience.
INFINITY WEBINFO PVT LTD has recognized the potential of BBPS (Bharat Bill Payment System) and has successfully integrated the BBPS (Bharat Bill Payment System) Bill Payment API into its offerings. This integration enhances the service portfolio of the company, allowing its clients to offer a comprehensive bill payment solution to their customers.
Key Features of INFINITY WEBINFO PVT LTD’s BBPS Bill Payment Integration:
User-Friendly Interface: The integration comes with an intuitive interface, making it easy for users to navigate and pay their bills seamlessly.
Multiple Payment Options: Customers can pay their bills using various payment methods, including credit/debit cards, net banking, UPI, and wallets.
Real-Time Processing: The API ensures that all transactions are processed in real time, providing instant confirmation and reducing wait times for users.
Comprehensive Dashboard: INFINITY WEBINFO PVT LTD offers a robust dashboard for businesses to manage their transactions, track payment history, and generate reports.
Security Features: With advanced encryption and security protocols, the integration ensures that all transactions are safe and secure, protecting user data and financial information.
Multi-Service Capability: The API supports a wide range of utility services, allowing businesses to cater to diverse customer needs.
Scalability: INFINITY WEBINFO PVT LTD’s BBPS integration is designed to scale, accommodating increasing transaction volumes as businesses grow.
Benefits of BBPS Bill Payment API Integration
Enhanced Customer Experience: By providing a smooth and efficient bill payment process, businesses can improve customer satisfaction and retention.
Increased Revenue Streams: Businesses can leverage the BBPS platform to attract new customers and offer additional services, leading to increased revenue.
Simplified Operations: The integration automates the billing process, reducing manual effort and errors, thereby streamlining operations.
Regulatory Compliance: The BBPS framework ensures compliance with regulatory standards, giving businesses peace of mind regarding their payment processes.
The integration of the BBPS Bill Payment API by INFINITY WEBINFO PVT LTD represents a significant step forward in enhancing the utility payment experience in India. By leveraging this technology, businesses can provide a seamless, secure, and efficient bill payment solution, ultimately leading to greater customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. As the digital payment landscape continues to evolve, INFINITY WEBINFO PVT LTD is poised to be a key player in the industry, driving innovation and convenience for consumers across the nation.
For more information about BBPS API integration and how it can benefit your business, visit INFINITY WEBINFO PVT LTD’s official website or contact us.
For more details contact us now: - +91 9711090237
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indiawaterportal · 4 days
Causes of Water Pollution: How Industrial Waste, Agriculture, and Urbanization Are Polluting Our Water Bodies
As water pollution continues to escalate across the globe, understanding its root causes is essential to combat this environmental crisis. This in-depth article sheds light on how human activities such as industrial discharges, agricultural runoff, untreated sewage, and urbanization have led to the severe contamination of rivers, lakes, and oceans. In particular, it examines how India's rapid growth has contributed to water pollution, endangering both ecosystems and communities that depend on these water sources. We explore the harmful effects of toxic chemicals, plastics, and untreated waste on biodiversity, fish populations, and human health, as well as the long-term consequences of neglecting water quality. Through the lens of India Water Portal, this article emphasizes the urgent need for sustainable solutions to protect water resources for future generations.
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hindiindiawaterportal · 8 months
Paryaavaran Sanrakshan Aaj Kee Chunautee Kal ka samrddhi ka kunjee
paryaavaran sanrakshan ka mahatv badhata ja raha hai aur yah aaj ke samay mein ham sabhee ke lie ek mahatvapoorn chunautee hai. vibhinn pradooshan, vanyajan aur jalavaayu parivartan ke kaaran hamaare praakrtik sansaadhanon ko bachaane ke lie sakaaraatmak kadamon kee aavashyakata hai. upayog ke saath-saath sanrakshan bhee aavashyak hai taaki ham aane vaalee peedhiyon ko surakshit aur svasth paryaavaran mein jeene ka avasar de saken. ham sabhee ko milakar pradooshan ko kam karane, vanyajan sanrakshan karane, aur jalavaayu parivartan ke saamanjasyapoorn samaadhaanon kee or prayaas karane ka samay hai.
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tourismirctc · 3 days
India Calling: Explore the Best railway Journeys with IRCTC Tourism
Train trips are the finest way to discover the best of India’s culture, history, and natural landscape. If you want to discover the best railway journeys then there is no better option than the multiple travel packages by IRCTC Tourism. 
Railways – Gateway to an unforgettable journey
IRCTC holiday packages are best suited for those who love adventure, want to leave from the thronging hordes and look forward to a sojourn of the varied topography of the Indian sub-continent. Whether it is the vibrancy of the busy towns or the quiet solitude of the spiritual abodes, the best train trips offer a unique experience that is nowhere else to be found. 
Another exciting feature is that comfortable seats and mouth-watering food during the journey make it an experience much more like staying in a high-class hotel on wheels. Check out the best packages for train travel in India and book your dream train trip fast. The journeys are going to rejuvenate your soul, passing through rivers, mountains, plains, deserts, and waterfalls. 
Exploring India: The Best Train Vacations with IRCTC Tourism
IRCTC Tourism covers the best domestic tours in India with the help of multiple tour packages. Travelling with IRCTC Tourism offers many benefits that make the entire journey an enriching experience. The first is the convenience and comfort of its well-arranged travel packages, including tickets for the train, accommodation, meals, and guided tours. 
This proves to be a hassle-free experience altogether. Indeed, IRCTC also has budget packages to make train travelling more feasible for every tourist's budget, whether one is a backpacker or prefers luxury. 
Trains are also a mode of travelling wherein people can get a glimpse of the vast varieties of landscapes in India and get acquainted with the locals. This will undoubtedly boost their knowledge about India's diverse cultural traditions. Also, it is a safe and reliable platform for finding the best tour packages. The tour will be handled by professionals who ensure a safe and sound experience for the travellers. Some of the best train vacations that you can avail through IRCTC Tourism are:
The Golden Triangle Tour 
It takes travellers through the lively cities of Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur, offering them an insight into India's rich heritage. The main attraction includes a visit to the enchanting and wondrous Taj Mahal, a UNESCO World Heritage site. In Delhi, visitors can explore the Red Fort, a symbol of Mughal architecture, before heading to Jaipur to admire its architectural marvels. 
The Kerala Backwaters
This tour gives travellers a chance to witness the serene beauty of this enchanted land. Alleppey is the place where visitors catch a glimpse of quiet waters, lush green surroundings, and charming villages with the best railway journeys. Munnar is a beautiful place where, on the hills, tea plantations sweep across with the glimpse and taste of the region's scrumptious tea. 
South India Temples Tour
This tour takes you to places which are full of history and majesty. Some of the great experiences include visiting the magnificent Meenakshi Temple in Madurai, renowned for its intricate work and vibrant sculptures that form the basis of Tamil Nadu's rich cultural legacy. Padmanabhaswamy Temple and some other temples are also some of the major attractions in South India that you must visit. 
The train tours by IRCTC Tourism can be reckoned as the best train trips which offer a unique glimpse into the heart and soul of the country. The portal is packed with amazing deals and myriad packages that will suit every kind of traveller. Make memories of a lifetime with these vacations and explore the best travel domestic tours in India.  
Source: https://sites.google.com/view/india-calling-explore-the-best/home?authuser=4
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glancescreen · 3 days
Top 5 English Dubbed Movies on Dimension on Demand (DOD)
Around 72% of viewers in India prefer watching content in a different language. At the same time, the majority of viewers look for English dubbed movies. 
- ETBrand Equity
In a world where diversity reigns supreme, the art of storytelling knows no bounds. As viewers, we yearn for narratives that resonate with us on a personal level, transcending language barriers to deliver captivating experiences. English dubbed movie platforms like Dimension on Demand (DOD) stand at the forefront of this cinematic revolution, providing a gateway to a treasure trove of English dubbed movies that cater to the ever-evolving tastes of global audiences.
And, if you’re looking for English dubbed movies on DOD that are a blend of sci-fi, horror, thriller, low-budget innovation, and character-driven tales, on DOD, check this out!(Hyperlink August A1 to the underlined text) 
But for now, let’s dive into the Top 5 English Dubbed Movies on DOD
1. Secret Weapon
The saga of courage and sacrifice unfolds in this gripping military thriller set against the backdrop of World War II. Russian soldiers navigate perilous missions and clandestine operations to safeguard a secret Soviet rocket launcher from falling into enemy hands. The English dubbed movie version of Secret Weapon immerses viewers in a tale of patriotism, valour, and camaraderie, weaving a narrative that tugs at the heartstrings while keeping audiences on the edge of their seats.
2. Bad Cat
From the battlefields of war, we transition to the animated streets of humour with Bad Cat. This Turkish comedy-action film, based on a popular comic strip, injects a dose of levity and mischief into DOD's lineup. In this English dubbed movie, you get to witness the zany adventures of anthropomorphic characters brought to life through stunning animation and witty storytelling. Bad Cat is a testament to the platform's versatility, offering a refreshing blend of laughter and action that appeals to audiences seeking a cinematic escape.
3. The Storm Warriors
Step into a realm of supernatural martial arts prowess with The Storm Warriors, a tale of power, destiny, and epic showdowns. Originally in Cantonese this English dubbed movie transports viewers to a universe where warriors harness the elements to battle forces beyond comprehension. Brace yourself for jaw-dropping visuals, heart-pounding action, and a narrative that blurs the lines between myth and reality.
4. The Legend of Mermaid
Delve into the mystical depths of The Legend of Mermaid, a captivating fusion of fantasy and folklore that enchants the senses. Follow the enchanting journey of mythical beings as they navigate treacherous waters fraught with secrets, betrayals, and unbreakable bonds. The English dubbed movie version of this cinematic gem promises to transport audiences to a realm where belief in magic reigns supreme.
5. The Villainess
Prepare for a pulse-pounding adrenaline rush with The Villainess, a high-octane thriller that blurs the boundaries between heroism and villainy. Witness the spellbinding action sequences, intricate plot twists, and charismatic performances that define this cinematic masterpiece. The English dubbed movie brings an added layer of intensity to the narrative, ensuring that audiences are hooked from start to finish.
In Conclusion
Dimension on Demand (DOD) isn't just a streaming platform; it's a portal to a world where cinematic dreams come alive in multiple languages, transcending geographical barriers to unite viewers in a shared love for storytelling. The diverse selection of English dubbed movies on DOD caters to a spectrum of tastes, whether you crave heart-pounding action, whimsical animation, or thought-provoking narratives on human relationships.
The statistics reveal that 72% of viewers in India prefer content in a different language, which serves as a beacon of light and highlights the growing demand for inclusive entertainment. DOD's English dubbed movies embody this ethos, offering a bridge between cultures, languages, and perspectives.
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i2vgraphics-blog · 4 days
Photo Repair Services in India: Restoring Memories One Image at a Time
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In an international wherein photos are a portal to recollections, the importance of retaining those visual data intact cannot be overstated. Unfortunately, time, herbal factors, and injuries regularly take a toll on pictures, leaving them damaged or deteriorated. Photo repair services in India have emerged as a vital solution for individuals searching to restore the vitality of their antique and damaged photographs. Whether it’s a cherished circle of relatives portrait, a wedding image, or a historic document, photo repair services provide a manner to convey broken pics again to life, keeping memories for destiny generations.
Techniques Used in Photo Repair Services Photo repair services in India utilize quite a number state-of-the-art software program equipment which include Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, and specialized plugins to beautify and restore broken images. Here are some commonplace techniques hired within the process: 1. Color Correction and Restoration One of the most common troubles with antique pics is the fading of colour over time. Photo repair specialists use shade correction techniques to restore the authentic hues and sunglasses. They analyze the photographer's shade balance, evaluation, and publicity to convey again the vibrancy and existence of the photo.
2. Repairing Scratches and Tears Using advanced cloning and recuperation gear, photograph restore specialists can seamlessly fix scratches, tears, and folds within the photograph. This technique includes sampling similar pixels from undamaged regions and blending them into the damaged portions, ensuring the very last image appears perfect. Why Choose Photo Repair Services in India? India has emerged as a hub for photograph restore and recuperation offerings due to its combo of affordability, first-rate paintings, and advanced technological capabilities. Here are a few reasons why picture restore services in India stand out:
1. Skilled Professionals India is home to a massive pool of noticeably professional photo editors and retouching professionals. Many specialists inside the field have years of experience and are properly-versed within today's software gear and healing techniques. Their potential to address complicated maintenance with precision and care makes Indian service vendors fantastically sought-after.
2. Affordable Pricing Compared to different countries, image restore services in India are cheaper, making them an attractive alternative for people and agencies alike. Despite the lower cost, the quality of work remains tremendous, imparting super value for cash.
Conclusion Photo repair services in India have emerged as a lifeline for people who need to keep their memories and repair their valuable pics. With the combo of skilled experts, affordable pricing, and advanced generation, India has become a leading vacation spot for photograph repair services. Whether it’s restoring a faded family portrait or fixing a water-broken image, those offerings make sure that reminiscences, as soon as misplaced, can be revived and cherished for generations to return.
Read full article here: https://digitalcanvasediting.blogspot.com/2024/09/photo-repair-services-in-india.html
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crustswamp · 4 days
Pausanias, an ancient Greek traveler, described the practice as follows:
Before the Temple of Ceres at Patras, there was a fountain, separated from the temple by a wall, and there was an oracle, very truthful, not for all events, but for the sick only. The sick person let down a mirror, suspended by a thread till its base touched the surface of the water, having first prayed to the goddess and offered incense. Then; looking into the mirror, he saw the presage of death or recovery, according as the face appeared fresh and healthy, or of a ghastly aspect.
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In Ancient Rome, the priests who used catoptromancy were called specularii.[1] They would use polished metal mirrors to gaze into the future and seek guidance from the gods. Catoptromancy was also popular in medieval Europe, and was practiced by pagans and Christians alike
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The practice of catoptromancy is said to date back to the Ancient Egyptians. They believed that mirrors could be used as portals guiding them into the afterlife, or used as a tool to see into the future. Mirrors have been found inside Egyptian burial tombs, and were used in ceremonial practices attempting to contact the dead. For example, a collection of funerary manuscripts known as the Book of the Dead describes a ritual in which a mirror could be used by the recently deceased to unite with their mortal soul by looking at their own reflection in the afterlife.
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Catoptromancy was also practiced in ancient China. The Chinese believed that mirrors could be used to see into the soul and to predict the future. They would often use mirrors to perform rituals to cleanse the soul and to improve one's luck. For example, one popular ritual involved gazing into a mirror in a dark room and trying to see the reflection of one's future spouse.
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Catoptromancy was also practiced in ancient India. The Indians believed that mirrors could be used to see into the past, present, and future. They would often use mirrors to perform rituals to gain knowledge and power. The Indian belief that mirrors could be used to see into the past, present, and future is supported by the fact that mirrors are often mentioned in Hindu mythology. For example, in the Mahabharata, a Hindu epic poem, the hero Yudhishthira uses a mirror to see into the future and learn about his upcoming battle.
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