percivalias · 8 months
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The Maniraptoran Alphabet (Part 2)
Part 2 of my dinosaur alphabet! A lot of super interesting species in this batch. I find it very amusing that Halszkaraptor is pretty much just an extra long duck... convergent evolution is wild.
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slogokonnor99 · 8 months
Been a while since I updated on the month drawing thing, so let me catch ye guys up!
Last few drawings of the past 2 months
- Hilda and an Ornitholestes watch some fireflies fly around
- Johanna hides from the spider-frog, but an Incisivosaurus may give her away
- Louise tries to take a picture of a Dilophosaurus, but she may be a bit too close
- Under the shade of a tree, Twig and a Tarchia wait for the sun to go down
- A Pachycephalosaurus earns a sweet meal at the cost of Louise getting stung by bees
- On a snorkeling trip, Johanna witnesses the arrival of new members of a Dolichorhynchops pod
- Hilda tries ice skating for the first time, her attempts being the entertainment center for a mother and baby Morrosaurus
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 2 years
Round One: Sanxiasaurus vs Changmiania
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Sanxiasaurus modaoxiensis
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Artwork by @i-draws-dinosaurs, written by @i-draws-dinosaurs
Meaning: Sanxia lizard (after the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River) from Modaoxi (first tributary of the Yangtze)
Time: 170 million years (possibly Aalenian stage of the Middle Jurassic)
Location: Xintiangou Formation, Chongqing, China
Sanxiasaurus is a little ornithischian dinosaur named in 2019. Specifically, it’s a basal neornithischian, a group whose name has been known to induce spontaneous headaches among palaeontologists. Neornithischia is the group that includes ceratopsians, hadrosaurs, and many earlier forms, but the base of the group contains a whole truckload of little scampery bipedal critters who have proven very difficult to organise into a stable family tree. Sanxiasaurus seems to be one of the most basal of the group, and is actually the oldest ornithischian currently known from Asia! Living in the Xintiangou Formation, Sanxiasaurus shared its environment with lungfish, ray finned fish, sharks, temnospondyls, saruopterygians, crocodyliformes, turtles, and the theropod Yunyangosaurus, which was probably its main predator.
Changmiania liaoningensis
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Artwork by @i-draws-dinosaurs, written by @zygodactylus
Name Meaning: Eternal Sleeper from Liaoning
Time: 125.755 million years ago (Barremian stage of the Early Cretaceous) 
Location: Lujiatun Beds, Yixian Formation, Liaoning, China 
Changmiania is a gorgeously preserved ornithopod known from the earliest time of the famed Yixian Formation, adding it to the ranks of amazing fossils known from this unique preservational environment. The multiple specimens of this species are found in sleeping poses, curled up on the ground with their legs and arms tucked up against them. This indicates they had been buried alive, possibly inside their own burrows. Given the depositional environment of Yixian is a sort of prehistoric Pompeii, with many dinosaurs covered very quickly in ash and dust from an exploding volcano, this makes a certain degree of sense - perhaps the two little dinosaurs had scurried into their burrow to escape the oncoming tragedy (sorry if I just made you sad), or had been asleep and unaware of the oncoming danger. At only one meter long and less than half a meter tall, Changmiania would have been easily missed in its environment, hiding among the dense vegetation from potential predators. With robust leg bones, it would have been a fast runner, able to move efficiently through the crowded undergrowth. It had a weirdly short neck for ornithischians, and that combined with its short forearms and hands indicates it was fossorial - ie, a digging animal, hence its burrow home and final resting place. Given they were found together, they were probably social creatures as well, living in small family groups. The Yixian was a dense temperate forest, filled with freshwater lakes and a great diversity of plantlife. Conifers, ferns, cycads, horsetails, and early flowering plants filled the environment and indicated a humid, possibly rainforest environment. Periodic wildfires, noxious lake gasses, and volcanic eruptions all lead to regular moments of rapid burial and amazing preservation in this environment - essentially giving us snapshots of how it changed over the course of many millions of years. In the Lujiatun bed specifically, Changmiania was neighbors with Euhelopus, Jeholosaurus, Liaoceratops, Psittacosaurus, Liaoningornis, Daliansaurus, Graciliraptor, Mei, Sinovenator, Sinusonasus, Dilong, Hexing, Incisivosaurus, Shenzhousaurus, and outside of dinosaurs mammals such as Acristatherium, Gobiconodon, Juchilestes, Maotherium, Meemannodon, and Repenomamus (yes, THAT Repenomamus), and the toad Liaobatrachus. 
DMM Round One Masterpost
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alex-fictus · 6 months
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✨Paleo Party Stickers - Patch Notes 1 ✨
Added to Cambrian Era Group: Eldonia
Added to Carboniferous Era Group: Megarachne
Added to Jurassic Era Group: Hybodus, Miragaia, Chungkingosaurus, Gigantspinosaurus, Kentrosaurus, Yi Qi
Added to Cretaceous Ornithischians Group: Wuerhosaurus, Chasmosaurus, Medusaceratops, Centrosaurus, Gryphoceratops, Torosaurus, Atlascoposaurus, Shantungosaurus, Olorotian, Zalmoxes
Added to Cretaceous Saurischians Group: Siamosaurus, Ceratosuchops, Iberopsinus, Vaillabonaventrix, Sigilmassasaurus, Riparovenator, Gigantoraptor
Added to Cretaceous Non-Dinosaurs Group: Repenomamus, Sterpodon
Removed from Cretaceous Non-Dinosaurs Group: Hybodus
Added to Neogene Era Group: Chalicotherium, Deinotherium
Added to Quaternary Era Group: Gigantopithecus
Added to Holocene Era Group: Passenger Pigeon, Alligator Gar, Pelican, Horseshoe Crab, Triops
✨📈Upcoming Queue 📈✨
With pride coming up and the pride cats needing video editing, I may not hit all of these but these are my next priority groups!
Thyreophorans: Jakapil (K), Gastonia (K), Akinacephalus (K), Edmontonia (K), Tarchia (K), Gargoyleosaurus (J), Scelidosaurus (J) Sauropods: Magyarosaurus (K), Xinjiangtitan (K), Saltasaurus (K), Brontosaurus (J)
Theropods: Saurophagnax (J), Monolophosaurus (J), Metricanthosaurus (J), Albertasaurus (K), Struthiomimus (K), Incisivosaurus (K), Atrociraptor (K), Bambiraptor (K), Maip (K)
Pterosaurs: Rhamphorhynchus (J) Ediacaran: Mawsonites, Spriggina, Dickinsonia, Charnia
Paleozoic misc: Cyclida (C), Goniatites (C), Bulbasaurus (P), Diictodon (P)
Mesozoic misc: Juramaia (J), Thalattoarchon (T), Nothosaurus (T)
Cenozoic misc: Dinictis (Pg), Argentavis (N), Pelagornis (N), Toxodon (N), Nuralagus (N), Teratornis, (Qu), Platygonus (Qu), Tuatara (Living Fossil), Tanuki (Living Fossil)
This was a pretty big update! Next sticker patch notes will probably be the upload of the pride cats! If you have any recommendations or requests for the paleo party, send me a message!
All pride cats have been decided and I'm about to start printing them all for my May shop update on Friday May 3!
Date: April 2, 2024
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fluffyyutyrannus · 1 year
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Time for the extinct furries!
Opal the Opabinia for paladinosaur_
Ochaba the Cotylorhynchus for Daubeny42
Tawanna the Lystrosaurus for GreatTuskFan
Heng the Incisivosaurus for TroodonInuit
and at last Paula the Magnapaulia for JCRev4
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The Prehistoric Park Incisivosaurus walked so the Prehistoric Planet Carnotaurus could run
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beadyeyes · 11 months
Fine. You get incisivosaurus. Now let’s play
Okayy *chases you
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shadowqueen402 · 2 years
Hi There, Can You do Inhabitants as Dinosaurs
I'm not too big and knowledgeable on dinosaurs. But I can try my best.
Jose Gallard: Brachiosaurus
Fiona Demetria: Spinosaurus
Yuri Brand: Kongonaphon
Haoyu Chang: Pteranadon
Sana Hudson: Triceratops
Cass Milligan: Compsognathus
Cal Suresh: Troodon
Iben Bia: Ceratopsid
Attilio Caccini: Incisivosaurus
Lucy Wong: Gigantoraptor
Eis Glover: Tyrannosaurus Rex
Bruce Stone: Sauropod
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wecantalktomorrow · 1 year
If you were a dinosaur, which do you think you'd be and why?
i've been thinking about this since you sent it and I DON'T KNOW!!
I would love to be something cool but I feel like I'd be a lesser common, goofy looking dinosaur ... like an incisivosaurus or something kdshkfsjs
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rcrisdraws · 3 years
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thecoffeeisblack · 3 years
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Fleshing out my Incisivosaurus gauthieri.
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albertonykus · 3 years
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Added Yuanchuavis to the lineup of feathered dinosaur tails. This is another one for which I'd be tempted to redraw the entire thing if I were to update it again...
Full description
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saritawolff · 4 years
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#Archovember Day 12 - Incisivosaurus gauthieri
The oddly toothed little nerd of the dinosaurs, Incisivosaurus is a small, primitive Oviraptorosaur.
Incisivosaurus’ well-preserved skull displays rodent-like buck teeth, which display wear that indicates a herbivorous, or omnivorous diet.
We also have two specimens of Incisivosaurus with preserved feather impressions! A younger specimen with shorter primary (“wing”) feathers, and an older specimen with both primary and secondary feathers, as long as their tail feathers! This may show that the arm feathers grew larger with age and younger oviraptorosaurs would not have needed them. However, it is also argued that the younger specimen may have been in the process of molting when it died, and that’s why the feathers seem smaller and fluffier!
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 2 years
Round Four: Changmiania vs Jakapil
Changmiania liaoningensis
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Artwork by @i-draws-dinosaurs, written by @zygodactylus
Name Meaning: Eternal Sleeper from Liaoning
Time: 125.755 million years ago (Barremian stage of the Early Cretaceous) 
Location: Lujiatun Beds, Yixian Formation, Liaoning, China 
Changmiania is a gorgeously preserved ornithopod known from the earliest time of the famed Yixian Formation, adding it to the ranks of amazing fossils known from this unique preservational environment. The multiple specimens of this species are found in sleeping poses, curled up on the ground with their legs and arms tucked up against them. This indicates they had been buried alive, possibly inside their own burrows. Given the depositional environment of Yixian is a sort of prehistoric Pompeii, with many dinosaurs covered very quickly in ash and dust from an exploding volcano, this makes a certain degree of sense - perhaps the two little dinosaurs had scurried into their burrow to escape the oncoming tragedy (sorry if I just made you sad), or had been asleep and unaware of the oncoming danger. At only one meter long and less than half a meter tall, Changmiania would have been easily missed in its environment, hiding among the dense vegetation from potential predators. With robust leg bones, it would have been a fast runner, able to move efficiently through the crowded undergrowth. It had a weirdly short neck for ornithischians, and that combined with its short forearms and hands indicates it was fossorial - ie, a digging animal, hence its burrow home and final resting place. Given they were found together, they were probably social creatures as well, living in small family groups. The Yixian was a dense temperate forest, filled with freshwater lakes and a great diversity of plantlife. Conifers, ferns, cycads, horsetails, and early flowering plants filled the environment and indicated a humid, possibly rainforest environment. Periodic wildfires, noxious lake gasses, and volcanic eruptions all lead to regular moments of rapid burial and amazing preservation in this environment - essentially giving us snapshots of how it changed over the course of many millions of years. In the Lujiatun bed specifically, Changmiania was neighbors with Euhelopus, Jeholosaurus, Liaoceratops, Psittacosaurus, Liaoningornis, Daliansaurus, Graciliraptor, Mei, Sinovenator, Sinusonasus, Dilong, Hexing, Incisivosaurus, Shenzhousaurus, and outside of dinosaurs mammals such as Acristatherium, Gobiconodon, Juchilestes, Maotherium, Meemannodon, and Repenomamus (yes, THAT Repenomamus), and the toad Liaobatrachus. 
Jakapil kaniukura
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Artwork by @i-draws-dinosaurs, written by @zygodactylus
Name Meaning: Deep Jawed Shield Bearer 
Time: 99 to 97 million years ago (Cenomanian stage of the Late Cretaceous) 
Location: Candeleros Formation, Neuquen and Mendoza, Argentina 
Jakapil is to nonavian dinosaurs as Annakacygna is to birds. This may seem extreme - what could possibly top the cup zoomy swan of filter feeding death - but Jakapil is a weird little dude. It was a bipedal armored dinosaur, similar to the Early Jurassic basal form Scutellosaurus - except, you’ll note, it lived a hundred million years later. At about 1.5 meters long, it was a small dinosaur, again similar to its relative from so long ago. It had rows of osteoderms on its body, and a predentary - unlike other early thyreophorans. It may have diverged from the main thyreophoran group in the Sinemurian, representing a lost lineage of bipedal armored forms that persisted (presumably in South America). However, its classification is a major debate among researchers - many features of the jaw are more similar to Ceratopsians than to Thyreophorans, indicating it may be an armored variant of an early Ceratopsian (which, would be, to say the least, wild) or a completely new clade of Ornithischian altogether! The large amount of wear on its teeth indicates it chewed its food, rather than sheering or chopping it - something only found in a few Ornithischian groups. It lived in a large desert environment, peppered with oases, and filled with a variety of other animals - fish, frogs, tuatara, snakes, turtles, mammals, and other dinosaurs like Andesaurus, Ekrixinatosaurus, Giganotosaurus, Buitreraptor, Alnashetri, and Bicentenaria. 
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rupertbbare · 5 years
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"Lady Spinosaurus with an Incisivosaurus"
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Paleoart/comments/fgvki4/this_is_a_parody_of_lady_with_an_ermine_that_i/
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cmaidaartworkblog · 5 years
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Anachronism on Threadless A t-shirt design I submitted for the Threadless Dinosaur design challenge.  It finally got approved sometime last night, and there are 7 days remaining to vote on it.  
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