#Incel behaviour
halfberry · 6 months
Everytime I see men talking about the male loneliness epidemic the overwhelming majority of the ones ranting about it are insufferable conservatives who are angry that their 1950s dogshit views on women, society, queer people etc aren't being tolerated. They're all one rejection away from turning into Judge Frollo and singing into a fire about how the womenfolk aren't flocking to them
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tropicalgofff · 5 months
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@nightmare-69 thinks it’s okay to send photos of his ugly dick to random people on tumblr. Report and block people.
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cor-lapis-candy · 2 years
Soooo @teyvatmoon you wanted crusty man Diluc? Let's do that! But what if I make him desperate and pathetic? Like a drowned rat, needy and gross with you while everyone else would think him just some stoic shut in?
I think that works best...
For the second night this week, your flatmate had been making a racket, his music audible through not one but two, semi decent, walls and into your room. Lord knows what the other apartment on the other side of his wall thought of this apartment but enough was enough.
No matter how grumpy he seems during the day, it's ten P.M and after all the shit that had happened between classes and a certain ginger who is all too eager to get in your space, you just wanted some peace, perhaps even some silence and to be able to sleep for more than four hours at a time for once.
There is no point in bothering to fully redress after getting ready for bed, not a thought into how you are only in your underwear and a large shirt as you are storming across the lounge separating your rooms, the rap of your knuckles lost in the music, only too be followed by several slaps of your palm against his door with little success.
The continued racket and clear ignorance of your banging is making you form a scowl and simmers an anger rivalling a toddler scale meltdown, shouldering his door open to start what should have been a one-sided yelling match, your anger is quick to fizzle out at the sight of your roommate.
Of Diluc Ragnvindr, red headed grouch and usually stoneface sociology major stretched out across his bed, face buried in what looks to be one of your gym shirts that went missing like two days ago. One of his hands fisting his cock, clearly chasing what looked like one hell of a high, unaware of your presence in his room, or it seemed like he was unaware like till flicking your eyes up to find him watching you.
Your name is a barely ringing whine from him, nose still buried in that shirt as he cum's.
A mess of cum dripping down across his hand and even onto the half pushed up shirt he wore, the red that colours his face either from the shame of getting caught or from the clear exertion of his little session.
While it may have taken you a moment you're quick to snatch the remote for his sound system, pressing the off button and plunging the room into silence.
"What the actual fuck are you doing. I-Is that...Did you really steal my fucking clothes? Just-just to jack off with?!"
Flicking your eyes around his room your quick to catch sight of other items that had once been yours, a hairbrush that you thought broke, a pair of underwear that had one too many holes in it, and two items that were more personal in nature. A bottle of scented lube that you had only half used, and a small bullet vibe that was a 'gag' gift from another friend of yours.
"Diluc. You have like, ten seconds to explain, or I am going to throttle you and call your nasty ass brother to come get you and your shit."
When you finally look over at the redhead again, he paints an almost desperate picture, sitting up on his knees, your shirt on his lap, hands half stretched out towards you, ignorant of the one still coated in his cum, cheeks still tinted pink with tears gathering in his eyes.
"P-Please it's just. Your so good, so nice. An-and you smell so good, that I know y-you would never go for me. But-" when his hands reach out to grasp your arm, the feeling of his warm skin and now half-dried cum against your skin pulls a shiver from you, "-please, please don't leave or call anyone. I'll. I'll keep out of your way, won't touch any of your things ever again. Just please, don't leave!"
The sight of someone like Diluc, who tends to paint the picture of reserved confidence, begging you not to leave him, tears spilling down his cheeks, skin still flushed pink as he sniffles softly. It's something that sits a certain way in the back of your mind, maybe he would learn his lesson and stop all this weird shit if you kept the threat of calling all of this in over his head.
"Okay, I won't go but you nee-"
"Thank you!" he is quick to lean further into your space, his grip on your arm pulling you slightly down as he does.
"But! We do have to talk about how even when you got caught, you just kept going at it! And not to mention- Really?! Are you that fucking down bad, that even if you just came, the moment you pull me close your hard again? What is wrong with you!"
The sweat of his palm makes where his hand is wrapped around your arm feel just a little bit slimy as the perspiration mixes with his half dried cum, the mixture unsettling to you but for him it was something like a mark of possession, something that would tide him over till you stopped talking and stormed back out, hopefully you would leave his little prizes here and let him have his moments of bliss with your possessions again.
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ramenheim · 9 months
About prev reblogs: I have never seen TME used to complain about & demarcate cis men's behaviours.
Despite the term ostensibly lumping together *almost any gender configuration that isn't binarily trans woman*, the only times it's used recently is to complain about (trans) ppl that get lumped in with cis women (as intersex ppl trans or otherwise are *never* factored into this dichotomy anyways), including cis women themselves.
I have never once seen it used to delineate trans women from cis men, even as it gets used to delineate cis women's experiences from trans women's experiences. I have only seen /haphazard/ acknowledgement of non-binary experiences included in TMA, but only really as an afterthought or when it's framed as the precursor to 'fully realizing trans womanhood'. I've only seen intersex folks brought up if they elect to use the terms TME/TMA for themselves, with bizarro interrogations into 'how' they were raised/had their genitals 'corrected' only once they individually disagreed with the terminology or had a confounding opinion in a public discussion.
It is regularly used to delineate trans men from trans women; but its users almost uniformly deride any attempt by trans men to coin a term to describe their own unique combinatory transphobia that isn't TME; again despite TME literally just supposing to mean 'transmisogyny-exempt'.... so why would it be used to discuss trans men's *unique* experiences with hatred directed at the fact that they either "are/aren't (real) men" by anyone who wants them to suffer?
It's been *changed* into hastily recycled AGAB terminology bc of wider recognition of the flaws with /that/ but without the driving flaws of that **tool for analysis** ever being fully addressed; and therefore has gotten subsumed into the 'new euphemism' for the Innie vs Outie false dichotomy as its usage became more widespread.
I think it still is a useful discussion tool ONLY when it's viewed *as a tool* and not some inherent marker of identity. It is DEFINITELY just bigotry when used as a NOUN that has negative behaviours ascribed to it, esp in the context of complaining about trans men** as a whole homogenized group, instead of highlighting individual behaviours/belief systems for the harm they contribute to against TMA trans/nb ppl.
Young queers really need to stop swallowing the tradcath radfem juice of "Women Pure + Good & Men Bad + Evil" [**that tumblr feminism has always had a problem with] and acting like you aren't being a transphobic shitheel by adding the word Trans in front of it-- & This is ESPECIALLY a problem when non-trans "Allies" do this, as it sets up trans women for failure whenever they make a mistake/can be reframed as 'being a cause-traitor' since women are punished more harshly for any percieved failure of Righteousness, AND allows them further to enact their unbridled transphobia onto trans men (& enbys/genderqweirdos) and pass it off as 'being an ally to trans women'..... despite them just being extremely transphobic (+ misogynistic + homphobic + intersexist) & then hiding behind """"TMAs"""" as a negative PR meatshield.
TL;DR if you are using TME to mean (nc)AFAB in vent posts, just have the guts to fucking use that as the word & see how it reads then.
(**since transmasc & transfem do not imply either a 'starting' or 'finalized' gender state; they are personal adjectives in and of themselves. Please do not warp them into new innie vs outie binary divides).
[**see related: the raw ass treatment of 'AMAB enbys' on here and in similar online/irl "feminist" environments. (Which was one of the driving factors behind the original TMA/TME coinage & is where I still find useful inter-trans discussions utilizing it as a term; importantly I don't think the term should stop being used altogether!!)]
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Venus (And I mean that in both your name and how you look, like goddamn you look so fine 😍😍) look at me, but what if you're just as nasty as Childe is, his roommate and his obsession all in one.
But you can match him just as well, he is crusty in so many ways but you're just as desperate for him.
If only you knew how he watched you, how he narrowed his eyes at the familiar smell on his pillows or the mess that was in his room after he left for work most days, knowing that it most certainly wasn't left like that before, but that was fine he got all he needed from the small cameras hidden around his room always watching and waiting from the moment he clicked that door closed and left for work for the day.
If only you knew that he loved the way his phone would ping with movement in his room the moment he reached the bus stop, pulling out his phone to watch as you crept into his room, running your fingers across his desk and pulling his chair back before settling into the very spot he occupied so often when he rewatched the footage he had of you.
For every muttering of 'creep' that you threw at him, he could throw it back with what he knew you did when he wasn't there.
Alone in the apartment, once again creeping into the familiar room your roommate had just left, flicking your tongue across your lips as you settled into the office chair you had taken up every day that he left for work since you had become infatuated, spreading your legs and running your hands across the exposed skin left from your choice of sleepwear, only a shirt, and underwear worn specifically to tease your dear roommate for those few moments your crossed paths in the morning, not that you knew it teased him.
Today you were lucky, his computer was left open with a browser tab open with a site showing off exactly what he had been watching the previous night, what you had heard his groans and moans through the walls about, the video paused perfectly to show one of the actors pressed hips to the ass of their partner hands digging into their thighs and pulling them back, this is what he was watching and this is what you would watch.
Unpausing the video and moving off the chair and pushing it out of the way so you can settle on his bed to pick up from where he had left off, oh so ignorant to the cameras that were catching every angle and every possible noise you were making. Never would Childe be so glad his work had him tucked away in some back corner as he was now, watching your seated on his bed, his pillow under you as you followed along to the video he had planted, wanting to add more of these sights to his growing collection.
If only you knew how he gripped his shitty office chair as he listened to you moan his name, having to only have one earphone in as someone came to talk with him, immediately returning to the camera feed he had hidden to watch as your shook and came on his bed, the cry of his name so perfect he could have saved it and set it as his alarm to have you calling his name to wake him every morning...
But for now, he would watch as you came down wiping your hands on his pillows, smearing more of yourself for him to enjoy the moment he got home. Watching and waiting for when you were ready, knowing soon you would be wearing his clothes again, tucked up on his chair or maybe you would skip that today and fuck yourself stupid on the not-so-hidden toy he kept in his room, not quite as thick as him but close enough that he would be able to imagine it was him as he watched you. Anyway! Enjoy this, it was floating around in my head for a while
what if we kissed what if we kissed I LOVE YOU THIS IS EVERYTHING TO ME!! rip to my 12 other drafts this is more important… that said, i don’t have much to add, this is already perfect MWAH i love u cor my dearest (๑>◡<๑) perhaps i’ll work this into something larger…
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contains: afab/fem reader, incel childe, stalker behaviours on both ends, you’re both equally as fucked up, sort of exhibitionism??
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the light in the apartment was dim. Ajax left for work early in the mornings and so you had the rest of the day at your disposal to do as you pleased. this entailed eating from the dishes your roommate had already used so perhaps the shared surface would present shared saliva, enjoying the silence you didn’t usually get, and finally entering his room.
the curtains were always drawn shut. you often grumbled about how he needed more sunlight but he claimed the darkness helped him think better. the sheets on his bed were slightly wrinkled and you could see the spot he had rolled from this morning. clothes filled his laundry bin but many shirts and the like were scattered on the floor from whenever he threw them off without a care. you could see empty cans of energy drinks, disposable vapes, and plenty of lewd manga scattering his shelves. it was gross and the picturesque representation of degeneracy yet you grew needy for it all the same. how such… distasteful behaviours and living had you so enamoured was beyond yourself; it was simply a matter of truth. you like him and you love the way he is.
you drew closer to his computer monitor and tucked yourself up onto the chair to peruse whatever he’d been looking at before, blissfully unaware to the sapphire eyes trained on every inch of your form. you scanned through all of his tabs and apps chuckling to yourself at all of the pornographic material he consumed. he truly is pathetic and that struck an embarrassing amount of desire inside of you. Ajax thought the way you smiled and laughed to yourself, at him, was cute. he thought your expression upon seeing what he was watching the night before was even cuter. your eyes widened the slightest bit and your mouth fell open as you clicked ‘play’ on the video displayed across the monitor. Ajax had taken special care to make sure it was this particular video he left out for you to enjoy the same way he had.
you rewinded what was playing to the beginning and the video opened with a scene of the man and women pressed closely together, mouths on top of one another. it was intimate and clearly homemade. bodies shifted together until the two were moth stripped naked and the woman was on her stomach, ass pulled up and flush to the man’s hips. the pace set was hard and fast with the woman squealing and crying over the treatment she was receiving. your hands were balled into fists with your shirt at this point so you simply rid yourself of it before standing up and moving to be on Ajax’s bed. you briefly considered taking your usual comfortable position of laying back onto his pillows but with such a video on you couldn’t help yourself but mirror the position the woman had been forced into. bent over and spread so pretty with fingers working your cunt open, you were oblivious to the camera set up and aimed directly at your pussy. the audio Ajax received was nothing short of spectacular. he could hear every slick sound and cry as you desperately fucked yourself back on your own fingers, ones much shorter and smaller than his own. with the way your body moved and shifted he could see every sway of your hips and jiggle of your ass and thighs as you attempted to make yourself feel as good as the duo in the video did. your efforts were commendable, at least, but surely he’d be able to make you feel better if you stopped playing hard to get.
stepping off the bus where he was pressed closely into a corner, he continued his short walk to work while listening intently to the sounds you made unknowingly just for him. Ajax wouldn’t miss a second of this if his life depended on it. he exchanged polite greetings and banter with coworkers all while hearing you sob and moan through his earbud. surely everyone thought his wide grin was for them but reality would be one that got him fired most definitely. he made quick work of settling into his usual space in order to pull open his phone and watch you move with utmost attention. your cunt was shiny and slick with all the juices you had worked out of it and it had his mouth watering. Ajax wanted nothing more than to suck and lick away at any of the beads of your nectar slipping down your thighs. the shaking that took over your body as you came, however, was unmatched. you trembled and cried out with pleas of his name that he’d definitely be replaying all throughout the day. the loud ‘schlick’ that followed your fingers finally leaving your pussy had his dick jump in his pants. Ajax observed with hearts in his eyes as you wiped not only your fingers off on his pillow but your pussy off on one of the shirts scattered on the floor.
you stood and stretched as something sadistic tweaked in Ajax’s bones. he moved to flick a couple buttons on his headphones and phone before softly pulling the mic to his mouth. with words equal parts gentle and venomous be murmured, “quite the show you put on there.” and merely revelled in your panicked expression before finally turning things off and putting them away. he didn’t plan on revealing the audio capabilities of the cameras, or any of it at all, but the desire to see you so cutely scared overwhelmed him.
he’d let you rewatch it all with his own fingers in you later.
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Francesca summarising my feelings about the new teaser:
His sister only rolled her eyes.
“Why, if that’s the case, it makes perfect sense then. Oh, how vindicated she must have been in punishing you so thoroughly. Such treachery, you daring to not return her affections the way she wanted. Such a monster you were to offer her nothing else but genuine, honest friendship. Oh dear. By such flawless logic, for all the gentlemen whose suits I have rejected, I ought to be burnt at the stake. I ought to have accepted every single one. Ought to marry them all. As surely any man who willingly paid me a compliment must be entitled to my affections.” 
Excerpt from love is just a camouflage (for what resembles rage) - Chapter 3 by @dollypopup and @orangepeelshortbreadcookies
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faaun · 6 months
i think one of my best friends ever who is a beautiful and kind person is letting her toxic manipulative misogynistic ex back into her life for a 3rd? 4th? time and it's not only exhausting to witness but also makes me question our friendship like girl ily sm but why are u w a man who hates women . what does that say abt you. my god
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laufire · 9 months
anyway. damon salvatore was a rapist and an incel, pass it on.
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tadpoledyke · 5 months
Every day I wake up and make a butch in the Sims BC they don't want me irl
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grapejuicegay · 2 years
hey yeah this episode? next time anyone has anything negative to say about akk i’m just going to hold this episode up. this is why akk acts the way he does. this is why he thinks the school is his responsibility. this is why he’s so willing to burn the school and keep the curse alive to keep people in control. and at least when he’s the one doing it, he can control it. this is what happens when he’s not in control.
i’m ready to start fighting people to defend this boy (mostly chadok but give me anyone, i’ll misplace my anger)
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ellrond · 2 years
Galadriel was so plagued by her grief and desperation for a better world that she filled a strange man with all of her hope and blindly supported him and pushed him based on her own fantasies and vibes. That’s so slay of her and season 2 is gonna be painful. If Ereinion so much as thinks “I told you so” I’m gonna shove that spear of his up his Barbie-smooth ass blade first THEN he’ll see the stars of heaven’s field 🔪 🩸 ✨
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lynnsaster · 3 months
my laptop has been on 0% for 1 hour and it is still alive WTF
I'm typing this from it rn
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spicyicymeloncat · 1 year
God, the news that Zelda might be getting a movie by illumination.
Please god no. I am more pessimistic than Ninjago fans two months ago.
I don’t want it in 3D, I don’t want it to be goofy, with that same sense of humour that dominates all those movies that become phases for a month.
I don’t want the big selling point to be “x famous actor is playing big role”, the film media seems to saturated by the same people anyways.
If there were to be a movie then I’d wish it be created because the film makers were inspired by the game and had visions of how they could translate it into their own art but no. Pokémon got it’s new movie. Sonic got its new movie. Mario got it’s movie. Zelda is just another checkmark in a list of soulless opportunities for corporations to capitalise on already popular things.
It really feels like the movie industry is trying to capitalise on our childhoods by remaking the same shit in the exact same style.
I’ll only change my mind if they make a movie that is goddamn beautiful but I dread the cheap tropes, the tired writing that this will give us.
What will it be? Dumb noob Link will adventure with smartass woman Zelda and she’s only agreed to it bc the circumstances are dire, and throughout the movie Link gets more proficient at what they’re trying to do and starts to earn Zelda’s romantic interest but halfway through something bad happens and either link makes a mistake or quits and zelda is disappointed in him and leaves to go face evil alone and then link will come back and save the day and kiss the girl.
I can see that happening. It doesn’t even contradict the canon, zelda at its core was original the “save the princess” game. But if the make that it will be so boring.
You can totally make a Zelda movie and do it right I just don’t think they will.
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cor-lapis-candy · 2 years
@venusandsaturnsrings the fucken fantastic writer they are turned a spew of my words into wonderful filth and I wanna return the favour with something in return.
So here we have more nasty obsessed childe and his very not slimy lust for you!
I had this written for so long and just needed the push to give it to someone as a character and they deserve more Childe filth.
Minors DNI or I will block you.
If anyone was to look into his camera roll they would see the normal things, screenshots from his work, saved memes, and other random photos of various things, but one gallery was for him and him alone locked and kept behind a password that was several letters and numbers that would mean nothing to anyone but him. That gallery was his digital shrine to you and your form, every picture was taken either as a joke or when you hadn't been paying attention, a few even darker in how they show you vulnerable and sweet but those are for his eyes only.
But here and now in the dark of his room, PC abandoned as some stream plays in the background, phone in hand and pants just barely pulled down, there would be nothing stopping him from enjoying the pictures he had of you to the fullest. Letting the gallery play like a slideshow of your face and body, pausing on certain pictures where he can see more than just small slivers of skin, eyes glued to the beach photos he had managed to nab from your socials.
The sight of you drenched and smiling so widely at the camera had him spiralling, though blooming of how you would look fully naked in his shower, hair pushed back working his soap into your skin, laughing when you catch him staring, reaching out to him and pulling him into the water with you uncaring of how his clothes would get drenched.
The idea of you being in his home, bare, fluttering your eyes at him and letting him touch you as the water cascaded down your back had his cock throbbing in his hand, drops of white dribbling past his still-moving hand and covering his phone screen is the cum that his mind was still painting your form in, still filling his head and making his shoulders and highs shake as his hand keeps going, keeps flicking his wrist and wrings another orgasm from him.
When the pleasure turns to pain does he stop, hand falling away as his cock finally softens, sensitive and oh so spent, flopping back wards onto his chair, cringing at the mess he had made of his phone, white spots of cum coating the screen, edges and the desk around it, a true mess if he had ever made one.
But the sight gives him one last idea, making him whine as a tightness in his gut stirs, sure it may have only been a picture of you now coated in his cum but his mind whispers about what it would look like if it was actually your face or better yet the mess he could have made between your legs.
The nickname childe has for you flashes under the mess of his cum from your number and his cock is half hard again, now all he had to do was clean up this round of cum and answer you, hopefully, you were wanting him to come out to see you…
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(first time asking anything on tumblr im real nervous) MY BRAIN IS THINKING,, i just found ur incel fics n im in love !! the cannibalism n drugging fic got me thinking,, what abt childe lobotomizing u so u cant think of anything else but bein his lil housewife, kyaaah im so sorry if this is stupid- its like 5am idk if im thinkin straight anymore,,
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EEEEEE im so honoured to be your first tumblr ask hehe... hopefully this lives up to your love for my previous fics… cannibalism and drugging my beloveds <33 i love gross and horrifying evil men!! lobotomy has been on my mind believe it or not (>﹏<) enjoy!!
contains: incel themes, lobotomy ofc, abuse, manipulation, actual angst?, he regrets it lol
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compliance wasn't close to Ajax's top priority. he was never one to shy away from a good fight and blood flowed to both his heads when he got one from you; he enjoyed your defiance. so why this was the route he took was unknown to even himself.
being tied down and naked wasn't new to you. it was rather common considering the relationship between yourself and the ginger in front of you. his knots were always well done and you couldn't get out no matter how hard you tried and this night was no exception. perhaps he was a bit inebriated and perhaps you shouldn't have pushed his buttons so hard. regardless, decisions had been made and there was nothing that could take back the words that had been spilled and the feelings that had arose. Ajax had always been a little bit off in every manner of life. he could only hide parts of it well and anyone that spent any amount of time with him could tell he wasn’t quite right. his mannerisms were odd to say the least. smiles that never reached his eyes, a lack of tenderness, minimal empathy… the list went on. oftentimes you felt as though he was something beyond human cursed to live in a body that wasn’t his own. a form manifested by punishment of divine will. he was the feeling of air too thick to breathe, grass sharp to the touch, and bones of prey left to rot in forests torn through by flames. Ajax was a tsunami formed by waves of violent nature; something to be feared, not loved. but you learned to care for him nonetheless. maybe it was his crushing presence that molded you into someone or something that couldn’t live without.
the room was cold but his hands were warm. caressing you all over he attempted to soothe your nerves but it did little to relax you. he whispered words of praise and coos that seemed more demanding that loving. you needed to relax and let him take the reins. it won’t hurt that much and you’ll feel far better afterwards than you ever had before. his hands wiped down your face with more care than you expected to come. the gauze soaked in liquid smelled like alcohol and had your eyes watering. with gloves and shaking hands he pulled your lips up into a smile saying that you’d always be happy from now on. Ajax pulled out a metal rod and lined it up with the inner corner of your eye; you felt more fear than you ever had before. you expected he was to blind you. to make your last moment of sight his face.
pushing the rod through and past your eyeball, you whimpered. the slow sliding wasn’t painful but you felt the pressure. every time you blinked he advised not to but with the intrusion you couldn’t help it. the pressure built up the further the rod went in and as he began swirling and poking it back and forth. drool dropped down your chin and he momentarily ceased his movements to lean down and lick it up before planting a wet kiss to your lips. soon enough, he retracted the long piece of metal and you were finally able to fully close your eyes. Ajax planted a soft kiss to each of your eyelids.
something wasn’t quite right and you knew that but you couldn’t place it. as the suffocating pounding in your head stopped, so did the terror and worries. the shift in your expression and body language must have been noticeable based on the pleased demeanour that decorated Ajax. he untied you with gentle hands and scooped you into his arms. with promises of washing you up and laying down for bed he carried you through the house. the bath you took was warm and the bed you laid in was comfortable. you curled into his body softly and pliantly much to his enjoyment. soft kisses were placed over and over again to the crown of your head and your nose before you finally fell asleep.
the next couple weeks were spent following his orders and clinging to his body at every chance. you gave Ajax pretty smiles and hung onto his every word. at first, his chest felt full at the change in behaviour. but slowly… he found himself missing who you were before. he had smothered your spark with his own hands for fear it would turn into a flame. you were no longer yourself and he mourned for the times he had before. rarely did he cry but on many nights you’d awake to his soft sobs. with worried eyes and soft hugs you’d ask what was wrong and how to help. he wouldn’t tell you for many moons but eventually he let out a soft mumble. ‘i miss how you were before.’ you didn’t understand. how you were before? i’m not any different, you responded with confusion clear as day and pain covered his face.
“you wouldn’t know the change. i did this to you, i’m the problem.”
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fall-dog · 1 year
his virgin loser behaviour and cringe fail personality have bewitched me body and soul
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