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onereviewshop · 4 years ago
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In Japan, more people died from suicide last month than from Covid in all of 2020 . . . . #tumblr #aesthetic #like #love #tumblrgirl #follow #instagram #photography #instagood #likeforlikes #s #likes #cute #art #a #girl #o #tumblrboy #sad #followforfollowback #k #l #frases #frasi #fashion #grunge #photo #f #tiktok #bhfyp #onereviewshop
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freepeachflowerlover · 5 years ago
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. . 🌸いつもいいねをありがとうございます🌸 . . #実_ #メタセコイヤの実 #曙杉の実 #アケボノスギの実 #イチイヒノキの実 #落ちてた実 #目を引く実 #道の脇に #散歩で見つける #くもりの日の散歩 #実は拾わずそのままに #自然のままにしておきたかった #日々感謝 #願い #自然が大好き #写真が大好き #fluit #metasequoia_fluit #down_redwood _fluit #fallen_fruit #eye_catching_fluit #side_of_a_sidewalk #found_on_a_walk #cloudy_day #leave_it_in_nature #appreciate_everyday #i_love_nature_ #i_love_photo_ #in_japan #maadopon https://www.instagram.com/p/B-4aBxyDO7r/?igshid=13m6cj7o6miib
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junko222 · 7 years ago
Just curious, where do you think Kurotsuchi comes from? Like, do we want to know from what cave he crawled out of? He might come from the Rukongai, or is he artificially made?
Well, my friend Josey ( @7emptymirrors, here,) thinks that maybe Senjumaru Shutara may have made Kurotsuchi.  
Given what a BIG DEAL is made of the fact that Nemu is the first artificial soul, I’m going with the idea that Kurotsuchi was born… possibly into the Seireitei, and I’ll tell you why I think there and not the Rukongai.  
The punishment squad.
We see Kurotsuchi in the Maggot’s Nest in the Turn Back the Pendulum Arc. From that arc, we also know that Kurotsuchi gets back into the general population because Urahara just decides to give him the Third Seat in his ‘new’ Division.
The Bleach wiki reminds us:  Regarding the Punishment Squad / Onmitsukidō; “They also have another duty known as Special Detention, which concerns those who joined the Gotei 13 but were judged to be a danger to their fellow Shinigami. They investigate, apprehend, and keep these individuals sealed away from the rest of Soul Society within the Special Underground Detention Facility, aka. the Nest of Maggots. It should be noted that those few who are kept in the Maggots’ Nest have not actually committed any crime but have been identified by the laws of Soul Society as “Dangerous Elements””
It is unclear where Kurotsuchi got his zanpakutō, so my theory is either 1) he was already in the Gotei, possibly Academy trained, and was judged dangerous (BECAUSE, YOU KNOW, HE LIKES TO PUT BOMBS IN UNSUSPECTING PEOPLE)… or 2) he was picked up at an early age because he was identified as being a dangerous element and got Ashisogi Jizō as part of being instated as an officer.
I have a tendency to imagine scenario #2 because of he nature of Ashisogi Jizō. Do you know about o-jizō-sama? 
Kurotsuchi’s zanpakutō spirit wears the face (and bears the name) of a beloved, kindly shrine god who, traditionally, is seen as the guardian of children, and in particular, children who died before their parents.  Jizō hides the spirits of children under his robes to protect them  from demons.
If you were a child in the Maggot’s Nest, I feel like you might have a close kinship to O-Jizō-sama. Even if you become so twisted by your experiences there that later you torture that spirit, it would still stay with you… because of its nature.
Thus, this feels very much to me like what could be Kurotsuchi’s backstory. I would say the Seireitei for his birth, if only because I think it would be harder for the Punishment Squad / Onmitsukidō to find a ‘danger to society’ out in the Rukongai. If they could, I think they’d have picked up Kenpachi Zaraki long before he was able to take the captaincy. 
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target7intl · 8 years ago
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010817 TARGET (타겟) @target7official
#제스 みんな!!本当にありがとう!!今日しんぱいしてたよ。。でもたくさん来てくれてありがとう!!日本にいるからめっちゃしあわせ!!みんな!これからもよろしく!!❤️ #かくやのタゲット #タゲットは #今日本
#Zeth Everyone!! Thank you so much!! I was worried about you today.. But thanks for coming!! I'm really happy because I'm in Japan!! Everyone! Take care of us!! ❤️ #This_way #Target_is #In_Japan
Cr. Kor/Jp-Eng: Target7intl
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freepeachflowerlover · 5 years ago
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. . #空_ #夕暮れ風景 #雲_ #海_ #打ち寄せる波の音 #遠く淡路島 #島影_ #11月の景色 #空と海と #自分が落ち着く場所 #この場所が好きだ #日々感謝 #自然が大好き #写真が大好き #sky_love #evening_landscape #cloud__love #sea_love #waves_coming #sound_of_waves #far_awajiisland #island_shadow #september_landscape #a_place_to_settle_down #i_love_this_place #appreciate_every_day #i_love_nature_ #i_love_photo_ #in_japan #maadopon https://www.instagram.com/p/B-12Jf4D0rG/?igshid=42izpbxu291v
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freepeachflowerlover · 5 years ago
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. 「寄り添いたい」 「I want to snuggle up」 . . #花_flower #ガーベラ #赤色の花 #ピンク色のガーベラも覗いている #売られていた花 #買い出しで #ありがとうお花ちゃん #働いてくれてる方に感謝 #花の力 #花の癒し #花の声 #日々感謝 #写真と詩 #自然が大好き #写真が大好き #詩を書くことが好きです #flower_ #red_flower #gerbera_hybrida #sould_flowers #power_of_flowers #flowers_healing #voice_of_flower #photo_and_poetry #i_love_nature_ #i_love_photo_ #i_love_writting_poetry #appreciate_every_day #in_japan #maadopon https://www.instagram.com/p/B-y-m6LjTl1/?igshid=1i5gkdrjump3k
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freepeachflowerlover · 5 years ago
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. . #花 #白い花 #ノースポール #寒白菊 #カンシロギク #花壇で咲く #空に向かって #通りががりに #ほふく撮影 #4/7 緊急事態宣言 #ひとりひとりの意識の大切さ #自分の行動が人の命を守る #感染していると思って行動を #冷静に行動を #願い #自然が大好き #写真が大好き #flower_ #white_flower #north_pole #mini_marguerite #snow_daisy #flower_bed #passing_by #blooming_towards_in_the_sky #in_japan #i_love_nature_ #i_love_photo_ #maadopon https://www.instagram.com/p/B-tJE_1DCch/?igshid=1x14sc0evvkv6
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freepeachflowerlover · 5 years ago
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. . #花 #ピンクの花 #ゼラニウム #蕾 #花の蕾 #ゼラニウムの蕾 #朝の光の中で #蕾に惹かれる #命を感じる #通りがかりに #住宅街で咲く #自然が大好き #写真が大好き #flower_ #flower_of_pink #geranium #buds #buds_of_flower #buds_of_geranium #flower_in_morning_light #attracted_to_buds #feel_life #passing_by #in_japan #i_love_nature_ #i_love_photo_ #maadopon https://www.instagram.com/p/B-mSN_GDShS/?igshid=104zvmpikfizd
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freepeachflowerlover · 5 years ago
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. . #空 #青空 #快晴 #午後4時すぎ #太陽 #太陽に照らされてる #太陽が沈んでいく #木 #葉っぱのない木 #木のシルエット #国道沿いの歩道で #2度と帰らない時 #今日もありがとうとつぶやく #自然か好き #写真が好き #sky #blue_sky #clear #sky_4pm #sun #the_setting_sun #tree #tree_without_leaves #tree_silhouette #i_love_nature #i_love_photo #in_japan #maadopon (Kobe, Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-bF7TqjeaZ/?igshid=cdax9hr4n430
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freepeachflowerlover · 5 years ago
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. . #花 #花と海 #梅 #好文木 #こうぶんぼく #春告草 #はるつげぐさ #ピンクの花 #海を背に咲く #丘に咲く梅 #灘黒岩水仙郷 #淡路島 #暖冬で早く咲く #2月2日 #空と海と梅 #自然が好き #写真が好き #flowers #ume #japanese_apricot #flower_of_pink #sky_sea_ume #february 2 #awaji_island #hyogo_japan #in_japan #i_love_nature_ #i_love_photo_ #maadopon (灘黒岩水仙郷) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-Y63YKjskO/?igshid=16k0kflo8g7v7
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