#In fact kinda weird and unsettling looking
New Year, New Me?
Imagine dis…
We all know that when Danny died, he changed. From his black hair and blue-eyed kid to a white-haired and green-eyed ghost kid. We also know that ghosts were once humans just misunderstood, had unfinished business, or were just out for the injustice they have faced in the face of death.
But what if Danny is just a baby ghost in every sense and now, he is getting more powerful and more tuned in with his ghostly side that he began to change?
Danny knew that there was something wrong with him, not just the fact that he had died and came back alive and well that’s a whole other story. The fact that there is something wrong with his ghostly side, that to the point it began affecting his human side. His jaw began to ache and when he looked into the mirror he saw some of his teeth beginning to sharpen like a canine would, his hair looked like it wasn’t held by gravity as his parents had chalked it up with him using a different type of conditioner to make it more fluffy, his skin began having these weird spams in the middle of the day as well his uncanny need to stay in a cold room Mr. Lancer swore 10 book titles under his breath when he saw him taking a nap inside the cafeteria fridge.
But the worst of it came when he fought Skulker, it was another normal Thursday for the Halfa but as he was fighting off Skulker who was already spewing out his usual rant about mounting his pelt he saw another figure. Behind Skulker is another figure that looked like him more shadowy yet bloodied, covered in rusty metal that he swore he heard it creaking as if two metals were grinding to each other, with each move that Skulker made. Seeing he was distracted Skulker made a lucky hit to him as if he was back in his first year as a ghost. Danny shook his head and immediately souped the ghost and tried to forget the more horrific and unsettling version of Shulker.
Danny tried to hide it but when his friends and sister began noticing his changes, they made him visit the Far Frozen.
Frostbite was confused and worried at his changes and explained to Danny in great detail that what he was going through was a ghostly equivalent to puberty.
Since he had recently died his ghostly side had registered him being a baby despite being in his teens in his human. Normally ghost children would not transition after 5 centuries as they have not only been deemed absorbed enough ectoplasm but also have been mature enough a good example would be Box Lunch who was barely 146 years old while Youngblood was nearing his transition.
Frostbite offered a conclusion that it may be a fact that he slept on top of the active portal which leaks massive ectoplasm radiation and when he fought off ghosts who are centuries older and more experienced than him made his ghostly side mature faster, like how children were forced to mature faster when incompetent parents are around. Now that he has not only become more attuned or in one with his ghostly side, but his ghostly side is also slowly forming his eldritch abomination kinda like human symptoms of puberty like broadening of shoulder, pitch voice…etc, Frostbite explained.
Danny asked about his sight when Skulker visited him as well he felt that time. Danny was still distraught when he went home but when he had the time to process what he saw, instead of feeling scared or deep panic at what he saw instead felt a deep relief at the image.
Frostbite told Danny since he is transitioning to becoming a young adult, what he is seeing is the true form of ghosts.
The citizens of the Infinite Realms are naturally terrifying, gruesome, ghastly, ghoulish…etc for years there had been no problem with their appearance but when the first Ancients went to visit a mortal plane for an official Realm duty, they were horrified to see that not only humans scream with pure unaltered fear but also went brain dead the moment they laid their eyes on the said Ancients as their minds cannot comprehend the sheer true form of the said Ancients. As the said Ancients felt guilty for what they had caused the humans went in a vegetable state and began practicing into shifting into a more humane form, something more modest as to when they visit another mortal world in case of another duty. As the practice was only practiced in a small island that the Ancients ruled it soon spread out to the entire Realms. It spread so far that even other Ancients began copying it and it didn’t take too long for it to become a norm.
So when the Fenton portal as well as Vlad’s portal opened it became instinctive for the ghosts to pass through to where their more “humane” side and only show their real appearance in their haunt or when they have a mate or to their respective fight mates.
Frostbite gave him something for the pain and offered to help Danny with his transition, which Danny gratefully thanked the yeti and flew off.
Since then he slowly yet surely became accustomed to the changes to himself as he felt more him. His friends and sister tried to hide it from the Fenton couple despite being oblivious that they would surely notice the changes. Fake teeth and make-up did their thing as Sam may not enjoy the pinkish/feminine side of her make-up collection courtesy of her parents but sure damn well those foundations are of good quality.
His ghostly companions that came for their weekly brawl began noticing the large shadow behind their local halfa, some were horrified as they thought they were fighting a baby all this time and were just in their transition but others had congratulated Danny for basically growing up. Maturing? Transitioning? They don’t know the right word but hell yeah they are proud.
Add to the fact that he just became the Ghost King, which means that his ghostly side will be more horrific, gory, and ghastly than a usual ghost as their real form reflects their strength.
Danny didn’t know but for some reason, Amnity’s CPS launched an investigation into the Fenton couple. Had found out that having a house? Structure? Home? Full of weapons is not a viable home for a teenage boy like himself and was promptly removed from their custody and the premises. Of course, the Fenton couple tried to fight off the verdict, heck even Vlad tried to help the two for the sake of Maddie and even tried to have Danny placed with him.
In the end, Danny is relocated to a far place away from his parents as well as his godfather one of the CPS workers pointed out that Danny has bruises every time, he visits Vlad which puts him under the scrutiny of a different kind of investigation as well.
Jazz was considered out of the hostile environment as she had just moved from their home to her dorm and had just been given a protection order that said that her parents including Vlad were to stay away from her as well as have no contact with the said individuals as it may affect the proceedings.
Danny bounced from one foster to another up until he ended up with the foster parent who had the greatest record, Bruce Wayne himself.
At first, Danny tries every trick he can think of in the book to be removed as well as isolating himself within his room in the manor to be transferred as the moment he went ghost to look at his surroundings and saw the secret basement as well the Wayne family being the glorified furry brigade he wants out! He is not sharing a roof with a fruit loop thank you very much, but as the days went by he began getting used to the Waynes and thought that he may have grown to the Waynes.
Though how come Duke smiled too tight whenever he saw him?
Duke knew there was something wrong with the new kid. Don’t get him wrong black hair, and blue eyes alongside a so, so situation with his parents made him the prime adoption bait for the family. They were just waiting for him to discover the cave on his own to be officially introduced to the family. But there is something so wrong with Danny.
Sure, his diet tends to have his meat lean more on the medium rare side or even to the bloody side, and chalked it up to growing up not learning how to properly cook and brushing it off.
Sure he is too quiet to the point he is scaring and surprising highly trained vigilantes which has multiple people being trained by the best in the world.
Sure he tends to go to places which is cold, too cold for his liking, Alfred nearly had a heart attack seeing Danny sleeping in the large freezer which contained the meat and other perishable items that needed to be frozen to preserve.
But the biggest thing that made Duke uneasy was the shadow looming over Danny. It was huge to the point it reached the manor ceilings. Its very green toxic eyes seemed to lock on him every time he entered the room. Duke accidentally made eye contact when he is hanging out with Dick, Tim, and Danny. It practically swallowed him whole with the way it looked at him, it made all of his hair straighten up. Dick who noticed him froze up and asked him what was wrong, he excised himself and ran to the farthest corner of the manor and proceeded to throw up his lunch due to the unspeakable things that things showed to him.
(In reality, Danny’s ghostly side is trying to show Duke what would he do to his enemies as well as to whomever harmed them)
Duke is now contemplating what to tell the rest of the Batclan how Danny is cursed. Haunted? and have them call Zatanna or Constantine to get rid of whatever it is.
PS: If someone out there wanted to continue or make a fic about this you are free to do so, don’t forget to tag me though.
PPS: As you can see I cannot write horror to save my life so please pardon me, I tried my best…:-P
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sociopathicartist · 6 months
In case I don’t tell you enough, I love you.
a letter from sans directed to you, his lover.
it’s been five years since monsterkind was freed from the surface.
it’s been four years since i’ve met you.
it’s april, and i’m still missing you.
maybe it’s stupid of me to miss you considering that i left your house only a few hours ago, and i’m laying in bed writing this on some loose paper i found on my floor while i think of you.
weirdly enough, the silence in my room is now unsettling compared to how calming it used to be. i guess the fan in your room blowing wind on your bed that i’ve yet to see turned off has grown on me. or maybe it’s the rain sounds you always have playing on your tv that clash with the fan that grew on me.
or maybe it’s you that's grown on me.
sometimes when i have a nightmare or i can't sleep i play fan and rain sounds on youtube to help me rest, not even thinking consciously about it anymore. it always just makes me feel like i’m back in bed with you with my eyes closed, waiting for you to come back from the kitchen with the glass of water that you wanted.
i wish that i could sum it up and say i can't find the words to describe how i feel, but that’s a lie. i know exactly how i feel about you.
tracing my phalanges along the little scars and nicks of your skin when i’m next to you never fails to entertain me. neither does running my hand through your hair, or twisting the rings on your fingers, or kissing you quickly for the 1000th time. i never thought i would be fond of that sort of stuff, i never thought i was a guy for any sort of romance.
i guess i just never realized that all i needed was the right person to give it to me. all i needed was you.
i’m not the best writer. even my lab logs from the rare times when i help alphys with her scientific tests are messy and short out. it’s almost like having all these thoughts about you is starting to eat me alive. i guess i have nowhere else to put them but on a piece of paper. if we ever get married one day like i hope we do, i’d like to give this to you. who knows when that will be though, so i guess this letter will just sit in one of my drawers collecting dust until i can give it to you. it kinda sucks to think about the fact that these words might never reach you, but that’s the way life is. it sucks most of the time.
i get this weird sinking feeling in my ribs near where my soul rests sometimes. it’s mostly when i think about how i miss you. sometimes my hand reaches up and brushes up and down my shoulder blade when i’m lying in bed alone, mimicking the motion that your hand does to me all the time when we lay together. i don’t even notice it happens anymore, but when i do and i realize you’re not actually there, that’s when that weird sinking feeling happens. it also happens on the rare thought of you not being in my future one day, even though i know that won't happen. i know you wouldn’t leave me.
i can’t help but wonder what this feeling was before i met you, and why i never got it.
was i just empty all the time?
even though i remember in great detail why my depression was so bad back then, back before i met you, i guess these happy years with everyone have slowly washed away that feeling. i felt so horrible for so long, and i didn’t care to ever try and get better because there was no point back then, but for some reason whenever i try to think of what was there in my life that i had like this, it’s almost numbed away from my memories. it’s like a bad nightmare that got washed away with the morning light.
that’s not to say i’m not thankful and glad i’m doing better now. sure, i’m still working things out, but who isn’t? i don’t think i wouldn’t have ever actually gotten help if it wasn’t for you, though. you’re really the only person who's ever seen me so clearly. i love how i don’t even have to tell you if something is wrong anymore, you just look at me and know. did you know that i’ve never had anyone take the time to notice the small difference between my genuine smile versus my resting and permanent one? the day you pointed that out to me was the day i realized i liked you.
i also thought it would take me a while to realize when i liked someone seriously. i think the last time i ever had a crush was… actually, i can’t remember. in the movies and books, it’s always the same scenario of ‘i like you but i haven’t liked anyone before so i don’t realize i like you until it’s too late’ but that wasn’t the case. i knew the moment i liked you.
it was this odd twinge in me that just kinda sprung throughout my bones. i think it’s the same equivalent of getting butterflies in your stomach, but without a stomach. i noticed your looks before, and i guess this sounds weird to say, but it was like after so long of friendship that i actually… noticed you.
you looked so beautiful, and you still do.
the shock at work and from other people was really funny when they found out we were dating. i don’t think they ever actually thought i’d find someone to settle down with. our friends knew better though. as shocked as our friends tried to act, it was pretty obvious that they were expecting it. i can’t believe it was that obvious that we liked each other.
there’s no big resolution to writing this. i just felt like writing it so that i could share the feelings i feel about you but that i forget to say when we are around each other. it’s not like i can get a single word in with how much you smooch on me though. not that i mind.
it’s not to say that if my puns ever get too much for you, or if you decide that i’m too lazy and you feel like you can’t leave, you can. i just really don’t want you to. i have a strong feeling that you don’t ever want to leave either.
i can’t wait to see how the rest of our lives turn out together. when we move in, get married, and just enjoy each other’s time. i know it’s crazy to hear from me, but i can’t wait to do the dishes with you and put away the laundry as you fold it. i can’t wait to enjoy your company every day one day. i know it’s a bit selfish, but i hope that things stay like this forever.
i hope that you get to read this one day, and in case i don’t tell you enough, i love you.
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drabblesandimagines · 9 months
Dove (part six)
Leon Kennedy x female reader - the slowest, slow burn I swear Part one. Part two. Part three. Part four. Part five.
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After the two of you had finished dinner, you’d began clicking through the channels in search of something to watch. It was far too early to go to bed, or even pretend to go to it - you’d just be staring at the ceiling, alone with your thoughts. Leon had insisted on taking the dishes to the kitchen despite your offer to help, said he’d leave them in the sink to soak. You know that’s a task you’re not going to be able to handle until your arm is free of the sling, fingers unsplintered. You want to say you’ll do all the cooking and cleaning when you can, but that implies that you think you’ll still be in the safe house, with him, in however long it’ll take to be free of the sling...
By all intents and purposes, Leon had planned to wait until you’d gone to bed to pull together his report, but the fact that Hunnigan hadn’t replied to his text yet was giving him an unsettled feeling in his gut. Maybe she was doing it on purpose, tit for tat - no information for him until he gave information to her.
After setting the dishes and pan in soapy water to return to later, he’d come back to the sofa and picked the laptop up off the coffee table, almost reluctantly.
“Er, I’m gonna start my report now, if that’s all right?”
You look at him, noting the laptop now tucked under his arm. The report, of course – he hadn’t typed it up yet, couldn’t have, not when you’d sobbed and then napped all over him.
It’s like emotional whiplash - the soft, almost domestic moments where you could pretend this whole situation was normal - it’s dinner and a movie with a friend, first date vibes but both of you too cautious to make a move.
And then there’s the startling reminder that, no, actually, you’re not even home, in a one-bedroom bungalow, no idea where you are in the state, or what state, with a man, a bodyguard you hardly know, after very nearly being murdered the day before and could possibly be murdered in the days to come.
You must’ve stared too long in response as he raises his arm to rub the back of his head – you wonder if it’s a nervous habit.
“It’s nothing to worry about, Dove. The report’s just a formality after the interview earlier, and it’s better that I submit today. It’s fine if you’d prefer not to be in the room, though. If you’re not comfortable, I can wait until you’ve gone to bed.”
“Oh… No, go ahead.”
“Are you sure? I’ll be listening over the audio again but I’ll use headphones, so…”
“Yeah. It’s fine – needs to be done, as you said.” You smile, turning your head back to the TV to end the conversation.
Leon had sat on the other couch, laptop resting on his knees, plugged in a pair of in-ear headphones. For over an hour, you’d heard him tap away at the keys, brows furrowed in concentration when you’d chance a look his way. The last few times his eyes haven’t been on the laptop screen but that of the TV, watching the dumb romance movie you’d settled on during your channel searching, hoping it would prove a good distraction.
“Leon…” You feel rude for interrupting his work, but he’d tugged out an earbud, hasn’t typed anything in a good while now, definitely not since the last ad break.
Not that you were keeping track.
“Mm?” He hums in response.
“Can I…?” He looks over as you clear your throat - start over. “Can I ask you something? If you’ve got a minute.”
There it is - the encouraging smile. “Of course, Dove.”
“It’s going to sound stupid, but those things – were they BOWs?”
“The Lickers?” The smile drops as he tugs out the other earbud. “Yeah, they are.”
“Lickers?” It sounds too cutesy for what they are, like a lollipop brand for kids and not indescribable monstrosities.
“There’s probably some scientific name that Umbrella would use, but that term came from a cop that first saw them in the Raccoon City Police Department. I guess we kinda kept the name as a weird tribute.”
“Right.” Maybe it was the cop’s way of trying to make them less terrifying on first sight.
“Why do you ask?”
“I didn’t think BOWs were actually…” You swallow, though you know it’s not going to dislodge the lump in your throat now. “..things, if that makes sense. Like, I knew we were trying to protect the public from biological warfare threats, but I thought it was man-made diseases, or poisoning the water supply… That sort of stuff.”
“You’re not wrong. Those things were once human, mutated by a man-made virus. I’ve had a fair amount of experience with different iterations of the virus over the years, unfortunately.”
“Mutated…?” You feel sick as the image once again flashes in your mind’s eye, the grotesque features of the Lickers juxtaposed with those of humans, your colleagues… “Fuck.”
“Yeah - fuck.”
“God,” you exhale, but it doesn’t feel enough. “I’ve been so naïve to what I’ve even been doing all these years - I didn’t know what we were actually trying to prevent.”
“You sound like you think you’ve been doing something wrong.”
“Well, maybe I have.” You protest. “What if I missed something that led to that the other day?”
“You did not miss anything.” He says firmly, closing the laptop – you’re not sure if he’s concluded his report or not. “Is that what happened to everyone - they were infected and then they mutated into those… those things?” You can’t bring yourself to say the identifier out loud.
“No, Dove, the… The bodies they recovered matched with the amount of people signed into the premises. Excluding you, obviously.”
“So, someone brought them there and set them on us?”
“Maybe. They’re still working on how they got in the building. They don’t exactly use doors, so…” He laughs, though it’s half-hearted.
The lump feels too big in your throat, tears burn at your eyes as you drop your head down but you know you’re not quick enough.   
Leon stands, soft footsteps on the carpet as he circles round the coffee table and sits down a cushion’s width away from you.
“Sorry – it was a bad joke.”
You shake your head, sniffling a little, eyes fixed on your thighs. “No, it’s not that, or you. It’s so stupid, but I wish I could go back and stop it…”
“I know.” He places a hand down on the sofa, swivels his knees in your direction. “But it doesn’t help to think like that – trust me. And I know it’s hard, but you’ve got to keep going.”
“And you’ve faced those things before.”
“More times than I’d like to count.”
“How do you stop them?” You look up then, wiping away the tears from your cheek with the heel of your left hand.
“You couldn’t have done anything differently back there, if that’s what you’re thinking. A couple of gunshots to the head or an explosion is the only thing that’ll stop them.”
“You can’t… you know, turn them back?”
He shakes his head, looking solemn. “Afraid not.”
“Maybe for the best. I don’t think I’d want to be turned back if I’d…” If you’d ripped off your colleague’s head.
“Hey, that is not going to happen to you.” He leans forward, places his hand on your knee - having you fall asleep in his arms earlier has removed all sort of boundaries, it seems. “I promise.”
You shake your head then. “You can’t promise that.”
“I can. I am going to keep you safe.” He pauses – wind it in a little, Kennedy. “And if it makes you feel better, you won’t be the first. Want my credentials? I rescued the President’s daughter from a cult, got her home safe.”
“The President’s daughter?” You hadn’t heard about that, but then again why would you? Probably wouldn’t want it announced to the world that the leader of the free world’s daughter had been abducted.
“Mm. She had a codename and all – Baby Eagle.”
“But you would know her name.”
“Yeah, but still used codenames on official comms.”
“So, what would happen if I told you my name?”
“Er, well, I’d…” There’s the arm raise, rubbing the back of his neck again. “I’d have to report in to HQ that your identity had been compromised, I’d be redeployed elsewhere and you’d get a new security detail.”
“Part of your protection is that I’m not a risk of revealing your identity if hostile forces used… certain methods of interrogation if we were to be captured.”
Your stomach twists at the code. “Torture?”
“I suppose.” He shrugs, like he’s going to collect your mail or water your plants when you’re on vacation as a favour.
“No, you can’t… How can you shrug at the prospect of being tortured for me? You don’t even know me.”
Leon wants to say he does know you, not completely but there’s things he’s picked up over the course of the day that he feels reasonably confident on. You don’t do good with sitting idle, has the feeling you keep yourself busy when you’re not locked in four walls. He got the feeling you’re thorough and proud of your work, or you were before this doubt crept in.
You like coffee with a splash of creamer, honey in your oatmeal. You don’t have any close friends or family nearby that will be wondering why you’ve gone AWOL just yet… ..and you’re definitely single, because if you had someone waiting at home you would’ve mentioned it they spoke about whisking you away to a safe house, or when Hunnigan said she was going to search your place.
He smiles. “I know you don’t deserve any of what’s happened to you over the last 24 hours, and that’s reason enough.”
“How can you be so sure I don’t?”
“Experience, Dove. Been in this line of work for a long time and, more importantly, I’ve been where you’ve been, okay?”
“Okay.” You nod, relenting. “Sorry, my head’s just…”
He squeezes your knee. “I know.”
You leave the bathroom later that evening – Leon had ducked in at some point and prepared your toothbrush again – and find him leaned over the sink, scrubbing at a pan and a cloth draped over his shoulder. He’s left out the medicine – two painkillers, two sleeping pills - on the counter, next to a glass of water. It feels oddly domesticated again for what all of this is.
You walk over to the counter, slowly, as he continues washing the dishes.
“I forgot to ask earlier. Have there been any updates?”
He turns, gives you a sympathetic smile. “Not yet. But it’s only the first full day of the investigation, so I’m sure I’ll hear something soon, especially since I’ve sent the report over.”
He’d sent it whilst you were in the bathroom, half-expected Hunnigan to ring right there and then but his cell had remained silent, so he’d moved his attention to the dishes.
“Yeah, suppose other things will take precedence too.” Other things meaning families to inform… What would they tell them?
You take a swig of water before picking up the pills, swallowing them all down in one. Knowing how quick the sleeping aids helped yesterday, you’re aware there’s only a limited time before you’ll feel the effects kick in.
“Well, goodnight, Leon.”
“Wait a sec.” He pulls the cloth off his shoulders and hurriedly dries his hands as you watch on, curiously. He fiddles with the watch around his wrist, pressing a button on the side, then undoing the strap before he holds it out to you. “Here, so you can tell the time. I know there’s no clock in there, so…”
You stare at the offering, not raising your hand to take it. “But what about you?”
“Got my cell.” He pats his pocket, then holds the watch out again. “It’s yours, if you want it.”
You step forward to take it, gripping it a little too tightly in your fingers. It must be your imagination because it feels warm, but that can’t be right.
“Sleep well, Dove.”
Without another thought, you lean up on your tip-toes and press a kiss on his stubbled cheek.
“Thank you.”
You swivel on your heels and walk into the bedroom, closing the door without looking back, missing out on the sight of a flustered DSO agent in the kitchen.
If it wasn’t for the sleeping pills now coursing their way through your system, you would’ve been up for hours longer, heart pounding at what you just did. Instead, you climb into bed, close your eyes and it isn’t long at all until sleep washes over you, his watch still clasped in your hand.
Leon’s phone finally vibrates with Hunnigan’s caller ID as he enters back into the living area after finishing his perimeter check. Had to do two rounds of the building because he knew he was too distracted on the first by your kiss, admonishing himself for being so put out of joint by a simple gesture. After his second, more thorough check of the area and confident there was still no sign of any unwanted guests, he’d headed back into the building, making sure everything was locked up before he answered the call – placing the phone up to his ear on the opposite cheek that you had kissed.
“Hunnigan!” He answers, a little too jovial, would lower if his voice if he wasn’t confident you’ll be fast asleep by the amount of time that’s passed since you took your medication. “I was getting worried you’d forgotten all about me.”
“I’m sure.” Her voice is a little tense, but he can tell she’s tired. “Just finished your report.”
“Well, it’s not exactly airtight.”
He rubs the bridge of his nose, holding in a sigh. “What happened to innocent before proven guilty?”
“That’s why I’ve put Dove in a safehouse with you, rather than in a cell.”
“So, restrictions remain?”
“Restrictions remain.”
He rolls his eyes, grateful it’s not a video call. “Did you search her place?”
“Unfortunately not. The President wanted the surveillance department back up and running ASAP, so all available manpower had been diverted to that. The tech analyst, however, has confirmed that the breach on the database yesterday wasn’t what you’d call successful.”
Leon walks around the sofa, drops on it a little too heavy. “You don’t sound particularly thrilled by that.”
 “I’m not - the attempt itself was successful, but as soon as the system detected the forced entry, it wiped itself. Every subject that was still under surveillance has been lost.”
“Maybe that’s what they were trying to achieve.” He frowns. “Is there seriously no back-up server?”
“Analyst seemed to think it was their protocol, but it’s just a theory. Everyone who knew exactly how that division had their server set up is no longer with us.”
There’s a pause and he can hear Hunnigan tapping away at her keyboard as usual. “There is something I need to inform you of, though.”
“The tech analyst found the CCTV feeds have been tapped. They couldn’t trace where the feed was being diverted to, but it was definitely a system not within the DSO infrastructure. It’d been active since the attack, but they cut the connection when they discovered it.”
Leon frowns. “So, you’re saying that whoever orchestrated the attack could’ve been watching the cameras since.”
“And if their objective was to leave no survivors…” Leon’s eyes focus on your bedroom door.
Hunnigan stops typing. “They’ll know they’ve failed.”
Part seven.
Masterlist . Requests welcome . Commissions/Ko-Fi
Comments, follows, likes and reblogs make my day!
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suzukiblu · 10 months
I just read the maws bonding ficlets from the start. It’s so cute. Just immediate child acceptance. Clark is going “so I’m a dad now” no questions asked.
no questions only dad.
“I like the name,” Superboy mumbles into his chest, just barely shy about it. Conner mumbles into his chest. Clark feels an overwhelming warmth in his own thrumming heart and smiles helplessly, then gives Lois the soft, besotted look he can’t hold back. They have a baby. It’s so great. Conner is so great. He and Lois have a baby and he's great!
Lois turns very red, for some reason, then straightens up and shoves her phone back in her pocket as she clears her throat. 
“Conner James Lane-Kent,” she decides firmly, putting her hands on her hips. “I’d say ‘Olsen’ for the middle name but ‘James’ we can sell as a coincidence easier when we’re figuring out how to explain . . . literally all of this. Any of this. This is going to be very difficult to explain, actually, given the fact you two are functionally identical. Hm. Yeah, the cover’s gonna require some work.” 
“We’ll figure something out,” Clark hums unconcernedly, nuzzling Conner’s hair. Conner bites him, then jumps up and wraps himself around him like a supernaturally strong koala. Clark rumbles happily–his kid likes him!–and Conner starts purring just as happily. Clark feels even warmer. 
“. . . also you two can never do that out of costume,” Lois says. “Like, ever.” 
“Hm?” Clark glances back at her, a little puzzled. “Why not?” 
“Clark,” Lois says, staring at him. “The sounds you two are making right now sound like if a mantis shrimp was trying to explain color theory. Those aren’t even sounds, I’m pretty sure, our senses just don’t know how else to translate them.” 
“I think my fillings are buzzing,” Jimmy agrees thoughtfully, poking at his own cheek. “Feels kinda weird.” 
“But Conner’s so cute when he purrs,” Clark says, trying not to pout at the idea of telling his kid he can’t purr whenever he wants to. Conner purrs louder and bites him again. It’s the most adorable thing that’s ever happened in the entire history of the universe. In the entire history of any universe. Like, all those alternate realities they saw only wish that anything that adorable had ever happened to them.
“That sounds like purring to you?!” Lois asks incredulously. 
“Yes,” Clark says, a little puzzled. “Why, what does it sound like to you?” 
“A rockslide causing a ten-car pile-up,” Lois says frankly. 
“And you sound like somebody made a pack of tigers fight a whale,” Jimmy says. 
“I don’t think tigers do packs,” Clark says, frowning consideringly and hooking Conner into a headlock as the other tries to claw his face off in the cutest possible fashion. “Do they?” 
“I don’t think so, but lions’ roars aren’t as bone-jarring and viscerally terrifying to hear up close as tigers’,” Jimmy says. “So I went with the scarier one.” 
“Pa’s not scary!” Conner protests indignantly, scowling at Jimmy, and Clark feels warm all over again and hugs him harder. Well–tightens the headlock, anyway. Same difference. He really was so worried about being a weapon, being something dangerous, being . . . 
He can’t imagine ever worrying about that again, when Metropolis turned its lights off for him and Lois and Jimmy both trust him even knowing what he’s become in other realities and Conner knew it was safe to come and find him. 
And when he’s looking at Conner, he can’t feel like any kind of a “weapon” at all. 
No. Not even a little bit. 
“Clark’s not scary, no, but the sound of a pack of tigers fighting a whale is,” Jimmy says. “The rockslide and ten-car pile-up is a little unsettling too, to be honest. Like, much less so, but it’s still on the radar there.” 
“No it’s not, it’s precious,” Clark says, then starts preening Conner’s ruffled curls into some semblance of order again. Well . . . a vague impression of it, anyway. Maybe. Kind of. 
A bit. 
. . . possibly that’s a fool’s errand, but whatever. He’s willing to put the effort in for his kid, fool’s errand or not.
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nightcolorz · 3 months
Its weird to me when people read armand's submission in the "face down in the coffin" scene as a trauma response but say its a manipulation when hes visibly triggered in the "are you asking or making me" scene. What are your thoughts on this kind of pick and choose? D:
Thank u for the ask! Interesting question <3
I think it comes down to how a lot of ppl r understanding of Armand’s character enough to pick up on when his trauma is informing his behavior, but are also just hesitant to interpret most of his actions in good faith bcus they feel the dread of his betrayal coming and can’t trust him to be sincere. Which makes sense lol, especially for new fans or for fans who aren’t rlly into Armand. (It could also be part not relating or identifying with the type of trauma Armand has, so not being able to as easily understand where his reactions r coming from)
But what these fans r missing is that every thing Armand does is a trauma response 😭 his manipulations and his lies are also reactions to his trauma!!! So even if he is being manipulative, he is also always acting from a place of fear. the “are you asking or making me” bit is so obviously a trauma reaction that it boggles my mind that ppl r interpreting it as manipulative. I made a whole post about this lol: https://www.tumblr.com/nightcolorz/754366178230730752/asking-you-because-i-havent-seen-anyone-else?source=share , but tldr, Armand asks Louis this when he’s pushing Armand’s literally one singular clear boundary he will never ever break and by pushing that boundary Armand is internalizing that Louis is communicating that his boundaries mean nothing in this relationship bcus Louis is “his master”. So by asking him if he has a choice or if hes being made, Armand is asking if their weird little bdsm thing is just for fun or if hes seriously taking away his agency. Which, Armand is not mad at Louis for taking away his agency lol. He is upset but not upset that his lover would use him like a slave, in fact he is comfortable with and used to this. What he is upset about is having a distressing dynamic that is unclear in where the rules and the authority lie. Armand is ok with being demeaned, he is not ok with being left lost and confused and unsettled in where his use lies. What he looks for in a relationship is security, which Louis is not giving him. And honestly I find it kinda upsetting when ppl interpret that as manipulative 💀bcus Armand is literally just asking for clarification and perhaps asserting a boundary for the first time in his relationship, which like, is a normal thing to do 😭.
Armand is manipulative and gaslighty, but he’s not emotionally manipulative lol. I don’t think he understands his own emotions and the severity of his own trauma well enough to use it to gain sympathy from ppl that will give him an advantage. He is very lost and desperate 90% of the time and he’s looking for someone to tell him what he should be doing 😭. That’s kinda his deal
thank u for the ask once again!!! <3
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grimmtells · 4 months
So what does Pomni and the rest of the Circus think of Arlekin?
✦ Boy oh boy, here we go !
Pomni | She finds Arlekin kinda creepy and unsettling, tbh. The whole "always smiling" thing is just weird- and it's really not like he's the nicest to her either. When she arrived, he called her his "pathetic, colourful little Pierrot" and has just been bullying her ever since. So, all in all, not a fan. He's not her least favourite, but he's certainly second lowest on the list.
Ragatha | Genuinely likes Arlekin ! (well, not an achievement, she'd rather like everybody... But hey, Jax can't do it , unlike him !) It's all in the fact that he's not as consistently shitty as Jax is. He has his... "nice" moments, where his assholery is on cool down, you could say. And Ragatha really likes him during those, so his other more mischievous moments get... a pass, somewhat. She'll scold him for it still. Plus, during Caine's adventures, he gets actually legitimately involved if he likes it, and if he doesn't, he'll just stand back and watch if anything fun happens, which means that unlike Jax, he won't actively sabotage things and get all murder hobo-ey, and she really REALLY appreciates that.
Caine | How could he not like this positively amusing fella ! Arlekin is almost NEVER mean to Caine, simply because he often tries to influence what the next adventure could be, and being nice to the ringmaster is paramount for good results. Caine also hardly sees any of Arlekin's more jerk-y behaviours as bad, it's the same as parents thinking boys pulling on girls' hair means they like them. "PLUS HE ACTUALLY LIKES THE CIRCUS ! HES HUMAN AND HE LIKES THE CIRCUS, YES !!!! AND HE'S CHOSEN HIS OWN NAME TOO, OH MY GOD !!!" - Caine
Jax | Depends on the day, sometimes you'd think they're best friends or just chill with one another, on other days you'd think they're mortal enemies. Comes down to their behaviour, if they're not bullying someone else, they're bullying each other. Not to mention Arlekin often blames Jax for pranks the former pulled, and it always works. Jax will mostly tell you "Two-face" is an "annoying, primadonna a--hat", but rarely he might say he's funny enough to hang with.
Gangle | Is not always fine with Arlekin. Not exactly when he teases or reads her diary that she tries to hide in a different spot every time (never works), but he's had a few occasions where he sounded genuinely ?? nice to her ??? Like when he saw her art and told her it looked "passable enough that she should continue". She thinks he's just too prideful to give a more genuine compliment on it, but it stuck with her still. She likes to show him what she draws.
Zooble | Not a fan really. Kinda finds Arlekin a bit cringe with his whole shtick. But oh well, he can do what he wants, so long as he's not bothering them, they won't care. Sadly he does bother them a lot, like the others, so they mostly see him in a negative light. Y'know, why would you be annoying in a place like this where life is already miserable ? They can be alright with him SOMETIMES, when the guy decides he's gonna be decent for a change. S'not often but Zooble tends to take what they can get in this hellhole.
Kinger | Used to be very annoyed at Arlekin, would scold him and tell him he should stop bullying others. But then he got a bit cuckoo, and all of this kind of stopped. He still doesn't like it by any means, but often he's just not all there enough to understand what's happening, so sometimes he says Arlekin got better over time, to which the jester simply responds he got worse over time.
Bubble | Jester man. Looks edible. Like half marshmallow and half roasted marshmallow.
(ack, another long one my bad 💀)
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wildestheart4ever · 1 year
@stealingyourbones @ashfly
In this AU, Danny is Jason’s paternal grandfather. [Does DP take place in like the 70s if I'm making Danny this old in the current time? Idk, but the idea of changing the era in which it takes place is always an interesting concept]
It takes place in an "Ultimate Enemy" AU, everyone dies and Danny is left a sad bitter drifter [Destroying all Fenton equipment and research, and avoiding Vlad like the plague, every encounter growing more hostile]. To add to the general angst, he’s also basically on a one-man mission to burn down the GIW.
He did not take the GIW into that much account, so Danny spends years being hunted and equally destroying GIW bases. Unbeknownst to him, the GIW had been keeping a very keen eye on the Fentons and their work [not to mention unearthing Vlad's brand of work], and thus Danny seethes at his failure
At some point, he tries to lead some semblance of a human life after sticking to the Ghost Zone and learning the ways of the ghosts for a while [He finally destroys the portals after learning to make portals on his own - if the destruction of Vlad's portal leads to Vlad sustaining a fatal injury, well whatever].
He meets someone, someone he feels he can trust with his secrets, and pursues a life with them. Cue marriage in the courthouse, cue bun in the oven. Cue nice shit for a while that has him thinking everything will be okay
Cue GIW being generally awful [Police investigating, worried neighbors, ransacked apartment, and a missing wife. Cold rage and unsettled officers, his eyes turn red for the first time.]
Dead wifey on a metal table, bun in the oven missing, and cue Danny’s faith in humanity taking a severe blow.
He loses his shit.
Growing older, growing bitter, and his moral compass turning all the more grayer [at some point wondering why he's been letting these people live]. He hunts GIW bases with a bloody vengeance and any stragglers that might've escaped? Well, he's got plenty of hounds and shadows to send on the hunt.
He turns anti-ish humans, bitter and angry.
Years continue to pass and the staggering numbers of agents loyal to the anti-ghost organization grow smaller, enough for Danny to pull back and leave only a few shades to keep a lookout. With that, he keeps mostly to the Infinite Realms, dead and resentful but taking great care of his people.
Why did he never find Willis or Jason? Well, I say it's because Gotham is a pretty strong city spirit, so her ecto signature kinda masks the ghostly residents living there.
Baby grows up to be Willis, but more on the weirder ghostly nonsense side. I like the idea of him being a good dad before things went to shit, teaching Jason about all the ways of the ghost [Not that either of them knew that. They’re not as ghostly as Danny, it’s just subtle things like cores communication and sneakiness]
Jason goes through his tragic events before his and B’s fateful meeting. Cue Jason being noticeably weird and ghostly in the Manor halls [his and Dick’s first meeting is Jason scaring the shit of Dick. One minute Dick is angry and looking to pick a bone with Bruce, the next, there's a child standing behind him staring at him - where'd he come from? Cause he sure as shit didn't hear anyone walk into the room.]
Danny is part of JL, only as a member that they call for hopeless scenarios. He is pretty unapproachable and JL is just relieved he’s willing to help at all.
He's a somber man by the time that first meeting comes around, bitter, unapproachable, and carries a distinct dislike for humans. The JL are only grateful that he's willing to give his help at all. Do they know about his quiet war with the GIW? No, Phantom keeps measures in keeping it all hush hush, he doesn't let agents get the chance to report incidents or call for outside help, in fact, he makes it all look like an accident when he's feeling particularly vicious.
Jason meets Phantom in an apocalyptic mission he wasn’t supposed to be in. Shrinks under the man’s intense gaze and quietly thinks Dick’s opinion of the man is spot on, he’s an overwhelming force and it feels like he’s being stared down by a predator.
He thinks the old man looks kinda sad.
But strangely enough, he also feels familiar.
[I like to think that there’s such a thing as familial cores, that can communicate impressions and feelings, that resonate deeper than a core would with a stranger. Like beacons.] Their cores are the source of purring. Jason's embarrassed to say the thrum [The one he's known and taken comfort in all his life] within him sounds almost like a kitten's purr, questioning, and yearning. The man's? It sounds almost like Willis' used to: Like a crocodile, deep and guttural, a sound so chilling yet feels warm and tentative. Hopeful and just as strangely yearning as his.
I also just get the image of Bambi meeting his dad for the first time lol
Batman swoops in like an over protective parent. Phantom is demanding where did he find Jason, he’s agitated and asking all sorts of questions B doesn’t have all the answers to.
Batman asks for the reason for Phantom’s desperate interest in Jason.
“Our cores share resonance, a factor only found in familial relationships”
Now B knows about Jason’s oddities, has a year getting used to them - but it’s never occurred to him the source or read for them.
The age difference hides a lot, but B can see a lot of the family resemblance. It’s in their bro, the shape of their jaw, the shape of their eyes
The burning green Jason’s eyes turn to when overwhelmed.
Cue Danny finding maybe not the child he thought he lost, but a grandchild and he makes it abundantly clear he wants some involvement in the boy’s life.
And a health check. Gotham may have been able to sustain Jason but she is still a cursed city, god knows how that affected the ghostling’s health.
[If Batman tries to search up every possible thing about the Ghost Kings from his human life, well, it's not like Gotham will tell - heck, she probably helps nudge him along. Gotta make sure Jaylad's last living(???) biological relative would be a good thing in his life]
Jason’s life proceeds as normal, even as he tries to forget the fact he has a grandfather who’s the king of another dimension and that there are now shadows dogging his steps. That's not mentioning the trips he gets to make to the Infinite Realms.
If he grows impish and generally more creepy? Batman nor Batgirl mention it. A far cry from the mischievous demeanor Dick built Robin on. They don't mention how his giggle now feels chilling or foreboding, or how their adrenaline pumps when he exercises his invisibility, Batman refuses the thought of it feeling like a predator stalking prey - he's sure the goons already think that enough as is.
Then you know what happens: Joker has been keeping a keen eye on Batman and his lot, he knows about Batman’s little birdy’s weirdness and……well, he is eager to play with the new toys he got from that decrepit little organization he found.
Cue the tragedy, cue an angry grieving Bat and an even angrier king.
Phantom is there at the funeral, disguised as a human [He doesn't have a human form, not anymore.]. Making it clear to Bruce he blames him just as much for this tragedy.]
Phantom spent weeks searching in the deepest corners of the Infinite Realms hoping to find the forming remains of his grandson. Phantom is only left with the knowledge that the boy passed over to the beyond.
Anything left of his patience for humans snaps like a frayed thread.
The king is furious, demanding why the boy felt the need to find family elsewhere, demanding why he was left alone
He wants blood
[I suppose he turns into a different flavor of Dan, he’s not targeting just everyone, he’s just targeting those involved down from the Joker to what remains of everyone involved with that damned organization]
He basically declared war on them.
Superman in a typical fashion when faced with Batman’s first attempt on the Joker’s life, tries to reason with the ghost.
Phantom isn’t having it.
“I’m going to make this very clear to you, Kal El. The prince of the Infinite Realms, my beloved grandson, the last of my family, has been murdered by a retched human, using weapons designed against my kind. If you think I’m going to sit idle or let you and anyone else get in my way? Don’t expect mercy from me and mine.
Try to get in my way Kryptonian, I dare you.”
Ghouls and shades swarm everywhere, particularly in Gotham [She is facing the punishment of being unable to protect her bird, even if he’s left her reach], the ghost in the cursed city become visible to the human eye as they help search for the Joker.
He’s found, by the king’s knight. Dragged kicking and giggling as he’s thrown at the king’s feet.
The king grabs the retched clown’s head with a large clawed hand and stares the Joker in the eye as he slowly freezes his insides
While many silently rejoice over the monster finally meeting his end, they cannot stand to look as bloody icicles stab through the man from within.
The beheading seems pointless, but watching this man rip off the Joker’s head, they get the feeling the Ghost King could not help the display of violence
He was stating a point.
Danny loses all faith in humanity and makes it known. He's pissed.
Basically, Batman had one job and he blew it, so there goes whatever relationship the JL had with Phantom.
JL is now missing one of their heavy hitters.
Tim watches Batman spiral and Gotham grow more obviously haunted.
It's like a war zone
Jason returns from the dead and Danny instantly knows about it [he had shades guarding his grave, he knows]. Cue him following his catatonic grandbaby and basically becoming a helicopter parent - Ras is kept in line at the threat of his corrupted bath water being taken from him, and Danny vaguely threatens Talia as he discerns her intentions towards Jason.
The Prince returns to Gotham and the shades are supporting his violent hobbies.
Jason's a little thrown off to find that the Joker had been publicly murdered execution-style.
He goes back to his apartment to think and finds Grandpa waiting for him. He's a little shocked and ill at ease at the massive grudge the old man holds for Batman.
Phantom offers Lady Gotham an apology, citing her inability to interfere. But Batman is a different matter.
That’s all I got for now. Lol, this got very long and I wasn’t expecting to be hit with the inspiration, might think of more soon.
I’ll add what I imagine old King Danny looks like in a minute. Is it necessary? No, but I have to share it with you.
How Danny looks:
I know everyone is a fan of twink!Danny but I'm leaning more on Jack's side of the gene pool in this case. The dude is huge, broad, and towers over everyone by several inches [Jason's epic growth spurt makes more sense when you look at his family lineage lol]. You know that thing Walker does where he's normal heights one moment, and looming sky high the other? Yeah, Danny can do that.
His getup? From what comes up at the top of my head: Something between Dan’s suit and lightweight gothic-style armor, spikes, and beady eyed skulls galore. He doesn’t wear gloves so you can see he charred black claws and he doesn't wear a chest plate, so it reveals the tattered remains of the insignia Sam made for him [I’m honestly thinking of Infinity War!Steve, with how roughened up he looks].
He's like Alfred's age, maybe older. He always has a severe frown on his face. Generally looks like he's one step away from losing his patience
Corpse pale skin, almost bluish
Wispy hair. Some say it looks like it's moving like it's underwater, others think it's wispy and foggy lookin' like dry ice. Along with the crown, it looks like his hair is flaming, which he tries not to think about.
Three eye colors: The general acid green - default, pale ice blue - when using his powers, red - when he's really pissed off. There used to be a fourth, the soft sky blues of when he was human. Jason had his eyes, Danny's sad those were gone too.
He has fangys, he will use them. In fact, he can stretch his jaws wide open horror style to reveal rows of sharp teeth.
Claws, he'll use those too. Long black claws up to his second knuckles, cold blue up to the center of his palms.
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izfaish · 5 months
[go go loser ranger manga spoilers - vol. 6 | ch. 43-42]
i don't even know if i can be coherent here odjdjfjf
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what a way to start the volume. GOD i love the internal struggle. the imaginary dream sequence. the way it almost mirrors the meal scene with the dragon keepers, with peltrola coming in and killing that chef the way akabane killed his jfc. it's nit a 1-to-1 comparison but it just reminded me of that same old rottenness. and the fact that sakurama is d's conscience so to speak... oufjfjfjfj
it makes sense that d would resolve to get rid of both the dragons keepers AND the executives. to him, they're the same. it is heartwarming to see him regard his cadet buddies as special, so much so that d is unsettled by the idea that HE would hold such power over them. the same power and authority that he despises from the dragon keepers and executives.
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ok i just wanted to say that this made me laugh. like first nadeshiko's panacea thing was funny and then suzukiri pulls out a tv remote like HELLO????
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i love d standing up for himself like this but i can also see the slippery slope of becoming like the executives... getting what you want and forcing that onto others... i wouldn't be surprised if d one day becomes an executive and has to grapple with that. hell, maybe in the later chapters he becomes a dragon keeper AND executive... damn.
i will say, peltrola is an interesting antagonist. someone so holier-than-thou who sees themselves as a god,,, an interesting match-up to the dragon keepers' divine sense of authority, what with their divine dragon tools.
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okay i did not like blue keeper when he was introduced, but i think that's normal. i still don't like him but i do find him a lot more interesting and i appreciate his sense of self-awareness. living your life knowing you toe the line between good and evil, never committing fully to one, and feeling that your resolve wavers because of it... like damn. you did not deserve to die. you deserved to live and commit to doing better. death isn't redemption, it's just a tragedy. speaking of..
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holy hell. the way d's murder of blue keeper was actually horrifying. just... the juxtaposition between d achieving his goal but feeling empty with loss anyway just hit so hard.
also (backtracking a bit) lil hibiki and tokita!!!!!! would not be surprised if tokita modeled his look after aogama. also aoyome and aogama's relationship is sweet. i like how she sees the best in him even if the worst of him shouldn't be ignored or excused.
OKAY i didn't realize there's an image limit so here's my other fav panels:
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;u; xx,,,, they're both just trying to carve meaning out of their existence (that backstory into d was also just... ough. there's,,, probably parallels there with blue keeper. raised to be a shield, a scapegoat, a loser... god...
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the fav is alive i am JUMPING FOR JOY
NO IDEA if koguma will be like,,, a friend or ally. or used as bait or get hurt again,,, leave him alone pls. also rip sojiro, you were a real one. really symbolic that the oldest veteran cadet of them there died, kinda symbolizes the passing of a baton... damn. rest in peace.
also - suzukiri! achieved her goal once more. she's so so interesting. i wonder what sakurama is up to...
okay look. i like sesera a lot but her thing with sakurama is NOT IT DNDMFNND. i know it's a trope but the fcking body pillow was so weird, like cmon. i still like her though, she's my fav of the dragon keepers. that,, might change going forward im not sure. i do like,,, sharks,, green keeper arc is next? shark teeth a+ design heeeee.
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deblklesb · 2 years
[Angel of the small death — Sevika × Reader OneShot]
[ballet dancer reader, bodyguard Sevika, smut (MDNI)]
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Summary: Being Silco's daughter it's not some simple thing, especially thinking about the necessity of being guarded at all times. When a conflict starts, Sevika, his best employee, becomes your main bodyguard. It turns out things escalate a little bit until you bout break the tension.
a/n: boy oh boy this is BIG and it took me more time than i expected. this was an anonymous request so i can't tag the person who did it, but i enjoyed writing this, thanks sm! I'm so sorry for the delay, I hope you enjoy it, anon! 💗✨
cw: some violence (a loose member), blood, smut (cunnilingus, masturbation, fingering)
not proof read | 5.2k words
[reblogs are highly appreciated!]
Living is such a weird concept; that's all you can think about as you look through the songs on your playlists, laying on the bed. Nothing seemed to draw your attention, the assignment of your last class in mind created an urge to find the answers to your inspiration. It was a good thing, exactly what you needed now, and you couldn't let it slip through your fingers. 
The plan was to show your teacher how capable you really were. Composition wasn't an easy thing, and even though you loved that subject the song was a major part to determine your next steps on that project. So you were searching restlessly, seeking for that high only an insight could provide, as fast as you could. 
You had to interrupt your plans, though, when the screen of your phone showed an incoming call. 
"Hi, dad", the other side of the line was weirdly messy, he usually tried to get a quiet place before calling you. 
"You need to go to my office. I see you there in ten minutes"
"Is everything okay?" You sat on the bed. His tone wasn't usual either. 
"I'll explain later. Now go." 
When Silco tells you to go, you go. 
The fact was that you didn't like your dad's work. All the illegal shit surrounded the places since you could remember, even if he tried hard to cover it in front of a kid. The whispers and smiles, usually opportunistics but also nervous, the feeling of being treated like a rare piece, the fear exhaling from people who knew what was happening but couldn't tell. You saw how everyone feared the slender, incisive man. 
For quite some time you thought you should fear him too. But, for better or worse, he was a different person when he was with you. And as you grew old, he started to explain the situations and dynamics to you, teach you things, show what you could have. In your late twenty's now, you could use a gun and threaten people using an infinite amount of goons, but you definitely rather not. 
Another thing he did was give you whatever you wanted. And some would say that wasn't a good thing, but it wasn't all that bad either. I mean, come on; he would let you go to the water park and in exchange you wouldn't miss behave, it was actually a very fair agreement. So he let you play with puppies when you were young, go out with your friends when you were a teenager and, most importantly, he'd encourage you to be a professional ballet dancer. 
Thinking about his honesty and open conversations, you entered the crowded building right before David, your bodyguard, ignoring the loud music, usual from a never ending night at The Last Drop. Since that was a common scenario for you, stopping to look around and enjoy the mood wasn't necessary. Your father's tone on that call was enough to make you walk upstairs, directly towards his office at the end of the hallway. 
Aside from what you feared, the scene in front of you was actually kinda unsettling. For sure he was a man that started to tell you stuff while you grew up, but a bloody finger on top of the table was new - it wasn’t attached to a body. Red stains on the wood were shining under the lights, contrasting too much with the green bathing the room due to the big glass window behind his desk. The finger had a cross tattooed on it and a golden ring, both now looking uncanny under the crimson that drew too much attention from you. 
“You didn’t have a tattooed finger before”, was all you could say, almost out of breath. 
“Well, there’s a first time for everything, right?” 
Your eyes wandered around; there was the only unfamiliar thing, and still was capable of making you feel uncomfortable. It was a surprise for yourself, the girl who beat a school colleague at seven years old because she called you a bitch. Silco tried very hard not to congratulate you too much that day, speaking politely with the principal but also making a point of not allowing that other girl to get an apology from you; she was cursing you, not the other way around - and it wasn’t just because some childish argument, the fact that you were from Zaun made you a target of mean looks and disdain all around Piltover while growing up. That girl had it coming (a broken nose) and you got a popsicle. So, yeah, blood wasn’t that out of your reality, but for some reason that detached finger made you change the weight from one leg to the other, breathing deeply. 
“What happened?”
“Some idiot had the idea of snitching, we lost a guy who was in Rebecca's factory.” The well dressed man pointed to the bloody, sole body part. “This was her way of telling she found out about our plans”
“Point made, I guess”
“I just called you here so we could arrange things with David.” You frowned, looking over your shoulder to the serious, suited man behind. “I’m assigning someone else to guard you from now on. At least until this troublesome, unnecessary hostility ends”
“You’re trying to invade each other’s business, I’m pretty sure it’s not that unnecessary, dad”, the amount of discomfort was making you uneasy. That conflict was growing too much, a finger wouldn’t be the most alarming body part to appear around. 
As much as your dad had had numerous conflicts around, the tension between Glasc Company and your father’s business took a turn when Rebecca decided to sell drugs herself. Losing territory, the one he fought too hard to get, was very unpleasant.
So, with quick heartbeats and perspiring palms, you watched as your father gave David some papers and instructions. The tall guy nodded, turning and offering you a smile - probably for the second or third time, which made it look very off-putting for him. 
“It was very nice working for you. I never said a thing because it wasn’t part of the work”, it was more words than you’ve ever heard from him. His voice was different that you thought based on the monosyllabic answers he always gave. “but your book recommendations and songs were good. Thanks”
“Well, that’s more than I expected, I genuinely thought you hated me.” You chuckled. “It was nice having you around, David”
Then he left the room and you were left with your dad and that stupid finger, Silco seated on his couch and grabbed a cigar. “Aren’t you going to grab that finger? I thought it was rude to show it around for nothing”, you seated next to him. 
Even though your father wasn’t hurt, the aspect of where that war could lead to made you think about very violent and scary endings. He was a good criminal, but still a man, a mortal one.
“I need someone else to see it” He crossed his legs as you got closer, laying the head on his shoulder before he pulled you closer on a sided embrace. “She’ll come soon. Until then, tell me how your classes are.” 
He always did that, since you were a kid. Being on a college level didn’t make that much of a difference in his eyes, at least about that topic. He would listen to you talk about muscle pains and lame history classes, instrumental music, group dynamics and upcoming events. It was simple and chill, but it was his way of connecting with you in an area he didn’t know a lot about, aside from your yearly spectacles. 
“This new assignment seems tiring, darling” He observed. “But, like they say, break a leg. You will be just fine” 
Before you could make a joke about his use of theatrical sayings, the door swung open to reveal a tall, cloaked woman with short dark hair. The look on her face revealed dissatisfaction when she traveled it from the detached, bloody finger to you; the same you knew very well from everytime you both crossed paths. The same one you couldn’t forget for two days after receiving it. 
She just stood there, silent, hands on the side of her built body, looking directly at you as if she was waiting for something - or someone. You could involuntarily lose yourself under the grayish orbs, as much as you hated this fact, but an insight struck you. 
You backed off your father, turning to stare at him, not getting a single word in response. That must be a joke. 
“You can’t be serious”, the tone in your voice was almost desperate. He couldn’t be doing this, right? 
 “That finger points otherwise”
Telling David you thought he hated you was a silly comment to cool the mood. Saying that Sevika probably hated you was an understatement. 
The first time you met she had just been hired and you both made a scene when she didn't believe you about being Silco's daughter. When your father introduced you officially, she just looked annoyed and bit back some unpleasant comment, knowing very well that it could cost her work. 
Since then, you haven't spoken peacefully with each other. She always had a snarky comment about your classes and the way you behaved - which, to be fair, she wasn't kinda wrong; every year you realized how stupid you could've been the year before, maturity didn't come out of nowhere. Sevika herself got more mature too. She was probably five years older than you and with much more life experience, but she wasn't the holder of all knowledge and could be very judgemental too. 
Putting you together wasn't a choice your father made for nothing. Sevika was his best employee. She fought better than anyone and would prioritize your safety at all costs, since it was her job now. That meant that if you wanted to go somewhere, Sevika had a saying on if you could go or not. If you wanted to visit a new place, it had to be checked before. If you wanted to stay up all night practicing in a studio you rented - because your apartment wasn't that big in order to not draw too much attention -, she had to be there and also get more people to guard the building. 
And that's exactly what was happening right now. 
A month since the finger incident, with Sevika being your bodyguard. She didn't look pleased. And you could say you weren't either… But that would be a massive lie. 
Because you liked her looks in your direction when you were getting out of classes, and you liked the way she rolled her eyes at your bad jokes, the ones you did solely to annoy her - you were very mature but you also loved to annoy her. You liked to stand next to her on coffee shop lines, instead of being in front of her, and you liked to dress better just so she could give you a look from head to toes whenever you got out of your apartment in the mornings. 
Honestly, who could judge you? 
You didn't realize those things until a week later after this whole shit started, when you tried to get off one night and accidentally imagine her. It was a very embarrassing moment and you forced yourself to sleep as soon as you got back from that high, but the image didn't fade away. The image of her towering you and kissing you, pressing her body against yours in the most desperate way. You got off imagining kisses and intimacy with Sevika. Not necessarily pornographic scenarios, no; just the thought of her lips on yours and how she would react when feeling you on her fingers, her face and the words she could say, the heavy breaths. That turned you on. The feeling of being so close you could feel the heat and your heart beat faster. 
You don't know what is the worst part: coming when imagining Sevika, or the fact that what got into your mind wasn't even that explicit. It was so simple, it made you pissed off about how she could affect you with so little. 
But it was just a fantasy, a distant and unrealistic one. She didn't like you. Right? 
That ideas were fucking you up bit by bit. At this point it was difficult to practice, head far gone, not in the slightest focusing on that amazing song you got to choose - La Danse Macabre was one of your favorite pieces and fit the theme well in your vision. So you needed to compose a four  minute choreography and you have been practicing it for four weeks straight. You'd go from classes to the studio every day, staying up until late. Your feet hurt, your body was most definitely not that used to the extra effort, but it would be worth it. Not to brag, but it was kinda dope. 
So there you were, looking at yourself in the mirror, trying to convey all the feelings you needed to: the sensuality of death, calling the viewer in the most subtle and dangerous way at first, but ending up being beautiful. 
Your body gesture had to be on point with the postures and the weight of the moviments, it wasn't easy the fact that you would present it alone. 
At some point, you didn't know when, you noticed Sevika on the corner next to the door. She was just there, quiet, looking at you. 
Her presence threw you off. You slipped a little, losing timing and concentration. "Fuck", you hissed. 
The song stopped when you reached your phone to pause it. Looking at the time, it had been three hours since you arrived. Your legs were sore and, honestly, the concentration was so little that just the image of that woman was enough to make you lose it. Tiredness and frustration got into you, making you sigh and turn to her. She didn't move an inch. 
"What are you looking at?" That sounded more harsh than you wished.
"I thought you were a dancer. They usually are looked at, anyways", she didn't seem to diminish anything there, or to bother by your tone. That fucking look she had, the one that told you how you wouldn't get anything from her; it was nerve-wracking. 
You thought you saw her eyes wandering through your body, but it probably was just some illusion. 
"Yeah, I guess so", you shrugged, trying not to notice her posture or to imagine her torso under that cloak. And shirt. Numerous thoughts came back; no, illusions. Fantasies. Sevika holding you and her breath against your skin, would the feeling of her torso under your palms be so pleasant? Would her lips be so good on yours? Would the warmth give you butterflies? "Do you like what you see?" 
The fact that you said "see" and not "saw" didn't click immediately; you weren't talking about the dance. 
Sevika gulped. She gulped while analyzing your body on that collant and pantyhose, thinking about how your would skin feel under her touch. How she wanted to hear you calling her name and gasping, while she tried to make you feel so good like you never felt. 
The looks weren't just your imagination. The way she noticed you dressing a little bit differently, that was real. And she'd spent the day trying to focus on her work and not laughing at your horrible jokes, or not feeling too good about you succeeding in your classes and beating all those snobs' pilties. She wanted to congratulate you about the choreography and say how she would follow you without question if you were death, because dying under your hypnotizing moves would be a blessing. 
She wanted to say how you could do whatever you wanted to her. 
So that question was so timely. The smirk on her full dark lips made you shiver, a feeling pooling on your stomach, anticipation. Gods help you, the need to kiss her was so fucking overwhelming now. 
"I do, actually", Sevika said. "I like it very much. It's a gorgeous view"
It could be all. That moment could end and you'd never mention it again, leave it like water under the bridge. But, oh, you wanted to drown. You wanted to drink that water, savor it, until that thirst ended. 
So you gave a step. And seeing her chest moving with a breath, you gave another. You walked towards her carefully, like she could escape any minute, and when you were finally close enough that pressure seemed to crush your chest, taking the air from your lungs. 
In your life it wasn't that many times you'd sweat before kissing someone. And yet there you were, palms perspiring because Sevika wasn't moving.
"Show me how you like it, then", you said. "I'm a physical, practical learner, by the way" 
She chuckled lightly, looking away and then to you again. That could literally cost her life or yours. 
You could be the angel of her small death, and Sevika would die happily. 
Throwing all the reasoning away, she finally touched you. She pulled you close and erased the space between your lips, poisoning herself in your taste and your tongue. Your mind flooded with stimuli: her lips and tongue, her shoulders under your hands, the weight of her touch on your hips, the imaginary scenes your mind created to make you ask yourself about what you both could do. 
The small moan that escaped between the kiss made her hold you tighter, dominating that moment with her need. Her hair felt soft, intertwined with your fingers, and the muscles pressing yours made your head spin. It must be a gift from the goddesses. 
It didn't matter the other guards outside of the room or the building, right now it was just you both. 
"Show me how you like it", you whispered, untying her cloak to reveal her strong torso and shoulders covered by the dark shirt. "How you'd like to take me"
She groaned, kissing you again and pulling you by the thighs, forcing you to wrap the legs around her as she walked to sit on a simple couch there. 
The feeling of her body under your touch was capable of numbing your thoughts, skin warm and scarred. Her kiss was so fucking intoxicating, consuming you from inside out while she grabbed your flesh. 
When her lips traveled through your chin and jaw, going to your neck, you sighed and moved the hips on her lap. Your fingers got the elastic off her hair, letting the strands fall loose around her face as you pulled back to look at the woman. The dark grayish eyes and the full lips, beautiful nose, that jawline, some scars around; Sevika was so pretty it took your breath away. 
"I don't think you want to spend all the time looking at me, princess", she murmured and her voice made all your body respond. The smirk added to her movements to lose your hair from the high bun; fuck, you were out of words. "What? Did the cat get your tongue?" 
"I'll look at you a lot later", you finally said, fingers caressing her features as she analyzed you closely. "Now I really need you to handle me around" 
Sevika's smug was something so intimate to you, something that, you swear, could make you go insane. 
She pulled the straps of your leotard, eyes still glued to your reactions as the cool air reached your nipples, making you sigh. Without wasting any more time, Sevika held you by the waist with the prosthetic hand and used the other to play with one breast. A warm tongue tasted the other one, and she was so careful to let you feel every inch of that contact. You felt that throbbing between your legs more intensely the more she twisted the muscle, savoring, tasting. Her thumb and index finger played with the free nipple, shivers across your body making you breathe heavily with the sensations. 
Your hands worked on feeling every muscle you could, hips moving because the sensations spreading from between your legs through your body were getting more and more prominent. Her tongue was soft, but your attention got divided by the cool prosthetic hand pulling the leotard. You didn’t want to separate from her, but you had too. 
Sevika kept looking at your body as you pulled away, getting up between her strong legs. And she analyzed as you started to take off the clothes and the pointe shoes. Being under her sight like that was something else, you could feel your heart beating across your whole body, getting heated and desperate. Her demeanor, the laid back posture, spread legs and trenchant look got you wanting to get on your knees. And that’s what you did. 
Throwing the fabric pieces away, you started to unbelt her pants and pull the zip down while squatting and kneeling. She’d stare at you, at your easy hands and light touches going especially fast to open the clothing. The contrast between this and the way you looked at her could make her go impatient, but she held back the instinct to do everything on her time when seeing the hunger growing in you. 
“I thought you wanted me to handle you”, she smirked while raising the hips to take away the pants, after doing the same with her shoes. You helped, caressing the muscular thighs with admiration in your mind. Fuck, she was so beautiful. 
“And I hope you do”, you kissed the right thigh, trailing up slowly until you reached her crotch. Under the shirt you saw her abdomen contracting in response and the chest expanding with her heavy breaths. “Never rode someone’s face?” You smirked, right hand touching the side of her body, up and down. 
As you imagined, she then proceeded to lean in your direction while a hand grabbed you by the, now, loose hair. It wasn’t hard, but enough to make you throb and, for sure, get more wet. When she noticed your reaction was positive something shifted. Her pupils blown, and you could notice the mood changing by the glit in her eyes. 
She got so close the tip of your noses bumped, silence crushing you while she made sure you wouldn’t falt back. And then, you could swear, Sevika got a bigger hunger in her. “Finish taking this shit off”, she said. 
You needed a second as she laid back again. She arched an eyebrow as a cue for you to pull the boxers off, and as much as you tried you didn’t paid a single fuck to where that piece of fabric went. Not when Sevika drew you closer with a single ministration through your head, pulling you to her core as your heart beat faster.
She was wet and, fuck, she looked so appealing. Your mouth watered as you rested the hands on her bare thighs. 
“Tongue out”, you obeyed. 
Sevika finally pulled one last time and a satisfied, low sound got out of you, as you finally tasted her. And, oh, she was delicious.
Her hips started to move, the vision from that angle would never fade from your mind. She was enjoying this, dragging her core on your tongue, holding you there so you couldn’t leave, using you to her pleasure. And your mind was getting too crowded with that much information in the best way. Your pussy clenched when she moaned low, nipples somehow getting even harder to the point of hurting. Her taste was being scattered around your mouth and you wanted to be there for your whole life. 
“Flat your tongue”, and you did, with a rush that made her smirk. Her abs would flex with her movements, so as her thighs. 
Having Sevika riding your face was something so heavenly, so divine. You almost envied those girls in the brothel, who could get to do it so much, but then you'd remember that this woman was so worked up already because of you.  
Her bud against your palate, the juices going on your lips and chin, the expressions due to the pleasure that came to bestow her, the loose hair falling on her face and the muscles contracting. The little wet sounds of your tongue against her core made the situation more erotic, and at some point you started to move the muscle that was in contact there. It drew a moan from Sevika, who was using the left arm to sustain her weight while she rubbed herself on you, seeking pleasure. 
The more the seconds went by, the more Sevika loosened herself. She started to fault in her moves, twitching and spasming as her dark gray eyes ate the sight of you so eagerly tasting her. A small moan escaped, followed by a growl and her legs spreading more. 
Your hands flew to her breasts under the shirt, palming the warm flesh, searching for her nipples as you hummed against her core. The vibrations pleased her. 
The way you started to flick your tongue heavily got the tall woman groaning and pressing your head harder against herself. You saw the frown and the way her eyes rolled before closing, her body tensing, the shaky and sharp breaths as you felt her getting excessively wet. 
"Fuck–!" She gasped, a smirk on her full, attractive lips. "So good, princess", her words were as smooth as the caresses the woman made on your hair, still spasming everytime your tongue drew on her swollen bud. 
The flavor was divine; you thought as you palate went on her entrance. The fact that you could taste her forever made you hotter, eager, needier. 
Sevika leaned and pulled you again, making you sulk a little at the distance from that heavenly position. But then she got you back on her lap, against her chest, legs open. 
Even though no one else was there, you felt exposed. As if your secret were being revealed and, suddenly, the whole world could watch as your most recent forbidden fantasies played out. 
The way she held you there, prosthetic hand under a knee as the other one traveled around your naked body, creating heat paths on your skin. Her lips distribute kisses along your neck and shoulder, taking sighs from you. And underneath all of it was an overwhelming heartbeat that got you panting at the sensation of her touch going south. 
"Shit, you're dripping", she whispered, getting your attention. You turned to look at her, lips parted brushing on hers as her fingers went from your entrance to your already sensitive clit. "Got so worked up just from me riding your face?" 
Her digits, soaked, rubbed smoothly on your bud. You rested a hand on her hair, the other playing with your nipples as she tortuously stimulated your core. 
"So good… Do you get that wet when you touch yourself thinking about me?" 
You froze, eyes wandering around her face just to capture that smug. Despite that, Sevika didn't stop. She kept working on you, massaging your whole cunt, getting her own palm full of your moistures as you felt yourself throb. "I heard you one night. You didn't even notice you called my name, uh?"
You actually did. With her on the other side of the door, you kinda expected that you had said it lower than it actually was, and that she hadn't listened to it that night. But it seems like life wouldn't let it pass.
"So now" Sevika kissed you, pecking on your lips as her fingers concentrated on your sensitive bud. "Let me hear you. Loud and clear" 
Her ministrations were making you move your hips. Everything started to be too much, her breath against your skin, the cold of the prosthetic hand and the air. You wanted to give in entirely, wishing you were at home so she could rail you on your bed. She increased the speed, having your moans growing bit by bit. 
It felt good. Too good. You kept messing with your own breasts, eyes rolling with your hips and her hand, feeling that high approaching. 
"Getting all loosen up and relax for me, I might as well fuck you again tonight, princess", she hissed, taking a small smile for you as two of her fingers pressed and got inside of you. 
You moaned more languidly as she moved with ease, in and out smoothly due to how wet you were. And it didn't take long until you felt that pull in your stomach, clenching around her digits and gasping, whining, a hand full of her hair as you moved without control. 
The climax made you arch your back, her fingers came back to circle on your clit again as you trembled and murmured some incomprehensible words. Throbbing and spasming; that woman made you so full of desire it was ridiculous. 
"Gorgeous", Sevika whispered, kissing your neck as you came down from your high, breathing deeply and feeling your body floating on her lap. 
"That was some stupid shit", you chuckled, panting. 
Her hands closed your legs and helped you turn a little so you could rest on her prosthetic arm and look better at her. Some sweat drops were on her forehead and the side of her neck, the dark skin glowing a bit. 
"I learned a lot today, thanks", the woman laughed, accepting your touch on her face. "It was very delightful" 
"I'm glad I could provide you some knowledge", her right hand rested on your thighs, thumb caressing your skin. "I hope on the future you can teach me how to make your fantasies come true"
At that, your core sent a shiver through your body, heat rising slightly. "Maybe someday I'll tell you"
Sevika nodded as you rested the head on her shoulder. She felt warm. Was it wrong to want her on your bed? 
"I'll look forward to it" 
Your body was full of energy right now, the feeling of being on top of the world consuming you from inside out. It was almost possible to feel every molecule vibrating, twisting your guts. 
"Call another guard", you murmured to Sevika discreetly while passing by her. 
She followed you outside the building of Art classes, looking around as usual. The car was waiting, following the time established by orders. 
The whole way to your apartment was silent. Your class came back to memory, the sensation of finally presenting the piece you've been planning for weeks now. The music took you away and, during those notes that reverberated on your flesh, no one was there. Just you and the music, working together. And it didn't feel real when your teacher congratulated you with a smile on her fine lips; she wasn't the type of teacher to smile that much. That meant a lot. It was huge actually. 
But before telling anyone, you wanted to let all this energy flow to something else. To somebody else. 
So you waited until a knock on your bedroom door, and you saw her getting inside carefully, confusion on her face as you asked her to sit by a corner. 
Resting on your bed, heartbeat increasing, you moistened your lips. "Do you wanna know what else I fantasized about?"
[dividers by @froopis]
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gaycethecard · 10 months
TW: Human trafficking, pedophilia
Okay, I need to do a silly rant RRRRIGHT NOW!!!!!!
Just think about the games. Ama has amazing gameplay and it's actually decently difficult (or maybe I just suck)! Amr has SO MUCH lore abt Alice!! Like it actually explains her backstory and it shows how the fire actually happened! It kinda confuses me why the cat caused the fire in the first game, but maybe it's trying to show that Alice wasn't sure what happened and she just assumed it was the cat and since I'm assuming she was a kid or something when this happened (because of the fact she was reading Alice in Wonderland), so she wouldn't fully remember what happened. Also, the asylum was having her forget about her traumas so her memory was a bit different. She started realizing the truth in the second game. Like how she was like "Wait a minute, Dinah was in my room! So how could she have started the fire?" LIKE OMGG!! Honestly, Dr. Bumby was a good villain for the story. I think since this was the 1800s, women didn't have a lot of rights and they were treated VERY badly by everyone in society, so I think human trafficking would be a lot more common. It'd make sense for a villain in that type of game to be a trafficker. I think both games are also just beautiful. Amr especially. The visuals are just AMAZING! It gives such a weird but soothing feeling. Same with the OST! I don't know what it is, but the Vale of Tears makes me feel so calm and relaxed. Ama's OST is also BEAUTIFUL! Like, have you HEARD Wonderland Woods?! Literal masterpiece!! It gives you an eerie but nice feeling!! But some are a tad bit spooky. Like the song that plays in the chess map.. If you play that, I am RUNNING away. LIKE OMG?? It's so CREEPY!! LIKE THE BACKWARDS HOG?! NUH UH!! And don't even get me started on Time to Die... IT MAKES ME FEEL SO SCARED BUT IT'S SO FITTING!!! For those that don't know, Time to Die plays in one of the last parts of the game. You're at the Queen of Hearts' castle. Looking for her throne. Her card guards are chasing after you, trying their best to murder you. And when it's quiet and you can just hear the OST.. IT MAKES SENSE!! IF THAT WAS YOU, AFTER YOU DEFEATED A BIG GROUP OF GUARDS, YOU'D BE UNSETTLED!! SCARED!! ON YOUR TOES!! AND THAT'S WHAT THAT SONG MAKES ME FEEL!! IT ALL MAKES SENSE AND IT'S ALL SO POETIC!! LIKE I THINK THE MAIN MESSAGE OF AMA IS THAT SOMETIMES YOU HAVE TO LOOK IN YOURSELF TO FIND THE PROBLEM! BECAUSE THE FINAL BOSS WASN'T EVEN THE QUEEN OF HEARTS, IT WAS ALICE HERSELF!!!! LIKE SHE HAD TO DEFEAT HERSELF TO FIX WONDERLAND!!! IT'S JUST SO AMAZING!! Also, just a little comment.. ALICE SLAYED WHEN SHE PUSHED BUMBY INTO THAT TRAIN! He honestly got what he deserved. That nasty pedophilic asshole. I think the main message of amr is to be careful who you trust and surround yourself with. I mean, THINK ABOUT IT!! She worked with a HUMAN TRAFFICKER!!! I also think it sends a message that justice is always possible no matter what. There's always a way to avenge somebody or something even if it's a bit immoral. Overall, I LOVE THIS GAME!! Sorry I ranted this much! This was like the first game I fell in love with in 2012 or 2013 I think!! BYEE!! :33
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A Whovian Watches Star Trek for the First Time: Part 095 - A fun day at the Zoo
Star Trek: The Original Series - Season 0 Episode 1 - The Cage
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One final stop between Enterprise and discovery is the pilot of the Original Series which set a decade before the rest of of the original series. A few of you have already explained to me why, but I still think it's at least a little bit weird. But anyway, this is my first foray into 60's Trek, lets see how I get on.
We're not given much introduction to our new crew before this version of Enterprise encounters a distress signal from a ship that had to make a crash landing on an uninhabited planet. The signal however was sent a long time ago, so with no indication of survivors, the Captain, presumably the Captain Pike from the Spock Short Trek, decides to ignore it.
Also: Finally an explanation for what a Class M planet is! That phrase was used a few times in Enterprise, and now I'm happy that I know what it means beyond just something vaguely Earth-like.
Apparently, our Captain is considering resigning and has becoming jaded with the responsibility of captaining, which is an incredibly different outlook from Archer. Also the fact that the ship's Doctor doubles as a mixologist is hilarious to me, I hope he gets to stick around. As Captain Pike and the doctor finish having a heart to heart though, the Bridge crew find signs of survivors, so Enterprise enters Warp 7 (Seven!!!), and heads to Talos the rescue them.
A team of six is transported down to the planet for the rescue. The planet itself is a classic desert planet. bit of sand, some rocks, but this thing that stood out to me is it's done in a studio. I was expecting something equivalent to the Doctor Who Welsh Gravel Quarry method of creating an alien planet. That said, for 60's TV pilot, it looks great.
We find the survivors of the crashed ship, but appearntly the crew is being watched. Again, I'm impressed by the quality of the alien make up here. Perhaps 60's Who's shoestring budgets set my expectations of what 60's TV Sci Fi was visually capable of, but they look really good. They even look better than some Enterprise's less interesting designs. They've even got some kind of pulsing effect on heads, which looked amazing.
I really like they way Vina acts just acts really distant, like a scientist interacting with an object of study, but then starts going off about a secret, is unsettling is a really good way, although I kinda wish it was left to build a while longer. She leads Pike away, and then survivors just vanish and the Big Brained aliens kidnap the captain.
Pike then wakes up in a glass enclosure, like a Zoo, and is apprently due to be experimented on. From that concept, I thought the episode was going to be an exploration of humanity's relationship with animals, and there is some element of that, but the main focus is on Pike's character. The Aliens start projecting illusions of different scenarios into his mind, starting with the memories of his most recent mission.
It's really interesting to see Pike's thought process play out. He knows this is an illusion and until much later is under the impression that Vina is an illusion, but still fights the illusion to protect her, and I loved how he took apart what's happening as fight is happening. Probing why an illusion would be frightened.
I really like the Talosians as a concept for a species. A species that has all this power, but just uses it to sit around to get entertainment in false realities. And I love the way Pike is just quick to figure out their exact powers and limits. It's also just heartbreaking to see how broken on to the situation that Vina is. It was here that I also kind noticed a bit commentary on viewers relationship with TV through the Talosians, which is a great theme to explore, but kind of a bold choice for your TV Shows Pilot Episode.
Enterprise tries to transports down a small rescue party into the alien zoo, but the Talosians block everyone except the women, to give Pike a choice. Spock makes the decision to leave, but the Talosians seem to also shut down Enterprise's power, then start taking all information from Enterprise's database.
I absolutely loved this episode. It had a few 60's-isms, but I was expecting those. It's conclusion just being kind of "Wow Humans don't like being slaves" felt a bit rushed, it didn't seem like they really cared about that until the end, but I still enjoyed myself here. Pike was really the only cast member here who left any sort of impression on me, but I liked him for the most part.
Anyways, I start Discovery tomorrow, which different century, different crew and different ship. It'll my first delve into Star Trek's really recent stuff, minus the short treks yesterday, and I'm excited.
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apathetic-dry-rot · 9 months
Wilting Nerium- Chapter 3: Sex, Drugs, Ect.
Lawrence Oleander x AFAB!GN!Reader
CW/TW: Mild smut, drug consumption, panic attack, wlw-coded, hallucinations, mentions of marijuana and alcohol consumption (Not by reader)
Dead Dove: Do Not Eat
Disclaimer: I do not condone any of the content in this fanfic or game in real life!
Lawrence Oleander belongs to Gatobob
NOW PLAYING: Sex, Drugs, Ect. by Beach Weather
The only bad thing about working at a nature reserve is once you’ve been left to die in the woods, you kinda get a bit anxious when in a forest. However, I knew these woods. These were my woods. I don’t have anything to fear at work.
Work is the one place where I’m truly safe.
The readjustment was a bit difficult, but I needed to get back to my job, for both the money, and the fact that if I didn’t, I was gonna go fucking crazy.
It was a relatively simple job, but I’d been doing it for years, so of course it’d be simple to me. I was in charge of checking up on all of our tagged wildlife and making sure that none had gotten killed by hunters or poachers.
It was a soothing routine, but as per usual in my life nowadays, there was something different.
One of our stags had been attacked. By something much larger than anything we had on the premises, and it’s highly unlikely that any predator from outside the reserve wandered in and went for the stag itself.
“Something got Milo?”
Milo was one of the four stags we had at the reserve, and the most docile, which makes the whole situation even more weird.
“Yeah. Uh, whatever it was was pretty big. Bigger than anything that uh, we’ve got here.”
Lola was a nice coworker, on the shorter side with short, poofy auburn curls- almost like an afro, and had wide, light brown doe eyes. Also her smile was entirely too bright and she had a short temper, but she loved the animals and never pressured me into talking or anything, so she was good in my book.
She let out a melancholy sigh, running a thin hand through her boingy curls.
He’d never go after someone like her, she’s far too intimidating for him, and-
Stop. You’re at work. This is the only safe space left.
“Down to three, then, I guess. How unfortunate.”
The frown wrinkled her face in all the wrong ways. It looked unnatural on her.
Luckily, she quickly ‘turned that frown upside down’ and grinned at me, not much different than a cheshire cat.
That smile was almost as unsettling as her frowning.
My name slid off her tongue slyly, she was planning something. She wanted something from me.
“Hey, I’m throwing a party this weekend, if you’re interested.”
I must’ve not been hiding my emotions that well on my face because she scrambled to convince me.
“It’s gonna be super small, just a few coworkers and some of my friends, no more than like, I don’t know, thirty people, maximum. If that, even, I swear. Just stop by for like, half an hour and you can leave whenever you want, I just…”
She sighed softly, her face filling with concern. I know where this is going.
“I was hoping to get you some fresh air, in a more societal setting after, y’know,” she gestured slightly at me, her eyes trailing the visible scars on my neck, face, and arms; “Everything you’ve been through.”
I exhaled deeply, rubbing my wrists.
“I’m not sure, Lola.”
I don’t know what she was thinking, I couldn’t look straight at her, like she was the sun, it was hard to look anywhere near her general direction.
“Please, just for a little while, you don’t have to stay for long, I swear to you.”
Awkward silence filled the air as I discreetly shuffled towards the door and shifted my weight back and forth on my legs. My hand held the doorknob tightly, knuckles white and twisting the cold metal.
“I’ll… I’ll think about it.”
She beamed, I didn’t even have to look at her to know it, I could feel her overjoyed grin radiating sunlight throughout the room.
“Yes! Sounds great!”
I furrowed my brows and glared slightly at her tiny button nose, not looking her in the eye.
“No promises, though, okay?” She practically pirouetted past me, giving my shoulder a light pat as she went by.
“I’ll be looking forward to it!”
At least Lola was right about the size of the house party being small, but this place absolutely reeked.
Of weed. And other drugs.
I’d worn simple clothes: a black tanktop, light blue high waisted jeans, my old black Doc Martins, a green flannel. Enough to not look like a hobo, not too much so I’d look like an overachiever.
It wasn’t too loud inside either, just some 80’s rock playlist playing for ambience in the background, humming of chatter in different rooms as people mingled with one another.
And here I was, alone.
I knew this was a horrible idea. I should’ve just stayed home.
I sort of just stood there for a few minutes before making my way into the kitchen, where I walked through an almost heavenly cloud of marujuana smoke lingering in the air.
“Hey there, stranger!”
I nearly jumped all the way out of my skin as a hand clasped around my left shoulder and tugged me into the side of a girl a bit taller than me.
Her physique was lean and slightly muscular, with a strong jaw and sharp nose, her eyes mismatched colors of olive green and honey brown, with a light dusting of freckles adorning her cheeks, and long golden blonde hair reaching to her waist.
Oh, shit I’m staring-
“Oh, uh, hi. Sorry.”
She laughed, soft and sweet and I could feel the heat rising to my face because ohhhh myyyyy god, she’s so gorgeous and her laugh is perfect and adorable and-
Her hand landed on my shoulder giving it a small squeeze.
“My name’s Aiden.”
I cleared my throat and held my hand out in greeting.
Do people even do handshakes anymore? I mean like, it’s 2023-
She shook my hand gently, and I wanted to collapse.
Oh fuck, my name. Dumbass you’re introducing yourself, you need to tell her your fucking name.
“Uh, I’m-”
I could hear my name being called from the living room, causing me to freeze in my spot, Aiden and I both turning to the source- Lola- her strong and lightly calloused hand not leaving mine.
I repeated my name slowly, smiling awkwardly. “Yeah, that's… that's me.”
Lola looked between the two of us as she approached, gasping excitedly and gesturing at Aiden and I in a wild fashion.
“Oh my goshhhh! You guys are getting alongggg! That's so totally fucking awesome, my besties are befriending each otherrr!”
She's high as shit. Probably drunk, too. I mean, it is her house, she has every right to get crossfaded if she wants. 
Aiden let out a noise of realization, squeezing my hand and patting it lightly with her other hand, grinning wider before releasing my- probably sweaty- palm from her grip.
“So you're the coworker from the reservation that I've heard so much about? It's so good to finally put a face to a name!”
I let out a nervous laugh before nodding with a small ‘yeah.’
Lola dragged us off, parading us around the house, encouraging me to open up to a few people, and no one was sober enough to recognize me.
Which was actually a huge relief that helped me talk to them. They couldn't pity me if they didn't even know who I was.
Intoxicated people are funny.
At some point I had been offered a sort of gray-brown, shriveled up lump, causing me to turn to Lola, who was next to me on her sofa, Aiden resting her legs on my lap lazily.
“What… is this?”
Lola giggled slightly.
“It’s shrooms, y’know?”
I hummed, rolling it around on my hand while debating.
“If you don’t wanna like, eat it, you could brew it into a tea, I think.”
A shiver crawled along my spine, the scar on my neck tingling, and I shot the brunette an uneasy smile.
“I’ll just eat it the normal way, thanks.”
She laughed, lightly hitting my shoulder as I put the mass in my mouth, my face scrunching up at the odd taste, making Aiden chuckle in amusement.
I coughed after it went down, the blonde reaching onto the floor next to her, handing me her water bottle for me to take, my name falling from her mouth like a small blessing.
“Here, to wash it down.”
I took it from her, our fingers brushing slightly, making me melt inside at the smoothness of her hand against mine, finally taking a gulp from the plastic Dasani bottle.
It tasted oddly familiar.
I shook the thought away, this was neither the time nor the place to be thinking about him.
I’m at a party, not a therapy session.
I turned to Aiden, my hands absentmindedly rubbing her shins.
“How long does this shit typically take to kick in?”
She shrugged, her perfect face serene, hair falling over her shoulders.
“Dunno, usually ‘bout half an hour. Varies from person to person.”
I let out a hum and nodded, zoning out at the sound of her voice.
Closing my eyes and leaning back, I sighed and picked off the loose hairs I felt on her pants.
After a while, things felt, wobbly.
It felt laggy, like a video game.
I opened my eyes slowly, looking around at my surroundings.
Everything was in slow motion. Lola was gone.
It was just me and Aiden in the room.
She mumbled as she sat up and tucked her legs underneath her, placing her hand on my shoulder.
She leaned towards me, I could see all the freckles dusting her cheekbones and nose.
“I said you look confused. You okay?”
My eyelids drooped, her soft breath against my ear warming up my neck and face.
“I… think so.”
She feels so soft, like velvet.
“Your hands are pretty, y’know.”
She giggled, and I felt my temperature rise a few degrees.
“Yeah, well your face is pretty.”
My eyes snapped up to meet hers, her face only inches from mine.
“All of you is pretty, actually.”
I let out a small noise, akin to a whine, as her lips hit mine slowly, my eyes closing while I leaned into her, my hand tracing her jawline.
Oh, fucking god-
Her hands gripped my hips, moving me to straddle her lap as she moaned into the kiss, my lips parting slightly, her warm tongue darting to move against mine in response.
Aiden began stroking my stomach with her thumbs, filling me with butterflies and making me shiver against her, heat flooding my body as I whimpered into her, her hands squeezing the plush of my hips, holding me down.
Her lips left mine, trailing down my cheek to my jawline and neck, my small noises louder without the muffling of our frantic kissing.
“You’re so sensitive, baby.”
I groaned at her words, my fingers moving to grip her shoulders.
“Can’t help it… been a while, and you’re too perfect.”
She chuckled against my jugular, nipping at my throat softly, causing me to groan, one of my hands coming to grip the hair at the back of her neck, a moan escaping her lips.
I grinned, pulling her hair back slightly, testing the waters, her gasp on egging me on to return the favor and attack her neck with little nips and open-mouthed kissing, her small noises of pleasure fueling the fire in my abdomen.
“Fuuck, sweetpea-”
She cut herself off with a soft moan as I hummed against her throat while sucking hard at her skin. I dragged my tongue over the forming bruise in my wake, causing her hips to buck up into mine.
I leaned back to admire the red and purple blotches on her skin, sliding my hands under the hem of her shirt, looking into her eyes, silently begging for permission to take it off, her shivers and frantic nodding of her head prompting me to ease the fabric over her shoulders and head before tossing it to the side.
“Perfect, so beautiful.”
I latched my lips onto hers once more, moving my hands to palm at her bra-covered breasts. She moaned against me, her hands finding my hips again, grinding me down against her, controlling my movements while my fingers tangled themselves into her hair and tugging. She slid her hands up the back of my shirt, scratching at my lower back with need. I pulled away from her again to shrug off my flannel and tug my shirt off, the two articles of clothing join hers on the hardwood floor before moving to kiss the skin of her chest, sucking bruises into the soft plushness of her tits, taking care to bite softer than on her neck, her hand finding my hair as she threw her head back in pleasure, her figure looking divine, my head swimming from the drugs, the only thing I could think of was how perfect she felt against me. I moved back up to her lips slowly, moving my hips against hers as she continued digging her nails into my back, a groan leaving me with a shiver. The hand in my hair slid down my neck, tracing the car there making me squirm at the feeling, my brain trying not to scream at the negative memories associated with it. I leaned back and opened my eyes, only to find that her eyes weren’t the green and golden brown from before, but now a steely shade of gray-blue, her hair lightening to a straw-colored blonde. My breath hitched as my body flung me onto my back on instinct, my body colliding with the floorboards with a very loud thump, my eyes flooding with tears that began streaming down my face.
“Oh, fuck I-”
I struggled to breath, wiping at my eyes, blinking at Aiden, who had moved to the floor, her hand coming to rest on my shoulder, my skin crawling as I flinched at the contact.
She looked like herself again. Oh god, I fucked everything up again.
“I-I’m sor-sorry, I can’t, I-”
She shushed me, brushing hair out of my face.
“It’s okay, it’s okay, you’re okay.”
I sobbed, hiding my head in my hands.
I fucked up, I ruined it, everything was going so well, fuck, fuck fuck fuck.
“I- I need to go home, I’m so sorry.”
She helped me put my shirt back on, handing my jacket, reassuring me that it was okay and that she wasn’t mad.
Liar, I ruined everything, just like always.
She had Lola call me a cab before giving me her number as I apologized profusely.
The ride home was quiet and uncomfortable, the lights blending together unnaturally, trailing behind each other.
My apartment was dead silent when I finally got home.
Good. I’d probably cry if I heard noise right now.
My body and mind cried, aching to lay down in my warm bed as I changed out of my clothes, slipping into green flannel sweats and a black t-shirt.
After finishing my nighttime routine, I flopped into my bed, cocooning myself under my blankets, sighing as the warmth and exhaustion caught up to me, dragging me under the surface of the dark slumber that awaited me.
Word Count: 2546
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Whirl, Swerve, x Weirdcore!Reader Romantic HCs
Reader is portrayed as a gender neutral human.
You have a pet hairless cat.
Tw for swearing and mention of organs such as eyes n stuff
Very friggin weirded out by you at first.
"The fuck do they look like that???"
He did like the repeating theme of blood and organs though.
In fact, its what made him talk to you in the first place.
You were chillin at Swerve's with Rewind when he came up to you and was like
"So.... are those real? if so, who did ya kill, and how?"
Was very confused at why you were giggling until you said they were fake and you made them yourself.
".....they look so real- Aight thats it, fleshie. You, me, this evening, my place."
"Wait why-"
Not knowing what else to do, you ask Rung for directions to Whirl's room. You don't know what you were expecting, but you weren't exactly expecting to be snatched up by his giant claw by the back of your shirt and interrogated about your appearance and mannerisms as if you tried to bring a knife on a plane.
You somehow managed to keep calm though.
Over time though, Whirl did warm up to you and one day confessed and boom! Yall a thing now.
Anyways uhh. He also likes the overall unsettling/calming vibes it can give off.
The liminal spaces kinda work on him? Like yes the place does seem a bit familiar to him, but he doesn't feel the strong sense of deja vu like he's been there before.
Likes your hairless cat.... but also doesn't.
"Yeah, its cute and all, very friendly, nice little fleshy.... but why the fuck does it look like that."
Loves any weird accessories you wear, just these teeny random creatures, items, and organs dangling off you.
Stole a necklace of (fake) teeth from you and he has it hanging off his weird antenna thing on his head unless he's off killing cons or whateva.
Kinda likes the the music you listen to??? Hes weirded out by it definitely, but he does like the melodies.
Not one for physical touch but isn't opposed to it.
He usually pats you on the head with a claw, or has one around your torso (gently).
Pet names include: Babe, Squish-ball, Teeny, Creepy Crawly, Critter, Weirdo, Fucker
Will attempt to murder anyone who dares hurt you or the cat, mentally or physically. Unless you stop him of course.
He loves you a lot despite your overall strangeness.
He loves your style so much, like i'm not kidding.
I mean how can he not? He's discovering a new human thing, that's right up his alley!
Doesn't like the bugs though. Only mildly unsettled by the organs.
And he loves your cat too, absolutely died of cuteness the first time he met them.
They get along p well :)
Big fan of your outfits, they're unique, cute, and fun!
Carries the two of you around almost anywhere he goes.
Yall met when you were wandering the ship with your backpack of art stuff and listening to your tunes. You went down a hall you haven't been to yet and stumbled across his bar.
You walk in, staying close to the wall so you don't get stepped on or something. you make it near the main bar when he spotted you.
"Ohmygodohmygodohmygod they're real-"
He excitedly ran out from behind the bar toward you. He did that thing where you jump, land, and slide on your knees in a sitting position. What a dork XD
He landed next to you and started rambling, You couldn't help but let out a small laugh and smile as he went on.
"Oh wait sorry i forgot to say- My name is Swerve, its so nice to finally meet you!! You look so cool, like weird but very cool. It reminds me of something but i can't remember what- oh wait whats your name?"
He put you on the bar counter as he continued his work all the while continuously chatting with you.
Months later yall got together.
Very affectionate. Like i'm not kidding. Prepare to be held gently.
Liminal spaces work on him. Experiencing the Deja Vu and feelings of unsettlement fr.
Pet names are: Sweet-spark, Sugar, Kiwi, Love-bug
Loves weirdcore music. Specifically songs by Jack Stauber.
Swerve set up a lil place for you on the bar, mostly blankets and pillows with weird patterns, along with some plushies. Like a four eyed cow, a two headed dog, and a clay-face plushie of a duck.
Has lots of lil snacks for ya too.
Won't stop rambling about how much he loves you.
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bluarlequinno · 7 months
FNAF MOVIE OPINION (after like 5 months Ik)
I'm back on my FNAF bullshit, but I always come back to FNAF eventually (pun intended or maybe not, take it as you want)
I know a lot of the fandom liked the movie, but honestly I hate to lie to myself and pretend like the movie was any good, look it's FNAF, I didn't expect it to be good, because it's really hard to adapt something so bizarre and mostly build off of collective delusional and derangement creative mashups, BUT, I still felt that it could have done so much better and I wanna talk about some of my opinions, of course as always it's an opinion and it tends to be subjective so yk, don't take it as an attack if you as a FNAF fan liked the movie
I kinda came around as to why I hated how they handled the animatronics in the movie lately, yeah they were great like visually wise, but how they handled them narratively and within the horror factor was... Extremely disappointing in my opinion, and now I kinda see why, at least in my humble perspective.
I think, a big part of why they give up such uncanny unsettling eerie vibes in the FNAF games (at least the ogs) it's because of the fact WE NEVER SEE THEM MOVE, we are just told and vaguely hinted at the idea that they might be alive, that things have happened, and they have done something, news, past events, etc, with out that it falls flat, in the games, we are left totally clueless unsure if they are or not moving, or if we are the ones going delusional, if the murders are related, the knowledge that corpses are inside or at least the suspicion of, etc.
The movie on the other hand, is too bright in my opinion, colors feel off, like it doesn't give that, dirty, inhuman, unclean, old and clearly malnourished pizzeria, it doesn't make you feel like you are gonna be sick just by being near those greasy old dirty and dry blood stained and who knows what else animatronics, it also shows us the animatronics actually move like some sort of cyborg, changing essentially where the terror of FNAF even comes from, the whole point is that you didn't actually see them move until they are up on your face jumpscaring you, it's kinda the point, and if you do see them move, it's barely crumps of like subtle hand movements or eye twitching or smt that is not that cyborg..y, like the point is that the kids are in those suits and therefore are trying to move them how they can, so when in the movie you actually see them move on the brightness of day in bright color and daytime it feels ... Just really fucking lame and boring, they just feel like your typical scary robots.
The scary factor wasn't them being murder robots, it was that those childlike machines had weird smells and where strangely uncanny and barely moved but somehow managed to make you feel like there was something there, that in the end there were corpses (who mind you were mentioned in the movie but like never seen and kinda forgotten about??? Like hello?)
So if they do make a second movie PLEASE have a clever use of color, ambient building, and DON'T SHOW THEM MOVING, let the protagonist (or player) question their sanity, are they really alive? Or are we just being paranoid, focus more on the smell the robots have, the stains, the texture, the weird unsettling feeling, make the pizzeria darker, dirtier, grayer, older (or well depends a lot on the plot and pizzeria and timeline they will handle).
I have a lot more of criticism on the movie, but I felt this needed to be said because the animatronics are the most essential characteristic of well FNAF, and in my opinion how they were handled was really bad, they didn't scare a bit, they made me feel so much like embarrassment I swear, it felt like a YouTube sketch, which has way more effort honestly.
I think another error was not treating the characters like animatronics, I understand not sticking into the original designs would maybe dislike most fans, but honestly? If it were up to me I would have stylized original like in real life 80s animatronics to have the designs of chica, Bonnie, foxy and Freddy yk? Because they are treating them more like robots than animatronics and like NO, the point is that they are animatronics, stop trying to lean into cyborg sci-fi future FNAF if you're adapting og fnaf lean into the terror of uncanny, guts and blood smelling rotten dirty old machines of a what was supposed to be a normal family pizzeria.
Believe me, playing with smell can really really make things scary, the animatronics shouldn't seem alive or emotionally conscious, they in our perspective animalistic creatures with no mind, that may not be moving at all, but somehow you feel they are following you with their eyes (even if in the case of golden Freddy they have none) make them seem more malnourished, maybe there is broken wiring that let's us see a lot of dry brown stains that give off a dirty rotten smell, they always seem greasy and smell like pizza, greasy and extremely rotten pizza.
Also the fact the souls of the kids appear is cliche and dumb, like we never meet them, the robots are not the kid souls anymore, they are the animalistic revenge desire of their souls, they are no longer human, it would have made the terror and the tension work better if the souls weren't so at your face like kids idk how to word this, but dehumanize their designs, LEAN INTO THE UNCANNY, god i know that making an indie horror game that is more of the collective than of the creator into a somewhat mainstream "Hollywood eske" movie would turn out so shitty, because it lost all the passion and beauty of uncertainty, the not knowing, the significant art and interpretations, they couldn't even give us the characters we love, they just showed us some weird reboot of mike and crying child and whoever abby is supposed to be. Why is Vanessa there I'm so serious, ok this is totally personal, but I hate that they just replace original characters just no.
Imma be honest I don't have the patience right now to word every single thing I think the movie got wrong, but at this point what FNAF is and why we as a fandom love it so much, it's because of the content we as a community create, we make FNAF enjoyable, and idgaf, but scott is not the reason i love fnaf, and it will never be, like that man wants to do a horror story but treats it childishly and cant decide if he wants his audience to be children (for some reason) or +16 and older so it turns out wanky, childish and even dumbs down the audience, how can you have thia sorry still be aimed at children, but feature extreme acts of violence against children like tf, there is canon child abuse, there is gore and child murder, there is so many things that are not for children, but are handled like so badly that it comes off as if a child wrote it, and of course dumbs it down to the point we get to where we are now with the current FNAF, child aimed fully, Scott can't even decide his own lore and the fandom does half the work or all the work
Anyways point is, let the author ruin his own work and give the people creative freedom
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suzukiblu · 9 months
more black zero please!
“I hope you all know I’ll be holding that against you,” Black Zero informs the Justice League, eyeing them darkly. Assholes. Assholes willing to strap a two year-old clone to an atomic bomb to investigate a threat they didn’t know jack shit about without backup. 
He could use a stronger descriptor than “assholes”, actually. 
“This isn’t the situation where you get to threaten people,” Superman says, narrowing his eyes at him. Black Zero genuinely debates taking a page from his teenage selves’ books and flipping him off. If Superman wants to talk to him like he’s somehow under the impression that he’s the strongest person in the room, he should, perhaps, remember that Wonder Woman is three feet away from him, and also that Black Zero himself is, again, an upgrade. “This is the part where you give us a reason not to send you to the Phantom Zone.” 
Black Zero really should just punch him. 
“Well, if you’re going to try me on hearsay, technically I am a minor,” he drawls, raising an eyebrow at Superman. He really did expect someone more impressive. “I’m the exact same age as your ‘Kon-El’, in fact.”
“I mean, give or take a reality,” Superboy says, gesturing awkwardly. “But, uh–yeah. I mean, Black Zero didn’t time-travel or anything, Cadmus just grew him to full-size and then kinda, uh . . . tossed him at Metropolis and told him to just . . . go be Superman. Which did not go well, for the record, so like–I mean, I get the Phantom Zone concerns, but he didn’t start out bad, and, well . . .” 
“It did not go well, no,” Black Zero agrees, his lip curling in disdain at the memories. Superman looks unsettled for a moment, then narrows his eyes at him in obvious judgment, like he thinks he has the right. 
“You’re a psychological adult,” he says. “You knew better than to do what you’ve done.” 
“You stayed dead in my reality,” Black Zero says, wondering what the inside of this idiot’s head must be like. Sunshine and puppies and bullshit, apparently. “Left it all to me. And you don’t know a thing about what I had to do.” 
He knows much better, in fact. Better than Superman, who was accepted even as an alien stranger who lied about his name to everyone he met. Everyone in Black Zero’s home reality had known exactly who he was and where he’d come from and what he’d been made for from day one, but they’d never trusted him half as much as their precious original Superman, even before things had started going bad. 
Black Zero still finds that ironic, considering. He has human DNA. He had humans he cared about. Specific and visible ones who weren’t just allied superheroes or people who could conveniently spin his existence for the press. 
No one could say the same about Superman. Not as far as they knew. 
“And you clearly made your choices,” Superman says. Black Zero gives him a flat look, then decides he’s not worth acknowledging any more than he already has and looks back to Superboy. 
“I’ve never actually met a Superman before,” he says. “Are they all this fucking sanctimonious?” 
“I mean, I’ve gotten some very weird lectures from the guy,” Superboy admits, making a bit of a face. “But he’s not–what the fuck does ‘sanctimonious’ even mean, asshole?” 
“It means he thinks he’s morally superior to the rest of the conversation,” Black Zero says. “And that he’s making a point of shoving that ‘fact’ in our faces.” 
“He is morally superior to us,” Superboy says in exasperation, scowling up at him again. “He’s Superman! That’s his whole thing!” 
“And I’m sure you came to that conclusion completely on your own, and through no outside influence whatsoever,” Black Zero says dryly. “Definitely no ‘very weird lectures’ were involved in the process.” 
“Don’t twist my fucking words around!” Superboy snaps indignantly. 
“Kon . . .” Superman says, his jaw tightening. Black Zero continues to ignore the spare parts, for obvious reasons.
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crabs-with-sticks · 2 months
Happy DADWC Day! How does "not knowing how to handle being accepted by someone for the first time" from the Angsty Found Family Prompts sound for Morrigan & Tabris?
Had a lot of fun with this one! Thanks for the prompt! Mara is Going Through It and, much to Morrigan's surprise, spiders is the least of her concerns. @dadrunkwriting
Morrigan & Mara Tabris
Pastries and Giant Spiders 648 words
“I must warn you warden, some find my particular strain of magic to be…unsettling.”
Mara shrugged and took a massive bite of the stale pastry. “Its magic, as far as I know its all weird stuff. Somebody just waggles their fingers and boom, suddenly fire.”
Morrigan’s brow furrowed, eyes drawn to Mara’s nose where a glob of icing had attached itself. “You truly know that little of magic? Hmm, perhaps it would be for the best for me to demonstrate. I would not want you to get surprised by it in combat.”
Mara waved her off. “Sure, sure go ahead.”
Morrigan’s entire body contorted, and Mara could hear the soft popping of ligaments and cracks of bones refitting themselves to a hard exoskeleton. The spider- or rather Morrigan- scuttled around for a few moments before shifting back, flesh and bone refitting it to a form once again human.
Morrigan smiled, a wolf showing her teeth. “You can perhaps now see why I this is something I would want to discuss beforehand. I have found that many think it unsettling to say the least and frightening to say the most.”
Mara’s tongue worked its way over and between her teeth as she tried to get at a bit of pastry that had gotten stuck there, jaw moving to the side. “Well, I’m glad you did let me know beforehand. Would have been awkward if I stabbed you thinking that darkspawn had somehow tamed giant spiders.”
“You are taking this quite well,” Morrigan said with a raised eyebrow and disbelieving tone.
Mara looked up at her from her pastry, half gone now but having shed powdered sugar all over her legs. “Why? Do you want me to be upset?”
“It is not that. Rather-,”
“I mean, I can run around and scream for a bit, but I’d rather just eat this pastry if I’m being honest. Even if it is stale…and hopefully not a little mouldy.”
Morrigan straightened, her head tilted and blinking quickly. She looked rather like some kind of ungainly bird, not quite chick but not quite fledged. “It is just… when I was a child I would sneak away and would find children from the village playing at the edge of the forest. And I would go up to play, and thinking it the most normal thing in the world, would transform. Only to find them running off screaming and calling me a monster.���
“I don’t mind spiders so much personally. As a kid I once captured three spiders in a jar to keep as pet and named them after my cousins. Shiani did eat the other two but they were all chill to me when they were alive.”
“It is just-”
Mara took the last bite of the pastry and stood up, not even bothering to dust off the sugar granules from her hand as she placed it solemnly on Morrigan’s shoulder. Even as she did, her posture grave, her voice was a shaking laugh. “Look, Morrigan. This doesn’t even rank in the top ten craziest things that have happened to me in the last month. And if I’m being honest, next to the fact that I now need to go on fucking quest to save the fucking world, its small potato. I honestly couldn’t give a rats ass if you can turn into a giant spider. Like, its a bit spooky, not gonna lie. But that is kinda just your whole thing. So just take it as a win that you’re doing a good job at being a bit creepy and we’ll just move on with our journey yeah?”
“Right, yes of course warden.”
“Oh maker don’t remind me. Just Mara. Please,” and she wandered off, leaving the witch behind her confused and with the outline of a hand in white sugar on her shoulder. “Fuck that pastry was good,” exclaimed the warden, to nobody in particular.
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