#In June
dragonnova · 3 months
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Next in the line up, Mikey is a Loggerhead Sea Turtle. Kind of a given considering most reference photos of Loggerheads are orange or a variation of orange/brown. The other reason I wanted Loggerheads for him is in their shell patterns, since a lot of them look like sun bursts to me. He's rounder, smaller, bigger feet flippers and hands. His arm frills are a bit like Leo's, but his build is more like Raph (which you'll see soon.) I've included two of my favorite photos from my vast folder of Loggerheads (they're my favorite.) And the first sketch I did of him.
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vxidd · 4 months
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june 2024 photoset of my life lately…groundbreaking
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roetrolls · 3 months
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our girlfriend :) @sasster
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jaratedeguadalupe · 1 year
Virgil the mf standing in the shade and wearing hood on the playground pretending to be a vampire  
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a-tenno-called-prin · 11 months
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Picking this back up for completely normal reasons
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ratsandfashion · 4 months
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Finally finished the lines for my very late MerMay! Maybe I'll actually get the colors done by the end of THIS month...or the next DX
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chaotic-orphan · 1 year
June of Doom, day six:
“You’re doing great:” injection // nightmare // duct tape
CW: needles (mentioned), gunshot wound (explicit), graphic depiction of pain, sadistic whumper, forced caretaking, forced medical Whump, Whumpee forced unwilling participant, blood (explicit), medical Whump, captivity Whump, dungeon, basement, exhaustion, gagged whumpee
I suck at tagging, I barely know how to do it, I’m sorry…
The door to the basement opened and Whumpee saw Whumper’s silhouette at the top of the stairs. Caretaker lifted their head too, flinching when the door to the stairs locked and Whumpee saw all of it.
Whumper whistled as he descended the steps. He had a case in one hand, and he smiled at Whumpee, who was chained directly across from the stairs when he cleared the last step.
“I have something fun in store for my two favourite roommates today,” Whumper said cheerfully. He walked to the table that jutted out from his wall of horror tools and sadistic equipment and placed the case down. Whumpee stretched their neck, trying to see what was in the case but Whumper hummed a happy tune and blocked Whumpee’s view with their body. “No peeking and ruining the surprise now, Whumpee.”
Whumper stepped away from the table and towards the wall of Horror, eyes roaming over every possible pain they could inflict on Whumpee and Caretaker today. Whumpee did the same, gauging any sort of reaction Whumper had from his view, trying to anticipate what unpleasantness they had in store for them today.
Whumper’s hand went to the whips and Whumpee glanced back quickly at Caretaker. Caretaker was leaning against the wall, head tilted back, hair falling over their eyes, too exhausted to even move the hairs. Caretaker couldn’t take a whipping today. They couldn’t. They would die, they were barely holding it together after last time Whumper…
Whumpee didn’t try to suppress the shudder that racked their body at the memory of that godless, waking nightmare. A hand was in Whumpee’s hair then pulling their attention back to Whumper. Whumpee grit their teeth behind thin lips as Whumper smiled down at them.
“How are you today, Whumpee? A little distracted?”
Whumpee swallowed. “No, Whumper.”
“Are you sure? You’re not more worried about Caretaker than yourself are you?” Whumper chastised and Whumpee shook their head. Then winced as Whumper yanked their head up further by the hair.
“No. No! I’m not,” Whumpee said quickly.
“Leave them alone,” Caretaker muttered from the corner. Whumper let out a small laugh but let go of Whumpee’s hair.
They crouched down to Whumpee and unlocked the cuffs chaining Whumpee’s hands to the floor. Whumpee’s heart jumped into their throat. When Whumper moved Whumpee that only meant Whumpee was in for a world of pain, but it was okay. At least it wasn’t Caretaker.
Whumper dropped something into Whumpee’s freed hands. When they looked down they saw it was a roll of duct tape. Whumpee looked up in question. Whumper was grinning down at them, sadistic delights dancing in his eyes.
“Today Whumpee you are going to be my little helper, since Caretaker so rudely tried to rain on our parade.”
Whumpee stared up at him, mouth opening in silent horror. Then they shook their head. “No, no. I won’t. I— I won’t.”
Whumper shushed them, bending down again and grabbing Whumpee under the arm pulling them up. “Yes you will. It’s okay, Whumpee. I’ll talk you through it.”
“No. No. I won’t! I will not listen to you. I’m not hurting Caretaker.”
Whumper’s grip tightened on Whumpee’s arm as they dragged them over to Caretaker. “Yes you will, Whumpee. Here look. I’ll show you.”
Whumper let go of Whumpee and gave them a key. Whumpee looked at it. Whumper put a hand on Whumpee’s shoulder, pushing them to their knees.
“Now see?” Whumper said. “You’re doing so good already. Now unlock the latch. Yes. Just like that. Good, now, we get Caretaker to their feet hmm?”
“No,” Caretaker said weakly, but Whumper ignored their request and crouched down grabbing Caretaker under the arm.
“Whumpee. Grab their other arm.”
“No, no, no,” Caretaker mumbled, more urgent now. “No please. Don’t.”
“Whumpee. Grab them. Now. Or I swear I’ll make their punishment worse,” said Whumper, eyes locked on Whumpee’s in a threat. Whumpee had to suck it up. For Caretaker. Whumpee knew first hand how far Whumper would go.
So Whumpee grabbed the protesting Caretaker and together they pulled Caretaker to their feet. Caretaker cried out as Whumpee put pressure on their shoulder, struggling weakly against Whumpee’s hold.
“I’m sorry, Caretaker. I’m sorry.”
“The more you apologise, the worse their punishment will be,” Whumper sing-songed. Caretaker just let out a few pained grunts and whines until they got them onto the repurposed dentist’s chair that Whumper so loved to torture Whumpee on. To carve into, poke, prod, cut, burn— the nightmares were endless.
So for Whumpee to see Caretaker there, to have put them there… Whumpee wanted to get sick. What was Whumper planning?
“Whumpee…” Caretaker said, their voice a small thing that pulled at Whumpee’s heart strings. They were here because of them. Trying to rescue them and now they were shot and weak from blood loss and it was all Whumpee’s fault. “It’s okay… I’m okay… I’m going—“
“Whumpee,” Whumper interjected, getting Whumpee’s full and undivided attention with his horrible smile. “Be a dear and grab the duct tape for me, will you?”
It wasn’t a suggestion. Whumpee knew that. So they obeyed. What else could they do? With Whumper so close to Caretaker in their state. Whumpee picked the Duct tape up from the floor and offered it back to Whumper across Caretaker on the chair.
Whumper held their hands up. “No, no. I don’t want it. I want you to do it.”
Whumpee’s heart went to their throat. “W-what?”
Whumper smiled. The edges turning sharper than the flash of malicious excitement colouring his features. “Well we can’t let Caretaker bleed out, can we? Where would be the fun in that?”
Whumpee glanced down at Caretaker who was glaring at Whumper with all their energy. Whumper placed a sharp hand down on Caretaker’s shoulder and Caretaker cried out, their body arching away from Whumper’s hand but he just kept patting Caretaker’s shoulder in a disturbed reassuring gesture.
“As much as Caretaker deserves to bleed out for defying me and trying to get you back, I want them alive. So that means we are cleaning the wound. Keeping them alive and ready for their punishment once their healed.”
Whumpee said nothing. They just stood there, the duct tape in their trembling hands, too stunned to even speak.
Whumper’s finger dug into the bullet wound and Caretaker screamed. Their back arched off the chair, curving around Whumper’s brutal attack while struggling to get away.
“There is the problem,” said Whumper to Whumpee, not even looking at Caretaker. “They’re a screamer. Usually I enjoy screams, but they don’t do it as well as you do, Whumpee.”
“You fucking bastard—AGH!” Caretaker growled, seething underneath Whumper.
“So I need you to duct tape their mouth shut Whumpee. We can’t have them screaming every time we’re trying to help, hmm?”
“No,” Caretaker mumbled weakly. Whumpee looked down at Caretaker, finally tearing their eyes away from Whumper. Caretaker looked bad. So bad. Their hair was sticking to their forehead with sweat and they looked so pale they nearly looked grey. Their lips were pale, the colour of old scars and trembling. “No, don’t,” Caretaker tried again.
“Whumpee. The quicker you do this the quicker we can sew Caretaker back up.”
Whumpee’s eyes went to Whumper. “You’re trying to fix them?”
“Like I said, Whumpee. They’re not as fun if they’re broken. Now come on, we don’t have all day.”
Whumpee looked back at Caretaker, and Caretaker blanched. If they could have gotten paler. “No. Whumpee. Don’t please—“ Caretaker tried, their voice cracking at the please.
“It’s okay, Caretaker,” said Whumpee, their breath shaky as they started pulling at the edge of the tape. “Whumper will make you better. I’m sorry.”
“No. No. Ple—mmh.”
Whumpee’s hands shook as they pulled them back after… after gagging the person who tried to come and save them. They were no better than Whumper. Whumper who had gagged them countless times before, taken their voice, their last defence, their last sense of control over their body… Whumpee’s eyes went to Whumper who was smiling so proud down at Whumpee.
“Again,” said Whumper.
Whumpee froze. “Whumper they’re — they’re already—“
“Again, Whumpee.”
“Mmf!” Caretaker said and it sounded so like a No. Whumper kept their eyes on Whumpee’s with that look that brokered no disobedience. Whumpee nearly cried as they pulled at the tape again.
“I’m sorry,” they told Caretaker again and this time Caretaker didn’t move their head. They just held Whumpee’s eyes: a defeated gaze and a small nod, that told Whumpee it was okay. That they forgave them.
Jesus that just made this so much worse.
Whumpee put it on again, and Whumper smiled. “Good, Whumpee. Very good. You’re doing great as my little assistant,” Whumper praised and it felt as if all the moisture in Whumpee’s mouth turned to ash.
“You can put that away now.,” Whumper said, nodding at the duct tape in Whumpee’s hand. Whumpee moved on autopilot to the wall of Horror and stopped in front of it, swallowing hard.
They could just grab something. Grab anything. They could hurt Whumper. They could do it. They could. Their hand shook as they reached up to hang the duct tape back in it’s place just beside the whips. Then they hesitated.
“You know, if you were braver I think you would manage it, Whumpee. You could grab something, maybe outwit me with the adrenaline coursing through your veins,” Whumper whispered, and Whumpee felt a breath on their neck that sent ice through their veins. They didn’t even hear Whumper move. “Of course, it would have worked better if Caretaker was never here, hmm? You wouldn’t have to risk them getting hurt if they never came and you could’ve fought me and escaped.”
Whumpee turned to face a grinning Whumper, but Whumpee knew the threat behind his smile. The danger that lay under his expression. Daring Whumpee to talk back, to agree with Whumper’s hypothetical mutiny.
“Maybe,” is all Whumpee said in reply.
Whumper looked Whumpee in the eyes. Searching for that usual sign of submission, but it wasn’t there. Whumper’s grin just got wider as they grabbed Whumpee by the arm and dragged them over to the chair Caretaker was laying on, eyes focused on the exchange in silence.
Whumper left Whumpee on the right side while walking to the far left. A flash of metal passed from Whumper’s hand through the air and Whumpee caught them reflexively. Then they realised what they were as Whumper opened their pair with a clack, clack, clack and set about grabbing Caretaker’s arm which was now flailing in panic. Handcuffs. They were handcuffs, and Whumper wanted Whumpee to put them on Caretaker’s wrist and lock them down so they couldn’t fight back.
“Mmf! Mmmph! MMF!” Caretaker cried, and then a soft gasp of a breath was pushed out their nose as Whumper punched Caretaker in the gut. In Caretaker’s brief moment of pain, Whumper slapped the cuffs onto Caretaker’s wrist and then to handrail.
“Must you have a moral quandary over every little thing today Whumpee?” Whumper asked, impatient. “When I give you a task I expect it to be done. No if’s, and’s or b-b-buts. The next time you hesitate today, Caretaker gets the punishment. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, Whumper…” Whumpee said, and opened the handcuffs with a clack, clack, clack. They reached their hand out to Caretaker’s and Caretaker flinched at first, then willingly put their hand into Whumpee’s. Whumpee snapped the cuffs on and did the same as Whumper. When they finished Caretaker pulled at the cuffs, testing how much room they had to work with.
To struggle with.
Finally. Finally, Whumper opened the small briefcase they brought in and Whumpee could see what was inside. A case full of needles and bottles of what exactly Whumpee didn’t know but they wanted to get sick. They wanted to run. They wanted to get Caretaker free and hurt Whumper and flee… their heart was beating a mile a minute in their chest.
Just as Whumper opened the box, they shut it again and grinned at Whumpee over their shoulder. “Actually. I think we’ve taken all the precautions necessary. I don’t think Caretaker will need general anaesthetic, do you Whumpee?”
Whumpee went pale. “Wh— what? Whumper… no…”
“Mmf!” Caretaker protested, their cuffs clanging against the metal of the chair’s frame.
“Whumper they… they need it if you’re going to—“
“Psssh,” Whumper said waving their hand, dismissing Whumpee’s incoherent babbling. “Relax. Their screams are muted and their hands are tied down. Let’s see how long they go before they pass out, hmm?”
“Whumpee! Whumpee, Whumpee, Whumpee…” Whumper tsked, teeth grit against each other. “I can sew up one hole, or I can make two more. The choice is yours.”
Whumpee looked between Whumper and Caretaker, once, twice, thrice. Then their resolve settled in their face. “Okay, Whumper. We sew up one.”
The duct tape barely suppressed Caretaker’s screams. Whumpee had so much blood on their hands. Caretaker didn’t last ten minutes before they passed out.
When they did Whumper grinned over the chair at Whumpee and said: “perfect. You did perfect today, Whumpee. I’m so happy your friend decided to join us.”
Thank you for reading also sorry for the delay, my brain went blackpink shutdown yesterday so it’s been a time— I feel like I have been writing this piece for years anyways… hope you enjoyed
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My friend suggested that I get a black shirt like I don’t live in Florida and would die of heat stroke
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officialtayley · 25 days
gang......... i can say this here cause no one cares. accidentally learned scoups seems to be going to paris fashion week for loewe........... knew it was fishy when he randomly archived another brand post but left the loewe post up i knew smth was coming
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icedmetaltea · 10 months
This week has sucked BUT boutta be a more powerful aunt
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field-guide-to-mud · 8 months
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sometimes you just need to say "fuck it. i'll make my own embellishments"
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steveharrington · 1 year
every day i wake up and we have an extreme heat advisory + air quality warning combo
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made a financially unwise decision but thanks to paypal i can put off regretting it for 30 days yay 
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angryborzois · 1 year
gonna cut my hair woo
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aro-oak · 1 year
The nostalgic yearning is KILLING me
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lookninjas · 2 years
the interruptions everywhere and each one dumber than the last
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