#Importance of Wilayat
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When the Majority Rules, But Truth Remains Silent: Unveiling the Deception of Consensus

In the journey of faith, reminders serve as both guidance and a safeguard. They keep us grounded, reminding us of the fundamental truths that govern our beliefs, not only in the seen world but in the unseen as well. For the followers of Ahlul Bayt, among the most significant of these truths is the Wilayat of Imam Ali (عليه السلام). It is a principle so integral to our faith that its acceptance is non-negotiable. Yet, despite its monumental importance, many stray from the path, either unknowingly or willfully.
The Foundation of Faith: The Wilayat of Imam Ali (عليه السلام)
Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq (عليه السلام) said:
"إِنَّ إِكْمَالَ الدِّينِ فِي وِلَايَتِنَا وَالتَّبَرُّؤُ مِنْ أَعْدَائِنَا"
"The completion of faith lies in accepting our Wilayat and disassociating from our enemies."
(Source: Al-Kafi, Vol. 2, Hadith 23)
This hadith is not just a passing statement—it is the foundation of every believer’s relationship with Allah. Wilayat isn’t just a doctrine; it is the very essence that completes one’s faith. Without it, the foundation of one’s submission to Allah remains fractured, unable to bear the weight of true piety.
The Wilayat of Imam Ali (عليه السلام) is not merely a title or a symbolic gesture; it is a divine command, and to reject it is to reject the very fabric of Islam itself.
The Spiritual Peril of Rejecting Wilayat
Imam Ali (عليه السلام) himself warned:
"مَن جَحَدَ وِلَايَتِي بَعْدَ أَنْ يَعْرِفَهَا فَكَأَنَّهُ عَابَدٌ لِلْأَصْنَامِ وَمُشْرِكٌ بِاللَّهِ"
"He who rejects my Wilayat after recognizing it is like the one who has worshipped idols and associated partners with Allah."
(Source: Nahjul Balagha, Saying 108)
The weight of these words cannot be overstated. Rejecting the Wilayat of Imam Ali (عليه السلام) is not a mere intellectual disagreement; it is akin to the gravest form of spiritual rebellion. To deny him is to step outside the circle of those who truly adhere to Allah's will. This rejection is not just an act of ignorance but one of willful ignorance—an act that Allah does not take lightly.
Accountability on the Day of Judgment
The consequences of this rejection are not only felt in this world but also in the Hereafter. Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq (عليه السلام) said:
"يُسْأَلُ النَّاسُ فِي يَوْمِ الْقِيَامَةِ عَنْ ثَلاثَةٍ: عَنْ الصَّلاةِ وَالزَّكَاةِ وَالْوِلَايَةِ، فَمَنْ قَبِلَ الْوِلَايَةَ وَفَاتَتْهُ الْأُخْرَيَيْنِ غُفِرَ لَهُ، وَمَنْ جَحَدَ الْوِلَايَةَ فَإِنَّ شَيْئًا لَا يَنْفَعُهُ"
"On the Day of Judgment, people will be asked about three things: prayer, zakat, and Wilayat. If they accept Wilayat but fall short in the other two, their shortcomings will be forgiven. But if they reject Wilayat, nothing else will benefit them."
(Source: Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 27, Hadith 65)
This narration poignantly underscores the irreplaceable value of Wilayat. The Day of Judgment will be a moment where all deeds will be scrutinized, and it is the acceptance of Wilayat that will determine whether other deeds can bear fruit. To reject the guardianship of Imam Ali (عليه السلام) is to negate the very foundation of one’s faith, rendering all other acts of worship meaningless.
Wilayat: The Pillar of Islam
As Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (عليه السلام) emphasized,
"الإِسْلَامُ بُنِيَ عَلَى خَمْسَةٍ: عَلَى الصَّلَاةِ وَالزَّكَاةِ وَالصَّوْمِ وَالْحَجِّ وَالْوِلَايَةِ، وَلَمْ يُؤَكَّدْ شَيْءٌ مِّثْلَ الَّذِي فِي الْوِلَايَةِ"
"Islam is built on five pillars: prayer, fasting, zakat, Hajj, and Wilayat. None were emphasized as much as Wilayat."
(Source: Al-Kafi, Vol. 2, Hadith 18)
While prayer and fasting are undoubtedly essential, it is Wilayat that holds the foundation together. Without it, the pillars of Islam are like a structure built on shifting sands. Wilayat gives meaning to every act of worship, for it is only through the love and allegiance to the rightful successors of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وآله) that our deeds can be validated in the eyes of Allah.
The Ark of Salvation: A Call to Hold Firm to the Right Path
The Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وآله) famously stated:
"مَثَلُ أَهْلِ بَيْتِي فِيكُمْ كَمَثَلِ فُؤَادِ نُوحٍ، مَن رَكِبَهَا نَجَا وَمَن تَخَلَّفَ عَنْهَا هَلَكَ"
"The example of my Ahlul Bayt among you is like the Ark of Noah: whoever embarks upon it is saved, and whoever turns away from it is drowned."
(Source: Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 2, Page 275)
This profound analogy likens the Wilayat of Ahlul Bayt to the Ark of Noah—a vessel of salvation. Rejecting the guidance of the Ahlul Bayt, and specifically the Wilayat of Imam Ali (عليه السلام), is akin to abandoning the Ark, exposing oneself to spiritual peril and eternal loss.
The Harsh Reality of Denying Wilayat: A Sin Equivalent to Zina
Finally, the words of Imam Ali (عليه السلام) himself strike a chilling reminder of the importance of Wilayat in our prayers.
"مَن جَحَدَ وِلَايَتِي حَتَّى إِنْ صَلَّى صَلَاةَ الْأَنْبِيَاءِ وَصَامَ صِيَامَ الْمَلَائِكَةِ لَمْ يَتَقَبَّلْ اللَّهُ صَلَاتَهُ وَصِيَامَهُ، فَإِنَّهُ كَالَّذِي أَتَى الْكَعْبَةَ فَزَنَى فِي حَجَرِهَا"
"Whoever denies the Wilayat of Ali (عليه السلام), even if they perform prayers like the Prophets and fast like the angels, their prayers and fasting will not be accepted by Allah. Such a person is like the one who has committed zina (adultery) in the presence of the Kaaba."
(Source: Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 27, Page 65)
This narration holds an undeniable gravity. The act of rejecting Imam Ali's (عليه السلام) Wilayat, even while performing the most essential acts of worship, is equated with one of the gravest sins: zina. In the context of the Kaaba—the most sacred site in Islam—this equivalence serves as a wake-up call. How can we stand before Allah with our hearts divided, denying His chosen leader, Imam Ali (عليه السلام), and still expect our worship to be accepted?
Conclusion: A Reminder to Stay True to the Right Path
This article is not simply a reminder for others but a reminder for myself above all. The Wilayat of Imam Ali (عليه السلام) is not a peripheral belief; it is the essence of our faith. We cannot claim allegiance to Allah while turning away from His chosen representative. As we navigate our lives, let us remain firmly anchored in the guidance of Wilayat. Let these reminders serve as beacons to keep us on the right path, ensuring that our faith is complete and our actions are accepted in the eyes of Allah.
Sources and Further Reading:
1. Al-Kafi, Vol. 2 (Hadith 23, 18)
2. Nahjul Balagha (Saying 108)
3. Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 27 (Hadith 65, Page 275)
For further study, you may explore reliable online sources such as Al-Islam.org or ShiaBooks.org. These platforms provide access to various Shia texts and scholarly resources on the teachings of Ahlul Bayt.
#Ahlul Bayt#Wilayat of Imam Ali#Islamic Teachings#Shia Islam#Spiritual Reflection#Faith and Belief#Islamic Philosophy#Nahjul Balagha#Bihar al-Anwar#Al-Kafi#Importance of Wilayat#Quranic Guidance#Spiritual Growth#Ark of Salvation#imam ali#maula ali#shia#ya ali maddad#artists on tumblr#literature#pandora#pandora's box#pandora's vault
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Assalamu alykum, in regards to the sister inquiring about wether to make H while alone or wait until you are married, I want to share my view from my experience and that of other sisters I know:
Unbelievably, Hijrah alone may be even easier for women nowadays than many think.
Unless you are already married, waiting to find a man on manhaj, then waiting for him to marry you, and then waiting for him to actually be convinced of making Hijrah, and then getting him to save up and fix his paperwork (which could be delayed if the brother is already known to the tawaghit) and then getting him to brave up and pack his belongings and wait until the brothers open the way and then leave will take you much much much more than just rushing by yourself before marriage (and every single of the previously mentioned steps could be deemed to fail eventually and making h would even be harder). And how many sisters do we know who waited until marriage only to be then drowning in the excuses of their husbands (may Allah guide them) and then child after child things only get harder (in the human sight only, for nothing is hard for Allah) and the excuses keep increasing until they eventually get the ultimatum, (jail, death etc etc) and abandon the dream of Hijrah completely, and even excuse themselves and wail and cry when it is too late for crying. (Let me not mention the fact that finding a righteous sincere husband is relatably easier in dar al islam 😅)
So abandon the dream of marriage before H (unless a good man approaches you and things go smoothly obviously, this is not a call to staying unmarried و العياذ بالله) and whenever you get the chance, find someone trustworthy from the Jama’ah who will guide your steps and assist you in EVERY single step. Women have been making H for years and many of them come from different backgrounds and different family situations so don’t underestimate the brothers for they’ll find you a way that will get you there with both your deen and honour intact biithnillah. And remember to take with you something very important, and it is: OBEDIENCE & PATIENCE!! do not take one single step without listening to the command of the brothers first, for they know the ways better than you Alhamdulillah. And in obedience you’ll find yourself at ease and in comfort, and they’ll raise a heavy weight from your back (that of thinking and planning) in sha Allah. And be patient for this is your life investment and it surely will require patience, it could take a few days from the day you resolve to make Hijra to the day you are in dar al islam, and it could also take months or years, so maintain malleability in your days and do not take very big steps that would make staying in dar al kufr for long dangerous, since you never know how long it will take for you to actually leave.
And the waiting stage in sha Allah will be from the best days of your life regardless of their hardship you’ll get closer to Allah in du’a and ibadah, (you choose to make them the best days of your life with patience and ibadah or the worst with overthinking and worry obviously.)
And finally may Allah help all muslims.
I say this and Allah knows best.
Allahuma barik well said. Jazakum Allahu khayran.
Note: when we give advice about hijra we mean when it's possible, in the future in sha Allah, when Allah gives us victory and expansion but not now. Hijra is from darul kufr to darul islam and currently there's no way to reach the few lands captured by ikhwa in other wilayat. As for wilayat amniyah e.g shaam, there is no hijra for women especially to here. Do not be fooled by anyone and be careful.
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Delhi, the historical capital of India, is all about stories of the past. Among several landmarks, there’s one unusual place that stands out as a whispered legend of supernatural intrigue known as Machla Mahal. The place is still shrouded in mystery.
Let’s find out more about this mysterious place.
History of Malcha Mahal
For those who don’t know, Malcha Mahal is a Tughlaq-era hunting lodge built in 1325 by Feroz Shah Tughlaq. The palace is situated in Malcha, which is one of the pretty hamlets around Raisina Hill.
For centuries, the mansion remained abandoned before a mysterious family started living there. The family claimed to be descendants of the Nawab of Awadh. Wilayat Mahal, head of the family, along with her son Ali Raza and daughter Sakina Mahal started living inside the palace. She claimed to be the great-granddaughter of Nawab Wajid Ali Shah and for years, she used to live near the New Delhi station.
She demanded the Indian government to return her ancestral property, which was seized by the British illegally. Indira Gandhi, the then Prime Minister of India, got involved in this and after looking at the miserable condition of the family ordered to find a residence for Wilayat Mahal. Eventually Malcha Mahal was given to them and the family moved into the property in 1985.
Haunted tales
As per locals, the palace is haunted by the spirit of Begum Wilayat Mahal. She committed suicide after allegedly gulping down crushed diamonds. The last member of this mysterious royal family Prince Ali Raza also died in 2017. He was found dead inside the palace.
The reputation of Machla Mahal as one of the most haunted places in Delhi attracts a number of paranormal enthusiasts and thrill-seekers. Several visitors come here in the hopes of an eerie encounter, laced with modern cameras and voice recorders. Some also carry ghost-hunting equipment.
But irrespective of Machla Mahal’s haunted reputation, the place remains an important part of Delhi's historical heritage and it stands as a witness to the city's rich past.
#horror#history#historic#indian#indianheritage#delhi#new delhi#monument#educate yourself#education#historyindia
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(this post is strictly analytical thinking out loud, not a moral statement. when I refer to terror and terrorism, I am not using the word in the common sense of "unforgivable crime that renders its perpetrator outside the status of human being," but rather as a type of violent strategy characterized by performative force - acts done for their own sake as spectacle/communication, rather than as a utilitarian means to a definite strategic/tactical end.)
somebody made the point that as recently as 2014, Hamas et al. would vehemently deny any accusation of endangering or harming civilians, and now they're publishing videos about it. I think this is a rhetorical shift worth paying attention to. it suggests a change in how they think they most benefit from being perceived abroad, and/or a change in which audience they prioritize. it of course represents an effort to shock and awe Israelis in a way they haven't attempted since the last intifada, if not the 90s. it also possibly reflects an enduring effect of ISIS' media strategy and its early successes.
some of this has to be for a Palestinian audience, given the coming succession struggle. recent polling in Palestine shows rising support for armed struggle (not surprising after the last decade, especially 2018); "we will do what the PA will not" is obviously part of what this is about. some of it is for the international Arab audience. (this does not mean that every Palestinian or Arab rejoices in every action depicted in the videos.) some of it is flexing Hamas's own demonstration of power and effectiveness, and here maybe is where the ways ISIS changed the comms game comes in - there are other propaganda strategies to achieve that goal, like the videos of paragliding, wall-bulldozing, the high-profile prisoners. in the abstract, videos of humiliating and killing civilians don't necessarily translate to evidence of effectiveness, but it would seem that Hamas calculates that here, they do, in the knowledge that a number of western lite "sympathizers" will be driven away and disgusted by them. which of course speaks to the shift in target audience I mentioned. what ISIS perfected was a social-mediatized bodily vocabulary of the performative qualities of terror. they attracted the types of people they attracted in part because on a very base level their execution etc. videos simply said "look what (taboo things) we can do." the fact of doing it at all was the statement, much more than its being done on acquired territory or through a nascent state apparatus or to anyone in particular.
terrorism (everywhere) has always had performative qualities - to me this is the only viable way to distinguish terrorism from insurgency etc, which again in this context is a distinction based on methods rather than moral valence - which is why relatively small incursions by Hamas in the 90s were such a huge deal. a huge, maybe the most important, part of these attacks was simply the fact of acting on claimed Israeli land, of demonstrating a lack of containment and a cheesecloth thinness in that Israeli claim. this offensive has that too, to be clear (again, bulldozing the wall, taking towns, and I think especially the paragliding given the psychic/symbolic Israeli investment in Iron Dome). ISIS propaganda was less about the performance of transgressive presence/mobility (for all their talk of wilayat and overthrowing Sykes-Picot, which they did not) and more about transgressively acting on bodies. (I also recall a lovingly made, braggy video of theirs about the shiny expensive advanced medical equipment they had in, I think, one of their Iraqi possessions - maybe Mosul. that was very striking to me at the time too. bodies bodies bodies.) that Hamas is using that language is extremely interesting for several reasons as noted already, but also because it perhaps suggests something broader about where credibility in the performance of force comes from right now. I am also thinking about Ukrainian videos not showing war crimes (for obvious reasons - the Ukrainian propaganda operation is admirably disciplined and intelligent; regardless of your stance on Ukraine you do in fact have to hand it to em on this), but: very often showing specific prisoners or corpses and their bodily states.
I don't know. I don't have a conclusion. I just think there's something happening here. performative acts of transgressing the body are not a brand new thing at all, obviously. heads on pikes at the city gates, and all that. but choices in how they're mediated and broadcast are.
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🍃🕊🍃 10 facts about Al-Ghadir event by Ayatollah Khamenei
🍃 The following are selected extracts of the speeches of Imam Khamenei-the supreme leader of the Islamic Revolution-made in different years, about Ghadir, the day Imam Ali (a.s) was appointed and announced as Imam, by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
🍃 The philosophy of Eid in Islam
Eid represents an anniversary that brings happiness and joy. What brings happiness to the Islamic Ummah? Approaching the Islamic goals. Islam has determined some goals for the Islamic ummah and society like it has done so for Muslim individuals.
🍃 The greatest Eid of God
No doubt, the day of Eid al-Ghadir is an extremely important day. In Islamic narrations, we read that the importance of this day is even more than Eid al-Adha or Eid al-Fitr. Not that importance of these Eids can be undermined in any way; but that, Eid al-Ghadir has a more elevated sense. The importance of this Eid-the most important Eid based on the Shia narrations-relies on its theme: wilayah. It could be said that the goal of all the efforts made by the Prophet Muhammad and other Prophets and religious figures was to establish the wilayah (governance) of God.
🍃 What makes Ghadir so important?
Ghadir was a matter of establishing a criterion although the Holy Prophet's (S) advice was not heeded later on. Until the end of time, Muslims can use this criterion to determine the main path of the Islamic Ummah. Choosing the best time for declaring his successor was not up to the Holy Prophet (S). Rather, it was decided by Allah the Exalted. "Deliver what has been revealed to you from your Lord."
(The Holy Quran, 5: 67) This is not to say that the Prophet (S) did not know about the issue of Imamate and Wilayat before the revelation. He knew about this issue since the time he was appointed a prophet. Moreover, the events that happened during his 23-year prophethood left no doubt about Imamate and Wilayat. But Wilayat had to be publicly declared at the most strategic time, and it was declared after a divine order. "Deliver what has been revealed to you from your Lord. And if you do not do it, then you have not delivered His message." (The Holy Quran, 5: 67) That is to say, declaring Wilayat was a divine message that the Prophet (S) had to deliver. Later on, when the Holy Prophet (S) told the pilgrims to gather in Ghadir al-Khumm and declared this divine message, this ayah was revealed to him: "Today I have perfected your religion for you, and I have completed My blessing upon you." (The Holy Quran, 5: 3) Islam and divine blessings were complete on Ghadir. "Today the unbelievers have despaired of your religion. Therefore, fear them not, but fear Me." (The Holy Quran, 5: 3) Allah told the Prophet (S) that Ghadir was the day when his enemies despair. That is to say, the criterion was determined. From that day on, Muslims could see the criterion and end doubts whenever they opened their eyes to the realities. This shows the importance of Ghadir.
🍃 Proving Ghadir by relying on the Quran verses
in the Holy Quran, there are ayahs which can only be matched with the issue of Ghadir, not with any other issue.
There is a well-known ayah which says, “This day have those who reject faith given up all hope of your religion, yet fear them not but fear Me. This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion” (The Holy Quran, 5: 3). This ayah is in the beginning of Sura al-Maeda and it is not compatible with any issue other than the issue of Ghadir in terms of weight, significance and value.
Only such an issue can match the sentence “This day have those who reject faith given up all hope of your religion.” Those who have questioned the content of these ayahs and those who make certain comments in rejecting this issue – the opponents of Ghadir and those who do not believe in it – have interpreted this ayah in certain ways, but this part of the ayah cannot be interpreted otherwise. Today is a day that the enemies – Kufar(disbeliever) – have become disappointed with your religion. What has been added to the religion that has disappointed the enemy? How significant are the religious rules that have appeared in this ayah and in the beginning of Sura al-Maeda both before and after this part of the ayah?
This part of the ayah does not refer to daily prayers, zakat and jihad, nor does it refer to any peripheral rule: “This day have those who reject faith given up all hope of your religion.” So, there is another issue involved, one that is not related to the religious rules that have appeared in the Sura. What is that issue?
It is the issue of the leadership of the Islamic community. It is the issue of government and imamate in the Islamic community. Of course, it was possible that Muslims would not obey this edict and actually, they did not do so! For several centuries, the Bani Umayyad, the Bani Abbasid and other such groups lived like kings and ruled over the people in the name of imamate, caliphate and the like. However, this does not harm the philosophy of Ghadir.
The event of determining Ghadir is the event of determining a rule and regulation. A certain regulation was introduced in Islam. In the last months of his life, the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) issued a regulation. What is that regulation? The regulation of imamate, the regulation of Wilayat. Since long before the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.), human societies had a government. Humanity has experienced all sorts of governments, but Islam does not believe in such systems, in such kinds of power and in such governments. It believes in Imamate. This is the regulation of Islam and Ghadir announced this regulation.
And it is clear who it refers to. The Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) is a person whose personality and status as God’s representative of Quranic concepts and teachings cannot be blemished by anyone living either in those times or afterwards. Well, they used to curse him, but they even curse God and the Holy Prophet- I seek Allah’s protection. Cursing someone is not a good reason for rejecting them. When everyone thinks, when everyone abandons their biased feelings, they can not cause the least amount of damage to this enlightened and sacred body. The Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) chose that person as the embodiment of imamate. This became a regulation.
Until the end of the world, whenever Muslims want to be guided by God so that they implement Islam and achieve the Islamic community, this will be the rule and the regulation: they should revive imamate. Of course, they can never get close to any of the criteria and standards that the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) announced. They cannot even get close to lesser degrees. If we want to compare our greatest scholarly, spiritual, mystic and philosophical personalities with the Commander of the Faithful (a.s.), they are like a faint ray of light that one sees at the bottom of a well. Now, compare this with the sun. Of course, they are the same and they have the same radius, but what is the distance? How different are they from each other?
🍃 Why did God tell Prophet Muhammad (S) that without delivering the decree of Ghadir, his prophethood would not be fullfilled?
Such distances exist, but this is the regulation: the regulation of imamate. The regulation of government, power and ruling in the Islamic community was determined by Ghadir. This is the significance of Ghadir. The significance of Ghadir is not confined to the appointment of the Commander of the Faithful (a.s.). Of course, this appointment is important, but what is more important is that the rule and the regulation were specified. It became clear that in the Islamic community, the monarchic government is meaningless. It became clear that individual and aristocratic government, the government of gold and power, the government of showing arrogance to people, the government of bullying, greed and accumulation of wealth for oneself and the government of lustfulness are meaningless. It became clear that Islam is like this. This regulation was issued in Ghadir.
When this regulation was issued, then “This day have those who reject faith given up all hope of your religion.” When it was issued, the enemies lost all hope of changing the path of religion. This is because the path of religion changes only when the main point and the main nucleus change. If the nucleus of power, management and leadership changes, then everything will change. Of course in reality, certain changes take place. Certain individuals from Bani Umayyad and Bani Abbasid seized power in the name of Islam, so did Hajjaj ibn Yusuf, but they could not disrupt the regulation.
Today, if some people in the world of Islam – those who are familiar with Islamic teachings – refer to the Holy Quran and if they look at the regulations that exist in the Holy Quran about worshipping the Truth, about one’s lifestyle, and the orientation that those nations who worship the Truth adopt, it will not be possible in any way that they reach a conclusion other than the imamate of the Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) and what follows this imamate.
This is our claim and we can prove it completely. If anyone in the world of Islam – including intellectuals, thinkers, philosophers and those who have had other beliefs since the first day – chooses the Quran, Quranic values and Quranic regulations for the life of human societies as the main standard, they will not reach any conclusion except that a person like Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) should rule over Islamic societies. This is the path. The path is the path of imamate. This was related to Ghadir.
Well, when Ghadir is of such significance, then it becomes clear what the other holy ayah means: “Oh Messenger, deliver what has been revealed to you from your Lord. And if you do it not, then you have not delivered His message” (The Holy Quran, 5: 67). It says that if you do not announce this edict to the people, you have not fulfilled your mission. It was 23 years then that the Holy Prophet (S) had been working hard. All those efforts in Makka, in Madina, those wars, those self-sacrificing acts, that strictness about himself and the great guidance that that great personality provided for humans were accomplished during those 23 years. So, what was that event and duty without which, all those efforts would not exist: “And if you do it not, then you have not delivered His message.”
This edict could not be related to some peripheral religious rules, rather it was something beyond that. What was it? It was imamate. Who is the first Imam? The Holy Prophet (S) himself. Imam Sadiq (greetings be upon him) said in Mina, “God’s Messenger was the first Imam. Ali ibn Abi Talib was Imam after him” (Kafi, Vol. 4, page 466). And they were followed by the other Imams (a.s.). After putting Abraham the Messenger to all those tests, and after he passed through all those difficult stages – he was thrown in the fire in his youth and after that he went to Babylon and other areas and went through a lot of trouble – Allah the Exalted said to him when he had become old, “I will make you an Imam to the nations” (The Holy Quran, 2: 124).
He said to him that He wants to make him an Imam. This is what imamate means. This is an ideology, an Islamic ideology which is based on firm principles and irrefutable arguments. We invite the entire world of Islam and all thinkers to this: the unity that the world of Islam needs today can be easily understood by contemplating on Quranic ayahs and truths provided that thinkers and experts pursue such issues.
🍃 What is Wilayah of God and who is the representative of God's Wali?
When the matter of Wilayah (guardianship) and governance is resolved for a nation—the way it happened on the day of Al-Ghadir—that day is indeed an Eid, a day of celebration, for that nation. For, the most important and crucial matter for every nation is the issue of governance, Wilayah, management, and the ruling of the society; hence, this event is the most determining matter of a nation. Every nation has resolved the issue (of establishing a guardianship and a governing body) in a way
Wilayah, which represents governance and leadership in the Islamic society, is naturally different from governance in a non-Muslim community. In Islam, the leadership of the society belongs to God the Almighty. No person has the right to take on the management of other people's affairs. This right is specific to God—who is the Creator, the Origin; He knows what is expedient for the people, He is the Master of people's affairs, indeed He is the Master of the affairs of even the tiniest entities of existence.
The mere fact that such a way of thinking prevails in the Islamic society is an extraordinary phenomenon. No power, no cutting sword, no amount of wealth, no power of science and prudence entitles anyone to decide on the fates of other humans. These are values. No one is granted the right of leadership of the people. This is a right exclusively owned by God.
God, the Elevated, practices this leadership through specific mediums. That is, even when the governor or the ruler of the Muslims is given the authority to manage the affairs of the people, either by appointment--like what is the case for Imam Ali (a.s) and prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) in our belief-or through criteria and principles (of slection), this wilayah is still a wilayah of God. This right to rule is God's right. This is the power and ruling of God over the people. That person-be it anyone-without divine power and wilayah, has no right over other people. This is an important and determining factor in the fate of the Islamic society.
The person who is given the responsibility of wilayah by God, must realize, show or own some degrees of the (features of) divine wilayah. The features of the divine wilayah include power, wisdom, justice, mercy, etc. The person or entity that takes on the role of ruling over the people, must be a manifestation of God's power, justice, mercy and wisdom. This characteristic distinguishes the Islamic society from all other societies that are governed with other methods. Ignorance, self-satisfying desires, personal taste based on one's own profits and interest have no right to influence the people's life and the management of their affairs. Thus, in the Islamic system and society, justice, knowledge, religion and mercy must rule. Self-centeredness or personal desires - of anyone or in anyone's words or behavior - must not rule.
The secret to the purity of Imam, in the ultimate, original form of it in Islam, is that no possibility of making mistakes or errors exists. Even when purity is not there, religion, piety (taqwa) and justice must rule over the people, which is regarded as an example of divine wilayah.
Hence the day of Ghadir is the day of wilayah, a determinant and important day, in the fate of the Islamic society.
Appointment of Imam Ali (a.s) is based on particular criteria and it entails certain points. Though wilayah is a political concept, all the meaning of wilayah is not restricted to politics. This wilayah is a beam of wilayah of God's Holy Essence. This wilayah emerges from the divine wilayah that exists within Imam Ali (a.s.), as it was present in prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.). This wilayah is an example of that principle and a fruit of that root. As a result, it is referred to as wilayat. Wilayah indeed means juncture, attachment and connection. The person who has this position, contrary to other rulers of the world, is not merely a governor, but a wali. He is close to the people, connected to them, relied upon by people's hearts and souls. This exists in Imam Ali (a.s.) and other Imams (a.s.). After the time of the Imam (a.s.), if some weak beams of this denotation can be found in someone, wilayah is formed. This is the true sense of it. In describing Imam Ali (a.s.), Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) says: "He is the justest person among the people." Both his personal and spiritual justice and hid social and behavioral justice are meant. It might be easy to talk about those features, but by how it is realized in actions, one can achieve to the greatness of this denotation and the individuals who represented it.
Justice, in its true sense, exists in Imam Ali (a.s.), his behavior, his piety, and his attention. Justice also appears in his outward behavior. Today, after many centuries have passed, if we want to define justice, and bring an example of it, we cannot find a better example than Imam Ali (a.s.).
So Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) through God's order and divine appointment, introduced him to the people and appointed him at the position of wilayah. This is an Islamic truth. This is so different from the belief that any oppressor, by any forceful method, who could get to power, must be followed! How would that be Islam?!
🍃 Based on which criteria was Imam Ali (as) chosen by Prophet Muhammad (S) as his successor?
As has been specified in the history of Islam, the issue of Imamate and Wilayat is a divine issue. It was not the case that the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) appointed the Commander of the Faithful as his successor according to his personal assessment of the situation. His decision was inspired by God. The Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) delivered the message of Islam to different Arab tribes from the beginning of his prophethood. He went to different tribes during the early stages of his prophethood. Once he visited the head of a tribe who told him that his tribe was prepared to convert to Islam on condition that the head of his tribe take on the responsibility after the Prophet (s.w.a.). He said that his tribe would agree to convert to Islam providing that the Prophet (s.w.a.) let the head of his tribe be his successor. The Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) rejected his offer and said, "This is a divine issue." The Prophet (s.w.a.) said appointing a successor was not his decision. As a result, the tribe did not accept the Prophet's invitation to Islam. This event is indisputable in the history of Islam. Our Sunni brothers have also narrated this event. Shia and Sunni have not presented different accounts of the event. Therefore, the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) appointed Imam Ali (a.s.) as his successor on the basis of a divine revelation. Appointing a successor was a decision that was made by God.
But if it was up to the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.), who would he appoint as his successor? Logically, his successor had to be the embodiment of all the essential qualities specified in Islam. Muslims living in different parts of the world can measure the qualifications of the Commander of the Faithful against other companions of the Prophet (s.w.a.). Although several traditions have been narrated regarding the virtues of some of the Prophet's companions, Muslims can measure Imam Ali's (a.s.) qualifications against those specified in the Quran and in reliable Islamic narrations. Then they will see who was more qualified to be the successor of the Prophet (s.w.a.). Knowledge is one of the criteria. Regarding his knowledge, both Shia and Sunni narrations confirm that the Holy Prophet said, "I am the city of knowledge, and Ali is the gate to it." This is the best testimony to Imam Ali's knowledge. Regarding his jihad, Allah the Exalted said, "And there is the type of man who gives his life to earn the pleasure of Allah." [The Holy Quran, 2: 207] This Quranic verse describes the selflessness of the Commander of the Faithful. There are no other such revelations about other people in the Quran. Regarding his charitable activities, there is the ayah, "And they feed, for the love of Allah, the indigent, the orphan, and the captive." [The Holy Quran, 76: 8] This ayah is about the Commander of the Faithful and his family. "Your (real) friends are (no less than) Allah, His Messenger, and the (fellowship of) believers - those who establish regular prayers and regular charity, and they bow down humbly (in worship)." [The Holy Quran, 5: 55] Everyone says that this ayah is about Imam Ali (a.s.). He had each and every one of the qualifications specified in Islam - including knowledge, piety, charitable activities, selfless efforts, and jihad. Who would deny the fact that Imam Ali (a.s.) had these qualifications?
🍃 Ghadir: Eid for all the Muslims
Though heartfelt relation of the Shi’as with Ghadir is a strong and prominent relation in the Muslim world, the truth is Ghadir in its sense and meaning is not only for Shi’as. It belongs to all Muslims. Because the event of Ghadir rises from the spirit and true meaning of Islam. The fact that God the Almighty tells prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) - despite all his efforts - 70 days before his death to, "Deliver to the people what I ordered you; otherwise, your prophethood is not complete" reveals that the true spirit and meaning of Islam exists in the event of Ghadir
So, Ghadir with such an elevated meaning belongs to all the Muslims.; because it represents the rule of justice, the rule of virtues, the Wilayah of God. If we aspire to be true followers of Imam Ali (a.s.), we should make ourselves and our lives closer to justice. The biggest work is to spread justice as much as possible. For, the scope of justice is unlimited. The more we manage to establish justice in the society, the more we will look like Imam Ali (a.s.) and rely on his wilayah.
Today the world population are thirsty for justice. This message will also reach the world population. Despite all the advances in science, all the research on life and existence, all the amazing inventions and discoveries in the area of ethics, the major powers boast about their domineering, invading, oppressive actions and their ignorance of the vote of the people. Today, the impudence of these powers has increased so much that they even confess, saying public opinion could not hinder their attack to Iraq; this is an absolutely insolent move. Those who do not consider ethics, justice, and rights of others in their actions, act like animals. Human spirit respects these values; human life depends on these values. The globe, heavens and earth depend on justice. "The heavens and earth were established by justice." Then, justice is ignored in this manner.
🍃 Ghadir is an answer to those who claim religion is separate from
The issue of Ghadir is a very important issue in the history of Islam. First, the essence of this astonishing and important event and this holy statement - "Whomsoever's Moula (leader) I am, Ali is also his Moula" - is not something that has been narrated by Shia only. This event is among clear and absolute truths. Those who wanted to find faults with this event did not cast doubts on the origin of this statement. Rather, they resorted to ta'weel and interpretation of this sentence.
The issue of Ghadir is a clear historical and Islamic issue. The doubts and questions - about the meaning of this sentence - that have come to the minds of some intellectual and philosophical newcomers of today are the same doubts and questions that have been raised since a thousand years ago. And these questions have been answered by great ulama. Therefore, there is not any room for raising doubts about the essence of this issue, this event and what the Holy Prophet (S) said.
On that day, the Holy Prophet (S) asked the people, "Am I not closer to you than your own selves?" This sentence was a reference to a Quranic ayah which said, "The Prophet is closer to the believers than their own selves" (The Holy Quran, 33: 6). Then, the Holy Prophet (S) said, "Whomsoever's Moula I am, Ali is also his Moula". So, there is not any room for doubt about the essence of this issue.
What should be said about the content of this historical, holy and meaningful sentence - apart from the appointment of the Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) as the caliph and Imam after the Holy Prophet (S) which is the common meaning of this sentence - is that there is another important issue which should not be ignored. This issue is the attention of Islam to the issue of government and politics and the significance of this issue from the viewpoint of Islam.
The answer to those people who have tried to throw Islam out of the arena of social and political issues, to confine it to personal and individual affairs and to adopt a secular outlook towards Islam - the hands of the enemies and their propaganda efforts have been promoting this outlook among Muslims for many years - is the issue of Ghadir. At the command of Allah the Exalted, the Holy Prophet (God's greetings be upon him and his household) addressed an important and fundamental issue in that sensitive condition and during the last months of his life. This important issue was attending to the issue of government after the Holy Prophet's (s.w.a.) time.
Here, the appointment of the Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) was not confined to spiritual aspects. Rather, it can be said that spiritual aspects are not things that someone can be appointed and elected for. Those issues for which someone can be appointed are government, politics and the management of the country and the Islamic society. The Holy Prophet (S) recommended this to the people. This is an important point on the issue of Ghadir and it is a rejoinder to all those people who think and promote the idea that Islam should be kept away from political issues, issues related to the government and the like.
Therefore, these two truths - that is to say, the truth about the appointment of the Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) as the Imam after the Holy Prophet (S) and the truth about attending to the issue of government, politics, Imamate and managing the Islamic Ummah after the Holy Prophet (S) - and these two very important and sensitive issues exist in the event of Ghadir. They are among teachings that have been guaranteed by Ghadir and they are a great lesson for all Muslims, whether for their present time or for their future.
🍃 Inviting all Muslims to uniting and pondering on Ghadir
Today, what we should pay attention to is that the issue of Ghadir is an ideological issue. Shia and the followers of the school of the Holy Prophet's (S) household and the school of imamate are committed to the issue of Ghadir. Without a doubt, this is the base of Shia philosophy and there is no room for any discussion on this issue. Those who doubt this and those who have a question in this regard can take part in scholarly and expert meetings and discuss it.
Shia's logic is strong. Its reasoning is decisive and impeccable. However, this should not influence the public lives of Muslims, their cooperation with and brotherhood towards one another. The issue of differences between Muslim denominations - whether Shia and Sunni denominations or the different denominations that exist inside these two major denominations - has been one of the targets of the greed of the enemies of Islam, not just the enemies of Shia Islam.
For many years, there has been an effort to create discord between Muslims. This is because the existence of discord between Muslims will make them spend their efforts, energy and motivation on domestic fights. This makes them ignore foreign affairs and their great enemies. This has been the major policy of colonialism for many years and after the victory of the Islamic Revolution and the formation of the Islamic Republic. Because they witnessed the development of the Islamic Republic's thoughts in the world of Islam, they placed more emphasis on and showed more persistence in creating discord. They invested in doing this in order to separate the world of Islam from the Islamic Republic.
The Islamic Republic, our great Revolution and our great Imam (r.a.) managed to attract the thoughts of the world of Islam and the hearts of Muslims. They managed to channel their motivations and their moves. This frightened the enemy. This frightened colonialism, arrogance and Zionism - particularly American politicians. As a result of this, they resorted to their old weapon which is the weapon of creating discord.
Since many years ago until today, they have been fueling the fire of discord between Shia and Sunni so that they can divert the attention of the two sides from the main enemy - who is the enemy of Islam, not the enemy of Shia or Sunni in particular - and so that they can busy them with each other. This is the policy of colonialism. And the experts on this policy are the political and security hands of the vile English government which has been active in this area since long ago. They have made many efforts in this area and they know how to create discord between Muslim denominations. They have experience in the ways for doing this. Therefore, they know how to do it and they are extremely active in this arena.
call all Muslims throughout the world to reflect on these realities. We do not at all insist that in a unified Islamic Ummah certain Islamic denominations should accept the beliefs of other Islamic denominations. No, this is not what we mean by unity. Unity means that different Islamic denominations should highlight what they have in common and do not use their differences to cause fratricide, war, and enmity among Muslims. That is what we mean by unity.
But all Muslims should study what has been written by contemporary Shia researchers and great Shia scholars. Their works have been praised by the ulama, intellectuals, and prominent figures of the entire world of Islam. This is a reasonable request. They should not confine themselves to their own sources. They should not deprive themselves of the works produced by the scholars of other Islamic denominations. Allamah Amini's "Al-Ghadir" and the books written by the late Seyyed Sharaf al-Din are a collection of religious realities. Ghadir is an important historical event. In many of his books, Allamah Amini cited tens of Sunni sources that narrate Ghadir the way Shia do. Ghadir has not just been narrated in our books. Some people may disagree about the meaning of mawla, but Ghadir was a historical event that established a criterion (for leadership). It is obvious to all Muslims and Muslim rulers that the Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) was a peak of perfection.
🍃 http://english.khamenei.ir/news/5896/10-facts-about-Al-Ghadir-event-by-Ayatollah-Khamenei 🍃
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The holy birth of the reviver of the lineage of Imamat & Wilayat. Hazrat Sayed-ul-Sajideen, Imam Zain-ul-Abideen Mubarak to Imam-e-Zamana(atfs), to Ahl-ul-Bayt(as), to Ahlulallah and to all momineen.
Among many characteristics of Imam Zain-ul-Abideen(as) one was serving Hujjaj during Haj in disguise. Even though in many occasions, he was disrespected by arrogant Hujjaj but he did not made his identity known to them because his purpose was to serve & please God, not his servants.
Therefore, it is very important to be humble to others & never judge someone by their appearance
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New Video: Is It Necessary to Acknowledge Maula Ali (a) in the Kalima? | Sufi Master Younus AlGohar | ALRA TV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6FUj8xDSZo
In this captivating video Sufi Master Younus AlGohar reveals the importance of acknowledging Moula Ali (a) in the kalima. Discover how significance of the secret of esoteric knowledge is directly linked manifestation of the wilayat (spiritual authority) of Moula Ali (a). Watch now to realise the unparalleled spiritual authority of Moula Ali (a) as revealed through referenced from the Quran and Hadith.
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10 Best American Staffordshire Terriers dog foods

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1. Ollie Baked Chicken Recipe
The best food choice for American Staffordshire Bull Terriers is our Oily Baked Chicken and Carrots recipe because they are made by a small company and are oiled and mostly meat. And eggs are used because of chicken etc. It has a great effect on the health of the dog and it contains 3850 calories the fat content is 16 percent, the protein content is 26 percent, and the main ingredients used are chicken oats, whole dried eggs, and chicken liver. This is a very important food for this big dangerous dog if you feed it this recipe you will see great results. You can get this recipe from any pet shop if you want to order online then you can get it online this brand itself is selling online and various online companies are also selling it. Which will be delivered to your door.
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The main ingredients used in Preena One Natural Trio Instinct Dry Foo Dog Food are Turkey Chicken Meal Sweep Flour Bat and it has a protein content of 30 percent, fat content of 17 percent, and calories of 365 kC. AL cups are used It uses mostly chicken which is very beneficial for its health and if we talk about its benefits, it is high in protein and contains next c dents and fatty acids. It is tested and there is not much harm in it if you want to get it you will get it from various pet shops. One will see a considerable increase in health. Pruna One has received very positive reviews from dog owners, which is why they write in the reviews that since we have used this food for our dog he is our dog. Loves the taste and texture of the food which is increasing the growth of our dog.
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5. Royal Canin Hydrolyzed Protein Dry Food
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Conclusion about American Staffordshire Terriers dog foods
In this article, I have discussed the 5 Best American Staffordshire Terriers dog foods and provided complete details about them one by one. I hope you have learned a lot from this article and It will be very easy for you to choose and decide which food and diet is best for your dog because it is a very good and very important process if you have any other questions about it. If you have a question, write it in the question section above and we will answer it for you. Read the full article
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🕊🍃 10 facts about Al-Ghadir event by Ayatollah Khamenei
🍃 The following are selected extracts of the speeches of Imam Khamenei-the supreme leader of the Islamic Revolution-made in different years, about Ghadir, the day Imam Ali (a.s) was appointed and announced as Imam, by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
🍃 The philosophy of Eid in Islam
Eid represents an anniversary that brings happiness and joy. What brings happiness to the Islamic Ummah? Approaching the Islamic goals. Islam has determined some goals for the Islamic ummah and society like it has done so for Muslim individuals.
🍃 The greatest Eid of God
No doubt, the day of Eid al-Ghadir is an extremely important day. In Islamic narrations, we read that the importance of this day is even more than Eid al-Adha or Eid al-Fitr. Not that importance of these Eids can be undermined in any way; but that, Eid al-Ghadir has a more elevated sense. The importance of this Eid-the most important Eid based on the Shia narrations-relies on its theme: wilayah. It could be said that the goal of all the efforts made by the Prophet Muhammad and other Prophets and religious figures was to establish the wilayah (governance) of God.
🍃 What makes Ghadir so important?
Ghadir was a matter of establishing a criterion although the Holy Prophet's (S) advice was not heeded later on. Until the end of time, Muslims can use this criterion to determine the main path of the Islamic Ummah. Choosing the best time for declaring his successor was not up to the Holy Prophet (S). Rather, it was decided by Allah the Exalted. "Deliver what has been revealed to you from your Lord."
(The Holy Quran, 5: 67) This is not to say that the Prophet (S) did not know about the issue of Imamate and Wilayat before the revelation. He knew about this issue since the time he was appointed a prophet. Moreover, the events that happened during his 23-year prophethood left no doubt about Imamate and Wilayat. But Wilayat had to be publicly declared at the most strategic time, and it was declared after a divine order. "Deliver what has been revealed to you from your Lord. And if you do not do it, then you have not delivered His message." (The Holy Quran, 5: 67) That is to say, declaring Wilayat was a divine message that the Prophet (S) had to deliver. Later on, when the Holy Prophet (S) told the pilgrims to gather in Ghadir al-Khumm and declared this divine message, this ayah was revealed to him: "Today I have perfected your religion for you, and I have completed My blessing upon you." (The Holy Quran, 5: 3) Islam and divine blessings were complete on Ghadir. "Today the unbelievers have despaired of your religion. Therefore, fear them not, but fear Me." (The Holy Quran, 5: 3) Allah told the Prophet (S) that Ghadir was the day when his enemies despair. That is to say, the criterion was determined. From that day on, Muslims could see the criterion and end doubts whenever they opened their eyes to the realities. This shows the importance of Ghadir.
🍃 Proving Ghadir by relying on the Quran verses
in the Holy Quran, there are ayahs which can only be matched with the issue of Ghadir, not with any other issue.
There is a well-known ayah which says, “This day have those who reject faith given up all hope of your religion, yet fear them not but fear Me. This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion” (The Holy Quran, 5: 3). This ayah is in the beginning of Sura al-Maeda and it is not compatible with any issue other than the issue of Ghadir in terms of weight, significance and value.
Only such an issue can match the sentence “This day have those who reject faith given up all hope of your religion.” Those who have questioned the content of these ayahs and those who make certain comments in rejecting this issue – the opponents of Ghadir and those who do not believe in it – have interpreted this ayah in certain ways, but this part of the ayah cannot be interpreted otherwise. Today is a day that the enemies – Kufar(disbeliever) – have become disappointed with your religion. What has been added to the religion that has disappointed the enemy? How significant are the religious rules that have appeared in this ayah and in the beginning of Sura al-Maeda both before and after this part of the ayah?
This part of the ayah does not refer to daily prayers, zakat and jihad, nor does it refer to any peripheral rule: “This day have those who reject faith given up all hope of your religion.” So, there is another issue involved, one that is not related to the religious rules that have appeared in the Sura. What is that issue?
It is the issue of the leadership of the Islamic community. It is the issue of government and imamate in the Islamic community. Of course, it was possible that Muslims would not obey this edict and actually, they did not do so! For several centuries, the Bani Umayyad, the Bani Abbasid and other such groups lived like kings and ruled over the people in the name of imamate, caliphate and the like. However, this does not harm the philosophy of Ghadir.
The event of determining Ghadir is the event of determining a rule and regulation. A certain regulation was introduced in Islam. In the last months of his life, the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) issued a regulation. What is that regulation? The regulation of imamate, the regulation of Wilayat. Since long before the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.), human societies had a government. Humanity has experienced all sorts of governments, but Islam does not believe in such systems, in such kinds of power and in such governments. It believes in Imamate. This is the regulation of Islam and Ghadir announced this regulation.
And it is clear who it refers to. The Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) is a person whose personality and status as God’s representative of Quranic concepts and teachings cannot be blemished by anyone living either in those times or afterwards. Well, they used to curse him, but they even curse God and the Holy Prophet- I seek Allah’s protection. Cursing someone is not a good reason for rejecting them. When everyone thinks, when everyone abandons their biased feelings, they can not cause the least amount of damage to this enlightened and sacred body. The Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) chose that person as the embodiment of imamate. This became a regulation.
Until the end of the world, whenever Muslims want to be guided by God so that they implement Islam and achieve the Islamic community, this will be the rule and the regulation: they should revive imamate. Of course, they can never get close to any of the criteria and standards that the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) announced. They cannot even get close to lesser degrees. If we want to compare our greatest scholarly, spiritual, mystic and philosophical personalities with the Commander of the Faithful (a.s.), they are like a faint ray of light that one sees at the bottom of a well. Now, compare this with the sun. Of course, they are the same and they have the same radius, but what is the distance? How different are they from each other?
🍃 Why did God tell Prophet Muhammad (S) that without delivering the decree of Ghadir, his prophethood would not be fullfilled?
Such distances exist, but this is the regulation: the regulation of imamate. The regulation of government, power and ruling in the Islamic community was determined by Ghadir. This is the significance of Ghadir. The significance of Ghadir is not confined to the appointment of the Commander of the Faithful (a.s.). Of course, this appointment is important, but what is more important is that the rule and the regulation were specified. It became clear that in the Islamic community, the monarchic government is meaningless. It became clear that individual and aristocratic government, the government of gold and power, the government of showing arrogance to people, the government of bullying, greed and accumulation of wealth for oneself and the government of lustfulness are meaningless. It became clear that Islam is like this. This regulation was issued in Ghadir.
When this regulation was issued, then “This day have those who reject faith given up all hope of your religion.” When it was issued, the enemies lost all hope of changing the path of religion. This is because the path of religion changes only when the main point and the main nucleus change. If the nucleus of power, management and leadership changes, then everything will change. Of course in reality, certain changes take place. Certain individuals from Bani Umayyad and Bani Abbasid seized power in the name of Islam, so did Hajjaj ibn Yusuf, but they could not disrupt the regulation.
Today, if some people in the world of Islam – those who are familiar with Islamic teachings – refer to the Holy Quran and if they look at the regulations that exist in the Holy Quran about worshipping the Truth, about one’s lifestyle, and the orientation that those nations who worship the Truth adopt, it will not be possible in any way that they reach a conclusion other than the imamate of the Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) and what follows this imamate.
This is our claim and we can prove it completely. If anyone in the world of Islam – including intellectuals, thinkers, philosophers and those who have had other beliefs since the first day – chooses the Quran, Quranic values and Quranic regulations for the life of human societies as the main standard, they will not reach any conclusion except that a person like Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) should rule over Islamic societies. This is the path. The path is the path of imamate. This was related to Ghadir.
Well, when Ghadir is of such significance, then it becomes clear what the other holy ayah means: “Oh Messenger, deliver what has been revealed to you from your Lord. And if you do it not, then you have not delivered His message” (The Holy Quran, 5: 67). It says that if you do not announce this edict to the people, you have not fulfilled your mission. It was 23 years then that the Holy Prophet (S) had been working hard. All those efforts in Makka, in Madina, those wars, those self-sacrificing acts, that strictness about himself and the great guidance that that great personality provided for humans were accomplished during those 23 years. So, what was that event and duty without which, all those efforts would not exist: “And if you do it not, then you have not delivered His message.”
This edict could not be related to some peripheral religious rules, rather it was something beyond that. What was it? It was imamate. Who is the first Imam? The Holy Prophet (S) himself. Imam Sadiq (greetings be upon him) said in Mina, “God’s Messenger was the first Imam. Ali ibn Abi Talib was Imam after him” (Kafi, Vol. 4, page 466). And they were followed by the other Imams (a.s.). After putting Abraham the Messenger to all those tests, and after he passed through all those difficult stages – he was thrown in the fire in his youth and after that he went to Babylon and other areas and went through a lot of trouble – Allah the Exalted said to him when he had become old, “I will make you an Imam to the nations” (The Holy Quran, 2: 124).
He said to him that He wants to make him an Imam. This is what imamate means. This is an ideology, an Islamic ideology which is based on firm principles and irrefutable arguments. We invite the entire world of Islam and all thinkers to this: the unity that the world of Islam needs today can be easily understood by contemplating on Quranic ayahs and truths provided that thinkers and experts pursue such issues.
🍃 What is Wilayah of God and who is the representative of God's Wali?
When the matter of Wilayah (guardianship) and governance is resolved for a nation—the way it happened on the day of Al-Ghadir—that day is indeed an Eid, a day of celebration, for that nation. For, the most important and crucial matter for every nation is the issue of governance, Wilayah, management, and the ruling of the society; hence, this event is the most determining matter of a nation. Every nation has resolved the issue (of establishing a guardianship and a governing body) in a way
Wilayah, which represents governance and leadership in the Islamic society, is naturally different from governance in a non-Muslim community. In Islam, the leadership of the society belongs to God the Almighty. No person has the right to take on the management of other people's affairs. This right is specific to God—who is the Creator, the Origin; He knows what is expedient for the people, He is the Master of people's affairs, indeed He is the Master of the affairs of even the tiniest entities of existence.
The mere fact that such a way of thinking prevails in the Islamic society is an extraordinary phenomenon. No power, no cutting sword, no amount of wealth, no power of science and prudence entitles anyone to decide on the fates of other humans. These are values. No one is granted the right of leadership of the people. This is a right exclusively owned by God.
God, the Elevated, practices this leadership through specific mediums. That is, even when the governor or the ruler of the Muslims is given the authority to manage the affairs of the people, either by appointment--like what is the case for Imam Ali (a.s) and prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) in our belief-or through criteria and principles (of slection), this wilayah is still a wilayah of God. This right to rule is God's right. This is the power and ruling of God over the people. That person-be it anyone-without divine power and wilayah, has no right over other people. This is an important and determining factor in the fate of the Islamic society.
The person who is given the responsibility of wilayah by God, must realize, show or own some degrees of the (features of) divine wilayah. The features of the divine wilayah include power, wisdom, justice, mercy, etc. The person or entity that takes on the role of ruling over the people, must be a manifestation of God's power, justice, mercy and wisdom. This characteristic distinguishes the Islamic society from all other societies that are governed with other methods. Ignorance, self-satisfying desires, personal taste based on one's own profits and interest have no right to influence the people's life and the management of their affairs. Thus, in the Islamic system and society, justice, knowledge, religion and mercy must rule. Self-centeredness or personal desires - of anyone or in anyone's words or behavior - must not rule.
The secret to the purity of Imam, in the ultimate, original form of it in Islam, is that no possibility of making mistakes or errors exists. Even when purity is not there, religion, piety (taqwa) and justice must rule over the people, which is regarded as an example of divine wilayah.
Hence the day of Ghadir is the day of wilayah, a determinant and important day, in the fate of the Islamic society.
Appointment of Imam Ali (a.s) is based on particular criteria and it entails certain points. Though wilayah is a political concept, all the meaning of wilayah is not restricted to politics. This wilayah is a beam of wilayah of God's Holy Essence. This wilayah emerges from the divine wilayah that exists within Imam Ali (a.s.), as it was present in prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.). This wilayah is an example of that principle and a fruit of that root. As a result, it is referred to as wilayat. Wilayah indeed means juncture, attachment and connection. The person who has this position, contrary to other rulers of the world, is not merely a governor, but a wali. He is close to the people, connected to them, relied upon by people's hearts and souls. This exists in Imam Ali (a.s.) and other Imams (a.s.). After the time of the Imam (a.s.), if some weak beams of this denotation can be found in someone, wilayah is formed. This is the true sense of it. In describing Imam Ali (a.s.), Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) says: "He is the justest person among the people." Both his personal and spiritual justice and hid social and behavioral justice are meant. It might be easy to talk about those features, but by how it is realized in actions, one can achieve to the greatness of this denotation and the individuals who represented it.
Justice, in its true sense, exists in Imam Ali (a.s.), his behavior, his piety, and his attention. Justice also appears in his outward behavior. Today, after many centuries have passed, if we want to define justice, and bring an example of it, we cannot find a better example than Imam Ali (a.s.).
So Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) through God's order and divine appointment, introduced him to the people and appointed him at the position of wilayah. This is an Islamic truth. This is so different from the belief that any oppressor, by any forceful method, who could get to power, must be followed! How would that be Islam?!
🍃 Based on which criteria was Imam Ali (as) chosen by Prophet Muhammad (S) as his successor?
As has been specified in the history of Islam, the issue of Imamate and Wilayat is a divine issue. It was not the case that the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) appointed the Commander of the Faithful as his successor according to his personal assessment of the situation. His decision was inspired by God. The Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) delivered the message of Islam to different Arab tribes from the beginning of his prophethood. He went to different tribes during the early stages of his prophethood. Once he visited the head of a tribe who told him that his tribe was prepared to convert to Islam on condition that the head of his tribe take on the responsibility after the Prophet (s.w.a.). He said that his tribe would agree to convert to Islam providing that the Prophet (s.w.a.) let the head of his tribe be his successor. The Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) rejected his offer and said, "This is a divine issue." The Prophet (s.w.a.) said appointing a successor was not his decision. As a result, the tribe did not accept the Prophet's invitation to Islam. This event is indisputable in the history of Islam. Our Sunni brothers have also narrated this event. Shia and Sunni have not presented different accounts of the event. Therefore, the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) appointed Imam Ali (a.s.) as his successor on the basis of a divine revelation. Appointing a successor was a decision that was made by God.
But if it was up to the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.), who would he appoint as his successor? Logically, his successor had to be the embodiment of all the essential qualities specified in Islam. Muslims living in different parts of the world can measure the qualifications of the Commander of the Faithful against other companions of the Prophet (s.w.a.). Although several traditions have been narrated regarding the virtues of some of the Prophet's companions, Muslims can measure Imam Ali's (a.s.) qualifications against those specified in the Quran and in reliable Islamic narrations. Then they will see who was more qualified to be the successor of the Prophet (s.w.a.). Knowledge is one of the criteria. Regarding his knowledge, both Shia and Sunni narrations confirm that the Holy Prophet said, "I am the city of knowledge, and Ali is the gate to it." This is the best testimony to Imam Ali's knowledge. Regarding his jihad, Allah the Exalted said, "And there is the type of man who gives his life to earn the pleasure of Allah." [The Holy Quran, 2: 207] This Quranic verse describes the selflessness of the Commander of the Faithful. There are no other such revelations about other people in the Quran. Regarding his charitable activities, there is the ayah, "And they feed, for the love of Allah, the indigent, the orphan, and the captive." [The Holy Quran, 76: 8] This ayah is about the Commander of the Faithful and his family. "Your (real) friends are (no less than) Allah, His Messenger, and the (fellowship of) believers - those who establish regular prayers and regular charity, and they bow down humbly (in worship)." [The Holy Quran, 5: 55] Everyone says that this ayah is about Imam Ali (a.s.). He had each and every one of the qualifications specified in Islam - including knowledge, piety, charitable activities, selfless efforts, and jihad. Who would deny the fact that Imam Ali (a.s.) had these qualifications?
🍃 Ghadir: Eid for all the Muslims
Though heartfelt relation of the Shi’as with Ghadir is a strong and prominent relation in the Muslim world, the truth is Ghadir in its sense and meaning is not only for Shi’as. It belongs to all Muslims. Because the event of Ghadir rises from the spirit and true meaning of Islam. The fact that God the Almighty tells prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) - despite all his efforts - 70 days before his death to, "Deliver to the people what I ordered you; otherwise, your prophethood is not complete" reveals that the true spirit and meaning of Islam exists in the event of Ghadir
So, Ghadir with such an elevated meaning belongs to all the Muslims.; because it represents the rule of justice, the rule of virtues, the Wilayah of God. If we aspire to be true followers of Imam Ali (a.s.), we should make ourselves and our lives closer to justice. The biggest work is to spread justice as much as possible. For, the scope of justice is unlimited. The more we manage to establish justice in the society, the more we will look like Imam Ali (a.s.) and rely on his wilayah.
Today the world population are thirsty for justice. This message will also reach the world population. Despite all the advances in science, all the research on life and existence, all the amazing inventions and discoveries in the area of ethics, the major powers boast about their domineering, invading, oppressive actions and their ignorance of the vote of the people. Today, the impudence of these powers has increased so much that they even confess, saying public opinion could not hinder their attack to Iraq; this is an absolutely insolent move. Those who do not consider ethics, justice, and rights of others in their actions, act like animals. Human spirit respects these values; human life depends on these values. The globe, heavens and earth depend on justice. "The heavens and earth were established by justice." Then, justice is ignored in this manner.
🍃 Ghadir is an answer to those who claim religion is separate from
The issue of Ghadir is a very important issue in the history of Islam. First, the essence of this astonishing and important event and this holy statement - "Whomsoever's Moula (leader) I am, Ali is also his Moula" - is not something that has been narrated by Shia only. This event is among clear and absolute truths. Those who wanted to find faults with this event did not cast doubts on the origin of this statement. Rather, they resorted to ta'weel and interpretation of this sentence.
The issue of Ghadir is a clear historical and Islamic issue. The doubts and questions - about the meaning of this sentence - that have come to the minds of some intellectual and philosophical newcomers of today are the same doubts and questions that have been raised since a thousand years ago. And these questions have been answered by great ulama. Therefore, there is not any room for raising doubts about the essence of this issue, this event and what the Holy Prophet (S) said.
On that day, the Holy Prophet (S) asked the people, "Am I not closer to you than your own selves?" This sentence was a reference to a Quranic ayah which said, "The Prophet is closer to the believers than their own selves" (The Holy Quran, 33: 6). Then, the Holy Prophet (S) said, "Whomsoever's Moula I am, Ali is also his Moula". So, there is not any room for doubt about the essence of this issue.
What should be said about the content of this historical, holy and meaningful sentence - apart from the appointment of the Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) as the caliph and Imam after the Holy Prophet (S) which is the common meaning of this sentence - is that there is another important issue which should not be ignored. This issue is the attention of Islam to the issue of government and politics and the significance of this issue from the viewpoint of Islam.
The answer to those people who have tried to throw Islam out of the arena of social and political issues, to confine it to personal and individual affairs and to adopt a secular outlook towards Islam - the hands of the enemies and their propaganda efforts have been promoting this outlook among Muslims for many years - is the issue of Ghadir. At the command of Allah the Exalted, the Holy Prophet (God's greetings be upon him and his household) addressed an important and fundamental issue in that sensitive condition and during the last months of his life. This important issue was attending to the issue of government after the Holy Prophet's (s.w.a.) time.
Here, the appointment of the Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) was not confined to spiritual aspects. Rather, it can be said that spiritual aspects are not things that someone can be appointed and elected for. Those issues for which someone can be appointed are government, politics and the management of the country and the Islamic society. The Holy Prophet (S) recommended this to the people. This is an important point on the issue of Ghadir and it is a rejoinder to all those people who think and promote the idea that Islam should be kept away from political issues, issues related to the government and the like.
Therefore, these two truths - that is to say, the truth about the appointment of the Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) as the Imam after the Holy Prophet (S) and the truth about attending to the issue of government, politics, Imamate and managing the Islamic Ummah after the Holy Prophet (S) - and these two very important and sensitive issues exist in the event of Ghadir. They are among teachings that have been guaranteed by Ghadir and they are a great lesson for all Muslims, whether for their present time or for their future.
🍃 Inviting all Muslims to uniting and pondering on Ghadir
Today, what we should pay attention to is that the issue of Ghadir is an ideological issue. Shia and the followers of the school of the Holy Prophet's (S) household and the school of imamate are committed to the issue of Ghadir. Without a doubt, this is the base of Shia philosophy and there is no room for any discussion on this issue. Those who doubt this and those who have a question in this regard can take part in scholarly and expert meetings and discuss it.
Shia's logic is strong. Its reasoning is decisive and impeccable. However, this should not influence the public lives of Muslims, their cooperation with and brotherhood towards one another. The issue of differences between Muslim denominations - whether Shia and Sunni denominations or the different denominations that exist inside these two major denominations - has been one of the targets of the greed of the enemies of Islam, not just the enemies of Shia Islam.
For many years, there has been an effort to create discord between Muslims. This is because the existence of discord between Muslims will make them spend their efforts, energy and motivation on domestic fights. This makes them ignore foreign affairs and their great enemies. This has been the major policy of colonialism for many years and after the victory of the Islamic Revolution and the formation of the Islamic Republic. Because they witnessed the development of the Islamic Republic's thoughts in the world of Islam, they placed more emphasis on and showed more persistence in creating discord. They invested in doing this in order to separate the world of Islam from the Islamic Republic.
The Islamic Republic, our great Revolution and our great Imam (r.a.) managed to attract the thoughts of the world of Islam and the hearts of Muslims. They managed to channel their motivations and their moves. This frightened the enemy. This frightened colonialism, arrogance and Zionism - particularly American politicians. As a result of this, they resorted to their old weapon which is the weapon of creating discord.
Since many years ago until today, they have been fueling the fire of discord between Shia and Sunni so that they can divert the attention of the two sides from the main enemy - who is the enemy of Islam, not the enemy of Shia or Sunni in particular - and so that they can busy them with each other. This is the policy of colonialism. And the experts on this policy are the political and security hands of the vile English government which has been active in this area since long ago. They have made many efforts in this area and they know how to create discord between Muslim denominations. They have experience in the ways for doing this. Therefore, they know how to do it and they are extremely active in this arena.
call all Muslims throughout the world to reflect on these realities. We do not at all insist that in a unified Islamic Ummah certain Islamic denominations should accept the beliefs of other Islamic denominations. No, this is not what we mean by unity. Unity means that different Islamic denominations should highlight what they have in common and do not use their differences to cause fratricide, war, and enmity among Muslims. That is what we mean by unity.
But all Muslims should study what has been written by contemporary Shia researchers and great Shia scholars. Their works have been praised by the ulama, intellectuals, and prominent figures of the entire world of Islam. This is a reasonable request. They should not confine themselves to their own sources. They should not deprive themselves of the works produced by the scholars of other Islamic denominations. Allamah Amini's "Al-Ghadir" and the books written by the late Seyyed Sharaf al-Din are a collection of religious realities. Ghadir is an important historical event. In many of his books, Allamah Amini cited tens of Sunni sources that narrate Ghadir the way Shia do. Ghadir has not just been narrated in our books. Some people may disagree about the meaning of mawla, but Ghadir was a historical event that established a criterion (for leadership). It is obvious to all Muslims and Muslim rulers that the Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) was a peak of perfection.
🍃 http://english.khamenei.ir/news/5896/10-facts-about-Al-Ghadir-event-by-Ayatollah-Khamenei 🍃

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Best Oman Tours And Holidays
The Sultanate of Oman is mainly replete with many beautiful and picturesque natural tourist places, which provide many ideal opportunities for Omani families to spend Oman tours, as it is considered one of the most beautiful Gulf countries, as it is full of tourist attractions and diverse landscapes, in addition to its climatic terrain.
The most important Oman is famous for other countries is that it mixed modern tourism and ancient heritage, where historical buildings and religious mosques such as the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque, forts such as Jibreen Fort and castles such as Nizwa and Bahla Castle, and heritage and religious shrines such as the tomb of the Prophet Imran.
Best Places to Visit Oman
The best places to visit in Oman are distinctive places in the Sultanate of Oman that are considered among the most important tourist attractions to motivate tourists and residents to explore the most exciting places in Oman, and among the most prominent places for a family outing:
1- Eastern Sands:
The Wahiba Sands is also called the Sharqiya Sands, and this name was given to it by the Wahiba tribe, which is located in the eastern region of Oman.
It is a sea of sand, which extends geographically from the Governorate of North A’Sharqiyah through the Governorate of South A’Sharqiyah to Al Wusta Governorate, and this place is considered one of the most beautiful areas for camping during Oman tours.
This is due to its geographical area of about 10,000 square kilometers, and therefore this area usually attracts many lovers of desert adventures.
2- Wadi Shab area:
This area is geographically located in the Niyabat of Tiwi, which is affiliated with the Wilayat of Sur in the Governorate of South Al Sharqiyah. Wadi Shab is about 140 km away from the Omani capital, Muscat.
This place is characterized by the touching of fresh water on its edges, which descends from the top of the mountains with salty water, and the trip to it is a wonderful adventure during Oman tours.
It is possible to use boats where the tourist enjoys the presence of beautiful landscapes in the place in addition to walking during the trip on foot between the mountain heights.
3- White Valley
It is one of the valleys of the Wilayat of Nakhal, located specifically in the south of Al Batinah, where this valley is about 30 kilometers away from the traffic line of the main road, Muscat – Sohar.
Wadi Al Abyad is considered one of the most beautiful valleys that can be visited during Oman tours, which is located in Al Batinah South Governorate, and this is due originally to what the valley possesses of a wonderful natural harmony with the environment due to the distribution of houses in it among the palm trees.
4- Muttrah Sea Road
It is located geographically close to one of the most important Omani ports, which is located in the heart of the Omani capital, Muscat, which is the port of Sultan Qaboos and is distinguished by the fact that it is overlooked by many wonderful rocky and mountainous forms.
This road is considered one of the most beautiful sites within the scope of Muscat Governorate for picnicking during Oman tours, where the tourist enjoys watching the sea and the old Omani buildings.
6- Jebel Akhdar
You can visit the Jebel Akhdar during Oman tours, which has a height of up to 2980 meters, and the Jebel Akhdar is famous for its wide plateau, which is located near its summit.
The journey from the capital, Muscat, to the mountain takes approximately two hours, and access to the mountain is only permitted by using four-wheel drive vehicles.
7- Ain Al-Kasfa:
You can visit Ain Al Kasfah during Oman tours, Ain Al-Kasfa is a group of springs for natural water, the temperature of which usually reaches about 45 degrees Celsius.
Ain Al-Kasfa water is a natural water that contains sulfur water remedy for many diseases.
8- Ain Ath-Thawra
You can visit Ain Al-Thawra during Oman tours, which are many hot water springs that flow abundantly through Jabal Salad, throughout the year.
It flows from the valley to a distance of about 300 meters, as the Wilayat of Nakhl depends mainly on that spring and its tributaries in irrigating its crops.
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5000-year-old Silver Jewelry Found in Oman
An international team led by Prof Kimberly Williams (Temple University, Philadelphia USA) has presented an important discovery at the international conference of South Asian Archaeology and Art held in Barcelona (Spain).
The joint Omani-American team headed by Prof Nasser al Jahwari and Prof Khaled Douglas from Sultan Qaboos University and Prof Kimberly Williams from Temple University (USA), excavates an Early Bronze Age site at Dahwa, Wilayat of Saham of North Al Batinah Governorate with the support of the Ministry of Heritage and Tourism, has recovered an exceptional collection of silver jewelry in a prehistoric grave of the third millennium BCE.
The collection included parts of necklaces such as beads, spacers, and several rings.
Interestingly, one of the silver rings had a stamp with the image of an Indian bison (Bos gaurus), a characteristic motif found in the Indus Valley (or Harappa) Culture that indicated the merchants were active in interregional trade. This image was relatively uncommon in the Indus Valley but quite frequent on Indus- related circular stone seals in Iran, Bahrain, Mesopotamia, and Oman. In fact, it was already found in Oman engraved on stamp seals made from local softstone at Salut and Al-Moyassar. However, this is the first time this image was found on a metal finger ring.
According to Prof Jonathan Mark Kenoyer, an expert on ancient technologies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA), “seal rings were considered typical of much later periods, but this discovery confirmed that Bronze Age peoples were much more ingenious and technically advanced than previously thought; they introduced at a very early stage administrative solutions that allowed economic growth in the later millennia."
What makes the discovery even more intriguing, is that the jewelry — sampled and analyzed using an innovative non-destructive technique by Dr Randall Law and Dr Sean Scott, material scientists from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA) — was found to have been made using silver that most likely came from Anatolia (Türkiye).
According to Dr Dennys Frenez, an Italian expert in ancient trade between the Indus Valley and Oman and a collaborator of the Ministry of Heritage and Tourism, “the discovery in a tomb in Al Batinah of a silver ring likely made in Mesopotamia (Iraq) using silver from Anatolia (Türkiye) for an individual linked with Indus Civilization (Pakistan and Western India) foreign trade shows the complexity of commercial and cultural interactions in Eurasian prehistory, which can definitely be regarded as the prototype for modern global exchanges”.
#5000-year-old Silver Jewelry Found in Oman#archeology#archeolgst#ancient jewelry#ancient artifacts#history#history news#ancient history#ancient culture#ancient civilizations#bronze age
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The disease of envying Imam Ali (as)
If it weren’t for Imam Ali (as) , the believers wouldn’t have been known after the Prophet (sawa).
If it weren’t for Imam Ali (as) , no other man would have been worthy of the Prophet’s daughter (sa).
No one was born in the kaaba but Imam Ali (AS)
No one supported the Prophet (sawa) the way Imam Ali (as) did.
No one protected the Prophet (sawa) the way Imam Ali (as) did.
No one stood up for his message the way Imam Ali (as) did.
No one defended Islam with his strength, bravery, loyalty and with his character the way Imam Ali (as) did.
No one lifted Khyber the way Imam Ali (as) did.
No one gave zakat in sujood the way Imam Ali (as) did.
Imam Ali (as) never used Islam as a token for popularity or wealth.
Imam Ali (as) never put his ego before the truth.
Imam Ali (as) didn’t choose to be the successor of Prophet Muhammad (saw),
ALLAH (swt) chose Imam Ali (as) for that position.
While others chased after these merits, this special treatment from our beloved Prophet–it chased after Imam Ali (as) and it will always be with Imam Ali (as).
Of course there is in envy in the hearts of those who can’t stand to see his success. His undeniable importance in Islam. His right to successorship. What do you do when you envy someone? Slander them. Backbite against them.
Some cursed his name for years during Friday prayers. Some crooked hearts sought the revenge of their fathers on his sons. Many have quenched the thirst of their envy at the cost of their hereafter, how could you do that to your own prophet? He asked us for no other reward but love for his near relatives and this is how this Ummah treats them?
You cannot enter the city of knowledge without entering through it’s gate. You cannot understand Islam, without understanding Imam Ali (as).
Without the Wilayat of Imam Ali (as), this religion would not be complete, if you have a hard time swallowing that, just look at the growing extremism in the school of thoughts that can’t stand the mention of Imam Ali (as).
How can you condemn Islamophobia if you hold the same kind of hate towards minority Muslims? That’s hypocrisy. Just read the books with a heart that looks for what it needs to see, not for what it wants to see. You’ll find the praise of Imam Ali (as) in your own books.
Our Prophet (sawa) has made it clear on more than one occasions.
The Quran has made it clear on more than one occasions. If it bothers you to see the praise of Imam Ali (as), if your natural reaction is to belittle the honor of Ali (as) or mock his followers–ask yourself who conditioned you to think that way when your own Prophet (sawa) repeatedly told you to hold onto Imam Ali (as)?
Where there is Imam Ali (as), there is truth. Where there is truth, there is the perfected Islam
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Date: March 1, 2021
World news.
Under a presidential amnesty, Algeria released dozens of Hirak activists:
The Algerian Ministry of Justice said that 59 persons were released under the presidential pardon issued last week.
On February 19, the ministry announced the release of 33 Hirak activists as a first batch, a day after the Algerian President Abdel Majid Taboun announced a presidential pardon for finally sentenced detainees and others who had not been sentenced.
The Libyan Parliament debates a vote of confidence on the government, March 8:
Libyan Parliament Speaker Aguila Saleh announced a parliamentary session on March 8 to discuss the vote on granting confidence to the government, which the interim Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dabaiba has not yet formed.
According to the United Nations roadmap, Dabaiba had until Friday to present the formation of a government for the Presidency Council and Parliament, but it is clear that he is still facing problems in forming it.
Financial Control: Microfinance in Egypt exceeded EGP 19 billion in 2020:
The Egyptian Financial Supervisory Authority revealed that the microfinance activity grew by 17% during the year 2020, bringing the balance of funds to about 19.3 billion pounds, from 16.5 billion at the end of the previous year.
The authority stated in a report today, Saturday, that the number of microfinance beneficiaries reached 3.2 million by the end of last year, from 3.1 million during 2019.
The Financial Control stated in its report that the funding agencies increased their geographical spread through 2840 financing outlets by the end of 2020, to cover most centers and cities of the republic, from 2,427 outlets in 2019.
local news:
Al-Mudhaibi :
The first match in the second round of the First Division League for Al-Mudhaibi Club:
Al-Mudhaibi Club tied in its first match in the second round of the First Division Football League for clubs yesterday evening, where its opponent, Samail Club, faced him on the grounds of the Nizwa Sports Complex and achieved a peaceful draw 2: 2, and Omar Al-Habsi and Nasser Al-Rawahi scored the goals, achieving that tie Peaceful club with Samail, and waiting for his next opponent at the end of next week
The arrival of the Oman Transport Company (Mwasalat) services to Duqm:
Visiting Duqm has now become more comfortable, enjoyable and effortless, as the services of the Omani Transport Company (Mwasalat) have reached the Wilayat of Duqm, and have now covered most of the important areas in it, and has facilitated the means of tourism and visiting tourist and entertainment sites in the state.
Sport and business news:
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Date:April 26, 2021
World news
Myanmar :
Main: 42 anti-regime protesters including prominent protest leader Ko Wai Moe Naing brought to court for an initial hearing in murder cases that is widely derided and dismissed as spurious.
Business: Myanmars's Economy is expected to contract by 10% due to the military takeover by the regime as opposed to prior predictions that showed that Myanmar would bounce back strongly from the economic impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic at around 6% .
Sports: no news
Source: The Irrawaddy (www.irrawaddy.com)
Main: Putrajaya to distribute devices to students to provide digital access to education
targeting 50,000 students to receive their devices by the end of may with the remaining 100,000 to be distributed by the end of september.
Business: Traders and sellers who increase the price of goods indiscriminately will face actions and be charged under the Price Control and Anti-Profiteering Act especially with regards to uncontrolled essential items according to Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Alexander Nanta Linggi .
Sports: Kuala Lumpur Motorsports Association fears that the increase in Covid-19 cases may affect may throw the Cub Prix Malaysia championship off schedule as it is scheduled for May 22-23 .
Main: Bangkok Governor Aswin Kwanmuang announced that masks will be made compulsory in Bangkok with violaters risking fines of 20,000 baht under the Communicable Disease Act.
Business: The Bank of Thailand is likely to slash growth projections made in March due to the spread of Covid-19 infections in the third.wave of cases with over 26,000 cases in 25 days.
Sports: The first batch of Thailand national team players received their first Covid-19 vaccine dose ahead of participating in a training camp for the 2022 Fifa World Cup Group G qualifiers in the UAE.
Communities News
Why is Ain Jarziz one of the tourist attractions in Dhofar?
Salalah_Ain Jarziz is one of the most popular shrines in the water springs in the Governorate of Dhofar, due to its proximity to the Ateen Plain in the state of Salalah, and its distance only about 7 kilometers from the center of the state.
Ain Jerziz is one of the fertile springs year-round, located in the Jerziz Valley, which is known for its varied small components and attractive nature.
Among the governmental plans to develop tourist areas in the Dhofar Governorate, the area was developed by rehabilitating the road to Al Ain and providing car parks and other tourism services.
Sources:http://newsinstagram.com twitter dofar@news.
Nous is one of the most important tourist places
Sadah_Nos Beach is one of the most beautiful beaches that are characterized by small bays and distinctive places for fishing and hiking in the various seasons of the year in addition to the presence of some archaeological evidence.
Ras Nous is located on the coastline connecting the Had been area and Hasik district in the Wilayat of Sadah and is approximately 150 kilometers away from the city of Salalah, where there are large limestone rocks, springs and natural caves along the coast, which is about 7 long.
Kilometers, which makes the place an integrated natural tourist resort for visitors looking for wildlife and bays
Sources:http://newsinstagram.com twitter dofar@news
business & sport
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Importance of the 'Wilayat Of Imam Ali (as)' || Ya Ali ❤️ #ImamAli #Wilayat #arkofahlulbayt #13rajab #ahlulbayt #shia #islam #allah #ProphetMuhammad #hadith https://www.instagram.com/p/B9r20niD_kB/?igshid=hekhjb47di5t
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What is the Islamic State of Khorasan Province?
As the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) losses ground in Syria and Iraq, its fighters have had to move to new arenas in the Middle East and North Africa. The disintegration of ISIL in Raqqa and Mosul, has also led to a dispersion of fighters to parts of South Asia and South East Asia. Indigenous groups that such as the Abu Sayyef Group in the Philippines or Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen in Bangladesh having initially claimed some form of affiliation to ISIL missions are now offering sanctuary to these fighters; in this way they have access to ISIL tactics, manpower and theological legitimacy. The other effect of this dispersion is the establishment of Asian ISIL “wilayats”, or provinces. One such province was established in Kashmir in 2018 as the Wilayat-e-Hind; and it was quickly engaged by the Indian Armed Forces, and the newly instituted Army Special Forces Operations Division (ASFOD) at the end of 2019. The other provincial ISIL outfit – that of Khorasan Province – has morphed into its own individual entity, known as Islamic State Khorasan (ISK).
ISK operates mainly in north eastern Afghanistan, and has logistical bases along the Durand Line, between Afghanistan and Pakistan. It’s namesake, Khorasan, is a historical region that spans eastern Iran, northern Afghanistan and western Pakistan, and is a cultural anchor for much of Persian history. According to some sources, the modern Persian language – Dari - finds its origins in its use by the people of Khorasan.

Even though ISK did not have much of a promising start – the loss of 4 emirs, and a number of mid-high level lieutenants – owing to its hostilities towards all regional groups, Taliban and Al Qaeda included, its recent attack on a gurudwara in Kabul has brought it back into the spotlight. In the early days, ISK was highly dependent on ISIL, but the loss of Raqqa in 2017 and then Al-Baghdadi in 2019 left it isolated; free to operate on its own terms. These events similarly affected other ISIL wilayats in Central, South and South East Asia, but unlike the others, ISK is still a coherent, operational group and fields an estimated 2500-4500 fighters, recruited from local villages and groups such as Tareek-e-Taliban (TTP) and Lashkar-e-Janghvi Al-Aalami (LeJ-A).
While the historical influence of Khorasan as a geopolitical entity is dominant in ISK’s thinking, the main reasons for its continued existence is the perceived occupation of Kashmir by India, and it’s recruitment cadre – educated youth and scholars from Pakistan, India and Bangladesh – is reflective of this perception. The other key perceived enemy is Russia, following its 2015 intervention in Syria. Even in the March, 2020 US-Russian Joint Statement on Afghanistan ISK is regarded mutually, as an enemy to the future of Afghanistan. The defeat of the Wilayat-e-Hind in 2019, and the coordinated efforts of the US-led Coalition and the Afghan National Army (ANA) in Afghanistan signalled to the world that ISK would be soon, dead in the water.
However, sustained terror attacks on checkpoints and outpost in Afghanistan – 6 in 2016, 18 in 2017, 24 in 2018 and at least 12 last year – and the disintegration of the ISIL caliphate in Syria and Iraq, has given more power to the legitimacy of the ISK, as more and more foreign fighters join its ranks. Other important events that solidified ISIL in Asia, were the 2017 battle for Marawi, in the Philippines and the 2019 Easter bomb-attack on a Sri Lankan church that killed 290. In 2017 a 5-month battle raged over the island of Mindanao, and was a result of ISIL affiliates, particularly the Abu Sayeef Group and Insilon Hapilon taking over the city. The terrorist attack on the Colombo church was carried out by National Tawheed Jama’at (NTJ) another well-known ISIL-affiliate.

India and Pakistan
It would seem that ISK is not only a threat to India, but to Pakistan as well. While India was already involved in the fight against ISK in 2019, Pakistan’s National Counter Terrorism Authority (NACTA) had issued a warning that ISIL had begun planning attacks on political gatherings and party head-quarters in Pakistan’s major cities. But the establishment of the Wilayat-e-Pakistan in that same year, did not really garner a response from Pakistani authorities (in fact, the Wilayat was considered an afterthought, a face saving measure, to not seem only “anti-Indian”).
More recently, the ongoing protests and riots over the controversial Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and National Register of Citizens (NRC) policy in India seems to have spurred further recruitment into ISK. The theological bent is so severe that the newsletter of the Kashmir-wing of the ISK – “Sawt-ul-Hind” –has claimed that Indian Muslims are only different from their fellow Hindu or Christian citizens in name and nothing more.
South Asia is seeing a resurgence of insurgent/terror groups owing to the shifting tide in the Middle East. As ISIL loses ground in Syria-Iraq, its fighters have to move once more, just as they did from post-civil war Libya and Egypt in 2011. This time, these fighters are finding themselves in most South Asian countries and those in South East Asia, particularly Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia. ISK may become the new stronghold, and it is imperative that American-led Coalition forces in Afghanistan begin coordinated strikes against ISK before they become a burden to the Asian community.
Written by Siddharth Anil Nair.
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