#Implied harassment
beansinjeans · 1 year
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more fic art UwU @geryongreen
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citrus-blade · 9 months
Day 3 of Citrus Dreamnoblade Week with the prompt 'Enemies to Lovers'. This will have multiple chapters cause I couldn't finish it in time.
Link to AO3 or read it under here!
Getting kidnapped was not on Dream’s expectations in his life, considering that his father hated him and wouldn’t give a shit about him. But for some reason the pirates of the flying ship The Syndicate still saw it as a good idea. With a captain who was ready to sell Dream away, the young prince has to find a way to escape or get Captain Technoblade to set him free. Either way Dream would have to stay on the ship with the weirdly nice crew.
Chapter 1 under the cut! Words: 2,994
“Let go of me!” Dream screamed, trying to pull himself free from the person who had thrown him over his shoulder and was currently running. “Help!” How could a normal evening turn out like that?! All he wanted to do was enjoy the royal ball of his father for once and all of a sudden explosions happened and people were running into the room.
In all the panic he had called out to his father who had already run away, fucking coward. Before he understood what was going on some filthy pirate had grabbed Dream and thrown him over his shoulder with a loud ‘I got him!’ and then ran off. Obviously this was a targeted kidnapping attempt, probably hoping that the king – Dream’s father – would pay them for his release later.
Too bad that his father didn’t give a fuck about him and they wouldn’t even get dirt in exchange. Had he tried to explain that to the dude under him? Yes, yes he had. Was that man listening? No, obviously not.
Now where were the damn knights? They were fighting either other pirates or evacuating the civilians. There wasn’t many who could help him and the few who tried to follow them either lost track through dumb tricks or got attacked by others.
So Dream had tried it himself, but the man under him didn’t seem to care that he was kicking and punching around, just adjusting his hold on the man here and there. Dream looked over his shoulder, eyes widening when he saw the giant pirate ship floating in the air. Big cogs were turning and smoke was coming out of it and, shit, he recognized that ship.
It was The Syndicate, ship of one of the most well known pirate group that sailed through the air. He couldn’t get on that ship, he’d never escape from there! But all he could to was wiggle around more, bite the man but his teeth didn’t get through the thick clothes he wore. It was hopeless and when they arrived at the ship a ladder of rope was let down, the man held onto it and they were pulled up.
Now it was too late, when the man would let go now Dream would fall to his death and the man really didn’t want that. Did he kinda hated his life? Yeah! But he didn’t wanna end it! So his only choice now was to stay still and hope for the best. The best meaning that the rumours about the pirates would be wrong and they were actual nice people who simply wanted to safe him from his tyrant father.
Yeah. Sure. And unicorns are real and something like superheroes existed.
It didn’t take long for them to arrive at the main deck, immediately Dream was thrown on the ground, grunting at the impact. He looked around and crawled backwards against a wooden wall that forced him to stop. Within seconds he was surrounded by pirates, looking down at him with either disinterest or evil grins.
“Stay away from me!” Dream yelled, looking around in the hope of finding something to defend himself with. Or a way to run away and maybe hide from them, anything that would get him out of this vulnerable position.
“Now now, there’s no need for yellin’,” a deep and monotone voice spoke up from behind the mop of pirates. They parted like the red sea and revealed a tall wide man with pink hair, tied into a high braided tail, a beard hiding his muscular face. Red eyes were staring straight at Dream as he walked closer, a ruffled white blouse revealing some of his chest. “We’re all civilized men here.”
“Oi!” A young woman with pink hair spoke up, making Techno chuckled.
“Excuse me, men as in humans, ‘course.”
“Bullshit!” Dream spat out, finally standing up to stop the man from looking down on him. They were almost the same size, the other was just a little bit taller than him. Ignore that Dream wore slightly healed boots. “I know what kind of people the crew of The Syndicate are!”
“Oh, and what are we?” The pinket asked with an amused grin on his lips, one brow cocked.
“Filthy pirates who just take whatever they want without ever thinking of someone else!”
“Now, I wouldn’t call us filthy, the ship is quiet clean, probably the cleanest you will ever see, even.”
“I don’t care!” Dream screamed, ignoring that the man was right and it did look quiet clean. He stepped closer to the stranger with fire in his eyes. “Tell your damn captain Technoblade that it’s not worth kidnapping me! My father doesn’t care enough about me to give you anything in exchange for my life!”
Silence fell over the whole ship, the crew staring at Dream who was breathing heavily before they all started laughing loudly. Dream looked around in confusion, tears starting to well in his eyes out of frustration, but he couldn’t let them fall. He was too proud and they already didn’t take him serious, this would make it worse.
“What is so funny?!” He eventually demanded an answer, turning back to the pinket who wiped a tear away from his eyes with a gloved hand.
“May I introduce myself?” He said, the crew slowly calming down as the stranger took Dream’s hand and lightly bowed, the hand pressed to his lips. A soft kiss was placed on the back of the blond’s hand, who totally didn’t blush at the action, and the man with red eyes looked back up, grin now wider. “Name’s Technoblade and I am the captain of this beautiful ship and royal crew.”
Dream’s eyes widened at those words and he turned his head in the hope of people saying he was joking, but they were all just smirking at him. “That… that can’t be,” whispered Dream as he tried to step back and pull his hand free, but it was held tightly in Technoblade’s grip.
The man straightened back up and pulled Dream to his chest, his free arm wrapping around Dream’s waist. He leaned down and whispered in his ear. “And who said we’re ‘ere to gain somethin’ from your father?”
“What?!” Dream tried pulling away, this time successful as Techno let go of him. He almost fell back but could catch himself, staring at the man in front of him with wide eyes. “What are you talking about?”
“Let’s just say that someone else was ready to pay a fine price when we bring ya to him,” another man, he looked older with long blond hair, stepped up to Techno. His voice was calm and his gaze rather friendly and… sorry? “We’ll arrive at the meeting point in three days, you’ll stay with Captain Technoblade in the meantime.”
“Excuse me? You want me to stay with your captain?!” Dream squeaked out, glancing over at Technoblade.
“Philza meant just in my cabin,” Techno said, his hands on his hips now. “My bed is big ‘nough for the both of us and like that yer highness doesn’t have to stay in our brig, nice of me, ay?” Dream just scoffed at that, but the man was right, he had read about brigs and how dirty they were with nothing to sleep on. At least he wouldn’t be sore and could try finding a way to escape.
“Anyway!” Philza clapped his hands together, “welcome on The Syndicate prince Dream, enjoy the three days you have on this ship. Any allergies or anything our cook needs to know about before you’ll be brought to the cabin?” Dream just shook his head, glancing around as the group of pirates started to dissolve, all ready to do their usual jobs on the ship. “Great! Niki, would you show him the way?”
“Sure,” the woman from before said, stepping up to Dream with a gentle smile, “follow me, we got some clothes to change into there as it’s almost nighttime.” As they walked through a door that lead to a small corridor Dream felt the ship fly faster. The Syndicate was one of the tallest ship that existed, given all the engines that needed to get it to fly while transporting people, supplies, treasures and weapons.
While they walked Niki asked him if Dream had eaten anything that night and he answered with a yes. He wouldn’t receive any food then unless he wanted, he declined. Niki was a rather friendly woman, just like Philza was a rather nice man, considering they were pirates. When they arrived Niki opened the door and let Dream step in.
The cabin was big, filled with excessive decorations and furniture full with ornaments. One wall was just books and one was just windows, a small door leading to a balcony. Yeah, the ship was impressive and there was a reason why many thought it was just a legend, he had never seen anything like it before.
On his right side was a desk with a comfortable chair, papers like maps and documents sprawled over it and quill standing on it. A lamp was aimed at one of the papers and a wild handwriting was seen on it, probably from the captain. On his left was a big closet that probably was filled with expensive clothes and right next to it a giant bed, big enough for at least four people. There were curtains tied to the four poles on each of the bed’s corner, fluffy pillows filled it and on a corner lay a pile of folded clothes.
“Those are yours for the night,” Niki said, still smiling at Dream, funnily it made him feel okay, like everything was gonna work out. “Techno will give you something comfortable tomorrow as you will stay in the cabin for the whole trip, okay?” Dream just nodded and Niki let out a soft sigh. “Dream… Just enjoy the next three days as much as possible, okay?”
“...You seem to be rather decent Niki, why are you helping them by selling me away?” Dream asked with a pleading tone, hoping to appeal to the young woman's conscious to set him free.
But Niki just started to shake her head. “Sorry Dream, but Techno makes the deals here, I just try to trust him. But hey, maybe he’ll change the plan or something like that,” she shrugged lightly. “Now get ready for bed before the captain comes in here and get some sleep, alright? You’ll get some amazing breakfast in the morning, maybe not as nice as in your palace, but still really nice!”
And with those words she was gone, Dream heard her lock the door. He had hoped she would forget that, but nope, seemed like he was a prisoner now, one going to be exchanged for whatever the captain wanted.
With a deep sigh Dream changed into the clothes that had been laid out to him. It was a wide shirt to button close and an equally wide pants, both in an ivory color, matching perfectly. He huffed as he looked himself in a mirror next to the bed, the other side form the closet one. The he turned and walked up to the desk, trying to read the paper he had seen before.
It seemed to be some random list of supplies they’d need to get at some point and people the captain needed to talk to. Boring, so he decided to shuffle a bit around until he found something that seemed to be a contract or such? Before he was able to pull it out the door to the cabin opened again and Dream fast stepped back, trying to hide that he was snooping around.
“Now, lookin’ through private stuff isn’t very nice,” Techno said before locking the door again, hanging the key up above the door where Dream couldn’t reach. Maybe with a small jump he could, that would be his first try to escape.
“Do you know what else isn’t nice?” Dream asked with a sarcastic smile, making Techno snort as he started to take off his jacket. “Kidnapping someone to sell him off to some stranger just because you want some money, or whatever!”
“Now, who said I’d sell ya away for money?” Techno now pulled off his shirt, back turned to Dream. The blond blushed lightly at the muscular back of the man but shook his head to straighten his thoughts – something his father always had hoped he would do, ironically.
“For what else? You pirates are either after money or treasures or rum. Or, wait, let me guess,” Dream kept talking, now looking away when Techno took off his pants. Too bad that when Dream turned around he could see the man in the mirror. “There’s some weird myth and you need to find some way to proof it’s true and the man who wants to buy me has a way to proof it? Or a part of a map that brings you to it?”
At those words Techno laughed out loud, pulling pants on and then a buttoned shirt as well. Then he opened up his hair and stroked the knots out as best as possible. “Actually, ya were kinda close with the myth one. What I want, dear highness, is a book.” Techno walked up to his desk and seemed to pick up the paper Dream just had tried to read.
“A book? You can’t be serious,” Dream’s mouth was agape with those news, knowing he was worth just a book to this man was disheartening, it made him feel like there was no chance to escape this hell.
“Well, not jus’ any book,” Techno said before handing Dream the paper from before. It was indeed a contract, one he made with the person who wanted to buy the blond.
Dream read through it, frowning at some words. The fact his full name was used with his title and all was icky, even where he was from and who his father was. Every little detail was named. Unharmed, if possible at least, must be dressed well when handed over, too. Weirdo. “...in exchanged for the prince Captain Technoblade of The Syndicate would receive the… the revival book?!” The paper was smashed down against Dream’s thigh. “For a damn myth of some book that could bring people back to life you… you want to give me away?”
“Listen, there’s more reason than-”
“And to Schlatt?!” Dream screamed out, jumping up on his wobbly legs as he read the name. His eyes wide and legs trembling, his ears ringing. He knew Schlatt, his father knew Schlatt, the man was a disgusting person who lead a horrible kingdom in a horrible way. They had only met a couple of times, only during official events but Dream had always felt a bad vibe from the man. The way he had always eyed Dream had felt wrong, had felt wicked and just… Dream didn’t even wanna think about it.
“...Ya know him?” Techno asked with a cocked brow, seeing that Dream’s balance was losing out and he caught him. Dream breathed heavily, clutching the paper in his fist against his chest, trying to calm down. “Hey, hey it’s ‘kay,” Techno whispered, sitting down on the ground with the blond between his legs, back to chest. He rocked back and forth, one hand on top of Dream’s at his chest, the other at his forehead to pull his head back.
Eventually Dream started to mimic Techno’s breathing, moving back and forth slowly in a soothing manner. After a few minutes he had calmed down, the paper crumbled together and pushed away. “You good…?” Techno asked, voice careful against Dream’s ear.
“...you want to give me to Schlatt… I’ll never be good again…” Dream confessed, squinting his eyes together, lips in a straight line. He eventually got back up with the captain’s help and climbed on the bed.
“I didn’t know you two knew each other,” Techno said slowly, pciking the paper back up and trying to straighten it back out before placing it on his desk. “Thought he had read about ya or whatever and not, ya know, was a friend or whatever?”
“Not a friend, never a friend,” Dream spat out, ruffling through his hair in frustration. “That fucker, I only met him like... five times or so? I’m not even sure, but he had always given me bad vibes. The fact he is willing to go as far as wanting to buy me? Shit..”
Techno just stood there, biting his lip and probably not knowing what he was supposed to do. He moved forward and sat down next to Dream, looking at him, Dream felt his eyes on him. Red like blood, blood he’d probably soon spill once he was handed over to… Schlatt. God, he couldn’t believe this.
“...Dream, listen-”
“No,” Dream cut him off sharply, glaring at the way too tall man, “I don’t wanna hear it. Whatever it is, I don’t care what your little explanation is to do this. You’re ruining my life, probably ending it even when giving me to that monster like I’m some stature to buy off. Just, shut up and leave me alone.”
And with those last words he climbed up on the bed and under the blanket, as far away from the pirate as possible. His back was turned to Techno but he could still feel the stare piercing through him. After a few seconds a loud sigh came from Techno and the light turned off.
That night Dream didn’t sleep, he stayed awake form the fear of having nightmares of a man with black eyes and a goat beard. Of grabby hands reaching for him and gloved big ones pushing him towards them. Only when the first rays of sunshine started to rise did sleep take over, saving him from those fantasies which looked more like his future with every passing second.
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voldkat · 3 months
wanted to try drawing mouths on my iterators . what better way to test that than to doodle a shit ton of random incorrect quotes
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and this two-part one
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
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for the best dad the world was kind enough to give me.
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attex · 9 months
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whoishotteranimepolls · 3 months
No Fandoms vs Illiteracy this week
I know I said there would be Fandoms vs Illiteracy today. But, after reading through the essay again, I noticed unusual language I hadn't seen before. I started googling and found that it's associated with the anti-shiping/anti-fan movement. All of a sudden, everything makes sense.
If you're not familiar with these people, they are a group of people within fandom spaces that believe it's their moral duty to harass anyone who consumes/enjoys problematic content or ships any problematic ships to any kind into conforming with their puritanical cult or killing themselves. So yeah, don't I want to engage with this one, but now I'm aware of this movement and will definitely be watching out for their lingo in future Fandoms vs Illiteracy entries
They are also very well known for doxing, and as someone who's had that happen before, I don't really want to engage with this one. Since I'm fully aware of what it is now and because of the hell they put me through in the old fandom. Plus, I now know they're aware of my blog. I will be monitoring the comments and tags more
Honestly, their movement sounds like the death of media literacy, critical thinking, and full-blown puritanical censorship. Because most people can separate fantasy and reality, and if you can't, you have a problem, and your problem gives you no right to bully, harass, and dox other people in the name of moral purity
Oh, and if anyone's curious, I found several good academic research papers on the phenomenon of the anti-fan/anti-shipper. Here's a good one
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artandhijinks · 1 year
My experience with the worst most toxic parts of the IWTV fandom
Okay, there are going to be details here that are changed or admitted for obvious mostly safety reasons. And I personally don't care if you think I'm lying, but it was still a scary experience and I do think there are people in the fandom that need to be aware this crap goes on all over fictional characters. So warning they're going to be mentions of threats a violence, doxing, harassment, the works, It was bad.
Okay a few months ago. I kicked the hornets nest when it comes to the worst part of the interview with the vampire fandom. I had engaged in some fan discourse. Made a couple of posts. A lot of it had to do with defending the added diversity with the casting of Assad and Jacob. Theorizing about possible characters in the future that can be race swapped how it could be a good thing and how it could be historically possible. You get the idea. I love what the show is done with all the race swapping it has added so much to the story.
And then all the sudden I woke up to my inbox being full of over 100 anonymous ask that ranged from the average calling me evil racist. I didn't know the books. How dare I it was ruining the story. I should kill myself. The usual online internet harassment. It was horrible. And they kept on coming and would not stop until I shut off anonymous ask. And they will remain off because of this but again I had well over 100 messages to go through. And it took me well over a week to go through them but when I got to like the last I think 10 one of them stuck out. Not because it was particularly bad because apparently I pissed off the Armand people who don't realize how creepy it is and kind of comes off as pro pedophilia when all of you insist that he has to be 17 much less the racist issues. There's a reason it took me over a week to go through all the messages they made my skin crawl. But this particular message scared the crap out of me it was a death threat with my home address. Someone cared so much about a fictional character. They tracked down my address and threaten to kill me. So guess who immediately started screenshotting the rest of the messages. And had to make a police report. Do you know what it's like having to explain to cops? Yes, I got a death threat with my address over a fictional gay vampire. No, getting death threats over Tumblr is not new to me unfortunately, but my address was new and that I want documented. So being harassed by a couple racist book purists turned into a police report and me buying security cameras. Thank you Tumblr. I nearly deleted the app.
I don't even know if I want to finish the Vampire Chronicles books now because of you idiots you took it way too far. And the worst part is I'm white. I can only imagine what you idiots are doing to the fans of color. Again someone tracked down my address to threaten to kill me. But again it's documented. I filed a police report and if any of you idiots try something I got cameras now.
And for all those who are going to be demanding proof well I thought about sharing a redacted screenshot or maybe a redacted version of the police report. But I decided I would ask the cops what they thought just to be safe. I'm glad I did because they advised me not to do that and they explained to me there is technology out there that if someone really wanted to they can remove that redacting. And I already have one crazy person that knows my address and is threatening to kill me so I don't want another one. So everyone is just going to have to take my word for it. However the cops were all for me sharing my story because of the rise of things like swatting. A in a nearby police department had to deal with a middle schooler (so a 11 to 13-year-old) who made a bomb threat at their school because they didn't want to take a test. So, they think this would be good for people to hear because what you do on the internet does have real life consequences.
So remember people the internet is real life. These things have real life consequences. And I'm pretty sure these people thought it was a joke. But now I have to worry about things like someone breaking into my house killing me or swatting. Which is something I didn't even think of until the cops brought it up. And it does affect my real life. I'm looking to move and hopefully we'll be out of my house soon. So, thank you, Internet stranger
So to sum it all up. The fandom needs to take a bunch of chill pills and calm down. Because we are literally harassing, bullying and threatening people out of the fandom. Again, I thought about leaving Tumblr due to this experience and now I'm having to move. Thank you. Interview with the vampire fandom please do better.
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proudproship · 7 months
Dude, I'm gonna just come out and say it, why is it ALWAYS the hardcore antis who condone literal imprisonment, torture, and death upon proshippers that are ALWAYS either they themself a dark-fiction consumer...or an actual pedophile/necrophile/zoophile/etc???
Like dude, I've been friends with a few antis over the years, and I had this one dude screaming I liked kids because I joked, JOKED MIND YOU, that I'd make my VTuber avatar a loli to get extra money... In the same exact argument he revealed that he jerks off to photos of CONCENTRATION CAMP VICTIMS????? (He still insisted that was better than lolicon tho because "Well the photos I like are all adults"??? Those are literal real-life corpses of torture victims, dude)
Like bro... sorry but I've never met people with more depraved and disgusting fantasies than these fandom-cops that want you in jail for liking Len x Rin Vocaloid art 💀
I normally wait to answer inbox submissions but HOLY SHIT????
I mean I have a really heavy suspicion that all hardcore antis' kink is to tell kids to off themselves
And I believe that because when I was an anti, I was in a discord server and one of these dudes (he was a 27 YEAR OLD ADULT BTW) threatened a young teen in the server that if she didn't stop shipping "a proship" then he'd come to her house and... I'm not even gonna repeat what he said, but he said something that actually did get him a visit from the police-
Oh and "the proship" this girl shipped? Bubbline. A canon lesbian relationship between two consenting fictional humanoid adult women.
And honestly being subjected to those types of threats is what made me make this blog. I don't want anymore kids to be subject to serious abuse just because "oh no, fiction!!!!"
We all should know at this point that antis really don't know the difference between fiction and reality, and that's why they think it's okay to jerk off to literally illegal or morally despicable things, but they get so offended by lines on paper...
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angy-grrr · 29 days
oh I hate, hate, HATE how some mlw shippers act like they are targeted and oppressed; I hate hate HATE canon!izu///ocha because I genuinely believe it’s harmful for the characters (yes, it does reduce her to a love interest as her character would get fulfilled only by confessing and dating him, instead of accepting her feelings and guilt/mourning for not saving Himiko and still work into reach out to others; it reduces their whole story into “love this boy” and it’s disrespectful towards them as if she is a better girl, an actual good one that deserves to be dating the guy they both like; it would ignore the weirdness Ochako felt when she was liking him, and how the only times she was able to not feel something negative towards it was when she was admiring something heroic/cool he was doing; it literally sends the message of the story not being over unless girl and boy date, even if girl and boy never wanted to get closer to each other like that; it ignores Ochako’s heroism, it ignores her drive to be a better hero and how her storyline is about accepting her own negative emotions without isolating herself, to be able to rely on others like Izuku and Tsuyu; if this ends with them dating, it means her story was about accepting to learn that her heroic actions that involve him, like saving him, aren’t actually heroic, just romantic, and to accept that her greatest heroism is just her liking him; this was never about her needing to confess but about being envy of him and Himiko for showing their faces more than her, for feeling like she is so far behind and not wanting to bother others with her sadness. It would mean her story can’t end accepting her feelings and choosing to stay single/not dating him, it would mean Izuku’s story can’t end without getting a girl just because she likes him even tho we clearly see he doesn’t think about romance when he’s with her or tries to support her, there’s no togetherness about them but a common objective and goal to support others, and I think that’s way better than girl and boy get married; it would literally mean Ochako’s heroism is based on her love for him, not her having the heart of the hero too when the point is she is like him, helping everyone and putting everyone else over themselves).
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ej-crowley-vents · 14 days
What the hell is with queer people (myself included) being targeted with sexual assault/harassment?
Like just because I'm afab but identify as male now, that doesn't give you a goddamn right in the world to smack my ass in the hallways just cause im not paying attention to my surroundings.
And just because somebody is queer, that doesn't give you the right to touch them at all. If you're gonna make a comment about a queer person's body or trying touch them in any way I will kick your teeth in
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yuridovewing · 1 month
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this sequence in the sandy amv makes me insane. btw. dovekit and ivykit’s blissful little kitten ignorance, just happy to enjoy each other’s company, the soft light coloring and shading of the kitten images. and then the harsh transition to dark shading over their faces, each of them standing apart, having been torn from one another due to their horrible mentors.
ivypool’s look of resentment and disgust towards dovewing for the cards she was dealt, and dovewing is just…. tired. she was distanced from ivypool so young, any chance they had to confide in one another is gone. now ivypool is just one more angry face, one more cat who’s expectations dovewing has to manage. she wants to help ivypool but it’s a thankless task and ivypool hates her for it anyways.
there’s no winning for dovewing
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marukfe · 6 months
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Uh anyways, I think Pebbles is gay yea
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morebagels · 5 months
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pebbelscore pov
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justoceanmyth · 3 months
Regarding the kataang week twitter "promotion" situation:
From where I stand, the issue is that 1) there was no communication with the kataang week mods (it seems if there had just been communication beforehand, nobody would have cared!), 2) that the account is not "promoting" the event, as the thread says verbatim that they are "hosting and overseeing" the event on twitter (oversight implies moderation - which would be a takeover of the event from the moderators who run the event on tumblr), and that 3) there has been no apology or acknowledgement that this was done without asking, and people involved are going out of their way to attack the moderators, who are just sad and frustrated that they weren't asked.
I've seen people claiming that the majority of the votes came from people who saw the posts on twitter - which isn't something that can be tracked without having access to the google poll itself. After existing for 11 years on tumblr, I assume the kataang week blog probably has a mass of followers - but we can't be sure because tumblr follower counts aren't public.
Nobody would be upset if they wanted to make their own ship week. In fact, that's happened in the past! And in terms of sharing content, people often drop links in the asks to the kataang week blog - whether it's on another platform, or the mods missed it, or for any other reason. There's an ao3 collection as well that people can post to! The mods don't track content that's not on tumblr (because not all the mods have a twitter or are availible 24/7), but they're happy to promote it if it's sent to them.
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attex · 10 months
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ladyluscinia · 10 months
Truly nothing captures the ofmd fandom quite like someone linking a post critical of the season and saying everyone should use it as a blocklist for Izzy fans who call Ed an abuser (due to lack of media literacy / implied racism)... and then the linked post in question is about how the cycles of abuse arc felt sympathetic in setup but then poorly handled because it doesn't feel like anyone - including Edward - got to escape, and its notes are full of people wishing they hadn't cast him in such a bad light in the early eps if they weren't going to follow through on it because - unsurprisingly - most of them genuinely like Edward (the most popular guy) as a character. 🤷‍♀️ And do not enjoying feeling like the show dropped the ball on making him hurt other characters and then not show remorse or healing. Because they like him. And want to believe he got the healing arc, the happy ending, and the forgiveness and love of all the other characters they like. BECAUSE THEY LIKE EDWARD.
It is genuinely unthinkable to some of these people that you can interpret the writing as poorly or even unintentionally saying something about a character that you enjoy and criticize that without it just being character hate.
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