#Implantable drug delivery
databridgemarket456 · 2 years
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diksha234 · 3 months
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palashbhagat5 · 3 months
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kamalkulkarni · 1 year
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But once the babies are here, the state provides little help.
When she got pregnant, Mayron Michelle Hollis was clinging to stability.
At 31, she was three years sober, after first getting introduced to drugs at 12. She had just had a baby three months earlier and was working to repair the damage that her addiction had caused her family.
The state of Tennessee had taken away three of her children, and she was fighting to keep her infant daughter, Zooey. Department of Children’s Services investigators had accused Mayron of endangering Zooey when she visited a vape store and left the baby in a car.
Her husband, Chris Hollis, was also in recovery.
The two worked in physically demanding jobs that paid just enough to cover rent, food and lawyers’ fees to fight the state for custody of Mayron’s children.
In the midst of the turmoil in July 2022, they learned Mayron was pregnant again. But this time, doctors warned she and her fetus might not survive.
The embryo had been implanted in scar tissue from her recent cesarean section. There was a high chance that the embryo could rupture, blowing open her uterus and killing her, or that she could bleed to death during delivery. The baby could come months early and face serious medical risks, or even die.
But the Supreme Court had just overturned Roe v. Wade, which guaranteed the right to abortion across the United States. By the time Mayron decided to end her pregnancy, Tennessee’s abortion ban — one of the nation’s strictest — had gone into effect.
The total ban made no explicit exceptions — not even to save the life of a pregnant patient. Any doctor who violated the ban could be charged with a felony.
Women with means could leave the state. But those like Mayron, with limited resources or lives entangled with the child welfare and criminal justice systems, would be the most likely to face caring for a child they weren’t prepared for.
And so, the same state that questioned Mayron’s fitness to care for her four children forced her to continue a pregnancy that risked her life to have a fifth, one that would require more intensive care than any of the others.
Tennessee already had some of the worst outcomes in the nation when measuring maternal health, infant mortality and child poverty. Lawmakers who paved the way for a new generation of post-Roe births did little to bolster the state’s meager safety net to support these babies and their families.
In December 2022, when Mayron was 26 weeks and two days pregnant, she was rushed to the hospital after she began bleeding so heavily that her husband slipped in her blood. An emergency surgery saved her life. Her daughter, Elayna, was born three months early.
Afterward, photographer Stacy Kranitz and reporter Kavitha Surana followed Mayron and her family for a year to chronicle what life truly looked like in a state whose political leaders say they are pro-life. [...]
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mpreglover225 · 2 days
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Chapter 1: The Journey Begins—Understanding Conception in Expectant Fathers
Embarking on the journey to parenthood is an exciting and transformative experience. For expectant fathers, understanding the intricacies of conception is the first step towards a healthy and fulfilling pregnancy. This chapter delves into the biological processes of male fertility, the various methods of conception—including natural intercourse, artificial insemination, and in vitro fertilization (IVF)—and the significance of the monthly heat cycle when ovulation occurs.
The Male Reproductive System: An Overview
Anatomy and Physiology
Understanding your body is essential for maximizing fertility and achieving conception.
Testes: Produce sperm and the hormone testosterone.
Ovaries (Male Ovaries): Specialized organs that release eggs (ova) during the heat cycle.
Heat Cycle: A monthly period of increased fertility when ovulation occurs.
Uterus (Male Uterus): The organ where a fertilized egg implants and develops into a fetus.
Anal Canal: Serves as the birth canal during delivery.
Hormonal Regulation
Testosterone: Influences sperm production and libido.
Estrogen and Progesterone: Regulate the heat cycle and prepare the uterus for pregnancy.
Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH): Control the release of eggs during ovulation.
The Heat Cycle: Timing is Everything
Understanding Ovulation
The heat cycle is a critical window for conception.
Duration: Typically lasts 5-7 days each month.
Ovulation: Occurs mid-cycle, releasing a mature egg ready for fertilization.
Signs of Heat:
Increased body temperature.
Heightened libido.
Mild abdominal discomfort.
Clear cervical mucus discharge.
Tracking Your Cycle
Calendar Method: Mark the start and end of each heat cycle to predict ovulation.
Basal Body Temperature: Measure daily temperature to detect the slight rise during ovulation.
Ovulation Predictor Kits: Detect LH surge indicating imminent ovulation.
Monitoring Symptoms: Be attentive to physical and emotional changes.
Natural Conception: The Traditional Path
Sexual Intercourse During Heat
Engaging in sexual activity during your heat cycle increases the likelihood of conception.
Optimal Timing: 1-2 days before and after ovulation.
Frequency: Regular intercourse every other day during the fertile window.
Positions for Conception:
Positions that allow deep penetration may facilitate sperm reaching the egg.
Remain lying down for 15-20 minutes post-intercourse to aid sperm travel.
Factors Affecting Fertility
Lifestyle Choices:
Nutrition: A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals supports reproductive health.
Exercise: Regular physical activity promotes hormonal balance but avoid excessive training.
Substance Use: Limit alcohol and avoid smoking or recreational drugs.
Health Conditions:
Hormonal Imbalances: Can affect ovulation and sperm quality.
Chronic Illnesses: Conditions like diabetes or thyroid disorders may impact fertility.
Medications: Certain prescriptions can interfere with reproductive function.
Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART)
When natural conception is challenging, assisted methods offer alternative pathways to parenthood.
Artificial Insemination (AI)
Overview: Sperm is collected and directly inserted into the reproductive tract during ovulation.
Intrauterine Insemination (IUI): Sperm placed directly into the uterus.
Intracervical Insemination (ICI): Sperm deposited near the cervical opening.
Performed in a clinical setting by a healthcare professional.
Sperm can be from a partner or a donor.
Success Rates: Vary based on age, fertility issues, and sperm quality.
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
Overview: Eggs and sperm are combined outside the body, and the resulting embryo is implanted into the uterus.
Ovarian Stimulation: Medications stimulate multiple eggs to mature.
Egg Retrieval: Eggs are collected using a minor surgical procedure.
Fertilization: Eggs are combined with sperm in a lab.
Embryo Transfer: One or more embryos are placed into the uterus.
Time Commitment: IVF requires multiple clinic visits and procedures.
Emotional Impact: The process can be emotionally taxing; support is essential.
Cost: IVF can be expensive; explore insurance coverage and financing options.
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
Overview: A single sperm is injected directly into an egg during IVF.
Indications: Used when there are sperm quality or quantity issues.
Procedure: Similar to IVF with the additional step of sperm injection.
Preparing for Conception
Preconception Health Check
Medical Evaluation:
Visit a healthcare provider for a comprehensive health assessment.
Discuss medical history, medications, and any chronic conditions.
Fertility Testing:
Semen Analysis: Evaluates sperm count, motility, and morphology.
Hormonal Tests: Measures levels of testosterone, FSH, LH, estrogen, and progesterone.
Ultrasound Examination: Assesses the reproductive organs for any abnormalities.
Lifestyle Modifications
Increase intake of folic acid, zinc, selenium, and antioxidants.
Consume plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.
Engage in moderate physical activity to maintain a healthy weight.
Stress Management:
Practice relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, or deep-breathing exercises.
Avoid Environmental Toxins:
Limit exposure to pesticides, heavy metals, and endocrine-disrupting chemicals.
Supplements and Vitamins
Prenatal Vitamins:
Start taking prenatal vitamins at least three months before attempting conception.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids:
Support hormonal balance and fetal development.
Consult a Healthcare Provider:
Before starting any supplement regimen.
Emotional and Psychological Preparation
Communication with Your Partner
Shared Goals:
Discuss family planning desires and expectations.
Emotional Support:
Be open about feelings, fears, and hopes.
Maintain a strong emotional and physical connection.
Coping with Challenges
Infertility Concerns:
Acknowledge that conception may take time.
Seek professional counseling if needed.
Managing Expectations:
Understand that each journey to parenthood is unique.
Building a Support Network
Family and Friends:
Share your plans with trusted individuals.
Support Groups:
Join communities of other expectant fathers or couples trying to conceive.
Professional Guidance:
Consult fertility specialists, counselors, and reproductive endocrinologists.
Understanding the process of making a baby empowers expectant fathers to take proactive steps towards achieving pregnancy. Whether through natural conception during the heat cycle or utilizing assisted reproductive technologies, being informed about your options and preparing both physically and emotionally are crucial components of this journey. Remember, patience and persistence are key, and seeking support along the way can make the experience more rewarding and less daunting.
Key Takeaways
Know Your Cycle: Understanding your heat cycle enhances your ability to conceive.
Healthy Lifestyle: Nutrition, exercise, and avoiding harmful substances improve fertility.
Explore Options: Familiarize yourself with both natural and assisted conception methods.
Emotional Preparedness: Open communication and emotional support are vital.
Professional Guidance: Regular consultations with healthcare providers ensure optimal care.
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teine-mallaichte · 2 months
I’ve been brainstorming (and when I say brainstorming I really mean "daydreaming about while at work") a concept I’m now dubbing “Neurobehavioral Conditioning” or “Neuro-Operant Training” — basically an advanced way to "train" a whumpee by combining behavior conditioning, operant conditioning, and behavioral modification. Think of it as a futuristic shock collar, but with a twist.
The general concept is that of an implant. This implant would be remote, controlled by the trainer, owner, whumper, etc, and at eh press of a button would "reward" the whumpee for good behaviour, following orders, being submissive, or whatever else.
I have three ideas for this implant:
Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)
Mechanism: DBS involves implanting electrodes in specific brain areas, like the nucleus accumbens, to stimulate pleasure and reward centers.
Control: A remote control would adjust stimulation levels to reward good behavior.
Pros: Highly targeted, adjustable stimulation.
Cons: Requires surgery with risks like infection and brain damage.
Real World Inspiration: DBS is used to treat conditions like Parkinson’s and severe depression, showing its ability to enhance specific brain functions.
2. Insulin Pump-like Device Administering Euphoric Drugs
Mechanism: This device would release small doses of a euphoric drug into the bloodstream.
Control: The trainer can control dosage and timing to reinforce positive behavior.
Pros: Easier to implement than brain surgery, easily adjustable.
Cons: Risks of addiction, tolerance, and side effects.
Real World Inspiration: Think of insulin pumps but for mood-enhancing substances. While not perfect, the concept of continuous, controlled substance delivery is pretty similar.
3. Insulin Pump-like Device Administering Neurotransmitters
Mechanism: Releases neurotransmitters directly into the brain, affecting mood and behavior.
Control: Like the drug pump, it’s remotely controlled for precise neurotransmitter release.
Pros: Direct and potentially faster-acting than drugs.
Cons: Requires precise control to avoid imbalances and side effects.
Real World Inspiration: Current research on neurotransmitter modulation in psychiatric treatments.
Now… Imagine This:
The whumpee is unaware of the implant. Every time they follow an order or please the whumper, the button is pressed and they experience a wave of pleasure. The sense of joy and satisfaction becomes so intertwined with their compliance that eventually the button may not even need to be pressed. In Whumpees mind the wave of pleasure comes directly from obedience.
** Whumper glanced up, catching Whumpees eye. “You’ve done very well today. I’m proud of you.” Whumpees chest swelled with warmth at the praise. They didn’t fully understand the source of their happiness, but in that moment, it felt perfectly aligned with their purpose. The sense of joy and satisfaction was so deeply intertwined with their compliance that they couldn’t imagine anything else.**
**Whumper called out gently "Could you please tidy up the coffee table, dear? It looks a bit cluttered." Whumpee "Of course!" They move swiftly to the coffee table, clearing away magazines and placing them neatly in a stack. As they work, they hum softly, a look of contentment on their face. The moment they finish, a wave of pleasurable warmth washes over them, originating from deep within their mind. They feel a sense of happiness and fulfillment, a smile spreading across their face as if they had just accomplished something truly meaningful.**
I feel the subtlety of influencing the whumpee’s emotions makes this concept all the more intriguing (and creepy). Sure, the whumper could crank up the remote to enforce submission, but the quiet conditioning might be even more satisfying.
Honestly, maybe it's a good job that I never actually qualified as a doctor what this is the sort of thoughts I have while stood in a gym yelling at someone on a treadmill 😂.
Mandatory science dump Under the cut
Key Neurotransmitters and Their Functions:
Function: Often referred to as the “feel-good” neurotransmitter, dopamine plays a crucial role in reward, motivation, and pleasure. It also influences movement and emotional responses.
Theoretical Effect of Artificial Addition: Increasing dopamine levels can enhance feelings of pleasure and reward, potentially improving mood and motivation.
Too much = addiction and psychosis.
Function: Serotonin is involved in regulating mood, appetite, sleep, and memory. It has a calming effect and helps maintain a balanced mood.
Theoretical Effect of Artificial Addition: Boosting serotonin levels can improve mood and reduce anxiety and depression.
Too much = serotonin syndrome.
Function: This neurotransmitter is involved in the body’s “fight or flight” response. It increases alertness, arousal, and attention.
Theoretical Effect of Artificial Addition: Enhancing norepinephrine can improve focus and energy levels.
Too much = anxiety and high blood pressure.
GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid):
Function: GABA is the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain. It helps reduce neuronal excitability and promotes relaxation and calmness.
Theoretical Effect of Artificial Addition: Increasing GABA levels can have a calming effect, reducing anxiety and promoting sleep.
Too much = excessive sedation.
Function: This neurotransmitter is involved in muscle activation, memory, and learning.
Theoretical Effect of Artificial Addition: Enhancing acetylcholine can improve memory and cognitive function.
Too much = Muscle cramps.
Key Brain Areas for DBS for this purpose:
Nucleus Accumbens (NAc):
Function: The NAc is a central part of the brain’s reward circuit. It plays a crucial role in processing pleasure, reward, and reinforcement learning.
Theoretical Effect of DBS: Stimulating the NAc can enhance feelings of pleasure and reward, potentially improving mood and motivation. This area is often targeted in treatments for depression and addiction.
Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA):
Function: The VTA is involved in the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward.
Theoretical Effect of DBS: Stimulating the VTA can increase dopamine release, enhancing reward-related behaviors and potentially improving mood.
Medial Forebrain Bundle (MFB):
Function: The MFB is a pathway that connects the VTA to the NAc and other brain regions involved in reward processing.
Theoretical Effect of DBS: Stimulating the MFB can modulate the entire reward circuit, potentially providing a more comprehensive enhancement of pleasure and motivation.
Central Amygdala (CeA):
Function: Traditionally associated with fear, recent studies have shown that the CeA also has neurons involved in reward processing.
Theoretical Effect of DBS: Stimulating the reward-related neurons in the CeA can promote positive behaviors and enhance feelings of reward
A few real world related technologies and research that explore similar concepts:
Automated Insulin Delivery (AID) Systems:
These systems combine insulin pumps with continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) to automatically adjust insulin delivery based on real-time glucose levels1. The technology and principles behind these systems could be adapted for neurotransmitter delivery.
Neurotransmitter Modulation in Psychiatric Treatments:
Treatments for conditions like depression and anxiety often involve modulating neurotransmitter levels using medications such as SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) to increase serotonin levels2. While not delivered via a pump, the concept of adjusting neurotransmitter levels to influence behavior is similar.
Research on Neurostimulation and Neurotransmitter Release:
Studies have explored the use of electrical stimulation to influence neurotransmitter release in the brain. For example, deep brain stimulation (DBS) can affect dopamine levels, which is relevant for treating Parkinson’s disease.
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surgerypatient · 3 months
chatgpt explanation of the suite of feminization procedures necessary to create an indistinguishable woman ( not perfect)
Preoperative Phase
Preoperative Appointment:
Final Consultation:
The patient meets with the surgical team to discuss the procedure in detail.
Final consent forms are signed, and any last-minute questions are answered.
Medical and Psychological Evaluation:
Comprehensive health assessment including blood tests, imaging, and psychological support.
Detailed explanation of the recovery process and postoperative care.
Day of Surgery:
Arrival at the Hospital:
The patient checks in at the hospital and is escorted to the preoperative waiting area.
The patient changes into a hospital gown, cap, and compression socks.
Preoperative Preparation:
IV line is started for administering fluids and medications.
Baseline vital signs are recorded, and the patient is given a sedative to help relax.
The patient meets the anesthesiologist who explains the anesthesia process.
The surgeon visits to review the surgical plan and answer any final questions.
Transport to Operating Room:
The patient is wheeled to the operating room on a gurney.
Final identification checks and surgical site markings are made.
Intraoperative Phase
Anesthesia and Initial Prep:
Anesthesia Administration:
The patient is connected to monitoring equipment to track vital signs.
Anesthetic drugs are administered through the IV, inducing unconsciousness.
An anesthesia mask is placed, and the patient is intubated for airway management.
Eye ointment is applied, and the eyes are taped shut to prevent dryness.
Sterile Prep:
The patient’s body is cleaned with a pink antiseptic solution.
A urinary catheter is inserted to manage urine output during surgery.
Surgical Procedures:
An incision is made in the scrotum, and the testicles are removed.
The incisions are closed, and the area is dressed.
Penile Inversion Vaginoplasty:
Penile skin is deconstructed and inverted to form the vaginal canal.
Scrotal skin is used to create the labia majora and minora.
Nerve bundles are used to construct the clitoris.
The urethra is shortened and repositioned.
Stem cell and nanobot therapies are applied to enhance healing.
Facial Feminization Surgery (FFS):
Procedures may include brow lift, rhinoplasty, jaw and chin reshaping, and tracheal shave.
Each step is performed with precision to feminize facial features.
Waist Contouring:
Liposuction is performed to remove excess fat and contour the waistline.
Fat grafting may be used to enhance the hips for a more feminine silhouette.
Breast Augmentation:
Incisions are made, and implants are placed to achieve desired breast size and shape.
Bioengineered implants ensure natural feel and appearance.
Buttock Augmentation:
Fat grafting or implants are used to enhance buttock size and shape.
Advanced techniques ensure minimal scarring and natural results.
Estrogen Implant Placement:
Hormone-delivery implants are placed to provide continuous estrogen therapy.
The implants are fine-tuned for optimal hormone balance.
Postoperative Phase
Immediate Postoperative Care:
Recovery Room:
The patient is moved to a recovery room and monitored closely as they wake up from anesthesia.
Pain management and anti-nausea medications are administered as needed.
Initial Assessment:
Vital signs are monitored, and the surgical sites are checked for any complications.
The patient is kept in a semi-upright position to promote breathing and comfort.
Instructions and Mobility:
The patient is given instructions on how to move and care for surgical sites.
Gradual introduction to liquids and soft foods.
Ongoing Postoperative Care:
Hospital Stay:
The patient remains in the hospital for a few days for close monitoring.
Regular check-ups by the surgical team to ensure proper healing.
Discharge and Home Care:
Detailed discharge instructions are provided, including wound care, medication regimen, and activity restrictions.
Arrangements for follow-up appointments and physical therapy sessions.
Long-term Recovery:
Gradual resumption of daily activities as healing progresses.
Ongoing hormone therapy adjustments and psychological support.
Regular follow-up appointments to monitor the results and address any concerns.
Final Outcome:
Physical and Aesthetic Results:
Natural-looking and functional vaginal canal with satisfactory depth and sensation.
Feminized facial features, contoured waist, enhanced breasts, and buttocks.
Hormone levels are balanced with the help of estrogen implants.
Psychological and Social Adaptation:
Continued psychological support to help adapt to the new gender identity.
Social integration and increased confidence in personal and professional life.
This detailed step-by-step guide outlines a comprehensive and futuristic approach to M-to-F sex reassignment surgery, incorporating advanced technologies and procedures to ensure optimal outcomes for patients.
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"Soft robots," medical devices and implants, and next-generation drug delivery methods could soon be guided with magnetism -- thanks to a metal-free magnetic gel developed by researchers at the University of Michigan and the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart, Germany. The material is the first in which carbon-based, magnetic molecules are chemically bonded to the molecular network of a gel, creating a flexible, long-lived magnet for soft robotics. The study describing the material was published today in the journal Matter. Creating robots from flexible materials allows them to contort in unique ways, handle delicate objects and explore places that other robots cannot. More rigid robots would be crushed by the deep ocean's pressure or could damage sensitive tissues in the human body, for example.
Read more.
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cyberwhumper · 1 year
Could you tell me more about Whiskey?
Of course! I wasn't sure if you had anything more specific you'd like to know, but I put together a little list of facts about him!
He's a mid-20s high school dropout who sometimes does odd jobs here and there. He first came into contact with Baxter's gang during one of those odd jobs.
Prone to challenging authority at every possible turn to the detriment of his own self-preservation. Challenges Baxter on multiple occasions while he's captive which leads to escalating violence and deterioration of his health. De-escalation is not a viable option, and he loathes taking orders from anyone.
Filed his teeth regularly prior to getting kidnapped captured, but without maintenance they've grown quite long. He takes relatively decent care of his own appearance and is physically fit.
Doesn't have any cybernetic implants. Not only can he not afford them, but he's also unwilling to make a deal with someone else to get them if it'll lead to them having any sort of leverage over him. Ties in with his distaste for authority.
All bark and no bite. He may bitch and taunt and hurl threats when cornered but is severely outclassed in any real fight and his first course of action is to flee once he realizes the gravity of the situation. This often happens after several rounds of escalation.
Thinks that Baxter is an emotional moron who's not fit for leadership and who will run all the other morons that follow him down to a roadside burn pit. This naturally makes them not see eye to eye very often.
Volunteers at a makeshift halfway house for children and is surprisingly mindful of them, avoiding work on purpose and then making it up to them later if he's too injured. Doesn't want to expose the kids to violence if he can avoid it.
Knows the city streets like the back of his hand and can quickly find weird routes to get from point A to B, which helps him greatly when doing deliveries for clients and avoiding the police. This knowledge has been instrumental in keeping him out of the eyes of private law enforcement.
Estranged from his family and doesn't talk about them at all. If any of the kids ask, he says he simply spawned already a grown up and had to get a job and pay taxes right away. The kids find it hilarious. He's unwilling to discuss the subject with any seriousness or without making outlandishly untrue joke claims.
Greatly enjoys partying, getting drunk, and being promiscuous, and finds it well worth the hangover. Designer drugs don't do much for him since he doesn't have the implants required to enjoy them fully, and he views them as a waste of time. When he's not working or volunteering, he's probably getting drunk and making some new mistakes.
Thank you so much for your interest in Whiskey! You made my day!! This is by no means a comprehensive list or I'd be here all day talking about him but I hope you enjoy it!
If anyone has any questions for my OCs to answer or would like to know more about them, let me know!
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whumble-beeee · 1 year
Favorite lab whump tropes? 👀
Oh good lord, immediately going for the heart of it, huh?
Love it when whumpee is just treated coldly, almost like an object even, like they get thrown around, their begging goes wholly ignored, maybe a few annoyed glances or pitying looks. But no one makes a move to help.
I think for the most part its the fear of it, the helplessness. The sterile environment, professional in all ways except the screams and the crying, the sheer pain and emotion felt in a place many would describe as cold and emotionless.
Then the whumpers. All types of whumpers. There's the sadistic ones, the ones that enjoy torturing their human test subject. There's the most common ones, i think, who maintain a more or less professional demeanor, only have a lab whumpee because its required of them, and they're fine with that. It's for science, after all. I'm also fond of the cold scientific method whumper, who might as well just see whumpee as another fruit fly to experiment on. And they do the tests over and over and over again, because the scientific method requires it.
Then whumpee being led into the lab for the first time. They've been debriefed on their role here as a test subject and they already tried to escape, so now they've been bound and they're helpless as they're led through this shiny and pristine lab to an operating table with an absurd amount of straps on it. Scary machinery around it, the scientists are already there waiting for them. Some missed spots of blood staining the floor around the table, and suddenly the screams they heard earlier start to make sense.
OR OR whenever whumpee is fighting hard so the scientist(s) just sigh and pull out a syringe (or better yet a gas mask, or even better, a tube to plug into a cannula already implanted in whumpee's arm) and you get to see all the color drain from whumpee's face as they realize what's about to happen and they stumble backward but eventually there's nowhere left to go and the scientist is upon them, pressing whatever drug delivery method into their body, whumpee cringing and pressing against the wall trying to get away, maybe trying to hold their breath against the drugged gas or block the needle about to pierce their skin, but it doesn't work and soon their body betrays them and starts getting very tired and the already cold, bright setting of the lab around them starts to go colder and dark.
(I got carried away at the end there lol. I love lab whump, its so good. Had to cut myself off. Pretty sure I answered the question though, kinda just made some story ideas lmao.)
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chaoticneutralbell · 7 months
There's a hole in your logic
You who know all the answers...
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| soundtrack | living space | style
Name: Lucy Archer Bell
Age: 30 (Feb 12)
Identity & Orientation: NB AFAB, they/he/she, disaster pan
Originally From: Clackamas, Oregon
Most Recent Community: Dielectric Research Community, Connecticut
Time in Redwood: New as of February 2043
Resides in: A bungalow near the school
Previous occupation: Biomedical / Neuro-Engineer
Community occupation: Teacher (STEM subjects) / Daycare / Mechanic's assistant
Lucy was born to a mom in (temporary) recovery, and never knew her father. She grew up mostly raised by maternal grandparents while her mother went through several rounds of rehab, additional pregnancies and falls off the wagon. Lucy, meanwhile, became a driven, intelligent young woman - with a real sarcastic wit. She excelled in soccer, but ended up needing financial assistance for college.
She was indignant at needing financial assistance, being teased by classmates for her financial struggle, and eschewed parties to hold down a job around classes. By 2037 Lucy was in her last year of a bachelors program at John Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland.
Already having been approached by prestigious biomedical firms, Lucy was starting to feel she'd outrun her crappy circumstance of birth. Around the same time news of a new outbreak was starting one of the firms swooped in and recruited every student on the same track. Promised them the chance to change the world in their lifetime, to save mankind. That they were all needed.
Dielectric was their home for several years as the world shut down. Compartmentalized, kept ignorant of the goings on outside; told it was for the best if they weren't distracted by the outside world.
Small teams worked on different pieces of a greater whole, brainstorming, hypothesizing, testing, making odd supply requests from the men upstairs...
Until supplies stopped showing up.
An intellectual powerhouse, the cell found solutions to problems as they came. Predicted likely future issues and took what preventative measures they could. But eventually, the walls would be permeated.
What researchers survived that inevitable breach fled; they weren't built for brute force fighting. Lucy was never more grateful that she'd been a jock in high school, able to outrun bigger, heavier predators.
A year of another kind of learn-by-doing, and Lucy fell ass-over-teakettle into Redwood. Specifically by setting off a hunting trap.
| Headcanons |
Lucy was on course to earn her Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering; specifically angling for the Neural Engineering Track.
She never lost her snarky personality. Originally a defense mechanism, it eventually simply became a part of her personality. It didn't endear her to superiors at Dielectric, alas.
Before you ask - yes his mom named them Lucy as a Beatles homage. Yes, Lucy finds it tacky. Yes, he knows it's close to Lucille Ball, too.
Doesn't like talking about how they lost their left pinky.
Created "A fully implantable,wireless interface for CNS for electronic recording, stimulation and microfluidic drug delivery."
5 Tattoos: Lunar moth at right hipbone | cobra winding up right arm | Neuron up the exterior left calf | Twilight Zone inspired on left bicep | James Webb hexagon on the back of their neck
Goes by Archer, in addition to Lucy
Birth order: Lucy -> Allison (26) -> Joey (23) -> Nina (20) -> Jordan (16) -> Jimmy (12)
| Wanted Connections |
STEM nerds (open!) - Do you speak science, tech, engineering or math? Then Lucy would love to nerd it up with you. Conversation, projects, wild theories, whatever @orioncarnell , @tamirkamadcr
Chaotic Buds (1/2) - Lucy has high Int, low Wis and obviously would love buds of similar stat block. @aresmelaina ,
Kite String (0/1) - Who's going to tether this girl when she's getting unrealistic, too salty, etc?
Trap Spring (1/1) - She was brought in by a hunter whose trap she set off. Soz, dude. - @davxdalexander
Crossed Paths (2/3) - She was extremely behind the 8 ball on the whole apocalypse thing, running a couple years behind everyone else. Did you encounter her in the last year? Helped her out or took advantage? @frankxausting , @harry-thompson
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ormspryde · 1 year
Some short character profiles I did for the cyberpunk Vesperia AU I'm outlining right now:
Patty: An experimental mech pilot who escaped from the science district with her mech.  With no memory of the time before the experiments inflicted on her, she uses her wits and her machine to survive in the harsh landscape outside the dome.  Occasionally she experiences thoughts and memories that don't seem to be her own...
Damuron/Schwann/Raven: A system created by the trauma of being brought back from the dead after the Great War.  Schwann tends to be in front while they're in Imperial Megacity, and Raven while they're in Dahngrest; Damuron rarely comes out at all.  They have a lot of responsibilities in either town, but now and again they either manage to relax or someone makes them - usually that someone is either Yeager or Whitehorse.
Yuri Lowell: An adrenaline junkie who rides his bike for kicks and to drive the dragoons crazy.  He was once part of that institution and got some decent implants out of the deal, but he left when he realized they weren't going to let him do jack for the undercity.  He gets by doing odd delivery jobs and selling vaporthorn.  He feels stifled living where he does, but he also doesn't feel like he can leave.
Rita: An orphaned ward of the state, Rita works as an independent government researcher in the science district.  Her primary interests are nanobots and aer, with a side interest in the field of cybernetics.  In her very sparse downtime, she either relaxes in cyberspace or reads one of the hardcopy books she keeps in her quarters.
Estellise: An experimental AI housed in the security wing of the dragoons' district, Estellise knows little of the outside world other than the sparse digital library she has access to.  Her only real social contacts are in cyberspace and with the scientists who run experiments on her.  She has an advanced android body she can upload herself, but she's rarely allowed to.
Repede: Repede is a cyberdog with enhanced reflexes, senses, intelligence, and fighting ability.  He's bonded with Yuri, who stole him when he left the dragoons.  Repede is picky about people, but is more disdainful than usual about both Estelle and Yeager.
Judith: Judith travels widely with her friend ba'ul, when she can.  She maintains ties to the hidden city of Myorzo, where she grew up, but she rarely visits so as not to draw the attention of the Empire to it.  Inside the megacities, she has to rely on more mundane transport; if Ba'ul is captured, it means a fate worse than death for him.  She knows Duke, and occasionally helps him out.
Karol: 'Adopted' in turn by a number of street gangs in Dahngrest, Karol has a variety of skills, including some less-than-legal talents such as hacking and lockpicking.  His cowardice has gotten him shunned by most of the gangs he's been in, until he's come to not expect anything better for himself other than to simply survive.
Flynn:  Flynn stayed with the dragoons where Yuri chose to leave, though he still maintains his ties in the undercity, where they grew up together.  When the story begins, one of his duties is inspecting power facilities around the megacity.
Yeager:  Yeager's the owner and operator of Leviathan's Claw, a corporation devoted mostly to operating pleasure clubs and smuggling drugs in various cities, although he has a number of mercenaries and assassins at his disposal.  A survivor of the Great War, Yeager is under Alexei's hold - although the yoke is beginning to chafe.  He lives vicariously through his beloved daughters, and gets together with Raven, when they happen to be in Dahngrest.
Duke:  Duke is one of the vanishingly few humans that know the location of the last group of free Entelexeia.  He is almost fanatically devoted to the cause of freeing the Entelexeia the Empire has captive in their power plants, but secretly only wishes to see his dear friend Elucifur again.
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alviaart · 2 years
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Espers. Extremely rare humans possessing incredible psionic abilities that could potentially level entire city blocks in an instant. Such power comes at a heavy mental price. Over time, the continued use of their psionic abilities frequently leaves them struggling to maintain a tenuous connection with reality. They sink into a world of their own, speaking a secret language only the other espers can understand. They become obsessed with trying to escape someone who has trapped them. And one day, they vanish. Nova City megacorps have attempted to capture and control espers through drugs and cybernetic implants, but this often resulted in catastrophic failure. The few rare successes are the most feared weapons in a megacorp's private security force. Maya prayed that she would never encounter one during a delivery. #nijijourney #nijijourneyartwork #hijabfuture #cyberpunk2077 #espers #midjourneyart #cyberpunk #midjourneyai #midjourneyart #artdaily #aiart #digitalartist #characterart #characterdesign #aiartcommunity #aiartwork #magic #ai #creativewriting #scifiart https://www.instagram.com/p/ClJP0jmrSMr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mit · 1 year
An implantable device could enable injection-free control of diabetes
The device contains encapsulated cells that produce insulin, plus a tiny oxygen-producing factory that keeps the cells healthy.
Anne Trafton | MIT News
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One promising approach to treating Type 1 diabetes is implanting pancreatic islet cells that can produce insulin when needed, which can free patients from giving themselves frequent insulin injections. However, one major obstacle to this approach is that once the cells are implanted, they eventually run out of oxygen and stop producing insulin.
To overcome that hurdle, MIT engineers have designed a new implantable device that not only carries hundreds of thousands of insulin-producing islet cells, but also has its own on-board oxygen factory, which generates oxygen by splitting water vapor found in the body.
The researchers showed that when implanted into diabetic mice, this device could keep the mice’s blood glucose levels stable for at least a month. The researchers now hope to create a larger version of the device, about the size of a stick of chewing gum, that could eventually be tested in people with Type 1 diabetes.
“You can think of this as a living medical device that is made from human cells that secrete insulin, along with an electronic life support-system. We’re excited by the progress so far, and we really are optimistic that this technology could end up helping patients,” says Daniel Anderson, a professor in MIT’s Department of Chemical Engineering, a member of MIT’s Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research and Institute for Medical Engineering and Science (IMES), and the senior author of the study.
While the researchers’ main focus is on diabetes treatment, they say that this kind of device could also be adapted to treat other diseases that require repeated delivery of therapeutic proteins.
MIT Research Scientist Siddharth Krishnan is the lead author of the paper, which appears today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The research team also includes several other researchers from MIT, including Robert Langer, the David H. Koch Institute Professor at MIT and a member of the Koch Institute, as well as researchers from Boston Children’s Hospital.
Replacing injections
Most patients with Type 1 diabetes have to monitor their blood glucose levels carefully and inject themselves with insulin at least once a day. However, this process doesn’t replicate the body’s natural ability to control blood glucose levels.
“The vast majority of diabetics that are insulin-dependent are injecting themselves with insulin, and doing their very best, but they do not have healthy blood sugar levels,” Anderson says. “If you look at their blood sugar levels, even for people that are very dedicated to being careful, they just can’t match what a living pancreas can do.”
A better alternative would be to transplant cells that produce insulin whenever they detect surges in the patient’s blood glucose levels. Some diabetes patients have received transplanted islet cells from human cadavers, which can achieve long-term control of diabetes; however, these patients have to take immunosuppressive drugs to prevent their body from rejecting the implanted cells.
More recently, researchers have shown similar success with islet cells derived from stem cells, but patients who receive those cells also need to take immunosuppressive drugs.
Another possibility, which could prevent the need for immunosuppressive drugs, is to encapsulate the transplanted cells within a flexible device that protects the cells from the immune system. However, finding a reliable oxygen supply for these encapsulated cells has proven challenging.
Some experimental devices, including one that has been tested in clinical trials, feature an oxygen chamber that can supply the cells, but this chamber needs to be reloaded periodically. Other researchers have developed implants that include chemical reagents that can generate oxygen, but these also run out eventually.
The MIT team took a different approach that could potentially generate oxygen indefinitely, by splitting water. This is done using a proton-exchange membrane — a technology originally deployed to generate hydrogen in fuel cells — located within the device. This membrane can split water vapor (found abundantly in the body) into hydrogen, which diffuses harmlessly away, and oxygen, which goes into a storage chamber that feeds the islet cells through a thin, oxygen-permeable membrane.
A significant advantage of this approach is that it does not require any wires or batteries. Splitting this water vapor requires a small voltage (about 2 volts), which is generated using a phenomenon known as resonant inductive coupling. A tuned magnetic coil located outside the body transmits power to a small, flexible antenna within the device, allowing for wireless power transfer. It does require an external coil, which the researchers anticipate could be worn as a patch on the patient’s skin.
Drugs on demand
After building their device, which is about the size of a U.S. quarter, the researchers tested it in diabetic mice. One group of mice received the device with the oxygen-generating, water-splitting membrane, while the other received a device that contained islet cells without any supplemental oxygen. The devices were implanted just under the skin, in mice with fully functional immune systems.
The researchers found that mice implanted with the oxygen-generating device were able to maintain normal blood glucose levels, comparable to healthy animals. However, mice that received the nonoxygenated device became hyperglycemic (with elevated blood sugar) within about two weeks.
Typically when any kind of medical device is implanted in the body, attack by the immune system leads to a buildup of scar tissue called fibrosis, which can reduce the devices’ effectiveness. This kind of scar tissue did form around the implants used in this study, but the device’s success in controlling blood glucose levels suggests that insulin was still able to diffuse out of the device, and glucose into it.
This approach could also be used to deliver cells that produce other types of therapeutic proteins that need to be given over long periods of time. In this study, the researchers showed that the device could also keep alive cells that produce erythropoietin, a protein that stimulates red blood cell production.
“We’re optimistic that it will be possible to make living medical devices that can reside in the body and produce drugs as needed,” Anderson says. “There are a variety of diseases where patients need to take proteins exogenously, sometimes very frequently. If we can replace the need for infusions every other week with a single implant that can act for a long time, I think that could really help a lot of patients.”
The researchers now plan to adapt the device for testing in larger animals and eventually humans. For human use, they hope to develop an implant that would be about the size of a stick of chewing gum. They also plan to test whether the device can remain in the body for longer periods of time.
“The materials we’ve used are inherently stable and long-lived, so I think that kind of long-term operation is within the realm of possibility, and that’s what we’re working on,” Krishnan says.
“We are very excited about these findings, which we believe could provide a whole new way of someday treating diabetes and possibly other diseases,” Langer adds.
The research was funded by JDRF, the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust, and the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering at the National Institutes of Health.
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kramlabs · 2 years
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