#subtle behaviour modification whump
teine-mallaichte · 2 months
I’ve been brainstorming (and when I say brainstorming I really mean "daydreaming about while at work") a concept I’m now dubbing “Neurobehavioral Conditioning” or “Neuro-Operant Training” — basically an advanced way to "train" a whumpee by combining behavior conditioning, operant conditioning, and behavioral modification. Think of it as a futuristic shock collar, but with a twist.
The general concept is that of an implant. This implant would be remote, controlled by the trainer, owner, whumper, etc, and at eh press of a button would "reward" the whumpee for good behaviour, following orders, being submissive, or whatever else.
I have three ideas for this implant:
Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)
Mechanism: DBS involves implanting electrodes in specific brain areas, like the nucleus accumbens, to stimulate pleasure and reward centers.
Control: A remote control would adjust stimulation levels to reward good behavior.
Pros: Highly targeted, adjustable stimulation.
Cons: Requires surgery with risks like infection and brain damage.
Real World Inspiration: DBS is used to treat conditions like Parkinson’s and severe depression, showing its ability to enhance specific brain functions.
2. Insulin Pump-like Device Administering Euphoric Drugs
Mechanism: This device would release small doses of a euphoric drug into the bloodstream.
Control: The trainer can control dosage and timing to reinforce positive behavior.
Pros: Easier to implement than brain surgery, easily adjustable.
Cons: Risks of addiction, tolerance, and side effects.
Real World Inspiration: Think of insulin pumps but for mood-enhancing substances. While not perfect, the concept of continuous, controlled substance delivery is pretty similar.
3. Insulin Pump-like Device Administering Neurotransmitters
Mechanism: Releases neurotransmitters directly into the brain, affecting mood and behavior.
Control: Like the drug pump, it’s remotely controlled for precise neurotransmitter release.
Pros: Direct and potentially faster-acting than drugs.
Cons: Requires precise control to avoid imbalances and side effects.
Real World Inspiration: Current research on neurotransmitter modulation in psychiatric treatments.
Now… Imagine This:
The whumpee is unaware of the implant. Every time they follow an order or please the whumper, the button is pressed and they experience a wave of pleasure. The sense of joy and satisfaction becomes so intertwined with their compliance that eventually the button may not even need to be pressed. In Whumpees mind the wave of pleasure comes directly from obedience.
** Whumper glanced up, catching Whumpees eye. “You’ve done very well today. I’m proud of you.” Whumpees chest swelled with warmth at the praise. They didn’t fully understand the source of their happiness, but in that moment, it felt perfectly aligned with their purpose. The sense of joy and satisfaction was so deeply intertwined with their compliance that they couldn’t imagine anything else.**
**Whumper called out gently "Could you please tidy up the coffee table, dear? It looks a bit cluttered." Whumpee "Of course!" They move swiftly to the coffee table, clearing away magazines and placing them neatly in a stack. As they work, they hum softly, a look of contentment on their face. The moment they finish, a wave of pleasurable warmth washes over them, originating from deep within their mind. They feel a sense of happiness and fulfillment, a smile spreading across their face as if they had just accomplished something truly meaningful.**
I feel the subtlety of influencing the whumpee’s emotions makes this concept all the more intriguing (and creepy). Sure, the whumper could crank up the remote to enforce submission, but the quiet conditioning might be even more satisfying.
Honestly, maybe it's a good job that I never actually qualified as a doctor what this is the sort of thoughts I have while stood in a gym yelling at someone on a treadmill 😂.
Mandatory science dump Under the cut
Key Neurotransmitters and Their Functions:
Function: Often referred to as the “feel-good” neurotransmitter, dopamine plays a crucial role in reward, motivation, and pleasure. It also influences movement and emotional responses.
Theoretical Effect of Artificial Addition: Increasing dopamine levels can enhance feelings of pleasure and reward, potentially improving mood and motivation.
Too much = addiction and psychosis.
Function: Serotonin is involved in regulating mood, appetite, sleep, and memory. It has a calming effect and helps maintain a balanced mood.
Theoretical Effect of Artificial Addition: Boosting serotonin levels can improve mood and reduce anxiety and depression.
Too much = serotonin syndrome.
Function: This neurotransmitter is involved in the body’s “fight or flight” response. It increases alertness, arousal, and attention.
Theoretical Effect of Artificial Addition: Enhancing norepinephrine can improve focus and energy levels.
Too much = anxiety and high blood pressure.
GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid):
Function: GABA is the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain. It helps reduce neuronal excitability and promotes relaxation and calmness.
Theoretical Effect of Artificial Addition: Increasing GABA levels can have a calming effect, reducing anxiety and promoting sleep.
Too much = excessive sedation.
Function: This neurotransmitter is involved in muscle activation, memory, and learning.
Theoretical Effect of Artificial Addition: Enhancing acetylcholine can improve memory and cognitive function.
Too much = Muscle cramps.
Key Brain Areas for DBS for this purpose:
Nucleus Accumbens (NAc):
Function: The NAc is a central part of the brain’s reward circuit. It plays a crucial role in processing pleasure, reward, and reinforcement learning.
Theoretical Effect of DBS: Stimulating the NAc can enhance feelings of pleasure and reward, potentially improving mood and motivation. This area is often targeted in treatments for depression and addiction.
Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA):
Function: The VTA is involved in the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward.
Theoretical Effect of DBS: Stimulating the VTA can increase dopamine release, enhancing reward-related behaviors and potentially improving mood.
Medial Forebrain Bundle (MFB):
Function: The MFB is a pathway that connects the VTA to the NAc and other brain regions involved in reward processing.
Theoretical Effect of DBS: Stimulating the MFB can modulate the entire reward circuit, potentially providing a more comprehensive enhancement of pleasure and motivation.
Central Amygdala (CeA):
Function: Traditionally associated with fear, recent studies have shown that the CeA also has neurons involved in reward processing.
Theoretical Effect of DBS: Stimulating the reward-related neurons in the CeA can promote positive behaviors and enhance feelings of reward
A few real world related technologies and research that explore similar concepts:
Automated Insulin Delivery (AID) Systems:
These systems combine insulin pumps with continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) to automatically adjust insulin delivery based on real-time glucose levels1. The technology and principles behind these systems could be adapted for neurotransmitter delivery.
Neurotransmitter Modulation in Psychiatric Treatments:
Treatments for conditions like depression and anxiety often involve modulating neurotransmitter levels using medications such as SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) to increase serotonin levels2. While not delivered via a pump, the concept of adjusting neurotransmitter levels to influence behavior is similar.
Research on Neurostimulation and Neurotransmitter Release:
Studies have explored the use of electrical stimulation to influence neurotransmitter release in the brain. For example, deep brain stimulation (DBS) can affect dopamine levels, which is relevant for treating Parkinson’s disease.
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