#Impactful content
evidently-endless · 2 months
i think we should remind musicians they can absolutely make up little stories for their songs btw. it doesn’t have to be about them at all. you can invent a guy and put him in situations to music. time honoured tradition in fact.
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Mastering the Art of Writing for Microlearning: The Power of Active Voice
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Writing style plays a pivotal role in the effectiveness of microlearning lessons. Despite its significance, it remains one of the most misunderstood design principles. A brilliant concept can easily be overshadowed by poor writing style. Thus, writing demands conscious effort to shine. It's an art form that requires nurturing through the right framework and consistent practice.
The challenge amplifies when crafting content for microlearning scenarios. With just a few minutes to convey your message, every word must pack a punch. Your content needs to be slick, informal, and impactful to captivate learners in a short span.
Understanding the Impact of Writing Style
Writing style permeates all forms of microlearning content, whether it's a video, podcast, animation, voiceover, short simulation, or infographic. Each element contributes to the overall learning experience, influencing engagement and knowledge retention.
The Essence of a Smart Script
Crafting a smart script is essential for delivering effective microlearning content. A smart script is concise, clear, and purposeful, guiding learners through key concepts seamlessly. It distills complex information into digestible chunks, ensuring maximum comprehension within a limited timeframe. Moreover, a well-written script sets the tone for the entire learning experience, establishing rapport with learners and fostering a conducive environment for knowledge acquisition.
Embracing the Power of Active Voice
Among the myriad elements of writing style, the use of active voice stands out as a fundamental principle in microlearning content development. Active voice infuses energy and clarity into sentences, enhancing the overall impact on learners. Unlike passive voice, which tends to obscure the subject and action, active voice emphasizes agency and directness, making the message more engaging and compelling.
Unlocking the Potential of Active Voice
Active voice transforms mundane sentences into dynamic narratives, driving learner engagement and comprehension. Let's explore how embracing active voice can elevate your microlearning content:
1. Clarity and Directness
Active voice emphasizes the performer of the action, making it clear who is doing what. This clarity eliminates ambiguity and ensures that learners grasp the intended message immediately. By stating the subject upfront, active voice facilitates smoother information processing, allowing learners to focus on understanding the
content rather than deciphering the sentence structure.
2. Engagement and Impact
Active voice injects vitality and immediacy into the narrative, capturing learners' attention from the outset. The active construction of sentences creates a sense of momentum, propelling learners forward in their learning journey. This heightened engagement fosters a deeper connection with the material, leading to improved knowledge retention and application.
3. Conciseness and Efficiency
Active voice enables you to convey information more efficiently by eliminating unnecessary words and phrases. By prioritizing the performer of the action, active voice streamlines communication, ensuring that every word serves a purpose. In the context of microlearning, where brevity is paramount, this succinctness is invaluable for maximizing the impact of each learning moment.
4. Empowerment and Agency
Active voice empowers learners by highlighting their role as active participants in the learning process. By emphasizing their ability to take action and effect change, active voice instills a sense of ownership and responsibility. This empowerment motivates learners to engage more deeply with the content, driving self-directed learning and skill acquisition.
5. Consistency and Cohesion
Consistency in writing style is crucial for maintaining coherence and cohesion across microlearning modules. By consistently using active voice, you create a unified narrative voice that guides learners seamlessly from one module to the next. This coherence enhances the overall learning experience, reinforcing key concepts and facilitating knowledge transfer.
Practical Strategies for Writing in Active Voice
Now that we've explored the benefits of active voice, let's delve into some practical strategies for incorporating it into your microlearning content:
1. Focus on the Performer
Identify the performer of the action in each sentence and position them as the subject. This ensures that the emphasis remains on the entity driving the action, enhancing clarity and engagement.
2. Use Strong Verbs
Choose strong, action-oriented verbs that convey precisely what the performer is doing. Strong verbs add vibrancy and energy to the sentence, amplifying its impact on the reader.
3. Avoid Nominalizations
Nominalizations occur when verbs are transformed into nouns, weakening the impact of the sentence. Instead of using nominalizations, opt for active verbs that convey the action directly, maintaining the momentum of the narrative.
4. Keep Sentences Concise
Keep sentences concise and to the point, focusing on conveying information efficiently. Avoid unnecessary words and phrases that detract from the clarity and impact of the message.
5. Review and Revise
Regularly review and revise your microlearning content to ensure that active voice is consistently employed. Pay attention to sentence structure and verb choices, refining your writing to maximize engagement and comprehension.
In the realm of microlearning, writing style is a powerful tool for shaping the learning experience. By embracing active voice, you can transform your content from ordinary to extraordinary, capturing learners' attention and driving meaningful engagement. The use of active voice enhances clarity, engagement, conciseness, empowerment, and cohesion, making it an indispensable asset in your microlearning toolkit. By applying practical strategies for writing in active voice, you can create compelling microlearning content that resonates with learners and delivers lasting impact.
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wellhealthhub · 10 months
Why Do You Blog? Exploring the Health Awareness Benefits
Why do you blog? Discover the compelling reasons behind blogging for health awareness and how it can establish your online presence, showcase expertise, and attract quality leads. If you’re curious about starting a blog for your business or personal growth, this article is a must-read. Introduction In today’s digital age, where information flows seamlessly across the virtual landscape,…
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View On WordPress
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ventesb2b · 11 months
Unlocking Growth: The Impact of B2B Content Syndication
In the ever-evolving landscape of B2B marketing, staying ahead of the curve requires a dynamic approach to content distribution. B2B content syndication emerges as a strategic solution to amplify your reach and impact, connecting your brand with a broader and more targeted audience. In this blog, we delve into the world of B2B content syndication, uncovering its benefits, best practices, and how it can reshape your marketing strategy for the better.
 Understanding B2B Content Syndication
B2B content syndication involves sharing your carefully crafted content, such as whitepapers, case studies, and industry insights, on external platforms beyond your own. This strategic distribution exposes your content to a wider audience, often through partnerships with publishers, industry portals, and content distribution networks. The goal is to attract decision-makers, professionals, and potential clients who are actively seeking valuable insights within your industry.
 Benefits of B2B Content Syndication
 1. Expanded Audience Reach
In the B2B arena, reaching the right audience is paramount. B2B content syndication widens your reach by placing your content on platforms frequented by your target audience. This exposure allows you to tap into new markets, engage potential clients who may not have discovered your brand otherwise, and create a ripple effect of content discovery.
 2. Enhanced Brand Visibility
Gaining recognition and establishing your brand as an industry authority requires strategic visibility. B2B content syndication places your content on reputable platforms, positioning you as a thought leader. As your content garners more views and engagement, your brand gains credibility and trust, making your offerings more appealing to potential clients.
 3. Lead Generation
B2B content syndication isn't just about exposure; it's about fostering meaningful connections. When your content resonates with readers, they are more likely to provide their contact information in exchange for additional resources. This turns your syndicated content into a lead generation powerhouse, allowing you to nurture these leads further down the sales funnel.
 4. SEO Optimization
Quality backlinks play a crucial role in SEO, and B2B content syndication provides an avenue for generating these backlinks. Syndicating your content on reputable platforms often includes links back to your original content, boosting your website's authority and improving search engine rankings.
 5. Authority Building
In the B2B landscape, trust and authority are essential. Syndicated content showcases your expertise to a wider audience, allowing you to position yourself as an industry authority. Decision-makers are more likely to engage with brands they perceive as knowledgeable and credible.
 6. Time and Cost Efficiency
Creating high-quality B2B content demands time and resources. B2B content syndication offers a cost-effective solution by repurposing your existing content. Instead of reinventing the wheel, you can leverage your proven content assets to engage new audiences and save time on content creation.
Let’s connect for more insight:  https://ventesb2b.com/contact-2/
 Best Practices for B2B Content Syndication
To make the most of B2B content syndication, consider these best practices:
1. Choose Your Platforms Wisely: Select platforms that align with your target audience and industry niche. Quality matters more than quantity.
2. Maintain Consistency: Ensure that your brand voice, messaging, and design elements remain consistent across all syndicated content.
3. Craft Compelling Titles and Descriptions: Catchy titles and informative descriptions can encourage click-throughs and engagement.
4. Prioritize Value: Your syndicated content should offer real value to the reader. Address pain points, provide insights, and offer actionable takeaways.
5. Optimize for SEO: Include relevant keywords and meta descriptions in your syndicated content to enhance its searchability.
6. Engage with the Audience: Respond to comments and engage with readers to foster discussions and build relationships.
In the competitive B2B landscape, strategic content distribution is the key to standing out and establishing your brand. B2B content syndication offers a powerful way to reach a wider and more engaged audience, enhance brand visibility, and drive lead generation. By implementing best practices and leveraging the benefits of syndication, B2B businesses can reshape their marketing strategies for a more impactful and effective future.
Aniket Deshpanade
Sr.Digital Marketink Associate
www.ventesb2b.com/ New York, USA
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fenkko · 1 year
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the little siblings of scara and childe 👨‍👨‍👧‍👦
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Jeht – Character Illustration
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It's been so long since we last saw each other! Missed me? You haven't forgotten me and Benben, have you?
I heard that it's customary to send gifts during some special holidays, so you were the first person I thought of.
This is a little trinket I made myself... B—But don't open it yet! Maybe wait till you get back?
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osachiyo · 11 months
❝You will be mine forever until you perish.❞ ✧ ೃ༄
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—300 (meant to be 200) FOLLOWERS EVENT!
—CONTENT WARNINGS ✰ explicit smut,noncon, yandere tendencies, mentions of kidnapping, baby trapping, delusional zhongli, unprotected sex, spanking, etc.
. . . . MINORS DO NOT INTERACT . . . .
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Zhongli's gloved hand came down to your ass harshly for the 18th time tonight, making you bite his thigh in pain. He only chuckled darkly at your feeble attempt of hurting him. His hand slowly smoothes down the skin of your ass, the plump flesh jiggling in his big hand as he admires the reddish tint his brutal hits left behind. The handprints evident on your plump behind. You did not want to give him the satisfaction of seeing your tears but fucking god did it hurt.
Your muffled cry could be heard when his hand came down on your ass again, the impact stinging even more this time. He shushed your pitiful noises with a mocking smirk, making the tears in your lashline finally fall down your swollen cheeks. "Does it hurt, darling?" He asked with faux sympathy, making you even more enraged. You wanted to scream at him, pull on his hair for ruining your life like this. But you stayed silent, clutching onto him for dear life as he hummed. "Just one more to go, my love. Your punishment will be over soon enough." You grit your teeth in anger. Punishment for what? Trying to escape from this hellhole of a prison he has kept you in? Tears flowed freely down your chin in frustration, soaking his pants. You hated him. Despised this man who took you away from your family, from your normal life. But you hated the fact that you were aroused right now. Aroused from being forcibly bent over his knee and hit by none other than your captor. You felt the shame burn in your tear soaked cheeks, which only made the bulge pressing into your lower tummy harder, bigger.
This time the hit wasn't just on your ass, he smacked the back of your thighs which he knew were sensitive, worsening the pain. You almost jumped out of his lap from the mere force, a broken sob leaves your throat as he only coos at you, praising you for being a good girl for him. He lifted you up and settled you down on the bed, on your tummy because your ass was swollen from the hits. He rubbed your cheeks, even spreading them a little to sneak a view of your pussy and god were you soaked. He smiled, rubbing a finger up and down your pretty folds as you try to squirm away from him but his firm grip is holding you in place. "You act like you dislike it, dear. But can you tell me why you're absolutely leaking down here, hm?" He spoke softly whilst gently rubbing your clit as if to make up for the harsh behaviour only a moment ago. You buried your face further into the silk covered pillow, lips wobbling as you try not to moan from him playing with your greedy cunt. Your mind was telling at you to kick him away, disgust filling your senses. But your body on the other hand was enjoying what the man did to it, much to your dismay.
He raised your hips up, your swollen ass now sticking out in the air while your face was still buried in the pillow. You whined softly when Zhongli kicked your legs open, forcing his leg between them. The rough material of his pants grinding on your already leaking cunt, a damp spot forming on his sleek pants while you writhed in a confusing mixture of rage and pleasure. He pulled back suddenly, lowering himself, now face level with your leaking cunt as you squirm in discomfort. He gently pats your lower back, as if you comfort you. The thought makes you want to scoff. He puffed a warm breath right on your pussy, making you clench around nothing as you feel your eyes tear up again. You were nothing but a slave now. Nothing but his property. Not like you can right back either, as it was a contract between the two of you. Your train of thought cut off as Zhongli kicked a fat stripe up your cunt with his dragon-like tongue, a gasp escaping your mouth. He groaned into your pussy, mumbling something about how good you taste. The vibrations of his voice make you shiver, more of your slick soaking his chin as he laps up what your cunt offers him. The sweet, sweet honey like fluid dripping out of you with each lick and suck, it has him impossibly hard. If you weren't too distracted by how fucking good his long tongue feels shoved in your sensitive core, you'd notice how the way he was humping the bed right now. The tip of his cock leaking with precum as he gets addicted to your divine taste. He pulled his tongue out, fat fingers now replacing the muscle as he wraps his lips around your swollen clit, making you claw the sheets as a broken moan escapes your throat. The rough leather wrapped around his fingers adding a addictive friction in your tight heat, all while he sucks on your pretty little clit so fucking nicely.
"Cum for me, won't you? I know you will. You're my good little girl, aren't you?" He chuckled, his voice a few octaves lower as thick desire coats every word that flows out of his sinful mouth. You don't answer, that earns you a harsh slap against your clit, making you cry out in sudden pain. "Answer, pet."
You chant his name over and over again, pleas and sobs of "y-yes! 'm cummin' so hard! Don't stop-" your eyes rolled back as he sped up the pace of his fingers, curling them just right to make you gush all over his fingers and tongue, even soaking the lower half of his face as he laps up all you have to offer. He helps you ride out your orgasm as you collapse against the sheets, huffing in exhaustion. But you knew he wasn't done yet. Not by the way you could hear his belt hitting the floor as he flipped you on your back, a growl erupting in his chest as he pushed your legs back, your thighs squishing against your pretty breasts, the position making it slightly hard to breath.
He tapped the blunt and swollen head of his cock against your clit one, two, three times before finally pushing in with a pop! You both groan in unison, the thick head splitting you apart. You panted out like a bitch in heat when he started dragging his cock slowly in your cunt, pushing in slowly. As much as he liked to see you in pain, he knew he’s fucking huge. So he had to go slow to not tear your pussy apart. He stared intensely at your cunt opening right up for him, taking his cock like a champ. He rubbed delicate circles on your clit with his thumb, trying to distract you from the scorching hot pain of his cock splitting you in half. He let out a low growl when he finally pushed himself all in your cunt, burying his cock to the hilt. Fat tear droplets that once clung to your lash line now fell on the silken sheets as you clutch the pillow as tight as you can. You hiccuped when he pulled back, pulling his cock almost all the way out before slamming into you again. You could feel every ridge and vein on his throbbing shaft, bumping against your sweet spot oh so effortlessly while all you can do is writhe and whine below him. It didn’t take long for him to pick up the pace, now slamming into your can with such intensity it had you seeing stars. His finger still skilfully stimulating your hardened clit as he grinned wickedly, his canines showing and eyes glowing a golden hue.
Your eyes widened when you felt his cock getting even bigger in you, stretching your velvety walls beyond their limits as you squirted all over his cock, your slick covering his lower abdomen and thighs, the glossy substance rubbing down his fat balls as he groaned at the sight, pushing all of his body weight on you. “Fuck- take my cum, darling, Gonna make you such a sweet mommy. You want that, don’t you? All fucked and swollen with my- ah shit- all fucked and swollen with my kids… yeah? Take my cum- take it. You’ll be mine forever until you perish! ” He babbled, growling as he dove down to bite your neck hard, drawing blood as he filled you up with his seed.
Once you both came down from your highs, he plopped next to you, shoving a pillow underneath your legs to keep all of his sticky release inside of you. But alas, there was just so much of it that it dribbled out from your pussy, soaking the sheets even more, if possible. Zhongli only sighed, patting your head and kissing your temple as you slowly drifted off to sleep.
He was right.
You were going to be his forever.
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—AUTHORS NOTE ✰ you can request the next character for this event in my inbox anytime! thanks for reading y’all! Please comment on this post if you want to be added in the tag list for this series!
—TAGLIST ✰ @luvyein
©sachiyoh— do not copy, plagiarize and repost my works to any platform, reblogs are very appreciated♡
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Wanderyne nonsense part 2! He is helping. :)
Part 1
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popping-greenbean · 1 month
3/3 slots full
(regular comm info here)
donate only $5+ to any of the sites below or purchase an eSim and you can get a nice little drawing from me! DM me proof of payment and your request (with ref pictures + description) and i'll draw your favourite characters, OCs, ships, etc
here ↓↓↓
Gaza Funds
Operation Olive Branch
Doctors Without Borders
eSims for Gaza
any donated amount of $5+ will essentially get you a rough sketch of 1-3 full body characters + flat background, unless otherwise requested
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more details + examples below
as your donated amount increases, you'll get a nicer drawing basically, number of characters allowed is unaffected (you can donate any amount and i will still draw you max 3 characters in a piece)
$5 - $15 -> colourless sketch or a single flat tone for the character's silhouette, see venti post below
$15 - $30 -> sketch with flat local colours, see second image
$30 - $45 -> full colours + simple shading , see third image below or image above the cut
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with donations of $45+, i'll also take requests for character art with simple background elements, a more painty style, or you can request a similar look to one of my previous posts (here or here for transformers specific stuff)
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open to drawing humans, mechs, furries, creatures, just ask me if you're unsure! just make sure you are able to provide clear photo references or at least very close picrews, i will not design characters for these commissions.
if a request is something i'm not comfortable with drawing, i'll kindly ask you to switch it for something else, no big deal :) i won't take requests with explicit gore/NSFW content, but i will take suggestive/pinup type for $50+ donations if anyone so desires
wink wink nudge nudge if you like what you see above, i encourage you to take this chance to get art of your fav little guys while also helping people :) winwin
thanks for reading!! if you don't want art from me then please still donate if possible and share this post! or like.you can still show me your proof of payment and i'll just say nice things to you for free how's that
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l1tw1ck · 6 months
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My Liege
bottom!ftm!knight Xiao x top!masc!king reader
☆ Word Count: 1,128 ☆
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AFAB Language Used | Don't expect a part two this was in the vault for months 😭
CW: Non-Con, Dacryphilia, Fingering, Virginity Loss, Belly Bulge, Riding, Squirting
Reader Discretion is Advised
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As the king of Liyue, it's expected for you to have personal bodyguards. Between you and your husband, Zhongli, you have 4 knights.
Ganyu, Keqing, Shenhe, and Xiao. You typically take Xiao and Keqing due to their rationality and level heads. On trips to smaller and safer places you only bring Xiao.
These particular trips allow you to spend some time with your secret lover. You still think back on the first time you started your new relationship.
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"May I ask where we're going, your highness?" Xiao asks, following you to an unknown location.
"Just somewhere to get away from the crowd. It was a little too much to handle today." You reply, leading him to a secluded and worn down building. "Do a perimeter check." You enter the place and look around, happy to find a chair that's still intact.
"Yes sir." Xiao looks around the area and defeats any hilichurls and slimes that were lingering around. After double checking, he stands in front of the entrance. You grab Xiao and force him to sit down with you, pushing his back against your chest.
"Sir?" Xiao whispers worriedly, assuming there's a person somewhere.
You lean your head down to talk in his ear. "Shh." Your arm is wrapped around his stomach so he doesn't move, your other hand tugging his tank top upwards.
Whenever you tell him to be quiet, he listens and doesn't say a word until you allow him to. So even as you push his top all the way up and grope his chest, he stays silent. Even if he isn't comfortable with it.
"Sorry but I have to use you, Xiao." You kiss his neck. "Zhongli doesn't have time for this kind of thing anymore..." Your hand moves to pull his pants down.
Xiao closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, hating the way you're touching him and how your bulge is pressing against his ass.
"Your body is so pretty, Xiao." You play around with his clit. "Do you know how pretty you are?" Your fingers move down to touch his increasingly wet cunt.
Xiao tries his best not to cry, he hasn't felt this weak in years. He hadn't cried and was convinced he became unable to since his friends died. He couldn't even remember what it was like to cry.
"Pull my pants down for me."
He shakily unzips your slacks and pulls them down. You grab his hips and force him to rub against your bulge. "Come on, do it yourself."
Xiao grimaces and starts rolling his hips. You go back to playing with his clit, making his movements inconsistent and shaky.
"Good boy." You groan and turn his head to look at you.
Xiao comes with a whimper, tightening around nothing. You bring him into a heated kiss, leaving him even more out of breath than he already was.
You turn Xiao to face you completely and bring his hand to the waistband of your boxers. "Do you want it, sweetheart? Tell me you want my cock inside you."
"I...I want your- your co...cock inside me." Xiao frowns and pulls your underwear off, your hard length is making Xiao nervous. "My liege...I'm- I've never done this before...it will hurt, and I need to have the strength to protect you.."
"You can take it, Xiao. I know you can." You grab his sides and hover his body over your cock.
"Y- yes, my liege. I apologize." Xiao's voice shakes. He sucks in a breath before you lower him down, biting his lip hard enough to draw blood as your tip pushes through his entrance. He tries his hardest to relax as you shove your full length into him, stretching out his virgin cunt.
Your cock twitches in excitement. "Shit, you feel better than Zhongli."
Xiao struggles to adjust to the foreign feeling, breaking out into uncontrolled sobs. He looks gorgeous with his tummy bulging, he's so small..
“Look at how deep I am inside you, sweetheart.” You make Xiao look at his stomach. He frowns, crying harder. You gently grab his cheeks with one hand and lift his face up. "You're even cuter when you cry." You say before bringing him into a kiss. You rub circles around his clit to make him more comfortable. Xiao whimpers and moans into your mouth, subconsciously moving his hips as you bring him pleasure. He's extremely inexperienced but he tries his best to kiss you back. He hates this but he wants to make you happy. You pull away and look at Xiao's embarrassed expression.
"Was it bad..?" He asks in between sniffles. He’s worried he disappointed you with his bad kissing skills.
"Of course not.." You kiss his wet cheek. "Do you want to make me feel good?"
Xiao nods and tries wiping his tears in an attempt to stop crying but they just keep flowing. You take his hands and place them on your shoulders. “Hold onto me and lift yourself up.”
He squeezes your shoulders and raises himself up while shaking.
“Now bring yourself down.”
Xiao sinks down onto your length, a soft whine leaving his trembling lips.
“Good boy, keep doing that.”
He buries his head in your shoulder, sobbing heavily as he attempts to ride you. You don't do anything to comfort him and let him cry his heart out.
“It hu- hurts-” He whimpers. “It hurts so much-” His strong facade crumbles to pieces.
“You’re doing so well, baby…doing so well for me.” You reassure him.
“Please…please help..” His body aches from crying so hard. He feels humiliated, he’s supposed to be strong and able to withstand pain but he can't handle it. He can't handle you.
“Aw, you’re too cute.” You place your hands on his small waist and take over, raising his body before slamming him down. His eyes roll back as you use his body like a fleshlight. He can just barely stay conscious.
Xiao sobs as you fuck him, overwhelmed by an intense mix of feelings. Humiliation, pain, and…pleasure. It feels…good? Xiao’s eyes widen. No, it feels amazing. He arches his back and comes, squirting like a fountain.
You pull him off you despite the very strong urge to keep fucking him. You don't want to overstimulate him, it’d be hard to explain why you had to carry your own guard home. Xiao looks at you with a dazed expression.
“You did so well, my knight.” You have him sit on your lap. You caress his cheek and he leans into your touch.
You give him time to recover before helping him get dressed. Your boner eventually went down and you never got to come but Xiao’ll make up for it next time.
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dolliestfairy · 11 months
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𔓘 Tw : Yandere, Dark Content, Spiritual Relationship, Jealousy, the word 'Rot' Mentioned, unholy thoughts, Virginity-take, Dubcon, Marriage, Unwanted pregnancy at the end (?) lmk if i miss anything. Chubby Reader Fics with no Skintone of Reader mentioned.
Do not cross any further Boundaries if this isnt your cup of tea. Dont like it? just block.
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thinking abt yandere spirit who are in love with chubby!soft!witch!reader.
Yandere spirit who spending his after-death life with regret because he really blame himself for not meeting you early enough to fuck your fat pussy.
Yandere spirit who is sooo eager to fuck you, seeing you go around with your tight dress that almost made your asscheeks and boobs go explode expose.
Yandere spirit who ask you to do something with him just so he can touch you like a human does.
Yandere spirit who is soo jealous when other people start to touching you without your constent at all. guess someone is going to get hunted this night huh?
Yandere spirit who likes to touch your thights when you were sleeping. putting his hands into your thights while rubbing it softly. as he drown himself in with thoughts of how your soft body texture would feel around his hands.
Yandere spirit who wished you to be dead sooner with him just so you can be together with him forever. seeing other people trying to get into you closer making him gawk.
Yandere spirit who soon enough -- declares a Marriage between you and him in a Village of Spirit or what-so-ever.
Yandere spirit who swears on his life and after-dead life that he would always be there for you even when his flesh was rotting. well i mean.. his flesh was rotting only for you too.
Yandere spirit who cant even explain with words how happy he was when his fingers start to opened up your fatty pussy, as his heads start to move forward to it while his tongue is out -- ready to eat his after-dead meal.
and after all of that dead dreams of his, we finally met to the end; he claimed all of your maidenhood. all of it, all the things you dont know about -- to all the things about sex that was quite popular in the time where he was once lived. where he was once have a dream to try it out, but sadly enough the reaper was fast enough to grab his lifefull soul. and now, its his turn -- as he grab all your maidenhoods that night. and at the early morning, where a blessing from a devils arrived. where you would find the shock of the news that you are carrying his baby just at that moment. yes, your baby. you and his baby. the dead 's baby.
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NANAMI, KAISER, Itoshi Brothers, Itto, XIAO, SCARAMOUCHE, Shibura, SEMI EITA, jiraiya, Sugawara, Tsukishima Kei, KAGEYAMA TOBIO, Itachi, CHOSO, Megumi, Gojo, MADARA, Hashirama, DEIDARA, Sasori, Al-Haitam, ZHONGLI, CHILDE, Kaeya, QIN SHI HUANG, Poseidon, OBITO, Kakashi, ALEC, Jack The Ripper, DOUMA, ENMU, Akaza, Muzan, SAKAMAKI AYATO, SAKAMAKI LAITO, Mukami Kou, Sakamaki Reiji, Oikawa, & SHIGARAKI.
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18+ content. Minors do not interact or read.
A/n: when the game just got out so there’s no Jiyan smut :,)
Contains clit play, fingering, some oral play, and orgasm denial. Spoilers for the Huanglong quest 1 act 5.
Characters: Blade from Honkai Star Rail. Jiyan from Wuthering Waves
AFaB!Reader. “Baby girl, Baby” are nicknames used. You can read it as a trans!male, though.
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Jiyan had you sat on his lap, your clothes either discarded or around your hips, exposing everything that he wanted to see. You could feel his erection, but he tortures the both of you by not sinking his cock in your gushing cunt.
His armor is left forgotten on the bed, his calloused fingertip gently rubbing up and down against your clit. He was relatively quiet, listening to the music that was playing from your mouth. “Don’t be shy, baby. Make more of these cute mewls.” Jiyan smiled against your ear, nibbling on the lobe. If you had earrings on, he would twist them with his tongue, providing more torturous pleasure to you.
“A-Yan..” You whine, feeling him momentarily sink his fingers into your pussy.
“I know… I just want to get you wet and riled up.” Jiyan whispered, cooing as he felt your clit twitch under his finger. He’s so mean, you’re about to beg for him. He has so little time for you as General of the Midnight Rangers, and he just fought a massive battle against the Ova-whatever-it’s-called.
It’s not fair that he’s still being so calm after such stressful events and all the time away.
Suddenly, he placed two fingers firmly on your clit, circling your precious and cute little pearl with a voracity that makes your thighs shake and your legs widen for him. He says nothing, his golden eyes watching your pebbled tits bounce slightly as you moan and squirm from the pressure of his digits. He presses down harder, his teal hair brushing on your chest as he purposefully pushes his hair in between your breasts.
“A-Yan… please… so close!” You gasp, eyes rolling in bliss as he keeps his relentless pace. Your head rolls, hiding in his sturdy arms as he pushes you to the brink of release. But then, his hands suddenly go away, gently rubbing against the curve of your tummy. Your suddenly untouched clit and pussy twitch and pulse, strings of slick dribbling down your pink and wet cunt.
“Perfect… so utterly perfect.” Jiyan smiled, inhaling the scent of sexual desire. “One more time… this time in front of a mirror.”
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You’re on your back. He’s above you, his leather-clad hand collecting slick and rubbing it around your aroused cunt. Blade purred, his mouth pressing a kiss on your thigh as the hot, slick leather rolled over your slit. It’s wet, tight, and he was looking forward to this. With a glance over your heated expression, his red eyes hungrily turned back to the obvious- your cunt.
He has you lick the sour but oddly exciting taste of your own arousal, and then he begins to play with your labia. “So goddamn swollen. You got a little erection, baby girl…” Blade whispered, leaning close to kiss your engorged clit. The mewl falling from your lips is enough to make him growl, his hips thrusting into the bed once. Enough to stimulate his growing desire, but not enough to keep him satiated.
“Blade…” You whine, saliva dripping from your lips. He hummed, his fingers slowly curving into your sweet hole. Another loud sigh of bliss, cut short by his fingers curling into your g-spot and then playing with the opening of your cervix.
“So tiny… but so damn cute.” *Blade mumbled, watching you with a fascination that is akin to a wolf watching a mouse. His fingers slowly curl in and out. In. Out. In. Out. Play with the entrance a bit. Thumb the clit. Blade has mastered the art of fingering your cunt, and he will not forget.
Your cries grow in intensity, head rolling in the pleasure. And then you’re suddenly empty. His leather glove, sticky and hot with your sex, suddenly slaps on your stomach. “Come on, Baby Girl, you know I can’t have you cum just yet.” Blade purred, his red eyes intense as he humps the bed. He stops, licking his lips.* “You’ll be missin’ your daily nap, baby.”
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sashiavi · 3 days
HEAR ME OUT HEAR ME OUT!!.....Big voy Zhongli...I MEAN-- THE Geo archon? Morax? Come on! He has to be a big boy, after all he shaped Liyue's mountains!!
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♡ Genshin Impact Big Boys ♡
You're so righttt omg BigBoy!Zhongli/Morax my king ♡ I'm writing this in his prime Morax era I hope that's okay mwah ♡
My fave genre of Zhongli cough I even have two fics about it cough ◇ ◇
Warnings : 18+ Smut | Morax!Zhongli | possessive | dumbification | dom/sub & master/pet | abuse of power dynamics | Size Difference | monster cock - knotting - belly buldge- breeding | God/Mortal | potential dubcon | the more I write the more warnings come up | 'cunny' as a descriptive word for afab anatomy |
→ᴰᵃʳᵏ ᶜᵒⁿᵗᵉⁿᵗ ᵂᵃʳⁿᶦⁿᵍ←
♡Be in charge of your own reading and look after yourself♡
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BigBoy!Morax who towers over many. Easily over twice the size of an ordinary mortal, effortlessly tall, thick, strong, with heavy muscles coursing with omnipotent power. Carving and shaping the mountains of Liyue, with the effort of a minimal wrist flick.
BigBoy!Morax who lazes on his throne, heavy robes draped off of his body, legs spread apart, cheek pressed into the palm of his hand. His body absolutely dominates over your own, dwarfing you while you rest in his lap. His other arm practically cups you, coddling, with you napping away, head agaisnt his chest, your own pretty peppery floral robes water-falling off of his throne.
BigBoy!Morax with the sheer power of a mighty Dragon, supreme, pre-eminent, forced to take extra care and precaution with you; His pretty little pet.
BigBoy!Morax with a hand easily over twice the size of your own. His thumb longer than your jaw, swiping over your cheek and ear. He practically engulfs your face when he cups the side of it, fingers cradling the back of your head, thumb gently dancing over your closed eyelid. The soft core lapis glow of his hands illuminates your pretty, soft features, allowing him to admire you for hours on end- chanting sweet praise and compliments over and over.
BigBoy!Morax who's hands absolutely shrink your stature. Curving over your waist, gripping your hips, fingers effortlessly wrapping themselves around for frame, tickling at the soft bumps of your spine.
BigBoy!Morax who eyes you from above when you walk by his side - On the rare occasion he allows you to walk, much rather opting to carry you everywhere you went - height barely grazing up to his waist, your hand wrapped around just a few of his fingers.
BigBoy!Morax with his even bigger bed, covered in waves of soft silks, the space around dazzling in pretty little things belonging to his hoard. Archons, the treasure-hoarding being marvels at the prettiest little thing in his collection, all splayed out just for him.
BigBoy!Morax with a thick, forked tongue, perfect for hot, spitty kisses, barely battling for control, relishing at how his pretty pet just submits to him. Archons, the feeling of your little tongue sliding over his own, suckling on him obediently.
BigBoy!Morax and his appetite. Eagerly licking and lapping, tongue fucking that sweet little spot inside your cunny, swallowing down all those sweet juices. His large mouth practically engulfs you, thick fangs pin pricking gently into your cunt, lips suckling on your achey clit. His massive hands wrap around your waist, pulling your pretty self into him, forcing his lips to smush, fangs to bite, tongue to curl over and over.
BigBoy!Morax with claws all too sharp to press into your prefect pussy, forced to tongue fuck you into your first orgasm, stretching you out for him.
BigBoy!Morax with a heavy, thick cock. Standing tall despite its size, holding its own, drooling agaisnt his stomach. It was almost otherworldly, ever so slightly unhuman, with ribs and ridges, a pointed tip and a thick, fat knot right on the base of his length. He's always marvelled at your silly reaction, the awe in your eyes, swallow of your throat, eyeing the dribbly tip of his pudgy cock with a look of unease. He laughs, almost purs, soft in his chest, hand on your cheek.
BigBoy!Morax who has to go slow. Just the tip, juuust the tip. Circling your sticky clit with his thumb, rough, slow rubs forcing your cunny to gush, wetting his cock, letting him slide in bit by bit.
BigBoy!Morax who bottoms out in your cunt, cock pressing into your tummy, bulging up into your guts, leaving the lovliest indent of his cock on your front. He cuddles you, coddling his pretty pet, hushing and soothing away all the tears and hiccups with kisses and licks to your face. Oh, you're so full, aren't you? It's not easy taking the cherishing gift of a God, pretty pet doing such a lovely job.
BigBoy!Morax absolutely relishes in the sweet squeeze of your cunny on his thick, bullying length. Hugging him tight, drooly, sticky pussy lips kissing agaisnt the knot on his base, poor pink little clit grinding on his pelvis.
BigBoy!Morax who is not at all afraid to manhandle your body, giant hands latching to your waist, fingers almost intertwining with themselves over your back. Up your hips go, only your very upper back and shoulders lay on the bed as Morax sinks you down on him, himself. You're forced to wrap those legs around him, barely managing to properly anchor yourself, obediently taking him in like a perfect, little, fuck doll.
BigBoy!Morax watches that fat bump in your gut press up over and over, his thick pudgy head soothing under your belly. He can't help but press a thumb into it, massaging over that spot, listening to those insolent little whines and begs your dumb little mortal brain spews at him.
BigBoy!Morax who was still a merciful God, spitting hot globs of spit on to your cunny, keeping it nice and wet for his cock, letting that knot slip in just for a moment. His other thumb comes down, down, down, rubbing large and slow circles into your clit, forcing out those little gushes and squirms.
BigBoy!Morax, gentle as he is, still managing to to fuck you silly. Long, rhythmic slides of his cock, hands guiding those pretty hips, lifting and pulling in delicious motions- Tip to knot, thick inches squelching in and out, filling up that pretty cunny, little Pet so full, pretty dolly servicing his weepy cock.
BigBoy!Morax who can only last so long with that tight gushy squeeze on his length. Poor Morax who looses himself a little. Prettiest cunt sucking him in so, so well? Can't just dangle that sweet, juicy forbidden fruit in front of him and expect him to not take a bite.
BigBoy!Morax who let's his hips fuck into his precious, darling Pet's cunt. Meeting those hips he forces into his own, thick and slippery knot edging, pressing, slipping- The God growls, capturing your lips with his, thick tongue swirling around your own, forcing you to suckle and nip into him.
BigBoy!Morax hums low when he finally slips that thick, swollen knot into your dumb little mortal cunny, fat tip squirting and oozing thick spurts of cum into your tummy. Oh, he needs to be deeper, nestle his breeder cock up in your gut, paint your cervix white with seed.
BigBoy!Morax eggs his lovely pet on, those hands pulling your hips into his still, now grinding that juicy abused clit on his lower tummy. He feels that pretty cunny squeeze, hears those cries and moans, feels them vibrating agaisnt his tongue. He thrusts as much as he can with that locked knot in your pussy, clicking wetly with the hot pressure of him all stuck in you. His heavy balls continue to squeeze, bursting hot ropes of heavy, thick seed into you over and over. Slow and drawn out, his orgasm could last for minutes on end.
BigBoy!Morax who finally, finally gets that sweet cunt to squirt, making a mess all over his lap, gushing and pulsing, letting that buldge press in, impossibly deeper. Another hot weep of cum, milked out by that heavenly squeeze of you wrapped around him.
BigBoy!Morax laying peppery kisses over your face and neck, maneuvering your smaller-than-his frame around, hushing your sweet mewls when your poor body quivers. Poor, poor overstimulated little you, body reacting to the slighted of touches.
BigBoy!Morax who has you laid on his chest and tummy, thick cock stuck in your cunt, nestled and still drooling. His massive hands soothe over your thighs, massage into your back, pat your hair and caress your teary face. Awh, sweet girl. His lovliest, prettiest little doll. It's alright, your God is here, he'll soothe those aches and kiss away the pain. In the meantime, take a little rest, right on his chest, nice and comfy. Poor little mortal, always so tired. Keep him nice and warm now. Just like that.
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I may have gotten carried away.. but I hope you enjoyed regardless ♡
A Small Risa Message: You are loved, you are appreciated and you are allowed to enjoy this kind of fiction ♡
Property Of; SashiAvi
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ventesb2b · 11 months
Reaching New Heights: The Strategic Advantages of Content Syndication in B2B
In the dynamic landscape of B2B industries, where digital marketing strategies are constantly evolving, content syndication services have emerged as a potent tool for amplifying reach and impact. As businesses strive to connect with their target audience and establish themselves as industry leaders, the role of content syndication services cannot be understated. This blog delves into the world of content syndication services, exploring their benefits, working mechanisms, and how they can revolutionize your B2B marketing efforts.
 The Essence of Content Syndication Services
Content syndication services empower businesses to transcend the boundaries of their own platforms and tap into an extensive network of partner websites, industry portals, and social media channels. This strategic distribution process enables your well-crafted content – be it articles, whitepapers, videos, or infographics – to be showcased on diverse platforms, reaching a broader and more targeted audience than you could achieve through standalone efforts.
 Unveiling the Benefits
 1. Expanded Audience Reach
By leveraging content syndication services, B2B enterprises unlock the potential to connect with a much wider audience than their existing platforms could accommodate. Your content gains exposure on websites and channels that cater to different segments of your target market, increasing the likelihood of engaging decision-makers, stakeholders, and potential clients who may not have encountered your content otherwise.
 2. Amplified Brand Visibility
Standing out in the competitive B2B landscape demands strategic visibility. Content syndication services elevate your brand's visibility by positioning your content across reputable platforms, where it can be discovered by industry professionals actively seeking valuable insights. As your content gains recognition, your brand establishes itself as a thought leader, bolstering credibility and fostering trust.
 3. Lead Generation Powerhouse
In the B2B arena, lead generation is the lifeblood of growth. Content syndication services offer a powerful avenue for lead generation by capturing contact information from interested readers. When your content resonates with your audience, they are more likely to provide their details in exchange for additional resources, opening the door for personalized engagement and conversion opportunities.
 4. Enhanced SEO Performance
The strategic distribution of your content across a network of platforms often includes backlinks to your original content or website. These backlinks are recognized by search engines as indicators of credibility and relevance, contributing to improved search engine optimization. As your content gains backlinks, your website's search rankings receive a boost, making it more discoverable by organic traffic.
 5. Authority and Credibility
In the B2B realm, trust is paramount. Content syndication services enable you to showcase your expertise on various platforms, positioning your brand as an industry authority. This resonates with decision-makers and stakeholders seeking reliable sources of information and solutions, further enhancing your brand's credibility.
 6. Cost-Effective Strategy
Content creation demands time, effort, and resources. Content syndication services provide a cost-effective strategy by repurposing your existing high-quality content. Instead of reinventing the wheel, you share valuable resources across a broader spectrum of platforms, optimizing your content's reach without an extensive investment.
 7. Social Engagement Enhancement
The digital age thrives on social engagement. Syndicated content tends to generate increased social activity – likes, shares, comments, and retweets – which not only expands your reach but also nurtures meaningful conversations around your content. This engagement translates to higher visibility and brand recognition.
 8. Targeted Distribution
Precise targeting is the cornerstone of effective marketing. Content syndication services allow you to specify the demographics, industries, and job roles you want to reach. This ensures that your content reaches the most relevant audience, increasing the likelihood of attracting qualified leads and decision-makers.
 9. Shortened Sales Cycle
Educated leads are more likely to convert quickly. Syndicated content educates potential clients, addressing pain points and providing valuable insights. As your audience becomes more informed, they approach your sales team with a deeper understanding, potentially shortening the sales cycle.
 10. Data-Driven Insights
Content syndication services often provide robust analytics tools that offer insights into content performance across various channels. These data-driven insights empower you to refine your content strategy, adapt your messaging, and optimize distribution efforts for better results.
lets connect for more insight:  https://ventesb2b.com/contact-2/
 Choosing the Right Partner
Selecting the ideal content syndication service for your B2B business requires careful consideration. Research and evaluate potential partners based on their network reach, audience targeting capabilities, analytics offerings, and reputation within your industry. Choose a service that aligns with your content strategy, ensuring your content reaches the right audience while maintaining consistent quality and credibility.
Content syndication services have emerged as a game-changer in B2B industries, empowering businesses to magnify their reach, enhance brand impact, and establish authority. By capitalizing on the manifold benefits these services offer, B2B enterprises can unlock the full potential of their content, driving lead generation, credibility, and accelerated growth. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, content syndication services stand as a steadfast pillar in the modern B2B marketer's toolkit.
Aniket Deshpanade
Sr.Digital Marketink Associate
www.ventesb2b.com/ New York, USA
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angelsrcute · 4 months
stepcest w daddy diluc..<3 hes so stressed,his wife's denying him of sex so he takes out his frustrations on her daughter.. :3
GOOD GIRL ᝰ.ᐟ✮⋆˙
◟♡ ˒ ʾʾ genre — smut ! ◟♡ ˒ ʾʾ parings — Diluc w Fem!Reader ◟♡ ˒ ʾʾ warnings — somno, stepcest, angry sex(?), praising, reader is implied to be smaller than Diluc.
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So annoying, Diluc had a shitty day at work, his stupid coworkers bothering him, his boss made him do overtime. When he came home, he wanted to finally get some relief by fucking his wife.
Everyone was really starting to get on his nerves, even his wife denied him of sex, saying she wasn't in the mood. He sat on the Sofa with some whisky, trying to cool down. Then he remembered his precious daughter, he could fuck her instead! He made his way to your bedroom, upstairs.
Diluc went in, locking the door behind him. You were sleeping peacefully in your nightgown, looking so pretty. He climbed up into your bed, towering your sleeping form. He undid his zipper, freeing his huge cock which was already hard. He slowly undid your gown, eyeing your white panties and bra, such a cute girl. He wasted no time, ripping them both, aligning his cock with your cunt, groaning at the tightness. You suddenly woke up due to the pain but Diluc quickly put his hand on your mouth, “Shh..It's alright, princess. It's me, calm down.” Grabbing your hips, folding you in half n bullying his cock in you, he fucked your cunt fast and rough. He takes one of your nipples in his mouth, hardening instantly, his nails digging into your delicate skin, your eyes hazy with lust as you mumble incoherent words. He chases his high, feeling he's near, “Daddy! ngh.. gonna come..” You moan out. Diluc kisses you, slipping his tongue in while keeping his pace. You gasp when your orgasm hits you, pleasure coursing through your body. Your nails digging into his back as he cums in you. Thick ropes of cum shooting in you, pulling out he gives you a kiss on the forehead.
“Such a good princess for me, let's clean you up hm? Go back to sleep, daddy's gonna take care of you.”
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c6jpg · 11 months
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ALBEDO ⟡ Genshin Concert Promotional Video
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