#Im truly sorry
hearts-hunger · 8 months
danny with snow in his curls taking your little girl sledding and holding her in his lap with his long legs on either side, telling her she’s a brave girl for going down such a big hill when she's a little nervous, grinning up at you when you say to the two of them “let mama get a picture!”, laughing at her delighted shrieks and giggles as they sled down, carrying her on his hip as he pulls the sled back up the hill, giving you a snowy, smiley kiss as she says “again daddy, again!”
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luvghostie · 2 years
Hello can i request for eyeless that has feelings for Y/N for a long time now, how would he pursue his feelings for them?
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EJ is a very soft and gentle person. Yes, he's a killer and steals kidneys but still. Compared to Jeff, LJ, and Slenderman he's the most human-like. Once he saw you something inside him began to warm up. It reminded him of the days he was the happiest in his life. No murder, no sadness, only pure joy.
Jack will talk to Jeff and Seedeater about you. The countless, “why don't you ask them out.” from Jeff was unbearable. It wasn't that easy for him. How would you ever fall for someone who eats kidneys and has no eyes? It seemed that his chances were one in a million. One being that you were desperate and you might cheat on him.
EJ definitely has trust issues because of Jenny. Therefore, it'll take him time to even remotely talk to you and open up. When he does though, he can't stop thinking about you. The way you smile lights up his whole day. He's flirted with you here and there but nothing drastic. Things like complimenting you and touching your hair are normal.
A couple of weeks pass and EJ finally wants to confess his feelings. Jack accepts the fact you might not like him back. In fact, he's prepared to nod and walk away. He still thinks he is less compared to everyone else but it's worth a try. He'd rather know he attempted to be with you than let you slip away.
If you feel the same it'll shock him incredibly. Jack has to ask twice if you're joking with him. Over time you two become the cutest couple in the manison. EJ is still trying to get the hang of being with someone. There are moments he doesn't understand what he's doing. Despite how he might feel about himself you reassure him that he's perfect in every way.
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justanobsessedpan · 2 years
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"Fluffbruary starts," she said. "A drawing a day," she said.
Day whatever of @fluffbruary I suppose, whichever prompt. "Neck" can be, because John has none. "Unlikely" can be, because it's really not likely I'll manage this crazy thing.
In a grand apology from the Drawer™ who hides bashfully behind those two.
Sincerely yours.
@totallysilvergirl @helloliriels @dontfuckmylifewtf @sussexinchelsea @loki-lock @topsyturvy-turtely @matixsstuff @ohlooktheresabee @boredsushi @ohmrshudsontookmyskull @nathan-no @astudyin221b @oetkb12 @psychosociogentleman @darkkitty1208 @zira-and-crowley @beesholmes @mydogwatson @liv-olive-oliver @tiverrr @peanitbear
(If I somehow missed you or you want to be tagged, just tell me!)
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divinegarbage · 9 months
To anyone who happens to follow me, please excuse the excessive Hunger Games posts and reblogs.
For some unfathomable reason I'm just now reading the series due to the new movie, and now I'm suffering from chronic brain rot.
But when do I not?
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rob-c02 · 2 years
I like to think i'm funny (i am not)
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Also shit quality, because bad quality=funny /sarc
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browser5 · 5 months
I've been MIA for a while now, and there's a reason. Lately I've been having bad respiratory issues and went to a doctor to get it checked. Basically told me to get bent and to see another one, so yeah I'm kinda down. BUT it's not life threatening, just annoying...
It inhibits me from voice acting, as I breathe like a horse inbetween takes. Some days are fine others are hell, where I wake up at night, wheezing like a kettle. So I'd like to apoligize to my coms for taking so long. Hopefully I can get a prescription to finally breathe.
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harapeveco · 7 months
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Valentine’s Day or something
Og picture by kupahdraws on twitter
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spohkh · 8 months
thinking back to when a blog i followed for xyz thing morphed into a kpop blog and i was like. blessings and good wishes but no thank you. and unfollowed them. and now here we are
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caroliendsk · 1 month
As someone who made around 150 friendship bracelets for my show in Amsterdam, I feel so sorry for all the people who were going to the Vienna shows and spent all that money buying beads and all their valuable time making the bracelets with so much love and excitement, for that now to be ruined.
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stlispenard · 2 months
there's something deeply funny about timezones and my brain because i feel like i post all my serious things very early in the morning (when everyone is going to bed or sleeping) and shitpost in the evening whenever there's more people here and i'm overtired
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mad-c1oud · 6 months
missing starcicle so fucking bad as if im not actively writing about them at this very moment
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boynextdoors · 10 months
chill kill was so boring
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win-writes · 2 years
And to all my lovely 300 followers, I'm so sorry you have to witness such negativity in my blog these last days. I promise I'll make it up to you with more writings soon ♡
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strawberryspence · 2 years
you're getting nothing from me (hcs or updates). my migraines are killing me. it's been a fucking week. i want to scoop my eyes out. everytime i think i feel better, i start seeing auras. is it postdrome or am i still in the middle of an episode?????
also edit: i want everyone to know that this migraine cluster started after i watched the final halloween movie and that fucking scene in the bar with flashing red and white lights almost blinded me and almost sent me into a seizure. they had 0 warning and it triggered a migraine episode 🤡
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luciusspriggss · 1 year
fucking a
they came to me again with frustrations
saying they are making the decision to have kelsey over because it isnt fair i set the boundary that i did
and i, as calmly as i could, asked them why they felt the need to come to me about their frustrations.
asked them why they didnt understand why i was setting the boundaries i did in the first place
we went over what has happened the past couple months and they gave a very simple explanation, that left out very important details
so i filled in those details
and yeah
eventually i told them the person i loved wouldnt treat me the way they have. and i have no idea why they have been treating me the way they have for the past couple months. why they havent been thinking objectively about how their decisions affect me
pointed out it wasnt really fair to expect me to stay up until 2am to see if they were coming home or not. that it was unreasonable for me to ask they figure it out sooner.
pointed out how freaked out they were when kelsey was on a work trip and hadnt responded in 30-45 minutes. but they told me it was unreasonable for me to be worried about them not texting me until 2am. unreasonable for me to be worried they may have gotten into accident or something, because they used to text me AT MOST within 20 minutes. not 3-4 hours later like they were doing. i was in the wrong for being worried, that after they AGREED to text me back with their decisions and respond if i start sending "is everything okay" "are you alive" texts in addition with one phone call to see if their phone is dead or not, they still chose to ignore everything and keep partying
i'm so fucking tired
they did their usual shit of trying to twist the narrative. but i see things for how they are now, and wont let them tell me something happened when it didnt.
it's true our individual therapists are telling us conflicting ideas
but seeing as i'm the sort to retell events as objectively as possible, including trying to understand all sides and where they are coming from, and not even mentioning how i feel about it, just a play by play of the events as they happened...and they are the sort to talk about only their side and how they felt (and they ADMIT they dont actually remember how events transpired, just how they think they felt)...i think it is perfectly reasonable at this point to admit that maybe i'm being assertive for once and sticking up for myself and am NOT some unreasonable ex.
i'm not letting them tell me some narrative that i know isnt true. that maybe i'm right in that it feels like they have had 0 respect for me the past two months and it has been making me feel like shit constantly
i'm so irritated. i know they are frustrated. i know they are sad. i even mentioned to them that i understand how alcohol affects their thinking. that it is a pattern. when they drink less they are far more respectful to me.
i fucking get it. how frustrating it is to not be able to bring your new partner home. but it isn't just that! there are complexities they are ignoring. ughghsjakakahshshk
i feel like total garbage because they apologized and cried a lot and left to go who knows where. but they have been doing this for the past couple weeks!. they cry, they apologize, leave, and then come back a day or two later telling me whatever i said isnt fair
the only thing that sets apart these issues from previous ones, is i am actually going to outside support. i know here on tumblr it is pretty one-sided. but it isnt like that with my therapist or my former roommate. even trying to talk about it as objectively as possible with my step-mom, she acknowledged that i have been making the right choices and doing what is best for me for the first time ever. no people pleasing.
i get they must be confused because i am actually standing my ground, and sticking to it for once.
gah i'm so frustrated.
quite frankly i know they are capable of being a good person and a good friend. they just arent right now and it isn't good for EITHER of us. both of us need space. both of us need time apart from one another. ._.
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kikikolakink · 2 years
Three weeks sober and I fuck it up just like that 😒 I'm very angry with myself
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