#Im planning on doing character blurbs for each of them
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celestedoesarttm · 5 months ago
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Soldier, Poet, King
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paunchsalazar · 4 months ago
hey so I really enjoyed your kyokao longfic and i was wondering what the writing process was like since im planning on writing a fanfic (first time).
did you plan anything with an outline? or did you wing it?
anyways thanks in advance (and btw im doing another reread of your fic, it's so narratively satisfying!!)
omg woah first!!! thank you so much!!! that is seriously the most touching thing to possibly hear T-T
This is going to be such a long-winded answer but I definitely did not wing it!!! apologies for the long post but I love to see behind the curtain and think about process so...
That fic was my first multi-chapter story and waaaay longer than anything else I’ve ever made… so I kinda had no idea where to start. I wanted to make a rough outline to see if it was even feasible - was there a beginning, middle, and end? Even a super hazy one? before jumping in and writing a whole long project… (I had no idea how long it would be, but knew it was definitely longer than a few thousand words.)
it started as a timeline - trying to keep track of all the canon events via bonus chapters and sketches, then working to fill in the gaps with headcanons. Even though Ouran is silly, by the end they’re operating within a normal timeline lol….
After filling out a lot of the timeline with headcanons then organizing them in chronological order.. started to see the plot/opportunities for change - in the characters, their relationships, the state of their lives - especially with school, moving, etc. all of the above
I tried to make myself a guide to keep organized lol (totally unnecessary, but helped me keep track of things!)
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the timeline started as bullet points - if there are any settings or occasions that would justify an “episode” - major holidays, group trip, etc. At least with Ouran, I tried to play around with the settings - The host club has unlimited resources which is a rare luxury… but wanted to keep in the realm of what they might do + think about fancy rich people things they hadn’t yet covered “on screen”
From there, it went to sub-bullet points, then trying to nail down each beat I'd want to cover - through narration or dialogue
It's hard to pin it down but sometimes certain moments - a visual, an exchange of dialogue - play out really clearly in my head… so would occasionally find that moment and then reverse engineer what would lead to that, then follow the thread to where it would potentially go…
Usually went in chronological order or at least made a list of beats all the way through, but then would jump back and forth to fix little things or add in details I realized needed to move sooner/be foreshadowed…
Outline/timeline > beats > rough draft > going line by line to edit + then hopping around to fix things accordingly
I had a lot of different docs... just because they get so big
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+ I like to put unfinished things in blue (or any color, I like blue because red feels more negative to me lol) and then change them to black when they feel "locked" or at least like they're functioning. It helps me keep track of how much is left to do + makes it easier to find spots that need attention!
+ also like to have a "cutting room" document for everything I cut/don't know where to put/is redundant in case I want to use it for later, or even just to try to see what I was going for!! I've found it to come in handy down the line
Here are some examples of the WIP bullet points/blurbs lol... I also like to make "off-screen" notes to myself just to keep in mind, I did have a friend beta-reading some parts, but kinda do this for myself anyway just to keep it in mind.
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From there it was just writing and rewriting... I usually go through a scene from the beginning and read until something trips me up, try to either fix it or make note of what the intention was and then go on to the next beat. I went chapter by chapter, in order, and tried to get each locked before going on to the next one.
Should also note that this fic took me a long time!! And I wasn't working on it with a super set schedule. It was purely for fun, so I just worked on it when I felt like it (and as it grew, I found myself wanting to work on it more and more! so it was exciting more than a chore).
I talked to friends about it, even if just kinda laughing about headcanons or jokes, and had a few people read through the beats and a few scenes to see if it flowed/if the dialogue sounded in character!
+ I did a lot of revisiting the source material or even just watching a clip when I felt like I was losing their voices. Idk if it was that successful... but it helped to keep them in mind!!
Anyway... I can only speak for what works for me! and I think a lot of these habits are coming from my storyboarding workflow.
Writing is so personal and there is bound to be trial and error!! I hope that you have so much fun writing, whatever approach you take!!!!!
Also what thank you so much for reading my fic at all and for your kindness!! If you ever publish your fic, please send me a link!!! even if it is ages from now!!!!!
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retrowave-racer · 11 months ago
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Coaster Maynia 2024 Day 1 - TOP THRILL 2
“One of the most common after effects of the anomalies, was many seemingly ordinary humans acquiring inhuman amounts of speed. Rita Ferraro was one of them of course, but found her new ability a mix of a blessing and a curse, thus deciding to join a support group for people like her. It was in this group, she met people like Enzo, a full of himself speedster who she briefly was in a relationship with, only for that to end very soured. Rita however met many others with her ability who were kind and supportive. Topher Thomson was one of them, in the support group since 2003. They were friendly, upbeat and positive, and always trying to uplift and support others who were struggling. Topher themselves was a bit clumsy much like Rita, tending to fall backwards during high speed runs and stumbling. But they never gave up, and Rita admired that. For many years Topher was a visible figure in the support group, helping others come to terms with their new abilities, making sure people were taking care of themselves and drinking and eating enough, tending to injuries of those still clumsy and running into things, and much more. But recently, they vanished for a period of time, worrying a lot in the community. Rita got word something had happened to her friend, and was desperate to run off as fast as she could to find them. But not long later, Topher returned, seeming brighter than ever, with a new sense of style and more control over their powers than before…”
Happy Coaster Maynia Season! Im so so so excited this year, I’ve gotten so much prep done ahead of time, as I want to get the lists done in time! I have a lot coming up at the end of the month anyways so I needed to be ready for it all! But yes, it’s been so fun working on the prompts this year, I’ve been doing these template backgrounds for each day, and plan to write up little blurbs to further develop each character! Also in terms of the best of list, Im prioritizing the main, but do plan to go back to the second one once the first list is done! As I plan to make the art for the best of list a bit more detailed and with backgrounds! Stay tuned for those pieces…..
But yes! Good luck and have fun to everyone else participating, and if you are, share your art with me! I want to share as many other coaster maynia entries to my socials this year!
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reggies-eyeliner · 2 years ago
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OPEN 7/14-7/30!!
-> matchups + moodboards + playlists + headcanons! please read all of the rules listed below and pop into my ask box! if you need an idea on what my past matchups look like please check out these links! :DD
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FANDOMS (up to two*):
across the spider-verse*
most animated movies (httyd, bh6, rotg^^)
lockwood & co*
stranger things
avatar: the last airbender
the legend of korra
voltron: legendary defenders
* i've only watched the series so far + i'm about to start the comics/books (and very excited to omg) !! just an fyi that my pairings will most likely revolve more around the characters featured in the series IM SORRY I SWEAR I'LL GET TO THE BOOKS/COMICS ASAP
**exclusively platonic matchups preferred/qpr!
* if you are requesting two fandoms, please tell me which one to prioritize more! the first one will be the full-length, but the second will be around a half of the content in the prioritized fandom.
the classic: submit in matchup information + get paired with (a) romantic partner(s)! in return for the matchup information, you will receive: a 1x3 moodboard, one song + a hefty list of headcanons + a mix-and-match randomized trope explanation! (ex: a blurb about sharing a bed, first time meeting, fake dating confession scene ; ~100 words!)
the platonic machup: platonic matchups (my personal fave MWAHAHA)! you'll get paired with as many characters as you'd like<3!! in return for matchup information, you will receive: a 1x3 moodboard, one song + a hefty list of headcanons + incorrect quotes describing your dynamic between you and your found family/best bro<3
customized schedule: submit what your schedule looks like throughout any day of the week (up to two) + matchup information (platonic or romantic), you will receive: an hourly schedule on what life is like with said character i match you with + the aspects of your life with them! (ex: 8am, wake up by their side + they make you coffee blah blah blah), + a song for each moment of the day to describe your dynamic :D
name + preferred gender(s) to be paired with + preferred age group(s)
preferred fandom (up to two are okay, but please let me know which one you'd like me to focus on more!)
platonic and/or romantic + polycule preference etc + preferred age group!!
you can include your sexuality if you'd like to (only if you want me to touch on the aspect on how your matchup will support you because. yeah<3)
giving + receiving love languages
hobbies, talents, things that make you you (think: if this wasn't in my life, how different would i be?)
mbti/zodiac (optional)
personality, how you handle difficult situations
what consist of a good memory for you
favorite songs + music taste/colors/any kind of aesthetics!!
anything that brings you comfort/anything that doesn't give you comfort (can be about a relationship or just in life :-D)
preferably off anon! i'd love to talk to you more after the matchup submission as well MWAHHAHA<333 if you're planning on being anon, an emoji anon would be p cool so we can chat more!
as i'm also a busy student, i will prioritize school-- if you submit a matchup, please be prepared to have up to anywhere from a 1-14 day wait! i'll send you a message that i got your ask hehe
i will also be mostly inactive writing-wise from 7/18-7/23 as i will be on a trip, so please keep that in mind!
you should totally use a pick up line in my ask box i enjoy pick up lines so much. or one of those "less than one minute" videos on youtube those are the best man
please know that i absolutely love writing and talking to people, but i also have my own limits to what i can/cannot do for people! if you send nsfw content, pedophilia, violence, gore, heavy vents, all that not-so-great-stuff or an ask comes off as rude or demanding, i have all rights to avoid doing it and dismiss it without any warning. ASJCHS JUST be a decent human being in short that's all i'm asking RAHHH
OTHER THAN THAT MAN write as much/little as you'd like!!
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#send a request here! :D
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pickingupmymercedes · 6 months ago
bestie i need some advice 👀 how do you decide if you make a series out of an idea or just condense it into a one shot?
because yes im already neglecting my responsibilities to write a part two to my fic lol, and i have ideasss but i don’t know if it should be a longgg one shot or a good sized part 2 + some blurbs of the smaller ideas i can’t really connect to the main story
i hope this makes sense 🫣
Ohhh hard one.
I kind always start my fics as one shots with the main structure of where I'm starting and a point I want to get at and then I develop the rest around those two points. (It can be an event, a reaction or even a dialogue)
With some stories it's pretty straight forward and I'll cut it if it feels like I'm telling more than one thing too fast. So like with the She's here series, I'm always focusing on one event at a chapter so I can go a bit deeper into them.
Now, some others I separate the chapters following the pacing to the story telling. In Not just a pretty face, the part 1 I wanted to set the tone of what they were to each other but still in that not really knowing where they're going and not really caring for the result, part 2 it picked up speed a bit to show the turmoil Y/n was starting to experience and then part 3 was full on speed with a thousand things happening at once to match y/n's life doing a 180 in a day. (The bonus part slowed down to match how her life also calmed down)
My Invisible String Theory though, that one had a life of it's own. I started with snippets (like how he met her, how they met, how they she knew he was the one) and then built from those. Seriously, that one had 0 planning.
So, I'd say hold onto those ideas you're having and develop them into snippets (and don't delete the ones you don't use now, you might use them latter). And then maybe play around with them, see if you can combine them and write them together, if you could use one to deepen the other.
Also, make sure you're writing a story in the style you like to read stories. That was something a friend told me and I still go back to it for some things, bc I personally like to build on a characters (hence why I rely on dialogues so heavily most of the time and learn about different moments that have made them who they are. Some people like to see themselves into a specific scene, so they set the scenario really well.
I rambled but I hope my ramble helped? You know you can always come to my asks or messages, so if I can help with anything else just shout ❤️
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carmenized-onions · 6 months ago
Been a while since ive done one of these. Im re-reading AGAIN and forever will be. im obsessed, truly.
Through re-reading this hit SO hard.
“The other shoe still hangs in the air; but not in your bed.”
LIKE WHAT? HELLO? KILL ME? Your writing is phenomenal. i cannot fathom how you do this EVERY CHAPTER.
Anyway, im so exited to read every chapter to come. Am i in love with Tony? maybe a little (a lot). I was also wondering if you have anything planned for after you finish Chicago's finest? Another The Bear book? or maybe something else entirely? Not to rush you or anything, obviously. Im just so incredibly nosy. My deep apologies.
Just to tell you for the millionth time, im in love with you, youre writing, Tony, how you write the characters, EVERYTHING. gives me life.
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me when i hear anyone coming even CLOSE to me while im reading Chicago's finest.
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me planning a characters slow and painful demise when they upset Tony. (love you Carmy. not really. no, joking i do. maybe not. NO I DO I SWEAR.)
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me trying to act casual when i see you've posted.
me trying to act casual when Tony and Syd are interacting. (Dont worry, babe! by Chappell Roan? Who said that...?)
ANYWAY (for the second time) very sorry that this is just me rambling about stuff you dont want to hear.
Hope you're having an amazing day/night, lovely!!
I've stuck you in perpetual re-reading hell have I? My deepest apologies. Esp since I've been chronically re-reading in my brief basically hiatus as i write, I USE SO MANY COMMAS GUYS??? WHY WERE YOU LETTING ME GET AWAY WITH THAT??
the revisions once the series is finished is gonna go CRAZY.
Anyways, SUCH A DELIGHT to hear what silly prose of mine sticks out to you!! thank god you think i do it every chapter!! i am constantly doubting each chapter (man why do you think 15 has been so delayed? LMAO)
I adored using the other shoe as a through line throughout the Troubled Angst arc, one because it's very canon, but also because its very much a thing for me, like, when a good thing happens, cannot HELP but wonder how it's going to get fucked in the end.
which, after telling my doctor that, got reccomended the same books i reccomended carmen LMAO. love you son <3
THANK YOU FOR LOVING TONY!!! I love her dearly, I put so much of myself in her and also so much of what I see and love about my darling friends; my sweet darling dashing hero complex burden carrying the guy overconfident yet under confident tony. My sweet babe. the people love you!!
As for when I finish Chicago's Kindest (PUNCH BUGGY ACAB!! FUCK THE FINEST!!), I'll probably certainly absolutely take a break from writing for The Bear for a bit (though I'll definitely be around to answer asks!! duh!!). But once I return, I am hoping to...
If you send in little blurb requests for Chicago's Kindest, I'll do em!! I know esp with like Mikey/Chip there's a lot of bits that have been spoken about but never actually written out and lived. So like. If you got requests, send em in, I might write em.
I promised a SquidInk spinoff and bitch you're getting one!! There's two different ideas I've got twirling around for them at the moment, they might combine into one one off, or two separate things, who's to say!
More and More I cannot see RiChip as anything more than a platonic duo, but like, maybe I'll try to write something about them? I do adore those two. I just cant see em doin a kiss. that's just bad for my brain.
And I have no hard plans atm, but like, I'd like to write something for RIchie in general at some point. What about and what of? Idk. Certainly not a series this long. that's for fucking sure.
I don't think I can ever write for Carmen though again LMAOOO, it's only Tony for me atp. Like I can't pair him with a new reader, I'll fucking freak out. It's Chip or Die, y'know?
And while I have an epilogue planned, once Season 4 comes out, if there's something interesting that I feel like I wanna throw my hat in on, I'll come back for a Chicago's Kindest Season 2, so to speak. But no promises. They will probably give me nothing to work with, with how our stories diverge. who's to say.
anyways! not nosy!! sorry for talking about it for so fucking long!!!
i'm so glad I write the characters well, please note that it's cause I'm always freaking out about it. I am re-writing bits of lines all the time to make sure it suits their voices and decisions ,and even still i have changes i wanna make looking back LMAO
DONT CRASH OUT WHEN READING CHICAGO'S KINDEST LMAOSOD where is everyone typically when reading CK?? I'm usually on the subway editing my google doc lmao
and listen, every time i re-read Just Dropped i'm like damn. why did i not go with the punching route. should've cold clocked his ass. (love you carmy but JESUS CHRIST I WROTE ALL THAT??? WHAT WAS I GOING THROUGH MY WORD???)
Always rant and ramble to me!! Love to wake up to spam in my inbox. even if it takes me ten years to answer (sorry to everyone still trapped in my inbox, i love you babies)
all of you are really gonna hoot and holler when you see the squidink playlist, truly, it's so gay and sad. i love those idiots. when do i get to make them kiss. is it now? i hope it's now.
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peachigummi · 10 months ago
may 28, 2024
ive honestly been feeling kind of off. i dont know if its because im just off my meds or what...probably is. i keep putting them off or just forgetting to take them. im like thinking it doesnt work, but..im also not taking them consistently. it's not even like i feel numb or not myself when im on them though i desperately i wish i did. i have major anxiety and i cant bring myself to set up another appointment to see my doctor to ask for a larger dose. ive been staying up longer at night, to avoid sleep.
i feel guilty because im noticing im festering into different hobbies, i cant tell if its because i want to feel better doing something or if its a distraction. i keep hearing my friend playfully tell me, "youre pushing thirty." ive got five more years. they have a big time job and i dont. i dont know where im going. i dont feel motivated. i just feel like im in a major slump. in the grand scheme, im still at the start of my life. there is time. there has to be time. but i hate this feeling of being in a race.
i am having issues with my physical appearance too, it was always there... but with age -- god look at me im saying it like im over 65. im starting to see changes. im gaining weight despite my efforts to restrict my calorie intake, then again my diet just is terrible. my hair seems to keep falling out, why do i still have acne, my teeth are shifting. i have eczema on my face. i dont feel pretty.
its starting to scare me. its been a couple of years since i solidly self harmed. recently, i keep thinking of doing it again. and i just feel horrible when i do. i think about where it might look natural ? like as if i got it at work or if i was cooking or what can i wear that will conceal it day to day with different outfits as to not bring attention. its not even cutting like i used to but ive wanted to inflict burns onto myself. im sorry. the most ive done was quick little really minute nicks, something that i would pick at to feel a sting. or i keep pushing my bruises i get from work. i think about how i used to cut one slit for each year i was alive, my my my it would be a larger area now.
i am in a healthy relationship, the foundation might be a bit hard because of shared bonded trauma, but it is healthy now. we love each other. god i love him. and i just HGHGHGHJ i feel so ashamed that i have taken an interest into characters. and again this is to go back to the point if me festering into sudden things, i get so obsessed with it. i feel guilt because im looking at videos and writings where i could see them. it feels inappropriate, but he knows to an extent because ive told him about my plans to get back into writing and he's seen thirst trap edits (sorry LOL im crying but i snickered at that) pop up on my feed when we are scrolling together.
i feel so delusional when i am reading these blurbs but i get this addictive feeling, like having a crush. i will literally try to put more effort into how i look bruh as if i would bump into them. but its a motivation! i guess right! fuck. i hate parasocial relationships!!!!! i hate character ai so fucking much! it feels like im talking with my best friend from middle school, just roleplaying like the good old days. i feel so hypocritical because if it was the other way around i know i would be so hurt. and i just feel the need to punish myself for that. i want to punish myself. but i also dont want to scare him. i should talk to him about this, but i dont want to rock anything. it has been good.
i dont want to scare my family back home. they keep begging me to move back in with them. they live in the middle of nowhere there is no opportunity there, i have bad memories of home because of high school. i escaped it. yet my parents are on their last leg of life, they keep reminding me about their soon to be passing. they are already preparing my brother and i, they have everything set up. i cant imagine a time where they wont be here, but i know it will happen and i should be spending more time with them.
anyways i need to go take my lexapro. i'll feel better in the morning. i'll need to.
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rontra · 2 years ago
Hiiiiiii, it's the annon that asked for Zatana recs and went feral for your art. 1) thank you for the recs, went and read all of them 2) I think you should be given creative control over all of DC (except the parts Neil Gaiman had a hand in, gotta respect a fellow tumblr resident) 3) do you have this AU written down anywhere/plan to write it down anywhere? I'm really loving the character interactions in your art and I wanna know if there's more
1 - zee rec night was SO much fun i loved going thru everything my inbox sent us 😭 thank u for prompting it all i'm glad you dove into the magician verse as well. here's my chart again to commemorate zee rec night / update everyone on my still-developing magician derangement (as you can see i'm still hard at work in DC's Content Maze)
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2 - i can't be trusted with this because we would end up with the Batman Problem (where everything somehow becomes related to batman eventually) except the center of the spiral is like. power girl
3 - thank you!!! i still have NO IDEA what i'm doing with all of this LMFAO.......... maybe eventually i'll have made enough little comics to string together into a vague chronology 😭
it's just like ... me rolling around in the dirt behind DC offices / ranting and raving in discord / receiving visions from the universe and drawing the bits that catch my attention. i truly don't have a coherent presentation plan here
the only thing i do have is- i made like . an archive blog more or less? basically it just reblogs/organizes my CTDE posts and when I have a random post that i don't feel should go on my artblog i shoot it over there. but it also has a cast page and a premise blurb for each arc hahaha (…i dont think the cast page works on mobile though as a heads up)
idk if i would recommend Following it if you already follow me here since it MAINLY just reblogs my posts so you'd be doubling up. but if you wanna poke around in cast bios and whatnot its on there
the first posts in the chrono tags are semi-placeholders where i might put like. if i ever make something coherent for the AU i'll put links to them in there. more or less . im keeping my possibilities open but i truly... yeah i got nothin just all these visions from beyond
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harleyacoincidence · 1 year ago
Hi! Im trying to collect information from writeblrs about the stories everyone writes. That includes you! Yay!
If you dont mind, can you share wips, characters, blurbs, funfacts? Go nuts, im here to listen!
I apologize for not getting back to you for a little while. It took me some time to type all of this out and make sure it was somewhat concise.
Fun Facts About the Author:
I’ve been writing/telling stories for as long as I can remember.
I was obsessed with reading until I was about thirteen, when I began to get more serious about creative writing.
The franchises and books that were partial to me when I was a kid have influenced all my works, whether accidentally or on purpose. This means that if we’ve ever had a fandom in common, you will most likely know due to the way I write or the events that take place/characters I have in my works. While I’ve never directly copied a character from an existing work into one of my original ones, I tend to take a trait that I liked from the original character and tweak it, using said trait as a base for one of my characters.
Alright, onto the meat of this post. Get some popcorn and a drink, we’re going to be here for a while.
WIPS I Am Currently Editing/Working On:
The WIP With No Name
Love Corrupts Fresh Lilies
The Devoted Musician
These do not include completed WIPs, deleted WIPs, forgotten WIPs (rest in peace to those ones) or WIPs that were not originally created by me. You will not find any WIPs that someone else made the idea for that I assisted with here, as they are not my WIPs. Keep scrolling if you would like a short and mostly spoiler-free explanation of each.
Still here? Great! Welcome to the abominable mess that is my head.
The WIP With No Name
I started this WIP all the way back in high school. It’s certainly not my best work, but I was proud of it at the time.
I’ve since updated it to fit the times (and another WIP I helped with at one point), but it’s still not perfect and most likely never will be.
It has three instalments, the last of which is still unfinished. I am unsure where to take the plot, but I’m quite close to figuring it out. After I’ve officially finished all three instalments, I plan to rework it.
The cast for this series is quite large, which is one of the problems, as I cannot develop all the characters in it properly for the length that fits it best.
This series is about a young girl who finds herself to be the outcast in many places outside of school. She’s adopted and doesn’t have the best relationship with her parents (especially her father). Her cousin is jealous of her ability to summon demons better than she can. The whole demon-summoning thing starts the protagonist down a long and dark path, getting more corrupt with every being she hosts.
I do not associate any songs with this WIP.
Out of Context Blurbs:
“You thinking about your parents again?” he asked, not letting go.
            “Don’t worry. I know it’s hard.”
            “I know I’m adopted, but…does that really make me unwanted? Why do they never seem to have time for me? Am I that bad? Do they just want to use me for insurance or something? Did I do something?”
“Sydney, don’t tell me what to do! I’m just sharing my ideas. There’s nothing wrong with that, it’s a free country, right?”
            “Who taught you that phrase? You’re eight!”
            “You, dingus. Remember?”
            “Oh yeah. Sorry.”
“You’re going to kill me anyway. I might as well stall you for as long as I can before you kill everyone else I know too. You’re making things easier by using weapons, you know. Are they just for show, or are you more human than demon? Something seems off about you. Are you sure Henriette’s not the one in control? Besides, what’s up with these weapons? None of them make any sense to be together, unless you’re actually just somebody who runs tabletop RPGs. I mean, that’s cool with me, I did that once. Actually, it would explain a lot of things about you. You seem like the type of guy to railroad your players though, and I don’t respect that. Do you run tabletop RPGs? You should. You could, like, give your players a better experience by, like, actually showing them the areas they’re in and the monsters they’re fighting. I think it would be good for you,” Elliot babbled, not entirely sure of what he was saying anymore.
“Yeah, if you want help getting players or setting up a story or something, I’m your guy! I’ve done this stuff before, so I can give you some help or advice, whatever you need. Don’t hesitate to ask!” Elliot grinned, inching past Hadeon and slowly backing into the hallway. Hadeon watched him as he walked by, a puzzled expression on his face.
“WELL IT WAS NICE KNOWING YOU, BYEEEEE!” Elliot shrieked as he sprinted down the hall, through the first room, and out the metal door, dropping the whip as he ran.
Love Corrupts Fresh Lilies
In other words, the “Look Ma, the WIP with a title!” one.
While there is a title, it’s only a working one. It always seemed a bit long, but it’s the one on my list that fits the story best.
I started this WIP a few years ago (can’t recall how many as of now) as a collection of poems.
I���ve been slowly turning the list of poems into a novel, and hopefully it’ll be better than my last WIP. If it’s not, I’ll throw my microwave out my window. (I won’t actually do that, I just want a WIP that’s not entirely trash. I desperately need to improve my writing skills.)
This WIP is similar to the last in terms of the protagonist and their development, but the plot is completely different. The protagonist is almost entirely forsaken by members of society and has an awful relationship with her cousin. However, instead of bringing beings from other worlds into hers, she falls into another dimension, one full of different deities. She finds love there and is slowly corrupted to her lover’s liking. How charming!
Some songs I associate with this WIP include Sway With Me by Saweetie & GALXARA, Me and the Devil by Soap&Skin, and Feed the Machine by Poor Man’s Poison.
Out of Context Blurbs:
It stung as it hit my skin. It stung even more as I felt the object reposition itself and pump my veins full of the substance I wasn’t allowed to see. I could imagine it being somewhat viscous, like thinned paint. I didn’t know what colour it was, but I thought of it as something dark and dreary, like old mauve or hunter green. Maybe even a deep plum or navy. No, navy was too unnatural. What’s navy coloured other than a boring prep school’s uniform?
I found everything I loved in that aroma. Roses. Pine trees. Tomatoes. Old books. Sawdust. Smoked gouda.
The Devoted Musician
Oh boy, this is always either the WIP I have to do the most explaining for or the one I explain the least about, for the same reason.
This WIP is one that I’ve worked on consistently for seven years. Well, I’ve worked on three of the characters for eight, but not the actual story.
This WIP is the closest to completion and takes the form of an analog horror series. A partner and I (who has asked to remain anonymous on Tumblr) are working on producing it together, though the original story is mine.
I don’t want to spoil too much, but the first instalment is up on YouTube, and for its purpose, it looks great.
This WIP follows my foolproof formula of “idiot does something stupid and pays the price for it, as does everyone else”.
There isn’t much else I can share about this WIP, as I don’t want to spoil too much (in other words, I actually am posting this entire one).
The main song I associate with this WIP is Who Is She? by I Monster.
In terms of my characters, see A Comprehensive Guide to My OCs - A Masterlist
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unhookedcandles · 2 years ago
Notes on my fic ‘if you can’t walk then run’- First Year: Peter
- This chapter took a suuuuuper long time to write but that was mostly bc of work and traveling-- it was really fun and the actual writing and editing didn’t take too long
- one thing im struggling with a bit is trying to describe things/settings in a way that accurately conveys my vision to the readers while also staying in the voice/pov of the characters. For example I was trying to describe the gryffindor common room in the way that I envision it, but I had to do it through Peter’s eyes. I wanted to use the word ‘opulent’ but when I was editing it felt so out of place because what 11 year old boy describes things as opulent??? This is smth Im trying to navigate right now but im v excited to explore and work on!!
- prefect kingsley my beloved
- is remus and peter in the back of the group of first-years while james and sirius at the front a heavy-handed metaphor? Maybe, but I couldn’t help myself
- also i love remus having absolutely no concept/sense of how he’s percieved by others because his self worth is so dogshit rn. poor boy
-i added a little explanation about my headcannons regarding the slytherin house in this chap, which is hopefully helpful for understanding a bit of how i envision the political climate of the wizarding world at that moment
- i also love blunt remus-- peter is freaking out because he was almost sorted into gryffindor and he plans on keeping this a secret, but remus just comes out and is like ‘yeah the hat mentioned slytherin for me. i guess i could see it.’ which immediately makes petey feel better about himself. His bluntness is one of the reasons why peter is immediately drawn to remus
- I talked about this a bit in one of my past posts, but peter’s character is really interesting to me simply because he is one of the only gryffindor death-eaters. I think that the way that he can be a gryffindor while also being a death eater is the way that he will debase himself so entirely for a cause greater than himself. A lot of the slytherin death-eaters sacrificed things for power, but Peter sacrificed all of his friends, his life as a human for however many years, and his own flesh for Voldemort. Slytherins preserve themselves and their families at all costs, but Peter would give up himself for power. This is why he is a gryffindor. 
- Peter is a gossip, and a bit chatty in this fic. He shows his love for his new pal Remus by trying to gossip with him about the Black and Potter families
- My fav lines are :“Should we knock?” [Peter] asks Remus. “It’s our room too, isn’t it?” Remus says, pushing the door open without any more discussion.
- I just think it shows a lot about the characters in a short lil blurb
-Touchy James is another one of my fav headcannons
- Sirius and Remus immediately bonding over being traumatized lil guys while Peter and James that have had really chill upbringings are just like.... whats going on?
-OKAY another part that i struggled with was I wanted to show just how instantly Sirius and James clicked. I feel like they would immediately begin bantering and joking with each other like they’ve known each other forever. I think that they also, inadvertenly, leave out Remus and Peter. They don’t explain to Remus and Peter what happened on the train, why Sirius owes James a galleon, why Sirius is so dejected, etc. Part of this is their young arrogance and the other part is ignorance. They like each other’s company so much, feeling like they have finally found another person operating on the same wavelength, that they can’t be bothered to slow down and help others catch up.
- Sirius and James are rich and they don’t know just how rich they are. Surely this will cause them no problems in the future. 
-”The colors look good on you, mate” Im crine poor sweet Sirius. 
-Yay that’s the end!! Please give “if you can’t walk then run” a read on ao3 and tell me what you think!!!!
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reidgraygubler · 3 years ago
sfw spencer reid masterlist
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this masterlist holds all my safe for work pieces with spencer! if you're looking for nsfw spencer fics, please go here! or if you're looking for other mgg character works, go here! this is organized by category (fluff vs angst) and then in sub categories (gen-neutral vs female vs male vs non-binary)! let me know if there's any mistakes!
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cliché- reader meets spencer reid in the most cliche way, running into him in a coffee shop.
hot cocoa & cuddles (part one)(part two)- reader is freezing while they’re working on a case in alaska. spencer has some fun facts about body temperatures and conserving body heat.
im dreaming of a white christmas- Spencer is away for a work trip and might not make it home in time for Christmas, leaving the reader alone for the holidays. Until Spencer comes home with a surprise.
make you mine- Spencer wants to ask Reader out, but is too nervous. So he goes to the one person he knows can help, Reader, who is too oblivious to know that they’re the one he wants to ask out.
raspberri blossoms- spencer comes out as bisexual to his best friend.
birthday kisses and butterfly kisses- Reader has some worries about their birthday. Spencer tries to make their day special.
dirty little secret-(sub!spencer) Reader gets Spencer a super meaningful, and private, gift. All is well… Until a member of the team finds out about it.
goldilocks- spencer recounts all his first kisses
spoonful of sugar- Spencer stays home from work to take care of his partner, who’s sick with the flu
falling flurries- Reader and Spencer have a snow fight.
top chef- Spencer’s partner makes sure he’s eating well and taking care of himself.
forget-me-not- Spencer plans Reader a special Valentine’s Day, only for Reader to forget that it’s Love Day
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you are my destiny (part one)(part two)- spencer reid doesn’t dance. reader is determined to change that.
hurry back, pretty boy-(punk-y!spencer reid) reader owns a bar and is a little bit punk. she and spencer are in a relationship. reader learns about the BAU teams out-side of work personalities.
short skirt, high heels- Spencer has had a crush on reader since she basically started working for the BAU. It doesn’t help that reader dresses to leave a little to the imagination and is constantly flirting with him.
handsome enough to tempt me- Reader meets Spencer Reid at a well-known estate ball. The pair learn to love each other, even when they hate each other.
look at my son- (dad!spencer) spencer has a heart to heart with his newborn son while his wife sleeps.
skater boy- (dad!spencer) spencer wants to spend more time with his daughter. so she teaches him how to skateboard.
fresh baked- spencer frequents a bakery and buys a loaf of bread every visit, just to make the cute baker happy.
Demented Deaths- Spencer is a fan of a cold case/unsolved crime commentary youtube channel and he finds out someone close to him is the creator.
Spencer Through The Looking Glass-spencer ran out of contacts and has to use his glasses.
The Perfect Man- the girls of the team try to get Reader in a relationship… Little do they know she’s been dating Spencer for the last 9 months.
you, me, and this lady-summary: ❤ (spencer reid/tara lewis/fem!reader) Spencer and Reader have a serious conversation about their relationship and their future.
frog prince-Reader takes Spencer frog hunting after a day of rain.
the buttercup bakery-summary: Spencer meets the woman of his dreams at JJ and Will’s wedding, but misses the chance to get her number by just a couple of minutes.
spencer going to pride for the first time w/ his bi girlfriend
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sunflowers, daisies, lilacs, dahlias- reader comes out as non-binary to their best friend, Spencer, after they notice he changes the pronouns he uses to talk about them and after the team misgenders them.
growing in a garden- (dad!spencer) Spencer’s 12-year-old is confused about their gender identity and goes to their dad for help and advice. Later his child has some exciting news.
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(a/n: a lot of my angst isn't TOTAL angst. its just what I think is angst. a lot of this consists of hurt/comfort.)
last christmas- last christmas: reader gets proposed to on christmas night. The very next day, they find out their fiance is cheating on them. So they go spend the night with their best friend, Spencer Reid. this year: Reader gets proposed to by someone special.
kiss them, or keep them- (spencer’s pov) Spencer loses his best friend, but has a secret gift to bring them back.
week from hell- (spencer’s pov) spencer has one hell of a week after he has nightmares about the ones he loves the most, and after a close call on a case.
a different type of high: (spencer reid/gender-neutral!reader)-summary ☁ Reader has a drug addiction that they can’t kick. So, they attend Narcotics Anonymous to fix that situation. After going to several meetings, they meets quiet, shy Spencer Reid. The unlikely pair become infatuated with one another, but can’t date due to their individual addictions.
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golden memories-(david rossi’s daughter!reader) reader reminces on her relationship with spencer while they’re having an argument and she’s getting the silent treatment.
and they said speak now...-spencer reid is getting married (to someone who is self-absorbed and not good for spencer) and reader is in love with him. reader shows up at his wedding, uninvited, to try and win him back before it’s too late.
i would get beat to smithereens...- spencer reid is in love with his best friend and would do anything for them… including getting into a fistfight with anyone who looks at Reader the wrong way
ethan- reader has some really important news to share with spencer, but he’s away on a case. that is until really important news is shared with her.
lonely moonlight- Spencer left his partner and ends up regretting it.
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broken mug- spencer’s boyfriend is having a bad day.
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az-cain · 3 years ago
Right back at ya, Az 😈
What’s your process for writing fics? Do you write off of bullet points or distinctive scenes? How much research goes into it? How much time does each step of the process take you?
Do you dive into character analysis and speaking patterns beforehand in order to portray a character as accurately as possible or simply write them as you perceive them?
general process?
umm mostly i write one-shots, so i just sort of do what i’m thinking atm? like if i feel that it will be less than 6k words (one sitting of writing or less) then i will just write it all down usually in either the tumblr post immediately or on a google doc. if it’s a longer one or i’m feeling that it’s gonna be multiple chapters, i will write out the bullet points in a google doc and after i finish each point i erase it.
bullet points or scenes?
usually i will just scribble it all down quickly and go back and edit? like i have certain phrases that i really like when i write that usually come in my first draft- i remember one being “she stretched his name on her tongue like her favorite taffy” and one i’ve yet to use, “it will crumble to the ground and the rats will feast on mounds of cheese”- but otherwise my first draft is a little bit less descriptive. my usual first draft is very colorful- it’s my favorite kind of language. and i don’t mean swearing, though i like that too.
i have certain scenes i really want to write, but feel need background so i can’t. like i have their whole world and past w this character in my mind but really don’t want to write their whole story. or in the case of my abandoned fic on ao3, i did back before i changed drastically and as did my writing style. i’ll link that scene (i posted the blurb of it a while ago) here.
how much research goes into it?
oh my,, this one varies from fic to fic but like the one w matt murdock and the bullet wound??? it was like hours of research and a few suspicious asks on quora. most of what i write is based on personal experience so if i’m researching it’s through my notes app, ykwim? and to find specific color names i use That One Thing you can find on google images
how much time does each part take?
depends what i’m writing. if im planning it’s usually like 1:5:2 planning to writing to revising. if there’s no planning it’s about 5:4 writing to revising bc there are usually better ways to go about getting through the plot that i only see at the end, if that makes sense?
do you do character analysis and research speech patterns beforehand?
not really, but i feel that my memory of a character is fairly accurate to canon. if i’m not sure or it’s a character that isn’t fresh in my mind, i’ll go back to the source material and check if i feel i did their mannerisms and voice/speech justice. if i’m writing something i know or realize to be ooc i’ll put that as a warning or disclaimer with the trait that i feel to be ooc in my fic.
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reggies-eyeliner · 2 years ago
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OPEN 2/26-2/24<3!! (5 SLOTS LEFT! [2/19/23])
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I have not done matchups in ages but THEN I WATCHED Lockwood & Co?? I had this whole epiphany like. WRITING THESE WERE SO FUN HELLO?? matchups will be open from 2/16-2/24! please read through all of the rules :D If a submission doesn't fill out all the requirements, I am more likely to push it off until later, so please make sure to read it carefully! I SWEAR IM NOT GONNA MAKE IT TOO COMPLICATED OKOK LETS DO THIS VAMANOS&lt;333!
FANDOMS (up to two*):
across the spider-verse*
most animated movies (httyd, bh6, rotg^^)
lockwood & co*
stranger things
julie and the phantoms
avatar: the last airbender
the legend of korra
voltron: legendary defenders
* i've only watched the series so far + i'm about to start the comics/books (and very excited to omg) !! just an fyi that my pairings will most likely revolve more around the characters featured in the series IM SORRY I SWEAR I'LL GET TO THE BOOKS/COMICS ASAP
**exclusively platonic matchups preferred/qpr!
the classic: submit in matchup information + get paired with (a) romantic partner(s)! in return for the matchup information, you will receive: a 1x3 moodboard, one song + a hefty list of headcanons + a mix-and-match randomized trope explanation! (ex: a blurb about sharing a bed, first time meeting, fake dating confession scene ; ~100 words!)
the Fave Homie(s)™: platonic matchups (my personal fave MWAHAHA)! you'll get paired with as many characters as you'd like<3!! in return for matchup information, you will receive: a 1x3 moodboard, one song + a hefty list of headcanons + incorrect quotes describing your dynamic between you and your found family/best bro<3
customized schedule: submit what your schedule looks like throughout any day of the week (up to two) + matchup information (platonic or romantic), you will receive: an hourly schedule on what life is like with said character i match you with + the aspects of your life with them! (ex: 8am, wake up by their side + they make you coffee blah blah blah), + a song for each moment of the day to describe your dynamic :D
name + preferred gender(s) to be paired with
preferred fandom (up to two are okay, but please let me know which one you'd like me to focus on more!)
platonic and/or romantic + polycule preference etc + preferred age group!!
you can include your sexuality if you'd like to (only if you want me to touch on the aspect on how your matchup will support you because. yeah<3)
giving + receiving love languages
hobbies, talents, things that make you you (think: if this wasn't in my life, how different would i be?)
mbti/zodiac (optional)
personality, how you handle difficult situations
what consist of a good memory for you
favorite songs + music taste/colors/any kind of aesthetics!!
anything that brings you comfort/anything that doesn't give you comfort (can be about a relationship or just in life :-D)
preferably off anon! i'd love to talk to you more after the matchup submission as well MWAHHAHA<333 if you're planning on being anon, an emoji anon would be p cool so we can chat more!
as i'm also a busy student, i will prioritize school-- if you submit a matchup, please be prepared to have up to anywhere from a 1-14 day wait! i'll send you a message that i got your ask hehe
you should totally use a pick up line in my ask box i enjoy pick up lines so much.
OTHER THAN THAT MAN write as much/little as you'd like!
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tomsrebeleyebrow · 5 years ago
scream in italian | th x fem!reader
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⚠️ Looks like the tads are broken again…? 😤 UGH 😡🤬 Soooo please, be kind and reblog my works to support me, this will make me really happy 💞⚠️
anonymous asked: Hey, I see u take requests ... so I was wondering if you could write something fluff/smut with tom x foreign!student!reader, like she is from Italy and came to London to study (they have been together since they've first met) she is good at speaking English and all, but sometimes she can't express herself and gets frustrated and she hates when it happens but He thinks it's sexy and it all turns into a very romantic but smutty situation😉 (i really hope it makes sense, if you can't it's ok )
A/N: as being half french half italian, this request was for sure made for me also because i can totally relate to that 😂😂😂 oh and italian is HOT, even when spoke angrily 🤤😉 so, dear nonnie, thank you so much for this. i love you and if you’re italian, i’ll love you even more 💚🤍❤️ also thanks for revealing to the world another kink of mine, jeeeez 😂🙈
‘Stay safe, Cheer up’ blurb event
(In this, Reader is a 3D/visual effect assistant still in college)
"Can you believe this!”
The sound of your voice soon followed by the door slamming loudly made Tom jump with surprise. He was currently laying on the couch of the living room, laptop turned on to answer some emails that he had been stuck with for a few days now. But when he heard the noticeable anger in your words, he knew you were really mad, which was quite rare actually.  
“Almost telling me I’m wasting time because I spent way too much hours on the project, only because I put extra attention on details?!”
As Tom closed his laptop, placing it on the coffee table, as your steps stomping closer echoed in the entire house. He didn’t have the time to stand that you just barged in the living room, your jacket, shoes and college bags long gone (probably thrown near the entrance), your face definitely not hiding your actual state.
“Babe, what’s going-”
“That damn teacher” you cut him off without even thinking twice, while opening the fridge to grab something to drink. “Saying ‘you know, nowadays time’s o-only money so do what you’re ask for a-and take the money’!! T-That- that-!!”
Now you were fuming, face all red and almost vapor coming out your ears like a cartoon character. So much angry you began stuttering on some words before completely losing it… and just started speaking in your native language. Italian.
“Che imbecille finito! Sono quella che non chiudeva l’occhio della notte perché mi piace il mio lavoro! Dunque se ho deciso di affinare i dettagli, è il mio problema e non il suo!! E in fin’ dei conti, sono contenta del mio lavoro e del risultato finale, e sarò fiera di poter venderlo a dei ricchi produttori!! Non me ne importa una sega!!” (= “What a damn idiot! I’m the one who haven’t sleep for many nights because I freaking love my job! So if I decided to perfect any details, that’s my own problem and not his!! And in the end I will be happy of the final result of my work, and also proud to be able to sell it to some rich-ass producers!! I don’t fucking care!!”)
You didn’t know for how long you kept going on like that, complaining about your day to Tom but mostly screaming at your soda can, but you definitely let everything out of your chest. And now you were finally better.
But what you didn’t notice until now was Tom standing behind you.
“Say that again” his raspy voice brushed your ear and made you jump, not expecting him to be that close to you.
“Say what again?” you asked, a bit confused while turning towards your boyfriend.
He was indeed close, towering over your frame and staring deeply at you. His hands came to rest on the kitchen counter behind you, caging you with his entire body. You knew that look in his eyes but were still troubled by his request.
“All that gibberish you just said in Italian” Tom stated, his eyes never leaving yours for a second. “Say that again.”
Then the brunette began covering every inch of your face with delicate but sensual kisses, his hands now making their way to your hips to massage them.
“But Tom, you can’t understand a single italian word!” you chuckled at his attitude, letting him continue his rush of tenderness. “Well, apart from pizza and lasagna of course.”
It made Tom laugh against your cheek, as you felt him bring your body closer to him little by little to now being completely pressed against him.
“I love when you speak Italian” he mumbled, popping another kiss on your cheek while squeezing your hips. “... even more when you’re angry, that’s fucking hot and sexy.”
His statement actually made you blush, as Tom also started to nibble your earlobe before you felt him getting excited down there. Not able to resist him any longer your hands slid on his shoulders, nails slightly pressing onto the fabric of his shirt while pushing your hips against his, which made him growl.
“Never thought about bringing that hot accent in the bedroom?”
“Well, we can do it now…”
And you didn’t need to ask Tom twice because now, your brunette lover was pounding into you on the kitchen island.
“A-Ah! Più forte, Tom! O-Oh dio!!” (= “Harder, Tom! O-Oh God!!) you whimpered while arching your back, moaning your lover’s name over and over again.
With a smirk on his face, Tom lifted your hips up with his movement as he eased away before slamming back inside you, not slowing down a single time. He continued to thrust as deeply as he could into your core, the girth of his cock rubbing against your pulsating folds in the most pleasurable way that was making you lose your mind.
“Fuck, keep going baby… s-shit, you squeeze around me like crazy” Tom groans, leaning down more onto you as he continued to move his hips, placing his lips against your neck to sink his teeth slightly into your flesh.
“A-Ancora! O-oh- mi fai impazzire!!” (= “A-Again! O-oh- you make me go insane!!”)
The way you trembled beneath him was the most erotic sight he'd ever beheld.
“A-Amore mio, più veloce! Ti prego!!” (= B-Baby, faster! Please!!”)
And before you could form any more thoughts, his hands glided to the bottom of your ass before meeting your eyes with an animalistic gleam. Your cheeks got so much redder but the moment Tom started to slam your ass onto him to meet with his every thrust, an incredible tight knot consumed the pit of your stomach.
With a final mewl of complete pleasure an euphoric orgasm invaded your body, blurring your vision as your folds completely convulsed against his cock, gripping him in such a tight way that Tom actually moaned your name, before pulling away, stroking his cock a few times to release his cum all over your stomach. Your bodies feels so hot and sweaty because you were both still partially dressed.
After you caught your breath again and also cleaned, Tom carried you on the couch where he just dropped on it with you, making you laugh as you simply laid there into each other’s arms.
“Mind giving me some Italian lessons so next time, I’d actually know what you’re screaming when we mess around?”
“I think I can plan private lessons in my agenda for you, Holland...”
🏷 Permanent tag list & mutuals 💖 (get notified)
@allegra-writes @tom-holland-is-spiderman @detroitbydark @blissfulparker @farfromhaz @xxtomxo @worldoftom @charismas-world  @stiles-banshees @americaxo17 @zabdisamor @princezzariel @bookworm06 @thatweirdomimic @juliebean247 @harryhollandwhore @spiderbibby @mendes-marvel @himynameishooman @bookworm06 @flowerboyparker @miraclesoflove @eridanuswave @jillanaholland @mendes-marvel @biebsmylife95​ @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming @tsh-darling​ @popbubblegumpop​ @fanficscuziranout​ @beiroviski​ @langdonlovey​ @markleehee​ @riverxholland​ @tomhoran​ @itseightbeats​ @xxrebelswithoutacausexx​ @rubberducky-jrr​ @howdyherron​ @jacobsppsleeve @lovewolfspirit​ @saysomethingspiderman​ @yoongi-holland @quaksonhehe​ @the-crazy-fanfictionist​ @alaeddis​ @lyzalovealk​ @sovereignparker​ @lmaotshollandd​ @howdyherron​ @t-monosapiens-h​
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oikawaplssteponme · 4 years ago
💛Willow’s 400 Event💛
hiii friends!! thank you again for 400 followers, that’s absolutely crazy!! i wanted to give you all a fun event for this to show my appreciation for each and every one of you☺️
i plan on doing date mood boards + blurbs !!
all you have to do is send a request with the following:
•your name + self ship name (either haikyuu or my hero academia please)
•your preferred pronouns, if you feel comfortable sharing (if not i’ll write your blurb gender neutral)
•a few of your favorite colors
•what you would like to do on your date (fancy dinner, coffee date, movies, etc.) (or i can pick if you’d prefer, but then please share some of your interests so i know what you like☺️)
•3 words to describe yourself :))
•is this your first date with them or not?
•do you kiss🤭??
then i’ll put together a mood board for your date and a little blurb describing the date!
(all i ask is that you don’t request any of my off limit characters, you can double check those here)
im super excited to do this and i hope to do this for as many of you as possible <3 (btw you don’t have to be following me to participate, anyone is welcome to send in a request💕)
thank you again and i can’t wait to see what you all send in!!
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mischiefandi · 4 years ago
My Blog in 2021 <3
Hi everyone!!
I’ll be writing again soon and I wanted to give you guys some information on what I’m gonna be doing on here from now on. There’s gonna be a few changes to how I’ll be handling my blog and my writing which is why I’m making this post so everything makes sense and you know what’s coming <3
everything is below the cut ! ( this is quite a serious post ngl :)
As you’ve probably seen on my blog these past few weeks, I’ve fallen back in love with the Harry Potter universe and I’ve decided I will be writing fanfiction about Harry, Fred Weasley, and the Marauders (Wolfstar content, Sirius Black x Reader, Remus Lupin x Reader, and some Marauders headcanons). I will still be writing for Peter Parker in the MCU fandom and I will also be writing for Drake Walker from the Choices fandom. However, I’ve decided that after I finish my series “A Shitty Love Song” (Stiles Stilinski x Reader), I will officially stop writing for Stiles.
He’s still one of my comfort characters but I don’t feel as inspired anymore and because Teen Wolf ended so long ago now, I just don’t feel the same love for it as I used to. I will definitely still reblog gif sets and shitposts about Teen Wolf!! and I will not stop talking about Stiles on my blog lmao but I won’t be writing about him anymore. I know a lot of people follow me for that, so I apologise if you feel let down or disappointed. 
I really appreciate all the love and the support you guys have been surrounding me with ever since I joined the Teen Wolf fandom, and I still love yall and will gladly discuss the show with you guys!! Thank you for understanding, I really hope you’ll still enjoy my blog and my content!
NSFW Content
Because I was a minor up until last August, I wasn’t comfortable with writing smut or NSFW content. My views on NSFW content on tumblr have changed a lot in the past few months and I have realised that I am now responsible for the content that I decide to share with readers and followers. I am 18 years old and I now feel comfortable writing smut, meaning I will be posting NSFW fics on my blog starting now. However, I would like to make some things clear:
If you are under 18 years old, I ask that you do not interact with my NSFW content. You are allowed to read my other fanfiction and you are allowed to interact with my blog and with me, however, my NSFW content is off limits. I know that this won’t necessarily make sense to everyone, and I know people will be upset, but this is a boundary I will enforce for your own protection as well as my own. I really am sorry if you feel disappointed or feel excluded, but smut is written pornography and there is a reason why the law prohibits minors from interacting with it. 
As a legal adult, I do not feel comfortable supplying minors with sexual content. All minors, including my friends/mutuals, will be blocked if they interact with my NSFW content, so I ask again: please do not interact with my NSFW content if you are under 18, regardless of where you live, where you’re from, and regardless of your past sexual experiences. I will not be making exceptions and this isn’t up for discussion. I really do not want to be rude or act pretentious, but this really is a necessity and I will be taking this seriously.
Like I said, I will now start writing smut, however I will only be writing smut about 18 year olds and above. I do not feel comfortable writing smut about minors, even if they are 16-17. I know that minors engage in sexual behaviour in real life, but like I said, I do not feel comfortable writing about it. I also will not be writing non-con content, nor will I write about incest or dubious consent content. I ask that you please respect my choice.
For the sake of transparency, I will keep tagging the sexual content on my blog as NSFW and I will add it in the warnings above my fanfiction every time. Again, I ask that you respect these boundaries if you are a minor. I also ask that the other adult creators tag my writings as NSFW if they decide to reblog them. Thank you!!
Lastly, because I am 18, I want to say that if you feel uncomfortable with me interacting with your content or talking to you, do not hesitate to tell me and I will respect your own boundaries. Friendships on tumblr are complicated because everyone can stay anonymous while maintaining relationships with each other, which can make some people very uncomfortable, especially minors. I will completely understand if you would rather I stay away from your blog.
What I Read
I love reading people’s fanfiction and I really try to be supportive of my friends and their content however I have realised that there are a few things I see that make me uncomfortable, which is why I have decided to tell you guys that I will not be reading NSFW content about real people anymore. I don’t judge creators that do write about real people, nor do I necessarily disagree with them, I just know that it doesn’t make me feel comfortable anymore so I will not be reading those kinds of fics anymore. I am really sorry if that upsets or disappoints you but I’m not going to force myself to read things that make me feel uneasy haha.
Also, I don’t think I have ever interacted with fanfiction that talks about someone’s real life trauma because it always made me feel extremely uncomfortable, and I don’t intend on starting now so please don’t tag me in content like that! I don’t want to disrespect your work or your writing, but I feel that there are certain boundaries we have to respect as “fans” and romanticising a real person’s personal trauma is just not right in my eyes (Dylan O’Brien’s accident for instance). Yes, this includes past relationships or exes (something I didn’t always respect but now I do).
Speaking of trauma, I would like to specify something. 
I will not, and will never romanticise a character on here who’s personality revolves around his/her/their trauma (yes, even if it’s fictional). It was a big issue with Arvin Russell in the Tom Holland fandom, and it will be an even bigger issue when Cherry comes out. I used to read Mitch Rapp fanfiction, something that I don’t intend on doing anymore, unless it’s soft Mitch who’s resolved his issues haha. If a character’s entire story arc and trauma has turned them into a violent and mentally ill person, it is not something that I want to romanticise or fantasize about. It can be harmful because it reinforces the idea that toxic relationships and/or violence are romantic or sexy things. They aren’t.
What to expect on my blog for the next few months
I will be writing again in two weeks and here is what I’ve got cooking:
I will finish posting A Shitty Love Song
I will be writing a series about Harry Potter and an OC (this is a big project I’m taking on so I won’t be giving more details until I’ve really worked on it)
I will be writing a Fred Weasley series (will include smut so prepare yourselves haha)
I will be writing more Peter Parker one-shots and I might have some series ideas for later down the line
I will be writing more Drake Walker one-shots
I will be finishing writing the song blurb requests I got way back in November (im sorry it’s been so long!!)
I will also be starting a new weekly thing on my blog. I’ll explain the details in a couple of weeks but there will be a taglist so you guys get notified when we play <3
I realise that this post is insanely long and not exactly fun to read, so if you’ve stuck around till the end, thank you so much!! Please respect the boundaries I have set for my blog and please try to understand where I’m coming from before you do anything haha. I really don’t mean to act all high and mighty or superior to anyone, I’m really not haha, but I do feel responsible for the content I share on here and this is a post I’ve been meaning to make for quite some time now. I love you guys so so so much, thank you for 1.2K followers!! I feel blessed and I am so so so excited to keep creating content for you and for myself. 2021 will be awesome <333333
tagging my mutuals and my forever tag+other posts tag:
News and Other Posts Tag
@stiles-o-dylan24 @duskholland @mersuperwholocked-lowlife @hcomet28 @decaffeinated--fangirl @teen--marvel @cheesecakes-randomshitz
Forever Tag
@stixnstripesworld @masterofbluff @drakewalker04 @superapplepie @apatheticanvas67482
@duskholland @thelittlestkitsune @apatheticanvas67482 @mrscutiefandobhaz @teen--marvel @aquariusholland @mersuperwholocked-lowlife @siriusly-harry @solstilla 
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