#Im bad at gifing
yesloulou · 7 months
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puckpocketed · 18 days
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7/05/2024 - Salon Visit
Carly Jackson on her father and where her love of hockey comes from
And then he built a rink in our yard, him and our neighbour, they just - I don't know how they got a hold of it, probably like a friend of a friend or something. Somebody in town was like, 'I have an excavator,' and they dug out this rink in our yard in the ground. And then he built this almost plumbing system, so then the rainwater would fill it up, and then he'd just plug the drain, and then it would fill up, and it'd freeze in the winter, and then he ended up putting out boards, and all my friends would come over after school. But I learned to skate actually, on that pond. But it was because of him. And... He's just a beauty, and he loved hockey, so I think I saw him doing it and then I just wanted to be like him, and it came together. Yeah.
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sunscall · 1 year
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Charlie and Dennis loving Mac's silliness
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hellscupboards · 9 months
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Maybe i should catch up on posting drawcember
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spicyvampire · 7 months
The way I cannot rewatch ep 5 cuz I always spend like 20 mins replaying this fucking scene from 38 mins 10 secs to 39 mins 39 secs
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
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2009 European Grand Prix - Rubens Barrichello(ft. Lewis Hamilton & Kimi Räikönnen)
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scalpelsister · 11 months
them.... 😭
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oohbuggypie · 6 months
saw these tags by @ratts-reblogs on my post abt Soda's lip detail when he's fighting and i literally SQUEALED
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because BOY DO I LOOOVE NOTICING CHARACTER QUIRKS !! so here's a small list of other little details that i gush over but have never talked abt ::
- in Exhibition mode, when you select Don you can see that he has a particularly unique stance;; both of his feet face the same direction despite his torso facing the camera - it looks pretty hilarious ! super bad visual guide i had to outline bcuz its hard to see from the regular, blurry image
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- in Tiger's Title Defense intermission, his clones have a lot of cutesie animations ! the left clone scrunches his nose and eyes (moving his mustache along with it), and fidgets with his shoes quite some ! the clone furthest to the right nods his head in agreement with the middle clone and his mustache moves a lot with it as well !! additionally, after the real Tiger reminds them that it's time to gather up for the fight, the left clone makes a frustrated / disapproving face by furrowing his brows and squinting his eyes , and the right clone looks very confused as the other clones disappear !
(the video above is a clipped version of Gaming Evolution's video on YouTube ! full credit to their upload and content;; this does not belong to me !! video linked here ! 🩷)
- in Kaiser's TD select screen, he has an adorable little nose scrunch that wiggles his mustache along with it !
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(GIF taken from this video !! all credit 2 Gaming Evolution 🩷)
- when you KO Bull, as he spins to fall down , you can hear an odd creaking noise ; i believe this is meant to resemble the sound a mechanical bull makes when it's particularly riled up !
- in Soda's idle animation, he has a very unique way of moving; Macho Man, who has a similar animation, shuffles his feet back and forth. Soda, on the other hand, shuffles his feet side to side ! it looks super silly 🥹 GIF added below so u can see !
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(the video i GIFed this from is linked beneath the next listed detail!)
- when Don knocks you down, most of the time the "GET UP" / counting screen obscures his face ,, but when u CAN see, u may notice that as he laughs and shakes his glove, he raises his right eyebrow in unison ! this comically small and blurry GIF is probably no help but take what u can get
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(SRRY ABT THE GIF i can't seem to find a good video that shows it,, however the video i GIFed this from is linked here !! full credit to the original uploader 🩷)
THERE'S PROBABLY A LOT OF OBVIOUS ONES IN HERE IM SRRYY but they're ones that i absolutely love regardless 🩷 if anybody has other little details they notice please please tell me i literally adore miniscule little quirks in their characters it adds so much i swear ✝️ also apologies for the poorly cut videos and hilariously crunchy GIFs, ive never done this before in my life but i wanted to give visuals so u will b forced 2 enjoy my terrible attempts at them 🫡
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something about mk brutally smashing his head against azures sword till it shattered. something about mei modeling her sword after azures (im insane)
I went ahead and gifed both scenes (which proves that I'm very clearly normal)
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So, Mei shatters her family sword defending MK. She then models her sword after Azure's. MK later brutally smashes his head against Azure's sword, cracking it (and Azure) apart. Azure then uses that sword to stitch the universe together, losing his life in the process.
The first thing that comes to mind is the Curse's words, "Such pitiful creatures: cowardly, reckless, monstrosities; all doomed to play a roll in tearing this world apart! To cause nothing but chaos and destruction.", with 4x13 being titled "Rip and Tear" and Azure quite literally tearing the world apart. You trying to do what you think is right but that still leading to bad outcomes—to shattering and breaking and destruction.
Other bonus parallels/contrasts include:
Mei breaking her sword to defend MK, while Azure breaks his sword attacking MK
"But how am I supposed to protect everyone if I don't have my sword!" and then Azure uses his sword to save the entire world aka everyone.
Mei: "If you're not giving everything you have to protect the people you care about you are nothing!" Azure: "I would have done anything in my power to bring them back—but it wasn't in my power, it was in yours." (Using power for the people you care about) (Interesting to note however, Azure is fine with his friends as collateral ((love you 4x10 roar)) where as Mei will put a lot at risk for her friends ((she doesn't object when MK suggests going into the scroll even if it'll risk the curse being released)))
Mei: "What's the point of having power if you won't use it! [...] Inaction is careless! [...] Then maybe you don't deserve power!" Azure: "I did not sacrifice everything simply to be an idle deity! I will do what my predecessor did not!" (Aka those who deserve power are those who will use it)
Both were totally willing to sacrifice Wukong for their goals (Mei in 3x12 and Azure throughout s4, but especially in the special)
Mei: "Wukong knew the risks—that's the hard part of being a hero!" Azure: "Nothing is won without sacrifice!"
Jade Emperor Azure and Samadhi Fire Mei as containers for uncontrollable power (I talk about this one a lot)
Do we think "How could you lead us into this fight without a real plan!" applies to the Brotherhood's attack against heaven
They really did not need to have Mei model her sword after Azure's, so I wonder if this is building to an eventual "Mei V MK" fight (where Mei is most likely fighting MK to save MK) and Mei uses her sword to protect herself from one of the people she cares about.
I feel like there's more to the sword situation, but I can't put my finger on it.
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polarpolarpolarx · 1 year
Hello, sorry for taking your time, please answer when you want to!! I just want to share my feelings...
Im new to the Bigbang fandom, i discovered them in February 2023... At first i liked TOP (of course) but when i started to discover their personalities, i suddenly was charmed by Seungri. Before getting into the fandom, first thing i did is reading basic info about the group, so before knowing Seungri better, i knew that he had huge scandal in 2019. It didnt stop me digging deeper about Bigbang. I watched variety shows and interviews they did and their performances and i just fell in love with Seungri. Hes so funny, charismatic and charming guy. And hes voice is incredible. When i heard his part in songs and him talking for the first time, i thought "wow he has such a beautiful voice". I liked his voice much more than TOPs (i thought TOPs voice is weird and wasnt sure i like it or not), but i stopped myself liking Seungri from the start because of all the mess that happened in 2019. But. My feelings. Their uncontrollable.
I fell in love with Seungri and i feel sad because I cant talk with anybody about it. Im afraid i would get critisized liking him, so I avoid any Bigbang fans. But I cant help loving him. I wish i dicovered Bigbang so much so much earlier
Hahaha loling at "At first i liked TOP"🤣🤣! But yes hello! Welcome! I'm so sorry you feel that you have to avoid BigBang fans, but unfortunately know all too well where you're coming from; I honestly enjoy liking them more when I'm removed from the fanbase, it's more freeing not to see everyone's doody opinions on every. single. thing! Not to mention no one can take a joke!
But regarding Seungri, I feel you about being hesitant to like him. I'm a newer fan as well and before I read up on the 2019 debacle felt like I had to dislike him just from a moral standpoint. Didn't take long to discover how much of a farce his role in the "burning sun scandal" was (it's a mislabel to even title it that...); personally the more I learned about BigBang I was just like... this guy? Seungri? Really? The guy who can't even hide his own phone and dms on I Live Alone? It didn't line up, maybe because it didn't line up. It's really too bad some fans put their own biases and agenda above basic morality and a man's innocence, deciding instead to support the smear campaign and bury the real issues like the corruption and lack of women's rights in South Korea under the rug. But such are the sheep. (Sorry for going off on it, I just... I will forever get passionate about that whole thing/similar issues.)
Anyway, you should know that there are a lot of Seungri fans, they just mostly hang out on twitter; unfortunately here on tumblr a bit of an ot4(3?) cult has formed who likes to harass and bully off any ot5s as soon as they appear. There are a few of us here, too, though! ( @topsodapop makes a lot of gifs, and has been gifing the recent Seungri content as well.) But I'd head to twitter if what you're looking for is a large community to love on Seungri/talk about Seungri on the daily with, it's just too dead here at the moment, for any BigBang content, really. Makes me that much more appreciative you took the time to send this message aha🥰🥰🥰! Always makes me happy seeing the Seungri fans, you have excellent taste and should be proud💙❤️‍🔥.
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retrokid616 · 1 year
tits out for din$e
yeah im not gifing that just some bad rolls on her end
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puckpocketed · 3 months
i am so sad i wanted him to be a flyer so badly and we got so close but the sharks are for me the best alternate option and I am so happy I like them and follow them enough to keep supporting dickinson!!! i am absolutely absolutely thrilled and congrats on mack celebrini too!! i hope you are happy with the draft outcome!!!
HELLO im sorry we took your boy </3 pulling you in with a lasso,.,. you wanna dual-wield flyrs-sharks so bad... wahhhh....
u know when he got drafted a bunch of people were kinda mad about it on twt because they wanted eiserman or buium but EYE was like a hunting dog that smelled blood (as you have seen in dms) like . POINTING!! POINTING!! THATS DICKY FROM KASPERS NEPOBABY JUNIORS TEAM!! <3 sharkudablr if ur reading this... Sam Dickinson SO sillygoofy, unbelievably charming and fun. will absolutely fit in here. also hockey-wise I like what I saw from him at the mem cup.!!! I wish I'd gifed him a little but ough.. alas...
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tachineko · 1 year
how did u get so good at giffing?
hi anon great question! so back in 2012 i used to be a gifmaker during tumblr's "popular" days. the gifs were very low quality but it fit right if u wanted to be a content creator for a specific fandom
not a lot of people know this but i use to make gifs of glee. yes, you heard that right. i was a gleek on tumblr during 2011 to 2013.
my gifmaking skills were very naive during that time. i was using my mom's old windows 7 laptop to make 400 - 800kb gifs. where i had to lock my folder filled with gifs and psd's just in case my mom wanted to use her laptop.
i was also torrenting every 1080p episode of glee with a really bad wifi. i cant imagine how i would make them like that today.
but luckily times have changed. and gifmakers also have changed their methods on making gifs where it went from just photoshop to programs such as avisynth and vapoursynth.
i recently got back to gifing after 7 years in 2020 because of BL and i think bl has made me see how much i had changed from my old gifs to my current one.
i think i got so good at giffing because i was persistent in looking for resources and making sure i had the right amount of style that says alot about what im gifing whereas back them i would just load the clip in photoshop and it would look bad but still gain notes.
so basically i went from this
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(this is the only set i can find of my old gifs lol)
to this
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because of the psd's, tutorials and other gifmakers that have given me advice on what to do and i based that in to making my own kind of style. also thankful that tumblr made the gif size from less than 1000kb to 10MB so i guess thats what makes this even better.
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delzinrowe · 7 months
What are we talking about here? GIF? WRITING? Boy oh boy. Who dare try and hurt you!? 🔪
(also yes that was a genuine question 😭 I don't mind a lot of other insects but I can not tolerate cockroaches AT ALL. They are the most disgusting thing I know.)
Cheesy anon
No, not gifing or writing, it was about a video game called Honkai: Star Rail, which I've been playing since release last april. A friend kept telling me how bad my characters are built and I just fell in a depressed whole cause apparently I suck at the one thing that's my passion for a year now
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oh-katsuki · 2 years
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DENJI, AKI, POWER - Chainsaw Man PV 2
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skitskatdacat63 · 2 years
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2005 Belgian Grand Prix - Kimi Räikkönen, Fernando Alonso & Jenson Button(my personal post-race highlights)
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