#HMMM. Swords as proof of *using* power perhaps
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dreamerwithoutadirection · 2 years ago
Look What You Made Me Do
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Min Yoongi was not a man to play, what he desired, he got.
Warning: Yandere, Possessive, Manipulation
P.S: Took longer than expected :( Hope you all like it! Please ignore the typos, I have not proof-read.
“It has been decided that you will get married to Lord Min, at the end of month.” Lord Yoo said to his eldest daughter. 
This was bad, so so bad. Hana was shocked, surprised, scared and worried all at once. 
“I..I..” she stuttered too overwhelmed to speak..
Lord Yoo sighed, he loved his daughter…he knew she wanted to travel and learn. She always had a flair for languages. But he was on the verge of bankruptcy…and his recent losing of his position of Ministry of Defence has already added to his guilt and burden. But what could he do? He needed money and position for his younger daughters and Taxation Minister Lord Min’s offer of money and position in his ministry in exchange of wedding with Hana would change the future of him and his family.  
With hard eyes and heart, Lord Yoo spoke in a firm and final voice, “As the head of this house, I have decided that you are getting married. And that’s final. You are lucky that Lord Min even wants to do something with us after the recent debacle with the King.”
Hana had seen Lord Min before. His cat like eyes with the deep mark across had left her scared when she had first seen him. 
Min Yoongi was a man of few words with a mind as sharp as a sword. But perhaps his greatest virtue was patience. And patient was he. It had been an year since he had first seen her in a banquet party held by the King. Mingling among her friends, somehow, she had stood out when their eyes met. She looked scared back then. As if she had just seen a devil. And unknown to her, she had sold her soul as well. 
For an year after the party, he was haunted by her beautiful brown eyes. And tormented by the question of who was she? So, he looked for her. It wasn’t easy as women seldom left the house. So, when the king organised the party once again, Yoongi knew his chance was here. It didn’t take long to know that she was Defence Minister Yoo’s daughter. Power and money can do wonders to know enough about someone. 
“You are really in love with her, hyung?” Yoongi heard Hoseok while sitting with his group of close friends of years. Love? The word felt too measly for what Yoongi was experiencing right now. 
“Maybe..I feel curious definitely” 
“So, you are saying if I went now and talked to her, you wouldn’t mind?” 
Yoongi was on Namjoon in a second, “Don’t try me”, he grunted. 
Seokjin sighed, these kids cannot not fight…even after gaining respectable positions! “Separate at once! You both are now adults and we are in presence of the King, keep your tantrums in check.”
Yoongi glared at Namjoon before returning to his seat. “What I feel about her is not anyone’s concern.”
“But hyung, if you are in love with the lady, that would be so cool! You know her dad is really corrupt…wouldn’t be a problem in taking that old fool down.”
“Hmmm…interesting suggesting Kookie”
Taehyung ruffled Jungkook’s hair to tease him. “Hyaa…I am 24 now, don’t call me that! I have a reputation to maintain!” Jungkook whined. 
“You know, Yoongi, if it’s what I believe it is..I think you need to act fast,” muttered Seokjin. 
“What do you mean, hyung?” frowned Namjoon.
“He’s looking for a match for Lady Hana I have heard..and from what I see..you are just as smitten with her as I am with my wife….if he resists too much…there’s nothing that I cannot manipulate for him to fall in your lap. After all it wouldn’t be hard to pin the recent missing of treasure on him in my investigation.”
“Lord Yoo, how are you?”
“Oh..Lord Min..it’s the same old story of being overburdened with work. Parties like these do give us respite ain’t it?” 
“Hmm..” Yoongi gruffed, eyes searching his bambi. “I heard you are looking for a groom for your eldest daughter.”
“I am indeed, but for my second daughter, Mi-joo, who is of age now…” Lord Yoo said fondly. 
“Lord Yoo, what about your eldest..what’s her name..yes Hana..she’s 22 right now isn’t she? A bit late for marriage?”
“She’s not ready for marriage yet..Min Yoongi” Lord Yoo spoke harshly. 
“Hmm..you know I thought this will be a civil conversation. But I suppose you don’t do civil” Yoongi laughed and then his eyes turned more feline if possible “I will make this clear to you. I like your daughter Hana, and I will be coming to your house this week with my parents with a marriage proposal and you old man are going to say fucking yes.”  
Lord Yoo got up suddenly, spilling the drink on the table and said, “Why would I want a man like you for my beloved daughter? With that scar so big, I doubt, you will find anyone. Don’t test me young man. I can destroy you in second.” 
Poor Lord Yoo did not know what was about to come for him. A fortnight later, he got summoned by the King over the charges of stealing from the national treasures.
Yoongi smirked standing in the King’s court seeing his hyung alledge false charges on Lord Yoo..caught you. I am coming for you, jagi..we’ll be together..soon.
Hana had to talk to Lord Min and convince him otherwise! She cannot marry him..not when he scared the soul out of her. She had felt his eyes all night on her a fortnight ago. And it made her feel sick to the stomach. She knew in her gut he was not a good man..a pretty sight with a devil’s soul. 
And so Hana did, what she does best..she escaped her house and went to find Min Yoongi. It wasn’t difficult to find him..as if he was waiting for her to come out of her den. As she walked in the sombre room at the courtesans place, she saw him sitting with a drink in hand. Looking all so powerful, magnificent and a sinister smile decorating his face. 
“Hana, jagiya...welcome..I was expecting you. After all, you always had a fighting spirit..and you know I love that about you. Always standing up for yourself.”
Jagi? Why was he calling her jagi! He didn’t even know her! “Lord Min..I..have come to talk to your regarding the marriage proposal you have sent.”
“Yes, sure, my love! Don’t worry..our marriage will be an event to behold. I cannot wait to see you dressed for me..prettily..you’ll be finally by my side..like you have always meant to be. But before that come sit, near me..why are you standing so far.”
Hana pressed herself against the door more, if possible. She did not want to go anywhere near him. He was too dangerous. 
“Lord Min. I have come to inform you that I cannot marry you. Please find someone else for your affections, for I don’t return them.”
Yoongi sighed. This will not go as smoothly as he hoped. 
Just as Hana was opening the door to go, she felt herself being turned around. Her back hit the wall harshly, as she looked up to see Lord Min too close to her. He looked so much more terrifying…eyeing her up..with emotions she could not understand. But whatever it was, it was not love..his eyes did not hold love but something dark and vile.
“I was trying to be patient love, but you don’t like patience it seems. So, let me reiterate to you..you..”, he cupped her face..“were mine..since the day I saw you” and then Hana felt his lips on her..all at once everywhere “mine..mine…mine”
Yoongi rasped, “If you don’t want your old man to be dead..be a doll..love and start preparing for our marriage..if you dare go against me..you know your sisters also have to get married, right?”
Hana felt herself crashing down..with Lord Min’s head buried in her neck..kissing her..marking her neck for the world to see. There’s no escaping, is it?
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ga-yuu · 4 years ago
~Kurama~Main Story Chapter 6~
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Chapter 5
------Part 1------
When my hair color and eyes, which changed when I was using my fox powers, returned to normal....
Kurama: "We're here. This is our camp."
Yoshino: "Oh...."
(Now I'm finally going to be a full-fledged prisoner of the rebels...)
(What's going to happen now? I'm going to cause trouble for everyone in the Shogunate.)
As the bonfires of the enemy camp came into view, anxiety and tension grew.
Yoshino: "But at the end of the day, why did Ibuki bring me all the way here to Kurama?"
Kurama: "Don't expect any good reason to come out of it. The connection with this battle would have been lost on Yoshitsune. He has always been a man of whimsy, a man who enjoys playing with others and stirring things up."
1. Not a good desire...(+4/+4)
2. That's a scary man.
3. It must have been difficult for you. (only a fool will choose this option.)
Yoshino: "Oh well,....that's not a good desire."
Remembering Ibuki's amused smile throughout, I mutter.
Kurama: "The real bad desire was in the people who willingly fell for it."
At that time----
Rebel soldiers: "Kurama-sama!"
Kurama: "What's going on?"
The soldiers, who had an impatient look on their faces as they rushed towards us, shrank back at the sound of Kurama's cold voice.
Rebel soldier: "We have a report. We are informed that the troops in retreat at Shingari have been taken by surprise and have not yet returned."
Kurama: "A surprise attack? I thought I heard that the people at the end of the line started to retreat when they saw our movement."
Rebel soldiers: "That's..... The surprise attack was apparently not made by the Shogunate. They seem to be a band of wild warriors and ruffians of uncertain origin."
(You mean there is a force on this battlefield that is neither the Shogunate nor the rebels?)
Kurama: "The confusion of information, the intermittent report of unscheduled raids on the main camp... Already this battle smells fishy and now Benkei is also overtaken. Hey you, tell me what is he doing right now?"
Rebel soldier: "Ah.....When he heard of the plight of the troops in Shingari, he went to their rescue. But there are few men who can move, and even Benkei-sama is expected to struggle."
(You must have a lot of love for your men to risk your own life to save them....)
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Kurama: "That moron."
------Part 2-----
Kurama: "That moron."
Kurama's eyes sharpened.
Rebel soldier: "Benkei-sama has ordered the rest of us to wait then leave the battlefield before Kurama-sama."
Kurama: "Do you limit the damage in case of emergency while indulging your passions? It's that manly, boring decision that comes through. .....I don't want to hear about self-sacrifice."
(Ha, you don't have to say that much...)
(Maybe Kurama, the demon, doesn't actually understand how human emotions work....)
If Morinaga-san and Shigehira-kun were in the same situation, they would surely go to the aid of their men.
Because I know this, I had mixed feelings about the actions of my enemy, Benkei.
Rebel soldier: "Um, Kurama-sama....!"
Kurama interrupts the soldier's impassioned pea with a glance.
Kurama: "When did Benkei leave?"
Rebel soldier: "Ah, about a moment ago."
Kurama: "Then there must have been a squad that came back after that. At the very least, order the guys who look like they can fight decently to be ready."
Rebel soldier: ".....! So are we."
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Kurama: "There's no reason why I should just obey that man's orders."
Kurama had already lost sight of the soldier, whose face had brightened with anticipation.
Kurama: "I'm going in."
Rebel soldier: "We'll be ready soon!"
Rebels soldiers hurried to prepare themselves.
Yoshino: ".....So surprisingly, Kurama does help his friends when they're in a tough spot."
Kurama: "Don't use such a shallow word as 'friend' when addressing me."
Yoshino: "I thought you were going to help him because you thought of him as your friend."
Kurama: "Benkei is certainly strong for a human being. What's not to like about that? But that man is always so noisy with me. It would be fun to go and see how desperately he's struggling."
Yoshino: "........That's it?"
Kurama looked at me as if I was bothering him.
Kurama: "Benkei would die for Yoshitsune. In other words, he belongs to Yoshitsune. And Yoshitsune is mine, soul and all."
Yoshino: "Hmmm, and?"
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Kurama: "I will not allow Benkei, Yoshitsune's property, to die in vain, so that his sword and his soul may be clouded."
-----Part 3-----
Kurama: "I will not allow Benkei, Yoshitsune's property, to die in vain, so that his sword and his soul may be clouded."(LHS = RHS, Hence proved!!)
(Sounds like a pretty strong theory to me.)
Kurama: "And."
Yoshino: 'And?"
Kurama: "Benkei is good at making snacks."
(This face....he's totally serious!)
I looked up at Kurama in astonishment as he says this with a straight face.
Kurama: "It's about time, those humans must be ready. Let's go."
Yoshino: "Why am I coming?"
(Aren't you going to leave me at the encampment!?)
Kurama: "What are asking? I told you that you're my prisoner."
Yoshino: "That's absurd! To take a prisoner in a fierce battle."
Kurama: "I don't care what you feel."
Arrogantly dismissing me, Kurama pulled me carelessly by the waist.
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Kurama: "Whatever happened to you, you fell into my hands. What to do with you here on is my business. Isn't that right?"
Yoshino: "Mm......."
His voice and his gaze are filled with a different kind of curiosity.
I felt a shiver run down my spine.
Kurama: "I keep pleasure at hand until I have devoured it, to pass the days of boredom."
(I'll just have to pray that I'll get through this in one piece.)
Soon afterward the rebel soldiers gathered and took me with them.
I've been put in front of a Kurama, and I've got a lot of strange looks.
No one ever asks Kurama to his face, perhaps because he is reserved.
Rebel soldier 1: "Kurama-sama! Let's get on with it."
Kurama: "Wait."
Kurama steps up to the line and looks around quickly with sharp eyes.
Kurama: "You there."
Rebel soldier 2: "Yes?"
Kurama: "I can smell fresh blood. You're wounded."
Rebel soldier 2: "...! No, it's nothing serious. I can fight well!"
Like me, his eyes widened and the soldier he was pointing at shook his head in panic.
Kurama: "Shut up. I don't allow you to talk back. You and you, get out. And you, there, you're not good enough. Don't stand in front of me."
After that, Kurama omitted about ten more people from the crowd.
Confusion spreads over the faces of the soldiers.
(If you're going to rescue your friends in a situation where you know it's dangerous, the more forces you have, the better, isn't it?)
(What is Kurama thinking?)
Kurama: "I don't like to be slowed down."
-----Part 4-----
Kurama: "I don't like to be slowed down. It's an eyesore to see men die in front of you when you have so many men to fight with."
The silence is heavy and tense, but Kurama speaks plainly.
Kurama: "You were gathered together under Yoshitsune and trained by Benkei. If you're weak, at least give yourself a meaningful death."
Rebel soldiers: "........YES!"
The soldiers, both those who stayed behind and those who followed, shouted in unison.
Kurama: "..................."
Kurama's brow furrowed in annoyance and he turned his head.
In a panic, I stiffen up and at the same time, the horse starts to run.
Rebel soldier 3: "Keep going! go on!"
Rebel soldiers: "YES!"
Without looking back, Kurama ran silently at the front.
(....Kurama doesn't know how human emotions work, at least that's what he said, isn't it?)
(But in a ridiculous way, Kurama's words seem to have raised the morale of the soldiers.)
I felt that if I were the only one who kept quiet, I would be crushed into insecurity.
I opened my mouth in the wind that cuts through me.
Yoshino: "......The soldiers really respect Kurama very much."
Kurama: "What nonsense is that? Respect and fear are not the same things. Respect is an extension of understanding, and fear is the opposite."
(I think I understand that....)
Kurama: "The fact that both you and Tamamo have hidden your true identities from the Shogunate is proof of that."
Indeed, the ordinary soldiers were kept in the dark about my fox's powers and the identity of Tamamo.
(Didn't Kagetoki say that an ally in fear and distrust is more troublesome than an enemy?)
I reply, keeping low to avoid being thrown off the back of a rocking horse.
Yoshino: "But Kurama doesn't show his feathers in public either, does he? Aren't you hiding your identity so you can fit in?"
Kurama: "Yoshitsune, advised by Benkei, wished me to do so. They made me promise not to use my powers and it's troublesome. But no matter how much you try to imitate someone's appearance, the weak will always smell the presence of the strong. The reason you humans tremble in my presence is a survival instinct, though Tamamo seems to be very good at hiding it."
------Part 5------
Kurama: "The reason you humans tremble in my presence is a survival instinct, though Tamamo seems to be very good at hiding it."
(It's true that just standing in front of Kurama was terrifying from the start.)
Yoshino: "But Kurama's words inspired the soldiers. If they'd only been afraid, they would have shriveled up, wouldn't they?"
Kurama: "In this army, my identity is supposed to be that of a kind of foreign warrior who helps Yoshitsune. That's why those who worship Yoshitsune so blindly are so annoyingly humble towards me."
Yoshino: " I see. Hmmm........"
It's true that there are aspects of the story that are easy to understand, but something doesn't quite add up.
Then, caught in the glittering eyes of the night, I was startled out of my thoughts.
Kurama: "I don't know what you're obsessed with, but I don't see the point in questioning me."
(I really do.)
(What kind of demon would I like to think Kurama is? I want to know.)
Yoshino: ".....I don't understand myself."
Kurama: "..............."
When Kurama saw my silence and honestly admitted it, he looked as if he wanted to say something....
Kurama: "----I can see it."
Yoshino: "Ah....."
I looked ahead and saw a patch of grass burning in the distance.
There is a faint buzz in the air and I can tell that there is a fierce battle going on.
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Kurama: "I hope the result is a bit of fun."
His red eyes were fixed on the battle as if he had already lost all interest in me.
Without signaling to the soldiers following behind him, Kurama kicks the horse in the stomach again.
My body shook with the force of sudden acceleration.
Yoshino: "I'll fall---"
Kurama: "Don't fall on your own."
(Even if you say that!)
Kurama: "Troublesome woman."
He clicks his tongue and pulls me tight with one hand.
Yoshino: "........!"
Something warm touches my back as he straightened me and he positioned me in such a way so that I could lean on his chest.
Yoshino(blushing): "Kurama.....?"
Kurama: "Sit still, like an ornament. If you fidget, I'll have to do more."
Chapter 7
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mecharlie-fox · 4 years ago
Summoner OC/Quotes
If my summoners were units..... I swear I'll update this once I have every drawing available. Might even put them on layout.
Left to right
(Warning - this is gonna be long)
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"The Lady in the Dream, Iris"
"Hello there, call me Iris. I am what we call... one of the senior members within the Summoner ranks. Perhaps we have met once in your dreams, do you remember?"
"Time became non-existent for me. I was mostly in slumber, looking after Summoners such as yourself through dreams."
"Oh I'm a non-combatant Summoner. Alfonse never really allows me in the front lines. It's too dangerous, even for me."
"It is strange being summoned here by another Summoner. Why am I consider a Hero in this world?"
"You have a role to play, Summoner. We are all bound by duty."
"Are you busy? Mind if you help me make some refreshments in the kitchen?"
"My name is Iris. I was sent by Friend to give this to you. Hm? I look familiar to you? Perhaps we've already met, once upon a dream." (Greeting from friend)
"Believe it or not, I'm supposed to be dead. My Askr is no more, you see. Not a single soul walks in that world and I still blame myself for it. I had the power to stop it, but I was so consumed by fear that I failed them... Anna, Sharena... Even Alfonse. I'm only alive because fate wants me alive. And I'm bound to you now, my friend. My commander. My Summoner. I will follow you until the end."" (Upon reaching level 40)
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"Now, now... Every Summoner must know when to rest."
"You're different from the other Summoners, tell me, are you also a non-combatant?"
"When I first met Alfonse, he was already older than... Well, your Alfonse."
"I'd rather be a lost soul without a purpose than to be Hel's slave."
"Careful now, we don't want to get lost out here, now do we?"
"Oh Alfonse, why did you do it?"
"Valen, please. Learn how to rest. Sigh, this child..."
"Come on."
"Lead and I'll follow."
Level Up
"I haven't felt this power in a long time." (5-6 stats up)
"Thank you for the blessing." (3-4 stats up)
"Close enough, I'll do better next time." (1-2 stats up)
"I will use your gift wisely, my friend." (New skill learned)
"Fight me!"
"Never underestimate me!"
"You face a child of Frey!"
"So be it."
"Alfonse... Please..."
"Hel's Executioner, Ragnar"
"Great, not again... Let's get this over with, I'm Ragnar, Hel's Grand General."
"Me? A Summoner? Ah, you've been talking to Iris. Don't listen to that old woman, she's full of nonsense."
"Yes, this is Sharena's lance... I could tell by your eyes you already know what happened to her in my world."
"Just say the word and I'll do it."
"You're no Valen, but you've earned my respect. Maybe one day you and I can fight together in the front lines. You do know how to fight, right?"
"Lìf is nice, he'll get around eventually. You have my word."
"I'm Friend's Grand General, just take the gift so I can go already." (Greeting from friend)
"I'm old enough to know that a longer life isn't a better one. Believe it or not, my Askr was at peace with Embla. I had the chance to go home but I stayed, met a wonderful woman and promises that we will spend the rest of our lives together... But the other thing happened. I miss her, yes. I still love her. But if I dedicate my life on bringing her back, it'll be nothing more than a goose chase. I accepted the fact that she's gone. And we shouldn't tamper with the dead. We lose love ones, that's part of life. Sharena would want me to live, Summoner. Not waste my life on impossible dreams. I fight for her memory, that's all I could do. And maybe one day, we'll be reunited in death." (Upon reaching level 40)
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"You're slacking around? Want me to join you?"
"This Askr mirrors my own. Will you believe me if I say that I was also a non-combatant?"
"Yes, yes, I was a Summoner. Happy?"
"It was Zacharias who taught me how to wield a lance, actually. With a little help from Sharena, of course."
"I was a singer before becoming a Summoner. Though... I've been out of practice for centuries."
"Other weapons? Yeah, the Commander made me pick up an Axe once. Broke the wall with it and Alfonse got furious."
"I have my own opinions on other Summoners. But we all have one goal, peace. Hopefully, you share the same feelings."
"Let's go."
"Bring it."
"I'm following."
Level Up
"Never thought I'd learn something new, thank you." (5-6 stats up)
"This makes me feel alive again." (3-4 stats up)
"Really? Zacharias must me laughing in his grave by now." (1-2 stats up)
"I'll do my best to meet your expectations." (New skill learned)
"So uncivilized."
"There's more to that!"
"I'm not a boy anymore!"
"My time... Has come..."
"The Undaunted Queen, Valen"
"I am Valen, daughter of Aric. Have the tides of destiny wash me here with you, Summoner?"
"My role was to serve and support, until my brother disappeared, I suddenly found myself in center stage. It is strange, what destiny has offered me."
"When I was young, my father thought me divine and my mother thought me weak. Which am I, Summoner? Weak or divine?
"You are my general, I will follow you no matter what."
"I was once a Summoner of Askr myself. Until duty demanded my return to Vanaheim. Perhaps the tides of destiny brought me here for a purpose."
"I didn't know you were such a slacker, Summoner."
"I am Valen, daughter of Aric. I bring blessings from Friend." (Greeting from friend)
"I believed that my destiny was to simply lead soldiers into a battlefield as a general, and a general alone. I never dreamed of carrying the burden of the crown until the awful reality that... My brother will never come home finally made me realize, that destiny can be cruel. My father died bravely on the battlefield, maybe I will share the same fate as him. They're waiting for me, you know... My family. I will see them again, but not yet. Not until this war is over, and when when enough men have died, perhaps I will finally have peace upon my soul. My life is yours Summoner, from this day until my last day." (Upon reaching level 40)
Info Screen
"I am Valen... To the people of Vanir, I was named the Undaunted Queen."
"Haha! Your Alfonse mirrors my own, and yet they're two very different people. Strange isn't it? The endless possibilities of different realities."
"I always make sure that the Order's funds are sufficient for a whole year supply, even if that means tricking the commander into seeing a different number than what was actually left for the month. Don't tell her I said that."
"Oh! Summoner! You surprised me there. Say, aren't you scheduled to do your rounds? Mind if I join you?"
"Alfonse is my other half. I will do anything to make sure he's safe."
"Oh, my Sharena? She's my shopping buddy, or at least that's what she calls herself."
"What kind of a Summoner are you? I'm rather curious."
"I'll take your command."
Level Up
"For Vanir." (5-6 stats up)
"Strength and honor!" (3-4 stats up)
"I'll do better next time, I promise." (1-2 stats up)
"I will not waste this knowledge you bestowed upon me." (New skill learned)
"Surrender now, or die!"
"Shield up!"
"Violence it is."
"I curse you..."
"The Worthy Prince, Ingmar."
"I am Ingmar, Prince of Vanir. I will fight for you no matter what."
"I was called Summoner Isaiah. I didn't want them to know my real name at the time. The library is a frightening place, and I did not wish anyone to know my future... Or even my past."
"As crown prince it was my duty to make sure that I was prepared to succeed my father, until I found myself summoned in Askr... Twice. Or maybe this is the third?"
"Valen was once a curious child, always smiling. Now she's well... Always frowning."
"Haha! I feel fine, Summoner, not to worry. I just always feel sleepy for some reason."
"You're curious about my clothes? Oh! Is it because it's Nifl clothing? Haha! Funny story, well not really..."
"I'm Ingmar! I bring greetings from Friend! Say, you haven't seen my sister, have you?" (Greeting from friend)
"It's odd that the next time I saw my sister she was... well, all grown up. She was nothing more than a child when I last saw her, barely even ten. I worry for her safety, but I know she could handle it. I'm also worried for you. Being a Summoner takes a lot of effort, and because of me wanting to go home, I never thought of the consequences... What would happen if I went home. I wanted to see my family again, I didn't know how it would affect Alfonse or Zacharias. But I promise you one thing, I will never leave you." (Upon reaching level 40)
Info Screen
"Don't tell the commander that my finance report is fake, the real one is with Alfonse. Don't worry! We'll survive through the month."
"Give Valen your paperwork and she'll finish it within three hours."
"I have a special talent for linguistics."
"The people chose Valen to be Queen, that alone is enough proof that Vanir is in good hands."
"You want to learn how to hold a sword? Sure! I'd be happy to help you!"
"The Commander? She's convinced that I'm an idiot... Well, my commander Anna anyway."
"I don't have the same sense of tactics as my sister. I'm more of a front liner."
"Try me."
Level Up
"All in a day's work." (5-6 stats up)
"Hey, your training helped!" (3-4 stats up)
"Father would have been disappointed." (1-2 stats up)
"I'll use it well but, are you sure it's alright?" (New skill learned)
"In the name of Vanir!"
"I dare you!"
"Challenge me!"
"Move it!"
"No, please no!"
"The Silent Maid, Largertha"
"... I am Largertha. Once a Summoner for Embla."
"I... Have nothing to offer you."
"My eyes? Oh... Before I tell you, I hope you didn't eat anything heavy..."
"Magic helps me move around. Though, Ragnar always made sure I was accompanied by him when I'm up and about."
"Embla... was my home. And Hel took it from me."
"Oh! I'm sorry, Summoner. I thought you were Ragnar."
"I am Largertha. I come with a message from Friend." (Greeting from friend)
"My death went without apology. I hated myself for allowing it to happen, I wanted Veronica back, I wanted Bruno back. But Ragnar was with me and reminded me that they wouldn't want me to suffer so much over their deaths. Hel was my enemy and she forced me into her service. Now I serve you. I will use all of my power to make sure you don't suffer as we did." (Upon reaching level 40)
Info Screen
"My eyes? No need to worry, I am fine."
"Ragnar was useless in the battlefield. He didn't even know how to do strategy."
"Bruno always treated me with kindness. And I cherish every moment I had with him."
"Since the day I became Hel's Grand General, I refused to speak to the witch. Ragnar did most of the communicating."
"All I want is freedom. Not eternity. You cannot find peace in eternity."
"Lìf and Thrasir... This poor unfortunate souls..."
"You remind me a lot of... Ragnar."
"No worries."
"I'm moving."
"Expect nothing less."
Level Up
"Bless your soul." (5-6 stats up)
"Thank you for the opportunity." (3-4 stats up)
"I'm sorry it wasn't enough." (1-2 stats up)
"I'll show you my worth. You won't regret it. (New skill learned)
"I am your living nightmare."
"What is it you fear?"
"I welcome you to death!"
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korkrunchcereal · 7 years ago
His lordship had been gone for a week’s time and already trouble had begun brewing in Aurelian’s absence. Cyvar Wrenth had always followed Aurelian’s orders loyally, just as he had served Aurelian’s father Arcannon loyally…for the most part. When Aurelian had bade him remain in Quel’thalas to protect the throne and the individual who sat upon it, Cyvar had dutifully followed despite his worry over the safety of his lordship. Aurelian had at least relented and taken one of the Indaris swordsmen as a bodyguard while on the Broken Shore in order to ease Cyvar’s concerns, but the man still had a gut feeling something would go amiss.
He was right, of course.
He hated when he was right, because often it was of negative consequences. So was the case for the man Cyvar stood before, who pled his case in the scorched remnants of what was once his shop. He was a smithy by the name of Hasarel, and one of the better ones in the Gilded Lands too. He, among dozens of others, had been bought out by House Indaris or otherwise were heavily invested by the house in order to supply armor, weapons and other works of metal. War was not cheap, and House Indaris knew this, which is why they so heavily invested in profiting off of war amongst other businesses.
Yet someone either disliked that notion or disliked Hasarel, for last night his shop was burned down along with his home on the second floor. Hasarel had, in the late morning, come to the gates of Castle Indaris petitioning entry and for someone to investigate the matter. Out of kindness or cruelty, Cyvar wasn’t sure, Calithiel had sent him to investigate the matter.
It was by luck the smith survived, having been at one of the local taverns getting undoubtedly drunk. It was also lucky Hasarel had no family, instead preferring the whores of Rivervale to any form of marriage. Aurelian had made sure the man was paid well, which meant he had more money to blow. Ironic that lechery had saved the man’s life.
All of that mattered little now however, for the damage was done. Hasarel’s shop was burned, and now the man pleaded for compensation and demanded retribution. For ten minutes Cyvar wearily listened to the man who undoubtedly was still recovering from last night’s adventure in the tavern, judging from the smell of alcohol on his breath and the occasional slur of words.
“I shay mr. Wrenth, this was a personal attack!
“Yes so you have said, Hasarel. You’ve also said it was by three different people so far.”
“They’re all in on it! That Salas bastard was behind it; he’s never liked me.” The Salas family was among the wealthier residents of Rivervale, which itself sat on the river Sin’dal. Trade was lucrative in the markets, especially as jewelers selling their wares. While the Arrowmere’s in their silk trade were the most powerful family of Rivervale, they were now facing growing competition. There was even rumors the Salas family was behind certain criminal activities within Rivervale, though the guards had never found such evidence.
“So you have said.” Cyvar repeated with an exasperated tone. “Yet have you ever done anything to anger him?”
“No. Well, I did say hish ‘sword’ didn’t get enough polishing from his wife once.”
“The bastard inshulted my smithy! Called it a cheap mockery of true elven shteel.” Cyvar did his best to contain a sigh, instead pinching the bridge of his nose.
“You also said it was the smith Jorik, and a tavern wench named Llania.”
“It was! Jorik’s always been jealous of me, and Llania didn’t like that I slept with her si-“
“I get it.” Cyvar interrupted, holding up a hand. “I cannot act against any of them without solid proof. Your word, Hasarel, isn’t enough.” Hasarel threw up his hands, bafflement on his face.
“For years I’ve made swords, armor and horse shoes for the lord Indaris and this ish the thanks I receive? That damn wench he put in charge is gonna-“
“Easy Hasarel, before you come to regret your words. Insulting the regent in my presence or in anyone’s presence insults Lord Indaris, and you’ve worked for him long enough to know how he treats insults.” That was enough to quell Hasarel’s anger and turn it instead into panic, the man stammering out his response.
“I-I meant no dishrespect shir. I was merely shayin that I hope and expect as a loyal supporter of House Indaris that there will be retribution for this…and compensation.” Cyvar gave the man a hard look.
“I cannot speak for what my lord may or may not decide but do know you will have some form of compensation. As for retribution, the guards will look into the matter.” Hasarel opened his mouth as if to retort, but the look Cyvar continued to give to the man kept him silent. “Now, is there any other information you can give as to who caused this or why?”
“I wasn’t home…but I bet one of the neighbors must have seen something!” Cyvar gave a nod, finally releasing a sigh.
“Thank you, Hasarel. I’ll see what can be done for you and your shop.”
“Thank you mr. Wrenth sir; the shops all I got.” Cyvar turned around to leave the burnt frame of the building, taking a step forward. He paused, feeling something uneven under his foot. Looking down, he kicked away a piece of charred wood and looked at a small, soot stained and blackened piece of clay.
“Hmm…” Cyvar knelt down, picking up the piece. Lower, the stench of smoke and ash was almost overwhelming, but luckily Cyvar was accustomed to such smells now. His eyes wandered over the clay fragment whilst his fingers turned it over. “Hasarel, you didn’t have anything clay by here last night, did you?”
“No sir. That wash the front door. All I had there was some windows…and a shelf with some metal on it. Only clay would have been upstairs.” Cyvar looked up then, trying to piece together what must have been Hasarel’s living area. His finger rubbed against the inside of the clay, bringing it up to inspect closely. The glimmer on it…he sniffed the air, realizing what it was.
“Mr. Wrenth?” Cyvar tilted his head, debating on telling the man. He decided against it, standing up with a grunt.
“Hasarel…have you by chance been working with black powder?”
“black powder? I’m not a gunmaker. Damn things are finnicky explosive messes. Why?”
“No reason. Have a better day, Hasarel…and do sober up.” He briefly caught the man’s sheepish look as he moved outside in deep thought. Black powder? Unless Hasarel was lying and had such previous, which Cyvar doubted, then this was a targeted attack on the smith. The Gilded Lands and the Crescent Hills in particular had always been traditionalist in the face of advancement. The use of black powder in Rivervale of all places was unusual, though it could be someone from out of the province.
He would have the guards look into the Salas family, though even he knew it would be futile. They were respected enough within the community here that they were virtually untouchable. Besides, this was more than simple arson. The person responsible used a bomb, of this Cyvar was certain. He’d seen enough goblin contraptions to recognize the common features of a bomb, which was only more concerning. What was-
“Sir!” Cyvar blinked, realizing he was both standing on the side of the road, and that someone was trying to get his attention. He looked to the individual, noting it was a younger girl of blonde hair who had no doubt been standing there for at least a minute. She couldn’t have been older than late adolescent, he realized.
“Yes ma’am? Apologies; was lost in thought.”
“I was saying I saw what happened last night, if that’s what you’re looking for.” That got his attention.
“Did you now? What did you see?”
“Well…” she paused, looking around as if fearful of being overheard. Satisfied, she stepped forward, muttering softly. “It were two men, at least I think it were two. I live across the way,” she turned around, pointing a finger to a small house opposite the smithy. “I heard a vicious knocking on the door to Hasarel’s smithy that woke me up. I looked outside and saw two people standin’ outside his place. One of them threw something into the window and they both ran. There was a big explosion inside the smithy, and it caught fire!”
“Two people, you say? Did you catch any details about them?” She shook her head at that, causing Cyvar to frown for a moment. Damn.
“It was dark out, though I thought I saw something red in the moonlight. It was hard to tell though, but I think one of them was a woman.” The spurred tavern woman, perhaps? No.
“I see; thank you ma’am.”
“Oh sir, one more thing!” She leaned forward, barely several inches away as she whispered to him. “This isn’t the first incident. There was another smith here in Rivervale; ol’ Garvil, I think. He had a shipment of his weapons stolen last week. And even the Arrowmere’s silk business got robbed.” Now that was strange. Hasarel and Garvil both supplied House Indaris, and Arrowmere sold silks at a greatly discounted price to Aurelian for support in maintaining power in Rivervale. It could be a coincidence the three spots were connected to House Indaris in some way…
But Cyvar rarely believed in coincidence.
“That is interesting…” Cyvar reached into a satchel at his side, withdrawing two gold coins and offering it to the woman. “For the information.” The woman went wide eyed, looking at Cyvar before cautiously taking the money.
“Thank you sir.”
“No, thank you miss…?”
“Thank you Arawell, you’ve been very helpful. Now, don’t let me keep you from your day.” She gave a rushed curtsy, before taking off to leave Cyvar alone. “Hmmm…” He needed to speak with the bailiff in Rivervale, and probably the other towns. Two robberies and a store burning down in a week’s time was uncommon within the Crescent Hills. In truth, any form of crime like that was rare, so to have so many incidents in so short a time?
Cyvar looked down at the clay piece in his hand, the corner of his lip pulling up in an annoyed thought. No, this was no coincidence.
  “So when you returned, what did Cyvar tell you?”
“Well,” Aurelian leaned back in his chair, hand waving in a dramatic motion, “I found out several smiths I have invested no small fortune into were robbed or destroyed in Rivervale, as well as a few other businesses in the other towns.”
“Anything else?”
“They were, apparently, using gunpowder and other explosives. I will fully admit that I know much of what comes into my lands, and gunpowder is not one of them. At the time once I found out I could only surmise it was being smuggled in.”
“Smuggled in?”
“Smuggled or being bought outside my knowledge, yes. Turns out I was right, but I found out much, much later. Likewise, I was not aware at that time it was the Unbidden. For now though, let me tell you exactly what Cyvar told me…”
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