#Im actually not I love fuuta
milk-ly · 2 months
Lets talk about this awesome commissioned official art of Fuuta because I haven’t seen it discussed yet!
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One thing I love is how the swords are stuck into the ground in a way that plays into the trope of weapon tombstones on a battlefield. The trope is basically when a comrade dies on the battlefield and are buried with their weapon acting as a tombstone. In this Fuuta piece, the swords also resemble crosses in a way!
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Going even further, it also plays into the trope of a “field of blades.” The symbolic idea that is created from this kind of trope/image is an unending war/struggle and it also acts as a graveyard.
Of course, these tropes fit wonderfully with Fuuta and his knight symbolism, but it also further plays into Fuuta’s themes of comparing participation in the kind of hostile communities Fuuta was in on twitter to a battlefield.
Another important detail is the fact that the swords are Fuuta’s prisoner colour: Scarlet. Now, bear with me here, scarlet is particularly significant due to its common association with Christianity because it is the colour of Christ’s blood. (Thank you to muu_kusunoki on twt for bringing this up!) I’ll only get into it briefly because I am definitely not qualified to talk about this, but Fuuta’s got a TON of religious symbolism, mostly Christian. His t2 VD is named “Baptism by fire,” and fire itself is associated with punishment and judging sin in the Bible. Scarlet, Christ’s blood, is known to offer forgiveness, and therefore purifies sin. The fact that Fuuta’s sword is this colour is an interesting detail!
Another thing is that Fuuta seems to be referencing Lady Justice here, a metaphorical personification of the morality of the Justice system, as she also wields a sword and a scale. However a crucial identifying feature about Lady Justice is her blindfold, which represents impartiality and the idea of “Justice is blind.” But Fuuta isn’t wearing one here.
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Additionally, typically, the scale Lady Justice wields is meant to be balanced which represents considering all sides to the story. But in this Fuuta piece, it’s unbalanced. At the end of the day, upholding morality was never Fuuta’s main objective. But it’s also important to note that Fuuta isn’t the one holding the scale either.
I’m ending things a little unceremoniously here but I’m not sure how to talk about the thing below Fuuta’s feet. I assume it represents the “sinners” fuuta has punished in a way but I’m not sure how exactly? Is it a training dummy? Or rag doll? With bandages? Representing how he didn’t see them as humans at first? I would love to hear more thoughts if anyone has any!
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leafuxxtea · 3 months
guess who's back 🥺🥺 (and about to go to sleep)
i wanted to apologize quickly for disappearing like that, and i promise ill answer my asks and interact tmr!! 🥹🥹 hope everyone's doing well <33
but before i go, ill just drop this fanart of @lostxmelody 's fanfic (Parts of a Human, I've talked abt it before but it's. such a wild ride that I will absolutely stay on forever.)
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(do i now know how to format panels?? hahahhahaahaa. still no.)
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einsatzzz · 3 months
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(Late XD) KHR Rarepair Week Day 1 - Found Family - Fuuta de la Stella & Welt Yang
“You’re a member of the Express Crew from now until you choose to leave us. Of course, we’ll find some records you’ll really like.”
This one is based on @ravensilversea's I wish I may, I wish I might (have this wish I wish tonight) (AO3 Link). Please give it a read, it's really good! 🥹💖✨
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good-beanswrites · 9 months
Remembering how Futa said in one timeline that there’s no way a woman could beat a man in a fight and got his ass beat. Can you do a crackfic of the girls beating him up for that?
Ahahaha thank you for the request!! This was really fun to write omg -- and well deserved, there was no need for all that in the timeline convo 😤 He was too busy thinking of leverages and forms he failed to consider the fury of a woman scorned..... may he rest in peace......
Fuuta didn’t even know what he did to earn himself an ass-beating.
“Oh, you know what you did,” Yuno said. She closed the cell door behind her. 
Whatever it was, it had managed to anger every woman on the premises. He thought it took a lot to get girls riled up this much – something like cheating on them or calling them names, you know? But without a single action on his part, he found himself facing Yuno, Muu, and Amane. All three had a fire in their eyes that Fuuta was not liking the look of. 
Mahiru had pointed him to his cell, saying Es was looking for him there. She spoke strangely as she did it, and waited awkwardly outside as he went in, but everyone around here was a little odd. How was he supposed to distinguish when people were being murderer-in-a-supernatural-prison weird from setting-a-trap-to-corner-him-in-his-cell weird?
He waved his palms in front of him. “Listen, listen! Let’s just talk, okay? Let’s slow down.”
Muu cracked her knuckles.
Amane began rolling up her sleeves in perfect creases. “You have doubted our abilities. We will make you a believer.”
Fuuta took a few steps back. His voice came out loud and frantic. “What are you talking about? If you’re looking to pick a fight, you better think twice, because I’m not gonna hit a girl or anything.”
“Oh, good!” Yuno’s voice was as bubbly as always as the three closed in. “That will make our job a lot easier.”
He felt his back hit the wall. “I mean it, let’s just talk about this for a sec! Hey!”
Mikoto’s voice came from outside the cell. 
“Mappi? What’s going on in there?”
“Yes!” Fuuta called, “Mikoto! Help! They’re gonna kill me in here!”
“Oh, no need to worry~ The girls are just teaching him a little lesson about not saying awful things.”
“Isn’t this going a bit too far…? What did he even say?”
“Nothing! Come on, get me the fuck outta here!”
“I believe his exact words were, ‘there’s no way a girl could win in a fight against a man.’”
Fuuta paled. He did say that, didn't he...
“Oh crap. Yeah, that’d do it. Carry on.”
“Wha–? Mikoto!” 
He gaped at the three in front of him. 
He remembered a hero in a video game who had faced off against an unbeatable foe; a glorious knight who came to understand that he could never conquer the world-razing dragon before him. After giving his all, and seeing his fate was sealed, the hero had no choice. In a manly show of valor, he’d lifted his chin, closed his eyes, and accepted his impending, gory death.  
Yuno's gaze was cold as she raised her arms. Muu had a hungry look in her eyes. Amane clenched her fists, her posture perfect.
It wasn’t a dragon, but Fuuta would argue this was a good deal more dangerous. He lifted his chin and squeezed his eyes shut.
“Get ‘em, girls!”
Kotoko approached just as the other girls filed out of Fuuta’s cell. They had giddy looks on their faces. They giggled and whispered in a huddle as they walked around the panopticon. 
“Wow, Muu!”
“Haha, I didn’t know you had it in you!”
“That felt amazing…”
Kotoko didn’t know what kind of game they were all playing in there, but Fuuta was in for a big surprise now. The fun was over. Today was the day she acted out her responsibilities as Es’ fang. Today was the day she delivered justice. 
She swung the cell door open. Her eyebrows shot up. 
Her head whipped around to take a look at the girls, still complementing one another and laughing lightly.
Hell, her work here was already done.
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clownsalot · 1 year
im very normal about fuuta in general but i dont think im ever going to emotionally recover from his fire motif and what it represents for his character and how he reflects the greater theme of justice so that means i must rant about it
(more under the cut because this got longer than i expected whoopsies)
so anyway fire is pretty obviously supposed to be symbolic of his passion for justice right? that fire is all over the place in bring it on. he's wielding it to take down enemies, his signature weapon is a flaming sword. it's what he uses to lead the campaign against the people he's after, the people he's deemed in the wrong.
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it's a fucking flaming sword, it's badass as hell!!!! it's what a hero of justice, a knight, would use!!!! it's cool as shit, it's his symbol of justice.
that's how he sees his justice in trial 1.
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he's righteous, he wants so badly to believe he was a hero, he was doing it all for a good cause, for justice. his passion for justice was a tool he used to meet those ends, to be a hero, to wave it valiantly in the face of enemies.
the fire, however, is conspicuously absent once he's noticed the blood on his hands
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interestingly, despite backdraft as a song title being much more related to his fire motif than bring it on, fire is actually surprisingly absent from the mv's visuals. fire, as in actual orange burning fire, doesn't show up much at all in backdraft except for when both fuuta and his victim begin turning to ashes, and a short bit near the end right after the last chorus when the spraycan explodes in fuuta's face. you know what the mv does show a lot of though?
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smoke. and ash. the byproducts of a fire, the byproducts of fuuta's passion for justice.
bringing it back to firefighting for a moment: as many people have already pointed out, backdraft as a firefighting term refers to when a fire that has consumed all available oxygen suddenly explodes when more oxygen is made available, such as when a window or door breaks. the thing about fire hazards, though, is if the fire and the heat don't do someone in, usually it's the smoke. the smoke inhalation causes breathing difficulties and suffocation, making it even more difficult for a person to escape the fire.
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in backdraft, instead of fire itself, what we're shown is these byproducts of a fire. the smoke is damaging to human health, and the ash shows that the fire has burned things up and caused destruction, in this case killing someone. all we're shown is the negative results of a fire, in sharp contrast to its badass, positive portrayal in bring it on.
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hell, even fuuta himself starts turning to ashes and the spraycan explodes in his face, showing how even he is experiencing the negative results of a fire that has gotten out of his control, how even he has gotten burned by his passion for justice. or, is it es' desire for justice?
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translation of fuuta's t2 vd by onigiriico
Me, too! I was like that, too! I also didn't think it'd turn out that way!
You and I are exactly the same breed! The only difference between us is the clothes we're wearing.
fuuta's justice and es' justice, it's all the same in his head now, he directly tells es that they're the same, that we're the same. it's all the same hunger for justice that ends up causing harm even if that wasn't the intention.
you know that saying that fire is a good servant but a bad master? i think that's pretty applicable to fuuta's situation. his passion for the pursuit of justice was great when it was still a tool, a sword he could wield, after all he did manage to shed light on some people's wrongs and bring them to justice. but once it exploded, when it became a backdraft that even he could no longer control, it did more damage than he intended.
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it burned even him, it killed a middle schooler. and he recognizes that in backdraft. he only shows us the ways fire that becomes a hazard can go wrong.
translation of fuuta's t2 vd by onigiriico
What did I do? All I did was say that what's wrong is wrong! I was just going off at a bad person online!
I didn't think they would die! I just thought that wrong things are wrong, and that a crime is a crime! You get that, don't you? See? Aren't we the same?
it's just. fire is such a good metaphor for the message of fuuta's character and his arc. it's an amazing illustration of how dangerous it is when you feed a desire for justice too much, when you forget to put a boundary on how you handle that fire. eventually the fire spreads just like how passion for justice becomes zealotry, until more and more things fall under what you consider to be 'punishable' by your standards and goes out of control to hurt people that probably didn't deserve it. it's a warning to set proper boundaries on our own definition and desire for justice and what's 'right' so the good intentions doesn't spiral into harm. it's a reflection of our attitudes towards milgram as the audience responsible for their justice and forgiveness. it's amazing i love it i love fuuta's fire symbolism i love fuuta's character arc and i love milgram's writing so so so much
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good-beans · 2 years
Now that he's innocent and won't hear voices in his head, maybe he won't hear me making fun of him for it...
(Edited to be up to date hehe)
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mayoiayasep · 2 years
i may be the last person here to have noticed this but. in undercover when each of the prisoners is being presented is the line that es sings connected to the character?
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astrxealis · 2 years
sometimes i wonder why a lot of you haven't unfollowed me yet i ramble so goddamn much <//3
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vampirevatican · 6 months
Milgram and The Court of Public Opinion.
this analysis will be about milgram's voting system, nuance and a whole lot of my own opinions mixed with eng fandoms translations, theories, and observations.
t1 = trial one / t2 = trial two
mv = music video
vd = video drama
voting and verdicts:
voting forgiven/unforgiven or innocent/guilty from the standards milgram sets for us (including es) isn't enough or easy.
being that milgram is set towards the court of public opinion and judgement can come from:
"sensibility, morality, ethics, legality, preference, taste, or sexual inclination..."
we end up arguing semantics, trying to find specifics in the crimes and making the best judgement possible. although in doing that the only conclusion anyone can come to is innocent when all is considered.
if we were doing it based on guilty and innocent then 5 are guilty, 2 are guilty on technicality and 3 are innocent
just in case you're curious, in guilty to innocent order as i just stated.
haruka, muu, amane, mikoto, kotoko, shido, fuuta, kazui, mahiru and yuno
it'd be over so quickly. but this... is milgram.
nuance/the grey area:
as the undercover song says, can you really judge them?
001. haruka did it for attention. with how he's coded - intellectual disability - and his mother being extremely neglectful after a certain age which prevented the possibility of his growth in intellect (understanding cause and effect/actions and consequences, along with many other things) it's easier to claim he's innocent. even more easier to forgive him due to this and extremely so if looking at it from his view point, albeit flawed. killing = attention = "affection", even if that attention/"affection" is negative it what he wanted. for someone, anyone to acknowledge him. he's innocent/forgiven because of his circumstances but if he's forgiven then he's being told it was his only option, and he was right, when the fault is on his mother.
002. yuno, as for now, doesn't have a reason. ofc in western (american specifically) public opinion or at least those who view abortion as a choice. she's been innocent from the start. this is her autonomy, her choice, even if she's 18. i won't deny she is so young to be doing sex work, or more specifically compensated dating, and yes it may be common in japan but that doesn't take away the age being factored into what she decided to do. it wasn't for money and she has a good home life. with how analytical and cold she can be, im assuming her desire to be loved in this way comes from somewhere and she's become jaded towards actual relationships. opting for the material and superficial. even without pitying her, she'd still be forgiven/innocent since t1.
003. fuuta was only trying to call out liars and scumbags. he is well versed in the court of public opinion, but he has never seen or experienced a result that lead to someone's death. looking at the undercover mv, then we can see he possibly doxxed his victim. if we take a nuanced approach here then we'd be looking at how he feels after the fact. he remembers the victims name, the fear in his eyes in his t1 and t2 mv, his voice drama after the first trial, him not approving of violence as a solution are all evidence of him feeling horrible. if he could go back, if he would've known. sure he did question why he's there instead of the people who actually killed the victim, but he also recognizes that he lead the charge. his innocence/forgiveness comes in the form of recognizing his actions were wrong. him being guilty/unforgiven is the action in itself.
004. muu is a love/attention reason. she's always been adored, admired, and cherished. she's always had her way. she also has never had to face heavy adversity. sure she was a bully, the queen bee, and a drama queen but didn't her school's culture allow her that? infact with us/es forgiving her, in the second trial song she claims as such, she'll always be queen. and for the t1 mv she says, "my 'im sorry' spells aren't working anymore." which leads me to believe that she's cried and apologized so many times that her old friends couldn't believe her. not forgiving her affirms to her that "two wrongs don't make a right" but forgiving her says the opposite to her. if she's to be forgiven/innocent the blame is tossed to the school, not her, but she won't see it that way.
005. shido is a love case, but for family. im thinking son because of a theory i saw, but either way when looking at it with nuance it gets heavier here. is taking from brain dead patients to save someone wrong? are the brain dead really dead? in my opinion yes, but that's the crux of the situation right? same goes for all the other inmates in this court of public opinion. he can be innocent from the view point that brain dead patients are already dead, and forgiven for his motive.
006. mahiru is another love case, romantic, and in a roundabout way she never committed a crime in the first place. from the voice drama and interrogation q&a slips, we find out that she's a sheltered girl and loves/idolizes soap opera and shoujo mangas. from her mv's we see she romanticizes everything, especially with her t1 mv. she's innocent because of not actually committing murder and forgiven because this is her first love, she wouldn't have known that it was toxic and messed up.
007. kazui did it in hopes of a dream, righting a mistake, being free. although he deeply regrets it, although he says he loves his wife? that love is mainly platonic. from his second trial mv, we see that he met her through his job - most likely police officer - so they had some kind of amicable relationship through their job. he only married her out of societal obligation, and noticing she liked him. not to mention in his t1 mv he says he messed up from the beginning. he is innocent because his crime is indirect, and forgiven because being gay isn't a crime and the regret he feels shows he never had negative intentions.
008. amane did it out of obligation. now, listen to me. i know she's literally 12 and was raised in a cult but notice how im stating the motive of each of these as they are from being stated in vd or pure observations from the mv's. now to any grown up it's self defense, but also imagine having gone through the worst hell imaginable all because you did something "wrong" stated by the adults around you. wouldn't the revenge be sweet? justice in its purest form. now take that and double it down with what you were taught. amane is not only forgiven/innocent because she was just a child, but because of the circumstances surrounding the murder.
009. mikoto (miko from here on) did it out of pent up stress an emotions, in turn creating john (koto from here on). miko is innocent without a doubt, and no i am not taking on the theory he actually did it til we get trial three. if koto was supposed to be his protector, and if he was born from a sudden explosion of pent up anger then (at least to me) it makes sense that he reacted the way he did. imagine being a corporate slave - no actually double it down, again, with growing up always trying to keep the peace. miko has a habit of laughing when he's upset. he laughs it off in hopes that things get better, his vd affirms this and even his mv after that. miko's smile that shifts to an extremely tired expression right before koto is born and a mirror shatters, right at the start. an intolerable stress from working so hard he grew grey hairs, cried himself to sleep, and yet continued to work, hold it in, and endure. the fault isn't on him or on koto. it's japan's work culture and the endure it mentality. koto is innocent/forgiven in the sense of motive. miko is innocent/forgiven because he's never killed to begin with.
010. kotoko did it to save the innocent. though she doesn't deal in nuance, much like fuuta. a key difference between the two is kotoko chooses violence because the justice system failed her. infact she's been hunting down the awful criminals of the world so much that she even has a covered bulletin board with pinned strings on it. on top of that, from the interrogation cards, we find out she dropped out of college and she was studying law. she'd be innocent for what she was seeking to do, in the court of public opinion, many would agree that awful people deserve a murderous punishment and she'd be even forgiven with that same reason. the nuance appears when considering the criminal, the crime and the reason. factoring those in then she can easily become guilty and unforgiven in the eyes of many, see the results after t1.
when it's all said and done:
they all had their reason, it all has a reason. who are we to say their crimes weren't just or fair? we're the judge, the jury, the executioner, and warden. in milgram whatever we says goes.
i'd love to see them all innocent, but at the same time do each of them deserve that? are their ideas being affirmed a detriment to them or their saving grace?? will they kill again?? will some of them be able to get the therapy and treatment they desperately need??? will they go back into society with an improved outlook on life or will they remain the same?
ofc i already have who i'd like to see forgiven and have already forgiven them myself, same as you reading this and those in the jpn fandom (where it originates)
anyway. moving forward please vote with this in mind, and check out the audio dramas i beg you all. i hope that there are nuance voters and voters with sympathy but with how amane was guilty in t1, i have a strong feeling it's not gonna end well. but if it does, you'll see me rejoice.
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milgram-tournament · 8 months
MILGRAM Best Song Tournament, Round 2, Match 4 TEAR DROP vs. BACKDRAFT
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Propaganda for both options under the cut!
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Propaganda for TEAR DROP:
"yuno kashiki enthusiast here anyways tear drop propaganda WE BALL
let's start off with the lyrics! holy fuck, i'm so glad yuno finally got to say what she's wanted to say!!
and she fully shows the fact that she does compensated dating through the lyrics ("the wanted wanting the wanted")
and even if it sounds like she's scolding the audience for the song, she's also scolding her clients! they only perceive her as a certain type of character and deciding that's all she is. She's upset that we decided based on how "naïve" she looked instead of her actual crime (to be honest, I could write a whole analysis into why her murder is perfect for her character anywa) and she doesn't care what will happen to her, she needs her opinions heard
also kinda rap section?? banger fr
THE VISUALS!! GOOD LORD THE VISUALS!!! THEY ARE SO BANGER!!! they're really pretty and gosh i literally don't know what to say, the scene where vampire is in the background and it transitions to yuno sitting on her bed... the pink tinted glasses (YES FUCK I LOVE THAT MAN!!!!) THE COAT!! THOSE INBETWREN SCENES i'm obbing
literally tear drop is the banger ever i listen to this shit religiously thank you for listening to my tear drop propaganda"
-Yuno’s voice. Enough said. -The imagery in the MV is brilliantly used, and doesn’t shy away from the horrors of Yuno’s line of work. -Vampire cameo!!! -Almost Lo-Fi vibes to the instrumental?? I can’t really explain it but it’s a vibe and I’m 100% here for it,
"For teardrop: The pink aesthetic in the MV as a whole makes it super nice to look at :D"
Propaganda for BACKDRAFT:
"Backdraft may be a minute shorter than Bring It On, but it’s still over three minutes long, and it makes up for the lost minute with a complex form. The “Pressure! Pressure!” might be the only part that truly repeats.
At the beginning, Fuuta is showing off, acting cool. Then the music slows down as he ponders his verdict. Then the music picks up the pace again and gets more and more frantic as the consequences of his actions catch up to him.
See that structure in the three distinct verses that sound nothing like anything else in the song: cool, contemplative, and “oh no, what have I done”.
The “chorus” (burn burn!) never stays the same. You’ve got the “cool” first chorus. Then you have the muted second chorus as it sinks in that Fuuta’s victim was a middle-school girl, which leads into the tense final chorus (which is twice as long as the first) as the victim and Fuuta both burn.
The instrumental and the spoken-word from the beginning combine in the end, changing the mood of the stanza from confident and showy to panicked and desperate.
And the words… You can hear the wordplay in the last stanza, even if you don’t understand it.
Appreciate this chaotic masterpiece of a song."
- Fuuta being very cocky at first before realizing how fucked he is (it is kinda funny) - The use of spray cans and overall graffiti symbolism, it’s so good - The multiple eyes and people off camera showing how paranoid Fuuta has become, it’s really well done without being obvious - The name backdraft meaning when a fire deprived of oxygen gets a sudden influx of it. A kind of metaphor for what Fuuta did. Then it being shown through a spray can explosion, aaaa it’s really cool! - Fuuta’s overall look changing, being more realistic on how he actually looks contrasting Bring It On’s idealistic version of himself - Es at the end!! The only time Es shows up in a prisoner’s MV!!! And they looks so damn cool - Also the entire eye thing referencing the audience, he perceives us lmfao
"Back draft is incredible because it not only has great visual symbolism with the use of the spray cans but its visual symbolism shows a progression from ‘Bring it on’. In ‘Bring it on’ the channelling is glorious , fuuta is surrounded by people and fuuta idealised himself (taller , better teeth , better posture ect) , the people he cancelled were portrayed as these powerful rpg monsters but now in back now the channelling is portrayed as vandalism a crime as destructive , the ally is empty we only ever see others as hands or his victim fuuta is alone and fuuta is no longer idealising his appearance and his mind is now portraying his victim as a harmless cutesy drawing. This shows a change in how fuuta views his crime between T1 and T2. It wasn’t glorious, it wasn't justified , he was at fault. The fire being recontextsied as something out of control , all consuming and out of control which is the opposite of how it was portrayed in ‘Bring it on’ we really see how the vote has changed fuuta."
"There are so many things in the song that show a progression "
-“ deliciously scorched till your mouth waters” > “I don’t want any more”
-fuuta spray paints the camera hen as the end es spray paints him/the camera
-the pressure graffiti changing
"There’s so many interesting details like the applause towards the start of the song , the personality in the subtitles like them going from “Burn , burn!” To “burn , burn?” But the pressure’s punctuation mark stayed the same:   “pressure , pressure!” , the way FIRE is the only word in full caps till LIES. The thumbs down fuuta does during “the fights up here! Come up to the ring and face me!” Part which is like his T1 art , the way the lighting changes from green towards the start and becomes red by the end (stop go colours) , The way fuuta is constantly interacting with the camera , spray painting it twice and kicking it."
"Backdraft actually makes amazing use of the camera , things are often shown from the (camera)audience’s perspective rather than us seeing the events removed. We are there like we are the ones doing it/looking through the eyes of the person doing it. When fuuta/the others spray paint the graffiti of his victim and the ice gorilla it's from the audience’s perspective , we don’t see them do it, we see it like we are doing it. When the spraypaint can explodes it's like it’s exploding in our face and then when es spray paints fuuta at the end they are spray painting the camera(audience). "
"Backdraft makes the most references to the voting system and uses it well to make the audience re-examine if they really are any different. Aren’t we using little information and inferences to hold people accountable for crimes we have no stake in? Aren’t we causing unintended harm? Aren’t we judging them from the safety of our screens? "
"And on a more silly level"
-cat mouth fuuta :3 how can you not love cat mouth fuuta?
-lowpolydog designed amazing graffiti 
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seariii · 9 months
Milgram characters playing among us
Haruka. Always with Muu. Doesn't do tasks. Hates being impostor. When impostor, he gets anxious and his hands tremble so much he can barely hold the phone. Has thrown the other impostor under the bus so Muu could win. When him and Muu get impostor together they always double kill.
Muu. Always with Haruka. will never do tasks. When impostor she can kill in front of Haruka and he won't say anything. Has accidentally killed Haruka in the past. Will throw Haruka under the bus for a victory
Yuno. Really good at getting away with murder. When impostor, will gaslight her way to victory, people will hard clear her. Does her tasks when she remembers. Calls out other's bluff
Mahiru. Picks a random player and sticks with them. "I was holding hands with X". Rarely finishes tasks. When impostor loses or gets carried, when she kills she always gets caught/sussed out, but she usually just forgets and just enjoys hanging out with the others. Giggles while running around another person
Shidou. Focuses on finishing tasks but tries to stick with someone else to keep them safe. Always at the wrong place at the wrong time, usually dies first or gets framed. When impostor, gets carried by the other one because doesn't want to kill, his excuse is "im sorry, i don't know how to kill", occasionally wins by sabotage
Kazui. Doesn't get the appeal of the game, plays to fit in. Slow on doing tasks. Always find the body and gets sussed because of that "Haah... come on... I'm not smart/dumb enough to self report". The first time he got impostor "were we always able to go into the vents?" When he learns, decent impostor, but 50% of the time gets caught red handed
Amane. First one to finish tasks. Reminds people to not vote on 7. Says "We could win by doing tasks" and gets ignored. Hangs out on the edge of the map or if someone is on cams, she stays where the person in cams can see her. When impostor, first kills whoever killed her or sussed her last round, if no one then she always goes for Shidou, doesn't care if she gets caught.
Mikoto. Doesn't take it seriously. Rarely finishes tasks, gets distracted. Calls emergency meetings because he was feeling lonely, gets voted out. "Gasp guys I have medbay scan!" gets followed by impostors. When impostor, decent when he takes it seriously, but when he doesn't he grows attached to one crewmate, roleplays a scene of impossible love and kills in front of them, they usually immediately report and get him voted out
Fuuta. Rushes tasks. When crewmate paranoid. will throw out accusations "X was following me!" (they weren't) "Y is really quiet" and so on, tries his best to be a good detective, ends up being third impostor by accident. When impostor actually good. Has watched streams and videos on how to be the best impostor and win
Kotoko. Plays religiously. Takes it too seriously. Always finishes tasks. hyperaware of who she passed by, what direction they were going, who was last with who and so on. Deadly when impostor, good at getting away with it. Makes the videos Fuuta watches
Bonus Es. Is the one that made the lobby and gets spammed "START START START START". Knows how everyone plays and identifies how they change when they get impostor. Quick to finish tasks and always hangs out on cams.
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rokkucha · 6 months
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college au right. fuuta meets this cute girl and this cute boy at an event idk at my uni sometimes they'll have things with esa dogs u can just show up and play with so i imagine smth like that
and theyre all there for different reasons so like fuuta is there because he likes dogs, miko is there because he needs stress relief, mappi is there because she just loves playing with them
but so miko & mappi r already friends, night creature solidarity or whatever, and he dares her to go talk to that angsty lookin dude and shes like sigghhhh ok
i imagine they have this ongoing thing where they dare each other to flirt with ppl because mikoto is hot and knows it and mahiru is mahiru
but anyway she goes up to fuuta and sits on the ground next to him & the dog he's playing with
"aww, he really likes u :))" insert sunshine mappi smile
and he has never seen a woman before in his LIFE so bro just fuckin bluescreens
miko laughs in the background and fuuta is like fuuuuck
but mappi thinks wow. hes such a loser i want him a little
she asks for his number, gets it, fast forward she invites him to hang out with her & mikoto
probably just anywhere with free food
im 100% spitballing here btw
fuuta is super on edge but trying to play it cool (boyflop)
but mahiru offhandedly mentions oh mikoto when's the last time u slept >:((
"50 years ago haha"
when they actually get close enough to tell him he's like theres no fucking way
because mikoto is such a ray of sunshine !!!!
and mahiru is so innocent looking !!!!
then he says smth like "is this a bad time to say i'm in love with u guys" but with infinitely less rizz
"nah we both actually rlly want to rail u"
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walnutofthedead · 1 year
hey! I hope your day is going well. I was wondering if you could do fuuta and mikoto headcanons (separately) for a reader who isn’t really doing the best mentally at the moment. thank you!
YES!!!! Thank you for the Mikoto ask Im sobbing shitting tears of happiness,,,
It’s not letting me add pics so sorry for formatting
Mental illness under the cut frfr
Mikoto, being the perfect sweetheart that he is, notices pretty easily that there's something off. Like, it's a bit weird how quickly he does. Scary man.. his inner emotionally fucked self fr helping him notice. 
-probably will take the day off work to be with and support you.
-won't force you to talk, but he'll try his hardest to make you feel comfortable enough to open up to him.
-expect a lot of cuddles! This mans a cuddler im calling it right now that's right you saw it here first kiddos Mikoto Kayano is a snuggling MACHINE!!!
-If you're having suicidal thoughts, he'll be worried to say the least. Won't even let you out of his sight, actually- he'd take as many days off as possible to stay with you the whole time and make sure you don't try anything. He'd be scared of you even going to the restroom without him if you don't reassure him </3
-He's literally just too good for this world like actually-
-he gives the best most top-tier cuddles- he'll pull you onto his lap by the waist and gently hug you as you lie on him. If you're laying down, he'll snuggle up behind you, snaking his arms around you to hold you in a secure embrace as he whispers sweet nothings of encouragement into your ear.
-Twitter user alert.. if you’re doing badly because of someone else, he’ll CANCEL THEM on Twitter dot com and DOXX THEM!!! 😰 
-No but like after that’s out of the way, he’ll invite you over to cuddle and play games all day. If you don’t feel like gaming, that’s fine! You can watch some trash tv instead. Or just talk. Whatever makes you happiest. 
-He’ll wrap a big, fluffy blanket around you and hug your burrito self GERRRR!!!
-If you’re considering offing yourself, don’t expect him to let go of your burrito-body any time soon.. bros staying with you istg. 
-He’ll make daily posts on twitter dot com about how great you are and how much he loves you.. it’s embarrassing? So what! Everyone should know how amazing you are, and that includes you:)
Your little pocket ginger isn’t going anywhere<3
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good-beanswrites · 8 months
hii!! can we get some platonic fuuta amane interactions please? thabks !!!
Ahh yes, thank you so much for the request! I love them so much ;--; They've been making my brain go brrrr lately with T3 possibilities, though I decided to stay away from the drama for now. Here something sweet after T1 verdicts but before the attacks -- they're just hanging out :3
Yuno smiled down at Amane, finding her hunched over a table of craft supplies with Fuuta. The guilty verdict had hit them hard, so it was good to see them in better spirits. She tried to peer over her shoulder to see what they were working on. “Aw, what are you two up to?”
Amane returned her smile. “Fuuta is teaching me to misbehave.”
His face twitched in horror. “Oi, you can’t just go around saying that!” He looked frantically at Yuno. “We’re just folding paper planes.”
Amane lifted her chin. “You said in middle school, you made them to throw in class.”
“I said my friends made them to throw in class. And it’s not like I’m telling you to throw them. I was just making them because there’s nothing better to do in this damned place. You were the one that said it looked fun and sat down to annoy me!”
Fuuta huffed at the accusation as Yuno walked away, laughing. He returned to the design he was folding. He hadn’t been giving an explicit step-by-step for each, but Amane was keeping up just fine. They each had a small pile of various plane designs they were adding to. 
Running a finger along a new crease, he gave Amane a sideways look. “Though, you could stand to misbehave a little bit.”
“I did.” She reached forward to mimic the fold on her own plane. “That is why I’m here.”
“Eh? I don’t mean you should commit crimes!” He scowled. “I’m talking about normal kid stuff, nothing against the law. Like staying out too late, driving your teacher crazy, funny vandalism–”
“--Vandalism is against the law.”
“Oh come on, it’s harmless! Don’t even try to argue that a little graffiti is comparable to what got you here.” He rolled his eyes. “So? What about that other stuff?”
She shook her head. With neither disappointment nor pride, she said, “I never left my home at night. And my teachers were far too strict.” 
“Aw, it’s the strict ones that are the most fun to prank!” He pointed to Amane, adopting the most persuasive voice he could manage. “You gotta do some of these things, or you’ll turn out with a stick up your ass. Like Kotoko, or Mikoto. Or a weirdo like Kazui and Mahiru. Shidou’s more or less normal, and he’s the type of guy to break some rules now and then.”
“And you?” She raised her eyebrows at him, feigning innocence. “I take it you turned out perfectly because you misbehaved as a child?”
“Hey, I never said I was a shining role model or anything. But I mean it. If you stay like this, you’ll grow up to be a boring loser, another cog in the wheel.”
“It is an honor to be a part of something bigger than yourself, to find belonging, and purpose.”
“Tch, don’t be such a pain!”
“I wasn’t.”
“You know that’s not what I was talking about!”
“What were you talking about, then?” She gave him the same expression as before, and wondered if could hide her genuine confusion. 
“Don’t play dumb. I know working in a group is a good thing, but you don’t want to kill yourself for leaders that don’t give a shit about you. That’s a major issue in this country, you know? In government, and corporations, and all that. That’s not belonging, that’s just exploitation.”
Amane stayed silent.
Oblivious to the emotions flashing across her lowered eyes, he nudged her in annoyance. “And the best way to break from that is to loosen up a bit. So have a little fun now and then, jeez!”
She picked her creation off the table. She turned it over in her hands. It had come out perfectly sharp and clean. “I’m having fun now.”
Fuuta, preparing to argue with whatever she said, blinked. “O-oh.” 
“At school, my favorite activities included choir practice and the arts. It has been difficult to sing here without accompaniment, so I am grateful to have the opportunity for crafts.” She looked at him earnestly. “Despite your past of disobedience,” she smirked, “I always enjoy your company.”
His expression twisted up, but he couldn’t hide the reddening of his ears. “What do I care if a brat like you likes my company?”
She smiled. “I’m not a brat. As established, I am very well-behaved.”
“That’s even worse!”
“Tell me about this plane, Fuuta.”
After sufficiently rolling his eyes and sighing, he agreed. He started explaining what made these planes different from the last: how they compared on speed, accuracy, and length of flight. It didn’t really matter if they were just going to toss them around here or the panopticon later, he thought it would be helpful to teach her anyway. Maybe if she ever was inclined, she’d remember which ones were best for pinpointing a teacher’s back, or a warden’s…
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b3742864234 · 1 year
Futa x reader, Futa x reader, Futa x reader. Please please. There aren’t that many out there, which is a shame~
Ok so for this I decided to do just regular relationship hcs (lmk if you want a pre milgram him xreader about how you got together as i already wrote one for current him) buut i included both pre-milgram fuuta and the fuuta we have now :)
Pre-milgram silly
he can and will be agressively protective of you
im talking like, if someone looks at you wrong he is not afraid to get in a fight with them
he's proud to show you his accomplishments (by that i mean. getting a whole group of people to bully others)
but also, he's be very proud of you
he's the kinda person that will show off his s/o at any chance he can get
annoying-couple style, he posts about how cool and great you are
he easily adapts to your love language, he treats your needs as more important than anyone else's
his love language is physical touch. so get ready
he plays soccer with you :)
if you don't know how to play/aren't that good at it, he teaches you instead
when he first asked you to play you were. surprised to say the least
smth smth twitter user goes outside !?
but still. he doesn't seem like the kinda person to enjoy sports all that much
if you're in any way artsy or just want to get out and do something, he's the one
like in backdraft's mv, i imagine he actually enjoys drawing graffiti
it's a nice way to destress, express yourself, all that
if you mess up it's whatever. who's gonna judge a graffiti drawn in some secluded place
he draws you at one point. it's not the best but you know he tried his best.?
you both take a few selfies in front of the art :)
it's Your Spot <3
he found out about his victim's death when he was with you
and oh. oh
he didn't mean to do this
he just. stares there at his phone, mumbling excuses to himself
because he's not a murderer, right?
you wouldn't date a murderer.
he's okay. he didn't do anything bad
he just hopes you don't blame him
Milgram silly
he feels weird about this relationship
in a way that, he doesn't fully understand your reasons to date him.
but he's happy with you
he often says how you're "the only normal one here" and you "keep him sane"
he's joking. obv
half joking
if you're a prisoner, he fully believes you are innocent
honestly i feel like he wouldn't even date you if he thought otherwise
as in, he'd first have to know your story and then he'd judge you based on that
if you're a guard? that's a funky dynamic
the annoying loud angry prisoner becoming more and more calm around That One Guard
everyone is quick to notice, which results in him kind of avoiding you
he fails miserably. you are a guard. there is no escaping
either way he cares about you. a lot
he talks about you to haruka
it started kind of involuntarily. haruka just asked him about his opinion on you
and oh boy. he sure had an Opinion
he "offhandedly" complimented you a lot, noticed a lot more details about you than about other prisoners
haruka understood the situation. pretty quickly
he does not mind :) he finds it kinda cute
fuuta thinks about you. a lot
he likes to imagine you both in different scenarios, he has soo many ideas for you guys for when he's (or you both) released
speaking of which, you're his new motivation to get out of milgram
he now just wants to live with you, be free to do whatever he wants, all with you, without That Feeling at the back of his mind that someone is watching (other prisoners/guards)
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good-beans · 10 months
You talked a little while ago about why you don't think Shidou would make a good father to Amane (agreed) and proposed the idea of Mahiru adopting Amane. That's cute but I want to tell you about my post-MILGRAM headcanon:
Amane joins the Kajiyamas
Not Fuuta specifically adopting her, but like him taking her back to his family's house. I'm sure they'd have a spare room
I think people don't think about Fuuta's homelife much, or if they do they take Fuuta's one interrogation question where he calls his dad an old fogey and assume its like, abusive
And don't get me wrong, I don't think the Kajiyama household are perfect. Fuuta' beautician sister surely hasn't helped when it comes to Fuuta's body image issues and I'm betting they're all a bunch of tsunderes too embarrassed to say they love each other
But in a series where most of the abused characters are still convinced their abuser loved them/acted out of love. Seeing a guy not be afraid to call his dad a loser is almost a green flag
I think it'd be good for Amane to not necessarily be adopted as the lone child to a single parent but get to be introduced to a very different style of family unit from her own One where its normal to express different opinions or disagreements or even have arguments and not have it be the end of the world
Amane already has a snarky side to her, I bet it'd flourish in a brash household like the Kajiyama's (or at least how I imagine them to be)
OOHHH wait I love that so much! >:O
I agree -- I never interpreted Fuuta's family as abusive or harmful, just not super close and struggling a bit after his mother left. (And yeah, all as openly emotional as him😭) They seem stable and very capable to taking in a extra, very well-behaved child. Assuming Fuuta is the way he is because of them, that atmosphere of being very honest and forward would work well for her. They say things as they are, little by little pointing out the harmful parts of her worldview. Like you said, none of them make excuses about harmful behavior stemming from love, so she'd get a really healthy dose of truth in that area. She never feels coddled or treated like a baby. They care for her while treating her very maturely.
I absolutely love how well she and Fuuta get along, with that snarky side to her that you mentioned. It would allow her to fit in well in the new household, getting the sense of belonging she'll lose after leaving the cult. Also, seeing how Fuuta and his sister let things slip and aren't perfect sons/daughters, she'll be able to relax about earning a parent's love through perfect behavior. She'll probably stay exactly the same, but her stress about it will fade <3
I doubt Fuuta's father can ever replace the hole she'll have from her own father, but the addition of an older sister will be huge. Amane will never get the feeling her mother is being replaced, but the woman will still fill the gap of the older, same-gender role model she needs. Her beautician job may throw Amane at first (being an indulgence in vanity), but it isn't as in-your-face as other careers. I think she could definitely ease Amane into accepting it, and over time, accepting her own personal "indulgence."
Plus, her moving in would also be really good for Fuuta! I think he'd recognize there's a ton of fun things she missed out on, and that heroic side of him outweighs the part that cringes: he gripes and groans about going to "kid places," but he's always the one to announce "I can't believe you've never been to __, we're going right now!!" This allows him to touch grass leave the house and experience his own life to the fullest. He's able to channel his desire to help society into a healthier outlet. Also, seeing her studying habits and plans for the future might even inspire him to do the same. (might.) He becomes the stereotypical good big brother, though of course he denies it viciously...
I have recently been going insane over their friendship so I'm completely taken with this idea OUGH thank you for telling me ;-----;
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