aw-studios · 2 months
This is probably going to get barely any likes, BUT WHATEVER
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guildwuff2 · 3 months
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VSartparty portraits! could only do three this go around, rendering in a charcoal portrait style gets intensive
anywho: @scourgeblooms 's Gallahan, @leafofkudzu 's Kirslyn and a third charr whose tumblr i never got, help me track them down?
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bluebrush09arts · 1 month
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A little light can go a long way.
Edwin was just a sweet little kid afraid of the dark like most others. But mom knew a little trick that helped him be a little less scared. Also sparking his interest in magic and want to be a wizard. He's still a timid soul, but now whenever he wants a little feeling of assurance, he can cast Light.
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inspisart · 2 years
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I really like ahsoka’s concept art outfit
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insanity6666 · 3 months
Random thought and largely inconsequential but...
I don't think Anakin needed to get new kyber crystals so often. Did he have to make a new lightsaber or repair it a lot? Yes, absolutely. But did he need to go to Illum and grab a new crystal as often? No.
Have you seen kyber crystals? Those things are damn near indestructible.
There was an episode in Clone Wars where a lightsaber exploded and all that was left was the kyber crystal. Didn't even have a scratch!
Anakin probably has pre-made ready-to-go lightsabers in his room at the Temple, and later his star destroyers (and Obi-wans let's be honest) that just needed the kyber crystal. And a tonne of spare parts on his person, in the Temple or ships or wherever he frequents. You could make, like, five lightsabers out of the spare pieces he has just laying around. It's crazy.
The only times he really needs to go to Illum to get a new crystal is when he has completely lost it. Like it's gone into lava or sucked into a black hole or they had to bid a hasty retreat off-planet and he didn't have time to hunt down his lightsaber.
(I know this is jokes and for fun and not serious, however my brain got thinking on the logistics and lore and all that fun stuff. This is also just for fun)
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zenaquaria · 1 month
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TMiF Histories of Ulei'Var: The Risen War - Ep. 15 'One Sleepless Night'
After fighting a terrible shadow demon that had erupted from a mysterious tome, Edwin did not sleep well that night. Marius and Gael ended up walking with him to the Arcane College he'd been accepted to just a short while prior.
He was given and shown his room, and as Marius and Gael moved to let him settle in, Gael offered the young wizard a handshake. He took it, and she pulled him into a friendly hug, to his surprise.
It was one of the first genuinely-caring gestures he'd gotten since becoming apprentice to his awful "mentor"~
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bwooomscratches · 10 months
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After learning that they're a clone of their original self with their old memories poorly copied in and experimental cybernetics tacked on, Unicus is informed by ILLUME of the killswitch by their heart that their employers will activate immediately if they knew Unicus learned this.
Fortunately, ILLUME can guide Unicus through the delicate procedure of removing it on their own. Unfortunately, ILLUME is a fucking dick.
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buckybarnesss · 5 months
they really said barriss went from one ambiguous ending to another lmao
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anti-spop · 6 months
not spop but i actually remembered the fact that there was a time ppl hated willow/luz bc obviously they just cared about amity and i also think it's bc willuz is a friends to lovers pairing (plus they're both characters of color and they were victims of bullying).
it sucks that even to this day, w/illuz is EXTREMELY underrated in comparison to other pairings.
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katlyntheartist · 8 months
I just gotta say that I LOVEEEEE how you draw Mario and Luigi!!!! And how you characterize them!!! like omg imma have to study your art for when I try to figure out how I want to draw the bros (not to replicate it just to be clear!!! just take inspiration bc it’s so good!) did drawing them come easy to you or was there a learning curve?
AHHHH thank you so much, that's so sweet of you!! I've never had someone want to study my art before, so this is very exciting for me :D
To answer your question, when I first started drawing the bros, the movie hadn't come out yet. So I could only rely on the trailers for references. After the movie was released, the bros became much easier to draw. But that was after much trial and error.
Iluumination Mario and Luigi are different from their game counterparts. The game versions are much more bouncy and cartoony, like they were in the Super Mario Bros Super Show. Movie Bros designs are smoothed down and realistic-ish. Their faces aren't as cartoony and are more akin to the Illumination human style, with lots of little details and textures.
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So keeping to the Movie style and my own personal art style ( which is a mix of Genndy Tartakovsky, Cartoon Saloon, and too many others to list haha) was a bit of a challenge. But I had a few tools to help me.
The first was Animation Screencaps , a website that takes high quality screenshots of almost every single animated and stop motion movie you can think of. I highly recommend you check them out if you want to study a movie's style, composition, color theory, or everything else that goes into making art.
The second tool that helped me was tracing. and before you attack me with a "tracing is cheating" speech that I've heard way too many times, let me explain. If I was trying to draw Mario from a certain angle, I would having trouble keeping the head shape consistent. I'd make it too long or not long enough. I would create a new canvas, get the screen shot I was referencing, and would trace over the head multiple times. This would help my brain to remember how the shape of the head is supposed to be. Then I would go back to my original canvas and draw the head again, and it would look how I wanted it to.
Tracing isn't bad. It's an effective tool for artists to use to learn. It's only bad when you trace an image and post it, claiming that it's yours.
So yeah, I hope that this helps and I with you the best in your Mario drawing adventure :)
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masterbaiting · 1 year
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okay not sure of the ethics of webweaving your own shit but my prof brought up these cicero quotes in my lecture today and i was genuinely freaking the fuck out (cic.phil.2.110 trans. myself + my fic)
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bluebrush09arts · 1 month
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Edwin got to look all fancy for a vampire party before negotiations because negotiations are better among friends. Not so sure about that one but hey custom tailored clothes that are nicer than anything the studious wizard has ever worn and he looks right proper
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secretly-a-trekkie · 2 days
Illum is by far the best, it's literally so pretty
I LOVe the ethereal feeling Illum has. it's not my favorite personally but I think thats probably due to the fact we don't explore as much of it as compared to the other planets
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twelebles · 7 days
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« Caverns »
The cavern echoed with the rhythmic hum of Fallon’s quiet breath as she forged further into the shadowy depths. A sudden rumble from the cavern’s depths gave her pause, her chest falling in anticipation. Scanning the shadows with practiced ease, the air grew thick with the silence of the ancient crystals. She had come here seeking what she had lost—a piece of herself that had shattered in the crucible of battle.
The frost glistened as she moved deeper, the terrain shifted from icy passages to a more rugged expanse, crystals appeared all around her but something drew her further.
She reached a wide chamber, and her gaze was drawn upward, where the walls seemed to shimmer with a strange, inviting light. She felt a shift in the Force, a subtle pull that guided her towards a narrow crevice near the far end of the chamber.
Fallon approached the crevice, her eyes adjusting to the dim glow emanating from within. Her fingers brushed against the cool surface of the wall, feeling the faint vibrations of something ancient hidden within. She extended her senses, letting the Force guide her to the heart of the crystal’s essence.
She felt a jolt of recognition and reverence. Two crystals lay nestled in a small alcove: one glowing a fierce, vivid orange and the other a serene, deep blue. Their colors seemed to resonate with her own inner conflict and balance—both were a reflection of the duality she had come to embody.
The moment they were in her grasp, the Force seemed to sing, a harmonious blend of her past and present. The crystals radiated warmth and coolness, glowing as she held them up to the light, feeling their energy merge with her own.
These crystals were not just replacements; they were a symbol of her growth, her ability to adapt and protect despite the shifting tides of war. Fallon’s heart steadied as she held them, the weight of her choices and responsibilities grounding her.
“This is my new path,” she whispered; the role of both guardian and protector.
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