#Ik you /could/ make them a semi-healthy ship
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artemx746 · 6 days ago
yk shipping jupisquall started as "oh haha make the not-actually-divorced divorced dads kiss" and then my brain decided to hit them with the toxic gays beam™
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boombox-fuckboy · 3 years ago
hi! ik you just answered a recommendation ask so sorry!! but do you have any non-comedy sci-fi podcast recommendations? i really like stuff that's set in space and the mystery/drama genre. i loved wolf 359, so doesn't need to be 100% serious but at least semi serious. (also queer characters are a bonus but its podcasting ofc there are gonna be queer characters)
No apology required. Here's some Non-Comedy Space Podcasts I enjoyed.
Directive: Heart-crushing podcast about a man tasked with taking care of the sleeping passengers aboard a colony ship, over the course of 20 years. Reflections, happenings, and something that's not quite as it seems.
Erraticus: Three individuals - one who's not a comdemned criminal, one who's not a bomber, and one who's not an AI - find themselves together on a ship fleeing danger toward the edge of the edge of the solar system, and a dangerous conspiracy none of them signed up for. Not far in yet but I like the characters, banter, and the creator's policy to release episodes only on their own schedule.
Girl in Space: If you liked Wolf 359, please do not go past Girl in Space. The Girl in Space lives alone on a station, doing science, making cheese, watching Jurassic Park, chatting with the old AI, recording her journals... It's a pretty good life. Would be a shame if something were to change that. Really well made, performed, written. Queer.
InCo: Follows the travels of a disgruntled interstellar information trader, her peppy AI, and the strange boy they find floating in space. I sometimes have a hard time believing this is the product of one person, because they do such a good job at voicing, writing, audio, music, worldbuilding (oh, the worldbuilding). And, though subtle, it's queer!
In Transit: Aboard The Eurus, a ship bound for a new world, things are going smoothly: crops are growing, oxygen is high, morale is decent, and they're making great time. So when a series of murders following a notable pattern occur, they call in (or, unthaw) a specialist, one who must use all the skills, training, and limited resources she has to solve it, while trying to adjust to life 113 years after she last went to sleep. The mic qualities vary and can be a bit rough, admittedly, but I enjoyed the story and writing. Oh, and it's queer!
Janus Descending: Do you like horror? Perhaps having your heart torn out and ditched at the nearest wall? Janus Descending follows a xenopaleontologist and a xenoanthropologist who travel to a new world to study a lost civilisation, but find far more then they bargained for. A really interesting framing device: her tapes are from first to last (chronologically), and his from last to first, and they use this really well. I heavily recommend listening to the supercut instead of each episode individually.
Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne is an isolated space station with duel purpose, both prison and shady testing facility. The show follows the people involved in one experiment in particular, both in their daily lives aboard and as part of the testing of a potentially revolutionary piece of technology. It does have a healthy dose of humor in it, but I'd not call it an outright comedy. I would call it underrated. Queer.
Moonbase Theta, Out: Messages to Earth from the communications officer of Moonbase Theta, as the facility prepares for shutdown, both to the people overseeing the project, and to his husband. Season one has short episodes (listen to the supercut), but longer for seasons 2 and 3. Really well made, and very queer.
Novitero: The princess of a planet is banished until she can make up the excessive funds she's lost, and is picked up by a group of wanted criminals. From a shared interest in getting rich fast, they reach an agreement: the ultimate heist.
The Orphans: I could spoil this podcast, (it'd still be great), but I won't. It's very well made, set in the far future, features AI, unethical science, quality worldbuilding, heart-crushing tragedies, and a dash of political intrigue. A bit queer, but you'll need to wait til season 3.
The Pasithea Powder: The last major interplanetary war was full of atrocities, but possibly none more infamous then the creation of Pasithea Powder, a memory altering drug which was used to horrible effect and landed it's entire team of creators in prison. So when decorated war hero Captain Sophie Green sees one of them wandering free, worlds away from his prison, she gets in touch with a very old, estranged friend: one Dr. Jane Gonzalez, who's behind bars for the very same reason. Very good, and absolutely queer.
SAYER: Crisp sci-fi horror. You are an employee of Ærolith dynamics on Typhon, an artifical moon orbiting Earth. A selection of ominous and highly advanced AI speak in your ear, helping you to adjust to your new life, and guiding you through your daily (and often disturbing) tasks. Pretty popular, but for a good reason.
Second Star to the Left: Follows a scout tasked with investigating a new world and preparing it for a new human colony, and the minder back home tasked with keeping an eye on her, as they each deal with various challenges, try to help each other from half a galaxy away, and become closer in the process. I really enjoyed this podcast. Queer.
The Strange Case of Starship Iris: When the shuttle carrying the crew of scientific research ship Iris explodes, Violet Liu finds herself stranded in space, the last survivor with no way out. Until her emergency broadcast is picked up by a passing ship. But the crew aren't who they seem to be, there's more going on here than anyone knows yet, and Violet must decide who she can really trust. Very queer.
To Starlight We Come: A very new podcast about a talented young thief who ends up working on a station as part of her prison sentence, a new program which claims to rehabilitate young offenders. She's been working her ass off, dreaming about returning to her lucrative life of crime and beloved girlfriend when she gets home, and it's all going pretty smoothly, until she's framed for murder. Now she's got to work out who the real killer is to prove her own innocence, or she's leaving the station early, and without an oxygen supply. Queer.
VAST Horizon: An agronomist tasked with kickstarting agriculture on a new world wakes on the ship before they arrive, to discover something has gone horribly wrong. The ship is adrift, nobody but the malfuctioning AI to be seen, and the ship riddled with issues, she must do her best to save the ship and herself, and work out what happened. Great sci-fi horror.
Hope you find something here you can enjoy
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erratic-brainrot · 3 years ago
7, 13, & 18 for the sp asks!
7) Question: Favourite Adult and why?
This is tricky since I actually adore a good handful of the adults. Some for canonical reasons, but the majority slipping into headcanons that I do believe fit but are purely for myself.
I would say that Thomas Tucker is definitely my favourite male parent, as he is a genuinely kind husband, trying father, and willing to be empathetic towards his son and review his own very personalized beliefs to accept his kid. He kinda makes me think of my own father for all the good reasons. And honestly? He’s the least toxic and sexists of the male figures (which I know is mostly for writing concepts and stuff. Haha jokes) but I still appreciate it a lot for him.
The worst he’s done in actual character moments of not being super responsive to Craig being in a fight (which I don’t think was that bad. He seems like indifferent with relatability. Like he’s just like “ah okay cool son. Beat his ass up”, and possibly being on a porn or whatever site during the troll arch like the majority of the male adults. And I believe he might’ve been semi homophobic in the boys Gay al camp ep but I honestly can’t remember atm. But compared to the average adult in South Park? Mother fucker is a king.
Not to mention his good moments. Being highly supportive of his wife during the bush ep— never shaming her once, the whole arch for tweek x Craig because OOOF HE HIT ME IN THE FEELINGS, and I love his little bottle ship shit- very cute. Like he’s not even on a lot but every time I see him I’m just like, “What a king”, esp since I’ve falling in deep love with the HC of all the Tuckers being ASD.
I simply just think he’s an amazing father. And it makes me sad (though I completely understand, different perspectives and creative liberties) when people make him abusive— since I’m like, “He’s literally one of the better Dads of South Park,” esp when I play into all my headcanons. Pov Thomas Tucker accidentally becomes adoptive father to some mentally ill blond kids (if you wish to know feel free to message me, I could go on)
Next, I would say my favourite female adult is easily Sheila. She’s is simply a try hard Mom to me who shows actual care about her kids. I genuinely love seeing her! Canonically? She’s very funny, has an amazing singing/speaking voice, is often shown as really supportive and has very “cute mommy moments” with her kids, she’s very hyper emotional and has such passion for people, she’s not depicted as remotely catty, she doesn’t care violently about blood ties (Ike is her baby above most), milf, she is written repeatedly to be insecure, and like Kyle— she can get carried away but genuinely has strong morals rooted in compassion (even if at times she’s misguided). Due to her having more screen time it’s a bit harder to write in depth about Sheila without going on for days and dividing headcanon spaces. I just love her a lot and Kyle is shown to genuinely not fear her, like a lot of kids with their parents in show for, and just appreciate her a lot.
(Honourable mentions? Carol Mccormick. Based on headcanons implied from the show about her being a caring Mom with loads of trauma- but believing unlike certain other parents/mothers she is doing it as a survivalist- and I genuinely have fallen in love with Carol Mccormick because of headcanons someone please help me/hj)
13) Favourite Ship? Tell us why?
Ughhh I have so many it’s hard. I think my all time favourites since the very beginning have been Stendyle and Bunny (also Shelly x Kevin but they’re special ✨✨✨)
So, STENDYLE, one of my main bitches because I’m so desperate for poly ships. Basically, I adore this ship because—
A) I love all the characters in it
B) I adore the ships divided from the poly, kyendy, style, stendy. All good ships with kyendy actually being my favourite of the bunch. But I find that them being poly enhances a lot of features.
C) the ship simply has so many vibes of healthy communication, sporty geeks, playful banter, balancing acts of Stan having to bring Wendy and Kyle back to earth at times— followed by Wendy and Stan needing to explain things to Stan to bring him back to a level sense too, they are all very insecure when to “how they’re viewed” personality speaking, all of them have different issues in regards to their sense of “ego” but because it’s related to the “ego” there is relatability, group cuddling, a complete removal of the Stan arch in stories of “pick, Wendy or Kyle!” That I think is kinda lame even if I get. Poly is simply superior in my head lol.
Next, Bunny, this ship is a lot more specific in a way because it’s rooted in basic concepts of what I adore.
A) inherent hurt and comfort
B) both are insanely emotional artistic people, who tend to be “used” (aka not respected as people and often there to fill in a service of some kind) by others, and both having easy senses of humour
C) again, i adore both characters on their own.
Bunny is more to this than that, but at the end of the day those are the main two reasons why I like this ship. It’s not hyper complicated if I want to find the root.
18) describe an episode you’d like to see.
This is a bit harder because I know what episodes I would like to see, but are unrealistic in any capacity for the show to do because it’s not focus on bigger ideas and concepts. Like no matter how much I want, I’m not getting an episode of Kenny expressing how used he feels by his friends, nor an episode about Shelly’s impact of obviously not being the fav kid and her literally canonical trauma related to boys she’s dated. And Ngl honestly, for a canonical episode of South Park, I don’t want that. Well, at least in the way I would write that or that being the inherent focus.
South Park, at the end of the day is suppose to be a comedic culturally Introspective show. It talks about pop cultural and the American social climate. So me just wanting character episodes, though possible— shouldn’t just be the focus. It’s not how South Park should work, that’s a fandoms job haha.
So, if I had to pick an episode. I would honestly adore an episode talking avoid the developing online culture— through it might be difficult because honest to god it’s always changing and a lot of the creators are insanely older and the platforms aren’t really for them.
However, I remember like five years ago me and my friend just randomly making an episode concept off the top of our head about like dumb shit like E-boys, soft boy, etc as an A Plot of online conformity for the sake of likes— and likely kyle having to question this. It’s not a new concept since people change themselves for fame all the time— but it does bring questions in how easy it is to be distorted. How fast opinions change based on popular concepts despite grounding, and the removal of genuine vs performative.
With our B plot actually being a minor creek arch, talking about the fetishiation once again on gay people. The demand to see and not respecting concepts of privacy. I can’t remember it super well but I know I liked it since it was stressed on how people use this Sortve shit for brownie points despite how dehumanizing it actually is. And even reference how little sites care about actual damages snd willing to promote literal hate speech than fix problems.
The concept was over all very fruity and kinda niche, so idk if it would work esp as an old concept. But I like those Sortve ideas.
I think it would be really interesting for them to talk about the online space now in similar ways, focus on the impact it has to the general. Fake activism, radicalization, more misinformation- stuff they have semi talked about before but aim more for the specific— esp in a post covid world. Shit is so insane.
So yeah. Sorry if this was poorly explained but I hoped you liked it anyways!
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