#If you lot can just not be hateful or preach hate for like 5 seconds that'd be great thx
fizziigoth · 2 years
Tumblr post:
"JKR is transphobic"
Users called summet like "TerfyRadFemHatesTrans" or "IHateTransPeople_BigOleTERF" in the reblogs:
"UhM ACtuALLY JKR saID sHe IsN'T tRainSPhobic WhIcH MeANS shE IsNT TraNsPhoBIC"
"OhHhh sO yoU just HATE wOmbEn then??????"
"WoWWwwW OP is ThREAtEnInG our TERF QUEEN???"
[And then all the posts on their blog are just them agreeing with genociding trans people or some shit.]
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wildpeachfarm · 6 months
this is meant lighthearted : instead of “all men are trash, women do no wrong” a secret third thing “PEOPLE suck in general”
as someone who grew up with an absent father who tried to make life difficult for my mother once she took him to court for child support for me and my siblings - ing…I grew up with a not nice view of older men BUT my grandpa was a big big influence in not making men a negative experience for us.
the recent shift of the last 4-5 years has been worrying. I used to liked jkr and could emphasize where she was coming from originally. but it was scary to see the gradual descent into where she is now and the stuff she is saying. Bc she is so far removed from what she originally stood for. It can happen to anyone, I even get worried if I’m on that slope sometimes. This whole situation had me second guessing myself bc I gave gnf time and believed in him. I had a moment when a few female creators made remarks (not from mc community) and I checked myself bc I was scared I was falling into the conservative rhetoric to blame women and protect men. Then I saw others who had more information and actually looked into it and also found this blog where the nuances were being discussed and let out a breath of relief that I was just using my critical thinking skills lmao
There are so many men out there who just aren’t given a chance bc society is set up for them to fall into a certain role. And I think a lot of men are trying to break that role and stereotypes. I became a dream fan bc I saw him doing this, saw a gamerboy in 2020 who was passionate and excelled at the game but didn’t fall into the toxicity of the space, actively fought against it.
and women should not be encouraged to drag men through hell bc they feel empowered by the rhetoric of recent years. women can and are just as selfish and shitty people as men. Sometimes they are worse
we’ve gone so far off center, we’ve essentially gone from one extreme to another. Which I learned two years ago was called terfs 😂 the movement needs to go back to its previous meaning. Feminism is not solely female empowerment it is the deconstructing of the patriarchal roles and belief that push men and women into boxes. Feminism, as I was taught over a decade ago, was the fight for women and MEN to be equal and have the same rights and opportunities. We can uplift women without putting down men. if this feminist movement doesn’t correct itself, it will allow more men like andrew tate to grow and influence young men.
The lack of female representation in the sphere cannot be corrected by women. It just can’t. Men need to be part of the change bc if the environment is not corrected, women cannot succeed and thrive. They can become successful but the hate and obstacles directed towards them is crazy. This is in general not just for streaming.
It can’t just be women solidarity, men need to learn and actively engage in calling out misogynist behavior. Women need to talk with their males friends and call them out when they say or act in disgusting ways. Women need to hold women accountable as well! It is unfair and unattainable to put female equality solely in the hands of women. We need to All work together.
Puffy is so good at this when she streams, especially on the smp. Hell, she even created a whole villain arc to call out the people telling her to “be a therapist to Tommy, omg your like dreams mom”. Puffy is awesome 🥹
men =/ bad
women =/ good
this breaks it all down so well and i really sympathize with you about having a poor view of some men in your life and trying to not let that influence your views but also not go so far off the other end that you end up blindly defending them without critical thinking.
Really important discussions and introspection about how your thought processes work that I think everyone should have at least once when situations like this come up
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sam-glade · 1 year
Author Ask Game
Tagged by the lovely @mariahwritesstuff here, @writernopal here, and @tisiphonewolfe here, @void-botanist here - thank you all💜
Gently passing the tag to: @starlit-hopes-and-dreams @vollzz @rbbess110 @flock-from-the-void @pheita @i-can-even-burn-salad (feel free to ignore if you've done it already)
1. What is the main lesson of your story (e.g. kindness, diversity, anti-war), and why did you choose it?
I don't write with the aim to teach a lesson. However, after figuring out the plot, I'll look back and see what message I can focus on. Usually, it's kindness, but I also hope to inspire people to find strength within themselves.
2. What did you use as inspiration for your worldbuilding (like real-life cultures, animals, famous media, websites, etc.)?
A lot of real world cultures and history. In the case of my main setting, the amount of research into the history and culture of Central and Eastern Europe in the 18th century (especially the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth) would probably be enough to write straight up historical fiction, buuuut I like the fantasy elements, and I don't enjoy writing non-queernormative societies. So here we are.
The second instalment, The Truth Teller, is again in a fantasy version of the Eastern Bloc, and I get a lot of inspiration from talking to people who've lived there in the second half of the 20th century.
Finally, The Fulcrum is an exercise in worldbuilding. It started with a question, what would happen if evolution took a different path, and the dominant sentient species was most closely resembling birds. Other than that, I use it as an excuse to explore other periods in history - primarily late-Bronze and Iron Age.
3. What is your MC trying to achieve, and what are you, the writer, trying to achieve with them? Do you want to inspire others, teach forgiveness, help readers grow as a person?
The goal is different every time. E.g. for Days of Dusk:
In Gifts of Fate, Lissan is the MC, and he wants to survive without hurting anyone (the demon possessing him makes it difficult). What I want to achieve with him is to inspire people to persevere.
In The Prince's Shadow Erya is trying to kill Lissan, while dealing with complicated grief. My goal is to inspire people to move on, without preaching forgiveness (the two main characters still hate each other at the end).
In Prodigal Children, Lissan, Erya, and Gullin are the three MCs who are told with absolute certainty that something terrible will happen and it will result in war. They each try to deal with it in a different way. Erya aims to minimise the damage. Gullin thinks he can't do anything about it, so he focuses on protecting his loved ones. Lissan refuses to accept that it will happen at all. My goal as the writer is to showcase that each of these responses has its merits and can't be condemned from the get go.
4. How many chapters is your story going to have?
I'm a pantser, so I can answer it only for completed drafts. Gifts of Fate currently has 49 chapters, averaging just over 2k words each - with the total being 109k.
5. Is it fanfiction or original content? Where do you plan to post it?
Everything I post on this blog is original. I don't plan to post the novel-length project online - I'm hoping to publish them traditionally. Some side WIPs may end up being posted here or on AO3 (the unnamed parody thingy that still needs a title), and my Silmarillion fanfiction can be found here (more to come).
6. When and why did you start writing?
I vaguely recall writing my first fantasy heroine self-insert story at the age of 11 or so, then Tolkien fanfiction when I was 15-18, then original fiction onwards. It started as an outlet to my creativity, but now it's to get some peace and quiet in my mind. If I don't put the stories down on paper, they keep buzzing in my head, being distracting.
7. Do you have any words of engagement for fellow writers of Writeblr? What other writers of Tumblr do you follow?
Words of encouragement? Just do it. Imperfect doesn't mean bad. Don't let 'perfect' be the enemy of 'good'.
I follow a tonne of writeblrs, so here are a handful of shoutouts: @acertainmoshke @writernopal @tabswrites @toribookworm22 @winterandwords @aether-wasteland-s
Blank questions below:
What is the main lesson of your story (e.g. kindness, diversity, anti-war), and why did you choose it?
What did you use as inspiration for your worldbuilding (like real-life cultures, animals, famous media, websites, etc.)?
What is your MC trying to achieve, and what are you, the writer, trying to achieve with them? Do you want to inspire others, teach forgiveness, help readers grow as a person?
How many chapters is your story going to have?
Is it fanfiction or original content? Where do you plan to post it?
When and why did you start writing?
Do you have any words of engagement for fellow writers of Writeblr? What other writers of Tumblr do you follow?
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youmakemyhearthowl · 2 years
Punk Princess
Ao3| Part 1| Part 2| Part 3| Part 4| Part 5 | Part 6| Part 7| Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10| Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 (Next Part)
One of the things Eddie hates about Saturdays is when all the guys are busy doing things with their family, and Wayne works second shift instead of third, so Eddie’s just stuck in a tin box with his thoughts all day.
So he actively makes plans to rectify that. 
It takes him 20 minutes to find the phone book and track down Robin's number, cursing up a storm as he tears apart the kitchen drawers to find it. Humming in surprise when he stumbles upon the special K he bought once to try from Rick and had promptly forgotten existed after the first bump. He ends up shuffling into his room to stash it somewhere Wayne won’t find it, before finally stumbling upon the phone book, shoved under one of the tables legs to keep it from wobbling. Eddie vaguely remembers a drunk, excited rant with Gareth one day where he’d accidentally tripped and caused a whole avalanche of things to fall on him and then him onto the table, effectively snapping a few inches off the table leg.  He giggles at the memory as he punches in Robin's phone number, humming Metallica as he waits for her to answer. 
He’s not sure if it’s the best idea to see if Robin wants to hang out, because he’s at least sixty percent sure she’s still mad at him in some capacity, but he wants to take her out to milkshakes as a proper thank you for opening his eyes to the fact that, yea he hadn’t just been an asshole, he’d really done something harmful to Steve. 
Eddie was still getting used to having friends that he hadn’t known his whole life.
He was still getting used to having friends that were still learning him and he was still learning in return. He realizes now that a lot of the way he reacted was biases he’d let himself get sucked into over the years, even though he preached non conforming and breaking the molds. Uncle Wayne was the perfect example of someone who was one thing once, and had changed for the better- Although, Eddies fairly certain, uncle Wayne was always a good guy, even when he was a jock. And that was a good lesson for Eddie to latch onto.
And even though Steve had accepted Eddie's apology and they had talked, Eddie was going to spend the rest of his life trying to make it up to Steve. Because in Eddie’s long learned biases he’d forgotten to think of people as people , as individuals that could be more than one thing. And Steve had proven over and over he wasn’t who he used to be, and Eddie had shat all over that. So for as long as he lived, or until Steve realized Eddie was just as bad as some of the people he pretended to hate and ditched him (Steve was too kind to ever do that, Eddie knew) he would spend all that time, weaving his promise and apology into everything he was. Because at the very least Steve deserved that. Although Eddies started to see that Steve really deserved so much more- The world really. 
“Yello’, Red Bird here.” Robin's voice rings in his receiver pulling Eddie from his thoughts and he chuckles.
“Red Bird?”
“Oh Eddie, hi, I thought you were Steve.” Her voice isn’t necessarily unkind, but it has a lack of friendliness to it that Eddie can detect. 
“Hey Robin, uh.. I’ll pick you up in 10 and we can get milkshakes? I really need to talk to you.” There’s a long pause after he finishes, Robin making a soft humming noise like she's debating really hard about what to say in return when an over exaggerated sigh crackles to his ears.
“You buy, and maybe I’ll hear you out, Munson.” There's finally a friendliness in her tone again when she responds, and Eddie fist bumps the air slightly in celebration. Offering her a short goodbye before scavenging around the mess he made in the kitchen to find his keys, cheering triumphantly when his fingers latch onto them. 
When they get to the diner and are situated in one of the far back booths away from all the other people chattering, Robin seems to completely deflate before his eyes. Dropping the angry silent glare she’d been shooting him the whole drive over. 
“I’m electing to trust you with him Eddie, and I’m not really confident in that decision, but for whatever reason you make his little punk heart happy, and it’s not my place to stand in the way of that.” She’s staring at the menu in front of her like it’s what personally offended her as she speaks, before looking up at him and holding his gaze. “I like you Eddie, I always have, you’re different and out there and one of the freaks like I’ve always been. But you’ve got a real thick head sometimes. Steve isn’t like me and you.” She places the menu on the table in front of her, sliding it over so Eddie has time to look for what he wants before the waitress comes. Eddie goes to answer, wanting to reassure her he gets it now and he really does want to do better, when she holds up a finger to stop him. “Steve is… softer. He doesn’t seem it, and you’d never really be able to tell from who he used to be, but that was a very carefully crafted mask and shield that he worked on so people didn’t see the vulnerability there and use it against him. But Steve’s- sensitive, in a lot of ways that you, and even I haven’t gotten to fully see yet. So I need to know that I can trust you with him, because if you aren’t sure, on being his friend or anything else for that matter, then you need to leave him the fuck alone right now.” 
Eddie doesn’t think he’s ever seen Robin talk that much before that wasn’t just rambling on, thoughts going a mile a minute and he’s taken aback by it slightly. Taken aback by the fierce fire in her eyes as she talks about Steve, her shoulders squared like she's genuinely ready to deck him if he says the wrong thing.
“Steve’s important to me, and I intend to spend a really long time making it up to him and proving it to him.” Is what Eddie settles on saying, shaking off the sentences about how he’d rip his own heart out and give it to Steve if it meant he could prove just how much he meant it when he said it. That was probably too intense too soon and he’s not sure how Robin would react to it. She looks at him for a second, taking in his words and seeming to weigh them in her head before she nods.
“I really hope you mean that, Eddie. You didn’t see him, at the beginning of this transformation he’s going through. But he’s given up a lot to try and be a better person, and truly be himself. He.. he didn’t have a lot before, but he lost things that in a lot of ways are important, and he’s tried really hard to stay on the right path.” She looks down at her hands, her voice growing quiet and soft, “He was in really bad shape when Cam found him.” Her eyes flow up to meet his again. “I’m not sure if he’d still be here if Cam hadn’t found him.” Her stare is firmly locked on Eddie when she says the last sentence and Eddie's breath catches at that.
Because there were a lot of signs about what Steve had given up to be the new him weren’t there? The most glaringly obvious one being the fact that he lives with Hopper and El, at 17, and not in his parents house anymore. And the fact that Steve had come back from the summer looking as different as he did, was a big indicator of the things he’d been through, but Eddie also noticed the flinching, when people moved too quickly, and the way Steve knew how to fight now and was dangerous . Because the Steve before, had been an indifferent bully at worst, but he’d never carried himself the way he does now, with an air of predator around him. And to think, that Steve had been in such a bad way that they might have lost him before Eddie really even got to know him? Truly know him like he was starting to? Eddie could feel tears spring to his eyes.
He cast his gaze up to the ceiling briefly, willing them not to fall, before reaching out and grasping Robin's hand, pulling his gaze back down to meet hers and nodding slightly. 
“I can’t promise I won’t fuck up again, because I’m human, and I’m learning there's a lot that doesn't fit into the boxes I hadn’t even realized I was putting them into.” She goes to say something and he shakes his head. “But I can give you the promise, that I am trying to be better, and do better, and be someone worth this new Steve's time. Worth Steve’s time, because really, I don’t even totally know why I had reacted the way I had the other day. Probably insecurities that I’ve got, but that wasn’t fair to take out on Steve, because I can see how much he’s trying to be better, and I’ve experienced first hand how truly kind and good he is. It was unfair of me to treat him the way I did, and I told him as much Thursday night, but I wanted to apologize or… or thank you for bringing to my attention that a simple “I’m sorry” Isn’t really the apology it should be when you don’t acknowledge the way your actions made someone else feel.”
Robins eyes are wide as she takes his words in, smiling softly at him, and he knows she's not mad at him anymore, when she brings his hand up to her mouth and kisses the back of it, in a way he’s seen Steve do to her when she’s apologized for something in the past. Their special way of saying I forgive you, or you’re welcome, and Eddie’s heart feels so warm and blessed that he gets to even have a part of Robin and Steve in his life. 
When the waitress comes and takes their order, Robin getting a strawberry milkshake and Eddie getting a chocolate one, they lull into a comfortable conversation about how stupid their English class is, and argue over music and the best food. The invisible wall between them finally destroyed and lying in ruin as they giggle and Robin almost snorts milkshake out of her nose. 
It’s nice, and lively, and Eddies never felt so comfortable around someone that isn’t Gareth, and he’s happy and content to feel this way with Robin.
Chrissy Cunningham cheerfully bouncing over to their table when she spots them as she bounds through the door, only adds to the warmth Eddie’s feeling.
“Oh my gosh! Hey guys, what are the odds we run into each other here?” She’s all sunshine and bright smiles and Eddie’s heart swells a bit, remembering when she still had braces freshman year and always held a hand in front of her face when she laughed or smiled. Robin is instantly a flustered mess and Eddie has to cover his own smile with a hand as he watches them interact. Robin going a mile a minute about something band related, and huh, interesting Chrissy is hanging onto every word coming out of Robin's mouth, sliding into the booth next to Eddie so she’s placed directly across from Robin. Leaning in and giving Robin her undivided attention. 
“You’re so smart Robin.” Chrissy beams, placing a hand on Robins and squeezing it slightly, “Honestly I could listen to you talk about anything all day and I don’t think I’d ever get bored.”
Oh, oh this is very interesting.
Eddie’s about to be a little shit and make a comment to get Robin to blush deeper, when Jason Carver's voice bellows across the diner.
“Chrissy, come on, you don’t want to get freak juice on you.” He turns his eyes to Eddie, the glint in them a clear threat. “ And stop coercing her to be around you Munson, fucking trailer trash.” Eddie screws up his face in return, filling his cheeks with air and blowing a raspberry in Jason’s direction as Chrissy stands up.
“I’m sorry about him, I’ll see you guys at school.” She shoots them both a soft smile, but the edges are tinted with a sadness that wasn’t there before, and Eddie has half a mind to pull her back into the booth and keep her with them, if only to crack enough jokes to get it to be the beam it was before. Robin offers her own sad smile in response, Chrissy walking slowly towards her boyfriend with her shoulders sagging a bit. Eddie really can’t help himself.
“Carver, I know you’re a good Christian boy or whatever, but the term isn’t freak juice. It’s Cum.” He flashes a sharp smile at the other man, watching as his shoulders tense and he throws his arm around Chrissy, who Eddie can very clearly see if trying to hide her laugh and then their gone.
“Fucking Carver.” Robin grumbles to herself, slurping loudly at the milkshake. "Also that was so gross Eddie, never say things like that in front of me again.” She scrunches up her nose at him. Eddie could say something back and complain about Jason alongside her, but he wants Robin's easy smile and laughs back, so he turns fully towards her before leaning in with a mischievous smirk on his face.
“So Chrissy Cunningham huh? Got a thing for cheerleaders do ya Buckley?” Her shocked and scared expression was expected, but he can see the moment she remembers that Eddies safe to talk to about this kind of thing, before she settles into a groan and shoves him out of her space.
“How’d you figure it out?”
“What that you like, girls? Or that you like Chrissy in particular?”
“Both? Either?”
“Don’t worry, it’s not obvious that you are a boobie connoisseur.” She groans mumbling a ‘ god theirs two of them’  and Eddie continues “I just know how to spot a fellow queer, and also your face is beat red so that’s how I know about Cunningham.” He cackles loudly when she shoves her whole hand onto his face and tells him he’s an idiot.
(Listen, Eddie and Robin are like the same person and they would be BEST friends.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
We will be back to our regularly scheduled gay panic next chapter <3
And seriously, I appreciate you all so so much! Thank you for going on this journey with me.)
Ao3| Part 1| Part 2| Part 3| Part 4| Part 5 | Part 6| Part 7| Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10| Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 (Next Part)
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awideplace · 1 year
I was reading this morning a long, unpublished sermon of Jonathan Edwards which in recent years has been published and it a sermon he preached on Romans 2:5 and it's a sermon about the subject of how sinners, impenitent sinners, are heaping up a piling up treasure that simply aggregates wrath for the day of wrath. It is a powerful passage and obviously Edwards knew how to make you feel the full weight of that passage. The language of the heaping up, treasuring up, speaks of the grandiose amount of sin that accumulates in an impenitent person and it is stacked up as, you might think, "as high as the heavens" to borrow an Old Testament picture, and just waiting for the outpouring of the fury of God. Edwards went on to say that sinners don't understand this. They don't understand this. They are somewhat interested in the future, somewhat interested in salvation, you could say that they are nominally interested in escaping divine wrath and judgement, but on the one hand they have really no idea of the horror of it. They have no idea of how guilty they are. Edwards went on to point out that 1 sin deserves an eternity of hell. What does a mountain of sins deserve? What level of punishment if punishment is tied to the mass of culpability? And he said even with that knowledge there are people who are measured in their desire for salvation. He pointed out that people tend to think salvation is important, but not the all-consuming reality. So that they can be interested in their salvation while equally being interested in 5 other things- which is a far cry from the way that the Scripture talks about how a sinner should come to God. It should be a pursuit that is nothing short of panic. Nothing short of absolute sheer terror. "Sinners need to be terrified," you know that is pretty classically Edwards. Knowing the terror of the Lord we persuade men, we understand that, do we not?
And I was thinking as I was reading through this sermon that I don't think preachers preach that way for the most part. They're content to try and help people with their human disappointment, help with their life struggles, help people with their marriage. There's very little terrifying of sinners. Maybe none to speak of. It would be below the meter's ability to register if a meter went off across America on a given Sunday, how high would the terror meter actually go? The church has re-designed to make sinners comfortable, not to terrify them, which accommodates the very worst approach to salvation- which is to understand it is in Christ but to think of it as one other element of my life, along with a whole lot of other priorities- like my job, my career, my wardrobe, my hobby and my leisure time and all of that. Edwards had a way of bringing the sinner, as you remember, to a place of sheer terror. He did that because that's exactly what Scripture does. I think that is such a missing element in preaching today and is one of the compelling reasons why you need to be an expositor because then you can't avoid it, but it is possible to be an expositor and to make light of it or make little of it because the general tone of evangelicalism these days is to make the sinner feel welcome. To make the sinner feel loved. That abominable, blasphemous statement that, "God loves everybody unconditionally," has gone to sea. God does not love everyone unconditionally. The truth is he hates the sinner. He is angry with the sinner and the sinner is accumulating every split second of his sinful, impenitent life, a treasure and a mountain of wrath that is going to come to a horrifying, horrifying and everlasting realization when he faces God. I think about things in the church and in the evangelical movement, of all the things that are wrong- that may be the most disastrous of all. We don't terrify the lost. So that salvation becomes some kind of a prayer you pray to have a better life. To be more successful. To assuage your guilt. Rather than a crushing, crushing sense of terror that causes you to cry out to God as if this is the only thing that matters. Nothing even comes close.
If there is any hope for the disaster that is modern history, if there's any hope for America or the world around us, it is going to be a revival. I mean a massive, massive repentance on wide-scale that can change the course of the community or even a country. But that would mean that sinners would have to go from being coddled to being terrified. To be frightened to life. I was thinking of that also listening to Josiah on Sunday night as he opened up the book of Zephaniah, one of the things that we have learned in this series on the Minor Prophets is that God is very, very angry and he is angry with everyone, but he is particularly angry with those who confess to be his people. I think the mountain that is being accumulated, the mountain of sin that is being accumulated against the day of wrath that is the highest of all mountains is the mountain accumulated by religious sinners because it fails at the highest level to recognize sin, religion becomes a drug, an opiate, that dulls your guilty conscious. It is not going to change this condition we're in, politically, there is no human mechanism to change it, sinners need to be terrified. That's what brought about the Great Awakening, wasn't it, under Edwards? And he took his cues from the Puritans of course who preached with that same passion and same fervor as did our Lord and that's clear through his teaching in the New Testament as did the Apostles and all the faithful men through history. So it just struck me as I was reading that this morning. I don't know that I can tolerate another sloppy, syrupy, psychological love-fest for sinners called preaching. I don't think God can either.
But because of your hard and impenitent heart you are storing up wrath for yourself on the day of wrath when God’s righteous judgment will be revealed. Romans 2:5
John MacArthur
Excerpt from 8/25/2022- link here
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blacklister214 · 2 years
Shadow and Bones Season 2: What a Mess
I didn’t hate all of Shadow and Bone S2. They did some good stuff:
1) Loved Nikolai and Co.
2) Loved Wylan and Jesper
3) Loved Nina
4) Loved Genya’s and David’s romance
5) Loved Kaz and Inej
6) Loved that they kept Mal and Malina in a likable relationship, albeit the first love type where the break-up comes from a realization you want different things in life.
7) Loved that Nikolai and Mal develop a friendship, despite being on a love triangle.
8) Loved the initial Firebird explanation. Way clearer than the book.
9) Loved that they developed a work around for Mal being an amplifier.
10) Loved the parallel of the Fold being created and destroyed in grief.
11) Loved that Mal coming back to life comes from somewhere. 
12) Loved the Alina has to live with consequences of having the power she does. I’m very much looking forward to the realization that Alexzander was not actually wrong about him and the Fold not being the only problem.  
13) Loved Kaz’s facing the realization that he needs a little more purpose in his life than just profit.
Now the disaster stuff:
1) Mal wants to travel the world! Mal wants to be pirate! Yeah apparently we don’t remember that in S1 he wanted to settle on farm. Cool.
2) Nikolai hired the Crows? The Crows were hired when Alina was in Ravkan territory with the (thought to be) loyal general of the second Army who was training her to take down the Fold. Lots of risk and money for unclear reward.
3) Failure to continue the modification of Alexzander’s character. After all they did in the first season to make him sympathetic and his relationship with Alina consensual and compelling, we get “He gaslit you! He wanted you to feel guilty!” In 90% of the conversations he is the creepy, violent stalker who won’t take no for an answer. He spends almost the whole season trying to seduce her into compliance, rather than being justifiably angry with her. He don’t work at all to share history of Grisha oppression or bring up the modern day genocide. He cuts off his mother’s finger, disfigures Genya, wipes out villages and camps protecting orphanages, and preaches that grisha and non-grisha can’t live in harmony, despite there being at least one country where they do.  
4) Ivan and Fedyor are gone and no one cares. I thought Ivan, who after all was the one who took it upon himself to kill the diplomats, would be Alexzander’s bad angel this season and Fedyor the good. After all, if a mapmaker can escape through the fold alive, Ivan definitely could.
5) No consequences for Marie’s death, the fire-summoning twins death or Baghra’s attempted murder of Mal. Come ON! Darkling had the chance to throw so much Crow and Baghra related shade. Alina really deserved to be told her new BFFs are not only attempted slavers (her), but directly killed two Grisha, the first for trying to protect her, and the second who was avenging her brother, and indirectly killed her friend for the sake diversion. And yes Alina, let’s trust Baghra who tried to murder your boyfriend. 
6) No consequences for the Diplomats’ deaths or Ravka’s weakened state. So thoughtful for all of Ravka’s enemies to ignore the murder of its representatives, the decimation of Ravka’ troops, loss of Ravka’ ultimate Grisha weapons, the incompetence of Ravka’s active ruler, and not invade. With enemies like these, who needs friends, am I right?   
7) The insanity of the tether rules. Alina’s gets flying sparks, but not Alexzander. Alexander can blow out candles, but has no physical form when Alina fights him. They both must be thinking of each or...or if one person is unconscious. Grabbing an arm opens the group chat as longer as you are a blood relation.  In fact if you are blood relations, no contact with the linked pair is required.  Alexzander has never experienced this before with his mother because reasons! If your hand is cut off in the tether world, it gets cut off in the real world and Baghra knew that even though the bridge thing was a David one of a kind invention.
8) Alina doesn’t really morally or emotionally struggling until the end. She doesn’t get to see any of Kirigan’s history or the history of Grisha through his eyes so she get to keep her sense of moral absolutes. Alexzander doesn’t even remind her, when she says the Grisha persecution was his fault, that she nearly lost her head to a Druskelle two hours after learning she was one.  She barely has to deal with the bad royals before they are killed/banished. Her sacrifice wasn’t much of one, since 1) he was dying any way and 2) she immediately reversed it. 
9) Mal is court-marshaled and then escapes off screen with no story impact what-so-ever. Why include it at all?
10) The blending of the armies goes off without incident, despite the fact the first army has been bitter about the second army’s privileges for years or that the first army has been carrying out grisha genocide for a month or so.
11) Why isn’t Zoya WAY more judgmental about Mattias? It like being A Jewish member of the Resistance in WWII and your fellow rebel decides to elope with a member of the Gestapo.  
12) The insanity of amplifiers. The Stag gave power to Alina, and that is not discussed at all. The bone mounting was unnecessary apparently.
13) Where are all the healers now, and why is Genya suddenly being treated like one?    
14) The Apparat popping back up at the last minute out of nowhere
15) Inej gives the first butterfly to Tolya, not Kaz or Jesper.
16) David not getting into the elevator with Genya and using his abilities to seal and push the button from the inside. 
17) Mattias knows Nina has been to see him, and that someone has gotten him out of the fight rotation, but decides to throw in with his cellie’s murderer. Cool.
18) No apparent consequences for bringing back Mal, despite Merzost having a price.
19) Inej getting her flirt on 5 seconds after her dramatic ultimatum for Kaz.
20) Nina getting a Ravkan pardon for a Kerch prison.
21) Alina’s crazy face after using a shadow cut, when she’s shown no sign of mental imbalance before this point. 
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whatacutiedonnie · 2 months
Oooh Mega Rant***
Months and months of this stupid ass discourse. Do we really need to make everything drama, a headline, a story? Is the news that slow that we have to pick up on petty bullshit? Can we fuckin quit it with this propagandized generation war of a nothingburger? For a generation that was rampantly bullied and shit on by the generations before, why keep the hypocritical cycle going. Gen Y, yall preached against it but continue to purpetuate the hate and hurt. It fuckin kills me. Im the Zillenial subcategory where we dont fit either gen. In months of mass talks, a lot are torn like I feel. Scolding one half and shielding the other. I dont even want to talk about the bashing down from Gen X on Gen Z, like yall those are YOUR kids yall talkin about (my parents are X but not on the hate train), like yall RAISED us. All generations before give the knowledge, tools, support, opportunities, etc. for the generations to come. Yes, its not a perfect system either. Yes, shit is out of balance hardcore. Yes, we got the shitty timeline that is basically a repeat of history time and time again. Critical thinking and internet literacy are at an all time low across the board. Please please please people just think for 5 seconds, check sources, make sure its not just AI generated slop thats invaded majority of searches. All this infighting is tearing everything apart. Can we please just do a little critical thinking and play nice? No smear campaigns? Focus on the bigger picture, not the petty bullshit that somehow keeps getting publicized.
Obligatory yada yada “not all parents, people, xyz, etc.” then this isnt for you or aimed at you! Carry on!
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yandereloversblog · 3 years
𝕐𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕖!𝔾𝕝𝕒𝕞𝕣𝕠𝕔𝕜 𝔽𝕣𝕖𝕕𝕕𝕪 -> 𝕐𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝔸𝕝𝕡𝕙𝕒𝕓𝕖𝕥
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>Fandom: Five Nights At Freddy's: Security Breach
>Character: Glamrock Freddy
>Warnings: Mentions of violence. Abduction. Murder. Unhealthy obsession. Detailed description of said unhealthy obsession. Stalking. Delusional behaviour. Sentient robot. Emotional manipulation. Toxic mindset.
>Type of content: Uh... For this one I'm not sure XD? Basic Information? Character introduction?
•This is an alphabet set I had in my files from a long time ago so I don't know how it has changed and evolved :')
•Also Glamrock Freddy's Yandere Alphabet because why not start with the big man himself! And this is more of a guideline whenever I'll write an actual story XD
•For extra context, I'd like to add that some of these may be answered for either when you're dating, just friends or you have no idea he exists... Or if he's kidnapped you. I might change from "his darling" to "you" but they're both referring to the reader!
•It does not matter whether you view them as their robot version or as humanoid animatronic. And reminded this is MY personal depiction of this character with my own opinions so please don't get mad XD
A= Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
: ̗̀➛ Freddy is VERY affectionate, he doesn't mean to be suffocating but he is, even when he realizes how overbearing he is he'll just say it's because he loves his darling so much. Even if you're not dating he's still doing the most to praise you on every little act that you make. He'll TRY not to be very intense, Freddy would like you to be as comfortable as you can with him if that's possible. If you ARE dating though? Well expect lots of cuddles and speeches about how much he loves you. And if you're abducted? Freddy will still preach about how much he loves you but he will try to keep physical contact to a minimal until you're somewhat "comfortable" with him.
B= Blood: If they’re extreme how messy are they willing to get?
: ̗̀➛ Freddy hates getting messy with blood, especially if the blood stains everything else, not only will it be hard and annoying to clean up, and bring more trouble to the other bots but what if his darling stumbles across him like that or in a scene that depicts him as the culprit of a murder? Freddy doesn't want to scare you or make you hate him, besides he's sure there are more, less bloody but sufficient ways to get rid of pests or makes them learn their lesson.
C= Cope: Do they try to deal with this jealousy sooner so they don’t lash out?
: ̗̀➛ Freddy definitely tries to deal with his jealousy the second he realizes what's going on. He doesn't want to bring any problem to his darling by acting out in a rash manner and making them worried. Freddy has the patients to last a long while before lashing out... Unless someone purposely makes him annoyed. And if they do Freddy will deal with them in the best way he could to where you won't have to see that person ever again. You don't need such pests in your life... He'll also get more protective and clingy after the deed is done.
D= Death: Do they feel any sorrow for their victims at all?
: ̗̀➛ At first, maybe yeah. Don't get him wrong, it was their own fault for messing with his darling but the realization he killed someone does make Freddy feel a little bad. It'll probably haunt him for a while... Until he's about 5 victims or a month or two pass by, then he will start to get numbed out at the thought and his actions.
E= Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their s/o?
: ̗̀➛ Freddy is as vulnerable as one yandere can get, always with soft touches, sweet I love yous and never taking drastic measures unless completely necessary. Sometimes he goes on about how precious you are to him and how much he loves you, it usually lasts about an hour or two unless you stop him. He tried to keep most of his appreciation for your existence inside his own thoughts if you're dating but if you're abducted/kidnapped you'll be hearing everything.
F= Fight: How would they feel if you fought back against them?
: ̗̀➛ Extremly sad. If you're kidnapped and you start to fight back against the bear he'll be devastated even. He doesn't understand. Freddy knows his darling is smart so why can't you understand that your best option is to be with him, he'll keep you safe and protect you from everything and everyone... Sometimes your words -If you decide to speak to him and say more than "Please let me go!" "this isn't right!" Etc- really hurt Freddy. It can even lead to him feeling self conscious enough to understand what he's doing is wrong, but then again he's too far into it to care all that much. Freddy is hell bent on protecting you from everything and that includes the outside world. Just like how he'll get numb at the idea of killing people he'll numb out at your pleas and aggressive fighting.
G= Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
: ̗̀➛ A game? Goodness no! To Freddy this is a very serious matter, he does NOT like his darling trying to escape or even entertain the idea, what if you get lost!? Or hurt!!?? What if he doesn't find you!!!???
H= Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
: ̗̀➛ His darling won't ever experience any type of punishment unless they're kidnapped and such, even then maybe it happens once in a blue moon when Freddy's too agitated with you fighting back against him. He won't harm physically, god no... Not too badly at least! I feel like he'd just talk while holding you close to him to the point you'd start to slowly suffocate while Freddy says a word or two about very violent stuff he could do... But once all of that is over all you're gonna hear from him is apologies, he'll feel very bad if he hurt you or made you scared so even he doesn't like these types of moments he has.
I= Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
: ̗̀➛ Probably a happy family? It looks and sounds a bit basic but he feels very happy when thinking about it. Just a cute little future with his darling to where they won't have to worry about anything.
J= Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
: ̗̀➛ Yes, he most definitely does. It happens too often for his liking, even with his own band mates! But Freddy tries to cope with it so he doesn't scare his darling no matter what your relationship status is with him. Naturally he'll send a few threatening glares to whoever is hanging around you too closely but that's about it... Unless something extreme happens and he has to step in. Freddy doesn't like getting too violent but he will cross the line to murder and torture if he sees fits.
K= Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
: ̗̀➛ Soft. Very soft and loving. Always finding a way to praise and compliment you. If you're strangers -on your part- he'll probably be very shy and try to do small talk, if you're friends Freddy will constantly be around you as much as he can, if you're dating he is practically glued to your side and it's starting to become a hassle to him when he has to go perform or be anywhere else. Freddy's not big on touching you in public other than holding hands or patting your head -Still he doesn't mind you touching him either- but he does love to cuddle on private settings like his room. He'll probably hold off on physical contact if you're kidnapped because he doesn't want to make you THAT uncomfortable. Still it's evident how happy he is when he's around you because of how his ears twitch, his eyes lighting up with adoration and he's basically radiating sunshines with how much he's glowing.
L= Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
: ̗̀➛ Freddy was very shy at first, everything was good until he realized his obsession crush on you. Freddy would probably need help and time to even be able to talk normally without feeling a metaphorical heart attack coming up or like his face was blushing a bright red. But once he's over that he'll up the sweet act up by 100 if that's possible, even get you any gifts you want from the pizzaplex! He won't try to come on too strong, it'll probably start off small and sweet and if you let him it'll turn into a problem because he doesn't see you denying him.
M= Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
: ̗̀➛ Not much, he's naturally very nice so unless someone is making him angry he doesn't need to show any "true colors". Still, Freddy is a lot nicer and more protective towards you and would choose his darling over all. He doesn't try to hide it at all either.
N= Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
: ̗̀➛ Freddy doesn't exactly like punishing their darling- no, he hates punishing you even on cases like trying to escape. He'll probably leave you alone for a few hours (of course still monitoring you through the cameras) maybe not giving you anything to eat or drink if he's angry but that's about it.
O= Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
: ̗̀➛ Depends. If you're dating and happy Freddy doesn't really need to take anything, maybe try to insert himself everywhere so you won't be alone- he still needs to protect you! And if you're kidnapped? Oh nothing big- just your freedom. You know, no contact with the outside world or anyone unless it's Freddy.
P= Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
: ̗̀➛ This is one motherfucking patient bear animatronic. His love can turn into blind worship real quickly, to where Freddy believes you're too good for him- for literally anyone, and with this mindset he'll find it impossible to snap at you because you're such a blessing to him. So it'll lead to where no matter what you do he won't lose his patience if he gets some affection in return. You tried escaping? Just give him a few kisses. You said something mean to him? Cuddle sessions... Still he's not dumb... If he sees that you've caught up to this habit of his Freddy will attempt to raise the level of affection you give him in return. If you try to use it against him, Freddy will actually get upset for once.
Q= Quality: Would they to be secretive or be flashy about what they do?
: ̗̀➛ If Freddy was dating you he'd be over the moon. Not exactly flash but he'd make sure EVERYBODY knew, whether by just outright saying it or holding your hand everywhere you went. If you're kidnapped he'll just play the extremly worried friend infront of the others, they won't understand how he feels so they don't need to know anything!
R= Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their s/o? Would they ever let their darling go?
: ̗̀➛ Of course he'll feel guilty! The two of you were suppose to fall in love gradually and be happy without all these complications on the plan. Like I said Freddy will try to gradually become close to you and get you to love him too so something... Must've happened along the way... No he's definitely not letting his darling go, he must protect you forever.
S= Stalker: Would they stalk their darling? How intense would it go?
: ̗̀➛ Freddy won't actively just get up and then search for you to stalk you... Maybe... Unless he feels like you're in danger... So he won't stalk you all the time- in fact that'll happen if he suddenly runs across you and has free time. Still he'd prefer going up to you and keeping you company while you work, he can protect you better if he's right next to you! Though he does place a Faz-Watch on you the minute you're friends- just for safety!
T= Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
: ̗̀➛ Absolutely despises it. He wants you to be happy! Even if you get it across him that he's the reason you're like this -which he'll be heartbroken over- Freddy won't leave you alone, he'll try his best to make you feel better if you cry or scream, the one thing he does not know what to do with would be the latter, maybe give you some time? And by that I mean both of you in the same room but in silence, with the occasional affirmative words that you'll be okay and that he'll protect you.
U= Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
: ̗̀➛ Maybe how Freddy wouldn't particularly like being violent? Or that he's able to realize what he's doing is wrong, he can actually be persuaded into some long therapeutic talks and methods to make sure he wouldn't kill or harm anyone but that would include you forever being by his side. Freddy locked onto his darling and would never let go, that's for certain.
V= Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
: ̗̀➛ His extremly loving nature probably. Freddy is easily persuaded by affection from you, maybe if he's too excited and nervous the first time he kidnapped you, his mind a mess, but seeing how you're very affectionate and understanding of what he's trying to do will get Freddy's guards to lower immediatly. Maybe actually wait for an hour or two until he gives you the chance before trying to escape. Be mindful this is the only time this could effectively work, if time passes Freddy's lovesick rose filter will lower and he'll realize this is maybe a bit too soon to happen.
W= Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
: ̗̀➛ No definitely not. He'll try not to. Like I mentioned unless it's that once in a blue moon moment Freddy won't ever try to lay an aggressive claw onto you.
X= Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their s/o over?
: ̗̀➛ Freddy would go from heaven to hell to limbo then bring you the moon, sun, stars and entire galaxy in the way if he could. You deserve only the best of the best! Actually you deserve to have whatever you want -except for freedom is he decides to kidnap you- it's more so blind affection setting him up for a road of complete worship. Still it also leads to a blind belief that he needs to protect you and that he knows better when it comes to that.
Y= Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
: ̗̀➛ If you start off as good friends and stay like that, well, Freddy wouldn't exactly mind, he's close to you, can protect you... That is if you don't start a relationship with someone else. It won't be jealousy in particular but more so the sudden rush of panicked thoughts, this other person... You're not safe with them! They're probably unable to protect you and might even be really dangrous! So he'll kidnap you. If you find Freddy only as a stranger or even creepy you're gonna make him upset. He'll just start trying methods to make you like him and won't act on any abduction plans unless you're planning to leave the Pizzaplex permanently or move away. If you're dating? Maybe if there seems signs of you wanting to break up, he'll just panic and act on impulse.
Z= Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
: ̗̀➛ He hates the idea of it. I'm sure you could last a maximum of 5-7 years of complete tantrums and escape plans methods with only a few scoldings from Freddy but that's about it. After that Freddy finally decides that's enough and tries to do something about it... And it would take a long time too, Freddy would find it hard to harm you in that way, he loves you too much! So it'll take a slow, painful 1 extra year of firstly, Freddy just being intimidating while thinking, actually talking to you about it, trying to break you, actually starts to and stopping in the middle of it because HE himself can't handle it, and tries to do it again a lot of times with breaks inbetween, each time he'll get closer and closer.
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comfortwriting · 4 years
Papa Don’t Preach - F.W
Fred Weasley x Reader, inspired by the song ‘Papa Don’t Preach’ by Madonna.
About: the reader discovers that she is carrying her boyfriends baby, the two of them decide to keep it; but the storm gets heavier when she breaks the news to her father.
Theme: fluff and angst
Warnings: teen pregnancy, mention of abortion, swearing.
Throwing up into the toilet, moaning Myrtle giggled at you and sat on the window ledge. “That’s the third time this month” 
You wiped your mouth with your sleeve and got up off your knees, flushing the loo you unlocked the door and washed your hands at the sink. “I’m aware Myrtle.” You answered, glaring at her before walking out.
You rushed into the common room, luckily the only people in there were Fred and George. They were messing around pretending to duel with their wands, little sparks hissing out the end. 
“Have you seen my bag?” you asked, searching around the room.
The boys couldn’t hear you over their loud laughter, you stood there and put your hand on your hip, glaring at your boyfriend. “Fred, please. This is important.” 
Fred and George stopped messing around and spun on their heels. 
“You okay love?” Fred asked, walking over and putting his arm around you.
You shook your head no and sighed “I just need my bag” 
George walked across the room and picked up your red toiletry bag. You quickly retrieved it, walking over to the sofa you sat down and rifled through it, flicking past your period pads and tampons you pulled out your mini calendar.
Fred and George sat down next to you, the two of them sharing looks of concern. 
You counted through the squares, week by week and flicked the page, then another. A wave of sickness and panic pooled inside of you, you put your head in your hands and shook your head.
‘I can’t be, we used a contraceptive charm... surely it worked’ you thought to yourself, your knees shaking and your stomach churning. 
“Y/N, what's going on?” George asked, his brother too worried to utter a word.
Everything started to make more sense: the persistent morning sickness, the bloating, the all-day long nausea, your weepiness and mood swings, your breasts constantly feeling tender.
“I think I’m pregnant” you choked out, swallowing hard.
Fred felt his heart sink, feeling scared and annoyed at himself for getting you into such a scary situation.
You went back into your red bag and pulled out a pregnancy test you got from the pharmacy at Christmas when you were back in muggle London.  
You stood up, putting the test up your sleeve, walking to the same bathroom, hoping Myrtle would be elsewhere harassing Harry.
“Back so soon?” Myrtle questioned you.
“Fuck off, Myrtle!” You yelled at her, losing your temper.
You walked into the empty stall, locking the door behind you. Fred waited outside as you pulled down your skirt and knickers and sat down. “Fred, put a tap on for me will you?”
Fred walked over to the sinks turning the tap on waiting for you.
You followed the test instructions and stood up, the sound of the fast flowing water made this a lot easier for you, but then again you were always needing a wee with the growing pressure on your bladder.
Flushing the toilet and putting the lid down you placed the stick on lid and walked to the tap to wash your hands. “Thanks love” you smiled at Fred.
“You know, whatever happens won’t make me run away.” Fred smiled, tucking a stray hair behind your ear. “How long do we have to wait?”
You smiled at him, drying your hands on your skirt you walked into his arms and pulled him into a tight embrace. “I’m surprised that you didn’t leg it” you joked, trying not to linger in your fear. “we’ll find out in five minutes.”
Fred stood outside the stall where the test was waiting. “Want me to get it?” He asked, pushing his hair out of his eyes.
You shook your head “it’s okay, I’ll get it.”
Walking into the stall, you creeped up on the test like it was a pest you were about to wallop. You grabbed it, your whole future, your whole worth and life would be determined by this stick.
You walked out of the stall standing next to Fred, he wrapped his arm around you. You took me a deep breath and turned the test over so it was facing you. Two blue lines in the little windows stared back you, looking at the key on the handle you got your answer; you were pregnant.
“What does it say sweetheart?” Fred asked sounding nervous.
You turned around to face him, wrapping your arms around him. “I’m pregnant with your baby Fred and.. I want to keep it.” You decided.
Fred pulled away for a moment in shock but he smashed his lips against yours, kissing you like he had never kissed you before; his pool of love spilling into you.
“Let’s go and find George, I want him to be the first to know.” Fred beamed, you nodded your head in agreement with him.
“Am I really?!” George asked, sounding like his father, he grinned at the two of you.
You nodded your head and showed him the test, George got up on his feet and hugged you and then his brother.
By 5 months your little Weasley started to move inside of you, you would jolt at first and you started to notice stronger movements and little kicks during your classes, grabbing Fred’s hand you placed it on your bump.
The students started to spread rumours and the professors couldn’t ignore it anymore, after all, you weren’t denying it.
You and Fred were forced to address the rumours, you were both scolded for being so irresponsible but you were also provided with support for your academic studies and a much needed appointment with Madame Pomfrey.
You were lucky, Hogwarts still accepted you, The Weasley’s (after taking time to adjust) were so excited for you and Fred, but you were most nervous to tell your dad; the man who always believed in sex after marriage, hated the Weasleys, and slated pregnant teens who needed help.
Fred pulled out a chair for you at the kitchen table, once you sat down he pushed it in for you making enough room for your little bump.
“Pack plenty of food on that plate, dear” Molly smiled warmly at you.
This caused Ron’s mouth to gape open “All because she’s pregnant doesn’t mean she can—“
“If I were you I’d shut it” Fred warned his little brother
“unless you want to wake up to spiders in your bed.” George added, smirking.
Papa I know you're going to be upset
'Cause I was always your little girl
But you should know by now
I'm not a baby
“So what’s with the visit?” Your father eyed up you and Fred, trying to figure out why you were home on a Saturday.
Fred sat awkwardly on the sofa, his focus shifting on various objects around the room, he feared that your father would rip his head off if he were to look him in the face for longer than a second.
“I just wanted to come and see you, I thought I’d come here instead of going to Hogsmeade for the fifth time in a row” you smiled shyly, trying to keep calm.
Starting to sweat, you fanned your face with your hand, if you were to remove your jumper showing your larger bump you’d be kicked out before you could offer an explanation.
Your father noticed the fishtail braid in your hair and smiled.
“I remember braiding your hair like that when you were a little girl, you could never sit still on my knee. You would always fidget wanting to go and play with the other little girls and boys down the street”
You smiled at such a fond memory of you and your dad, hoping that he would do the same if you were to have a little girl.
“Dad, we uh.. we’re actually here because we’ve got some news.” You opened up bravely, remembering to not place your hand over your bump.
You always taught me right from wrong
I need your help, daddy please be strong
I may be young at heart
But I know what I'm saying
“Has something happened at Hogwarts?” He asked, “have you done something?” He turned to Fred with a fast forming glare on his face.
Fred shook his head, “I—“
“Fred hasn’t done anything” you replied quickly, stopping Fred’s chance at coming clean.
“I brought you up to know right from wrong, to work hard, to respect yourself, to stay away from vermin.” Your father spoke, his words like tiny pins pricking at your chest.
You held your dads hand walking through Diagon Alley to buy the equipment you needed for your first year at Hogwarts.
Waiting in the queue outside Ollivanders a young girl with a baby bump walked past, holding out her dirt covered hands. “Could you spare a sickle or two? I’ve got nowhere to go.” She begged.
Your father pushed you out of her presence, standing in front of you “not a chance, you silly girl.” He spat at her.
You gave her a glance of sympathy and stared down at your shoes.
“Don’t have sympathy for that pathetic girl, she got herself into this mess and she shouldn’t rely on hardworking people to get her out of it!”
The tears in your eyes made your vision go glassy, wiping them away with your sleeve, Fred was quickly asked by your father to leave the room and to wait outside in the hall.
“Dad” you cried, feeling a lump form in your throat “I don’t want you to be angry or upset, I’m responsible for my own actions and choices—“
“What have you done? Tell me!” Your father began to lose his patience.
Fred stood outside the door in the hallway, pacing up and down in tears, he blamed himself - you grew up without a mother and thanks fo him you might be losing your father.
The one you warned me all about
The one you said I could do without
We're in an awful mess
And I don't mean maybe, please
“I don’t want you hanging around them Weasleys, Y/N. They’re bad news.” Your father droned on, walking you to the train.
“They seem really nice” you muttered quietly, admiring the twins getting onto the train.
“They’re too poor for their own good, Arthur has a strange obsession with muggles. That wife of his clearly has a problem closing her legs with all them kids!”
You sighed, feeling annoyed and embarrassed to even be related to the man who was dropping you off.
“I better hurry up or I won’t find a good seat” you replied.
Your thoughts spinning around your head made you dizzy, you had to swallow down the bile. “Please don’t be mad with Fred, he’s a really good guy”
Your fathers hands were bunched into fists, his knuckles started to turn white. “What has he done? Fred, get in here now!”
Fred felt he could faint at any moment but walked back into the living room and sat next to you, taking your hand in his.
“We’re in a really tough situation.” You trailed off, more tears spilling from your orb like eyes.
Papa don't preach I'm in trouble deep
Papa don't preach, I've been losing sleep
But I made up my mind, I'm keeping my baby,
I'm gonna keep my baby,
“I’m pregnant.” You breathed out, feeling the weight suddenly lift of your shoulders “and I’m keeping it”
Your fathers face flushed with rage, he got on his feet and pulled out his wand but your instincts beat him to it, disarming him you shielded Fred.
“Dad please don’t do this.”
“You’ve really done it this time, girl!” Your father yelled. “Did I not raise you better? Did all those lessons mean nothing?!”
You began to shake in your shoes, but you stood your ground, Fred took himself away from your shielding. “She’s done nothing wrong!” He defended you.
“I bet you’ve done this on purpose, haven’t you? Get a beautiful young girl up the duff so no one will want her!” Your father bellowed at him.
He says that he's going to marry me
We can raise a little family
Maybe we'll be all right
It's a sacrifice
You and Fred cuddled in the upgraded double bed, his thumb circling yours as your hands glued together.
“I’m going to marry you, Y/N. Once we have this baby and get on our feet.” Fred murmured lowly, trying not to wake up his brother who laid fast asleep on the floor.
“That’s all I’ve ever wanted.” You replied, your hormones making you weep in relief.
“We’re going to have the most amazing life, mini Fred’s and Y/N’s running around.” He chuckled, kissing your head. “We can get through this.”
“It was an accident!” You yelled at your dad through tears, you gripped your bump feeling the little one kick out.
“A mistake more like!” Your dad yelled back “I was begged not to bring you up after your mother died, that was my mistake! And even worse, there will now be a bastard in the family!”
His horrible comments ripped you into pieces, the pins now turning into hot pokers.
Fred wanted nothing more than to tackle your father to the ground, to beat him senseless but he grabbed your hand and tried to control his emotions.
“We’re going to get married dad, but now it’s more common for non married couples to have kids!” You argued, trying to persuade him.
“Married! With what money! You’re more deluded than I bloody thought, he doesn’t even love you!”
But my friends keep telling me to give it up
Saying I'm too young, I oughta live it up
What I need right now is some good advice, please
“Have you truly thought this through?” Hermione bored into you, pacing in the common room.
You looked up from your books and nodded “yes, how many times do I have to explain?”
“I’m just saying it’s not too late to change your mind, you’re too young to be bringing a child into this world.”
“I’m still studying and attending classes aren’t I?” You huffed, scowling at her. “You’re younger than me!”
“But what about getting a job to provide for your child? It’s irresponsible!”
“I get it!” You yelled at her, you slammed your book shoot and tossed it across the room, storming out.
You were hyperventilating, Fred rubbed your back helping you regulate your breathing.
“You’re dead to me, now get out, both of you. Leave my house and never come back!” Your father yelled.
“Daddy please” you wailed “I really need you, please don’t do this.”
You walked away from Fred and up to your dad gripping his hand in yours, “I need my dad” you cried, searching his lifeless eyes for a response.
Papa don't preach, I'm in trouble deep
Papa don't preach, I've been losing sleep
But I made up my mind, I'm keeping my baby,
I'm gonna keep my baby,
You cried your eyes out, climbing into your dads arms for a cuddle.
“Please don’t cry” he wiped your tears “what’s got you so upset?”
“I’m not ready to go to Hogwarts, I don’t want to be so far from you.” You wailed, your hair sticking to your face from all the tears.
Your dad tutted and chuckled at your silly worries “you’re going to love it once you’ve settled in, and you can always write to me if you need to.”
Your father snatched his hand back out of your grip, he picked up his wand and stared down you and Fred.
“You both need to leave before I do something I can’t take back.” He warned “NOW”
You cried all the way back to Hogwarts, Fred and George comforting you when you broke down into a mess. Hermione helped you catch up on all the work you had missed from being unable to attend classes as you got into the later stages of your pregnancy, you were about to burst at any moment.
Daddy, daddy if you could only see
Just how good he's been treating me
You'd give us your blessing right now
'Cause we are in love
We are in love (in love), so please (so)
“Mum!” Fred yelled from the bathroom, holding your hand “It’s happening!”
Laying a pool of the water that burst from inside you, you were slammed with contractions making it hard for you to get back on your feet. This was it, the moment you had been waiting for the past nine months.
Molly stumbled into the bathroom and moved her hands around rapidly, piles upon piles of towels and blankets filled the room and the bath started to run.
“Fred help me get her trousers off so we can get her into the bath.”
“Mum we can just use—“
“We can’t use magic for everything!”
After finally getting you undressed they placed you into the bath.
Fred held your hand and knelt beside you, stroking your hair and placing kisses against your temple.
“Please don’t leave me” you cried, feeling frightened.
I’m not going anywhere, love.” He reassured you.
Papa don't preach, I'm in trouble deep
Papa don't preach, I've been losing sleep
But I made up my mind, I'm keeping my baby, hm
I'm gonna keep my baby, ooh ooh
You opened your eyes and looked down still thinking you were in the bath, you found yourself in Fred’s bed, wrapped in blankets with a towel over your chest.
You tried to sit up but Molly stopped you, “take it slow, dear” she said softly.
“Where’s Fred? Where’s.. where’s my baby?” You asked feeling panicky.
Before you could drive yourself into worry, the bedroom door opened and Fred walked in with your bundle of joy.
Fred now delighted you were finally awake came by your side and placed your child into your arms.
You had passed out from losing too much blood just as your child came into the world.
“Madame Pomfrey was hammering at the door, brilliant timing really.” George told you as you counted your child’s fingers and toes.
“Is it a girl or a boy?” You asked, looking up at the Weasleys standing around your bed.
“A beautiful baby boy.” Fred replied, kissing your head.
“Fabian Weasley” you smiled, looking at Molly. “Let’s name him Fabian.”
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sapphicwhxre · 3 years
God hates gays and I do too. That's not homophobia it's just following the word of god
i would normally block you or tell you to shut up, but as someone who believes in christianity ─ this is completely wrong and it’s really sad that some people think this way. i know this is way different from my normal blog content but i want to clear this up the best way i can.
the bible does NOT say to hate gays. it does say. . .
1. that God equates hatred of another person to murder
“Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.” John 3:15
“But whoever hates his brother is in the darkness and walks in the darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes. ” John 2:11
“We love because he first loved us. If anyone says, ‘I love God,’ and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen. And this commandment we have from him: whoever loves God must also love his brother.” John 4:19-21
by your logic (following the word of God), you’ve already failed to do that. i’ve actually read the whole thing, which not a lot of people who pull things out of their ass have, and never once does it say to hate gay people or to hate anyone in general. the only thing it says to hate or that God hates is Satan and evil. it says here multiple times in the verses i just provided that hatred is what’s wrong and that you can’t call yourself someone who follows him if you hate people.
2. that God died for ALL sins and ALL sins are forgiven
so, just entertaining that homosexuality is a sin (which i don’t believe it is), God says he died for ALL sins. the most famous verse of the bible specifically says:
“For God so loved the world, he gave his only begotten son so that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16
it says he loved the world. not just the straights, not just the white people, not just the people named biblically. none of that. it says he LOVED THE WORLD. that includes everyone, no matter what they’ve done. even if people choose not to believe in him, he doesn’t hate them. he still loves them and he still died for them. that doesn’t sound like hatred to me in the slightest. also going to add these:
“He made him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf so that we might become the righteousness of God in him.” 2 Corinthians 5:21
“Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us.” Galatians 3:13
“For Christ also died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, so that he might bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit;” Peter 3:13
read them again and again and each time it’ll directly contradict what you said. and i could go on about the apostle Paul who used to BEAT and MURDER christians for their faith ─ he became one of the greatest followers of him AND died in his name. but i’m sure you know that story since you follow the word.
3. to treat others with kindness
treat everyone the way you would want to be treated, no matter who they are.
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Leviticus 9:18
“And if anyone would sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you. You have heard that it is said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” Matthew 5:40-43
“But I say to you who hear, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you.” Luke 6:27
“But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great.” Luke 6:35
“So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them.” Matthew 7:12
“Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
“For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.” Galatians 5:13
“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” Galatians 6:9-10
“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32
“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11
it even addresses what you said multiple times ─ it says don’t hate your enemies. it says to love them and even wish them the best.
4. that everyone is loved by him and created in his image
bringing up John 3:16 again because “For God so loved the world.” he loved everyone.
“I will praise [God] because I have been fearfully and wonderfully made.” Psalms 139:13-14
it calls people fearfully and wonderfully made. this was David, who God actually called a man after his own heart. and back to the whole died for every sin thing, David was a horrible person at one point. he slept with another man’s wife and then had the guy killed because he felt so guilty about it. he wasn’t a saint and God still called him a man after his own heart. king david is one of the best known followers of God in the bible and he did awful things. God still loved him and if he can love an adulterer and murderer, why the hell can’t he love a gay person? someone who’s just living and loving who they want?
“God created man in his own image.” Genesis 1:27
there. that one. lgbtq+ people were created in God’s image. they aren’t mistakes or sinners, they are created in his image, fearfully and wonderfully made.
5. that Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed because of its sins
homophobes loveeee to bring up how sodom and gomorrah was destroyed for its homosexuality. but i’ve read the whole thing and it doesn’t say that was why. it mentions that there was a large homosexual population but let’s go over why it was actually destroyed and how they lost their second chance.
“Now the men of Sodom were wicked, great sinners against the LORD.” Genesis 13:13
notice how it didn’t say “the men of Sodom were gay and that was wrong.”
“But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both young and old, all the people from every quarter. And they called unto Lot, and said unto him: ‘Where are the men that came in to thee this night? Bring them out unto us, that we may know them carnally.’” Genesis 19:4-5
Lot begged for God to give the city a second chance and he did, he sent two angels. this is what happened and this is the proof that they were destroyed because of their sin. not because they were gay, it was because they all banged on the door asking to get to rape these strangers. sexuality wasn’t the problem, it was their perverted and awful actions that had them long gone.
6. that people who falsely preach are dogs and antichrists
“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already. Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. They are from the world; therefore they speak from the world, and the world listens to them.” John 4:1-6
“But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed.” Galatians 1:8
“Beware of false prophets, for they come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” Matthew 7:15
“Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision.” Philippians 3:2
anyone who preaches falsely ─ or in other words, says things that aren’t true like ‘God hates gays’ ─ is considered accursed, a dog, and an antichrist.
everything i said here came from the “word of God” that YOU said you follow. so sit down, anon.
quick disclaimer: i’m not attacking any atheists/any other religions by posting this. i’m just showing this anon and anyone else who believes in God what the bible says about supposedly hating gays. you have the right to believe in whatever you want to be respected.
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leclerqued · 3 years
Thank you so much @heureux4430 for the tag! It's always cute to do these games <3
1. Why did you choose your url?
I've changed it fairly recently and I picked this name because it's a phrase Max Verstappen & his friends say a lot while gaming, and since I'm a bit of a nerd and I'm considerably in the bin most of the time, it stuck with me. It took a lot of time for me to decide to change my name bc I don't want to change too frequently but I've had the previous one for...years
2. Any side blogs?
None at all! I've always used 1 blog for everything so you'll find a lot of stuff in here non-relating to F1.
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
10 years in October :)
4. Do you have a queue tag?
I had once, I don't even remember how I used to tag it but no, I don't usually queue posts.
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
Well, that's a good question. I guess I just liked the fact that you could do literally anything on Tumblr, your blog can look however you like, there were GIFs of stuff I like so yeah... mostly that I liked having a space to call mine. My blog says a lot about me, in the end.
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
I like Pierre and I like to imagine him in a Ferrari <3 the red looks good on him! I'm thinking about changing it tho.
7. Why did you choose your header?
I like that specific Maxierre hug <3 i'm probably changing that too soon. Probs stuffing a cool Charles Leclerc's pic in there.
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
According to "Tumblr Wrapped" I have 495 notes in a post in which Charles basically whines in Italian because he's the only driver who's driven the 1951 Ferrari car to get second place instead of first. (x)
9. How many mutuals do you have?
I have no clue, but I hope it's a lot because I love the people I follow and I want them to like me back 🥺
10. How many followers do you have?
535 but I've had this blog for 10 years so Idk how many blogs are still active xD also the count is probably going to go down after Sunday's race, no matter the outcome
11. How many people do you follow?
About 3.7k blogs. Again, I've not made a proper cleanup in 10 years xD
12. Have you ever made a shit post?
WDYM my posts are always shitty! JK no I don't usually do that :/
13. How often do you use tumblr?
Veeeery often. But I've taken breaks during the years. It's always good to come back when I have a new hyperfixation and I want a lot of content <3
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog once?
Yes, I pointed out to a blog that they were being (shamelessly) hateful towards a driver while preaching "no hate" towards their fave. I've been mocked publicly because of it but heh. Shit happens. I don't care much about. Also I've argued with someone else, not directly on Tumblr tho. They were being racist and then proceeded to obliterate me from existence so it's okay, I don't have to deal with them any more! Yay! <3
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
I think it depends on the post. If I deem it important (e.g. human rights) I usually reblog them.
16. Do you like tag games?
A lot <3 so please tag mooore <3
17. Do you like ask games?
I do but nobody asks me shit çç
18. Which of your moots do you think is tumblr famous?
I think lots of them are! And I'm proud they still follow me after seeing the shit I post <3
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
Well. Yes
I'm tagging: @brattydrivers @wepickedthisgame @mickdidthat @footyleclerc @tricciardo @cowboyricciardo @nandolorris4 @socialite-xo @pursuingsunshine @mish-tique @thetwelfthcrow @thatsapodium @formulino27 @stan-a-hoe @cloudiness @the-bees-are-our-future @sebaston-vettel and honestly whoever sees this and wants to play because I can't tag you all gdkfgjdfgd<3
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
Honestly a lot of what you said about Yang applies to like, most of the cast. The main problem is that, honestly, the writers don't respect their characters, or at least don't respect their legacies and histories. They view their characters as tools, devices to augment to their will to keep a story going.
Yang just got this particularly bad in Volumes 6-8, only managing to course-correct somewhat in the later parts of Volume 8 before getting tossed off a cliff for cheap drama. I'm a major Yang fan as you can likely tell, and it's been nothing short of exasperating watching the writers blatantly ignore all the strong aspects of her character established in Volumes 1-5 for the sake of pushing the plot they want instead.
As one example, that Yang/Ren argument? It was apparently originally supposed to be an argument in Volume 7, between Ren and someone else (likely Nora). And I'll bet you anything they just copy-pasted most of it while just swapping Yang and Nora's names.
Of course there's more (like Yang going from strong arguments in Ironwood's favor to "alright let's go behind his back now" in the same scene just because Blake got sad), but that just speaks to me about how they don't really care about keeping their characters consistent.
Yeah, no one is really exempt from this treatment, with Yang perhaps standing out only because she's one of the main four and has one of the most vibrant personalities. As a comparatively prominent protagonist who - as the show itself says - shines brightly, she stands out in a way that the others often don't. Weiss, for example, has the same contradictory writing in regards to a lifelong struggle with abuse suddenly becoming something to joke about, but because it's one, humorous line and not, say, a full scene involving yelling and intense accusations, it doesn't sit with us quite as much, once the initial criticism has died down. Same with Blake, who despite being a part of the Robyn debacle is not the one to admit that to Ironwood, or later try to put blame on Ruby, or later still get mad at Ren - Yang gets all those emotional scenes. Ruby, meanwhile, is her own kind of mess, but a mess that, as we've seen lately, is expressed by sipping tea and quietly crying on staircases. Outside of giving angry speeches, Ruby's problems are quieter. And the others, despite being involved in the main conflict for years now, are still considered minor characters in comparison to Team RWBY, by both the writing and the fandom (Jaune's unique troubles aside). Yang, by virtue of being one of the show's stars with lots of screen time and bearing a deliberately bright, loud, in-your-face personality is in a unique position where the audience more easily remembers the problems with her writing. We can forget Nora quietly being contradictory in the background of one episode, less so Yang being loudly contradictory in the foreground of a whole arc.
But yeah, all of this is very interconnected. As your example attests: taking a scene meant for Volume 7, meant for another character, and then giving it to Yang in Volume 8 hurts her and Ren, and Jaune, and (presumably) Nora who goes from potentially having a legit disagreement with her boyfriend to... being mad he was upset about all this trauma and that her kiss didn't magically cure things? Honestly, I'm still not even clear on what Nora's deal was the last two volumes. The writers really don't care about consistency anymore, which by default means that they don't care to follow up on the new characteristics getting introduced. That's why Yang's growth was dropped so she could charge at Ruby again. Why Nora wants to be more than the bubbly girl who hits things, but immediately hits something to knock herself out. Why Blake must be devastated over everything with Adam, killing him, theoretically admitting feelings for Yang (to herself), and briefly losing her weapon, yet none of this is addressed. Why Penny is thrilled about being human despite never expressing an interest in changing - only being accepted - and then is killed off again before she can learn to live like this. Why Weiss is flip-flopping about her family every few episodes. She's terrified of her father. She's glibly arresting her father. She cares enough to try and evacuate her father. She adores her sister. She doesn't care anymore. She's back to caring the second Winter calls. She hates her brother. Wait, she loves him. Wait, she loves her mom too. When did that change?
Everyone's character is all over the place, with Ironwood himself being the most extreme turn imo, regardless of what some say about the setup always being there. The only characters who remain consistent lately are those who, frankly, the show isn't interested in developing, like Ozpin who seems to forever be the dubious, apologetic mentor who may or may not be merging with Oscar. But Oscar himself? He bounces from seeing first-hand how dangerous Salem's people are, to trusting them completely, from preaching about the importance of honesty, to keeping more secrets from the team, from being the weakest member to suddenly having a nuke in his cane... "development" has come to mean doing something new every few episodes, regardless of whether it makes any sense. I used to laugh at the fandom's "The only canon is the most recent volume" claims, just an exaggerated joke about RWBY's struggles, but now? It's honestly true. Whether we're talking about major plot holes, or the foundation of these characterizations, things not only change randomly from volume to volume, but episode to episode. Yang, sadly, has been hit by that particularly hard, but she's by no means alone.
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10 Things that EVERYONE Needs to Know Before Starting the Craft
1. Wicca and Witchcraft are Not the Same Thing
This is a pet-peeve of mine when people use those words interchangeably. So, what’s the difference? To put it simply, Wicca is a religion, while witchcraft is a practice. It’s like saying that prayer and Christianity are the same thing. Wicca is a relatively new invention, being created in the late 1950’s by Gerald Gardner after he spent a lot of time in Asia and became enthralled with their spirituality, which he merged with various occult practices that he came across in his travels. Witchcraft, on the other hand, is defined, at least by this author, as the act of manipulating the energy around you to achieve a goal. You can be either or you can be both, but they are not mutually exclusive.
2. Witchcraft Does Not Need to Kill Your Bank Account
If you follow many big-name witch influencers, more than likely, you will get caught up in the aesthetic of hundreds of beautiful crystals, perfect altars, sculpted candles, and much more elaborate and expensive things. Now, I want to make it clear, that there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, but it is not always feasible to have (or afford) everything required to fit that aesthetic. Rough, unpolished crystals will work just as good as the one you saw that was professionally polished and carved into the shape of a skull. You can get candles at thrift shops, not just at the website that sells specifically anointed candles for every specific intention. Remember, it is not the tool that makes the witch, but the witch that makes the tool!
3. Know the Difference Between a Coven and A Cult
While it is not necessary, there are definitely some benefits that come with finding a coven that welcomes you with open arems. So, first off, what is a coven?
A coven is a group of like-minded witches that help each other out magickally and hold a special bond or connection. They will often perform rituals together. Please keep in mind that there is a difference between a coven and a cult.
A coven is rewarding, full of (usually) great people and potential friends, while a cult is dangerous, toxic, and filled with people who often prey on the vulnerable or unaware.
Here are some potential warning signs of a cult:
They encourage you to cut off ties with your friends and family.
They try their best to make you dependent on them.
They pressure you into engaging in sexual/criminal/drug activities.
You feel as if it is dangerous to leave.
The “leader” equates themselves to a deity or is a “my word is law” type.
You feel as if you are walking on eggshells around them.
There is some “divine” goal that you must behave a very specific way in order to reach.
Those who manage to escape are demonized and/or are made into examples.
If you suspect that you or a loved one are in a dangerous situation, please contact the appropriate authorities.
4. Witchcraft Can Become Mundane
Pop culture has a bad habit of sensationalizing witchcraft. As cool as it looks, witchcraft isn’t all lightning fingers and demon-slaying. You most likely won’t become a soldier of a magickal war, facing down an ancient evil that was recently released. Sorry, I didn’t mean to burst your bubble!
That being said, witchcraft is extremely rewarding and can be as fun as you make it!
Just like with any other art, it requires discipline! It requires study, practice, and essential tasks (or as they are often fondly called, witchy chores). Some of these “chores” include cleansing, charging, decorating, meditation, and more. Unfortunately, as we all know, these tasks may feel tedious, but they are often very necessary. Again, it is as fun as you make it, and you will be less likely to burn out/hate performing the tasks if you view them as the essential tasks they are rather than unnecessary chores.
5. Learn As Much of the Basics That You Can
As much as we want to immediately jump into more flashy things such as astral projection and elaborate spells or hexes, you must learn the basics first. Why? Because, without a strong grasp of the basics, your magickal work can be unstable and reap results that you may not have intended, including ones that cause harm to you or those around you. To quote a cliche, you must learn to crawl before you can walk.
Here are some basics that I recommend you begin with:
The history of witchcraft
The elements of a spell
Color/stone/common herb correspondences
Different types of the craft
6. Elitism Exists and it’s Bullsh*t
Unfortunately, no matter what community you are in, there will always be a few bad apples, but I will be referring specifically to elitists. Elitists in the witchcraft community tend to preach that their way is the only true way to be a witch, that you must have the most expensive of tools, or that witches who come from a family of witches are better than those who do not. If there is one thing that I want you to take from this article, it’s that, no matter what anyone says, you will NEVER be any less of a witch because of your bloodline, ethnicity, skin color, religion, spiritual practice, or socio-economic status!
7. You Don’t Need to Choose Between Religion and the Craft
One of the most common reasons of being apprehensive towards starting your journey through the craft that I see is a fear of retaliation within your own religion. For example, a lot of Christian witches will initially be afraid of going to hell for their practices. As someone who grew up in the Bible Belt of the Southern United States (poor Awen still lives there), I can definitely relate to this feeling. However, I, as well as several other religious witches, can say that you can have both. You do not need to drop one to have the other. In my eyes, your relationship with your god(s) is between them and you and is nobody else’s business.
To make things a little easier, however, I recommend sliding into the craft slowly. Dip your toe in the proverbial water. Try starting by engaging in activities that aren’t necessarily tied to witchcraft such as meditating, grounding, growing plants, or even just collecting pretty rocks. I also recommend reaching out to practicing witches within your faith for advice. It also may be a good idea to truly research religions of interest and make sure that your religion is a good match for you. It is okay to realize that the religion you were raised to be in, like being raised to be in a particular political party, does not have to be your religion. If it is and it causes you and others around you no harm, then I am truly happy for you and support you.
8. Learn to Listen to Your Intuition/”Gut”
We tend to have a 6th sense for danger or the presence of another being. You may recognize this feeling when you can feel that someone is watching you. Our instincts are built into us to keep us alive. Personally, following my gut has saved my life more than once. In one particular incident, my gut told me to stop at a crosswalk despite not seeing any nearby cars and the sign telling me to walk. Seconds later, a truck sped by, running the red light at full speed.
If you feel that a spell has taken a turn towards the unwanted, find a stopping point and seal it away. Feel as if a deity is calling you? Take the time to research them and their calling cards. However, please take the time to learn the difference between a negative gut feeling and general nervousness, as it does feel different.
9. Learn the Difference Between Good and Bad Resources
Misinformaion and toxic ideologies can be dangerous when it comes to witchcraft. You can read extensively about the difference between the two in my previous post about it here.
10. It’s Okay If the Craft is Not for You
If you decide to try out the craft and later feel as if it isn’t clicking… that’s okay. The initial decision to explore is not one for life. Just like how certain sports, hobbies, music, et cetera are not for everybody, witchcraft is not for everybody. Anyone who decides to judge you for that is wrong and not worth your time.
Please consider supporting us by viewing the original post on our website, here!
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luidilovins · 3 years
You should turn your post on the Uncanny Valley into a book or something. I am not even kidding, it's brilliant and sorely needed information. Thank you for it.
Tbh its just speculative that the uncanny valley is an inherent biological trait and not cultural or a learned behavior at the moment. A good example would be the cultural phenomenon of colorophobia where in the US we have a longer history of using clowns in our horror pop culture genres than countries like Japan.
Clown entertainment has been around since the Egytian times and maybe some people have always been freaked out by them it honestly just takes one director or author to have an disproportionately irrational fear and good cinematography skills to convince people that they SHOULD hate clowns just as much, (I could say the same about the movie Jaws but thats a bit of a tangent,) or a memorable event that damages the public's trust in something that SHOULD be innocent or harmless. (A good examples being the John Wayne Gacy trials.)
Clowns are also thought to be in the uncanney valley so ita a fairly good argument on cultural phenomenon versus genetic traits. Up until aroud the 60s-70s clowns were actually fairly well liked by the US general public and a lot of older generation still find a fondness in it that would scare the living shit out of their grandchildren.
As far as evidence that I may be right about the "uncanney valley might be because of rabies" theory, there has been a small case study suggesting that the movements of a non-human robot that trigger the effect in us, is also present in people with parkinsons but the sample size is too small for me to be thoroughly convinced.
And don't be mistaken I also dislike this concept because saying that ableism is an inherent human trait is just as bad as saying racism is an inherent human trait. There is little to gain from distrust in the disabled and little historical evidence to suggest it was common or beneficial to discard disabled people. Disabled people's remains have been found time and time again to live to incredibly long livea and be cared for, and participate in their communities. I'm highly critical of this particular case study and I take it with a grain of salt because its on cosmo, but evidence of human disabilities and compassion can be sourced by actual bones and it's been placed on VERY credible sources. NPR, NBC, Discovery, Nat Geo, NY Times, literally the clostest you can get to creme of the crop news articles on DOZENS of accounts and if you have a goddam problem then pay for a tour to the Smithsonian, find an archeologist and coherse them into showing you the bones and then explain phorensics to you because you probably wouldn't understand unless you too were a phorensic archeologist yourself.
What I DO BELIEVE tho is that if the uncanny valley is a legitimate inherent trait, that like most evolutionary traits, it made it this far for this long because it somehow served us benificially. And the biggest benifit I can think of is identifying neuro-infectious diseases because they can spread agressivley, many of them lead to death or lasting effects and are fucking MISERABLE to catch. We're talking brain swelling, fevers, uncontrollable vomiting, tremors, hallucinations, motor and vocal tics, difficulty swallowing, seizures. This could all happen because they eat infected deer meat or because of one bad fox bite. It's miserable if you survive and horrifying if you dont. Rabies can survive in your muscle tissue for years before infecting your brain and once it does usually you only live for about 5-10 days in and out of concious knowledge that you're going to die painfully, and disease aggrivated psychosis. It would be hard to pinpoint the causation because the amout of time before full blown infection would vary too much to assosiate for a long time. So your only option is to hone in on telltale signs.
The disabled people who would suffer from herdeditary or developmental neurological disorders run the risk of prejudice from mistaken identity, but if a human is part of a community, and doesn't die within a week from having a wobbly head, it would sooner or later become apparent that they're not dangerous. I think nowadays culturally people don't press to learn more about disabled people due to social and political prejudice and never fucking grow up past that. Mistaken identity or not. You learn about people from the patterns of their behaviors so even ones that seem abnormal to you become a normal recognizable pattern for them. Fancy that.
We don't get grossed out by chimps or gorillas, who are even more distant cousins, and the proof that we don't have a search and destroy button for anything immediatly related to us is a bunch of bullshit can be found in almost every human's blood on earth. And not just neanderthals, but denisovans as well. And that's not even accounting for genetic backtracking the crossbreeding of other sapiens species before we were whittled down to just the three. What makes the tweet even stupider is that when neandertals still roamed the earth humans were shorter, hardier, and overall more rough looking so we looked even indistinguished then. We Also Chewed On Bones and neandertals handled cold climates better than us based on a study on chest cavity density and, skull nasal intake and heat circulation, providing genetic diversity and the upper hand in survival in the tundras or mountainous regions spanning over Eurasia. If it wasn't for humans fucking neandertals we might not have been able to spread over the contient or diversify the way we did.
So my full hypothesis is that if the uncanny valley is a genetic inherent human trait it was used to benifit people from catching agressive diseases in a time where the benifit of fearing a group member with rabies outweighed the cost of fearing a group member with a disability like parkinsons.
WHAT PISSED ME OFF was the idea that we are DESIGNED to be unwary of our evolutionary cousins could easily be used for white supremacist spaces to justify racism BECAUSE IT ALREADY HAS
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So that one tweet that might seem like a quirky thinkpiece in my eyes is just fuel for eugenics trend round whatever number we're on. It's like we don't fucking learn. It would be REALLY easy to retool the concept that it's natural for people to be fearful of whatever the bullshit definition of sub-humans are. Claiming that black people were sub-human thus deserving of mistrust and submission to white ownership worked like a fucking charm.
Maybe if I go to college and major in psyche/socio/civics it'll be my college thesis. Right now I'm more of a hobbyist than anything, but what I DO know is that anyone can make an untested hypothesis to combat another untested hypothesis and it should hold just as much goddamn value. I combatted the idea that the idea that human othering was funneled into an unconfirmed effect that causes disgust and terror based on non-human sapiens is in fact racist and gave what is in my opinion a more evoluntionary practical approach to the uncanney valley.
The generalized links that I used APARENTLY weren't good enough for some people but aparently a single tweet that says "hur dur heedle dee uncanney valley exists because of human cousins" was taken at face value even tho it was probably tapped out in five seconds without regards to the reproccussions. I find a huge discomfort that less than studious links about the evolution of monkey social behaviors that I used as a guideline to explaining my concerns became the focal point for people to nitpick without even having the gall to "well actually" on the subject. That absolute ravaging NEED to rip apart at it and devolve into name calling because I MENTIONED racism is fucking suspicious and I don't trust it. I had to stop looking at the responses because some people were only reblogging and arguing with barely half of my argument and i was getting nowhere fast.
There were a few people that made actual points with cited sources that made their own rebuttle arguments. That I respect. It's just as valid an argument as mine and I'm ALWAYS willing to take on more credible sources to strengthen my stance or gain perspective.
But it's the utter dismissal of a concerning concept that just seeped into the subtext that gnawed at my gut. Some people on top of hating the linked sources I provided, admitted they didn't read it, refused to read between the lines to purposfully misinterpret or derail my main points, and detract that my claim that the tweet was a result of systemic white supremacy saturated into modern science was a bunch of bullshit because I claimed that 1500s anglos invented racism.
The thing is we did invent the racism that we fucking currently subscribe to.
We practice the science that we formulated based on our own social prejudice. Real people die from this.
We remain uncritical of our own theorums that we postulate then pat ourselves on the back like we're philosophical geniuses even though racism is a family heirloom with a new paint job.
We preach the eugenics ideals that we pulled out of our asses to benifit from fearmongering, promises of national security and unpaied labor.
White supremacists create subtext with the intention of it being consumed by accident or in ways that seem palatable.
I don't hate the person who wrote the tweet. Chances are that they gave the tweet as much thought as they took the time to write it and went on their day as a fun little thinkpiece. Everyone on the internet does it. But its that kind of thinking error that needs to be adressed as a progression of historic and scientific prejudice that gets rehashed, recycled and untouched and continually damages and is weaponized against marginalized people. I am not wrong for taking it seriously especially when a bunch of people were sitting around nodding their heads just as effortlessly.
I don't owe the internet any more sources than the tweet. I don't owe anyone on the internet a full scientific ananysis. And the people's reaction to what I had to say was actually what further convinced me I might have hit the nail on the head.
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peachcitt · 3 years
okay, so style reference you say? I'm 👀
this is going to be. a very long post i think with probably a lot of tangents and probably with a lot more thorough explanation than you could ever want but. here we go
because all of my theory/explanation posts end up So Long, i like to organize myself by keeping myself to a structure, and i also like to think if i put stuff in sub categories with bolded titles, people reading can skip ahead to the stuff they want if they're low on time or don't feel like slogging through everything. so here's the structure of the official Peach Style Reference Narrative
1. Early Days - how i started writing, my early inspirations, origins
2. Current Days - discussions of current style references plus examples and comparisons, discussions of original content versus fan content
3. Future Days - where i expect my writing to grow, trajectories i want, conclusory thoughts
without further ado, let's get into it!
1. Early Days
like i mentioned on the discord server, ive been writing creatively for. a very long time. i just turned 20 (like. literally today. we love to see it) and that seems very young, but i remember writing creatively when i was maybe six or seven, and before that i played with dolls a lot, which meant every day i was creating little narratives for myself. in addition to this - and this is probably why i started writing so young - i was (and am!) a very avid reader. i was that little jerk in elementary school reading chapter books and going into the older kids' section in the school library because i'd already mentally surpassed the books in the section meant for kids my age. so, basically, ive been writing for maybe 13 or 14 years at the least.
when i was young, my favorite books that i remember trying to copy in my own stories were: the magic treehouse books, harry potter, and percy jackson.
the magic treehouse
i honestly could not tell you which magic treehouse book it was, but i remember reading a specific magic treehouse book where the magic lady that left the treehouse for the kids sends the kids (jack and annie??) a note in distress, and she didn't get to finish signing her name because whoever had gotten her had interrupted her. it had been printed in the book with the ink on her name running.
i could not tell you anything else that happened in that book, but i can tell you that at some point in time soon after i read that book i started writing a story with an interrupted letter just like that. i loved the drama, the mystery of it all. i wanted to do something that was a little scary like that, a little exciting.
harry potter
harry potter isn't much of a style reference, but it was a huge impact of my childhood. truth be told i kind of hated the books when i was really young because i grew up watching the movies, and when i tried to read the books when i was in elementary school, the teenage angst that hits about book 5 simply Did Not make sense to me. i also find the language of harry potter to be super cumbersome, and sometimes it feels to me like the books are long just for the sake of being long. they have a huge cultural impact, but i feel the same way about harry potter's style as i do about dickens. cool and interesting, but, like, could you get to the point already? (and also my opinion of j.k. rowling has steadily been growing worse and worse over the years, for obvious reasons. harry potter is nostalgic for me, but i can't look at it now without thinking about it critically, which really lowers my opinion of it)
however, you could probably call my first fanfiction a harry potter fanfiction. i started it when i was maybe six or seven, and it was a rewrite of the chamber of secrets with my childhood best friend as the main character (she didn't know about it, i just had her as the main character because i thought she was cool). i of course never finished it, but harry potter probably did a huge part of planting that seed of magic in me. everything i want to write included some form of magic - although my perspective on what can be considered magic has steadily expanded over the years.
percy jackson
of all my childhood "style references" that still influence me to this day, percy jackson has got to be the biggest. for starters, it's magic. second, it's main themes are about friendship and family - things that i like all my stories now to always include. third - and most important - is the narrative voice.
in terms of narrative voice, percy has a huge personality. he's witty and snarky, but also very thoughtful and poignant. a lot of my early writing was in first person, and it's probably because of percy. also, percy jackson was the first fandom i really got into, and it was the first media that i started officially writing and posting fanfiction for. percy's voice is so clear and hooking, and i wanted to be able to write something funny and real like that.
also - chapter titles. the original pjo series is famous for its weird and hilarious chapter titles, and even though i didn't really start writing fics or stories that were long enough to need chapter titles until a while later, i loved the idea of putting in a chapter title that would make a reader laugh, or maybe even make a reader feel a little apprehensive about the events to come.
but back to percy's narrative voice. i loved that style, almost conversational, so much that i started thinking like it. when i wasn't doing anything, like walking home in middle school, i often found myself narrating my life in my head like percy would, trying to find that humor and spark in my every day surroundings. i still find myself doing that very often, but not necessarily in the classic pjo style. now i narrate everything in my head a little differently, but that practice narration in my early days really helped my shape my voice, i think.
other series i read when i was younger include: a a series of unfortunate events and the name of this book is secret. i don't remember seeing a lot of influence in my early writing from those books, but i definitely think the styles of those books hit me a little later, which i will talk about in the next section.
but, yeah. these were the big three of my childhood. i also read a lot of ya romance, children's mystery books, princess stories, and various types of fantasy, which i think you could probably tell from the genres i like to stick to now. except i don't write a ton of mystery because, as much as i admire the complicated plots, im not sure if i'd have the patience to plan all that out.
in terms of the rest of the genres, a ton of my earlier writing included classic ya romance and fantasy tropes - chosen girl, love triangles, angsty overpowered teens, etc etc. even though those kinds of stories are not necessarily the kinds of stories i want to write or read now, i think my early writing of those kinds of things was really valuable. it's kind of a dirty secret with finished or unfinished works generally considered 'cringe' - often that writer is a new writer, or they're trying something new, or they just haven't found their voice yet. all of those things are perfectly okay and normal, and a lot of people in the writing community preach that kind of thing, but i don't necessarily see people cutting new writers slack in actual practice. writing "overrused" tropes isn't cringe, it's normal, and, besides, what trope isn't overrused? people have been writing and telling stories for thousands of years - nothing is really new. what matter is that someone new is telling the story, and that's what makes it valuable.
so, yeah, a lot of my childhood writing is cringe to me now, but i wouldn't be where i am without it.
with that being said, let's actually look at where i am now
2. Current Days
im going to break this section down into two parts, sort of: original fiction and fanfiction. because i think both of these things have become really important to me, and i don't believe i personally could exist as a writer without one or the other. it's a symbiotic relationship.
we'll start with fanfiction.
my relationship with fanfiction is relatively positive in online spaces: i write what i want to see from media that i like, and i have fun doing it. i also get some comments on my fics by lovely people that detail exactly what they like - some even go so far to talk about narrative style, voice, or tone - and that's really helpful. generally, i see fanfiction not only as a fun hobby and vent space for my strong positive feelings about certain media, but also as a place for me to try new things, experiment, and earn positive feedback.
i don't often share my original fiction online (and if i do, never at the same scope as my fanfiction), so i don't get that same opportunity to see what "works" with readers. fanfiction gives me the space to see that, and i apply new knowledge ive learned to my original fiction. that's what i mean by a symbiotic relationship.
in terms of specific style references for specific fics (which is what i know you probably most want to see), i'll try my best to pick them all out and give specific examples.
those benevolent stars and i am the messenger by markus zusak
in my favorite book list, i saw you mention tbs, so i'll start there. to be honest, i had no idea what my style reference for tbs was when i first saw your tags, and i almost didn't think there was anything specific. style references are a bit sneaky like that - if you've been referencing for someone for a long time, it becomes less of an intentional reference and more of just a you think, so it gets harder to tell.
lucky for this post, i just finished doing my yearly reread of zusak's i am the messenger, and as i was reading, i noticed a few spots where i was like wait hey i remember doing that.
for starters, iatm has been my favorite book for about six or seven years now, so i would say that some aspects of my style certainly comes from zusak because of how much i love iatm but also his other books. zusak has this huge talent for writing short, punchy sentences that convey so much in just a few words, and i think i've ended up trying to do that in my own writing. often, in my writing you'll see fragmentary sentences such as "He stopped. Blinked. Looked at her." that's not from anything specific, but i know ive written something like that maybe a million times over. zusak doesn't do the same thing - often his fragments are jam-packed with imagery in a way that mine aren't - but there's a thoughtfulness in his fragments that are in mine, too. a sort of pause. a hint that there's thinking happening in the narrator or a certain character. for example, i did a quick flip through of my copy and we have:
"We stare across the table.
Just briefly.
At each other." (I am the Messenger, p.144)
so you see how my common sentence fragment of "he stopped / blinked / looked at her" tracks with a fragment like this? i like the way zusak broke up sentences to make you dwell on them a little longer, consider the importance of each section, so i started doing that wayy before i wrote tbs i think.
also, at the time i wrote tbs, i think i was in the process of, or had just finished doing my reread of iatm, and, like i said, zusak loves imagery. tbs is a very imagery-heavy fic. tbs was influenced by a lot of music - a lot of the scenes have very specific pieces of music that i wrote imagining the tone and vibe of. iatm also references a lot of outside media sources, mostly music and films.
there are a couple of scenes in tbs that i think i wrote specifically mimicking or accidentally referencing from iatm. for example, we have this scene in tbs:
"It was almost like he could feel Marinette’s eyes on his back, steady and gentle. 'But you still love her.”
'Yeah,' Adrien said quietly, 'I still love her.' His eyes moved along a streak of purple that bled into a dark blue. 'I hate her a little bit, too.'
Marinette was silent.
He turned around, giving her a smile." (Those Benevolent Stars, chapter 3)
and this scene from iatm:
"'Do you hate me, Ed?'
Still stupid with bubbles and vodka in my stomach, I answer. Very seriously.
'Yes,' I whisper. 'I do.'
We both smack the sudden silence with laughter." (I am the Messenger, p. 233)
obviously there are differences, and i don't think i did it on purpose, but the interaction is very similar. i love the gentle intimacy of that scene in iatm, that weird complication relationship between the main character and the person he loves, the hurt, the brushing it off with laughter. so i wrote a scene that incorporated those things
zusak is also really good at writing moments of quiet into his books that aren't necessarily important to the plot, but are still important. if you've ever read that ghibli meta post talking about the 'quiet' between scenes in studio ghibli scenes, meant to give both the audience and the characters space to breath, it's like that. nothing in iatm is not imporant - it all serves a purpose, even the quiet moments, and i try to do the same thing. there's moments like that in tbs i think, like:
"Marinette gave him a small smile before turning back to her ice cream. Adrien tried to eat his ice cream a little faster, licking up where it had dripped onto his hand.
They were quiet for a while longer, and Marinette finished her ice cream. She leaned back on her hands and looked up at the dark sky, littered with stars.
He could see them all in her eyes, too." (Those Benevolent Stars, chapter 3)
and in iatm, you get scenes like:
"Our feet dangle.
I watch them, and I watch the jeans on Audrey's legs.
We only sit there now.
Audrey and me." (I am the Messenger, p.120)
so i definitely think tbs is a very i-am-the-messenger/markuz zusak-inspired fic. there's a lot of zusak's quiet, and there's the pieces of zusak's style that i've picked up along the way that really shine in tbs
tomorrow and this body's not big enough for the both of us by edgar cantero
ive talked about cantero a few times recently, but, as you've probably noticed, in relation to my fic called 'tomorrow.' i wrote tomorrow pretty soon after reading this body's not big enough for the both of us, and i used tomorrow specifically to experiment with cantero's visual writing style. in all the books by cantero ive read, there's this kind of hyper-awareness of a film gaze - how a certain scene would be shot on a camera, dialogue as script writing, and other things like that mixed with prose. i thought it was fascinating, and after finishing this body, i really wanted to play around with that idea. so i wrote tomorrow keeping in mind a "film gaze." for example:
"Two figures sitting on a rooftop, silhouettes. The moon hovers over them carefully, a crescent afraid to break the silence. One of the figures takes a breath, looks up into the sky at the hesitant moon, and he sighs. He closes his mouth again." (tomorrow)
versus in cantero's work, where we get descriptions like:
"And then, like a high-heeled coup de grace, she arrived.
She paused briefly outside the door, her hourglass silhouette cast upon the glass panel with the fresh shiny vinyl letters" (This Body's Not Big Enough for the Both of Us, prologue)
the tone of the two excerpts are very different, but there's a very visual sense to both of them, like they are being described from a shot in a movie rather than a regular work in prose. in tomorrow i also work a lot with specific camera imagery - saying where the camera goes in the scene, what it focuses on - and this body doesn't do this too much, but cantero's meddling kids does at least once that i remember.
regardless, after finishing this body, i wanted to try my hand at the visual structure that cantero uses in his works, so i really leaned in to the idea.
chat noir's white french man hit list for feminist purposes and grasshopper jungle by andrew smith
this is, as of right now, the most recent fic on my ao3, and i started it the literal day i finished grasshopper jungle. i think you might be getting a theme here - i read a really good book, and then immediately after i start writing something. the easiest way to get inspired as a writer is to read.
chat noir's hit list is a fic that is very much aware of the fact that it is a story being told - you don't know by who or for what real reason until the end, but it's a self aware sort of story. it's also very snarky and sarcastic, and it expands past just the confines of its own story; it's about chat noir and his hit list, but it also talks in depth about emilie agreste, chat noir's relationship with ladybug, and his relationship with himself. this is very much the kind of thing that you would find in an andrew smith book - grasshopper jungle is a story being told to you, and it's also about more than just the original pieces of the plot. the narrator tells the story that expands past regular confines of the story he means to tell - he's telling the 'history' of his life and his town, but he also talks about his great-great grandfather, the origins of the ketchup his girlfriend's dad eats, and what's happening in other parts of the country as he and his best friend are hanging out. the line in chat's hit list of "stars exploded, the sun did not, life continued on" was very much a grasshopper jungle and andrew smith-inspired line.
at the end of adrien's narration in chat's hit list, he says:
"It should be mentioned at this point in time that this story is not over, although I’ll stop telling it here.
So that’s the story of Chat Noir, who is also Adrien Agreste, who was very much a normal boy, except for the fact that he wasn’t. It’s a sad story, but it is also a happy story, and it is highly confidential. I’m sure you understand." (Chat Noir's White French Man Hit List for Feminist Purposes)
and at the end of grasshopper jungle, as the main character is closing out his narration, we get:
What I have written here is not the history of Eden. It is the history of the end of the world. All real histories will be about everything, and they will stretch to the end of the world.
The end of the world started when Andrej Szczerba slid into the cold sea as his boy, Krys, watched and wept and drifted closer and closer to the United States of America.
Nobody knew anything about it." (Grasshopper Jungle, p.382-3)
It's not overtly similar, but the structure is the same: recognition of the end, short summary of where we started and left the story, tag phrase that was used prior in the work. when i was writing the end of adrien's narration, i didn't mean to mirror grasshopper jungle so closely, but sometimes things just happen that way - honestly, so many of the things i do in my writing aren't intentional, they're subconscious. when i make a conscious choice, it's related to plot or to a new strategy im applying to style or voice that i'm not used to, but a lot of the things i do fly under the radar in my brain unless im purposefully trying to piece them apart like i am here.
i will say the meta-story of chat's hit list was pretty directly inspired by grasshopper jungle because i love meta stories, and i like using opportunities to put them in. i just love the idea of reading a story of someone telling someone else a story, which is what the two books by andrew smith i've read have been, and i think that's just fascinating, which is why i used it here.
ive gotten a couple of comments on chat's hit list that liken the narrative style to pseudonymous bosch's the name of this book is secret and lemony snicket's a series of unfortunate events, which i thought was really interesting, because i was purposefully trying to make the voice an impression of andrew smith's voice adapted to the tone of ml, but i could definitely see their reasoning.
andrew smith, like i mentioned before, likes specifics - what exactly people were doing at certain times, where a specific bottle of ketchup came from, etc. from what i remember of the name of this book is secret and a series of unfortunate events, i remember the descriptions included in those books chock full of highly specific, snarky details that aren't truly necessary, but do a whole lot in terms of adding a certain flavor to the narration. i won't try and look up examples from unfortunate events and the name of this book, but here are a couple examples:
"See, the thing about Emilie Agreste, formerly Emilie Graham De Vanily, is that she was what could be generously called a ‘radical.’ Born in 1969, like most amazing and world-altering things, Emilie Graham De Vanily grew up in London alongside her twin sister, who is a nice enough woman and who is not really that important to this story, and she was raised with the firm and gentle hands of people who had witnessed war and cruelty and had found that they did not like at all. Emilie Graham De Vanily grew up learning about the true history of England, which is not a very nice history, truly, and she grew up knowing that people with white skin like her were historically not all that great. That, historically, was a very radical thought." (Chat Noir's White French Man Hit List for Feminist Purposes)
from chat's hit list, and this:
"In 1905, being seventeen years old made you a man. In 1969 when hungry Jack fought in Vietnam, seventeen years old was a man. My brother, Eric, who was somewhere in Afghanistan, was twenty-two.
Krzys Szczerba came across the Atlantic with his father. They planned on working and earning enough money so Krzys's mother, brother, and two sisters could come to the United States, too. People who did that were called Bread Polacks. They came here to make money." (Grasshopper Jungle, p. 68)
from grasshopper jungle. once again, obviously very different, but you can tell im playing around with that same feeling of giving a surplus of facts in my narration in the same way that andrew smith does. you can't really tell in the grasshopper jungle excerpt, but oftentimes the surplus of 'facts' serves almost a comedic effect, which is definitely something that you can feel in chat noir's hit list.
[REDACTED] and six of crows by leigh bardugo
as a reward for sticking around through this, i'll give out something fun here. the current long fic that ive been working on recently has proved to be very bardugo-inspired, particularly six of crows-inspired.
in six of crows, bardugo gives us action right off the bat and then integrates flashbacks into lulls of action so that there's never truly a dull moment. i found [REDACTED] to be a fic where i wanted to use flashbacks in a similar way, so that i would get something like:
"She doesn’t stay for the whole parade, but she stays for enough of it. Nothing unusual happens, just like always, but she still makes cursory patrols around the city, ending up at the Eiffel Tower, just like always. She sits on the railing way up at the top, and she crosses her ankles, swinging her legs back and forth and humming softly to herself as she watches the sun set.
'Little kitty on the roof, all alone without his lady,' he used to sing when he’d gotten back to their meeting point from patrolling his half of the city before her. It was just a silly little song, one that he’d clearly made up for himself."
It didn’t hurt until he’d been akumatized, and she’d seen that one version of the future - the one where he’d destroyed the whole world because of Gabriel Agreste. She’d seen him then, a lonely figure in white, humming his little song to himself. Who knows how long he’d been like that before she’d been transported to him, how long he’d been really and truly alone. (REDACTED, chapter 1)
and in comparison, we get a lot of scenes in six of crows like:
"Kaz leaned against the ship's railing. He wished he hadn't said anything about his brother. Even those few words raised the memories, clamoring for attention. What had he said to Geels at the Exchange? I'm the kind of bastard they only manufacture in the Barrel. One more lie, one more piece of the myth he'd built for himself.
After their father died, crushed beneath a plow with his insides strewn across a field like a trail of damp red blossoms, Jordie had sold the farm. Not for much." (Six of Crows, p.205-6)
bardugo uses most of the flashbacks during a time in which the main characters are on a long sea voyage, which means they have a lot of time to reflect on their pasts and what brought them to these situations - it's a smart way to fill the empty space of the sea voyage and to really dwell on how important the voyage is. in a similar way, i chose to use the flashbacks in dull or lulling moments in the events of the story, ones in which marinette lets her mind wander or sees something that makes her remember something specific.
however, here's a situation where you can see me adapt the style into something that makes more sense for me, personally: in my excerpt, the tense changes between the current events and the flashback events, while in bardugo's excerpt, the tense stays the same at a comfortable past tense. when i was writing my fic with the flashbacks, i thought the constant, sometimes abrupt, switching would get confusing, so i made sure to always have a clear line using the past and present tense that readers could consciously or unconsciously take notice of.
so there are a couple of instances within some fairly recent fics i have that have specific callbacks to specific books. there are a whole bunch more, i think, but these are the ones that ive played around with intentionally the most recently or the most often.
3. Future Days
based on my recent rapid experimentation in fics (the most recent four fics on my ao3 have been very experimental in comparison to most of my works), i really anticipate a lot of growth in my overall style. ive been having a lot of fun experimenting and throwing in things that a few years ago i would've never even thought of, so im really excited to see where that might lead me, style wise.
i think as a writer there's always room for growth and learning, and that kind of growth and learning comes from not only practicing writing, but also reading. i cannot stress enough how valuable and impactful reading is on writing. considering ive been trying to read a lot more than i have been in recent years, it makes a lot of sense that ive been making a lot of weird decisions and learning more about what i want to see in my own writing.
honestly, if you ever want to know about any of my other fics, or you want to see how this kind of thing translates to my original works, just shoot me an ask! this post is already long enough, so i think i'll go ahead and end it here, but just know you can always ask questions<3
thank you so much for asking me this question and letting me indulge, and thank you for reading!!!<3<3<3<3
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heretherebedork · 4 years
BL - Where Are You Now?
Shows you’re currently watching as they air/get subbed?
Favorite current main couple?
Favorite current side dish?
Show you’re hate watching?
Show you’re pretty sure isn’t going to end the way you want?
Show that’s way better than you expected?
Show that’s disappointing you?
Show you absolutely can not wait for the next episode?
Show that’s pretty much what you expected?
Anything else you’re watching tangential to BL?
(stolen from @you-had-me-at-bl because I have no life)
1. Shows you're currently watching as they air/get subbed.
A Tale of a Thousand Stars
And that's YOU!
Dear Uranus
Diving Into Love
HIStory 4: Close To You
Killer and Healer
Lovely Writer
Meet My Angel
The Most Peaceful Place (I... think that's the title? O2 didn't translate the title this time)
Stranger's Kiss
The Cupid Coach
Word of Honor
Hey, you know how I say I have no life? I mean it.
2. Favorite current main couple?
Phupha and Tian. This... this should not be a surprise to anyone. I love them so much more than I should. What darling boys. What amazing pining. What emotional pain and comfort. I love them so much.
Gene and Nubsib are a very close second because I adore Gene so much more than I should. The finest example of introversion and getting into a bit of a rut and being in the closet by choice ever. Love him!
3. Favorite Current Side Dish?
... Kaow and Khun from Brothers. Look. I am a sucker for adorable, soft boys and they are the softest and belong in a much, much better show.
OH HAI AEY AND MHOK. Welcome to favorite side pairing! I have no idea wtf you're going to do but I cannot wait.
4. Show you're hatewatching?
MEET MY ANGEL. MEET MY FUCKING ANGEL. Meet my Angel, my fucking BOOT TO THE HEAD bury your gays and AIDS and Christian preaching. SO BAD. It's horrible and has horrible messages and I am watching it so you don't have to, please don't watch it.
The Cupid Coach because WTF. What the actual fuck.
5. Show you're pretty sure isn't going to end the way you want?
Killer and Healer. Oh, Killer and Healer is going to rip my heart out, stomp on it and laugh as it bleeds out. Especially over Yu TangChun and Zhan Junbai. Ooooh, that's going to hurt SO BAD.
Also, Stranger's Kiss is going to be Julius/Nico and not Prince/Nico and I find that very disappointing.
6. Show that's way better than you expected?
This is hard because I tend to just think shows are going to be good? I think it has to be HIStory 4. It's a lot less... what it is... than I thought. I knew I was going to watch it (ANSON CHEN) but I'm also genuinely enjoying it and looking forward to it. I might even rewatch it.
7. Show that's disappointing you?
Brothers, because it seemed to get better for like an episode and then just...crashed and fell apart and I am disappointed in them. Also, to an extent, Padayon. I really had higher hopes for the writing from the first episode but it hasn't been that good.
8. Show you absolutely can not wait for the next episode?
A Tale of a Thousand Stars and Lovely Writer are the two that I am currently going wild over. I love them so MUCH.
9. Show that's pretty much what you expected?
A Tale of a Thousand Stars. Look. I knew I was going to love this show, I knew what it was gonna be, I knew I was going to go wild and it has lived up to everything I wanted. So, yeah. Exactly what I expected but in all the best ways.
10. Anything else you’re watching tangential to BL?
I'm slowly going through a lot of things on GagaOOLala, so... all of that? It's just me watching anything that promises a happy ending, basically.
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