#If we gotta discuss this more/I gotta fix anything lemme know! .u.
@alphahydrii // Closed Starter
It didn’t happen too often, that Kaiba couldn’t sleep. It was annoying when it did happen, when he just laid in bed for hours, wasting time that could’ve been spent elsewhere. Having all this energy and drive that he was trying to stomp out! It was important to sleep, he knew that logically. But at some point, it seemed better to cut his losses. Especially when his personal lab was so close by.
Tinkering with machines had always excited him, since he was little. The rush of inventing something new never went away, and he felt like he was on the verge of something great! It was with his Virtual Reality Pods again-- he’d was bent over one of them with a screwdriver, installing a new piece, as well as typing on two laptops that were plugged into the machine. The pods were designed to transport a person’s mind into a game of his own design, which he’d proven it could do flawlessly. But the thought had crossed his mind, if it would be possible to transport someone’s mind elsewhere. Into a computer, into a different person’s body (ew), into another dimension. He didn’t believe in multiverse-theory of course, sounded a bit too mystical for his tastes, but... he was a man of science. And theories were made to be tested.
‘... I wonder if it’s good enough to boot up,’ he thought to himself, glancing to the power cord, which was currently unplugged. There wasn’t any harm in trying. Worst it’d do is cause a power surge and fry his laptops, so he unplugged those first. Then he picked up the main pod’s power cord, and just as he was about to plug it in...
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"Ah!” He dropped the cord, jolting. What the hell was that!? It almost sounded like an explosion! Did it come from the pods!? No, they looked fine. Where did that come from?! It sounded close, way too close! Either from this room, or right outside! Shit. It wouldn’t be the first time someone had tried to break in here. Immediately Kaiba sprinted towards where he’d left his briefcase, pulling out his deck and duel disk and scanning the room while he mounted it to his arm. The lab was large, with a lot of places to hide. (He felt oddly naked, wearing the duel disk without his metal bracers underneath. Right now, he just had on a black turtleneck, slacks, and brown loafers, quite dressed-down by Kaiba’s standards. His locket was tucked under his shirt, out of sight.) “Who’s there? Show yourself, right now!”
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s1utspeare · 3 years
I heard the sweet, dulcet tones of acting meta on this post and could not resist her call, so @xcziel, @foxofninetales, this one is for you.
So first of all lemme just say I love these bitches, and what’s interesting about Liu Chang is that he plays them on opposite ends. There’s not much he can do about the fact that, y’know, he’s the same-ass person, but there are some very distinct differences between Liu Sang and Wang Can, which we will be talking about now.
Liu Sang photo cred: @foxofninetales
Wang Can photo cred: @xcziel
Jiang Wu photo cred: me screenshotting @xia-xueyi’s Moonfall Echo subs (ep. 13)
I’ve talked about body lines before! But now we get to look at it from the same actor in two different characters! As a recap, straight lines are strong, sturdy, confident, and straightforward; curved lines are weaker, but more interesting and more dynamic.
For example!!
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We got our bitch Wang Can here!! This is our first look at this slimy man, and look! He’s like a square!!! All straight lines, all ups and downs. Him body a square!! The costume people also do a great job of boxing him up bc of the tailoring of his jacket, and the two neutral color palette. There’s no embellishments, no decor. This is a straightforward man!! He’s not hiding anything except exactly how much of a bitch he is
(Also notice that his hands are showing and in fists. This will be important in a minute.)
Next, we have our favorite boy Liu Sang, showing up for the first time (ignore the differences in angles):
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Oho! He’s a curvy motherfucker!! Aside from the fact that his clothes are now tailored correctly to demonstrate his natural curves, this mans is also curving himself! His arms! Are loose! And bent!! His head and neck aren’t nearly as emphasized! And! AND!!!! His hands are in his fucjing POCKEEETTTSSS. That indicates FURTIVENESS! That indicates MYSTERY! We’re going to find some things OUT about this boy and we’re gonna like it!!!
In comparison, look at Jiang Wu:
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LIU CHANG U BEAUTIFUL BITCH. He fucking BENT HIS ARM. He kept one straight and BENT THE OTHER!!! Oh joyous occasion!! We have a DYNAMIC BOY!! but not too dynamic—peep that hidden hand! Also I love this bc it was TWO DIFFERENT LIU CHANG CHARACTERS IN THE SAME SHOW!!! :D see!! Here’s Liu Sang again!
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THIS IS A CONFIDENT LIU SANG!!!! He is CHANGED! He is capable of expressing emotions now! Look at just how much body language he has going on, while in comparison, Jiang Wu and Wang Can are like creepy Wood Baby Puppets. His body shape is boxy again, but that’s bc he’s the protagonist of this one. The plot hinges on him, he’s gotta be sturdy.
Wang Can is straight lines, no hidden agenda (which is funny cause he’s a Bad Guy)
Liu Sang is dynamic lines and movement, and alludes to mysterious ✨secrets✨
Jiang Wu is a mix of the two and also a dumb dork (that’s not from the body language, I just think he’s funny)
Once again I owe my life to costuming people. Someday I’ll write that Mystic Nine costuming meta but today we’re focusing on Liu Chang and, specifically, his HAIR PEOPLE!!! I love them and would die for them literally
Once again, ladies and gentlemen and all my glorious they/thems, Wang Can:
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OOOOOH I hate his slimy RAT FACE lemme AT EM. Ahem. Regardless, let’s take a look at this BITCH, shall we? We have: straight line face angles!! Very standard shape, BUT this is all accented by the fact that his hair is S C R A P E D back to within an inch of its life, like. Ahem. Sir. Please. Also this man’s got CONTOUR on. If u look at literally any pics/videos of Liu Chang out of character he is NOT this angular. His head is just as rectangular as his body, and the pulled back hair emphasizes his face, which is interesting as he doesn’t do a whole lot with it.
Alternatively, Liu Sang:
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This is a nice boy!!! This is a nice soft boy!!! Look his face has CURVES that are emphasized by the glasses (which also draw attention to his eyes, which is good bc that’s where he does the most work, which we’ll get to later) and the HAIR!!! His hair is soft!! It’s flowy! It’s curvy! He conditions!!! This boy is approachable and will Not shoot you One Million Times with a Machine Gun. This also works with the Liu Sang Signature Ponytail, as he leaves thick-enough bang pieces out to also give the illusion of curves around his face. Also his nose and cheekbones are NOT as strongly contoured, so the angularity of his face is softened as well
dmbj hair and makeup people were doing the absolute most
Wang Can’s hair gives us the most access to The Face, giving him a slick, straight look, and also something else which we will discuss next
Liu Sang is Soft and Curved bc of the hair and glasses, primarily
Oh speaking of fucking which you know who else is soft??? Huang Junjie. That’s the softest man I have ever seen. His xiaoge is my favorite bc it’s perfectly believable that he’s Butter Inside based solely on his Cheeks (again, it’s the hair people doing the Lord’s work)
The face is the actor’s best friend, and Liu Chang definitely uses his well. We know him as being sort of stoic, more on the Xiao-Ge end of things than the Wu Xie side, but if u compare Liu Sang to Wang Can, LS is going HAM with the facials.
Let’s take a look!
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Fuck me UP!!!!!! Look at him!! This is one of the earlier episodes too so we haven’t even gotten to the real good stuff but!!!! Look at his eyebrows!!! Look at how wide his eyes get (once again, the glasses are jumbotroning the peepers)! Look at his unhappy lil mouth!! That’s a whole REALM of facial expression, and so early on in our journey!
Meanwhile, Fuckboy Prime:
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(Pardon the garbage screencap, my laptop broke on me this week and I am Suffering)
This is at the very end of Wang Can’s time with us; he’s fighting and he’s going to die and he KNOWS it, but this bitch doesn’t even draw his eyebrows together. Mcwhomst???? Bitch u GOTTA give us more than that I’m BEGGING u
The other interesting thing about their differing facial expressions is that Liu Sang emotes mostly with his eyes, and Wang Can emotes mostly with his mouth. This is very obvious in the clip @xcziel posted, esp when he starts doing the whole gesturing-with-his-chin thing, but it’s prominent throughout.
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These two screenshots were taken like fifteen seconds apart. He does a whole face journey, but only with his mouth. His eyes stay fixed; they move, sure, but they don’t get any wider or anything like that.
Liu Sang, however is always doing stuff with his eyes. For example (I couldn’t find an image of it quick enough but I know that @kholran has this gifset), the sacrifice scene where he looks up at Wu Xie with the biggest, most pleading and questioning eyes imaginable?? Kills me. The DEPTH in those bad boys. Fuck me UP.
This also checks out when we remember the glasses. Since they emphasize the eyes, we’re drawn to that part of Liu Sang’s face, so it makes sense that the majority of his expression would happen there. This is also prominent with his hearing abilities; whenever he’s trying to focus them (or get us to focus on him), he not only turns his eyes away, he SHUTS THEM, which means we as the audience know that there’s something going on underneath the surface, and really highlights the fact that this is an unusual and cool power!
With Wang Can, however, the structure of his face and absence of Hair Curves directs the eye to his mouth, so we watch that to tell what’s going on in his head. It’s all about directing the eye, and Liu Chang is very good at knowing where people are going to be looking!
Liu Sang, Wang Can, and Jiang Wu are all very distinctly characterized through their body language
The same actor becomes different characters by using their toolkit (the body) to its full potential
Hair and makeup people are Wizards
Wang Can is a Whole-Ass Ho and I do not miss him even a little bit
Liu Sang’s body dynamics change over time and I love that for him!!
I’m a giant nerd the end
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lansizhuis · 5 years
Hello! I’ve been seeing a lot of tweets on twitter regarding “Guardian” and was wondering if you could tell me whether that’s a novel or show? I’ve seen a show version I think, but I doubt it’s the same one everyone’s talking about. Thank you in advance, you’re always of great help!
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Am I ashamed to admit these asks made me get out of bed so I can get to my laptop and answer this while feeling the keys as I cry over how much I love Zhenhun/Guardian and weilan??? nope
BASIC DETAILSZhenhun/Guardian (i will mostly refer to is as zhenhun) is one of Priest’s (a popular danmei writer) early works dating back 2012 - so it is, originally a novel. It got a live action adaptation last year summer of 2018.
DRAMA/LIVE-ACTIONDue to loads of censorship issues (got pulled out after ep 6 then back again then pulled out for a while when it ended then back again) especially since Zhenhun’s canon story revolves around gods, ghosts, REINCARNATION (pls tell me you felt my tears there), and the like then this was completely scraped off and made way to some mutant/alien thing. OKAY tbh I haven’t met anyone who went to the drama for the plot hahaha I’m gonna go ahead and say it - plot is sht (understandable w/ censorship concerns but still), ending is sht (so bad that priest had to write a mini fix it in her 4th extra about it), cgi is sht (this one was bc they originally had a very rich company sponsoring them hence the amazing OSTs aka pre-prod stuff but then the company went bankrupt whelp soooo), etc. WE ALL STAYED BECAUSE OF WEILAN. Zhu Yilong (played Shen Wei - left in blue suit) and Bai Yu (played Zhao Yunlan - right in uhh rugged clothing lol) had such amazing chemistry!!! They seriously couldn’t have found a better pair to have portrayed our main pair!!! Let me fangirl for a bit bc I love them sfm and I thank their ancestors for reproducing. 
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And sooo quick facts:
Zhu Yilong: a bit shy and gentle but was actually a delinquent student in the past and he’s super strong af like he does muay thai, boxing, and in short he can snap us in half despite his super duper beautiful face (his face was like made by god as a personal project while mine was passed down to an intern - that’s the hierarchy around here)
Bai Yu: rowdy af bb pls sit still for a moment but was actually a model student who did archery, calligraphy, etc in the past and lol he’s actually weak af don’t let the facial hair fool you hahaha he has delicate looking hands and fans have noted his thin af arms and very noticeable slim waist (bai yu w/o facial hair: literal babey // bai yu w/ facial hair: UNCLE)
Lemme just throw in some of my fav stuff of them:
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shen wei at episode xx with an in-love look: this must be.....brotherhoodme, behind my screen: BINCH NO???????
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lol that even their script (and da qing) cant handle them
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ALSO the producers and staff AND both zhu yilong and bai yu read the novel and worked around the  censorship issue really good like that part where zhao yunlan changes his hairstyle midway-ish of the show bc usually when a woman marries, they change their hairstyle so yeah tiny things like that
fans: ugh cant believe weilan cant get married in the dramaharper bazaar photoshoot: we got u fam
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It has 40 episodes and ngl I ended up ff so many things starting ep 25 unless my dads were on screen. Oh, and you can watch it HERE. ANYWAY i have to shut up about them now so i can continue on to the most important part aka.....
THE NOVEL*breathes in* I binged the novel so fast it rivaled my MDZS reading hence this is how i know im as obsessed lmao It’s currently being translated HERE by rainbowse7en. THE NOVEL IS EXTREMELY SUPERIOR IN ALL ASPECTS IM GOING FERAL!!!!!!! The novel is waaay more intense and darker and tbh I’m still crying over the fact that Zhu Yilong and Bai Yu could have definitely done novel version had it not been for censorship issues bc they’re that good! 
Okay, anyway, back to the novel so quick summary is that gods of the past existed, there’s hell and afterlife whom the Special Investigations Department (SID) deals with and the chief of that unit is Zhao Yunlan. There’s a lot of supernatural and fantasy elements here which is kind of a spoiler if I discuss so I’m letting that go. Anyhow, so any case that’s supernatural is given to SID and we open with a case in a university where *drum roll* Professor Shen Wei is teaching. And so our pair meets and we get intense emotions from Shen Wei who obviously has deep affections for Zhao Yunlan but won’t get close to him. Thing is, Zhao Yunlan is a shameless SHAMELESS VERY THIRSTY man (canonically bi lol) who’s out for this very beautiful Professor Shen. 
One of the things about Priest is you get a challenging time who’s the top and who’s the bottom and I was speculating the entire time and yet only getting “;)” responses from my friends who’ve read it before me. Not gonna say much but when it got revealed who was who I LOST IT HAHAHAHA im still laughing about it tbh. THERE’S FOUND FAMILY FEELS FOR SID!!!!!! they’re so dysfunctional and are easily ordered around by Zhao Yunlan when he threatens to cut off their bonus. Every single SID member fantasizes on beating up their shameless boss and tbh I sympathize haha But heyyy, they also love and care for each other. AND YOOO DA QING IS A CAT!!!!!!! i love cats and esp with how he deals with his “useless master” aka our shameless chief is funny af i love their brotp the most!
A disclaimer on my end - as this is one of Priest’s older works, I feel like the explanation on what happened in the final showdown part is lacking. I talked about it briefly HERE regarding the angst of the novel and I still stand by what I said there. It was mostly funny for me when I read it bc Zhao Yunlan’s thirst is an entity of its own. And since a lot of you here already know, I’m a weaksht and cant handle angst so rest assured that anything I recommend has a happy ending~ 
BC IM SHAMELESS - i had my drama livethread HERE + novel livethread HERE + listen i love weilan sfm i gotta put small novel thoughts HERE
If you’re a visual person like me, I suggest you watch the drama first or even select episodes (again, as I said I’m very bad at watching dramas bc i always fall asleep so at the latter half i ended up doing loads of ff esp since it’s barely useful in the novel). Here’s what’s non-negotiable - if you’ve watched the drama, you can’t not read the novel! It’s extremely waaay better! It fed me the reincarnation trope I thirsted for (im still shaking FIVE THOUSAND YEARS!!!!! and that shen san extra ahhhhhhh) and weilan’s characterization yoooo esp for Shen Wei whom we get to see is [redacted] and yet no matter what Zhao Yunlan would always [redacted]!!! istg this is the abriged version of my thoughts hahaha
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adam-is-suffering · 5 years
Homestuck Day 11 ------ part 2
Dialogues are so long you can tell theres a big difference in length between this post and the one before it jesus christ
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Its Dave. Missed you, my guy.
Even if its been like idk, 15 pages, I still missed my homie.
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Indulge him, John. This happens every single time. You always ignore his attempts at getting your attention 😔
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John you literally joked about ending the world and there being a meteor named after you before you knew it was literally going to happen, so I don’t exactly expect Dave to believe you
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John: Dude you don’t even believe me about my current situation and you don’t even care that Im in trouble smh fake friend
Also John: Im not actually going to talk to you about it, and I will evade every conversations with you whenever the topic finally gets discussed because Im busy, so technically you have no idea whats going on currently and I havent explained it so I just expect you to believe my one sentence of “Im getting blown up” even after joking about it ok bye
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John is getting blown up and Dave is like, huh perfect time to rap about this
Which is the obvious response. What friend would you be if you didn’t do this?
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Oh god oh fuck, he’s going off, he really did it, he’s really rapping about the end of the world and there’s no stopping this kid shit ah shit its the end for us oh god oh fuck
Is this what its like to be friends with a soundcloud rapper?
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Dave what?
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Dave, thats gay
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Thats not how typos work dave, because since youre writing it still, you can.. Fix it...
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Wait, is... he comparing them to Jesus?
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Im not even sure this is english
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Can I just say something?
Dave knows the cast of Armageddon and their roles a little too well in this rap. Because I kinda don’t remember the plot of Armageddon even having watched it, and I honestly completely forgot that Steve Buscemi was in the fucking thing in the first place, so honestly. I’m not saying Dave watched it but I want to believe he did. Either John made him, John talked about it so much to the point where Dave had to know what the hell he was talking about with the references (which also brings in the point that perhaps John talked about it so much that Dave knows the whole plot already from just that - more likely) OR he watched it ironically bc it was “bad”. But no matter the reason, I’m pretty sure after knowing John and his interests, Dave probably watched it at SOME point in time and then continued to talk about it bc he knows John likes it despite saying its for “irony”.
Aight lit, thats my hot take. Thats my headcanon. And with that, I’m out.
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I stand with what I previously said.
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I hope this is still part of the rap, or he’s just doing a rapping monologue. 
You know, Dave’s kind of great ngl
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Dave’s not even subtle in his desire to talk with John
Also IM RIGHT, you see. Dave doesn’t even know wtf is going on because John Doesnt Fucking Talk To Him Unless Its About His Movies
No wonder hes whipped, and rapping about said movies
Soulless fucking John Im telling you
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They’re really doing Dave dirty in the first acts of Homestuck, huh
Kid can’t even defend himself
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Rose highjacked a car before, I’m like 100% certain of this
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Rip the car
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Another retcon. Ill figure it out one day, Hussie. I fucking will. Watch me.
Im real sus
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Im starting to feel so fucking bad for Dave, this kid is just getting shitted on left and right lmfao
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I was getting bored of the red, purple and blue
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Johns not gonna explain one bit of it, is he?
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What did I FUCKING say
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Wait. Does the dog fucking TALK???????????
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She’s taking this rather smoothly for someone who just said they lost their car in a bottomless pit
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“I can’t talk right now, Dave, I’m busy. I can’t explain jackshit to you bc itll take too long and I already gave u the basis. Oh? Whats this? Jade? Lol here lemme give you my whole life story”
Why does everyone fucking hate Dave?
I get he raps, but like.. we all have that one friend doesnt mean u gotta ignore :/
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Im surprised John hasnt snapped yet from all this stress, I wonder how much he’s bottling in.
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Oh. Okay. Okaokaok. So Jade is one of those Im so cute personality types but actually likes heavy metal and listening to murder podcasts on the down low, isnt she?
Honestly ngl, the cute but will murder you type characters are usually the most interesting to me. 
I mean. thats just me being a slut for character tropes 😔
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Jesus, John, just ask him, I’m pretty sure he’d do anything if you just said smth about it
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I can’t wait for someone to respect Dave Strider and his pining smh, but honestly itll only happen with one person and that person will most likely be Jade Harley bc she doesnt see the worst in anybody and thats why Im liking her rn
Rose will call bullshit and John just doesnt give a fuck
N e ways. When are we getting dialogues that arent exclusively with John?
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hispeculiartreasure · 5 years
All We’ve Got is Time - Chapter Four | B.B.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
AU: If They’d Survived/Post-War/Window Washer!Bucky Barnes
Rating: Teen
Word count: 3,371
Chapter 4/24
Warnings: Very brief, yet strong language
AN: Let me just say that I am profoundly grateful for the love this series is getting! I am enjoying your comments and theories and am so flattered by your praise. I didn’t get a chance to respond to every comment like I usually do - my car accident took care of that. I’ve had a hard time focusing and coping after that traumatic day so I hope everything in this chapter is in order. Love you all so dearly. Come scream at me when you’re done. 💖
Chapter Three
‘All We’ve Got is Time’ Masterlist
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Exiting the elevator the next morning you fumble through your handbag, trying to find the lipstick you didn’t have time to put on before you left.
Of all mornings for the subway to not be working it had to be today. I’m so late, I’m gonna have to bust my tail before Anderson notices.
“Good morning, Mrs. Flannery,” you say absentmindedly as you approach her desk.
“You’re late. I have-”
“I know, it’s been a hell of a-- excuse me, it’s been a heck of a morning,” you interrupt, head still down, lipstick nowhere to be found.
“It won’t happen again, I promise.” You rush past her as your mental to-do list only grows longer.
There was no denying that was aimed toward you. You come to a halt, slowly turning back to the daunting woman. Peering over her glasses, one hand perched on her hip while the other was stretched out to you, grasping a piece of paper.
“This was left for you yesterday afternoon after you had completed your shift.” You timidly reach for the slip, when Flannery pulls it back at the last moment. “I feel the need to remind you that this is a place of business. Not romance, not courtship, not frivolity. I meant what I said on your first day - beaus are not allowed in this office. This is the only time I will extend grace. Understood?”
Mystified you take the paper, nodding your understanding.
What the hell is she talking about?
Suzy sidles beside you on the walk to your desk before she whisper-shouts, “The note was for her!”
Immediately, six other women leap from their desks and huddle around you talking a mile a minute.
“We were here when he dropped it off!”
“He was so cute!”
“Why do I feel like I’ve seen him in the movies?”
“Maybe he’s a war-hero?”
“He looked familiar,” Connie muses.  
“Who cares! What does it say?” Suzy urges as she pokes your arm.
The huddle falls silent as you open the neatly folded note.
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The gaggle of girls around you squeal for a moment before Flannery’s harsh shhhh quiets everyone to whispers.
“How sweet.”
“He’s one of the window washers?!”
“Wait, we have window washers here?”
“I still feel like I know him from somewhere else. . .”
“Well, how do you feel?” Suzy draws the focus back to you.
You bite your lip. “Umm. . . it makes me feel. . . pretty great.”
“Jeeze, for you that may as well be equal to jumping up and down!” One nudges you gently with her elbow. “What are you gonna do?”
“Do? I- I’m not going to do anything. I got a nice note and I appreciate it,” you state, hoping it would bring an end to all the attention surrounding you. It didn’t.
“Oh come on!”
“Have you been flirting? You need to be more tantalizing!”
“You have to find him right now!”
“Show us your moves, we can help!”
Waving your arms for quiet you declare, “I’m already late and if I don’t get to work, I’ll be canned before I get the chance to see him again. Is that what you want?”
Everyone begrudgingly trudges across the office while Suzy lags behind. With a knowing grin she says, “Lemme know if you wanna talk about it. It’s nice to see you smile like that.”
As she leaves you plop down into your desk chair, rereading the note. It’s then that you realize just how much you’ve been smiling the last few minutes and just how fast your heart was beating.
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Yeah, I could tell you enjoyed the new look. Why am I blushing all over again?
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He came up here to try to talk to me. To actually see me. In person. He faced the wrath of Flannery to get up here and leave this.
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He can’t wait to see me? Does he look forward to seeing me as much as I look forward to seeing him? Of course he couldn’t be bothered to sign his actual name. What a tease.
It takes a shout from Anderson’s office to bring you back to reality. Propping the note against your typewriter you read it one more time before grabbing your pencil and notepad.
For the rest of the day you anxiously check the window every few minutes, waiting for the author of your note. Every moment you feel self-conscious, not sure what you should do when he stops on your floor. Is he expecting more to come from this? Do you need to be a little more flirtatious, like some of the girls had mentioned? Should you be making more of an effort? Is that something you even wanted?
But then you see him and the uncertainty fades away. The work day is almost over before he descends to the sixth floor. You make eye contact, check your watch, and tap its face twice. You’re late.
He nods while wiping his brow. His head lolls to the side, eyes closed, tongue sticking out in a comical manner. Slept in.
Shaking your head and tutting softly, you raise an eyebrow.
Both his hands shoot up in a I know, I know. Won’t happen again.
With a short nod, you go back to filing and leave Window Washer to his work.
By the time you turn around, you expect him to be gone. To your pleasant surprise, he seems to be waiting for you. He beckons you to the window. When you get close enough, you notice something written in the suds at the very bottom of the pane. The word doesn’t make sense to you, so you scrunch your eyebrows at him.
He taps himself on the chest several times and mouths “my name”. You look again and it finally clicks. B-U-C-K-Y. You nod your understanding and smile. It isn’t until he points at you that you realize he’s waiting for your name. You press your finger to the glass, waiting for him to mirror your touch. You trace your name on your side, allowing him to spell it on his side. He reads it and grins wide. Nice to meet ya, he mouths.
“Mary! Get in here, take notes.” You turn from the voice, eyes rolling into the back of your head.
Hooking a thumb toward your boss’ office, you sigh deeply. Gotta go.
Bucky held two fingers to his brow and gave you a half-hearted salute. Good luck in there.
You are dutifully typing a letter when a pair of shiny Oxford heels appear in your peripheral vision next to your desk.  “You need to go ask that boy on a date.”
Heaving a sigh, you keep your eyes on the task in front of you. “Didn’t we have this discussion yesterday, Suze?”
“Yeah, and you still haven’t wised-up.” Papers rustle on your desk as Suzy props a hip against it.
“On the contrary, I think I’m exercising a lot of wisdom.”
She scoffs, finally drawing your attention away from your paperwork.
“Someone’s a scaredy cat.”
“Suzy.” You fix her with a pointed look.
Pretending to have a sudden interest in her cuticles she mutters, “It’s the only possible explanation.”
“How do we know that note was an invitation? What if he was just saying hi? What if he-”
“Mhmm. Those are the thoughts of someone who is unafraid.”
“How do we even know if he’d want to go on a date with me?” You lean back in your chair, tired of this conversation.
The redhead’s eyebrows shoot up her forehead. “I’m sorry - ‘You looked beautiful’? ‘Can’t wait to see you’? Sorry, doll, but people don’t say that to just anyone. I adore you, but I can definitely wait to see you if it means coming in to work.” She dodges the playful kick you aim in her direction. “All I’m saying is that you weren’t here when he left that note - I was. He was all kinds of antsy and blushing.”
“He works outside, maybe he had a sunburn,” you deadpan.
“You were just talking about how you barely know anyone in the city and you need to meet new people. He’s new people!”
“But I don’t even know if I want a romantic relationship right now.” “Then you’ll tell him that after your first date if you still feel that way. But why shut it down now when it doesn’t even exist yet? Maybe he’s lonely too-” Suzy’s eyes dart behind you and her posture changes. She leans in toward you, feigning interest in the letter you’d abandoned. “Oh yes, those are the addresses I was looking for. Don’t know how they got on your desk. And you needed something from me right?”
You sit stunned by this sudden change of behavior until you see Flannery approaching your desk.
“Uhh-yes. I was wondering what the protocol would be for when. . .” you both watch as the office manager floats into the filing room and shuts the door behind her. You and Suzy relax back into your previous positions. “I never said lonely,” you point out, shoving your defensive instincts down.
Suzy rolls her eyes and with a wave of her manicured hand says “Fine, fine, you’re being adventurous. Does that make you feel better?”
“Answer me one last question, Newbie, and I’ll leave you alone.” Raising a brow, you wait for the question. “What’ve you got to lose?”
You weren’t able to answer then, and you still don’t have an answer now.
Under Suzy’s watchful eye, the second your watch reads 12 o’clock you leave your desk and hustle down the stairs, hoping the physical activity would work out some of the anxiety in your chest. It doesn’t.
Turning the corner toward the service entrance you see the window washers gathered outside in a loose group, taking their lunch break. Your heart begins to beat faster when you imagine actually holding a conversation with Bucky. What in the world were you going to say to him?
I really should’ve thought this through a little more.
But then your feet were taking you toward the group and it was too late to turn back now. The clicking of your shoes on pavement draws the attention of each man whose heads simultaneously swing to watch you. You stop a few feet away from them, losing your words.
“Can we help you, miss?” The apparent leader of the window washing crew steps forward. He’s much younger than Bucky, scrawny and tan. He’d be lucky to be 18.
“Um. . .” you scan the faces, not finding the one you’re looking for. “Is Bucky around?”
The leader’s eyes narrow, giving you a too-thorough once-over. “Whaddya want with him? If it has to do with windows, I’m in charge here. Name’s Harrison. Maybe I can help you out.”
You control the urge to fidget under his scrutiny, steeling yourself to squarely match his gaze. “No, there’s something else I need to discuss with him.”
“He had to skip out early today. Something about a family emergency.”
“Oh. I see.” You think for a moment, not enjoying the pack of men watching you like vultures. “Would you let him know I stopped by?” You turn on your heel when Harrison speaks again.
“What’s your name, baby-doll?”
Shutting your eyes you remind yourself to watch your temper. Thinking better of giving your name, you spare a glance over your shoulder. Coldly you reply, “Tell him ‘Sixth Floor’. He’ll know.”
More questions are shouted at you but you keep walking, very familiar with the rakish tone in which they were spoken. You didn’t have time for drooling boys. For a moment you worry that Bucky is cut from the same cloth as them. But something deep in you urges that he’s different.
Unbeknownst to you, when Bucky arrives at work the next day Harrison actually does mention your visit.
“Barnes, some broad came lookin’ for ya at lunchtime yesterday.”
Bucky doesn’t spare a look from his kit he was preparing for the day. “Yeah? What for?”
“She wouldn’t tell us. Seemed kinda stuck-up and snooty. Like she was better than us or something.”
Hitching his kit over his shoulder to head to the roof, Bucky smooths back a stray strand of hair. “I hate to break it to ya, but if she was acting like that I’m sure you deserved it.” As the kid who was technically his supervisor opens his mouth to protest Bucky interjects, “Did she say anything else?”
Unamused, Harrison practically pouts. “She just said ‘sixth floor’ and said you’d get it. Then she left.”
Bucky stills immediately at the mention of you. “Really? She said that?”
“Yup. Was a bombshell too, real date-bait if you catch my drift.”
Eyes closing, Bucky imagines strangling the teenager in front of him rather than actually carrying out the action. “Shut your trap.”
“Wish she’d stop by again, wouldn’t mind an evening of necking with her.” He conspiratorially winks, mistakenly thinking he would go along with the sentiment.
Squaring up with Harrison, Bucky leans in dangerously close and says lowly, “You’d better watch that mouth, kid.”
“What’s the big deal? She’s not your girl or anything is she?”
“Doesn’t matter,” Bucky insists, eyes practically boring through the terrified kid in front of him. “She’s not yours, so don’t be a creep. Girls don’t like creeps, if you haven’t caught onto that yet. And I don’t either.” He leans back, smirking with satisfaction at the deer-in-the-headlights look he was getting. Resting his brush on his shoulder Bucky turns to begin his day.
“Keep your paws off me, Barnes!” Harrison shouts to Bucky’s back.
“I didn’t touch you, Harrison. Maybe you would’ve noticed if you weren’t always on skirt patrol,” Bucky tosses over his shoulder as he begins to climb the fire escape.
As Bucky climbs higher his thoughts turn to you. You’d been looking for him. You’d obviously shut down Harrison and the rest of the boys. Anyone that sassed that kid was a hero in his book.
Maybe his note hadn’t been a total disaster after all. Once he’d gotten into bed that night, he fretted over that dumb piece of paper for hours. He thought of a million things he could’ve said besides the three hastily scribbled lines. A million kinder, wittier, more fitting words for you. You’d been nice enough the next day, playful even. And he’d finally gotten your name - a sweet, suitable name that rolled around in his head for hours. But he couldn’t help feeling like he needed to do more.
He found himself even more excited to get to the sixth floor today, to see you, to have a little hope, to share in a smile. Though that’s not exactly what happens.
“Get in here, NOW!”
Anderson’s tone instantly drowns your insides with dread.
You rush to his door, quietly opening it. Anderson’s heels are crossed, kicked up to rest on the edge of his desk. His eyes bore into you, disdain obvious.
“Sir?” you make out much smoother than you feel.
“Do you know what this is?” he flicks a letter across his desk toward you. Quietly picking it up, you silently read its contents.
“The steel mill is turning down our partnership offer? Because they never received paperwork? Sir, I definitely-”
“Read the letterhead,” he bites out. “And then read what you sent out. What do you notice, Doris?” Another letter is flicked in your direction. You bite back a retort about your name.
Holding the letters side-by-side, a pit drops in your stomach. “I copied the address incorrectly.”
Anderson gives you a tight nod, jaw clenched. The room is claustrophobic in silence.
“Sir, I-”
“You cost us thousands of dollars with this idiotic move, because you didn’t proofread your work enough? Because you can’t copy a damn number over?”
“I’m sorry, I don’t know how I missed-”
“You missed it because you were careless!” Anderson bangs a fist to his desk, causing you to jump a fraction. He stands up abruptly, stalking over to you. “This job isn’t a fucking joke. You were given a chance because you kicked up a fuss about being let go when our boys came back from war. You want this job? Act like it!” With every word Anderson steps in your direction causing you to match with a step backward. You are in his office’s threshold when he leans in and whispers menacingly, “If you can’t get a damn letter right then you shouldn’t even be here in the first place, Marge. Make sure it doesn’t happen again or you’re gone. Now get out of my office and fix your screw-up!” The door slams in your face.
Hands shaking, you make your way to your desk. Willing the tears not to fall you take a few deep breaths. Elbows rest on the surface, head in your hands, focusing on not falling apart in the middle of the busy office.
You’re tougher than this. A man raising his voice at you is nothing new. You are fine, you made a mistake. Don’t you dare lose your composure, it’ll only make you seem weak.
A tapping on the window directly next to your desk startles you. Bucky is there, looking more concerned than ever. He tilts his head, eyebrows furrowed together. What’s wrong?
The tears spill out at the kindness reflected in his own. You search desperately for a handkerchief before turning back to the window. Dabbing at your wet cheeks furiously, you gesture to Anderson’s office. You blink against the hankie, hoping to catch the makeup before it runs down your entire face. Pointing to yourself you mouth “my fault”. The tears don’t stop for several minutes, but everytime you look up Bucky is sitting at the window, watching you sorrowfully.
Eventually you dry up, puffy eyes meeting Bucky’s. “I’m fine,” you whisper, dropping your gaze to the handkerchief in your lap that you’ve been twisting into knots.
More tapping draws your attention back to Bucky, who promptly flips off Anderson’s closed door. You manage to stutter a laugh out in between your sniffles, feeling a little lighter already.
With an admonishing shake of your head that you don’t mean, you return his smile. Thanks.
You could be imagining it, but Bucky seems hesitant to move on to the next floor. Giving him what you hope is a reassuring thumbs-up you mouth, “I’m okay.”
Looking thoroughly unconvinced he watches you for a few seconds before nodding slowly. He drops out of your sight, though you still stare out the window where he had been.
One day passes where you don’t see Bucky at all.
Two days pass. No Bucky.
Three days pass. Zero handsome window washers.
When the end of your day comes and it hits you that he hasn’t made his usual stop you try to ignore the disappointment that prickles your heart.
It takes a while before it dawns on you that since you had started your job Bucky had washed every single window on this side of the building. Which meant he would move onto another side or possibly an entirely different building.
On your walk into work Friday morning, you notice that the window washing crew’s tools are absent from the sidewalk. An unfamiliar emotion has you biting your lip as you approach your desk.
I guess that’s that. We kept missing each other and time just. . .ran out. It’s not a big deal. . . If it’s not a big deal then why am I so sad?
Turning your gaze to the window immediately to your left, you notice a piece of paper in the middle of the pane. You stare for a moment, fairly certain that it hadn’t been there when you left work last night. With a purposeful step you go to the window, a sneaking suspicion in the back of your mind. You find a note written in a familiar hand taped to the outside of the window, the writing facing you so you could read it clear as day.
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Chapter Five
@abovethesmokestacks @ursulaismymiddlename @connorshero @barnesrogersvstheworld @moderapoppins @lookwhatyoumademequeue @crazinessgraveyardsandcartoons @thinkwritexpress-official @fearless2tobeme @laneygthememequeen @past-perfect-future-tense @drhughgrection @wildsageleon @promarvelfangirl @anditwasjustus @p3nny4urth0ught5 @just-add-butter @katiemarks1942 @usernamemingmei @the-canary @thorfanficwriter @blueskiesbleakeyes @silverwing2522 @satansmushroom @nerd-without-a-cause @firewolf-marvels @reginaphlanageadams @kiliakit @forsaken-letters @bouquet-o-undercaffeinated-roses @hiddles-rose @part-time-patronus @biavastarr @ellaenchanted91 @ihopeyousteponarosepetal @handfulof-roses @bloatedandlonly @barnestruck @itsbuckysworld @captainsbuck @itsbuckysworld @writemarvelousthings @havanaangel @thisismysecrethappyplace @palaiasaurus64 @fanfic-diaries @fangirlfiction @fangirlfictionmain @creideamhgradochas
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wincestisasincest · 6 years
Murder in the Blue Morgue -- Part 4
Trigger warning: Verbal, and a little bit of physical abuse. Unpleasant family life in general.
Also, yay! America. We’re heeeeeeere!
Also, also, I realized that I write 2D’s accent a little inconsistently, but y’all know what he sounds like. I’ll try to get it right, of course, but yeah I’ve realized I missed it a little.
First chapter: https://twincestforthewincest.tumblr.com/post/181730682110/murder-in-the-blue-morgue-part-1?is_related_post=1
Second chapter: https://twincestforthewincest.tumblr.com/post/181756574650/murder-in-the-blue-morgue-part-2
Third chapter: https://twincestforthewincest.tumblr.com/post/181756696770/murder-in-the-blue-morgue-part-3
Let’s-a go!
Hey this is Stuart Pot right
Whos this
It’s ur kid Jo
Oh yea
So apparently my mom wants to take u to court anyway
Thought u would like to kno
She still needs some more money
Says ur not doing ur part
And apparently theres evidence that u missed payments
From other moms as well
Thanks luv
////A week passes////
The apartment that stood before him looked like something straight out of an inspirational movie about inner city kids finding their voice, of course, written by people that had never actually gone into the city. The dilapidated building seemed near inhabitable, and looked to be more susceptible to squatters, not people who made an effort to pay rent. The bricks were jutting out in random places, looking like they were just barely keeping the building in place. The windows were cracked, with the ghoulish colors of the curtains on the other side making them incredibly off-putting. Even the fire escapes were so rusted and ramshackle in appearance that they looked like they would fall apart if any weight was put on them. It was almost comically broken and in pieces, stereotypical in nature. But, apparently, it was home to someone. “Well, it looks like 2D won’t be the first person murdered ‘ere.” Murdoc slithered out of the car, taking in the entire building, and somewhat enjoying himself. “They must’ve really been struggling if they can’t keep the rent up for this place,” Russel and Noodle clambered out of the back, approaching 2D as he gawked at the building in front of him, “Looks like one of those spots where drug deals happen.” “Hey now, that’s not always a bad thing.” Murdoc took another step forward. “Well, no point in standing ‘ere all day.” 2D walked forward towards the door, careful to pick a spot on the handle that wasn’t covered in some sort of unidentified substance. He pulled on the handle, caught off guard when it didn’t immediately open. He pulled again, with more force, still the door was stalled by its lock. “2A, was it?” Noodle approached 2D’s side. “Yeah, why?” Noodle’s well-manicured nail pressed on the buzzer as the ear-splitting noise rang out through the empty street. “It’s Joey Powell, who’s this?” A familiar, albeit distorted voice welcomed them on the meager speaker. 2D actually found the distortion somewhat comforting, as he was reminded of the Gorillaz musical style in the distortion. “Hey, Jo, it’s, uh, 2D. Can we come-“ “’D, ya gotta press on the button.” “Oh, sorry,” Buzz, “Hey, Jo, it’s uh, 2D. Can we come in? The band’s all ‘ere.” “Sure, hold on.” The speaker turned off, and another, louder buzz rang out, along with a click. 2D finally managed to open the door, and the band crowded into a musty hallway with a linear, uninviting stair case. 2D checked behind himself, knowing that the band wouldn’t leave him, but still wanting to be sure that he wasn’t going up the stairs by himself. 2D traipsed up the stairs, Noodle following suit, Murdoc taking time to gawk at the shoddy light fixtures in the apartment, and Russel slowly keeping Murdoc shambling forward. The stairs were carpeted with some poorly colored green and blue patches, looking like they had definitely seen better days, but also worse ones. The various mystery stains and white splotches that were sprinkled on the carpeting looked like they were ripped out of a crime scene, adding to the vibe of the building. They creaked their way past the first floor, and explored their way into the second floor, stopping in front of the scratched, wooden mess that was the entrance of apartment 2A. 2D gave a hesitant knock. “It’s open!” The same voice, this time muffled, yelled to them from inside the apartment. 2D pushed the door open. The first thing that hit him was the smell of the place, which was surprisingly homey, despite the depressed condition of the small apartment. There was a large central room, sporting a couch with clothes and a blanket strewn all over, a small television, a brief tiled interlude with kitchen equipment and a small table, and a large table in the back, with several sheets of paper stacked on top of it. It branched out into two smaller rooms, one with a half open door that contained a twin-size bed. The second thing that hit him was the heat, or rather lack of heat. The minute he stepped into the room, 2D began shivering, and instinctively zipped up his jacket. “Make yourselves at home, sorry about the cold.” 2D peered into the kitchen, containing the same girl who had visited Kong just a few weeks ago, this time resting on one of the countertops under the cabinets with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. A small ensemble of tools was at her side, and she appeared to be screwing something into one of the hinges of the cabinet, while supporting it with her other hand. “Where’s, uh, where’s Kathleen?” 2D tentatively took a step into the kitchen. “She’s, uh, supposed to be here right now, but she told me that she’s picking up dinner on her way home from work, whatever that means. Also,” She turned her head to the side, looking directly at him, “Why’re you here? And… how’d you find this address?” “Well, uh, I figured I would discuss the legal issues with your mum in person, I dun want her talkin’ about them behind my back or anyfing. And, um, Noodle and Russel just wanted to see you an’ Murdoc didn’ want ta be by ‘imself. I found the address in one of the legal files from my lawyer.” “So, wait, you flew all the way out here for this?” “Yeah, didn’ really have anyfing else to do, and I kinda wan’ this to be done wif for good. So, I figured I would come in person. ‘Specially seein’ as email isn’t really the best way to have legal conversations.” “And, how do you plan to tell her you found out about this?” “Oh, um, I hadn’t really fought about tha’ I just figured-“ “She’s not gonna be happy with me, even if this gets resolved. But, I guess you’re here already, so…” her voice trailed off as 2D looked at the floor, “Anyway, help yourselves to the fridge. We have some beer, I think, and there’s a sink if you want water. It’ll definitely be cold. Hey Noodle! Hey Russel!” Noodle and Russel continued their gander around the apartment, with Murdoc heading straight to the fridge and pulling out a beer. “’Ello, luv. I’m Murdoc Niccals, but you probably already know that,” He kept one eye trained on her, and used his other socket to snap the top off the beer bottle, “So you’re 2D’s, then?” “Apparently so.” 2D watched their conversation, ready to step in I anything were to happen. Murdoc had been nicer, recently, but that didn’t mean that he was more tasteful, especially when he was curious about something. “Wan’ some advice? Neva tell anyone. Ever. You’ll get a lo’ of fake friends, who just wanna talk to you so they can get a shot at meeting Murdoc Niccals.” “Already doin’ a good job at not telling anyone.” “Heh heh, I like this one, Dents. Mind if I smoke?” “I don’t, but mom might. But she’s also not here.” Murdoc pulled a box of cigarettes out of his jacket pocket and lit one, offering one to 2D, who accepted. Noodle and Russel had sat down on the couch, both giving each other vaguely awkward looks as they were reminded of the squalid conditions that some people lived in. Of course, they’d both had hardships of their own, but it was easy to get used to luxury. There was always the slight, but noticeable, difference in living conditions that required a bit of adjustment. “What’re ya doin’ there, anyway?” Noodle questioned from the other side of the room. “Fixing the cabinet. Damn thing’s been broken for a week now,” Jo put one of the tools in her mouth while picking up another silvery instrument and a screw, still fiddling with the hinges of the cabinet, “We don’t even keep things in here, but the landlord is gonna charge us if it stays damaged for any longer.” She muttered through the screwdriver. “How did you break it?” “Mom had a wild night, apparently.” The keys in the door were jiggling, and the room went silent. The door was pushed open by a stout looking woman carrying a large purse, a bag of McDonald’s, and jingling keys being twirled around her finger. She took one look around the room, and sighed. “I figured I would see you again, Stu.” “Yeah, I kinda need to talk to you about somefing.” He took a long puff of his cigarette before looking at the floor again. “Lemme guess, you found out because of the waste of space over there?” She strolled into the kitchen and plopped the bag of McDonald’s on the table. “Sorry for not wantin’ to be in court for an extra two bucks. My priorities must be screwed or somethin’.” She slid off the top of the counter and investigated the bag of food. “The fries are for you.” “Ooh, a large. How generous.” She pulled out a container of fries and began to chomp away ravenously. “Hey, it’s not like you’ve been workin’ all day or anything.” “Actually, I have. I babysat for five hours and fixed all of the cabinets and the bedpost. And don’t you get free food at work, anyway?” “Yeah, but dealing with your shithead of a daughter is enough of a second job. ‘Specially when she’s goes behind your back to cover legal business that she’s not involved in.” “I’m literally the reason you have enough legal power to do any of this!” “Yeah, but you’re also the reason I’m so goddamn miserable, so keep your nose out of it, slut.” “Ooh, the walking sperm bank wants to talk about being a slut.” Her rejoinder was met with a slap upside the head as Jo quickly moved out of the kitchen. “And why the hell are all these other people here?” “They, um, they wanted to-“ “We wanted to see Jo and we were wondering if she could show us around town a little bit.” Russel interrupted 2D, knowing that there was already enough tension in the room. “Huh, first time for everything.” Kathleen shrugged. “Well yeah, usually people are too scared of you to come visit.” “Alright, let’s go, Jo. New Jersey’s got their diners, right?” Russel stood up, bringing Noodle with him and giving Murdoc a death glare as he began to walk towards the door. “Mom, I’m takin’ some of the money.” Jo peeked in the lockbox at the back of the drawer. “My ass you are.” “I earned half of it anyway. And don’t act like you were planning on paying for anything important with it. I wonder how many escorts 1700 dollars can buy anyway.” This rejoinder was met by Kathleen picking up Murdoc’s empty beer bottle and chucking it across the room. It shattered against the wall and Jo ducked. Noodle was shortly at her side, practically pulling her out of the room. “It’s okay, Ms. Powell, we’ll handle it. Murdoc, let’s go.” They had slammed the door behind them before either of the Powells could get out another word.
Man, we love those casually abuse relationships, don’t we?
Also, next chapter, plot, excitement, violence!
Get ready.
Also, thanks for everyone who’s made it this far.
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pooklet · 6 years
unaesthetic asks (anon edition)
i usually use a psd for asks to make them look nice and transparent and number them but tbh it’s just keeping me from answering asks quickly, having to shift layers around and stuff. so this is me literally cutting and pasting the text of some asks into a text post instead, sry.
if i did not answer yr thing here i lost/never got the ask, need a separate post to answer it (community lot anon), or worked myself into an anxious lather when i did not have an immediate response at the ready and fled into the woods to hide inside an old damp log and mutate slowly into a creature composed entirely of moss.
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1) hey friend i think i can actually help with this one! slig did my poor lover for momma lisa, and has a few of my other skins linked to different body meshes in this tag here. @asimplevampire​ also did rehash for androgyny. those are the two i know off the top of my head but if anyone else knows any others pls reply to this post!
i don’t personally make showerproof skintones for body meshes because i a) am lazy and b) don’t usually take pics of my sims in the shower or naked in general so the occasional floating head just gives me a lil chortle when it does happen.
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2) yis, it is the second to last one in this post by @magpieplayssims​ with a bunch of face masks piled on.
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3) i use a personal edit of gunmod’s 3.1 A camera which alters the, like, central pivot axis so i can swing the camera underground into any basements i might be using. as a result, whenever i load the lot, it starts me off zoomed inside the floor, you just gotta zoom out with the scroll wheel to get above ground and it works normally from there. i haven’t figured out how to mitigate this while still being able to access underground rooms. which is why my edit never got its own post, but i did share it here.
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4) nah, not really. i mean i have an outdated one at the back of my catalogue but my face is boring to me cuz i see it every day n stuff & i’m less and less interested in making human features now that custom sliders have let me go absolutely mad with power.
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5) ye sorry i put that on my to-do list and promptly forgot about it cuz my brain seems to think that putting something on a list means it’s done forever now!!!! but now it’s actually done and i’m fixing the other links too.
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6) yr phone is a craven liar and i will not stand for this libel. earlier today i was genuinely bewildered by a discussion about channing tatum cuz i thought his name was tatum channing. i sat there for minutes, convinced that there were two guys in hollywood one named channing tatum and the other named tatum channing and wondering if that ever got confusing for them.
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7) u would be surprised, friend! my memory is a lawless wasteland but i do not end up chatting back and forth w/ many ppl b/c i am a seething pit of social anxiety. if we talked, like, more than twice, i probs remember u!
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8) omg i was about to be like “nah i never made nosemasks for those” but that is a fucking lie of the highest caliber, i totally did make one (1) set and then forgot entirely about it. i will post them with the next batch of bodyshop content which should be Shortly (and if i don’t just yell @ me and i’ll just lazily put them on sfs and link them in a reply).
also thank u anon i am glad u like my content! :D
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9) omg thank u so much anon that is so sweet of u to say!! truly i don’t feel like i have accomplished a whole lot beyond managing to snag @resurrection-failed​ but that is definitely the Best thing i could accomplish so i am 100% fine w/ that
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10) oh ts4. i want to play it real bad but i have discovered that playing games that are still being updated and could break at any moment due to a new patch or ep gives me hives. esp when it’s sims games b/c those are held together exclusively w/ wishes and prayers as it is. they’re like the bottom panel of an expanding brain meme on spaghetti coding. at least when the game is Done there nothing else for EA to break (... right?). plus i only have base+pets and no money to throw at the other expansions so i could maybe download 1/10th of the cc available out there ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
but i am excited to be late af to the party. lemme tell u. thank u for saying such nice things, anon!! i hope u have a good day also. like, lots of ‘em.
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11) hey anon! it’s built into tumblr’s text editor. u type the text first, highlight it, and click on the fourth button that looks like a slouchy figure 8 to insert yr link. i’m not sure if it’s the same on mobile, tho, cuz the tumblr mobile app is self-elected torture.
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12) i do not right now but i can make one. idk if it would interest you but i am also doing a big ol’ blend of the hq eyes and wifezaya’s favorite ephemera mist eyes and will make a default version of those too when they are done.
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13) nah i am still using my v3 texture for straight hairs and for waves or natural hair i just use nouk’s originals. i’m old-fashioned and boring. if u need help w/ making yr own, tho, i would suggest checking out @furbyq​’s tutorial here!
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14) hey friend! i did have plans to do that, in that vague way where i have plans to do many things but most of the time end up taking a five-hour nap under a cat instead or watchin game grumps. luckily, @digitalangels​ is a doll and did it for me so consider this my official endorsement. i am pooklet and i approve this action.
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15) hey anon. when did i call it that?? i think usually i just call it marriage or equal marriage if i need to specify (or gay marriage if i’m feelin Spicy cuz nonbinary-for-nonbinary is pretty gay). if i did say same-sex it was probs w/ implied air-quotes since that was the term du jour when we got married, which was 3+ years before the supreme court mandate, when it was only legal in some places and everyone was still ‘‘‘‘debating’’’’ the ‘‘‘‘issue’’’’ of queers gettin all married.
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16) i been gatherin’ links for u anon but lemme look around a lil more. i will either give this its own post or add it as its own section in the resource post that is like .... five years overdue. meanwhile if anyone reading this has anything they either know is made for dark skin or works well universally or knows of a list like this that already exists, i would appreciate links!
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devilsadvocate007 · 5 years
Facebook Posts July 2010 - December 2010
4th July 2010
The illusion that everybody's opinion matters has created a society in which stupidity must be considered just as seriously as brilliance. Gone are the days where stupid people weren't allowed to talk while big people were talking. Now they have their own facebook pages.... On the bright side, we no longer have to rely on television for entertainment
10th July 2010
♫ Just gonna stand there and watch me burn....well that's alright because I like the way it hurts......Just gonna stand there and hear me cry....well that's alright because I love the way you lie...♫  - ‘Love the way you lie’, Rihanna ft. Eminem
14th July 2010
If there's no such thing as no such thing, then there is such a thing as no such thing, which means that there really is no such thing as no such thing.
15th July 2010
Bad?: So I was standing next to a fat girl and I turned to her and said "moo". At first she started to cuss and call me names and tell me about my mother. I quietly said "moo" again without lifting my gaze. This time she started screaming and clawing at me. For the last time...I said "moo". She stopped and looked at me, then after a minute of silence she said "father?"
25th July 2010
You know you're doing something wrong when your fiancée tells you "I'd rather be his whore than your wife"... ♥ Titanic
30th July 2010
You ever meet someone so dumb that you think they're up to something? "What?....no....what you playing at?....wait.....you're serious?"
5th August 2010
The 1st tao of Jarid: {For all those in a relationship...the sentence "It doesn't matter anymore, I have a man, I'm gonna let loose" is not acceptable unless you're talking about a party or sex.}
6th August 2010
I know I'm not the only person that finds irony in the fact that the guy that recently beat the JAMAICAN Bolt, is called Mr. Gay. lol "Gay shocks Bolt in Stockholm" is the Headline....So what did we learn? U can run from gays all u want my Jamaican brethren, but it'll catch up with you eventually...
15th August 2010
Life is too short to waste on people who don't realize how awesome you are. I knew an awesome person who never followed the crowd or did what was 'expected'. She's gone now, but I can say she lived her life the way she wanted to, surrounded by people she liked who definitely liked her. When my time comes, I want someone to say the same about me. So fuck off and thank you.
17th August 2010
Can someone explain to me how purposely doing something that makes your guy friends happy and like u, but at the same time leaves ur woman unhappy and unsatisfied, isn't gay? "Bow cat" it would seem is the opposite of "battyman"....not synonymous.
20th August 2010
"Ur like a giant fucking cock blocking robot developed in a secret government lab or something" - Zombieland (lmao)
21st August 2010
♫ That's alright, thats ok....g'on head believe what ur home girls say...a nigga like me drink alotta liquor, meet alotta bitches, take alotta pictures....I might break bread with 1 or 2 strippers, but that don't mean u gotta pull my zipper...thinkin that I dicked down the whole town, even tho I got dick to go round ♫ - ‘Smell yo dick’, Kay Luv
22nd August 2010
♫ You say its my fault, ok then I'll go...its better to know...how theres nobody to argue with...cuz im not home...dont care who ur with....dont call my phone...or did u forget...u know you're wrong...I'm gone....and you're all alone....hearing your own damn...eh echo eh echo ♫ - ‘Echo’, Gorilla Zoe
8th September 2010
♫ A penny for my thoughts, oh no I'll sell them for a dollar, They're worth so much more after I'm a goner, And maybe then you'll hear the words I been singin', Funny when your dead how people start listenin'...If I die young ♫ - ‘If I die young’, The Band Perry
10th September 2010
The tao of Jarid: "Facebook is not a place to publish things you wish to remain private. By its very nature, anything put on here voluntarily is for people to notice, see, and by extension comment or ask about. Getting defensive when asked about something YOU put up in the public domain makes no sense."
11th September 2010
The tao of Jarid: "Women treat the male gene pool like a real pool. They all jump in and splash around the shallow end in their youth...then wade out to the deeper end as they get older."
15th September 2010
“Watching your daughter being collected by her date feels like handing over a million dollar [violin] to a gorilla.” - Jim Bishop
17th September 2010
Taxi driver on the way home today: "You see men? Especially young men like you? You need to eat raw foods. Lemme tell u the other night I was with my gf and no matter WHAT position I put her in...me deya fight fi cum! FIRST time me haffu TRY cum. All when me done, cocky stiff stiff"
22nd September 2010
Birthdays on facebook are really opportunities for people that never speak to you to subtly say "I care! Don't delete me! Look how I wrote on ur wall!" lol
23rd September 2010
The tao of Jarid: The lawyer most people know is the American lawyer. That's why lawyers have a bad name. Caribbean lawyers are nothing like their American counterparts (the laws and practices here are vastly different). People should remember that before they band all "lawyers" together.
23rd September 2010
Listen, I understand that having a BB means that u can talk to anyone at anytime for free, but seriously...10 grown ppl sitting in a room engrossed in their phones not speaking to each other, is ridiculous. What happend to common courtesy, what happened to meeting new people and saying hi to a stranger? Sheesh. U remind me of little kids in church playing their gameboys.
26th September 2010
U know what I hate? The fact that hypocrisy is so prevalent. Any time you see someone stand up and strongly take a stand against something...9/10 times they do it. If they vehemently denounce homosexuals, 9/10 times, they're sleeping with little boys. Its SO common now, that I never want to take a strong stand against anything, lest ppl think I secretly do it. Chupz.
The tao of Jarid: For those of you who believe that "no means no, but unconscious means yes".....a prison cell awaits.
28th September 2010
The legal way of saying “nigga stole my bike”:  “ A human being of the male gender wth black pigmentation on his skin appears 2 have acquired without my consent my 2-wheeled, non-motorized private and/or recreational transportation, also known as "bike", and appears 2 have driven away with said 2-wheeled, non-motorized private and/or recreational transportation, despite my attempt of chasing the said human being, completely ignoring my request 2 give sed item bk” - username iani103. Man, I love my profession.
1st October 2010
I think women should develop the same "fuck it" mechanism guys have. If there's a baby in the house crying for hours on end...what you will not find is a man around. Y? Cuz we can't fix it and its driving us crazy, so we roll out and go by Tony's house to watch football, i.e. fuk it. More women should do that instead of staying in the stress and snapping and shaking their babies to death or driving them into a river.
The tao of Jarid: Facebook should have a 'WHO CARES?!?' button....and make my page immune to it.
2nd October 2010
The tao of Jarid: The more "LMAO"s and "LOLOLOL"s your status contains, the less funny the actual subject matter is. Contrary to popular belief, nothing gets funnier the more you laugh at it by yourself.
Grown men's fascination with penitentiary pussy confuses me... Sex with it = go to prison. What's the problem? Where's the option? All I see is "Sex with prison". No thanks. That's like the "option" 'get in this dark van so I can drive u to my abandoned cabin in the woods or I shoot you'. All I should be hearing is *gunshot*.
4th October 2010
The tao of Jarid: Drama vampires are not cool. While the rest of us need food and water to live, these creatures survive solely off drama and other people viewing it. The only effective way to deal with them is to block and delete them from everything. If you can't see their drama, they weaken and die. True story.
“I think when you put sex and spirituality in the same bottle and shake it up, bad things happen. Yes, I said I kissed a girl. But I didn’t say I kissed a girl while f-ing a crucifix.” - Katy Perry (on why she dislikes Lady Gaga’s music video for ‘Alejandro’) 
5th October 2010
"This is my facade of civility; do not mistake for complacency, for once this veil is taken down, you'll see a vicious turn around...of all you grew to know and love...the hand lying beneath the glove.... An animal living in a shell. A beast who's come to raise all hell."
6th October 2010
The tao of Jarid: Forget CNN, BBC or any other news organisation....nowhere else are world issues more discussed than on YouTube's comments section
8th October 2010
You are one person, out of 7 billion people, on one planet, out of 8 planets, in one solar system out of a hundred billion solar systems, in one galaxy out of a hundred billion galaxies.......you are ENORMOUSLY insignificant, and don't let facebook ever make you forget that. [De-motivational Speech for the day]
11th October 2010
Anybody remember when they FIRST came on fb YEARS ago? How it used to be? How Fb made hi5 look like the social networking ghetto? It was so clean and neat and classy. "Jarid Hewlett", likes, interests, lil about myself. Send ur friends who u havent seen since primary school messages. It was a magical innocent time. Why did you people have to rape facebook? Why?
Now? as NC17 says, no more "Jarid Hewlett", we have "Jarid fuckspussyallday Hewlett", we have "What kind of telly tubby would u have sex with?" quizzes, we have people fighting over who their baby's daddy is for the world to see. (Btw when did this shit become acceptable? Not knowing which guy ejaculated inside and impregnated you is something people used to be ashamed of and settle in private...why is it cool to broadcast this now?), we have break ups where guys blatantly put their numbers under "X is no longer in a relationship"..... What happened to CLASS??? I understand they don't teach that in school, but they bloody well should. No one comes on fb to keep in touch with people anymore. And the ones that do, spend 20% of their total fb time doing that. The rest of us laugh or bow our heads in sadness at the ridiculous shit people post. I'm black and I hate racists and racism, but goddamn it....sometimes, as much as I hate to admit it.....I see where they're coming from. <sigh>
15th October 2010
♫ We're going out tonight...to kick out every light, take anything we want, drink everything in sight, we're going till the world stops turning while we burn it to the ground tonight! ♫ - ‘Burn it to the ground’, Nickelback
21st October 2010
The tao: Men get bitter, just as women do. The difference is, a bitter woman will say "fuck men" and never have sex again. A bitter man will say "fuck women" and do just that.
26th October 2010
The tao: "All inclusive" does not mean "free cheap rum and vodka with juice". Stop the false advertising.
27th October 2010
The tao: Having high standards doesn't necessarily exempt you from whoredom. While we all agree that having low to no standards makes one a ho, having high, meaningless standards makes one a ho too. "I only sleep with guys that drive BMWs" is a high standard. It is not a substantive standard.
♫ And who do you think you are? Running round leaving scars....Collecting your jar of hearts, tearing love apart........You’re gonna catch a cold, from the ice inside your soul.........So don’t come back for me, who do you think you are? ♫  - ‘Jar of Hearts’, Christina Perri
28th October 2010
"Labour all de way"? "UPP all de way?".....come on, man. I'm "all the way" with whoever makes Antigua a better country. Politics has come to mean arbitrary following of a party that makes your immediate life better regardless of the long term. Don't even get me started on 'patriotism'.
31st October 2010
The tao: He who is slow to anger gets annoyed the longest.
1st November 2010
♫....you just hurt my goddamn feelings, and that was the last one I had ♫ - ‘Here we go’, Eminem
2nd November 2010
Lawyer talk: My Lord, my client was not anywhere near the building when the window was broken, and if he was, he did not break the window, and if he did break the window, he did so by accident, and if he didn't break it by accident, it wasn't the complainant's window, and if it was their window, it was their fault for putting it where my client throws stones.
8th November 2010
Mr. Kartel, you sir, have lied to me.....apparently women do not want a man whose "buddy long like a thousand match stick line up"....apparently that hurts and more than 90% of it will be outside anyway. You have misled me sir, and I demand an apology.
10th November 2010
On a serious note.....which do you think is more "loving" and less "heartless"? (Option A) Being in a relationship and cheating gratuitously on your significant other? Or (Option B) breaking up with your significant other who probably didn't see it coming, because you want to sleep with someone else?
11th November 2010
The tao: No one really sees anything. Everyone thinks they see something. I might think I see a pudgy, ugly woman, you might think you see a curvy goddess. Who knows whats actually there...The difference between sane and insane people is that insane people are just a little more creative with what they think they see....and nothing can change their mind.
14th November 2010
The tao: If someone tells you something you don't understand, don't repeat it. It might have been wisdom when they told you...but after your brain is done with it, there's a high chance it comes back out as crap.
15th November 2010
"You're Cuban AND Jamaican?? That's a really.....illegal mix, lol. So you speak Spanish and bloodclaat?" - Mike Yard (*dead*)
17th November 2010
The tao: One should never let emotions get in the way of reality. Sometimes people just don't appreciate you no matter how you feel about them. That's ok. Someone does.
19th November 2010
♫ Well I'm a poet to some, a regular modern day Shakespeare.....Jesus Christ, the King of these latter day saints here ♫ - ‘Renegade’, Jay-Z & Eminem
25th November 2010
The tao: Whenever you think "don't let a good thing pass you by"....remember that many things are only good now BECAUSE you let them pass you by at first. Don't be afraid to let go.
26th November 2010
"If my wanting to see you was on a scale of 1-10.....I'd still say no". It takes a while to fully appreciate just how horrible this statement is.
27th November 2010
U know what I just realized..?..The first time I listened to the Marshall Mathers LP was on *cassette*...in my * Walkman*....that Michael Henry had copied for me.....I'm gonna reserve my rocking chair in the old folks home from now, see...
The tao: Stop saying "I'm just me". Everyone is just them. If you choose to be someone who tries to be like other people, that's still who you are. You are just a personalityless ninny, but it's still who YOU are. You can't ever be anything else but you. "I'm just me" is like saying "I breathe oxygen". No shit.
♫ Me start da day wit a flask, cranberry an ice inna glass....satellite can't find me me lost....buy me own liquor cuz me a me own boss....drink fi drunk dat me endorse....OH ♫ - ‘Rum & Red Bull’, Beenie Man &Future Fambo
30th November 2010
Seriously....if I read one more comment under a political story with someone urging people to "wake up", I'm going to slap somebody. I always find it fascinating that politics turns otherwise sensible people into jackasses. "Belief is the enemy of reality".
Lesbians have life so easy.....girls are very gay normally, lol. Dressing in front of each other, dancing up with one another, feeling up one another etc.....you could pretty much spend ur whole life being a lesbian and no one would ever know once u lie every now and again about some boy u find hot.
"The fact is governments deal with the United States because it's in their interest, not because they like us, not because they trust us and not because they think we can keep secrets," - US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates. If that's not gangsta, I dunno what is...
2nd December 2010
♫ I love my life....none a we don't know wey tomorrow might bring cuz the future deh hours away...so me go live my life today...me ah live my life today...so lowe me mek me talk what me want fi talk, me have nuff fi say...so me go live my life today...me ah go live my life today ♫ - ‘I love my life’, Demarco
7th December 2010
The tao: Never overestimate the power of friendship.
9th December 2010
♫ De boy ketch me a stamp up him gyal postcard....want arrest me but....him anna sarge....he nah stop tell me how him a camouflage....never voice ya hear from him vocal cord because.....a we mek nuff man start drink Guinness ♫ - ‘A we’, Hawkeye
11th December 2010
The tao: The next time someone you thought you mattered to lets you down, always remember that its not their fault you don't have better friends.
17th December 2010
Men beware: "Your mouth says no, but your eyes say yes" will never ever stand up in court.
19th December 2010
The tao: Stop bitching about the 'true meaning' of Christmas. People like presents. Deal with it.
21st December 2010
The tao: Put on a jamaican accent and include "bloodclaat" or "bumboclaat" and any sentence becomes five times funnier. E.g. "Where are u going, u unhygienic homosexual?" "Yow, a where dis dutty skin, yellow teet, shitty draws BUMBOCLAAT battybwoy a go?" Same message. Five times funnier.
25th December 2010
The tao: "I have a boyfriend".........."Babes....you can have ALL the boyfriends you want...not "a", not "some".....ALL.....me still want u". - This conversation will always go like this. Saying you have a boyfriend is not a substitute for saying no.
30th December 2010
New year new me! "Are u getting a sex change?" What? no..... "Are you changing careers?" Um..no.. "Are you radically overhauling your entire personality?" Not really... "Shut up and sit down"
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