#If something looks too spoiler-y I scroll with the force of a thousand suns
littlest-bugz · 3 months
I love that there's this game I absolutely love and follow accounts of people with AUs but have never once seen gameplay or played it myself
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Huntress- Part 10: Patience
Sam x Daughter!Reader, takes place in S12 E10 so warning: SPOILERS
Part one Part two Part three Part four Part five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part Nine
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Sat at the table, lent back in your chair with your arms folded across your chest you pondered over the countless articles and documents Castiel had placed on the board. Uncle Dean stood in front of them, running a hand over his chin, while you scrolled through Google looking for more clues.
Your Dad walked in, surprised to see you awake. But, he didn’t question it and sat down next to you. “Sleep okay?” He asked, nudging you affectionately. You nodded, adding a quiet “Yeah.”
“Got anything?” Your Dad asked, reluctantly tearing his attention away from you. “Nope, I just don’t get how a chick can disappear…?” “I think that’s what Cas was trying to find out.” Your Dad chuckled, subtly peering over your shoulder to read what was on your screen. “Oh uh, Mom called.” Uncle Dean turned so his back was facing Cas’ research and sat down opposite the pair of you. “Said there was a Shifter case and she’d “got it” apparently”. He waved speech marks with his fingers as he spoke. “Well, if she’s got it chances are she’s got it. Mom’s good you know.” “She got back into it kinda quick don’t you think?” Uncle Dean sighed. You considered saying something witty, but decided against it and continued to watch them bicker.
“You still pissed about Cas?” Your Dad wondered, regretting the words as he spoke.
“Yeah okay, because when I hear cosmic consequences my first thought isn’t exactly rainbows. I’m just wondering if he did the right thing.”
You looked up for the first time “He did.” Uncle Dean looked a little taken back at your input. “I did.” Castiel’s voice filled the room. “But more importantly, I’ve found something.”
“Got a lead on Kelly?” Your Dad wondered, relaxing in his stance.
“No. This is much more personal. Benjamin called out for help last night-“ “Good old angel radio.” Uncle Dean scoffed, earning a glare from you.
“-He was begging for help. I need to make sure he’s okay.” Cas finished, ignoring Uncle Dean’s remark.
“Okay,” Your Dad rose from his chair “We’ll help.” “All of you?” Castiel aimed his question at Uncle Dean despite his choice of words. “Yep,” You spoke for everyone “All three of us. Whether we like it or not.” You smiled sweetly at Uncle Dean, your expression full of satire.
The car journey was tense. Castiel sat in the back with you and Uncle Dean didn’t put his usual rock music on through the speakers. If anything, you were grateful to be able to listen to headphones without them on full volume, however you only had one in as not to miss anything interesting in conversation. Not that there was much of that going on at the time.
“Okay, can we please skip the silent treatment it’s getting ridiculous!?” Dad sighed, looking back and forth between the pair of three year olds in the car. Both of which said nothing. “We’re gonna need a plan, any information would be nice.” “Benjamin was careful, this is strange for them to be in need.” “I guess they wouldn’t make  stupid choices with cosmic consequences huh?” Uncle Dean looked back and you’d just about had enough. “ROAD.” You ordered, kicking the back of his chair. He flinched, not having heard you shout before and cleared his throat, looking back on the road. “Don’t kick my Baby.” He frowned. “Then keep your eyes on the road, funnily enough dying isn’t on the calendar for today.” You sassed. Your Dad chuckled “I knew there was a reason I let you come.”
You sat in the car, unfortunately still too young to pass as an FBI agent. Instead, you put in both headphones and waited, loading and unloading your gun. When they came back out Cas was ahead, your Dad and Uncle following on behind like dogs. You swallowed, moving up so Cas could get in your side. He did, nodding as a small thank you but not speaking a word. “What’s happening?” You asked, fed up of no one clarifying anything. “I know of an Angel who can help, Ishim. I’m meeting him. Alone.”
When you arrived at the Diner the four of you got out in silence. “Ishim will be expecting me alone, you wait here.” Cas declared. You nodded, but your Uncle and Dad weren’t having it. “Excuse me?” Uncle Dean raised his eyebrows and tilted his head a little. “He doesn’t have all that much tolerance for…humans.” Cas sighed. “I promised I’d come alone.” “Then go, we’ll wait.” You say, ignoring your Uncle’s offended gaze.
“What?” You shrugged at them when Cas walked in. “You’re just gonna let him go in there alone?” Uncle Dean scoffed. “We just need to be patient, if he needs us he’ll say something. We know he will.” You assured him. “Yeah,” Your Dad nodded “Y/N’s right. We can wait.” “You can.” Uncle Dean took in a deep breath, preparing himself to move “I’m not.”
Immediately, your Dad followed after his brother, only you stayed behind, sticking by your idea that if Cas wanted you he’d say. You sighed, watching the cars go by in the window. Reflections made everything seem so much more surreal. Blurs of motion were interrupted when a woman with a dark trench coat, high pony tail and proud stance walked out. She glanced at you briefly, then looked at the Impala who you were leaning against. “Winchester?” You nodded slowly before adding “Only half.”
“Hmm.” She hummed, as if trying to decipher you. Humans were nothing but a complex code of shades of grey amongst black and white to Angels. “You don’t look like much of a threat.” She declared before moving on. Following after her, you caught up to her fast pace “What’s that supposed to mean?” “Younger primates are less worrying. More impressionable.” She stated. “Thank you…?” You frowned, your eyebrows knitting together. “You’re welcome.”
You turned the corner with her, chuckling “Mirabel, is it?” A voice sounded, instantly you turned on the spot and held out a gun.
Too late.
A woman with red hair and a sort of eyepatch on her left side dug a knife into the Angel’s chest. She lit up from inside like the start of a fire before collapsing. Her vessel nothing but that.
You looked at her in shock, then back up to the mysterious woman. “I have no interest in harming humans.” She held her hands out in front of herself, a peace offering perhaps. “Me neither. But believe me I will.” You snarled.
“Mirabel!” A man with scruff tracing his jawline, a dark trench coat and a clear path in his mind raced towards the dead angel. He pushed you out of the way, but you were too confused at the absence of the lady who was just there to notice. “What happened?” The man looked at you desperately. You opened your mouth to speak only to be silenced by the lady: she was back. “Ishim, right?” She tilted her head and held out a blade. “Hey!” You shouted, trying to distract the woman. “Ishim” blocked and kicked her to the floor, they began fighting, but neither seemed interested in you.
You concentrated on Castiel, and closed your eyes ‘Cas’ you managed, hoping it’d be enough to get his attention. You couldn’t say much despite your abilities -not that you were keen to use them all that much- but talking to people in their heads was much easier if they were an Angel or another like yourself.
You heard footsteps, turned on your heels and saw Cas looking more worried than anything else. His blue eyes were surveying the situation, holding their gaze on yours to make sure you were okay before joining in the fight.
You stood back, not sure whether to draw a blade yourself or hold out your gun. Although, something told you she wouldn’t be too phased by either. “Y/N!” Your Dad called, running next to your side. “Hey, you okay?” He bent down slightly to be eye level with you and put a hand on your shoulder. You nodded blankly, watching the fight instead of his eyes. He sighed and got out his handgun, aiming it at the woman. Uncle Dean did the same.
“It won’t kill her.” You mumbled, you weren’t sure why, but you could just tell. “What?” Your Uncle glanced at you briefly, not having heard you. You realised if they put their guns down they’d probably join in the fight so you shook your head, sighed “never mind” and got out your own gun, cocking it and readying yourself to put your finger overt the trigger.
The woman held out her hand in front of herself, casting some sort of light, it was as bright as a thousand suns and forced you all to shield your eyes. Despite your tightly squeezed eyes and hands attempting to cast a shadow you could still feel the burning heat and blinding light. The moment it went you opened your eyes and lowered your hand, expecting her to be stood victoriously. But she was driving away…she was running away.
You scowled at her before checking to see everyone was okay. Thankfully, no one seemed too wounded except for the Ishim guy who was hunched over, a deep wound on his side where the Angel blade had sliced his vessel through to him.
After staring up at the left over paintings in the Church you padded over to where your Dad and Uncle were sat opposite from Ishim. Cas was in the middle, looking between them nervously. You sat down next to Cas, offering a smile to which he returned gratefully.
You then waited for someone to say something. “Are the Winchester’s training up orphans now?” Ishim smirked, looking you up and down. “That’s my daughter your talking about so I suggest you shut up.” Dad snapped. Ishim squinted at you, trying to figure you out. “Interesting,” He spoke quietly, sitting up before adding more volume to his voice “Moving on, I believe we have much to discuss.” This was aimed directly at Cas.
“They stay,” Cas leaned forward “All of them.”
“Alright,” Ishim was offended but he didn’t show it “I just can’t believe that Lily’s still here.”  The way he switched between tones of voice was unnerving.
“Wait, you know that lady?” Dad questioned curiously.
Cas and Ishim shared a look.  “You’re sure about them all staying?” Ishim checked. “I’m sure.”
The three of you listened intently as Cas spoke about the past. A Nephilim had come into being and Castiel, Ishim and some other Angels were sent on a mission to “take care of things”. You didn’t like the choice of the word “Care.” There was no care in killing. 
Ishim had gone alone after the Father Angel was dealt with. You didn’t trust that, however said nothing.
“So how come she’s still alive?” You asked, breaking the silence.
“A demonic pact I expect. She’s powerful, I know that much.” Ishim answered almost too easily. “Ishim, let me tend to your wound.” Cas stood up, his trench coat brushing against your knee slightly. “That won’t be necessary. We need to go and see Lily.”
“Me and Sam’ll go.” Uncle Dean decided. You frowned. “No, it’s too dangerous. Me and Ishim will go-” “Cas, man this chick doesn’t care about Humans. She’ll leave us alone, not you though.” Cas sighed “Alright.” You protested “If she doesn’t care about humans then why can’t I go?” 
Uncle Dean narrowed his eyes at you “Don’t you think you’ve gotten into enough situations, kid” “Yeah but this way you guys can keep an eye on me or hold my hand if you get scared.” “Y/N...” Your Dad gave you a disapproving look. “So you’d rather leave me with an Angel we’ve just me in a vulnerable place with no signal?” You held your phone up with zero bars to prove a point. “Good choice.” 
“Fine. But you stay behind us at all times and do as we say.” You smirked “Sure.”
“Who knows, we might even be able to talk her out of it.” Your Dad thought aloud. “No, she has her mind set.” Cas immediately dismissed the suggestion. “But-” “Her daughter was murdered. She wants revenge. She’s not going to listen to two strangers! Think about it, would you?”
Your Dad immediately looked at you, his eyes sad “I uh, “He cleared his throat “Guess not.”
“You’re sure this is the right address?” Uncle Dean asked, stepping out of the elevator. You waited for your Dad to do so also before following on. “Well I checked with-” “Yep.” You nodded, cutting your Dad off before he went on a rant.  Uncle Dean chuckled “Thanks for saving me some brain cells, kid.” “You’re welcome.” You giggled.
“How did you find me?!” Lily’s face was full of fright but confidence if it came to a fight. “We don’t wanna hurt you.” Your Dad put his hands up, you and Uncle Dean copying after.
“I don’t wanna hurt you either.” She hesitated.
“Good, that’s good.” Dad looked at his brother for help.
“We wanted to say sorry about what happened to your family, it’s no one’s fault that heaven has these crazy rules on Nephilim-” “Nephilim?” lily echoed, her face scrunched up in confusion. “You think...?”
“My Daughter was human.”
Shocked, you looked between your Dad and Uncle, both looking as new to this information as you were. “Give us a minute.” Uncle Dean put an arm on his brothers and turned him around so the three of you were in some sort of huddle. “You buying any of this?” “Kinda.” You and your Dad nodded. Uncle Dean attempted to call Cas only no one picked up. “No signal remember.” You noted, glancing at Lily who appeared to be becoming more and more irritated. “She’s uh, well-” Uncle Dean was cut off by her.
“She has no interest in hurting any humans and she can hear you.” Lily folded her arms over her chest, her hip sticking out to the side slightly.
“Sorry, you’re right.” Your Dad nodded.
Uncle Dean decided to go back over to confront Ishim, whereas your Dad offered to stay with Lily. You had very little choice and stayed with your Dad. 
Inside her room it was cold, but not freezing- bearable. Lily sat down on her bed, clutching a photo of her and her daughter. It was a daguerreotype, black and white with a sort of laminated finish to it. You didn’t have time to see the details as she held it close to herself, shutting out anyone else’s gazes.
You stood, waiting for someone to speak. “I get wanting revenge, I really do but uh...why wait so long?”  Lily looked down “I had to. Before they lost their wings, Angels very rarely came down to Earth. There’s no way of going to them, you have to wait for them to come to you. But that’s okay, I learned to be patient. Patience is a talent.” “Yeah,” Your Dad looked at you “I’m beginning to notice that.”
Oblivious to your Dad’s gaze, you looked about the room with your eyes, stopping to take in the occasional book title or piece of equipment.
“What deal did you make to become so powerful?” You asked, looking her in the eye. “I paid the price,” She tapped her eyepatch “Every time I use Enochian magic a piece of my soul is destroyed. Eventually-” “You won’t care about anything, feel anything or need anyone. You’ll be alone without emotion.” Your Dad seemed to be able to finish off the sentence a little too easily. You thought back to that Hunter’s funeral where you reunited with Mary, you’d heard a few rumours that your Dad had lost his soul...could it be true?
“If your brother confronts Ishim, he will kill him.” Lily changed topic, wanting to turn the attention to something or someone else.You dropped your previous thought and frowned.
That caught both of your attentions.
“And then you’ll help me. For which I can wait.” 
With your Dad in front of you and Lily taking the lead you made your way back to Cas and Ishim, determined to make sure Uncle Dean was okay.  Dad glanced back at you worriedly. You didn’t notice and went straight over to Cas. Cas was hunched up, dried blood creating a frozen river along his face. “Cas, hey look at me. You okay?” You asked softly, gingerly putting a hand on his face. He was cold and lacking his Angel side. 
“Y/N, I need your blade.” He demanded, holding out his hand and reaching towards where your other hand was clutching the Angel blade. “No Cas, they’re handling it. You’re not strong enough.” If anything that seemed to encourage him as he rose from his position, leaning slightly on you to lever himself up. “The blade.” He breathed. You held it away from him “It’s not safe, I’ll take care of him.” You found yourself using that phrase you hated so much, cringing when you finished the sentence. “I’ll kill him.” You added, convincing yourself you were going through with it.
“No. It’s my faul. I need to be the one to do this,” He looked at you with desperate eyes “Please, Y/N.”
You swallowed, looking over your shoulder to see Ishim still up and fighting- not showing signs of stopping, either. Sighing, you held out the knife, the handle facing where he could grasp it. He did so without hesitation. “Thank you.” He nodded.
You watched as the Soldier marched towards his enemy. The blade stabbed through Ishim’s chest, burning his Grace and destroying him. Silence took over, Cas collapsed to the floor, his breaths heavy, and he looked up at lily. 
Your eyes watched in amazement as ashen scorch marks spread from the corpse like veins. They eventually stopped to form Angel wings either side of him. Clear indents and feathers were nothing but burnt marks on the cold floor. It was sad, but also beautiful. Perhaps this one got his wings after all.
“Food!” Your Uncle’s voice managed to sound loud even when you had headphones in. “Okay!” You called back, happy to finally be eating. You took out your headphones, putting them on your bedside table, before heading towards the kitchen.
Inches away from the entrance and you could already tell something was off. Their voices were more hushed and tension was thick in the air. You took in a deep breath, forcing yourself to keep going. Entering the kitchen just reinforced your suspicions. Instead of next to an empty seat, your Dad had sided with Uncle Dean, leaving you to have a seat opposite. Uncle Dean pushed your plate forward to insist that was where you sat. He offered you a smile none the less. “Eat up, kid.” He chuckled,but it wasn’t his usual cheeky tone. It was more forced.
It was burger and chips, ketchup on the side. You sat down, looking at them and back down to your food. They obviously had a lot of questions to ask you, since that wretched Mr K decided it would be fine to bring up Max. Those damn voice mails didn’t help your case either. But at least no one else knew about them...yet.
You sighed “I guess this is about what Mr K said...”  “Y/N, sweetheart, we’re worried about you. I understand that you don’t know us well enough to recite your life story, but you do trust us...dont you?” Your Dad asked, leaning forward. You nodded. He sighed. Uncle Dean interrogated, eating a chip: “So who’s this Max, huh? The hell is he-” “She.” You snapped. “Dean,” Your Dad shot his brother an angry look “Whoever she is, I just want you to know that you can tell me...us.” He frowned at Uncle Dean at his correction of “Us”. “I know.” You looked at your food, picking at the chips.
“Would you be okay to tell us? To tell us anything? We’re not asking you to be mean, we’re really worried for you. I just want you to be okay.”
You took in a deep breath, running your hands through your hair and squeezing your eyes shut in a desperate attempt to stop yourself from crying. “Okay...” You started, your voice quivering. Both of them slowly looked at you, waiting patiently for you to say something else. “I guess I just thought you knew already...but no one mentioned her when I first met you...So I guess Mum didn’t tell you about her.” “Who...Max?” Your Dad tilted his head questioningly. You nodded. “Who was she?” He encouraged you to keep going, trying not to let his curiosity take over.
Your breath hitched in your throat and you looked him in the eye, another tear escaped, but this time you didn’t bother to wipe it away.
“Your daughter.”
Part 11: Remember
I do not own these gifs
A/N: Whoooo boy things are getting interesting don’t you think? 
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