#If not I completely understand if you want to softblock
sparklecarehospital · 2 months
an important announcement
this isn't really a decision that was made lightly and there's been a lot of thought put into it, and i know a lot of people are going to be sad about it but i feel like it's for the best. i hope you all will be understanding and supportive of my choice.
I've decided to officially up the age limit for reading the comic and its AUs and all of my content in general to 18+. this DOESN'T mean the content of my comics is changing, they AREN'T becoming pornographic, DO NOT MISUNDERSTAND THIS AGE RATING BUMP. i just feel like having this age limit is probably a good idea because i worry some things in my content just may be too sensitive to not have this label.
the only reason i never put this in place before was entirely because of the fact i started working on the reboot when i was 16 and i didn't ever have intentions of making it pornographic, i mean, my immediate family reads it. my parents have literally commented on updates on the site. obviously i'm not going to do that. at the same time, i'm not 16 anymore, and i feel like that should matter in terms of who is engaging with my content, even if it isn't literally porn. this is probably the most responsible thing i could do.
i know there's inevitably going to be people who continue reading anyways but that's kind of out of my hands. i can't go through my entire followers list and block every person who is under 18, considering my follower count that's literally physically impossible. i will at least enforce people directly interacting with me going forward.
for anyone wondering about the two jesters we have who are under 18, they are receiving a break from the crew until they are of age. they're not being completely kicked out, they just won't be working on or be involved with the comic until then.
repeating for emphasis: the comic is not becoming porn. do not misunderstand or misconstrue this. the content is not changing in any way. nothing is changing in the comic that wasn't already going to be there. all that's happening is i am setting and enforcing a strict age limit to my content because i feel like it's necessary.
additional notes about the age rating that i will add to my pinned posts on my blogs for clarity
blogs that interact with me or my posts or follow me going forward that either are under 18 or have no listed age will be softblocked.
please have your age in either your blog bio or your pinned post, i will manually check before i respond or interact. i don't want to have to dig through blog pages to check your age, especially if i'm on mobile or something.
for the AU ask blogs, i will not answer any asks for blogs under 18 or have no listed age, in-character or OOC.
^ these terms don't apply to THIS post only, if you want to leave a message for me in the replies here if you have something to say or additional questions before you leave i will answer, but only in the post replies, i will not do the reply screenshot method here.
thank you all for your patience and understanding.
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seefare · 1 month
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#SEEFARE: an affiliated misha rp blog, trailblazing with mik (20, they/them, gmt +8). embarking on a journey to the stars that has already begun. rules and portrayal notes may be found under the cut!
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ON AFFILIATION: this blog is affiliated with golden reveries. as such, personal blogs and rp blogs not affiliated with gr will be softblocked or blocked.
ON ROMANCE: i'm not open to shipping as of the moment, but i do want to note that misha is a YOUNG BOY. please do not make any unsavory jokes about him, whether in character or not.
ON FORMATTING: i make a separate title post and use trim reblogs for my replies, which is a practice i got from the other rp groups i've been a part of. i use small text with icons and colored dialogue text in my writing. if you have any issues with readability or would like me to change my format, please let me know! as for my personal preference: i would prefer it if my partners could use small text in their replies so i can read it more easily <3
ON OOC CONTACT: as tumblr's IMs have been acting up recently (for me at least) i prefer discord dms. my username is emblian! i am part of gr's discord server so you may also ping me there. i will let you all know now that, while i have grown more comfortable speaking with others ooc, i am still prone to bouts of anxiety and may pull back at any given moment. please don't take this personally! i may just need some space and time to get myself together.
ON REPLIES: my schedule has gotten considerably less free since i'm starting my semester so expect me to take anywhere from a week to a month to reply. i'll do my best to avoid having my partners wait for too long, of course, but i just want to be clear just in case you think i might be ghosting you or forgetting our thread. though that's not out of the question—i'm also a pretty forgetful person, so feel free to ping me if you feel that may be the case!
ON TRIGGER WARNINGS: i will use general trigger warnings for things such as gore, extreme violence, suicide, and other topics that i deem sensitive enough to warrant it. i will be using "tw // (word)" as a tag. if you have any triggers you'd like me to tag, please feel free to let me know through a dm. i also tag spoilers under "hsr spoilers"
note: my portrayal is subject to change with the story of gr, as well as my own understanding of the premise. so not everything is final!
ena's dream has graciously allowed (read: forced) misha back into the dreamscape. by the grace of the order, everything that was put out of place is now back to where it ought to be. we are all happy. sweet dreams for all. huzzah!
so... deja vu, huh? well now that he's back, misha's memories have been wiped. he has no recollection of the things he's discovered: he doesn't know he's mikhail, he doesn't know the truth of what he is. it's essentially back to misha before you complete 'then wake to weep.'
though, of course, he feels there's something... missing in his memory. like there's a name at the tip of his tongue that he can't quite speak. something that leaves him grasping at straws, feeling incomplete. ah, don't we all?
in any case, he's back to working at the reverie. so there's no need to worry about any of that strange stuff, right? riiiiight?
other notes: i treat clockie as an npc and might occasionally write him into my work. if ever we get someone who apps in clockie (if that's even possible omg) i will defer to them.
also: in line with my current portrayal, i will treat misha and mikhail as separate entities. though, of course, there is only so much distinction to be had between them, considering how misha's existence is tethered onto mikhail's memories. and again, like i've clarified, everything here is subject to change with the story of gr and whatever development i get with misha through ic threads and interactions. don't rule out the possibility of misha getting his memories back yet.
ALSO: in canon, misha cannot be seen by anyone save for the nameless, gallagher, and black swan. this post goes into more detail but, essentially, you can assume that misha can now be seen due to the freaked up nature of penacony messing with the memories he's made of.
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iobartach · 1 year
hello there! 👋
Mun is 30+ years old / irish / GMT+0 timezone; call me nix! I track the #iobartach tag
i work a full-time job, soooo real life will take priority over tumblr'ing at all times. hence, it will mean that thread replies will be slow. like, a few weeks slow, so sorry in advance about that!
this blog will feature my own take on miguel o'hara, and is inspired by both the across the spider-verse film and the 2099 comics! i also draw influence from the usual scifi / dystopian things; bladerunner, cyberpunk 2076, altered carbon to name a few, so if there's anything you'd like to know or clarify, feel free to reach out!
i would also like it to be known that my version of miguel is not here to be either an instant ship or a punching bag. i understand the appeal and the temptation, and that, particularly in the across the spider-verse movie, he's coded as the antagonist, but please don't assume he's here for automatic smut, or to be hated on or humiliated by your characters! thank you!
mun has no triggers; is open to rping just about anything but smut!
shipping? ehhhhhhhh we’ll seeee :’) i'm kinda the type to ease into that stuff, if at all. friendships tho? enemies? 👀 sign me uppp for such plots!
not mutually exclusive! And aye, i'm all for following and interacting with other miguels out there!
given the nature of this muse (read; freaky half-spider lad), themes of body horror and experimentation will crop up from time to time, but i try my best to put such darker stuff under read mores & attach 'tw'/trigger tags on it
i absolutely adore crossovers of all types! i would be delighted to throw miguel at you!
will rp with canons & oc’s!
asks! memes! the whole lot! i absolutely adore writing up things based on them! most of the time i tend to answer asks in their own posts, as i make the assumption that folks may want to continue them in a thread, so feel free to reblog anything i've answered that i've tagged you in, if you'd like to keep on going!
same goes for sending in memes; absolutely feel free to browse through my meme prompts tag and send in anything you like! the memes i reblog don't have 'expiry' times, so if you see some prompt you are tempted to use, go for it!
and ditto if you would ever like to randomly interact; i loooove receiving just random asks with a bit of context to them <3
where possible ... pleeeease reblog memes and art / musings / etc posts from the source? it's beginning to get rather frustrating when i see people i haven't even said two words to yet just yoink a post off me 😅
lastly, i get it that sometimes things just don't work out between muns and muses, and that's okay!!! life happens! i'm completely fine with it, won't even hold it against ya. but, if at all possible, can i invite you to approach me with why you're blocking me first, instead of just doing it out of the blue? i'm aware there can be valid reasons, but i am here and willing to listen. cheers :')
and if you're in the business of repeatedly softblocking, feel free to just block me instead. i won't make a habit of chasing after folks like that, or have my time be wasted, without any explanation(s) provided. thank you. 👍
We're here for a good time Not a long time (not a long time) So have a good time The sun can't shine every day
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strebcrarchivess · 10 months
send me a 🚩 and i'll share my unpopular rpc opinions and hot takes
bonus points if you include a specific topic to talk about, like follower count, softblocking, graphics, etc.
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I'm about to sound like the biggest RPC boomer ever, but I think it's more important for a theme to be easily navigatable, functional, and easy to read then it too be pretty. If you can do both then more power to ya! I completely understand wanting to keep up with aesthetics, but with that being said if your theme, doc and caard are hard to read or even find beacuse of aesthetics then that's an issue! Idk when it comes to shit like this I believe in functionality over looks.
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dandeliicnsarchiived · 8 months
send me a 🚩 and i'll share my unpopular rpc opinions and hot takes. bonus points if you include a specific topic to talk about, like follower count, softblocking, graphics, etc. // accepting
Aesthetic vs Writing: I don't see this a lot but I think it needs to be addressed. And I wanna say this is NOT directed at anyone this is simply based off of OLD rpc days that sometimes hit me from time to time. I really hated when writers would be ignored for not having the prettiest of graphics, themes, icons or even url names. I've met some amazing writers who have had bare bones of everything, didn't do formatting and they were often ignored because they weren't aesthetic enough. Just because someone doesn't wanna spend hours trying to make things pretty does not mean that they're bad writers. It's the biggest example of don't judge a book by its cover - actually take the time to get them, learn about their characters and then make a decision if you feel their characters are right for you. Yes aesthetics are attractive but I hate it when it's a deal breaker.
Taking things too seriously: I've been made aware and experienced writers that took things too seriously when it came to writing. Yes, do the research, explain the lore, but understand that you don't own concepts unless youre building from the ground up. Example; I do not own the ideas and concepts of the abilities that my characters have. I often credit where I got the base from and make the necessary changes that fit my lore. If someone had similar concepts you won't see me throwing a rage a fit because someone decided to have their oc have similar abilities as mine. I do not own electricity and fire manipulation. I do not own witch craft AND I SURE AS HELL DON’T OWN WEREWOLF/VAMPIRE HYBRIDS; therefore, I will never been upset if someone has the same things as me. What I'd most likely be upset about is if someone took headcanons that are 95% based off my life experiences/journey through life and applied it to their characters. Example being; my "living with depression" headcanon - the system that Rosalie has to keep herself grounded is the same system I have in order to deal with my adjustment disorder that amplifies my depression. How Rosalie doesn't want to burden people with her depressive episodes is so how I personally act with my loved ones so im not a burden to them. What I do NOT own is the mental illness of depression. It looks different on EVERYONE who has it. We all have our systems to keep us alive. Now, if someone was to come to me and say "hey your headcanon about depression really hit home for me; I'd like to use that as a base for my character because I haven't really thought in detail about how they deal with" THATS COMPLETELY FINE because yknow maybe im not the first person to come up with that system! I encourage people to come to me if people feel like my writing resonates with them and inspires them to think a little deeper. I at most want the respect of asking me or letting me know what their thought process is so I don't assume and get annoyed for no reason. This is a big world but small all the same, we can share, we can inspire but we can't do is take ownership of a concept that has more than enough resources that everyone can use to manipulate in their own way. Also give credit where credit is due- but don't work yourself up over it too much.
Blocking/Softblocking: now I wanna put out there that I RESPECT everyone's rules and understand that they don't owe ANYONE an explanation as to why they choose to block someone/soft block someone. However, HOWEVER; That isn't for me. As someone who has made mistakes in the past and is TERRFIED of doing them again, I'd at least like a heads up and in return I'd so the same to someone else if they upset me in anyway. I don't need the nitty gritty but at least let me know what I did wrong to upset you. The Army taught me to take constructive criticism and that PERCEPTION IS THE REALITY. You perceive that I am disrespecting you, that is YOUR reality, I have no right in telling you that you're wrong. You are ENTITLED to your emotions, and I respect that. On the other hand, I am not a perfect person- I can word things wrong, I can misinterpret conversations and social cues. I want to be educated on how to be BETTER. I can take a grilling, I can take being raked against the coals. You got the evidence? Shiiitt, if it looks wrong, sounds wrong, ITS WRONG. Please give me the opportunity to learn from it; maybe I forced a ship too hard bc I was too excited for the potential dynamic(friendships included in this). Maybe I forgot to tag something that I didn't seem that was triggering and for you it was! I won't ever beg someone to give me another chance, but I will ask on ways to improve so I don't screw over the next person. The last thing I want is to ruin an experience for someone, I did it once and I'll try like hell to not do it again. I won't beg for someone to stay around, you are entitled to your safety and mental wellbeing online. I just personally like to learn from the experience because maybe others like you feel the same way and you could be speaking for them. As much as I say I don't take things too seriously, I take these writing shenanigans as a hobby and have fun; I do take mental health and emotional health very seriously to every writer behind the screen. I don't know what you're going through, I am not you. The very least i can do is listen to understand and fix whatever mistakes I've made and make sure they don't happen again. Also to anyone who has rp'd with me in the recent years, and I've done something to wrong you, I deeply apologize and I hope I didn't ruin an experience for you.
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yukikorogashi · 2 years
   Hi guys, after much thought, I decided that it’s time to do another much needed softblock cleanup. ;u; And while I normally tend to do these quietly, I think that there is something that I really need to address for this one. I have honestly been plagued with the fear of forcing folks into following me back and interacting with me,  when they actually don’t really want to... and this has indeed happened quite recently.
   So I just want to put it out there, that while this is understandably saddening on both sides... The word “No.” needs to be said more often, and I completely understand. Roleplaying is a hobby. A hobby that we are all suppose to enjoy and feel comfortable participating in. And I have no wish to force or make anyone uncomfortable by RPing with a character that they have no interest in. 
   So please remember that you should never feel afraid to say no and/or reject someone, if you don’t feel inspired to write with their character. I know just how hard it is to say no, but it is truly better to say so early on, than to regret not doing so much later on, when you might feel that you are in too deep in some ways.
   Though, if you are one of those that I have chosen to remove, but actually did wish to interact with me (Whether it was due to our busy schedules causing us to constantly miss each other, or just the fact that you were waiting to plot with me in the IMS, I totally get it!), do feel free to follow again!
   Thank you so much for understanding, and please, be good to yourselves. ❤️
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enslaughts · 1 year
the dividends of experience. . .
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#𝙴𝙽𝚂𝙻𝙰𝚄𝙶𝙷𝚃𝚂   :   a  low  activity  horror - heavy  multimuse  roleplay  blog  for  characters  featured  in  mixed  media,  including life is strange,  the quarry,  the last of us,  stranger things,  dc + marvel, succession,  supernatural,  yellowjackets,  star wars,  twilight,  the grishaverse,  hunger games,  and more.     headcanon heavy.
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an ode to  :  teenage horror,  body terror,  ignorance as bliss,  mirrors behind sheets, and things that go bump in the night.     𝟶𝟺/𝟷𝟾/𝟸𝟹. written  by  jean,  23,  white,  they/any,  cst. on hiatus.
roster.     prompts.
currently consuming : the last of us part i and ii, the bear
high muse.
sean diaz.     life is strange 2. karen reynolds.     life is strange 2. jesper fahey.     the grishaverse.     @dvrast​ cat saetang.     the last of us. tommy miller.     the last of us. kendall roy.     succession,  not spoiler free. javi martinez.     yellowjackets,  not spoiler free. laura lee.     yellowjackets,  not spoiler free. cassian andor.     star wars. k-2so.     star wars. peter parker. the amazing spider - man. bruce wayne. batman: unburied. jason todd. arkham knight. peeta mellark.     the hunger games.
dash rules.
000. . .     disclaimer.
just a little one !     i am very new to dc + marvel comics and find myself often overwhelmed with the amount of issues there are to read.     i’ve got the spirit,  but i may or may not know the basics about your muse when it comes to comic based portrayals.     i apologize in advance,  but it’s nothing a little plotting can’t fix,  so if i pop into your ims with stupid questions about your muse, this is why.     but as always,  if you’re still down to clown,  i am very much too !
001. . .     activity.
i'll be frank : i write pretty sporadically, and this goes for ic and ooc interactions. i can get overwhelmed juggling responsibilities often, and socializing is one of the first things to go.     i un  /  fortunately work 40 hour work weeks,    and only get every other weekend off,  so my schedule makes consistent activity difficult on top of my focus. if i can successfully plot something with you, i find my muse is sooo much more involved, but i'm contradictorily bad at it due to the reasons above ; it's truly hit or miss, and i understand if that becomes frustrating for any of my partners.    sometimes i’ll be able to get out a couple drafts a week,  others merely once,  or not at all. if i haven’t replied or answered something in a while,  please know it’s nothing personal, i’m just taking my time until i feel good about what i can put down.     writing is a hobby i enjoy, but if you're looking for a blog with any sort of regularity, this isn't the one for you. i have other rp blogs i try to run as well,  therefore i might be very slow on this one at times.     i can be quite the flaky rp partner,  so i apologize in advance for that and completely understand if my antics   [  or lack thereof  ]   result in an unfollow. if i go longer than two months without activity, i'll try to make a hiatus notice.
002. . .     following.  
because of the previously stated,  i’m also highly selective with who i rp with.     i want to not to bite off more than i can chew,  and for the sake of pacing myself,  my activity will be reserved for mutuals only.     if my thread count gets too high for my liking, it's not uncommon that i drop threads, but i will absolutely try and let you know if that happens.     duplicates are always welcome &lt;;3   [  let me know if you need me to tag same - muse posts and i’ll be happy to !  ] i regularly go on softblocking sprees to keep my follower count semi - low, but do feel free to re - follow if you feel like the stars merely misaligned for our first bout of mutual following and i'd be very down to give it another shot. on that note, it'll take me a week+ to follow back sometimes, as i like to read through not only rules, but dossiers and verse pages, especially for ocs, so it can take a hot minute.
003. . .     etiquette.
the basics  ;  don’t be an asshole,  any transphobia,  biphobia,  homophobia,  racism,  whitewashing,  pro - shipping,  incest,  etc,  will be blocked on sight.     no godmodding,  please cut your threads,  continue asks in new posts,  etc,  and no stealing of any personal concepts of mine.     loose inspiration is fine,  but if i see repeated similarities,  i may or may not approach you about it.     formatting - wise,  here is an example of my prose style.     i primarily use big ol’ text and static or no icons,  beta editor + xkit rewritten,  but feel free to format however you like and i’ll try to match you somewhat. since my concussion, however, i will no longer be threading with super small text or anything heavily formatted, as this can strain my eyes and make headaches worse, even with my glasses.
004. . .     shipping.  
i’m all about exploring meaningful dynamics,  whether they be platonic,  familial,  antagonistic,  pre - established,  etc,  so feel free to shoot me a message if you’d like to plot something out between our muses !     while the mun of this blog is 18+,  smut just really isn’t my thing  ;  referenced  ‘ offscreen ’  as it were is fine,  as are nfsfw headcanons and such,  maybe fade to black  /  time skips,  but for the most part,  you won’t find any roleplayed smut on this blog.     this of course is muse dependent and does not apply to any underage muses.     romance is fine to some degree,  but again,  if they are a child,  anything beyond lighthearted and innocent experiences are off limits,  no exceptions.     if i see you’ve aged up a minor character for shipping purposes,  it will result in an instant unfollow.     if at some point i flesh out adult verses for them,  these shipping rules will not change.     on that note as well,  i do prefer to rp with muns who are also 18+.     i don’t see your age somewhere in your rules or pinned,  it will affect my willingness to follow.
005. . .     memes.
memes from anyone,  anytime,  for the muse or for the mun,  are always welcome,  and often a go - to ice breaker of mine since starter calls make me nervous.     please don’t hesitate to send a good handful since i try not to cage myself into answering ones i just don’t have muse for.     i find if i force stuff,  i’m just less likely to ever actually get it done,  so don’t feel like you’re overwhelming me if you send more than just a couple for me to choose from.     please remember to specify which muse your asks are for unless it’s to one of my sideblogs.     if you want to start a thread from an ask,  i greatly encourage it since i try to write most answers as potential starters anyway ! lastly, any memes in my tag aren't expired. if i don't want them sent in anymore, i'll delete them from the tag.
006. . .     triggers.  
this blog leans horror - adjacent in many ways,  and this blog will be portraying that accordingly,  including trigger - heavy content such as  :  depression,  ptsd,  panic attacks,  violence,  murder,  kidnapping,  self harm,  smoking,  abuse  /  neglect,  animal death,  horror elements,  cannibalism,  torture,  brainwashing,  death  /  resurrection,  religious imagery,  etc,  but i will try to tag it as  ‘ trigger // ’.     on that note,  please do keep in mind  :  any abuse present on my blog will be in headcanons or backstories,  never actual threads.     if i’m writing with villain muses,  physical harm may be present,  but i refuse to roleplay any domestic  /  animal  /  harm or abuse in any form.     my personal triggers are visual eye gore,  visual self harm,  and visual vomit.     please do feel free to say something if i forget to tag a post and i’ll try to tag it for you right away !
whew. all that said, i'm jean, 23, white, and i use they/any pronouns ! thank you for taking the time to read my rules,  and rest assured if i follow you,  that means i’ve read through yours as well <3 discord is available for mutuals upon request.
007. . .     blogroll.
enslaughts.     a medium activity horror - heavy multimuse. dvrast.     a selective jesper fahey. low activity.     follows from enslaughts. wolfsp1der.     an original spider character. low activity. fists4once. a fandomless, original archie andrews. low activity. wayfares.     a selective western multimuse. hiatus. greatloss.     a selective slow five hargreeves. hiatus. clericlost.     a selective slow william byers. hiatus. mindsflayed.     a selective slow mind flayer + vecna. hiatus.     follows from clericlost.
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oat-malk · 4 months
i've been trying to articulate why exactly i'm not comfortable conversing with/following minors online, and i think it boils down to:
the kind of things you talk to your friends about doesn't really change with age. when you turn 18, you don't suddenly start talking about Adult Things any more than you would have as a kid. it's the same. your interests might change with age and your priorities in life might reshuffle as you get more responsibilities, but the conversations you have with your friends don't really look any different.
and when you're a young adult, and you're not used to being a Real Adult, you don't get the "wow what a youngster! look at that young baby!" response when you see teenagers going about their day. you don't feel much different at 21 than you do when you're 16. you have to consciously remind yourself that you're not just like them anymore, that at some point in the last few years, you gained Actual Societal Power over the people you're used to seeing as your equals.
it takes a conscious mental effort to remain aware of and careful with that power imbalance. when i was a teenager i could talk to other teenagers about my problems, my love life, school/studies - because we were equals. and suddenly we're not equals anymore and i have to pass everything i say through another filter.
friendship to me is about equality. you listen to each other, help each other out, provide support - as well as obviously hanging out and having fun and joking around. but i don't want emotional support from a teenager. i don't want to complain about my job and my family to a teenager. doing so has the potential to cause real harm; doing emotional labour for someone who you aren't on equal footing with can be traumatic (i know from personal experience). and let's be real, most of the jokes i make with my friends, i also would not want to make around a teenager. i'm just not capable of having a fulfilling friendship with a kid because being a Safe Adult To Be Around requires that i zip my mouth and not talk to them anything like how i talk to my friends.
i can't be friends with a kid, and i don't want to parent/mentor anyone, and i'm much more inclined to spend my social energy on talking to people my age than i am on figuring out how to appropriately reply to some teenager's DM. it's mentally draining at best, and at worst it has the capacity to do measurable damage or get someone in trouble.
additionally, i'm queer + trans + most commonly read as a man, which means that right-wingers already think i'm a groomer. i'm also awkward and autistic and i don't know how to gracefully tell people that i'm not comfortable talking to them without my boundaries coming across as optional. the only way i can effectively enforce my boundaries is to block/softblock/ghost the other person and move on.
i get that it's hurtful when you're a teen and it feels like no adults other than your teachers and family care to talk to you - it's like everyone thinks you're too immature for them. i felt the same frustration when i was a kid and i didn't understand why my age was such a huge issue to the adults i tried to speak to online. but it's really not about you and it's not personal; it's that adults can't relax around you because they have to be in Responsible Mode whenever a kid is nearby.
that's not to say that kids and adults shouldn't share spaces - that's kind of how being in public works, after all. if you're in a communal space, like a park or out on the street, we absolutely *should* be in Responsible Mode because children have as much right to be there as we do. but we also deserve a safe, comfortable, private place where we can unwind and be ourselves and control who we interact with.
i understand that social media isn't completely private, and minors can stumble upon anything i post online. but with features like blocking and muting, i do have some control over who is allowed in my online social circle, and i can flag/censor content so that kids will only see it if they first acknowledge i didn't put it there for them. the internet is not a public place in the same way that the local park is - i can't boot you across the lawn if you approach me in-person, but i can block you if you interact with something nsfw on my blog. i can make my profile an adults-only space and if a kid wanders in then i have the power to remove them to retain my comfort and privacy.
idk. this was a long post. i hope it makes sense. i remember feeling very sad and angry as a kid because it felt like adults never wanted me around and i didn't get why, and i took personal offense to it. i hope if any minor does read this, it helps them to understand. it can be a very stressful argument to have because it's so easily misinterpreted. and i haven't seen very many adults try to explain the reasons why in full detail.
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umberlees · 1 year
Call me Rambo! She/her, 25+. (I do not have discord.) Due to life commitments I am primarily mobile, and thus my blog revolves around ease of mobile navigation.
THIS IS FOR FUN!! Good vibes here only. If you like hype, supportiveness this is the space for you! 💕
No drama. No call outs. No cliques. No jealousy.
This is an 18+ blog with dark themes. I do not tag triggers. However I do my best to note other folks triggers and avoid them in my writing. If I’ve forgotten and accidentally include one in a reply please reach out and I will alter my writing to avoid it. 💕💕
Preferably text, paragraph replies. No need to match length, but please more than a sentence!
Romantic threads/ lust threads/ angst threads are open to any mun that is 21+. I write smut, so long as it isn’t overly drawn out or too repetitive.
If you are <18 DNI.
Very OC friendly- OC’s are my preference!
I may end threads if the writing is feeling one sided or the interaction has lost it’s energy.
If I am writing memes, starters, threads consistently but never receiving replies, I will lessen my interactions with your muse/not reply to asks. I’ve had many negative experiences over my years with this. NOTE: This is not an attack on writers block or life things that get in the way. I understand that completely! This is for those who send things with no intent on replying/ make excuses/ do not make an effort to interact with me ooc or ic.
On that note if I follow it is because I’m interested in your character and want to write! Let’s write! If you have no intent on writing please don’t follow. I comb through my followers regularly and unfollow folks who don’t interact with me.
I love jumping into the middle of things! Big fan of pre-establishing relationships and fleshing them out through threads.
Please hardblock if you do not want to interact. For my mental I will hardblock anyone who softblocks me.
This is a sideblog, will follow back from RamblingsofaMoonwatcher
0 notes
fists4once · 1 year
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#𝙵𝙸𝚂𝚃𝚂𝟺𝙾𝙽𝙲𝙴 : a  fandom - less portrayal of  archie andrews, inspired by ethel cain's preacher's daughter and removed from canon.      often dc based, but very crossover friendly ! extremely personal + original take on the character, re - written as fandom - less and very headcanon heavy. sb to enslaughts.
a study in broken promises and fallen pedestals, bruised knuckles punching in the wind, hero complexes, lost childhood and butterfly nets, grief as anger, healing, what it means to have a body, and to not.     𝟶𝟼/𝟸𝟸/𝟸𝟹.     re - imagined  by  jean,  23,  they/any.
notes. prompts.
dash rules.
you do not need to be following my main to follow and interact with me over here.     however,  i do require that i be following you from there before interaction.
000. . .     disclaimer.
the rpc's distancing from riverdale is very much understood, however, my portrayal of archie is incredibly personalized and wholly adapted to a personal trajectory of mine over the last half a decade. inspiration is taken from the cw show for his backstory, but my default verse for archie is only vaguely season five - like, but that's about it as far as similarities go. this character is a comfort muse unfortunately and incredibly comfortable for me to write simply because of how long i've been doing it. if you hate riverdale, i promise i've heard it all before and am not here to hash it out, but to write what's practically become an original character for me. if you don't wanna be here, simply scroll or block, beloved.
001. . .     activity.
i'll be frank : i write pretty sporadically, and this goes for ic and ooc interactions. i can get overwhelmed juggling responsibilities often, and socializing is one of the first things to go.     i un  /  fortunately work 40 hour work weeks, and only get every other weekend off,  so my schedule makes consistent activity difficult on top of my focus. if i can successfully plot something with you, i find my muse is sooo much more involved, but i'm contradictorily bad at it due to the reasons above ; it's truly hit or miss, and i understand if that becomes frustrating for any of my partners.    sometimes i’ll be able to get out a couple drafts a week,  others merely once,  or not at all. if i haven’t replied or answered something in a while,  please know it’s nothing personal, i’m just taking my time until i feel good about what i can put down.     writing is a hobby i enjoy, but if you're looking for a blog with any sort of regularity, this isn't the one for you. i have other rp blogs i try to run as well,  therefore i might be very slow on this one at times.     i can be quite the flaky rp partner,  so i apologize in advance for that and completely understand if my antics   [  or lack thereof  ]   result in an unfollow. if i go longer than two months without activity, i'll try to make a hiatus notice.
002. . .     following.  
because of the previously stated,  i’m also highly selective with who i rp with.     i want to not to bite off more than i can chew,  and for the sake of pacing myself,  my activity will be reserved for mutuals only.     if my thread count gets too high for my liking, it's not uncommon that i drop threads, but i will absolutely try and let you know if that happens.     duplicates are always welcome <3   [  let me know if you need me to tag same - muse posts and i’ll be happy to !  ] i regularly go on softblocking sprees to keep my follower count semi - low, but do feel free to re - follow if you feel like the stars merely misaligned for our first bout of mutual following and i'd be very down to give it another shot. on that note, it'll take me a week+ to follow back sometimes, as i like to read through not only rules, but dossiers and verse pages, especially for ocs, so it can take a hot minute.
003. . .     etiquette.
the basics  ;  don’t be an asshole,  any transphobia,  biphobia,  homophobia,  racism,  whitewashing,  pro - shipping,  incest,  etc,  will be blocked on sight.     no godmodding,  please cut your threads,  continue asks in new posts,  etc,  and no stealing of any personal concepts of mine.     loose inspiration is fine,  but if i see repeated similarities,  i may or may not approach you about it.     formatting - wise,  here is an example of my prose style.     i primarily use big ol’ text and static or no icons,  beta editor + xkit rewritten,  but feel free to format however you like and i’ll try to match you somewhat. since my concussion, however, i will no longer be threading with super small text or anything heavily formatted, as this can strain my eyes and make headaches worse, even with my glasses.
004. . .     shipping.  
i’m all about exploring meaningful dynamics,  whether they be platonic,  familial,  antagonistic,  pre - established,  etc,  so feel free to shoot me a message if you’d like to plot something out between our muses !     while the mun of this blog is 18+,  smut just really isn’t my thing  ;  referenced  ‘ offscreen ’  as it were is fine,  as are nfsfw headcanons and such,  maybe fade to black  /  time skips,  but for the most part,  you won’t find any roleplayed smut on this blog.     this of course is muse dependent and does not apply to any underage muses.     romance is fine to some degree,  but again,  if they are a child,  anything beyond lighthearted and innocent experiences are off limits,  no exceptions.     if i see you’ve aged up a minor character for shipping purposes,  it will result in an instant unfollow.     if at some point i flesh out adult verses for them,  these shipping rules will not change.     on that note as well,  i do prefer to rp with muns who are also 18+.     i don’t see your age somewhere in your rules or pinned,  it will affect my willingness to follow.
005. . .     memes.
memes from anyone,  anytime,  for the muse or for the mun,  are always welcome,  and often a go - to ice breaker of mine since starter calls make me nervous.     please don’t hesitate to send a good handful since i try not to cage myself into answering ones i just don’t have muse for.     i find if i force stuff,  i’m just less likely to ever actually get it done,  so don’t feel like you’re overwhelming me if you send more than just a couple for me to choose from.     please remember to specify which muse your asks are for unless it’s to one of my sideblogs.     if you want to start a thread from an ask,  i greatly encourage it since i try to write most answers as potential starters anyway ! lastly, any memes in my tag aren't expired. if i don't want them sent in anymore, i'll delete them from the tag.
006. . .     triggers.  
this blog leans horror - adjacent in many ways,  and this blog will be portraying that accordingly,  including trigger - heavy content such as  :  depression,  ptsd,  panic attacks,  body horror / issues, violence / injury,  horror elements,   parental death, smoking,  religious imagery,  as well as past statutory rape,  but i will try to tag it as  ‘ trigger // ’.     on that note,  please do keep in mind  :  any abuse present on my blog will be in headcanons or backstories,  never actual threads.     if i’m writing with villain muses,  physical harm may be present,  but i refuse to roleplay any domestic  /  animal  /  harm or abuse in any form.     my personal triggers are visual eye gore,  visual self harm,  and visual vomit.     please do feel free to say something if i forget to tag a post and i’ll try to tag it for you right away !
whew. all that said, i'm jean, 23, white, and i use they/any pronouns ! thank you for taking the time to read my rules,  and rest assured if i follow you,  that means i’ve read through yours as well <3 discord is available for mutuals upon request.
007. . .     blogroll.
enslaughts.     a medium activity horror - heavy multimuse. dvrast.     a selective jesper fahey. low activity.     follows from enslaughts. wolfsp1der.     an original spider - person. low activity. wayfares.     a selective western multimuse. hiatus. greatloss.     a selective slow five hargreeves. hiatus. clericlost.     a selective slow william byers. hiatus. mindsflayed.     a selective slow mind flayer + vecna. hiatus.     follows from clericlost.
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wolfsp1der · 1 year
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#𝚆𝙾𝙻𝙵𝚂𝙿𝟷𝙳𝙴𝚁 : a  selective low  activity  kaeden ' kae ' klein  aka  wolf  spider  roleplay  sideblog  for  an original character  based  in  sony's into / across the spider - verse.      un - affiliated with earth - 13989's spider - wolf, crossover friendly !
an ode to  :  terrible, horrible,  no good, very bad luck, a good liar's web, and making a home in your own skin.     𝟶𝟼/𝟷𝟷/𝟸𝟹.     spun  by  jean,  23,  white,  they/any,  cst.
prompts.     footnotes.
dash rules.
you do not need to be following my main to follow and interact with me over here.     however,  i do require that i be following you from there before interaction.
000. . .     disclaimer.
just a little one !     i am very new to dc + marvel comics and find myself often overwhelmed with the amount of issues there are to read.     i’ve got the spirit,  but i may or may not know the basics about your muse when it comes to comic based portrayals.     i apologize in advance,  but it’s nothing a little plotting can’t fix,  so if i pop into your ims with stupid questions about your muse, this is why.     but as always,  if you’re still down to clown,  i am very much too !
001. . .     activity.
i'll be frank : i write pretty sporadically, and this goes for ic and ooc interactions. i can get overwhelmed juggling responsibilities often, and socializing is one of the first things to go.     i un  /  fortunately work 40 hour work weeks,    and only get every other weekend off,  so my schedule makes consistent activity difficult on top of my focus. if i can successfully plot something with you, i find my muse is sooo much more involved, but i'm contradictorily bad at it due to the reasons above ; it's truly hit or miss, and i understand if that becomes frustrating for any of my partners.    sometimes i’ll be able to get out a couple drafts a week,  others merely once,  or not at all. if i haven’t replied or answered something in a while,  please know it’s nothing personal, i’m just taking my time until i feel good about what i can put down.     writing is a hobby i enjoy, but if you're looking for a blog with any sort of regularity, this isn't the one for you. i have other rp blogs i try to run as well,  therefore i might be very slow on this one at times.     i can be quite the flaky rp partner,  so i apologize in advance for that and completely understand if my antics   [  or lack thereof  ]   result in an unfollow. if i go longer than two months without activity, i'll try to make a hiatus notice.
002. . .     following.  
because of the previously stated,  i’m also highly selective with who i rp with.     i want to not to bite off more than i can chew,  and for the sake of pacing myself,  my activity will be reserved for mutuals only.     if my thread count gets too high for my liking, it's not uncommon that i drop threads, but i will absolutely try and let you know if that happens.     duplicates are always welcome &lt;;3   [  let me know if you need me to tag same - muse posts and i’ll be happy to !  ] i regularly go on softblocking sprees to keep my follower count semi - low, but do feel free to re - follow if you feel like the stars merely misaligned for our first bout of mutual following and i'd be very down to give it another shot. on that note, it'll take me a week+ to follow back sometimes, as i like to read through not only rules, but dossiers and verse pages, especially for ocs, so it can take a hot minute.
003. . .     etiquette.
the basics  ;  don’t be an asshole,  any transphobia,  biphobia,  homophobia,  racism,  whitewashing,  pro - shipping,  incest,  etc,  will be blocked on sight.     no godmodding,  please cut your threads,  continue asks in new posts,  etc,  and no stealing of any personal concepts of mine.     loose inspiration is fine,  but if i see repeated similarities,  i may or may not approach you about it.     formatting - wise,  here is an example of my prose style.     i primarily use big ol’ text and static or no icons,  beta editor + xkit rewritten,  but feel free to format however you like and i’ll try to match you somewhat. since my concussion, however, i will no longer be threading with super small text or anything heavily formatted, as this can strain my eyes and make headaches worse, even with my glasses.
004. . .     shipping.  
i’m all about exploring meaningful dynamics,  whether they be platonic,  familial,  antagonistic,  pre - established,  etc,  so feel free to shoot me a message if you’d like to plot something out between our muses !     while the mun of this blog is 18+,  smut just really isn’t my thing  ;  referenced  ‘ offscreen ’  as it were is fine,  as are nfsfw headcanons and such,  maybe fade to black  /  time skips,  but for the most part,  you won’t find any roleplayed smut on this blog.     this of course is muse dependent and does not apply to any underage muses.     romance is fine to some degree,  but again,  if they are a child,  anything beyond lighthearted and innocent experiences are off limits,  no exceptions.     if i see you’ve aged up a minor character for shipping purposes,  it will result in an instant unfollow.     if at some point i flesh out adult verses for them,  these shipping rules will not change.     on that note as well,  i do prefer to rp with muns who are also 18+.     i don’t see your age somewhere in your rules or pinned,  it will affect my willingness to follow.
005. . .     memes.
memes from anyone,  anytime,  for the muse or for the mun,  are always welcome,  and often a go - to ice breaker of mine since starter calls make me nervous.     please don’t hesitate to send a good handful since i try not to cage myself into answering ones i just don’t have muse for.     i find if i force stuff,  i’m just less likely to ever actually get it done,  so don’t feel like you’re overwhelming me if you send more than just a couple for me to choose from.     please remember to specify which muse your asks are for unless it’s to one of my sideblogs.     if you want to start a thread from an ask,  i greatly encourage it since i try to write most answers as potential starters anyway ! lastly, any memes in my tag aren't expired. if i don't want them sent in anymore, i'll delete them from the tag.
006. . .     triggers.  
this blog leans horror - adjacent in many ways,  and this blog will be portraying that accordingly,  including trigger - heavy content such as  :  depression,  ptsd,  panic attacks,  body horror, violence,  murder,  kidnapping,  abuse  /  neglect,  animal death,  horror elements,   expirimentation,  death  /  resurrection,  religious imagery,  etc,  but i will try to tag it as  ‘ trigger // ’.     on that note,  please do keep in mind  :  any abuse present on my blog will be in headcanons or backstories,  never actual threads.     if i’m writing with villain muses,  physical harm may be present,  but i refuse to roleplay any domestic  /  animal  /  harm or abuse in any form.     my personal triggers are visual eye gore,  visual self harm,  and visual vomit.     please do feel free to say something if i forget to tag a post and i’ll try to tag it for you right away !
whew. all that said, i'm jean, 23, white, and i use they/any pronouns ! thank you for taking the time to read my rules,  and rest assured if i follow you,  that means i’ve read through yours as well <3 discord is available for mutuals upon request.
007. . .     blogroll.
enslaughts.     a medium activity horror - heavy multimuse. dvrast.     a selective jesper fahey. low activity.     follows from enslaughts. wolfsp1der.     an original spider - person. low activity. wayfares.     a selective western multimuse. hiatus. greatloss.     a selective slow five hargreeves. hiatus. clericlost.     a selective slow william byers. hiatus. mindsflayed.     a selective slow mind flayer + vecna. hiatus.     follows from clericlost.
0 notes
dvrast · 1 year
#𝙳𝚅𝚁𝙰𝚂𝚃  :  a  selective  slow  jesper fahey  roleplay  blog  for  the  character  featured  in  leigh  bardugo’s  six  of  crows.     sideblog to enslaughts.     duology based + compliant,  netflix influenced.     headcanon heavy.     an ode to caged birds.     fabricated 04/18/23.     cherished by jean,  23,  white,  they/any.
guidelines.     dossier.     playlist.     pinterest.
dash rules. . .
you do not need to be following my main  to follow and interact with me over here.     however,  i do require that i be following you from there before interaction.
001. . .     activity.
i'll be frank : i write pretty sporadically, and this goes for ic and ooc interactions. i can get overwhelmed juggling responsibilities often, and socializing is one of the first things to go.     i un  /  fortunately work 40 hour work weeks,    and only get every other weekend off,  so my schedule makes consistent activity difficult on top of my focus. if i can successfully plot something with you, i find my muse is sooo much more involved, but i'm contradictorily bad at it due to the reasons above ; it's truly hit or miss, and i understand if that becomes frustrating for any of my partners.    sometimes i’ll be able to get out a couple drafts a week,  others merely once,  or not at all. if i haven’t replied or answered something in a while,  please know it’s nothing personal, i’m just taking my time until i feel good about what i can put down.     writing is a hobby i enjoy, but if you're looking for a blog with any sort of regularity, this isn't the one for you. i have other rp blogs i try to run as well,  therefore i might be very slow on this one at times.     i can be quite the flaky rp partner,  so i apologize in advance for that and completely understand if my antics   [  or lack thereof  ]   result in an unfollow. if i go longer than two months without activity, i'll try to make a hiatus notice.
002. . .     following.  
because of the previously stated,  i’m also highly selective with who i rp with.     i want to not to bite off more than i can chew,  and for the sake of pacing myself,  my activity will be reserved for mutuals only.     if my thread count gets too high for my liking, it's not uncommon that i drop threads, but i will absolutely try and let you know if that happens.     duplicates are always welcome &lt;;3   [  let me know if you need me to tag same - muse posts and i’ll be happy to !  ] i regularly go on softblocking sprees to keep my follower count semi - low, but do feel free to re - follow if you feel like the stars merely misaligned for our first bout of mutual following and i'd be very down to give it another shot. on that note, it'll take me a week+ to follow back sometimes, as i like to read through not only rules, but dossiers and verse pages, especially for ocs, so it can take a hot minute.
003. . .     etiquette.
the basics  ;  don’t be an asshole,  any transphobia,  biphobia,  homophobia,  racism,  whitewashing,  pro - shipping,  incest,  etc,  will be blocked on sight.     no godmodding,  please cut your threads,  continue asks in new posts,  etc,  and no stealing of any personal concepts of mine.     loose inspiration is fine,  but if i see repeated similarities,  i may or may not approach you about it.     formatting - wise,  here is an example of my prose style.     i primarily use big ol’ text and static or no icons,  beta editor + xkit rewritten,  but feel free to format however you like and i’ll try to match you somewhat. since my concussion, however, i will no longer be threading with super small text or anything heavily formatted, as this can strain my eyes and make headaches worse, even with my glasses.
004. . .     shipping.  
i’m all about exploring meaningful dynamics,  whether they be platonic,  familial,  antagonistic,  pre - established,  etc,  so feel free to shoot me a message if you’d like to plot something out between our muses !     while the mun of this blog is 18+,  smut just really isn’t my thing  ;  referenced  ‘ offscreen ’  as it were is fine,  as are nfsfw headcanons and such,  maybe fade to black  /  time skips,  but for the most part,  you won’t find any roleplayed smut on this blog.     this of course is muse dependent and does not apply to any underage muses.     romance is fine to some degree,  but again,  if they are a child,  anything beyond lighthearted and innocent experiences are off limits,  no exceptions.     if i see you’ve aged up a minor character for shipping purposes,  it will result in an instant unfollow.     if at some point i flesh out adult verses for them,  these shipping rules will not change.     on that note as well,  i do prefer to rp with muns who are also 18+.     i don’t see your age somewhere in your rules or pinned,  it will affect my willingness to follow.
005. . .     memes.
memes from anyone,  anytime,  for the muse or for the mun,  are always welcome,  and often a go - to ice breaker of mine since starter calls make me nervous.     please don’t hesitate to send a good handful since i try not to cage myself into answering ones i just don’t have muse for.     i find if i force stuff,  i’m just less likely to ever actually get it done,  so don’t feel like you’re overwhelming me if you send more than just a couple for me to choose from.     please remember to specify which muse your asks are for unless it’s to one of my sideblogs.     if you want to start a thread from an ask,  i greatly encourage it since i try to write most answers as potential starters anyway ! lastly, any memes in my tag aren't expired. if i don't want them sent in anymore, i'll delete them from the tag.
006. . .     triggers.  
many of my muse has canonically been through some messed up stuff,  even if he would never admit it out loud,  and this blog will be portraying that accordingly,  including trigger - heavy content such as  :  anxiety,  c - ptsd,  panic attacks,  general repression,  gun violence,  internalized prejudice,  neglect,  body horror,  gore,  murder  /  death,  criminal activity,  etc,  but i will try to tag it as  ‘ trigger // ’.     on that note,  please do keep in mind  :  any abuse present on my blog will be in headcanons or backstories,  never actual threads.     if i’m writing with villain muses,  physical harm may be present,  but i refuse to roleplay any domestic  /  animal  /  harm or abuse in any form.     my personal triggers are visual eye gore,  visual self harm,  and visual vomit.     please do feel free to say something if i forget to tag a post and i’ll try to tag it for you right away !
whew. all that said, i'm jean, 23, white, and i use they/any pronouns ! thank you for taking the time to read my rules,  and rest assured if i follow you,  that means i’ve read through yours as well <3 discord is available for mutuals upon request.
007. . .     blogroll.
enslaughts.     a medium activity horror - heavy multimuse. dvrast.     a selective jesper fahey. low activity.     follows from enslaughts. wolfsp1der.     an original spider character. low activity. wayfares.     a selective western multimuse. hiatus. greatloss.     a selective slow five hargreeves. hiatus. clericlost.     a selective slow william byers. hiatus. mindsflayed.     a selective slow mind flayer + vecna. hiatus.     follows from clericlost.
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flowers-that-sing · 1 year
How would you know you got soft blocked?
I do see your perspective of it doesn't take away another characters abuse but i think for a lot of people it is the trying to make the rich white guy seem like he has it bad when there are characters you don't have to hc that way the giving steve every characters hardships aspect of hc is what gets people. People who act like steve was affected by barbs death or that his parents are awful. I get we want to explore depths with characters but people have lost the differences between fan hc and actual canon with steve just because he's a pretty white guy. And it's the hating characters with that actual attribute of trauma while trying to make steve this big traumatized character when he is definitely the most privilege and least traumatized in the whole story. People want to create a character in steve to be sympathetic towards w/o understanding and being sympathetic towards characters like Jonathan, Nancy, or even Mike
i know i was softblocked because i checked other blogs i used to be following or mutuals with and i was no longer following them, so i’m assuming i was softblocked because of the timing but it might just be tumblr screwing up
and yes, i see your point as well. but i also think that as long as you’re continuing to acknowledge the other characters’ traumas as well, it’s fine to have headcanons for steve. like if you completely ignore every other character in favor of steve, or hate other characters (particularly those in minority groups) then yeah. that’s an issue.
and i see your point about him being a pretty white man. but also, i’m a person of color, and i’m trans, so i don’t think that point applies to me personally
i love all the main cast (plus argyle, hes not main cast but i adore him), and i like writing from all their POVs (i dont really write from hopper or joyce’s but i do love them too)
sorry if this is a bad response it’s really rushed. also, i dont mean to sound rude or anything sorry if i do.
thanks for the ask :)
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bangtide · 2 years
I think I followed u on Twitter ? But can’t remember so now unsure if I didn’t or if I was softblocked 😵‍💫which is so totally in ur right I completely understand this isn’t a call out omg ! My twitter presence is bare so I know that’s also sketch 😭 anyways happy to see u on here either way !
anon you're so cute lmfao. i haven't soft-blocked anyone (yet, most likely, but). here it is for you to check or re-follow, i suspect twt is just jank, as per usual
i rarely block or sb/ect people. my criteria for not wanting someone following me is really just concerns abt harassment. i block exclusively for the same reason. anyone is welcomed as long as you're cool with what i post & won't draw unwanted attention to the community/my page
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bi-wheeler · 2 years
Update: Hello, Nikki here!! Used to be insanelycooljared. Rebranded to bi-wheeler. Mainly Stranger Things and Heartstopper content (brainrot). 
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antigoddex-a · 2 years
So, hi, hello, PSA: I have been going through recent events that I can see belong to the fact that I have O.SDD-1 / O.SDDID ( a sub-type of O.ther S.pecified D.issociative D.isorders that is most similar to D.issociative I.dentity D.isorder ), specifically OSDD-1b. As far as I am aware, I have two alters, Yancy who came around recently on May 8th and a little who I can’t recall when exactly, but most likely somewhere in 2020 ( I always felt ashamed fully properly acknowledging them while also believing it’s just Normal to slip into the little headspace here and there, but, now, I get them... ). Huzzah!
With this fact in mind, I am going to try to keep track of ourselves and my life while trying to fully grasp them when I am usually known to be extremely detached with myself and life to often truly not care about anything that would happen to and around me. I have always wanted to do journalling, but couldn’t because of erratic motivation, but I want to try again while trying to rebuild my own sense of self that is usually distorted. It is gonna be tiring and repetitive and annoying, but I think actually acknowledging my own presence and even trying to appreciate where I am and the fact of how I am still here despite what I would go through does very helpful. Honestly, I and especially Yancy are proud of me for gradually coming to terms with all of this and taking immediate actions about them. Also, I have never taken any medications or done any therapy sessions for ever anything with me, so... The fact I’m doing this as well all alone, either Yancy wants to help or not, we are very impressed as well.
Now in terms of if Yancy will front while I would be active on here ( e.g. reblogging posts, replying threads, etcetera ) or interacting with someone through messages, I don’t know how often that will be a thing, as this is all new to us, but we will start to end our sentences wirh our names ( - Morningstar or - Yancy ) in comments or tags to indicate who is talking. With D.iscord or T.umblr IMs, assume it’s me, Morningstar, otherwise Yancy would most likely state their presence, but while I doubt they ever would because these conversations are my own businesses, who knows. I will also be making a Carrd or such platform as a little about info for me and my alters. I do have to say, noticing this, that one of Yancy’s spelling habits is they really don’t give a fuck about misspellings and don’t capitalize the I’s or names in the entire sentences, while I am complete opposite, so if they happen to forget signing their name yet their speech seems more LOUD and messy, that’s most likely them.
The details under cut is just me sharing the experience where Yancy fronted I think briefly in the morning today on the 9th because I want people to really See what I mean when I say we have OSDD-1b. It was really Something to go through. It’s not obligated to be read though, so if you’re stopping by here, just please know that I am extremely appreciative and thankful for the continuous support and love. My emotional detachment really makes it so difficult for me to interact with literally everyone I know here regardless of how close we are, initiating or carrying conversations, as well as the tolerance in how I speak / type, behave, etcetera, is so beyond appreciated. I had lost a very few people who I had been long mutuals with on Sunday around the time Yancy came through especially with their very prideful and rowdy self, so it was disheartening seeing that we got “ too much “, but I still recall how Yancy made a sneering face realizing who softblocked me and only said out loud it’s okay ( they even actually planned to hardblock them to make me feel less bad seeing them around but I stopped them ‘cause it’s just not worth it as I can understand why ), so, to those who is still here with us, thank you so much. <3 <3 <3
I’m not going to share a whole lot of else that had happened with Yancy yesterday on Sunday because Sunday was just? A lot that I can’t remember what happened exactly other than the prominent fact that I was in multiple of people’s inboxes, but while you already know about the softblock thing and how they would usually type as a habit, I am aware that their tags of their selfies posts came across as very boastful, which... I can get it’d be overwhelming to others, but honestly, I don’t blame Yancy being like that especially when I had really negative thoughts regarding my mom and my birth / existence. ( I do highly appreciate them helping being there for me during Mother’s Day though. ) Now about today, Yancy fronted very briefly in the morning a few minutes after I replied to this thread and it was a lot to handle. It happened while I was scrolling through my blog and I suddenly felt very large / tall and I noticed I would be slouching over with my arms out ( imagine a werewolf being like this posture wise ). And I was able to catch / sense that I kept clenching my fists as if I wanted to hold a knife since the thread had the said weapon involved. Morningstar stims and shouting is one of xyr stims as it makes xem more happier and free, but the urge to shout is very sudden while there’s a heavy, sharp sensation building in the chest, along with the sick feeling of wanting to explode. We did release the shout into the pillow, but after that, the details are blur as I can not remember when did I front back. It was just intense... I have a lot of questions than answers about me and Yancy and my little alter, but while I am extremely relieved to find an exact label of what I am going through, I really hope as time goes on, we will all come to understand each other completely as whole and move forward towards the genuine peace. Together.
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