wesley-apologist · 11 days
No :(
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wesley-apologist · 3 months
Illya stroking Napoleon’s hair: You’re so tiny and adorable.
Napoleon, half asleep: I could literally kick your ass right now.
Illya, looking at Napoleon with heart eyes: I know.
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wesley-apologist · 4 months
I adore these, they bring me so much joy
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TMFU + headlines (pt. 11)
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wesley-apologist · 4 months
Reblog this if it’s okay to DM you and shoot the friendship shot.
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wesley-apologist · 4 months
He is an orange cat for sure
He definitely has to have more than 9 lives with him being captured so often
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hes literally a cat to me
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wesley-apologist · 4 months
I showed my friend this scene and she said, “gay people will literally do anything but have sex”
The Abomination™
i would like to formally thank @justabigoldnerd for whatever this is
love u bestie!!! hope u enjoy💕
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wesley-apologist · 4 months
It makes me so upset 😭 why did he have to be so awful
Every few months I remember that The Man From U.N.C.L.E. exists and I watch it and I love it and I get exited and I think “there’s still time to make a second one” and then I remember that Armie Hammer turned out to be a complete freak and I get really mad at him for ruining the chances of a sequel
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wesley-apologist · 4 months
Napoleon and Illya
are they… you know… [trying to die for each other while adamantly refusing to acknowledge their feelings] soulmates?
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wesley-apologist · 4 months
And napoleon of course, he was stealing art long before AI
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The only valid thief is a magpie.
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wesley-apologist · 4 months
My blog is more like a peephole, a gateway implies that it gets seen by people
my blog is a gateway drug to cooler and better blogs (my mutuals)
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wesley-apologist · 4 months
I adore hermit crabs when I found out they were social I was in awe of the cuteness. I got to see them in the wild and all the tiny ones would crawl to the big hermit crab whenever we got too close. The big guy must have been ancient and I didn’t even know that those shells they wore got that large. The little hermit crabs followed the big one around. Adorable 🥰
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wesley-apologist · 4 months
They’re in loooovvveeee
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they just can’t do it huh
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wesley-apologist · 4 months
Rereading this got me thinking about Napoleon and survivors guilt. The first time I watched the film I was confused as to why he saved Illya and why he only got out of car once he saw illyas body and not immediately go and try to find him. It could be related to survivors guilt, if when he was a soldier maybe on some kind of mission he was one of the few that survived maybe he would be feel unbearably guilty about Illya dying because he would be the only one to survive. Perhaps during the war when his friends died he felt responsible for it; Maybe he feels like he causes the death of his teammates or if Illya had gone alone he would’ve been fine. Napoleon saying I work better alone would have a different meaning then
Does anyone else ever think that napoleon is suicidal or at the very least has already come to terms with his death. I think the scene where he drives the truck onto the boat shows this most clearly. The way he just rolls up the window and sits there while the car sinks and only rolls down the window and swims out when he sees Illya and goes to save him. Also when he doesn’t get out his gun even though Illya is clearly planning to kill him, he really had no way of knowing that illya wouldn’t kill him once he had the watch and he was totally willing to take that risk. And then when he gets found out by Victoria there’s no panic or anything he’s just interested in what gave him away. Even when napoleon burned the disk it felt to me like he didn’t expect to make it that far so he might as well. I also remember when Illya was strangling him and he just kept looking at sanders to see if he would let him die and sanders just looks at him dispassionately. Does anyone else get this vibe or am I delusional?
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wesley-apologist · 4 months
He was trying so hard, poor Napoleon had to complete with gaby somehow
How to seduce your boyfriend (Napoleon Solo style): explain to him how to break into a vault and then fail miserably
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wesley-apologist · 4 months
Careful guys wesley did this and he got murdered
mid-conversation I toss a pistol onto the table not to suggest or imply anything but just to change the situation a little
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wesley-apologist · 4 months
The moment Illya looks up and realizes that someone did something for him just because they care and without any self serving motive. Napoleon didn’t steal the watch back because Illya’s skills as an agent mattered to him he just did it because he knew it was important to Illya.
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me, constantly
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wesley-apologist · 4 months
Why do bad people have to ruin every good thing
I went through your entire tmfu tag and NO REGRETS, I am so in love with that movie and that ship and everything about it and I NEED MORE
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