#If it were anyone else Natsu would beat the living s out of them
shiiro-arts · 3 months
Natsu’s ears = mood ring ?
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sparklygoblin · 4 years
I've been really into the concept of past lives recently, and I thought it would be really fun to post my take on the Haikyuu pairs, and past lives/historical au's. So here is some steamy, self indulgent T R A S H! This is going to be pretty flawed and there is definetly some movie references in here as well as some historical inaccuracies but I did my best. Also there are no happy endings because I thought that might be pretty unrealistic based on treatment of actual gay men in history.
TW: Suicide, Hate Crimes, Gun Violence
Iwaioi is obviously reminiscent of Alexander the Great and his "best bro"😏 Hephastion. Oikawa was the Grand King, destined for greatness from the moment he was born. Iwaizumi was born among corpses and dirt, exiled to Oikawa's kingdom, a twelfth son, useless. He lived as a lonely peasant, starving, until he joined the king's guard. He liked to tell himself he trained with Oikawa because he admired Oikawa's hard earned skill, and he believed that right up until he died at the end of the prodigy, Kageyama's blade. After intercepting a strike that would've inevitably killed the Great King. He falls, looking into Oikawa's shocked eyes, bright, and full of tears as he cradled Iwa to his chest. Iwaizumi merely sighed, still unable to touch the man he loved, lest he ruin his life by exposing his feelings. He dies to the violent, primal screams of his love, and he becomes distantly aware of a missed opportunity, as Oikawa's reciprocation of Iwaizumi's feelings becomes more obvious with each throat tearing wail. It's clear that he will die without Iwaizumi, but everyone already knew that.
Daisuga has just graduated in the summer of 1967, and they've been stealing moments with each other from the moment Suga transferred to Daichi's school sophomore year. And Daichi hated himself for it, he was quarterback, and he had the prettiest girl in school. So why was he so smitten with this nerd? This delicate pretty boy made his blood run hot and his heart skip. He was in love, and damn it if Suga hadn't made it obvious that he felt the same. Daichi had to put a stop to this before someone found out and it ruined his life. Suga heard it from a freshman, the handsome senior, Daichi was going to marry his girlfriend, Michimiya Yui. It made it so much easier to go to Vietnam when he won the draft lottery system. Daichi came to apologize only to find that Suga was gone. Forever. He wrote. Suga ignored it all. Daichi talked with Suga's mother every weekend hoping to collect any information he could, until the news finally broke, Koushi wasn't coming back from 'Nam. Daichi married Michimiya with an empty heart and dead eyes, the fact that they found Suga's corpse clutching one of Daichi's letters replaying in his mind as Michimiya read her vows. They had three kids, Daichi killed himself on what would've been Suga's fifty first birthday.
Kuroken has been side by side for years, Kenma serving as prohibition criminal Kuroo's right hand man. Kuroo has never shown interest in a woman, the rest of the gang doesn't say a word though their suspicious glances between him and Kenma speak volumes. And they're absolutely right, Kenma is everything short of a mob wife. All pretty hair and violent tendencies, Kenma values no one's life, not even his own, but he can't help but value Kuroo in a such a loving way. They die together, when everything falls apart and the feds are chasing them, bullets shatter the car, ripping everything but their hands apart. Those will stay intertwined forever.
Ushijima was okay with his job, he lived such a sparse simple life, and it was enough for him, the life of a holy man. Until he saw Satori, a young man no older than him, residing in a dark hole of the desolate mental facility he was blessing. The sisters merely dismissed him when he inquired as to why the man was in there in the first place. So he took upon himself to talk to the boy and get to the bottom of this. He didn't mean to fall in love with the beautiful, unhinged and unholy Tendo. He didn't mean to commit the ultimate sin, to forsake his faith, but he couldn't bring himself to regret feeling what he felt for Tendo. The only thing he actually regretted was never protecting Satori the way he wanted to. Never scooping his love in his arms and running away from that foul life. The tears that caught in his throat when he came to Tendo only to find him bald, scarred, and permanently empty, shook him to his core. They dug in his brain and ripped out everything dear to Ushijima, they tore a part that beautiful mind all because they couldn't understand it. Ushijima swallowed his tears, and mustered his courage, he was going to save Tendo now, even if it would cost him his soul. His big hands wrapped around Tendo's throat, and didn't release until Tendo's empty eyes went out. He died years later in a prison cell. Maybe he and Tendo could have each other, in the next life.
The village did not like Nishinoya, nor did his family. He for the life of him, could not be modest and quiet like the rest of the puritans. He did not go to church, nor did he read the gospel, he ran about in the woods, tricky and mysterious. The governor's son, Asahi, can't help but be entranced, he is a scholar after all. And he only follows Noya into the dark wood for "scholarly" purposes, he definetly wasn't thrilled when Noya pinned his large body against one of the dark twisty tree trunks deep within the wood. Asahi comes to two very troubling conclusions that night, the village was wrong, Noya was not a witch at all, and Azumane would never be able to keep himself away from Noya not matter the cost. It was over for them the moment they were discovered, Noya wrapped in Asahi's arms. The villagers convinced themselves that Asahi had been put under a curse by Yuu, despite Asahi's violent objections, and surprisingly brave declaration of love. Noya smiled softly as they touched the torch to his feet, and as the flames ate the innocent man up, Asahi screamed begging the whole village to burn him instead, Yuu was innocent take him instead. Asahi stayed only long enough to press a gentle kiss to Yuu's now burnt face, just to show the villagers their love was true and deep, not the by product of some cheap curse. While they were all in shock, he slipped into the dark wood, and never was heard from again.
Hinata considered it an insane stroke of luck when he secured a third class ticket aboard the ship of dreams, the Titanic. He bid his mother and Natsu farewell, hoping to secure a job in the new world, and make enough funds to secure them a passage to America one day. His shipmate is horrible though, all cold blue eyes and pompous attitude, until one night when Kageyama surprisingly offers Hinata a drink. Not wanting to refuse, they obviously get smashed drunk, and with pretty pink cheeks, Kageyama grabs Hinata's face gently. " i jus' think no guy should be so damn beautiful" kageyama whispers sleepily, and maybe it's the liquor, but Hinata doesn't hesitate to lean in and initiate a kiss. When Kageyama doesn't pull away, Hinata crawls into his lap. They fit like puzzle pieces and now Kageyama can't even imagine wanting to kiss anyone else. They make plans to take the new world on, learning fairly quick that they are stronger together. And then there's water and panic and Kageyama and Hinata are trying to rush a gate because Jesus, there are kids down there. Just because they are poor doesn't mean they deserve to die, but unfortunately someone seems to think otherwise, because the gate remains in place. They finally stop when the water is up to their waists, and a sad looking elderly woman tells them they've done what they could. Tearful children and somber mothers nod in agreement, and it is unsaid that they would go to their respective beds and try to rest so that they might go in their sleep. They lay together on the top bunk and even as the water slips above their heads and they begin to die, their arms hold tight, and Kageyama mouths one last "I love you" Hinata's fingers in his hair the last thing he feels.
Bokuto is in love with an heiress across the lake, he's never met her but is sure she is made for him. Akaashi is in love with a rich man right next to him, but that man sees Akaashi as no more than his lowley servant. Akaashi is in love with Bokuto, maybe that is why he involved himself in that horrible mess. He was always getting involved in horrible messes for Bokuto's sake. It was the height of Gatsby era glamor, and Bokuto, though he never did really like parties, was always throwing them, insisting Akaashi rather than work the parties, served as his right hand man. Akaashi always knew Bokuto was hoping he would meet his heiress at one of his parties, and if it made Bokuto happy, Akaashi hoped she would show up too, no matter how much it would hurt. And eventually she did, along with her husband, and she broke Bokuto's heart after a very miserable and short lived affair, for her it was nothing, but Bokuto always fell so hard and fast, he was distraught. Akaashi acted on instinct, pulling Bokuto into his arms no matter what line he was crossing, and smoothing his hair in attempt to sooth the crying man. Things became clear to Bokuto then. His tears ceased as he breathed in Akaashi's soft scent, wrapping his arm around the beautiful man's waist. They were in love then, finally on the same page for a blissful few months, until Bokuto's affair was made public, and he was found beaten to death in an alley. Despite all of his generosity and glamor in the past years, Akaashi and Kuroo were the only guests at Bokuto's funeral. Akaashi never recovered from the loss, he knew Bokuto wouldn't have wanted him to do it, but that didn't stop the smile on his face as he smashed the heiress beneath his tires.
Tsukishima had been protecting Yamaguchi for as long as he could remember, always getting in fights and taking beatings to protect his beautiful best friend. He knew boys weren't supposed to be pretty, he knew what happened to boys like Yamaguchi in the eighties, but that didn't ever stop him. Not even when Yamaguchi worked up all his courage and told Tsukki he loved him during their freshman year. Tsukki was angry at Yamaguchi for saying that, because he felt the same and he knew that he had to hide it if he wanted to survive. His controlled slipped for a second when Yamaguchi pressed their lips together gently, Tsukki allowed himself to dream one last time before he yanked himself away. He immediately began hurling slurs and abuse at Yamaguchi, things he knew would send the other boy running. And it did. But soon Kei felt an unexplainable urge to go after him, a sinking feeling that something horrible was gonna happen. Yamaguchi did not cry, he held his chin high, no matter how hard the boys hit him or cut him. He didn't care if he died but he wasn't gonna do it staring at his feet like a kicked puppy. Kei found him like that, full of fire and courage as he stared down his abusers. The love he felt made Kei's legs shake, and he knew he'd do whatever he could to save Yamaguchi. Yamaguchi smiled with too much glee for a dead man as Tsukki forced his way to his side, gripping his hand. There were eight of them, with murder in their eyes, Tsukki knew before he even got to Yamaguchi that they weren't making it out of this one.
Lev and Yaku find each other in 1700s France, Lev is a soft pretty boy, living a luxurious life in the aristocracy. Until he is thrown to the wolves after the loss of his parents, he is ten when he spends his first night on the street. He is nearly taken by a brothel right away, until he is saved by a particularly feisty thirteen year old street rat, Yaku is half his height but serves as his protector nonetheless. They pass the years protecting each other, growing to love each other, but never daring to hope for more than that. As many people in France were at the time disease riddled and starving, so were Yaku and Lev. Of course Yaku went first, he made it all the way to eighteen before he succumbed to his disease, clutching a crying Lev, comforting him even on his death bed. After that, Lev made the mistake of having hope, he joined the revolution in honor of Yaku. He just wanted to make the world a better place, a place where Yaku could've survived. He died bleeding from a soldier's bullet on a barricade, but he was warm, all he saw was Yaku, holding him, carrying him into their next life.
Yahaba always talks and Kyoutani might be always listening, but it's hard to tell. Until Kyoutani murders his whole family in 1978. He shows up at the gas station him and Yahaba always have their one sided coversations at to find Yahaba working the counter like he always is. He ignores Yahaba's greeting and begins frantically explaing his situation and motive, all while Yahaba looks on in shock, this is the first time Kyoutani has ever spoken to him. When he asks why Kyoutani is telling him all this, he simply sighs dismissively and says "you're my bestfriend", and that's enough for Yahaba. Clearly he's crazy, a cute boy he's never spoken with is in the back of his car and they're leaving the country. All because Kyoutani actually was listening and not only that, he viewed Yahaba as the most important person in his life. They had been in love from the first one sided conversation they had, and that was becoming clear now. They get caught, sent to different facilities, Kyoutani gets life, Yahaba gets a lighter sentence for being an accomplice. Though they never see each other again, Yahaba always writes letters, and for once, Kyoutani writes back. They spend their lives finally having a two sided conversation, their love never even flickers, and for them, that's enough.
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ft-dads-au · 5 years
The Sweetest  Birthday
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Gratsu Weekend 2020 Prompt: Sweet Pairing(s): Gray x Natsu, Sting x Rogue A Collaboration by @mdelpin​ and @oryu404​
AO3 |  FF.Net |Takes place after Taken By Storm
December 27, 2020
It was almost three in the morning when Natsu arrived home from his shift at Fairy Tail. He was exhausted, but also looking forward to being able to get up late for once. He checked all the downstairs doors and windows to make sure they were locked before making his way upstairs to his bedroom as quietly as possible.
He planned on taking a quick shower to get the stench of cigarettes out of his hair before crawling into bed. It was only after he’d peeled his clothes off that he looked to his bed, seeing two small bodies already asleep on it.
He sighed tiredly, all thoughts of a peaceful slumber eradicated by the restless way his children were moving in their sleep. Once in the shower, he thought about how hard Christmas had been for all of them. It was the first one since Lisanna’s death, and they had all taken it hard, her absence once again opening wounds that had only recently begun to heal.
Natsu had tried to keep her alive for the kids, encouraging them to make her a present while he had bought her a bouquet of her favorite flowers. They had placed their gifts at the small shrine they had created for her in their home. Looking back maybe that had been a mistake, but he couldn’t bear the thought of his children forgetting their mother like he had forgotten his.
He dried himself off and put on some pajama pants over his boxers before climbing into bed, both children automatically reaching for him in their sleep. He could hear Hana’s whimpers and gently threaded his fingers through her hair to soothe her even as he wrapped his other arm around her, pulling her closer to him until she settled down.
He soon fell into a dreamless sleep, which was interrupted by the distinct feeling that he was being watched. Natsu blinked his eyes open, already regretting it as he realized it was still dark outside.
“Please not yet guys, Daddy is tired,” he whined, and to their credit, both Hana and Atlas tried to be still, but they were Dragneels, and that just wasn’t working in his favor.
“Alright, alright,” he mumbled ten minutes later, getting up from his bed and moving downstairs. He turned on the television, flipping channels until he found cartoons, then stretching out on the couch in the hopes that he would be allowed to snooze, but Atlas climbed on top of him, giving him a sloppy kiss on the cheek before snuggling into his chest.
He had almost fallen asleep again when Hana called out to him. “Daddy, do you think we can open the oven today?”
Natsu held Atlas against him as he sat up, making room for Hana next to him. “Yeah, are you sure you want to do it with me and not Aunty Erza or Mira?”
She nodded shyly, “You make the best cakes.”
Natsu chuckled, “Alright, give me a few minutes to wake up, and we’ll get it set up.”
Hana got up and ran towards the kitchen excitedly, “I’ll make you some coffee!”
“Well, there goes my sleep,” he muttered under his breath. He wasn’t too concerned though, he knew he’d get through the day somehow. He always did.
He could hear the coffee machine going and wondered what had possessed his sister to teach Hana how to use it, then again, Erza had always marched to the beat of her own drum.
Natsu got up and entered the kitchen, opening up the pantry and grabbing some cereal. He put some in a snack cup and added milk in a sippy cup, taking them both out to his son, who was now completely immersed in his show.
By the time he’d returned to the kitchen, Hana had already prepared his coffee just the way he liked it, and he had to smile. She was such a sweet girl, which was why he’d felt terrible when his Christmas present had backfired.
He’d remembered that Lisanna had promised her an Easy Bake Oven when she was old enough, but he hadn’t factored in that part of the promise had been that she would teach her how to use it. Rather than the excitement he’d anticipated at the present, Hana had broken down into inconsolable tears for the first time in months, and he hadn’t known what to do. So Erza had moved the present out of sight, and they hadn’t discussed it since.
But now she had moved it to the kitchen counter, and Natsu set about helping her open the box. He had gotten her the deluxe one, so it came with an apron and baking tools.
He helped her put on the apron as they looked through all the mixes together, picking a chocolate one to get started. He helped her follow the instructions, both grimacing when they tasted the results.
“That’s nothing like your cakes,” Hana complained, looking outraged.
Natsu laughed, “Mine aren’t all that great kiddo, I think you’re a bit biased.”
Hana’s eyes widened in puzzlement.
“Biased, it means you think good things about me cause you like me.” Natsu explained, “Still, I do think we can do better than that.”
“I want to make a cake for Uncle Sting,” Hana confided, “one that’s as good as yours.”
“What about for Uncle Rogue?” Natsu teased as he went back into the pantry and began taking out the ingredients they would need.
“I guess he could have some too, but only if Uncle Sting says it’s okay. They’re not very big,” Hana pointed out.
“True enough!” Natsu knew it had more to do with his daughter’s childish crush on his friend, but he also knew better than to bring attention to it. “I think I was just about your age when my mom taught me how to make cakes,” Natsu chatted as he opened drawers looking for the bowls, measuring cups and spoons they would need.
Once he had everything assembled, he went into the broom closet and got out a step stool so that Hana could help. “She always made us cakes for our birthdays, said nothing tasted sweeter than a treat made with love in your heart, or something like that.”
Telling Hana about that reminded Natsu of something Gildarts had mentioned in passing the night before. Today was Gray’s birthday. It had surprised him at first that he hadn’t known considering how much time they’d been spending together for the last few months, but then again, Gray was very tight-lipped about himself. Natsu knew his friend was going through a hard time, although he didn’t know many of the details outside of the fact that he was in the middle of getting a divorce.
Even though he had a feeling that Gray would rather let the day go unnoticed, Natsu felt an urge to do something for the man. Gray had humored him on Lisanna’s birthday, dancing with him when anyone else would have laughed off the request or even punched him for daring to ask. Natsu had to imagine the shots he’d drunk before all the well-meaning questions had become overwhelming were to blame for the impulsive request, although he had an inkling it had also had something to do with the pain he had sensed within Gray.
A pain that had become even more evident to him as they’d danced. Lost as he’d been in his thoughts of Lisanna, he’d still managed to recognize how vulnerable Gray had felt and looked in his arms, and he’d decided then to put aside all their petty differences. They each had enough on their plates without having to contend with a stupid rivalry.
And now that Gray had decided to help him get his GED, spending all that time and energy on him, Natsu wanted to do something in return. He just didn’t know what. He didn’t really have much extra money, and what he had he’d spent on Christmas presents for his family.
He thought about his mother’s words, the ones he’d just repeated to Hana, and even though he’d always made it a rule to only do this for his immediate family, and of course Lisanna, Natsu decided just this once he would make an exception. After all, wasn’t family the people who helped take care of you when you needed it and pushed you to be better even when you were scared? And hadn’t Gray been doing precisely that?
Natsu looked down at Hana and gave her a quick hug before announcing, “First, we’re going to need to crack some eggs.”
Natsu examined the end results of his hard work with a frown before shrugging away his doubt. Decorating had never been his strong suit, but he knew from experience the cake would taste fine, and he was reasonably sure his friend was partial to the color blue. It still threw him a little that he’d decided to go this route. But after all the time and energy Gray had been putting in to help him prepare for the first test, he felt like they had grown closer.
Still, even after spending so much time together these past few months, Natsu didn’t feel like he knew much about the guy. It didn’t really concern him though, he’d always believed that everyone was entitled to their secrets, and it wasn’t like he talked about his own past all that much either.
After finding one of the cake boxes Erza seemed to always have on hand and placing the cake inside, he went on a search for his phone, ultimately finding it in between the sofa cushions. He searched for Gray’s name in his contact list, picking up toys from the floor and putting them in baskets as he waited for him to answer.
“Hey,” Natsu greeted, “I wanted to call and wish you a Happy Birthday! Are you busy?”
“Me?” Gray scoffed, “Hardly, I’m just hanging out at the Bean for a bit.”
“Want some company? That way, I can drop off your present,” Natsu suggested, still doing a cleaning sweep of the living room.
“Yeah, sure, but you didn’t have to get me anything,” Gray protested even though Natsu could hear a change in his voice, and he grinned. It seemed even Gray got excited about presents.
“Trust me,” Natsu laughed, thinking of the misshapen mess he’d just boxed, “It’s not much.”
“I’ll be here.”
“Alright, I’ll see you in a few,” Natsu said before hanging up.
He called out to his sister, who was in the playroom with the kids. He’d been hoping she’d come out by herself, but instead, both kids followed her.
“What is it?”
“Is it okay if I take the car for a little while? I want to go to Magnolia Bean to meet up with Gray and give him his present.”
“That’s fine, I have no plans to go anywhere,” Erza was giving him that look again, one he recognized from years of experience. There was something she wanted to say to him, but she was afraid it would upset him, which meant whatever it was probably would.
He was about to call her on it when two eager little voices begged to be brought along. They pouted and cried and tried every trick they could think of, but he remained firm.
“Not this time, guys, I won’t even be gone that long,” he promised.
Atlas looked up at him with teary eyes, “Cookie?”
Natsu had to roll his eyes at the blatant manipulation, but he hugged them both to his chest and agreed. “If you behave while I’m gone I’ll get you each a treat from Magnolia Bean, alright? But only if Auntie Erza says you were good.”
Both children nodded eagerly before running off to play with the hoard of Christmas presents they had received.
“Be back in a bit, and I’ll get you something too,” he assured Erza with a grin before grabbing the cake box and the keys and heading outside.
Ten minutes later, he entered the busy coffee shop, looking for his friend, and finding him seated in one of the comfy armchairs.
“You must have been here a while to be able to score one of these,” Natsu plopped in the chair across from him, carefully placing the cakebox on the small table between them.
“Hey,” Gray smiled briefly, grabbing a large coffee cup from another table and handing it to him.
“Thanks!” He went to take a sip to warm up from the freezing weather when he noticed a phone number scribbled on his cup.
“Um, this for you?”
“Huh?” Gray peered at him in confusion.
“There’s a phone number on my cup along with a name and a little heart, I can only imagine it was meant for you,” Natsu teased, “Is that why you come here so often?”
Gray blinked at the cup, “Huh, didn’t even notice.”
“That sort of thing happen to you a lot?”
Gray shrugged, “I used to be a fashion model, so I guess. I actually started coming here because Sting told me you liked it, I figured if I brought you stuff for our study sessions, it might help motivate you.”
Natsu opened his mouth to tease him further but decided against it. That was the first time Gray had opened up to him about anything from his past, and he was afraid if he pointed it out, his friend would just clam up again. He opted for something safer, “So, uhm, how old are you anyway?”
Gray took a sip from his drink before replying, “I turned thirty today.”
“Thirty?! I thought you were younger,” Natsu replied without thinking.
“Why?” Gray leaned forward resting his hands on the table and peering at him curiously. “How old are you?”
“Really? I thought you were older,” Gray smirked, “Your kids are older than mine.”
“Hana was kind of an accident,” Natsu admitted, although he was quick to add, “A good one, though.”
“So that’s why you didn’t finish high school?”
“Not exactly,” he thought about telling Gray more, but he didn’t want to bring the conversation down. He sipped his drink, deciding to ask the one question he was curious about, “How come you’re sitting here all alone on your birthday? I would’ve thought you had plans.”
“Nah, my birthday’s always been a bit of an afterthought, too soon after Christmas. I did go to lunch with Lyon earlier, though. That was nice.”
“Then how come you look so glum?”
“Just coming to terms with being thirty, I’m not anywhere near where I thought I would be.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m just stuck,” Gray grunted, “I can’t move forward until my divorce finalizes, and despite Lyon’s best efforts it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen anytime soon. It just feels like even though I left him months ago, he’s still controlling my life, and I hate it.”
“You, uhm, never talk about him,” Natsu pointed out, although a bit uncomfortably. Now that he and Gray had been spending more time together, he’d begun to feel oddly protective of him. The thought that someone was making him so unhappy filled him with rage. He might not be the easiest person in the world to get along with, but Gray Fullbuster was a good man.
“There’s not really much to say, he’s a self-centered asshole,” Gray snapped, his face contorting into a glower. He hid his head in his hands for a moment, and Natsu could see that he was trying to do some sort of odd breathing.
“What are you doing?” he asked curiously.
A few moments later, Gray lifted his head, looking remarkably calmer. “It’s just something I learned in martial arts training, it helps me to relax.”
“I didn’t know you did martial arts!” Natsu practically jumped out of his seat, “I always wanted to learn!”
“I can teach you some time if you want. It’d be good practice for me as long as you don’t mind me kicking your ass regularly,” with a teasing grin, Gray added, “and you’d have to call me Master.”
“As if,” Natsu scoffed, “I’m no lightweight.”
“That’s got nothing to do with it, dumbass,” Gray explained, “I’d show you, but we’d probably get kicked out. Tell you what, pass your first test, and we’ll start lessons.”
“Is that what you wanted to do, be a teacher?” Natsu asked with more intuition than he was usually capable of.
“It was one of the things I was considering, I was actually studying Business Administration before I dropped out. I haven’t seen a martial arts school in town, though. I think I’d like to open one.”
“When you open it, I’ll be the first to sign up, the kids too, if they’re old enough.” Natsu promised and then just for fun appended, “Master Gray,” playing with the inflection of his voice as he said it.
Gray’s entire face burned bright, and Natsu began to laugh at the flustered expression on his face even though he didn’t quite understand it.
He grabbed his present from the table and handed it to Gray, wanting him to focus on something else. “Like I said on the phone, it’s not much, but I made it myself. Oh, and don’t shake it!” Natsu advised.
He watched as Gray opened the box, curious to see what he thought of it. Gray shut his eyes instantly, almost as if he didn’t want Natsu to see his reaction.
“Is something wrong?”
“No, it’s just been a long time since anyone baked me a cake for my birthday,” Gray smiled softly.
“Well, don’t get used to it,” Natsu retorted, unsure as to why that smile made him feel so good inside, almost like a hard-earned victory.
“I’m sure it’ll taste like ass,” Gray taunted, but when Natsu moved to take it away, he cradled the box in his arms and pouted. “Mine.”
Natsu could only laugh, “You are such a child. Well, I better get in line, I had to promise a lot of treats to be able to come alone. Speaking of which, where’s Aki?”
“At Rogue’s with the twins, he watched him so I could go out with Lyon. I wasn’t ready to go back yet, so I had him drop me off here. Do you really have to go already?”
Natsu had been about to get up, but his resolve weakened when he heard the plea hidden in the question. It was very unlike Gray’s usual behavior and like a lot of things that had happened since he arrived at the coffee shop, he didn’t quite know what to make of it.
He looked down at his watch, worrying at his bottom lip and wondering how upset Erza would be if he stayed out a little longer. He knew what it was like to dislike your own birthday. Natsu had hated his ever since Igneel had abandoned him and Erza on his ninth birthday, and nothing Erza, or Lisanna had ever tried to do to change that over the years, had made a lick of difference.
“Uhm, no, I suppose not, I can stay for a bit,” he offered, reminding himself to buy two slices of cake for his sister.
“This is kind of nice,” he blurted out as the thought crossed his mind.
“What is?” Gray looked around the coffee shop in puzzled wonder.
“Just hanging out like this. Usually, we’re working on something like a practice test or homework or whatever. We don’t really get to talk a lot.”
Gray snorted, “That’s because it usually leads to bickering.”
“I guess,” Natsu acknowledged as he tried to think of something to talk about, “So if you’re thirty, that means your close to my sister’s age. Did you guys know each other in school?”
“No, I’m pretty sure I would remember her,” Gray remarked with a grin that Natsu didn’t like. He was used to guys thinking his sister was hot, and it usually didn’t bother him all that much, but this time it made his stomach clench uncomfortably, until Gray added, “She’s very intimidating, so is Mira.”
Natsu relaxed at those words and chuckled in agreement, “Try growing up with her.”
Gray shuddered, “Rogue wasn’t so bad, just a little moody sometimes, but Cana was a whole different story.”
At the mention of Gildarts, daughter Natsu couldn’t help but confess, “I have to admit I’m really confused about what’s going on with Gildarts and your dad.”
“You’re not the only one,” Gray declared, “How is it you know Gildarts anyway? I get the feeling it has nothing to do with the Club,” Gray sipped his coffee as he peered at Natsu curiously.
“Umh, well, he was our social worker,” Natsu answered, looking out the window to avoid seeing Gray’s expression.
“Oh, right, I keep forgetting he wasn’t always going around destabilizing countries,” Gray joked, but soon apologized as Natsu remained silent. “I’m sorry you don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”
Natsu looked back, noticing Gray was looking at him just the same as always, giving him the confidence to add a bit more. “I mean, he’s always been great to us. If it hadn’t been for him, Erza and I would have probably been split up and put into the system.”
“But you don’t like to talk about it,” Gray guessed, and Natsu nodded his head in agreement.
“Then you don’t have to,” Gray assured him, “The thing with Gildarts and my dad is something I’d always suspected but didn’t know for sure until recently. Apparently, they were a thing in college until my mom came into the picture.”
“So they’re both bi?” Natsu eyed Gray, somewhat confusedly.
“My father is, yes. He was always open about it, which was kind of reassuring for me growing up, I have to say I’m not entirely sure what Gildarts identifies as.”
“So, you’re also —,” Natsu asked before realizing it, not even sure why he wanted to know.
Gray’s phone rang before he had a chance to respond, and Natsu watched his expression change to one of resignation as he answered, “Hey Rogue.”
Natsu got up from their little nook, deciding to go buy his treats so that Gray could have some privacy and to remove himself from the conversation he had accidentally started. By the time he returned, he had found Gray doing the strange breathing thing again.
“Everything okay?”
Gray looked up, his blue eyes closed off once again, and Natsu instantly felt the loss.
“I have to get home,” Gray replied in a monotone voice.
Natsu found himself offering him a ride, using the cake as an excuse when, in reality, he just didn’t want to leave his friend just yet.
They arrived at Sting and Rogue’s house, and Gray could already tell from the cars that were parked on the driveway that more visitors had come. He recognized the car sitting behind Rogue’s as the one Cana drove, so she and most likely her daughter as well had to be there. Chances were that Gildarts was with them too, but Gray wasn’t sure of that, knowing that his parents would be coming over later.
As much as Gray liked the idea of spending his birthday with her and Rogue, just like they had when they were younger but with the addition of new family members, he’d been having a great time with Natsu at the Bean as well. Frankly, he was hoping that Natsu would stay a little longer, but he wasn’t going to say it in those words.
“Thanks for the ride, do you wanna maybe come inside for a drink?” he asked instead, playing it off as simple common decency.
“I wish I could, but I really need to get going,” Natsu apologized, “Sunday is the only day I have to spend with the kids, and Erza needs some time for herself as well.”
“Yeah, of course.” Gray unbuckled his seat belt, carefully lifting the box with the cake in it to get it out of the way. “So...I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then?”
Natsu’s big grin distracted Gray for a moment, causing him to almost lose his grip on the cake box despite his efforts to keep it safe before.
“Alright! Have a nice Sunday then!” He rushed out, getting out of the car before he could do or say anything stupid. But before he slammed the door shut, he gave Natsu a half-hearted smile, “Oh and thanks-” he nodded at the cake box, “for this.”
“You’re welcome, let me know if it tastes like ass.”
Gray scoffed, remembering he actually said that, “Sure, will do.”
“Well, I know you didn’t feel like celebrating all that much, but I still hope you’ll have a nice birthday.”
Natsu gave him another smile and waved as Gray closed the car door. Gray watched him drive off until his car was out of sight, savoring his last few seconds of peace and quiet before going inside the house.
The moment he walked through the door, Aki came running towards him, waving around a piece of paper and beaming with pride. “Dada!” he cheered, happy to see him again, “Made you dwawing!”
Whatever it was his two-year-old son drew, Gray couldn’t distinguish. It just looked like a mess of colored crayon, but as most parents would agree, if their kid made it for them, it was perfect.
“That looks great, Aki!” Gray praised, “Why don’t you keep it safe for me so I can put it on my bedroom wall as soon as we get back to uncle Lyon’s place.”
Aki nodded and ran over to the coffee table, where he put down the drawing right next to his beloved teddy bear. There was no sign of Gildarts or Rogue, but Cana was chatting on the couch with Sting as Temperance tried to build block structures with the twins on the floor.
“Happy Birthday, Gray!” Cana greeted him, getting up to give him a loose hug. Gray didn’t hug her back, refusing to put down the cake box. In the few months he’d gotten to know Sting, he’d quickly learned that nothing sweet would last long around him.
“Thanks,” Gray managed a smile at her anyway, following the direction she was pointing at to the dining table, where more gifts were waiting for him.
“Don’t drink it all at once,” Cana winked. Of course, she’d gotten him strong liquor, that was a given, but around the bottle’s neck was a black bead bracelet. “That’s onyx,” Cana explained, “it protects your personal energy, absorbs the negative energy around you, and helps to ease your stress.”
Gray finally put the cake box down on the table so he could put on the bracelet. He could admittedly use some stress relief, even in a comfortable environment like his old house, where he was surrounded by family. And aside from the spiritual meaning behind the bracelet, Gray thought it looked pretty good as well.
“Can I get like a ten-pound version of this stone to bash that... insufferable cretin’s head in with?” he joked, substituting the foul language he’d wanted to use to describe how he felt about Siegrain with something more child-friendly, “that would definitely ease my stress.”
“The bottle should do. Just make sure it’s empty first.”
“Naturally,” Gray promised. “Hey, I could have sworn I had a brother who was nagging at me to get here. Where is he anyway?”
“Cana was sharing stories of all the stuff you three got up to when you were younger,” Sting mentioned with obvious amusement, “I think he had enough of that conversation, he went to the basement.” He came up to Gray’s side and looked at the cake box curiously, “What’s that? Did you get more presents?”
“Look what I found!” Rogue came walking up the basement stairs, struggling to open the safety gate with one hand while carrying some boxes in the other. Gray recognized them as their favorite childhood games, Leap Frogs and Don’t Break The Ice, and on top of the bigger boxes, there was also a deck of regular playing cards.
“I knew we still had these lying around somewhere, thought Aki might like to play them,” Rogue said as he closed the gate behind him. “What’s that?” His gaze had landed on the cake box.
“It’s a cake,” Gray shrugged, opening the box to show them the cake, “Natsu made it for me.”
Sting was looking at him as if pigs had suddenly begun to fly, Cana came walking over to examine the cake. “Wow. That looks horrendous,” she stated blatantly, to which Gray quickly closed the box again and shot her a mildly offended look.
“Natsu baked you a cake?” Rogue asked perplexed. “When did you even see Natsu, I thought you said you were going to have lunch with Lyon?”
“I did. I met Natsu after that, he dropped me off here.”
“Was that why I had to call you to get you to come home?”
Gray quickly grabbed the games out of Rogue’s hands and dropped them on the dining room table, sitting in one of the chairs and keeping his cake box close to him. He really didn’t like the way Sting was looking at it now that he knew what was in it.
“Let’s just play the damn games, alright?” Gray grumbled. As far as he was concerned, the conversation was over.
Gray had been sitting quietly with Aki on his lap, holding the plastic hammer for the Don’t Break the Ice game they were attempting to play in his hands. They were currently playing against Sting, who was still eyeing the cake box with puppy eyes.
“Will you stop that?” Gray demanded.
“I just want a little piece,” Sting pleaded.
“And I said no,” Gray replied, enjoying torturing his brother-in-law, especially since Rogue had been giving him a look since the moment he’d realized Natsu had given him a ride home.
“But everyone goes on about how good it is, and I never got to try it, Rogue ate the piece he was supposed to save for me from Hana's birthday,” Sting whined giving his husband an accusing look, which he ignored in favor of examining his brother.
“So how did you meet up with Natsu again?” Rogue questioned.
“He called me up while I was at the Bean, wanted to give me a present,” Gray shrugged, making sure to sound completely uninterested. He knew better than to show any weakness in this group.
“Come on, Gray, just a little piece, you have a whole cake,” Sting coaxed, “Don’t be so stingy!”
“Oh my God, Sting!” Gray snapped, finally having enough, “If you want some so badly, why don’t you just ask him to make you one?”
“He did, practically begged actually,” Rogue commented, “Natsu said he only makes them for family members. Which is why we’re rather curious as to why he made one for you. Is there something you’re not telling us?”
“Yeah,” Sting added, “are you Gray Dragneel now?”
Gray couldn’t entirely hide the blush that rose to his cheeks, although he tried. “I’m not entirely sure what you’re implying, but Natsu and I are just friends.”
Cana and Rogue immediately began to tease him, and he wanted to smack both their heads together so badly as they chorused, “Gray and Natsu sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g, first comes—”
“Alright, you’re both hilarious, now knock it off,” Gray wasn’t amused, especially as he could see Aki had raised his head, watching his aunt and uncles with interest, the simple cadence of the children’s rhyme appealing to him.
“You are seriously no fun,” Cana muttered from behind her drink.
He was saved from having to answer by a knock on the door. Thinking it was Gildarts or his parents, he got up to answer, bringing the cake box along with him. He was surprised to find Natsu on the other side.
“Hey, change your mind?” Gray asked, confused as to why he had returned, although no less pleased.
“Uhm not exactly, Hana—,” Natsu stopped his explanation in favor of raising an eyebrow at Gray, “Why are you still holding your cake?”
“Sting keeps threatening to eat it,” Gray explained.
“Oh,” Natsu nodded as if that made perfect sense, followed immediately by his eyes widening as he said, “Oh!” more forcefully.
Natsu chuckled, but Gray thought he sounded a bit nervous and wondered what that was about. “Uhm, well, he’ll be happy to know Hana made him one. She begged me to bring her so she could drop it off. Sorry, hers looks prettier than mine, Erza helped.”
Sting came to the door and nudged Gray out of the way, “Excuse his manners, please come in. Did I hear you say something about cake?”
Hana’s hands were shaking so much as she handed Sting the cake she had made him that Gray was afraid she was going to drop it. It was made up of three Easy Bake Oven cakes covered in white frosting and decorated with rainbow-colored cake glitter.
“F-for you,” Hana stammered, her cheeks coloring prettily. Natsu nudged her gently, and Hana added, although somewhat reluctantly, “Uncle Rogue can have some too.”
“That’s beautiful, Hana, thank you!” Sting admired the cake before giving the girl a hug, He glanced over at Rogue with a smirk, “He wishes. I think I will eat it all by myself if you don’t mind.”
“Stingy Sting,” Rogue teased his husband, though it seemed like he did it more for the sake of teasing than actually being bothered by the fact that he wouldn’t be getting any cake.
Hana shook her head and looked down at the floor shyly. Gray’s heart went out to her, having the impression that they were having some of the same feelings.
“I have something for you too, actually!” Sting disappeared into the kitchen, reappearing with a fork, and a plastic container filled with a type of cookies Gray had never seen before. “My mom made them, but she made so many, and I already had...well...a lot of them. I’d meant to give you and your brother some. Thought you’d like them.”
Hana’s face was the same color of bright pink as her hair, but she nodded anyway and accepted the container with a big smile, clutching it to her chest and waiting for Sting to taste the cake.
Gray looked unimpressed when Sting took his first bite and turned to Rogue, rubbing it in his face that he was eating cake and Rogue wasn’t, by making exaggerated moaning sounds. At least, Gray hoped that that was the idea behind it.
“Oh wow, this is seriously amazing, Hana!” Sting complimented her sincerely, “Did you make this all by yourself?”
Hana shook her head even as her cheeks once again flushed at the compliment, “I helped Daddy when he was baking Uncle Gray’s cake. He let me have some of the batter we made.”
Sting gave Gray a triumphant look before turning around and going at Natsu, “Speaking of which, what the hell Dragneel?”
Natsu played dumb, grabbing Hana by the hand and waving, “It was great to see everyone, but we need to get home, enjoy your party.”
Hana said her goodbyes as well, and they left quickly. They had been there for less than ten minutes, but it had been long enough for Gray to see that the others had been telling the truth.
For some reason, Natsu had decided to make an exception for him, and Gray didn’t know whether it had anything to do with the bracelet Cana had gifted him, but he suddenly felt like he was soaring, and it was something he’d not felt in a long time.
He went into the kitchen to grab a cake knife, wanting to taste his present right away after seeing how much Sting had enjoyed his. Cutting a generous slice and placing it on a plate, he took a bite, reveling in the sweetness of the cake and the man who had gifted it to him.
It was already the best birthday he could remember.
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Go the Distance CH.3!
I'm updating ayy. This chapter actually ended up being over 3k, but I decided to cut it in half because it would kill the flow of the story if every other chapter ended up being much shorter. I hope you guys like it!
Go the Distance
Three days, four million dollars, and a cross-country road trip that will change their lives for good. OR: The Dreyar Grant for Brighter Futures is a prestigious scholarship granted to only the most deserving of candidates, but even miracles don't come without a price.
chapter one
chapter two
"Just a small-town girl, livin' in a lonely world…"
Lucy hums idly, watching raindrops stream down the passenger side window of Natsu's green Honda. The radio plays softly in time with her swinging feet as she bounces up and down a little in excitement. Three days. Three days until she never has to worry about paying for an editor or publisher or distribution or anything else like that. Three days until all she needs to do to be published is write a really good freakin' book. She's jolted out of her train of thought when the driver's side door clicks and Natsu slides in, depositing a slightly damp paper bag into the space between them.
"How much do I owe you?" she asks, reaching for her wallet. Natsu just shakes his head.
"Don't worry about it, my dude," he chuckles, handing over her smoothie from the cardboard tray he has balanced on his other arm.
"But you're already driving me home," she protests, "at least let me buy you a burger."
"I would've done the same for the other two," he reminds her, gently pushing her hand away from her purse. "You just happened to be the only one lucky enough to forget the weather around here is like a seventh-grader's growth spurt – unexpected and unpredictable."
"Yeah," Lucy sighs back. "Kind of unfortunate that the one day I forget an umbrella the sky decides to put an end to the drought."
"But you get to ride with me," he grins at her, "So it's like the universe was trying to tell you that we should be spending time together."
"Yeah, I guess so," she giggles back. She's never been one to put too much faith in fate, but something about the way he's smiling at her makes her want to believe in the possibility. Lucy's never noticed it before, but his smile is slightly crooked; the right side of his mouth is lifted just a little bit higher than his left. Somehow, this just makes him all the more endearing, and she can feel her cheeks flushing embarrassingly at the thought.
Suddenly realizing that she's been staring at him for probably much longer than is typically appropriate, Lucy coughs and quickly changes the subject. "Was the line in there long?" she asks, finally reaching for the bag of food that's been taunting her from the gearshift.
"It wasn't crazy busy, but I felt so bad for the people in there," Natsu moans back, completely unaware of her momentary lapse in sanity. "I feel like customers just assume that since it's a McDonald's it's okay to treat people like crap."
"What happened?" Lucy asks, digging through the bag. She's unsurprised but curious, pulling the piping hot fries – extra large – out of the bag and settling back into her seat with a satisfied sigh.
"Some lady was screaming at this poor girl behind the cash register about how her burger was cold. She was at the counter demanding free meals for her entire family as compensation," Natsu scoffs in disbelief, biting into his Big Mac. He continues, mouth full, recounting the long conversation slash scream fest between the manager of the establishment and the crazy lady, complete with mocking voices and exaggerated facial expressions. Lucy doesn't know if she's laughing in sympathy or disgust, but by the end of the story there are tears streaming down her cheeks and her fries have gone soggy.
She can't say she minds one bit.
They spend the rest of the car ride home regaling each other with customer horror stories. Lucy counters Natsu's two years at A&W and summers spent as a soccer camp counselor with her own year and a half as a server at Cactus Club and retirement home volunteering, not to mention her theatre club fundraisers back in high school. She's quickly finding that nothing brings two people together like shit talking crappy customers.
They're still chuckling when Natsu pulls up in front of Lucy's complex a half hour later.
"Thanks for the ride," she says, grabbing her bag and checking the contents to make sure she has everything.
"No worries," he grins back easily. "I'll pick you up tomorrow, then?"
"Sure! Thanks," she finds herself almost disappointed that she doesn't have an excuse to hang around longer and is busy reprimanding herself for the thought when Natsu clears his throat. He doesn't say anything for a moment, so she just raises an eyebrow and waits as he fidgets in his seat. The casual tone of his voice is betrayed by the nervous drumming of his fingertips against the steering wheel when he finally asks, "So… uh, you don't have to if you don't want, of course, I totally respect your need for privacy if you prefer to keep it that way. Or I guess, if you would just rather not because I'm coming off as a total creep and we don't really know each other that well –"
"Natsu," she cuts off his nervous rambling with a hand on his rapidly bouncing knee, "I appreciate your consideration for my privacy or whatever," she rolls her eyes playfully, and he stills, letting his knee relax under her touch, "But what the hell are you talking about?" He's blushing now, a subtle flush up his neck and ears, and her fingertips tingle when she wonders what it might feel like pressed against her skin. Great, now she can feel herself blushing too, only she is infinitely paler than Natsu and probably looks like a giant tomato, Lucy, you loser, and she suddenly comes back to earth when she realizes Natsu is speaking and her hand is still somehow taking up residence on his knee.
"— phone number? Just so I can text you when I pick you up tomorrow and stuff," Natsu finishes, looking at her expectantly.
"Uh…" Lucy flounders for a moment until she realizes, you dork, he just asked you for your number, "Y-yeah! Here, give me your phone," and she sighs in relief when he beams and hands it to her without missing a beat. She inputs the information into his contact list with shaking fingers, texting herself with his name so she can save his number in her own device.
"Thanks," he beams at her with all the light of a summer beach day, and despite her burning face Lucy finds herself relaxing in his warm gaze.
"You should consider yourself lucky. I don't give my number out to just anyone, you know," she teases, gathering her purse and cardigan into her lap and reaching for the door handle.
"Oh, I do," his tone is just as playful, but something in his eyes holds a seriousness that has Lucy scrambling out of the car with a rushed, "See you tomorrow!"
The rain is warm despite the intensity of its downpour, and she is assaulted by heavy pellets that plaster her fair hair to her now crimson cheeks. She is drenched before she can make it to the awning by the building's entrance, digging her key out of her purse and nearly dropping her cardigan in the process. She doesn't look back as she hears the loud rumble of a car pulling slowly away, yanking her building door open and sprinting up the three flights of stairs to her rickety apartment. Once again, she fumbles with the key, this time nearly dropping her phone back down the now puddle-ridden steps by the broken elevator. Only when she makes it safely inside does she finally allow herself to relax, collapsing onto her lumpy sofa with a sloppy squelch. She runs over the bizarre events of the day in her mind, examining her interactions with every new friend like a child probing a loose tooth. Eventually, she will pick herself back up to pack and take a hot shower, but for now, she merely sits, hardly daring to believe that this is the direction her life has turned.
This may just be the lucky break she has been waiting for all her life.
You were right, Momma. Life really is full of surprises.
Lucy's phone buzzes against her thigh as she zips her duffel bag shut. She's checked over the contents once, twice, three times now, until she's almost completely certain there is nothing else she could've possibly forgotten. "You could've written a disclaimer about us having to travel across the country, Mr. Dreyar," she mutters apprehensively to herself, shuffling over to the kitchen. The walls of her apartment are a soft pastel pink, and the warm wood of her living room gives way to the crisp black and white linoleum that lines the kitchen floor. It's always made Lucy feel like she's living in a 50's style diner, and she takes pride in it, lining the counter top with second-hand pastel appliances and ensuring her white-painted cabinet doors are free of any smudges. Today, however, she's too distracted to appreciate the aesthetic. Lucy's never been a morning person, and she's never been amicable before her first – or second cup of coffee. She pops another capsule into her Keurig machine (and gives quick thanks to the coffee gods for the ease and efficiency of technology) and hits the Brew button, breathing a sigh of contentment as the steam wafts towards her. The kitchen fills with the steady drip of the Keurig as it refills her favourite constellation-patterned mug; the one she bought as a souvenir from her trip to the National Planetarium three years ago. Collapsing into a seat at her kitchen table, she finally pulls out her phone, absentmindedly scrolling through the 50 or so unread messages from the group chat she and her new friends created last night. The messages are mostly from Natsu and Gray, whom she's come to find can argue over just about anything. They're both hot-headed and impulsive, and they've spammed the chat with so many pointless disagreements in the last 8 hours she's had to mute the notifications. Of course, this doesn't really help when the boys have started tagging her in their messages, trying to get her and Erza to pick a side.
She's laughing over a particularly aggressive challenge for a Nintendo Smash-down from Natsu to Gray when her phone buzzes with a text from a familiar number.
From: Natsu Dragneel!:)
Hey! I'm running late, packing took a little longer than I expected. Just going to jump in the shower and I'll be good to go. – 9:08 AM
From: Lucy's iPhone
Did you start packing THIS MORNING? Yeah lmao that's fine, I'm ready whenever. – 9:09 AM
From: Natsu Dragneel!:)
Maybe! Don't judge me :P – 9:10 AM
From Lucy's iPhone
I'm not, dw. – 9:10 AM
Okay, maybe I am. Just a little :P – 9:11 AM
From Natsu Dragneel!:)
:O – 9:12 AM
:(((((( – 9:12 AM
LEAVE ME ALONE. I was gonna do it last night, but my cat jumped onto my bed and screamed at me to go to go to bed. He likes to sleep next to my head. – 9:13 AM
Lucy is grinning so hard her cheeks hurt, her coffee lukewarm and forgotten as she hunches over her phone giggling.
From: Lucy's iPhone
Your cat SCREAMED at you?! – 9:13 AM
From: Natsu Dragneel!:)
Yes! They do that, you know. They just meow really loudly until you give them what they want. Cats are spoiled little fuckers. – 9:15 AM
This one is, anyway :) – 9:15 AM
From: Lucy's iPhone
Your cat sounds adorable. I've always wanted a pet to spoil, but I wasn't allowed animals as a kid and I can barely take care of myself as an adult :/ – 9:16 AM
From: Natsu Dragneel!:)
You should meet him! – 9:16 AM
Like today. – 9:17 AM
You should meet him today. – 9:17 AM
She stops breathing. What?
From: Lucy's iPhone
Ummmm? – 9:18 AM
From: Natsu Dragneel!:)
Like, you should come over. Right now. You can meet him while I finish getting ready! :D – 9:19 AM
Lucy's phone tumbles onto the linoleum tile with a loud clatter. She scrambles to pick it back up, brain going a mile a minute at the thought of showing up at Natsu's place – in front of Natsu's family – unannounced. They've barely just met, for god's sake!
From: Lucy's iPhone
Isn't your family home? – 9:21 AM
From: Natsu Dragneel!:)
It's just my dad and my little sister. It's fine, they're cool. – 9:22 AM
From: Lucy's iPhone
They don't mind having people show up unannounced? I don't want to bother them. – 9:24 AM
From: Natsu Dragneel!:)
Nah lol. They're chill, they won't mind. – 9:25 AM
I promise. – 9:26 AM
From: Lucy's iPhone
… Okay. – 9:28 AM
I'll be over in a few minutes. – 9:28 AM
From: Natsu Dragneel!:)
:D – 9:29 AM
Well, well, well... looks like the ol' Nalu train is starting to pick up speed ;D
Questions? Comments? Let me know! See y'all next time!
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fallen029 · 5 years
The guild teases Miraxus and they don’t know the two are already dating AU *^* can you please do it for me? I would like to order a chapter 2 love itttt
Part I
“So Laxus, huh?”
Mirajane paused some, frowning in the early morning as she turned to glance over at her sister. She was surprised to find her there, that morning, already up and waiting on breakfast. She’d cook it for them, her siblings, Mirajane would, if they were up before she had to leave for work, but they rarely called in such a favor. Not only because they knew how much of a rush Mira was in, most mornings, to get down to the hall and have it opened and ready before sunrise, but also because, well…
Who wanted to wake up that early?
Not Elfman or Lisanna.
Not at all.
Even Mirajane’s pancakes couldn’t coax them out of their nice warm beds when it was still dark out.
The only times they ever were was when something was going on. They were having troubles. Maybe Elfman was having problems with a certain unnamed mage who Mira tried, many times, to explain to him he should just either date or toss to the side, but Elfman only insisted he was asking, and sobbing, about hypotheticals. And Lisanna’s troubles could range anywhere magical doubts to concerns over different personal relationships she had with guild members.
Mirajane would yawn through those days, dealing with their troubles at such an early hour, but she enjoyed it great all the same. Her younger siblings come to her with their problems. Sometimes, recently, it felt like maybe they were all drifting, just a tad, into their own lives and, well, she would never not cherish special time with each of them.
So when Lisanna was just sitting there, at the kitchen table that morning, Mirajane was preparing herself for it. That big sister tone was going to be used a lot and, hey, maybe there might even be some tears. Good tears. Happy tears. Or some sad, sorrow filled ones. But you know what? This is what she lived for. These moments.
They wouldn’t last forever.
She had to enjoy them while she could.
So without even saying anything to Lisanna, she rushed to begin breakfast and put on a pot of coffee so they could dish to one another before she had ot leave for work.
But then Lisanna said that.
Mirajane was facing the stove when the name left her younger sisters mouth and, not even turning around, she merely said, “What? What does he have to do with-”
“Don’t,” Lisanna complained, “play dumb with me. Mira. I know you’re not. And you know that I’m not.”
Slowly, Mirajane turned down the stove, as not to burn their bacon, before she faced her sister.
“How?” was all she asked as, smiling victoriously, Lisanna gestured for her to take a seat.
For once, she had the upper hand over her older sister. Yes. Lisanna had waited a long time for this day to come. Mira was more power, more beautiful, more cunning, and probably just a better person over all. Maybe. But where did Lisanna have her beat? Deduction!
What a skill.
“You both left, like, right after one another.” Well, she didn’t say her deductions were sound proof. And, when that was the only information presented to her, Mirajane cursed herself, silently, for giving in so easily.
Still, taking a seat at the table, she said, “You can’t tell anyone. I mean it, Lisanna. Not even Elfman. Or Lucy. No one. You have to promise.”
“Sister to sister.”
“Sister to sister,” Lisanna groaned though, just as quickly, she perked back up again. With a grin, she said, “So tell me about him.”
“Obviously, Mirajane.”
“You know Laxus. What could I tell you about-”
“You know what I mean.”
Yes, but that didn’t mean that she wanted to go through with it.
Still, after a long sigh, Mirajane clicked her tongue, once, before saying, “Well, I mean, he’s not that different, I guess, than he is at the hall. He’s still real quiet. Observant. He likes to just sit and take things in, you know, these days? So he listens to me, when I talk. That’s how we got together.”
“How long,” Lisanna questioned then, “have you been together?”
“Oh…a year?”
“A year?”
“You’re lying.”
“No.” Shaking her head, Mira hummed some more as she thought. “I was closing up the bar and he was still there, just sitting there, and I took a seat next to him and we started talking and he asked me, well, he asked if I ever got bored. Working all the time. And I told him that I don’t work all the time and that I could go and do something else, if I wanted. If I had plans. I just didn’t have many of those, recently, and he asked if I want to go to dinner with him, the next night and, well… He’s just easy to talk to.”
“Because he sits there quietly and says nothing.”
“Because he’s Laxus. And he doesn’t just say nothing,” Mira complained. “He’s introspective.”
“Oh, sure.”
“He is.”
“We have lots of long conversations. And not one-sided ones.” That time, Mira smiled, softly, thoughtfully, as she said, “He listens to me, Lisanna. Not just hears me, but actually listens. He talks to me like I know what I’m talking about. Because I do. All other guys just think I’m some ditsy airhead and, fine, maybe that’s my own fault, but not Laxus. We know each other. Deeply. How it’s supposed to be.”
This had just taken a far more serious turn than Lisanna was expecting and, looking off, it was her turn to think before she asked, “If you guys care so much about one another then why-”
“You know how the guild is. How everyone in it is.”
That was all the explanation needed because, yes, Lisanna nodded, she did know. After the whole, ‘Who in the guild is Mirajane going out with tonight?” game that had gone on, she definitely knew.
“Are you ever going to say anything though?” Lisanna insisted and Mira shrugged some.
“Maybe,”s eh offered. “One day. If… Just maybe. Why mess with a good thing?”
There was definitely merit in that. For sure.
Still, Lisanna had a lot of other questions, now that the more seriously ones were out of the way. Like, “Have you ever worn his coat?” or “Where do you guys go on dates?” and “Do you think that you could get him to fight Natsu for me? And let Natsu win?”
They talked until Mirajane had to leave for work and more, later, that evening, when she found her younger sister waiting up for her, in her bed, so they could giggle and gossip about the man some more.
“But you’re happy, right?” Lisanna asked as she drifted off, beside her sister. “Mira?”
And Mirajane only grinned with a nod. “The most.”
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qwerty-top · 7 years
Rated M. I do not own Fairy Tail or any of the characters in this story. I only own the plot.
“Disgusting creatures may haunt your dreams, but wrong decisions will deem their demise.”
Summary:  Horrid monsters ravage quaint, unsuspecting towns, turning them just mere wisps of folk-lore. Ending their wrath won't be easy. A small group of warriors meet up to dream of the inevitable, but with doubts, debts, and barely any training, they don't know where to begin. Being humanity's last hope has its perks, but finding a traumatized young woman hiding in the forest -full of monsters- reality sorta just smirks and spits in your face, reminding you that you live in a dystopia.
Read this story on FF.Net!
Chapter One: Warm Memories and Dark Pasts
The street was barren. Lifeless. Dead. It was if Mother Nature had taken her sweeper and swept away the human filth. Disgusting. The bone-chilling cold wafted through the air, seemingly unfazed by the street's stillness. The male exhaled, fog from his breath visible in front of his pink tinted nose. He shivered- just a tad- while craning his neck to look at the sun-ridden sky. Snow slowly started to accumulate, just adding onto the suspicious aura the weather emitted. He sighed, snuffling deeper into his scarf while placing his hands into his hoodie pocket, trying to conjure warmth with a plume of smoke evaporating into the crisp, cold air from his sound of his boots clacking was the only sign of life. His pace quickened, suspicions growing with it. His fingers started to numb as he was rushing down the cobblestone pathway. Another puff of air escapes his body, much more in a haste than before. People who said running keeps you warm in the cold might as well be damned, but he was still determined to leave this freezing hell-hole as soon as humanly possible.
Quickly scanning each building, he scrambled inside his pockets in search of his key ring. House 372 on Octarila Avenue. Weird name, yes. Spooky looking house, also yes. But it was home to the rejects, who valued everything they were given; even if given meant stolen. He perused through all his keys, slightly jumping when the outside porch light flickered to life, sensing it was nighttime as an ominous dark cloud loomed over the town. His keys clinked together as he stuck the right one into the slot, then turned it. A low moan sounded in the distance, signaling he was to hurry his ass up. He threw himself inside and slammed the door behind him. He instantly cringed at the loud noise, hoping to all the gods it wasn't loud enough to hear from far away. He let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding in, and slumped against the door.
"Looks like someone just about pissed their pants. Also, don't go slammin' doors 'n shit, its like you're begging to be brutally torn to shreds." A tall, dark haired brute sauntered his way into the room, a frown of disapproval plainly showing. " Natsu...where have you been all day?"
Natsu grunted while stripping off his hoodie, not bothering to give a proper answer, or rather, one that Gray would be wanting to hear. He turned, locked the door, then yanked the curtains to a close, cutting off any light the windows were filtering in - which wasn't very much to begin with.
"Get along, now is not the time for arguing." A scarlet haired woman emerged from the hallway, arms crossed indicating she wasn't pleased with the dark haired male's behaviour. She raised a brow at his scowling. Pushing that aside for later, she welcomed Natsu back home with a smile, but a tinge of worry escaped her features for a mere moment. That was enough for Natsu to realize something seemed off with the two; in fact ever since he stepped foot in the household.
Suddenly, a flash of white light illuminated the curtains; barely peeking out from the uncovered sides. Following it was a distant grumble of thunder, agitating the ground slightly. Small knick-knacks clattered against each other while a pencil rolled off of a desk.
"Thundersnow.1. Not much to fret over. What's with you two? You seem…" Natsu paused, "...off." He draped his hoodie on the arm of the couch, not noticing the coat rack screwed to the wall behind him. Either that or he just didn't care.
Gray sighed, arms going limp on his sides, he pondered over his choice of words, obviously disgusted with what he was about to say. "We were…...worried about you. It's not like you to go out without telling anyone, and you were gone for hours. We thought you were….." His voice broke a few times, trying to grasp a hold of his words; he began again."We thought you were subjected to to horrors that everyone else was given." His hands were now clutched at his sides, bangs covering his facial features.
Natsu squinted his eyes at Gray's choice of words and thought about why he sounded so worried. It wasn't like Gray to get worked up over much, he never jumped to conclusions much. He also never shown any regard towards Natsu, unless they were fighting.
The scarlet haired woman spoke right after, "Natsu, you should know not to go outside like that. It's dangerous for your well being as well as ours. You should know full well that those things are closing in on our base. Stay here and do not leave until we are ready to move out."
"Move out?!" Gray's head flipped back up. "W-we can't just 'move out,' have you lost your mind? There's no way in literal Hell we could ever get out of here unscathed or alive. Soon they will find us and there will be no escape, leaving isn't an option!" He started to hyperventilate, distraught with her plan of action.
"I somewhat agree with you Gray, but it wouldn't hurt to try." His voice was low and understanding. Lightly tapping his chin with his fake golden claw, he predicted what should be their plan of approach.
"Are you insane?! 'Wouldn't hurt to try' my ass! It would literally 'hurt to try,' we might even die!" Natsu's eyes widened, never had he seen Gray so distraught over something. He opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off with another voice.
"Calm down Gray. We have something the other civilians will never have." The three looked at eachother and spoke without words, all silently exchanging looks; giving approval of leaving the base. Gray seemed to start calming down from the show he put on earlier.
"So, Natsu, I still don't think you answered Gray's question earlier." All eyes directed towards said male; slowly shifting uncomfortably under their gaze.
"I've been….out?" He gave a fake smile, sensing impending doom on his poor, old, fragile soul.
"Natsu. Answer. Now." She was starting to get ticked off, he could tell. A sense of anger radiated off her. He decided not to dawdle any further.
"S-sorry Erza.. I've been gathering intel about the monster's whereabouts and practically jotting down anything i can about them. The more we know, the better." His hands fumbled with his scarf, a sign he was distressed with the vexatious2 feel in the air. It was a habit, his scarf gave him the contentment he needed. It also helped with fumbling over words; it happened a lot to say the least.
"Sufficient answer. I'll take it." Erza elbowed Gray's side, earning another scowl from him.
"Yeah." Was all he said, giving Erza a rude look.
Erza nodded. "I want you all well-rested for tomorrow. Make sure to pack everything you need, but not too much it will slow you down. I really don't need someone else succumbing to a tragic fate."
Both Gray and Natsu exchanged glances, slowing shaking their head as to why she was so formal sometimes.
"Just say die." Natsu tilted his head, but jumped up at her murderous intent. Gray chuckled lowly, muttering an 'idiot' under his breath. Natsu decided to share Erza's murderous intent to Gray, nobody needed to be left out, now did they?
Erza slowly stalked off, leaving the two disgruntled men by themselves. Not the wisest of decisions made. When she was out of sight, Gray spoke up.
"You lied." He seethed. Clenching his teeth, he had given the most repulsive look directed to Natsu.
"I didn't lie. I just stretched the truth a little bit. No harm, no foul." Natsu was a bit irritated with the look he was getting but shrugged it off. He turned around and began to walk out of the room before Gray clenched the ending of his low-riding scarf and yanked it backwards, throwing the male to the floor along with it.
"What the Hell?! What do you think you're doing, you asshole!" Natsu rubbed his sore throat, trying to push up off of the floor and sock Gray in the nose.
"No harm done, eh? How about harm when Erza beats the shit out of you for deceiving her with your lies? Putting her in a false sense of comfort? She really believes you are finding information, do you really wanna know what she would do when she looks to you for guidance tomorrow when we leave here? And when she figures out you've been out drinking? You'd be dead where you stand. I can literally smell it, fire breath." Gray grabbed Natsu's scarf one last time, raised it upwards with his head following and dropped it, a loud thump and yelp resonating from the now injured male.
"Cut that shit out before I beat it out of you." Natsu grumbled, rubbing his scalp. "Look, I know she'll be mad, but I do have a few things written up about them." Natsu finally pushed himself back up on his feet then started to readjust his scarf.
"Like what?" Gray scoffed, watching Natsu's futile attempts at getting the perfect position for the scarf. He eventually just took the whole thing off and draped the two ends on each side of his neck. Gray raised an eyebrow when his eyes met back up to his.
"That they...like to kill?" Natsu averted his eyes. He knew he was going to receive an unthinkable punishment.
"NO SHIT SHERLOCK! " Gray roared, throwing his fist against Natsu's cheek. Obviously pissed to the brim with Natsu's fucked up antics.
"YOU WANNA GO WATSON?!" Natsu grasped his cheek in pure anger and kicked Gray in the stomach, sending him to the floor.
"YOU TWO BETTER NOT BE FIGHTING!" Erza yelled from her room. Both boys stopped, a sense of dread washing over their bodies, fearing for their lives, they simultaneously laughed.
"Of course not! We were just playing a game in here!"
"Good." Erza replied just loud enough for them to hear from how far the two rooms were. It was surprising to hear how calm she was, yet they were so far away from her, they could barely fathom how they could understand her.
They both sighed in defeat and began rubbing their sore spots. Exchanging looks, they both nodded silently. Natsu held his hand out, grabbing Gray's and hoisting him back up, mumbling a soft apology while Gray sounded his own.
"So is that all you really have about them?" Gray sounded upset in a way, like he was actually hoping to hear something useful from Natsu once in a while.
"'Course not, whaddya take me for, a moron?" Natsu chuckled, plopping himself on the couch seated right by where he was standing.
"Well, actually, yes. I do." Gray smiled, seating himself right by Natsu.
"Oof, bullet to the heart." Natsu motioned that action, earning an eye roll and a shake of his head from Gray.
"Anyway, I have a whole sketchbook full of things. I don't draw in it, since I've never seen those bastards yet. It's just full of notes and things that I hear from other people who actually faced with them, and yet managed to escape. Pretty badass if you ask me."
"So what you're saying is, you went to the bar down the street and asked a couple drunkies about this? Are you even sure they're in their right mind? Not considering you may not even have a mind, sorry I even asked."
"Alright wise guy, you think you have better info than me? Check it!" Natsu proudly flipped his sketchbook over so Gray could scan over it. Neat, small handwriting filled the pages. Notes were scattered in a few places, enough to fill the whole page if not for the weird drawings placed here and there. Looked like Natsu's interpretation of those creatures. What a disgusting plague they were. Ridding himself of the thought, he nodded and looked back over to Natsu's beaming face, obviously proud of his findings. Gray didn't know whether to feel annoyed, thankful, or sad. Sad that he couldn't see Natsu's ass get beaten alive if he turned up to Erza empty-handed. Thankful they had something to refer to, even if on close inspection it was all shit. Annoyed with that smug smirk on his face, cocky bastard.
The wind began to pick up, the cheap glass windows they had rattled violently as if they were to shatter sometime soon. Cold air began to creep up in the house through the weathered down wood and door opening. A few minutes passed before Gray spoke up.
"Good not everything you said was a lie." Gray watched as Natsu slowly got back up to pick up the pencil that rolled off his desk earlier and set his sketchbook down. He then sat back by Gray and began to fiddle with a set of golden, fake claws he had on his fingers. With that man, his fashion sense was a lost cause. Not like Gray's was any better.
Natsu hmphed in response, too lazy to answer. He lounged back, the old sofa protesting over the weight. His fingers slid down the intricate details on his claw. The bottom was shaped like a deer's footprint, yet still came to a sharp point like a claw should be. Holes were put on the base of it, 5 to be exact, and the rest had a bumpy fixture to it, giving Natsu something to rub his other fingers on if bored.
Gray wasn't bothered with Natsu's lack of conversation. The silence was comforting too.
Breaking the silence, Natsu sighed long and hard, obviously upset with something. Gray didn't say anything, nor batted an eye. Natsu did it once again, even more long and hard than before. Gray now raised a brow. Natsu was about to do it again, but was stopped.
"What the fuck is wrong with you? Can't get enough air to your brain?"
Natsu glared back, but only uttered out a single word.
"Excuse me? Wanna run me by that again, Smart Aleck?" Gray fumed, clutching the chain attached to his jeans.
Natsu just shrugged his shoulders, irritating Gray to the very brink.
"If you're gonna fucking say something, say it so I can hear."
"MAYBE if your ears weren't so CLOGGED with earwax you could hear me clear as day!"
"So you wanna be like that huh? Let's see who is DEAF when I'M THROUGH WITH YOU-" Gray quickly snatched the end of Natsu's scarf once again, getting ready to throw him down. Natsu had his hand on the rim of Gray's shirt and leg pulled up, ready to kick.
A dark shadow loomed from above, making the two boys jump out of their skin. They didn't have to turn around to know who it was. It was Satan getting ready to take them to Hell and back. So long world, you were shitty till the very end.
"It's 10PM. Gray. Natsu. Bed. Now." Erza growled, grabbing two tufts of their hair and slinging them towards the doorway. The males slowly glanced back to Erza, only to find her menacing glare staring right back at them. Goosebumps traveled along their arms and weirdly, their legs. Erza's glare suddenly grew, causing them to skitter down the hallways to their rooms, slamming the doors shut. Erza was left alone in dark silence. After a few moments she sighed. Walking over to the window, she opened the curtains just a tad to peek outside. Snow was still falling, coating the streets with a thin layer of white. The moon was huge, engulfing almost the whole window. Looking down the street was a red light. She instantly shut them again and rushed to her room, closing the door very slowly with only a mere click indicating it was fully shut.
Natsu took in the sight of his room when he walked in, letting the warmness that was trapped in there flow out of the door and onto him. Moonlight poured out of the window, falling down on his bed like it was showcased in a spotlight. Small knick-knacks couldn't be seen quickly, the shadows from his bookcase and dresser were easily found on the other hand. He scanned the compacted area, thinking beforehand on what to take and what to leave behind. He was known for hoarding a few things here and there, nothing major, it seemed this task may prove to be more difficult for him than the others. On the bright side a couple things had caught his eye. While walking up to them, the floor creaked with every step, protesting under his weight. Squinting and shoving a few things out of the way, he grabbed the essentials. Lighter, matches, pocket knife, pencil sharpener, pencils, erasers, a spare sketchbook, a few handfuls of candy, a picture, books, and his necklace. That would do for now he guessed. He packed those in his backpack and carefully placed the picture in the front pocket. Hoisting it up, he laid it in the corner of the room, giving one last look to everything else. He had time, but for now he closed the curtains and clipped them shut, all light diminishing into nothingness. Throwing back the covers, his bed creaked while he settled himself onto it. His body thanked him instantly, it was like the bed had swallowed him whole and wouldn't let go for shit. Looking up with glazed over, hazy eyes, he stared at the ceiling. He sketched out lines and shapes from it, following each dip and indentions it had. His eyes had traveled every line before closed his eyes again, only now was he greeted with the warm embrace of his covers, the sweet sensation lulling himself to sleep.
"I never understood why you take an interest in those dastardly beasts. Why don't you like something innocent like a house cat?"
"You're one to talk about "dastardly beasts,' Dad, and why not a lion instead of a house cat? They're so much cooler and bigger, perfect for cuddling." A little boy twirled a pencil in his fingers, sitting on the cold rock of the cave under him. He was drawing a big lion with feathers, graceful yet dangerous. He gave the biggest and most wholehearted smile to his not so likely father.
The dragon gave a displeased look to his son. He swiveled his head downwards, cautious of not hitting the human child with his snout. "I'm just trying to get you to value the small things in life. Even if it's extremely small. A sunny day, laughter, a smile from someone you care about. All those things mean a lot, but can be taken away very easily. Don't take them for granted. I want you to live a life worth living."
"I-is something bad going to happen Papa?" His voice shuddered, his arm shaking while trying to hold on to the dragon's nose. "Is e-everything okay?" Fear was laced within his voice. The pencil was long gone now, hiding in the dark cracks of the cave, forgotten from the young child.
"Don't worry about it. That's for older you to figure out. No ill will will come to you if you choose the right pathway. Now go on and get ready for bed."
The boy reluctantly got up and put his stuff away in his corner and warily crept up to his father's side. Warmth radiated off of his scales, enveloping his whole body.
"Night night, Neel." He cuddled up against his father, closing his eyes, the sweet sensation lulling him to sleep.
"Good night, Natsu." Igneel rested his head on his arm right by where Natsu was fast asleep, snoring away. The dragon gave a soft smile before he too, fell asleep.
Natsu was pulled away from his slumber by a dark figure, shaking him restlessly. He pressed his hands against their nose, not having enough strength to fight back.
"What the hell's wrong with you?" Gray harshly whispered, only audible for Natsu and anyone else in the room. Not that anyone was, he didn't think. Testing that theory, he flicked his head left and right, only seeing Gray in his room. Gray pushed Natsu's hands off of his face.
"What are you doing? It's like.." Natsu's sentence trailed off while he leaned over to look at his alarm clock. "Gray its 2 in the fucking morning, the real question is what you're doing." He mimicked Gray's level of voice, already knowing Erza was asleep and they didn't want to wake her.
"I heard you sobbing like a baby and mumbling about cuddling? Sorry if I intruded on a wet dream."
Natsu shook his head, running his fingers through his hair. "No...No, it wasn't that. Honestly I can't remember what my dream was about." Natsu casually lied, letting out a yawn before placing his hands back in his lap.
"Well whatever it was it had you riled up. Just don't do it again, you might blow our cover." Gray sat on the edge of Natsu's bed, keeping him company, also to make sure he was okay before taking his leave.
"So uh…" Natsu started, pondering his choice of words. "Excited for our big escape tomorrow?" He inwardly cringed.
"Don't even start." Gray huffed, crossing his arms. "Can't believe we are leaving. There's nowhere else to go."
"You don't know that. There's always something. Don't be an acosmist4.I plan on making a map for wherever we go, we can learn things, y'know?" Natsu smiled, he was somewhat excited to leave. All he knew was this building. Correction, all they knew was this building.
"Since when did you want to learn things?" Gray gave a low scoff, impressed how everything was turning out. Never had Natsu wanted to learn, nor used big words that sometimes Gray never knew what he was talking about. Never had Erza liked to leave places she knew, out into the open where their coffin was placed in every corner. And yet, never had he been so careful or scared. The world changed and so did they. He decided he didn't like change either.
"I thought it would be a good idea to learn and know things about the creatures trying to kill us." He sarcastically replied like it was just a normal thing to say. It really wasn't.
"Fair enough." Gray sighed, pushing himself up off Natsu's bed. The two men nodded, signaling this was the end of their conversation. Gray stalked off to the door, looking at the full backpack in the corner. He hung his head low and opened the door.
"Good night, Gray. Sleep well."
"You too, buddy." Gray turned around and smiled, slowly closing the door. A soft click echoed through his room Natsu couldn't help but smile as well.
"A smile from someone you care about. "
1= Thundersnow. Sometimes when it snows, it thunders! Very rare to happen, ain't that somethin'?
2= Vexatious. Causing someone to feel annoyance, frustration, or worry.
3= Backpfeifengesicht. "A face that needs a fist in it."
4=Acosmist. A person who believes nothing exists.
Qwertys Notes: Woah! The first chapter of Desiderium is finally finished! Whaddya guys think? Yae or nae? Anyywayy~ heads up, future chapters will be very sad and gorey considering this is a dystopia! Also, if you couldn't already tell, i put numbers by words, just in case some of my readers don't know what they mean! In this story, Natsu is a bit OC, but I hate it when fans perceive Natsu to be stupid and not know anything. When those monsters came to life, he needed to get smarter to survive and save his friends. At least, that's what he thinks. Gray has given up all hope, as usual. I don't have an updating schedule, but reviews do help my process go faster! I have a lot planned for the future, hopefully you guys stick around for it! This is my first ever fanfiction, criticism is always welcome. Stay tuned for the next chapter!
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NaMiZa Drabble - Pre-Marital Counseling
Counselor: *cough* M-Mr. Dragneel? Y-You may come in now... You ladies as well. ^^;
Natsu: I still don't see the point of this... >.>
Erza: Yes. I'm certain we can sort out any issues on our own.
Mira: C'mon, guys. We kinda need to do this - not just for us, but for the Guild as well. We're all in this for the long haul, right~? n___n
Natsu: ... Yeah.
Erza: Yes... >.>
Counselor: *as the three sit on the love seat across from him; it's a tight fit, and Mira winds up sitting on the armrest on Natsu's left* S-So... I WAS reading your appointment correctly... The... three... of you are getting married...
Mira: Well, it's more like Erza and I are marrying Natsu, rather than each other, but that's more or less correct~. n___n
Counselor: *coughs awkwardly* I-I see... Well, let's get started with an easy question: What attracted you to your partner initially? And what do you hope your partner will help you become?
Natsu: Well, Mira was a bit mean at first, but I got to know her more, and she really loves her siblings. Oh. And she's an awesome cook~. And Erza... I always admired how strong she was, and how she looked out for everyone in Fairy Tail. Um... What was that second one?
Counselor: What do you hope your partner will help you become?
Natsu: I dunno! I just wanna protect 'em. But... I guess it'd be cool if they helped me become a dad. n___n
Counselor: o.o'
Erza: You won't see me complaining.
Mira: We settled on a dozen kids, right~?
Mira: But you'd help make it happen if that's what Natsu wants~
Erza: ......
Counselor: Back on topic...
Counselor: What size house is important, and what is your ideal neighborhood?
Mira: Oooh, the house would have to be VERY big for our many children. n___n
Erza: And we're kind of in agreement that we'll be living out in the woods, not a residential area...
Counselor: Does this have to do with your... future promiscuity? >___>
Erza: Not just that, but our training as well.
Counselor: *latches onto that* Training? *leans forward*
Mira: We're combat mages, of course, but the most important training will be happening in bed~
Counselor: ......
Counselor: How long does your partner need to spend time with friends separately, and how much time do you need to spend with each other?
Natsu: Um-
Erza: It is fine if Natsu spends times with Gray and the guys. That is perfectly acceptable whenever.
Mira: Well, except for anniversaries and when we arrange a date in advance. n___n
Natsu: ...
Counselor: I... see... And what of girl friends?
Erza: He better not have any others. >.>
Mira: Well, Natsu? Do you have other girlfriends? >:3
Natsu: N-N-No... *nervously shrinks in on himself*
Mira: And there's your answer. n___n
Counselor: ... And how much time do you expect to spend together?
Erza and Mira: Lots and lots~.
Counselor: How do you plan to live together?
Natsu: In the same house, duh.
Erza: *smacks him on the back of the head 'lightly', making him facefault... off the couch...* We'll be sharing a bed, of course.
Mira: We've already tested it out lots and lots~
Counselor: *cough* And how about daily routine?
Natsu: *takes his seat again* Well, Mira will be doin' the cookin'.
Mira: And Erza will be doing the cleaning~
Erza: And Natsu will be my heater. >.> *hugs him possessively*
Mira: *tries to wrestle him from Erza's grasp; turns into tug-of-war* OUR heater. >.>
Counselor: Alright, alright, break it up! Now, Natsu, will you be the spouse who works, while your... wives... stay at home?
Natsu: Pfft. No.
Counselor: Excuse me?
Natsu: Erza and Mira? Stay-at-home wives? They'd never let that happen. We'll all be goin' on S-Class Quests together~.
Erza and Mira: *their faces smushed against his, nod*
Counselor: -___- Okaaay...
Counselor: Since you all explained you have adoptive parental figures, how do you each intend to shape your children's values?
Natsu: I want 'em to be kickass and protect their nakama! :D
Erza: I want them to be refined, behaved, and I also want them to treasure their nakama.
Mira: I want 'em to cut loose like Natsu and always have fun~. n___n
Erza: What was that. >___>
Mira: You heard me.
Natsu: Um...
Erza and Mira: Shush, Natsu. Big girls are talking.
Natsu: Okay...
Counselor: I'm starting to see a trend here... Okay. How about punishment for your children?
Erza: If they do something wrong, they will receive acceptable Punishment.
Mira: And when she's not around, I'll be sure to ease up on that capital-P Punishment. 'Cause I will love my children. :3
Natsu: ... Um... What Mira said?
Erza: >______>
Natsu: ... Too troublesome to make separate accounts. Plus, we'll have more money pool together~.
Counselor: ... Seeing as how you three have talked quite freely about your sex lives, I think we can skip the section on "erotic moments"...
Erza and Mira: NO FAIR!
Counselor: How about conflict resolution?
Natsu: *deadpan* If I'm bein' a dumbass, Erza'll be sure to "correct" me.
Erza: *chiding tone* Now, now. That may happen a lot, but you always bounce back.
Natsu: Just because I take the beatings, doesn't mean I like 'em. :P
Mira: Right~. Because Erza's the masochist~. n___n
Erza: HEY!
Counselor: So, there are no big fights you haven't resolved?
Natsu: Blueberry used to be somethin' I was upset about, but then Erza moved on~. n___n
Erza: And Natsu used to have a grudge against Jellal, but now it's not so much of a problem... >___>
Mira: *not-so-subtle aside to the counselor* Jellal's the biggest skeleton in their closet~ n___n
Natsu and Erza: Miraaa... >___>
Counselor: This is just for clarity's sake. But extramarital affairs-
Mira and Erza: There will be none.
Natsu: *at their expectant gazes* Y-Yeah... there will be none. ^^;
Counselor: ... Is this your husband, or your pet...?
Erza: He can't be both?
Mira: *pulls Natsu's head into her bosom and pets his hair* Natsu's a good dragon~
Natsu: *growls* Just remember, you two can't have anyone else, either! :P
Mira: Of course not~. You're the only man that can handle me. n___n
Erza: ... *at their expectant gaze* Jellal's not an issue anymore, alright?! I won't do anything *intimate* with him!!
Natsu: *nods grudgingly*
Mira: Just making sure you're really past him~. I'd hate to have Natsu's wife count go down by one... Oh, wait. No I wouldn't.
Erza: Succubus... >.>
Counselor: ... I wish you three the best of luck. You're going to need it.
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projectanimes · 7 years
against the world ; hinata shoyo
[ prince au ] + prince!hinata x commoner!reader
From a young age, Shoyo was told that he would grow up to be a great king with a beautiful queen to rule by his side. He remembered his father inviting princesses from different nations, constantly reminding him that princes only marry princesses and no one else.
He never thought otherwise, being isolated in the big castle. Everyone came to visit him, well those of high status would. The high walls surrounding his home secured his safety yet he longed to see what was over the walls.
Shoyo didn't really understand why he wasn't allowed out. He had plenty of guards he was sure could protect him if he ever was in trouble.
Shoyo, my son, royalty should never mix with the commoners. The king had told him once. Shoyo had only asked a handful more times after that before he stopped altogether for he feared that his father would punish him for 'misbehaving' again.
It wasn't until the age of 13 did he try and leave the castle. Shoyo had told his guards that he would be studying in his room and he snorted thinking back about it. As if he would ever be studying, he was surprised that they didn't even bat an eye.
Though he guesses being the only son of the king would be a fairly big reason why they would not dare to talk back or question his motives.
The escape was easier than he thought, too easy almost. But as stared at the nearby village, he soon forgot about it. Hidden underneath his cloak, he wandered the small area. It was completely different to his home, there were no fancy clothing in sight.
As he explored more, he noted that some parts looked more dirty and polluted. Shoyo entered one of the more quieter alleys and lying against the wall, Shoyo saw a little boy who looked only a few years younger than him. The boy looked up at Shoyo with tired eyes, shakily holding up one hand and begged for some money to spare.
Shoyo sadly shook his head, he hadn't really a need for money when his father could give him the world without having to spend a single cent. "I'm sorry but I don't have an-" He stopped when a glint of metal appears in front of his face.
Shoyo immediately regrets leaving his safety and tries stepping backwards, but with his luck, he trips over a stone and falls backwards, the hood of his cloak falling off.
The boy gapes, almost immediately recognising the bright orange hair. A hand suddenly comes in contact with the boy's shoulders and Shoyo realises that a girl had appeared out of nowhere when they were both distracted.
He lets out a sigh of relief when the girl manages to convince to boy to put away the sword and he runs off. The girl turns back to Shoyo and reaches a hand out to him.
"Don't worry, I won't hurt you, Prince Shoyo," She says when he flinches back. There's something soothing about her voice and Shoyo almost unconsciously takes her hand and allows himself to be pulled up.
"I'm very sorry about the boy earlier," She bows, her head is low and Shoyo stutters out an 'it's okay' even though he was about to cry about ten seconds ago.
He asks for her name and she lifts her head to give him a smile. His heart starts beating frantically, this time not out of fear.
"My name's [Name], it's a pleasure to meet you Prince Shoyo"
It's been seven years since they've met and their bond is unbreakable. Along the lines, Shoyo had fallen in love despite his father's warnings. And to his delight, she loves him too.
They met in private as frequently as they could, Shoyo was sure that [Name] was meant for him. At the age of 20, [Name] had taught him more things about his nation than his royal tutors every could. He hated how his father's resentment towards commoners had caused them to live in such terrible conditions.
Shoyo wants to change and help his people for the better and he wanted [Name] beside him all the way and the first step was to meet his parents and gain their approval.
[Name] at first, refused to even step foot near the walls of the castle let alone go inside. She claimed that people of her status were not allowed to enter the premises and the king would definitely not accept them.
After a good lot of convincing, Shoyo had gotten [Name] to agree to go too the castle to meet his parents. He wanted them to accept her, to accept their love and once they get married, accept her as the new queen. Shoyo thought they would, he honestly did. He thought he could convince his father that commoners were as equal as they were and that they shouldn't be treated like dirt.
Oh, how wrong he was.
The king was livid.
How dare you attempt to taint our bloodline, Shoyo. Get her out of my sight this instant. Girl, do not come near my son again or you will be punished severely.
Shoyo watched helplessly as the knight roughly dragged [Name] out. Her tears flowed freely from the fear and the heartbreak and she whispered a sorry to Shoyo before she was out of sight.
She knew this would happen and she was stupid for letting Shoyo convince her otherwise. [Name] didn't belong in their world. Shoyo’s hands were enclosed into fists as he listened to his father speak. 
He wanted to chase after her but the knights blocked his path. Instead, Shoyo listens to his father scream relentlessly at him for being so foolish and when he's done, Shoyo shoves past the knights and hides away in his room.
Immediately, he starts wrecking the place until he realises he knocked over the small box that sat on his bedside table. Shoyo immediately dives to the ground to retrieves it and holds it close to him. He curses at himself for not being able to stand up to his father and not being able to stand up for them.
He hears a knock on the door and ignores it, still angry from the earlier events. Shoyo figures that if he ignored it long enough, the person would leave. Instead, the door slowly opens to reveal his mother.
Shoyo ignores her, she's on his side too, don't forget.
"Why aren't you going after her, Shoyo?"
He feels anger rising within him and resists the urge to snap back. "Dad doesn't approve and neither do you. If I go visit her, you'll harm her. You'll do anything to get me to stay away, won't you?"
"Shoyo, your father has his own reasons for hating commoners," His mother gently explains, "Please understand that"
"Tell me how, mother," Shoyo shouts, the small box still tightly gripped in his hands, "There are children out there starving to death. How can you all just pretend like it's not happening? Just because we can't see it doesn't mean it's not happening"
"Your father loved commoners when he was younger but it changed when Tai was born," She knows he's angry and though she would have reprimanded him for talking in such a manner, she lets it slide. 
His anger subsides and instead, confusion arises, "Tai? Who is this person? I've never heard of him"
There's a pain in his mother's eyes, "He was your older brother, Shoyo. B-Before, commoners were allowed in the palace. They mixed with the royals, even though you might not believe it. But on Tai's first birthday, a man bestowed a present to him and instead, pierced a knife through his heart. Your father went crazy that day and the whole nation mourned.
The pain of losing Tai was so unbearable, he destroyed any evidence of Tai being alive in the first place. He forbid anyone to speak of Tai and pretended that nothing had ever happened. He threatened anyone who spoke of Tai that they would be executed. But the hatred for commoners rose and he soon became a king who didn't take care of his citizens any longer"
He's taken aback. There was no way this was all real.
"Shoyo, he didn't want to lose you or Natsu too. We just want to protect you, that's all."
There's an uncomfortable silence. He doesn't know what to say. The information hits him hard yet he still didn't believe that the crime of one commoner should affect the rest.
"Go to her, Shoyo," His mother is crying but she manages a small smile, "For years we ignored our people and for that, we bear not Tai's death but hundreds of thousands of other deaths as well. It's time to change that, Shoyo and I believe you and miss [Name] can do that"
He's hesitant and she manages to see that through her tears. She gives him a little shove towards the door.
"Go on, Shoyo! I'll be alright, it's just hard to talk about it but I'll be fine soon enough, okay? You don't need to worry. And as for your father, I'm sure I can convince him if I try hard enough. My baby is in love and I won't allow the past to intercept you from your loved ones"
"Thank you, mother," He places a gentle kiss on her forehead and leaves. 
[Name]'s eyes are red when she returns home. Her little brother runs up to hug her.
"[Name]! Where have you been? I thought you disappeared forever," He cried and she gives him a big hug as an apology.
"I'm sorry, Ryota, I took a walk in the forest and I lost track of time. I'm sorry I made you so worried," [Name] ruffles his hair and promises that she won't disappear for hours at a time again.
After Ryota is satisfied with her promise and lets her go, she immediately heads up to her room. After leaving the castle, [Name] ran back to her house as fast as she could. She wanted to lock herself up in her room and cry. Her heart hurt, knowing that she would never be able to be with her prince. If only they had met under better circumstances.
[Name] didn’t know how long she stayed in her room before her mother called her down, claiming that someone was here to see her. [Name] didn’t want to see anyone but nonetheless, obeyed and went downstairs to greet their visitor anyway.
She stopped in her tracks when she saw who was standing at the door. He was bent over, trying to catch his breath but his orange hair made it obvious as to who it was.
“Mother, can I please have a moment with him?” [Name] asked.
Her mother hesitantly nods before [Name] stepped outside and closed the door, although she knew her family were at the door, listening in. He was the freaking prince of a tyrant king who treated them badly, of course they'd be wary of him.
“Prince Shoyo, what are you doing here?” She asked.
He shakes his head, finally catching his breath, “Shoyo. Just Shoyo, [Name]”
He reaches into his pocket and pulls out the small box, "I don't care what my father says. He can't stop me from loving you and I refuse to marry anyone else but you so please, [Name], for the love of god, please marry me. Together we can change this nation that my father drove into the ground"
Shoyo's on one knee now and with the amount of love shining in his eyes, she almost accepts. Almost.
The tears are slowly appearing in her eyes, "Shoyo, you can't disobey him. He's still the king. What will he do if he finds out you're her-"
“I don’t care!” He shouted, [Name] flinching at the sudden volume, “I love you [Name] and I don’t care if he disapproves. I don’t care if the whole world is against us. I have you and you have me and that’s all we need, isn't that enough?”
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yurisakura · 7 years
*whispers seductively in your ear* GrayZa playing the piano together for their kids
Title: Piano
Pairing: Gray/Erza 
Genre: Romance/Family
Summary: Gray has mixed feelings towards the piano that suddenly showed up in their living room one day.
Words: 2,408 (I only wanted to write less than 1000 but I’m never good at writing short and sweet yet addicting little ficlets ugh)
A/N: I’M SO HONORED TO GET A SEDUCTIVE ANON GRAYZA ASK!! I’m gonna go all out for this since FT is ending lmao I haven’t written anything and completed it in so long, I don’t think this is good enough but I need to overcome my writer’s block! Do tell me what you think I need validation lmao
Read on FF.net
They have been married for ten whole years.
They have known each other since childhood.
Yet, Gray still can’t understand what goes around in Erza’s mind.
Oh she was definitely a wonderful wife, a reliable comrade and basically everything he had been wishing for ever since he confessed to her under the warm sunset by the river, that was for sure.
One thing he hoped was that if she ever accepted his heart and opened up to him, he could finally be able to understand her better.
But in this case, he really couldn’t understand why there was a PIANO in the middle of the living room. He was pretty sure neither of them knew how to play. 
Plus, Erza had never expressed interest in music besides singing in that play for a job request they did all those years ago. (Okay, they may or may not have completed requests similar to that because of Erza’s temporary interest in musicals but nothing about musical instruments).
“Gray! You’re finally back!” Erza practically ran to give him a big hug and a peck on the cheek.
Gray couldn’t hold back his smile. This was the life really. It was the kind of married life he pictured with Erza for a long time - in fact, it was MUCH better than he imagined - because Erza was much more affectionate than he could ever imagine even during one year of courtship. It was actually considered too short of a time for them to date and get to know one another to the other guild members but Gray wanted to make up for the YEARS it took for him to confess, so he didn’t waste time proposing. To his surprise, Erza agreed, saying she’d never find anyone as loyal and loving as Gray ever again, so she’d be dumb to not accept (which had Gray flustered for days).
His wife scanned him before sporting a look of approval. “Oh, you’re coming back from a job without a scratch for once.”
“It was an easy job, of course I’d come back without a scratch!”
“I guess this means you didn’t bump into Natsu and start a fight for no reason.”
“Hey, I’M the one giving him scratches!” Gray paused, “Wait a minute, that’s not the point! Why is there a piano in the middle of the living room?!”
“Isn’t it beautiful?! I’m going to play it to our baby!” She beamed as she softly rubbed her stomach.
Gray was so incredibly weak against the sparkles in her eyes but had to say something. “But Erza, you don’t know how to play the piano.”
“There’s always room for learning! And I will learn for our baby.” She declared. “You can join me too, Gray!” She gave him a big slap on his shoulder and grinned.
He couldn’t win against that look. Erza always had a knack for persuading him. When they were kids, she used her overwhelming physical strength to drag him to join her on missions and whatnot. As teenagers, the armored beauty simply used her cutting words making it almost impossible to argue against her (except a few times, when he wouldn’t back down with his beliefs and Erza couldn’t help but let him do what he wanted).
Then he fell in love and all Erza had to do to persuade him to do things he never thought he would do was to show off those sparkles in her eyes whenever she was excited about something new and hoped he would come along.
Erza probably didn’t realize that at some point she didn’t have to resort to forcibly dragging him. (And he realized maybe, just maybe she thought of him as someone special because she only asked him to join her and no one else. So in his point of view, they were having dates since way before he confessed).
Gray sighed but gave his wife a soft smile. “Well, I suppose learning from a lacrima piano will be easier.” He said as he sat down, quite excited to tap the piano keys.
“Lacrima piano?” Erza asked confused.
Gray turned to her. “Wait, this is a non-lacrima piano?”
“Of course, I must learn with my own strength after all.”
He smiled. “Well I’m sure a regular piano is at least less expensive than a lacrima one.” Erza suddenly had a robotic look. “It IS less expensive, right?”
“…maybe? Regular pianos are rare nowadays, it should be a given they’re a bit expensive, right?”
Gray sighed. Erza had always been quite the spendthrift, finding new armors almost every month. She just couldn’t resist. She had the money so it was up to her to spend on whatever she liked.
But now they were married with already one daughter and a son coming up, she would spend so much on them when their daughter wasn’t even all that interested in wearing tons of clothes in the first place (and she had a tendency to lose them, damn Gray and his stripping habit was apparently inheritable).
They weren’t strapped for cash or anything; in fact they were quite well off – with both Erza and Gray going on S-Class job requests together quite frequently until Erza was pregnant with their first child.
“But this piano will be worth the money, I’m sure of it!” She declared as she curled her hands into a fist (out of habit) and banged on the piano key. The sounds of the piano erupted in protest causing both husband and wife to flinch.
“Why is there a piano in the middle of the living room?”
Gray and Erza turned to see their nine-year old daughter at the doorstep.
“Violet! How was school?” Her mother asked brightly. Then her face quickly changed, “you didn’t get into another fight, did you?”
Gray could feel his sweat dropping. Erza always had to make sure her husband and daughter weren’t fighting unless it was for job requests.
“No! I did what you said and ignored that boy.” She said as she closed the door and walked towards them. Erza smiled proudly as she gave her a brief side hug.
“Should’ve beaten that bully to a pulp.” Gray muttered.
“Why, so that boy can receive the same treatment you did?” Erza teased, making him think back to his embarrassing behavior as a child.
“Hey, YOU were the one that beat me to a pulp, you were the bully!”
“What are you talking about? It was self-defense.” Erza simply responded.
Violet had told them (after lots of prodding) that a boy was annoying her lately and always picked a fight with her at school. Gray had asked if he was Natsu’s son but Violet denied, saying she didn’t even know the name of the kid and why that boy seemed to hate her.
Gray cringed when he remembered what Erza had responded that day.
“Hmm..maybe that boy secretly likes you?” Erza had said out of the blue.
“Hah?” Violet raised an eyebrow doubtfully. “That makes no sense.”
“I know, right? That’s what I thought about your father too.”
Erza ended up telling their daughter about Gray’s embarrassing history of trying to get her attention by challenging her to fights he was obviously going to lose. It took a lot of convincing on his part that - for a long time he was in love with her for the scarlet-haired woman to accept him, (one of them was admitting that he probably liked her ever since they first met) so there was no way Gray could deny it when Erza told their daughter Gray had a lousy way of getting her attention because he liked her.
Violet agreed that it was indeed lousy and immature, to which Gray hastily defended himself that he was just a kid and kids being immature is totally normal.
But hey, if he didn’t do it, there was no way Erza was going to talk to him so…it worked for him…sort of. (He was friend zoned for a long time but Gray was going to bury that tragic part of his love life forever. He didn’t think Erza would bring it up again).
“He didn’t bother me today so it was easy to ignore him.” Violet shrugged. “So where did the piano come from?”
“Your mother wants to play for your new little brother.”
Violet had a brief horrified look on her face.
“Mama, if you’re going to play like you did just now; my new brother might come out deaf.”
“I’m going to learn!” Erza defended herself.
“From who? Papa?” Violet couldn’t help but sport a doubtful look. Gray shook his head.
“No, your father would be worse than me.”
“Regular pianos aren’t easy to learn by yourself, Mama.” Violet reasoned gently. “You should just rest a bit more while you can before my brother comes out.”
Sometimes Gray couldn’t help but be stunned at Violet’s maturity. As she grew older, Gray saw more and more of Erza in her, and a touch of gentleness Gray had rarely seen from Erza when they were children.
Gray was glad that their lives had been much more peaceful and happier ever since Zeref and Acnologia had been defeated all those years ago. Zeref, the source of all the tragedy that had happened towards Gray and Erza in their childhood, had forced them to mature at a young age.
Gray prayed every night that Violet wouldn’t have to go through anything they had.
“I could hire a teacher or something.” Erza pouted, snapping Gray out of his thoughts.
For some reason, both Gray and Violet pictured the worst case scenario of a violent, pregnant woman raging on a poor, defenseless piano teacher.
“No.” They both answered. But Gray quickly added, “Coz you know…I’m not spending money on a teacher that probably isn’t even good enough to teach you.”
What was worse than Erza raging because of her hormones was a crying Erza. It was still his biggest weakness.
Violet rolled her eyes at her father’s excuse.
“I already bought the piano! If I don’t play it, who will?” Erza whined.
Violet let out a deep sigh. “Papa, scoot over.”
Gray and Erza were momentarily stunned. But Erza’s look quickly changed to an excited one. “Get off, Gray.” Violet was already pushing Gray away with her tiny hands.
“Hey!” He was sure both mother and daughter get a kick from bullying him.
As the notes hit their ears, Gray and Erza were transfixed as their daughter’s little fingers gently caressed the ivory keys. A beautiful melody resonated in their home, so different from the usual bickering sessions from none other than her own parents that would result in laughter.
When the melody gradually came to a stop, an explosive applause came from Violet’s side. Her mother was actually tearing up and clapping at the same time.
“I had no idea my baby could play like that!” Erza cried as she smothered her daughter in hugs and kisses.
Violet let out a small smile. She glanced at her father who was just gaping in awe. “Papa, you’re going to drool.”
Gray reddened in embarrassment and quickly snapped out of his trance. “Okay, where did you learn the piano?”
“They teach it at school.”
“They teach regular piano at school? How did we not know this? Since when? Erza stop suffocating the girl she can’t answer me.”
Erza loosened her hold but still didn’t completely let go. Her daughter was too amazing! Now if only Violet learnt her Requip magic too. But her daughter only wanted to learn Ice Make as she wasn’t all that interested in armor like her mother was. Of course, Erza was proud of her daughter learning Ice Make, she always thought Gray’s magic was very beautiful.
But still, she wanted to teach her daughter the few things she knew she was good at. Looking at Gray teaching Violet sometimes made Erza jealous. How was it that she was jealous of her own husband? Even though she was way stronger than him?
“There weren’t enough lacrima pianos when they first started teaching so the teacher let me play on a normal piano. Then once there were more lacrima pianos I said I didn’t want them.” Violet shrugged.
Erza nodded in understanding, the proud look never leaving her face. “Okay, Violet. I approve. You will be my teacher as of today.” She declared, to which Violet replied that her mother would still have to take care of her health if she was going to teach her.
“Erza, you don’t have to learn. Look, Violet can play for our baby.”
Erza pointed an accusing finger at her husband. “Why, are you jealous? That I will be spending quality mother-daughter time by letting her teach me?”
“Pfft – I was already spending father-daughter time when she said she’d learn Ice Make over your Requip!” Gray scoffed.
Violet was expecting her mother to argue back but instead was met with the sound of instant sobbing. “He’s right! Baby why won’t you learn my magic?! I want to be a good mother and teach you things too!” Erza tightly held onto her daughter.
Said daughter shot an annoyed look at her father who was instantly flustered and panicking. “Um…uh –That’s not - ”
Use-less, Violet mouthed to her father.
“Hey!” Gray indignantly rejected the claim.
Thus, ten whole minutes was spent on Violet wiping her mother’s tears and reassuring calmly she was the best mother in the world, while Erza declaring she wouldn’t kiss her husband for the rest of the week.
“Did you hear that Gray? I think our baby likes the piano! He definitely kicked just now!” Erza’s eyes sparkled again.
A soft smile graced his face, yet the ice-make wizard was internally hoping he would at least get an ally out of his son in the future, or else he’d never win in this house with both his beautiful wife and daughter ganging up on him.
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arkus-rhapsode · 7 years
How Sho, Wally, and Millianna joined Mermaid Heel
Hey guys. This is something a bit different. See I have said that I’m going to be doing a rewrite of the Fairy Tail series. This here is drabble I wanted to write that’s related to the re write. In the GMG re write, I mentioned that I would have all of Erza’s friends from Tower of Heaven join Mermaid Heel and participate in the games, not just Millianna I don’t know why, but I got a sudden urge to write this and, while it will appear in the full re write, this drabble is something I’ve wanted to do. So enjoy.
*In Bar Sun*
Erza: *Sitting at the counter*
Sho: Hey Erza.
Erza: Sho? I’m surprised to see you here.
Sho: It’s been 7 years… How could I pass up a chance to see my Nee-san again? *Smiles*
Erza: *Smiles* I’m sorry for… being away. I’m sure you were worried.
Sho: I thought you were dead, of course I was worried...
Erza: But, your part of guild now. You’re a full fledged mage. I honestly couldn’t believe it when I heard it. Though your guildmate seems to dislike me...
Sho: Yeah… Kagura is a but... much...
Erza: How did this even happen?
Sho: Hnn?
Erza: All of you ending up in Mermaid Heel.
Sho: *Takes a big gulp of liquor* Well. It happened 7 years ago...
*Flash Back 7 years ago to a small forset area outside a small town called Fern*
Sho & Walley: *Rounding up pig beasts*
Wally: Sleep Bullet! Sleep Bullet! *Knocking out the pigs*
Farmer: Oh thank you boys so much, here please take this! *hands them a bunch of jewels*
*Heading back into town*
Wally: Wow, talk about easy money!
Sho: Yeah. We’ve just paid for our next few nights at the hotel
Wally: *Blushing* Can’t wait to see the look on Milli’s face when I show her how much we’ve made!
Millianna: *In the distance reading a newspaper*
Wally: Hey Milli! Check it out- Hey what’s wrong?
Millianna: *Crying*
Wally: Come on, doll… I don’t like to see you sad…
Millianna: Guys… Erza’s dead…
Sho: What?! No that’s impossible! Tell me your lying!
Millianna: Read this… *hands him the news paper*
Sho: Magic Council confirms the sighting of a black dragon attack on Tenrou Island. The Island in question was currently holding the Fairy Tail Guild S-Class trials. The island had been utterly destroyed by the black dragon and along with it, numerous mages. According to the ship manifest, those who died was guild master Makarov Dreyar, Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster, Er… Erza… Erza Scarlet... *struggling to hold back tears*
Millianna: *Cries harder*
Wally: *Starts rubbing his eyes under his glasses, holding back tears*
Sho: This-This Isn’t happening! She can’t be dead! Nee-San can’t be dead! *Has a small flashback of her hugging him in Tower of Heaven*
*Starts to rain*
Wally: We should get back to the hotel…
*Inside the hotel*
Wally: *Walks into an empty bar room with only Sho and the bartender*
Sho: *Taking big swigs of alcohol*
Sho: Hey…
Wally: Yo… *Takes a seat next to Sho* Milli cried herself to sleep. Thought I’d see if you’re feelin’ dandy?
Sho: Does it look like it?
Wally: Hmm
Sho: Barkeep. Another glass…
Wally: Is this all your going to do?
Sho: I lost Nee-san. What else am I supposed to do right now?!
Wally: I don’t know. People die… It just happens…
Sho: But, Erza… Erza was always invincible to me. Even when we were jerked around by Jellal, I can’t forget thinking nothing could touch her…
Wally: Yeah… but she was willing to already die for our freedom.
Sho: *Slams his glass on the table* And that makes me so much more angry!
Wally: Huh?
Sho: She gave us freedom… and what have we done?
Wally: Were seeing the world-
Sho: And?! It’s not like we commit to anywhere, we’re just drifting aimlessly through life! We’re not free…
Wally: What did you say?!
Sho: We aren’t free! We haven’t done anything since we’ve obtained freedom a few months ago! Your telling me that being a free man is sitting on my ass just going from place to place with no goal!?
Wally: It beats living in that shit hole! Don’t tell me you want to go back?!
Sho: I’m saying I want to do something with my life! Like Erza did!
Wally: Oh yeah? And what’s that?  What should we do, huh?!
Millianna: …join a wizard guild.
Sho: Oh… Millianna.
Wally: Didn’t know you were awake?
Millianna: Yeah... *Wipes her puffy eyes a bit*
Wally: Why a guild?
Millianna: Because… We’re mages aren’t we? We have a level of magic other people don’t have. Maybe it’s time we use it for something bigger than ourselves.
Sho: *Just staring*
Wally: Hey, we do stuff for others!
Millianna: Yeah, but then we can do more than just helping someone we stumble upon. We can rescue people, save towns from dark wizards, make sure no kid ever ends in another tower...
Sho: *Takes another drink*
Millianna: Erza… She must’ve thought the same… She took her incredible gifts and used it to help this country, maybe we should do the same.
Sho: Y'know what… *Slams glass on the counter* Your right! We can honor Erza’s memory in another way!
Wally: Aww hell, you guys make me wanna jump in too! It’s settled, Barkeep! Where’s the closest guild?
Bartender: That would be Mermaid Heel in Lilac. It’s about 2 hours north. One of the top guilds in the country.
Sho: Then it’s settled, tomorrow we’ll be mages of Mermaid Heel!
*Arriving in Lilac*
Millianna: Wow…
Wally: Nice lookin’ town. Big too.
Sho: *Sees the Mermaid Heel guild hall* For Erza…
Risley: Hey there, travelers!
Millianna: *Runs up ahead of Sho and Wally* Hi!
Risley: Cheery one aren’t you?
Millianna: Yeah, I wanna be a mage here!
Risley: Really? Can you use magic?
Millianna: Yeah!
Risley: Then who am I to say no!
Millianna: Guys we can join!
Wally: Sweet!
Sho: That was easy.
Risley: Oh… You two boys want to join as well?
Sho: Yes ma'am!
Risley: Umm *Scratches her cheek* Well… we don’t have any male wizards…
Sho: That’s okay, we don’t mind!
Risley: Umm...
Kagura: *Appears* We don’t have many men… Because we don’t allow them!
Risley: Kagura?!
Millianna: Huh?
Sho: You can’t do that!
Kagura: I’ve seen it many times before. Guys come here because they here it has a lot of female mages so they either come here thinking they can stand out in a guild of women, or have every girl here hanging off them. People like that aren’t welcome here.
Sho: Hey we’re nothing like that! Wally, back me up-
Wally: *Blushing* She’s cute~
Sho: Damnit!
Kagura: This is a guild of wizards, to heighten magic in pursuit of its art form, to give assistance to those in need, to help make even the weakest and smallest mage grow into a great wizard... Anyone seek to undermine those standards, doesn’t belong here!
Sho: Look, I don’t know about the other guys who’ve come through here, but I swear to you we’d never do that. We’re not here because of our gender, we’re here because we want to be mages!
Kagura: Very well… prove it.
Sho: ?
Kagura: We can’t turn you away solely on gender, but I can turn you away if you fail our entrance exam.
Sho: Fine! *Grabs his cards* I’ll show you!
*Fight over, Sho on the ground*
Sho: Damn…
Kagura: We’re done here. *Walks away*
Sho: Wait! *Standing up* Again, I want to go again!
Kagura: *Turns around* ?
Sho: You said you could reject me if I failed, but you said nothing about not being able to take the entrance exam again! All I gotta do is beat you once! *Pulls out his magic cards*
*Another round*
Kagura: You lose.
Sho: Again!
Kagura: You can still stand?
Sho: And still use magic! So I can keep trying!
*Another round*
Sho: One… more...
Risley: He sure can take a lot... Especially considering it’s Kagura he’s going against
Kagura: Hmm…
*Another round*
Sho: I… I… *Can’t stand up*
Wally: Let’s call I quits, Sho.
Millianna: Yeah, there’s plenty of other guilds.
Sho: No… I’m not running away! I’m not going to cower when things are tough. *Sees Kagura as Ikaruga* Erza’s not here to save me. I have to win on my own! *falls down*
Kagura: Most men, just walk away. *Walking towards Sho*
Sho: ?
Kagura: Some grumble that this is unfair, others pout, but I don’t think any have other tried again.
Sho: Yeah I’m going to join this guild…
Kagura: Here at Mermaid Heel, we dedicate ourselves to strengthening our magic. And if you’re willing to put yourself through hell just to be a mage. Then you’ve got what it means to be a Mermaid. *Gives Sho a hand* Welcome to Mermaid Heel.
Sho: *Tearing up*
Millianna: *Jumps into the air* Yay!
Wally: Hey… I’m sorry for my behavior… heh
*Return to the present*
Sho: So for the last 7 years we’ve been doing jobs, taking new friends, and becoming stronger wizards. *Sees Erza visibly shaken*
Erza: I’m sorry...
Sho: Erza...
Erza: I’ve feared how people would be hurt if I died and now knowing what you felt...
Sho: It’s not your fault Nee-san. In fact, if we hadn’t thought you were dead, than I don’t think me, Millianna, and Wally would’ve gotten the kick in the pants we needed and make it as wizards.
Erza: ...
Sho: To think even in death you guided us. *Smiles*
Erza: *Smiles* Then I guess it’s time you shown me just how much you’ve grown, Sho.
Sho: Nee-san, me and my guild won’t go down easily!
Erza: Well, I can’t afford to let my guild down either!
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mafiabosstsuna · 8 years
Tsuna, Xanxus as Fathers and Chrome as a mother pls? about how they will act around their kids and stuff? Thanks, you guys rock!
~Whew! That was HARD! I hope this is okay, Anon!~
admin adelheid
It’s been rumored― but never before proven― that Vongola knew their blood on sight. And as far asTsuna was concerned he had no interests in confirming the theory. Secretly hehad always viewed the Vongola blood in his veins as nothing but a curse and thethought of producing progeny to make sure that blood will live on was somethinghe had viewed with contempt. A necessary evil that was expected of him and apart of the mantle he had taken on as Don.
He slept with whoever he wanted whenever he wanted and no one called him out on it. Not hisGuardians, not his parents and certainly not the people he bedded. Every singleone of them knew the score and every single one was expected to deal with it orwalk out.
So when he busted that disgusting pedophile ring that daredoperate on his territory and foundyour four year old self on sale he was shocked at the violent, uncontrollable desire to protect, shelter, blood, mine, mine, mine!playing on constant replay in his very soul.Some of his men gave him curious looks when he swooped down and held you in hisarms, his burning golden eyes glaring death at anyone who came near, treatingeveryone as a potential danger to your safety.
He would not let go of you evenafter he returned to the mansion and wouldn’t even allow the servants to touchyou. Tsuna personally bathed you, and clothed you and fed you, his attentionblind to the world around you both. He was acting like a man obsessed and hedidn’t even care. Even Natsu was curled up around you, a carpet of devastating menace to anyone who might seek to take you away from its master. It had worried hisGuardians so much that they called Reborn. Seeing the situation, the hitmanimmediately called for a paternity test. The test confirmed the hitman’ssuspicion.
You are Sawada Tsunayoshi’s heir.
His Guardians had tried to find the woman who hadneglected their Decimo’s heir only to find out it was not necessary. She indeedwas literally dead. Apparently she had went through the pregnancy hoping to useyou and force her new lover to marry her by saying you were that man’s child but she ended up getting killed by that lover. He was not very keen on fathering a child outside his own marriage. The man then banished the child to an orphanage barely even fit to raisepigs. It was probably a good thing that your mother was dead. Had she stillbeen alive Tsuna would have probably crushed her neck himself.
He wrapped you up in his arms making silent promises thatyou will only have the best this life had to offer. He will love you with allhis heart. He will make you strong enough to make your own choices.
Shockingly enough he raised you outside the Mafia while teaching you how to defend yourself and how to master your Flame. He wanted you to keep an open mind because Tsuna had seen how closed minded people who grew up and have been spoiled within the confines of Family could be.
He wanted you away from the lies, away from the betrayal and he had wanted you all to himself for a little while. He made sure to switch with his Guardians when he absolutely had to leave on Famiglia business.
He made you understand that he sought to be the best he could for you and that he will always be by your side. Even when you entered Mafia Academy during your high school that promise― that resolution―  did not change.
And you will always love that about him.
Xanxus walked around the corner of one of the Varia’sfavorite training areas and watched you try to cheat your way out of Squalo’straining drill. It wasn’t like he can really fault you, though; you were trying your best. Add that to thefact that you were barely six and the mistake was totally excusable.
He watched as you lifted your weapon one more time and makeanother attempt at destroying your target and Xanxus could immediately see thatyou were doing it purely out of frustration now. Clearly you inherited his temper.
Before you could get yourself killed he made his presenceknown and walked up to you. Seeing him there you went still and winced right upuntil Xanxus smacked you on the back of the head with the palm of his hand.Normally an ordinary kid would have been thrown right across the courtyard butit was a testament to your genes― the fact that you were his― that you stayed firm on your feet. It made Xanxus nod, pleased; before demanding what the fuck it was did you think you were doing. He thenlearns the anger was coming from the fact that you haven’t been able to lightyour Dying Will Flames yet.
Xanxus scowled at the frustration and underlying fear inyour admission. Squalo had been saying something about the kid wanting to beVaria Quality as soon as possible. You didn’t want Belphegor to beat him. TheVaria Boss made a mental roll of his eyes at Bel and his love of baiting hisbrat.
He then asks you if you really were serious about lightingup your Dying Will Flames so soon and you reply you did with a stubborn pouton your face that reminded Xanxus of your mother. He then gives you anothercuff to the head before dragging you off up a waterfall by the scruff of your jacket’s collar. Before you could askwhat he thought he was doing, you were thrown over the falling body of water.You shouted for him but he merely stared right back down at you, watching yourdescent to death.
Realizing you were about to die you felt despair andregretted violently that you have failed to make your father proud.
It was then that your vision was enveloped in dense, orangeSky Flames and you felt as though there was nothing else that you couldpossibly lose. You turn your body in a graceful somersault until you landsafely on the ground. As the Flames faded from your person you stare at your handsin awe and looked up in surprise as you felt a rough lick on your cheek. Youlook up only to see Bester right beside you, the box animal nuzzling yougruffly before running up the waterfall back towards Xanxus.
Smiling you realize he released Bester and made him wait onthe ground to catch you if you failed in the task of activating your Flame beforereaching the ground.
You look up just in time to see your father’s Varia coat leaving theedge of the waterfall and you stand up gratefully, sporting a grin that would have made Uncle Squalo proud.
Xanxus never did like hearing thanks from anyone; not evenhis own child. But that was the reason you wanted to be stronger faster, right?So you can be a child he’d be proud of?
Chrome need only take one look at you to know that somethingwas wrong. She could sense it through the bonds you shared with each other bothmentally and emotionally. Right now she could sense the confusion and the hurtin you and it was a measure of her respect for you as another human being thatshe barely resisted invading your mind and taking out what was hurting herbaby.
Despite all this you act as though everything was fine. Chromegave you a fond, gentle smile knowing you were acting normally for her benefit.Sometimes she wondered what she did to deserve such a wonderful child.
Chrome was not expecting to ever get pregnant. She hadthought that the damage to her organs back when she was a child was the end of allher hopes of ever conceiving and producing her own progeny. So she was surprised and shocked when she wastold of her pregnancy. She was treated by everyone in the Famiglia like a glassdoll for the whole eight months she conceived you.
The moment you were placed in her arms at the hospital shecouldn’t stop her tears from falling as she held you to her. It was the happiestday of her life. Loving you was easy for her as she has always been a lovingperson.
You were raised in freedom and with the assurance of a lovedchild. You were never given cause to doubt the affection your family and Familyhad for you. Yet you did your mother proud that you never took advantage ofthat love. You have a tendency of harboring all your problems to the lastminute, hesitant to ask for help in fear of being a burden to your important people.
At first it made Chrome worried and wonder if she did anything toearn your distrust. Although she had grown out of her shyness for the most parther fear of not being a good parent― of turning into her mother― consumed her sometimes. She would give anything for you notto hate her. She would die if youtold her you hated her. But she understood that she needed to trust you too. To have faith in your love.
When you excused yourself to go to school and kissed her goodbye Chrome did what any normal, self-respecting, law abiding parent woulddo.
Sent Mukurou after you, enveloping the Mist owl with Flames to make itinvisible to your yet partly trained, yet already skillful sixteen year old eyes. It was throughthis method that Chrome discovered what was bothering you.
Chrome had been concerned about you not being able to makereal friends at a Mafia Academy so she had you enrolled at an ordinary publicschool from kindergarten to middle school. The moment you stepped on MafiaAcademy for high school, though, things started taking a vicious turn.
Everyone had been calling you an abomination. Someone whoshould not have been born of this world since your mother was no longer human.Everyone had known about the mythos behind the Vongola Decimo’s female MistGuardian at this point. It was part of her infamy now that she was known forsustaining her own life with organs made of illusions. So people around you keepon thinking that perhaps you were no real person at all. That you were just an illusion;a homunculus borne out of Chrome Dokuro’s Flames in her desire for a child.
It made you sadly question your own humanity. It alsobothered you that they were insulting your beloved mother.
That night Chrome waited for you in her study. It has beentradition for you to tell her goodnight before you went to sleep whenever shewas in the house and not out on duty for the Famiglia. That night she hugged you close in a loving embrace and askedyou if you loved her.
Of course you tell her yes.
Chrome then looks you deep in the eyes and holds a warm handto your chest and tells you in no uncertain terms that as long as you feel lovein your heart― the kind of love that made you want to do everything you can tomake the people you love happy― then that made you human.
That night, as you lie in your bed you shed tears of reliefbefore sleep claimed you, a raging clarity calming your troubled mind.
Your mother was no monster. She was proof of your humanity.
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r3almellow · 8 years
Nothing More Chapter 1
A/N: I posted this on FF about a week ago, but figured I’d post here as well! This is my first ever NaLu fic and I really hope you guys like it! Not sure how long the fic will be but just enjoy the ride, yeah? 
Rating: M
Ship: Nalu
Series: Fairy Tail
You can also read chapter 1 and 2 here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12311371/1/Nothing-More
It was cold. It was also raining. It was cold and raining. Two things that shouldn't be happening when you're an hour walk away from home and you're only clad in a short blue sundress and open toe sandals. Of course the day twenty-three-year-old Lucy Heartfilia decided walking to the mall and looking cute while doing so was great idea, the weather wanted to make her it's bitch. It was supposed to be a beautiful sunny day. Perfect for a walk around the city, but now…
She could have called any of her friends for help, but of course they'd all be away at the moment. Juvia was most likely off at another one of Gray's photoshoots. Levy was three hours away at a publishing seminar. There was no hope in asking Erza who was currently swamped with work down at the precinct. And there was no way in hell Lucy would ever drive with Cana again.
She had half a mind to call her father, but for the sake of her sanity that had to be a last resort.
Lucy could almost hear him voice his discontent for her living out in the city where he couldn't watch her. He'd send twenty cars to her aid if given the opportunity. Definitely not happening. The bus was another option, but being stuck in a cramped bus for even ten minutes wasn't really ideal.
"Maybe if I run," Lucy thought to herself. Sure she'd get soaked, but hoping into comfortable warm clothes was much better than this.
Lucy stood inside the mall staring out one of its many doors leading to the exit as people hurriedly ran to their vehicles.
"Need a ride?" A familiar voice calls out making Lucy's spine tingle. What were the odds it was someone else and she wouldn't see a salmon haired man, who she had been avoiding, standing behind her? Of course fate was unkind as she finds Natsu Dragneel, her best friend, right in front of her with shopping bags in his hands. She noticed he wasn't sporting his usual grin as he walked closer to her.
She blinks blankly for second before answering. "Natsu? What are you doing here?"
He motions to the bags he was carrying. "Got a date with Lisanna tonight figured I'd pick up a few things." Ah yes, his beloved girlfriend and one of Lucy's good friends. All around sweetheart Lisanna Strauss. Lisanna was also part of the reason why Lucy kept her distance from the two of them. What was the problem exactly? Well, when you find yourself completely drunk and trying to make out with your friend it's a bit hard to face them right after.
A few weeks ago had been Cana's birthday and like any party Cana has ever thrown, you were expected to drink. And boy did Lucy drink. It had gotten to the point where Natsu was called to take the blonde home. Lucy couldn't remember much after that, but she would never forget the way his lips felt against hers as she pulled him in for a kiss. The way his lips tasted of cinnamon and spice as she moaned into his mouth. Probably topped the list of the most embarrassing things she's ever done and when you're with Natsu that was a long list.
Natsu had joked it off saying that alcohol makes people do crazy things, but it didn't change the fact that she kissed him knowing he was with someone else. Lucy admitted to herself long ago that she was in love with the man she spent years being around. Would Natsu ever know? It was highly unlikely. She'd rather be around as a friend than not around because he'd turn her away. If this was as close to him as she was going to get then she wouldn't complain. However, as of late, she wanted to be as far away from him as possible.
"So, did you need a ride or…?" He trails off looking outside at the darkened clouds. Lucy follows his gaze out the doors. There was no way she was going to be able to run all the way home. She battled with herself for a moment and while she really wasn't looking forward to this, accepted his offer.
Five minutes into their journey the tension was so thick it was almost hard for Lucy to breathe until Natsu finally broke the ice.
"You've been avoiding me," He says flatly.
She quickly turns to look at him not knowing what to say. "I-I've just been under the radar these past few days."
"For three weeks?" A pang of guilt rose within Lucy. It wasn't her intentions to ignore him the way she did, but the thought of what happened made it almost impossible to face him. If she didn't see him then it didn't happen. Out of sight, out of mind.
"Natsu I-"
"Happy misses you." He cuts her off still not looking in her direction. Happy was Natsu's odd colored cat who had been in Natsu's life just as long as Lucy had been in his. Happy had been a kitten on the street when Natsu had found him. A few kids had been tormenting the cat for its blue fur when Natsu stepped in and took him home. And by "stepped in", he actually beat those kids to a pulp and gave Happy a good home. Happy had immediately taken a liking to Lucy when Natsu would bring him around. Always nuzzling against her leg or passed out in her lap. Happy was adorable, but was also very mischievous.
"Only thing that fur-ball misses are nicely prepared fishes and my bed." That earned her a light chuckle from him, loosening the tension between the two.
Lucy gave him a small smile. "I really am sorry, Natsu. I just…I didn't want things getting weird between us."
He gave her a quizzical look. "Weird?"
Lucy bites down on her bottom lip trying to find the right words. "Yes, weird… Because I did the thing…"
"You mean when you kissed me?" He asks.
Lucy blushes slightly and turns to look out the window. How could he say that so casually? "I fell on your lips… Big difference."
"So having your tongue shoved down my throat doesn't equate to a kiss?" He gave her smug look before wincing as she smacks his arm lightly. "Shut up! Only you would joke about something like that!"
"What? I hear you're not really best friends if you haven't kissed at least once! That means we made it official!" Lucy places her face in her hands and groans loudly. "You are impossible! How does Lisanna even deal with you?"
Natsu simply shrugs as he pulls up in front of her apartment building. "Must be my boyish charm.", He wiggles his eyebrows as Lucy rolls her eyes at him. "And don't worry, the kiss didn't mean anything so it's no big deal." That really didn't make her feel better.
"Are we okay now? I really miss you!", He pouts causing Lucy to giggle and nod happily. "I missed you too!"
His smile fades as he shows a look feigned with seriousness. "Good because the next time you want to go into hiding you better believe I'll find you, Lucy Heartfilia. You know I'm not afraid to scale a fire escape and break in!" She knew he'd be crazy enough to do it too.
She giggles. "Now you sound like a stalker! What are you going to do next, kidnap me?"
"You say kidnapping I say making sure I have you by my side, so I can see your face at all times!" Lucy bursts out laughing at his overall lameness. She really did miss this.
The pair spoke for a good ten minutes allowing the rain to let up to a light drizzle before they said their goodbyes. Once inside her apartment Lucy sighs heavily as she throws herself onto her couch.
Natsu really was impossible, but she couldn't imagine her life without him. This was the guy that picked a fight with anyone who would so much as dare look at Lucy the wrong way and would do anything to make her smile. Sure he's loud, often times obnoxious, and loves picking fights with the wrong people, but that was her best friend. And that was all he would ever be.
A small frown formed on Lucy's lips at the thought. Was it bad that she was jealous of Lisanna? That was her friend and she was jealous because she got a part of Natsu, Lucy knew she could never have. What kind of friend would feel like this knowing her two friends were happy? "A horrible one…," She thought to herself.
Lucy buries her face deeper into the soft cushions of her couch and sighs. She really needs to get over this whole unrequited love thing so she can live a decent life. Natsu Dragneel is a good guy who's in a good place with his girlfriend. Lucy was going to support them because that's what friends do. Now if only her heart would understand that concept.
A/N: Did you guys enjoy it?!! I really hope so!! Please look out for more! And also....shameless advertisement, but @x-benihime‘s Heartstrung fic is beautiful and I don’t understand how anyone could not love it!! PLEASE CHECK OUT THAT MASTERPIECE!!
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fallen029 · 6 years
Dragon’s Roar: Out of Time
The guildhall wasn't much. Wasn't much at all. But then, the members that called it home didn't require it to be anything other than a stop for the occasional beer and to supply top quality jobs. It felt as if it were in a constant state of repairs, as the Master was determined to make the rundown building he'd purchased a few years previous into a force to be recon with. Like he'd done his guild.
There had been a lot of hard times, back in the beginning.
Times when jobs were far and few between, when he hardly had enough money to feed himself, much less keep his guild afloat. Periods of stagnant membership when they needed to grow. Incidences of having to let some members go that he, at one time, had called his closest friends. Worst of all, the stress of the entire thing had led, many times, to rifts between he and his woman. A lot of them.
But he'd always promised her that if she just gave him a few years, just enough time for him to get the guild off the ground, it would all pay off. Every cent of it, ever tear, every drop of blood. It would all mean so much when they were finally recognized as a top guild. When they were invited to the summits and asked to handle the tougher jobs.
When it was Dragon's Roar that people associated with the top instead of Fairy Tail.
They weren't to that point yet. At times, it felt like they never would be. But things had been improving recently. The guild felt steady both in jobs and its members. Laxus was starting to get the hang of what it meant to be over people. They weren't turning much of a profit, but they were turning one and that meant something too. The jobs were getting of a higher caliber and therefore a higher payout, which meant bigger returns.
Everything was trending in the right direction.
"I don't know why you won't do this with me."
Except for his relationship.
"Mira," Laxus groaned that far too early morning when the sun wasn't peeking over the horizon yet as the pair got ready for the day. That was another thing. Considering he and his girlfriend both stayed in a tiny space above the guildhall, the attic really, as to save on costs of living, they had to be up and ready for the day before the guildhall opened. Which, for her, wasn't a bit deal, but for him…. "I just can't, alright?"
"It's not everyday one of our guild members gets married, Laxus."
"She's not part of our guild anymore! Neither is he! We're not in Fairy Tail anymore. We're-"
"If you're not going to go with me-"
"I can't. I have things to deal with here. I told you that-"
"-then maybe I should go back to Fairy Tail."
"Over a wedding?"
"It's more than the wedding, Laxus!"
And it was.
It was a lot more.
Part of the upwards trend that the guildhall was experiencing came from Laxus' very hard work that he was putting into it. His dream. His baby. But the problem was that left very little time for Mirajane who wanted so badly for this to all work out for him, to him be successful in all of this.
Recently, she'd considered that perhaps it would be best done without her.
As she stood over by the dresser, doing her makeup, he only sat on the edge of their bed, watching her with an exasperated look. Dropping his head, he took a few deep breaths, trying not to yell at her. He didn't want her ot go back home to Magnolia talking about how horrible he was. Not that it mattered to him what those morons over there thought of him, but it would bother him for anyone to think that he and Mira's relationship wasn't the best relationship.
Honestly, he didn't see the issues that she seemed to constantly. While Mirajane seemed to feel as if she were second to his guildhall, he considered them on the same tier, if not her above it. The issue was, Mirajane didn't need as much attention as the hall. That was all. The hall was struggling and, once it was finally set, he'd give her all the attention she wanted. Everything she wanted. Just...just not yet.
If she would only wait…
"You," he finally sighed deeply as she continued to glare at him over her shoulder, "have been sick, Mira. Remember? You just went to get checked out yesterday. Do you really need to be traveling?"
"I'm not missing this wedding, Laxus, because you-"
"Don't want you traveling while you're sick?"
"I already missed the bridal shower, the bachelorette party, everything, all to help you take care of your guild-"
"Our guild. It's ours. Me and you. Together. And I told you that if it was a big deal, you could go."
"Nothing is a big deal to you, Laxus. Except your guild."
"We're not doing this right now, Mira. We're going to go open and then, if you want to go so badly, go to that stupid wedding. We can talk tonight."
And he got a dirty look full on then as she turned around to glare at him before marching out of the room.
"Open," she called over her shoulder, "yourself."
Which he hated doing. Getting things all ready for openings. But it beat arguing with the woman any longer.
Mirajane left in a huff and Laxus spent more time sulking than actively working on opening for the morning. This was fine, though, as it wasn't long before Freed showed up.
"Good," the slayer grumbled simply at the sight of the man. "You can help me open."
Freed, actually, was a bit shocked to find the slayer there as Mirajane had seemed pretty confident the day before that he would not be. She'd asked the rune mage to come by and do as Laxus was asking now, but that was because she planned for them both to attend the wedding of Natsu and Lucy.
"If you're not going, I mean, Freed," she asked in hopefulness.
"I fear I am not much the fan of weddings of late," the green-haired man had assured her. "Far too many of them far too often."
"That's what happens, you know, when everyone you know finally starts to mature and get older."
"I suppose so. But I can only sit through so many attempts at keeping the idea and concept fresh," he'd replied. "A simple service in a traditional setting would not be too bad. But these attempts to be entertaining… And there is no one that I think of as trying to be an entertainment source as Natsu. So no, I do not think I will wish to attend. I will however send them a nice gift."
And he planned to. The idea of opening the hall up for the Master and Mirajane didn't seem too bad either. He rather liked the solitude in it all, Freed did. Until he arrived and it was not solitude awaiting him, but a stressed out Laxus.
Instead of explaining any of this to his Master though, Freed only bowed to him slightly and replied, "If it's what you wish, Laxus."
"It is. The fucking demon ran out on me."
"I believe she was going to the wedding."
"Run out on me."
Well, one or the other, certainly.
Or...both, also, perhaps.
When the hall did open though, Laxus only went and sealed himself off in his office, grumbling to Freed to find someone to serve bar before he took off for the day. When he offered to be the one to do that, Laxus only grumbled out an, "Even better," before shutting the door to his office and sulking alone for awhile.
Freed was a bit lonely, out there behind the bar all alone. He knew not to expect Bickslow or Evergreen that day as both had no doubt headed back to Magnolia for the wedding. Though neither boasted any strong ties to either the bride or the groom, Ever would go to be with Elfman and Bickslow would certainly go for a free meal. While the rune mage did like many of his fellow members of Dragon's Roar, he didn't rightly consider any of them close allies.
He wasn't so sure anyone there considered themselves that just yet.
The guild was still new and many of the people recruited were the stronger mages that Laxus knew from his travels and exploits as an S-Class wizard with Fairy Tail. He knew many top wizard and had been able to convince them (and they some that weren't so strong) to join up, but that in no way meant that any strong bonds had formed. They were just the best of the best existing together for the most part.
Which was nice in itself. Though Freed had fallen quite hard for the ideals of Fairy Tail after Laxus' excommunication in their early twenties, there was something to be said for self preservation and the reliance on something other than the 'power of friendship'. Though Freed accredited Fairy Tail for shaping much of his youth, he was an adult now.
Even if Laxus hadn't formed Dragon's Roar, it probably would have been time for him to move on soon enough. Else risk hampering his own development as a mage.
There were times though, as the one that he was having in those moments, where the draw to the life he once lived, in that guild, felt strong. You were never alone, it felt like, In Fairy Tail. The sense of comradery and exploration was strong in that hall, whereas Dragon's Roar could feel a bit...sterile at times.
He was contemplating such things that day, behind the bar, when an outsider showed up at the hall. Considering Mira was away and Laxus was, well, away as well (mentally at least), Freed saw it to be his task to deal with the person.
"Hello!" he greeted in a tone of voice that felt so cringey that he dropped it immediately. Clearing his throat, he tried again. "I do not believe you are a member here and, unfortunately, our master is currently unavailable. However, if you wish to-"
The man, dressed rather nicely, only shook his head a bit as he came forwards. "I believe you are mistaken. I am the physician from the town over."
"Oh. Oh! Is there some sort of emergency?" Though Freed would never wish for such a thing, of course (who would), the idea that Dragon's Roar would be the first to be called on was exciting. They'd waited for this day, after all. "What cna-"
"No, it is not that. I have results." And the man held up an envelope then, shaking it slightly. "For one Mirajane Strauss. I typical mail such things, but I had to come into town anyways to meet someone and thought I'd save on postage. Not to mention, she seemed very interesting in receiving this as soon as possible-"
"Ah, well, Mirajane is not here currently," Freed offered with a bowed head. "But she does reside her and the Master is her closest relative, I suppose, if you wish to leave it with him."
"You will suffice, I suppose," the doctor was quick to say as he came over to hand off the envelope to the man. "So long as you do not plan on taking peeks-"
"I would never."
"Then you it is." And he dropped the letter on the bar top before tipping his cap to him. "Good day and all to you."
"You as well."
The second the man was gone, Freed snatched the letter right up and rushed to the Master's office where he just managed to stop himself from barging in and instead knocked.
"Freed, go away. I told you that-"
"I have a letter."
"And? Pout it with the others."
"For Mirajane. A doctor stopped by and left it."
That got the man up form his desk and rushing over to throw open the door.
"What?" he growled as he reached out to snatch it from his most trusted friend. "She said that she went and was fine. Why would they send her a letter? At a later date? What kind of sense does that make?"
"W-Well, some illnesses you must analyze the tests of, yes?" Freed offered up as the man only turned to stomp back into his office, the letter tightly gripped in his palm. "The more...serious aliments."
Laxus felt so many things right then. Worry, concern, fear, anger, lack of understanding as to why Mira would keep this from him. These feelings only furthered as he ripped the letter right open to find what secrets it held.
"Wait," Freed tired. "I said I wouldn't look at it."
"You're not," Laxus grumbled as he unfurled the folded sheet of paper in there. "I am."
And, well, that made as much sense as anything else in his day to day life so Freed decided not to fight his master on that.
As his eyes scoured the page for answers, Laxus remained silent though his mouth moved to form the words he was slowly digesting. Freed, only stood by, hands clasped behind his back, fearing what sort of thing Mirajane could have kept hidden from them.
When he reached the end of the letter, Laxus only dropped it and sat there silently for a moment. Freed didn't want to be too much of a pry, but...well…
"Is everything alright?" he asked finally after a few moments. "Laxus?"
His eyes were raised then, but the man only shook his head a bit before swallowing. But it was hard.
"Is it that bad?"
"No, it..." He let out a long breath too. "She's pregnant."
This was not at all what Freed was expecting. He thought some sort of terrible and horrifying disease. Although…
"That is… Are you certain?"
"It's what the fucking paper says, Freed."
Uncomfortable then, he shifted around some before asking, "Did she not make any sort of mention of such a thing to you?"
"What do you think?"
"Leave." The man's eyes fell back on the paper once more. "I need to be alone."
"A-As you wish, Laxus." He even bowed again. "I will be in the bar area if you require me."
Alone in his office, the slayer was not sure what to think or do in that moment. He'd never be in it, after all.
They could not afford a child. He'd told Mirajane that they would start trying for them only once they were able to care properly for it. And in that moment, he felt as if they were not even properly caring for themselves.
Their relationship was already rocky at the moment. While he knew that they would weather it, that he would make sure that they would weather it, he didn't know what adding another person into that relationship would do to them. A baby was...a lot to deal with. Even when there was enough jewels and a stable relationship surrounding it. In their current state…
Plus, why the fuck had she not told him about this? Huh? Why did she not tell him that she thought that this was a possiblity? Why was she hiding this from him? Why, with this hanging over her head, did she see it fit to argue with him about something as stupid as a wedding?
Laxus spent the first hour pissed off at Mirajane.
By the time the second rolled around, he felt like a jerk for feeling such a way.
Mirajane was tough and strong and all around a rugged person, but that didn't mean that she couldn't feel scared at times. And while he would hate to thing that the woman was ever afraid of him, he didn't count out the opinion that she could be fearful of the outcome that was approaching them. While he knew in his heart that they were going to be fine, that this would all turn out well in the end, their fighting might have made Mirajane a bit...well...less enthused by the idea. To then run the risk of being pregnant…
He wanted to go to Magnolia that moment to see her. To speak with her. But he knew that wouldn't go well and that he had to just stay where he was, but man if the desire to do so didn't eat at him throughout the entire day.
The third hour he thought about the baby. Because that was important too, he was beginning to remind himself. The baby was there and it was happening and wow, what did that mean? That he was a father? That was a scary though. And if he was scared, no wonder Mirajane had been.
The fourth and fifth hour Laxus just put his headphones on and tried his hardest to work though frequently his thoughts drifted and he thought of many different variation of the things from before.
What were they going to do?
They were going to have a baby. That was all there was to it.
Mirajane wouldn't be home until late that night. The guild had already closed up and, after Freed being such a sport the whole day (Laxus still not realizing Mira had requested such a thing of him before anyways), Laxus let him go home and closed up alone. Well, tried to. He mostly just swept up around the place and watched anxiously for when his girlfriend would come through the hall doors.
It was close to midnight before that happened.
She came in looking tired and worn out. He was sure she'd had a good time, maybe even not, but honestly he had no intention of asking her any of that. He only stood there, in the center of the bar, broom in hand, watching her closely as she came in.
She responded in kind, giving him a few looks of her own though her head was held high. She probably still thought he was pissed about her going to the wedding and trying to goad him into it. He wasn't though. He could honestly give a fuck about all that now.
"Well?" she finally asked once she'd more than come in. Stopping before she got to him, she only asked, "You're not going to ask me how it was? Nothing? You know, Laxus, this is why we're constantly having all these- Laxus."
He'd dropped the broom and rushed over to her so suddenly that Mirajane jumped out of surprise. That was alright though as his arms were wrapping around her then and he was holding her close, burying his nose in her hair.
"Mira," he whispered softly to the woman, "why didn't you tell me?"
"If you would just ask-"
"Not about their stupid wedding."
"You know, I try and make excuse for you, but you're such a-"
"Why didn't you tell me that you thought you were pregnant?"
She stiffened then, in his arms, but Laxus only pulled back some so that they could look at one another full on. Keeping his eyes aliened with hers, he refused to look away.
"Laxus," Mira finally tried. "How did you-"
"An envelope came for you and I thought you were sick or something."
"You opened my mail?"
"That's not the point."
"It is a little bit, yeah."
"No." He even shook his head. "Mira, why wouldn't you tell me this? Why-"
"Because, Laxus, we've been having so much problems that-"
"That what? You would try to hide-"
"It was only going to cause problems," she kept up. "And if I wasn't, then why even start them?" But then she was silent for a moment before asking him, "Am I?"
He finally looked off some and only nodded his head a bit. "Yeah, demon. You are."
It sucked then too, as she turned away from him and brought a hand up to her face to hide her tears.
They weren't happy either.
"I always envisioned, like, this going so much better. This whole thing. When you brought me out here, I never thought...I never thought..."
"I'll be better.," he told her then. "I promise. I've been… I've been terrible, I know, recently, but… And if you just give me some more time-"
"Laxus, shut up."
"How did it all go so bad?"
"It's not bad. And don't say it is."
"This is all we ever wanted, right?" She didn't even lift her head to look at him. Only sniffled some. "You wanted to be Master and I wanted us to have a baby. Here we are. Are you happy yet, Laxus?"
"I'm going upstairs. I have to get out of this makeup and dress." She still wouldn't look at him. Only continued on through the hall. He watched her go silently, but the second she was gone, he picked up the broom and, holding it like a mallet, began slamming it into the ground. It only survived two of them before it snapped, but Laxus turned his eyes on other things he could break in his own hall. To get this all out. But the only thing that brought him any satisfaction was when he slammed his fists into the brick wall until they bled and he'd more than crumbled a few of them.
Then he went upstairs to see what Mira was doing.
She was in bed already, the blankets pulled up over her head, but he didn't hear her sobbing. Just breathing. Softly.
He said nothing to her though as he too climbed into bed, lifting up the blankets and slipping between them with her. In the darkness he watched her back as she refused to turn around to face him. He only shifted closer to her though, but didn't touch her. Because clearly she didn't want that in the moment.
"I know this isn't all...ideal or how you planned it or… Mira, I'm not lying. I'll be better. I'll try harder. I just… I'm giving my all into this guild thing because I want it, you know? This is all I ever wanted? But I want you too, now, and I know that I've been neglecting that side of things. I'm sorry. Did you hear that? Demon? I mean it. I'm wrong. Me. I promised you all this shit once we got out here and I meant to make it all happen, but I underestimated… If you want me to give it up, Mira, I will. We'll disband, go back to Magnolia and I'll take jobs again. As a mage. I'll get us enough money for a house for you and the baby and it'll all be perfect again. Like it was before I fucked it all up. I'll marry you, like I always promised. I shouldn't have done all this. I never meant for it all to get so bad. I just let it go further and further out of my control and… I thought that now that the guild was starting to make money, it would just all get better on it's own. It's clearly not. I'm wrong. I made a mistake. But I want you and this baby more than I want the hall. I know that. And I'll make sure that we have that. No more time. Now. I swear."
She didn't say much at first. Or at all. But she did finally roll over to look at him and, as he took in her tear stained cheeks and red eyes, he understood, finally, something at least. What she'd said that morning was true.
It was more than the wedding.
It was more than the guild.
It was more than the baby, now, even.
It was them.
As he swallowed this, Mirajane spoke, finally, again, as she told him simply, "You're not giving up your guild, Laxus."
"But I will," he kept up. "If that's what you want. If that's-"
"And you're not putting it off on me. Or this baby that we're apparently having."
"Just… Would you just leave me alone? Please? For the night?" she asked. And he never thought it would be her requesting time away from him. Ever. "Just...be quiet for awhile."
But he'd been quiet all day with himself and it had been miserable. All he'd wanted was for her to get there, to get back home to him. Now that she was, she wanted away from him?
But that wasn't right, was it? She didn't want away from him as she neither kicked him out of the room nor moved to leave it herself. Just gave him her back and that was that.
So he rested on his own, staring up at the ceiling, and counting the hours until just before daylight when they usually got up and began going about their day. Mira never moved until the internal clock they shared woke her back up and reminded her that it was time to start the day.
As she sat up though, swinging her legs over the side of the bed and yawning some, Laxus only laid there, watching her, the silent one thing.
It was only after a few good stretches though that Mirajane turned back to the bed and scooted across it until she was on her knees beside her boyfriend. As he blinked up at her, finally, she spoke.
"This is our life now," she told him simply. "Dragon's Roar. We're never going back to Fairy Tail. We're doing this now. Forever. Until we're unable to any longer."
"Things aren't going to be better because we change locations or have more jewels, Laxus." She even shook her head slightly. "There's a lot of other things that need to be addressed. You're so...distant to me recently and I've been angry at you for so long about it, but we just never talk about it. Or when we do, you storm off or tell me that you don't need to deal with this right now. Well, it's like you said before, Laxus. There is no more time. There's only now. And we're going to work it out. Right now."
Finally pushing up, he sat with his back against the headboard as he nodded some and, slowly, Mirajane sank back down onto her bottom and, even though they needed to start on opening the bar, they sat there and talked. For over an hour.
Laxus wanted to leave. A lot. Or yell. Or any of the other things that he did when presented with facts that he wasn't interested in hearing at the moment.
But he held fast like he would for anything else that he loved. Hearing his faults and coming up with a way to fix them or else lose his hall? He'd do it, wouldn't he? And Mirajane and their relationship (plus their baby) meant so much more to him than his guild ever did.
Things weren't perfect, when they finished speaking, but they both felt more on the same frequency, and as they finally left the upstairs to go start on prep, Laxus hoped they were going to be like the guildhall and finally start trending in the right direction.
It'd take a lot of work to get the hall to do so and, well, he was more than willing to put in twice that amount for Mirajane.
After all, without her there was nothing.
This was a request for Laxus finding out Mira was pregnant while she was out and him contemplating it until her return. I'd also been asked previous to do more on Hopes and Dreams, so I just combined the two. Though this is obviously the end for this one-shot, clearly, we got a lot more to do around Dragon's Roar and, hopefully, there'll be more one-shots for it soon.
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fallen029 · 8 years
A Dragon’s Love: No Tales
"I take it," Erza sighed softly, looking over the boy with evident disdain and (in his mind at least) disappointment, "that the job did not go well."
His disheveled silvery hair and completely tattered clothing were not the worst part of the boy's appearance. Rather that belong to the dark, purple bruises adorning both eyes and various other patches of skin showing. She could see some blood on what was left of his right pant leg, but had no way of telling if it belonged to him or his intended target.
As if to prove himself to the swordswoman, the young boy held up his right hand in which a sack was clutched tightly.
"This," he told her, blue eyes wide and shining, clashing heavily with the purple marks surrounding them, "was my reward."
The change in her face would have been indescribable for anyone else, but he caught it. After years of practically apprenticing under her, it was only natural.
"Ah." She nodded her head slightly. "Then you will be able to pay for a new set of clothes all on your own, hmmm? And not bother your mother with it?"
If he was good at reading her, she was even more skilled at discerning his subtleties. The way that his hand shook then and retracted some was enough to cause her to reach out and take the sack from him.
"Orion," she chided slightly at the sight of only what appeared to be stale biscuits inside the sack. "It cost more to travel there and back by train. Was this your only reward? You are not lying to me?"
Of course not. He wasn't stupid.
At the shake of his head, she moved to hand the sack back.
"And this was the reward posted on the request you took?" she asked to which he nodded. "Why would you ever-"
"Because no one else would. It'd been up there forever." He was looking her straight in the eyes too, as he spoke, as if to force her into seeing his side of things. "And they needed someone."
"Their reward clearly was not worthy of the task they presented you with," she said, referring to the heavy beating he'd acquired. "And what have you come to me for then? Hmmm?"
That time all she got was a shrug, but it wouldn't have mattered anyhow, as Erza had heard enough. Reaching out, she grabbed the arm that looked the least bruised and took to dragging him off to the kitchen, no doubt with the intention of cleaning him up a bit.
"Surely," she continued once they were in there and she was leaning down, scrubbing gently (and to his annoyance) at the grime covering his face, "you could have done this on your own."
He hissed when she rubbed too hard on an open wound. Turning his head, he grumbled out, "I can't go home."
"Why not? Were you not supposed to go out on a job?"
"Did you skip town without doing your chores?"
"Then what is it, Orion? Hmmm?"
Letting out a slight breath, he said softly, "Mom got mad at me last time I came home all beat up and said that I was too young to take big jobs and that if I came home like that again...like this...then…."
"And you wish to hide out here then?" she asked. "Until you heal a bit?"
He lifted his head then. "Can I?"
Erza grinned at him, softly, and she always looked a little odd to him, when she was just hanging around the house in an undershirt and shorts instead of her armor, but it usually helped him relax some. That was good.
She only patted him gently on the top of the head then before saying, "No."
"W-What? Erza-"
But that wasn't fair. Because he stayed over all the time with Erza. Literally all the time. Next to his Aunt Lisanna and Uncle Elf, she was the only one that he frequently spent time without outside of his mother. And if he needed a place to stay, then why couldn't it be-
And Orion heard it then, as they both fell silent. The sound of water running, her shower no doubt, was very clear to him. Not to mention the distantly familiar immense magical power he could feel. He'd mistaken it for Erza's before, in his haste, but it was stronger.
"Besides, Orion," she was going on, unaware of his realization. "I cannot lie to your mother. Not something like this. You are the one that took this job. Now you must face the consequences. Believe me, Mirajane will not ban you from-"
"Is it Jellal?"
"Huh?" Erza blinked before frowning down at him. "What?"
"In the shower." Orion pointed then, but it wasn't relative to anything. Just as a show that it was somewhere else in the house. "Is Jellal here? Is that why I can't stay?"
His tone held more, of course, than just the curiosity of a twelve year old, his blue eyes glinting slightly. Of all the knowledge to send him home to Mirajane with, the fact that her once rival was, erm, entertaining a wanted fugitive (the only wanted fugitive that she wouldn't just turn in, anyhow) at her house was not one of them.
There was a battle then, albeit a quick one, between the two of them. No words were spoken and neither moved a muscle, but their eyes said it all. She'd long subconsciously taught him the value of a good bluffing face and, well, perhaps she was a better teacher than she thought.
Glancing off, Erza stared down the hall, where the man in question was very much so in the shower, before sighing. With a shake of her head, she leaned down to stare at Orion once more. He was about to the point that she couldn't do that any longer and, honestly, in a year, when he hit a big growth spurt, she wouldn't be able to, but she didn't know about that yet and to cherish the time she had left where she was not only vastly more powerful magically, but also physically.
"A dead man," she began hauntingly, tapping a finger gently against his nose.
"Tells no tales," he agreed with a nod of his head.
There. They were even.
Because that wasn't the only secrets he and Erza inadvertently traded. No, there were many over the years. Even before that point. He could even recall for many years, if not decades, after that, the first occasion in which the idiom was coined between the two of them.
He was probably about five. That's when he first could remember staying with Erza so much. With only Mirajane raising him and Lisanna, who'd lived with them his entire life up to that point, having long moved out, he no longer could just be left at home when Mirajane left for work. Instead, he either had to be moved to Lisanna's apartment (which Mira could no doubt tell bugged her younger sister at times), go hang out with his Aunt Ever and Uncle Elf (a completely volatile relationship that, really, Mira wasn't always so certain she wanted him around), or one of Mirajane's guild friends.
The problem with the latter was, however, that by that point, most had children of their own. Ones that for some reason, Orion just never seemed to get along with. At all. If it was possible to be awkward, even at the age of five, he very much so was.
Which paired him perfectly with Erza, who seemed to make any situation awkward at any given time. Once, when everyone else was busy, Mirajane just happened to ask her to babysit by chance and she was free, so Erza agreed. Orion liked her so much that she slowly became his regular keeper and, later, when she introduced him to archery (on accident, when she was attempting to humble brag about some of her weaponry), his mentor.
It was on one of those very days, when the hall was getting slammed and Mirajane pushed him off on the swordswoman on her way out of there that it happened.
A Natsu attack!
Err, rather, Natsu and Erza happened to cross paths on the property and he was all pumped about something and had one of his kids with him and, well, when did he ever not ask Erza to fight? Hmmm?
So they did. And it was pretty epic. And even though Laxus Dreyar, even at that age, was the only mage that Orion wished to model himself after, it was very satisfying to see Erza eventually finish with Natsu and be declared the victor. Only for once, she didn't stick around to gloat or complain about him attacking her out of nowhere (okay, so maybe it was less of an ask and more of an ambush; hence Natsu attack). Rather, she only took Orion's hand and drug him away, passed all the onlookers and quickly back to her tiny home.
"What's wrong?" he'd asked when she transformed out of her armor and into a simple undershirt. "Erza?"
"Stay," she said, no doubt wishing him to remain in her living room as she rushed off to the bathroom. There was no way that that was happening though and, following right behind her, he watched as she gingerly lifted the undershirt up to reveal a massive gash. It looked pretty gnarly, especially to a five year old. It was bleeding pretty bad too.
"Hush." She was standing there, in the bathroom, staring at the cut in the mirror. "It looks much worse than-"
"Natsu did that to you?" Orion was a tad confused. He didn't know much about Natsu other than he was loud and annoying and that he had a really pretty wife who was best friends with his mother, and that Laxus (again, at that time his idol) complained about him frequently. He'd heard a few stories, from his mother, about the Salamander, but at his age, it hadn't really connected that they were one in the same. The thought that Natsu could hurt Erza, who he held in high regard, was unfathomable. "Really?"
She let out a long sigh as she dropped the undershirt, blood staining it some more then, before moving to open her medicine cabinet. "It is rude to come into the bathroom when someone else is in it. Especially a lady."
"Are you gonna be okay? Erza?"
"Of course, Orion. As I said, it appears worse than-"
"How come you came home?" He was still staring at her in wonder. "And not let Mommy or somebody look at it? Back at the guild?"
"I tend to my own wounds."
It was actually rather simple. Erza felt as if she did a much better job dealing with such things than others did. Not to mention, it would get blown out of proportion (especially by Natsu in that situation) if she let others know that she was sporting a sanguinary injury. It wasn't so much that she wished to cultivate some sort of invincible persona (she had it either way and had for years), but rather the hassle of it all was undesirable to the woman.
"You," she told Orion with an air of annoyance, "are very inquisitive today. Now go-"
"You gotta tell Mommy."
That was a rule. Just a given. Really. If he fell down and got a cut and it was bleeding, like real bleeding, then he had to tell her. She said so. And what she said went.
It was kinda a rule too.
He was only five, after all.
"No, Orion. You cannot tell-"
"You have to."
"You have to!"
Rolling her eyes, Erza only moved to shove him out of the bathroom so that she could finally tend to the darn thing. He was rather upset by that point, thinking that she was attempting to break the rule by concealing such a thing, and sat outside the door, waiting for her.
When the door finally opened and he began to hound her again about this frivolous rule that she attempted to explain only applied to him, as he was Mirajane's child, while she was certainly not, Erza came up with a very simple solution.
"It is a….secret."
That peaked his interest.
"Uh-huh." Erza led him back to the living room, to find something for him to fill his time over at her house with. "Between you and I. You know what those are, yes?"
Of course. He kept all sorts of secrets.
But not ones that might affect the sanctity of Mirajane's rule.
"You gotta tell."
"Orion," she groaned, glancing down at him. It was then that something crossed her mind, if only for a minute and, bending down so that they were somewhat more on even ground, she stared into his deep blue eyes. "You will not tell anyone."
"Remember," she threatened then. "Dead men tell no tales."
Which had him completely stumped as to what that was supposed to mean, but he knew what dead and men were, so he pretty much kept his trap shut on the subject.
Looking back, he realized, obviously, that Erza was not being serious, but for the longest time, through out the course of months that accumulated with her as, honestly, his closest friend, when that phrase was uttered, he knew better than to tell anyone about what he'd seen. Like the time the woman ate four strawberry cheese cakes in one sitting (minus one piece that went to him because, well, she wasn't completely heartless). Or the time that it was totally her that started that very vicious rumor about poor Lucy (albeit accidentally), though Happy took the blame. Dead men tell no tales though and, well, even though he'd overheard Erza let it slip that the woman had lice (okay, so less vicious and more nasty as in gross), his lips were as sealed as a corpse's.
It worked both ways though. Or at least it did in theory. Erza, of course, could break the oath at any times (the chance of him following through on killing her were next to none), but she humored him on occasion. Such as when he would skip out on instructions from Mirajane or purposely avoid chores and claim some sort of wild excuse. He and Erza could close ranks better than a trained brigade. Erza was his beloved mentor (and occasional tormentor if he disobeyed) and he was her prized student. What were secrets between friends? Or the dead?
Much was the same that day that he caught Jellal at the woman's house. And, with a sigh, she only tended to his wounds before sending him back to the woods, to camp out for the next two days that Jellal was there and, if his wounds hadn't healed enough to head home, to return back to her place at that point.
He was just back out the door when the man in question came strolling into the kitchen, only in a towel, and making a beeline for the basket of fruit setting on her table.
"Who was that at the door?" he asked, glancing at the swordswoman, who was debating whether or not to wait for him to take a bite of the apple or tell him before hand that it had been sitting there for awhile and was no doubt rotten.
Letting his taste buds do some work, she only shook her head from her seat at the table before saying, "Only the dead."
"Mmmm- Ugh." He immediately moved to spit the apple back in his hand, ruining the very witty response he had prepared for that. Something about hoping it wasn't for him or whatever. The taste of that apple put it completely out of his mind. "When is that last time the changed that fruit out?"
"Believe me," she sighed as he went to wash his mouth out with a glass of water. "Longer than you wish to know."
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