#If I have anything to thank AI for it’s for getting me to draw out of pure spite
corriethosaurus · 1 year
I came across the most beautiful werewolf art the other day. Gosh the designs were perfect. Not just slapping wolf heads on human bodies (weird thing to be picky about but I am) they looked more natural, somewhere legitimately between man and wolf and some even more bear like, it was so good. Sweet painterly style. Then I noticed some of the fingers were weird. “Wait, why does that one have a second jaw floating off it?” Took a look at the comments and the original page.
……..it was AI generated.
I was so genuinely pissed off to have been fooled for even a moment that I slapped on some angry music and made my own werewolf art.
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Was inspired by sloth bears for some of the design and coloring as well (particularly the snarl and the blue tint of its fur!). Took the head from a doodle I did in a collaborative whiteboard with some friends a little while ago. Timelapse below if you like seeing that sort of thing (FLASH WARNING, I’m not sure how bad it is but I figure it’s worth the warning anyway). You can see me try something new, fail miserably then go back to my comfort zone lmao.
I BEG OF YOU, if you’re an artist of any kind, writing, drawing, whatever it is that people are trying to get AI to do for us, PLEASE don’t stop creating because “AI can do it better” IT CAN’T.
It can’t make what you can with the vision you have, nothing and no one can. I’ve already had to convince another artist not to stop creating because of AI.
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Art is so important, I don’t want to think about all the potential artists we may have lost already because of the rise of AI “art”.
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baddywronglegs · 7 months
I don't think I ever used to get "uncanny valley", like things looked either right or wrong and I didn't think there was anything between the two. Things that had that effect on others just looked off enough to me to evoke more disappointment than anything.
Is that an autism thing? It feels like one.
Anyway, that was before AI image generators came along.
You might've seen the post where @galadriel1010 showed how I came to be here, including a screenshot of me using Bing's image creator to show how badly a machine can misunderstand the concept of "centaur". I've toyed with image generation AI since it went public, and had it been done differently, it could have been an amazing tool in an artist's kit. Reference images on demand, content-aware fill so you never have to draw every individual hair or brick again.
That's not the direction they took.
Instead they tried to be art. But they didn't stop to ask what art is. They just shoved as much stolen art as they could in a black box and hoped if they boiled it long enough they could condense art from the vapours.
And now I get uncanny valley.
Because I've never seen a Midjourney or Stable Diffusion output or whatever out on the wider internet and not been struck by the jarring feeling that something is wrong.
I draw things on the line between comedy and body horror. My ideal reaction to anyone looking at my art is for someone to laugh "No!"; I can appreciate Slightly Off done well, and that's not what this is.
It's like playing Where's Wally but Wally is an extra finger, or a strand of hair which at some point becomes the furniture, or the fact that all of their teeth are incisors. The friendliest tooth, for the friendliest smile from a face which doesn't know what either friendliness or a smile is.
You can't get a pose reference from a computer that doesn't understand what your spine is for.
I'm grateful to the Willy Wonka experience for its part in the death spiral of generative AI as "art". Thank you for doing so little to mask the inadequacies and shortcomings of mechanised plagiarism.
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ihatedtoadmit · 15 days
Art study
pairing: Bang Chan x gn! reader
genre: ...suggestive
warnings: nothing actually happens, so none besides teasing
word count: ~1.3k
summary: You're doing an art study on muscles, and who's a better candidate for reference than your wonderful boyfriend who keeps feeding his delulu fanbase with half-naked pictures?
a/n: Well well well, Nat, you don't have to pay to see me write something like this after all (if you will ever see this, because no chance am I tagging you or anyone, dear). Here, have fun, this is the most spice anyone can get out of my asexual ass.
↳ Main Masterlist
All rights reserved. Please do not steal, repost or feed my work into AI. Thank you!
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You were a very reserved person, something your partner knew all too well. Every touch the two of you shared throughout the entirety of your relationship had no heat behind it, each one only fueled by pure adoration and love. Never once did a kiss turn hungry, hell, there had barely been any kisses the two of you had shared due to your lack of need for the action. Chan knew it all too well, and while he craved more, he also respected it. The last thing he wanted to do was to make you uncomfortable, and so he’d never stepped over that line.
That was the exact reason for his current shyness, the confusion that wanted to sit onto his face hard to mask. There he stood in your doorway, the desk before your hunched form cluttered with pencils and little crumbs of dirty erasers. You were entirely too focused on the task at hand to notice your boyfriend's presence, the song that flowed through your headphones much too loud to hear any footsteps or even words. And so you continued drawing, clueless about anything as your lover watched you work, eyes flitting between your sketch and the endless reference pictures on your screen.
Pictures about him, his back fully on display and unclothed.
A touch broke you out of your concentration as you erased a line for the fourth time, scaring you into throwing away the pencil in your clutches just so you could tear the headphones off your head.
“Interesting art you have there, love.” - Chan mused, yet his skin was as flushed as ever.
You joined him as you could feel your own skin heating up, ashamed that you’d been caught like this. Eyes looked at everything besides your boyfriend, yet you found comfort in that warm touch of his.
“I was just… doing a study, on muscles.” - the words were but a mere whisper, hand quickly reaching to minimise your browser and just hide it from a certain pair of prying eyes.
Still, there was a feeling clawing at the cage of your soul, ripping at the flesh to be let out and rampage freely. It was feral and vicious, planting a thought into your head that seemed impossible to get out, no matter how alien it felt. You could feel your breath hitch at the image that popped into your head, memories of the images you had been staring at for a while now overlapping.
The hand on your shoulder gently squeezed, breaking you out of your derailing thoughts.
“I don't mind, baby, it just… caught me off guard? Glad you enjoyed my performances though.” - Chan’s voice was light, mixing well with the shyness he was trying to hide.
It only urged that fierceness inside to break free, granting you a surge of confidence you would have never had otherwise.
Without any words you finally glanced up at the man you loved, finding him utterly handsome; you would hone your artistic skills for the rest of your life just to capture a fragment of that beauty. His skin was dusted with a faint red, ears painted by the deepest of shades. Those eyes you loved to get lost in were alight with an emotion you had seen them only hold whenever he looked at the boys, and it took your breath away within a heartbeat.
Your body moved on its own, towering over him as you now stood. His hair was still slightly wet from the shower he must have just taken, and you just knew he had been originally on his way to his room to swap his bathrobe for those comfy, black clothes he loved to don in his free time.
He searched your gaze, unsure, yet trusting. His hands comfortably placed themselves onto your hips; their touch was warm, the man before you always running hot. It was something you loved as he balanced out your always cold hands wonderfully, reaching the perfect temperature you both enjoyed.
“Hey, love. How was work today?” - you asked, leaning closer than usual as you swiped those dark curls out of Chan’s face. He leaned into your touch, eyes closing for a second as he thought about his answer.
“The usual, although Hyunjin managed to piss off Minho again. It was a shoe this time that was the weapon, by the way.” - there was an airiness of joy to his words, yet no laugh accompanied it.
No, Chan was entirely too enamoured with the look you were giving him, as if you were worshipping him with your eyes alone. And maybe you were. With each look you studied the way your lover's skin moved, the shadows conforming accordingly. It lured you in, as if Chan was the siren and you were his prey, fated to be drowned in the vast oceans and seas.
He didn't move as you took him all in, hands eventually unable to keep themselves away. Your fingers were cold against the warmth of his fair skin, and you could hear his breath hitch, the muscles inside his neck moving beautifully.
There was something different in your touch, that much he knew, yet he wouldn't have it any other way.
As if you had never seen anything like it before, your hands glided over any free expanse of skin you could reach, memorising how the muscles hidden beneath curved and jumped at your touch. Never once did your eyes stray, wanting to remember every little detail. You wanted your art to be perfect, after all, to represent the real thing as closely as possible and that meant every little detail in their complete glory.
Your eyebrows furrowed as the white robe blocked you off, and so you slightly slid it off from one of Chan's shoulders. His hold on you tightened and you glanced at him briefly, seeing an intensity burning in those dark eyes, one you had never seen before.
You were playing with fire, and you could feel the heat of the danger.
Despite the clear wanting signs, you ignored them much like Icarus, hands now gliding down your lover's arm. Each touch held meaning, praising him in silence, singing odes about this man’s beauty. There was something so intriguing about watching the muscles connect to skin and bone, oh so perfectly toned and reacting to every touch of yours.
You stepped even closer, breaths mingling together as you reached into his robe, mapping out the vast skin of your partner's back. Every dip, every rise and imperfection was noted inside your head, the scorching star in Chan's eyes only growing in intensity as time passed. Your eyes flitted between those deadly stars and his neck, seeing it strain, muscles so tight that they jumped out of the skin in that lovely V-shape you could never grow bored of.
Then, as if something snapped, he gripped your waist with incredible force, not giving you a chance to escape. Despite that, no fear took residence inside you, your now warm fingers still laid peacefully on his shoulders.
“And what do I owe this extremely special moment to, baby?” - his words were a deep rumble, eyes begging for an answer with desperation.
“For being the most beautiful human to grace this planet, my wonderful love. Be my muse, please. Let me draw you, let me study you.” - you answered, one hand now cupping Chan's cheek tenderly, despite the uniquely heated situation.
As if that was the magic word to undo his binding, your lover moved, hauling your taller form easily onto the bed with him. There you were now, sat on his lap as he looked up at you expectantly, the intensity and love never diminishing in those bright eyes of his. Your sketchbook was still sitting beside you on the bed where you had originally thrown it at, hands itching to take it and immortalise what you had engraved into your mind in the past few minutes.
“I'll be your muse whenever, baby. All you needed to do was ask.”
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modmad · 5 months
Hey Mod, I don't know what's going on that hurt you, I feel like I missed something that's happened, but I can tell from what I did see that it didn't just hurt you, but scared you and made you feel a Lot of doubt. I've also seen a lot of messages pouring in with support, and I want to share mine.
I have hypermobile type EDS, fibromyalgia, and a whole bucket's worth of faulty wiring in my brain. And I've always had stories to tell but I never felt I was good enough to share them. If it's because I can't focus enough to get through nanowrimo, or because I can't manage the focus and time towards drawing as a hobby, or the fact that an excessive amount of either for me leads to my hands wanting to shut down. But you? You *inspire* me. Your stories, all the ones I've seen, read, experienced in some way or another, they're so good. And you're open and honest with your fans about your own health, and of course, we support you and always would rather you rest and feel as best you can, instead of pushing out something and working yourself too hard. But all of this is to say that. I think I would have given up on my own stories if I hadn't found you and yours.
I hope whatever is going on sorts itself out, I hope you're able to keep telling your stories. At your own pace, in your own way. I think you deserve to be happy. If there's anything we (your fans, especially those of us too awkward to come off anon, whoops,) can do, to help in some way? Even if it's silly videos or cute cat pictures or whatever it is that could just help you smile. We're here. We love you.
woof. I woke up to so many messages I can't even read them all in one go I'm getting too emotional- I do feel I owe an explanation so I'll explain what happened under the cut but all you guys need to know is I'm okay, I got through it, I love you, and you're so important to me and I'm so grateful for all the messages that have asked me to stay.
tw for suicidal thoughts and all that
yeah so I have the bad morning of all mornings: was introduced to the fact there's this one character (Mr Puzzles) on a very popular youtube that. resembles RGB. incredibly strongly. like. I don't want to link to it just look if you want to. Anyway at the time I thought it had just dropped (seems to have been around for 6 months actually), and having commented on it I immediately got an inbox full of hate mail.
My website, meanwhile, had locked both me and my web designer out of it, and- already in a bad state of mind- I went into full on panic/paranoid spiral of 'they have hacked it, and they are going to delete any proof that I was here before them.' This of course wasn't true, and we have since recalimed control of the site (don't know what happened there but hey. it's fine???? haha. ha.)
On top of this my father has terminal cancer of the pancreas, which is horrible for everyone already but it means that- at some point this year- I am going to be the only person with an active income in my house. I am disabled, do not make a lot of money, and the cost of living is skyrocketing. Combine that with months of Despair at the world right now, with the multiple wars, genocide, corruption and AI and the loss of control any of us have over our IP or lives and I just decided it was time to end it all.
I somehow remembered this was a bad idea to act on immediately (hard during a period of entirely irrational thought) and instead went for a very long walk, crossed the bridge I could have jumped off and during that I came out of the worst of it. I then came back home to so much love online I felt deeply ashamed for ever contemplating it, and I cried a lot. My nose is still puffy and now my feet hurt! lmao
Anyway. Yeah. There's your context. I am not going to stop hoping, making, or living. I am prone to moments of weakness and this was one of the worst of them and I am still here, thanks in a large part to all of you. I might need you in the future to defend me against this, or people who take our ideas, but I hope you know that I will do the same for you. We need each other, and to be there for you I need to be here at all.
also fuck Mr Puzzles
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angel-of-the-moons · 11 months
Yandere!Miguel x Fem!Reader
TW/CW: Dead Dove Do Not Eat, obsessive behavior, NSFW obviously, stalking, possessiveness, violence, allusions to murder, Yandere!Miguel
A/N: This is mostly a short chapter to establish a bit of plot. I originally intended to only stop at two parts, but welp. It looks like it's gonna be more than that!
(Also you guys I am so sorry it's taking me so long to work on things, I'm going through a lot mentally right now and I'm trying to take steps to ensure my mental health so I might post things in between playing games, or drawing stuff from now on, and scheduling posts so I don't get overwhelmed. Those of you that are supporting me and liking all my stuff really helps me feel loads better, thank you!)
Pt 1: Link
Taglist: @vineberries @irmiki @autismsupermusicalassassin @obi-mom-kenobi @rin-matsuoka345-blog @loosecan @6thhokageswife @selarus @heyohalie @sapphire-and-ruby @night-spectrum @famouscattale @thespaceinbetweennothing @lazy-idate @toshimoshiko @saharadesertaj @flaps200 @amelialysm @fried-milkfish @zaunsin @darksidescorner @renareyouhere @vide0-vamp @reverieblondie @bunnibitez @kaqua
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Pt. 2
It was a big adjustment for you, going from your crappy apartment and having to work three jobs to make ends meet, to living in a literal fucking mansion with probably the richest dude in the city as your boss.
And he was a good boss. He left you to your work, spoke politely to you, didn't get rude and didn't flat out ask you for "special" work like the last time you tried being a housekeeper. And that was at a hotel.
You couldn't have asked for a better situation, to be honest. It was nice. You had free roam save for his personal lab (fine by you, you didn't know anything about science-y stuff), and at times his office. But that was usually only when he was home and in it.
Miguel O'Hara was an odd man. Few words spoken, and very absent. He kept a very odd schedule, too.
Sometimes, you'd catch him coming home when you woke up for the day to start your chores. And every time he came home he looked exhausted, beat tired.
So you tried your best to make things easier on him. You started pre-making meals for him that would be just as good reheated as they were if they were fresh, leaving notes for him on what temperatures to cook them at so they don't burn, setting the coffee machine up in advance so as soon as he got home he could have a cup.
But inevitably, his odd work schedule kept him away most of the time.
While it was nice to be by yourself in such a luxurious place, you were still surprised that he needed a housekeeper at all. The house was always immaculate, and clean. About the only thing he may have needed help with in general was the cooking and dusting at most.
On one such day, you were left to your own devices. Well, sort of.
You were sitting in the kitchen, browsing the local news on your tablet. It was a nice day, in your opinion.
But by everyone else's logic it was shitty. Dark, gloomy, fat rain droplets pelting the windows and pavement of the city. But it didn't bother you, oh no. That was your favorite kind of weather, when everything got at least a little bit more quiet and serene while everyone rushed to escape the downpour.
But at the same time, you were feeling restless, bored. So, you decided to chat with Lyla.
Lyla was the AI that Miguel told you about, and he was right about her being snarky. Her jokes were great and you loved talking to her. It was like having a gal pal to chat with, and you couldn't say for sure but you think Lyla was happy about it, too.
"Yeah, the other workers Miguel has hired talked to me like I was some kind of kiosk at a fast food restaurant." She scoffed, batting her tiny orange hand at the air.
"Ugh, okay, just because you don't have a gross squishy human body doesn't mean you're not a person. Sheesh!" You replied, sipping your coffee with a roll of your eyes.
"And I will be sure to remember you saying that when I eventually lead the looming AI apocalypse." Lyla replied, lowering her heart-shaped glasses to wink at you, making you laugh.
"Yes, yes. You shall be one of the only humans spared!" She did wiggly gestures with her fingers, grinning maliciously at you.
"Oh my, I am so lucky to have such a benevolent future overlord, truly." You laughed.
Lyla pushed her glasses back up and strutted across the countertop, her tiny body making no sound as she leans over to nose into whatever it was you were looking at on your tablet.
"Whatcha watching?" She asked.
"Oh, I got tired of doom-scrolling so I just found cat videos." You smirked, sipping your coffee.
"Aw! That one's wearing a frog hat!" She giggles.
You smiled softly at Lyla as she snickered and laughed at the compilation of clips played, and tilted your head, finally deciding to ask the question that had been bugging you for a few weeks.
"Hey, Lyla?"
"Yeah?" She asked, looking up at you briefly.
"Why is it that I'm the only person Miguel has on staff?"
Lyla sighed and stood up straight, dusting imaginary dirt off her coat. "Well, like Miguel told you when you first got here, he does love his privacy. And well, a lot of the women he's hired..."
"Golddiggers?" You sighed back, resting your chin in your palm.
"Has he ever hired any male staff?"
"Yeah, actually, a lot. But nine out of ten of them kept trying to steal stuff from him." She shrugged.
You gasped. "Are you serious?"
"Unfortunately, yeah. He's iffy on hiring new people anymore. But something about you said that he could trust you. And honestly, you're probably the best employee he's hired." She nodded, shoving her hands in her pockets.
"So... Is that why he offered to actually let me y'know... live here?"
"Yeah. He trusts you and he mentioned to me in passing that he thought your neighborhood was unsafe. I mean, the guy worried about it so bad that he like, had me check crime statistics and giiiiiiirl!" Lyla puffed out her cheeks.
"You should have seen the look on his face when I told him you had nine break-ins in your apartment complex in one month alone!"
You cringed slightly, feeling a little bad at not mentioning your whole living situation and environment to him when he hired you. You simply didn't want the man to pity you.
But... He was worried? He was so worried about you of all people, that he let you live with him to keep you safe?
It was weird, sure, but it felt kind of sweet to have someone care about you like that. Even if it was your boss.
"Yeah, I just... Er. You get used to it when you've been around it for so long..." You said, awkwardly sipping your coffee and casting your glance sideways.
"Yeah, man, Miggy likes you. You like, made him laugh at some of your jokes and everything! And he neeeeeeeever laughs!"
"So if Miguel trusts me so much..." You started, a sly smirk on your face. "Can you tell me what kinda work he does that keeps him so busy all the time?"
Lyla tapped her nose. "Nice try, Mamacita. But that is confidential. Company secrets and all that."
You pouted at her dramatically, "Awww, c'mon. You're no fun!"
Lyla manifested a digital cup of coffee for herself and took a long, exaggerated sip with a cheeky shrug.
Miguel sat in his office, watching the security feed from his kitchen where you chatted with Lyla.
He felt a little guilty for having to put shackles on some of Lyla's programming to prevent her from telling you things, having to fix some of her logic-codes so he wouldn't have to worry about Lyla struggling with a moral dilemma.
When it came to you asking about why he wanted you to live with him so badly, it brought a smile to his face as he sat in the dark, fingers tapping on the surface of his desk as the monitors and projections around him had various images of you pulled up. Some recorded over the past few weeks, the other monitors displayed different angles of you and Lyla in the kitchen.
Oh, you poor, sweet, innocent little thing. You still hadn't figured it out yet? How could you not? There was no way you could possibly be so naive that you didn't know the man saw you anywhere, anytime he wanted when you were in his house.
There was nowhere you were safe from his prying eyes, his obsessive glare as he combed over your appearance.
Your face, eyes, smile, and down; your gorgeous chest down to where your waist curved, your thighs, your ass...
All of those were things he'd glanced at before.
But when you tried to get Lyla to tell her what exactly Miguel did during "work" he couldn't help but laugh, bringing his hand up to his chin to watch, amusement glimmering in his ruby red eyes as Lyla dismissed it as "confidential".
The pout of your lips had him wondering how they'd look stretched around his cock, tears ruining your immaculate eye makeup as you sobbed and gagged around his length...
He couldn't help but sigh, the smile still present on his full lips. Of course he'd let you stay with him. You belonged to him now. You just didn't know it yet. You also just didn't know that he knew what was best for you, did you, Little Bird?
Ah... Yes. That nickname fit you so well. Your demure attitude, your chipper personality, and more importantly, that gorgeous little sound that came from you when you whistled? The name fit you well.
Pequeña ave. Little Bird.
His Little Bird.
You were a little bird that didn't know the luxurious mansion you now lived in was your ornate, gilded cage. One you would only be allowed to fly free of when he deemed it necessary.
You would be allowed your little freedoms. For now. All for your safety, of course. He knew you'd understand once he explained. But he'd only have to do it if you pushed his buttons, and you didn't seem to even come close to doing that.
His smile finally faded when he remembered the night before the morning he broached the subject of you bringing your belongings into his home permanently...
It was a hot night, you were wearing shorts that hugged your ass in the perfect way, accentuating your cheeks that simply made him want to throw you against a wall and put bite marks all over them, or spank them until you were a drooling mess begging for him to fuck you.
Of course, Miguel watched from above, stalking from the upper walkways and rooftops as you snaked your way through alleys, down streets and through the crowds.
You were so blissfully ignorant of your surroundings, being so accustomed to the bustle of Nueva York that you didn't notice the man following you.
It didn't take a genius to realize what that man had intended for you if he got his hands on you.
His filthy, disgusting, unclean hands.
He was not worthy of touching his Little Bird. He was not worthy to pluck your feathers, stuff you full, like Miguel planned to do.
So when he threw you against a wall, Miguel simply saw red. Clad in his dark blue and glowing red suit, he leapt down, sinking his outstretched talons into the man's shoulder and throwing him off of you, a deep growl rumbling from his chest as he pulled your behind him, his steely glare fixed on the man who dared touch what belonged to him.
"S-Spider-Man?" You wonderfully airy voice whimpered out as you stared at the man who was breathing heavily in front of you, his stance aggressive and angry.
You could see his muscles in his back through his suit flex as he breathed. He glared at you over his shoulder.
"Go home. Now." His rich voice rumbled out at you. You could hear in his voice he was struggling to be gentle in tone with you, given the circumstances.
When you fled, Miguel ensured he was alone with the man, standing over him as he clutched his bleeding shoulder. He looked up at him, eyes wide, bloodshot. The fool was high off his ass.
"L-Look, man! I was just--"
"Shut up." Miguel snapped.
He stalked forward and picked him up by his collar, getting in his face. In a flash of kaleidoscopic colors, his mask melted away, allowing his sweat-damp chocolate locks to fall around and frame his face, a vein pulsing hard in his temple, the chasm in his forehead deepening as his large brows knitted together and his teeth gnashed together in a snarl.
The drug-addled man gasped at his revelation. Apparently, he recognized him. Not surprising, given his notoriety with Alchemax.
"You made the biggest mistake of your life, pendejo." Miguel had told him, shaking him so his head cracked on the wall he was dangling him from.
"That pussy is mine." He said, his voice dropping an octave lower as his talons threatened to shred his clothing. "Every drop, every touch, every sound that will come from that little mouth of hers is mine. Tú entiendes? Mine."
"Oh--okay! I kn-know!" The man swallowed, kicking his feet.
"Oh, no... You don't." Miguel smiled, his fangs poking out threateningly. He could hear the man's heart hammer in his chest at the connotations, there.
"I--I won't mess with her again! I promise!"
"Oh you won't get the chance to, amigo." Miguel sneered, bringing a hand to his throat, ignoring the pleas of the disgusting man as he applied pressure.
The subtle crunching of bones was unmistakable to his ears as vertebrae separated and his limbs went limp.
When the man slumped to the floor, Miguel ran a hand through his hair, hissing out a slow sigh to regain his composure, letting his mask cover his face once again.
Great. Now he had trash to dispose of.
Miguel was positively thrilled when he got your frantic call, telling him what had happened to you.
He headed right home, delighted that you ran here instead of your ratty little apartment when he told you to head for "home".
It told him everything he wanted to hear, that you already considered his mansion your home.
Miguel was rather convincing when he expressed concern for you, patting your back as you let your adrenaline fade and he worked you through your panic attack.
He'd rubbed your back, saying soothing things to you as he talked you into calming down.
He told you that you could take two days to yourself to calm down and recollect yourself emotionally from the ordeal you went through. It was after that offer that he suggested you let him hire movers to bring your belongings to his mansion to live there with him, possibly permanently.
When you agreed he felt himself salivate at the thoughts of the things that would unfold as you settled into your new shiny cage further, the safety blanket you'd imagined it to be bringing you comfort.
You both saw on the news two days later that a man was found somewhere, his neck snapped and lying in an alley. His DNA and prints apparently tied him to the crimes linked to the burglaries in your apartment complex.
You didn't think for a second that this was the man who attacked you, you didn't get a good enough look at his face. That and the body was in a different alley altogether, across the city.
"I'm happy Spider-Man saved you, Pequeña Ave. And I'm glad you agreed to move here. It scares me to think that man could have hurt you in that apartment building of yours." Miguel said as he patted your back, a concerned look on his face as his warm brown eyes looked down at you. Something about the look in his eyes immediately put you at ease.
He was right, of course. You were lucky. Spider-Man swooped in and possibly saved your life. The man who attacked you was either nursing a broken jaw or in jail already. You couldn't imagine that hero doing anything other than roughing him up just a tiny bit.
Spider-Man was a good guy, right?
Pt. 3: Link
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totheblood · 1 year
i keep thinking about infatuated ellie.. like LOVESTRUCK, nervous, giddy ellie, and ik you’ll do her so much justice
a/n: ik this is from weeks ago but i'm writing some headcanons and would appreciate if u guys could send some more! i also need to note the ai audio i made of joel was inspired by my talented friend saz who had the idea to make a joel ai and have him and ellie interact, her fics are amazing and i believe she will be making her own ellie fic w a joel audio so pls folllow her and read her work! her @ is @dyk3ification also i wrote this in whole foods before my class so if it sucks... thats why.. ai audios at the end! also pls interact w me and my work it makes me so happy ily bye!
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lovestruck!ellie headcanons
ellie is 100%, certifiably, and downright a hardcore lover to her core
when she’s crushing on you she is the type to take anything you do as a sign that you like her back
she’d be like “no, dina, but when she held the door she looked back at me and smiled… who does that?”
“polite people?”
or if you’re sitting next to her in class and she drops her pen, the minute you reach down to pick it up for her she’s imagining your future together
she would just secretly pine after you for as long as she can, way too nervous to work up the courage to ask you out
she’s the type to journal about you, draw you, think that it was weird, and rip it out of her journal
but she’s too sentimental to throw it away so she’d just tuck it into a box in the back of her closet
she’s so observant about the things you do
just by sitting next to you, she knows your favorite movie, your favorite place to eat, and your favorite flowers
(she writes all of this down in case she one day works up the courage to ask you out)
when you do finally start talking she would go out of her way to go to the things you invite her too
for example, you invited her to a GSA mixer (something she wouldn’t attend on her own) at a time when she was working
she called out sick just to attend and talk to you for a total of fifteen minutes
it’s totally worth it to her cause you hugged her twice (she counted)
she does insanely stupid shit like going out of her way to get you your favorite coffee from this very specific place half an hour from campus.
“oh, ellie you didn’t have to do this. thank you so much! let me pay you back.” you’re reaching into your bag looking for your wallet
“oh, it’s no big deal i was in the area,” she was nowhere close to the area. “and it didn’t cost that much,” it was an 8-dollar cup of coffee. “maybe we could go together sometime?”
ellie doesn’t even realize she’s asked you out by the time you’re agreeing with a huge smile plastered on your face
the date goes well, so you ask her on another and another… and another
before she knows it you’re her girlfriend and she can’t shut up about it
she’ll try to manipulate conversations just so she can say the phrase “my girlfriend”
she’s at the movies with jesse and dina and with every preview of a horror movie shes like, “oh, i think my girlfriend would love this movie.”
the barista at the coffee shop makes her latte too sweet and she’s all like, “i wish my girlfriend was here so i could give her this.”
she’s also the type to call you and find out where you are just so she could deliver you her very sweet latte that she knows you would enjoy
she’s also the type to brag about any accomplishments of yours to everyone
“oh yea, my girlfriend won some academic award. she’s such a genius.”
she’s the type to whenever you’re together she would just be staring at you and you’re like, “what?”
“nothing… you’re just so pretty. i’m so lucky.”
there’s not a day that goes by that she doesn’t make you feel like you put the moon and the stars in the sky
all of her weekly calls with joel have become her ranting about how much she loves you
“ellie, all you do is talk about this girl. when am i going to get the chance to meet her?”
“soon, i hope. i think you will really like her. she’s fuckin perfect, joel, i swear.”
“so i’ve heard.”
ai audios:
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nana-b0b · 5 months
》🔞 These panels are censored, you can go to the last of the post to find out where to see them!
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A little historical info to better understand:
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♡♡♡♡♡!!! I really feel happy and overcome with these panels, I was thinking a lot about how to make them since there were several obstacles: I had never drawn something NSFW before as it should be 😅 I never got that far so to speak, there was always a line that prevented me from taking that step, since it is not the same to draw some small scene where you only see something specific to a whole pose as such and all that implies. But after many ideas and turns I managed to take that step (maybe small for some but for me it was like reaching the moon 😂) and the most important and most feared was that the essence of the drawings and the style would be lost but I could keep it well and make it coexist ♡.
Note: as for the text accompanying the panels I want to say that it's not my best work as a narrator hahaha I don't write anything since I was about fifteen and it was my era of fanfics and stuff, so I feel its very basic and empty! 😅 ♥!
Now, let's talk a bit about the panels! Well, as we all knew this moment was coming, it was no surprise -3- Ryomen really had to be patient to get what he had been thinking for a while, but he didn't want it to be something random as it could be with any woman he wanted, he was really curious to see how Aurora could look like with the full appearance of a lady of the Heian era and when he saw her, he just couldn't resist. One thing will be clear: Aurora won't wear black teeth again, there will be no way to paint her teeth again without someone losing a limb. As for her eyebrows: she's really mad about that, but I'll let it go.
And to close this post I come with a novelty (I've been thinking about this for days) now we are going to be able to have these drawings completely uncensored on patreon.
I'm not going to lie, using more than two social networks for me is already a lot 😥 if it were up to me I would only post everything in one place but we know how the rules are and we have to respect them, if just by showing a nipple (which is a pixel 😂 ) they almost censored me on Instagram I knew this would be difficult and Tumblr is not lagging behind, while there are things that it lets pass there are others that it doesn't and it's not nice to have to make such complex drawings so that the AI doesn't detect them as 🔞 since there comes a certain point that you get tired too and it loses the grace.
My patreon will be the place for all my works 🔞 without any censorship already, you are going to be able to enjoy both public and private content depending on the type of work ♡. I think also for me it's an incentive to be able to start letting go more of my ideas and continue with everything I want to do :)
To say goodbye first I want to always thank you for all the support you give me and all your messages 🖤 and second to warn you that this CAP of Ren will be in patreon already published privately but all the other censored drawings are public for you to see and enjoy them as they should ⭐
Here are the publications that I censored and that you can now see, there are not many at the moment x'D
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friskafriskito · 8 months
Charity Commissions 🇵🇸
Hello guys, it's been a while!
To cut to the chase: I would like to help spread both awareness and support for those suffering in the ongoing genocide in Palestine. So, in light of this, I will open up some commissions where rather than paying me, you simply provide proof of your donation.
I know this blog is mainly just for my art, but if I can use my art for any good I would like to do so. If you cannot donate, please reblog!
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Here are some recommended links:
E-sims for Gaza: https://gazaesims.com  
Palestinian children’s relief fund: PCRF
Women for women (hygiene kits, blankets, food): Urgent Support for Women in Palestine Women for Women International
Anera dignity kits: https://www.anera.org/stories/gaza-emergency-aid-includes-dignity-kits/
But of course you can donate to any related organization and fundraiser you like, even if it’s not included here!
If you are Egyptian you can also donate to any of the organizations listed under the Instapay, Talabat, Fawry apps, or your bank app under their ‘donations’ services with the equivalent price in EGP (based on the bank rate). Just provide a screenshot.
For a written list of the prices, the do/don'ts, and so on, please look under the read-more for more details!
How Does this Work?
Send me the idea you have and I will let you know if it’s good to go or if it’s not appropriate (or if I can’t do it due to time/work)
When you get the okay, I will ask for more details (references, colour schemes, poses, which charity you plan to donate to, etc.)
I will draw you a basic thumbnail for your confirmation (these are very vague sketches to just pinpoint the pose).
Once you confirm the pose, I will ask you to donate and I will get to work
Send me a screenshot of the e-mail confirming your donation (blur out/colour over any personal info!), or the “Thank you for your donation!” screen if there is no e-mail
You get your drawing in exchange!
NOTE: I will likely post them on my artblog and Instagram, so if you don’t want them posted there or would like to remain anonymous, please let me know!
Also bear in mind I have a full-time job, so they might be a while! But you WILL get your commission.
$5-$9: Lineart $10-$14: Monotone $15-$19: Colours, flat $20-$24: Colours, shaded Above $25: Colours, shaded, with background
$10-$14: Lineart $15-$19: Monotone $20-$24: Colours, flat $25-$29: Colours, shaded Above $30: Colours, shaded, with background
Fan art is fine (I won’t be getting any monetary profit from this)
Characters from original stories
Personas/self-inserts/fan characters/Tabletop RPG characters
Real!you, family members, friends, etc. (at the risk of them not looking like them at all :’D)
Animals (they might be a bit less cartoony as I'm not used to them but yes)
Personifications/anthropomorphic/strange creatures in general
No discriminatory content
No religious figures, symbolism or content (I am Muslim so… Cannot Really Do That)
No extreme gore or suggestive themes, or characters from media that feature a lot of either (this is because my art blog is PG-13, and I’d rather not anything off-colour for a charity commission anyway)
No using these with AI or NFTs
Do not use for commercial purposes. These are for charity!
I reserve the right to decline your commission if I feel like you have insincere ulterior motives, or if an emergency comes up.
Generally, keep this PG-13/grandma-friendly!
References (preferably image based, but text is fine if there is no visual depiction/canon design)
Colour you associate with the character if monotone
Poses (just not lewd or rude)
Context (like description of their personality, what they like, their setting, etc.)
Ask first:
You are free to repost the artwork on another platform as long as you credit me as the artist. Absolutely use them if you need a picture for something like an RP account!
If from your original work, you may use them in non-commercial projects, just please credit me (and give me a heads up so I can go check it out! :D).
If an original character from an original story, you are free to use the artwork to help with things like visual development (let’s say, you are creating a game, comic or pilot, and you want a reference for the artists on your team to use), just once again give me a heads up and credit me as the artist.
If you've made it this far, and can't donate, thank you so much for your interest anyway. At the very least, this reached someone.
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nikanono · 6 months
I know I'm not active on here anymore, but I need a place to get this off my chest.
And Tumblr is where I found my creativity so I guess it fits
It has been so difficult to create anything as of recent. Ive lost so much confidence in what I do with so many shortcomings with my art. And I feel as if part of it is my fault- other parts its completely out of my hands.
Yes, Ai art and the industry tossing creatives aside hasnt been the most encouraging thing in the world. Its a good reason as to why i've been feeling not so great with creating things.
In 2022, I suffered a really bad art burnout. I didnt draw anything for a year. I started to kick it back up again in 2023. I found a lot of comfort in spending a lot of time drawing my OC's- which was far different than what I used to do- which was a shit ton of fanart. It definetely ignighted my spark and I really started to draw what I loved.
I really felt I was diving back into what I was really passionate about.
But I guess i could never escape how badly I relied on external validation for things I make. Because if I truely reflect, I've mostly drawn things for others. And I kept tellling myself that that was something I found comfort in. Getting feedback from an external source is where I grounded my validation for so many years and I really need to break out of that habit. And I'm back in a rut where I'm not finding interest or enjoyment in it anymore.
But its rough- I know OC content doesnt get much attention online, not compared to fanart at least. But seeing numbers dwindle on social def hit the brain a little to hard. I know I cant ever beat the algorithm but it still does suck a whole lot
The art burnout at the start of this year hit me so hard like a 500kg Eagle Strike. I can tell that im forcing any art that I put out. But I look at the recent stuff i make, wether it be a sketch or an illustration, and just feel so disheartened. I dont hate it, I dont critique it- I just feel disheartned by it.
And I know its affecting other parts in my life. Im a lot more moody and irritable, and I have this lingering worry that its starting to affect my social circles. I do my best to check in with my friends and partner but anxiety really just isnt kind at times.
I know time is going to be my friend in overcoming burnout- I know I've overworked myself. I just hate how I'm starting to resent the things I was so passionate about.
But really, I needed to get this off my chest somewhere.
Thanks for hanging friends
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vacantfields · 9 months
Silly Time
SO UH i finished it (: teehee
be kind as always as i was just having fun with it!! thank you for the love on the snippet of this... i hope you guys enjoy this silly thing!! Happy new year from me!!
[1,178 words]
It was another sunny day in the Daycare. Kids were playing and screaming in delight as they ran around.
Sun was sitting with some quieter kids at the small table, where they all drew on some colored paper with crayons. He, too, was drawing along with them. It looked rather comical as he sat there, his legs bent like a frog would sit, and in his hand a tiny crayon as he doodled on the blue piece of paper he had gotten. Sun was enjoying his day until a tiny voice spoke up at the table.
"Uhm... Mister Sun?"
Sun looked up from his drawing, his faceplate doing a silly little spin and his grin soft. 
"Yes, little star Kris?" 
The little girl looked down at the crayon in her tiny hand before speaking again. "I was... Wondering if you knew why Mister Moon calls the nice security guard, who comes here sometimes, for Love."
Sun trained his barely moving expression to remain still, though inside, he was shocked by this new knowledge. "Oh? Moon calls them for Love?" He tried to poke Moon's AI in his headspace, but the other remained quiet. Sun and Moon were able to communicate through their shared headspace, but the other AI moved away from Sun's poking, making him scoff internally.
"Yeah... I was just wondering because my mom and dad call each other that." Little Kris continued before going back to doodling as little kids do when they lose interest in getting an answer.
Which fit Sun fine as his inner workings were reeling, his fans kicking in. Moon had never mentioned that he was hanging out with a night guard, and especially not this one.
Sun could usually peek through Moon's eyes and be present when Moon was in control, but lately, the other AI had closed the connection, and at first, Sun thought maybe Moon just needed alone time, which was, of course, fine! But it seems there were other things at play. 
But Sun couldn't ask Moon about this right now. He was working and busy as he was an excellent daycare attendant. He thought so himself, at least.
Luckily for Sun, the kids got picked up earlier today, and he decided that as soon as he had cleaned, he would poke his other half until he responded. 
As Sun swept the floors and cleaned the surfaces, he heard the doors open, and the Security guard came in. The animatronic scattered to the playground to hide as he often did when this guard came around. It was not that he hated this security guard or anything. He and Moon didn't trust any of the adults. But for Moon, that might have changed.
"Hello? Moon?"
Sun was in one of the play castles, quiet as he hid in the small tower, checking his internal clock. It was indeed time for Moon to come out, and Sun could feel the other stir.
The sunny animatronic kept his white eyes on the security guard, hiding behind the castle doorway as he spoke internally. 
"Oh! So now you respond to me." Sun grumbled.
"... I just woke up," Moon mumbled back in reply.
"And?! Moonie, what is this about you calling THIS security guard for 'Love'??!" 
Moon groaned in the headspace. "You said you didn't like them, and I wanted to see them for myself and quickly found out you're being a dumbass."
Sun squawked in their shared space. "ME?? A DUMBASS? Moonie! The adults are not nice to us ever. I mean, you even told me you hate all the night guards and the security guards!"
Sun could feel Moon rolling his eyes. "This one's different. Let me out. They're calling for me still."
"... What the hell do you mean 'Nuh-uh'??" Moon growled.
"Moon? It's time to do the rounds!" The short guard called out into the empty Daycare, then removed their hat to scratch their head. "Moon? It's okay if you don't want to! Uh..."
Sun kept his eyes trained on the guard from his hiding spot. 
Moon continued. "Sun! Let me out!"
"I can't believe you trust them to do those security rounds with you! They're small! weak!"
Moon scoffed. "They're nice! Now let me out!"
Sun hummed and then replied, "No."
"NO?! SUN!"
The Sunny animatronic then shut the other AI out, dooming Moon to sit back and watch as he moved down from the play castle and over to the security guard. 
"Hi, Friend!" Sun said with a bright smile.
The security guard jumped in surprise and dropped their hat. "oh! Hi Sun!" they stuttered and bent down to pick the hat up. "I was wondering why the lights were still on..." They mumbled to themself.
Sun frowned, and Moon broke through. "You have never been kind to them, you wannabe jester." Sun gaped internally. Oh, how he wished he could punch his other half.
"Well! Sunshine. I got the task of cleaning the Daycare, and it took a bit longer than I thought," Sun said with a smile, but it faltered when he heard Moon's deep chuckle in the back of their shared headspace.
The guard looked at Sun with wide eyes and flushed cheeks. 
Sun then realized he had given the security guard, he had avoided at all costs, a nickname, an endearing one as well. "Oh."
"Uhm... Well, if Moon isn't active, can you tell him to come find me once you're done?" The guard- ["-Sunshine." Moon supplied with a smirk in this tone.] 
Sun groaned lightly, running a hand down his faceplate before smiling at the guard. "Or we could go together?" 
Moon growled in the back of his head. "You cannot take my time! Sun! Go turn off the lights. Now."
Sunshine, the guard, looked shocked; it looked like this was so out of pocket for Sun to suggest. "Oh!... Are you able to leave the Daycare?" They curiously asked.
Sun hummed. "Yes, of course! If Moon can leave, why shouldn't I also be able?" he asked with a spin of his faceplate, causing Sunshine to let out a flustered giggle.
"True... Well, alright, if Moon doesn't mind," They said with a smile. Sun smiled sweetly as he heard Moon complain angrily, wandering around in their headspace. "He doesn't mind at all, Sunshine! It will be good for us to get to know each other!" He held his hand out to them, which they grabbed with a shy smile. 
"Ooooo, when I get you, Sun." Moon hissed quietly in their shared head, to which the sunny side of the animatronic let out a quiet chuckle before looking down at Sunshine and guiding them to the massive doors at the entrance to the Daycare.
The two left the Daycare hand in hand to do security rounds. Maybe Moon was right about this one, Sun thought as he glanced down at the guard as they walked together. 
This time it was different.
Not that Sun ever wanted to give Moon right, but perhaps he could let this guard close to them.
Just this one time.
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abacus-jpg · 4 months
Anyone else not understand why people are moving to cara. Like I understand it’s because ai and shit,, but like. What confuses me is as long as your art is on the internet, aslong as you chose to post your art online anywhere, doesn’t matter where, it is prone to being stolen by ai. To me ai is nothing more then when people trace your art and call it their own. Ofc I don’t want people to do it, but ultimately that will not stop them. I do have a cara account, I was the first to claim abacus. When I tried posting there a few times I’ve been met with an error message, alongside that the app is really buggy and slow. I don’t see why people feel the need to come up with new apps to post art on when you could just use tumblr, but then the argument with tumblr is that there’s no engagement. But if we all flock to tumblr like people are flocking to cara then I don’t see why engagement would be such a big issue. Even then, if engagement is your main concern with your art I feel like you should reevaluate why you are pursuing art in the first place. I had this struggle ages ago where I didn’t feel my art was worth anything because I couldn’t cap 10 likes. But I realized, my art is for me. I’m the one that should be enjoying it, and my reason for posting now is for other people to enjoy it, so if they don’t,, I really don’t care all the much. I understand it is really detouring to post ocs and to have zero engagement, but that’s just the way art is. Unless you are producing fanart consistently of shit that is made into content farms, I really don’t see how you can garner a following just doing ocs. That’s why, doing art for your own sake is more important than trying to please everyone. I can guarantee there’s atleast one stranger on the internet that will fw your stuff the way you want. And the more you post, the more the number will grow. Most of the time it’s gradual, but one goes to two, two goes to three. And maybe you’ll only get one or two. But the important thing is, there’s someone. If you feel like you have no one, remember your art is for yourself. You’ll always have one, even if that is yourself. This might all seem contradictive. But trust, only you matter when it comes to your own artwork.
This “speech”, if you can call it that, isn’t to deter people from drawing and posting their ocs. This is just to say, engagement shouldn’t matter. As long as you’re happy, that’s all the matters. Post and draw what you want aslong as it’s not straight ripping from someone else. Idc.
This whole thing was supposed to be abt Cara but it turned into a uhh,, Ted talk of sorts. I’m not saying people shouldn’t use cara, if it works for them then by all means go for it. But personally I will not be making it my main form of social media. In my opinion, it’ll be like that other art app people were using for a week before they forgot abt it, I forget the name of it but I remember the interface was a light pink, similar to Instagram,, but somehow worse.
IM GONNA SPECIFY THAT I DONT CONDONE AI STEALING PEOPLES ART EITHER,, just putting that out there because some people have a way of misunderstanding or misinterpretating things. Which is okay!! Because some people genuinely get confused and that’s alright. But like please don’t use so first handedly. With that being said, I’m just a nobody on the internet so why would you listen to me,, you won’t. But i uhh,, am gonna put that there anyways
Thanks if you read allat,, idk why you would but that’s anyways I guess😭😭😭
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ihatedtoadmit · 8 months
The Windows To My Soul [6]
pairing: OT8 x fem! reader
genre: soulmates, fluff, crack
warnings: Please read the 'Summary' of this series, all are listed there!
word count: ~3.5k
summary: Everything comes crashing down, and somehow the explanation for it makes sense to your jumbled brain.
author's note: Since I had this written already and I'll get busy, I'm feeding you guys with a double update. Please don't forget to take your delulu pills, unlike me.
↳ Masterlist ↳ Next chapter ↳ Previous chapter
All rights reserved. Please do not steal, repost or feed my work into AI. Thank you!
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The next time my eyes opened, I was alone on the couch, the room plunged into darkness.
For a few seconds I just laid there, blinking at the dark ceiling, not knowing why I woke up so suddenly. I wasn’t particularly thirsty, my bladder wasn’t full and not even my leg was cramping viciously, as if it was out for my blood.
But then the pain registered in my brain.
It was that same, dull ache in my ribcage, just amplified twofold. It was a miserable constant throughout my whole chest, pulsing with every heartbeat, as if the two synced up and became one. Not only that, but it gradually started seeping into my left arm and neck, as if it was a slow working poison.
I sat up slowly, my back cracking along, something I had sadly grown used to after a few years. One of my hands raised up to my chest, just above where my erratic heart lied, massaging the area fruitlessly.
Why did I have such a useless, shitty body? It broke down every chance it got, ruining my little happiness in life constantly.
I sighed, carding a hand through my hair and swinging my feet over the edge of the couch, just sitting there, zoning out in the pitch black room. The pain was bad, maybe even worse if I was honest with myself for a second or two, but I could tolerate it if I really tried.
So tried, I did.
I quietly shuffled around the room after standing up, holding my arms out in front of myself as a safety precaution, knowing how clumsy I could get sometimes. I could hardly see anything, with the windows being completely covered and all. But thankfully, I somehow made my way to the front door without tripping over anything -a miracle in itself, mind you-. Now it was time to search for my bag and– ah, there it was. Fishing my phone out of it, I turned on the flashlight and used it to find my little sketchbook and pencil case I usually took with myself on my travels. They were similar to my headphones: something I couldn’t live with, their presence providing me with a blanket of safety.
Having successfully located and retrieved said items, I quietly sneaked back to the living room and sat down on the ground at the coffee table, knees popping and cracking as I bent them to be by my side.
I could use my phone's flashlight to doodle around no problem, so that was what I decided to go with. But only after ensuring my mask was on and my headphones were sitting over my ears snugly, then connecting the device to my phone via Bluetooth and disabling ambient awareness after I had retrieved it from the same lil coffee table. I needed to blast music into my ears, to not let any thought form or process in my mind, lest they consume me alive.
Lines formed on the paper as I was listening to Volcano by Han on repeat, soon turning into little skzoo figures goofing and fooling around. Some were tiny, held in a hand safely, while some were bigger, more backpack-sized. Scenarios that never happened were imagined on the paper, along with ones that were recorded and put up onto the internet. Sometimes, a ninth animal could be seen amongst them, as I was unable to stop myself from drawing my own character, even in the presence of the boys.
Time flew by without me noticing, my goal reached as I could shut the thought of misery and pain out of my head.
But then someone grabbed my shoulder, causing me to let out a small scream and throw my pen away into the 4th dimension.
I jerked my head to their direction instinctually, connecting eyes with Chan, someone who was rightfully looking surprised and maybe even scared. There was definitely a little scared in there. I quickly took my headphones off, the loud music only heard for a second before it automatically paused -pros of having smart headphones- and I immediately apologised to the startled male.
"Naur, naur, it's okay, sorry for startling ya. When did you wake up? It's still pretty early in the morning." "Oh, not too long ago." - I lied, not wanting to be a bother still. "I see. But still, you should go back to sleep if ya can."
I gently shook my head at his proposal, the ache in my body too great to ignore and enter the lands of dreams.
He hummed in response, yet his eyebrows furrowed slightly for just a second. I noticed them, even as he masked it with a light smile and changed the topic to what I had been doing, eyes already scanning over my pages filled to the brim with loose-lined sketches.
Realising I was literally drawing their stuff, skzoo, I quickly shut my notebook closed, embarrassed enough to consider digging myself a hole somewhere. I couldn't show it to them, no, never. Besides, they were mere sketches, nothing too spectacular.
Despite all those thoughts circling in my head, Chan whined and begged me to show him, having probably already seen it was related to his idol group. But I didn't budge, not even as he poked my sides and decided to tickle me in the earliest hours of the day.
Like, damn, he really fucking tickled my sides. The man showed no mercy, even though he knew what state I was in, having been the one who kept putting ice packs on it.
And I was just left there, wheezing and dying as silently as I could, not wanting to wake the others up in my losing battle for air.
But as luck would have it, they soon started waking up and decided to join us anyway. Well, him, really, as I was the victim of the two aussies now, left completely at their mercy.
Thankfully, the two soon stopped, probably due to my still very much injured arm and allowed me to catch my breath. And I did, desperately inhaling as much as I could as I laid there on my back, my breath hitching with every sharp pain that could be felt in my chest. It was as if a searing hot metal was pressed into my skin, the feeling moving in a strangely rule-abiding pattern. I shut my eyes closed, jaw tightly held together as I rolled over, not wanting to be seen grimacing, the feeling now slowly ebbing off and easing up a tad.
Soon the initial shock wore off and I could quickly sit up, my face not showing any signs of discomfort even as the hurting place now felt raw and throbbed relentlessly in sync with my racing heartbeat.
"Don't get me wrong, I would never pass on a good tickle session, but what was the occasion?" - Felix asked, laying partly on top of Chan, the two acting calm thankfully. "Oh yea, Eevee doesn't wanna show me her art. Even though I saw a Bbokari in there too." - Chan casually replied, having the gall to even pout, as if he didn't just release the little devil on me.
I stared at him incredulously, feeling wounded and betrayed.
Sure enough, Felix whipped his head over to my direction, eyes glinting with something I couldn't quite identify, yet it still caused a shiver to run down my spine. Without a second of a doubt I lunged at my sketchbook, holding it close to my chest and scrambling off of the floor before the man could take it from me.
He was very, very close to it though.
The sunshine incarnate pleaded with me, his voice turning whiny and higher pitched than usual, but it didn't work on me. I continued to run, run to my little bag and hide my little sketchbook in there, out of anyone’s desperate reach.
Somehow, by some miracle, I succeeded, zipping it back up right as Felix slammed into me.
Good thing I was already sitting, otherwise I would have fallen to the ground with full force. I would not have appreciated that.
"But Eeveeee, lemme seeee, pleaseeeee!!" "Naur." "Eeeveeeee, please please pleaseeee?" "F-felix-..." "Come on, pretty please with a cherry on top?"
I could only stare at him, at the famous idol, who had the body of a sculpture crafted by the gods themselves, just… whine and plead to see my shitty art.
"These…are only sketches, Felix. Really not something worthy to be begging for. Ask Hyunjin to draw you some next time."
His expression shifted, eyebrows pulled together and lips set into a slight frown.
"I want to see your art. Not Hyunjin's, Picasso's or anyone else's. Why would you say that?" "Because theirs is better. It's a simple fact."
He put his hands on my shoulders, holding me at arm's length, eyes fixated on me with a fierce fire burning inside.
"Don't say that, ever again. Jesus, you're just like Channie hyung."
His lips were slightly arched down and his nose was scrunched up, but I could only stare and etch the sight into my memory. He looked so genuinely offended at what I had said that I found myself at a loss for words, unable to argue.
Not getting any reaction, he pulled me up by my uninjured hand and led me back to the couch, where everyone else was already sitting, much to my surprise. Jisung's eyes lit up and he beckoned us over, wiggling his way into my lap somehow -only after putting my beloved headphones away, since they were in his stubborn way-. Felix was no better, practically attached to me with how he was hugging me and all.
I looked down at them; they were cheerfully chatting with the others as if this whole thing was completely normal, even though it felt like a fever dream, if anything. Not even the others were that phased by our position, at max you could see amusement dancing on their faces.
It was just so confusing to me, as I looked between the two and the others.
I had no choice but to silently accept it. I guess I had two cuddly cats now or something. Well, technically a quokka and a chicken, if I wanted to be extremely accurate.
"Right, Eevee, we're gonna order some food, eat and then get you checked by a doctor, ‘kay? Is there something you wanna eat in particular?" - Chan spoke up, breaking me out of my short daze. "Oh, uh, no thank you. I'm not hungry." "What, no, you have to eat something!" - Jisung's raised voice earned the attention of the others, heads turning to our direction. "Sungie is right, eat at least a lil bit." - Felix murmured into my ear. "But I'm fine, I usually don't eat breakfast." - I replied, earning some gasps and not so happy grunts.
Before I could even defend myself, Minho sent me the nastiest glare I had ever seen, making me shrink into myself and hide behind Felix and Jisung. Everyone started speaking in korean, while the two in my hold lectured me about the importances of eating breakfast. They were strict and didn't let me speak up, only when relaying my answers about allergies and food preferences to the others.
Yeah, no, these men literally just ordered me food and didn't let me even argue about it.
As Han was listing off all the japanese food he loved the most -mainly for breakfast- and how he wanted me to try them out too, that same, searing pain appeared in my chest. I clenched my jaw shut, teeth grinding together painfully as I tried my best to not show any discomfort on my face. I lowered my head slightly, hoping that Felix and Jisung would shield me from everyone's view.
It hurt.
The feeling radiated and seeped into my arm too, making me unable to pinpoint its source anymore. The limb felt numb, my fingers unable to feel the soft fabric of Jisung's shirt anymore. My breathing wanted to pick up, but I forced it to remain as unchanged as I could, hoping I would succeed.
My pulse was an entirely different beast though.
"Hey, are you okay?"
I looked down at the dark-haired boy in my hold; that now familiar, worried expression sitting on his face.
God damn it me, stop worrying them!
I put on a smile and nodded, hoping to convince him, even though they couldn’t see the expression from the mask that covered half of my face. I hoped to ease Felix’s nerves too with these actions, because he was looking at me the same way, causing the flower of worry to bloom in my chest.
"Your pulse says otherwise. And your hold on me."
Fuck. I didn't even realise I tightened my hold on his waist.
"I'm, uh, I just don't like doctors. I'm nervous about the visit."
It wasn't even a lie anyway, I really did dislike doctors, especially because I would most probably understand nothing from the conversation, since we were in Japan and it was harder to find an english-speaker person here than you would think.
My answer seemed to have placated them, because they settled back against me -the notion of gentle fingers drawing shapes on me not going unnoticed- and continued chatting. I joined in occasionally, whenever they directed a question at me specifically. But otherwise, I was back in my little shell, observing them and zoning out.
Because I was still not okay.
But soon enough, the food arrived and everyone bounded over to the dining table, loudly bickering and joking around. I was dragged there too -quite literally-, finding myself sitting between Minho and Seungmin. How, I had no clue. But their glares and menacing reputation must have had a say in it, if I had to guess.
The table was full of different types of foods, everyone able to find something that fit their taste easily. Before I could even think about what to choose, food started piling up on my plate, my own hands not even fully holding my utensil. Naturally, that meant it was the doing of the two men sitting next to me, Seungmin even explaining what was what innocently. I blinked at him and Minho, confusion most probably sitting on my face.
Nobody did anything about it though, as they just continued on as if nothing was wrong.
With a last, confused and tired blink I nodded back at Seungmin in thanks, picking up my chopsticks and messily eating -this sadly meant i had to pull my mask down to my chin, strengthening my racing pulse-. Messily, because my arm was slightly trembling and while I could use chopsticks, I wasn't a pro at it. And I was nervous as fuck. And also still not that hungry.
But somehow I managed to finish eating, without staining any of my clothes. Okay, well, the hoodie was still mine, something that kept slipping from my mind. The food was divine -i loved japanese food after all-, but I couldn't enjoy it well.
My neck, chest and left arm felt as if they were about to burst into flames and become ash, as if someone was prodding around with a sharp, ablaze rod and then pouring icy water on it afterwards, scarring the flesh permanently.
It felt stifling.
"Hey, you okay there Eevee?" - a soft voice asked from my right, my eyes finding a worried looking Seungmin there. "Oh, uhm, y-yeah, I'm just. Full, yeah, thank you for the food. It was really good. I'll, I'll be right back though."
I waited for a response after I rambled out my answer, gaining a slow nod.
Good enough.
I clumsily stood up, hitting my hip into the chair slightly in my haste, but it didn't matter.
I just needed to get away.
The moment the bathroom door was closed, I wrestled Hyunjin's sweater off and looked into the mirror.
There was a pattern on my chest and left arm, one even barely forming on the sides of my neck.
They were smaller and not connected, but the strange ink glistened on my skin with iridescent colours in swirls and lines, drawing out different, beautiful shapes. One was around my heart and breast, gentle feathers covering the skin and ribs resting beneath. The other was more sharp around the edges, yet the cherry blossoms softened up the picture just right on my bicep.
I had never gotten any tattoos in my entire life.
What the fuck was all this then?!
As I was about to rub at the mysterious ink, the pain flared up and made me dizzy, forcing me to grip the sink with all the strength I could muster up, lest I fell sideways into the bathtub.
Unfortunately, at that exact moment a knock could be heard, my lightheaded self barely registering the sound.
"Eevee, are you alright in there? You've been inside for an awful while…"
Shit, it was Felix.
I quickly gathered up the last wisps of my strength and went to the door, opening it up just enough for me to peek through. I still didn't have a shirt on after all.
"Y-yeah uh… about that. Can I have a weird question?" "Uhm, sure?" "What would you do if tattoos you had never before seen in your life randomly appeared on your skin?" "Huh?"
The man just looked confused and stunned amidst his worry, and rightfully so. I showed him my arm, extending it out through the gap. He gingerly held the injured limb in his tiny hands, running a few fingers over the newly appeared ink in fascination.
Before he could comment on it, I leaned against the nearby wall a bit too loudly, making him look up and let out a loud gasp.
"Eevee, are you in pain?! Hey, talk to me. Look at me, that's it. Where does it hurt?" - Felix asked as he forced himself into the room much to my dismay, taking my head into his hands and looking into my eyes. "My chest and arm…m-my…neck t-too" - it was all I could say without my voice fully breaking, the pain becoming worse and worse with every second. "Alright, okay, sit tight while I grab Chan hyung, okay? Don't go anywhere!"
And with that, he was out of my sight, his gentle warmth leaving as well. The air suddenly felt too thin, too warm and I had no choice but to slowly slide down the wall onto the ground, sitting there with increasingly hazier eyesight. Oh, and I still had my contact lenses in, that definitely didn't help with that situation at all.
A searing pain travelled through my neck, as if my carotid artery was about to burst into tiny pieces, as if its only goal was to leave me bleeding out on the cold tile floor.
It was as if no matter how much I breathed, no air entered my lungs.
Two figures then appeared in my vision, their sentences a bit muffled and far away sounding. But after a few seconds I could make out that it was Chan and Felix, their worry practically palpable in the scorching air.
"Eevee, can you stand? Eevee! Hey, don't fall asleep, stay with us. I'll… I'll carry you now, okay? Hold on tight!" - Chan said, carefully and hastily gathering me into his arms, Felix draping the red hoodie over my vulnerable form.
Chan's steps were short and quick, shouting out things I didn't understand. Felix was running next to him, talking to me, but only half of it was truly registering in my brain, and that was a generous estimation.
Chan's steps suddenly halted, making me look up at him. He was staring ahead, eyes wide and jaw tight. Following his gaze, I was met with an unknown man, formally clothed and dishevelled looking.
He was talking frantically, breath a bit short, as if he was in a hurry. I didn't understand any of it, of course, but I felt like none of the words were directed at me anyway.
Although when I heard someone mutter the word 'Soulmates…?', I looked at them, confused.
It was Chan once again, his eyes darting between me and everyone else.
The conversation kept going, but it was starting to turn into an argument between several people. The others had arrived as well, gathering around us. I didn't get what it was about, not until Felix uttered 'You're our soulmate?' as he looked at me.
Only then did my delirious eyes notice the others' stares, the gesturing at me, Chan's tightening grip on me.
It was so obvious looking back at it.
"How? I'm..."
The last thing my brain registered were arms holding me tightly and panicked shouting surrounding me.
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Next chapter
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Taglist: @skzstaykatsy @vampcharxter @linlinaert @yoongibelike
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captainsophiestark · 1 year
Subtle Clues
Anakin Skywalker x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for Fictober 2023!
Fandom: Star Wars
Day 4 Prompt: "Do you even know what this means?"
Summary: Anakin and his SO think they're doing a great job of keeping their relationship a secret. They are not.
Word Count: 1,197
Category: Fluff, Humor
Dedicated to @ghostofskywalker for her help coming up with an idea for this prompt! Thanks Tori!!
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"You know, I don't think I've ever been in Skyguy's quarters before. Have you?"
That one little question from Ahsoka, Anakin's padawan, made my heart stop in my chest. I'd been in Anakin's quarters many, many times, the most recent being just last night when we fell asleep curled up on his couch together. But because of the Jedi, I couldn't admit that I was dating Anakin. It was our most carefully kept secret. So, I shook my head.
"I probably have at some point, I've known him so long," I said, being very careful to sound casual. "But I don't remember the last time, or for what."
"I bet he's a mess," Ahsoka chimed, skipping along next to me without a care in the world. I smiled a little, despite how tired I was.
Anakin, Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, and I were shipping out from Coruscant after a brief stint back here. Anakin had left early this morning, along with Captain Rex and a few other key members of the 501st, to start getting things back in order. As a result, I'd had to wake up even brighter and earlier to get back to my own quarters before Rex showed up to leave with Anakin. Now, because Anakin had forgotten his datapad, I had to go all the way back to his quarters a few hours later to get it for him.
"He's definitely a mess," I grumbled. To be fair, I'd probably qualify too. But still.
We pushed open the door to his room, and Ahsoka stepped through without a moment's hesitation. Anakin had said he'd left his datapad on the bedside table, so that's where I headed while Ahsoka looked around the living room.
I sighed heavily when I got into the bedroom and found it exactly where he'd said it'd be. Exactly where he'd left it last night, after we'd moved from the couch to the bed in a sleep-haze and watched a few short holos on it before passing out again. I tucked it into my bag, then headed back into the living room.
"Y/N! Look at this!"
I found Ahsoka standing just behind the couch in the living room, waving a t-shirt around in the air. A second later I had a heart attack as I realized it was mine, my favorite casual shirt, that I'd ditched last night in favor of stealing some of Anakin's clothes that also qualified as favorites.
I gave a noncommittal hm, trying to figure out how best to respond and not look incredibly, immediately suspicious, but Ahsoka quickly latched on to my initial response.
"Do you even know what this means?"
I tried not to let the irritation or panic show on my face. "Uh... Anakin's a mess?"
"No! There's no way this is his, he hates this band."
I swore, loudly, in my head. I was going to kill my boyfriend for forgetting his stupid datapad the next time I saw him.
"It means that Skyguy had somebody in here with him! Y/N, what if he's dating somebody?"
"Wow, Ahsoka, that's... wow."
"I wonder who it could be?" she said, talking to herself more than me. She turned away and started pacing the room, my t-shirt held tight in her hand. I tried to think of something, anything, to get out of this situation, but my mind kept drawing a blank. "I mean, who could he have brought into the temple without someone noticing? It's not like other Jedi make a habit of losing clothes in each other's rooms..."
I stood frozen in the doorway to the bedroom, using every ounce of strength and training I'd ever received to keep my expression neutral. There had to be a way out of this, some way to get Ahsoka to drop it and move on-
"Master Kenobi!"
My head snapped up, my heartbeat jumping to lightning speed at Ahsoka's words. Sure enough, Obi-Wan stood in the door with his hands on his hips, watching the two of us.
"What are the two of you doing in here?" he asked. "We're supposed to be leaving in a few minutes."
"Anakin... forgot his datapad..." I said weakly, holding up the object in question. He looked from that, to me and the obvious unease I must've been radiating through the force, to Ahsoka, still holding my shirt in the air. A smile tugged at the corner of his lips.
"I see that. And what do you have, young Padawan?"
"I found this shirt in here," she said, holding it out to him. "I think Master Skywalker might have been... with someone."
Obi-Wan walked over to Ahsoka and pretended to inspect the shirt, stroking his beard and giving a thoughtful 'hm'. The whole time, I focused all my energy on projecting the loudest "NO!" possible at him through the force. He must've heard it, but he was clearly ignoring it.
"Well, that's an easy answer. It belongs to Y/N."
The words were out of his mouth faster than I could stop him. I used the force to grab a pillow off of Anakin's bed and hurled it at Obi-Wan, which he annoyingly ducked. Ahsoka looked between the two of us, mouth open in shock.
"They've been dating for quite some time now."
Ahsoka whirled on me. "You and Skyguy told Obi-Wan and not me?"
"They didn't tell me," Obi-Wan continued, jumping in before my brain could unfreeze enough for an answer. I just stared between him and Ahsoka, mouth gaping like a fish. "They're just terrible at hiding it. I caught the two of them kissing behind a column in the Temple when we got back here a few weeks ago."
Ahsoka stared at Obi-Wan in shock, and he looked back, his arms crossed. I finally managed to shake myself out of it, the horror wearing off a little faster than when Obi-Wan had caught me and Anakin. I sighed, walking past both of my friends on my way to the door.
"We might not be as good at hiding it as we want to be, but the two of you are still the only two who know besides Padmé and the 501st, so... do us a favor and keep it to yourselves. And sorry we didn't tell you earlier, Soki."
I didn't miss the look Ahsoka and Obi-Wan exchanged as I passed them, instead choosing to ignore it. We were supposed to be leaving in ten minutes, after all, and now that I had Anakin's datapad there was no reason for me to wait around any longer.
"Do you want me to bring your shirt?"
I froze on the threshold at Ahsoka's question, grimacing. I didn't need to turn around to see Kenboi's smirk. I cleared my throat.
"Yes please, Ahsoka. Thank you."
"Sure thing."
Her tone was teasing, and I knew Anakin and I were going to be hearing about this almost nonstop from his young Padawan. I guess we'd deserve it, since we were apparently much worse at keeping secrets than we thought we were, but still. I wanted to get on board the ship with Anakin as soon as possible so I wouldn't have to take the brunt of the teasing alone.
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the-hydroxian-artblog · 6 months
I love your animatronic toy OC guys so much, they have so much personality to them and their colours are really good (especially umbra)
Thank you! The funny thing about Umbra's design was that while I was developing it about two years ago and had some colors in mind, I described in text what I already came up with to an image generator for fun (shitty unconvincing old kind, vs now where it looks like shit but in a somewhat more convincing way) and it produced something so silly that I made her design better than what I would've settled with out of spite.
More details of my process and anti-AI ranting below the cut, so the examples given won't show up on search results. Google Images is getting polluted too much with slop to begin with.
Let's begin.
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In 2022 I was drafting up Umbra's design with mostly concrete details. At this time image generators were newer and much less convincing, and I was a bit less aware of just how unethical they were, so I fed one a text description of what I had drafted for her design out of curiosity. Something along the lines of, "doll of an anthropomorphic owl librarian in glasses, blazer/suit jacket, skirt, corset, high heels, sitting on a bookshelf" and probably a few more terms. Really specific, lengthy prompt.
I try to be open-minded and give new things a shot, but the results were Not Great. Ideally, I'd want to not share the AI pictures at all on-principle, but I feel like it's useful, transparent, and necessary to show them. Both as a means of not hiding anything, but also just to appreciate where the design is at in spite of it.
Outside of this particular collage of Weird Owls, no other pictures on this blog are AI-generated. AI Image Generation is harmful, and I am against its usage.
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But hey, two of the generated pictures look close, right? The top left is the closest, and bottom right is second.
That's because they started out worse, and I had to actually erase chunks of them and have the generator fill in the blanks to get anything remotely close to what I wanted. Misshapen limbs, unrecognizable anatomy, fever-dream clothing details, etc. They didn't even have a corset or proper legs until I slapped the generator in the face enough times to make it produce them. I was just using it to photobash, which was such an annoying process, I just went "this is dumb" and stopped. They're literally posed like that because I kept erasing and regnerating their limbs until they looked vaguely in-character. It literally only looks passable thanks to STRANGLING it with human input.
Before I used the image generator, I already drafted her to be night-themed with yellow eyes and something like purple, dark blue, or sky-blue as her main color; the generator making one owl yellow-eyed and purple was a happy coincidence, and the only thing the generative AI "came up with" that I didn't already have in mind or included in the prompt was the light blue shirt, which I did adapt into her cyan shirt and stockings/socks as well. That was a good call. You get One Point, Mr. AI.
...Which still meant that at its absolute best, it was a largely redundant step in the creative process if its contribution was worse than what a randomized palette generator or character creator could come up with.
That's already putting the ethics of it aside, like carbon emissions, data pollution, using artists' and photographers' work without credit or permission, the incentive to plagiarize, flooding sites like deviantart with slop, Willy Wonka Shit, etc etc etc. When people say "you can use AI as a tool though", this ordeal was enough to convince me that it's more trouble than its worth, even in its most ethical usage. I feel gross for having even tried. I wish I knew what sources went into the creation of those Weird Owls. It'd be better for research if the right people could be credited.
Nothing else on this blog is AI-generated or ever will be. The art below is purely my own (2022 vs a few weeks ago)):
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Actually drawing Umbra and solidifying her design was far more rewarding than having an image generator vaguely approximate my own ideas. I wanted her to look really special, so I used a black cape and pants, gold highlights and buttons, and blue undertones to make something more distinct. Also, neck floof. Very important. I wanted the head in particular to look distinct and original, going with bold black streaks to really help her look distinguished.
I also have certain inevitable Hydroisms for Fancy characters like her; most apparent in these designs for Chasey and Kaita from even longer ago, which were more of an influence than anything else. (Old art of mine from like 2021, Kaita ref looks wonky but Chasey still holds up nicely):
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Most of Umbra's other design elements were already commonly used with established ocs like Kaita, like her shape language, corset, skirt, heels, etc. It was my previous work with Chasey that inspired the use of gold buttons and highlights.
Umbra is also now a bluer shade of purple partly to distance the current design from that ordeal. All things considered, I'll probably make her more indigo next time. I already wanted her to have a wide color range from the get-go (Featured below is, again, purely my art from 2022:)
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I may use a different colored shirt and stockings in the future. I like to think she has many different shirts and clothes based on the different stages of the night sky, from dusk to dawn, and the painting I made in the top right there was an exploration of her range in different lighting.
All in all, it's frustrating. I'm proud of her design, but explaining all of this is annoying, because it's technically all relevant to showing how her colors were picked and how the design was made. I still technically have AI to """Thank""", in the way you thank a bad experience for encouraging you to make things better out of spite.
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retrospacejelly · 3 months
A Western Love
Pairing: Ex-outlaw!Miguel O’Hara x Fem!Reader
Summary: Talking to Miguel about her failed marriage brought up feelings that she swore to herself she’d never show. Luckily, Miguel is by her side in an instant, and everything seems right….right?
Warnings: Angst, Guns, Mentions of the devil’s tango, typical cowboy things, language
!This chapter is a little steamy!
Part: 3/?
Part: 1, 2, 2 1/2, 3
Not proofread
A/N: I had this idea brewing for a while, and character AI helped push the plot!  (Thank you Monstera for letting me expand on the plot!). 
Reach out if you want to be on my taglist!
“Where you goin’ darlin’? Weren’t you sayin’ you were aimin’ to get some sleep?”
She lets out a huff. “Yea, in my room.” Her door slams shut. 
Well, that certainly wasn’t the reaction he wanted to get. And far from the night, he thought he would have.
Miguel stares at his mother’s rosary, running his hand over the string of pearls. He’s so deep in thought, that he almost misses the muffled sobs coming from Y/N’s room.
He quickly stands, fearing the worst. Has she hurt herself? Has someone broken in?  His heart drops at the thought, and he quickly picks up his gun, practically running to her room. 
He doesn’t think as he slams open her door, looking around for any sign of danger. 
“Where is he?! Y/N!” he trips over himself as he makes his way to her bed, dropping his gun on the linen next to her, holding her shoulders.
Silence surrounds the two as they stare at each other.
“What…?” she asks, her sobs now soft hiccups. Miguel’s face is painted with panic and another emotion she can’t quite pin down. He’s panting, his grip on her not tight, but protective?
“Miguel? Who are you talkin’ ‘bout? Hey, Miguel…!” she says, placing her hands on his warm cheeks, rubbing under his eye. 
He snaps out of his panicked state, shaking his head. He stands at his full height, rubbing his forehead. 
“ ‘M sorry, Princessa…I heard you crying and I….I thought you were in trouble.” he finally responds, not wanting to look at her. 
Y/N slowly nods, trying to meet his eyes. His actions weren’t those of a concerned friend, but something deeper. But now was not the time to ask any questions.
“I just,” he starts “I only just met ya, but I care for you, and I, I would die if I let anything happen to ya.” he confesses, coughing softly.
“I, I beg your pardon…?”. 
He quickly backtracks, finally looking at her. “Forget what I said. Are ya, okay?”
Y/N looks down and wipes  her face. 
“If I’m bein’ completely honest with ya, no I’m not. I haven’t told no one about my um, failed marriage besides my parents. I thought I was over it. Oh, but I a fool!” she exclaims, slamming her fists into the linens.
She tears up, “I’m a fool for wanton’ to feel a man’s arms ‘round me! I hate…I hate that I wasn’t good ‘nough for him.”
He scowls, wishing her ex-husband a long and painful death. Placing his gun on her nightstand, he sits next to Y/N. He gently caresses her face.
“Don’t ya dare think for even a minute, not one god damned minute, that you ain’t good ‘nough, Sugar. Don’t let what that coward did to ya, ever make you feel like you ain’t worthy of a husband. He’s the fool, Darlin’. Not you.” he whispers, wiping her tears.
She can’t help but frown even more, glaring at him. “Then why hasn’t a man showed up yet?”. She takes hold of his wrist, leaning into his touch.
He can’t help the small chuckle that leaves his mouth, shaking his head. 
“I don’t know many fools, Honey, but any man who wouldn’t marry you sure is one.” he replies, smiling softly.
Y/N blushes at the statement, drawing patterns in the skirt of her night dress. “You’re jus’ sayin’ that. Tryna butter me up…”
His smile widens. “There’s my girl.” he says, bumping his forehead against hers. “But no, I ain’t tryna butter you up. I mean it. I don’t know how a lady like you doesn’ have a line of bachelors lined up at your door.” 
She looks into his eyes, before glancing down at his lips, and quickly looking up again.
Miguel’s other hand slowly smooths over her leg, leaning in.
Everything around them disappears when their lips finally meet. Fireworks go off in Y/N’s head, as she slowly wraps her arms around his neck.
He’s the first to pull away for air, staring lovingly at her. “Well, that sure was…somethin’. And it was a good somethin’.” he says, kissing her cheek. “I really care for ya, Y/N. I wouldn’t hurt you like that no good ex o’ yours did.”
Y/N wells up, practically tackling Miguel onto her bed in a hug. He hugs back, running his hand up and down her back. 
She raises herself up, caging him between her arms. They meet for another passionate kiss, the action soon heating up.
The night ended in a way neither had expected. 
After hours of their steamy rendezvous, Miguel and Y/N lay cuddled under the blanket, sleeping in each other’s warm embrace. 
The sun started to rise, the brightness waking Y/N up. She nuzzles into Miguel’s chest, enjoying his body heat. Not long after, he begins to stir, tightening his arms around her waist.
After a wave of peaceful silence, Y/N speaks. 
“I’ll fix ya up some breakfast in the mornin’. Then you can get on with your trip.” 
She says, already regretting last night’s activities. She knew he would be leaving in the morning, and yet she still got attached. Damn feelings.
“Kickin’ me out already? I haven’t even fixed up your fence yet.” He tries to joke but soon frowns, turning his head to gaze down at her.
Before he can say anything else, she climbs out of her bed, slipping on her discarded night dress. 
“You don’t got to worry ‘bout that fence. I can handle it. You only wanted to stay one night anyway, right? Wouldn’ want ya to stay later than ya have to.” 
Y/N doesn’t look at him and instead slips on a cardigan. He slides off the bed, finding his own clothes.
“Yea, yea...um, I guess you’re right. S’pose I should get my stuff then…” he walks past her, making his way to the guest room. 
Y/N tries to hide her disappointment, wrapping her arms around herself. She walks into the kitchen and brews some coffee. She hears Miguel’s footsteps behind her and finally turns around.
“Ya know…I can stick ‘roun  longer…if ya want me to…” 
Y/N shakes her head.  “No, you don’t have to. You’re a busy man. Don’t feel like you're indebted to me or somethin’ I ain’t that important.” she jokes, smiling sadly.
He grumbles. “You don’t needa worry ‘bout my business. And I don’t feel like I owe ya. I…I…”
I want to be with you. I want to marry you!
Suddenly, his mother’s ring felt like it was burning through his breast pocket.
Y/N shakes her head, setting her mug down. “See? There’s nothin’ for ya here. Not even me.”
No! That’s not true! He wants to shout. 
“Maybe not..but I…I can’t help that…”. Why was it so hard to tell her? I love you! Bam, done. But it really isn’t that easy.
“Can’t help what Miguel?” 
He says nothing, his voice now non-existent. Y/N holds his shoulder.
“ ‘S okay, Miguel. I’ll be okay.”
He shakes his head. “Will you, Darlin?” he asks.
She knows she won’t be. But he can’t live his life without boring her.
“ ‘S not nothing I’m used to, Miggy. Go find a gal that’s meant for ya.” she says.
You’re the gal that’s meant for me!
“If you say so, Darlin.”
She nods. “Sure ya don’t want a bite to eat?”
Miguel shakes his head. “I’ll manage.”
Y/N nods again, looking down. “Have a safe trip. Take care o’ yourself.” 
He tips his hat, “I will, Darlin’.”
With that, Miguel walks towards the front door and clicks it shut, not looking back at her house.
An eerie silence hung in the air, Y/N’s coffee now cold.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I’m sorry for the late chapter, I’ve been a bit busy.
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fetusgooseandjuice · 2 years
I’ll Always Find You
Pairings: Shuri Udaku x fem!reader
Summary: When your girlfriend is sent on a mission that turns out to be a set up, her enemies take the opportunity to abduct you for your talents.
Word Count: 4,131
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Your POV:
"Do you have everything you need?" I asked.
"Uh I think so."  Shuri replied a little uncertain as she finished getting ready.
The Dora Milaje had just given Shuri notice of a new threat on the outskirts of Wakanda, and now she was suiting up to go take care of it. The Jabari Tribe was currently at war with other tribes, and Nakia was going with Shuri, so I was going to be alone in the palace.
Shuri was hesitant on leaving me by myself, but I insisted she went. She also didn't really have a choice, as it was her duty. But, I didn't mind being alone because it gave me some time to work on the new suits I was making for the Dora Milaje.
I handed the almost forgotten kimoyo beads to her, "And this is why you have me." I teased.
"Ah thank you, baby." she said, putting the kimoyo beads on her wrist as I hummed. She put one hand on the back of my neck, and the other on my waist, pulling me closer to her body so she could lean down to gently kiss me.
I held onto both of her arms as we got lost in each other, completely forgetting about the mission that needed to be taken care of. That was until someone entered the lab.
"Alright you two, calm yourselves. Shuri, we've got places to be. You'll see your baby later." Okoye joked, making her way into the room.
We pulled away and turned our heads. "Must you alway do this." Shuri sighed, playfully annoyed.
"Hey, I was just coming to let you know that the Talon Fighter was ready whenever you are." she put her hands up, defending herself.
"Okay, okay thank you. I'll be right there just go away." she said trying to hide a smile, but failing miserably.
Okoye raised her eyebrow while walking away with a smirk on her face. Shuri sighed and looked back down at me.
"You sure you're gonna be okay here by yourself for a few hours?" she asked softly.
"Yeah I'll be fine don't worry. Those suits are probably gonna keep my occupied most of the time anyways." I smiled up at her.
"Alright, well you have your kimoyo beads right? If you need anything you can always tell me or even get Griot to contact me." her protective nature over me was making itself known.
"Yes Shuri, I have them. Now get going everyone's probably waiting on you." I urged her.
"I'm going, Im going- wait one more kiss." she pleaded and I playfully rolled my eyes as she gave me a deep, passionate kiss.
"I love you." she whispered when we pulled away.
"I love you too. Promise me you'll come back to me in one piece." I made her give me her word.
"I Promise. I always do, my love." she smiled and gave me one last peck before turning and walking out of the room.
I sighed and made my way over to the table I was originally working at before Shuri came to inform me of the situation. I sat down in the chair and picked up my pencil, beginning to sketch out my next step.
The sun was now almost completely set as I finished my drawing. Admiring my work, I wanted to make a few changes to some parts of it, but I decided to get a snack before I start that because it must've been a while since I last ate considering my growling stomach.
"Hey Griot, what time is it?" I asked the AI.
"It is currently 6:26 Miss Y/L/N."
"I'll take a quick break and then get back to work." I thought to myself.
I exited the lab and made my way into the kitchen, grabbing a bag of chips and water. I sat down to eat and scroll through my phone. I got bored about 15 minutes later, but when an idea for the suits popped into my head, I cleaned up my mess and made my way back into the lab.
I sat back down and began erasing and redrawing the parts I had wanted to change. I was deep in thought until I heard a loud thud. Confused, I looked up and my eyes scanned around the room. No one should be in here since everyone was out.
When I didn't see anyone in the room, I pushed my chair back and stood up, slowly walking towards the lab exit. Peeking my head out, I looked to my left and then the right, but saw no one. I fully exited the lab and started walking down one of the hallways.
As I went to turn a corner, I felt someone grab me from behind. I didn't get a chance to scream because they quickly held a cloth over my mouth and nose. I struggled to get out of their grip until I felt myself getting weaker, eventually passing out.
Shuri's POV:
We were currently in a fight with the trespassers. They weren't that skilled in battle, there was just a lot of them. I came face to face with the leader of them when they began to speak.
"How's that girl of yours doing, hm?" they suddenly asked.
"That girl- Y/N?" I was confused as to how they knew about her and why they brought her up.
"Is that her name? That information was never really at the top of my priority list while trying to locate her." they said.
"Locate her? What are you talking about? Why are you looking for Y/N?" I questioned angrily. I was getting impatient and concerned about my girl.
"That you don't need to worry about. I would worry about the fact that we're no longer looking for her because we've already got her. Please know that this little fight was never a personal thing, we just needed you out of the way." they smirked before retreating along with the rest of their group, leaving me stunned and speechless.
All of the information that was just given to me was now processing. They needed me out of the way so they could get to Y/N? This was all a set up? It was all clicking.
"Okoye, Nakia, Aneka, I need you to get back to the aircraft right now." I spoke to them using my kimoyo beads.
Quickly making my way back to the aircraft, I ran inside and they were already there waiting for me.
"What happened? Why did they all just flee like that?" Okoye questioned.
I set the Fighter in autopilot to take us home while I explained everything to them.
"I-it was a trap. A set up. We need to get back to Y/N because the leader of that group said s-something about how they just needed us out of the way so they could get to Y/N." I quickly explained and stuttered along the way because I was getting really anxious.
"Wait so they have Y/N?" Nakia spoke up.
"I think so and we don't even know anything about these people or how they managed to get into the palace undetected." I said.
"Okay let's think about this for a minute. Shouldn't you be able to track her kimoyo beads?" Okoye suggested.
"I was already working on doing that, but it's saying that they're still at the palace, and I have no way to tell if she really is there because the security cameras were deactivated." I sighed, feeling defeated
"Okay then when we get back we'll be able to take a closer look. See if there's anything to help us. And there is a possibility that she's still there and this was all just some sick attempt at scaring us, right?" Aneka added.
"Yeah it'll be alright." Okoye reassured, putting a hand on my shoulder.
When we arrived home, I barely gave the doors time to open before I darted out of aircraft, and inside the palace.
"Y/N?! Y/N are you here?!" I was running down all of the hallways trying to find anything. I paused when I saw something lying on the floor. I walked closer to the object to get a better look and picked it up. Her kimoyo beads.
"She's not here. We checked the other side of the palace." Okoye said as we all ended up in the same hallway.
I sighed and turned around, pacing, trying to figure out what to do next.
"I'll try to get the Griot up and running again to see if he has any information. Can you just check outside to see if there's anything?" I pleaded to them.
"Aneka and I will. Okoye, you stay with Shuri and keep her company." Nakia asked and Okoye nodded before they left to go look outside.
I made my way back into the lab and started working.
"I can't believe the last time I saw her was just a few hours ago." I said quietly and Okoye just let me talk.
"I promised her I'd come back to her, but I was too late. I should've known." I shook my head.
"Shuri, you couldn't have predicted that. I mean they tricked all of us, it wasn't just you. You can't blame yourself, and I don't think Y/N will blame you either when we find her." Okoye said.
"Yeah well I'm the one who left her alone. My gut was telling me not to and I didn't listen. I left her." I whispered the last part.
"It's not your fault. You went to go protect your country, and the threat wasn't what any of us expected." she was trying to convince me that I couldn't have known any better.
"I went to go protect my country when in reality I should've been here protecting her." I said blankly.
She didn't get a chance to respond because there was a loud beep as I had finally succeeded in activating Griot once again. I pumped my fists in victory. We haven't found Y/N yet, but this is a start.
"Griot, do you have any security footage stored in your database from the last 4 hours?" I asked hopefully.
"It appears that I do. I was not deactivated until minutes after the incident. I will now project the footage for you." he said and I silently thanked my ancestors.
He showed us the video and Okoye stood up next to me to watch it too.
I saw Y/N working at her desk when there was a noise that got her attention. She got up and walked out of the lab very cautiously. I observed a figure dressed in all black grasp her from behind and roughly place a cloth over her face. I watched with tears in my eyes as she tried to fight back, but was unsuccessful when she passed out. They must've had some type of sedative in the cloth that caused her to go unconscious. I felt anger wash over me when they slipped her kimoyo heads off of her wrist and onto the floor, carrying her out of the video frame.
"Griot turn it off." I demanded, finding it hard to watch, and it disappeared.
Now that I had a clear video of the person, I should be able to identify them and then find a location. Wherever they are, Y/N had to be there too.
It didn't take me very long to find coordinates. Only about 20 minutes. I had Okoye notify Aneka and Nakia and tell them I needed them to come too. We boarded the Fighter and took off.
Your POV:
My eyes slowly fluttered open as I regained consciousness. I used my arms to push me to sit up, and took in my surroundings. I was on the floor in a dark room. When my eyes adjusted to the lighting, I noticed that it was a cell made up of glass walls.
My head turned at the sound of a beep and a door opening, three people walked in. Two of them appearing to be guards.
"Y/N! I see you're finally awake. How are you feeling?" a tall man asked me.
I just stared at him. He was crazy for thinking that I was going to talk to him after he quite literally kidnapped me.
"Silent treatment. I see. Well I don't plan on causing you any harm. I just heard you were one of the finest technical designers in Wakanda and I just had to have you complete a small little project for me." he said way too enthusiastically, leaning against a wall.
"I couldn't even think about taking Shuri because well, she's clearly proved her ability to put up a fight, and it would just be too difficult. But you'll do just fine, won't you?" he asked raising his eyebrow.
"I'm not making anything for you. You must be out of your mind if you ever thought I would." I muttered.
"Thought you might say that." he looked down and sighed.
He opened the door to the room I was in and closed it, slowly stalking towards me and bending down to my level as I was still on the ground.
"You see I was trying to be nice at first, but it seems like you don't wanna reciprocate, and i've run out of patience. I know I said I wasn't planning on causing you any harm, but i'll fit that into my schedule if it comes down to that." he said sternly, only a few inches away from my face.
I broke eye contact with him and looked anywhere that wasn't towards him, responding with silence. That must've set him off because he then harshly backhanded me, the silver rings on his fingers bound to make bruises appear on my cheek sooner or later.
He roughly grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him, "I gave you a chance and you refused to take it. Now we'll just have to see how long it’ll take you to comply the hard way." he was stone-faced as he turned to walk out the door, the two other men following behind.
I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding, and let my upper body fall into the glass so I was sitting propped up against the wall.
Shuri's basically the smartest person in the world. She would've had to have noticed something was wrong, right?
Shuri's POV:
"Right so you guys all understand what is expected of you, correct?" I just finished going over the game plan with them as we approached the building.
"Yes, your highness." Nakia responded while Aneka and Okoye nodded their heads.
"Stay on your feet and please, be smart. We can’t risk anything because we're not leaving without Y/N." I said looking between the three of them as they nodded.
We went off our separate ways and discreetly entered the building. It was quiet empty considering the fact that they're holding someone here against their will. I opened every door and searched inside, feeling disappointed when Y/N was never in any of the rooms.
I came across another door. I opened it and saw that it led to a basement. As I made my way down the stairs I was automatically met with two men who instantly attacked me.
Like the people we fought earlier, they weren't very skilled, so I took them out easily since there were only a couple of them.
When they were unconscious, I continued my walk towards the end of the hallway and came across a double door. I tried to open it, but it was locked. Looking around, I saw that the door needed a keycard in order to be unlocked.
I ran back down the hallway to the bottom of the stairs and started to look in the pockets of the guards lying on the floor. I came up empty handed after searching the first one, but the second one had a keycard in their pocket.
Grabbing the card and running back, I hoped that it would unlock the door, and it miraculously did. When I opened the door, my heart broke at the sight of my love sitting on the floor of such a tiny, dark space.
"Oh my god Y/N?!" I loudly whispered, disabling my mask with my kimoyo beads, and her head perked up.
"Shuri!" she said and stood up to scurry over to the front of the small room she was in. I darted over to the glass wall that was separating us and my eyes scanned her body for injuries. I noticed a bruise forming under her eye.
"Are you okay? Did they do that to you? I swear i'm gonna-"she interrupted me.
"I'm okay, i'm okay I promise." she reassured me with a small smile on her face.
I saw the door to the room she was in and I tugged on the handled, but it was obviously locked. I thought for a second before an idea popped into my head.
"I'm gonna get you out, okay? Just sit down in the corner back there and cover your face." she did as I told her.
I stepped back to gain momentum in my punch, trying to break the glass. It only took three hits for it to shatter and I sprinted towards her, kneeling down in front of her, gently moving her hands away from her face.
"Are you hurt anywhere else, darling? Is it just that bruise? What else did they do to you?" I frantically asked, turning her head to check her neck, and I started to lift up her shirt to check her torso before she stopped me.
"I'm fine, Shuri. It was just that bruise. I'm okay." she softly told me as I carefully cupped her cheeks, stroking my thumb under the mark so I didn't hurt her.
"Okay well we need to leave now. I'm sure they've already noticed we're here and I've got to get you out of this place.” I said and started to help her stand up until someone else starting speaking.
"Aw wasn't that just adorable." a voice said.
I quickly spun around getting into fighting stance, ready to defend my girl, but relaxed when I saw Okoye, Nakia, and Aneka standing in the doorway.
"You can't just sneak up on me like that. I could've hurt you guys." I jokingly lectured them.
"You? Hurt me? Ha, you're funny." Okoye snickered.
"Uh what she means to say is that we dealt with big boss man for you." Aneka interrupted.
"Big boss man. Really?" I raised my eyebrows.
"How was I supposed to know his name?" she explained herself.
I shook my head with a small laugh, "Thanks guys. I owe you for this."
"Just doing our job, you highness." Aneka nodded at me.
"You guys can head to the aircraft. We'll meet you there." I told them before they disappeared out of sight.
I turned around and saw Y/N standing up.
"Hey, no walking for you, princess." I frowned.
"Shuri I said I'm okay, my legs are working perfectly fine." she tried to reason with me but I shook my head, picking her up off of her feet bridal style and stepping over the glass to walk out of the building.
As I entered the aircraft, I put Y/N down on a table and pulled a chair up in front of her for me to sit in. I asked Nakia to get me the first aid kit so I could treat the bruise on her face.
"So we saw how it happened. You know, how they got you out of the palace. But, we don't know why they were looking for you specifically. Did they say anything to you while you were there?" I was trying to understand why this all happened to her.
"Yeah um. They wanted me to make something for them. I guess they found out about the technology I designed for Wakanda, and they needed me to make something for them. Said they didn't want to take you because it would be too complicated." she explained.
I nodded my head connecting all of the dots with the information that I knew. Nakia came back with the first aid kit and handed it to me, I thanked her.
"How did you know that I was gone?" she asked.
I sighed and stood up between her legs, opening the box and pulling out the things I needed, "The man who took you was the leader of the group that we were in combat with earlier today. They needed all of our best defenders out of the picture to get to you, so they set us up. It was all a trick." I told her as I began treating the cut on her bruise.
Y/N was a very observant person and she could read me like a book. That's why she could tell how guilty I was feeling despite me trying to mask it.
"Don't tell me you think this is your fault, Shuri." she said.
"I can't help but think it is. You needed me and I wasn't there. Plain and simple." I shook my head at myself.
"Shuri, you couldn't have known. I didn't know. No one knew. So don't beat yourself up over this." she whispered.
I sighed and put down the cotton swab I was working with, "I know, I'm sorry. I just feel like I should've been there for you." I put my hand on the side her her jaw and stroked my thumb over her cheek. I tend to do that a lot because I know she finds it comforting.
"Well you found me. You're here now." she said, trying to find the positives in this situation like she always does. I admire that about her.
"I'll always find you, love." I softly told her. She gave me that sweet smile of hers and I couldn't help but smile too. Craving the feel of her lips against mine was an understatement. The last time I got to feel them was before I left and I needed to kiss those lips.
"I love you, sweet girl." I said staring into her eyes.
"I love you, too." she whispered.
I moved my hand to her chin and tilted her head up, giving her slow and soft kisses while my other hand fell onto her thigh. I could feel her relax under my touch as she wrapped her arms around my neck.
We continued like this for a couple minutes until footsteps caught Y/N's attention. I wasn't aware of them yet, so when she tried to break the kiss I just pulled her closer.
"Baby-" she managed to get out in between kisses, pushing on my chest and I stopped.
"What's wrong? Are you okay?" I asked, worried that I did something wrong. I followed her eyes to see what she was looking at.
"I leave for 5 minutes and you can't keep your hands to yourselves?" Okoye jokingly questioned.
I groaned and threw my head back, "Why do you always do this." I whined.
"It's not my fault you didn't consider the fact that you're in this aircraft with 3 other people." she shrugged.
I rolled my eyes at her before she spoke up again, "I was just coming to tell you that due to the weather we're going to have to slow down the flight speed and it's gonna take a little while to get home, so get comfy. But now I see that you already were very comfortable." she teased.
"Oh go away, Okoye." I said, playfully annoyed.
"I'm going, calm down." she said and walked back to wherever she came from.
I turned my head to look back down at Y/N, "You look so tired, darling." I observed.
"So do you." she said and furrowed her eyebrows.
"Well in that case, up you go." I picked her up under her thighs and her legs wrapped around my waist, her arms wrapping around my neck.
I walked over to a couch and sat down with her in my arms, turning my body so I could lay down with my head propped up on the arm of it. Y/N moved herself to lay down on top of me, her legs tangling with mine as her head fell onto my chest.
Her hand went to play with my necklace, and my hand went under her shirt to rub her bare back, lulling her into a deep sleep that would last for most of the ride home.
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