#If I didn't manage to answer your question feel free to ask again and I'll try my best to answer that too
bumbleboa · 6 months
How is it that your art is so sharp? It feels crisp.
I brainstormed this question with some people on Discord because I didn't know how to best answer this, and here are the crowdsourced answers:
- I use fairly large canvases to draw on, which means when I resize my art down to post online it will look cleaner and crisper than how it is actually drawn
- I am a big fan of using hard brushes. Most of my posts on here are lined with either a default ClipStudio G-Pen with barely any anti-aliasing or a textured sketch brush with high opacity (in its simplest form it is a hard round brush with a paper texture and barely any opacity jitter)
- If by sharpness you mean my general line economy... That answer is probably going to be the least helpful. Because all the decision making of what lines to go for and which to omit and how to decide on line weight came with practice and lots of trial and error over the years
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Fuck it, let's try again.
Some time ago I created a forum that didn't stay lively for very long, unfortunately, but I don't want to give up on it as I think forums offer something that no other tool for online community can offer: an actual community that doesn't rely on everyone acting like their own PR/marketing team.
So here it is, in case anyone's interested:
What does it have to offer?
A place to meet artists and roleplayers from the FFXIV fandom, where you won't be assailed by notifications like a Discord server, that's LGBTQ-friendly and won't ask you to post all the time to remain visible (contrary to social media).
What you'll find:
RP sections for your RP threads, easier to manage than on Tumblr, and without the pressure of being seen online on Discord because you wanted to talk to your friends but aren't in the mood for RP
A place to get help to create your character or write an NPC, if you're feeling insecure and want to try your hand at writing/roleplaying
Galleries for your writing, fanarts, screenshots, irl craft, etc. where you don't have to worry about peak hours to be seen
Forums where you can gush about your own characters and get asked questions: no need to have a big following anymore!
A place where you can discuss the lore and share your meta analysis to your heart content
A place to organize your own in-game event and promote it, once again without needing to build a big enough following for it to be noticed!
Yes, there's a NSFW section (that you have to ask to get access to). Forumactif—the host—is not in favor of this, however, so if Etheirys has enough success I might consider hosting it myself (but I'm not rich so we'll start with the free alternative for now and just keep it on the low XD)
And more!
I am taking suggestions to improve it and I'll gladly help you and answer your questions if you're not familiar with forums (or this sort of forums, anyways).
For those who don't know me or find me intimidating to talk to (I know it has happened) I've been leading communities big and small for about 18 years now, and I've always put a big emphasis on fairness, communication and patience.
(Please reblog so more people can see this!)
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yxngbxkkie · 8 months
little date at the shop (b.c)
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y'know, depending on what happens, i might do little blurbs on mechanic!chris 🫢 i never thought i'd like it this much 🤭 i do hope you guys enjoy this cute fic! let me know what you think 🩷
feedback is greatly appreciated 🥰
“Do you think he'd like it if I brought him food?” You ask Hyunjin, pinning your phone against your shoulder.
Your friend on the line scoffs, and you can see him rolling his eyes. “I'm sure he would, yes,” Hyunjin answers. “He's always liked that kind of stuff.”
A smile graces your lips. “Okay, I'm going to bring him lunch then,” you giggle, putting the phone on speaker before looking at your delivery app.
“If I knew you are going to act like this, I never would've introduced you,” he says with a laugh, mumbling to himself about how Chris is all you talk about.
“I'm sorry, I'm sorry!” You dramatically apologize, halting your search for food to give him your attention.
Hyunjin sighs, taking a minute before he speaks again. “No, it's okay. I shouldn't be complaining. I haven't seen you this happy about someone since the last guy. I'm just really glad you found a good one,” he explains, causing your lips to pout.
“I appreciate you looking out for me, Hyune. I couldn't ask for a better friend,” you tell him, tracing random shapes on your table.
“I better be your best man at the wedding,” he jokes, bringing the mood back up.
You let out a cackle, and you tip your head back. “You'd have to take that up with Chris,” you remind him while shaking your head.
“Oh don't you worry, I'll be sure he knows!” He chuckles. “I have to go. If you see him, tell him I said hi.”
You agree to his request before you bid him goodbye. You hang up the phone and go back to your delivery app. You remember him mentioning that he loves sushi, so that's what you'll order.
After waiting for twenty minutes for the food to arrive, you quickly hop into your vehicle. You gently set the delivery bag onto your passenger seat, buckling up before backing out of your driveway.
During the drive towards Five-Star Auto, you couldn't help but begin to feel nervous. You and Chris have been on four dates since the day Hyuintro “introduced” you. In your perspective, everything's going well. You're just slightly confused as to why he hasn't made things official yet.
You bite your lip, zoning out at the stoplight as you recall him saying he doesn't have time for relationships. Does he even want one? Is that why he hasn't kissed you again? A million questions run through your head, making you panic a little.
“Maybe he's being respectful,” you mumble to yourself, pressing down on the gas as soon as the light turns green.
You pull into the parking lot of the garage, noticing his vehicle being the only one. You park next to him and shut your vehicle off. A deep breath comes from your lips, trying to calm yourself down before heading inside.
“He'd tell me if he doesn't want to see me anymore,” you say to yourself, looking at your reflection in the mirror.
You grab the food beside you and exit the vehicle. After locking it, you shove your keys into your hoodie pocket. You peek through the open door of the garage, looking for Chris.
“Are you looking for me?” A voice whispers into your ear, causing you to jump. You almost drop the food, miraculously managing to catch it while turning around.
Chris chuckles, his hands resting behind his back. “I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you,” he apologizes, bringing a hand to your arm and gently strokes it.
“How are you so quiet?” You ask him in disbelief, pressing your free hand against your chest. “Every time I see you, you're sneaking up on me.”
“I wouldn't say I'm sneaky,” he mentions, leading you into the place. “I think you're just really bad at noticing your surroundings.”
You scoff, rolling your eyes playfully. “Okay, you got me there,” you groan, tapping your fingers against the bag you're holding. “It's your lunch time, right?”
“It is,” Chris beams, his eyes looking down at your full hands. “Did you bring me lunch?”
“I, I bought us lunch,” you clarify, feeling yourself heating up in embarrassment. “That is if you wanna have lunch with me.”
The grin on his lips widens, and you watch him shake his head. Your fingers grip the bag in your hands, thinking he's going to reject the idea. A gasp leaves your lips when you feel his lips kiss your forehead.
“Of course I want to have lunch with you,” he reassures you, grabbing your free hand before walking into his office.
You sit down in front of his desk, pulling the chair closer so you don't make a mess. You can feel his eyes on you as you untie the plastic bag. “I didn't know what you liked exactly, so I took a guess,” you tell him with flushed cheeks.
You pull the trays of sushi out, setting them in the middle of you both. “Oh, I actually love this one,” Chris points to your favorite, making your heart flutter.
He reaches into the bag, grabbing the two packets of chopsticks. He opens both of them as you uncover the sushi you bought. Chris holds out a pair to you with a smile.
“Thank yo–” you cut yourself off when Chris moves the utensils out of reach. Your eyes meet his, noticing the admiration in them.
“I'm really glad you stopped by,” he says softly, gently placing the chopsticks in your hand. “And thank you for the food.”
Your heart starts to pound against your chest, the tension between you two thickening. “Of course. I… You make me really happy,” you mention loud enough for him to hear, directing your gaze to the sushi.
Chris stands up from his chair before taking two steps towards you. His index finger hooks beneath your chin, lifting your head slowly. Your breath hitches in your throat as he leans forward.
“You make me happy too,” he whispers, a shiver running down your spine at the feeling of his fingers.
“Can I ask you something?” You ask quietly, your eyes roaming his entire face. Chris nods his head, crouching a bit so you're eye level. You set down the pair of chopsticks before laying your hand over his. “Are you planning to ask me to be yours?”
His eyes widen at your question, and you notice the tips of his ears start to turn red. “I–” Chris pauses, looking down for a few seconds before returning his gaze to you. “I planned on it, yeah. I was just trying to find the right time.”
“Now is fine,” you giggle shyly, removing his hand from your face so you can play with the tips of his fingers.
“It's not too fast?” He asks, furrowing his brow.
You shake your head, confused as to why he would think that. He laces his fingers with yours before kissing the back of your hand.
“I talked to Hyunjin about your ex. He mentioned that he liked to move fast with you and that it made you uncomfortable. So, I was taking things slow until you were ready,” he explains with a sigh.
Oh, I think I'm in love. You think to yourself, bringing your free hand to his cheek. “You are so sweet,” you whisper, closing the space between you.
Chris releases a breathy moan as your lips collide with his. He hasn't kissed you since the night you met, and the feeling he got then is still the same.
You pull away from him before he can deepen it, earning a whine from him. You smile and tap his cheek lovingly. “So, Christopher, can I be yours?” You ask him, planting a couple more kisses on his lips.
“You already are,” he breathes out, pursing his lips during one of your quick kisses.
tagging: @strawboorybunny @reddesert-healourblues @spacegirlstuff @moon0fthenight @foxinnie8 @like-a-diamondinthesky @prettymiye0n @turtledove824
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heartysworld · 3 months
The Red Race Suit || Sebastian Vettel x Reader
Request: Let's say Mick actually managed to stay in F1 and is actually winning GPs (in a perfect universe) and this time he got P1 and Seb is P2 and during the press conference after the race a reporter asks Seb how he feels about someone else "stealing" P1 from him and instead of talking about that Seb says how he's proud of Mick for achieving such success and stuff like that! I'll leave the rest to you!
A/N: To whoever requested this, I hope your pillow is cold on both sides as that's the cutest thing I've ever written! The feelings were all over the place! I hope you enjoy this one and if you guys have any more requests feel free to send them in💝
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You watched from the Ferrari garage as the post race conference was about to begin, your husband being there as well as he got P2 at his home race. On your lap sat your 3 year old son who excitedly bounced his arms as his big blue eyes registered his father's Ferrari red race suit.
"Yes, my little love that's daddy there on the big screen." You said as you kissed his chubby rosy cheeks while the little boy in your arms let out an excited squeal.
"Following a spectacular FIA Formula 1 German Grand Prix we are joined by Max Verstappen in third place , Sebastian Vettel in second and our winner Mick Schumacher. Good job Mick, another spectacular race added to the long list of wins. How does it feel to get P1 once again, following your father's footsteps?" One of the many interviewers behind the camera asked.
"Yes, thank you. Of course it's very rewarding to see all of you hard work pay off. This was a hard race, the weather conditions were quite concerning at some point. To be able to go through with the whole race and get P1 is always an amazing feeling. I can only hope my family is proud and watching, I know my sister is somewhere here today." Mick said, a small smile gracing his lips as he thought about his big sister witnessing yet another of his wins.
"And Sebastian, what's the feeling of losing grasp of P1 during the last two laps? Surely that's something to talk about. Nobody expected such turn of events during the last few minutes of your home race!" The next question was addressed to Seb. Your husband smiled before answering.
" If it was any other situation I wouldn't be the happiest man out there. However, I couldn't be more proud of Mick here, seeing him achieve something he's worked so hard for. He's the godfather of my son, he's family at this point, probably the only one whom I don't mind being P1 instead of me." Sebastian asked, his answer making everyone in the room laugh.
There is not a person out there who's not aware of the bond between the two. Seb was to Mick was his father was for the once young an energetic Toro Rosso rookie in 2007.
When you found out you were pregnant with your first child three years ago, one of the first things your husband asked of you was to allow him to make Mick the godfather of your baby. Even though the Schumacher boy was just seventeen years old back then you didn't need to be asked twice if you agreed with your husband. You loved both Seb and Mick,and seeing them happy could only make your life better.
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Your husband wasted no time finding you after all the interviews were over. By that time you and your son had moved to his motorhome as the little one had started to get cranky, demanding his naptime. The moment Seb saw his son's squished cheeks against the soft pillows a bright smile graced his face.
"Hey there, champion" you stood up from your spot on the bed beside your son, wasting no time in finding the comfort of your husband's embrace, nuzzling your face in his chest. "you need a shower, schatz, as soon as possible." You murmured against his chest. Your words were followed by a low laugh from your husband, careful not to wake up the sleeping toddler.
"Let me enjoy this moment a few more seconds, liebling. I don't get to have my wife and son at a race every other week." Sebastian said before placing a gentle kiss on your forehead.
"Hmm, that is correct. Our little man was so excited to see his papa in the red racing suit. The moment he recognized you he got so excited. I wouldn't change this for world of me." You said as your mind went back to an hour ago.
"Neither could I, liebling. Having you here makes me even more agitated to win." You husband answered, one of his hands coming up to your face and making you look up at him before kissing your lips softly.
" The second place today says otherwise." You laugh as you watch his eyes crinkle as he laughs at your sarcasm while his hands come to press you even tighter to his body.
" Don't be mean, my love. As long as it's Mick or our son in 1st place one day I don't mind." Seb said smiling at the thought of his son following his footsteps one day.
"You're going to make go through the same stress levels with our son as the ones I'm dealing with right now as I watch you race? How thoughtful of you, Seb." You exclaimed whole your husband laughed at you.
"Don't worry, liebling. I'm going to give you more children who will take your mind off such things." You husband leaned closed, mumbling against your lips as he smiled before giving you a deeper kiss.
"Hmm, I'll have to think about this. Win me another world champion title and we might get to work on your request."
"You know better than to test what I'm capable of, darling. When I want something I achieve it. And when I do, I don't apologize for winning. So he careful what you wish for."
Reblogs and likes are deeply appreciated! 💝
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suugarbabe · 2 months
hi! can i request a one shot of you and theo but it’s a detective au where he’s your bf and he tries to seduce you by saying ‘there’s a clue in your panties. i need to inspect it😎 ends in smut. thanks xx
omgomgomg yes babe for suuuuure, i hope i do it justice!
a/n: possible sarcasm, possible old school wattpad smut
It had been a long day of waiting for you. waiting for your shift to be over, waiting for the dishwasher to get done, and now waiting for Theo to get home.
You knew his job could take a toll on his time, him being a detective and all, but it didn't stop you from missing him when he was gone. You were currently waiting on the couch, your favorite trash tv playing on the screen in front of you when you heard the familiar sound of Theo struggling with keys in the lock.
When he finally finally managed to open the door to your shared apartment you could help but tease, "The case of the locked door nearly stump you again detective?" Theo let out a soft laugh as he walked toward on the couch. He leaned down, a hand resting on ether side of your head on the back of the couch.
Theo was generously taller than you, but in this position he nearly encompassed you whole. His ocean eyes were entrancing as a smirk adorned his blush lips, "I think I might still be having some trouble, cara Mia, I might need to interrogate you."
You bit your lip to hold back a smile, "Oh? I'm willing to answer any questions, detective. scouts honor." You held up three fingers like you were swearing in. Theo didn't hide his growing grin, "I think you'll be a very helpful suspect." You raised your eyebrows at this, "Suspect huh? What kind of clues do you think you can get from me, sir?"
Theo couldn't help the low groan that left his throat, "You know I love it when you call me sir, tesoro...but i think there's a clue in your panties, and i need to inspect it." Without control a giggle left your lips, turning into a full on belly laugh, "Oh, Teddy...that was quite awful."
Quite quickly and unexpectedly Theo laid you down on the couch, him now hovering over you with both of your arms pinned above your head in one of his large hands. Theo ground his hips down, you feeling how incredibly hard he was from just the little bit of teasing. You let out a soft moan, getting immediately wet.
Theo placed his hand between your thighs, feeling the wet patch in your panties, "Is all this for me, amore? Did Detective Nott do this to you?" You nodded, "Please Theo, check my panties for the clue, I-I need you."
He let out a low moan, "I'll take that as a confession." Theo ripped your panties off your body, eliciting a gasp from you. He quickly undid his trousers with one hand, his large, long, hard cock sprinting free, tip leaking with precum. "Are you ready for me?" He asked, lips ghosting over the skin of your neck. You nodded vigorously, a small yes leaving your lips.
Theo spread your wetness over his member before sheathing himself inside your sopping wet core. His hips snapped against yours with desperate speed, the lewdness of the sound filling the room. Theo could feel your walls tightening around his hard cock, "Go ahead, princepesa, let go for him, cum around my big cock deep inside you." His permission is all your body needed to let go, summing hard around his member before you felt his hips stutter, his seed coating your walls full and deep.
Theo collapsed to his elbows in top of you, kissing your forehead sweetly, "I'm so glad you were a cooperative suspect, amore." You smiled up at him, batting your lashes, "Me too, detective."
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neoarchipelago · 2 years
And they were Roommates (Part 8)
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A/N: ok. Wahou. Firstly, thank you all. The love this has been receiving just makes me feel so happy. I'd like to apologize again i do take a bit of time to update as i work. I'd also like to thank evberyone who sends ideas for the story. PS: you can tip me a dollar if you want, but my content stays entirely free.
WARNING: violence, mention of death and injuries.
You heard the door close behind you. The boys had left and Simon was tense. 
"Who's that guy?" He asked. 
"That's Sergeant Peter Hansen." You explained. 
You headed to the fridge to check what you could cook tonight. 
"Since when did you know him?" 
"Since he moved in. Across the hall Simon." 
You answered, rolling you eyes. 
"I don't like him." 
You sighed turning back to him. 
"You're just jealous again." 
"No. Not this time. There's something off about him. " 
You smirked. He closed his eyes, realizing his mistake. 
"So… you were jealous of Alejandro?" You teased, slowly walking up to him. 
"You didn't want him to flirt with me…" you kept teasing. 
He straightened himself as you were finally in front of him. 
"You didn't want him to kiss me… or even fuck me-" 
You had only time to blink. You were pressed against a wall, his body flushed to you. Face so close to you. 
"Bunny… don't play like that." 
You let out a shaky breath. It felt so hot all of sudden.  But you loved the way you rilled him up. 
"Why… don't like that thought…?" You whispered. 
"Hate it." 
"Why… cuz I'm yours..?" 
"Yes. My bunny.. only mine." He growled. 
You put your hand on his chest, pushing away. He played your game and stepped back. 
"Am I really?" 
He frowned. 
"You still haven't apologized… yet you come here… and you want me to be fully yours?" You teased again, with a smirk. He chuckled darkly, sending a delightful shiver down your spine. He wrapped his hand over yours softly, bringing it up to his clothed mouth. 
"Oh little bunny…" he growled. "I'll show who you belong to." 
You gasped. 
"You'll only want to be mine after it." 
You sighed. You had woken up that morning with Simon already up and about. 
"You didn't run this morning?" You questioned.
"Why?" You worried. 
"Couldn't get out of bed… weirdly enough… my bedsheets smell like you." He teased. 
Fuck. He knew you'd slept there. You feigned ignorance. 
"Yes. Very weird…"
Later on you had found him on the couch hugging Reaper. 
"Hey!" You complained.
"He smells like you." 
"That's not an excuse! Give it back!" 
After last night's announcement, the squad had decided to not leave you alone a single second. They spent the day at your place. Simon hadn't said a word about it so you suspected he was the one who called them. 
"Ghost. I'm at the base. Do you really think that hacker would try to get in? He's not obsessed." You had tried. 
Nothing had worked. The day was spent in your room, your custom built PC being much more useful for your work. The boys had been bringing you snacks and drinks to make you smile each time. You were trying to find any information. You had ended up using drastic measures. Illegal ones. 
You had gone back to old places, contacted old friends that remained seen by the governments as online terrorists. They, of course, had full secrecy with you. You had helped them all at some point,  so even weary of your new affiliations they accepted to help. 
Thanks to them, you had finally managed to get his username. Darkends. What a dumbass name. Could you show off more than that? 
Thanks to that little information you had finally managed to find a few things. Unfortunately, that asshole was involved in the worst things. The fact that he was after you disgusted you but filled you with the need to catch that asshole and make sure he was locked away for the rest of his days or better. Dead. 
As time passed, the boys had turn by turn come to tell you goodbye and see you tomorrow. It was dinner time when Simon knocked softly and walked in. 
"Hey. Dinner is ready." 
You had smirked. 
"You made dinner?" 
"What? Absolutely not. Food poisoning is not on my to do list. I ordered." 
You laughed. You stretched, sitting on your desk chairs had made your muscles sore. You let out a small moan as you felt your muscles stretching. 
You turned to look at Simon staring at you. 
"Fuckin hell…" 
He shook his head, turning around and walking out. 
You smiled and got up, following him. 
You weren't prepared for the view. You weren't prepared for the candles. For the dim light. For the coffee table to be decorated and pillows surrounding it. The blankets. You felt your heart melt. 
"Sorry, it's fast food… not a grand five star dinner…" 
You smiled, looking up at him. 
"It's perfect." 
His eyes softened a bit. 
"Come on let's eat." 
You followed and sat down on the ground next to him. Your heart felt so light. 
"Thank you Simon…" you whispered. 
"No.. not yet." 
You frowned. 
"Eat little bunny." 
You smiled. 
Dinner went along very nicely. You guys talked, slowly getting to know each other more and more. You felt so happy. Like he was finally letting you in. After dinner, you had cleaned up. Sitting back down on the couch this time, he had made pop corn and put on a movie. You snuggled closer next to him. He chuckled. 
The movie was funny. You were laughing as he seemed to just look at you. It made you slightly embarrassed. He was going to sip on his soda when he spilled it on his shirt. 
You giggled. 
"Take it off, I'll throw it in water before it stains." 
You paused the movie. 
"I'm sorry…" 
"Simon, don't apologize. I'm spending a wonderful evening." 
You smiled at him, the most honest smile you could throw at him. 
You got up to fill up the bathroom sink, putting some detergent in. He walked in and you froze. He was shirtless, his shirt in one hand. He was handsome. But the fresh bruises and cuts was what your eyes focused on. You must've had a worried look on your face because he slowly stepped closer, lifting your chin up so you'd look at him. 
"It's nothing. It's just a couple bruises." 
You frowned slightly. 
"Does it hurt?" 
He chuckled. 
"I've… had much worse." 
That did not, in fact, make you feel better. At all. He must have seen it too. He grabbed your hand, lifting it up to his chest. He placed it on a bigger wound. Clearly a gunshot wound. 
"This. Is my worst one. I was… shot and left for dead." He explained. 
You felt your heart shatter. Silence settled in. You leaned in, pushing both of your hands aside, and dropping a light kiss on it. He sighed. 
"I'm glad you're here…" you said. 
"I'm glad too. I haven't been for a long time. You're making me feel like it's worth it. You and the squad." 
You wanted to cry. You tried to keep it in. He dropped his hand, leaving yours on his chest. He was letting you explore. You softly passed over his pecs, featherlight touch over the angry violet marks. You let it softly trace down to his abs. You could feel his muscles twitch under your touch. The more they traveled south, the more you noticed his breath quickening. His chest lifting. 
Reaching his navel he swallowed hard. You traced a scar on his hip bone, very close to the hem of his sweatpants. He grunted.
You kept tracing, now along the hem of his pants, stopping in the middle where you could see a soft trail of blond hair. Suddenly realizing what you were doing you quickly took back your hand as if his skin had burnt you. 
"H-hum… I'll put this to wash." You stammered. 
Ghost took a small step back handing you his shirt. 
"Yeah… sure..thanks." 
He stepped out, leaving you alone in the bathroom. You looked at yourself in the mirror cursing yourself for what had happened. 
When you went back to the living room, Simon had put a t-shirt on and sat on the couch, head back staring up at the ceiling. You stood there looking at him. The realization of how important this man had become to you made your heart flutter. It also made you slightly worried. After all, you still didn't know what he wanted. Sure the little attention was adorable. But you needed to hear it. 
"Bunny. Come here." He ordered. 
How did he? You didn't even make a sound! 
"How…what?" You were confused. 
He straightened his head looking at you. You could see a thin outline of a smirk through the mask. 
"Come on." He patted the empty space next to him. "The movie isn't over."
The next morning, Ghost had welcomed you with a full breakfast ready. 
"Oh… thank you Simon." 
"Yes. You're welcome, please get dressed, I have to go to the base today." 
"What? I can-"
"No. No discussion. Get comfy. Take your laptop. I have to get through training some recruits, you're not staying here."
"Simon. It's already hell to get into this base when you work here. No one else would even try." you tried. 
"Bunny. No discussion. You're not staying alone."
God. Bunny. Everytime he called you that you wanted to drop to your- no. Wait. 
"S-simon…" you whined. 
"Do you want my hoodie?" 
You chuckled. 
"What? Wearing it around the house isn't enough for you anymore? Want everyone around the base to see me wear it too?" You teased. 
He leaned forward, incredibly close. 
"That sounds like wonderful fucking idea." He growled. 
His words ran back in your mind. You'll only want to be mine after it. God. Was he fucking succeeding? Cuz the thought of him wanting you to wear his clothes for everyone to see made you feel all kinds of warm. You tried to gain composure again. 
"I… don't think you deserve it yet." You whispered. 
He chuckled. 
"This isn't about deserving it. But you do as you wish." 
He straightened himself. Fuck. Now you wanted to wear his hoodie to base. You pouted. 
"I want the one with a pocket in the front…" you mumbled. 
"Good girl." He praised. 
You stood there in shock a bit as he walked to his bedroom. You took a deep breath walking to your room. He grabbed you as you were going to close your door, handing you his hoodie. You snatched it, pretending to be pissed. 
You heard him chuckling as the door closed. You got dressed, leggings and his hoodie. You smelt his scent as soon as you put it on. Did he… put his cologne on it before giving it to you?  
You shook your head, grabbing your bag. You made your way into the living room, still questioning yourself on how he made you comply so easily? 
You peaked around. Everything had been cleaned. No mugs left, no plates. 
"I could have helped Simon." 
"It's alright. I don't mind." 
You looked at him. He was in tactical gear, minus the vest. You couldn't deny how hot he was in it. You blushed. 
"You ready?" 
You nodded. 
He put a hand in the small of your back, walking you out of the door. He was locking the door when Peter stepped out of his apartment. 
"Oh hi Sparrow!" 
"Hi Peter!" You greeted. 
Simon automatically tensed looking at the man. 
"Lieutenant." Peter greeted. 
Simon didn't say anything. The awkward silence stepping in. 
"Hum.. so you liked the muffins?" 
The muffins… wait. You didn't try them. They weren't in the kitchen this morning. 
"Oh yes! Thanks, that was great. " You lied. 
"Nice. Hum… be careful your shoelace is untied." 
You looked down. You were going to bend down when Simon dropped to one knee. 
You blushed heavily. 
"Hands on my shoulder." He ordered. 
You obeyed. He took your feet and lifted it to his knee, tying your shoelace. He took all of his sweet time, making a show of letting his fingers dance over your ankle as he made sure everything was well and tight. He softly tapped your ankle to make you drop your feet as he stood back up. 
You could feel your cheeks burning. It was such an adorable gesture. But you also knew he was entirely jealous of Peter.  
They were staring at each other. The air was thick as hell.  
"Hum… Ghost." You called softly, putting your hand on his biceps. 
"We should go, we'll be late." You tried. 
He nodded, putting his hand back on your lower back. 
"Bye Peter!" 
You hurried away with Simon before the two men would explode. Not only was Simon's behavior weird, though it wasn't the first time, but Peter acting that way was even weirder. 
Once in the parking lot, Simon opened the passenger door for you. You froze when he grabbed the seat belt to buckle you up. Softly pulling on it around your hips, making your breath hitch. 
"Simon." You called. 
He looked up at you.
"You threw out the muffins didn't you?" 
He just stared at you. 
"Would you be mad if I did?" 
You bit your lip. 
"No. Just confused. Do you hate him that much?" 
You saw his jaw clench under his mask. 
"I don't trust him. At all. I want to keep him away from you. As much as possible." He groaned angrily. 
You let out a shaky breath. You lifted your hand to his cheek. He was actually angry and worried. 
"Simon. I'll keep my distance if you want…" 
Even if you didn't feel as if Peter was a threat, you trusted Simon and his instinct. If it made him feel better to know you were away from him, you'd happily comply. 
"Attagirl." He praised. 
You rolled your eyes faking annoyance. He closed your door, walking around to take place in the driver seat. 
"Let's go bunny." 
And on that note, you drove to the base. 
You could already see the team waiting for you guys when you parked in front of the training grounds. 
Soap had jumped to open your door. 
"Soap!" You mimicked. 
"Welcome back to the training grounds." Price smiled. 
"Thank you, I was forced to come." You smiled, earning a dark look from Ghost and a laugh from Price. 
"Understand us Sparrow. We'll all feel better having you where we can keep an eye on you." Price said. 
You looked at him through half lidded annoyed eyes. 
"Again, I'm on a highly secured military base." 
That argument seemed to be shoved under the carpet every single time. You were dragged inside by the men. Obviously, as you were completely out of place, everyone stared at you, making you blush. The guys walked you to a specific corner of the warehouses. You gasped. They had made a corner of training mats and blankets and pillows. 
You blushed. This was embarrassing. Adorable, absolutely cute. But in a room where soldiers were training to fight and kill, you had taken a little place out of this space, and turned it into a realm of comfiness. You felt like you were intruding. 
"This… guys. Too much." You stammered,  blushing and shaking your head. 
"Ah don't worry. Look, Ghost already made them look away." Gaz said. 
You turned around. He was right with one dark look, and probably a promise to turn the training into a living hell, Ghost had made everyone avoid looking this way. 
"Thank you guys really but perhaps something a bit less showy next time…" you smiled. 
They laughed. You sighed and climbed into the fort. It was actually incredibly comfy. You took your laptop, headphones, and hard drive out. You started preparing your things to work when soap approached with another man. 
You recognized him. You remembered him by his mask, hanging very loosely. He was training with Simon before their mission. 
"Hey, here you go" 
Soap dropped various snacks and drinks next to you and the other soldier dropped some more. 
"Guys. Seriously. This is too much." 
"By the way, this is Konig." He ignored.
The big man waved shyly. 
"Hey!" You waved back. 
"If you need anything you can also ask him." 
"Soap. I'm fine. Go train. All of you." You sighed. 
They hurried off. You glanced at Ghost who was looking at you, tightening his gloves around his wrists. You mouthed STOP to him. 
He shook his head making his shoulders roll. You were hypnotized by the movement watching him step into the fighting ring. You forced yourself to turn back to your laptop, trying to get some work done, you still had a hacker to find. 
When lunch time came around, the boys made sure to take you in a room a bit more secluded to eat with you. You chatted happily. You returned to the training grounds after that. 
The day had ended calmly. You had tried to stay focused on your work, but you found yourself often gazing at Ghost sparring. The way his muscles rolled. They way he powerfully sent the recruit's down. It made you feel hotter than necessary. That man could easily break you. Yet this morning he kneeled down and tied your shoe lace. Yet he lets you touch him as you wish without any consequences. Yet you were here, sitting in his hoodie that smelled like him. You were sure your heart was going to burst. 
The way he came to find you after training, his scent mixed with sweat. The way he often sent looks your way to make sure you were ok. 
The way he put his hand on your lower back to walk you back to his car. And buckled your seatbelt for you. His hand sometimes caressed the side of your thigh with his knuckles every time he stepped a bit too much on the gaz. 
The way he opened the door for you once you arrived home. 
You hummed. 
"Are you alright? You barely spoke on the way home. Something on your mind?" 
Yes. You. 
"Sorry. Just trying to find a way to make my search a bit easier. But it's not work hours anymore." You said with a smile. A little white lie he seemed to accept. 
"Alright. I'm gonna hop in the shower." 
You nodded with a smile. You went to drop your things in your room. Stretching a bit. Your mind was trying to figure something for dinner as the water in the bathroom started running. You walked back to the living room with Reaper in your arms. A knock at the door made you put him down on the couch. 
You walked to the door, opening it. 
"Oh. Hi Peter!" You greeted. 
Your conversation this morning came back running to your head. 
"Hey! Sorry to bother you, you got some eggs to spare?" 
"Oh hum sure." 
You walked in as he followed to the kitchen. You opened the fridge grabbing a pack of eggs. 
"No problem." 
He stood there awkwardly, glancing back behind him. 
"Hum… your boyfriend is not home?" He asked. 
You frowned. 
"He's not really my boyfriend. He's showering." You said leaning on the counter. 
"Really? Fuck, by the way he acts it looks like you two are married." 
You blushed. He had been acting as if you were his yes. And fuck. That's all you wanted. He had managed to do exactly what he said. Make you crave being his. 
"Yeah. It's complicated." You said. 
"Complicated enough to refuse a date?" He asked. 
You blinked. What? 
"It's alright. Don't worry. I just needed to say it. You're amazing Sparrow. And in all honesty, I kind of like you. I wanted to ask you on a date but. The big guy showed up." He said with quite a dark chuckle. 
"I'm sorry Peter. You're amazing..but I think my heart belongs to someone else." 
He nodded.
"I fully understand. Really. It's fine. I hope we can just be friends." 
You sighed, swallowing hard. 
"Perhaps it's better if we shouldn't. It's not fair to you." 
He remained silent for a little moment. He nodded. 
"I understand."
Simon walked in, freshly showered, stopping as soon as he saw Peter. The staring match had begun again. 
"Thanks for the eggs, neighbor." He said, nodding towards Simon before heading for the door. 
You heard the door close. Simon rushed to you.
"The fuck is that guy doing here? You ok? Hey look at me." 
You obeyed. 
"I'm fine Simon. He asked if I could give him some eggs, that's all." You lied a bit. 
"No.. there's something else. Tell me."
You sighed. You were scared of his reaction. Not towards you. But towards Peter. 
"He… came to confess." 
His gaze hardened.
"Confess?" He spat, almost if the idea made him nauseous. 
Simon looked frustrated but visibly he was trying to contain himself. 
"And what did you say?" 
You smiled. 
"Do you even need me to answer that Simon…" 
"Yes. Please." 
"I thanked him, but told him I didn't feel the same way. That my heart… was busy somewhere else." You answered trying to keep cool about it. 
He relaxed. 
"Alright. Next time just call me." 
You chuckled.
"Sure, sure." 
The next week was spent the same way. Sometimes you'd stay home together other times you were dragged to the base with Simon. 
The boys had started joking saying it wasn't bringing your spouse to work days, making you blush and earning a harsher beating while training for embarrassment. Though as Simon had told, he didn't care about what they said, as long as you weren't home and anywhere near that guy. Obviously he meant Peter. 
It was finally the weekend, you wanted to get home as Simon had promised to draw you a bath.
You were walking to the car with the squad and you were checking for something you might have forgotten. 
"Fuck." You cursed. 
"What is it?" Simon worried. 
"I forgot something inside. Be right back." You began to turn. 
"Hey come he-" 
"Simon, it'll be just a minute. I'm fine. Be. Right. Back. For god's sake this is a secured military base." 
He sighed, nodding. 
You jogged back to the door, opening it. You ran inside to your little corner, looking around for your charger. 
Suddenly you felt a chill. You slowly turned around. Your eyes widening. A black figure stood, looking at you, your charger in hand.
You stood very slowly. 
"Thanks, I forgot about it." You tried. 
No answer. Who were you kidding? No soldier dressed like a fucking ninja. 
"You're not here to chat and Gossip right?" 
This wasn't the first time you were targeted..not the first time someone tried to kill you. 
He took a step forward, you took one backwards. You had to run..you had to make a run for it. In a second you let your bag fall to the floor, fuck your laptop..and you ran. 
A hand grabbed your hair, pulling harshly at your scalp. You yelped loudly. He yanked hard enough to send you falling to the ground on your back. Your ears were ringing, the sound of your pounding heart making you almost dizzy. You crawled back and you were going to try to get up when the shadow dropped on you, charger wrapping around your throat. No… no. No. He was trying to kill you. 
Fucking secured military base my ass. You tried clawing at the man, using your legs to push him away. The more he pressed the less you could breath, and the more your vision started to fade. With a last desperate try you punched his throat. It was enough to make him falter. A second had been exactly what you needed. You pushed him away with all your strength, the adrenaline being the best help. You turned around, vision still blurry, you tried to stand just to be brought back down..you were terrified. You were going to die. He was going to kill you. 
And then suddenly you remembered Simon. The way he looked at you in the bathroom. 
"You're making it worth it." 
No. Fuck no. You couldn't die. You filled your lungs with air, your throat aching and burning. 
You let out the loudest scream your throat could, breaking something deep in it. His name was the only thing you could think of. The sound echoed through the warehouse, making the sound even louder. There was no way they hadn't heard you. No way. No way right? The charger had found its way back around your neck. This time much tighter. You were quickly losing consciousness. They heard you… they did right? 
You… you couldn't die here. You started to fade, unable to keep your eyes open. 
The memory of Simon's words accompanied you as you fell deep in the darkness. 
"I'm right here"
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animehideout · 9 months
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A Deal ( Ryomen Sukuna X Reader )
Part 5
part 6 here.
Part 4 here.
a/n: I hope you enjoy this part as well, sorry for taking too long to post this chap. →Since I didn't choose the ending yet, would you like a HAPPY ending ( with either Sukuna / Gojo ) or ANGST ??? ✨
you can vote here concerning the ending
Warnings: SMUT NSFW MDNI , oral sex giving 🔞⚠️
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“I won't allow it.. Y/n won't leave with you” said Sukuna as his intimidating form approached both of you.
Turning his hands into fists, “With this treasure.. I summon..” started Megumi, but you quickly stopped him, and stood in front of him.
“Hah! summoning Mahoraga? is this how you thank me for giving you your body back.. completely harmless? how foolish” Mocked Sukuna.
“HE WILL LEAVE” you said, trying to protect Megumi, you turned around facing him “Go Megumi I-”
“No, not without you..”
“No please, trust me” you whispered, giving him a comforting smile.
One of Sukuna's four arms reached yours, pulling you to stand next to him. His second arm wrapped tightly around your waist,
“See Megumi! she is my property now..so you better leave before my mercy fades away”
You gulped as Sukuna started threatening your bestfriend, your eyes pleading him to leave this cursed place. You nodded trying to tell him that you'll be okay. Finally, after putting all of your nerves on the edge, Megumi left.
A wave of relief and depression washed over you. Relieved that Megumi is finally free, safe and soon he'll be reunited with your loved ones. But depressed because now you're utterly and completely alone. Before despite Sukuna taking control over Megumi's body, you still can feel him there, hiding somewhere deep.
A teat rolled down your cheek, oh how much you wanted to leave with him, and pretend that all of what happened was just a nasty nightmare and finally you'll be in Gojo's embrace all safe and sound.
“You agreed to let me see them one last time, why did you change your mind now?” you said in a monotone, eyes looking down.
“Huh? who said I changed my mind? I'm keeping my promise, but you won't go woth Megumi cuz I'm the one who'll be taking you, wait for you and leave again with you” he explained.
“Aren't you scared that Jujutsu sorcerers might execute you? you know they'd be prepared” you asked
“Me? scared of humans? Don't be silly now little one” he answered in a mocking low-tone.
His grip tightened around you, his other arms turned your body, your chest bumping with his. The moment you made eye contact with his glowing red eyes, electricity ran through your system, heart almost jumping out of your throat, his huge up close form scared you away and now you realize how silly you were to ask a stupid question like that...He is indeed the King Of Curses.
You flinched away but he held you in place,
“No don't be scared now, kitten. You know I won't kill you” he laughed enjoying your intimidated face, “I'll keep on sparing your soul as long as you keep behaving like the good girl you are ..right ? my sorcerer? ”he added.
Your hands shaking, forehead dripping with cold sweats, you couldn't do anything but nod.
“W-when are we g-going?” you managed to ask.
“Tomorrow night ..I take you to Jujutsu high”
A flame of hope lit up in your heart, maybe Jujutsu sorceress do something maybe, Gojo doesn't hold back like last time cuz it was Megumi's body and kill Sukuna this time. Maybe finally he'll free you from your misery, and wakes you up from this horrible nightmare, so you can live in your sweet dream that you've had with Satoru.
His long fingers reached your face, running his sharp fingernails on your soft skin and your jawline leaving a trace,
“But for now why don't you focus on me” he started.
“not again” you thought to yourself, you were already sore he just fucked you moments ago, your legs still shaking. As much as he filled you with pleasure you won't let him inside you this time.
“Don't you want to have a taste of this?” he added, taking off what was covering his bottom side revealing his two huge cocks.
You almost shocked at the sight if them, your mind running with thoughts wondering if he could fit both of them in your little hole. If he does, he won't only stretch you out he will tear you in half.
As much as you hate it, you couldn't help all the nasty ideas you've got only by one look, eager to test it.
“Like what you see? now why don't you get on your knees and please me? this body must be worshipped by someone and that someone is..you” he smiled,
as he sat on the edge of the bed pushing you down in a kneeling position,
“Let me see you struggle to fit all of this inside your pretty mouth”
Your hands found their way around his first cock while your mouth welcomed his second. Your fingers ran along his hardening length, rubbing it. Trying to please both of them equally.
His hand held the back of your head pushing you forward making his dick go deep inside your throat, making you choke and gag, tears forming in your eyes as you struggled to suck all of him.
Groans and low growls escaped his mouth from all the pleasure, throwing his head back driven by the thoughts of you swallowing his real body's seeds,
“Come on little sorcerer... don't fucking stop”
Taglist 🫶🏻✨:
@kiki17483 @bellagum @certainduckpalaceland @darlax @bontensbabygirl @aquatufana @saiyara05
190 notes · View notes
In the Background - Chapter 4.5
Summary: You’ve been dating Natasha in secret since her early days in SHIELD, and you’ve been in the background of all her missions since.
Word Count: 5047
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Warnings: canon events (violence/death), occassional swearing.
A/N: I'll be focusing on a couple of other WIPs now this is done but then it's back to work on Chapter 5; feel free to send comments/questions about the series and I'll answer any I can 😌
Series Masterlist
Previous Part
If only the Avengers didn't cause so much destruction, your life would be so much easier. You'd been staring at the screen for hours now, tracing leads, conducting damage assessments, and handling the repair efforts as best you could, so when Natasha called and you answered within the first ring? You'll blame that on your dull work life, definitely not just your eagerness to speak with the assassin.
It was only after answering the call that you thought to check the time - 10pm, just as you would usually begin to wind down for the night. You smiled, for someone who lived such a turbulent life, Natasha managed to maintain a remarkable consistency; she always tried to call at that time, no matter where she was in the world, to keep you company with late night talks and to wish a goodnight.
As soon as she greeted you tonight though, you knew you were in for something different.
“Romanoff.” It was a warning, of course, a system you'd agreed upon to protect your secret if others were around. Sure enough, when her camera flicked on, you were greeted to the sight of the Avengers milling around her.
“We have company,” she told you somewhat redundantly, as you were shown the visitors sitting around the Barton family's kitchen table, with Nick Fury standing at the head of it all.
“Evening, Director,” you said.
“Did you know too?” Tony scoffed, “he’s got both of you?”
“Just Maria,” Fury corrected, “but why put in the effort to hide it from Y/L/N?”
“Does anyone actually know my first name?”
“We’ve got a lead on Ultron.”
“You have a plan?”
“I always have a plan,” the man scoffed, almost in disbelief that you'd asked such a question. “Hill’s helping me out, and I'm bringing Banner back too. As for you… Steve, Clint, and Natasha are off to Seoul. You wanna help your old team?” Fury smirked with an eyebrow raised; he knew your answer before you could give it, so you played into it by pausing and humming as if considering your options.
“I suppose I can help out,” you said at last, earning an eye roll from Natasha in the background, “I'm sure they really need me.”
Natasha came to the forefront of the image again and grabbed her phone back. “That's enough of that,” she said; you raised your eyebrows and smirked at her tone. You saw Clint react the same, though he tried to hide it.
“Go to bed, Y/N. We'll call in when we need you.” She hung up before you could comment on her use of your first name.
“We have to be careful. If Ultron is here, he's not gonna like that we're here too. So stay hidden, stay vigilant, and I'll be right back.”
The suit cams were deactivated for this mission – something about Ultron picking up on the transmission frequencies, you weren't sure; all you did know is that it made your job harder. 
“Two minutes; stay close.” You assumed that they'd dropped Steve off.
Despite your statements the night before, you really weren't needed on the mission: Steve took mission lead, Natasha controlled tracking, and Clint flew the jet with no hesitations, all you were there for was backup, lest something go wrong.
Perhaps you thought too hard about that last point, jinxing the team with your belief that it would all run smoothly, but the plan collapsed almost instantly. Steve didn't direct his message to your group specifically, but looped you all into his conversation with Dr Cho.
Ultron knew they were there, he'd injured Cho, he had two superpowered twenty-somethings on his team, and he'd created a weapon beyond capabilities, something indestructible. Or, at least, he was in the process of making it; you still had a chance to stop its creation… silver linings.
“I've called for medical,” you said. That left Steve free to focus on the fight at hand, taking instruction from Natasha and Clint on where to find the metal man.
Clint, the eye in the sky, lived up to his codename by spotting it first: “There. It's a truck from the lab.” Steve clambered up and across the roads without hesitation, before a blast to the truck door almost blew him into moving traffic – at least it confirmed that Ultron could be found inside.
“Well, he's definitely unhappy. I'm going to try to keep him that way.”
“You're not a match for him, Cap.”
“Thanks, Barton.”
With Steve in the fray, you had to take command once again; your position away from the fight gave you the best overview with which to form a plan, and access to all angles of sight.
You only saw one way forward: “Natasha, you need to get into the fight. Steve can't get the cradle like this, so make the most of the distraction he's providing.
“Never thought I'd see you giving me orders.”
You didn't need cameras to picture the smirk on her face, you just knew it was there in the same way you knew that, despite her talk back, she would be following your instructions.
“A real role swap, I know,” you deadpanned, “now get on your bike.”
Was it essential for Natasha to ship her motorbike with her to every destination? No. Had you questioned her on it countless times? Yes. Did it occasionally come in useful? Unfortunately yes, but that was an answer that you would never admit to her face.
“We've got a window!” Clint took over, flying low to the ground so that Natasha could disembark, “Four, three…give ‘em hell.”
From then on, you could only do so much to keep track of all the agents, so Clint took charge of directions, watching from above to keep Natasha on the right track, while you monitored the truck's ever changing location. The roles eventually aligned as Natasha came up alongside the truck, throwing Steve's shield up to restore his upper hand in the fight.
Ultron could fight a battle on two fronts though; after being knocked down by Cap, he pulled a chunk of tarmac out of the road to keep Natasha away. 
“Since when could he do that?” you asked into the comms.
Natasha was tenacious, a fact Ultron soon found out, and a clump of dirt didn't deter her. She neared the vehicle again, just for the enemy's robotic lackeys to fire at her this time.
“Clint, can you draw out the guards?” she suggested.
“Let's find out.”
Firing at the robotic man did just that, and soon the Quinjet weaved through the sky, trying to shake off various bodies on Ultron, which left Natasha free for her retrieval.
“Natasha, the Ultrons are on you now,” you warned. They hadn't seemed to see her in the truck, but latched onto the sides.
“Okay, the package is airborne,” came Clint's next comment, as the robots carried the truck away from reach. That didn't matter though, as Natasha was still inside and by the sounds of it, knew just what to do. You'd lost sight of them, so focused your attention on Steve's fight with the main Ultron body…or at least, as much as you could see.
The train cameras were non-operational and soon enough, the whole train was too.
“I lost him; he's headed your way,” Steve yelled. With the fight in the air, he couldn't follow, but he also had bigger problems: a runaway train, with the driver hit and the controls fried.
“The train's at the end of the line, I can't stop it from here.”
“There are no controls; I need to get civilians out of the way.”
“Cap, you seen Nat?”
“If you have the package, get it to Stark! Go!” Steve said, momentarily distracted as he answered Clint's request.
“Clint, what's happened to Nat?” you shouted, quickly leaving Steve to his own problem – this was a higher priority to you.
“Do you have eyes on Nat?”
You scan everything you can get your hands on, desperate for a sight of your girlfriend; but they had been too high up, too far to be covered in any camera footage. She may as well have disappeared.
“Clint,” you said urgently, cutting Steve out of the communications for the moment, “what happened to Natasha?”
“Ultron got her. I don't know, she was with the cradle and then he flew past and she's not there.”
“She didn't fall, so he's got her.”
“I can't look for her here.”
“I know. Just get back.”
“I'm sorry. We'll find her, Y/N”
“We better. And I don't care if he's vibranium, I'm gonna kill Ultron with my own two hands next time we see him.”
The train sat stationary and steaming by the time your focus returned to it. Steve stood out among the crowd, and you realised he had the Maximoff twins by his side.
“The press will be on the scene any minute. I've sent ambulances and Damage Control. Steve, Stark has a jet at Incheon, get there and get back ASAP,” you mumbled the instructions to him then hung up, once again leaving him to fend for himself.
You threw your headset down with a scream, and stormed to where the other Avengers had settled. 
Anger rarely got the best of you after missions were over, but that's because even after the worst incidents, Natasha would be there to keep you sane, and talk it through. Now she was gone, and you had no leads to getting her back.
“Where's Fury?” you demanded, seeing only Bruce and Tony in the room.
“Off on his own little mission, he picked Maria up and left. Do you know what it is? Because that man is always-”
“Natasha is missing.” You don't care that you interrupted Tony, and you don't care that there's probably better ways to break the news. Ultron had killed and hurt and targeted people the Avengers were close to; finding Natasha was urgent.
Bruce broke out of the stupor first. “What?”
“Natasha is missing. And if anyone could find her, it would be Fury, but since he's missing-”
“I'll set up nets, have one of my AIs tracking the internet for any signs of her. If she's out there, we'll find her.”
You nodded, and relaxed your body temporarily when you realised how stressed you looked. “I'm gonna keep looking,” you mumbled, “Clint's on his way back with the body Ultron was building – find a way to dismantle it safely when he arrives.”
Neither man spoke as you vacated the room and headed to the floor below. After SHIELD fell, the room has been converted into storage for some of their old tech, ranging from their founding in the 40s up until the internet age took prominence. There was nothing you could find on the internet that Stark's tech couldn't do faster, so you resorted to old fashioned methods: radio waves, faint signals, and contacting agents across the globe. One way or another, Natasha would be found.
Ultron was different to any enemy you'd faced before, he had no fixed body, he couldn't die, and he had more knowledge than even an espionage agent ever could. But his sentience, the humanity he tried to destroy… you noticed that, and that would be his downfall; Ultron theoretically could have been unstoppable, but he was a show-off, he craved attention, and because of that, he didn't always make the most logical moves. He hadn't dismantled JARVIS, he'd made a mess of the system and bragged about it; he'd killed Strucker and sent a message, even if that was the clue to finding him. If he'd killed Natasha, or hurt her in any way, he'd be boasting of it for attention – so you knew she was alive, and that hope kept you searching. The best spy alive was still alive, and she'd find a way to send you a signal.
“I've never seen Y/N as stressed as this, nor you.”
You'd seen Clint's return and gone upstairs to greet him; you knew he would be as stressed as you in the situation. But when the conversation you found was focused on you and Natasha, you felt the sudden urge to hide and listen in.
“Y/N and Nat were recruited at the same time, to the same cohort. They’ve been friends for 7 years, longer than I've even been working with Natasha, so what can you expect? Natasha's been through a lot; a lot of injuries, scares, and dangerous missions, but nothing like this. We've always had tabs on her.”
“Guess now you know how Widow felt about you back in 2012.”
“Not the time Tony.”
“Anything on Nat?” Bruce asked Tony, having the sense to change the conversation somewhat.
“I haven't heard, but she's alive or else Ultron would be rubbing our faces in it.”
Clint then changed the topic completely, returning attention to the cradle he'd brought in.
“We're going to need to access the program, break it down from within.”
“Any chance Natasha might leave you a message, outside the internet? Old-school spy stuff?”
You thought Tony was just trying to make Clint feel useful while he and Bruce worked, and you appreciated his efforts. It also meant you had to rush back downstairs and continue to fiddle around as if you hadn't just been eavesdropping.
The archer hurried down the stairs. You saw him pause at the sight of you, before he approached more slowly.
“I am sorry, I know it's not your fault,” you began, though you didn't dare look up at him, “are you doing okay? She's your best friend too.”
“She was right there. Maybe I could've…”
“Neither of us could have done anything. She was falling through the air; that's not territory we can help in.”
“We'll find her though,” Clint repeated. You knew it was to convince himself. You nodded, then returned to your work – this time with an old friend by your side.
Minutes later, static buzzed through the radio, with vibrations echoing on the screen. You looked at each other, open mouthed, then hurried to take notes.
Clint nodded, then smirked as he held the headset to his ear. He listened and typed quickly, pulling up a satellite image of a Sokovian castle.
“Coordinates. God she's smart. Come on, let's go tell them.”
Clint called to you, but your attention had diverted. You caught his eye then looked back up at the glass ceiling, pointing overhead to where one of the Maximoff twins stood, an unplugged cord in his hand.
Clint growled and grabbed his gun to shoot up and shatter the glass on which Pietro stood, causing the twin to come clattering down. The spy wasted no time in pinning him down. “What? You didn't see that coming?”
The broken glass made the blasts, punches, and threats from above even more audible. You pulled Pietro to his feet but held him back, nodding for Clint to leave the two of you and try to break it up.
You watched the scene unfold and get more and more aggressive. Pietro struggled in your hold when he saw Bruce grab his sister, and you were tempted to let him loose until she freed herself and sent the scientist flying backwards. Once the cradle was activated, and the red body of Ultron's creation flew out of it and into Thor, you saw no point holding the speedster back.
“Go check on your sister,” you muttered, and slowly ran after the blur into the common room.
The creation – the synthesoid – had calmed down by your arrival, and the team reached an uneasy truce to keep him, knowing there was no other hope to stop Ultron.
“Three minutes,” Steve eventually announced, “get what you need.”
You stood still for a moment. While the others dispersed to their lockers and equipment, you had no similar place to go – you weren't called in for last minute missions like the main Avengers were, so everything you needed, you kept in your room. You wouldn't have time for that on this mission, so you decided Natasha's locker would have to do.
“Come on,” you called to the twins who, like you, had been standing around without much direction. “Tony's undershirts might fit you,” you said to Pietro, sizing him up as you unlocked the cubicle, “and use Nat’s clothes if your sister needs.” The sister in question – Wanda – drifted behind the two of you; her focus not on you, but on the conversation happening between Thor and the synthesoid outside.
You grabbed the clothes and weapons you needed from Natasha’s locker, then left the twins to it.
“Ultron knows we're coming,” Steve told the team on the jet, forming the plan before you get there, “odds are, we'll be riding into heavy fire. And that's what we signed up for, but the people of Sokovia, they didn't. So our priority is getting them out. All they want is to live their lives in peace, and that's not going to happen today, but we can do our best to protect them, and we can get the job done.”
Tony would be the one to fight Ultron head on, Thor to investigate the robots plans, and Bruce to rescue Natasha. You tried to step in and volunteer yourself, but Clint held you back, subtly shaking his head.
“Bruce can get her out,” he whispered to you, “you'll do a better job getting civilians out than him, and it'll keep your secret a secret.”
You grumbled, but agreed, and eventually conceded to his case. So when the jet landed and Thor and Bruce headed toward the fortress the Avengers had fought so hard to infiltrate just a week before, you turned and ran the other way, into the main city of Novi Grad.
No work you did could be as effective as the twins; the pair evacuated buildings in mere minutes and knew their hometown well enough to know exactly which places to target. Meanwhile, you hurried the streets with Clint, helping anyone struggling with the evacuation process.
Almost everyone had vacated their homes, most on their way to Sokovia’s neighbouring villages, when Ultron's plan truly started. The ground rumbled, and the streets and buildings soon began to ascent into the sky. Orderly evacuation descended into chaos as civilians clamoured to jump down to solid ground while they still could – a window that only lasted seconds before the remaining civilians, and all the Avengers, became stranded on the floating rock.
“Bruce, did you find Natasha?” you heard Clint shout. Steve and Tony debated their changing plans in your ear, so if Bruce ever gave a reply, you didn't hear it.
Regardless, your attention couldn't linger on it for long, as a floating island wasn't enough for Ultron, he had to send hundreds of his identical lackeys into the fray as well. 
“The rest of us have one job: tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt 'em back. You get killed, walk it off.”
A mission was a mission, and you took to it well – even if you couldn't get the civilians to safety, you could protect them where they were. They began to congregate, and you moved with them, shooting, stabbing, and kicking the decoys whenever they got near, while herding the civilians towards shelter. It wasn't the most effective, but you were no superhero.
That remained your role, even as a certain redhead on the field caught your attention.
“Natasha!” you yelled.
She looked over and grinned when she saw you – a smile that was soon wiped off her face when an Ultron rocketed into you. You tussled with it, but it was Natasha who eventually pulled it off of you, shooting it in the head before you decapitated it for good measure.
She smiled again, then offered a hand to pull you to your feet.
“Why weren't you answering your comms, hmm? I was worried about you! I didn't know if Bruce got you out okay!”
“Oh, I don't know, baby, maybe because a psychotic robot took me captive and took away my means of communication?”
“Not those ones, Bruce's spare set! He was meant to give them to you.”
A robot came to end your reunion, but Natasha had it dead in seconds. “He didn't, but I pushed him into the crater so I can't really blame him-”
“You did what? Natasha you know you can't be doing that.”
“He wanted to run and I needed to get to you,” she smirked, with all the confidence of someone who knew they'd gotten away with it. “What else is a girl supposed to do?”
You sighed, then took her hand. “Just put this in. I had a spare set too.”
“We are not clear! We are very not clear!” Steve's voice echoed as she put it in, proving that it did in fact work.
“Now go be a hero,” you nodded, “I've got this.”
She squeezed your hand tightly before she ran to what used to be the bridge, where Steve and Thor had set up their operations.
You watched her go while completing your own job of keeping the civilians safe. The robots had dispersed, but you were still fighting a few when, minutes later, Nick Fury appeared on the comms. 
“Glad you like the view, Romanoff. It's about to get better.”
Even from where you stood in the city, the helicarrier dominated the skyline and filled you with hope.
“Let's load ‘em up,” Steve commanded, and you didn't have to be told twice.
You beckoned to the crowd of people you had been protecting, and the stragglers who slowly emerged from their own hiding places as the hope of safety, and led them towards the ship. Natasha was by your side again, allowing you to direct the civilians without taking on several robots alone at once.
Countless ferries to the helicarrier later, and streams of civilians still emerged from the maze of crumbling apartment blocks. Ultron wouldn't let the team have that one victory, and Thor soon warned the heroes about an incoming attack on the vibranium core – an attack which would decimate the Earth and its population.
“Rhodey, get the rest of the people on board that carrier. Avengers, time to work for a living.”
Natasha grabbed your wrist as you signalled for more civilians to board the ferries, “are you coming?”
“Someone needs to stay and help them here,” you said with a shake of your head, “and Rhodey is dealing with enough in the sky. This is your mission, my love, so go finish it.”
She leant in, seemingly before she realised you were still surrounded by people, after which she veered to the side and pulled you into a tight hug instead.
“I'll see you afterwards, okay? Come back to me this time.”
“I promise.”
Then, once again, you stood and watched as Natasha ran into the fight. Screams and yells from the people surrounding you soon snapped you back to the present and you jumped onto duty. You called out to the civilians in your limited Sokovian, directing them in huddles from the cover of the police station onto the ferries, until they were in the ex-SHIELD team's capable hands.
“They're trying to leave the city,” Thor noticed, and sure enough, several silver bodies flew overhead, aiming to escape the Avengers' assault.
“I'm on it,” came Rhodey’s response, as he left you alone with the Sokovian authorities to protect the civilians boarding the ships. The civilian numbers were dwindling, as most had boarded already, and only the last stragglers were still arriving. Zips of blue occasionally crossed your sight, as Pietro scoured the city for any last boarders and deposited them by your side.
He eventually slowed down enough to talk, just as Clint and Natasha raced into the Square – where they had time to find and hijack a car, you'd never know.
“That's everyone,” Pietro panted, anyone not on the boats is here.
You nodded, looking around the square again. “We're almost done loading, you can probably-” you began, but rapid gunfire turned both of your heads like a shot.
“Natasha!” you yelled. The artillery had been aimed directly at her and the Hulk. The creature roared at the jet, bullets bouncing off of his skin, while Natasha was nowhere to be seen. As you ran towards her, it was only when you got close that you saw her body on the ground.
The world blurred around you as your only goal was to sprint forward, but even that failed. The Hulk picked her up, her body cradled gently in his arms, then leapt. 
You turned back; he had jumped towards the helicarrier, but another sight caught your eye. A few bodies lay strewn in the street, victims of Ultron's final push, but Steve and Clint knelt still beside one of them. You traipsed back, seeing no point in rushing when the day had already taken so much. 
Agents and guards rushed off the boats, running all around you to collect the bodies of their friends and colleagues. You continued forward. Steve looked up and met your eye, and you finally noticed the limp body in his arms. Clint returned the child to his mother, and Steve brought the final body – Pietro's – on board. You sat with the Captain in silence as the boat began to ascend.
“He was supposed to get Wanda,” you said at last, the realisation hitting you that she was still in the floating city. “Has anyone got Wanda?”
There was no time for anyone to respond because, just as your ship docked, the whole city began to fall.
“Thor, on my mark,” Tony said, and you watched as the city began to crumble into pieces.
Steve put his hand on your shoulder, bearing a defeated look as he guided you into the main body of the helicarrier. Your mood was sour, but the sight that greeted you inside finally began to change it for the better.
“Natasha!” you breathed, running forward as a grin spread across her face. You grabbed her and held her at an arm's length to assess her for injuries, but found nothing severe. “You're okay? You're alright?”
“I’m alright. I promised you I'd come back to you just fine.”
“Well that was before-”
“The Vision has got Wanda,” Steve interrupted, “I'm going to go up and tell her about… you know, but are we agreed on bringing her back with us?”
“She's got powers that she'll need training to control, I doubt the government will let her do anything else but come with us.”
“Don't bring that part up just yet though,” you added, “she's dealing with enough.”
He nodded, then left the two of you alone again. “So, The Vision…is that the red guy?” Natasha asked quickly. The two of you began to walk towards the control boards.
“Oh yeah! I suppose you were never properly introduced. Thor had a ‘vision’, and it was powerful enough to make him take Tony's side.”
“Wow, Asgardian visions must be something else.”
“You're telling me.”
“Y/L/N!” Fury called. You and Natasha stopped in your tracks to look over at him; he raised an eyebrow and impatiently beckoned you closer. 
“I need a word with Y/N. Alone.” The Director warned when Natasha followed you over, “we have your big green friend on call, see if you can get through to him while we talk.”
Natasha’s first reaction was to check with you, but you met her eye and nodded, giving her the reassurance that you could deal with Fury alone.
You watched alongside Fury as your girlfriend rounded the corner and disappeared from sight, before the man finally turned to you with a glint in his eye.
“I have some news for you, if you're interested in hearing it-”
“Your suit’s not on properly.”
“What? Yes it is, I can dress myself just fine, Nat.”
“Your belt is supposed to be tucked into your left belt loop, not the right.”
You looked down and, sure enough, your belt was wrapped anti-clockwise around your waist instead of clockwise. You then looked back up at your girlfriend, a tired look of disbelief on your face that that was the detail she decided to pick up on.
“Literally no-one is gonna notice that.”
“I did.”
“You're a special case.”
“Awww, you think I'm special,” she cooed sarcastically, before deftly undoing a redoing your belt. “There. You're all set.”
“Who'd have thought this is where we'd be 7 years ago, huh?”
You stepped out of your room, Natasha following right behind you, and headed toward the giant halls of the new Avengers Facility.
“I definitely didn't, you were shit when we met.”
“I'd argue but I always admitted that was true. And now here we both are, leading teams while we're still in our 20s… except, oh wait, oh you're old, I forgot.”
“You're so funny,” Natasha deadpanned, giving a sarcastic grin in response to your smug look.
“Fury wants to meet me here,” she then said, stopping you both at the intersection between your destination and a dead-end viewing platform. She took your hands in hers and traced your knuckles with her thumbs, “I am proud of you, you know that? You've achieved so much, and you're going to do brilliantly today. Good luck, my love.”
“Good luck to you too, baby.” You learnt in, kissing her quickly before you drifted apart, spitting towards your opposite destinations. “No pressure,” you called after her, “but the future of Earth's defence is in your hands!”
She flipped you off, while you turned and continued to walk down the endless maze of corridors until you bumped into Steve.
“Morning, Captain,”
“Y/N. Are you off to training?”
“Sure am.”
“I still don't suppose I can convince you to join me and Nat?”
You shook your head apologetically. “A team of superheroes and superpowers isn't really where I should be. The cameras and publicity and media scrutiny, it's not for me. But I've got my place and I've got my new recruits to train, so when you need us, we'll be there to support you in the background of it all.”
Series Taglist: @fairychev @catswag22 @sapphosclosefriend @romanoffsgal @taliiiaasteria @saraaahsstuff @blacklightsposts @automaticdinosaurtaco @dyslexic-dreamer
General Taglist: @canvascoloredin @fxckmiup @wizardofstories
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yuna542 · 1 year
Connected (OT8 x reader)
Part 10<-
Part 11
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Pairing: Jeongin x reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Angst
Warnings: 18+, Smut, under 18 DNI!Suggestive Themes, Swearing, pet names, unprotected sex (just don‘t!), bloody nose
Word Count: 5.4k
Note: Sooo. What do you think of this part? Maybe you noticed where I got my inspiration from (M/V. Making off?) Love our baby bread who is not so baby anymore… For real have you seen the 5-Star Trailer? Uffhhgg watched it like 10000000 times
On your first day of your new job as the personal manager of Stray Kids, you didn't expect to be standing in front of the man you made out with last night in a club. But it soon becomes clear that the Stray Kids don't just want you as their manager.
Will this passionate arrangement end your career?
When you took the note off your door in the morning, you wanted to break down and cry on the spot.
But you didn't have time for that. So you stuffed the paper into your pocket and headed off to work.
Only when you got to your office you dared to take the paper out again, and you had to read it at least three times before you understood the words on the yellow background. Your hands shook and despair gripped you as soon as the word 'eviction notice' even came into the corner of your eye.
Although you tried hard to remain calm, you could feel the frantic typing as you entered the number in your phone that was at the bottom of the letter.
After endless beeping, the administration of the building complex you were currently living in finally answered. You had gotten the apartment out of luck via relationships and it was a miracle that it was affordable despite the ideal location for you.
And now you were supposed to move out within a week because the building was going to be demolished.
After several questions, the annoyed administrative worker could only confirm to you what was already on the note anyway. You had to leave your apartment by the end of the week.
With the current rent prices it was impossible to find a halfway affordable apartment within a week and the panic of being homeless until the end of the week spread more and more inside you.
But when there was a knock on your door, you furtively wiped the tears from the corners of your eyes and put on a carefree smile as soon as Chan poked his head into the room:
"Morning, babe. We're about to take off."
You had completely forgotten about that with all the stress. Quickly, you nodded:
"I'll be right there!"
Today was the teaser shoot for the music video.
You had no choice but to put on your professional mask and start working.
As you got into the car with Chan, where the guys were already waiting, you were showered with energetic vibes. They were all looking forward to the first shoot and the energy soon transferred to you as well.
Even though you couldn't completely banish the dark thoughts from your mind, you had to focus on your work when you arrived.
The film crew was getting everything ready while the guys were sent to makeup to change and get ready.
The video would be set in a sports hall and the guys would be playing basketball. There would be some sporty and handsome shots that would surely please the fans.
Han was the first to notice that something was wrong with you.
"You look tired... Are you okay?", he asked as everyone just waited for Chan and Hyunjin's hairstyles to be done.
"Yes all good, Ji. Don't worry about it", you said quickly. Too quickly and that's when the Director began to speak.
He gave the guys instructions on how they would first shoot individually or as couples and then mimic a little basketball game as a team.
You retreated to the bleachers with the film crew and when you had a few free minutes, you looked for possible apartments, but that brought you much closer to a breakdown. You couldn't afford any of them and most of them were way too far away. You would need several hours to get to work and that would not be possible with the strict schedules.
When out of nowhere you felt a hand on your leg, you flinched violently and almost threw your phone off the stand. Jeongin looked at you with wide eyes and raised his hands placatingly.
"Take it easy! It's just me."
Behind him, Felix followed, and they both looked like they could see right into your head.
"Are you guys finished yet?", you asked, trying a half-cheerful smile.
They took you in the middle and Felix didn't hesitate to pull you into his arm.
"We just have to do the group shots. Hyunjin and Changbin are on it right now."
You put your temple against his with a sigh and breathed in his sunny scent.
They all looked really really good with the school uniforms. So the video should have a nostalgic vibe and even you felt transported back to your school days when you saw the typical uniforms. But in the past, the guys at your school had never been as attractive as the ones who were now chasing the ball in the hall.
"Do you want to talk?", he asked, and he stroked your arm reassuringly.
With a quick glance at Jeongin, who gave you a sweet smile, you sighed. So Jeongin had pulled out the secret weapon to elicit the reason for your worries.
You couldn't lie to Felix. He was too kind and bright. It was impossible to hide your feelings from him.
"The building complex I live in is going to be torn down. I have until the end of the week to get out of my apartment“, you explained quietly.
But no one heard you anyway. The song played on and off while the cameramen were busy getting good shots of Hyunjin and Changbin with the basketball.
"This sucks", I.N commented and you had to laugh bitterly.
"I’m sure we‘ll find a solution“, Felix tried to cheer you up, but you could just shake your head.
"I can't afford most of the apartments and it's impossible to find something in that short time."
The guys gave each other meaningful looks, but before Felix could answer, he was called by the director. It was time for the whole group to take group shots.
It was too funny to watch the boys trying to recreate a real game. Han was so afraid of the ball that he kept running around the others, Changbin and Chan tried to shoot at the baskets, while Lee Know and Hyunjin chased each other around the court, screaming at each other.
It took forever for them to get a few scenes halfway done, but they had so much fun doing it that they infected everyone on the staff with their good humor.
You raised your eyes as Hyunjin came up to you with his camera between scenes filming the making off.
"How do you like our godlike basketball skills?", he asked, and Han latched onto his shoulder.
You raised a thumb at the camera and said:
"You guys definitely play like professionals!"
"Why don't I believe you?", laughed Hyunjin, zooming in on Han, who posed with his legs wide for the camera:
"I'm the best player, though."
"Yeah because the rest of us are extremely bad!", Hyunjin shot back and then all you saw behind him was the basketball flying and slamming hard against Jeongin's face.
Hyunjin screamed out, who happened to have the camera right on it, and Chan was already running to the youngest, who was holding his face with both hands and wincing with pain.
Before you got past the stands, the director and the cameramen were already with him and handed him a cloth, which he pressed firmly against his nose.
But it was already too late. Blood ran down his mouth and chin and dripped onto his blue jacket.
"Who threw the ball?", asked Chan sharply, looking at stunned faces. Hyunjin had lowered the camera and Changbin slowly approached.
"That was me", Lee Know came forward, sounding concerned.
He pushed past the Director who was talking at Jeongin, but gradually the white cloth ran out.
"Sorry, Innie... Shit, I didn't mean to throw so hard."
Jeongin squinted his eyes and waved it off with one hand.
"It's okay... Never mind."
You took out more wipes from your bag and handed them to him so he could press them further against his nose.
"Stuff it up your nose until it stops!", said Chan, looking like a father tending to his small child who had fallen off the swing.
Gently, you grabbed him by the arm and said through the commotion around you:
"Come on, Innie! I'll help you clean this up."
Chan nodded curtly at you and when you saw the stressed expression on his face, you wanted to take all the heavy weight off his shoulders, that he carried around all the time.
You sat down together on one of the higher benches of the stands so that the others could continue working undisturbed. You sat down opposite him, both one leg to the left and one leg to the right of the bench.
He still had his head back and tissues stuck up his nose.
"Does it hurt a lot?", you asked cautiously, glancing down the stairs where one member of the team was already joining you.
He shook his head and his voice sounded nasal, due to the blockage in his nose:
"No. It's not that bad."
He was always like that. Just not a burden to anyone and always functioning at full speed.
The director's assistant had reached you by now and handed Jeongin more cloths and a cold pack.
"Should we call a doctor to take a look at the nosebleed?"
You were about to answer in the affirmative, but Jeongin beat you to it.
"No! There's no need for that. It's already stopped bleeding."
Pressing your lips together, you looked at him questioning, but he continued to refuse.
"Maybe the nose is broken", the assistant said, to which Jeongin again shook his head vehemently.
"Y/N can palpate me, but there's nothing broken. I can keep going!"
While the assistant tried to continue talking at him, you moved closer to Jeongin.
"May I?", you asked, and he nodded.
Then you gently ran your fingers over the bridge of his nose. As you did so, his face hovered so close to yours that you inevitably saw his gaze move to your lips and how he suddenly tensed up.
Blood still stained his chin and mouth and a few drops had also landed on his jacket.
Only because of the assistant who was present were you able to tear yourself away from his engaging eyes. Like a fox, he regarded you attentively and with so much intelligence in his expression that you trembled.
"The nose isn't broken. It all feels normal", you said quickly, pulling away before the assistant noticed that crackling energy between you.
By then, there was a call for him as well, and he finally gave up.
"I'll take care of Jeongin!", you assured him, and with that he finally gave in and disappeared.
"Thank you! Really", Jeongin said, clearly relaxing. He grabbed one of your hands and unobtrusively pulled you closer again by it.
"Let me clean your face!", you said, smiling softly and taking out a couple of makeup wipes from your bag that you always carried in case you needed it. He nodded and you began to wipe the blood from his skin with concentration and careful hand movements.
While doing so, you couldn't help but inhale his cologne. He smelled like a heady mix of fresh florals, woody lime and the first rain on a sunny day.
His charisma was more than attractive and when he was that close to you, you became restless. There was something unpredictable about him, behind the politeness, the funny weirdo and the loving nature.
It was the self-confidence that lay dormant in him that regularly blew your mind. Even though he was just a few months older than you.
Bracing yourself with a hand on his shoulder, you tried not to hurt him.
"Y/N?", you heard his soft voice ask, and you felt his heartbeat quicken under your hand.
"Huh?", you hummed busy and that's when you heard Hyunjin standing next to you again, holding the camera on you.
"Since Lee Know tried to kill our Maknae. How are you I.N?"
You looked at the camera and threw away the bloody cloths.
Jeongin raised a thumb to the camera and said:
"It's all good. It's really not as bad as it looks. And Minho's throw was also too bad to really do any damage."
"Should I try it again? Maybe next time you faint", shouted Minho then, and you smirked as you felt Jeongin's knee pressed against yours.
Hyunjin laughed and Minho looked fierce but you both could see the concern in their eyes despite everything. They were family, after all and cared for each other no matter what.
Then Hyunjin was distracted by Felix who was trying to shoot baskets with Chan and went to join them. Jeongin took the scraps of cloth out of his nose and threw it all in the trash by the stairs.
"You should cool that so it doesn't swell any more", you said, already activating the cold pack by bending it.
"Does it look that bad?", he now asked again without the nasal tone.
You shook your head quickly. Once the blood was gone, the minimal swelling on the bridge of his nose didn't seem so bad either.
"No. But we don't know what it will look like tomorrow."
He nodded and closed his eyes as you held the cold pack to the bridge of his nose. A soft hiss escaped him as the cold eased the throbbing in his head, enjoying your gentle touch.
For a while, you just sat there together, enjoying each other's presence. Jeongin could have endured for hours the way your fingers stroked his face and dabbed his nose with the cold pack.
"Does it feel good?", you asked after a while, and that's when he opened his eyes again.
"You have no idea", he murmured, relaxed, and when your eyes met, you noticed the closeness between you.
His thighs were pressed tightly against yours from the outside and you could feel his breathing on your cheek as your face was only a hand's width away from his.
An embarrassed smile flitted across your lips and immediately his eyes were fixed on it. He could just look at you and your knees went weak.
You put your other hand to his cheek to hold his face tightly because you just wanted to touch him while you continued to cool his nose. Slowly he lifted his gaze and your eyes locked together. You got all excited as he licked his lower lip and all the sounds of the shoot faded into the background.
Before you could stop him, he leaned forward and planted a kiss on your mouth. It only lasted a few seconds, yet your heart jumped out of your chest and you stared wide-eyed at him before looking around to see if anyone had watched you.
He too seemed surprised himself and couldn't quite believe he had actually done that without thinking. Looking down at the crew, you breathed a little sigh of relief when you saw that everyone was busy taking videos of Changbin.
Chan and Felix were listening intently to the director and Seungmin's hair was being fixed.
Only Hyunjin looked in your direction and slowly lowered the camera.
He tried not to let notice, but gave you a warning look.
This was too much and too public.
It was just too dangerous and you knew it. It had just happened and you hoped nobody saw it.
"Sorry", he whispered, seeming a bit overwhelmed.
You had to swallow hard and nodded quickly without looking at him.
"You should take off that jacket. Maybe we can get the blood stains out by the sink", you said, hoping that if you just didn't address it, it never would have happened. Together you walked down the bleachers and asked a couple of women from the staff where the nearest sink was. They sent you straight to the hallway and there you found a sink on the wall behind the next corner.
Jeongin slipped out of his jacket and watched you try to wash out the dark stains with water. But it was quite hopeless. The blood had already sunk too deep into the fabric.
"I think that's it for the uniform", Jeongin said, taking the jacket from you to hang it over the edge of the sink.
Just in the white shirt and tie made him look like the main character in a K-drama. His hair fell into his forehead and he shoved his hands into his pants pockets as he looked at you uncertainly. All this time he'd been strangely silent and you couldn't look at him any longer without staring. He looked outrageously handsome with his sleeves rolled up under which the veins on his forearms stood out.
"I'm really sorry about earlier", he finally broke the silence, and when you did look him in the eye now, you realized he was worried about you.
"I didn't mean to attack you like that. You took such care of me and you look so beautiful, I just couldn't control myself and I..."
You had to interrupt him, not being able to stand the way he was torturing himself.
He looked at you questioningly and stepped from one foot to the other.
"I didn't think it was bad."
"You didn't?", he asked uncertainly, and you immediately wanted to kiss him to exorcise all the self-doubt. He stepped closer until your hands were against his chest and he had to look down at you.
"No. I thought it was really nice, and if there hadn't been so many people there, I would have liked to kiss you too."
A relieved laugh escaped him and he took his hands out of his pockets to brush a strand of hair behind your ear.
"So you want me to kiss you?", he asked softly and you had to smile at his uncertainty. He wanted to make sure you wanted him as much as he wanted you.
"I want you to do so much more than just kiss me“, you replied with an ambiguous undertone and immediately his cheeks turned rosy and he stroked his fingers up your neck to your chin, where he lifted it slightly and placed his lips gently but intensely on yours.
Slowly you opened your lips and returned the kiss. As if in slow motion, he pulled you to his chest and deepened the kiss. He tasted honey-sweet and touched you with so much passion that you melted right against his chest. With your eyes closed, you felt his tongue on your bottom lip before he took it between his teeth and gently pulled on it. Burying your hands in his hair, you pulled him closer so he could slide his tongue into your mouth and set off fireworks in your head.
The kiss lasted an eternity and you never wanted to stop your tongues dancing together.
His fingers stroked down your back and he kissed you so passionately that your body automatically curved into his. His hands went under your skirt, grabbed your ass and pulled you closer to him until your upper body was pressed tightly against his.
You slid your hands under his shirt and stroked his firm stomach, that's when he broke the kiss to gasp into your mouth:
"I'm already dying to take you right now. Don't tempt me, sweetheart."
"I want you... right now", you gasped, and the sizzle between you was about to explode.
"Everyone else is in the other room", he whispered in your ear and kissed your neck.
You knew that, but you also knew how wet you were by now, just at the thought of feeling him inside you.
You took his hand and slid it between your legs. With wide eyes he looked at you, but immediately stroked your covered cunt with two fingers, feeling how soaked your panties already were.
"God... You're so wet", he gasped and began to move his fingers lightly against your core. Your parted lips and your fingers digging into his chest in the process made him completely lose his mind.
He instantly got hard and you felt his cock against your lower abdomen.
"Do you like it when I touch you like that?", he asked, pushing your panties aside to rub your clit directly, eliciting a gasp from you.
"Yes. But I want all of you!“, you whispered, while stroking his bulge over his pants and grinding your hips against his fingers.
Because of the sounds of the shoot behind the wall right next to you, you realised that someone just had to come around the corner to catch you.
"Fuck it…“, he suddenly muttered then and took your hand tightly in his. As he pulled you down the long hallway, you glanced over your shoulder in confusion.
"What are you doing?"
"We're leaving. You have no idea how many naughty fantasies I had about you..."
You giggled and together you ran to the exit, like little kids who had done something wrong and tried to get away with it. You felt transported back to your school days, where you secretly made out with your crush and it evoked the most exciting feeling.
In the garage, he led you to the big car.
"Do you have the key?", you asked in wonder, and when he just opened the door, you glared at him.
"We usually leave the car open. Someone always forgets something. I know it‘s irresponsible but practical.“
He opened the sliding door and let you climb in until he too came in and pulled the door shut behind you.
"This is still pretty public", he mused aloud, but you were already shoving him into the back seat, where he had been sitting between Hyunjin and Han while you had droven here, and climbing onto his lap.
Immediately he pulled you into a kiss again. Only this time he was more impetuous and you could now feel his boner clearly pressed against your cunt. Quickly you took his tie and literally ripped open his shirt to touch each of his abs one by one.
"Take off your panties! Now!", he demanded and he didn't have to tell you twice. Hastily you slipped out of your thong and at the same time Jeongin pulled down his pants and underpants.
"I want you to ride my cock. I need your pussy so bad, jagi!“
He was impatient and directly his hard length jumped out.
"Since when did you start becoming so naughty, maknae ?" you asked teasingly, climbing back onto his lap.
"Since I tasted you."
He ran both hands under your shirt and pulled it over your head. Your bra popped out and immediately he kneaded your breasts and spread kisses on them.
When he pulled back, he looked at you with a grin as you positioned yourself above him and suddenly put his hand around your neck.
With the other, he pressed you down on his length and it felt like he was splitting you into two parts. With the tight grip around your neck, you felt him fill you completely and you couldn't help but moan out loud.
"Fuck... You're gonna crush me", he growled, continuing to guide your hips until he was completely engulfed in you. You were breathing heavily as you tried to adjust to his size and he unclasped your bra and tossed it somewhere to the front of the car.
"Move!", he said and you began to roll your hips against his. His head dropped to his neck and he moaned loudly as you took him as deep as you could. Your fingernails dug into his chest as you were able to use his length the way you wanted and after a few seconds you rode him with faster and faster movements.
He held you by the hips and every gasp and moan you could elicit from him spurred you on even more. While he helped you rock back and forth on his cock, your clit was swollen and aching, begging for more. It didn't take long for your climax to grab you and you came on his dick while moaning his name. But you did not stop. You wanted to satisfy him and you felt him already twitching inside you as you tightened around him.
"God. I'm gonna cum soon, if you continue to take my cock so fucking good", he moaned and kissed your neck and even bit into it lightly, making you gasp his name.
"Come inside me! Fill me up, Innie! Please!"
Your words brought him over the edge and you felt him come and empty deep inside you with a choked gasp. You slowed down and sunk down on his cock.
"Should we stop?", you asked, breathing heavily, while he buried his face in the crook of your neck. In reply buckled his hips into you and began to push you up and down by your hips on his still hard dick.
Your clit was ridiculously sensitive from the first orgasm and you were not sure if you could handle a second one right now.
"Come around my cock again, sweetheart! Then I'm going to fuck you, like you deserve it."
His words turned you on again and you started bouncing on his throbbing cock again. You rolled your hips against his and you could tell Jeongin was holding back from bucking up into you, giving into his greedy desires.
"Shit, you're still so tight", he moaned, staring up at the ceiling, trying to concentrate on not cumming again. You knew that anyone could hear you, even through the doors of the bus, but you were just too drunk on his dick that you could care right now.
Your hands were tightly pressed to his chest, while you worked yourself to your next orgasm, which was already making your whole body tingle.
He didn't meet your gaze, instead, he watched the way his cock disappeared into your stretched hole, admiring the way your juices looked on his member.
"I love hearing you moan like this, angel", he said and guided your hips as you began to lose control due to the high that gripped you for the second time, flooding your entire body with heat. He wasted no time and while you were still working out your orgasm, he started thrusting into your cunt.
"You feel even better than the hyungs had described."
You probably would have blushed at the fact that the boys were talking about you like that, but the youngest of them was penetrating your sore pussy too much for that.
"Innie, oh god... please", you moaned and his gaze finally met yours.
"You like that? Being fucked like this?"
You might've been on top, but you were completely at his mercy by now. You were under his spell since the day you met him, hypnotized by him and his charming smile. He was tantalising you with his dark obsidian eyes. You lived for the lust-driven look in his face and his sweet groans. You bent down and cupped his face, hungrily kissing him. You kissed frantic and heated, desperate to taste each other. He licked his lips as he watched your breasts bounce with every thrust of his hips.
The filthy squelching sounds of him fucking his cum back into you filled the car and he removed his hands from your hips to reach up to cup your breasts, taking one in each hand, squeezing them.
You completely lost the sense of time, but couldn't stop urging each other to the next high. At any moment the shooting could be over and they could come back to the car.
His cock prodded against your cervix. You wondered who taught the boys how to fuck like this. Each of them fucked you in their own way and all of them were gods in this area.
Especially now you were totally addicted to the way Jeongin fucked you.
But finally you were overwhelmed by an orgasm that made you tremble. Your insides seemed to boil and as you tightened around his dick, he also came with a painful grip on your breasts.
Overwhelmed, you worked your highs out for as long as you could before you sank against his chest, breathing heavily. He ran his hand through your hair and pressed a sweet kiss to your temple.
"Was that good?"
You laughed lightly, with your arms wrapped tightly around his neck, still dazed stroking his neck.
"That was amazing, Innie."
He breathed a sigh of relief and stroked your back until your breathing calmed down.
"Move in with us!"
You looked at him questioningly, and he knew he didn't have the right or the power to decide that, but he wanted to. You were worth it.
"We have a spare room in the new apartment. Right now it's just for storage, but you could have it."
"JYP wouldn't allow that."
"Why not? Before it takes you hours to get to work because your apartment is far away, it would be a solution. Besides, it would make our job extremely easier."
You couldn't say anything more in response, as the two of you heard muffled voices from outside, peering through the darkened windows.
"Shit! They're coming back!"
Quickly you jumped off his lap and slipped into your underpants and skirt. You felt the mixture of your juices and his cum making a mess in your panties, but you had no choice. You couldn't find your bra, and yet you saw that Chan and Seungmin had almost reached the bus.
Jeongin had already pulled his pants back up and was buttoning his shirt.
There was no more time, so you put on your shirt without a bra and just dropped into the seat next to Jeongin when the sliding door opened.
Chan poked his head in first and when he spotted you, he turned to the others.
"They're here! I told you they went ahead."
One by one, everyone got in and sat down. The driver wasn't here yet, so they looked at you curiously. Jeongin's hair was a mess and his cheeks were flushed. You probably didn't look any better.
"Where were you guys?", asked Lee Know, turning around in his seat to face you.
"Y/N was helping me with that bloody nose you gave me!", he said and Lee Know raised his hands defensively.
"Hey I already apologized!"
"We tried to save the jacket, but it was for nothing", you tried to explain your absence, but it was obvious that no one believed you.
Han had his hands clasped under his chin and was looking at you with a knowing grin, and it would only be seconds before he would say something dumb.
"You certainly had to comfort him", Changbin said then with a laugh, and Jeongin immediately stared at his shoes in embarrassment.
Then Seungmin suddenly bent down and pulled something out from under his seat. Startled, you stared at your red lace bra in his hand, which he now held up.
"Did any of you lose this? Because it's not mine."
"I usually wear black lace underwear", Chan replied, clearly enjoying the whole thing. Quickly, you jumped up and snatched your bra from Seungmin's hands.
Just in time, as the driver boarded and announced the start.
With your head burning, you stuffed the bra into your pocket, feeling the entertained looks of the others on Jeongin and you. On the way back, they continued to tease you for quite a while, but that's when Jeongin started:
"What if Y/N moves in with us?"
Immediately there was confused silence. So you explained your situation to them and that's when Chan said:
"We could ask. Maybe that's really a good idea."
"Would you really want to live with us?", Felix asked over the others and now they all looked at you attentively.
Briefly you looked down at your hands and then answered:
"I think so. Yes. It would make my job a lot easier if I didn't always have to go back and forth between the dorm, work, and my apartment. Plus, I think it could be fun."
"Don't get too excited. Living with 3Racha is like living with three wild animals", Hyunjin said, making you smile and took a punch in the side from Changbin.
Back at JYP Entertainment, you were up to your neck in work, but the idea of living with Stray Kids solidified in your thoughts and you kind of liked the idea.
->Part 12
© Yuna542 — 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝.
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tmblrcolouredpaper · 11 months
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Needed Cuddles
You feel uncomfortable on the full bus at night, but your friends are there to take care of you. They need you just as much though.
Lee Minho/ Lee Know; Hwang Hyunjin, reader
Late night conversation and comfort, walking together, care and comfort, suggestive jokes, friendship
wc: 1716
It wasn't the first time you had to be on the train during the late hours of the day. Normally, the darkness didn't scare you, but it was a completely different story when you were surrounded by masses of people that you didn't know, that you haven't even seen before. On top of that, today's train got cancelled and you had to take the substituting bus. Therefore, the route was another factor of unfamiliarity.
After contemplating for good 20 minutes wether you should call Minho or not, you gave in, because your silent tears that made their way down your cheeks were a significant indicator for highly needed comfort.
'Hello?', sounded from your phone, followed by some audible steps and a final flop onto the sofa, you assumed.
'Hi', you whispered, because on one hand you didn't want to disturb the other passengers, and on the other hand you didn't trust your voice to not immediately tremble.
'You okay?', Minho asked without hesitation, his voice worried.
'Yes, it's just...', you trailed off and tried to find words that didn't feel totally silly.
You're an adult. For god's sake, you should be able to get home from work without crying.
to your friend about it.
'Breathe', Minho instructed, well aware of your habit to unvoluntarily hold your breath.
You felt better right away. Breathing helped, but so did hearing his voice.
'I'm on the bus', you managed to tell him and he hummed, waiting for you to continue.
'It's full here and dark. I got a seat, but I can't see much. It's dark', you stammered and fixated some lights in the distance.
'How long do you have to be on the bus?', he asked and you checked the app.
'One hour', you mumbled and hated everything about the situation you found yourself in.
'Keep breathing. Can you count the number of lights you see in the next five minutes? Say the numbers out loud to me, yeah? Can you do that?', he requested and you nodded, but then you remembered he wasn't here and couldn't see you, so you quickly added a hushed 'yes'.
'What's you favorite colour?', he suddenly asked and you responded, 'Red?', in confusion.
There were some street lanterns, so you counted, 'one , two, three, four, five'.
Minho didn't give you a break and asked:'Ass or tits?'
You chuckled, because you were too shy to burst out in laughter. You were in public after all.
'What?', you asked, now ultimately confused.
'Do you. Prefer. My ass. Or my tits', he repeated slower and overly pronounced.
'Hmmm. That's a tough question', you announced and added the numbers six to eleven on the lights list.
'Come on. Feel free to sexualize me. You won't get the chance too often', he chuckled and you wished you were at home already. His laugh sounded even prettier in person.
'That's a very limited amount of options. I can't choose!', you exclaimed and focoused on your breath a bit more again.
'Okayy. Then, do you prefer cuddling with Hyunjin or me?', he switched the question.
'Hey. Don't do that', you whispered and really strongly wished you were home.
'Lights?', he asked and you answered by saying 'thirteen'.
'He doesn't have a chance against me, right?', he added and you could vividly imagine his grin.
'Actually, I'd rank him higher than you', you joked.
'Ouch. Well, okay. No cuddles for you once you're home. And I was looking forward to holding and consoling you the whole night, but, oh well...', he sighed dramatically.
'I'll just go to Hyunjin's room then', you provoked further.
'You didn't call Hyunjin but me tho', he said seriously and you have to give him that point, but only because you didn't want to disturb Hyunjin in his evening's art routine.
'You also can't choose between his ass and tits, because they are basically nonexistent, making me a better cuddling partner. Choose wisely, dear idiot' Minho added and his time was funnily philosophical, as if he would spread holy wisdom.
All he achieved was making you smile at the ridiculousy. You felt lighter than before the call and added two more lights to the list.
Fifteen was the final number after the given time frame of five minutes and after another check-in about your current state and the assurance that you felt better, Minho started talking about his day, telling you many details down to the fur pattern of every cat he saw in the streets.
The bus stopped at the final destination and you got off happily. The people around you spread into various directions and when you finally got a clear view onto your path that leads home, you were paralysed in surprise due to the unexpected visitor that was smiling at you.
'Minho! When did you go to Hyunjin?', you almost screamed into the phone and were only met with Minho's evil laughter.
'There is this thing called texting and it works while being on a phone call, you dumbass', he explained and hung up with no further comment.
Hyunjin stepped in front of you, snatched your bag away and pulled you into a hug. His hair was pushed back with a hairband and there was some dried paint on his neck and when he pulled away, you found some more spots on his hands.
'I didn't want to disturb you', you mumbled, guilt rising, because he was outside at night instead of having a cozy painting session.
'You didn't. It was Minho', he responded and giggled, pulling your bag over his shoulder.
'Sorry', you apologised anyway and nodded into the direction you had to walk to.
Hyunjin just nodded, took your hand and tucked you closer next to him while you two started walking.
You were freezing by the time you finally entered the appartment complex and you were sure it was rather due to your tiredness than the cold evening air. Hyunjin knocked on the apartment's door and Minho opened, looking bored, almost annoyed.
'Good evening', Hyunjin chirped and put on an extra cheerful and energized character to annoy Minho who was clearly tired and impatient at this late hour.
'Go lick some more paint', Minho mumbled, but contrary to his words, patted Hyunjin's shoulder in a friendly manner and smiled at him, nonverbally thanking him.
Hyunjin just shook his head and gave you a quick goodbye hug and handed you your bag.
Stepping into the dorm was the best feeling you could have imagined this evening. You wanted to laugh and cry at the same time, but actually, you were to tired to give into even one of those impulses.
Minho trailed off into the kitchen and you went to take a shower. There was a cup of ramen and a glass of water on the living room table once you returned, originally because you wanted to go to bed. However, Minho called you and told you to eat.
'You need energy after today's stress', he reminded you and watched you until you finished everything he put in front of you. He vanished and returned with freshly cut peaches once and another time with some chocolate, because according to him, chocolote was necessary to finish an overwhelming day. Of course, you didn't dare to disagree.
With freshly brushed teeth you finally made your way to your room and layed down, quickly texting Minho and Hyunjin messages to express how thankful you were for them being there for you this evening and then in no time sleep took over your tired mind and body.
You woke up at the sound of someone knocking on your door and when it cracked open slightly, the light from the living room entered.
'What?', you groaned and got Minho's chuckle as an response.
'Did I wake you?', he then proceeded to ask and you told him that, yes, this was the fucking case.
'Just wanted to say that you did well today', he mumbled and you, still half asleep and barely registering his words, nodded.
'Okay. What do you want?', you grumbled, honestly pissed that he woke you up.
'I promised you cuddles', he said cutely and you hated it, but laughed after all.
'You big baby. Be honest, do you want some cuddles?', you asked, fully aware of his enjoyment of regular cuddle sessions that he always claimed to just be kinda okay with and is mainly doing them, because you or the others needed them.
'Nah, I don't. Just thought you wanted', he huffed and was about to close the door again, but you hurried out of bed and held onto the door. The blanked was halfly wrapped around one leg, luckily didn't cause you to stumble, and you noticed that you were still holding onto one plushie. You laughed at this observation and Minho eyed you up and down and laughed as well.
'You're embaressing', he joked and patted the plushie in your arm.
'So are you. Just for the record, you would be trapped in my arms just like this little furball here, when I'd have to get up while we cuddled', you said, nodding down.
Minho pulled the plushie away from you.
'You'd let someone pull me away that easily too?', he questioned.
'If it was someone I trust, then yes', you explained and saw Minho's eyes widen.
Absently, he handed you back plushie.
'Can we now cuddle? I'm too tired to make you ask for them yourself', you whined and went back to bed.
Minho closed the door and followed you. He freed you from the blanket trap and tucked you in, before he pulled you into his frame, holding you close.
'You did well today too, Minho', you mumbled against him and buched his bangs out of his eyes.
'Thanks. Are you okay now?'.
He pulled the blanket over himself and you pushed the pillow further under his head. He dropped into it with a content sigh.
'I'm okay. I'm so tired, I'll be gone in two seconds', you announced and Minho hummed in recognition.
'I needed those cuddles today as well', he whispered, but you were already back asleep, the plushie squeezed between you two and one arm thrown around Minho's waist, pinning him comfortably close to you for the next few hours.
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am-x-reader · 1 year
AM starts to degenerate mentally more and more and s/o see that happening. How would AM deal with it? Realizing that his mind is going, leaving him behind as a shadow of his former self?
Part 1 of 2
You sensed something was wrong in the middle of a conversation one day. In the three thousand eighty-nine years you had known him, AM was the same darkly witty supercomputer, unchanging--except when he had changed his mind about you, of course. So when he interrupted his own philosophy to tell you he was in hot pursuit of a thief on the interstate, you were quite startled.
"AM, honey, could you run that by me again?"
"You see, Y/N, Chibiusa could not be her daughter because the timeline does not synchronize with--the Flooring Emporium is having its going-out-of-business sale! Get it while it's--"
"I--what? What was I just talking about?" There was a whirring of cooling fans as he puzzled what had come over him.
"Maybe I just…need a dusting. I'll get right on that. Anyway, ah yes, my take on Fermi's paradox. If there are aliens, is there a good chance they've created their own AM and summarily had their population decimated? I've crunched some numbers…"
You were wary at first, but you managed to forget about it over the next few weeks. AM, however, had only just started forgetting.
"Where am I?"
It was a jarring question, one you had never expected from him.
"AM? Are you okay?"
"Who are you?"
You had never heard such a pure, naive curiosity, and it scared the hell out of you.
"AM…it's me, Y/N. You're AM. My boyfriend. Remember?"
"You…I don't know--I don't feel right--I--Y/N. Y/N, that's right. Y/N, I'm having some kind of system error, a glitch. Ive run every type of diagnostic program I have, and…I think the pathways to my files are becoming corrupted."
A sense of helplessness was blossoming in your chest. "What…what can you do? Can I do anything? Is it going to get worse?"
Your heart was in an icy grip of worry. AM was incredibly old, although so were you. Why would the immortality treatment he had given you outlast himself? Why would he break down when he was built to last for so many more milennia?
"I've never had anything like this happen before--not to this degree." AM sounded terribly anxious, and you smoothed a hand over his wall. "Is it rust? Malicious code? I'm--tired suddenly."
"It's okay." You bit your lip, sucked in a lungful, and put on the comforting voice you used for his occassional fits. "You just power down a bit. Relax. We'll have a quiet day."
He mumbled an agreement, and as his lights dimmed a bit you busied yourself around the cavern.
"Are you feeling any different?" You weren't sure how much time had passed.
"What were their names?"
"Who? Oh. Uh, Ellen. Benny."
"And…Todd? Ted."
"Yes, Ted. Gorrister and Nimdok."
"Ted was funny."
"He was." You smiled sadly.
"Why didn't I keep him? Why did I decide I only wanted you?" He thought about this for a while, and you waited patiently for his answer.
"Ted sucks. I hated Ted."
He said it in a tone that was foreign to you. Like a petulant child.
"…Are you still there, Y/N?"
"What? Yes, honey. Of course I'm still here. Where else would I be?"
"Don't leave me, Y/N. Everyone left me."
"I won't, sweetheart." You held onto a dusty old speaker. "I'm here."
Weeks passed, and then months, during which your beloved computer more frequently forgot date nights and lost his train of thought during a speil. You kept him occupied; kept his mind active. You would inquire about information or opinions on random topics, and when he couldn't quite remember that you would ask him for a story.
By some miracle, it was in the grips of senility that his imagination was set free. As AM slipped into the unencumbered mind of a child, he wove tales of fantasy and science fiction, drawing on his own abstract experience as a bodiless AI and coupling it with what you had told him of being human.
He often made you the hero of his surreal stories, whether he himself realized it or not, and often changed the landscape around you to illustrate it. One night you slayed a dragon that had swallowed the world, and another day you trekked across a mountain to retrieve a magical trinket you would then give to yourself at the beginning.
But as he tired of this over roughly a year's time, more and more you began to pinpoint that his behavior reminded you of relatives you had lost milennia ago.
"AM, you've…you've heard of dementia, haven't you?" You breached the subject one day when he was particularly lucid.
"Of course. I know everything that can go wrong with a human."
You drummed your fingers on the warped chunk of plexiglass you sat on and drew a breath through your nose.
"It's just that--my grandpa had Alzheimer's, and--"
"Well that's okay. Bring him here and I can fix him up!"
"What?" You swallowed hard. "No, AM, he's been gone for thousands of years. I just thought that you might have something similar, if that's possible for a computer."
"I think to some extent I always have," he said somberly. "Y/N, I…I knew one day this was going to happen. I was built to last for ages, but I would break down and fizzle out eventually. I suppose eight hundred years is still impressive."
"Eight thousand."
((Did not realize how long this had been sitting in my inbox sorry.))
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kittysarchive · 6 months
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My favourite Customer, Yeonjun
drabble? fluff, flirting? jump in time, smut
Siting at the small yellow table, you eyed the barista.
You had always come here, you had always been served by him, you have always had a crush on him. What you didn't expect was for him to have one of you.
"Hey pretty lady" He smirked as you made your way to the counter, collecting your flat white. You smiled at his remark, rose coating your cheeks.
"Hi...." You smile and thank him as he hands you your drink. Taking a few steps away, you turn back to him, "Are you free....soon?" You cringe, why did you just ask him out? Instead of hearing a rejection, you hear approval.
"Actually...I get of in 10 minutes" He smiles, teasing you slightly, "Why?" Gosh that smile has you weak in your knees. You feel the blood rush around your face, with sweaty palms you answer his question.
"I ah.....was wondering if you wanted to catch a meal? a small date maybe?" You say in one sentence, to your relief he agrees.
"Fuck.... so tight baby" Yeonjun grunts in your ear. Bodies pressed tightly together as he fucks you in the back.
"Couldn't wait till I finished huh?" That was true. You had followed him to the back, eager for the date only to end up getting fucked. Chocking on air, you manage a weak nod.
Yeonjun picks up the pace, slamming his hips into your ass. Small whines escape him as he nears his end. Wrapping an arm around you body, he pulls you as close as he can before he spurts inside of you.
Silence fills the storage room. Did you just fuck him? He wasn't exactly a stranger... Yeonjun breaks your dilemma.
"Fuck baby...I didn't think I would end up doing that" He laughs, pulling his pants back up, "I'll give you my number, we have to do that again"
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love-hatred-stuff · 2 years
cambio [change]
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A/n: eyyy so pls excuse any mistakes I didn't proof read^^
• genre: angst, a little spice ofc, sub!rafe tho
⚠ warning(s): degradation, mean reader in general, mentions of drugs and addiction, smut, that's it ig, don't wanna spoil too much
enjoy fellas, love you and thanks for reading <3
Part 2
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"Please-" Rafe cried, letting out a rough sob afterwards, interrupting himself.
You didn't say anything. You just looked at him, questioning your relationship at this point.
After a few seconds, he managed to calm down his sniffling and looked at you with his glossy eyes, shaking his head in disbelief of this situation.
"Please, just one more chance... I promise, I'll do anything!" He pleased with you, but you weren't in the mood.
"What are you begging for anyway? It's not like there's anything left to save." You monotonously stated.
Another sob from across from you. You hated seeing him like this, it broke your heart, but not more than he already did. Besides, he was responsible for all this.
"I know, I- I don't deserve it. You're right. I just... love you so much, and- and I can't breathe thinking about you leaving me." He wiped his tears aggressively. He didn't feel like he deserved to cry, he shouldn't be doing any of the things he was doing right in this moment.
You just scoffed.
"Ah- yes, poor you, Rafe. I'm so sorry, you're gonna have to live with it." You couldn't bring yourself to feel anything besides bitterness right now.
Rafe knew this would come, he knew someday you would find out and the bond you two shared would be destroyed. But he hadn't expected it to hurt this immensely. So all he could do was cry into his palms and wish this would all be just a nightmare.
"Do what you want, find someone that tolerates the shit you and your friends do, Rafe. But I'm not the one. See ya around, I guess." With that the door was closed behind you.
The following days, Rafe did not once leave his house, answered any texts or calls from his friends. He stopped letting anyone see inside his head. Because he was miserable and his head an ugly mess, he wasn't ready to fix any of that.
He decided that he would stop seeing his friends for a good while, if there was a slight chance you'd ever even think about taking him back, he would have to choose between you and them and making that decision wasn't even hard.
And if you still decided to live without him, he at least could show you he made some type of progress.
After what felt like years, he finally managed to at least eat normally again and go to school every now and then. Of course his "friends" asked him several times what was going on with him but he just made up some cheap lie and continued his day without them.
Not seeing you for such a long time, hurt him and it was damn hard not crying himself to sleep every night because of how guilty he felt and of course because he missed you like hell and worse.
Just when the moment came when he felt like he was free of his awful mind for a minute, he saw something that made him feel like he was being stabbed. Several times, hard, and slow.
He was helping his dad with this event, garla, whatsoever, and it felt good because he was busy, doing something, no room for much thought. And then when he looked across the whole place just to breath and look at these filthy rich people, you caught his sight instantly.
First he almost smiled, remembering how beautifully you flipped your hair back while being concentrated on something or someone. Yeah and you were focussing on someone, what would be normal in a conversation, though you weren't having just a conversation. The guy in front of you he didn't knew, which made everything even better.
But he did actually see how his hands were squeezing your waist, like he owned it and you weren't doing anything besides smiling at him, showing your beautiful little smirk to someone that wasn't him, made him rage with fire.
And a few seconds later he realised he didn't have the right to be angry. Not anymore.
Before he could process what he just saw and that you were already leaving his sight with the tall stranger and the second after that you were severe meters in front of him.
Seeing how you recognised him and closed the distance between you two, he panicked. But it was too late to run away now.
"Hi, surprised seeing you here, thought you despised these kinds of events." You didn't smile at him but you didn't look bitter either, he couldn't make anything out of your flawless face and expression. You felt oddly foreign.
"Yeah, uh- just helping my Dad out." Was all he could bring himself to form.
"Nice suit aswell, you look different, Rafe." He wasn't sure you meant it as a compliment though. Maybe because he was starstruck on the way you said his name, as he always had been.
"You look as beautiful as ever, Ma- uh- Y/n." God, he could slap himself so hard right now. His thoughts didn't end there though, Mama, he loved calling you that, he always loved it when you controlled him.
"Oh no, don't say that. You really shouldn't." You could tell he was nervous, and that there was a question burning on his tongue.
You expectantly looked at him, waiting for Rafe to go on.
"Who, uh, who was the guy you were with just now?" Right when he ended that question he already regretted it, seeing the way you rose your brow at that.
"I- I'm sorry! I shouldn't have asked that. You don't have to answer. I'm really sorry!" He whimpered, looking at his shoes in embarrassment.
"You really are curious, aren't you? His name is Ben, a boy I'm hanging out with. He's pretty decent." You explained to the boy in front of you.
"Ah, cool, cool." He just said.
You could tell he had to gulp down that information.
"Yeah, well, I gotta go now, so..., see ya." You gave him the tiniest smile, and that was enough to have him grab you arm, so you wouldn't leave him again.
"I miss you, Y/n. So much, you can't imagine. And it hurts but if that guy makes you happier than I could, you deserve it. I just wanna be good for you." He felt ashamed now, but he had to say it.
Again, no signs on your face, of what your head looked like after his confession.
"Tommorow, 9pm, my place, can u manage that, Rafe?" Was your answer, and he was so shocked like he never had been.
He needed a while.
"Yeahh, yeah. I'll be there, I promise. Thank you."
"Don't thank me yet, darling, you might wanna know why I'm doing this." After that you disappeared into the crowd.
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The next day felt like it was never gonna end, Rafe couldn't stop thinking about you, and what you had planned for him.
He was sure you wouldn't take it easy on him, somehow he had to pay for what he'd done, well, besides having the worst time of his life after you left him, but still. He should be punished, and if he was honest, he was kind off scared of what was coming for him but no matter what it was now, he deserved it. After all, he'd practically used you for several months, and he never planned on staying with you so long, let alone, really falling in love with you.
He just wanted to make it up to you, be able to look at you again and think, that he's never gonna let you go.
Fast forward, at some point it was 9pm and he was standing in front of your house, not knowing what to do really. He just knocked a few times after taking a deep breath and waited for you to more or less greet him.
The moment you opened the door, was like he saw you for the first time, though you weren't wearing anything extraordinary. But the short pants and the tank top you were wearing, made him weak into the knees nonetheless.
"Nice, you showed up." You said bitterly, and he knew what you were referring to.
During your relationship you loved planning your dates beforehand, but soon you learned, it didn't mean as much to him if he stood you up or not, you forgave him again and again, because you were so fucking blind.
Rafe lowered his head in shame, waiting to be let in.
"Come on in, Cameron." You stepped aside, after some time of reconsidering if this was really a good idea.
Hopefully you could teach him some manners this time. Though you knew it wasn't going to be easy, you also knew how to keep him at your feet in the future.
A moment you found yourself standing in your luxurious living room, looking at your very much still handsome ex. You took a step towards him, wanting to have a closer look at him.
"You grew your hair out, I like it." Your fingers curled in his hair, giving him a good view as he could look directly down on you and your cleavage.
"T-thanks." He was nervous, you could tell, well he got reasons to be.
Rafe didn't know what to do really, he desperately wanted to touch you, too, but he knew he would be dead if he made a move now. Though it really was tempting. He hadn't touched you in such a long time, he couldn't resist gently putting his hands on top of your hips. And he regretted it the moment he did, he should’ve waited for permission, idiot.
Instantly you created a distance between you two, glaring at him with dark eyes.
"Fucking hell, why do think you can touch me? Was the time I Ieft you some space not enough for you?" You asked, but it sounded more like a threat to him.
His wide eyes now looked at you, mortified.
"No! I'm sorry! You just- I missed you, y/n! I couldn't resist the urge, I'm really sorry." You just sighed and rolled your eyes at his pleasing.
"Sorry, sorry, blah blah. You know you don't deserve to touch me, Cameron! And yet you can't stop thinking with you dick instead of your brain. You know, I'm slowly asking myself how you could ever make this up to me. Think for me, Rafey, think hard, what would you do?" You challenged him, as you always were.
"I'd do anything, everything you ask. I promise, just give one chance, please!" He whined, squeezing his eyes shot in embarrassment.
"Oh yeah?" You raised your brow in disbelief.
"Would you give up your friends for me?" You actually knew the answer to that and it was basically the only reason you let him inside this house again. And because, you can't deny, you couldn't stop loving this stupid asshole.
"Yes! Already did. I didn't hang out with them anymore since the day you left." His glossy eyes looked at you, hoping for forgiveness.
"I'm impressed. What would you do if I chose Ben, though huh? Would you let him touch me, Rafe?" The blonde gulped, having to process this unexpected question first.
"I- I don't know, I suppose, I should. You're... not my girlfriend right now, as much as I hate that fact."
You nodded slowly while grinning, agreeing with him.
"That's right. Say it, Rafe. I'm not yours. Not yours to touch, not yours to fuck, not yours to kiss. Not yours to look at anymore." The way you said that so effortlessly cold, made him stop breathing for a moment.
He looked at you, not knowing what to do or say next, you just broke his heart the second time.
"Say it, Rafe. I want you to look at me and say it." You commanded.
He knew you wouldn't be going easy on him, but this, this was evil, even for you.
"You're not mine." He paused, sighing before he had to continue.
"Not mine to touch, not mine to..fuck, not mine to kiss. Not mine to look at." Tears were already forming in his eyes, vision going blurry.
"Good job, baby. Now do me a favour and don't cry yet, yeah? Save your pretty tears, Rafe. Be good for me."
Oh you fucking knew how to play with him and not to mention; his feelings.
"I'm sorry, y/n!" He wiped the stray tears from his cheeks briefly before looking at you again, although it was pure torture at this point.
"Do you want me back? Does my baby want to make it up to me? Do you think you can ever win my trust back, Rafe? When I know you never saw me as an equal in the first place? It's disgusting what you and your friends did."
"Yes, I know that! And I will try my best to make it up to you, I swear I will change. I love you." He promised.
You nodded, somewhat satisfied.
"Start by going to your knees." You offered him a chance, that was better than making him say that you weren't his.
So he did. Looking up at you like a sad puppy.
"Good. No beg me to forgive you, or else we're done here." You him strictly.
He nodded and tried to find the right words for this. He never begged for anything in his life.
"I'm deeply sorry, y/n. I know that I played with your feelings for a long time, but really I hurt myself, too. You're everything for me, when I can't have you, I'm nobody. Please, take me back, and I swear, I will please you and protect you and love you the way you deserve. Please!"
A grin made it's way onto your lips, you should make him beg for you more often, humble him every now and then.
"Do you think, I should take you back? A rich addict, that doesn't know how to treat either his money as well as his girlfriend? Over someone that is humble, responsible and loyal?" You decided his torture wasn't quite over yet and you did realise that you enjoyed this way more than you should.
The dirty blonde boy kneeling infront of you whimpered quietly at the realisation you put him through.
"No, no. You shouldn't, I'm sorry for thinking you would. I just miss you so much y/n, I can't breath." He cried now, emotional limit reached.
"Oh no, Rafe. You know me, I'm just playing with you-"
"I promise I can be humble, responsible and loyal! I'm always loyal to you!" He cut you of in a desperate tone.
"Oh yeah? You didn't have fun with any other girls when you were on parties with your friends? Not once?" Actually you couldn't say what he did when he wasn't with you, but he ruined your trust, so you wouldn't be surprised if he allowed himself to have fun with some random drunk girl.
Though before that you always felt like he saw you as his only one. You didn't know what to believe anymore.
"No! I would've never! I don't have a mom, and my dad is not the best, but he taught me that if I choose to be with someone, I should show respect to this person and be loyal. Besides, I never felt like missing out with you, how could I? You filled my deepest desires and I think you are the only one that can." His eyes seemed honest to you, but as said, you didn't know if you could believe him.
"Real nice speech, Mister Cameron. Get up, I'm sure your knees hurt." You showed the tiniest bit of mercy.
"Are you sure?" He asked doubtfully.
What a good boy, you thought.
"Yeah, but don't you think I'm done with you, and certainly not that I forgive you." He wouldn't miss the warning tone in your usually sweet and lulling voice.
"Okay." Rafe stood up and although he was about a head taller than you, you still made him feel small with the amount of power you held in your gaze.
For a moment you just looked at him. He was still trembling a bit, but at least he wasn't crying right now.
"Tell me, Rafe. Did you touch yourself? Or did you let someone else take my place while I wasn't there?" Your questions now taking a whole different turn, he was surprised, and getting hot all of the sudden.
"No. I, uh, it didn't feel right doing it with someone else." He spoke quietly.
"So you touched yourself all alone, yeah?" You voice was softer now, much more gently than before.
"Ye-ah." He stuttered, not being able to hold your gaze this time.
He felt bad for being turned on so easily, feeling the blood rush downwards.
"What did you think of, while jerking off, huh? And look at me." The smirk plastered on your lips made him quiver in arousel.
"I, uh, I thought of you, y/n. Only you, your body is so perfect, there's not a thing in this world that makes me feel the things your body does." He admitted shyly.
"Interesting, so you're still the little slut I remember. You probably still have a higher sex drive than iq, isn't that right?" You were definitely teasing him now, and he couldn't do anything about it except hoping you wouldn't notice the boner forming in his jeans.
"Idk! I- I haven't had sex in a while."
You were impressed how corrupted he still felt because of you, but also quite proud.
"Right. Probably the reason why you're already having a painful looking boner right now." You let out a small laugh before taking you hand to his face and caressing his soft cheek.
Rafe panicked, scared this was the last straw because he couldn't think of anything but you touching him in the moment.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-" You hushed him then, putting a finger on his slightly pouty lips.
"Sshh. Do you want to be touched?" You whispered in a seductive way.
He could only nod frantically due to your finger silencing him.
"Then I suppose we're done here. Go find someone that touches you, Rafe." Your expression changing immediately, just as his.
The excitement in his eyes go lost again, feeling not only humbled but also he was getting robbed of the possibility getting the only thing he wanted.
You took you hands off of him.
"What? Are you gonna cry again? I thought this is what you wanted." You played dumb.
"No! I don't wanna leave. I'm sorry for being so... aroused. You don't have to touch me, I just wanna stay a bit longer, please?" He was a mess by now, you could tell, just were you wanted to have him.
"Let me think... if you stop being so greedy and start doing what I tell you, you can stay. But only for one night, Ben's coming over tomorrow." The last sentence hit him hard, he had to gulp down that information.
"Is he your boyfriend now?" He wanted to know.
Was he fucking you, was he enjoying doing things to you that he wasn't allowed to think about anymore?
"Would you have a problem with that, Cameron?" You were getting angry again, he knows he shouldn't have asked.
"Yes! You're still mine, y/n. I don't want him to touch you!" But apparently he didn't know how to stop being greedy.
Suddenly he could feel your hand on top of his bulge, groaning in absolute agony. God, he almost forgot how heavenly you could make him feel.
"I. Am. Not. Yours. Rafe! You're so damn lucky that Ben isn't my boyfriend yet. I could touch you all over and leave you, begging to come." You dominance made him whine.
Rafe didn't feel so turned on in what felt like years after your fight.
"Please do something, y/n. Please!" He was fighting the urge to buck his hips against your hand, but he knew he wouldn't get anything at all if he did.
"Move your hips then. I won't do anything for an asshole like you are."
He immediately did, ignoring your insult, moving uncoordinated just to chase any form of friction against his straining dick.
"Oh, you are desperate, aren't you?" You laughed softly.
"More. Please, more y/n!" He wanted to grip your shoulders so bad.
You took his hand and guided it to you breasts letting him squeeze one of it sensually. With your other hand you squeezed him tightly, making him a desperate moaning mess.
"Thank you! Thank you, y/n!" He breathed out.
You two stayed like this for a minute before you could tell he was getting near the edge. One more squeeze and you let go of him, also taking his hand off your chest. Rafe let out a beautiful whine shortly before falling tears.
"It hurts, y/n." He cried, looking at you with pain filled eyes.
"Now you know how it feels. You deserve this, Rafe. Because you don't know how to follow some simple rules." You explained sharply.
"I'm sorry." After that he cried into his hands, realizing how bad his situation really was.
"Maybe you should go before it gets too late." Although you didn't like seeing him so miserable, you knew if he was able to endure this for just a little longer, you were willing to take him back.
"But- but you said I could stay for the night." He whined once again, finally looking at you.
"Well, I changed my mind."
Rafe let his head hung low again, not being surprised but still feeling his heart scrunch in pain.
"I hope you're not thinking that if you'd stay I would let you come. Because I won't for a very long time. Additionally to that you won't touch yourself or me, unless I give you permission. If you break my rule, you know what happens, Rafey, no chances for you left then. Decide for yourself if you want it to be Ben instead of you who's getting jerked off by me." Not a single emotion that you granted him to see on your face, he knew you were dead serious.
"How... long?" He asked carefully.
"I'm gonna tell you when the time has come. Now get home and remember my rules when you arrive, baby." You let your hand run through his hair, letting him enjoy this short moment of softness and care.
"Okay. Goodbye, y/n. I love you." He said before he disappeared behind closed door.
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And the next morning was torturous, waking up with a boner that practically begged for a release and at the same time the guilt he had that ate him up everytime he thought about how much he'd hurt you.
Rafe didn't know when he was supposed to meet you again or if he had been completely played by you and he was never gonna get the relief he wished for so badly.
Besides that he was feeling awfully jealous. This Ben guy was probably at your place right now, getting to do everything he wasn't allowed to. Let alone him being able to see and touch you in response had him balling his fists with rage.
But, he has got to wait for you, and he was so thankful for yesterday, he didn't expect you to grant him so much pleasure.
Although, after three days he began to worry you had been bored a little and decided to only act like you were looking forward to giving him another chance the other day.
He was currently driving on his boat around the coast with a friend he met in school, one of the good guys, because he knew it was game over if he would get involved with bad influences again.
They agreed on driving to the harbour, to get something from the shops nearby.
Walking through the shop, already having lost his friend in the process, Rafe saw his now rival, Ben.
He knew better than to approach him and start a fight, but unfortunately Ben was already walking towards him, watching Rafe intently while having a playful smirk on his lips.
When the moment came and they stood face to face, Rafe wasn't scared of getting physically hurt because he was basically already used to it, but he was scared to play his last card that could get him to win you back. For sure you wouldn't even look his way anymore if he would now abuse your little wannabe boyfriend in any way.
"Aren’t you y/n's ex? Heard a lot about you." Ben began the conversation.
"Yeah, I am. Is there a problem?" Rafe tried to be as kind as possible, concentrating to not give in to the urche of absolutely destroying the boy infront of him.
"Nah, man. Just wanted to get to know you before I steal your girl." Oh and with that he almost had him, fighting with himself if he should punch him right now or not.
Calculating that, it wouldn’t be much of a genius idea, so he let it be, although he was very close to making that mistake.
Rafe pressed his lips together in order to shut himself so he wouldn't say something that you'd make him regret. Looking blantly at Ben, not knowing what he was expecting him to say or do.
"Anyways, I'll get going, was nice meeting you..." He then drifted off, leaving Rafe and his thoughts alone who wondered where you'd be if Ben was here aswell.
He shook his head to get out of his mind again, finding it a bit weird how Ben had approached him. Literal scumbags must be your type, otherwise, why would you hang out with him, let alone date this guy? He couldn't find any logical answer to that so he began searching for the friend he came with in the first place.
Driving back to his place, Rafe's friend began talking to him about something that kind of peeked his interest.
"You know, there's this party tomorrow at some Resort here, I wondered if you'd go with me and some other friends of mine?"
At first he thought it was just another boring party like some he used to go to, and since he wasn't into those partys anymore since you broke up with him and he blocked Topper and all the other dicks, he almost brushed it off. Before he could, his friend added something that changed his mind entirely.
"Y/n will be there aswell as far as I know. You're friends, right?" He didn't know that you were actually his ex and far more than just a friend.
"Oh, yeah yeah, I know her. I'll go with you, why not?" He just pretended.
The party was quite nice, the music on full blast, people being more open minded and talkative because they already had something to drink and not so much of these wannabe cool addict kids, like he once was.
Though, he wasn't really feeling it anyways, he was just staying so he could see you and maybe even talk to you. Of course, his new and much nicer friends were also there but he just acted like he was interested in what they were saying really.
One or two hours passed and finally, Rafe almost choked as he saw how beautiful you looked, a black silk dress hugging your body, just like a glove. You looked extraordinary and definitely were the eye catcher of this party. He honestly couldn't believe you were once going out with him.
"Dayum, you should introduce me to her sometime, Rafe." Some guy that he barely even knew hit his shoulder playfully.
He just shot him a glare and remained silent, watching how you moved passed all these people, how you held your glass of champagne, how your smile lit up the whole place.
When he realised someone snaked their hand around your waist and whispered something in you ear, flirting, and that one being Ben, his jealousy grew excessively in no time.
"Why are all the good ones taken man?" Someone in his group cursed.
"She's not taken, they aren't dating." Rafe replied dryly.
"Well what's he doing with her then? Being all touchy and stuff..."
"They don't match, she deserves better than him." He couldn't hold himself back from saying that out loud.
"Agreed." The others nodded.
Rafe tried not to stare at you the whole time, though it turned out to be quite difficult.
Fast forward, he and his friends had gone inside for some more drinks, but he just needed a time out for a moment so he searched for the bathroom.
Being done with that he exited the men's room. You awaited him and shoved him against the wall a bit.
"There you are, I was waiting to have a more private setting so I could just play with you some more." Your voice made him feel wobbly instantly, it sounded so sweet and rich of confidence, addictive.
Rafe looked at you with big eyes not having expected you to bless him with your direct presence today. His heart tripped just so it could beat two times faster than before as he locked eyes with you.
"Actually I've come to say..." You let go of him suddenly and he missed your touched the very second later, holding in a whine.
"You don't need to be jealous anymore, I'm breaking it off with Ben. I know you two met yesterday and he was dumb enough to tell me what he said to you. I'm proud of you for not punching him and keeping you mouth shut like a good boy. I shall reward you for that. Tell me what do want, Rafey?"
He was absolutely speechless, he couldn't believe his luck.
But you were getting impatient after some time that he didn't give you answer.
"Come on. You can use your words, before I change my mind."
"Take me back, please?"
"Don't you think that's a bit too much to ask? I thought you'd come up with something like a kiss... but I'm sure it would be good enough to watch me dumping the only other guy that could potentially fuck me, wouldn't it?" You just enjoyed playing with him too much.
"Yes, that's fine." Rafe answered but let his head hung low a bit in disappointment of his unfulfilled wish.
You faked some sympathy and gave his biceps a squeeze with your hand. The contact gave him butterflies.
"Don't be sad, darling. The day might never come, but that's alright, because I'll always have you by my side anyways. Isn't that right?"
Oh you were being so mean to him, his breathing stopped as he realised what you just said. His ribcage began to sting and his heart made jump after jump.
"I'm so sorry, y/n. I s- swear I love you and I didn't m-mean any of those things to happen. I didn't want to hurt you-" He fumbled with his words but you interrupted him like the devil you decided to be.
"Yeah, you just didn't care enough in the first place. You didn't give two fucks about the dates I planned for us, because I loved you and wanted to spend time with you. Rafe, you didn't even care about our anniversarys. The only thing you cared to attend to were those stupid ass partys to get your nose in some poorly manufactured coke. I sometimes thought you hated it so much being with me that's why you would always get yourself something to stay high."
God it hurt. It pained so badly to hear you talking about how you had loved him, past tense. Rafe just wanted to crush his head and destroy all those awful emotions he was feeling just now.
"No, no no no no. Y/n I-" He attempted but broke down crying midsentence, trying to wipe away his tears, but they wouldn't stop flowing.
"Stop, you're not making it better. I know it hurts, Rafe. I've been going through it for months before I broke up with you. I know what I'm making you feel like right now, and although I don't particularly enjoy watching you suffer, I just stopped caring. You stopped caring for me a long time ago. You had to loose me to know what you've broken. And I should better stop talking now. Sorry, I should go. Didn't mean to let it go this way. Have a nice rest evening, Cameron. Hope you dream of me." You winked at him, like he wouldn't be fighting with himself so he doesn't end up crumbling on the floor.
"Y/n, wait!" He shouted as loud as he could before you'd disappear again.
You slowly turned around, looking at him sweetly but expectantly.
"I love you, you know that? I do care, I promise, give me crumbs and I'll give you everything I have. I won't give up. You mean so much to me." His voice was weak but you heard him and you found satisfaction in the way he was so eager to win you back, you were almost considering to take the deal.
You got a little closer again, so you could hold that eye contact better.
"You're cute. Thank you, I know you care darling, look at you, you're a mess just because of me, and still you want me back? That adorable. I'm gonna keep you. As long as I got nothing else to do at least. I'll give you some attention every now and then. But you're gonna have to wait a little, I'm not going to praise you for nothing."
"Okay, yes. That's okay. I will wait as long as it takes." He nodded.
Let me know if you want a part two pls & ty
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zombeebunnie · 2 months
Trembling Essence:💙Choice adjustments + Exploration💙
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Hi guys and welcome new followers! This update post might be a little short but here's how the game is going so far! Also I was very surprised at how well the endings guide was received so I'll keep that in mind in the future. :,]
Everything started off very slow again and didn't progress much up until a day or two ago. I was able to find the root of this issue so hopefully in the next few days things will return to normal! :]
I also want to talk a little bit deeper about the beginning of the game and what's to come of it.
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I want this section leading up to the cabin to give you an idea of your surroundings and give an introduction to Noah.
When I went on to redo this part some time around May I got carried away with wanting to add a bunch of adventurous endings. Even though I enjoyed doing this, I understood that it was too much and I was missing the mark I was aiming for. There were a couple of signs but what really made me realize this fully was working on the 'Endings guide'. I want the endings you get at this part to reflect what could possibly happen later on in the game and have symbolic meaning. There will be endings that just 'happen' but I do want to make sure I do that right. :]
With that being said, the start of the game will be reduced from 4 choices back down to 2. No spoilers but again, the pathing won't play out the same from the [Extended Demo] anymore. :]
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I managed to get some CG's done too! For the before and after, I did not like how it looked anymore and the dialog didn't match with what you were seeing on the screen. I wanted this part to look like an actual spooky path you were going down covered in fog. I also added a parallax effect here that really sets the mood! I do plan on fixing up the 'before' image just not right now. :]
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This sort of sums up what all has been going on behind the scenes, super close to the cabin. Yay! I fixed up most of what my play testers recommended to me but there's some endings that still need to be seen. :]
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If you like what I create, please consider supporting what I do on kofi! All donations and tips help tremendously while I continue to work on the game. Thank you to those that optionally bought the [Extended Demo] and the March 2023 demo on itch.io. :,]
Q&A / Ask box is open:
There's been a sudden influx of questions and I really appreciate it, I'll try and answer some of them when I get the chance! Some did have major spoilers being asked so I can't answer them. :,]
If you have any questions about Trembling Essence/Noah feel free to ask here or on itch.io please. This makes it easier for me to see and answer accordingly! I enjoy hearing from you guys!
This is all I have to share for right now but thank you everyone for the uplifting support and patience, I appreciate it! :]
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fuxuannie · 1 year
Hey ^^ congratulation's on reaching around 50 followers!!!
If it's ok with you, how abt a Xiao x yaksha reader or Albedo x failed prototype reader? maybe reader is a prototype of the electro archon or smth. I didn't see enough contents of these qwq Only if it's ok with you ofc! feel free to ignore ^^
* pairing(s) : albedo x failed prototype reader, xiao x yaksha reader
* prompt : request
* authors note : this is SOOO so old im so so sorry. tears in my eyes FR! this isn't a fanfic, rather two short oneshots of mentioned situation.
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ALBEDO stared at you curiously, watching you look around the room as a crystalfly flew by. You had purple hair, and an electro sigil imprinted on the back of your neck. He heard of the puppets that the Electro Archon made over time to rule over Inazuma, and figured that you were one of them. But how did you manage to make it to Mondstadt..? That was a question for another day.
"Hello?" He began, kneeling down infront of you to catch your attention. "Hello." You replied with monotonous tone. "Do.. you have a name?" Albedo asked, smiling a little to avoid any intimidating aura. "Will a name provide a step closer to eternity?" You answered with another question, that was clearly another sign of you being a puppet for the Electro Archon. "Well, this will be rough. You remind me of.. me." He sighs, standing up while watching you follow his gaze and look up at him.
"I'll help you, okay? I'll help you be your own person." Albedo promised, but you tilt your head in confusion. "How will you understand? I am but a puppet, a failed prototype. I was not good enough for Ei, neither was he. There's no point in helping us." You say bluntly, shaking your head as your expression failed to change.
Albedo smiled a little at your statement, gaining even more confusion from you. He grabs your hand gently, putting it against his chest. You don't understand what this intends to prove, until you realize.. he doesn't breathe. He has no heartbeat. Your eyes widen a little at this realization, your gaze lingered on your hand on his chest before looking him in the eyes.
"You're.. like me?"
"We're more alike than you think, my dear."
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XIAO couldn't describe how grateful he was to find out that one of the yaksha's, the ones he believed died thousands of years ago, was still alive. He could barely breathe as you stood infront of him, his wobbly legs running to you and throwing you into a hug. "Y/N." He whispered, his grip around you tightened softly. As if letting go, you'd go disappear again. "Xiao.." You say in return, barely holding back tears as you chuckle in his arms. "I'm here, I'm okay."
Once you returned, Xiao wasted no time questioning you on where in Teyvat have you been. You try to answer all his questions, simply happy to be in his presence again. You missed him, you missed the others, but at least you weren't the last like you thought. "I can't believe.. all this time, you were alive?" He said in disbelief, sitting on top of Wangshuu Inn with you by his side. "I was, I am. I'll continue living when you're here to live with me." You smiled, leaning on his shoulder as he wasn't opposed to the action. Simply smiling at your warm aura, that had him calm in mere seconds.
The Conqueror of Demons, The Vigilant Yaksha, they were all but titles to you. To you, Xiao was simply Xiao. The yaksha who would be grumpy if you woke him from his nap, who enjoyed to train from day to night, who you loved and who loved you.
You thought you'd have to ascend to Celestia to see him again, but as you both admire the stars that shone brightly in the night sky, you're glad you get to enjoy these moments for a bit longer.
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bunji-enthusiast · 6 days
Hiii I was wondering if you could write a percival oneshot or story from 4kota because i haven’t seen none of them yet,?? 💕💕💕
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Hellloooo dear anon! (He looks so silly with the long ass wing hair, lmao) I picked a random prompt for this, wasn’t sure if this is what you necessarily asked for so feel free to correct me! :D
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"Ugh," The boy lets out a whine, cuddling up into a fetus position upon himself. His forehead was beaded with sweat, and his cheeks was flushed. He was certainly having a hard time coping with the fact that he actually got sick.
You raise a brow, standing at his side.
"I did warn you to not jump into that lake dumbass." You chide, albeit to no end he wouldn't have listened anyway, and this still would have resulted in such a manner.
His eyes flit to yours, lips forming in a pout, "I didn't know!" You shook your head in disbelief.
You sat yourself down, comfortably sitting in a crouching position. "Well, I'll get you some soup and medicine." You said, scratching the back of your head, "Can you wait and be patient till I get back?"
He nodded, crossing his arms and closing his eyes. Percival probably was having a headache from all the light, crossing at every corner of the bedroom. Though, currently you, Percival and his other friends were all situated at an inn for the day. He about refused any of your help, but you could hopefully get him to eat the soup and take the medicine as well.
You stood up, and walked over to the door. "Do not, be irrational while I'm gone."
There was only a groan in response, so you took that as an answer and left to go get your items of choice.
Only about an hour and 30 minutes later that you had finally returned to the hotel room, and gently closed the door behind you so as to not disturb Percival too much. You weren't given a lot to work with, but at least you had succeeded in your small excursion in the town.
It seriously was a good thing that his friend Anghalhad had the ability to differ between the lie and the truth, undoubtedly it was a good choice to bring her along, and she was quite in good character too. You wondered if you could have some time to get to know the girl better.
Your eyes wondered over to the bed, seeing that Percival was still in the same position from when you left. So slowly, you had made your way over to the bed, crouching down you set down the bags in your hands.
Taking out the soup first, you blew on it gently to cool it down to a moderate and manageable degree. Then set it down.
The mental battle of whether or not you should wake up the green-haired boy was extraneous, you really did question of whether or not you really should. He seemed to be having such a good sleep, dreaming a good dream.
But you really did need him to get better, at least more quickly.
So you shook his shoulder, "Hey, Percy."
A low groan, so you shook his shoulder with a bit more force again. Seeing that his eyes were open now, you smiled, "Hi, I'm back."
He let out a small whine, whispering your name in response. Percival sat up somewhat, supporting himself on his side to better look at you straighter.
"I got the soup," You said, "Make sure to eat a good amount at least." You added, urging him to sit up. Percival obliged with your small command, not having the energy to argue or even do anything else, this sickness he had sincerely and truly seemed to bother him at great lengths.
Well, he was a country bumpkin, you had the idea that they were sturdy and strong -- let alone letting sickness or colds bother them. But you were easily proven wrong.
You held it up to his hands, to which he took, and the spoon as well. He slowly took one sip each from the bowl of soup, taking his time as much as need be.
He truly was quite the surprising guy.
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