swansong-art · 2 years
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Some gods from Ieshana. In order, we have: Opada, the goddess of beauty, motherhood, royalty, and rebellion. She’s known for adopting orphans and also creating insectoid horrors to hunt those who harm children. Also for sticking her antennae in everyone’s business because she’s a gossipy soccer mom. Ionne, the goddess of dreams, intellectual pursuits, and weaving. She and Opada frequently argue, often about who stole the concept of weaving from the other. Her favorite hobby is naps, her second favorite hobby is being obtuse. Aryula, the gods of rebirth, the arts, and prophecy. They usually cause problems for The Drama TM because they’re a messy bitch. They’re also the one most qualified to keep an eye on the ever-present cosmic horror trying to engulf the world, and keep everyone else informed of it so they can stop that before it gets too far. Aflora, the goddess of nature, the cycle of death, and plants. She mostly likes to keep to herself and isn’t completely clear on why mortals find it disturbing for her to use a skull as her “head”. (Her actual center of consciousness is her geode core.) Calynos, the god of navigation, the ocean, storms, and the lost. He actually has not one but two cities situated on his back (one on the surface of his shell, one in the lake in the middle of it) and he gives very little fuck about them, to be quite honest. Often hangs out with untold horrors from the depths. There’s a few more I haven’t drawn yet, but.
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swansong-art · 2 years
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Fun fact: nagas don’t have booties, so Nirav is very fond of Juhani’s, once he got over the weirdness and novelty of it (also, his legs). In any case, it makes a great pillow.
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swansong-art · 2 years
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Some Ieshana species refs. The sittäinen one just blatantly used Tirlach as a base because I’m lazy.
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swansong-art · 2 years
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Some ref sheets for some fancy noodles. Nirav is the baby of the royal family and the god-touched prophet-priest of his culture; Isha is his slightly older brother who takes his job very seriously; Ankita is their mom who was born into royalty and a natural queen; Sunil is their dad who kinda got roped into all this royalty nonsense but does pretty well all things considered.
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swansong-art · 2 years
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This originally started just as a concept for Ieshanan unicorns, and went right to hell and ended up being a proper character, Nythos. Go figure.
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swansong-art · 2 years
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Some more Ieshana ref sheets, of an awkward slightly grumpy unicorn and the dragon who desperately wants him to like him.
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