#Idk my dreams are weird don't ask me to explain 😭
I think I had a romantic dream about Oscar and now I'm like ????? about how I feel because I always saw him as my little kid
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Louk's Bad Batch rewatch part 15 !!! AND part 16 !!!
TWO IN ONE WHAT these eps are kinda short ?? or my thoughts are idk ?? so I put them both together on one post 😬 but anyway let's go batcherssss 🤟
The Bad Batch 1x11
Crosshair you little gremlin 💕
can someone please explain to me why Orn Free Taa has extra lekku, weird tiny ears and three fingers instead of four ??? mans looks like a different species 👀
"They fought for us and they have earned our respect" settle down Cham we all know you're gonna change your mind in 5 minutes hush
"uncle Gobi" 🥺
Hera watching the birds in the sky 🤲 following them with her hands 🥺
Howzer you absolute king 👑
Eleni and Gobi scheming together hehehe
I just know Eleni is SO proud of Hera 🥲 she's so much like her mom fr
"my hope is that you won't ever have to live a life like mine" ~ General Cham Syndulla ... meet General Hera Syndulla
"no take offs or landings" this is actually so adorable tho
Wrecker carrying all the weapons himself like he's only doing one trip with the groceries from the car to the house hehehe
Hera asks about the Marauder and Omega's like 'this beauty' *pat pat*
I wanna see Hunter's face watching Hera and Omega together 🥺
they're besties forever 💕
it's Hera's dream to live on a starship 😭
lmao could've had a bad batch reunion rn but Crosshair had other plans
Omega: ☝"did you know flying is about a feeling?" Tech: I have no idea what this means
Howzer being the only one to question imprisoning a child 😭
Eleni didn't even wait for the speeder to stop moving before jumping out 💅
"attempted assassination of Orn Free Taa" ??? attempted ?? did he not just die ???
The Bad Batch 1x12
"how unfortunate for your people to see your fall" LMAO Rampart I've seen s2 👀
Howzer immediately plotting to save Hera 💕
Hera and Chopper are absolute menaces and I respect them both for it
Gonky being part of the bad batch family 🤲
"you gave her our comm channel?" ~ Hunter is so done pls 😂
Tech: "children often overreact" Omega: "no we don't" YES OMEGA 🙌👑 she is so passionate and caring and loving and loyal I genuinely feel so proud of her 💕
Omega: "isn't that what soldiers do" Hunter: 😯
Wrecker @ Chopper: "what's his problem" how long do you have buddy?
Hera asking them all so desperately to save her family 😭😭😭 she has always cared so deeply
y'all I'm confused did Orn Free Taa actually survive that shot to the head? I feel like Rampart has no reason to lie about it?
they all peeking with their binoculars
Hunter's little 'let's move' gesture 🥰
Hunter hearing the droid and his sneak attack just dropping down on it 👌 bro how did you get up there so fast ??
knife knife knife knife knife knife knife kni-
Tech: "oh good" lolol
Wrecker's face when Hunter says Crosshair knows they're there 😭
Omega grabbing Hera's hand 🤲
Echo's face explaining to Hera why they're after Cham 😭😭
"I don't care about any of that, I just want my parents back" she's just a little kid in the middle of a war she doesn't understand 💔 this is too real and absolutely heartbreaking
"She's trying to save her family Hunter. I'd do the same for you" you tell him Omega 💪👑
Howzer and Crosshair staring at each other.....
Chopper and Hera having a lil chat 🥺
Omega: "he's my brother, they all are" Hera: "you're lucky" she really is 🥺
Howzer is trying so hard to protect Hera even with Cham hating on him and refusing to help save his own daughter 🙃
Omega and Hera came up with a strategic plan and now Hunter's on board 🥰
Tech is worried about them going by themselves 🥲
Echo getting caught scaling the wall: "a little help?" lmaooo
AND Hunter's little "hey" to distract the reg before pulling Echo up 💀
"I won't tell if you wont" lmao I love these two together 💕
Omega: "don't shoot down our shuttle" Tech: "wait what shuttle?!" ~ how many heart attacks does Omega want to give Tech this episode 😂
Hera blowing up an imperial refinery........ 👀
Tech: 'Omega what was that explosion?!?! Omega: hehe don't worry about it 💀
Omega: "do some damage Wrecker" Wrecker: "that I can do!" Wrecker happy makes me happy 🥰
Hunter telling Cham and Gobi that Hera hired them 💀
Hera: "we're getting the hang of this" Tech: "yes your dangerous and uncontrolled manoeuvring is as confusing to them as it is to us 🙂" he is so far past done with them oml 😂
Howzer 💕💕💕💕💕💕
Hunter looking back at him before they leave 😭
Howzer's whole speech in this scene 😭😭😭 it reminds me of Fives giving his pep talk to the cadets 🥲
Hunter sensing Crosshair??? and what if I never stop crying ??
my heart is breaking for Howzer I love him so bad 💔
Wrecker Omega high five 🥺
Tech teaching Hera and Omega 🤲💕
"Tech showed me how to scramble a ships signature" TECH TAUGHT HERA ONE SKILL THAT SAVED HER ASS A MILLION TIMES 😭
"keep an eye on your brothers, they need it" ~ Hera, the wisest person in the show fr
...did Chopper just say "Chopper out"
Crosshair has too many expressions to count this last scene, asking to hunt the batch down... my theory is he never had his chip removed but that venator engine fried it and it slowly stops working... we know that a lot of the chips are slowly starting to stop working in other clones, maybe its the same for Crosshair ?? so he's feeling a lot of confusion at hunting them down ?? maybe idk lol
two more down!!! my internet is still shocking and it's taking me like an hour to watch each ep bc of all the buffering 🥲 but anywayyy thank yalls for joining 💕💕💕
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echobx · 2 months
saw this ask game and decided to answer all so you guys can get to know me better
1. Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?
it depends. I usually have my multi-chapterdd fics already done before posting them, so in my head they are stored as one shots. I know, weird. anyway...
I think oneshots are easier for me bc it's all fix and I don't get the urge to want to go back and change things. but I'm trying out the chaptered way with Timeloop and I can fix him (no really I can) and we'll see how I like it... but I'm only doing it like that bc idk how long they'll be and I wanted to post something and not wait months for them to be done before I post it all.
so maybe one-shots when it comes to [tumblr]
2. Do you plan each chapter ahead or write as you go?
I usually write as I go. I have a few points that I have to get to but I let it flow, let the characters choose their path to make it feel more natural when things go down.
3. Describe the creative process of writing a chapter/fic
I usually have something in my head that needs to happen and then I sit down when I feel like I'll be able to write it and just try.
I don't always look for playlists but sometimes it helps to listen to my sex playlist for smut or my falling in love playlist for slowburns or something.
I mostly just let inspiration hit me ig, idk how to explain it 😭
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
songs, tv shows, movies, other written work (books or stuff I read on here) my dreams... anything really. a lot of times it's just daydreaming.
5. Do you like constructive criticism?
yes, I love it, I get way too little of it.
as long as you are being respectful please tell me off lol, especially when it comes to grammar and sentence structures bc I'm not native in English and I'll be happy to learn and change things when you tell ne that something is wrong.
6. Do you have your work beta'd? How important is this to your process?
I tried beta-ing one of my fics with my friends, but life gets in the way and they didn't have much time to read and give me feedback, so I decided to not do it for whole fics anymore and just sporadically
7. How do you choose which POV to write from?
ig that fully depends on how the scene feels to me. I once got halfway in a chapter and had to rewrite the whole thing bc I realized it didn't make much sense to tell it from that pov and not the other. and now it feels so much more natural than before. but that is just as much trial and error at times as everything else.
8. Do you prefer the beginning, middle, or end of a story?
i don't really have a preference there. for some fics I can very clearly see the middle, but not the end or beginning, for others I see the start and end but not the in between and it gets a bit messy on the way. but all in all I'd say I'm just happy to be allowed to be there as these stories play in my head and that I get to write them down is even better.
9. Do you comment on stories you read?
yes, usually on ao3 on tumblr if I like it enough I'll reblog it, if I love it I reblog with comments or tags, that depends on my daily mood tho.
10. Cltr+f "blinks" on your WIP & copy paste the first sentence/paragraph that comes up
“What?” I cleared my throat and blinked a few times to get my mind cleared up.
aaaaah I love the scene this is from, also had to used blinked cause I usually write in past tense unless it's tumblr...
11. Link your three favorite fics right now
Safety Net by @mvybanks
The Blue by @quin-ns
Watch and Learn by @nadvs
12. how does receiving or not receiving feedback/support impact you?
a good feedback makes my day, literally
not getting any or getting barely any likes and no reblogs on my work, especially when it's something I've worked hard on, it's devastating really. I wish there was more appreciation for it, but I can't do much about it either.
13. what’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
writer's block isn't really an issue to me anymore. when I have time to write but my mind blocks I'll just start writing anything and when it's shit I put it to the side and write something else or if I'm working on a chapter and it won't flow I go into a new document and try and write the chapter again from scratch and see how it goes. always in a new doc tho when I do that so I don't use anything I've written.
14. how do you write emotional scenes? Do you ever feel what the characters feel? Do you draw from personal experiences?
okay, I write them, especially sad ones, when I myself am already sad af so I can exactly describe the bodily bs that happens to me when I'm sad
I do feel how they feel, especially when I later go to edit it, and then I have to take a break bc I'll start crying again lol
I mostly draw from personal experience when it gets to emotions, especially sad ones, bc it's just easier ig. it's waaay easier for me to write angst and hurt/comfort than anything else bc most of my life has been filled with those rather than fluff or even smut (idk how I write that, bc there's no experience there...)
15. How do you write smut scenes? Do you get very visual or detailed? How important is it to be realistic?
I try my best to keep it visually accurate, like, so you can try and imagine it bc I hate when I read something and go "wait, how did they end up here?" yk? and I think it should have some sort of realism to it. but I can't really be 100% accurate bc I only know my own body and whatever I've seen online. I don't trust porn obvs bc it's not really reliable when it comes to normal sizes and shit (iykwim) but it does help with figuring out some of the positions. that's literally the only reason I look at it too, for research purposes 💀
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
2 that are being posted (timeloop and icfhnric)
15 that are just ideas (listen, my head never stands still)
1 that is like my heart child, and I'm scared to let it go but I will eventually
17. What do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block)
a complete lack of inspiration hasn't really happened to me yet, and I'm scared of the day it will. what I do have issues with is the type of writers block where I wanna write but my head feels too overwhelmed or too tired to process any thoughts so I'll see the fic in my head but my brain won't let me form sentences to put it on the screen. I've yet to figure out how to deal with that.
18. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles?
song inspired ones are always named after the song, so that's easy
anything else is either a good line that I discovered while writing or a quick quip that I came up with, most times during the end of it.
I still don't have proper titles for my Lovebirds fic, I have one for the second installment of it, but the other three are still only under their working title and I don't know if I'll even give the first one a title or if it'll just be "Before Lovebirds" which is bs and I hate it but idk what else to name it... (although that part has been done for months now)
19. What is the most-used tag on your ao3?
smut... lol I haven't used any funny tags yet
20. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
I use "just" way too much. and I keep starting sentences with And a lot. and I feel like once I find a bew word I'll keep using it until my brain grows bored of it.
21. Would you ever collaborate with another writer for a story?
definitely, if they wanted to.
22. Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
I don't think I'm a dark romance girlie. I'm never gonna write mlm smut, because I just don't think it's my place to do that.
23. Best writing advice for other writers?
use placeholders for words you can't pinpoint, I usually go like this [walking slowly, dragging feet] and then I look up a synonym
when you get an idea, put it down, you'll think you're gonna remember later but you won't
24. Worst writing advice anyone ever gave you?
to put chapter contents down in a pointed list instead of writing it out immediately
25. What fic do you wish you got more of a response on?
the It's... complicated one bc I worked hard on it and it's probably my best work yet imo
26. Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
my three part series the one with the abortion, notes and letter
27. What is your most and least favorite part of writing?
most favorite: describing angsty feelings
least: chit-chat bc I'm bad at it irl and idk how to write it to seem natural 😭
28. On average, how much writing do you get done in a day?
idk, some days I write so much and others I don't at all, so maybe 500-800 days on average daily
29. What’s your revision or editing process like?
first I do grammar checks, then I reread and see if the words are correct. most times I do the big parts of editing while writing bc I noticed that that's easier for me
30. Do you share rough drafts or do you wait until it’s all polished?
I usually wait until it's polished, unless it's something I would have deleted from a bigger fic and don't want it to go to waste.
31. Do you start with the characters or the plot when writing?
plot, always.
32. Name three of your favorite fanfic writers.
from the top of my head: @princessmaybank @redhead1180 @mvybanks
33. Do you want to be published some day?
yes. but not my fanfic. I'd rather write something by myself and then get it published than go and write fanfic and change it later on to be able to publish it.
34. Five years from now, where do you see yourself as a writer?
finishing my first novel and maybe finding a publisher for it
35. What is one essential thing to remember when writing a villain?
that they don't need to be redeemable, I'd much rather keep some villains for true evil and not because they had a bad childhood or whatever
36. How do you write kissing scenes?
I try to write about how it affects the person who's pov it is, their emotions and physical sensations. I don't like dragging it out too much tho unless it's a big moment, like a first kiss.
37. How do you choose where to end a chapter?
I tend to do cliffhangers quite a lot bc I'm just prone to that bc of my love of television. but usually I end on a moment that feels like a natural stop while writing or sometimes I write without chapters in mind and when I add them later I make stops in between where it feels like the reading flow could stop and be picked up, but then I make sure that the chapters aren't too short or too long still
38. Would you ever write commissions?
oh definitely, I already take prompts and idk if it counts but I did write two private commissions for a friend in return for some art of my favorite character a scribble of my oc
39. Share a snippet from a WIP
“I don't want you to feel any pressure to do anything,” he brushed a few hair from my face and I nodded. “You're my dream girl, [redacted].” He pulled me closer into him, nuzzling his head into my neck and breathing lower. “My pretty girl.” I placed a kiss on his head and listened to his shallow breaths as I fell asleep. “Love you too,” I whispered while drifting off and hoping that he hadn't actually heard me.
40. If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
I have a very specific scene in my head, but it not in the fic, it's only mentioned as a picture that they took and have set as their background picture. so to see that come to life would be incredible.
but I don't really have a preference other than that, when I write I see it all play out in my head like a movie scene so literally any moment can work as long as I described it well enough. and if needed I would go and give a lengthy description of every single detail if someone wabted me to
41. Do you tend to reread fics or are you a one-and-done kind of person?
I reread a lot! it's part of how I try and get better at my work (apart from reading published books)
I especially reread a lot of my lovebirds fic so I can get back into writing when I haven't had worked on it in a while
42. What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it?
The Charter by @blueicequeen19 and I'd tell the whole world to read it because it's just that good
43. Do you take a sadistic joy in whumping your characters, or are you more the "If you hurt them I would kill everyone and then myself" kind of person?
I whump too much tbh. like, especially my OC has had so much pain already in her life, but I feel like a few set backs are normal and it wouldn't feel natural to me if everything was just happy and perfect akl the time. to me these characters are people and people are messy by default.
I'm still very protective of them tho, and I wouldn't let any body go and fuck them other unless it has a purpose of some kind, either for the bad guy or them.
44. What mistakes do you keep making no matter how many times your beta corrects you?
I keep writing my when I mean me and vice versa, that's just a typing issue tho. I forgot prepositions and "the"s a lot. idk how to do comma shit. and I keep catching myself writing bearly instead of barely. bc they sound the same and I'm also dyslexic 😔
45. Do you want to break your readers‘ heart or make them laugh?
both if I can. but a part of me wants to know that I'm capable of making someone cry their eyes out. that feels pretty powerful to me bc I don't really cry too much when I read or watch something myself.
46. How would you describe your style? (Character/emotion/action-driven, etc)
emotions primarily ig, then characters. ig those two are very neatly intertwined bc most of the decisions they make are based on emotions or on the fact that they try to not let their emotions control them.
47. How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
at least two times. even when I say it's not edited, I at least read it twice to get most mistakes out.
48. What do you look for in a beta?
that they are native English speaker probably, but I don't really do betas at the moment
49. Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?
I've never gotten one and if I would I'd probably just block the person and try to forget about it.
50. How long is your longest fic?
not posted and still working on it: around 500k
posted one shot: 19k
posted series: 16k
51. What’s your total AO3 word count?
38.4k on ao3 / 100k+ on tumblr
52. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I respond to most comments but I always feel a bit awkward bc I never know what to say
53. How do you spend your time when it comes to fanfiction? Are you primarily a fic reader, writer, or a perfect 50/50 split of both?
primarily I write, I'd say 65/35 writing to reading ratio of the time I use on fanfic
54. What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
being able to put the vision that I have in my head on screen, being allowed to use as much or as little details as I wish to. but most of all the fact that I know more about the whole narrative than the characters in it, the fact that I know when they are being unreliable or are lying to themselves or just don't know better.
55. Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones?
I'm definitely a JJ girlie, I'll always be even tho I noticed that people are more into Rafe...
56. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
a friend of mine keeps asking how the fuck I write so much and I honestly don't know. I just do. and I personally always feel like anything below 2k is not enough but I don't try to drag things out too much just to get more words in. so maybe that's it.
57. Do you prefer editing as you write, or waiting until it’s finished?
while writing for sure because it just makes the whole process faster than if I did it the other way round. but it took some time for me to get to the point where my in-writing editing makes the post-writing editing almost obsolete
58. What part of the writing process do you enjoy the most? (Brainstorming, outlining, writing, editing, etc)
writing for the most part. but I also love researching stuff.
59. Does anyone in your personal life know you write fic? if not, would you tell anyone?
only my friends. I wouldn't tell my parents and I'm glad they don't understand English bc if they did and found this blog I wouldn't be allowed to leave the house forever or they'd kick me out. which is ridiculous bc I'm an adult :'(
60. Have you had a writer you admire comment on your fic? What was that like?
yeah and it was the best feeling ever. makes me happy just thinking about it.
61. Why do you continue writing fics?
simply because I love writing and I choose to write for myself, not for anyone else. that's also why some prompts stay in my inbox for longer, because I need to find the right moment where I am content with writing it in a way that makes me feel happy about what I created.
62. Thoughts on cliffhangers?
love love love. can't get enough of them. use them all the time.
63. Something you hate to see in smut.
personally, I have mommy and daddy issues, so seeing it being sexualized is always weird to me. but I try to look past it and even when I write it bc it fits the character, it's still weird to me. but I would never tell anyone to not write it. I know a lot of ppl enjoy it a lot. it's just not my personal piece of cake.
another thing, which is just formatting ig, is when there's no warnings list. I think it's important to put at least a warnings list, especially for smut.
64. Something you love to see in smut.
aftercare. always. Even if it's just a quick scene of them lying in bed or something and just being soft with each other or talking about random things to cool down. I think it's really important.
65. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
right now I'm looking extremely heavily towards kinktober and starting on those projects and then seeing people read them in October.
I'm also super hyped over my oc lore bc I recently had a big breakthrough with the help of a friend, and now everything I had before makes so much more sense. it feels like I had always had known but the information was hidden and now I have it and I can see a crystal clear picture of her life and the life of her parents and grandparents and basically the whole family past and possible future.
66. How do you deal with writing pressure (ie. pressure to update, negative comments, deadlines, etc.)?
I hate it. I'm trying to not let it get to me, I can only write when my brain let's me. But I do know that no matter how long it takes I will finish started projects.
67. Do you prefer prompts and challenges, or completely independent ideas?
I don't mind either. I love when it's a prompt or challenge that gives me creative freedom. like just a sentence or a single word prompt with a character is top notch bc I can go crazy on it all I want.
68. What, if anything, do you do for inspiration?
I listen to music mostly, sometimes tiktoks inspire me too. It's really anything that can give me inspiration.
69. What work of yours, if any, are you the most embarrassed about existing?
the ghostface one. I don't even know why I posted it, but I'm not gonna delete it bc I think it's important for ppl to see the progress you made over time.
70. When asked, are you embarrassed or enthusiastic to tell people that you write?
depends on the person. if it's my friends who I hold near and dear I'm not really embarrassed at all. I sometimes talk too much about writing and think I annoy them with it, but they always say it's okay so I guess I should believe them.
I think it's needs some type of connection and mutual respect for me to even be able to talk about it, so I wouldn't really talk to someone who I think would nake me feel embarrassed.
71. When it comes to more complicated narratives, how do you keep track of outlines, characters, development, timeline, ect.?
I only put down dates, the rest is more or less stored in my brain. unless I write lore down somewhere for someone to read and give me feedback. then I take that and put it in a separate lore doc but I wouldn't really need to bc, like I said, mostly my brain will remember lore
72. What order do you write in? front of book to back? chronological? favorite scenes first? something else?
when I started writing I did chronological, then I started to jump in between but that caused a lot of fuck ups and I couldn't remember what happened where, so I decided to rewrite my whole fic chronologically before posting it.
for prompts or just stuff that I post on here I always do linear/chronological if the narrative let's me
73. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
I don't really know. I guess I use a few phrases and words more than others would, and sometimes my sentences sound very german bc that's my native tongue. but those don't show up to me as mistakes when editing bc to my brain the sentences structure makes sense. that's probably all, but I don't really know.
74. You’ve posted a fic anonymously. How would someone be able to guess that you’d written it?
maybe if they are familiar with my writing style, with the way I use certain words only in certain situations. or how I nickname some of the characters.
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newjenns · 1 year
You gave such a thoughtful answer!!
Idk how to explain, but the names you like are very You-coded, like Pandora like the girl who unleashed evil in the world, Salem like the witch trials, Alistair and Evangeline also give me the edgy vibes that emanate from you/pos, they're pretty good names! I liked all of them tbh, they're pretty.
I really like how Rowan and Caspian sound together, both ending in "an" appeals to me, but I'm the kind of name nerd that likes cohesive sib-sets, that is one of the things that makes me very weirdly picky about names, they have to sound good together because I want a shit ton of kids. (<- Can barely look after myself)
My curse with girl names is that my Brazilian ass Loves Anglo-sounding ones that would get my kid bullied, (went to school with a Dylan and the poor boy was made fun of a lot because of the gringo name) like I'd love to name a kid Nora, but that literally means "daughter-in-law" in Portuguese.
I like the subtle book references in the names you picked, the names I like are like that also, from the past like 10 years I've dreamed of naming kids Bianca and Nicholas because of Bianca and Nico Di Angelo (not that subtle but they sound Good together), I also read a Percabeth fic where they had a Marina and the name stuck with me! and reading Pride and Prejudice kinda made me obsessed with the name Lydia because she was my favorite, part of me really likes Thomas and Alexander also, but that might be a bit too SBI coded so I don't think I'd use both even tho I liked the names before liking them.
- baby name anon (I'll start signing my asks with that now because I loved it, you'll probably get drama asks signed that eventually because I've been sending you asks for around 2 years lol)
THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH 😭😭😭 this is the greatest compliment you can give me.
i feel like i’m almost in a similar boat as you bc i come from a spanish speaking family and it’s like well i should probably name my kids something my relatives can pronounce and also i don’t want them to make fun of or judge my names if i give my kids super white names ?3?3!&3 but i feel like that boat has already sailed like my cousins and siblings all have very white sounding names anyway
i also like sibling set names !!! this is part of why i like evangeline and pandora so much bc eve and pandora were the first women in their respective mythologies !! if i had two daughters this is probably what i would go with if i can convince my partner LOL i once tried to explain this idea to my mom like oh having a theme interwoven for your kids names like all space related names (like sisters nova and selene) or nature related names (ivy and river for example) and she thought that was kind of crazy so i would probably make it really subtle 😭
i get a little weird about having too similar sounds tho like for the longest time evangeline and evander were my favorites for a girl and a boy (which in my ideal world i have two kids and it’s a girl and a boy) but the evan being the first four letters of both made me pause liek ..? is this too similar and cringe …? so evander fell lower on the list bc of that unforchie dorchie oh also i was going to mention this in the og post but another boy name i kind of like is jason dean i like jason as a stand-alone (jason todd you are so famous) but jason dean kind of gives it that slay factor bc jason is a little short for me on its own and also it is a. reference to heathers and if i used that name i would in fact call my baby jd i wont even lie.
percy jackson has some of my favorite naming conventions ever !! all the kids have meaning woven into their names that relates to their godly parent like selina beauregard like literally beautiful to look at are we kidding. love it. i think you could absolutely get away with nicholas and bianca especially bc bianca is like such a minor character like i think only people who are nerds about pjo would get it and they would find it cool :) so funny you mention pride and prejudice tho bc i rewatched the movie just a few days ago and i was literally just thinking about the bennett sisters and THEIR names and how well they went together like elizabeth katherine lydia even jane and mary seem to fit in so well and kitty as a nickname is so cute too bad she’s so annoying 😭
thomas and alexander are very classic anglo names BUT. but i will say my first thought was. hamilton. ummmm
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slytherinshua · 2 years
this is regarding the funky writing game!! D && F && H && L && S && T !! :D you don’t have to answer them all but those were the ones i was the most curious abt 🫣 LOVE U MWAH
D - "is there a song or playlist you associate with [insert fic]?"
okay okay I feel like I semi associate wildest dreams by Taylor Swift with infamous together... and that's because I listened to that song on repeat like LITERALLY ON REPEAT while in the car while writing a large portion of infamous together... and like its just such tae vibes so rly any tae fic but especially that one!!
F - "share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you've written and explain why you're proud of it"
“This is the best day of my life. Besides the wedding part. But this.” You gestured to the scenery that lay before you both as Taehyun continued to drive away from the old town.
“This automobile is so old. I’m surprised it could go as fast as it did back there.” Taehyun told you with a laugh.
“Of course it did. You fixed it. The one and only, Kang Taehyun.”
“I’m not ‘the one and only, Kang Taehyun’.”
“You’re my one and only Kang Taehyun.”
“You are so annoying with your pickup lines-”
“But you love them.” You teased.
“But I love them.” He glanced at you with a smile on his face before focusing back on the road.
idk smth about this scene in drive was rly satisfying to write like they're running away together but still flirting with each other and I just thought it was cute <33
H - "how would you describe your style?"
this is a hard one... like idek???? I feel like most of it is just me thinking of these complex settings (which is why I like AUs sm) and then just writing down the words that I think of. tbh idek if my writing is good or not 💀I just try my best ig. and like I've read a lot since I was little so that helps with knowing how to write like... better? idek im making no sense lmaooo
L - "how many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?"
it depends how long the fic sits rotting in my drafts. cause sometimes I write a fic in a day, and then the words just flow together so I do very little edited even I barely proof read 💀 but when its been in my drafts for a while and I've written like the beginning or smth before finishing it, I'll always re-read all of it and then re-write as much as I think is needed so it all makes sense and I can refresh my memory. Infamous together actually took a rly long time. It was originally supposed to be based on like that one halloween thing txt did where they all had spy code names. And Taehyun was "black card" and I was gonna use that as a big thing in the fic. But then I struggled with it for so long, and left it for m o n t h s. and then I finally found a way to finish it. But I actually erased everything I had written before and started completely fresh for that which sometimes happens.
S - "any fandom tropes you can't resist?"
hands down enemies to lover or rivals to lovers with taehyun. like I've written that... 3 times I think? (one of those no longer is published shhhh it was rly bad old writing) academic rivals slays so hard with him, any kind of mafia/secret agent slays as well. honestly I just eat it up every time I LOVE IT SM. also nurse trope. where like one of them is patching up the other sKSKSJDF OH MY GOD ITS SO GOOD THE TENSION CAN BE JUST SDJFSKNDFKSJDFHSKJ or when they're actually dating then its just super cute 😭 OH OH AND ANOTHER ONE IS KINDA WEIRD AND IDK WHY I LIKE IT SO MUCH.... but like. presumed dead?? like when one of them thinks the other is DEAD. but then they're not AND IDK I JUST THINK THE REUNION CAN BE CUTE. but im scared to attempt it and I don't come across it very often on Tumblr but I did a bit on wp.
T - "any fandom tropes you can't stand?"
hmmmm maybe like love triangle- I just rly hate that trope and I hate reading it, I hate writing it, I hate watching it in dramas. like everything. its just d e s p i s e. there are some others that are kinda obvious like unrequited love or smth similar but love triangle takes the cake.
hope these answers satisfied you axe!!! ily mwah!!!
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hiii!! can I ask to be classpected?
I’ve thought a lot about being classpected hehe. I’ve almost been a little intimidated to ask anyone about it, it’s a thing that *feels* like u should read on n stuff, maybe even have the capacity to know which one resonates w yourself, but I am bad at seeing the bigger picture by myself of myself so here I am to ask you to analyse me!!!!
I have tried to think a little of what someone would include but I always come up stumped so I’ll wing it today……
So, my biggest problem is that I’m pushing myself down. That sounds so weird I mean it not in a self deprecating way but rather in a dumbing myself down way. Like I like acting dumb to kinda have an escape goat for my own conscious LOL…. And because of this I kinda have lost who I am kind of? Like what do I like and think etc etc. Im like stuck in my own help others perspective all the time! Of course this all sucks but I think I have inherited it from my dad to be honest *that one cringe crying/laughing crying emoji*. Which is kind of weird but he is that kind of person. And i might’ve just picked it up 😣
And because of this I also have a big dilemma with where I dream, my mom is like textbook Derse dreamer LOL like she can’t follow the crowd for a second, she always has to do the stuff no one excepts her to do to prove a point and she’s stuck in the future. Rather my dad is such such such a prospit dreamer!!! I know that how I act outwards is textbook prospit but I know how to be obstinate I just don’t like being obstinate on a whim. I like to go against society more…organised(?) Like rather to share those dumb ass instagram text demographics I involved myself politically in secret cause I feel like I don’t have to prove something other than to myself unlike my mom. UGH idk especially cause I’m no pro at like the dream stuff but to summarise I’m gonna say I’m a Derse dreamer even though my problem is such prospit behaviour.
To move on from in-cohesive stuff, I am 14 years old and have diagnosed autism and adhd, I don’t like autism to define me at all but it’s hard when it affects my whole life! Also I am a transgender boy but I don’t like to put it so blunt when I can’t explain exactly how I feel about it but now I’m lazy so I will just put it so blunt
I have a few friends and like some contexts where I hang out but it’s hard for me to keep up to be honest, my best friend is like getting famous LMAO and losing time for me (which is crazy to say at 14 I know), then I have a few political friends yeah yeah they are old so I only meet them in professional environments LOL, and then I have like three friends from when I went on a drug bender when I was 12 😭, these are just three things and I feel like I can’t keep up, even though I have zero school friends I just keep slipping away from these people! And cause I feel like I can’t keep up I have lost all the internet friends I only have one and she is amaizng but crazy. So I feel alone but I also don’t cause I feel like I don’t have the capacity to feel alone right now😭😭
This feels like such little information but I can’t come up with anything else other than that I have a interest in languages…
This was not very coherent lol but this is nothing I do every day and thanks a lot for even reading!!!!!!! TYYYrtyyyttyyyy
Thief of Blood
the class is really up for discussion, if you think a different class may suit you better go ahead and change it ( not to a destructive class like prince or bard tho that would.. yeah ) but I'm sure you're a blood player
you definitely don't have the confidence of a thief but you have.. the actual stealing bit. nice thieves can exist, okay? and you're not a rogue don't even.
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like your entire ( extremely unhelpful ) long ass paragraphs revolve around your dad and mom for some reason? certainly an interesting choice considering the fact other than 1 person, who was venting, people don't really bring up their parents in this
so I'm going off that and saying you value bonds a lot in your life, blood relations even
you speak of your friend not having time for you, if this was a sburb session you could probably just steal them back, with whatever kind of magic or manipulation we can imagine a thief of blood would use
๑ also why do people keep bringing up politics in these? I'm a fucking classpect blog what? how do politics remotely concern,,?????? ๑
I'm gonna say you're also influenced by void and heart, so i would imagine your session would have one player for both those aspects [ i talk about players aspects influencing one another briefly in this post ]
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astrojoy · 3 years
So ima keep it short and simple and only focus on the bizarre parts. And these parts include a guy so if you hear me say "guy" a lot its because of that 💀but this was very 4th dimension breaking but fun!
Anyways, so why don't I quickly describe some characters in the ongoing dream parts. The guy was Asian, had black hair in a kind of bowl cut hairstyle? I think that's what it's called 🤔 he wore a black sweatshirt. Then there was this girl with him, she had black straight hair and a jacket or coat of some kind. Then a bully, later on in the dream, had the same hairstyle and same race as he guy before but was a bit huskier and had a T-shirt and baggier clothes
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So starting off. The first scene. I was with the guy and girl. There were bunches of people around us, I was standing in the middle of groups of roses of all shapes, sizes and quantities for some reason. I wanted to speak to the girl because she seemed super sweet and I wanted a friend. So I said "hello, are one of these roses yours?" She smiled and said "I should have one there" and she explained what it looked like. So I looked down and found it flattened (I was unfortunately stepping on it 😔) I felt so bad and said "I'm really sorry" as I showed her. She gave a slight gasp and waved it off "it's ok!" The guy beside her said something under his breath, like "oh no.." idk 😭 and he came over and tried to fix it
I woke up a little after this scene. Then went back to sleep to continue the story because I don't like leaving off dreams unfinished
The next scene. We were all walking down a road. Even with the people from before. Idk where we were going but I was near the front. I saw a someone, a man it seemed. He was laying out on the road not moving? Idk WHY but since nobody helped I just didn't either? Uh hello!? We kept walking and then I glanced over at the trees and saw an animal stuck in an orange strap of some kind. That's when it clicked. Nobody still did anything and just kept walking. I couldn't take it. I wanted to help. First thing on my mind was the man on the ground from before and then I would help the animal. I turned around and as people passed me I noticed the guy from the other scene was on his knees trying to help the man. He was alone though, being left by the crowd to help the man by himself. I walked towards him because I wanted to help and he said "wow you're the only nice one here" or something along those lines. Then as we helped the man we got up and went towards the crowd again. I looked over in the direction the animal previously was and all that was on the ground was the orange strap. Someone must have already helped it fortunately
I woke up again after this. But I guess I wasn't satisfied finishing the dream there. So I went back to sleep
Now for this scene. We were in a school I had never seen before. I was STILL walking with the group of people. Same with the guy. I have no idea where the girl disappeared to? I thought about her in the dream like 'where did go 😟' but moving on, I was curious about the guy. He seemed different almost? Like you know how when your in a lucid dream you know you're the weird one and the only one understanding everything? Well I got that vibe from him as if he was dreaming too? I observed him from afar just trying to register how he would act. He fell on the ground and someone asked him his age and he said "18" (ngl I was thinking 'yo same 👋😃') then he got up and went behind me and a few other people to follow the crowd. Finally I wanted to know what to call him so I looked behind me and walked sideways (aka just still walking) and asked him "hey may I ask what your name is?" I smiled to make sure he didn't feel uncomfortable and he smiled back and said "uh well, I don't know, it's Jdsjdh or Shfoebks, something" (I don't know what he said his name probably was) it's like he couldn't remember? But I've had moments like that in dreams where I couldn't remember certain things about me for some reason so I just let it go. And said "oh ok.. Well-" I came to a slow stop and turned towards him and watched him pass me slightly but then stop to face me. Everyone seemed to keep walking and I let them so that they couldn't hear. "So.. You do know I'm dreaming right? And you are too" his eyes slightly widened and he said "this was all a lie? I thought it was real" he slightly raised his voice in surprise. I nodded and sheepishly waved like an 'it's ok' I then exclaimed "I wonder why you are in my dream though, why are we in the same dream?" He never answered and the scene cut off. But that's the scene where is got weird 😭😂😂
The scene then continued and I forgot what happened but we got into some sort of trouble? We both began running through the outside of the school and people were chasing us. We had weapons, and I tried sword fighting a woman who also had a sword. She knocked my sword away and I was left with my last weapon. We both went and hit each other with them at the same time and my arm began making a burning sensation. It was hurting and we were caught. People escorted me and the guy to a black car and we got in. Then the dream ended and I decided to get out of bed LMAO
Y'all I broke the 4th dimension 👏😃
Wait I never mentioned the bully part- one sec
Basically in the bully part. We were still in the group of people but behind me I heard guys picking on the guy from before. They were sputtering things like "girly" and "makeup" apparently the guy was wearing makeup? AND? SO WHAT? I got upset and turned around telling them to stop making fun of him. The guy had makeup trying to cover reddish blemishes or acne? Well I took a good look at the main bully and noticed he had makeup foundation on his skin too trying to cover some blemishes. I pointed it out and said "hey but you're also wearing makeup. Your picking on him but wearing the same thing?" I put my hands on my hips and just looked at him confused as he was surprised. He then shoved me away and walked past me muttering things under his breath 🤣🤣
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staysuki · 3 years
"jisung being a criminal makes him more attractive" DUDE Y/N IS LITERALLY ME WATDAFUQ (yes this is a reader insert but i m sure you get my point) me to felix <333 (IN THE PAST OKAY) seungmin s ✨ hwaiting ✨ is adorable bye. i love how he straight up replied with an "idk" lol poor kid wanting to cheer his friendfriend up but got thought as weird instead. hyunjin s "what" hurts me 👍 i feel like y/n spilling info to jake will lead to bad shit. not necessarily because of him tattling but ig jisung and felix will know their plan by hacking jake s phone or smth. IDK , I JUST FEEL LIKE JAKE S THE CARELESS TYPE YA KNOW. aaa i feel so bad for hyunjin like, his father dislikes him, his grama hates him :<<
wait so you basically confirmed that felix doesn t have and sad story background 😔 SOOO WHAT ABT THE "need money bc don t have part-time job" EMENE? it seems like jisung has an almost unlimited supply of money so sussy 👀 damn, kinda sad that slc is almost ending :<< i m an optimist what can i say 😌 I KNOW THAT YOU WATCH ANIME but have you seen my hero academia? you know like how every villain had a back story that s sad af, it messed with me big time. i m now always trying to think outside of the box. horikoshi did this.
i love the jyp oppar meme 😗
lovegame anon dw that happens to me all the time ~.~ #canceltumblr 🤥 for some reason, tumblr keeps on messing up with my asks :<< like, the last paragraph would surprisingly get placed in the middle of the 1st sentence IN the first paragraph after the author replies to it. so weird. IKR LIKE ash deserves this. she s amazing, my role model, my ult, our queen <333 i m really happy that she gets the recognition she deserves. all her works are 👌👌👌 damn, i feel like you lovegame anon, will do a great job writing song fics 🤩 btw, good luck to you <3333
🍕 it s fine, we all simp for lovegame anon 😎 i m still the one who got your exclusive love poem *instense lip biting* LMAO TRUE. your (🍕 anon) skills in flirting are getting better and better 👌 BROOO AGREED, SEUNGMIN IS LIFE ✨
changing the question a bit, which y/n do you perceive each of your anons as?
if ever a zombie apocalypse arises in ash ville, i feel like i d be the first to get bitten 💀 mainly because i d give up on running
lovegame anon, i feel like you unconsciously drifted to a parallel universe. i wish i could dream about kpop idols lol ACTUALLY, i did dream about stray kids for like 3 consecutive nights but i don t remember the details :">> i wish i could. the most i could remember was a hogwarts au with hyunjin, and 2 other dreams with seungmin and minho but yeah, i can t remember what happened after ~.~
- ␈
y'all gotta stop falling in love with the criminals istg—
seungmin is a doer not a talker 😭 well, i'm sure hyunjin got the sentiment of whatever seungmin was trying to say lmfao.
and some jake theories huh 💀. that's really funny though. imagine they don't even have to hack into jake's phone, he just ends up talking too loud on the phone while in the bathroom while felix is there. or maybe he's the kind to not even have a password protected phone. he just lives a flowery life like that.
and naur 😭 i didn't confirm anything about felix. all i said was that whatever felix's backstory is (whether sad or not) it will not be revealed 🥴. he's forever a secret. he doesn't get any arcs or any spotlights. his personality will never be explained 🤌✨. also the one who said the thing about needing money without a part time job was seungmin (in reference to his drug dealing gig). and dw, we still have 10-20 more chapters of SLC 😭🤌. i've seen my hero academia yes uwu. but i kinda stopped na midway cuz i got bored 🤷‍♂️
the compliments pls 😭 i appreciate it 💋. but yeah, pls just resend asks if ever it gets bugged out. dont worry about it~
well that's a hard question since i don't think i have enough y/ns for each anon but ig i'll try 😮‍💨
🍕anon is def PP heart y/n. just because she said that she works as a secretary of sorts JHSHWJSHE
␈anon (you) would probably be SLC y/n 🐸✨
LG anon would probably be hey! hey! golden boy y/n
🌺anon and 🧀anon are 100% my sunshine y/n
🗽anon (bless their heart, i miss them already) would be YHAM y/n
<3anon would probably be secret idol boyfriend y/n
🦄anon and 🌖anon would be ehaloj y/n~
then 🐳anon would be bff code y/n
then there's 💙anon and 🍉anon that i have not yet interacted with too much 🤧💔 so i can't judge. though i honestly already had a hard time halfway thru cuz my y/ns aren't that diverse 🐒
i hope i didn't miss anyone 🙈
ashville though, i like it 🐣 new tag mayhaps
and ofc! take your time. room 404 won't be a heavy read though. it's just a feel-good episodic series so there won't even be a lot of updates all the time. each episode is it's own story/arc! i made it for those that just wanna sit back and relax here in town 🤧 no need to dwell into heavy conspiracies and whatnot.
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carcinized · 3 years
uh hey sorry you don’t have to answer this but how do you know if you are disassociating? -statdYst
uhhh i dont know if theres a surefire way but i can describe it to you + link some things!!
warnings for discussion of dissociation/derealization/depersonalisation under the cut!! stay safe ^_^
keep in mind that this is only MY knowledge and MY experience, written by someone with chronic (near constant) dissociation & derealisation plus occasional episodes of depersonalisation!! i know a lot but im not an expert ahaahah
okay so theres basically three main types of dissociation to my knowledge, mainly Dissociation™, derealisation, and depersonalization.
Dissociation™ is basically just being on autopilot and not being able to get off it, spacing out, no thoughts head empty, feeling far away, etc. it's basically your brain's natural response to trauma, and its actually really nice when you're in the middle of a bad moment. that feeling you get when someone's yelling at you where it feels secondhand kinda? and far away and weirdly emotionless? THATS dissociation. it's just a general disconnection from reality/yourself, and it's only bad when it's prolonged.
derealisation is basically when the world AROUND you doesn't feel real. for me personally it changes from a simple "nothing feels real and i'm floating through empty space" while also seeing things in front of me and responding on autopilot (its hard to explain 😭) but ranges to the more extreme things such as "i'm living in a simulation" "this is all a dream" "i'm in a coma dreaming i need to wake up NOW" "i'm alone in the universe and this is all fake only i am real" "i'm dead this is the afterlife" ETC ETC ETC. you get it basically anytime your brain is telling you your reality around you is not.... your reality.
then depersonalisation is when YOU don't feel real. examples of this are looking in the mirror and not recognizing yourself, feeling like a spectator of the world around you (for me personally, it gets bad enough that i'll talk to myself and be surprised when people hear me. because i forget i and my talking are real), feeling like you're not real but everything else IS (similar to the last one), etc etc etc i havent experienced this one as much so i dont have as many examples oops.
but yeah if you see yourself in any of those things yeah youre probably dissociating or derealised or depersonalised!! other symptoms/signs of general dissociation but sometimes the other stuff can be:
being forgetful/not knowing where you are/that type of thing
lighting!! feeling wrong!! like that feeling when you walk inside from the sunny outdoors and everything is b r i g h t and you can still see but also what the fuck why is it so bright
looking like when a camera doest adjust right? and its weirdly dark? yeah thats dissociation a lot of the time
blurry/unfocused vision
i dont know if this is just a me thing but auditory processing issues + just worse hearing in general?
i'll fuck up taste too when it's especially bad. i've had mint gum taste like so many things ranging from bubblegum to peanut butter and i'm pretty sure it's a dissociation thing because dissociation is basically just your brain logging information in wrong
general weird sensory stuff. idk
the need to check double check triple check EVERYTHING. before i go to any class every day i ask my friends "what day of the week is it, what period is it, what's my schedule" and STILL dont feel like i'm in the right class when i get there.
thats all kinda. ive lived with this for years and if youre just getting it now you probably dont have a lot of the specifics ive named PLUS theres definitely more and im not an expert BUT heres a couple dodie videos that super helped me figure stuff out when i was first trying to understand what was wrong with me? [x] [x] [x]
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your-coquette-queen · 3 years
9, 23, 66, 75, 88 for the unusual ask.
Thanks Shells!
where do you shop?: Well for clothing, mostly Nordstrom because I am fucking obsessed with the clothes there! They are all so pretty, I love it so much! And also probably sunrise records because that is where I get all of my vinyl records from, Hot Topic cuz they have a ton of good band t-shirts, and Claire's cuz I am obsessed with scrunchies😭
describe your dream date: Well we would probably go out to eat somewhere really nice and then take a walk on a beach as the sun sets. Don't judge me, I'm a hopeless romantic!
have you ever won a spelling bee?: Nope! I was horrible in school in elementary, and once I got into Middle School, I became one of the top students, but we no longer had spelling bees!
are you going to change your last name when you get married?: Definitely. idk I can't really explain it, but for me that is kinda important.
do you like it when people play with your hair?: omg yes. it is so satisfying!
Thank you for the questions! I hope you enjoyed my weird self! lol!
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