#Ichigo Jam
fuckyeahvk · 1 year
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thigh-inspectors · 2 years
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sexpotrevenge · 2 years
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ラミエル Hiziri, Nozomi, & Tsukasa
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vkei-company · 1 year
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ゴシックコルセット レザーコルセット メンズコルセット ウエストベルト 黒 コルセットベルト ユニセックスコルセット ヴィジュアル系 ビジュアル系 V系 パンク ロック フェイクレザー インポート
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readtilyoudie · 8 months
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Bleach Vol 4
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beans-and-shet · 1 year
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uncreativecj · 1 year
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Cringetober day 5 and 6
MS Paint + neko
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sayakalaine · 2 years
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ジャム用 #いちご 🍓を大量にいただいたので 久しぶりに #コンフィチュール を仕込んだでみた♪ 今年は、もっとこういう時間を増やしたいものです✨ #strawberry #苺 #ichigo #一期一会 #あまおう #jam #confiture #strawberrys #strawberryjam #fraise #brownsugar #さとうきび #sugar #sugarcane #red (Ito, Shizuoka) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpziGHGSLKL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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handsome-kakigori · 2 years
coloringnya kamu itu bagus bgt tau :((( sangat cerah ceria seperti ichigo yang mencerahkan duniaku (ea)
eh tp serius coloringnya kamu itu hidup banget 😭😭😭👏👏👏
Mon maap tp ayangku gaboleh mencerahkan dunia org lain selain duniaku. Mohon kembali ke dunia suram ya anon 🙏🏼, im gatekeeping my malewife /j
Hehe tp makasih, aku coloring asal pake feeling ((dan sebenernya krn mager makanya ga semua kena warna //ohok)). Syukurlah kalo ternyata malah jd hidup ✨✨✨
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wandered-rose · 2 years
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greyskyflowers · 8 months
I'm always on a Visored/Ichigo kick but it's been especially bad lately. Sooo have some little hollow instinct AU?? plot bunnies that won't get bigger than this but still wanted to hop around.
Is it trauma, power dynamics, or hollow instincts? The world may never know.
The world does actually know and it's all three.
⚠️ Some strange relationship and/or combination of Visored/Ichigo/Kisuke because that's my jam and I'm partying alone. ⚠️
Ichigo doesn't know what he looks like when he's like this. No one else knows either, which is a good thing because people have destroyed and conquered worlds for less.
Long limbs sprawled, belly down and back exposed. There's a blanket drapped over his hips more for the comforting weight than any warmth. His tan skin glows in the low lighting and his hair looks like soft embers.
He smells like them. He looks like theirs. He's sleeping in their space. It hits a lot of things they knew would appeal to them but not to this extent.
He's taken their advice to heart, about getting familiar with the new hollow instincts and just do what feels right. At least until he's able to separate the things that are more him and more hollow.
It's driving them nuts. He's shameless and he doesn't even know it.
He presses his face against their faces and throats, the bridge of his nose pressing against the underside of their jaws and nuzzling real quick before darting off. The scent of him clinging to them and the submissive gesture, ducking to press under their jaw, is addicting.
It's a intimate greeting, one they don't even really give to each other but Ichigo uses it multiple times a day. A happy, warm and loving gesture that says hihelloimhereandyourehereandimveryhappy each time he does it. They kind of dread him figuring out how personal it is because he'll stop.
He makes himself small when he's anxious or scared, when he lets himself act his age for once. He holds himself well, they'll give him that. It's hard to tell unless he wants you to know but there are signs they pick up on, along with Kisuke's hints.
It's easier to be vulnerable at night, when it's dark and it doesn't seem so bad to seek out warmth and comfort.
They're particular about sleeping arrangements. They don't like others in the same area as them while they sleep. They puppy pile, as Mashiro happily calls it, not able to fully relax unless they're tangled up with at least 3 other people. The only people in the world they trust completely, with every part of their souls, and Kisuke.
And apparently Ichigo because he slips right in, and not only does he sneak in without kicking off their instincts but gets up against their throats without so much as a twitch from them. He stays above the blankets and avoids the mess of limbs, which is both smart and makes them frown. Desperate for comfort but still holding himself back, he probably would have tried to leave without them noticing if they hadn't woken up
The jackrabbit heartbeat and shaky breathing is what actually wakes them up.
There's a brief moment where everyone kind of freezes as they process what's happening, and then wait to see which one of them will kick him out, which of them will crack first at having a stranger in their space.
But it doesn't happen.
Everything stays silent and still except for the shaky breathing still coming from Ichigo, they swear they can hear feel his heart pounding, and a little keening noise that's so faint they miss it at first. It zips up their spines as soon as they notice, it's like a straight shot of adrenaline and a protective awareness surges in their chests.
They know there's no actual threat, they would have felt it, and they know that the kid just had a nightmare or was thinking too hard and worked himself up. But it doesn't seem like their instincts understand that.
They've never made that sound, not a single one of them ever, and they've made some weird noises. It's a terrible sad, lonely, scared noise and they don't ever want to hear it again.
This all happens in the span of a few minutes, enough for Ichigo to start calming down a little. He's not as tense and his breathing has gotten slower. Not enough to indicate he's asleep yet but he's on his way.
They all squish in closer and Ichigo falls right asleep, his cold nose and wet cheeks pressed into warm skin.
Hollows do not purr like cats, at least in their experience, but they swear to god they all woke up to purring at different times during the night.
Ichigo starts sitting between their legs, most often when he's injured. Not kneeling, although that's a pretty picture, just sitting down so he's bracketed on both sides by their legs, back to them. Safe.
Lisa and Mashiro play with his hair, Lisa mindlessly as she flips through her magazine and Mashiro makes tiny braids before taking them out and starting over.
Kensei doesn't do much, usually puts his elbows on his knees so he's curved protectively over Ichigo. Occasionally rubbing his knuckles on Ichigo's jaw and petting at his throat.
Shinji tries to always keep a hand on him, tangled in his hair, resting on the side of his throat, or brushing against his cheek.
Ichigo doesn't do it often or around other people and they all try to respect that. He has to be Ichigo, strong, stubborn, impossible, and the one people look to.
The thing people forget is that while wounds heal, the body and soul remember.
It can be a lot of strain, going in and out of his human body so frequently, especially when both soul and body are so familiar with stress, bruises and breaks.
Ichigo may heal quicker than most with his hollow and access to good healers but the echoes linger longer than most others. Especially when injuries are made with intention. Wounds from hollows hurt of course, but there's usually not a lot of thought behind it. So the wounds are more random, varying depths and severity.
Wounds by people shinigami, bounts, quincy, etc are more precise. They know where to aim to make it devastating, agonizing, and life changing.
Ichigo has fought a lot of people and it shows.
He bares his burdens and more in front of people like he's fine. He smiles and laughs, meets all the demands for fights with his own wild grin, moves like he's never had a injury in his life and people don't question it.
There's an area of his chest, and his back, that burn. A few spots of a constant and deep heat that make breathing feel hard.
His shoulders itch and ache, the kind that feels like it's down under the muscle. Nothing helps and lifting his arms is difficult.
A long, dragging catch following the lines of his lower ribcage. Breathing too deeply makes it burn and crackle in sharp pain, short and shallow breaths aren't satisfying but it keeps the pain manageable.
Headaches from countless concussions, a sore jaw from all the times it's been broke, fingers and toes that don't feel right anymore and ache terribly in the cold.
It's not all the time, just occasionally. Things like going back and forth too many times from his body, extreme temperatures, new wounds over the old, etc all cause flare ups.
He's too young to have so many aches.
They're protective over those spots. They can't and won't interfere with his fights unless it's critical but they keep an eye on wounds in those areas. They frown and scare off people when Ichigo starts to flinch from heavy arms being thrown around his shoulders or careless jabs in his side.
Sometimes their old wounds flare up and Ichigo scowls and bares teeth at everyone until the aches goes away.
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oshinohoshi · 30 days
Oshi no Ko Ch 158 Thoughts
This might be the worst chapter. I want to love my favorite manga. I really do. I guess we can't always have nice things
So Nino and Hikaru killed Ryosuke. I assume that's meant literally and not talking him into suicide. Well, okay, but it's a lot more powerful for Ryosuke to have taken his life out of guilt and despair
Akane is doing something in Miyazaki. She finally has plot relevance again. It probably won't last long
Now to the main event. What is the point of Ruby getting knifed besides shock value? Ai's death was a catalyst for the plot and a statement on toxic fandom/obsession, expectations of purity, and how (subtextually) Ichigo's and (textually) her mother's neglect led to a lack of awareness about her safety: "they didn't teach us [to use door chains] in the children's home." Most importantly, Ai realized she loved her kids
Ruby's stabbing says what, exactly? If this was well-written, I could see it being narratively satisfying to go full circle
However, we have seen Ruby experience very little of the above except for the kind of ham-fisted monologue she gives about the impermanence of idols (i.e. expectations of youth and beauty)
Which is an odd speech because it propositions Ai as a shining jewel immortalized by being brutally murdered. Huh? If that was framed as incredibly dark it might work, but it isn't
Of course this is about obsession and idolization, but that's already well-established in better ways
The parallels between Ruby and Ai seem forced and it's all mixed up with how Ruby is not Ai. Sure, there are similarities like the awful way their mothers treated them and her carrying Ai's genes and onstage presence
But Ruby stated in ch 137 that she wouldn't be like Ai
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By the way, I hate this so much. It's fine to strive not to repeat your mom's mistakes, but how about some recognition of why Ai was like that
And what the hell is with ch 147's "I'll become an idol that surpasses my mom." That was never Ruby's goal. She wanted to fulfill Ai's wishes (she didn't really understand Ai's wishes, but anyway) and live the life she dreamed of as Sarina
Perhaps Ruby was stabbed so Aqua can save her and free himself from guilt. Except I thought Aqua was already at that point since his inner monologue in ch 150. Plus, saving his sister =/= his guilt about Ai
AND WHAT HAS BEEN DONE TO MY GIRL NINO. I half-joked before that I was eating up the toxic yuri and I am, sort of, because yuri is my jam, even psycho lesbian yuri
But Nino been reduced to a paper thin villain. In the side story 45510, Nino was a complex character
In the chapter where she met Ruby, we also saw some of that in terms of her regret for treating Ai poorly
Now she's a joke. Would the Nino of 45510 stab the daughter of her obsession? I dunno, maybe, but how about a little internal conflict over that. How about anything that doesn't reduce her to a one dimensional villain whose only thought is Ai being the best idol
I've spilled too many words already so I'll just briefly mention Kana's graduation concert being all about Ruby. The story seemed to be leaning towards some Kana centric chapters what with her confession to Aqua and her graduation, but I guess not
Oh, and what the hell is this art. Compare:
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Mengo phoned this in. Look at the right panel: the flowers, the way Ai's hair is all over the place, the more natural pose, the details of her billowing dress, even the knife looks more natural. It's brilliant. The Ruby panel looks like a cheap knockoff
I don't care if this is not real, it should look impactful
And if it a fake out, that will be so, so bad
Btw Nino picking up a plain hoodie at the dollar store to imitate Ryosuke (doesn't she hate him for killing Ai? Or was she involved in that?) is hilarious
And so, Oshi no Disappointment strikes again.
On the plus side, I'm very much not well with my obsession over Ai, and her character has remained strong throughout the story. So no matter how bad things get, I'll still be a fairly happy camper at the end of the day.
Next week: This was all according to keikaku. The knife has been switched out for a rubber one. Aqua is on the sidelines filming it so that they throw Nino in jail. The fandom collectively groans.
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yjyt85r98r · 1 month
Aikatsu song reviews: Diamond Happy
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If I were to describe this song in one word, it would be 'catchy'. The first time I tried to listen to the music video, I got interrupted after less than 20 seconds and had to log off the computer. The intro/chorus was already stuck in my head by then, and I never forgot it, even though I'd only heard it once.
The melody has a sort of fresh sound, kind of like exploring a new place and/or a splash of water. But the instrumentals have a more hot and festive kind of sound. They balance each other out to create a sound that's cheerful but not overbearing. The trumpet(?) at the end makes the song quirkier and really drives home the pop-type feel. I also have to congratulate this song for using a large number of live instruments instead of relying too much on synth.
All that being said, I don't seem to love this song the way other people do. I've seen a lot of people give the song a very high rating or call it one of the best songs in Aikatsu, but I don't really get what's so great about it. It's definitely a big part of Aikatsu's identity, and it appeared around one of the more climatic parts of the storyline, so I get that it could make people emotional in that way. But musically, it's just alright to me. The melody has the same kind of feeling the whole way through, and the song just didn't make a huge impact on me. I don't know if anyone remembers those old posts discussing the difference between a bop vs. a banger vs. a jam, but I feel like this song was trying to be a jam, but to me, it's just a bop.
Also, I was incredibly confused when the MONACA wiki described Diamond Happy as a punk rock song. I think that by punk rock they meant ska.
I think the members of Soleil change their vocal styles a bit so that they can match each other better in this song. Aoi and Ran seem to have slightly lighter voices here, and Ran in particular sounds younger than usual. They definitely sound like a unit.
I don't really understand the point of the "wow wow wow" parts, but they must be pretty difficult since they're said so quickly. The W sound is hard to produce fast.
I've joked about the first verse having 'magpie lyrics' due to the amount of times words meaning shiny/sparkly/bright are used. (There's a stereotype that magpies like shiny objects.)
To be honest, the lyrics used to annoy me when I was younger. I don't like forced positivity (e.g. the line about smiling when you want to cry), although I understand the need for it now. The lyrics really show the Aikatsu worldview.
The dance for this song feels really distinctive to me, and not like any other dances from Aikatsu. Actually, I can't think of any songs with generic choreography, as every dance looks unique to me, but this one in particular.
It has a good balance of straight and swirling motions... like sometimes reaching the arms straight out, and sometimes moving them in a circle, I guess. But it has a very inconsistent rhythm, switching from fast to slow even when the music hasn't changed. This is especially obvious in the intro and chorus.
They did so well with the opening animation! Well, sort of. The iconic thing about the opening sequence lies more in the art style than in the motion. The art has a bright, poppy quality with comic book-style backgrounds, and a very clean, non-cluttered look. It does have several parts with well-animated motion, but there's very little camera movement. Basically, it's the kind of opening that looks great in screenshots. But it also is really cheerful and fun to watch, so I guess I like it.
The opening sequence sort of represents the turning point where Aikatsu decided to market itself as a fun anime for kids. Prior to this, Aikatsu was giving off a slightly more serious and mature vibe than many of the other shows in the same demographic, which was reflected in the first opening. But the second half of season one is when Ichigo has finally won over her more serious and competitive peers, and the atmosphere loosens up even as the stakes rise.
Soleil's outfits are pretty unique, not like anything else in Aikatsu, so I like them. The first ones get across the carnival feeling while still looking relatively elegant, and the second ones are so glittery and pretty. Probably the most elegant-looking pop type coords I've ever seen.
There are some good facial expressions in this performance. There is, of course, Ichigo's silly grin. And the season 3 version has some nice eye expressions from Aoi.
The flying saucer that whizzes by for a split second at the end is another little thing that really adds to the quirky, pop-type feel.
Good points: Cheery feeling Bad points: None?
Rating: 7/10 Personal rating: 6/10
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Thankyu @doubledyke for tagging me!!! - [Picrew link] -
Hiiii this is me, a decent approximation i'd say, but i did make a couple edits to get it lookin right lol. The picrew didn't have my shorts so I had to draw them on ~w~ (I wear them every day it's important!!!). When I say every day I mean I haven't worn different pants in over a month lol. They're the perfect most comfy shorts I own but they're starting to get holes so I might have to replace them..... orrrrrrrr I CAN START SEWING LITTLE PATCHES OH EM OH SHIT!!!! Also the hair is a lil funky right now I have kindof a mullet growing in, so imagine the image above but just move the back down a couple inches
And the collar is an accessory for special occasions, when it's dogmoding time lol
But yea im just a little guy, my interests include cartoons/anime/animation in general (favs include ed edd n eddy, ojamajo doremi, ichigo mashimaro, any 1920s-50s animation, as well as lots of animation from soviet era Russia! Im not suuuper educated on alot of old animation, but im slowly workin on it with the free time I have lol).
I also like alot of music, I listen to a bunch of genres, I just like anything that sounds good lol. Here's my playlists if you wanna put it on shuffle and see if there's anything you recognize (love or hate): - [bigg playlist] - [songs I basically never skip (WIP)] - [calm/happy playlist for bad mood or migraines] -
This got long QUICK so more interests under the cut ^^
I also like ancient and medieval art, cave paintings are my jam and I love janky medieval paintings, the creatures are so cool and I love all the colors and just the way they choose to represent things! Very cool... been getting into Roman frescos as well, I wanna start painting my room like that but it's my favorite characters and stuff!! I've actually started planning for it already, got all the measurements of my wall, and I've just gotta put it on the computer and start drafting it...
I also like paleoanthropology, evolutionary timelines, anchient animals, etc... I love the weird old fish we come from and the squirrel shaped proto-primates and just seeing the form morph over time to get closer and closer to us, it's really cool!!! I wanna make a cool animation of it one day... it's why I love lungfish so much it's so so so cool
I also like math, but I kinda suck when it comes to the scientific applications lol. Chemistry and Physics tend to kick my ass, and I never was good at circuits in highschool (though now I'm in differential equations and honestly it's not that bad, so who knows). I quite enjoy calculus because for the MOST part everything makes sense and the patterns are consistent and it's not weird and arbitrary and opinion-based like anything language-related tends to be lol (well, language has a LOT of cool patterns but im not gonna nerd out about it right now there's too much to say lol)
I also have hundreds of stuffed animals and I dont plan on getting rid of them unless I move across the country and dont have the money to transport them. I've started learning to sew so i can make clothes and dress them up like characters I like, do repairs, and hopefully one day make actual plushies of my blorbos <3
Tagging sum pals: @plunder413 @avepricots @pravingmantis
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readtilyoudie · 8 months
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Bleach Vol 6
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I won't stay around because... It will certainly be a day that happened.
But come on and slam and welcome to the jam, folks. Our man Ichigo is back.
I am not ready.
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