#Ich liebe es ❤️❤️❤️
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panoramaaa · 2 years ago
Ich liebe es ❤️❤️❤️
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keinbutterdieb · 6 months ago
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computervampir · 2 years ago
ich danke Andreas Fröhlich für seine wundervolle Rolle in „Eine Klasse für sich“
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littlefoxmelchan-dl · 3 months ago
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Hiii, my name is Mel, I'm 29 years old and I'm from Germany. I'm living the Little life since about end of 2017 and started wearing diapers first back in 2018. I just love to life the life I want, wear diapers and be little from time to time. ☺️ Thank you for your support ❤️
Hiii, mein Name ist Mel, ich bin 29 Jahre alt (jung) und komme aus Deutschland. Ich lebe mein Little Leben seit Ende 2017 und habe 2018 angefangen wieder Windeln zu tragen. Ich liebe es einfach das Leben zu leben, das ich möchte, Windeln zu tragen und hin und wieder mal einfach nur Little zu sein. ☺️
Danke für eure Unterstützung ❤️
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opheliagreif · 6 months ago
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Mein heutiges Warmup ist wieder Fanart zu ner Story.😊 Da kommt noch etwas Farbe dazu.
Ghost by @opheliagreif 💕
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mommytombecker · 1 month ago
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every one who needs diapers and wets them like a baby needs a Mommy. All babies,Teen baby’s,Adults baby’s,diapers sissy, need a mommy.
I have a large assortment of disposable adult baby diapers, cloth diapers and more the (homebulkdiapers) pair of waterproof baby pants.
I have onesies, sleepers, 2 piece toddler Jammie’s, shortfalls, overalls.
Mommy is enough Mommy can dress her baby in adult baby clothesi
Don’t be shy ☺️ too mommy talk too mommy am a very lovely person with much care and love ❤️
Todo aquel que necesita pañales y los moja como un bebé necesita una mamá. Todos los bebés, bebés adolescentes, bebés adultos, pañales para mariquitas, necesitan una mamá. Tengo una gran variedad de pañales desechables para bebés adultos, pañales de tela y más (homebulkdiapers) un par de pantalones impermeables para bebés. Tengo monos, pijamas, pijamas de 2 piezas para niños pequeños, pantalones cortos, overoles. Mamá es suficiente Mamá puede vestir a su bebé con ropa de bebé adulto No seas tímida ☺️ también mamá habla también mamá soy una persona muy encantadora con mucho cuidado y amor ❤️
jeder, der Windeln braucht und sie wie ein Baby nass macht, braucht eine Mama. Alle Babys, Teenager-Babys, Erwachsenen-Babys, Windel-Weicheier, brauchen eine Mama. Ich habe eine große Auswahl an Einwegwindeln für Erwachsene, Stoffwindeln und mehr (Homebulkdiapers) wasserdichte Babyhosen. Ich habe Strampler, Schlafanzüge, zweiteilige Schlafanzüge für Kleinkinder, Shorts, Overalls. Mama ist genug. Mama kann ihr Baby in Kleidung für Erwachsene kleiden. Sei nicht schüchtern ☺️, sprich auch mit Mama, ich bin eine sehr nette Person mit viel Fürsorge und Liebe ❤️
iedereen die luiers nodig heeft en ze plast als een baby heeft een mama nodig. Alle baby's, tienerbaby's, volwassen baby's, luiers, mietjes, hebben een mama nodig. Ik heb een groot assortiment wegwerpluiers voor volwassen baby's, stoffen luiers en meer (homebulkdiapers) waterdichte babybroekjes. Ik heb rompertjes, slaappakjes, 2-delige peuterjammie's, shortfalls, overalls. Mama is genoeg Mama kan haar baby aankleden in volwassen babykleding Wees niet verlegen ☺️ ook mamapraat ook mama ben een heel lief persoon met veel zorg en liefde ❤️
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lindacoral1 · 2 months ago
Ich werde dir all die Dinge beibringen, die ich liebe, und du musst du genau so tun, wie ich es will auf der Suche nach einem
Sub, dem ich gehorchen und lieben kann❤️🥲
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mamajanes-blog · 1 month ago
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Littleforbig Cherry onesie is so pretty.....
If you have never worn spreader pants and like to wear them 24/7, you can send me a message no matter where you are (USA,
Germany, UK). I'II drive to you quickly and take good care of you
Wenn du noch nie Spreizhosen getragen hast und sie gerne 24/7
trägst, kannst du mir eine Nachricht schicken, egal wo du bist (USA, Deutschland, UK). Ich komme schnell zu dir und kümmere mich gut um dich
• Do you like to be
• Breastfeeding
• Abdi
• Mdlb
• Mdla
• Sissyfication
• Chastity
• 24/7 diapers
• Cuckholding
• Being a mommy
• Pet play
• Pegging
• Anal
Sissy training
• Hypno
• Forced regression
Never. yell, at baby If he does something to upset 😠 you, take a few minutes to breathe and calm yourself down,and calmly explain why you got❤️ upset I love
taken very good & care of baby 👶always😊🤩
Glauben Sie es nicht. Schreien Sie das Baby an. Wenn es etwas tut, das Sie aufregt, nehmen Sie sich ein paar Minuten Zeit, um durchzuatmen und sich zu beruhigen, und erklären Sie in aller Ruhe, warum Sie sich aufgeregt haben. Ich liebe es,
sich immer sehr gut um Babys zu kümmern.
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mommywilliamsblogss · 1 month ago
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If you’re thinking 🤔 that you want to be a dependent baby and you want to be in a fun baby bed 🛏️ which you want to become a new born baby again all you have to do is just keep acting like a little baby once you start the next thing for you is to know how to get a baby stuffs even though you don’t have a mommy to teach you just go straight to the store ask where to get the baby stuff after you get it then you come back home and started wearing it and making fun of it 🤩 being a new born baby again is not a bad think just make sure you wear your diaper 24/7 and if you want to become an independent baby you can follow my blog and give me a direct message I will respond or text me on my telegram channel @mommywilliams22 let get to know each other don’t forget am a caring mommy who give baby advice and instructions and love ❤️
Wenn du denkst 🤔, dass du ein abhängiges Baby sein willst und in einem lustigen Babybett liegen willst 🛏️ und wieder ein Neugeborenes werden willst, musst du dich einfach weiterhin wie ein kleines Baby benehmen, sobald du anfängst. Das nächste, was du tun musst, ist zu wissen, wie man an Babysachen kommt, auch wenn du keine Mama hast, die es dir beibringt. Geh einfach direkt in den Laden und frag, wo du die Babysachen bekommst. Nachdem du sie bekommen hast, kommst du wieder nach Hause und fängst an, sie zu tragen und dich darüber lustig zu machen 🤩 Wieder ein Neugeborenes zu sein, ist keine schlechte Sache. Achte einfach darauf, dass du deine Windel rund um die Uhr trägst. Wenn du ein unabhängiges Baby werden willst, kannst du meinem Blog folgen und mir eine Direktnachricht schicken. Ich werde antworten oder mir eine SMS auf meinem Telegrammkanal @mommywilliams22 schicken. Lass uns einander kennenlernen. Vergiss nicht, ich bin eine fürsorgliche Mama, die Babys Ratschläge und Anweisungen gibt und Liebe ❤️
If you want to become a dependent baby Reblog please 🙏
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mamajanetmamajanet-9 · 1 month ago
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Littleforbig Cherry onesie is so pretty.....
If you have never worn spreader pants and like to wear them 24/7, you can send me a message no matter where you are (USA,
Germany, UK). I'II drive to you quickly and take good care of you
Wenn du noch nie Spreizhosen getragen hast und sie gerne 24/7
trägst, kannst du mir eine Nachricht schicken, egal wo du bist (USA, Deutschland, UK). Ich komme schnell zu dir und kümmere mich gut um dich
• Do you like to be
• Breastfeeding
• Abdi
• Mdlb
• Mdla
• Sissyfication
• Chastity
• 24/7 diapers
• Cuckholding
• Being a mommy
• Pet play
• Pegging
• Anal
Sissy training
• Hypno
• Forced regression
Never. yell, at baby If he does something to upset 😠 you, take a few minutes to breathe and calm yourself down,and calmly explain why you got upset I love ❤️
taken very good 😊 care of babies 👶 always😊
Glauben Sie es nicht. Schreien Sie das Baby an. Wenn es etwas tut, das Sie aufregt, nehmen Sie sich ein paar Minuten Zeit, um durchzuatmen und sich zu beruhigen, und erklären Sie in aller Ruhe, warum Sie sich aufgeregt haben. Ich liebe es,
sich immer sehr gut um Babys zu kümmern.
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keinbutterdieb · 6 months ago
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Ich habe unglaublich viele Gefühle für diese Szene. Bis zum Happy End ist es noch ein längeres Stück, aber ich liebe ALLES an der Szene hier. ALLES! Ist das am Anfang ein sehnsüchtiger Blick von Noah? Hat er Sehnsucht nach Colin und gleichzeitig Angst vor dessen Nähe? 🥺 Colin öffnet einfach komplett sein Herz und sagt Noah, was er fühlt. Ich hab so was noch nie für irgendwen gefühlt. Ich glaube nicht, dass ich mich je davon erholen werde. Und Noah sagt nach der Limo-Frage einfach gar nichts mehr, jekheukhwudjjjikj!! Je mehr Colin sagt, umso mehr Angst bekommt er wahrscheinlich. Und ich bin mir sicher, dass sein Herz so oder so rast.
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notafraidofredyellowandblue · 6 months ago
Till's poem...and why it moved me a lot...
posted on Till Lindemann IG 2024-08-07.
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Jegliches hat seine Zeit
Hier steh ich nun, bin sehr bereit
nichts kann mich vom Gehen halten
die Vergangenheit wirft Falten
besser später als zu spät
wenn es leider nicht mehr geht
man sollte Hut und Mantel greifen
in die weite Welt ausschweifen
neue Aussicht, weg vom Alten
nach neuen Ufern Ausschau halten
beschmiert mit Schuld verblasst in Sühne
brauch neue Farben neue Bühnen
um Verständnis bitt ich nicht
brauch auch kein anderes Gericht
das Urteil stand schon fest am Tag
bevor man mich zur Nacht befragt
einzig Licht da in der Not
Fackeln wie in „ROSENROT“*
Wort und Stimmung unterkühlt
noch nie so einsam mich gefühlt
liegt das Leben erst in Scherben
weiter weiter ins Verderben
Der Wald verbrannt
Nichts mehr zu roden
doch Asche ist der beste Boden
hoffnungsvoll aus ihr zu steigen
voller Dank mich hier verneigen
so fällt es gar nicht leicht zu gehen
die Zeit mit Euch war wirklich schön.
In Liebe und Respekt
*Musikvideo Rammstein
It has already been posted on Tumblr, and i considered commenting on that, but decided not to, so as not to offend or aggravate anyone with my personal opinion on it, because I have on occassion been critical or at the very least hesitant about Till and Till's behaviour in the last couple of years (starting already from 2019)
When the allegations happened and in the year since then, i was on occasion doubtful when i saw Till referring to it as "it will blow over", feeling maybe his usual 'fuck it all' attitude was a bit misplaced because it wasn't just him who was involved, but the others in the band as well, feeling maybe he didn't care that much about that aspect of it all.
I love Till's poetry, maybe even more than some of his songs, he is such a born poet, can describe feelings, emotions, situations with such raw, well chosen words. Not needing pages and pages of flowery words, but exactly enough to get to the core, to the heart of things. I love that he is wellread, uses many reference from the classics, from German history, German literature etc.
But this, this is more...
this to me is really Till opening up. Straight from his heart, no metaphores, no alter-persona, this is him about himself. How he has been hurt by it all, how much it brought him down, how unfair he felt treated, without throwing accusations back at his accusers. How cold and lonely it has been, even though we know he always has people around him, always travelling with friends, i can't help but feel the coldness was also felt within the six-men-marriage Rammstein itself, at least for a while. Towards the end of the poem he sounds hopeful, growing again from the ashes, grateful.
How to interpret the last two lines "It's really not easy to go, the time with you was really beautiful"; is he saying goodbye? To us? To Rammstein? To the stadiumtour-years with all it's ups and downs? To his old lifestyle? I don't know. The latest post on Rammstein official makes me hopeful it is not Rammstein at least. Maybe we'll hear more soon, maybe we won't. We can only wait and see.
I hope he has someone with him, a friend, family, someone who really loves him for himself. And i hope he is okay ❤️
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klakosfairy · 9 months ago
Einfach nur Joko.
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Es hat sage und schreibe 2 Jahre gebraucht, bis ich diese Zeichnung fertig hatte. Und jetzt so auf das fertige Ergebnis blicken zu können ist ein Gefühl, das man nicht beschreiben kann.
Es freut mich sehr, es mit euch teilen zu können. (Auch wenn es mir im Herzen wehtut, euch das Bild nur mit Wasserzeichen zu präsentieren - aber es ist nunmal das Internet.)
Wie weich sein Blick einfach ist, wird mich niemals nicht faszinieren.
Ich lieb die Zeichnung.❤️
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queen-of-reptiles · 1 year ago
description: In which Marie Hobinger's partner enjoys the thrill of surprising her lover after leaving Bayern Munich for her.
marie hobinger x female reader
disclaimer: I am in now way saying marie is bi-sexual or lesbian, this is all fiction
warnings: language, bad google translations and, slight angst, also just fluff
y/n just posted
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liked by, marie_hoeb, manuela_zinsberger and 187, 565 others
tagged fcbfrauen
y/n Danke Bayern für die Jahre, die du mir geschenkt hast. Ich liebe euch alle. ❤️
thank you Bayern for the years you have me. I love you all.
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username1: Nein! Ich werde sie so sehr vermissen! 😭
no! I will miss her so much!
username2: I wonder where she is going next?? 🧐
username3: There is a rumour of Real!
username4: there is also rumours of an English side!
stanwaygeorgia: Gonna miss you mate !! Zeigen Sie ihnen, wie es geht! 🩷
show them how it's done!
y/n: Gonna miss you more G! Ich werde dich beobachten! 🩷
I'll be watching you
manuela_zinsberger: Hmmm, ich frage mich, wohin du gehst ... 😶
hmmm, wonder where you're going...
y/n: shhhhhh 🤫🤫
username5: omg maybe she is coming to Arsenal!!!
username6: But isn't she also really close with Marie Hobinger who plays for Liverpool?
username7: True!!!
marie_hoeb: Where are you in the second photo? 🤨
y/n: lying on the floor behind them, too tired to get up 😊
marie_hoeb: scoring goals is your job?
y/n: so is yours, wouldn't know it tho.....😌
marie_hoeb: Wichser
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stanwaygeorgia just posted on her story
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liverpoolwfc just posted on their story
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y/n just posted on their story
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Marie sighed as she put down her phone, slight anger boiling in her at the fact her lover had yet to tell her where she had transferred. After her contract was up, Marie hoped she would come to Liverpool.
But she didn't even know if her lover had been offered a contract by them. She knew Real Madrid had offered and that Arsenal had made a swinging bid for the CAM but she didn't know what her lover had chose.
The two, when they first came together years ago, made a promise to never affect the other with their football, they were to focus on their careers and their careers only, the rest they could make work, even if they were oceans apart.
"You okay?" Grace asks Marie, her head tilted in kindness as she asked.
"Yeah, fine." Marie smiles, accepting her friend's hand to pull her to her feet.
"Right." Matt Beard calls, clapping his hands as the group gather around him and the staff. "Now, we've been relatively quiet this transfer season, however, we have got a new arrival." Matt explains.
"You what?" Jenna asks, confused as to how this was all kept quiet, the press more often than not finding a thread to pull on and unravel.
"It was kept quiet and cleverly so." Matt continues. "But please give a drum roll for..." Matt begins.
The Liverpool women all begin to stomp their feet excitedly and start a quiet 'ooh' with jazz hands, it was something they started a few seasons ago to make newcomers feel welcome.
"Our new CAM y/n l/n!" Matt cheers and y/n jumps out from behind the tunnel, a few of the girls cheering loudly as they knew the girl quite well.
Marie however charged forward, her shorter body wrapping into y/n's the taller girl picking her up and keeping her close to her body Maire pulls her head off of y/n's shoulder.
Marie's hands come around her face, cupping her cheeks as y/n keeps a tight grip on her, the Austrian talking quickly at her, the German language spilling past her lips as she questioned her lover.
"Marie, pass auf, dass dein Team da ist." y/n chided quietly.
marie, careful, your team is there.
Marie had been the one who wanted to keep the relationship quiet, and almost six years in, y/n wasn't as worried about people knowing, but she knew Marie still looked over her shoulder.
Marie huffed out an annoyance, tucking her head back into y/n's neck as the woman set her back on her feet and moved over to the rest of the team.
"I know most of you, I am aware, but either way, It is exciting to be play with all you." y/n hums, her English getting slightly confused in her head, which no one bothered to mention.
"This is so exciting." Grace cheers jumping at her friend who laughs and hugs her.
liverpoolwfc just posted on their story
tagged y/n and marie_hoeb
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y/n just posted
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tagged liverpoolwfc
y/n thank you for the lovely welcome! I'm ready for this! xx
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username1: AHHH so excited to have you!!! ❤️❤️❤️
username2: GO ON! THREE POINTS 🥹🥹🥹
stanwaygeorgia: Miss you buddy!!!!!! 🩷
y/n: MISS YOU MORE!!!! 🩷
username3: friendship of the year!
username4: that link up between her and Marie!!!
username5: They're so cute - the are as good together for Austria as well!! 😊😊
username6: Are they dating????
username7: some people say yes, some say no! They have never confirmed.
username6: Okay, thank you!!!
manuela_zinsberger: wrong shade of red :( 😩
marie_hoeb: NEIN!! 🙄
y/n: Sorry Manu! But I look best in this shade. 😏
marie_hoeb: I agree!
username7: So excited to have youuuuu!!! 🌟
username8: 🥰🥰🥰
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y/n laughed as Grace mimicked her second goal celebration, the new CAM subject to some teasing as she scored her second against Brighton and then panicked, not knowing what to do to celebrate.
In y/n's defence she hadn't expected the shot to go in from so far away, so just stood there in shock for a second as her team jumped on her excitedly.
The group had all changed and were heading to their cars and Marie grabbed her lovers bags, packing them in her car as the two had rode here together.
The team didn't seem to question the fact they were living together, despite Marie living in a one-bed apartment. Out of reflex, y/n muttered a thank you in German and pecked her lover's lips, Marie, holding her neck for a moment to lengthen the kiss.
Marie didn't seem to notice as she continued and shut the boot of her car, turning around to see her team paused confused as y/n stood with an awkward look on her face.
Marie paused, going to ask what was wrong when her hand flew to her lips in shock, as y/n tucked her head in her hands as the team flew into shouts of confusion.
"Well, I guess no better time than this." Marie chuckles. "Yes, we have been together, together since we were 17 and no, we didn't feel the need to tell anyone." The girl explains to her teammates.
y/n still had her head in her hands, annoyed at herself for outing them in such a way, so she didn't notice Marie sigh and slowly kneel, her teammates suddenly silencing in shock.
"Meine Liebe?" Marie asked softly.
my love?
y/n groaned, her head still in her hands as she muttered apologies under her breath.
"Fünf Jahre Liebe mit dir, also vielleicht eine letzte Übertragung, meine Liebe, auf meinen Nachnamen?" Marie asked.
Five years of love with you, so maybe one last transfer my dear, to my last name?
y/n's head snapped up, her hand coming up to her mouth as she noticed her love on one knee, ring box in hand. Grace was crying, wiping the tears which wouldn't stop.
"Ja. Ja. Ja." y/n whispered, tears being blinked away as Marie grinned standing up to hug her lover whispering sweet nothings in her ear as the team cheered.
The two pulled away, leaving just enough space for Maire to slide the ring over y/n's finger, before they met in a kiss made of pure love as their team-mates tried to understand what had just happened.
y/n just posted
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liked by, gracefisk, marie_hoeb and 301, 286 others.
tagged marie_hoeb
y/n one last transfer surprise for you all, from y/l/n to Hobinger xo happy six years my love xo
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marie_hoeb just posted
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liked by y/n, liverpoolwfc and 267, 873 others
tagged y/n
marie_hoeb my last name will sound great, happy six years baby <3
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username1: HOW THE FUCK
username2: WHOMST THE FUCK
username3: WHERE THE FUCK?
username4: WHEN THE FUCK
username5: how did we not clock it? 6 years
username6: we are all idiots.
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hope this is what Anon wanted !! Tried my best with what was given!!
- Queenie xox
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i4bellingham · 2 years ago
INSTAGRAM FILES: jude bellingham x reader x jamal musiala
SYNOPSIS: in which you and jude announce your break up and the events that soon follow after.
NOTES: please ignore the errors i made lol i freaking love doing social media au’s can you guys tell? 😍
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📍Bavaria, Germany
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❤️ 💭 ↗️      • •
Liked by alphonsodavies, jamalmusiala10 and others
yourusername froh, wieder zu hause zu sein ❤️ glad to be home again
tagged: jamalmusiala10
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user2 dortmund probably wasn't such a good place huh :/
alphonsodavies you should visit us at allianz arena soon!
yourusername will do phonzy!
user3 hasn't she just broken up with jude last month? 😟
user4 lmao she's been friends with musiala way before she even met jude 🤣
jamalmusiala10 lass uns bald mit den anderen losziehen ❤️ let's go out with the others soon
yourusername ja, lasst uns! yes, let's
user5 what on earth is happening 🙁
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❤️ 💭 ↗️       • •
Liked by jobebellingham and 986,567 others
jamalmusiala10 herzlichen glückwunsch zum geburtstag an meinen seelenverwandten. du hast das grösste herz und die grösste liebe für jeden, aber es ist eine schande, dass nicht jeder das schätzt und sieht. denk immer daran, dass ich für dich da bin. ich liebe dich, nochmals herzlichen glückwunsch zum geburtstag ❤️ happy birthday to my soulmate. you have the biggest heart and love for everyone, but it's a shame that not everyone appreciates and sees that. always remember that i am here for you. i love you, happy birthday again.
tagged: yourusername
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yourusername danke, bambi. ich habe großes glück, dich als freundin zu haben. cih leibe dich ❤️ thank you, bambi. i’m very lucky to have you as a friend. i love you
user2 atp i think we can say miss girl dated the wrong football player 😭😭
user3 he stopped calling her that (& vice versa) when she was still dating jude omfg my heart
user4 y/n l/n, through the eyes of jamal musiala 🥺
yourfriend lass uns bald zusammen essen gehen! let's have dinner together soon
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❤️ 💭 ↗️
Liked by yourfriend, bvbfangirl87 and others
footballwrld_ig What do you guys think? 🤔🤔🤔
Also follow us for more football-related updates, news and gossips!
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user1 lmfao that's literally jude and y/n
user2 jude cheated? 😟🙁
user3 man i used to root for them to last too ://
yourfriend just shows you can’t trust most guys these days 😐
❤️ liked by footballwrld_ig
user4 that's so hypocritical of the girl lmaoooo 🤣🤣🤣 miss girl be upset that her famous and well loved man is cozying up with diff girls when she's out there flaunting her flirty ass relationship with her bsf 🤣🤣
user5 you're so fucking stupid harvard’s knocking at your door.
user6 the difference is that j*de did it while he was still in a fucking relationship. y/n on the other hand had been best friends with musiala since they were kids and continues to be the best of friends until now. if she decides to start a relationship with him why not? she's known him longer than she's ever known jude and truthfully, musiala acts more of a decent boyfriend than j*de ever was to her 😐
user7 user6 slay bestie. roast that fatherless bitch
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❤️ 💭 ↗️
Liked by hekitike, alejandrobalde and others
yourusername and i still ride with my day one ❤️
tagged: jamalmusiala10
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user1 that caption though 😍
user2 date night 🙊
yourfriend looking stunning my love ! 😍💋
yourusername i miss you! we should get that dinner soon when you're back!
user3 after their breakup went viral more football players started following her oh my lord 🤭
jamalmusiala10 ❤️❤️❤️
user5 lmfao u forgot jude that easily? 🤣
user6 it's been 7 months bestie move the fuck on
yourmom beautiful 😍
yourfriend2 the audacity to have to look this beautiful 😩
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herzblau · 27 days ago
💙 Song Tag - Couples Edition💙
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Vielen lieben dank @azoressims4 für deine Post, hab mich riesig gefreut. Fühl dich ganz lieb gedrückt. 🥰🌟💙💙💙
Wen es ein Lied gibt das mich berührt, ( also so richtig ^^ ) dann ist es das Lied zu unserer Hochzeit. Der Hochzeit von Jaelen und Shin. Und ich möchte ganz viel liebe für @tikay21 aussprechen, den ohne ihn, wäre mein Traum nie in Erfüllung gegangen. Es begann alles mit einer kleinen Frage und wurde zu einem großen Fest.❤️
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