#Icelandic Translation Services
transcriptioncity · 5 months
Icelandic Translation Services and Icelandic Transcription Services
Icelandic Translation Services Icelandic, a North Germanic language, stands as a vivid testimony to the linguistic heritage of its Viking Age ancestors. Spoken by about 340,000 people predominantly in Iceland, it’s one of the closest living relatives to Old Norse. The language is renowned for its conservation of ancient grammatical and phonetic features, which have changed very little over…
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liminalpsych · 2 years
Every Gawain reference I could find in Geoffrey of Monmouth's History of the Kings of Britain (1136 C.E.), including Faletra's translator notes, in case that's of interest to the Gawain fans out there.
"Desiring to honor the decrees of his own father, Arthur gave Anguselus royal power over the Scots, and he gave Urian the scepter of Moray. Back in the days of Aurelius Ambrosius, Loth had married the king’s sister Anna, by whom he fathered Gawain and Mordred. Arthur now granted him the earldom of Lothian and the other neighboring lands that had once belonged to him." [152]
"So he prepared a fleet and sailed first to Norway, hoping to bestow its crown upon his brother-in-law Loth. Loth was, in fact, the nephew of Sichelm, the king of the Norwegians, and should have inherited the throne when Sichelm died. But the Norwegians refused to accept him as their king, setting up a certain Riculf in his place. They believed they could fight off Arthur from within their fortified cities. At that time, Loth’s son Gawain was only twelve years old and had been placed in the service of Pope Sulpicius, from whom he received his arms." [154]
"From the outlying islands came Gillamorius, the king of Ireland; Malvasius, the king of Iceland; Doldavius, the king of Gotland; Gunuasius, the king of the Orkneys; King Loth of Norway; and King Aschill of Denmark." [156]
(So Loth, Gawain, and Mordred weren't of Orkney originally. Where did that first happen?)
Then there's this longer passage, which I'll do in smaller font because he gets a whole battle scene:
"He also sent two of his vassals, Boso of Oxford and Gerin of Chartres, along with his nephew Gawain, as an embassy to Lucius Hiberius to explain that he should withdraw at once to the borders of Gaul or else Arthur would come to do battle to determine who had the more just claim to Gaul. The youth of Arthur’s court, rejoicing greatly, began to urge Gawain to create some type of pretext for fighting with the Romans while he was visiting the emperor’s camp.
"The delegation made its way to Lucius and ordered him to withdraw from Gaul or else meet them in battle the next day. While Lucius was in the process of replying that he would by no means withdraw but had instead come to rule that country, his nephew Gaius Quintillianus interrupted, and started saying that the Britons were far better-equipped with bragging and threats than they were with courage or skill in battle. Gawain was incensed at these words; he drew his sword, attacked Gaius, and cut off his head. The delegation then took to its horses and fled. The Romans pursued them with foot-soldiers and a cavalry force, sparing no effort in trying to avenge themselves on these fleeing messengers. But just as one of the Romans was starting to gain on them, Gerin of Chartres suddenly turned his horse and cast his spear at him, piercing right through the man’s armor and body and pinning him to the ground. When Boso of Oxford saw the great feat that Gerin had performed, he turned his horse as well and threw his spear at the first Roman to approach. It pierced him through the throat and made him fall off his horse, lethally wounded. Then Marcellus Mutius, who was hoping to avenge Gaius Quintillianus, tried to attack Gawain from behind and was just beginning to lay his hands on him. But Gawain spun around and struck him with his sword right through the helm, cleaving his head all the way down to his chest. He told Mutius that, when he saw Quintillianus in Hell, he should tell him that this was why the Britons’ boasting was not idle. Gawain then regrouped with his companions and urged them each to turn and attack their pursuers in this way. They agreed, and each of them threw down one Roman. But the rest of the Romans, who had up until this point been bent only on pursuit, now answered their blows with swords and lances. Yet they still could not catch them or cast them down. They chased them at long last into the vicinity of a certain forest, from which around six thousand Britons emerged. They had been watching the delegation’s escape and had lain hidden in this wood in order to lend their aid. The Britons set spurs to their horses and the air was suddenly filled with their war-cries. Readying their shields for the attack, they rushed upon the Romans, immediately setting them to flight. The Britons followed them, unhorsing some of the Romans with their spears, while others they either captured or killed." [166]
"The rest of the army was led by the renowned earls Gerin of Chartres and Boso of Rydychen, which is called Oxford in the Saxon tongue; the third battalion was led by King Aschill of the Danes and King Loth of Norway; the fourth battalion by Hoel, leader of the Armoricans, and the king’s nephew Gawain." [168]
And another long battle scene:
"Eventually, the companies that they led were weakened beyond measure and had to retreat until they came to the battalion led by Hoel of the Armorican Britons and Gawain. These two men suddenly burned like a flame and led a charge against the enemy. Regrouping the soldiers who were retreating, they forced those Romans who had just a moment ago been in pursuit to turn and flee. Catching up with the retreating Romans, they cast them down and slew them and did not cease massacring them until they came up against the emperor’s personal battalion. The emperor, seeing the great peril of his comrades, lent his aid immediately. The Britons were greatly weakened in this battle. Cinmaroc, the Count of Tréguier, fell there, along with two thousand of his men. Three famous noblemen also fell—Richomarcus and Bloccovius and Iagwivius of Bodloan. If these three men had been princes of their own realms, future ages would have sung their fame on account of their prowess. While Hoel and Gawain made their charge, no enemy whom they attacked could escape, but had his life snatched away by either sword or spear. But when their company had come into the midst of Lucius’ men, they were completely surrounded by the Romans and they fell in battle just as their comrades had. Hoel and Gawain, however, were the greatest of all the knights of old, and when they beheld the slaughter of their companions they fought on all the more fiercely. Pushing ahead now on one side, now on the other, they harried Lucius’ personal bodyguard. Gawain, always aflame with a vigorous courage, sought to do battle with Lucius man to man. As this bold knight advanced, he would throw down and slay his enemies. Shining no less brightly, Hoel pressed the attack on the other side, urging on his companions and wounding the enemy. He received their blows most valiantly in turn, never shirking. He attacked and was attacked. It was not easy to say which of the two—Hoel or Gawain—was the mightier knight.
"As Gawain cut his way through Lucius’ bodyguard, as was mentioned before, he finally reached his goal and rushed upon the commander himself, forcing him to single combat. But Lucius was still in the prime of his youth. He possessed great courage and strength and skill in battle; he desired nothing more than to test his prowess against such a knight. When he withstood Gawain’s initial assault, he was joyous and exultant, for he had heard of Gawain’s fame. The battle between the two lasted a long time. They showered each other with mighty blows and warded off the blows with their shields, all the while struggling to kill each other. While they were fighting bitterly in this way, the Romans began to make a comeback, and they rushed upon the Armorican Britons and came to their commander’s aid, forcing Gawain and Hoel and their men back until they suddenly found themselves back among Arthur’s battalion." [173]
"Placing his trust in the enormous army he had amassed, Mordred marched out to meet Arthur as he attempted to land in Richborough. The two forces met in battle, and Mordred’s troops inflicted great slaughter on the others, who were still in the process of disembarking. King Anguselus of Alban, the king’s nephew Gawain, and countless others fell on the field of battle that day." [177, this is about the Battle of Camlann]
Translator's footnote: "The focus on Gawain partially reflects Welsh traditions like those found in Culhwch and Olwen, where the hero Gwalchmei (literally “Hawk of the Field”) also appears as Arthur’s nephew. Geoffrey was probably more directly familiar with the following account in William of Malmesbury’s The Deeds of the Kings of the English, III: “At that time, in the province of Wales which is called Rhos, the tomb of Walwen [Gawain], who was not Arthur’s degenerate nephew by his sister, was discovered. He ruled over that part of Britain which even now is called Walweitha. He was a warrior who was most renowned for his great valor, but he was slain by the brother and nephew of Hengist … but only after inflicting great damage upon them in compensation for his exile; in this he can share in the praise given to his uncle, for they both staved off the downfall of their homeland for many years…. Walwen’s tomb, which was fourteen feet long, was discovered upon the shore of the sea during the reign of King William. For this reason, some claim that he was wounded by his enemies and then shipwrecked; but others say that he was slain by his fellow-citizens..."
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stefankarlfanblog · 2 years
Stefán Karl on Unga Ísland (2018) - Reuploaded with two versions.
Back in 2019, I posted the episode of Unga Ísland with Stefán Karl as well as uploading a version of it on my youtube channel. Unfortunately for the longest time that video was blocked for people in the USA and contained very suggestive scenes in a safe sex PSA that I worried Youtube might spot and get me in trouble for.
To be on the safe side I made a censored for youtube version as well as a uncensored version. The new ones are also slightly higher quality than the one I had uploaded, originally from here.
And one last thing, I added Icelandic and English closed captions! With the Icelandic transcription being made by the GoTranscript service and the translation was by me.
Stefán Karl on Unga Ísland - (CENSORED FOR YOUTUBE)
Stefán Karl on Unga Ísland - (UNCENSORED)
This description was translated from the original upload that was removed from RÚV's website:
Unga Ísland, also known as “Young Iceland”, is about the youth culture in Iceland between 1990 and 2000. Interviewees in the episode are Birgitta Haukdal, Bragi Valdimar Skúlason, Ilmur Kristjánsdóttir, Lára Björg Björnsdóttir and Stefán Karl Stefánsson.
They are documentaries about the youth culture in Iceland in the past. Each episode spans a decade and people are dissected through interviews with nationally famous Icelanders. Directed by: Björn B. Björnsson. Production: Reykjavík Films.
Originally released on 15. Feb. 2018
An Advert for Unga ísland which Stefán Karl was a part of.
𝙁𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙨𝙚 𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙙, 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙘𝙖𝙣 𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣𝙡𝙤𝙖𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙪𝙣𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙚𝙥𝙞𝙨𝙤𝙙𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙪𝙗𝙩𝙞𝙩𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚!
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dragon-seahorse · 2 years
So I said I was gonna make a post for my two boys so here it is! (I apologize in advance for how long this might get)
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First up is Fuyuki he is a Hisuian Zoroark hybrid and has been living alone in the Alabaster Icelands for....a very long time as he is the last living memember of a long gone village(remember that side quest called "Traces of a Lost Village"? That's what I'm using here).His age is unknown(I.E. he lost track of it he is however hundreds of years old) so he usually says he's in his late 20s. Since he is part Zoroark he can use their shape-shifting abilities and is much more durable than your average human. His body is almost always cold to the touch and has a very slow pulse due to the Ghost Typing. He can understand what pokemon are saying and will be a translator if asked,he can also use up to 6 Pokemon Moves: Shadow Claw,Shadow Sneak,Bitter Malice,Shadow Ball,Slash and Snarl.
He is 7ft tall so he easily towers over people but he usually avoids others due to his own personal fears of rejection due to his appearance and what he is, he will never approach a human in his true form unless he has a bond with them(In my own personal thing Only Ingo and Lucas have seen his true form).
The reason he lives alone now though is that he lost his entire pack due to the Pearl clan and has a deep resentment for them as a result but can't bring himself to harm them so he usually plays trucks and steals supplies as his form of revenge(my personal headcanon is that this happened a year before the events of Legends Arceus). He does however have respect for the wardens and makes sure nothing bad happens to them even if they're part of the pearl clan. There's a lot more I could say for Fuyuki but I'll leave it at this for now and move on to my other boy.
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This is Shane Davies but he usually just goes by Davies he's 27, 5'4ft and he's just all around very smol,Which is why he always has his Scolipede by his side who acts as his service animal due to Davies' bad anxiety and poor health. Davies is actually rarely seen in the main parts of Gear Station but that's because he is Ingo and Emmet's personal secretary and is often found keeping their office up and running. Davies does however come out to the floor if they're short staffed and is always ready and willing to lend a hand and so is his Scolipede.
He also has an Absol and a shiny Sylveon as his other pokemon partners. His Sylveon usually stays by his side but his Absol accompanies the other Depot Agents so that they can use Absol's disaster sense to prevent any accidents from happening and get things repaired whenever they maintainence.
I do have more for both of my boys but my anxiety has been kicking my ass all day so I'll leave it at this today thank you for reading and I hope you have a wonderful day!
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excelmike · 5 months
May 9, 2024
What are the 5 most uncommon language pair requests that LSP's receive?
Chat GPT's Response:
Determining the absolute least common language pairs requested by Language Service Providers (LSPs) can be challenging due to the diversity of global communication needs. However, some language pairs are undoubtedly less common than others. Here are five that are relatively uncommon:
Nepali to Icelandic: This combination involves translating between Nepali, spoken primarily in Nepal, and Icelandic, spoken in Iceland. The rarity stems from the geographical and linguistic distance between these two languages.
Lao to Catalan: Lao is the official language of Laos, while Catalan is spoken in parts of Spain, France, and Italy. The demand for translation between these two languages is likely limited due to their geographic and cultural separation.
Gujarati to Finnish: Gujarati is spoken in the Indian state of Gujarat and various diaspora communities, while Finnish is the official language of Finland. The demand for translation between these two languages is relatively low compared to more widely spoken languages.
Amharic to Vietnamese: Amharic is the official language of Ethiopia, while Vietnamese is spoken primarily in Vietnam and parts of Southeast Asia. The combination of these two languages is rare due to their geographical and cultural differences.
Samoan to Ukrainian: Samoan is spoken mainly in Samoa and American Samoa, while Ukrainian is the official language of Ukraine. The demand for translation between these two languages is likely minimal due to their limited overlap in terms of speakers and cultural connections.
While these language pairs are among the least common, it's essential to remember that demand can vary based on specific industries, migration patterns, and geopolitical factors.
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fayyaztravels · 1 year
Europe Tour Package From Singapore: Let Your Journey Begin
For travelers from Singapore, Europe itself is like a fairytale place, brimming with heritage and a multitude of experiences. The European countries were at the top of their bucket list. That's where you need business travel agents to make your journey to Europe a memorable one with their meticulously prepared tour packages. We'll be looking at how European tour packages work from Singapore and the benefits of such packages for travelers.
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The Allure of Europe: Tour Packages from Singapore
Europe's allure is undeniable. Home to icons such as the Eiffel Tower in Paris to the Roman Colosseum, the breathtaking Swiss Alps, and culturally rich city scenes of places such as Prague or Budapest — Europe caters to all interests and preferences. It has a great history, which you can see in its art, and some of the tastiest food and magnificent landscapes, making it just what they're looking for as they want to discover both culture and excitement.
Convenience of Tour Packages
The best part is that European tour packages from Singapore handle the logistics for you, and all you need to do is enjoy. For travelers, this means no logistics, such as hotel reservations, transportation arrangements, and meticulous planning of every moment of their trip. These responsibilities will be carried out professionally by the travel agents so you can relax and have fun during your trip.
Tailored to Your Preferences
Tailored Europe tour packages from Singapore ensure a personalized experience for every traveler, whether you're an art enthusiast, a foodie, or an adventurer. Europe's renowned museums, a gastronome eager to savor diverse cuisines, or an adventurer seeking outdoor activities in Europe's stunning landscapes, there is a package designed with you in mind. Optional excursions, like seeing the Northern Lights in Iceland or gliding through Venice's canals, let you customize your itinerary for an unforgettable journey.
Expert Guidance
Taking up a Europe holiday package from Singapore means you have the support of expertise on hand. Through travel agents, you benefit from their deep destination expertise, experienced local guides who give you an insider's perspective on culture and history, as well as established relationships with accommodations, restaurants, and transportation companies. It will enable optimal service and improvement of your whole journey.
Cost-Effective Travel
In contrast to the myth that taking a tour is "expensive", European tour packages from Singapore sometimes actually work out cheaper than doing it yourself! As agents, they're able to find better prices and have preferred booking arrangements, which translate into great price options for consumers. Plus, the ability to have many expenses already calculated in the cost makes it easier for tourists to budget.
Conclusion: The Time to Explore
Travelling Europe is made simple and educational with European tour packages from Singapore. No matter if you're into history, nature, food, or just wandering quaint streets, there is a deal for you to live out your travel wish. Now's the perfect opportunity to embark on your first European trip supported by an expert business travel agency.
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Driving license Translation is required by Abu Dhabi traffic for all driving license issued in any language other than Arabic in order to convert his driving license in Abu Dhabi or to get a golden chance driving license in Abu Dhabi.
If you're a resident in Abu Dhabi, Translating driving license is essential for legal and safe driving. Index Legal Translation is the reliable partner you can trust for accurate, timely, and certified driving license translation services. With their commitment to quality and a team of expert linguists, they ensure that your translated license meets all the necessary requirements and allows you to navigate the vibrant streets of Abu Dhabi with confidence. When it comes to driving license translation in Abu Dhabi, choose Index Legal Translation for excellence and peace of mind.
Index Legal Translation specializes in driving license translation abu dhabi from various languages into Arabic, the official language of the UAE. Their expert translators ensure that every detail on your license is accurately transcribed, making it legally valid and easily understandable by local authorities.
Index Legal Translation has established itself as a reputable and dependable translation service provider in Abu Dhabi. With years of experience, a dedicated team of linguists, and a commitment to quality, Index Legal Translation has become the go-to choice for individuals seeking professional translation services, particularly for driving licenses.
In Abu Dhabi there's a growing need for efficient and accurate translation services, especially when it comes to essential documents like driving licenses. This is where Index Legal Translation comes into play, offering comprehensive services that ensure your driving license is translated accurately and efficiently, complying with local regulations and enabling you to navigate the roads of Abu Dhabi legally.
Many government agencies and institutions require certified translations of official documents, including driving licenses. Index Legal Translation provides certified translations that are notarized and officially recognized, ensuring compliance with legal requirements.
List of countries eligible for direct conversion of foreign driving license to UAE
Albania (Only for Albanian nationals; Albania licenses to be given to traffic authorities when obtaining UAE licenses).
Australia (No conversion for Q- CP1& CP2 Categories).
Austria (Austria licenses to be given to traffic authorities when obtaining UAE licenses).
Bulgaria (Only for Bulgarian nationals; Bulgaria licenses to be given to traffic authorities when obtaining UAE licenses).
Canada (Only for Canadian nationals; No conversion for G1, G2 & GDL Categories).
China (Only for Chinese nationals).
Cyprus (Only for Cypriot nationals; Cyprus licenses to be given to traffic authorities when obtaining UAE licenses).
Finland (Only for Finnish nationals).
Greece (Only for Greek nationals).
Hong Kong
Hungary (Only for Hungarian nationals; Hungary licenses to be given to traffic authorities when obtaining UAE licenses).
Iceland (Only for Icelandic nationals; Iceland licenses to be given to traffic authorities when obtaining UAE licenses).
Israel (Only for Israeli nationals).
Latvia (Only for Latvian nationals; Latvia licenses to be given to traffic authorities when obtaining UAE licenses).
Lithuania (Only for Lithuanian nationals; Lithuania licenses to be given to traffic authorities when obtaining UAE licenses).
Luxembourg (Luxembourg licenses to be given to traffic authorities when obtaining UAE licenses).
Montenegro (Only for Montenegrin nationals; Montenegro licenses to be given to traffic authorities when obtaining UAE licenses).
Netherlands (Netherlands licenses to be given to traffic authorities when obtaining UAE licenses).
New Zealand
Poland (Poland licenses to be given to traffic authorities when obtaining UAE licenses).
Portugal (Only for Portuguese nationals).
Romania (Only for Romanian nationals; Romania licenses to be given to traffic authorities when obtaining UAE licenses).
Serbia (Only for Serbian nationals; Serbia licenses to be given to traffic authorities when obtaining UAE licenses).
Singapore (Only for Singaporean nationals).
Slovakia (Only for Slovakian nationals; Slovakia licenses to be given to traffic authorities when obtaining UAE licenses).
Slovenia (Only for Slovenian nationals).
South Africa
South Korea
Ukraine (Only for Ukrainian nationals; Ukraine licenses to be given to traffic authorities when obtaining UAE licenses).
United States (No conversion for Temporary driving licenses and Under 21 driving licenses).
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eurisconsult · 1 year
The quest for high-quality translations
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Translation is a delicate art that bridges languages and facilitates communication across cultures. When it comes to translating texts, adopting the literal translation technique means that you will focus on rendering the words and structure of the source language as accurately as possible, often sacrificing the natural flow and meaning of the target language. While literal translations can be useful in certain contexts, such as legal documents or scientific texts, they often fall short in conveying the nuances, idiomatic expressions, and cultural references that make a piece of writing come alive. 
Literal translations have their limitations when it comes to capturing the true essence of a text. Cultural nuances and context-specific idioms can be lost or misunderstood, leading to confusion or misinterpretation for the target audience. Let’s take for example the Mandarin word ‘Niu zai ku’ which is literally translated as ‘cowboy pants’ but would be more appropriately translated as ‘jeans’. Another interesting example is the Afrikaans word ‘Papier vampier’ which, literally translated, would be (yes, you guessed) ‘paper vampire’; the correct translation would however be ‘stapler’. The Icelandic word ‘Bergmal’ means echo but a literal translation would give you ‘rock language’! Finally, the German word for ‘drums’ is Schlagzeug’ but literally it is ‘hit stuff’ which is a close meaning but perhaps not the right word in its context. (Source: Mental Floss) As the examples above show, a literal translation may fail to adapt to the grammatical structures and linguistic conventions of the target language, resulting in awkward phrasing and unnatural-sounding sentences.
High-quality translations, on the other hand, aim to preserve the meaning, style, and cultural context of the original text while ensuring that it reads naturally and effectively in the target language. This approach requires linguistic expertise, cultural sensitivity, and creative adaptation to produce translations that resonate with the target audience as if they were originally crafted in their language. In the pursuit of high-quality translations, transcreation plays a crucial role. Transcreation goes beyond the literal meaning of words, focusing on capturing the emotions, cultural references, and intended impact of the source text. This process involves reimagining the content in the target language, taking into account the target audience's cultural background, values, and preferences, ultimately creating a piece that feels native to the language it is translated into. High-quality translations offer numerous benefits, including enhanced comprehension, improved readability, and increased engagement with the target audience. 
By adapting the content to the cultural and linguistic nuances of the target language, high-quality translations can effectively convey the original message while resonating with readers on an emotional and intellectual level.
While literal translations have their place, high-quality translations are essential for bridging the gap between languages and cultures. By embracing the art of transcreation and prioritizing linguistic accuracy, cultural sensitivity, and effective communication, translators can bring texts to life in ways that go beyond mere words, fostering understanding and connection in an increasingly globalized world. If you require professional translation services, please email Euris Consult on [email protected] to request a free quote.
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fictionfromafar · 1 year
Skin Deep by Antonia Lassa
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Skin Deep
By Antonio Lassa
Translated by Jacky Collins
Corylus Books
Publication Date: 30 April 2023 (ebook)
Over the last few years Corylus Books has provided a welcome outlet to translated European crime fiction with their in house translated and published novels coming from Iceland and Romania. Skin Deep offers a welcome third perspective as their first Spanish translated novel, with more to come with the recent news that Corylus have acquired rights to the first in a new series by Barcelona based author Teresa Solana. Having read an early synopsis for this book, which is the first publication by Paris born author Antonia Lassa, I felt quite curious as to the story and that curiosity continued as I started to read the story.
Although translated from Spanish, Skin Deep is set in the southern French city of Biarritz and due to its length (114 pages) would be considered a novella. Yet while short in length it is far from short on content as in addition to a satisfying crime story, the book examines some important themes of human perception and provides focus on some socially divergent characters that have stepped out of societal norms. While the term skin deep originally related specifically to the superficiality of physical beauty, it is commonly is considered as referring to something not carefully considered or strongly felt. With this story its original meaning is used and becomes a blocker to a criminal investigation.
When Inspector Canonne and his team investigate the death of wealthy octogenarian Elizabeth Audiard in a cheap rented apartment in Biarritz, they focus their attentions on a twenty-six-year-old oddball who resides locally called Émile Gassiat when phone records establish, he was in contact with to the victim. When he is brought it for questioning, he doesn’t hide his connection to Audiard yet due to the unusual nature of this association, and some suspicious behaviour he is considered the only suspect in her murder case. While the evidence is only circumstantial, Inspector Canonne is convinced by what appears to be an obvious ulterior motive.
When a friend of Gassiat, hires the services of investigating lawyer, Albert Larten, while also initially perplexed, having been persuaded to meet the suspect, he becomes convinced of the need to provide his innocence. From these origins, an intriguing story unfolds which both challenges convention and keeps the reader guessing as to what will happen next. Larten’s character is an unorthodox thinker, and his approach deviates considerable from the preconceptions of the police. Furthermore, without their budget constraints, he is also able to travel to several locations in order to progress his investigations. Indeed, setting is a strong feature to the story with scenes taking place outside Biarritz, including Paris. Eventually he makes the crucial deduction which leads to a breakthrough in the case.
I really enjoyed Skin Deep and found myself keen to make it last by reading the book’s chapters in short intervals. The translation by Jacky Collins keeps the story flowing and it is always apparent which character’s perspective the reader is following. I hope to read more of Antonio Lassa’s work in the future and strongly recommend reading Skin Deep. While many crime novels can lead to a feeling of overfamiliarity, I felt this was an original and memorable piece of work well worthy of exploration.
About The Book
When police arrest eccentric loner Émile Gassiat for the murder of a wealthy woman in a shabby seaside apartment in Biarritz, Inspector Canonne is certain he has put the killer behind bars. Now he just needs to prove it. But he has not reckoned with the young man’s friends, who bring in lawyer-turned-investigator Larten to head for the desolate out-of-season south-west of France to dig deep into what really happened.
Larten’s hunt for the truth takes him back to the bustle of Paris as he seeks to demonstrate that the man in prison is innocent, despite all the evidence - and to uncover the true killer behind a series of bizarre murders.
Skin Deep is Antonia Lassa’s first novel to appear in English.
About the author
Born in Paris, Antonia Lassa is an enologist who works as a consultant for different private wineries around the world. This passion for wine has been instilled in her singular detective Albert Larten, for whom each new investigation is like a meticulous tasting. Wine is savoured through the eyes, the nose and the mouth, just like the crimes found in Skin Deep, with readers being invited to get involved with their five senses.
Antonia Lassa is the pseudonym of Luisa Etxenike.
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About the translator
Dr. Jacky Collins, lecturer in Spanish and Latin American Studies at Stirling University, is the Festival Director for Newcastle Noir. As ‘Dr Noir’ she regularly interviews a range of internationally acclaimed and emerging crime fiction authors at national and international events. Her series of author ‘consultations’ on the Newcastle Noir YouTube channel - The Doctor Will See You Now - is where lovers of everything crime fiction can catch up on news about latest publications.
Preorder Skin Deep now:
Many thanks to Ewa Sherman for invitation to join the blog tour for Skin Deep and to Corylus Books for an advance copy of the book. Please check out the other reviews of Skin Deep on the blog tour as shown below.
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iso9001registration · 2 years
What does CE stand for?
A manufacturer must apply the CE Mark Consultant Services in Bahrain to a product in order for it to be sold in Europe. For products covered by one of 24 European directives, the mark is required. By using the CE mark, a producer certifies that their product complies with all applicable European health, safety, performance, and environmental standards. The French term for European conformance is "Conformité Européenne," or CE.
Generally speaking, CE marking serves as a passport for a product meant for sale in the European market. It signifies that the product in question complies with all relevant product directives' fundamental health and safety standards.
All 27 EU members, as well as Liechtenstein, Iceland, and Norway, require the mark. Some products can be sold in Switzerland with the CE label, and many goods must be sold in Turkey with the CE mark.
A manufacturer is defined as a human or legal entity responsible for a device's design, production, packaging, and labeling before it is sold under its own brand.
The final line is that the CE certification gives buyers access to a market of more than 500 million people.
For instance, only products that have been approved by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) or Underwriters' Laboratories (UL) are permitted to bear such certification marks. The CE mark is not owned by any specific institution, hence European organizations do not grant permission to use it. Its appropriate use is the responsibility of the manufacturer.
Whether headquartered within or outside of the EU, the manufacturer is ultimately in charge of applying the CE mark and overseeing its correct application. An authorized representative who is based in the EU may be chosen by the manufacturer to represent him outside of the EU. More than just attaching a sign to a product is involved in CE marking.
Certain products sold in the European Union and the European Economic Area (EEA) bear the CE mark, which is associated with CE certification (EU). The French word "European Conformity," for which CE is an acronym, is translated as "European Conformity" in English. A product's ability to be distributed inside the EU and EEA is shown by the CE stamp that is applied to the product's back. Read more about CE Mark and Brexit here.
The CE mark serves as the representation of European conformance. The letters "C" and "E" are used as the logo for the CE stamp. Products may also have a four-digit identification number that identifies the certification procedure and the appointing authority.
The Meaning of a CE Certificate of Compliance
A product can move freely throughout the European market and be sold there with the help of a CE certificate of compliance. This mark serves as consumer verification that the product satisfies the environmental, safety, and health standards established by the EEA. A compliance promise is not a quality assurance. It merely indicates that the item satisfies the criteria for sale in the EU.
It's critical to understand that a CE stamp does not mean that a product was manufactured in the European Economic Area. A symbol of European compliance signifies that a product has been evaluated and has met the environmental, safety, and health standards specified by the EEA in order to be marketed in Europe.
Process for Securing CE Certification
The CE marking is applied by the manufacturer, who is responsible for making sure that their product complies with CE marking requirements, depending on the level of risk associated with the product. Depending on the circumstances, a product that poses a lesser risk may be self-certified, resulting in a declaration of conformity and the application of the CE Mark Registration in Oman to the product.
0 notes
tomatomediavn · 2 years
How important is an English business registration certificate?
Today's current English accounting terms
The financial translations this my business has done include: feasibility survey, audit report, overview principle, foreign contract, worldwide loan agreement, foreign learn, presentation, contract , financial statements, annual reports, accounting & banking documents, balance sheets, notices of invitation for bids, BH programs, business plans. products Translate finance documents used as evidence in major languages: English, Azerbaijani, Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Afrikaans, Vietnamese, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Galician, French, German, Georgian, Yiddish, Greenlandic, Danish- Danish, Hebrew, Greek, Estonian, Zulu, Tibetan, Javanese, Japanese, Indian-Hindi, Indonesian, Iran-Persian-Farsi, Irish, Icelandic, Spanish, Italian, Kazakh, Catalan, Chinese, Korean, Kurdish, Croatian, Laotian, Latin, Latvian, Belarusian, Lithuanian, Malagasy, Malay, Maltese, Montenegrin, Mongolian, Moldavian, Bengali, Nepali, Norwegian, Dari-Afghan, Ottoman-Old Turkish, Dutch, Hungarian, Ukrainian, Urdu-Pakistani, Pashto-Pashto-Afghan, polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian,Serbian, Skopje-Macedonian-Slavic -Macedonian- North Macedonian, Slovak, Slovenian, Somali, Swahili, Swedish, Thai, Taiwanese, Turkish, Czech, Filipino, Finnish, Flemish, Khmer-Cambodian. so, if friends are looking for professional financial translations, I hope that here you will obtain shares and collateral this will make you to manufacture last decisions approximately your best. Settle the factual agency only for your possess financial Translations. Friends will fetch here this the complex interdisciplinary multi-dimensional thinking like is dominant, which is widely discovered today in a multicultural & linguistically distinct environment that brings again scientists & scientists. From fairly a range of academic activities portion a popular interest in the media phenomenon. Thank you only for your interest in finance Product Translation and whether you believe regardless of questions or concerns, please related my business. Gross businesses I will be delighted to welcome friends to my office to meet your hold financial Translation tastes and execute not hesitate to ask we to send you an proposal of the commerce I will comprise Prices are adjusted according to the new position.
at the enterprise gross Translations, I recognize that the modern need for right and two-way financial contents creates IT possible to partner with a reliable Product Translation service provider with infrastructure. And vibrant scientific basis potential to meet these requirements is a need. With the collaboration of economists and translators specializing in economic and commercial terms, & based more tables of separate accounting terms Accounting entry: The journal immigration that my business maintains for each client In particular, the unit I implement with the same number of dialect combinations:
Product Translation of balance sheet
goods Translate economic & technical studies
Product Translation products of monthly-annual reports
Translation of global world accounting standards-accounting sheets
bill Translation - commercial trade
Translation of business reports - discovery
Product Translation of financial statements
products Translate finance statements
Translations of documents of insurance funds or organizations
Translations of bank documents used as evidence
finished product Translate settlement statements
University idea Translation goods
Product Translation products of Promotional documents used as evidence - administration
business transaction Product Translation
commerce location Product Translation product
how to give manufacture certain your hold finance statements are translated correctly?
MNCs often believe branches & subsidiaries in each of the countries in which they operate. At the last day of the year, each foreign organization presents its own financial statements to the parent unit.
finance reporting each year is the benchmark for many significant trades and is fundamental to reassure potential investors about the finance stability of these entity. Therefore, they are considered essential to obtain long-term partners. So, in today's era of globalization, it's additional indispensable than ever for companies to translate their possess financial statements into by hook or by crook language.
What is the modern financial situation?
finance statements yield an general of an organization's finance position to a certain degree this specifically presents the organization's operating results & profitability for the last year. These include the income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement & ≠ finance related shares of the business.
to satisfy a total financial statement, companies have transform outright their transactions into a single reference capital. This matter transition allows them to explain perfect transactions in multiple $currency worldwide.
products Translate financial statements
financial statement Translation is the process of converting an organization's foreign cash balance into the company's trade $ compare funds. This includes assets, liabilities, fixed assets, revenue, fees, profit & loss and full ≠ items denominated in international currencies. However, this issue has the potential to turn into intricate because the carrying amount of wealth and liabilities can differ with funds rates.
foreign accounting standards are needed to standardize cross-border digital accounts. This allows enterprises based in different countries to be compared more additional than one basis, ensuring the numbers are right across the board.
expression by method word Translation is not sufficient
Product Translation is the conversion of a message into almost similar terms that the intent audience is competent to understand and therefore submerge distinguished overhead just words. Along with that, in the Product Translation of finance statements, the Translation specialist have solve the numbers just like the detailed terms that are only needed in the accounting and financial world. That industry knowledge is needed to ensure this the documents comply with the purpose country's standards and regulations.
finance reporting is an valuable portion of running & commuting a enterprise. Yet, they are slightly intricate and augean to translate. Therefore, choosing a Specialized translation company this works with separate translators of finance documents will give friends the opportunity to get more the right Product Translation of the above financial statements. This matter ensures this your Translators understand the terminology and have the necessary experience to rightly handle these types of documents.
current rate diagram
while dealing with consolidated financial statements, one of the mostly common conversion methods is the modern exchange rate diagram. As its own common name suggests, this matter problem involves converting values ​​at the new exchange rate instead of using the historical rate.
nonetheless, the exchange rate is always fluctuating & fluctuates continuously from time to time. Any believe or loss arising from the transaction is jointly credited to a divide provision account at historical interest rates, known as the international funds essential method.
Excluding regardless of losses & gains arising from cash transfers, they bear stakeholders with a sure characterize of the business's dynamics.
some points to pay attention to while translating finance statements
The Translation of accounting documents used as evidence requires an in-depth plan of international accounting standards, as rules only for worldwide financial reporting vary from country to country. Financial statements need to be translated only for a internationally audience. So, the Translation staff also needed an in-depth thought of international finance Reporting Standards (IFRS). It is a establish of accounting standards aged by method accountants to display finance shares internationally.
while choosing a Product Translation agency, that is indispensable to be true and professional. Translators also needed a considerable awareness of these finance specialized. You should secure a Translation company that is known for its accuracy & methodicality to be definite that they will yield excellent quality Translations.
eventually, friends will require your cohort to be honorable. Confidentiality is of these utmost importance, as finance documents used as evidence comprise touchy data, therefore fabricate certain friends determine a reputable Translation agency this has a good reputation therefore you too rest positive this your Translation products are secure. Yourself to implement entirely silently and your bear information to be safe.
An ISO certified Translation unit you need trust
my unit are proud to maintain built a formal & reliable Translation center known only for providing excellent Product Translation goods. ISO standard conformity certification to the good quality of the Services my business provides and my company's internal stitches ensure this your believe documents used as evidence are translated to the highest possible standards.
With absolute prudence, my business keeps your hold documents safe from possible leaks. At the same time, my separate translators, with many years of experience in the finance area, will ensure that your bear documents comply with the same regulations of your have purpose country. .
whether friends would like to know the method you too help you with any of your Product Translation needs, please related my project administration.
finance accounting & securities Translation products
Holding one of these many best positions adjective 2017 and providing high quality finance Services products at qualified & beneficial prices, my business is happy to work with hundreds of consumers. Users (public agencies, companies, freelance & private Product Translation professionals at entire levels). Here, we has never lost the fact that the unit I gain today is completely due to the trust of customers, who have entrusted my organization with duty for finance goods. Honest. This is based more the collective efforts of our team of skilled & dedicated translators & our lasting employee, who excel for those rigorous relationship they maintain. Again. We principles guide our interactions with guests, we has all-encompassing experience in all majors of finance services as: agricultural economics & innovation, natural resource exhaust & agricultural Technology World, BH, cars, specialized, industrial management specialized & Technology, Industrial Information Technology, Industrial produce, community management and trade administration, public Relations and Media policy, international trade, Economic & Political Affairs of these Country overseas & Europe, international economic relations and innovation, farm management, project administration, business management, local government unit administration, health and welfare unit administration, science & Technology administration, advertising & promotion, trade planning & shares systems, entrepreneurship, commerce research and promotion, application of Information Technology in management matters & economics,textile specialized, nation anthropology, nation administration, accounting and finance, mathematics and statistics, economics and management engineering, production engineering & management, maritime affairs, vehicles deliver and trade services, law-judicial, domestic economics and botany, economics, economic & regional innovation, economic sciences, agricultural equity association & administration, association & administration company management, production, political orthotic, community management, statistics and computer orthotic, statistical BH science, cooperative organization and farm, tourism profession, tourism company, finance, banking banking - finance, finance and auditing, banking & finance management, finance applications.maritime affairs, shipping and trade services, regulation and justice, home economics & botany, economics, economic and regional improvement, economic orthotic, organization and fairness administration agriculture, organization and administration, production, political science, community management, statistics and computer science, statistical BH orthotic, cooperative organization & farm, tourism profession, company tourism, finance, banking - finance, financial & auditing, financial banking administration, finance applications.maritime affairs, shipping and commerce services, rule and justice, domestic economics and ecology, economics, economic & regional improvement, economic science, association and equity administration agriculture, association and administration, production, political orthotic, community administration, statistics and computer science, statistical insurance science, cooperative association & farm, tourism profession, company tourism, finance, banking - financial, finance and auditing, financial banking administration, financial applications.tourism profession, disappear agency, banking, finance - financial, finance & auditing, financial banking management, financial application.tourism profession, recede agency, finance, banking - finance, financial & auditing, financial banking administration, finance application.
Business License in English - detailed acknowledge
Types of commerce documents used as evidence translated into English
Statutory documents used as evidence, constituent agreements, minutes, including meetings and meetings
enterprise rules;
the act of appropriating material & real estate values;
deductions from finance institutions more the authorized cash of the company;
certificate of unit registration;
Business License in government agencies;
certificate of characteristic of Goods and Services provided;
documents to/from the Tax Department;
enterprise documents;
commerce plan;
commercial offers;
agreements and Contracts;
default level ;
agreement and publication paper
accounting documents;
reporting in the bank on the Displacement of funds;
extracts from the State's Consolidated Register of legal Persons;
official and screen letter ;
finished product customs declaration (CCD), etc.
My agency offers a formal Translation staff & Translation staff Service, from written Product Translation of documents and documents used as evidence of complexity & regardless of type from English to Vietnamese and from Vietnamese to English , and ending with cabin construction at any a little event. My organization supports groups, groups and individuals.
Your documents used as evidence can be achieved certification by method a notary or attorney, & if critical, to be kept.
my unit is good quality
Our translators are members of Translation synergy & therefore their activities are regulated and popular. The advantages of my unit include the following:
characteristic and Reliability
not too long
total & right Product Translation
more than 10 years of experience in the industry of interpretation
comprehension in innumerable fields
carefully & methodically
private arrive to each client
punctual and civil
office suit & smart appearance
Written Product Translation goods
The business I work with is available in English, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian, Slovenian, Italian, as well ≠ languages ​​on seek information from.
The Product Translation topics of our Translators are well diverse and many. Feel free to related my company's experts only for better understanding. Here are just a few examples of what I translate:
personal documents (marriage or beginning certificate, Passport, etc.)
Contracts and agreements (buy & sell, non-disclosure agreements, letters of intent, shareholder agreements, etc.)
finance documentation (reports, breakdowns, summaries, etc.)
business correspondence
clip material (translation &/or transcription), subtitles
logistics & commercial documents and documents used as evidence (invoices, bills of lading, etc.)
Brochures & Promotions (catalogs, presentations, flyers, brochures, etc.)
Technical presentation and description, consumer manual, patents, tenders
production documents used as evidence
my unit adapts the texts to the goal language to make them simple to interpret & read only for native speakers. Documents are complaisant to be translated in any format, such as MSWord, Excel, PowerPoint, XML, XLIFF, etc.
Tomato Translation organization translates certificates from Vietnamese into foreign languages. My company offers Translation Notarization Services and whether important, my unit will apply processing measures only for Product Translation or document legalization products. A certification is an official document, a describe of 1 number legal fact, recorded more a standard design, for example, a birth certificate is a confirmation of these birth of a kid, and a marriage certificate. Is the relate of the official marriage registration.
certification Translation service
Product Translation of vehicle registration certification. Fundamental for job traveling freely abroad in your bear car.
Translation of certification of registration of rights . Compulsory practice of any action with property located in the territory of the country ≠.
beginning certification Product Translation. It is done if the kid was born in someway country & its own parents gain Vietnamese nationality. Perfect activities are done following the family arrives in Vietnam.
perish certificate Translation Information Technology plays an important occupation in the registration of foreign inheritance. That is critical this complete shares if in the document be translated without errors.
Product Translation of marriage/divorce registration certification. This is important if the courteous status change is made in by hook or by crook country and the two of spouses (or one of many them) are people of Vietnam. Along with the same movement of organizing picturesque weddings abroad, the Translation of marriage certificates is becoming more and more popular all year. Demand Product Translation of divorce documents used as evidence into international languages ​​when one of the couple has previously divorced and moved overseas.
Product Translation of these certification of ownership . It is critical in many cases, although that is generally significant while submitting a package of documents used as evidence to the embassy.
see pattern commerce registration certification in English
regardless of number of texts at no additional charge only for emergency case
my business works 24/7, translates 250 words per hour, up to 99+ pages per day (at gross speed)
optionally a group of experts
Over 1,000 local speakers from distinct countries work with my company.
my organization reduces the time to job and the Product Translation price due to the innovation of ALS
The employ of Product Translation memory & the proficiency to connect the gadget Product Translation engine allows friends to get it now translate even gigantic documents used as evidence.
What are the requirements for those certificate Product Translation product?
obtained certification Translation is an essential official document, such as while applying for a visa, studying in a country ≠, receiving a occupation proposal. The certificate is translated in such a way this its own constitution and joyful fully correspond to the unusual. Depending more the spot of submission, the Translation is notarized, stamped because of the Translation agency or apostied. Therefore, for example, in all cases, to submit documents used as evidence only for visa application, objective show the Translation with the same price of these Product Translation agency, specify the date of issue of the certificate, the translator's brand and number the related call of these Translation agency. Translation agency.
my unit Translate outright kinds of certifications
birth certificate
marriage certificate
divorce certification
perish certification
certification of name tipping point
TIN certification
we will translate your documents from Vietnamese to English
we will design excellent quality Product Translation of documents used as evidence of regardless of volume, complexity & specificity, not only into English but also into other dialect pairs (we work with 120 languages).
my business will translate the documents of the enterprise from Vietnamese to English without errors & inaccuracies
my unit will prepare the translated finished product according to the recent default and format
my organization will especially pay attention to true brand, date and geographical brand spelling.
Linguists with additional pedagogy in contact areas will translate judicial, economic, medicine, technical, scientific basis & ≠ types of documents ≠
if critical, my unit certifies the text of these Product Translation by method notarization or apostille
The company's entry to the international slick involves the Product Translation of documents into English. In these cases, a competent Professional translation finished product is guaranteed to solve controversial financial issues with foreign partners or buyers & insures you against possible financial losses.
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veworminder · 2 years
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Windwalker Media, Kindle Nation Daily and its subdomains are published independently by Stephen Windwalker and Windwalker Media and is not endorsed by, Inc. This content is provided "as is" and is subject to change or removal at any time. Certain content that appears on this website is provided by Amazon Services LLC. Amazon, Kindle and the Amazon and Kindle logos are trademarks of, Inc. While all titles recommended on this website must meet our standards for price, quality, and appropriate content, some publishers or rightsholders compensate us for prominent placement on the site or in our email bulletins.Īpart from its participation in the Associates Program, Windwalker Media, Kindle Nation Daily and its subdomains are not affiliated with Amazon or Kindle in any other way. ITranslate – get it now, while it’s still FREE! Oh, my friend from Honduras will probably faint dead away when I ask, ¿Has visto alguna chupasavias amarillo vientre? unless, of course, he’s just seen a yellow-bellied sapsucker. I can’t wait until I run into my German speaking zoologist friend and ask him if he’s seen any alle schwarzen Schwanz Rehe? Of course, I’m going to have to practice for several hours pronouncing “alle schwarzen Schwanz Rehe,” but you never know when a black-tailed deer might have come along. I can put in any phrase in the app, and get the written AND spoken translation from English to more languages than I knew existed. Two of my friends speak German and Spanish, while my one friend in France has great difficulty with English. I have several acquaintances who speak English minimally, and I unfortunately, speak no other language (even after 7 years !!! of HS and college French and German). Supported languages: Afrikaans, Albanian, Arabic, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Irish, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malay, Maltese, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Tagalog, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, Welsh, Yiddish Landscape mode – Turn your phone to the side and type faster with the landscape keyboard. Share, save & copy – Send a translated text via Email, post it on Twitter, save it to your favorite list or simply copy it. Tablet Ready – iTranslate is optimized for use on your big screen tablet. Voice recognition – Simply speak and instantly see your translation! Available for many languages Voices – Listen to high-quality voices in most languages. Over 50 languages – Translate words, phrases and even whole sentences into over 50 languages.ĭictionaries – Now for many languages pairs: Dictionaries with additional translation results, meanings and suggestions! The popular iPhone translator app, now finally on Android!īy combining voice recognition, machine translation and voice output iTranslate is the first app to make the legendary SciFi dream of a Universal Translator reality. Over 50 languages – Dictionaries – Voices – Voice recognition – Tablet Ready – Share, save & copy You can’t use the app’s ability to “hear” and translate spoken language, because the Kindle Fire doesn’t have a microphone, but you can have iTranslate translate from one of over 50 languages into another language, view the text translation, and have the Fire “read” the translation aloud! iTranslate is very well-liked by users also, and has an average review rating of 4.5/5 across 318 reviews.
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Nevertheless, when you need to translate a word or sentence or get the gist of longer prose fast, no apps provide that service better than this one. That’s the truth from a practical standpoint, however, and it limits how we might use this app. Google Translate is one of the most sophisticated programs of its kind, so it’s probably not fair to criticize it for imprecise translations.
You can set the default language for the app, and in certain configurations, it’s possible to download languages in order to have access to them offline. There’s a censor option that makes the app safe for children. You can set Google Translate to output via speech in addition or instead of text. The phrasebook can be a great resource while travelling. There’s also a conversation mode for two-way instant translation, a handwriting mode that lets you draw characters and a phrasebook that lets you favorite and save translations. This is quite useful for signage when walking or driving.
For 29 languages, you can, for instance, simply take a picture from your phone and have the app translate from that. Download iTranslate 5.7.3 APK - iTranslate is a nifty app for translating words in various languages and using text-to-speech tools for getting tran. There are other ways to use the app for many of the languages supported. Select a destination language, and poof, you’ll have your conversion in seconds. The simplest way to use the app is to type or copy text into its textbox. It does make use of online services, but even if you’re without Internet access, the app can still translate between more than 50 languages. Google Translate is the official Google translation app, and it lets you translate between more than 100 languages.
To use the offline mode, you need to download language packs.ĭownload iTranslate and translate for free into 100+ languages.Use Google Translate to translate between more than 100 languages. Visit our website to learn more about iTranslate:Īn internet connection is required to use the app. ITranslate is available for a wide range of platforms and devices.
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mainscarbon · 2 years
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The user can select between Google and Microsoft servers.
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Just download the required offline packages and translate without restrictions! Learn languages, check your pronunciation or use Speak and Translate as a dictionary or phrasebook. Want to go to another country, but do not know whether there will be online? Now that's not a problem - the app supports offline speech recognition and offline translation. In any country as at home! Voice translator automatically detects and converts speech into one of 100 foreign languages. Travel, communicate, hold business negotiations with Speak and Translate.
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(**) Voice input is available on most devices running Android 4.0+.This offline translator will turn your mobile device into a simultaneous interpreter, which is always with you. (*) You have to run the app online once in order to download the data file all saved translations can be viewed for reference you can create your own phrasebook by hitting the save button displayed for single words when hitting the Translate button displays all the translations for a given word recognizes any word form and identifies its features (number, person, gender, etc.) offline dictionary between English and Italian use this feature to easily convert photos of printed text into editable text in offline mode available for English and Italian offline take a picture of printed text and translate it in seconds offline! 12 languages are supported for offline use. TRANSLATE PHOTO / PICTURE / CAMERA AND OCR Accurate translations is the primary reason people pick Translate voice - Translator over the. allows reading individual words by tapping the desired word in the translation offline voice output for English and Italian offline voice input* for English and Italian fully functional offline translator between English and Italian without any internet connection translate instantly offline as you type Our unique translation technology often delivers translations that excel other translation vendors while using much less storage space. Offline* speech translator and dictionary - the ultimate foreign language tool for English and Italian when you are abroad! Save on data roaming charges when you travel!
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nordictrans-blog1 · 2 years
What are the Advantages and Limitations of Using an ILSO Iceland Translator?
Do you need help with Icelandic translation? You want to make sure that you choose a reputable agency to translate your company’s documents. You should also confirm that the agency is a member ILSO (International Language Service). The ILSO, a global organization dedicated to providing high-quality services for companies in over 90 countries, is a global organization. Each of the ILSO-accredited agencies will have successfully completed a long-standing education in Iceland. This includes a one-on-one teaching experience as well as a placement in Iceland with a representative from the company to assist with the translation function.
How can you tell if the person answering the phone is a licensed Icelandic interpreter? Licensed refers to the person who has fulfilled all federal and state qualifications to become an ILSO agent. You will need to know everything about the service you require. It is necessary to have experience in business, commerce, communications, and studies. It is highly recommended that you have a solid knowledge of English.
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Do you have the possibility to work with an Icelandic translator? Sometimes you will need to get a lot of help from someone who speaks Icelandic and can translate for you on the spot in Iceland. It is best to work with a translation agency that has both native Icelandic speakers and experienced Icelandic translators. You must ensure that the translation company you select has the necessary experience and expertise to handle your project.
What is the cost of an Icelandic translation? Prices vary depending on the amount of expertise needed and the length of project. The cost of hiring a native Icelandic translator is typically much lower than other options. To translate English text from Icelandic to English, you will need to hire an Icelandic writer, editor or interpreter. You can often get a professional Icelandic translator to provide partial or complete translation services if you have the right resources. It is usually the best option to hire an experienced and qualified professional to translate English text.
What other services does an ILSO Iceland translator offer? Expert and highly experienced Icelanders can often be contacted to host webinars, presentations or webinars. They can also offer other services, such as copywriting, proofreading or writing articles for your blog or website. You can have complete control over your blog or site’s content thanks to their expertise. This will help increase your chances of getting more visitors.
Is there anything that limits the ability to hire a native Icelandic interpreter? While most Icelanders are extremely helpful and easy to deal with, there might be limitations on what an ILSO Iceland translation can do for you. Before you hire a company to translate documents, it is important to know about any restrictions. There may be problems if the individual is unable to meet your deadlines. If your individual feels that the work is too difficult or complicated, it might not be the right choice.
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littera24 · 3 years
Icelandic Translation Services at the best price you can only here ☑ Icelandic Translators and Professionals will work on your order ➡ Check!
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