#Iceberg x gears
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stagnatedunicorn · 2 days ago
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Gears taking Iceberg to have a dinner with his dad (who happens to be 05-1) . It was a very, very quiet dinner.
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phantomstatistician · 11 days ago
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Fandom: SCP Foundation
Sample Size: 1,295 stories
Source: AO3
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moonennie · 11 months ago
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Another fire art of Icie 🧊
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thescaryhyperfem · 4 months ago
Happy Anomaween. Or something
Have the stupid researchers (and ocs) dressed up stupidly
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nyrobnua8983 · 7 months ago
Relationship Headcanons [1/?]
female reader, She/Her
Dr. Clef
• You're the first woman with whom he managed to start a normal conversation without using hurtful phrases or insults.
• He was the first to confess his feelings, and it happened when he was drunk. Some doctors, including Clef, secretly gathered to drink and take a break from their overwhelming work.
• He’ll come to you in the evening, closer to midnight, just as you were getting ready for bed. He interrupts your peace to confess how much he loves you and wants to be together.
• Many tried to talk you out of it, but your love for the blonde is far stronger than their empty words.
• The Foundation didn't immediately approve of the relationship, but eventually, they understood and gave you a few packs of tranquilizers. At first, you didn't understand why, but later... you got it
• Undoubtedly, this will be the strangest relationship in the Foundation and perhaps in its entire history.
• In the relationship, he still occasionally makes hurtful jokes about you, which can lead to arguments of varying intensity.
• By the way, SCP-166-V will start calling you "mom," and Clef will find it hilarious.
• Bright will always mediate and reconcile you both in any situation, using all sorts of methods—from faking his own death to whatever else pops into his ginger head.
• If you're in a bad mood, he'll first find out what happened and then take down everyone responsible under the pretext, "Well, they shouldn't have messed with Y/N!"
• Occasionally, you and Bright prank him by putting various insects in his desk or closet, laughing at his funny reactions.
• You might marry him because he dreams of it and asks you 24/7, but the decision is ultimately yours.
• At times, he suggests the craziest ideas and experiments, not just in life but also in intimate matters. It makes you wonder whether he's immortal or just out of his mind.
• Kondraki always bets on the latter, just like you do.
• For the sake of your peace of mind, Clef made peace with Kondraki, but they still secretly try to kill each other whenever you're not around or aren't looking
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Dr. Bright
• This will definitely be the most challenging relationship experience of your life.
•You were the one who initiated the relationship. You confessed your feelings through a note you slipped into his documents, praying it would get lost. But when Bright found it, he was shocked, a smirk playing on his lips as he realized he now held the fate of Dr. Y/N’s heart in his hands. He decided to find you and call you over to discuss it:
–Dr. Bright, did you need something? I have a lot of work, so let’s make this quick,"
You said quietly, your voice trembling as you stared at the floor.
–Dr. Y/N, care to explain this useless little note you left on my desk while I was out?
Bright said with a playful smile, holding up the damned note written in your favorite black pen, each letter of your confession carefully crafted.
–It’s all clearly written there, or have you forgotten how to read?
you responded with a hint of sarcasm, lifting your eye eyes to meet the face of the man who had stolen your heart. As he laughed, nearly doubling over, you felt tears welling up in your eyes and a painful ache in your heart.
–Even if this is just a failed prank or someone put you up to it, I’ll still accept your dubious proposal," he said with a mischievous grin.
• At that moment, you wanted to kill him, but you held back.
• No one knew about your relationship for the first three weeks, but rumors spread quickly in the Foundation, so soon everyone knew.- The first time he died, and you didn’t know about his abilities, you cried-a lot, and very bitterly, while your beloved stood behind you with a smile.
• The Foundation saw your relationship as beneficial since you could sometimes talk him out of his ideas to "earn a new restriction on something!"
•You can’t always keep track of his antics and actions that seem crazy to most of the Foundation, but when he gets hurt, he comes to you, not to the medical wing!
• A perk of this relationship for you is that he quietly takes over half of your paperwork so you can get more rest, though you caught him once, and now he just takes it openly.
•Only he can keep you up at night with strange questions like "How can I ruin everyone’s mood?" or "How can I multiply SCPs?" and many others.
• He’s been in many relationships and always cheated on his partners, but he’s truly faithful to you. Maybe it’s because Rights beats him up whenever she sees tears on your cute little face.
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Dr. Glass
He was the first to propose starting a relationship. It was early morning in the Foundation, and life was just beginning to stir after the calm of the night. Everyone was going about their tasks and duties. Every staff member must undergo a mental health checkup each month, and today was your turn. You weren't worried since the tests were simple and almost always the same. At 11:30 AM, you entered the office of the blue-eyed blond who you quite liked, but there was one little issue that kept you from confessing your feelings - a rather silly reason! You didn’t know if he felt the same, and you didn’t want to embarrass yourself. As you entered the office, there he stood, smiling his usual charming smile, the one he gave to everyone. Maybe it was that smile you fell in love with, but that’s just a guess. He handed you the usual test, and you quickly started filling it out without looking up since the questions hadn’t changed in all the years you’d worked there. But then a soft male voice distracted you by asking something.
–Dr. Y/N?
Startled, thinking you might have done something wrong, you looked at him with slight apprehension.
–Yes, Simon? Is something wrong?
–Is there someone you're in a relationship with, or someone you'd like to be with?
–What’s the point of that question?Confused by the sudden inquiry, you put the test aside and waited for his answer.
–Well… here goes nothing. Dr. Y/N, I’ve liked you for a long time, and I wanted to…
–I accept!
• He often forgets to take care of himself because he’s so busy taking care of everyone else at the Foundation.
• So, when you help him out of your own desire, not because you have to, it’s super appreciated. He gets lost in his work and melts when you tell him to take a break, go for a walk, or just spend time together.
• He might open up to you about what truly makes him happy. This makes him feel like he’s not alone in this rotten place and that it’s okay for him to feel down without having to find a solution to his problems.
• He loves your kisses, hugs, and all those physical displays of affection - they’re his weakness. He’s naturally affectionate, so when you’re alone in a room or any place where it’s just the two of you, he’ll hold you, his face flushed as he looks down at the floor.
• I think Simon really melts around you. You have such a positive influence on him that he couldn’t resist even if he tried.
• He’s so sweet, but always so anxious. He’s constantly checking on you - how you’re feeling, which SCPs you’re working with, and so much more.
• There are many tender moments between the two of you, like hanging out in his office, chatting over a cup of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate.
• I think you’re a bit more assertive than he is. It’s not that he doesn’t know when enough is enough, but sometimes it’s really hard for him to say or show it.
• He’s very gentle when he touches you, always asking for permission - whether it’s to kiss you or hug you, both verbally and non-verbally.
• He tends to bring you food. It’s incredibly sweet.
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Dr. Iceberg
•Surprisingly, he was the one who suggested dating, which was shocking given his nature.
Iceberg was naturally a confrontational person, so it was no surprise that arguments between you two occurred at every opportunity. Almost everyone had gotten used to his yelling at various staff members whenever they did something wrong in his eyes. What was surprising, though, was that he would often shout at you for seemingly no reason. If you dressed in a way he didn’t like - an argument. If you did something he disapproved of -another fight. This started from the very first day the MTF brought you into the Foundation and continued to this day. He seemed to enjoy making you uncomfortable with his outbursts, taking pleasure in watching you struggle to come up with reasonable excuses for your actions. After every argument, Iceberg would retreat to his office with a victorious smile, but no one knew what went on behind those closed doors. Every time he reduced you to tears during a fight, he would roll his eyes and leave to find a secluded spot where he could suppress the feelings of guilt and love that were slowly consuming him. Yes, you understood correctly - he loved you, deeply. But because of his reputation, he couldn't admit it. It was easier for everyone to believe that he didn’t care about anyone, that he was indifferent to everyone - except you. All the fights were his way of trying to suppress the uncomfortable feelings in his heart. He thought you hated him more than anything, but he couldn’t have been more wrong. Only Glass knew about your feelings for Dr. Iceberg and tried to help you both sort things out, but nothing really worked. Whenever Iceberg saw you, he would roll his eyes and click his tongue in annoyance, trying to show disinterest. But we all know the truth…
–Dr. Y/N! Can you do anything right? Or are you a cripple? Maybe you’re just an invalid!
–I did everything perfectly and on time! If something’s wrong, that’s not my problem! My work is done!
–Then stop treating me like garbage or a D-Class! I haven’t done anything wrong, and yet you treat me like I’m beneath you! What did I ever do to make you hate me so much?!
Tears Salty, bitter tears started streaming uncontrollably from your eyes, and you couldn’t stop them. The feeling of guilt began to creep into Iceberg’s body, slowly taking over his legs and eventually his mind. How he hated seeing you cry. After looking around and realizing no one was around to witness what was about to happen, he approached you and pulled you into a tight embrace, his gloved hand rubbing your back.
–Shh… please, don’t cry..
Calm words? He was hugging you and stroking your back? Were you dreaming, or was this real life? Shocked by the doctor’s unexpected action, you stopped crying and simply melted into his embrace, wrapping your arms around his cold body in return.
–Would you like me to answer your question about why I treat you so poorly, Dr. Y/N? –That would be nice because none of my theories have proven correct… –Because of your beautiful eyes, I couldn’t sleep peacefully. Because of your delicate hands, I couldn’t concentrate on my work. All my thoughts were about you, Y/N… To my surprise, I’m in love with you ___________________________________ •He gently took your chin and kissed you with his dry, cold lips. • He has the ability to be soft, but it takes a long time to truly see that side of him.- You are much more physically affectionate than he is. •You bring him coffee, food, remind him to take breaks, and so on. • You tend to just hug him? Hug him a lot? It’s very sweet. He always maintains a biting attitude towards these physical displays of affection, but he secretly adores them. •He’s very much like a house cat that doesn’t want to show affection. Sometimes he’ll nudge your bicep or shoulder with his head just so he can fall asleep on your shoulder. •He’ll do your work for you. This is his love language, which he expresses especially for you. • He can be surprisingly verbally affectionate when he wants to be. • He’ll never show your relationship in public; at first, he even pretended to hate you. But when you started getting frustrated about it, he finally decided to treat you normally in front of others.- He always warms up from the heat of your hands and body when he’s really cold, but when you’re not comfortable and try to warm yourself up too, the two of you end up bundled under three blankets, fully clothed, in his office. • The entire Foundation was shocked to learn that Iceberg had a girlfriend - alive, no less! And that she worked there too! • Clef and Bright thought it was one of Iceberg’s bad jokes or that you two were pulling a prank, but you both proved them wrong. • The O5 Council thought you were being held hostage or something similar in the relationship, so you had to prove them wrong to prevent Iceberg from being punished. • You two sleep in separate rooms because of his cold body. You tried sleeping together once, but Iceberg kept pressing against you and absorbing all your warmth, leaving you freezing.- You’ll become a real star in the facility because of your strange relationship - the warm, sunny Dr. Y/N and the cold, always-angry Dr. Iceberg. • If you take his favorite scarf without asking, there will be an argument. If you ask first, he’ll complain about the cold. If you don’t take his scarf, he’ll complain about the other staff and his entire life there. • The only way to calm him down and keep him from yelling is for him to hold you and stroke your hair. So don’t be surprised if other staff members frequently call you to calm him down during your workday.
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Dr. Gears
Surprisingly, it was you who suggested dating, and in the strangest of places-the library.
A quiet evening had settled over the SCP Foundation. It was well past 11 PM, and most of the researchers had already gone home, while those who lived on-site were asleep, wrapped in the peaceful embrace of Morpheus. Dr. Y/N had been sitting in the library since the end of her shift, engrossed in some mediocre novel (or genre of your choice). The silence filled the small library, broken only by the faint sound of her breathing. As she turned a page, Y/N heard a faint noise - someone was approaching. But she paid little attention to it; the library was open 24/7, and you could stay there all night if you wanted, without anyone saying a word - except for Dr. Gears, the one who watched over you, the one you loved but couldn’t confess to because of his emotions, or rather, the lack thereof. You didn’t want to be among those he had rejected without hesitation.- Hearing someone approach, picking a book from the "Detective" section and sitting down beside you, you were surprised when they initiated the conversation:
–Good evening, Dr. Y/N. Why aren’t you in your room sleeping at this late hour? You would recognize that voice anywhere - cold and indifferent. Only one person had such a voice, the object of your affection.
–Good evening to you too, Dr. Gears… I’m not sleeping because of this book… I’ll finish this chapter and then go!
Trying to avoid looking at him, you continued reading, though the words were now just a blur. Dr. Gears sat beside you, starting to read his own book. After an hour or maybe two - you couldn’t tell, and didn’t particularly care - Charles Gears was quietly asleep beside you, a book in his hand. Overcoming your fear of rejection and the possibility of a harsh response, you gently stroked his head.
–If only you knew how many tears I’ve shed because of you… Oh, how I love you…
Suddenly, your hand was gently but firmly grabbed, and looking into your eyes, a deep voice replied:
–And I love you too.
Charles doesn’t understand love. No matter how many people hinted at or outright proposed to him, he would either ignore them or respond bluntly with a clear and immediate “No.” But this situation turned out to be special for both of you.
You excel at expressing your love for him in ways that are considered "normal" and that he doesn't find odd or unsettling. In turn, he expresses his affection in the ways he knows how.
He is very verbose, and this is his love language towards you, but it’s endearing in its own way.
Every word of love he speaks to you is sincere, regardless of the situation.
He never allows you to interact with Keter-class objects without his presence. He wants to be there to protect you, even if it means putting himself at risk.
Like Dr. Iceberg, he does a lot of work for you. Even if you argue, shout, or fight, he will continue doing it, ignoring your protests.- This doesn’t mean he doesn’t listen to you or ignores you like he does with other people. Your opinion matters to him, and he will ask for it whenever possible. But if it involves dangerous objects, don’t even bother starting the conversation.
He can accomplish a lot - many people at the Foundation respect him, and some even fear him. So trust that if he wants to keep you away from Keters, he will do whatever it takes to ensure it.
As strange as it may sound, Dr. Charles can be affectionate. He enjoys spending time with you - in his office, chatting in the break room, or simply resting together without prying eyes or judgment. In the silence, saying nothing, just savoring the moment that you’re both alive and nothing threatens your life.
He’s very prone to writing you little notes throughout the day and either slipping them to you or passing them through other staff members. It’s incredibly sweet, knowing that it’s unlikely he would say such things to your face; he expresses himself better through writing when it comes to those he loves deeply.
Many Foundation staff members couldn’t understand how you could be in a relationship with someone as emotionless as Gears! According to them, he can’t feel love or show affection towards you. But that’s their problem because you’re happy with how things are.
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theyanderespecialist · 4 months ago
Skipping Meals (Headcanons/Bonus) Yanderes Gears & Iceberg X Insecure Reader (SCP Foundation)
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! Now, I normally do not bump up requests often but this one from Tumblr stole my heart and I just got to do it!  the Request! 
-Can you please do a yandere Dr. Iceberg x insecure reader x dr gears with a reader who skips meals and stuff? Their my comfort characters, and I'm in recovery, so it would help a lot. Thanks- 
I now am assuming that meant Yandere Dr. Gears as well and trust me as someone who has had active eating disorders and body image in my life I understand the need for a comfort character. NOW Remember I do NOT Normally bump up stuff even for stuff that will help mental health (I Am slow with requests, this one just spoke to me so I can do it right away) now onto disclaimers! 
(Disclaimer: Dr. Gears and Dr. Iceberg are not yandere in canon! This is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional characters and yanderes is fine! Just do not be illegal or gross about it! You know who you are, you Dirty, Flaky, Biscuits! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life! Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon! Thank you!) 
-Yandere Headcanons With Dr. Gears and Dr. Iceberg Sharing Insecure Listener From The SCP Foundation Fandom- 
.Gears and Iceberg both decided to share you as they were both in obsessive love with you. 
.And if either of them were to share a darling with someone it would be each other. 
.They both loved you and you were to work under Dr. Gears alongside Dr. Iceberg. 
.Iceberg for once being glad he was at the rank he was at because it allowed him to be close to you. 
.Dr. Gears was also pleased with this work arrangement because it allowed both of them to keep a close eye on you and make sure that you remained theirs. 
.Of course, this allowed them to see your insecurities and issues with eating. 
.How you were insecure with how you looked and would skip meals because of it. 
.How you would almost pass out because you skipped so many meals. 
.It worried them both. 
.They both have different ways of handling your issues with your meals. 
.Dr. Iceberg packs to lunch and always offers you one, wearing you down until you join him for lunch and eat. 
.Do not worry it is healthy food, that tastes good, and is good for you. 
.He also makes sure that if anyone is saying anything to make you feel insecure their office has a Molotov cocktail thrown into it the next day. 
.Bonus points if the said person was in there when it went off. 
.Dr. Gears on the other hand is far more direct. 
.He would force you to look at him and demand to know why you are not eating. 
.He states the facts about what it will do to you, and how you are hurting yourself more than anything. 
.He is blunt and forward about the risks of skipping meals, but then he tells you sweet things.  .Of course, these sweet things that he tells you are in his monotone voice, but he means every word. 
.They both find you to be the most stunning person and want you healthy and happy. 
.Which does mean that you do not skip meals either. 
.Dr. Gears would also take to making healthy and yummy meals as well, and he would insist that you eat with the two of them, so they can make sure you eat the right amount and that you did not develop an eating disorder. 
.For the insecurities you have they would shower you with compliments and show their love to you. 
.To show you how much they adore you and how much they love you. 
.How stunning you are to them and how much they cherish you. 
.They would help build up your self-esteem and they would build you up. 
.Of course, then there are their yandere sides. 
.They would hurt the people that try to hurt you. 
.Dr.  Gears have a lot of them demoted to D Class. They ended up being dealt with SCPs very fast. 
.They would do this not just by hurting you but with them doing even little comments. 
.They do not tolerate this, even if the people doing it by talking behind your back. 
.Dr. Iceberg has his snappish temper with his yandere side, and that is with him lashing out and even putting his hands on people who try and break you down. 
.Now if they had rivals they can be a bit toxic and make rumors, rumors they know that will get to you. 
.Where the rivals had been "talking" stuff about you that you are sensitive about. 
.This way you would not want to be with the rival and they have an excuse to get rid of the rival. 
.They are ruthless with their rivals and doing that, that way you would depend on them and only trust them. 
.They made sure that you could only love them and this way no one else can have you~  .You belong to them and them alone. 
.They confessed to you together, sharing both of their feelings and that they wanted to share you. 
.They would not take no for an answer and would manipulate you so they could have you as their darling. 
.In the end, you are dating them and they actually make you feel more confident. 
.They are the best choice for you after all. 
[I did not get an answer for a scenario so I am going to make one because I can!] 
(Comfort and Lunch) (Yandere Dr. Gears and Yandere Dr. Iceberg, Sharing you) 
(No One's POV) 
They were worried for you, (Name), and how you were skipping meals. They did not want you to starve yourself and that is what they thought you were doing. So they had been having you joining them for meals. Both take turns to cook for you. So they knew that they would have healthy and tasty meals for you. Today was one of the days they both cooked a little bit for you. You were having a hard time eating today as you poked at the meal that Gears and Iceberg had made small parts of food for you.  "You need to eat." Dr. Gears says.  "I am not that hungry." You lie to them, the truth is, you are starving and skipped dinner and breakfast.  "I heard your stomach growling." Dr. Iceberg says. "You also are lightheaded from lack of food. Eat it or I will feed you it."  "You are beautiful, (Name)." Dr. Gears interjects. "Your body is perfect the way it is, you do not need to lose weight for anyone. Least of all us." 
"Us?" You asked confused and the two of them looked at each other before they both nodded.  "Yes, us." Dr. Gears confirms and wipes his mouth. "We are in love with you (Name), and we want to share you."  "W-What!?" You stuttered out shocked.  "You heard him, snowflake." Dr. Iceberg says. "We are in love with you, and you are ours, it is our job to take care of you. So eat."  You looked at them in shock, but slowly picked up your fork and ate. This was so confusing! 
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter is done! I hope you all enjoyed this, and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!] 
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from-thoseghosts · 1 year ago
I just put the most popular (and some that I like) so tag if I forgot anyone
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average-limbus-fan · 1 year ago
Think I went a bit overboard with the yandere drabbles… almost 1.5k words and that’s not including Hong Lu’s part. Welp I hope you all like it at least. >.<
Might start on that Faust angst in a few days, I kinda wanna do some things for the scp doctors tho, I kinda feel bad I’ve barely written anything for them. So feel free to send in some requests for the doctor’s. :3
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urfavcaller · 2 years ago
I need more gearsberg content so bad rn help me
(They r plaguing my mind and i need to draw more of them)
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rndmcreeps · 2 years ago
the introduction .
❝Does it know that we love it? That the universe is kind?❞
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hello ! i am moria, or xea .
i am opening my requests to the scp foundation ,,, however its only to the researchers (my specialty !!)
here are some rules before you request...
HCS/DRABBLES: available :]]
please do not send anything nsfw, no matter what. not comfy writing like that + i am a minor !!
no ocsxreader or ocxcanon...sorry
the max limit of characters per request is 3 !
my reader will generally have no anomalous properties unless the request states otherwise
blacklisted topics: things regarding eds, pregnancy, s31fhrm (acceptation being about scars from s3lfhrm) ... yeah not comfortable writing bout those .
i have the right to delete and / or deny your asks without warning. if your ask hasn't been written yet, please dm me on the progress of the request.
other accounts ran by me !!
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❝Sometimes, through the noise of its thoughts, it hears the universe, yes.❞
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cherryblossom-heart · 2 months ago
Cry (One-shot)
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Nanami x Reader
Summary: Love was never an option for you. Until you met him.
Content warning: ANGST (Yes, this is about Shibuya) Do not read this if you are already sad or if you’re happy, still don’t read it.
Word count: 2.2k
A/N: Felt a little angsty, sorry besties.
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Love only comes for those who are willing to get hurt by it, your mother used to say.
You should’ve known it was a warning.
Life as a sorcerer wasn’t for the average person. The imminent danger, the great possibility of death along with the realization that you had signed up for a life of loneliness. Maybe if you had been born in one of the clans there would’ve been a marriage arranged for you at the cost of self-value as a woman. Even then, the thought of an arranged marriage more than always meant a loveless relationship, a transaction if you will. An heir for status.
With time you had accepted it. You kept relationships superficial, nothing more than a one-night stand or, if they were good enough, you kept them in your rooster of fuck buddies for whenever the stress of the job proved itself too big.
You didn’t want a relationship. You weren’t looking for love. You weren’t looking for your happy ending.
Not until Nanami.
He wasn’t around when you had transferred to Tokyo, the rumors of a fellow student’s death being the reason reaching your ears whenever you asked who Gojo always referred as Nanamin. He had left the sorcerers life to pursue a mundane life, just like your father had done.
After a mission that required at least two first grade sorcerers had put itself on top of the list, Gojo had reached out to him as the school had to face a lack of manpower, leaving you as the only one available. Reluctantly, Nanami had agreed to help.
Nanami and you got along the same way oil and water mix. The man was everything you weren’t: cold, composed, calculated and over all he needed to be in control. His presence felt like a gigantic iceberg surrounding you.
You, on the other hand, were everything that Nanami had grown to dislike. Your unpredictability, your hot temper, the rashness of your decisions along with your tendency to over share your thoughts. Nanami hated the fact that you always took him by surprise, yet it seemed like as a team, you both were gears of the same machine.
Neither could deny the abilities the other possessed, it wasn’t for anything that you both held the title of first grade sorcerers. However, neither of you would admit it, unwilling to give a compliment one to another.
That’s why, when Nanami decided to leave the mundane life he had worked for and came back to the dangerous world he left behind, the higherups decided to pair him off with you, much to his distaste.
It’s funny how life works. Pair two people that dislike each other for hours on end, two things are bound to happen. The dislike for each other would increase, its tentacles reaching the depts of your mind until pure, scolding hate would be the only thing you had in common.
Or, as it turned out with you, a spark of something would ignite.
After a particular taxing mission, Nanami had suggested resting up in a nearby motel. It’s reputation wasn’t to your liking, the love seats posted in every room warned you off of even laying down in the bed. But after spending days hunting down curses without much rest, you didn’t really care for it. You took your key, and you went to your room.
Of course that would be the time you couldn’t fall asleep, even with every muscle in your body aching for relief as they tried to relax. Your mind, on the other hand, couldn’t stop working, thought after thought racing through your brain as you closed your eyes.
You decided to take a walk, the silver flask you caried with you carefully placed inside the left pocket of your jacket. You hoped a nice walk in the middle of the night might pacify the demons that clouded your thoughts. What you weren’t expecting was to see a blond, tall man outside of his room, a cigarette between his fingers as he laid against the wall.
That night you learned Kento Nanami was capable of surprising you. The blush that settled across his face and the non so discreet way he tried to conceal the lit cigarette. If it were another day, perhaps you would’ve laughed. The oh so perfect Kento Nanami, so prideful on his own control on any situation and overall, his emotions, the one that had said his worst habit was overworking himself, who had scolded you instantly of your tendency to drink and smoke after a hard day of work.
Any other day you would’ve rubbed it in his face.
Instead, you walked to his side, taking out your flask as you unscrewed the cap. You took a long sip, the bitter taste of whiskey invading your taste buds. Kentos eyes followed your every move until you laid back against the same wall he was on. After a minute of silence and a couple of swings, you offered him the flask. Silently, he took it off your hands, replacing it with the cigarette he had been smoking of.
That night something changed between you. Perhaps the deep dislike had turned into camaraderie, the constant pressure that death held on both pushing you together. After all, who better to talk about the occupational hazards than the man that experienced them with you. Who could understand better the perpetual state of loneliness that came with the job?
You should’ve stopped it that night, cut it from the root.
Fight after fight, curse after curse, drink after drink a night came a long where everything came to surface.
You couldn’t remember what it was. Maybe it was the way his eyes traveled over your face as you ranted over the lack of freedom you had. Maybe it was the way his eyes had lighted up when you had asked him what his biggest wish was, a storm of thoughts clouding his expression. Maybe it was the way his shoulder bumped against you, his warmth extending past the darkness you carried where your heart should be.
You kissed him. Everything came to a stop around you and for the first time in a long time you felt what peace was.
He kissed you back and from that moment it was over.
Neither of you defined things, the words relationship and love were never spoken as in the Jujutsu world they were considered a jinx. So, for your surprise, both of you were able to just go with it. You slept together, you went out to places, you held hands as you walked down the street, you cuddled each other at night as he peppered kisses along your neck.
One night you had brought a duffle bag with a change of clothes and a toothbrush, that night Kento had surprised you once again.
���You should leave that here, it’s unnecessary to keep bringing back and forth if you stay here most of the nights.”
Almost a year after, he did it again.
“I have to go, I have to go resign my lease before the office closes.” You said as you gather your things.
A hand in the small of your back stopped you.
“You don’t have to resign it.”
His eyes shined with the glimmer of hope while the shadows of fear creeped up. You would never forget the small smile that plaster over his face when you said one word.
For years you had each others back in the field. There was no curse that could stand a chance, not when all you could think about was what Nanami would cook for dinner that night.
For years you had known what pure happiness was.
Until Shibuya came.
Everything happened faster than you could process it. A special grade curse had shown up, swallowing all of you into its domain. A beach so beautiful it had almost made you forget how certain death was knocking on the door.
Naobito had lost his arms, a couple of your fingers had turned into chump and Nanamis eye had taken a hit. There was no escape, no hope other than a fifteen-year-old kid opening a small gateway that could save all of you.
Hit after hit, you kept fighting. You couldn’t understand the sudden doom that had fell on you as you clawed at the hope you could scape, not until a hit sent Nanami flying into a monsters mouth. A scream left your lungs, the anger vibrating along your body but most of all the fear. You had been close to death too many times to count and not one of those times had you ever been as scared as you were in that moment.
You wanted to stay alive.
You wanted Kento to stay alive.
You wanted a life with him.
A tear had ran down your cheek as you kept fighting.
Suddenly things had changed, a man had bursted through your gates of hope, annihilating the curse. The domain had broken, leaving you all in the train station the battle had started on. You were ready to fight the man with the dark eyes as he walked towards you, the deadly smirk he possessed chilling you to the bone as his eyes fell in each one of you.
You had barely any time to react as he pushed the Fushiguro kid through the window, himself disappearing along.
You ran to the window he had gone through, trying to catch on where Megumi had fallen but there wasn’t a trace of them behind. You had readied yourself to jump down, but a hand stopped you in your tracks.
Silence fell on you all, Naobito and Maki assessing their own wounds. Nanami’s eyes fell on your left hand as yours feel on his eye, blood cascading down his face. Your heart had crumbled as you reached out to touch him.
“Your eye” you whispered, the words choking on your throat as you tried to stop the tears.
His hand cupped yours, your body welcoming the familiar warmth he had you accustomed to.
“I’m ok” with care, as if you were a porcelain doll, he lifted your wounded hand. “Your fingers…”
“It’s ok” you assured him. “I didn’t like them anyways.”
Nanami chuckled.
“Even now you can’t stop trying to drive me crazy, can you?”
“As if you don’t love it.”
He paused, hesitation plaguing him.
“I do. I love everything about you.”
Your eyes prickled with tears as a happy smile extended over your lips.
“I love you too.”
Your blood had begun pooling underneath you, a few drops falling each second.
“After this, we should go to Malasyia.” He whispered.
“We should retire there.”
“Yeah, we should.”
You felt him before you heard him. A suffocating amount of cursed energy entering the room. It was a special grade, there was no doubt about it.
His speed was something out of this world, only compared to the man that has saved all your asses. He has placed himself in front of Nanami, his hand placed on his torso.
Your heart rose to your throat, the same desperation that had caught you in the other curses domain. Your hand has already began to form into a fist, ready to take on the hit Nanami was about to be struck with. Kento had been faster than you though.
One second, that was all it took for Nanami to react.
His hand pushed you out of the window, your body tensing as you lost your balance. You blinked as you tried to hold on to anything to prevent your fall but when you opened your eyes you saw it.
Fire. Deathly flames engulfing his body, starting from the place where the curse had placed its hand.
A curling scream burned through your throat, each millisecond passing slower than the last. Before the flames covered his face, you had seen the relief that filled his eyes.
The last thing you saw was his body falling to the floor, it’s echo barely reaching your ears as your body raced to the ground.
You had woken up hours later, Shoko’s face welcoming you back as you jumped on your feet. You were in a random alley in the outskirts of the dome, far away from where you had fell. You tried to make your way towards the middle of the city but a sharp pain on your side stopped you halfway through your attempt.
Shokos hands held onto you, trying to drag you back with her but your arms flayed, fighting with whatever energy you had left.
“There’s nothing you can do.” She said, eyes sadder than usual.
You shook your head, your mind and hear unable to listen to reason.
“You don’t understand. I have to– I can go and– I need to get to him.” You pleaded, the burning despair in your chest overwhelming your senses.
“You can’t help him.” She whispered. “He’s gone.”
Your mother had been right, love could only come with pain. It’s claws tearing apart the hopes and dreams you had foolishly allowed yourself to have.
Love came with pain, and as your heart bleed out in the streets of Shibuya you wondered whether you were strong enough to survive it.
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If you like the story please interact: reblogs, likes and comments go a long way. Feedback is always appreciated! Feel free to message me about it.
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stagnatedunicorn · 8 days ago
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Yeah, basically
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natcatnhanh · 15 days ago
Happy Valentines Day!
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more evangelion x scp au art, ft. iceberg and gears
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moonennie · 11 months ago
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Little Icie!!!
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yourstrulynameless · 5 months ago
SCP Shipnames I’ve made for fun!
Clef x Kondraki - Magnificent Bastards
Reference: "Incident 239-B"
Kondraki x Clef x [NP] - Reckless Trio
Reference: They're all trouble for the foundation
[NP] x Clef - Process Crashers
Play on Pending and how the two seem to stop progress and party crash others with their own party
Kondraki x [NP] - Metamorphosis
Reference: The process of transforming
Gears x Iceberg - Cold Coffee
Reference: Neither of these mfs sleep lets be real, also iceberg's coffee's gone cold because he's dea-
Glass x [NP] - Marlboro Duo
Reference: A fic I made called "The Routine"
I’ll probably be taging future posts with these + the common shipnames :3
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nyrobnua8983 · 6 months ago
An unexpected kiss [1/3]
gender neutral reader
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Dr. Bright
You were sitting in the laboratory, absorbed in yet another experiment, when Dr. Bright entered the room without knocking. His energetic appearance and irrepressible smile always signaled that something unexpected was about to happen.
–How’s it going?-he cheerfully asked, coming closer. Your gaze met his, and you noticed the playful spark in his eyes. It was one of those moments when you knew something interesting was on the horizon. Before you could even blink, Bright was already by your side. He hugged you with one arm, seemingly casually, but in that casualness was all his usual cheerfulness. With his other hand, he gently touched the back of your neck, drawing you closer and pulling your attention away from the experiment.His lips touched yours in a kiss that was both tender and swift. It was a typical Bright kiss—spontaneous, full of energy, yet caring at the same time. The air was filled with a faint aroma, a blend of his signature scent and something slightly anomalous that always seemed to accompany him. This scent was like a small part of his unusual world. You responded to the kiss, feeling his energy transfer to you, filling you with a warm feeling. In these moments, Bright seemed to forget his reputation and left only sincerity and emotion. He allowed himself to be vulnerable, showing you a side of himself that few had the chance to see. The kiss lasted only a few seconds, but it was enough to create the sensation that everything around had stopped. When Bright pulled away, his smile was wide and genuine, and he seemed pleased to have made your day a little brighter.
–Remember, life is too short not to enjoy moments like these. he said, looking at you with warmth.
–Let’s make as many of them as possible.
You nodded, realizing that with him, every moment would be special, full of surprises and joy.
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Dr. Alto Clef
The evening hours in the laboratory were quiet, with only the light from the desk lamp softly illuminating the workspace. Dr. Clef was immersed in his research, but you noticed that his gaze occasionally lingered on you, full of contemplation.You sat nearby, flipping through documents and trying not to disrupt his concentration. The evening seemed to promise nothing unusual, but there was an elusive tension in the air.Suddenly, Clef stood up, walked over to you, and stood directly in front of you. His eyes were focused and serious as usual, but today there was a special depth of emotion in them. He sighed softly and extended his hand, gently touching your face. His touch was light, almost imperceptible, but it carried the weight of his emotions.Clef did not rush. He pressed his lips to yours; his kiss was slow and cautious, as if every movement required careful consideration. His lips were cool and firm, just like him, but in that touch, there was a profound passion and struggle he struggled to conceal.He lingered over your lips before allowing himself this act of intimacy. Each kiss was filled with an inner conflict he was trying to control. It wasn’t just an expression of feelings but an entire world of emotions where he tried to balance his restraint with his desire to be closer.When the kiss ended, he pulled away a few centimeters. His gaze was still focused, but there was a noticeable new softness in his eyes.
–Sorry if that was unexpected
he said quietly, as if trying to justify his display of affection.You simply smiled, understanding that the kiss contained everything he couldn’t express in words.
–Don’t apologize- you replied.–It was important. And I appreciate it.
Clef nodded, and a barely perceptible smile appeared on his face, which seemed to be just for you. He returned to his work, but the room retained a new, warm atmosphere, a reminder that even the most reserved individuals could reveal their inner depth when they trust someone.
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Simon Glass
You were sitting in your chair by the window, the dim evening light gently coloring the room. Simon, still lost in his thoughts, quietly entered and approached you. His steps were light, as if he was trying not to disturb the silence that hung between you.When he sat down beside you, his gaze was focused and attentive. He was silent, simply observing you, and this silence was filled with emotions that were hard to express in words. Then, softly and carefully, he touched your hand, his fingers warm and gentle.Glass slowly turned to you, his eyes meeting yours, and in them was a whole range of feelings. He carefully traced his finger along your face, his touch light as a feather. At that moment, he seemed to be preparing to do something important and delicate.When his lips touched yours, it was like a soft breeze brushing against your face. Glass's kiss was slow and deliberate, filled with tenderness and attentiveness. He tried to be as gentle as possible, as if afraid of breaking something fragile and precious. His touches were filled with care, every phrase and every movement precisely measured.You felt his kisses conveying his deep affection and respect for your personal space. He did not rush, and there was something soothing in that. This moment was filled with emotions that Glass could not always express in words, but through his gentle, thoughtful touches, he did so with complete sincerity.When he pulled away, his eyes still held a warm light.
–I hope this expresses what I can’t say in words
his voice quiet and soft.You responded with a tender smile, knowing that his kisses conveyed much more than just physical touch. It was Glass's way of showing his deep feelings and respect without intruding on your inner world, and that was what made his kisses truly special.
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