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Hello, I did not want to disturb but I wanted to know how the stands of Bucci-Gang + Trish and Diavolo would behave in front of their beloved?Since they are manifestations of his soul, they would also show his Yandere side, sorry if it is a lot of work and I love how you write
*just so everyone knows I keep a lot of asks and hope to eventually write them later if I really like the concept…even if it may literally take an eternity to get to them*
So since this is Yandere focused I’m going to lean on that, but you’ll get to see the expressions of obsession as I write.
Yandere Bucciarati Group + Diavolo and Trish’s stands reacting to their darling
Bruno Bucciarati
Generally speaking Sticky Fingers particularly seems to “stand guard” around you. It’s fingers sometimes float across your skin, gentle touching. But at a moments notice is quick to use its ability if Bruno even suspects you trying to escape or pull something. There are times where you feel it grab your arm and drag you closer to its master.
Leone Abbacchio
Since his stand doesn’t really have offensive capabilities, it tends to like also hanging around you. Though if Abbacchio really insists on you not leaving his side, Moody Blues will do its best to keep you still. If he decides to use his ability depending on where you’re at, it does it relatively quickly and quick to pause with precision if it’s something like seeing your face sleeping at night. Simply watching you seems to be one of its favorite things to engage in.
Guido Mista
The Sex Pistols pretty much adore you, even the troublemaking number stops being a nuisance when you’re around. If you can see them, they insist on you feeding them when mealtime comes around. They may slightly pester Mista saying you’re better at doing so simply for holding food a certain angle. He enjoys this as much as the pistols do, and even if you can’t see them and feed them they still generally cheer when you’re around. if anyone outside the gang and Mista himself, they’ll end up reacting somewhat hostile. Snide or sarcastic remarks if someone tries to romance you.
They’ll also pester Mista if he hasn’t seen you in a few days due to a job or something he had to take care of on his own.
Narancia Ghirga
Aerosmith’s flight patterns seemingly change course a bit when you’re around Narancia. Out of protective instinct, it seems to fire it’s bullets/weapons more aggressive if you’re in any sort of immediate danger. Or if Narancia is tracking, Aerosmith seems to get a quick reading on you, fast. For some reason if the stand was used casually, the way it would fly around would be akin to something at an air show. Presenting the way Narancia may be excited to be with you.
Pannacotta Fugo
Purple Haze is interestingly affected by Fugo’s obsession for you. It stops obsessing over its arms, drooling minimizing to almost nothing. It’s aggression in battle nearly quadruples, out of getting rid of anything that Fugo considers a threat. So there’s times things may or may not get out of control or on the other end of the spectrum killing something with almost unusual precision . But it settles once knowing you’re safe, this may or may not exhaust Fugo occasionally. Under the surface Purple Haze would be pleased if you came to check on Fugo out of concern.
Giorno Giovanna
Gold Experience and Giorno are pretty much in sync almost constantly. It generally likes to express certain flowers that evidently have deep romantic meanings as a gift. It’ll daze you in a heartbeat if you try to sneak off somewhere, giving way to its stand master taking care of you for a few hours. Generally it seems to enjoy kissing your hand, and occasionally turning an object into a small animal for you. It doesn’t hesitate to turn something that you own into an animal to track down either if it means being in your presence again.
Aromatherapy is another thing it seems to do with plants, especially after Giorno figures out what your likes, dislikes, (and potential allergies) are.
Requiem is basically game over for any escape attempts with a stand, and even if you’re hesitant takes some effort to try and comfort you. Caresses and touches that would be comforting in a normal context that’s not having you run in terror from a mafioso.
Due to his violent tendencies and tactics, King Crimson is intense in presenting Diavolo’s dark desires. It’s touches are tight and unbelievably strong, that it tends to leave bruises on your body. Erasing time is smooth and precise, inducing confusion from trying to escape Diavolo. The stand is of course as impulsive as it’s stand master, your legs are broken or are knocked out as quick as your thoughts to wander.
Trish Una
Spice Girl has some impulsive traits that King Crimson does, as much as Trish probably doesn’t want to admit it. This stands intensity shines through sitting on your lap, arms around your neck. Not caring in the slightest if you can see it or not. It gives faint phantom kisses on your cheeks, and certainly uses its abilities to keep you in place no matter the area. It tends to also enjoy having you match Trish someway, even the smallest accessory it enjoys seeing Trish put on you to coordinate. Like you and her were meant to be.
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 2 months
Because I am his, and he is mine.
Idea, Y!Rook threatening a random lady that wouldn't leave Auron alone. Graphic but like Yandere so yeah- cracking heads, thinking of killing, possessiveness but its mutual.
Rook tighten the grip on the shovel as their eyes locked with Elizabeth. Rage was boiling in them, their skin felt like a fire and their head was pounding to the rhythm of their heart. They stalked her for a few months, needing to learn how their prey worked so this plan of theirs would go without a hitch.
It was funny, all this could have been avoided if that fuck lowlife bitch who doesn't even deserve a sliver of Auron's time...Just left him alone! At first Auron handled it well.
"It's nothing but a crush, dear. Don't worry yourself over it." Soothing his lover he gave the a kiss. That was months ago, Elizabeth just couldn't get the fucking hint he was happy. In the most loving and strong relationship anyone could DREAM of, the one she wished- no prayed for. Like some higher being would make Auron realize she was the better 'choice'.
Flowers, cloths, cologne, and alcohol was sent to him on different days. At first Rook scoffed at it, please like Auron would ever be swayed by things he could get at the drop of a hat! The gifts were given to co workers of Rook, Trish gave them the idea. It was good because some of the co workers really liked them, but when Elizabeth kept coming to the office unannounced to see Auron wearing his gifts.
She kept a poker face when she saw random people with her gifts to her 'one and only'. Elizabeth than thought just giving it personally, would work. Trish was cold to her after the first time, at first thought it was sweet but told her never do it again. But this stupid fucking bitch kept doing it, Rook wanted to take a pencil from their desk and slit her fucking throat and watch the blood pour out while giving her heart to Auron. Elizabeth even called Auron pet names that Rook was only privileged too, the fact they had to bite their tongue as the bitch tried to hang off his arm.
Strutting into the office like she owned it, everyone hated her, Auron was always trying to be professional. Auron and Rook had a date to talk about it, they both are obsessed with one another, Rook knows he'd never leave them. But the fucking fact she has the balls and the audacity to go up to their man, partner, and lover that only had eyes for them. Making him uncomfortable...In the limo Rook was on the side she was on. The silence setting in of the shit the bitch did seeping into Rook's memory and their thoughts.
"I want to crack her fucking head open for touching you." Slipped out in the most venomous hiss, Rook could let out. Auron gently lifted his right hand, stroking his lover's hair, who had their head on his shoulder and they were clutching his left arm.
"If she does something drastic we can deal with it." Softly spoken as he gives them a kiss. Both sides wanted her gone, but if Rook dealt with it first there will be a body that needs to be hidden. Auron just sees this lady as a distraction because shes up in his office when she can and he hasn't been alone with Rook at work for a minute. It was annoying him, so when he saw her once again in the office the next day he snapped.
"Get. Out." Iced shards disguised as words shot out into Elizabeth's heart. She shook her head gently as if trying to tell, Auron, what to do which mind you, isn't something you want to try because that will NOT work out well. Taking in a breath through his nose Auron felt the anger rising, causing him to get a headache, this lady just won't catch a fucking hint? "How many times have I fucking TOLD you to leave me alone politely?" The black haired women tried to speak but was cut off, "I will be having security escorting you out." Words made the woman's heart shatter.
Security came quickly escorting the woman gently as she was still in shock at what was told to her. But seemed to snap out of it when Rook walked by and greeted her quickly. Turning her head Elizabeth gasped as Rook was welcomed into Auron's office by him personally. And before the doors closed Rook showed off that his love was only theirs to have, as Auron wrapped a arm around them, giving them a kiss on the lips.
"YOU FUCKING SKANK!" She screamed as she got farther away from her crush. Is that why he didn't look her way? Because of that mediocre person? They weren't even pretty! Unlike her they wouldn't be accepted by the public! She's obviously the better choice! Elizabeth and Auron would have been a match made in heaven!...She bet that Rook had something above him for black mail. She just has to figure out what it is and free Auron! Then he'll see she was better than that fucking slut.
Months went by and Elizabeth had nothing on that 'Rook" Auron was forced to call them lovingly. But what she didn't know Rook was better at covering their tracks than her. Emails, interviews and old blogs gave Rook all the information they needed of Elizabeth Lovechild. She woke up around 7 am to get ready to go to her job by the office, she has a break between 2 and 3 pm, thats what she used her break for? Please Rook could drop anything and see Auron whenever they wished or if he wished.
A key detail stuck out to Rook, Elizabeth met Auron when she first moved to the City. Posting about a gentle red head that helped her to the train station after a man tried to grab her. Calling him her guardian angel and stuff, Rook really wanted to bash her delusional head in even more. This was because there was so many posts about Auron, how she would give him children, food, love, and support more than anyone could ever think of. How she would get rid of anyone that come between them, even breaking up with her boyfriend that couldn't even meet her standards that Auron reached so quickly.
Also how she figured out who Auron was after seeing him in an article about him being a rich bachelor. The obsession about him got bigger as she tried to learn where he goes for eating, enjoyment, and other things. Giving her followers posts how she was better than any of the toys he played with before her, they couldn't stay with him more than a night is because he was looking for her. Rook was giggling as they found that, Auron who was cuddling them asked what was going on.
"Hhmm nothing much just found Elizabeth's blog where she talks only about you. It's really fucking pathetic." Humming as they showed the pone to him he scrunched his nose in annoyance and kissed Rook's head. "I don't even remember that interaction where I first met her." Truthfully Auron forgot all about her, he's a busy man that needed everyone at a distance, he also doesn't remember crazy love sick girls that run after him. Rook giggled even more as they tossed their phone on the bed and turned to Auron, kissing his neck and getting a groan as they nipped at it.
"I know and I'm going to deal with it next week. She tried to get information on me but I have so, so much on her." Auron chuckled "If you want too, do it. I'll cover it dear." The permission they got made them fall even more deeper with Auron. The next day Rook had a off day, telling Auron they were going to go to Elizabeth to handle her he nodded.
"Be safe okay?" Seriousness was in the command he gave, Rook kissed his cheek "Of course love, she wouldn't even be able to touch me." Even when Rook said that Auron was a little paranoid to leave them to deal with it. So slipping a small tracker on them he set them off because sadly he had a meeting to go to. Now Rook knew Elizabeth was going to use this day to stalk them, she had nothing and she was getting skittish.
Walking pass her apartment Rook knew Elizabeth was following, she was sloppy making too many mistakes that Rook knew exactly where she was behind them. Rook went to the store, simply looking at things and at one point even a worker came up to them telling how there was a suspicious character following them. feigning surprise they used this to their advantage "Can I be let out the back so I can call someone to help me get home?" The worker nodded and rushed them to the back where they explained to the manager about the woman following Rook.
The manager even gave a shovel to Rook in case the woman got the hint they were running away. Rook, acting like the innocent helpless person thanked them and walked in the back alley's. They heard something fall and decided it was now time to act, whipping around they held the shovel to their chest.
"Is..is someone there?" Quivering their voice just right as Elizabeth came out around the corner. Wild eyes meet Rook's, like a wolf finally catching their prey but Rook was the apex predictor she forgot existed. The woman said nothing as they got closer to them, a knife flashing in her hand as she brought it in front of her.
"I'm going to get rid of you. Then Auron would finally only love me!" Shooting forward the stupid bitch didn't see Rook's shovel in their hand. Rook swung the shovel like a bat and connected with Elizabeth's arm that was holding the knife. A piercing scream was heard as the woman fell to the ground holding her broken arm. Looking up, her breath hitched as Rook showed their crazy smile then the giggling started as Rook raised the shovel again. Elizabeth tried to shield her head with her other arm which was broken as well. Another scream was heard, luckily it was a busy day as cars in the distance honked and roared loudly.
"Awe I thought you were gonna get rid of me?" Elizabeth growled at them as she shuffled backwards pathetically. "What would Auron think?" The woman froze, looking at Rook again "He already wants you gone and I want you dead." Elizabeth started shaking like a lamb as Rook go closer. The person still standing put the shovel to her throat and began "I know where you live, work, where your family lives, your friends, your blogs and the fact no one will come to save you." Elizabeth could have sworn horns came out of their head as they told her all the things she does in a day.
"Are you okay? I checked your location and you haven't moved I was so scared you...What the fuck are you doing here?" Cold words were pointed at Elizabeth like the knife she had for Rook earlier. Which Auron saw, and glared darkly at the woman who was bleeding.
"I could have you stripped of everything if I wished because Auron would do anything to make me happy. He's madly in love with me, you know? But you just couldn't fucking get it through that think skull of yours!" Resentment seeped through their words as their voice got louder and the shovel got more into her neck. Elizabeth couldn't even responded as she was trying to think of a way out, but her mind went blank as all the things about her was thrown into the air. Then there was a noise of a car pulling up and a door slamming shut, Auron was here! She had a big smile but it was ripped away when Auron checked over Rook.
"Did you try and hurt my partner?" Words meant blood as he stood high and tall before her. Elizabeth tried to speak but Rook beat her to it, "She followed me all day apparently, I was shopping and if a sweet worker didn't tell me she probably would have tried to hurt me in the store." Rook gripped the shovel tighter "I didn't want to hurt her, Auron..." Small tears began to fall and Auron's anger became more clear. Whipping out his other phone he made a call, telling a doctor on the other side to go to this location to treat someone and get the away from him or the body will need to be hidden.
"I'm going to tell you this once, because I had to repeat myself os many times with you and I honestly don't care what you do after I leave. Dont EVER come back." Elizabeth chocked on her siliva at those words. But...he loved her? W-
"Why? You may ask? Because if you do I will have you fucking tortured for thinking you could hurt my partner." The woman looked to his side where he was holding Rook, their eyes only on him as they smiled sweetly at his words. The person on his arms smiled at her after getting kiss from Auron, "See what I mean? Auron would do anything to make me happy." Sounds around them started to muffle in Elizabeth's ears as she looked down, everything was hitting her. Dreams, her heart, and her dignity was shattered by one person a person that didn't even deserve Auron.
Hatred filled her as she thought about everything that she could have being taken by one person. She didn't even care what she was screaming "Why? Why them? Their nothing and they deserve to fucking DI- ACK!" A hand was wrapped around her throat before she could finish. Auron tighten his grip as she gasped for breath, the the burning fury he had against this woman for insulting Rook was overriding his logic side for a second.
"Apologize." Commanding and firm the simple words made her do it quickly. The apology was a stutter of shallow breath, then Auron threw her on the ground, wiping a hand before escorting Rook to the car. Loud gasps filled the quiet alley way as Elizabeth tried to think of what to do, the car drove off and she felt desperate for someone to help her quickly. Her arms and neck hurt so much, she started to sob on the ground, she didn't care anymore just wailing like a wounded animal.
And with that I'm ending it here bc if I go any farther I'm gonna lose my marbles! This was suppose to be a small thing than it got like super fucking long </3
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icycoldninja · 8 days
Hello! I have an idea for a (fluff / angsty?) request with Vergil - might be a little long sorry abt that
Basically after dmc5 he returns from hell with Dante and he has some loose ends to tie, one of them being mending his relationship with his s/o (aka neros mother). I was thinking maybe she worked for Dante as a devil hunter and V gives subtle hints of his true self but she didn't catch on until the big reveal. I dunno if that'll be good enough so feel feel free to add on whatever!
Thanks for reading all this if you do and have a nice day :)
Nah, nah, it's fine. Have a MOTIVATED day yourself!
Lots of catching up to do (Vergil x Fem!Reader angst/fluff)
You knew something was odd about this "V" fellow the moment he set foot through Devil May Cry's door. You'd been visiting your employer and friend Dante at the time, and happened to be present when the mysterious man showed up, cane and book in hand. You recognized that book; it was an old copy of William Blake's poetry that Vergil used to tote around, occasionally reading excerpts from it during his downtime.
Ah, Vergil. It'd been a while since you heard that name, or even seen the man, for that matter. The last time you had an interaction with him was years ago on a moonlit eve as you said goodbye to him for what you thought was the last time, right before he departed in his quest for power, and just a month before you discovered you were pregnant with your son Nero.
You were lost in thought for a while, barely even noticing the fact that V was staring you straight in the eyes, a smug smirk on his face, as if he knew something you didn't. You wanted to question him, but knew it'd be better to keep your mouth shut. You, Dante, and the rest of Devil May Cry's staff had a mission to complete.
Imagine your surprise when V insisted on you accompanying him and Nero into the Qliphoth, only giving you a vague, meaningless reason you didn't care to remember. It seemed he just wanted you nearby, even though your skills would be better put to use on the front lines, with Dante, Trish, and Lady.
After the first assault failed and mostly everyone crawled back home, defeated, you found yourself being followed by a tall, skinny, emo-looking man whose name was one letter long. Why he was still following you around despite the separation of the devil hunting team made no sense, but since he was somewhat friendly and didn't seem to have ill intentions, you let him stick around.
Some time passed while you tended to your son, whose arm had been ripped off not too long ago, and over time, you two had to charge back into the fray to save the city from more demon attacks. V disappeared for a while, but you didn't mind, since your focus was on helping and protecting your son. Nero always came first in your mind, because he was the only piece of Vergil you had left.
V eventually returned, in terrible condition, bringing with him Dante, who had been found half buried and covered in blood in a hole near his shambling house. Though none of you but V knew it, the moment all four of you stood together was one of the rare moments when the whole Sparda family was all in one place.
Then V scampered off, trying to find Urizen before the others did, and while an inner instant compelled you to follow him, you decided to go with your son, because again, Nero always came first. You ended up running into V once again, except now he had all the structural integrity of a soggy marshmallow, and needed to be carried between the two of you to his final destination, where Dante was duking it out with Urizen.
After the beast had fallen, V broke free of yours and Nero's hold and scrambled on top of it, which was when he jammed his cane right through its chest and exploded, bringing forth an individual you never thought you'd see again: The father of your son and the love of your life, Vergil.
The hope and joy you felt as you watched him materialize was nothing short of incredible; now you saw why V was the way he was, why it was so soothing to be around him, and why he chose to stay with you. V was Vergil. In a way, he'd been with you all along.
You thought that this would be the end of everything, that now, after so many years, you all could go home and be a happy family. You couldn't have been more wrong, for not one minute after finally returning, Vergil went off to the top of the Qliphoth to fight with Dante, Nero following after them, with you being the last to catch up. You arrived just in time to watch them dive off the demonic tree into the underworld, and felt all the happiness drain out of you in an instant.
There he goes, again, this time taking Dante with him. Oh well, you decided. You'll have to devote all your attention to your darling son, who surely needs more comfort than he's letting on.
Several months passed with you and Nero dedicating all your attention to exterminating demons that lingered in the land, feeling sad over the departure of the Sparda twins, but unlike most, you two vented your stress and worry out on demons, by killing them. You two were doing somewhat fine; Nero was still struggling to cope with the fact that Vergil was his father and you never told him, and you were still heartbroken. Then, out of absolutely nowhere, Vergil knocked on the front door right as you were getting ready for bed.
"Vergil?" You gasped as you opened the door.
"Yes," Vergil replied, expression as grim and stoic as ever. "I...I'm home, Y/N."
"You came back from Hell...but how? And where's Dante?" You asked, not entirely sure if this was reality or you were dreaming again.
"He is at his shop," Vergi, replied, sternly. "Do not concern yourself with him. Where is our son?"
"He's upstairs, why?" You said slowly, wondering if he had ill intentions at heart.
"We have a lot of catching up to do," Vergil answered, a warm smile flitting across his face for just a second. "All three of us."
"That we do," You agreed, chuckling as you took the half devil by the arm and dragged him into your house. "Nero! Come down and meet your dad!"
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jollyinha · 5 months
I have brought... My YuuriVoice listeners.
...On The Sims, because I can't draw for shit. I spent pretty much the whole day redesigning (except Rookie, who already got a glow up bc he's my favorite child) and dressing them up like Barbie dolls lol
DISCLAIMER: I'm being a lil' poser because I have never watched Bittersweet nor the Faust audios (and yet I still have Sugarboo and Star done, go figure), and am catching up on Lost and Found as I type this. ANYWAY HERE ARE MY BABIES, MORE INFO ON THEM UNDER THE CUT YIPPEEEEEEEE
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- As previously mentioned, he's my favorite child, sorry not sorry, I adore this boy so much
- Dumb of ass and home of sexual (out of the closet to everyone except his mom, oof), pulled a millionaire CEO with his ADHD swag. Also canonically a cheeky horny bastard
- An artist (draws/paints and crafts all sorts of stuff) at heart, but had to pursue a more lucrative career in order to support his family. So, Law school it is. Viva le capitalism
- Is an ENFP and his birthday is on February 16th
- His mother is Brazilian and his dad was Colombian. They have been living in the USA since Félix was a young child. He also has a little sister (not so little, she's in college by the time Shattered begins) whom he loves very much and basically raised her, to the point where she sees him as his dad more than their actual dad (whom passed away when she was a toddler)
- Has an excellent relationship with his uncle (and his wife), aunt and cousins. Him and Joy/Sunflower don't meet that often bc she lives a bit far away, but when they do, they share the same braincell
- Appears to be suave and chill when he's at work, but he's actually a SOFTIE. The biggest golden retriever... Well, not literally the biggest. He's 5'7ft/1m69cm. Compared to Auron, he's pocket-sized. But anyway-
- He loves Trish. They bully Auron together. Incredible dynamic
- Has pyrophobia bc ✨ PAST TRAUMA ✨. Began cooking as a hobby to try to work through it
- Likes: Arts, cooking, biking, peacocks, sun imageries (long story), sea monsters and plaid jackets
- Félix has SO MUCH LORE and tidbits (like his tattoos!) about him, I would need an entire separate post to tell it all. And I might do it bc I need that sweet infodump dopamine...
- Actually my first YV OC! I met the channel through the infamous Finn compilation
- Bisexual! Finn is her first serious boyfriend, though, up until she met him, she only had girlfriends... And she had the worst luck with all of them. Oof
- Colombian, just like Félix
- Huge animal lover, especially the aquatic critters and reptiles. Has a Bull Terrier named Cow (yes, that's her name.) that has her entire heart. Currently trying to get a job in the veterinarian field! Just... Don't put bugs near her. Please
- Is an ESFP and her birthday is on July 27th... The day the Finn compilation premiered
- Her mother had her pretty young. She doesn't know who her father is, and her mom refuses to talk about it... But tbh, Joy doesn't care that much. She loves her mama, and that's all that matters
- (also her mother loves Finn dearly. everytime they meet, he leaves with a piece of cake or some other home made food bc she loves to spoil her "son-in-law" lmao)
- Surfs on her spare time! Queen shit! Also plays a bit of soccer
- Had pretty severe acne as a teen and still has its marks
- Golden retriever energy runs in the Torres family, because she has it too
- Likes: Snakes, whales, surfing, soccer (as stressful as it is to watch it lol), jogging, her dog Cow, hoodies, fun scrunchies
- Like I previously stated, I haven't watched Bittersweet, so, I may not have much to say about Sugarboo except for the (few) misc audios from Al and Seth I have heard... BUT GODDAMNIT SHE'S SO BEAUTIFUL OH GOD
- Straight, but poly
- Japanese, but was born and raised in the USA and, sadly, doesn't has much connection to her roots... Mostly bc she's not super close to her family :(
- (Canonically) Likes to bake! Also cooking, but still has a preference for pastries. Works in a bakery... Which isn't a very healthy workplace, but, oh well
- Is an ESFJ, and her birthday is on January 20th (it's coming!!!!! happy early birthday, queen!!!!!)
- Pulled TWO bitches by having ADHD
- Has A SHIT LOAD of tattoos because she's best friends with a tattoo artist... Who may or may not be Star 👀
- Used to have long hair when she met Alphonse
- She may be Al's impulse control, but Seth is her impulse control 💀
- Calls Alphonse "bug". Earlier on their relationship it was ironically ("so you and me together can be bugaboo!"), but the pet name has stuck
- But in reality, she does have a passion for bugs! Especially butterflies and moths ("NOT Mothman, Seth. Normal, regular moths.")
- Also love cats
- She bullies Seth for believing in cryptids... But believes in aliens
- Again, I haven't watched Bittersweet, so feel free to discard this part if it's contradicting canon events, but... She kind of likes Charlie. She thinks he's cute, even with all the shit that happened
- Likes: Baking, collecting jewelry like some kind of dragon, bugs, cats, tattoos, aliens
- The coolest mf to ever walk on this earth. I don't make the rules, it's the truth
- FtM trans of gender, also home of sexual
- Just american. F
- Yes, his last name is a Life Is Strange reference, sue me
- I... I have no idea what he works with? Because gotta wait for more Charlie videos to find out wtf canon!Casper is up to he's such a mysterious guy,,,,,
- (I really hope that the "Casper works for Auron" theory is true tho, the Auron/Félix & Charlie/Asher shenanigans would be so funny to imagine)
- What I do know is that he's kind of a gym bro, except if said bro was fruity
- Seriously though, he's a sporty guy. Likes to go jogging, (he and Joy/Sunflower would be good workout buddies!), climbing, hiking, good ol' fashioned working out and, of course, skating! But after Charlie left, he got into roller skating as well, and he's pretty damn good at it
- He's an ISFP, and his birthday is on April 22nd (Earth Day, get it, bc his favorite color is green,,,,,,)
- Disowned by his parents, but was taken in by his uncle and aunt, whom really support him <3
- Has a tooth gap! Cute shit
- Braided his hair as a kid, still does it nowadays. Certain things never change
- He WANTS to get SO MANY TATTOOS AND PIERCINGS... But he has a pretty bad case of trypanophobia (his ears are pierced bc his parents had him pierce it as a baby). Having his top surgery was challenging enough! He just wanted to get some tattoos... :(
- Always carries an extra hair tie on his arm, like a bracelet. Mostly for himself, but sometimes he gives it to Charlie too
- Has dyslexia! Fucking hated school bc of that
- Likes: Skating, roller skating, climbing, collecting sick ass knives, bad horror movies, hair styling (he wanted to be a hairstylist as a kid even!)
- I don't have thaaaaat much to say about him as of right now since I'm still finishing Lost and Found, but he's growing a lot on me, I love him
- Their relationship with gender is... Confusing. Doesn't like any labels, really. Just go with she/them and you'll be fine. Considers themselves to be pansexual, though
- British ("sadly, stupid ass country"), still has a strong accent even if they have been living in the USA for quite a while
- ...They like tea though
- She works on the IT department of a big company. Boring office job. But she doesn't mind it that much. Everyone is nice enough and it pays the bills. That's more than enough for her
- But besides programming and gaming, her big passion in life is... Sewing! 80% of the plushies in her collection are handmade, including Sir Gengar himself
- Also a huge cinephile
- Is an INTP, and their birthday is on September 4th (it may or may not be a reference to Gengar's pokedex number)
- Pulled a LITERAL DEMON FROM HELL with her autism swag
- Has chronic pain on her left knee due to a past accident
- Obviously, huge Pokémon fan
- Ironically enough, doesn't really like cooking, which explains why their house didn't had shit when it comes to ingredients lol At least now they have a demon boy to cook for them
- Awful relationship with her family. All of it. Ran away for the USA to escape from them
- Doesn't have many friends irl, most of them are virtual friends
- Considers themselves to be "plain and boring". Normally they don't give a damn about it, but got kind of insecure when they and Lucien got officially together... But in their most confident days, they think it's hilarious how the most normal-looking human ever managed to pull a demon
- Deep, deep down, Paige is a sweet and caring person. Heck, that's why her soul was so enticing. She just has trouble demonstrating it (Autistic Struggle™)
- Likes four leaf clovers. No idea why. She just does
- ...I feel like she would watch Faust's streams ironically. She thinks the cat boy is hilarious
- Likes: Cinema, games, programming, plushies making, clovers, tea
- ...I haven't watched a single Faust audio in my life, but Enid just... Popped up in my head. Their design came to me and they were yelling at me to bring them to existence. So here they are?????? I really gotta hear the twink's audios any of these days...
- I don't even know much about them tbh lol But here's what I do have:
- Non-binary (AFAB), bisexual
- A tattoo artist! They're Sugarboo's friend that I mentioned all the way up there
- Likes to write and read in their spare time (IMAGINE THEM AND AURON WRITING FANFICTION ABOUT THEIR S/Os! Beautiful)
- Likes to watch sports (don't look like the type, do they?)
- Likes questionable shirts with 80s/90s aesthetics
- I can see them being friends with Paige/Angel, ngl :D
- ...That's all about Enid for now, maybe I'll develop them if I get around to hear more of Faust eventually lol
Idk if there's someone reading all of this, but if there is, tysm for reading this HUGE infodump 🥺 If you have any YV OCs, I would LOVE to hear about them too! My DMs are open!
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stargazing-imagines · 2 years
A&A rewrite // 01x06 // tickets and trashbags
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Description : austin gets an opportunity to sing with shiny money meanwhile the reader gets chosen as Austin’s plus one
Pairings : a little bit of reader x austin fluff it’s coming guys just hang on a little longer! 😉
Warnings : mentions of stage fright , people in trash cans , if there’s anything that needs to be added, let me know.
It was a sunny day in sonic boom and Y/N was working the counter, ally was doing a piano lesson with Nelson, who was playing badly at the piano. You who got done with the customer shrieked at how Nelson was playing.
"Nelson, that's was great but maybe try playing a little bit easier on the keys,"
"Ok ally," said Nelson as he played somewhat a little better but not ear killing like before
"That's great Nelson, your getting better already," lied ally as she faked a smile, Nelson who smiled big put his hands in the air
"Thanks!" Said Nelson as he waited for ally to high five him, ally high fived nelson until Trish came in
"Guess who's got a job at mega phone world,"
"Another job?" Asked Y/N "we seriously need to work on your work ethic,"
"Yeah yeah," said Trish as she waved it off "working is just so hard,"
"Trish... what's your definition of working?" Asked Y/N as you rested a hand on your chin as you smiled at the girl.
"Sleeping on the job and not showing up," deadpanned trish
"Trish... that's the opposite of working," said ally 
"Aww man, now I have to get somebody to do my job for me,"
"Hey guys!" Said Austin as he walked into the music store with Dez "Trish any news on my career?"
"Yeah that's why I'm here," said Trish "I set Austin up to perform a remix Version of double take with shiny money!"
After Trish said that she handed Austin a white envelope that has already been open
"More information is on this sheet of paper," said Trish as she handed Austin a envelope, when she did he opened it
"So what does it say?" Asked Y/N as you tried to peek at the piece of paper, Austin who took the paper away laughed
"It says that I have tickets to the award show!"
"Yay!" Said everyone
"And I can bring some friends!"
"Wait... a plus one? That not right," said Austin "you all are my friends,"
It was the day of the award show and Austin was still trying to figure out who to take. First, trish bribed him with chocolate covered pastries, while Dez bribed him with a childhood story of Dez giving austin his pants in the elevator, while ally 'accidentally' dropped a tuba on Nelson. you who had no interest didn’t do anything.
Dez was at the drums with a football helmet as he was trying to teach Nelson the safety of ‘drumming’.
"Wooaahhhh," said Dez as ally walked in dressed in a red dress
"Aww, thanks Dez!" Said Ally as she waved the compliment off, you rolled your eyes at this as you was reading a book
"No I was talking about the dizziness from this drum," said Dez "wooaahhhh."
"Guess who's ready to go to the award show," said Trish as she came in dressed in a purple off shoulder dress
"Wait... Austin's taking you?" Asked ally "I thought he was taking me,"
"No he's taking me," said Trish
"Actually he's taking neither of you, I'm going with him," said dez
you walked over to the group
"Guys you do know that you don't have to bribe Austin with pastries, and a story in order to go to the award show right?" asked Y/N 
"Yeah and that's why I'm bringing Y/N because you guys keep bugging me and asking me to go to the award show," 
"I'm sorry what?" asked Y/N as she was taken aback, Austin Smiled 
"Y/N  your the only one that didn't bug me about this, so therefore I pick you," 
"well if that's what you said then lets go," said Y/N "Ally will you take over my shift?" 
"Sure," said ally sarcastically “I bought this red dress for nothing.”
"I'm going to make make make you do a double take," 
"Its money time, It's Money time," 
"I'm going to make make make you do a double take," 
Austin was performing with Shiny Money as you was backstage listening to the song, That was until you saw Trish, ally, and dez pop out from the trash cans 
Ally who was panicking walked over to you
"Are you guys that desperate to go to an award show?" you whispered
"It was Trish idea," said Ally 
"See ya," said Ally as she went back on stage when she did she knocked over something, you face planted into you hands embarrassed for your sisters sanity 
"i Can't believe you did that," said Austin "Are you literally that desperate?" 
"Austin their over here," said Y/N as she pointed to the three as they were sitting against trash cans 
"why would you embarrass me like that?" 
"Austin we're sorry we didn't mean to do this," 
"yeah Austin it was an honest mistake don't be harsh on your friends," 
"Ok fine but don't do that again," 
they did a group hug 
Austin and Ally rewrite masterlist
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there's a steady thunk-thunk-thunk on the glassy black wall she shares with the room next to hers, and it keeps trish awake for an hour before she gets up to see what it is. she has the feeling that she knows already, but going to check is better than staring at the ceiling while the sound slowly lines up with the throb in her left wrist.
so she goes. cracks the door to the next room open. audrey is sitting on her bed, knees drawn up to her chest, tossing a ball against the wall and letting it bounce back into her hand in a slow, steady rhythm. she doesn't stop even when trish leans in the doorway, obviously staring.
"hi neighbor," she says instead. the acknowledgement is nice, at least.
"you can't sleep," trish says, cutting to the chase. she's learned quickly that there's no use for small talk in the trench, which suits her just fine.
audrey snorts. "we don't need to sleep. in case you forgot."
"is it the bruise?" trish asks.
five of them arrived in the hall within days of each other. shadow ii from baltimore, shigeo from tokyo, alphonse from chicago (formerly yellowstone), audrey from hades, trish from kansas city; all tied by the same chain of instability ripping its way through the league. their rooms form a neat line in the trench, and they stick together because they have no one else worth sticking with.
audrey rolls her arm in its socket, flexes her wrist, like stretching will do anything to make the smoking, shuddering bruise on her elbow any better. "it doesn't hurt that much."
"it hurts more than i expected it to," trish says plainly, which is as much of an admission to being in pain as she's willing to give.
"it's annoying," audrey says. she's stopped bouncing her ball against the wall, and is just holding it, rubbing her thumb over the stitches. "i thought it'd, y'know, go away once the week was up. even if i died." she pauses. "even when i died, i guess."
"i don't think time 'passes' down here," trish says, air quotes heavily implied. audrey gives her a look, she shrugs. "i'm being serious. have you seen any clocks? any calendars?"
"so you're saying...what? we're just living the same day over and over?" audrey asks.
"no. i don't think it's a 'loop'," trish says; she does do the air quotes this time, and ignores audrey rolling her eyes. "but if we're not playing, do you think it counts? are the days actually 'passing' for us? even if it's been a week where our teams are, can anyone say for sure it's been a week for you?"
audrey reaches up with her free hand to massage her temples. "okay, you're giving me a headache. have you been talking to al? you two give me the same kind of headache."
trish has been talking to al, when he feels lively enough for theoretical arguments. he's more or less on the same page about time displacement in the trench and how it might work. she has the feeling audrey doesn't want to hear about any of that, though, so instead she says, "we could go for a walk."
"now?" audrey asks. her interest seems piqued despite this; she sets the blaseball in her hand aside on her blanket. "it's the middle of the night."
"only if you think it is," trish points out, smugly.
"okay, this whole 'time is a social construct' thing you're going for? never gonna happen." audrey says. still, she gets to her feet. "but i could walk. you think anyone else is awake?"
call it a premonition if you have to - trish already knows the other three are still up. probably staring at their own ceilings, feeling the steady ache of their own instability bruises, letting the hours whittle down until what the other dead players in the trench consider morning.
"we can check," she says to audrey, with the full intent of knocking on doors until everyone else shows their faces. if they have to suffer, at least they can all do it together.
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falloutjuli · 1 year
like pissed at narancia because he broke their favourite cd? OHHHH BOY ITS A FUCKING CHIHUAHUA
Otherwise, have a lovely day and hopefully you've got some good requests to keep you busy, i know what it's like to be painstakingly bored lmao. if you don't feel like writing this one tho, that's fine :)
And thank you so much for your kind words, always means a lot! Drinking water as I'm writing this. And now other people who read this... DRINK SOMETHING. NOW.
Anyways, i think it's on the more platonic side, but i think it can also be interpreted as romantic. Hope you enjoy my little writing!
Same content warning as before, typed on phone by an unhinged person 😎
Bucci Gang x Alien!GN!Reader - Shapeshifting adventures
The boys and Trish are pretty used to your sometimes weird antics but when they bit by bit discovered the shape shifting? OH BOY.
They were all used to you messing up small things that were normal to them, like teaching you idioms and stuff. But this? This is a whole new level of crazy.
First. The Narancia incident.
It's Narancia, so he pretended to know nothing about no CD. Especially not broken ones he helped pick out. No no, he knows nothing about this, never even heard of CDs.
But you know him and his bullshit so you keep nagging him about it, getting agitated by his constant lies.
And just when you wanted to full on speak your mind to him, poof. Bark.
He stares at a little Chihuahua where just Y/N stood that looked like it was ready to bite him.
Once everything in his brain clicks, he laughs his ass off. Tears in his eyes, his laughter filling all of the house, eventually drawing in Abbachio who just wants some piece and quite and now has to deal with Narancia crying/laughing on the floor and a.... Chihuahua angrily barking at him.
It took a while until Abbachio got answers out of the younger one and once everything was explained (well, everything despite what happened to the CD) he went off to get the rest of the gang, trying to contain his laughter on the way.
So everyone was informed then. Fugo and Giorno were super interested in this newfound quirk you discovered, Bruno and Trish were worried at first but once they saw that you had suffered no harm or were stuck in the form their worries subsided. Abbachio found it a little funny but was also glad you were alright.
Meanwhile to Mista and Narancia it's the funniest shit they have ever seen. They keep referencing it. "Ohhh Mista, don't steal their desert or they might turn into a puppy again!"
Those two are true idiots and once they pushed you a little too far and you accidentally turned into a grizzly bear, they finally stopped. For while.
Bruno had that worry again. He wasn't sure if you could maybe hurt yourself or them if this kept happening but you kept assuring him that's you'd never. It's just the form that changes, never the Y/N inside of the form.
Trish and Giorno are super kind to you as always and would barely ever push you into such extrem emotions to the point of accidentally shifting.
Abbachio and Bruno will always look out for you and will tell the others to stop bothering you/calm you down if they deem it necessary. They are never pushy about it, especially not Abbachio.
Fugo is... Certainly something. You're sure if he too was from your planet he'd be a walking zoo with how easily angered he is. You two spoke about that once and Fugo never felt happier to be from Earth.
While Mista and Narancia can certainly drive you up the walls, they also know when it's too much and after you turning into a bear, they decided they would stop trying to set you off on purpose. (Especially since Narancia brought up the possibility of you turning into a dinosaur. Which they deemed cool. But scary.)
This doesn't mean they will stop bickering with you over tiny things.
Mista also called you once a "Discount Giorno." Nobody found it funny and Giorno was tempted to transform his newly bought shoes with Golden Experience but decided against it.
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rainchyna · 2 years
holding his hand: EDGE.
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to not lose you in a big crowd.
another weekend, another night out with the roster. you couldn’t even remember why you were in this club, but here you were. the club was packed and everyone who was in the wwe where hidden away in the vip section.
you came with edge and christian, christian was walking at the very front, edge right behind him, then you. you tried to watch where you were going, but there was just so many people around you, walking in front of you, and too much noise to even comprehend what was going on.
adam looked at you, notice if you kept getting stuck between people. he held his hand out for you to hold, you quickly grasped onto it, not wanting to be left alone in the middle of the club.
“thank you!” you said as loud as you can, “anytime!” he replied with a sweet smile.
quickly linking your fingers together.
it was at your birthday dinner, your make up was done perfectly and your dress was tailored to fit you to the last bit. you looked like an absolute angel.
everyone was at the bar grabbing drinks while the table was being laid. you were standing between adam and trish. adam’s hand gently brushed against yours, you smile to yourself as you playfully tugged on his pinky. he held your hand, intertwining your fingers. his hands was warm, and his fingers gently squeezed yours.
you both stood there with your hands tucked in between you, chatting with your friends. as the hostess approached you to let you know that the table was ready, your hands immediately recoiled away from each other, but your pinkies stayed connected.
you gently tug on his pinkie again before letting of his hands, leaving his to sadly hang by its self, looking for yours.
“you two are not as subtle as you think you are “ trish leans in to say, as you and her laugh.
holding hands under the table.
your first date was at your house, you both cooked dinner together and had wine while an old, cliché romance film played in the back.
you set a table out in your balcony, you both sat under the moonlight. adam wore a black button up, that was unbuttoned down to the forth button with matching black pants, while you wore a cropped black silk blouse, and a black mini skirt.
you couldn’t help but stare at the moon, you always found it beautiful. “you’re more beautiful than the moon to me” adam complimented. you smiled at him, and his heart instantly melted. he couldn’t help himself but want to be close to you.
he took your hand in his under the table, thumb gently caressing your knuckles as you told him about your day. he could stay here forever.
comparing hand sizes.
you were both just chilling in your locker room, you were sat between his legs as you did his hair. adam noticed that your hands looked quite tiny compared to his.
he grabbed your hand and aligned it with his, his palm was much bigger than yours and his fingers could easily curl over yours. “how do you even eat with these?” he asked, “and you wrestle too, damn” he added making you laugh.
he closed the gaps between your fingers, intertwining your fingers with his. he brought your hand up to his lips, gently kissing it. you both stayed there for a while, as he continued planting little kisses on the back of your hand.
you couldn’t help but feel giddy and bubbly on the inside as he asked you, “can i please make you mine?”
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starry-blue-echoes · 2 years
So I was having more Jotaro In Italy thoughts and.
I’ve just been having so many thoughts of Jotaro being an the most confusing thing ever because how how he’s both incredibly secretive but also rather obvious about what his Stand does.
Jotaro does not trust these people as far as they could throw him. He met Giorno about a day ago and everyone else a few minutes ago. He knows that they are part of a literal mafia in which the boss seems to have been the direct cause of his best friend’s disappearance, and he is currently plotting to kill that boss alongside Giorno.
So he sure as hell ain’t going to go out of his way to trust them. He won’t antagonize them, but he’s not going to go and tell them his skills or abilities.
And this gets. Interesting very quickly.
First there’s the piss teacup that Abbaccio tries to do, and Jotaro just uses Star to make it seem like there was never any “tea” in it at all. The Gang know he has a Stand, so this starts their guessing.
Then it’s time to leave for the boat. And they realize that they can’t actually fit everyone in the car.
So Jotaro says he’ll walk.
Bucciarati asks if his Stand has travel abilities. Jotaro says no. The Gang are, naturally, skeptical and Abbaccio tells Joot that if he isn’t there by the time they arrive, they’re leaving without him.
Imagine their surprise when Jotaro is waiting for them by the time they get there. After all, being thrown over rooftops mixed with the occasional time stop makes for quite efficient travel.
But of course, he doesn’t explain.
Then the boat. Oh joy the boat.
So a few hours in, Bucciarati starts explaining what exactly they’re doing all the way out here. Jotaro mostly hangs back since he doesn’t see any need to get closer and he can hear Bucciarati just fine from where he is.
This also means he’s able to see Soft Machine popping out and do something about it.
and just. Jotaro accidentally being absolutely terrifying
He’s holding Soft Machine with what appears to be his bare hands, a tiny shimmer of purple being the only thing to betray the usage of his Stand. His words are calm and collected, not betraying a single thought. Maybe the Stand tries stabbing him, only to get its wrist snapped like a twig without any seen cause
of course, once Zucchero’s caught, they’re a bit distracted by having to deal with the fact that a Stand User is going to be waiting for them to kill them so they don’t have time to ask questions.
In fact, it probably isn’t until sometime after Trish that they actually see Star properly
and until them, Jotaro is simply a terrifying enigma
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What their rooms look like
(So in my headcanons au sort of thing they all live together, like giorno and Abbacchio have their own apartments but when there is lots of work to get done for passions they just stay with Bruno and the others. Also turtle polnareff is there I just fail to mention him and I’m sorry for my sins. Also this is a everyone loves universe because I’m still grieving from what actually happened and I haven’t quite gotten to the acceptance stage.)
Giorno: has the largest room out of all of them. It’s always neat, except for his desk that is covered in paperwork. He has a big windowsill that has pillows it in and plants as well (made my Goldie). He has either hot pink or dark blue sheets and pillowcases on his bed, and his blanket is white with gold flowers. He has a big fish tank with golden experience fish in it (instead of throwing his trash away he turns it into fish or plants). He has a cork board on his wall that has his schedule on it, and a drawing of him and Dio he made when he was a kid.
Bruno: his room is medium sized. Also has paperwork on his desk, but it’s neat. The rest of his room is messy though. Like not in a sloppy way, like it’s organized and clean. But the placement of everything is messy, if you know what I mean. His dresser is in the middle of the room, in front of his desk. He sleeps on a mattress on the floor. But it’s organized. His bedspread is black, white and gold. There are zippers everywhere because of sticky fingers. He has a dead plant on his desk that he named Matthew. Matthew has a zipper in his dead/dried out stem. He only really goes in his room to sleep, he likes to take his paperwork outside and work on it there. He used to go in his room to water Matthew but then the whole “mission from the boss” thing happened. Whoops.
Abbacchio: his room is medium sized, and very dark. The walls are painted a dark purple and his bedspread is black. He has a sign on his door that says “don’t fucking bother me”. He has a really old TV and a bunch of dvds with cop movies on them that he will watch when he is drunk. He has a really fluffy purple rug that he usually ends up sleeping on instead of his bed. Like he just falls down on it and sleeps. He has a sonic the hedgehog stuffed animal that sits in the corner of his room under his bed, staring at him every night. He has a small desk with a mirror and lots of makeup. He has a ton of ramen noodles in his closet that he keeps there so Narancia and Mista don’t take them. He never opens his windows.
Mista: his room is medium sized. He sleeps on a couch instead of a bed. He has a hamster cage, the type with those tube things that can attach other hamster cages. It goes all around his room, and the pistols live in it. He has clothes everywhere on his floor. His room smells like axe body spray and dirty socks, if it were a perfume it would be called “middle school boys locker room”. He has a big screen TV. He has a calendar on his wall, and every 4th of the month has “bad day” written on it. He has like twelve nerf guns and his room is covered in nerf bullets, he shoots at the pistols who, despite how stands are not supposed to be effected by non-stand related things, always get hurt when he shoots them.
Narancia: he has the smallest room out of everybody. Bruno made him give his room to Trish, so he sleeps in this big closet that also doubles as the broom closet. There’s enough space to fit a mattress and a TV, so Narancia wasn’t super upset about it. He has paper airplanes hanging on his ceiling, and lots of posters all over his room. He has a bunch of orange and purple blankets and a stuffed monkey that has a banana in its hand. And he has like almost every gaming device. He stays in his room and plays video games for most of his time off. Whenever someone needs the broom or mop they just knock on his door and he throws it out. Sometimes he will sleep in the others rooms. Him and Mista like to pull all nighters and watch movies and eat chips and dips, and Abbacchio is a good listener when he is upset about something and he has a comfy rug, and sometimes he will fall asleep while he is doing math in Fugos room.
Fugo: has a smaller room, which he prefers. It’s full of books. He has a strawberry theme going in his room, and even has a strawberry plant in his window. His bedspread is purple checkered and he has a pink build a bear that smells like strawberries. He has a weighted blanket, like the heaviest weight. His walls are littered with covered up holes. His desk has a bunch of fidget toys on it. He has a stress ball filled with with sand that he really likes, and he gad a bowl filled with kinetic sand that he finds helps calm him down after he has gotten the rage out.
Trish: has a smaller room that used to be Narancias. He painted Tony the Tiger on the wall and she hasn’t painted over it because he begged her not to. She has a really soft mattress and lots of pink pillows. Tons of stuffed animals! She has one of those circle chairs that are big enough to sleep on. Like Abbacchio, she has a desk full of make up. She stole some of Abbacchios eyeliner and hopes he never notices. She has a pink Nintendo switch lite that she plays animal crossing on every day.
Turtle Polnareff: he just stays in giornos room and tells him stories about public restrooms in Egypt. Also “that drawing you made when you were a kid reminds me of a vampire me and my friends killed back in the day”.
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gaypio · 7 months
my thoughts of what each jojolands character is VAGUELY based on.
Disclaimer to the ppl who get angry at these kinds of posts: I KNOW theyre all their own characters & i think of them as their own characters too. I dont see them as like “giorno, doppio, and hermes” and all. I hate dio, but i LOVE diego. The fact that hes slightly based on dio doesnt make me hate him 🤷 its more like he would be his better cousin LOL. thats how i (and most of us) feel about jodio and usagi too. theyre like giorno and diavolo’s cousins. its very fun to associate them to previously existing characters!
Jodio = inspired by jolyne and giorno (obvious)
Dragona = partly inspired by hermes and mista
Paco = very slightly inspired by risotto, santana and abbacchio
Usagi = partly inspired by fugo, narancia and diavolo/doppio
my reasonings are:
(Dude i dont wanna explain jodio its so obvious…. There are many posts out there already explaining this.)
Dragona: mista: mother-like figure to their stand. ☠️ jobro to giorno (hermes also is a jobro to jolyne). Also that scene of jodio and dragona being silly together reminded me of trish and mista🥺
hermes: no not only bc of her locs 😭 bc of the “big bro” title as well. Ik its silly to base on hair style too, but jodio had a star braid at first (still has a bit of a braid) so i think its kinda intentional on araki’s part.
Paco: santana: bad dad, can manipulate skin, theres a better explanation abt this somewhere 😭
risotto: his design exposing his chest with an X & his foot (nearly) gets cut off lol. also similarish vibes? but hes more similar to abbacchio, trying to act tough, physically strongest of the group but lowkey a softie. Risotto isnt rlly a softie, at least not like abbacchio is.
abbacchio: hates on teens but then is secretly like 🥺🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 when theyre safe (usagi). And he was aggressive towards usagi in the beginning like was with giorno.
Usagi: narancia: sillay. Paco and Usagi’s dynamic is similar to abbacchio’s and narancia’s. Usagi is 17 and Jodio is 15, Dragona is 18. Just like nara, gio, and mista. ☝️🤓
fugo: similar hair to fugo, anddd BIGGEST NERD OF THE GROUP. thats it. i think usagi is more like narancia if he went to school tbh🥺
doppio/diavolo: stand based on king crimson, also super cute like doppio. also his pony tail reminds me of doppio’s braid (plus the fact that i loved him the moment i saw him (yes, even when he was known as just hotdog man i was like OMG HE LOOKS FUNNY AND CUTEEE I LOVE HIM HAHAH I HOPE HES A MAIN CHARACTER :D while everyone was hating on him. Im his fan since day 0!!!) & the rest of the whole part ive been adoring him. /platonically (if it wasnt obvious im a big fan of doppio)
Also, a lot of ppl who love those characters love the characters theyre based on too.
Of course, some ppl who dont like those past characters like the newer ones despite that, just like me with diego☠️
If u have any questions ask me lol.
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ladymariayuri · 1 year
oh if ur still doin this: 8, 5, and 1
im just gonnna do this for whatever i can think of first bc ive been answering asks based on what the person asking likes and you are one of my least Privy To My Video Games pilled mutuals but i love you okay enjoy the rants common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about coming in hot with a dmc opinion but i think everybody who flanderizes vergil into this selfish cunt who acts the way he does out of spite needs to let me hit them in the face with hammers. i literally love vergil so dearly and it pains me to see everybody reduce such an interesting dude into POWER XD DEADBEAT DAD XD. like you guys know that his obsession with gaining strength and almost every single step he has taken is because he never wants to feel as scared and small and powerless as he was when his mother died and he thinks his mother abandoned him to save dante but she didnt she died trying to save him and now he hates (hated) his brother because of it. everything in his entire life stemmed from the day their mother died and it grew into an almost fanatic obsession because he never wants to be that fucking helpless again. not to like say he did nothing wrong obviously or hes a poor little meow meow, hes anything but a poor little meow meow but vergil get behind me i will protect you from the redditors. also the deadbeat dad joke is overdone and boring. dude gets laid (somehow) after being in the torture nexus for god knows how many years, he DIDNT EVEN KNOW HE HAD A SON UNTIL DMC5 AFTER RIPPING NEROS ARM OFF. and anyway fuck all of you he gave nero his stupid corny poetry book when he left for hell and theres a menu screen background of nero and vergil chilling at the table and vergil is awkward because he doesnt know how to talk to his son but theyre just vibing okay. sniffles. sorry for going on a rant about vergil devil may cry are you mad at me worst discord server and why
im not really in any tumblrina discords or what you would consider "fandom" discords i pretty much only strictly use it to talk to like my overwatch friends. im in a lot of servers but its only like hub servers for information about stuff that i would want access to, not really community servers. with that being said, and i just commented this under a mutuals post, but the demon hunter class discord for wow is a god forsaken nuclear wasteland full of edgelords and misogynists and its so painful bc im just there to learn how to press buttons better the character everyone gets wrong raiden metal gear. sylvanas wow. wrathion wow. d.va overwatch. VERGIL DEVIL MAY CRY. dante devil may cry. trish dev- you get the point. maria/doll bloodborne is my most beloved but surprisingly ive found that like a majority of the fanbase is like sane/normal about her. its a nice breath of fresh air
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intubatedangel · 1 year
Code Red : Chapter 4
I’d planned to have this chapter ready for New Years Day. Then i got the flu. Pretty badly. Close to hospital stay badly.  It certainly put paid all my plans for New Years at any rate. Instead of a 5 course meal and a few drinks, I had some dry toast and a shot of Night Nurse. It’s  still lingering a bit, like a hangover, but the worst is past and I can function again, so here I am with chapter 4. Hope you enjoy.
Story Index  
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
* * * 
Trish's mind was still a blur from the last few minutes. Recognising the locket that had struck her back. Falling behind Carl as they both dashed up the stairs. Seeing him cradling her best friend, then realising Anna was covered in blood. She'd followed Carl's orders more out of trained instinct than any conscious decision, rushing back down the stairs, only just avoiding tripping at one point. She'd burst out of the stairwell into the trauma wing, shouting for help, but those nearby were too pre-occupied with their chaotic work in Trauma 2. They'd also taken the drop kit that hung on the wall.
She had crashed through the double doors into the main foyer of the trauma centre, barking at the nurse’s station to call the code red and alert the blood bank. She was still running to the front entrance, for the grab bag that was positioned there. Sarah intercepted her. "Trish, Dr Stelling already put a blood order in?" The younger nurse said, the question in her voice.
Trish stumbled to a halt. "It's not for..." She couldn't bring herself to say his name, "him. He...He stabbed Anna!" She cried aloud.
Everyone paused for an eternal moment, staff gasping in shock, patients confused and concerned. Trish took a shuddering breath, on the edge of breaking down completely, when a steady, authoritative voice joined a hand on her shoulder.
"Where?" Jones' single calm word grounded her.
"The top of the stairwell, by the helipad." Trish said. Jones looked to Sarah, who nodded, knowing where she meant.
"Lucy!" He shouted in the direction of the front door. Trish looked over seeing the paramedic already grabbing the kit from its alcove.
"Jessica, get a gurney!" Sarah shouted in another direction. "Mark, call that Code Red to Trauma 3 then get there yourself!" He was senior to her, but he didn't argue, reaching for the phone.
Trish was barely following their actions, trying to process everything. Jones pushed her through into the trauma wing, to the elevators, hammering the call button. "Focus." His solid tone got through to her. "She needs you." Trish blinked a few times, then nodded. The others had caught up just as the elevator arrived and they piled in, Trish claiming the grab bag from Lucy.
The elevator took an agonising eternity to lift them to the top floor. As the door opened and they stepped out, Trish could tell it was as bad as she had seen from the stairs. Worse even. But the limited time she'd had to process the situation was enough for her to act while the others froze behind her. She stepped forward and threw the bag down to cause a loud thump. It had its desired effect.
Hearing Carl describe Anna's situation and seeing her friend's pale blood-stained chest shook her, but she clung onto Jones' words as best she could, even when she pressed the gauze against Anna's abdomen and got no response to what would have been agonising pain.
While the others got ready to lift Anna onto the waiting gurney, Trish kept her hands pressed tightly to the wounds. On Carl's order they lifted their colleague, her sheared scrubs still hooked around her arms, onto the gurney, raising it up a moment later. They gathered the equipment and began to move towards the elevator. Trish glanced back.
She wished she hadn't. The pool of blood was big. Mortally big.
* * *
As they pushed the gurney towards the elevator Carl was keeping one eye on the monitor, and one hand on hers, but his gaze shot to Anna's face when he heard a tiny whimper. For a moment he thought he had imagined it, but then he saw the mildest flutter of her eyelids.
"It's ok Anna, I'm just helping you breath." Sarah told her, leaning close over her head as she closely followed the gurney, squeezing the ambu bag smoothly.
Carl felt a flutter of relief. She was still responsive. Once they got the rapid infuser connected they could stabilise her and get the surgeons to fix the damage. It was wishful thinking. As the elevator doors closed, the monitor let out a warning tone, that switched to a full-on alarm before Carl could even read the screen. The ecg was still flickering away with a rapid rhythm, but the pulse reading had flattened.
"Pulse check!" He shouted, as he grabbed her hand, reseating the finger sensor in the vain hope that he had accidently dislodged it. The screen didn't change. He looked at the others, the pained expressions on their faces telling him before they could even shake their heads. Anna's heart was no longer pumping blood.
"PEA arrest! Get on her chest!" He commanded Jessica, trying not to scream as he reached for the shears in the bag.
Lucy steadied the tall nurse as she climbed up to kneel beside Anna, weaving her hands together, waiting just a moment for Carl to snip the centre of Anna's bra the bottom edge lined with wet red. The cups popped apart, clearing her sternum, replaced an instant later by Jessica's hands, which immediately thrusted down, bending Anna's ribs inwards and compressing her heart.
Carl was again reminded of their play session the prior weekend. His half compressions making Anna's belly pop in a counter rhythm. These compressions were real. Each 2-inch pump forced Anna's entire slim abdomen to bulge. They came at such a rapid rate that it produced an effect akin to rolling waves across her ghostly flesh, with enough force to pop Trish's hands as they held the bandage tight to Anna's wounds. Carl tore his gaze away from his love's distending stomach, looking instead to the monitor.
The ecg waveforms were becoming unstable, the lack of a true pulse and the savagery of Jessica's compressions turning the electrical rhythm into a chaotic storm of spikes. The reading from the pulse ox was marginally more encouraging, the compressions producing waves on the line. They were small, but at least they were there.
"Tell me the rapid infuser is waiting for her." Carl said, looking at Trish.
Before she could respond, Sarah spoke from Anna's head. "Mark is on it, Trauma 3. It'll be fully loaded with O-neg." She said. The detached medical professional inside Carl was impressed by her confidence. The emotional part merely prayed that she was right, concerned only for the beautiful woman that was in cardiac arrest before them all. He lowered his head, gripping the rail of the gurney, the alarming noise of the monitor that filled the compartment cutting through his soul. He took a breath, unintentionally synchronising with the woosh of the ambu bag as Sarah squeezed it firmly, grasping for the professional side that Anna needed right now.
"As soon as the door opens we move. Jessica get a more stable position." He said as he looked at the display above the elevators control panel. Jessica finished 30 compressions, using the brief interruption of another bagged breath to loop a knee over Anna's hips, straddling the dying nurse.
The display ticked over. The elevator rumbled to a stop, letting out a ding as the doors started to slide open.
* * *
Geoff, a member of the facilities team at Riverside hospital, kept himself to himself. He was good at cleaning. Meticulous even. He should take pride in it, others would say. It seemed a strange response to him. Everything had a proper state. He just got things back to how they should be. He had just finished cleaning up Trauma 1 and was moving down the corridor. Apparently there was an incident in the stairwell that needed cleaning. It didn't bother him. Better to be doing something than sitting around. A lot of the others, especially his boss, complained when the medics called for something. Geoff didn't. It gave Geoff a good reason to not sit around with the complainers. He was playing a tune in his head, his fingers tapping the handle of his cart, he didn't know what it was called, he'd only caught a snippet on the radio in the office, but it was catchy. He turned, about to push the stairwell door open with his hip, dragging the cart behind him, when there was a ding from the elevator just a few yards away.
"Move! Move! Move!" Geoff heard the shouting first. Then the screeching alarm. It was a lot of noise. He didn't like noise but working here he was used to it. He did what he was always did. Get out of the way, and let the noise move away from him. He pulled the cleaning cart parallel to the wall, giving them as much space as possible. A gurney was pulled out of the elevator, making an impressively quick turn to head down the hall. Someone was riding on top of it.
That was odd. Not unknown, but odd. It made Geoff pay extra attention. The gurney was big, hard to accelerate. Geoff rarely paid attention to patients, their problems were their own, not his. But that gurney spent so long in his view, that he couldn't help but see the person on it. He would have just let it slide beyond him, gazing past it, except he saw a particular shade of blue. A very familiar shade of blue. He was surrounded by it every day, nurses coming and going. Asking him to do x, y or z. They were usually beside a gurney though. Not on it.
It piqued his attention even more, in that brief time. He noticed the blue giving way to black. Again, that black was common enough, as spots and splashes. That much though. That wasn't normal. Especially next to bright vibrant red. Something was very wrong. The gurney built up speed as it passed him, and he got a momentary look at the face of the person on it. Even with the rubbery mask over her mouth and nose, he knew those eyebrows. That hairline. It was one of the nurses. One he liked. One of the kind ones. She didn't treat him as something less. She never shouted or snapped her fingers, but she also didn't assume he was stupid. He was different. He knew that. But she treated him like he was at least close to normal. She told him what she wanted him to do, clearly, but without being condescending. He enjoyed doing those jobs for her. It would be nice if she was his boss instead.
And yet now she was on a gurney, with another nurse on top of her, hands pressing on her chest. The annoying alarm coming from a machine that had a group of wires connected to her. It was a bad sound. He knew that much. Something bad had happened. To her. Geoff hesitated. He wasn't sure what to do. He froze, watching the gurney as it rushed down the corridor toward the other trauma rooms.
Geoff didn't know what to do. Obviously he couldn't go and help. He'd just be in the way. He should be doing as asked but couldn't seem to open the door. Someone stepped up close to him, dressed in a lot of black. Or was it dark blue? He said something, a stony expression on his face, like a gargoyle, but everything had happened so quickly, Geoff was still confused. The man in black looked at him for a moment, then his face became human.
"Can you stop anyone from using the stairs, until I get some tape?" The man in black asked him.
"I was meant to clean something." Geoff stated. That was what he'd been asked to do.
"I know." The man in black nodded. "Can you stop anyone going in until I tell you though? It's important."
Geoff considered it for just a moment. The man in black seemed distracted. Geoff felt distracted too. He wondered if they were distracted by the same thing. "I can do that." Geoff told him, nodding in reply to the nod of the man in black. It seemed weird to him, bobbing your head to say yes, but he'd learnt what it meant, and it seemed to help when talking to other people.
"Is er...Is she going to be ok?" Geoff was surprised at himself. He didn't usually ask questions, but she was nice. He liked her. She should be ok, right? Being nice was a good thing and more good things happened if you were good. Right?
"I don't know. I really don't know." Officer Stone replied, his voice strained and weary, watching the gurney pivot and crash through the doors into trauma 3.
* * *
The double doors clattered open as the gurney slammed against them, swinging back easily as hands reached out to push them further. The team lined the gurney up next to the trauma bed, dropping the rail.
"Get ready to move her over." Carl ordered, watching the team take up position around the beds. Sarah dropped the bag, uncovering Anna's slack, pale lips. Trish maintained pressure on the bandage and Jessica continued compressions from on top of Anna's lifeless body. Everyone else reached under her, supporting her shoulders, waist and legs.  "Ready Jess." Carl said, the young nurse nodding.
"27...28...29...30!" Jessica counted out, before un-straddling Anna, getting out of the way of the others.
The team half lifted, half slid Anna across to the wider trauma bed, her blood-stained clothes dragging along with her. Trish was leaning across the gurney, keeping her hands on Anna's belly until Lucy, stood on the other side, reached over and replaced her. Jessica shuffled across to kneel beside Anna, resuming compressions just a few seconds after she had stopped. Carl disconnected the monitor, grabbing the wires and leads to plug them into the bigger monitor that hung over the trauma bed as Jones removed the unneeded gurney.
"Cut the rest of her clothes off!" Carl commanded. "I want full peripheral IV's, both arms, both legs. Is that infuser ready?" He asked, looking at Mark. The nurse shut the last container and nodded. 4 bags of O-negative blood ready to be forced into Anna's body, to replenish what she had lost. "Rush a sample for cross matching." Carl told him.
Trish ran some shears down Anna's black pants, reducing them to ribbons. Her shoes were pulled off along with her socks, baring Anna's feet. A couple of snips took care of her underwear. Carl fought his own shears through the looped fabric over Anna's shoulders. Within a minute of giving the order, Carl was looking down at Anna, the love of his life, lying totally naked before the team. She'd always been pale, long hours and night shifts precluding any sort of decent tan, especially at the tail end of the winter months. Now she was beyond pale, her body effectively drained of colour. Because it was drained of blood the bright crimson trails on her skin the only thing that wasn't a ghostly grey.
"Use the IO gun." Carl told Trish, as he grabbed Anna's limp arm and an IV kit, poking the needle in quickly. He grabbed the lines from the infuser, hooking up the first two, looking down at Anna's legs as the IO gun punched a wide bore access into her thigh bone. Trish reloaded the device as Mark secured the cannula taking another line from Carl to connect it. The second IO port was done in 30 seconds, the rapid infuser switched on to pump blood down all four lines into Anna's body.
"Pulse check after this cycle." Carl said, as he stepped back to grab a pair of purple gloves, sliding his hands into them.
Jessica beat down her hands, crushing Anna's sternum five more times before pulling back slightly. Hand pressed into pulse points at Anna's neck, wrist and inner leg, as every head looked up at the large monitor. The waves of the compressions disappeared from the pulse line, the chaos of the ecg trace also reducing. It still squiggled randomly.
"V-fib on the monitor. Charge to 200 and hand me the gel pads! Continue compressions and get a round of epi ready!" Carl said, taking a slim packet from Trish as she turned a dial on the defibrillator that sat upon the crash cart. Carl ripped the sterile packaging, peeling a shiny orange gel pad from the backing, placing it next to the electrode on Anna's right shoulder. The other he nestled on her side, just beneath her left breast. Pads in place, he turned and grabbed the large black paddles from the machine that was letting out a rising tone as its capacitors charged.
"Charged at 200!" Trish announced as the defib let out a double beep.
"Everyone clear!" Carl looked across Anna's body. Jessica had slid off the bed, Sarah held the ambu bag in the air, and Lucy raised her hands.
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oh-bunny-dearest · 1 year
Depressing Risotto things (tw: abuse, suicide attempt/suicidal thoughts, self-harm)
Risotto’s mom died in childbirth which (along with his strange eyes that his extremely religious family considered demonic) caused his family to neglect and abuse him, constantly blaming him for his mother’s death and constantly making remarks about how they wished he was the one that dies instead.
Being with his cousin (my hc = cousin is 13 years older and took care of Risotto a lot) was his only refuge. In his mind, his cousin hung the moon and stars.
This made his cousin's death all the more life-shattering and devastating to Risotto.
His family blamed the death on Risotto and he deeply internalized the guilt.
He was already cutting before but his cousin's death made it significantly worse.
He attempted suicide but failed. Incidentally, the drunk driver’s trial came to a conclusion on that day and furious at the light sentence, he decides he can’t die before getting revenge.
After killing the man, Risotto planned on killing himself, but Gelato found him and saw potential and convinced him to join Passione (which Risotto agreed to because Gelato wasn’t scared of him unlike everyone else growing up).
When he worked his way up to the Assassination Team, the group consisted of Prosciutto, Formaggio, and Gelato and Sorbet and was disjointed. He was incredibly quiet and reclusive and believed Pros and Maggio despised him (which was fair enough in his eyes because he hated himself too) but eventually things cleared up and he stepped up to the position of leader. Gelato and Sorbet supported him from the beginning and Risotto felt for the first time that someone other than his cousin cared about him.
Though he’s much less isolated than in childhood, Risotto continued to suffer from depression and regularly cut, especially if one of his team members got injured. No matter the circumstances he felt like it was his fault.
He doesn’t care in the slightest about being mistreated by the higher ups but he refuses to allow that for his team who he considers family.
Makes sure that the team always gets paid before him.
Keeps his feelings bottled. Feels like he doesn’t deserve to talk about them because he believes that the other Squadra members have been through worse and because he doesn’t think he deserves good things anyways. (Yes, I know suffering isn’t a contest but it doesn’t stop the thoughts from popping up ok just let me project )
Risotto was devastated when Gelato and Sorbet died and frequently contemplated ending it all but felt responsible for his team.
When his team began losing more and more members trying to kidnap Trish, his mental state got worse and worse until the only thing on his mind and keeping him alive was the desire for revenge.
Since stands often reflect their user, when Risotto’s distress gets higher, so does the volume at which Metallic cry “load”. At its worse, Risotto can’t hear anything else other than his stand’s cry
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sleepy-achilles · 4 months
Fod things
Taker and kane are of French origins. Their mother and themselves were actually born in France Nice. Their father was born in Death Valley, Texas. They moved back there when their father inherited the valley just after Kane was born. Because of this Taker speaks fluent French and used to only speak to his mother in French.
Shawns family is all from San Antonio Texas but Shawn was actually born in Mexico because that's where his father was based at the time. He only spent the first few years of his life in Mexico before they moved back to San Antonio permanently. He's fluent in Spanish. When he was kicked out and ended up with Josè, Jose was surprised at this fact and this led to the men only speaking Spanish around each other but also celebrating Mexican holidays together.
John was born in San Antonio, Leon and Cassie were born in the valley.
Because John grew up around Jose, he's fluent in Spanish. And obviously because he met taker quite late the man did teach him French but its definitely not John's strong point. He can speak it enough to have a conversation but he's not confident enough to speak it all the time.
Leon was lucky enough to grow up with Jose too. The difference between Leon and John is, Leon is a fast learner. So he can speak Spanish and French fluently, especially as he had goldusts help learning along with takers. Years of not speaking but listening really helped with that.
Cassie didn't get to grow up with Jose so her Spanish isn't as good as the others. Shawn tries to teach her but she struggles. She also struggles to learn French but for some reason is more confident when it comes to speaking French. She can hold conversations in both languages but she wouldn't really say she's fluent in them yet. After a few years of giving up, she decides to start learning again.
The kids have idols. Obviously.
John's first idol actually was Taker. And it doesn't really change when his father marries the man but he also idolise men like Roddy who played a big part in helping his pa out in the early days. (Because fuck hulk hogan) as he goes on to join wwe he himself finds an idol in his best friend and future husband Randy Orton.
Leon's first and only Idol is Dave Bautista. And boy that shocks everyone. Everyone just thought Leon would never idolise someone and if he did it'd be Kevin Nash. And whilst he loves Kevin Nash, no one has had Leon in complete awe like the animal has.
Cassies has an idol for each era of wrestling. She has Miss Elizabeth, Chyna and Goldust, Trish Stratus and Alexa Bliss (who she sees as a sister). She's over the moon when Trish comes back and actually asks to work with her. She freaks out but begs hunter to allow it. The idol tho that she holds closest to her heart will always be her Uncle Scotty. Scott Hall.
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