#ITS PROBABLY because he’s experienced such unexplainable horrors
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i am not a very serious person
You know I feel like Michael Afton would be unphased being in the backrooms
#ask reply#there are some horror protagonists out there#that kinda just work in any scenario they are thrown in#like Leon Kennedy or Bruce Campbell#Michael Afton to me fits right in with that crowd#ITS PROBABLY because he’s experienced such unexplainable horrors#I just think he’d handle any horror situation he’s put in#dude gets in the backrooms and just gets to work BAHAH#unbothered unphased learns the monsters etc#Mike probably crumble tho he’s still new to these horrors#TYSM FOR MAKING this edit btw!!!#it’s very neat into the trinket bag it goes
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What Was Bound, What Was Loosed, part 2
Written for day 18: horror. I’m really sneaking this in just before midnight. So hard to write.
Vlad was occupied with shepherding along a sensitive reaction in his lab when his portal winked out of existence. Engrossed in his experiment, he didn't notice at first, not for several minutes. But, soon enough, the steadiness of the light, the lack of green in it, began to unnerve him.
Leaving the chemicals alone for a moment wouldn't make them explode. Probably. If they did, well. He had more than enough money to renovate his mansion. Again.
Almost immediately, his eyes caught on the gaping, empty hole in his wall where the portal had once been.
"That- Impossible!" He took several quick steps forward, but did not enter the portal or stand directly in front of it. The portal was gone, but he could see that the containment mechanisms were still working, electricity periodically jumping from exposed wires. He reached for the power cut off switch.
Reality rippled. Briefly, Vlad experienced a sensation akin to being moved through a thick membrane.
He found himself among the treetops of a lavender forest, the green sky of the Ghost Zone swirling brightly above him. Disoriented, he put a hand to his head. Natural portals had a tendency to be turbulent, but he had never been through one that felt like that before. Had his portal somehow escaped its moorings? He would have thought he would notice something like that, something like a portal sneaking up behind him. The did glow, after all.
Then again, he had been distracted by his portal's unexplained absence, so maybe not.
He pinched the bridge of his nose and muttered, "Butter biscuits," under his breath. By the time he got back, his experiment would have exploded, and his lab would be in shambles.
No matter. He could always rebuild. The real issue was where he was. He went ghost and-
Nothing happened.
Wait a moment. He examined his hands more closely. They were mottled, blue on tan. He pulled a strand of his hair in front of his eyes. It, too, had suffered a color change. His individual hairs were alternately dark grey and silver.
He felt his heart speed up. This was a problem. A large problem. He would have to retreat to his lair in the Rockies until he could fix this and return to normal. Until then, he wouldn't be fit for the public eye; his secret would be on display for all to see.
After he confirmed that, at least, he still had access to all his powers, he flew up over the tops of the trees.
The island he had found himself above was large and unfamiliar. Trees stretched out below him in all directions, leaves whispering against each other in the faint ectoplasmic wind. Ugh. Well, he'd find something, or someone, familiar sooner or later. He had traveled through the Ghost Zone extensively while searching for the Skeleton Key.
He scanned the sky, looking for signs of civilization. There, so far away he could cover it with his thumb at arm's length, was a gathering of buildings. True, in the Ghost Zone that didn't mean much, what with all the ruins and the buildings that formed randomly from the ectoplasm, but Vlad didn't have all that much to go on. He'd take the risk.
Ellie had been high in the sky over Louisiana, looking forward to eating some of the famous cuisine of New Orleans, when she was briefly plucked out of reality, tumbled around, and redeposited in the Ghost Zone. Somewhat stunned, she merely floated for several long minutes.
But Ellie was nothing if not adaptable, and she quickly recovered enough to look around and try to figure out what had happened. Maybe she'd been sucked through a natural portal? That didn't quite feel right, but it wasn't as if she were an expert on natural portals.
She shrugged to herself and looked around. Cajun cooking would have to wait for another day. In the meantime, she could amuse herself in the Ghost Zone.
If she could find anything amusing, that is. This particular stretch of the Ghost Zone was depressingly empty. Or was it simply misty? It could be hard to tell.
She picked a direction at random and started flying.
It took Vlad longer than he would have liked to reach the little city. About halfway there, the wind had strengthened to a gale, blowing him back, away from the possibly-inhabited island. It had died again, just as Vlad crossed the island's shoreline.
At first, Vlad believed that the island was entirely uninhabited. No ghosts came out to greet him or drive him off. There was no movement behind the windows or doors. The streets were empty.
But, then, he discovered that all the island's residents had gathered on the far shore, floating together in a loose cloud. They were looking down, at something far below the island, occasionally pointing.
Not keen on drawing attention right away, Vlad gently pushed himself into invisibility. He approached the edge of the island cautiously, and with no little trepidation. Given the timing, this could very well be related to the disappearance of his portal and his sudden presence in the Ghost Zone.
Beneath the island, a long, slender finger of blue wove through the more typical ectoplasmic green.
Vlad frowned at the sight. A river, perhaps? But if that was the case, why were the locals so excited?
He couldn't get any information like this. Reluctantly, he turned visible.
"Excuse me," he asked a relatively quiet ghost in full Roman legionnaire armor. "I've only just returned to the Ghost Zone, and everyone seems rather excited. Do you know what's going on?"
"Coronation," said the ghost, breathless even for one of the dead.
Vlad frowned. "Pardon?"
"Coronation!" exclaimed the ghost. The other chattering ghosts fell silent, and turned towards the legionnaire.
"Are you sure?" asked a green-skinned young woman in a toga, her pale yellow eyes huge. "Coronation?"
"It could be nothing else!" proclaimed the legionnaire.
"What do you mean, a coronation?" asked a ghost in more modern clothes. "As in, a king? This isn't going to be another one of those things where we all run away, is it?"
"No!" said the legionnaire, wrapping an arm around the man's shoulders. "This calls for celebration! A new king has been chosen and crowned!" He tossed his helmet into the air, and it reformed on his head a moment later. "The Realms shall heal from their wounds, and a new age will dawn!"
Vlad fought down a stab of jealousy. Once, he had hoped to gain that position. Well, he could determine how to turn the Zone's new political circumstances to his advantage later, when he was at his leisure. For now, he had more immediate concerns.
"Heal from their wounds?"
"Yes!" said the legionnaire, excited, his head bobbing. "After a coronation, the King's Grace sweeps through the land. Ghosts are called home! The tears are healed!"
"The tears- Surely, you don't mean the portals."
"I do, at that," said the legionnaire, grave in a way only a ghost could pull off. "That is what happened last time. Oh, that I am so lucky as to see a new king rise. May he be a kind one!"
"The portals have closed?" pressed Vlad. "All of them?"
"Yes, all of them."
"For how long?"
"When Pariah Dark took the throne," said the ghost, "it was a good century, at least."
"No," said Vlad. "I can't be away from the mortal world for that long!"
The legionnaire patted Vlad's shoulder consolingly. "Family in the other world? Friends? It is hard to leave such things behind, but, well, memento mori. They will return to you in time! Be glad instead! This is a happy occasion!"
With that, the legionnaire was borne off by his fellows. Vlad could hear some of the ghosts already making plans for a party.
"Wait," he said, snagging one of them by the elbow. He braced himself slightly, expecting to have to field an ectoblast. Instead, the ghost, a middle-aged woman with an elaborate coif, merely looked at him quizically. "Do you know the way to the Fenton Portal?" he asked, desperately. "The permanent ghost portal, guarded by Phantom."
"Oh, thinking that one might not be sealed?" asked the woman. "Best of luck to ye. It's off that way," she pointed. "When ye reach the Seven Obelisks, bend right, so you're aiming between Red Mountain and Mammoth Island.
"Ah," said Vlad, "I know the place. Thank you." And then he did a double take, because when was the last time he had genuinely thanked anyone?
He shook his head and flew, as fast as he could.
Luckily for Ellie, a great wind kicked up shortly after she began flying and blew off most of the mist, letting her see clearly. She did have to take shelter for a moment behind a large floating boulder, to avoid being tumbled head-over-heels by the wind, but that was a minor inconvenience at best.
It did however, mean that she had a chance to look at herself and realize that she was wearing her human clothing. Weird. She had definitely been in ghost form when she got sucked in here, and she could have sworn she had still been in it. She tried to change. Couldn't.
Oh, this could be bad. What if she was destabilizing again? She needed to find Danny. He'd know what to do.
When the wind died back, Ellie peered out, and spotted what looked like a village in the distance. She flew to it, as quickly as she could, though it still took a distressingly long time to reach, nearly an hour.
The people of the town appeared to be in the midst of setting up for some kind of party. Normally, Ellie would love to stay, find out what was going on, and participate in any way she could, but the whole 'I might melt' thing really wasn't conducive to that.
"Excuse me," she said, flagging down a matronly woman. "Do you know how I can get to Phantom's Portal?"
"Why," said the woman, "you're the second person to ask me that today. Ye just go that way until ye reach the Seven Obelisks, then bend right, so you're aiming between Red Mountain and Mammoth Island. Keep on going straight 'til you hit it. If it's still there, you won't be able to miss it."
"Second person?" asked Ellie. "Who was the first? Did he look like me, but a bit older?"
"He had similar hair, aye," said the woman, nodding.
Ellie smiled. Maybe Danny was here and she'd be able to catch up to him.
"Thanks!" she said, brightly, before bounding off.
It was not until she reached the obelisks that she thought to wonder what the woman meant by 'if it's still there.'
Well. It probably wasn't important, anyway.
After a few hours, Ellie had reached more familiar territory, though she still hadn't caught sight of Danny. Her anxiety was building. She didn't want to melt. Not again.
She was so focused on that thought that she didn't notice the myriad tiny and not-so-tiny changes creeping through the Zone. The blue swirls, the more vibrant plant life, the slight alterations in the orbits of the islands, the way the whole atmosphere of the Zone seemed less foreboding, friendlier.
Finally, she reached the stretch of the Ghost Zone where the portal should have been located, but the whole space was...
The portal wasn't there.
She reached up to seized her hair in her hands. How could it not be there?
A few strands in her hair fell in front of her eyes. It was striped, white and black. Oh, Ancients, it was spreading.
And then, to her horror, the voice of the person she least wanted to see split the near-silence.
Vlad sat on an boulder, staring at the space the Fenton Portal should have occupied.
He wasn't despairing. He was planning. If a portal could be made from that side of the veil, surely he could make one from this side. If he couldn't do so with technological means, there were mystical ones. Before resorting to that, however, he should try and find ghosts with the ability to make portals. He knew that some existed, though he had never encountered any directly, himself, with the exception of Pariah Dark.
Speaking of the old king... Perhaps dethroning the new one would make the portals reopen. A fight with the new king, whoever he may be, wasn't something that he would enter into lightly, but if all else failed...
His eyes returned to the former location of the portal, and he clenched his fists. He couldn't be trapped here for a hundred years. He just couldn't. It was unthinkable. Too horrible to contemplate.
A small figure flew into view. A familiar figure.
It couldn't be. But why not? If he had been sucked in here by the coronation of the new king, then why not the other two half ghosts?
He flew forward. "Danielle?" he called.
The girl turned. Clearly, she had been crying.
"Vlad!" she exclaimed, with venom. Her eyes narrowed in something approximating concern. "What happened to you? Are you destabilizing, too?"
Ah, and there was a theory to haunt his nightmares. "Not to the best of my knowledge," he said, adjusting the cuffs of his suit. "I presume you were also brought here by the coronation?"
"The what?" asked Danielle, drifting backwards, hands up, ready to block or deliver a blow.
Vlad rolled his eyes. "The ghosts have crowned a new king. Why now, rather than all the years Pariah Dark slept, I have no idea. Regardless, it has had certain effects on the Ghost Zone, and," he looked at his blotchy hand with distaste, "apparently, us. You aren't destabilizing."
"That's what you'd like me to think," said Danielle.
Vlad scoffed. "Please. I don't care what you think. I don't suppose you've seen Daniel? I suspect he's been brought here as well."
"No," said Danielle.
"And you wouldn't tell me even if you had, hmm?" said Vlad. "I'm not interested in picking a fight with him. For the moment, we have the same goals: return to the mortal world."
"How do you know what his goals are?"
"Have you seen how he dotes on that town of his?" asked Vlad. "Not to mention his dolt of a father. Of course he wants to go back."
"Assuming he's even here," grumbled Danielle. Even so, she relaxed her guard.
"Well," said Vlad. "Where is he?"
"I already told you, I don't know."
Vlad frowned. "Then, if you were he, where would you be? It should be easy for you to deduce. It is, after all, what you were designed for."
Danielle tilted her chin up, defiantly, nostrils flaring, but she reigned in her temper. Doing so was the one thing in which she had surpassed her original. "Knowing Danny and his luck, he's probably right at the center of all this."
Vlad angled himself towards the place where all the blue swirls were radiating from. "Of course he is."
The two half ghosts arrived at what had once been Pariah's Keep.
"Wow," said Ellie. "This is different." She craned her head back, trying to take the whole thing in. "Reminds me more of a palace than a keep, now."
"What would you know?"
"Excuse me? I've been to Europe? I know the difference."
Ancients, she wished she wasn't as worried about Danny as she was, but if he was trapped or something she'd need Vlad's firepower to break him out.
Cautiously, the pair moved closer to the palace. It wasn't empty.
"Shades," said Vlad, his voice low. "Not true ghosts. They follow the will of the one who casts them. In this case, most likely the king. I would have expected more of a crowd than this, though, considering how recently he was crowned."
"Yeah, like, a party or something," agreed Ellie. "But this place looks really big, maybe they're all just inside?"
"Perhaps," said Vlad.
"So, do we sneak in, or what?"
"No," said Vlad. He smiled, thinly. "I believe I will request an audience. Perhaps I'll offer my services."
The audience was denied, and all other attempts to gain access were rebuffed, firmly, but with a gentleness not often found in the Ghost Zone. The shades only had one thing to say: Return when the king wakes.
Not having many other options, Vlad and Ellie adopted an uneasy truce as they searched for Danny- or at least his allies. They had similar needs, after all, as they both had a human half.
Uneasy was definitely the key word.
Danny's allies had made themselves frustratingly scarce. Vlad was contemplating an attempt to establish himself in a community, or at least make a base of operations.
A week and a half later, one of the shades came to them.
The king wakes, it said.
It was practically an invitation. Ellie wasn't convinced accepting it was a good idea, at this point, but she had to admit that she didn't know where else to look for Danny. He had to have come through. Every other ghost and half ghost had, right down to the smallest blob.
They went back to the palace. A shade led them through perfumed gardens and past tinkling water fountains. Ghostly insects played among luminous flowers. Detailed statues marked turns in the path, and the rest of the stonework was carved just as intricately. A distant wind chime sounded once every minute or so, presaging the arrival of light gusts of air.
They were brought to a small circular paved area that was lined with benches. Two ghosts, real ghosts, stood on either side of one of those benches. That bench was occupied by a small, slender figure. A crown of glassy flowers and silver vines adorned his striped hair.
He turned slightly, slowly, to face them.
Ellie couldn't restrain a gasp. Danny was missing an eye.
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Hearts to Give

A/N: Cadence back at it again with, you guessed it, even more Shisnou! Thank you anon for this request! I’m not sure if I like the way this turns out but I hope that I did your request justice qwq
Pairing: Shinsou HItoshi x reader
Description: He had no idea that it was you who put paper heart on his desk every day but it was fine, you’ve got plenty of hearts to give anyways.
Word count: 2251
Saw You in a Dream//The Japanese House
I Dare You//The Regrettes
If I Could Tell Her//Dear Evan Hansen
You poured your heart and soul into every piece of origami you had ever made.
Perhaps you were linked to this special form of art the moment you first experienced your quirk that you jokingly equalized to a controlled form of a blister. You always felt the most at ease when you were on your own, allowing your hands to follow their instincts and feel what the paper was speaking to you. It had become second nature for you, you did not even have to look at what you were doing in order to fold neat lines or make intricate details on the tiny piece of squared paper.
You were the most honest when you were left to your own device with your stack of paper, whatever on your mind flowing out and transmitted into the world you created for yourself with paper.
When you realised that your recent creations all took the same pattern, there was already a pile of paper hearts pushed to the back of your drawer and you immediately knew who you were thinking of when your hands acted on their own, forcing you to stare at your feelings in its face.
There wasn’t a big moment or a specific event that took place for you to have this not-so-subtle crush on Shinsou Hitoshi, your classmate that you had barely ever talked to. It developed rather naturally, starting off as nothing but small glances at the door whenever the door was opened to show the purple mess of a mop at sharply 14 minutes before class starts every morning to your own wondering thoughts of what he was thinking of when he stared outside the window like it was just him in his own world. There was no reason for it, but you guessed that’s what crushes were supposed to be, unexplained and unexpected. Before you even figured out what that giddy feeling in your chest was whenever he spared a little more than a glance at your direction was, the boy who fought his way through the crowd in the sports tournament was all that occupied your mind.
You started making nothing but paper hearts after a while.
Your very few friends who knew the reason behind your little habit often ask you why you didn’t let it be known that all those paper hearts were made with a certain purple-haired insomniac in mind. You would only smile and shake your head when they pester you, staying silent as you press yet another fold on the thin piece of paper.
He was never supposed to know, because those weren’t for him. The hearts were for you, you and all the feelings that were bubbling inside of you that you had to let out one way or another or else you were sure you would combust.
You felt messed up at your feet at how your heart beat faster whenever his name was mentioned even in a conversation you were not involved in. the heat on your face would not die down no matter how hard you try whenever he did so little as acknowledge your presence with actions so minor like looking at your direction when you got called on in class to answer a question, immediately turning you into a stuttering mess even when you knew that answer by heart before sensing his lazy gaze on you.
Let’s be real, it was probably and very likely nothing for him. You doubted that he even think much about your existence as anything other than someone he happened to be in the same class with. But to you, those rare moments of indirect contact filled your mind with unrealistic thoughts that you tried so hard to push away but only carved into your head in the process.
He was all you could think of but you would never pop up in his mind, and you were okay with it. This little crush, along with all those paper hearts that was threatening to spill out from your drawer, were all for you to keep.
Perhaps it was the love-sick hormones in your brain making you hyper attentive and pick up on the smallest of details, but you noticed that Shinsou looked very tired recently.
Not to say that he didn’t look tired previously because he most certainly did but it got worst for the past few days. He was always slumping over his desk during lectures and there were times when you saw him almost falling asleep only to snap out of it after his upper body lost balance.
Yes, you were looking at him when you thought no one was looking during class but that was a topic for later because right now, you were concerned about the well-being of this person who look like he might slid off of his seat at any given moment.
He was working himself to the extreme. You didn’t even need to know of those training sessions he was having that people were talking about to know that he was pushing his own limits both physically and mentally, maybe a bit too much. What you felt towards him was nothing more than a school girl crush but on a deeper level, you truly admire him for putting so much effort into fighting for a chance.
“Haven’t you heard? That kid with the brainwash quirk might actually transfer to the hero course next term!”
You hated yourself for perking up instantly when you overheard the chatter from across the room when the subject of discussion himself was still lying on his desk with his eyes closed. He wasn’t asleep, you had come to notice that his shoulders were ridiculously tensed up whenever he was trying to catch rest during classes but could not manage to fall asleep and right now, his arms were arched in an angle that was sure not to be comfortable enough to sleep in.
You wanted to smack yourself from noticing these small details. Christ, you even remembered onto the way he sleeps. Could you have been even more of a creep? You thought to yourself as you tried to snap out of your thoughts when the mocking voice from afar made your blood run cold.
“What? Really? Him?” the person snickered as their friend nodded, “I guess they’re just trying to pull all safety measures to stop him from going to the other side, huh.”
Hearing that made your blood coil and you had to remind yourself that you weren’t supposed to get aggravated by something people say about a classmate who barely talked to you. You clenched your jaw at the twisting in your stomach.
Glancing towards where Shinsou was sitting at, he did not seem to be too bothered by it. To anyone else, he was asleep but you knew that he heard it when one of his fingers that was tugged under his arms twitched and he buried his head just a little deeper inside.
He always seemed to be alone. Was he used to people talking behind his back like this? Perhaps it was better than getting snickered at in the face. Your heart sank at the prospect of all the harsh words he must have heard growing up, having the scabs on his mind peeled open again and again until it went numb.
You stared at the tiny heart that was just finished in your hand. You never want anyone to know about the way you feel, ever, especially not by Shinsou but you would hate it for him to think that he was all alone even more. “It’s just a heart,” you thought to yourself, “no one would know.”
You did not miss the way his brows quirked up when he saw the little heart on his desk the next day. He looked indifferent, you forced yourself to look away to prevent yourself from the inevitable heartbreak at any hint of annoyance. To your surprise, a small smile crept onto his face after the initial puzzled look faded away as he tugged it into his bag.
You put a paper heart on his desk each morning when no one else was in the classroom every day without fail and there wasn’t a time when warmth didn’t rush through your body when you saw him keeping each one of them.
“Why don’t you just, I don’t know, tell him that it’s you?” your friend asked, holding their face in their palms while they leaned on their elbow.
You tugged the last flap in place and sighed as you threw the heart into the stash that was piling up in your room. “Why am I supposed to say? ‘Hey, I’ve never talked to you but I gave you all those hearts. Also, I like you a lot.’?”
“Yeah?” you friend snorted and sat back.
You rolled your eyes and ignored them. In all honesty, confessing was never something that you ever thought of doing. What would you do after you confess? You would much rather just admire him from afar.
It’s easier that way, he never need to know that it was you and you never had to deal with the burden that was your feelings.
You jumped when you heard the voice that rang in your ear all of a sudden. You were going about with your own business as usual, packing your things so that you could go back to the dorms and rest after a long day.
The last thing you expected was for the person you had been crushing on and sending anonymous love notes to to approach you for the first time ever.
All words were caught in your throat and your mind was running in high speed. What is this? Why is he talking to you? Why does his eyes look so pretty up close?
“You’re the one who’s been giving me the origami hearts, right?”
You froze in horror, the tip of your ears turned numb from all the heat that was rushed up and you couldn’t react. He was holding the one you gave him that morning in hand, a tiny heart that was made with lilac paper that you picked up at the store earlier this week. The familiar colour caught your eye immediately.
“Your friend told me that it’s you.”
His gaze was as if it could look through you and pierce into your soul. Should you admit it? It’s not like there’s anywhere for you to hide.
“Yeah.” You managed to force a single syllable out from your tongue that was twisted together. Great, now he knew, then what?
“Oh,” he rubbed the back of his neck and said, looking away from you, “I don’t really get why you did that but... thanks. I appreciate it, I really do.”
You nodded in response and he also returned the nod. The two of you just stood there and said nothing, it was the most awkward thing you had ever been through and you were dying to just crawl into a hole.
“You friend also said something about you having a crush on me but I’m sure they made a mistake...” He tried to chuckle in an attempt to make it slightly more bearable for the both of you but it only made things worse because how were you supposed to say anything to that?
“I didn’t do it to get anything.” You blurted out. It was too much, too painful and you’d rather get it done and over with then to have it last any longer. You already brought enough embarrassment to yourself in one day, might as well lay everything out in the clear.
“I’m not trying to get a date- well, I do but that is not what I did that for. I guess I did it so you’ll know that someone out there thinks you’re pretty great.” you sucked in a breath as the air in your lungs slowly ran out from your rambling, “I... I think you’re pretty great, and I want you to know. That’s all.”
You felt empty inside after all that you had hidden for so long was finally let out and your face was still burning. Couldn’t stand it any longer, you stood up abruptly and sprinted for the door.
You nearly tripped when you heard Shinsou called after you.
“Would you want one?” he paused before adding, “A date.”
Your mind went blank as you processed what he just said to you. Your crush, you damn crush who had you overthinking at night and picking up on his every action like some sort of fool just indirectly asked you on a date, which was too much for your fried brain to handle.
You still haven’t come back to your senses when he stuffed something in your hand and quickly walked away. Finally gaining your ability to think straight once again, you looked at your palm to see a really roughly folded heart. The lines were not smooth and the paper looked like it had been bunched up many times, you unfold it to find a string of messily written numbers on it.
You stood by what you said, all those hearts you made were for you, not for him and you didn’t give them away wanting anything in return. But it didn’t hurt to get something back, not when it was a heart from someone you really, really liked.
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We watch movies for several reasons- to rejuvenate after a tired day, to cheer ourselves up on a particularly tough day, to motivate ourselves, or sometimes, simply to scare the living daylights out of us. The horror genre is on this day, extremely creative and variant. Speaking as a horror movie enthusiast, these movies make you want to watch them despite knowing you probably won’t sleep for the next week. Yet, we can’t resist the thrill that comes from spending two hours hugging yourself tight and trying to make a horror movie without running away scared.
Here’s a list of a few such movies, which aren’t just scary, but very, very creepy as well. Read on.
The Shining
The Shining is undoubtedly one of the most bone-chilling movies of all time. With not many jumps scares and spirits and ghosts, this movie screws your head solely because of its messed up plot line. When the Torrance family of three (husband, wife, and son) move to a secluded hotel, the Overlook Hotel as caretakers in the winter, all seems normal. However, the psychic son’s psychic abilities, or his ‘shining’ tells him his father will face a fate similar to the previous caretaker, who had lost his mind in the large, mountain-locked hotel and killed his family. The kid’s alter ego gives several warnings to the family post experiencing horrifying, blood-soaked visions in the hotel. Soon, the unsuspecting wife discovers her son’s problems and what the hotel has done to his husband.
2. Let Me In
This is the story of a seeming romance between two pre-teenagers. Twelve-year-old Owen is constantly bullied and tortured by his classmates. Furthermore, his divorced parents leave him neglected. Alone and tormented, he spends his days plotting revenge against his classmates and spends his evenings exploring the neighborhood and spying on the other residents of the apartment building he lives in. He only has one friend, a creepily self-obsessed young girl Abby, who lives with her single father. Frail and troubled, Abby and Owen form a unique bond. When Abby’s father disappears, she is terrified and left to fend for herself, which is when Owen offers to help her. However, she rebuffs all his efforts, which leads him to believe she has some horrifying secrets of her own.
3. The Exorcist
We can all agree that children in horror movies make them 200 times eerier than those with adults. Twelve-year-old Regan MacNeil begins to exhibit strange behaviour (naturally) such as speaking unfamiliar tongues and levitating. Her actress mother seeks medical help, only to reach a dead end. Battling science and superstition and her daughter’s well being, she turns to a local priest who thinks she is possessed by the devil, who requests an exorcism to be performed on the little girl to cast the devil out. This movie is full of jump scares born out of suspense, extremely graphic imagery that will chill you to the bone and fantastic performance by the young actress playing the possessed child, including crawling down the stairs with twisted limbs. Definitely not a movie for the weak.
4.Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Sally learns that her grandfather’s grave in his old home has been severely vandalized, which makes her want to visit the place as soon as possible. She sets out with a group of friends and her paraplegic brother, Franklin, to investigate the same and set things right. As they visit the grandfather’s farmhouse on a whim, they discover much to their collective horrors, that the house next door is inhabited by a family of repugnant, crazed, murderous outcasts with a taste for human flesh. Soon the head of the psychotic family, who wields a chainsaw and wears a mask, made of human flesh starts hunting down and killing the group of friends one by one, and the group is left to resort to anything and everything to survive. A terrifying thing about this movie is that it is loosely based on the true story of Ed Gein, who was also the inspiration behind the famous thriller, Psycho.
This movie, again, is not the same old demons and spirits and possession story. This is a movie that will wreck your nerves, keep you on your toes and take away your sleep; such is the eerie factor of this movie. Psycho is a thriller by the master of suspense, Alfred Hitchcock. The story revolves around an office secretary, Marion Crane, who steals thousands of dollars from her boss to run away with her boyfriend. She encounters a horrible rainstorm on the way that leaves her exhausted. With the police on her chase, she takes unfamiliar, murky roads and winds up at the worst possible motel, where she meets Norman Bates, a young man with an unusual interest in taxidermy. Psycho weaves in its storyline, the elements of fear, desire, sexuality and the human psyche to make this movie a stellar success among horror and thriller enthusiasts.
6.A Nightmare on Elm Street
Almost all horror or thriller movies take away our sleep for fear of nightmares or the devil and what not. A Nightmare on Elm Street is one such movie that will take away your will to even shut your eyes for a second. A group of teenagers (Nancy, Dean, Quentin, Jesse, and Kris) living on Elm Street, all begin having nightmares with one central character in all of them- a horribly burnt, disfigured man wearing a battered sweater and a glove made of knives. Like in all nightmares, the children are terrorized by this man Freddy Kruger, and the only escape is to wake up. However, after one of the kids dies a violent death, the group realizes the nightmares are in fact, real and the only way to survive the horrific events in them and live is to stay awake. Although A Nightmare on Elm Street stars a bunch of kids, it could not have been terrifying had adults been the protagonists.
7.The Conjuring
The Conjuring is a relatively recent supernatural horror movie that is woven into the 70’s and is possibly one of the most horrifying movies ever made in Hollywood. Carolyn and Roger, a couple with five daughters, move to a secluded farmhouse after Roger faces cuts in his job. They begin to experience strange incidences around the house which compels Carolyn to invite paranormal investigators and demonologists Ed and Lorraine Warren into their home. The couple digs up the horrifying history of the farmhouse as a supernatural presence makes itself known in the house. Soon, harmless manifestations turn into deadly events, and the demon doctors are forced to intervene for the sake of the loving family. The graphics and underlying stories in this movie are what makes The Conjuring one of the top horror movies of all time.
8.Lights Out
If you are someone who judges a movie based on its story more than anything else, Lights Out is a treat for you. Unlike other supernatural horror movies that rely on jump scares and the fear factor, this movie focuses on the story to create the horror settings. Young Rebecca has always been afraid of the dark, since she was a child, not knowing what really happens when the lights are out. When she left her home, she thought she had put her childhood fears behind her. In the present time, her brother Martin starts experiencing the same horrifying incidences that tormented her as a child. Soon, they realize that a dangerous supernatural entity with a deep, unexplained attachment to their mother has returned to their home to agonize the family. The build-up of this movie will keep you hooked throughout, as will the revelation of the suspense.
A shutter is considered to be one of the scariest movies of all time. Young Ben and Jane are newly married. They temporarily move to Japan on an extended honeymoon as Ben gets a prestigious photography assignment there. On their way to the location, in the dead of the night, their car hits a lone woman standing in the middle of the street, who seems to have appeared mysteriously. As the couple gain consciousness, they find her missing and presume her dead, or simply a figment of Jane’s imagination. They settle in and begin work but presently, eerie incidents occur that are sinister reminders of the accident. Ben begins to discover blurry ghostly images in the photographs he develops during the assignment he works on. Again, the graphics of this movie is what makes it a worthy watch. If you’re up for a scarier treat, watch the Thai version of the film with the same name.
10. Evil Dead
If you enjoy gory graphics, violence, plot line and most of all, possessions, all blended together, you have to watch Evil Dead, which is considered by many to be one of the scariest possession-based movies in Hollywood history. A drug addict, Mia, is determined to quit the habit and lead a sober life. To help her in the process, Mia asks her brother David to accompany her to the woods in order to help her overcome the withdrawal. The siblings, along with David’s girlfriend Natalie, and their friends Olivia and Eric set for their family’s cabin in the forest. Therein, Eric finds in his hands a book called the Book of the Dead and begins to read out loud. Unknown to him and the company, his recitations awake an ancient demon to come awake. Things spiral worse than one can imagine when the demon possesses Mia.
So without further ado, grab your popcorn, your safety blanket (and perhaps a loved one to grab on to) and tick the movies off this list one by one!
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Exchanged Roles
ff.net | A03
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
As predicted by Raizel, M-21 slept peacefully in his tank. Sometimes, when M-24 spoke to him, he started to smile. Anyway, M-24 felt that way. Everyone else described it as more of a smirk. So M-24 got used to talking to his old comrade. According to Raizel, M-21 heard his voice and it reassured him, though he could not understand words.
Oddly enough, Tao picked up his habit and it was not long before M-24 caught him sitting in his camping chair next to M-21's tank, chatting cheerfully about an application-independent Card Terminal Application Programming Interface for smart card applications. The name alone was enough to cause headaches in M-24. Technical innovations were practical, but there were limits to his personal interests.
M-24 wanted to pull Tao away from the tank at first, but then changed his mind. M-21 was sleeping and would not understand Tao's words anyway. He concluded that Tao's verbiage has not resulted in any unbearable headache. But M-21 would hear his voice. Perhaps it would be something like a first step that would help M-21 get used to the people he would live with under one roof from now on.
Since M-21 - according Frankenstein - was making good progress and yet he would be sleeping in the tank for a few weeks, M-24 was much occupied. As previously mentioned, they had given up their original plan to train on an island because M-21's condition required constant monitoring. Now instead of being hounded on bare earth by Frankenstein, they were being hounded within four walls. This increased the panic factor even more.
Frankenstein leafed through M-21 test results. Judging by his expression, the man was pleased with what he saw. He muttered to himself and nodded here and there once. Then he suddenly turned around and caught sight of Regis.
The young Nobles could not prevent his flinch. Frankenstein wore the grin on his face. The grin that tells every enemy with a touch of intelligence and the will to survive that he only had a few seconds left to breathe.
"Regis, I have to talk to Gajutel."
Regis initial, ill-concealed fear shifted to the unexplained confusion that everyone felt at these words. Everyone except Raizel. The Noblesse exchanged a long look with his Bonded and then nodded venerably.
Calling a clan leader turned out to be a stroke of luck in retrospect. They were attacked, at two points at the same time. The Union came to the KSK with a plan and set about destroying their environment piece by piece. With that, they probably intended to elicit the rebels of their last problems. They succeeded very well, but the Union had probably expected less with Raizel, Frankenstein and three clan leaders.
At the same time, Crombel took advantage of the distraction, sending his lackeys around the school to take the children as hostage. M-24 and his comrades went to the school and none of them were there to protect the house. Despite all her security precautions, Crombel had managed to track them down to M-21.
When Yuri mocked them, they all got ice cold. The enemy in their home? The place that was so important, to not only Raizel but also Tao, Takeo and M-24 . A sanctuary that gave them the security they needed so much.
Yuri enjoyed the obvious horror, because it spurred him on to another sentence that particularly hit M-24 hard: "Crombel just wants what belongs to him." the greasy man bowed awkwardly to M-24, "I hope that your partner has recovered well? He will need it." The sentence made Yuri laugh until the moment Rael appeared. M-24 left the young Noble the responsibility and took the moment to rush home.
Rael had helped them to take the children to the lab, but something seemed to have gone wrong at home. M-24 had intercepted and sent them to the replacement lab, one floor down. But now the children were supplied. Raizel, Boss and the other Nobles had returned. Now it was time to see after M-24 and of course, after M-21.
"M-24?!" Tao slipped around the corner. He had only a short time to catch a glimpse of the blood on the ground and M-24 who stood in front of M-21, before Frankenstein had gotten to them and pulled Tao behind him. There was an eerie silence in the room. Scary enough that Tao shut up and voluntarily backed away to the wall.
The laboratory was partially destroyed. The tank was shattered and its contents leaked to the ground. Not far away from the tank, a motionless body laid stained with blood. Most of all, however, M-21 mesmerized him. The man stood diagonally to them. His body also showed traces of blood. However, Tao could not detect any injuries from his current position.
Opposite him, M-24 was standing and speaking reassuringly to his old partner but there was no indication that he heard him. M-21 just stood there, letting his arms hang down his head. The now really long gray hair covered his whole face. A hose was still hanging from his arm.
"Tao, leave."
The Boss's voice sounded strangely loud even though he had spoken very quietly. Tao blinked and was about to retreat discreetly when M-21 turned his head and looked at him. In his eyes, a white-blue fire seemed to glow, strange stripes ran across his cheeks, and as M-21 raised his lip a little, one could clearly see the impressive fangs.
"I'm already gone." squeaked Tao.
M-21 was sleeping again. M-24 had come to the lab with him in his arms, and laid him on one of the free couches. It turned out he had been injured, but his wounds were already healed. The body in the lab was one of Crombel's henchmen. He had tried to steal Frankenstein's data, which had turned up after a brief search in the clothes.
From what they suspected, the agent had broken into the lab and ravaged it trying to steal the data. Then he had tried to take M-21 and died. Pretty fast. M-21 had ripped his throat out.
"Frankenstein," noticed Gejutel after he had patterned the sleeping M-21 in detail and listened to what Tao had told his comrades about his strange behavior, "Now every race is represented."
Frankenstein sighed. The older Nobles raised an eyebrow. "Are you not pleased with this? This must spur your curiosity "
"Shut up Gejutel"
M-24 tried to focus on his reading. The mood in the house was generally depressed. The incident between Rai and the Union-Elder, the abduction and poisoning of the children, the damaged school and last but not the least, Crombel's attempt to kidnap M-21 again. The big man gave a long stretched sigh. Since he had started to get stronger, he had become more and more emphatic. That's why he knew exactly when Rai, Frankenstein or someone else was not feeling well.
It was hard to shake off so many negative emotions and focus on the positive aspects of their lives.
A movement at his side tore him out of his thoughts.
M-21 had turned around. M-24 could now see his face and immediately reached out his hand to pacify him, patting his head as he had always done before.
M-21 was now stable enough to rest outside the tank. Nevertheless, M-24 could not lose the feeling that Frankenstein didn't want to risk losing another tank to M-21. To be fair, the last one was probably more on Crombel's agent.
M-21 growled softly like a furious dog. A very small, angry dog. His energy wavered and trembled before it slowly withdrew. M-24 precautionarily left his hand where it was and spoke in a low voice to his comrades until he was sleeping calmly again.
This energy, it was completely unknown to him. Why? By now he had experienced a broad segment of auras and energy from Nobles, humans, and modified humans for comparison. Why did M-21 not fit into any of these patterns? And why was it impossible for him to read his mood?
To face his old comrade, while he was completely out of his mind without even knowing what was going on with him, is not a pleasant experience. Raizel had calmed him down and Frankenstein later praised his gentle attending to M-21, trying to reassure him. According to the two, M-21 had been able to hear him and recognize him. That is why he had not attacked Tao or rest of the household.
He should be able to be satisfied with that. Although he would have preferred to contact M-21 on an emotional level. M-21's inexplicable behavior had made M-24 restless. It was like seeing M-21 through a thick wall of ice. Just a schematic of a living being, of the person who was like a little brother. Was it because of what Crombel had done? Had he lost that soulful connection with his comrade now?
M-24 prayed that M-21 would be normal when he awakes.
As if he reappeared from deep waters. Almost reluctantly. His mind was drowsy and he would love to cuddle up in the pleasant warmth and continue his sleep. M-21 moaned softly. Not out of pain, but more in protest. He hid his face again in the strange, soft thing that smelled so pleasant to protect his eyes from the annoying brightness.
Next to him, someone chuckled, amused. As M-21 made preparations to pull the fabric over his head, which was probably his blanket, the chuckle turned into soft laughter. It was annoying and he immediately knew what would follow. As if to confirm, someone knocked him gently on the head. When it did not work, he nudged his forehead and then tugged at his ear.
"Stop ..." M-21 muttered, half-heartedly waving his hand in the direction of where the hand came from.
"Realy, I am glad that you feel better."
"M-24 ..." he opened his eyes. No cheap hotel or any abandoned building where they sought shelter. Instead, a clean little room with large windows, from which light fell directly onto the bed. Directly above his head, on the wall, hung a calendar with a giant puppy image. Puppies ...
He blinked hard.
His comrade leaned over him, blocking his view of the puppy calendar.
"M-21? Something wrong?"
"Puppies ... there were dogs."
"Yes, I got the calendar from Sui."
From whom? M-21's thoughts started to work. He turned on his back and looked up at the ceiling. "We ... we are not in the Union anymore, are we?"
"No," M-24 shook his head, "It's been several weeks since we freed you from Crombel."
M-21 shuddered and tensed involuntarily. Now that it was mentioned, he remembered what had happened. What Crombel had done to him. The man had been so fascinated by his claws. After he was finished with him, they only vaguely resembled his initially transformed nails. He had developed into something monstrous under Crombel's hands. So many experiments, operations and concoctions until he was unable to remember. The pain and the feeling of being completely leached were all that was left behind.
He had turned into a beast at the push of a button, with no control and no way to defend himself or even remember. The collar ... his voice. M-21 reached for his neck, wincing in surprise as his fingers touched smooth, warm skin.
It was gone. The damned thing was gone.
M-21 knew that the experience should really affect him a lot more. He should not just lie here in a strange bed and feel so safe.
A touch on his shoulder startled him out of his thoughts. M-24 frowned and squeezed carefully, as if to confirm that he was there. They stayed like this for some time. Until the moment M-24 began to recite what had happened to him after M-21 went to get his medication, but did not return. And M-21 just listened to him.
At the same time, the rest of the household was sitting in the living room, drinking tea and busying themselves with the little things that needed to be done. For example thinking about repairing the school as soon as possible. To their credit, the modified people tried not to break out into sweat that often when the Nobles had a strange conversation among themselves or when Frankenstein decided to revive his old friendship with Regis's grandfather.
At some point during this evening, Tao stopped in the middle of his mind braining for the school and looked over at Takeo. The sniper seemed to be lost in thought and Tao had to wave his hand in front of his face to grab his attention.
"It's too easy," said Takeo, readily and unsolicited. His eyes flicked over to Tao.
"You mean M-21?"
"All the trouble, traps and manipulation by Crombel. Now M-21 is here talking to M-24. Just like that…" Takeo struggled for words "I'm worried. What if M-21 is a bait? What if he was manipulated?"
They exchanged a look. This theory was not that unlikely. Crombel had been trying to fool M-24 in the past. The thought that he used M-21 to finally reach his goal was not at all outlandish. If that was the case, then M-21 was an enemy moving in their midst.
"Maybe we are judging too fast," Takeo ran his long hair and sighed. "After all, we do not know anything." It was obviously unpleasant for him to judge a person he seemed to know so well. Of course, they only knew M-24 stories and yet there was such a comradely feeling for M-21. Strong enough to make them talk to him even when he slept.
"I know someone who can tell us more ... Boss!" Tao turned to Frankenstein with a beaming smile. Like an entertainer greeting a new star guest on his show. Frankenstein smashed Tao's beaming smile with the more practiced ease of a man who was used to throwing people to the ground.
"M-21's condition is privy to only him and M-24."
Tao's grin faded and he shrank beneath Frankenstein's gaze. "But M-24 ..."
"We are worried," Takeo objected carefully. "What if M-21 was manipulated by Crombel?"
"He was."
“And that's why we need to know ... wait, he was?"
Frankenstein sighed and put his hands on each other. "Crombel's experiments have damaged M-21's memory: short-term memory, and more. He drove his body to autonomously erase neuronal connections in the brain to make it easier to manipulate him."
They sat there petrified. No memories, or even more dangerous: memories that were scattered. This meant no security and therefore no trust.
Tao knew about the Union, and partly through M-24's statements he had understood that it was common practice in the Union to erase the memories of lower level test subjects. Not only to make them docile, but to avoid any permanent mental damage in promising experiments that may arise due their harrowing experiences. Even modified humans had limits as far as pain tolerance and permanent burden on the psyche went.
Now the autonomous capping of neuronal connections ultimately may only mean that M-21 unconsciously repressed probably a good part of his memories to protect himself. Sure, Takeo and he did the same. The only question was to what extent M-21 did and how much Crombel had his game with him.
Frankenstein looked at them thoughtfully. "Well, that's probably the most serious question. Even if we suspect that it only concerns the events of recent months."
"Then ... then why? If M-21 remembers M-24 and trusts him, what did Crombel want to use it for?"
"Oh, I am sure that this man actually have something else in mind," strangely, Frankenstein smirked. "He is a bungler. At first he tried to make M-21 stronger, where he suceeded only halfway. However, in an unfortunate way and very crudely." Raizel sighed loudly at this sentence and the ensuing mockery in his voice, but somehow did not feel compelled to intervene. The remaining Nobles successfully gave the impression of sheer dislike.
Frankenstein continued, "Then he tried to wipe out his memories to make him docile. Here comes the point where the order is wrong. M-21 has changed too much for Crombel's understanding. His brain, its nerve cells, bones, almost everything has become flexible. In every attempt to manipulate his memory, the brain formed new neuronal connections."
"Uh ..." Tao snapped his fingers. "As an algorithm? Is there something like that?"
"It's a little more complicated than that." Frankenstein picked up his cup and looked thoughtfully into it. "Crombel could not control M-21's memories, but his experiments triggered a nasty effect, which he then used along with this ... collar for his purposes."
"The band is destroyed." Takeo had seen Boss melt it down. With too much sadistic joy on his face.
"It was primarily used to administer M-21 drugs that drove him down." Frankenstein cleared his throat. "You saw what happens when he's upset?"
"You mean the matter with Crombel's agent in the lab?" M-21 did not necessarily made a friendly impression back then. But nothing else happened ... or? He had not even touched his comrade. Frankenstein hovered between sincerity and curiosity as he waved the contents of his cup.
"I'm curious about how he'll develop."
"Excuse me Master, I should not be so concerned about a patient."
Well, that was less insightful than they had hoped. While they watched Frankenstein anxiously - with a lot of gaping, because he giggled too strangely - the RK team silently wondered if they should be worried about M-24 and M-21 or not.
Note: If you are reading this I am on vacation! *eat some exotic fruit* Well, we are slowly getting closer to the end of this AU *ahhh* I am happy about that too. There are four different versions of the third chapter. I was really scared to never get it ready ^^
#noblesse#noblesse snippet#M-21#M-24#Takeo#Tao#Frankenstein#Regis K. Landegre#Seira J. Loyard#Cadis Etrama Di Raizel
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Spooky Story Time
Okay this may not be the spookiest story ever, but I was chatting with my pal @allhailweegee recently about phobias and such and this came up, so I thought I’d share it here. I don’t think I’ve ever told this story online.
Behind a cut due to length.
So way back when, when I was a tiny little baby 9-year-old and my younger brother (who I will refer to as ‘Duck’ for the purposes of this tale) was around 4 or 5, some spooky things went down in our little apartment complex.
Now this probably wasn’t the first time we had spooky encounters in that apartment, and it wasn’t the last - we had mysterious shadows walking around when there was nothing to cast them, we had unexplained noises, cupboards opening and closing themselves when you left the room, all that kind of generic paranormal junk. But this particular week or two I’m about to tell you about was the peak of activity in that home, as far as we experienced.
To rewind a little and fill in a bit of background info, this apartment complex was run by a non-profit organization, and the rent was subsidized, so we and everyone else living there were pretty damn poor and had nowhere else to go. There were a few families like ours where our parents were out of work, some disabled folks, addicts, mentally ill people, retirees low on savings - all kinds of different people with different backgrounds, all struggling one way or another.
One neighbor we had at the time was a thin, tiny, friendly old man. He was also terribly lonely, and would come by our apartment to borrow very basic things as an excuse to stand in the doorway and chat with my Mom for however long he could keep her there. So one day he’d come by to borrow a broom, the next day, to borrow a plunger, always returning things in a timely fashion so he’d have another chance to chat.
Occasionally my brother or I would come to try to pull Mom away from the door for whatever reason, and he’d pull us into the conversation, asking about school or what have you. Frankly, I was caught up in my own priorities at the time and don’t really remember what we chatted about.
In any case, to the spooky happenings.
One day, a few days after the old man’s last visit, I was using the washroom. Beside the toilet was the plunger, one we had often lent to our neighbor. I was not touching it, it was neatly and tidily tucked between the toilet and bathtub in our tiny washroom. Without any provocation, the plunger flipped over - end over end, and came to rest beside my feet. I looked around in alarm, but of course, it was only me in the washroom. I convinced myself I must have knocked it over by accident somehow, and went on with my day.
At the time, my brother had a small collection of Fisher Price Little People play sets. Does anyone remember those? The old ones from the early nineties, where the toys were barely heads on round pegs? Anyway, we were playing with those. We had watched a good deal of Looney Tunes lately, and I was semi-reciting one of the bits from the cartoon, something along the lines of “Which way did he go, George? Which way did he goooo” as my brother giggled and played along, when we were very rudely interrupted.
The sound of a music box cut through the room, and my brother and I both turned to find its source. On top of a wardrobe - too high for my brother to reach, but just short enough that I could touch the shelf on tiptoe, stood a clown doll. It was the type where if you wound it up, it would play a song.
And there it was, its head slowly moving to the music, as it played a few seconds of ‘It’s a Small World After All’.
We stared in awe. No-one had touched that toy in ages, it shouldn’t have been wound at all. No-one and nothing was near it that should have been able to set it off. It stopped after a few slow notes, and we went back to playing. I shrugged it off, rationalizing that some adult must have been messing with it recently, and it was malfunctioning. I told my brother it was probably just broken, and not to worry.
But the next day, it happened again. Again my brother and I were playing in his room, and as soon as I started quoting the Looney Tunes bit, the damn clown started moving and playing its song. This time we were spooked, and ran downstairs to play Nintendo instead.
That night, I was laying in bed trying to sleep, and trying not to think about the weird and spooky things that had been happening. My room was small, and crowded with a twin bed, a desk, a dresser and a nightstand. The only really clear space was in front of my window, where a blackout roller shade hung, to shield my room from the harsh streetlights outside. This was directly across the room from my bed. As I stared at the shade, unable to sleep, it began to move.
The bottom of the roller shade drifted away from the windowsill by a couple inches. I thought I was seeing things until THWACK! It slammed back against the sill! I watched in silent horror as this repeated, increasing in frequency, until I reached the point of panic where I leaped out of bed and ran to the hallway, screaming for my Mom.
She must have been busy with something downstairs, because she didn’t come up to check on me, but simply shouted back, trying to tell me that if my blinds were moving, I should close my window.
Of course, it must just be the wind! I tried to convince myself of this as I warily went back into the room. The blinds were still. I gingerly lifted the shade to check the window. It was closed. No draft was coming through at all. The tree outside my window showed no movement - it wasn’t even breezy outside.
My terror renewed, and certain that my Mom would not come to help me, I dove back into bed and pulled the covers up over my head. Moments later, I heard it again - tap, TAP, THWACK! - as the blinds resumed moving on their own. I don’t know how long I endured the noise and fear, but at some point I became frustrated and yelled, “STOP IT! JUST STOP!!!”
And I’ll be damned - it stopped. The blind ‘thwack’ed one last time as it came to rest against the sill, and was silent. Finally, I calmed down and somehow got to sleep.
When I awoke the next morning, the strange events of the last few days were still on my mind, and I was starting to piece together that something paranormal may have been happening in my home. But I had to be sure.
That day, Mom had gone on some errand - probably to buy groceries, and Dad was out scouring for construction and renovation jobs as usual, so I was left very briefly in charge of the house. This was my chance.
I walked into my brother’s room, where he was quietly playing with his Thomas the Tank Engine toys. Without warning him of what I was up to - and maybe I should have - I started quoting the Looney Tunes bit again. Right on queue, that damn clown doll started playing. Duck started crying. I got mad.
I rushed to the medicine cabinet where I knew my very, VERY religious, very superstitious Italian grandmother had left us a gift on her last visit. Several vials of holy water. I grabbed one of these, and then dashed into my room to find the rosary Nana had gifted to me some time before. I knew nothing about exorcisms or ghosts save for what I’d learned through the media and Nana’s stories, so I was running blind - but I felt like I had to do something. I had to confront this thing that was terrorizing my brother and I!
So I went back into my brother’s room. Duck had fled at some point, and if I recall correctly, was hiding in our parents’ room where he felt safe.
I stood in the middle of the room, holding up the cross of my rosary at the doll, and with my other hand sprinkling holy water about the space as I’d often seen my Nana do on her visits. I can’t recall my exact words, but it was something along the lines of:
“If there’s a ghost here, you are not welcome! You need to go to heaven now! You’re scaring my brother and we don’t want you here!”
The clown did not respond.
The clown never responded again.
Later that very day, Mom came home with the groceries. She had actually taken a bit longer than expected, and apologized for such - but then told me to sit down so she could explain why.
You see, Mom had run into another neighbour on her way home, and found out that the old man who so often visited us to chat had been found dead in his home the previous day. He’d probably been dead for 2 or 3 days when he was found, because a neighbour had gone to check on him and gotten no response. Some of these details I learned a little later (my Mom wasn’t super forthcoming with this kind of information) but she gave me the basic facts that our neighbour had passed away a few days back and that we wouldn’t be seeing him anymore.
His name, which I had never known while he lived, had been George Atkinson.
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Survey #48
horror survey, ya’ll!
favorite horror movie? "blair witch project 2: book of shadows" scariest place to be outside at night where you live? omg the backyard. we live in the woods, so. any animal fears? WHALE SHARKS, maggots, wasps, hornets, worms, some spiders when you were younger what were you afraid of? a skeleton being in my closet (don't ask), the "scream" guy from the movies, my parents dying, and LOADS more. i was a very paranoid child. when you were younger how did you cope with your fears? i just kinda... did. or i slept with my parents. is a basement or attic scarier to you? ummm... attic, i think. ever have recurring nightmares? yes, about a hand slowly waving at the end of a hallway and then the scream guy running at me lol. it only happened when i was a kid tho. favorite old horror film? i'm not sure. i'm honestly not a fan of many old ones because the acting is so bad. are you comfortable being at home alone? yeah. has the fear of something ever kept you up all night? yes. when i was home alone for three days some years ago, i was sleeping in my mom's room with teddy. i REALLY felt like something was staring at me, so i didn't keep my eyes closed long. then, teddy jerked his head up and stared intently at the foot of the bed, barking like mad. i was getting very scared so tried to push his head back down on the bed to get him to sleep, but he fought against me, just barking like a damn savage. he kept staring, so i called my mom, by now almost crying because i know for damned sure something was in that room. you just... feel it. mom called our neighbor to sleep at the house with me, because i was that fucking scared. mind you, it was like 2-3 am. i slept out in the living room. when you imagined monsters when you were younger what did they look like? monsters from the movies, really. mostly scream. do you sleep with one foot out of the covers or both under? both under what is your natural response upon hearing a loud crash in your house? i jump, gasp, and assume something fell. if anyone's home, i'll call out to check if everyone's okay. if not, i guess i'd probably get up in investigate because i'm a white girl lol. so if someone WAS breaking in, yeah, i'd die. have you ever played any horror games? now here's something i could talk about for HOURS! my favorite series is "silent hill," and i've played all the games excluding "book of memories," which i basically disown from the series anyways. i've played the first (couldn't beat), fourth (beat), and fifth (didn't finish) "resident evil." ummm i've played "scp containment breach," but that was honestly too scary for me to even progress in. i've played the slenderman phone app. i've played "outlast," but as my laptop is broken, i've yet to finish it. my first true horror game was "amnesia: the dark descent," which i've also played and beaten many times, as well as its sequel, "a machine for pigs." oh, does "the walking dead" count as horror? i'm positive i've got more console horror games, but they're not coming to me atm... basically, i LOOOOOOOVE horror games!! top 5 scariest noises to hear when you’re alone? in no particularly order, voices, footsteps, screams, doors moving, and uhhh... idk tbh. pick a horror movie and explain how you would survive. let's be real fam, i wouldn't. i have hella anxiety and would NEVER survive. do you have pre-planned hiding places in your house for scary situations? well i mean, for tornadoes, yes. mom's told us to go to the hall bathroom. have you experienced any paranormal happenings? yes. told about it in a past survey tho, so don't feel like doing it again. do you believe in ghosts? spirits, more accurately. like i believe in spirits from hell, and spirits from heaven. i believe both have contact to earth, and the negative experiences we have are from hellish spirits. are there any spots in your house you are to afraid to be? in the house, no. any recommendations for horror films? the first "silent hill," positively. skip the second. the blair witch movies are great, too. do you prefer gore or thrillers? gore what did your parents tell you about monsters when you were young? they told me they didn't exist. are you a fan of jump scares? no, because it is NOT true horror. it's surprising, not scary. do you believe aliens or other life forms exist? aliens no, as in "other life forms," yes, because i believe in demons. have you read "scary stories to tell in the dark?" if so what was your favorite or what was the scariest story? OMGGGGG FUCKIN' CHILDHOOD RIGHT THERE!! my favorite was the one about the wolf girl. the scariest, hm, i don't entirely remember. have you ever been near a murder scene? i don't think so. would you ever spend the night in an abandoned building? for a lot of money, yes. are you superstitious? no. have you ever had a fortune told to you that came true? no. do you sleep with your window open? no. have you ever trespassed onto private property late at night? no. would you ever stay overnight in a place that is said to be haunted? sure. do you ever have dreams/nightmares that end up occurring in real life? no. have you ever worked in a haunted house? if not have you wanted to? no, and i wouldn't because i don't work well with people. have you ever seen something super spooky and unexplainable? yes, also explained in a previous survey. scariest horror game you’ve played? fuck "scp containment breach" lol. the first scp scares the FUCK out of me. what do you do for halloween? sadly, nothing. what were you on halloween? nothing. :/ no money to buy/make a costume. do you have any phobias? yes. pregnancy/childbirth, disease/parasites, heights (kinda), the ocean, other pretty generic stuff... have you ever used a ouija board? If so did anything happen during your experience? no. i've always wanted one to frame in my own house tho. i think they're cool. favorite horror movie antagonist? well in the movies he's called red pyramid, so him. favorite horror musical? not into musicals. zombie apocalypse weapon of choice? bow and arrow, i guess. that way the other zombies wouldn't hear me killing one. have you ever read goosebumps? i think i read like one as a kid in elementary school. what would be your back story if you were the killer in a horror movie? why are you killing people? idk, it'd probably relate to me being jealous of ashley and wanting her dead. have you ever gone ghost hunting? no.
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The Horror Tag
1. favorite horror movie? does cramps count..? I don’t really have any favortie horrors
2. scariest place to be outside at night where you live? The park, the field opposite my house of the pub over the road, theres always fights going on
3. any animal fears? Snakes, bugs, flying buzzy insects
4. when you were younger what were you afraid of? everything :’) being away from my parents was probably my biggest fear as a kid, or going upstairs on my own
5. when you were younger how did you cope with your fears? Not very well. I had night terrors A LOT and clung to my parents
6. is a basement or attic scarier to you? Basement, but we don’t have one thankfully
7. ever have recurring nightmares? As a kid my recurring nightmares were about being in a busy public place, getting lost and not being able to find my family
8. favorite old horror film? Psycho
9. are you comfortable being at home alone? Daytime yeah, I like it for a bit. Night time, not too keen but i just go to bed and watch telly
10. has the fear of something ever kept you up all night? not all night, most of the night till I was so exhausted I fell asleep. This was only last year as well. I was at my sisters house, and he boyfriend was playing a zombie shooting ps4 game, then we all played this horrid game called until dawn and it messed with my mind. Plus, her house was opposite a forrest and I had convinced myself there was zombies in there :’)
11. when you imagined monsters when you were younger what did they look like? I dont remember. i know there was a time I used to sleep in a certain position because I was trying to stop vampires from biting my neck.. I was a weird kid okay
12. do you sleep with one foot out of the covers or both under? Both under!
13. what is your natural response upon hearing a loud crash in your house? ‘What the fuck was that?!’ Before remembering I have two asshole cats that like to be destructive and break everything
14. have you ever played any horror games? Yup, Until Dawn
15. top 5 scariest noises to hear when you’re alone? voices, footsteps, knock on the door,
16. pick a horror movie and explain how you would survive. Literally any horror movie can be survived by not doing the stupid shit that the main characters do
17. do you have pre-planned hiding places in your house for scary situations? yup.. i know its stupid :’)
18. have you experienced any paranormal happenings? Nope
19. do you believe in ghosts? Not sure
20. are there any spots in your house you are to afraid to be? The loft can be creepy when its dark
21. any recommendations for horror films? If krampus counts as a horror I recommend that. Its kind of a black comedy thriller. 22. do you prefer gore or thrillers? thrillers. Dont like gore at all.
23. what did your parents tell you about monsters when you were young? That theyre not real
24. are you a fan of jump scares? NO! I hate being made jump
25. do you believe aliens or other life forms exist? Nope
26. have you read “scary stories to tell in the dark?” if so what was your favorite or what was the scariest story? Nope, I try to avoid anything that feeds scary stuff to my stupidly overactive imagination
27. have you ever been near a murder scene? ive been to Warwick caste many times and a lot of people were killed there.. also a few years ago there was a murder down the road from where I live but I didn’t go near it
28. would you ever spend the night in an abandoned building? No
29. are you superstitious? idk a little bit maybe
30. have you ever had a fortune told to you that came true? Nope
31. do you sleep with your window open? Nope
32. have you ever trespassed onto private property late at night? yeah, when me and my family went camping in the isle of wight a few years ago and it was really late and we took a wrong turn down a country lane and ended up on a tiny dust road that wasn’t big enough to turn the car round that lead to some private land which was probably just a farm but in the dark it was terrifying and I legit thought we were going to be murdered
33. would you ever stay overnight in a place that is said to be haunted? Not that I know of
34. do you ever have dreams/nightmares that end up occurring in real life? YES! it freaks me out. I sometimes have really realistic, boring mundane dreams where I wake up after like ‘well that was a waste of a dream’ then sometime later that thing that happened in the dream happens in real life with the same people/places/conversations
35. have you ever worked in a haunted house? if not have you wanted to? Nope and nope
36. have you ever seen something super spooky and unexplainable? Probably but I’m tired and I can’t think anymore
37. scariest horror game you’ve played? Until dawn, I couldn’t even finish it
38. what do you do for halloween? stay home, be boring
39. what were you on halloween? a boring person who stayed home
40. do you have any phobias? Balloons. Zombies..
41. have you ever used a ouija board? If so did anything happen during your experience? Nope, I aint going near any of that shit. Opens you up to bad things
42. favorite horror movie antagonist? None, they’re all stupid
43. favorite horror musical? Rocky horror picture show
44. zombie apocalypse weapon of choice? Idk, anything I can use to kill myself
45. have you ever read goosebumps? Haavent read it, but I used to watch the tv series. I liked it.
46. what would be your back story if you were the killer in a horror movie? why are you killing people? I kill people who hurt animals.
47. have you ever gone ghost hunting? Nope
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