cryingforcrocodiles · 2 years
This edit is literally art🤩
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nomaishuttle · 11 months
sorry for falling for nostalgiabaiting. does it count as nostalgia if its for a game i played like. last year. whatever
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cruelsister-moved2 · 2 years
idk who needs to hear this but if the thought of dating a man scares you in some way or something the solution is not that you need exposure therapy
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literally going insane rn. hater instinct is so string im unwell.
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zushimart · 1 year
I know this is so random but who's your favorite anon so far 🙅
ur trying to start wars here boy
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icosahedronsgalore · 11 days
haii >_<
my name is cyrus >< i downloaded tumblr because of my super cool friend @octahedral-chaos who i may or may not be shamelessly referencing with this introduction post
im from trinidad :33 im liek 17 so imm a minor and im indo-caribbean and im also gender fluid and im afab with a very wonderful awesome girlriend so im VETY MUCH NOT STRAIGHT and im a system im like collecting ebery label under the sun wow so if you have a problem with amy of that BLOCK ME !!!!
im the host of a system called the Flora Collective and we have a BUNCH of twisted wonderland fictives wow its avtually insane its either we're a twst fictive or a brainmade theres no in between
DISCLAIMER I have no idea how to do even the most basic things in tumblr so ermm im very veery slow to reply.... or i might not reply in general 😭😭😭😭😭😭
i dont know ANYTHING about worldless because my ass is too lazy to watvh a playthrouggh BUT i am very interested in the story and i think the gamrplay anf graphics and stuff sre really cool and octa really likes it so i like it too 🙏🙏
other than that i LOVE twisted wonderland like i really love twisted wonderland i live and breathe twisted wonderlsnd
i like OCTAHEDRON (especially icosa) and genshin and uhhhh wuthering waves and ermm IKEMEN VAMPIREEUEHE anf demon slahyer and jjk nd other animes n allat and im interested in all kinda stuff liek history and uhh literatur and vlassical music anf the paranormal and stuff idk i basically have dabbled into ebetything in my youth and i still like ythem 🤓👆
i speaj english and spanish but spanish is kinda iffy so forgibe me + im stufying spanish literature anf environmental science in scjool 👅👅👅 i eanna go into law aftetward n make thay bank
i DRAW sometimes but i mOSTLY JUST use tumblr to read fanfiction icl i love fanfiction especially x readers 😭😭😭 shameless plug i make my own twisted wonderland x fem reader fanfictoon its called give me a break on quoteb HUEHEUWHW its my biggest passion project and its also the source of many of our alters
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did i mention i like twisted wonferlanf
on a more serious note, i make a lot of spelling errors when im talking casually or when im joking around. its practically a second language, and its kind of my signature of typing compared to the rest of the system (can u tell the system is a big part of who i am 😭🤓👆)
other alters are different and all have our own interests, but my interests are kind of collective amongst us all so 👍👍👍 theyre all cool IG.
also, i don't use tone tags that often on my own, so if we're in conversation please don't hesitate to request that i use them with you i'll totally understand and i'll do it!!
ON A SUPER GENUINELY SERIOUS note, i am a minor but i am interested in and write dark/triggering things. it is purely a coping mechanism, and i really dont bring it up unless the topic comes up in conversation, but if you simply arent comfortable with talking to someone who willingly engages with that stuff, especially since im a minor i will completely understand and you are free to block me or not interact!! no hard feelings ><,, your comfort comes first !!!
COMSHIPPERS. i may write about disgusting topics, but ONLY when it is an x reader, therefore only when the victim in the situation is ME. it is sickening to see other innocent characters in those kinds situations. do not ever mistake my dark fiction writing for comshipping. i do not support proshipping in any form, either.
PEOPLE WHO romanticise dark fiction. genuinely, you disgust me. i WRITE it, so i very well understand the appeal in reading it, but if you genuinely SUPPORT and DESIRE these things, do not talk to me, and do not assume i will entertain you. we need to acknowledge that fiction DOES affect reality, and we need to be responsible with the media that we consume and spread around. thanks!! >_<
hueheuwhe wowee thanks 4 reading my intro guys :3333c my discord is cyrxslol BTW
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the-cpu-system · 6 months
Listened to "Goodbye, My Danish Sweetheart" and thought of Rhack and now I have THOUGHTTTSSS
(adapted from a ramble on discord ,,)
just . the idea of them both being such baddd fucking people that bring out the insane ups and downs of each other . jacks accidental grasp on every situation and the accierntal force of evrything revolving around him so he can never jsut . have something okay with Rhys because Jack lacks that real human push of being able to just . be happy with somene and sacrifice his own emotions for them ? jack, who only knows manipulation and dirty, rough betrayal and sly backstabs and exploitation and then being told "you can be good, jack, you can be good- you make me happy, we can be heroes, we're a good team" and jsut knowing that thats not . JUST KNOWNG THATS NOTTTT
and rhys knowing that these sweet nothings are truly jsut nothings and having this stupid hope that jack is different, jack is nice- its not the real one so he must be different a - GSHRGRH !!
thm both having expectations and stupid hope for maybe something different even though both of them are so flawed in themselves that they bring out the worsts???? because a moment between them can be so happy, so alive, so good, then one of them says something wrong and that scale inevitably tips to the bad once again???? AND ITS THIS PERFECT IMBALANCE OF "WE WORK WELL TOGETEHR JSUT NOT TOO CLOSE"
people who like passionately hate rhack confuse me because like sures its not your cup of tea but its a beautiful trash pile of two fucked up people who try to make a garden in a drought..
and the idea of Rhys, after going through everything, hardened up, tough Rhys, holding this small hope he'd be different and bringing him back on that foolish hope that sent him falling in the first place? (which that is slightly supported in game by a spot where Rhys talks to fiona and lb and is like "he was my idol," or something like that and hes all reluctant to answer and embarrassed almost)
and the idea that no, Jack didnt change- OR THE IDEA HE DID! Rhys gave him something he definitely never got in his brief human contact before . i mean he was stuck with nakayama, who promptly died- and he was stuck as this static … villain almost . rhys gave him real contact- rhys gave him dynamic! rhys gave him things to pick up and adapt on!! jsut the real huamn nature of trust and emotions and trust.
and the idea that jack does change- stuck in isolation and he changes
would rhys ever avtually consider that? would he ever bring jack back? or would he let the grudge from the betrayal fester and eventually break or lock up the eye later down the line, dooming them both to just distant yearning???
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saulbaby · 2 years
It actually genuinely seems out of character that Jesse didn't just instantly kill Todd and that Mike didn't do it when they got back
#walt?#walt doesnt give a shit#jesse beat the shit out of 2 people without hesitation when brock got poisoned and he just like#what#gets in the car and goes back with him#?#no#avtually the hardest thing for me to believe hands down that jesse didnt instantly beat him to death thats just ehat he would do im sorry#i know this fool ive watched every episode of this shit#he literally KILLS GUS bc he thought he poisoned brock and was gonna kill mr whites kids and still thinks he ordered the hit on tomas#i really dont love most of the finale season honestly its so unrelated and too much the end is great but like#also mike.#mike would drive this guy out into the desert#he doesnt want to be working with walt anyway he doesnt care#insane to me tha this fool makes it more than another half an episode without dying. impossible. this is not the jesse theyve built up#he just put his hands on his head and went no!#and then it cuts to them destroying the dirtbike#no way#tbh they can even keep the first half even if the exterminator shit was stupid#just have jesse turn on him way earlier and maybe do it with his own connections#leave walt realizing that hes useless without jesse#then they fight the way they always should have#but jesse isnt like...made a meth slave to nazis???? as a direct result of him doing nothing after somebody killed a kid in front of him#i actuslly dont remember what happens directly after this but thats literally so out of character than i dont even know how im able to take#any of the consequences seriously#even walt tbh wouldve killed him as like a show of how great he is or whatever#so stupid actually#im kinda mad#ive seen this before and i dont remember if it pissed me off this much before
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ilygsd · 6 years
the only reason i even like this ugly fkn cunt is because we’re so similar. or at least were, he’s grown a bit more than me so i obviously appreciate his help and experience and knowlege or whatever.
but fuck him in the fucking asshole, not only is he a white man, not only does he get triggered by ”i hate whites/men” and ”ppl listen to u cus ur a white man” and takes it SUPER PERSONALLY and accuse me of fucking attacking him and shit. hes acting like a fucking dick when we’re fighting and the thing is……. HE REFUSES to admit when i say we’re similar in the way we fight??? he’s like ”no, im not” and im like YES BITCH YOU ARE YOU’RE ACTING LIKE A FUCKING CHILD
he’s so fucking aggressive, manipulative, guilt tripping and just…. COLD. i swear what the fuck is wrong with him? i’ve met him 3 times, and we’ve fought 2 times. ive known him for like 2 weeks and we’ve already had 2 major fights??
the only reason im not fucking murdering him on the spot is because 1. im not a fucking idiot. i know my limits. i CANT control him, i CANT manipulate him. i dont have any power over him and 2. i fucking like him?? if i dont apologize he’s going to go on for fucking ever and eternity??? i like him and im actually genuinely sorry that he’s hurt even if he’s a fucking pussy who got triggered over smth as petty
like excuse ME!! the way he fights is REALLY triggering for me??? the first time i was terrified. it was like flashbacks and shit i cried for a whole day and i hadn’t even met him back then. i was SO SCARED and SO SHOCKED. because IT IS I who usually have his position. it is I who usually put people in their places, NOT the other way around. i HATE being scolded, feeling like a worthless little piece of shit
i knew that i should’ve blocked his ass because that can really be SO damaging to me. also there’s a risk im goong to explode as well and we’re just gonna trigger each other and fight to death…. but i didnt because i was too god damn curious of what he had to offer. is it really possible for me to be happy as well? is it really possible for me to heal and grow like him? ERHM well obviously he’s not in his ”complete form” yet, fucking psycho when he get angry, but he’s pretty happy and kind and positive generally
i worried so much about me draining him with my anxiety and issues but he said he wouldnt let me drain him. he said he always put himself first and the he basically would leave if i try to pull anything on him. why the fuck did i even worry about him when he’s trying to manipulate and guilt trip me?? I AM SO PISSED. HE REALLY TRIED TO DO THAT THAT STUPID MOTHERFUCKER.
during our first fight it worked because i was SO SHOCKED, as i said. and i was SCARED. but fuck him in the asshole he really- he really tried to FUCKING DO THAT TO ME
he accuses me of being disrespectful of his limits when he goes fucking bananas, everythings happening so fast i cant even process what just happen, i dont even have the time to apologize cus hes all over and everywhere. and he’s so fucking threatening. he’s like ”if you dont…..” and he doesnt realize what the fuck he’s doing?? i apologize because 1. i hate these fights and 2. i like him i dont want to hurt him but he’s like ”i have nothing to apologize for”
(also can we talk abt how this motherfucker understabds that whites and men are privileged but he still doesnt get why reverse oppression isnt a thing and that it is GROUPS that are privileged and NOT individuals??? like he’s that fucking dumb)
that shit actually HURT!!!! i think he’s really immature during fights, i think he’s really fucking pathetic and i’m glad i’ve come to that conclusion rather than beating myself up. yes, i now understand that this is probably what it feels like for the counterpart when im fighting with them and im fuckig sorry that im acting like this psycho
BUT!!!!!! what really HURT was that he HONESTLY TRIED TO MANIPULATE ME. if i hadn’t called his ass out this time he would have gotten away with it AGAIN
bitch, he’s fucking 23 years old. he’s 4 years older than me. he also KNOWS!!!!!! i have a stupid crush on him and he STILL!!!!! TRIED TO GUILT TRIP ME, TRIED TO MAKE ME OBEY AND SUBMIT TO HIM, GET DOWN ON MY KNEES AND BEG
im so pissed and a part of me wish i would just have exploded but i couldnt because it was fucking 1 am and my family was asleep and i couldnt fucking shout at someone over the phone. also it actually made me feel a bit superior and mature when i was all calm and he still was upset (even though he wouldnt admit it, stupid proud brat. his voice changes distinctly). okay YES, i MAY have patronized him a little but also NOT!!! i was just really tired and sad and i still liked him so like….. i was just upset and trying to calm him down
its kind of hilarious how i had to tell him to stop sounding so aggressive and he was like ”im not” and i was like ”yes you are” and so he actually KIND OF stopped and it was easier to talk to him. wow i feel so powerful lmao. omg in really not any better than him am i? i know im not because no matter how much he denies it…….. im literally exactly the same when i fight 😔😔 i tell myself i wasnt like that because i didnt WANT to, because i want to be MATURE but a part of me honestly thinks its just me knowing my place. i like him more than the likes me, he can use that to his advantage, there was no reason or possibility for me to dominate him.
im still very pissed though and just because i like him i still REFUSE to follow him like a little puppy. ive been so worried ALL this time that i wouldnt be able to keep up with him intellectually, that he was too good for me, too smart and too kind. PFFFFFFFT!!! im sorry but i swear i was just idealizing him or smth. its his fucking voice and scent, its like a drug it makes me all calm and dizzy but objectively…. dont fucking let him manipulate you. if he ever makes you feel like yo should apologize and that tou did wrong, ask yourself WHY. an east escape is not the right answer. call him the fuck out. i think and hope he avtually would appreciate it as well……. even though he’s so fucking stubborn and proud OMG HES SO PROUD I CANT, I AM PROUD TOO BUT NOT TO HIM. or maybe a little since i now refuse to fucking message him, maybe a little bit manipulative but no, im still mad, the way he acted lady night was fucked up. why does he have to be so proud with ME???? is it because he doesnt feel as emotionally connected to me as i do? yeah probably
that stupid motherufcker…. when i told him ”instead of threatening me that you’re gonna hung up if i dont ’respect’ aka BEHAVE accordingly…. you could just say ’hey im not comfortable talking right now, i need to hung up’ AND HE WAS LIKE ”but we’re not that close-/but we’re not that emotionally-” or something like that and i was like……. is this dipshit clown really serious?? ”uhhh its more like COMMON SENSE AND RESPECT” and he was like ”yeah maybe…” YEAH MAYBE? NO YOU KNOW IM FUCKING RIGHT
god that piece of shit really thinks he has me wrapped around his finger or something. im attracted to him but what he doesnt understand is that he’s still a plain white man. he had NO IDEA how much im controlling myself by even letting myself fall for a white man. does he really think he can like…. i sont know?? i fucking asked him. because i said ”i dont demand or threaten you” and he was like yeah i know. and i was like woahhh…. wait a second….. ”do you think i dont because i like you? do you think i would just follow you whatever?” and he was like ”im not gonna answer that”
oh my god he really thought didnt he. stupid ass white boy really thought i would choose him over myself or any of my siblings of color. smh poor jack.
im going nuts. okay…. if he EVER pulls something like this again i wont be so sure i’ll be able to handle this on a mature level. the worst thing is though that i HAVE TO. because even when i DO, he’s so fucking ptronizing. like te WHITE MAN just jumped out???? if i were to lose my shit……. ITS SI FRUSTRATING AND ITS EXACTLY WHY I CANT BE WITH A WHITE MAN. i was avtually very fucking calm and he STILL managed to make me feel like i was the ”bad guy”.
ughhhh im fucking insane. this…… whatever the fuck our relationship is cus this boy is apprently only interested in me what the fuck that now even means?? okay so we can like hang out and be physical and cuddle and shit but we’re not a couple and its NOT limited to being exclusively us. apparebtly i should still feel flattered though?? cus he doesnt find anyone attractive and he needs some sort of chemistry??? im sorry boy but i am NOT flattered. you do you, i get it, it takes time for you to fall in love with someone but im obviously still much more emotionally invested. that not your fault. thats my problem. my abandonment and attatchment issues. honestly im so fucked i cant even differ my feelings. my feelings for him are strong but idk what they are. some days i feel like platonic friendship, other days an older brother, a romantic partner and sometimes even a dad/parental figure. like im that fucked up i just need a STRONG BOND i dont care what
i low key hate myself for how i ended the call yesterday. thanks to that, now i cant bring this up again. its too late. the fight is ”over”. i was like ”i still like u bye goodnight sweet dreams” but now im like ”i hate u ugly bitch”.
god my head
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nomaishuttle · 2 years
i love you The mechanisms. im sry i never finsihed [album]
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