nayruwu · 1 year
sobs. bawls. curls up into a ball and cries.
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canmom · 5 months
the Spirited Away theatrical adaptation
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today I went with @birdfriender to see the stage production of Spirited Away, produced by Toho, currently on tour in London.
and like. holy shit??
you might say how the hell could you adapt a film like spirited away to stage. the answer is: incredibly inventive stagecraft, puppetry, costumes and especially choreography.
I was completely blown away by how this play flowed across the stage. set transitions were masked with lighting to direct attention, with the descending screen, with the rotating central platform that managed to function as nearly every part of the bathhouse. stairs, rotating bridges, creative use of size to indicate perspective (like the tiny train that circles the stage), and just the way the crew would move the props with a flourish -
but also the puppetry, like man! the way characters like Kamaji, Yubaba's giant head (used only at moments of intense emotion), and No Face would be operated by entire teams of puppeteers - it was extraordinary. the puppetry director was Toby Olié who's worked on a million different things including War Horse and you can really see them applying all these tricks accumulated over the years...
the show is remarkably faithful to the film; a few scenes are slightly abridged but every sequence I remembered was there and deliver with style. where it does need to pause and breathe, like in the famous train scene, it does. and like... it is fascinating to see an adaptation from animation to theatre. seeing how Mone Kamishiraishi (Chihiro) would stumble and bumb into walls just as she would under the pen of Shinya Ohira. or how a memorable sequence in the film could be represented symbolically: a collapsing pipe as a string of segments pulled on a string, a flower garden by dancers in flower outfits.
some of my fave sequences involved wooden panels carried by dancers, choreographed so the characters would weave between them, or they'd rotate to represent elevators on different floors. it was also fascinating to see how they'd symbolically represent things it would be impossible to stage, often representing fluids with fabric sheets. a transformation could be shown with actors swapping places with a flourish. at other times, it feels like stage magic tricks are in use, like a flash of light drawing your attention to a rope that was there all along. sometimes the puppeteers will be on stage, wearing simple beige outfits that mark them as not being 'present' as they manipulate the soot sprites and frogs and so on.
they also made effective, sparing use of a large projector screen, which descended at certain points, primarily for the driving scene at the beginning and the train scene. this actually didn't use scenes from the movie, but more of a soft, painterly style applied over... probably animated video? hard to say with the blurring, could be live footage. it reminded me of the use of similar screens in the later YoRHa plays, although it was a minor element here.
we weren't allowed to take photos (i took this one during the final bow anyway) and I would have been too busy watching to take them anyway, but this teaser shows briefly a number of the coolest setups. still, it's so much more when you see the whole thing flowing along without interruption.
and it was very interesting to me looking at this kind of show - big stage, directly homaging an animated film - from the eyes of someone who knows a lot more about film and animation than I do about theatre.
compared to film, you simply do not have closeups; the closest thing is when the puppeteers bring out the segments of Yubaba's giant floating head, but this is used sparingly. so everything is basically a long shot. however, because the acuity of a human eye is much greater than that of a camera, even from near the back of the theatre you can make out a lot of details that you wouldn't be able to make out with an equivalent camera shot. this allows compositions where there is loads going on at stage at once, with the eye being drawn to different areas by lighting and movement.
I do feel like there are definitely things to learn for animators from this kind of stage choreography. so many times I thought like, wow, that's so clever. like how chihiro riding haku was shown by splitting the dragon puppet into segments and putting her on the shoulders of one of the puppeteers.
and everything was done with such style too. if something shuffles off stage, you know it will be done with a wiggle and a flourish. small things but they add so much.
presumably because this seems like an incredibly involved show, there are multiple performers for each major character: four Chihiros, and three Hakus, Yubabas, Kamajis and so on. I'm not sure the exact lineup tonight beyond Chihiro. the exception is Kaonashi (No Face), who is played only by Hikaru Yamano, who gives an incredible performance, sidling and flexing around the stage in all sorts of strange ways that really get across the character's whole deal despite literally performing under a white mask and concealing robe. it's kinda amazing.
another fantastic casting is fundoshi dancer Yuya Igarashi as Kashira (the stack of three big heads that serve Yubaba, and speak only in wordless grunts). he basically has his real head as one of the three, and he has two more heads on his hands, and moves them around in incredibly energetic and funny ways. it's a brilliant way to interpret this, somehow feeling perfectly appropriate to have a buff guy in a red loincloth moving them around.
Yubaba's actress tonight would have been either Mari Natsuki or Hitomi Harukaze; either way she did an incredible job, it was really cool seeing a more human-proportioned version of the character and she brought a lot of energy and authority to the role.
the whole cast did a fucking amazing job honestly. I wish I knew more about theatre acting so I could comment more specifically on the tricks they were doing, but you definitely felt Chihiro's emotions
the production is in Japanese; English subtitles were shown on two screens on either side of the stage. the translation was on the 'honorifics included' end of that scale, but absolutely clear and idiomatic. the format worked - it was generally not hard to follow the action and glance at the subtitles, even though they were further away than they would be in film - and it definitely filled the theatre. I really hope this leads to more Japanese theatrical productions going on tour like this. wish i'd been able to see the Totoro one a few months ago.
definitely this kind of theatre must depend on a fairly obscene budget of the kind that only comes to biiiiig properties like, say, an adaptation of a beloved Studio Ghibli movie (one family turned up in cosplay) - there's a lot to be said for less extravagant staging. at the same time... this really was something.
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i gotta go to the theatre more
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argumentl · 4 months
Bar Boo summary - 2024/05/27 Boo's 50th bday
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Its Boo's 50th birthday with TTT!
They first talked about going to see COMPLEX at Tokyo Dome together recently. Koji complained Boo took up so much space with his size, that Koji himself was forced to stand sideways to avoid intruding on the next seat.
Kaoru said that it was difficult to see from his seat, due to the people infront, so he ended up pushing the other guys sideways in order to see better, and Duttch ended up stood out in the aisle. Kaoru said 'gomen ne' to Duttch 😌
They talked about Kikkawa's high cymbal kick during the COMPLEX show, and wondered if Koji can recreate it if they get a cymbal ready. They ask Kaoru if Shinya can bring his high cymbal in, and Kaoru said Shinya might actually be watching. Boo adds that Shinya sent him a bday message earlier, and wished him good luck for the broadcast.
Talk of the COMPLEX show takes up the first 30mins.
Boo brings out a board with a list of interesting topics to discuss. The first one is 'Birthday memories'. Boo starts this by explaning how he had a bday countdown party the previous night. He was so drunk he doesn't remember much of the party, but he does remember he was desperate fo the toilet when he got home around 2am. Because he was so drunk, he couldn't find the key to his front door, and ended up fully pissing his pants. Strangely after he got in, he managed to completely clean everything up, despite being so drunk. This also happened to him once in his 20s, and he ended up getting the police to help him get his door open then (with pissed pants).
Koji then tells a story about when he was in LA with Boo, doing modelling work with the company Crimie. They had to share a hotel room, and Koji woke up in the morning to see Boo asleep flat on his back, with his massive belly and impressive morning glory. Koni then tells a similar story about having to share a hotel room with Boo once, and nearly dying from Boo's farting.
Boo asks the others if none of them have ever pissed their pants as adults. Only Tsuyoshi says he has. Duttch says he nearly shit himself when he was in America once, but had to do an 'outside shit' in the bushes in front of someones house instead. Kaoru laughs at this 😆
The next topic on the board is 'Meeting people you admire'. Kaoru says that Dir en grey were once invited bsckstage of a Kyosuke Himuro (vocal of BOØWY) show by an aquaintence while they were in LA. 4 members other than Kyo went, but there were a ton of people hanging around the dressing room door when they got there, so the 4 of them just hung out off to the side. To their surprise, they were called in, and Kaoru was super nervous. Himuro asked Kaoru, 'Are you the vocalist??', and Kaoru had to apologize that the vocalist wasn't with them.
Duttch says that at the recent COMPLEX live, Aiji was kinda playing air guitar to the music, and this reminds Kaoru of what Toshiya had said the day before at the Pierrot talk. Toshiya had said that back in the day, whenever anyone called Aiji on the phone, Aiji would always be playing guitar while on the phone.
Teru from Glay turns up to join Boo on his bday, and the others pretty much go quiet after this. Boo explains to Teru how he met all the TTT members. He first met Kaoru while he was working for MTV. MTV sent him to cover/report on a Dir live, and Boo says that Kaoru and Toshiya recognized him from MTV and made fun of his MTV persona. Kaoru says 'no, thats not how it went', but refused to give his own version of the events when asked by Koji.
Boo ends up crying from emotion a couple of times having all his friends praise him, despite being royally fat shamed for most of it too.
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bnhaemporium · 2 years
Soulmate Headcanons
Characters: All Might, Endeavour, Edgeshot, Aizawa, Hawks
✧. ┊    ✧. ┊    ✧. ┊    ✧. ┊    ✧. ┊    ✧. ┊    ✧. ┊    ✧. ┊    ✧. ┊    ✧. ┊    
All Might
Toshinori is unlikely to seek you out when he’s younger (focused as he is on his dream) and this won’t change even as he gets older. He’ll constantly be so busy that finding you wouldn’t be much of a priority.
If he does meet you, he won’t know quite what to do at first. He’s going to stumble over his own words so much that you will simply have to laugh to make him stop.
He won’t pursue a relationship or anything similar unless you show a substantial interest in him. There are many things in his life he wouldn’t want to expose a partner to and you’d need to prove you’re choosing him, not just accepting what fate wants you to do.
He’s going to protect you so much but he’s trying to make it subtle though his attempts are… well, they’re hilarious. All he ever does is confuse you and everybody else around him, even those who know.
Aizawa isn’t the type to seek out his soulmate, not for any particular reason, he simply never wanted or needed to find you before you were quite literally forced into his path.
Unless your soulmate reveal is something obvious, you may not even realise it’s him when you first meet. He’ll know immediately but he won’t tell you, opting instead to let you learn it yourself, if you notice.
A relationship isn’t something he’s particularly interested in. Time, his job, and various other reasons don’t make it a possibility without excessive work and he doesn’t have the energy. Don’t worry, you can win him over.
Not much will be different in the way he treats you. At least not to the causal observer. There’s subtle evidence in how he calls you to see if you’re doing alright and worries during attacks in your area. Mic notices this immediately and never lets him live it down.
Keigo went most of his life tempted to seek you out but he always knew it would be for the better if he didn’t. Still, he thought of you more often than he dared admit, especially while working.
Meeting you turned into such a fantasy for him that he’s genuinely surprised when he does meet you. He manages to keep up appearances but honestly, he’s incredibly flustered inside and actively struggling with his composure.
Similar to other pro-heroes, he’s incredibly weary of beginning any relationship with a soulmate. While they mainly concern themselves with villains though, he has other considerations to keep in mind.
Your ‘relationship’ will develop without him meaning for it too. He protects you well and nobody ever really notices unless they’re incredibly observant. He knows how to lie but not how to tell when he falls for you. It scares him.
Enji doesn’t care about your existence for the majority of his life. Soulmates are too flimsy for him to include you in his dream and so, he tries his best to pretend you don’t exist.
This does continue when he first meets you and he will go through a period of denial wherein you will undoubtedly feel beyond ignored. Don’t worry, the rudeness will subside after time as he grows more open to you.
Relationships are very much tools in his life and he’s strangely averse to using you for something like that. Any interest would undoubtedly be pushed back against for a while.
He’s not shy about his connection to you once he’s come to accept it. If anything, he’s incredibly proud of you and will challenge anybody to try and take advantage of the relationship he shares with you.
Shinya doesn’t feel strongly either way when it comes to his soulmate – not wanting to seek you out nor ignore you. If anything, he’s more than happy to let fate take complete control and dictate what happens.
He is pleased to meet you though it’s still unexpected and he trips over his words ever so slightly when he makes the introduction. It’ll be a difficult thing for you to not feel charmed.
He’s interested in a relationship (being able to healthily separate his working life from his personal) but he’ll take his time to charm you over in a more traditional way with dates and gifts.
He’s protective though not obnoxious about it. You’re always the first person he checks on in any situation and the first person he calls when he has free time; you are his other half in every way that matters.
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mementoboni · 10 months
The bond of DIR EN GREY - WOWOW Interview Special (2023)
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"There are many things that only the five of us have been through together, and that is the connection between us." — Die
Notes before reading:
This is the last five minutes of the interview. ★BGM:カムイ
The five members were interviewed separately.
Repost and share are welcome.🙌 I translated it all by my ears, so please feel free to correct me if you spot any mistake or any confusing parts.☺️
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►The bond of DIR EN GREY (DIR EN GREYの絆)
【Kaoru】 Of course sometimes we talk about stupid things, that's nothing special. We must always maintain equal relationships so that all can communicate with each other. But everyone has that personality, so it'll be a little bit… it's gonna be hard (laugh). Well, we all had different periods. Even so, we're still five people, spending time together in each other's lives. I still think we have to be aware of each other and move forward. Well, all I can say is that it's a pleasure to be in a band with them. *(一緒にやってくれてよかったなと思って)
【Shinya】 A balance of not being too deep and not being too shallow relationships with the members would be great, wouldn't it? Maybe during the periods when we were together for a long time, it was a little bit awkward, like a decade or so ago. Now it's just right.
【Toshiya】 I think it is necessary to consciously maintain a certain distance.  Considering this, it should be the most natural feeling now. Although we have been together all along, we have not had unnecessary conversations.  Of course, human beings communicate with each other through conversations, but at the same time, they get unnecessary information. Personally, if my work and private life are mixed together, I gradually feel like I'm misunderstanding something, and I don't like that. As for the connection between us, when (everyone said)  "Okay, let's go!"  (before the live show), there’s a very strong cohesion.  I feel that way.
【Die】 I am often asked, "Do the members have a good relationship?" "After all this time, you've become like family members, right?" It’s *troublesome to answer. *(めんどくさい / mendokusai) The time we spend together may be longer than that of family members, so do we have a good relationship? Or a bad relationship? It has nothing to do with that. We're beyond that. There are many things that only the five of us have been through together, and that is the connection between us. We've been through all kinds of things in the band, happy things, going overseas for the first time, getting frustrated.  We've been through a lot together. We all hit the wall together, rushed forward together, and then hit the wall again. Precisely because the five of us have experienced many things together, this kind of relationship can only be understood by the five of us.  It has nothing to do with whether we have a good relationship with each other, nor are we family or friends. In DIR EN GREY, there are some things about our relationship that only the five of us can understand.
【Kyo】 I guess I like these guys. *(人間が好きなんじゃないですかね) There's something to honor in everyone, and I often think that they're amazing. Maybe even if we didn't form a band, but just meeting and getting to know each other on ordinary occasions, we'd still be friends.  At least I'd do that. It's just that we're connected through music now, even though we don't talk a lot... Yeah. I guess it's because they all deserve respect.
【Narration】 (cv: Morikawa Toshiyuki) Although always a *solitary existence, DIR EN GREY has been going on for a quarter of a century.  The trajectory of the past 25 years has never stopped and continues to move on to a new path. The five people connected by the bond of music will bring us deeper pain and hope of being alive. *(孤高 / ここう / kokō)
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My Blogger → English Translation / 中文翻譯
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chichiichiii347 · 11 months
In the fan newsletter volume 100, the members were asked to answer to questions from each member and here’s my take on the translation:
Kyo > Toshiya
- Rich or Extremely rich? (referring to food such as ramen broth) Rich
- All humanity is turning into dogs: woof 🐶
- Very hard or very soft noodles? Hard
- Pigmon or Kanegon? (from Ultra Q) Pigmon
- Would you dye your hair blue again? If everyone dye their hair like the old days then I’ll consider it.
Die > Toshiya
- Are you the type who sleeps well at the hotels during tours? depends on which day
- How often do you change your smartphone? 4-5 years
- What do you usually order from Starbucks? Drip coffee
- Which electric appliances are you very particular about? Electric toothbrush
- If you were to drive, which car do you want to drive in? Shelby Cobra
Kaoru > Toshiya
- Any recommendations lately? ask and answer by yourself
- You’re not watching anime recently? I watch it sometimes
- Which is the most delicious ramen shop? If it’s hard to say here then tell me next time: I’ll tell you secretly
- What would you say if Die send you a picture with his hair completely shaved off? maybe he can’t deal with the intense heat..?
- How do you want our next song (album) to turn out? I want it to come with a different kind of excitement
Shinya > Toshiya
- Which country do you like aside from Japan? the US, Hawaii
- Which manga did you like the most as a kid in elementary school? Musashi no Ken
- Are you becoming farsighted? My vision is getting worse so it could be that…
- Do you want to live in Nagano in the future? I'm thinking about it lately
- Are you planning to keep your black hair forever? Silver hair
Kyo > Kaoru
- Jumping up and down (びょんびょん) or chuckle (むひむひ)? (I think he’s referring to fans’ reaction) chuckle
- Which one is better, Light salt or Cheese Karl snack? Curry
- Aren’t you gonna grow your hair long? It’s troublesome
- Aren’t you going to dress up as a pirate? I’m not doing anything this Halloween, so I won’t do that
Kaoru > Kaoru
- Gonna do “it”? Give “it” to me
Die > Kaoru
- What make Hanshin so strong this year, let me hear your opinion: pineapple candy
- If a Hanshin member was to throw an MVP, who would that be? Kinami Seiya
- If you could scout one player from an 11-members team (other than Hanshin), who would that be? Yamamoto Yoshinobu
- If Hanshin finally got “it” after 18 years, what do you think is going to happen at the Dotonbori river? become the prey of Idiots, onlookers and youtubers.
* I don’t watch baseball so I’m not so sure about this whole conversation, but I know Die is a huge GIANTS fan while Kaoru is at Hanshin’s side, and people in Osaka often jump into the Dotonbori river when celebrating something big (new year, winning the olympic games..) so Die is talking as if the Hanshin would surely win the game (or winning over the GIANTS? idk..)
- If the GIANTS were to change the manager, who would that be? I think Abe Shinnosuke…? but the atmosphere would be…
Toshiya > Kaoru:
- We will die at some point in life, would you rather (1) be remembered by everyone in the world or (2) always be remembered by one particular person until they die? 1
- If you have a chance to time-travel for once, which timeline would you choose (1) before you were born, (2) after you’ve passed away? 2
- If there is one drug that brings super power, would you choose the one that (1) make you look young like your 20-year-old self or (2) keep the same appearance, but have the strength of a 20-year-old? 2
- Which member is most likely to runaway from terrors? Kyo
- Who is the most manly member? Toshiya
Shinya > Kaoru
- Which country do you like aside from Japan?Hawaii
- Which manga did you like the most as a kid in elementary school? Toriyama Akira
- Are you becoming farsighted? Yes, I am
- Who is your favourite Hanshin player? Kakefu Masayuki
- Which LINE stamp do you use the most? Kaoru chan
Kaoru > Kyo
- Any recommendations lately? Fish from Fukushima
- Are you building plastic models? I’m building them intensely
- What would you say if Shinya send you a picture of him and Tom Hanks? from Deep State?
- Have you seen Mad Heidi? I haven’t seen it, but I’ve watched MEN
- How do you want our next song (album) to turn out? Isn’t Ramen Jiro (without the broth) the best thing ever?
Toshiya > Kyo
- We will die at some point in life, would you rather (1) be remembered by everyone in the world or (2) always be remembered by one particular person until they die? must be 2, right?
- If you have a chance to time-travel for once, which timeline would you choose (1) before you were born, (2) after you’ve passed away? maybe 2, to the future
- If there is one drug that brings super power, would you choose the one that (1) make you look young like your 20-year-old self or (2) keep the same appearance, but have the strength of a 20-year-old? 2, the inner strength (health)
- Who is the most affectionate member? Must be me
- Who is the best at telling lies? Must be Shinya
Die > Kyo
- Any scary experience at the hotels while touring? a fan peeping through a peephole and put their ear to the wall (in Osaka)
- Favourite game console? Mega Drive
- The most intimidating movie character in your opinion? Norman Bates
- How many pair of sneakers do you have? about 50?
- FOOD (don’t know why he’s using english here lol) that touched your soul lately? Blowfish dish from the restaurant that senpai took me to
Shinya > Kyo
- Which country do you like aside from Japan? None. Aren’t you Shinya!
- Which manga did you like the most as a kid in elementary school? Jojo. Aren’t you Shinya!
- Are you becoming farsighted? Dunno. Aren’t you Shinya!
- Have you gotten more tatoos? I’ll get more when I’ve become a skin-head. Aren’t you Shinya!
- Will you give up smoking? No. Aren’t you Shinya!
Kyo > Die
- How many times do you go to the beach each year? when I think about it, I guess I haven’t went to the beach for years
- What is your choice of drink on a cruiser, beer or wine? I get drunk immediately after having wine so I think it’s better to go with beer
- The whole world is destroyed: If everything and everyone dissapear all at once then I’m not scared
- Won’t you dye your hair red again? or would you dye it blue? Frankly, during the pandemic when I could not see anyone, I’ve made a mistake and dyed my hair blue. It didn’t suit me at all, to the point that it gets creepy. So I cover it with red dye right on the next day.
- What’s your favourite colour other than red? BLACK&WHITE (he used english here)
Kaoru > Die
- Any recommendations lately? Prison’s book of rules
- Favourite type of meat for Yakiniku (grilled meat)? high-quality outside skirt steak, thick-sliced beef tongue, beef organs
- After Hara Tatsunori, who’s going to be the GIANTS next manager? I wanna see Abe Shinnosuke as the manager already
- What would you say if Kyo send you a picture of him standing on top of the mountain that he’s just climbed? The Zoom meeting has already started
- How do you want our next song (album) to turn out? raw (fresh) sound
Toshiya > Die
- We will die at some point in life, would you rather (1) be remembered by everyone in the world or (2) always be remembered by one particular person until they die? I’ve spent my whole life with this band so maybe 1
- If you have a chance to time-travel for once, which timeline would you choose (1) before you were born, (2) after you’ve passed away? If I can not return to this life time then I’d want to see what the future is like
- If there is one drug that brings super power, would you choose the one that (1) make you look young like your 20-year-old self or (2) keep the same appearance, but have the strength of a 20-year-old? 2-I’ll work on my appearance somehow…
- Who’s a foodie among the members? Our interests may vary but isn’t everyone a foodie?
- Which members hold the most secrets? All of us are secretive but I think “that person” definitely stood out.
Shinya > Die
- Which country do you like aside from Japan? The humidity right now makes me really want to feel the air of Los Angeles
- Which manga did you like the most as a kid in elementary school? Captain Tsubasa
- Are you becoming farsighted? I’d say my vision has gotton worse from 2007-when I got lasik surgery
- Favourite GIANTS player? It’s hard to choose one, but I’d say Kuwasa Masumi, he lived near my house back in Osaka, and used to be my hero when I was in PL Academy
- Your luggages always seem heavy, which item is the heaviest of them all? Dyson airwrap styler, hair dryer, hair iron, hair oil, hair cream, hair treatment spray… most of the items that added weight to my luggage are hair related
Kyo > Shinya
- You’re already dead. No, I’m not dead
- If you can become another person, would you choose to be Yoshiki san or Gackt san? please choose one. I’ll choose Yoshiki san because I’m a drummer
- Aren’t you going to build a room in your balcony? I don’t have a balcony in the first place
- Would you try the punch perm hair style? I really want you to try it? or eipper. you only have two choices, punch perm or eipper? If only these two choices then eipper…
- You’re already dead. No. I’m not dead.
Die > Shinya
- Would you wear anything other colour aside from white at the liveshows? Please answer with something different from “No”. Maybe there’s no other options in the future?
- Would you change your hair style? Please answer with something different from “No”. Maybe there’s no other options in the future?
- Would you change your phone to the iphone 15? Please answer with something different from “No”. I’ll skip for once next time
- Favourite Apple’s product that you’ve owned? please also explain why. I’d say the Macbook Pro that I’m currently using. Without it, nothing will work out
- If you didn’t become a Youtuber then who would you be? Maybe a drummer
Kaoru > Shinya
- Any recommendations lately? What kind??
- What kind of game should I, Tooru and Fujieda play? Who’s “I”??
- If you have the Rock f Solo sheet for Kurenai (ロックfソロシート), please give it to me. I only have DIR’s records
- What would you say if Toshiya send you a picture of him DJ-ing in the club? You’re spinning the Kurenai Solo Sheet! Yay
- How do you want our next song (album) to turn out? Ah! the person who ask this question… must be Kaoru kun? Am I right? 😏😏😏
Toshiya > Shinya
- We will die at some point in life, would you rather (1) be remembered by everyone in the world or (2) always be remembered by one particular person until they die? Maybe everyone in the world
- If you have a chance to time-travel for once, which timeline would you choose (1) before you were born, (2) after you’ve passed away? Absolutely the future, I want to see the future world
- If there is one drug that brings super power, would you choose the one that (1) make you look young like your 20-year-old self or (2) keep the same appearance, but have the strength of a 20-year-old? Inner strength
- Who the most domestic member? Die san
- Most ambitious member? Kyo san
And that’s it. They haven’t change one bit 😂
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bloody-night · 7 days
good morning/afternoon/evening, I loved your writing and it's so good to see someone paying attention to a top male reader, and if it's not too much trouble, could you do an edgeshot x male reader, where edgeshot arrives from a mission After a long time, all you want is to see your lover and make up for lost time, in a kind and loving way.
Together again
edgeshot/shinya kamihara x male reader
You see your lover after a while.
fluff, nsfw
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Another day without seeing your partner, you’ve missed him but you know what he’s doing. He is out saving everyone and anyone in need. Though you’re the one in need….
Sighing as you laid on the bed, staring at your cellphone and scrolling, watching anything that came up. You were bored out of your mind, and slightly tired. You did plenty this morning, make yourself breakfast, clean around a bit, then binge watch anything you thought was entertaining, then showered and are finally now on your bed.
You hummed as your ear perked up at the sound of your front door opening, smiling softly as you knew who had finally come home. Hearing heavy and tired footsteps walking down the hall and opening your bedroom door, your eyes landed on your partner.
“Tired?” You asked, smirking as how ruined he looked. “Very.” He mumbled, sitting on the bed before dropping to lay down, letting out a grunt. You chuckled as you got closer, hands reaching to comb through his white-ish hair, hearing him softly groan.
“How was your hero work?” You asked, caressing him gently, knowing how tired he must be. “Good, many lives were saved.” He whispered, feeling you remove his mouth gear. “You should change, I’m sure you want to be in comfortable clothing.” You mumbled, kissing his lips. He hummed, smiling at your affection. He nodded before sitting up, removing his clothing.
You saw what he did, seeing his bare body for the first time in a while. You couldn’t stop your bulge from forming. Pent up feelings ready to leave. “I’m so exhausted.” You heard him whisper, seeing him pause for a moment, sitting only in his underwear. You hummed as you sat behind him, your legs being beside his hips, hands wrapping themselves around his shoulders.
“I missed you.” You whispered, eager lips going to kiss his nape, feeling him shiver. “I did too.” He responded, his cheeks becoming a bit warm. Your lips continued to kiss his bare body, before standing up and staring down at him.
“Are you too exhausted?” You asked, fingertips pushing your lover down onto the bed. Shinya bit his lip, eyebrows furrowing a bit. You could see his bulge forming slowly, while yours was already there, boxers tight and uncomfortable, cock twitching in need of friction or anything.
Your pro hero looked at you with slight eagerness, before glancing away. You grinned at that, he was always slightly nervous when you two were going to conduct sexual acts together.
Humming, you moved in between his legs, before moving your upper body lower, chest against chest pressing together, your bulge poking his covered entrance. Edgeshot shivered slightly, before whining when he felt your teeth bite his neck, suckling on it. “Show me how much you missed me.” He whispered, blushing feverishly from what he said.
His hands gripped your strong shoulder, nails poking your skin. You grunted as your hips started rolling against him, failing your resistance and doing their own thing, searching for your lover’s hole and warmth.
Edgeshot moaned lowly, his own hips grinding after yours. “Yes…” he whispered seductively, blushing as he closed his eyes, feeling and hearing everything.
You huffed as your pulled away from his now bruised up neck, looking at your partner, seeing how red he looked, and nervous. “Faster?” You whispered, kissing his lips and making his eyes flutter open. “Faster.” He spoke softly, before moaning a bit more, feeling you grind harsher and quicker against him.
Hips burned as both of you were grinding on each other, underwear getting stained with pre. Edgeshot groaned as his arms wrapped themselves around your neck, bringing you closer. Your face hid onto the crook of his neck, hearing his frantic breaths as he was close, so were you.
At the same time, you both came in your underwear, so much came out of you as you were so pent up, a bit upset on how much cum you wasted, would’ve been better if it was inside your lover.
Kamihara huffed as his chest rose and lowered, regaining his breath. He grabbed his underwear, lowering it onto his knees, before turning onto his stomach. He wanted more, and you knew you did too.
Your hands grabbed his plump ass, squeezing and kneading it. Hearing your husband’s soft groans and gentle moans leaving his lips. “Please, fuck me already.” He demanded, his hands grabbing a pillow so he can rest his against it.
You chuckled and nodded, “I was gonna do it anyways, I can’t resist you.” You spoke, dick sliding between his cheeks. Slicking it up real good as you kept leaking. “Even after so long.” Mumbling towards the end.
“Do you want to prep..?” “No, I missed you so much, please.” You heard him answer, looking at you from the side. Following his command, you grabbed your cock, head at the entrance.
“Alright..” You whispered, biting your lip as you pushed the head inside him, hearing your partner gasp softly, seeing his legs perk up. Slowly, your hips moved forward, feeling the raw tightness of your lover, it made you want to fuck him senseless, and maybe you were.
Edgeshot hummed as his hands gripped the pillow case, waiting for you to stop moving so he could breathe, you did, for a few seconds that is.
Edgeshot whimpered as he felt you pounding his insides gently, seeing his ass jiggle and recoil made you so horny. You bit your lip as you panted, hearing how your partner moaned quietly and submissively, gripping the pillow as you sped up.
“Ah! O-oh fuck… keep going.” He begged of you, moaning a bit louder, feeling how good you stuffed him with just your cock. You groaned as you continued fucking him, the sound of skin against skin slapping each other was so good.
Shinya’s back was beautifully arched, his insides swallowing you whole and sucking you inside him. He whined as he grabbed your arms that were wrapped around his waist, gripping them hard.
You grunted as you leaned down against him, your chest pressing against his glistening back. Your hips went faster, hearing Edgeshot moan in return. You were close, and you knew your lover was, too.
“F-fuck… keep going, I’m close…” He whimpered, moaning ‘yes’ and your name repeatedly. His dick was leaking continuous pre cum. His face was red as his hair was a mess along the sheets, some strands stuck to his sweaty skin.
“O-oh! A-ah… mmmm…” He moaned so beautifully, like an actor. Your cock dug deep inside him, before giving final thrusts and finally releasing inside him.
You both let out a moan, panting out of sync. Edgeshot’s hips rolled against your cock, your hips subconsciously thrusting inside him to stuff your cum deep in him. “Guess you really needed that badly, huh?” You replied breathlessly, seeing the big stain left on the sheets by him.
Edgeshot groaned as he felt you pull out, his hole twitching and needing more, but his mind passed out. You heard him silently snore, before caring for him afterwards.
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strongbabe2907 · 6 months
28/3/2024 Oberhausen, turbinenhalle
GIG REVIEW, DIR EN GREY mode of withering to death.
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Since the m&g was at 6 and the gig didn’t start till 8 it was a bit of a long wait.
Luckily they started right on time!
It was just surreal to see them again and so up close, RAHHH. Shinay wore a white dress jacket and black trousers. Kaoru wore a beautiful 3 piece. He later took off the jacket so we could see the waistcoat and billowy shirt underneath better. Die wore his black dress/leather shorts combo with a red and black thing over it for most of the show. Toshiya wore his sparkly black dress with the leather boots, gosh, so pretty!! And Kyo was in his black adidas tracksuit. Tshirt underneath and a necklace over it. He wore 2 rings on his left hand, pinky and middle fingers, I think. He wore a white/blind contact lens in his left eye and his right was normal. Had the bald head with the extensions on it and the make up he did for most of the shows. Ah speaking of make up- Kaoru had two little vampire fangs drawn on him!! It was so cute.
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I don’t know the exact setlist. I’m sure someone has already posted it but I think it was the same for the other Withering shows. It was just amazing to hear these song live and the music was good and Kyo was audible and RAAHH it was just so, so fucking good.
They seemed really energetic and especially during Jesus Christ R ‘n R Kyo was interacting with the crowd a lot. He took out his earpiece to listen to us sing and also shouted ‘Sing!’ at us at the ominous communication part. AHHH. It was amazing! I think I spotted the tiniest crack of a smile on Kyo’s face.
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The others switched places during playing which was very nice! They just all seemed to be in good spirits. I also saw Kaoru singing along with a few songs and so did Die and idk why but it just made me immensely happy.
I’ve worn blind/white eye lenses before and you can’t see much out of them so Kyo only had 1 good eye during the show. He had moments of looking into the crowd but I noticed he spend a lot of time singing with his eyes almost closed for a good while. I can relate, I couldn’t help from closing my eyes from time to time to just feel the music, even though I didn’t want to miss a second of it. He also danced to a few songs, and after having seen them live for quite some years, to me it felt like he generally had a good time and good live. His voice was also SO good, gosh. How that man has grown (figuratively, bwhaha).
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They ended with Akoru no oka (my heart) and it was quiet a moment before Kyo just said BYE BYE in the mic and left the stage. Shinya threw his drumsticks and the other 3 stayed a little longer to throw their water bottles and plectrums. Kaoru threw one of his weirdly on the otherside where we were standing and I think it bounces off the barricade or something!? But it made him burst out in laughter and that was so nice to see ;o;
Die nearly killed someone with his bottle throw LOL, and after that we gathered ourselves and it was time to get ready to leave and head back home. I just felt filled with joy, and still do the morning after. So happy I decided to go and also finally chance the meet and greet.
Feel free to repost pictures, but please credit!
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lostsoulaltair · 6 months
OnS Chapter 136 Analysis - Love vs The Past
Well, a new chapter dropped. I must say that I liked it. We really are heading towards the end of the story and two sides now are on stage.
One fighting for love; the other one fighting to bring back something that is long lost.
Love can often be misunderstood in the manga story; to the point it distorts a lot, but in reality, it takes so many shapes, so many forms along giving birth to ideals.
Each character within the story is moved to do something for "love". But in this role too; the "love" for the "past" exists.
The past is a momentum that will always live in our memories; it is something that will forever be frozen; something that will not change. It's something that is part of us without defining us.
As we've seen today; the chapter starts with Yuu trying to reach the First; but given that the Progenitors want to avoid the destruction of the world much further; they were preventing Yuu from making contact with the First.
Of course, we see how Mika couldn't withstand the raw power of Urd Geales; we saw Shinya and Kureto alive and kicking once again; and finally, the main spot; the reunion between Shikama and Yuu.
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Shikama is aware that Yuu has all his memories back ever since he detected an anomaly along the interaction with the corpse of Mikaela. Of course, whenever Shikama knows the soul of his son is alive and kicking, it's up to interpretation. Though, it is clear he knows it exists.
Eventually we see how Shikama is going to bestow Yuu his knowledge and power
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But before he could give away his power to Yuu; Shinoa interferred with the possibility.
Leading to our possible future battle between Shinoa and Yuu.
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Two ideals being carried away within the story. And yet, at the same time they connect through the main theme. "Love."
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And no, it's not "romantic love ". The "love" or 愛 which is not the same as other interpretations of love itself. Just "ai". A love that takes so many shapes.
Let's begin with the real analysis here.
Yuu isn't exactly fighting for humanity nor his friends, nor his family. Given that the "regression" process he made to recall his whole life; he saw how his life originated alongside being the son of the First.
Given that, he is actually aiming for the task of "saving" but given that "love" is playing its role as well. It is the love he has deep down for his father that he is doing everything to bring back what his father cherished in the past. Which is something reflected as well when he was the angel Mikaela. Taking his life so divine punishment wouldn't fall upon his father.
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Shikama did love his angels, his followers and he did blame himself for the punishment that fell upon them. But given God's nature; it was normal that the punishment fell upon those angels given that they no longer praised for God.
Though; one thing Shikama and Yuu have in common, is the attachment to the past. It is the very fact that the past for them is something that should have prevailed instead of changing. What do I mean?
To Shikama, the Progenitors he chose, despite being reincarnations of those angels that followed him once; are not his angels.
And this is highly visible once Ashera asks Shikama what he should do back in chapter 117.
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To his eyes, Shikama's sired progenitors were just tools given that to him; they are shadows of who they were once, but to those progenitors; even if they have acknowledged that they are reincarnations; they made a choice.
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They chose to follow up their own path. And as they've stated back in chapter 114; their last and final task is to protect the world they live in. Meaning avoiding the resurrection of the angel Mikaela.
But now, why do I say Shikama and Yuu have one thing in common?
Yuu is a character that despite living endlessly; along having a constant memory reset until now that he gathered all his memories; he's done one thing to no end. And that is living in the past.
True, there are scars that take its time to heal from the past; some are very difficult nonetheless; he chose to live in such past. When he had a chance to make a choice; that choice was no longer centered in the present; it began to lead further astray to the past.
But then, what's the point of those promises?
Given how everything has turned. Those promises are something that can't be fulfilled. What do I mean?
In order to revive the angels from long ago; sacrifices must be made. But here's another thing that it is being dismissed. What could it be?
The absolute lack of appreciation to life.
Yuu might state he aims to save everyone; even to Ashera who at the end understood that there are limits to life. He loved and embraced he managed to get his sister back; but the cost for that was making her suffer for eternity; nevertheless, the lives both had, those kind of experiences they managed to live had their moments of bliss; bringing back entities that perished long ago, is discarting the moments experienced, the moments lived along the emotions that were carried through a lifetime.
But now, there is an opposite force here. And that force is no other than. "Love."
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Many might consider that Shinoa's love is "obssession, madness like Mahiru's love" but no. This is actually wrong.
Back when she stated she would kill Mikaela; there was a massive misconception of this which chapter 133 explained a lot.
Shinoa thought Yuu was being possessed by Mikaela at that time hence her retoric; but given that she saw first hand that Yuu had fooled them; she understood that Yuu was doing everything on his own will. And let's not forget that Yuu might be dumb, but not clueless or ignorant.
Shinoa's form of "love" is not something that came out of nothing; it's something that began taking shape by her own; it began from curiosity, turning into uncertainty, then transforming into caring, along developing feelings for a special someone. Such feelings for her were seen as something hideous or bad; but at the end, she understood they weren't bad, nevertheless, she never admitted them until or rather never accepted them truthfully until chapter 133.
Chapter 133 was a very reflexive chapter given that it gave Shinoa resolution; a resolution as to why it is the reason she was standing still in the very end of the world.
Shinoa's love is not centered to one person, but rather; it is centered to the very core family she gained through her journey which lead to this.
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Her battle and her resolution is directed to the very family that has stood with her and has followed her through the long journey she has taken so far. Hence why; she is standing along her squad just like how the vampires did; how they are going to live. Not by a decree of an entity, not by a decree of her sister and Guren nor the vampires; but rather, taking their own path until the very end.
Hence why Shikama states that her love is self centered, which is no different from him. He centered his love to his angels; Shinoa is centering her love to those who exist in the present. Along letting them return to their normality before the world ended; given that the end of the world, the events that took place before they were born, were all spiderwebs made by the First.
This is the first time they are fighting for their own.
What do you think it'll happen next?
Let me know!
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enhashoutout · 1 month
Please Only Look At Me (Fujio x reader)
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Have I written a Fujio x childhood friend reader post before? Yes
Am I gonna do it again and again because Fujio + this trope is my favorite thing? Absolutely
Genre: Fluff
___ is used in place of y/n to address the reader
Reader is written with female attributes, please feel free to change these while you read if you do not identify as such
Warnings: none other than like a few kisses
I listened to "From The Start" by Laufey while writing if you want to listen to it while you read.
Inspired by my bestie @high-and-low-all-the-way 's post High and Low reactions Them as Love tropes
The one where Fujio isn't gonna lose the girl he's been in love with his whole life to some rando who doesn't know you like he does.
___ and Fujio have been friends since they were kids. The two lived in the same housing estate at Hope Hill and were over at each other's places all the time so that they weren't home alone.
Both kids were very outgoing growing up but ___ started to retreat into a shell as puberty hit because growing up as a girl with people telling you how to act and be took a toll on her. Fujio stayed the same, extroverted and excited to make friends. The only people who get to see ___ extroverted were Fujio, Madoka, Seiji, Arata, Shinya, and Masaya. Yui too once they became friends through Madoka.
Fujio never treated ___ any differently. He saw the changes in her personality but didn't mind because he still got to see your extroverted personality when you were together. Not going separate ways once you grew older was already more than Fujio could ask for because he was scared you would grow up and realize you didn't want to be friends anymore, wanting to hang out with different people.
Fujio staying the same even through puberty, made ___ question her feelings for him. It’s not like he treated her any differently from everyone else, so why does she like him more than a friend? Because he's nice? Well, he's nice to everyone so it doesn't mean he feels the same way. Being nice is the bare minimum, so why is it different when Fujio is nice to her?
Fujio on the other hand thought his feelings were obvious. He waits for ___ to pick her up from school, even on late nights where she stays after for after school club events. He shares his food, and won't let anyone else help him patch up his injuries because "only ___ knows how to do it correctly". Fujio is brave in all situations... except for his feelings for ___; so he thought he would let his actions speak for him instead of saying it directly. She would surely pick up on the signs... right? Wrong. ___ is convinced he's just being nice because he is a nice person.
The only people that know for sure ___ likes Fujio are Madoka and Yui. She chose not to tell the boys because she was scared one of them would accidentally slip and tell Fujio, scared that he might not feel the same. More people know Fujio likes ___. Seiji, Arata, Shinya, Masaya, Tsukasa, Jamuo, and the rest of the boys who follow him. They always hear him talking about you and how much he likes you but doesn't know if you feel the same because you don't show any signs of feeling the same way. You don't blush at his words or actions, and you never seem nervous to be around him. (The truth is that you've been hiding your crush on him for so long you've gotten good at pretending he doesn't affect you in any way when he really does.)
Madoka, Seiji, Arata, Shinya, and Masaya are sure you both like each other but don't know what to do with you guys. The friend group was sworn to secrecy by the respective friend, so they weren't allowed to give the other person a little push in the right direction. It seemed you were both doomed to not know how the other felt until a certain group date was crashed.
Madoka, Shinya, Yui, Sawamura, and a few other girls from the band club and their boyfriends were all going on a group date. Madoka, Yui, and the girls got you to tag along because they said that the boys would bring a few friends who are single also.
"I don't know guys, I don't have someone to go with. It'll be boring if I just sit there while you're all talking to your boyfriends. I don't want to be a third wheel to four different couples."
"We took care of that! The other girls told us that their boyfriends have friends who are also single and a few of the other band girls who are also single are coming too. So, you guys can all do blind-dates or even speed-dating!" (Yui)
"I don't know about this guys...."
"Come on ___, it'll be fun! Maybe you'll like one of them and stop liking Fujio," said Yui.
"Pleaseee, she's liked him since we were 6. I don't know if she'll ever stop," said Madoka.
"No need to call me out like that Madoka."
"It's true! You've liked him since we were kids. But take what Yui is saying into consideration. Maybe you'll like one of the guys that comes on the date."
"Okay fine." The other girls hugged you, squealing with excitement; happy that you agreed to come along.
The next day after school, you guys walked to a café nearby, meeting the boys there. Your friends ran to give their boyfriends a hug, you following behind.
"Hey ___." (Shinya)
"Hey Shinya."
"Hey ___! What are you doing here?" (Sawamura)
"Madoka and Yui convinced me to come and join the blind dating. Told me it would be fun. I figured it wouldn't hurt to just mingle."
"Guys, let's go inside!" (Yui)
The group began to file into the cafe, but not before Sawamura looked at Shinya and mouthed "Text Fujio" before they all went in. Shinya didn't need to be told twice, he was already thinking about it, Sawamura just helped double confirm his thoughts. All the boys who were friends with Fujio knew he liked you, everyone was surprised none of them have spilled the secret to you. I guess that comes with being loyal to Fujio. Both guys knew that Fujio would flip if he knew you were here on a blind date.
As everyone was waiting to be seated, Shinya pulled out his phone to text Fujio.
Hey Did you know that ___ is also here?
Fujio was hanging out on the rooftop with the others when his phone buzzed. He picked it up and read the notification from Shinya, almost spitting out his drink after reading the messages.
F: What do you mean ___ is there?! Aren't you on a group date?! S: Yeah. I guess some of the other guys here brought their single friends and the girls and guys who are single are blind dating while the rest of us are on a group date. Sawamura and I just wanted to let you know she's here. F: Where are you guys? S: The café near Seiho Girl High School.
"Guys I have to go!" shouted Fujio as he ran out of Oya. The others looked at him, a bit baffled because he ran out before any of them could answer. Fujio began running towards the café. He ran and ran and didn't stop until he had arrived outside of the café. Fujio quickly entered and looked for you, seeing you talking to some random boy from another school.
"Fujio! What are you doing here?" Shinya asked out loud, pretending like he wasn't the one who notified Fujio of your whereabouts.
Fujio walked over to your table and grabbed your hand, pulling you out of the café with him without a word.
"Fujio? Fuijo, where are we going? Fujio I left my date back there by himself because you pulled me out of the café!"
Fujio turned around to look at you, not letting go of your wrist. "Don't look at anyone else."
"Don't look at anyone else. Don't look at other boys. Please only look at me."
"Fujio what are you talking about?"
"I like you ___. I've liked you for a long time ___, since we were 6 years old. I've liked you every day since we met and I've been trying to show you I like you since we were 10. I haven't been able to tell you because I was scared you didn't feel the same, but I'm telling you now. All the boys know I like you, I told all of them. When Shinya and Sawamura saw you here they texted me and I came as fast as I could. I can't lose you to someone else when I've loved you my whole life ___. I love you ___! So please don't look at anyone else."
A moment of silence passed between the two as they continued to stare at each other. "Well at least accept or reject me ___. Don't leave me hanging," said Fujio.
___ grabbed a hold of Fujio's other hand, getting up on her tip toes, and kissed the boy. Fujio let go of ___'s hands to wrap his arms around her waist as he melted into the kiss. ___'s hands going up to grab his shoulders. The two finally pulled away when they needed air.
"You should've just told me that from the beginning Fujio."
"I know. I'm sorry it took me so long to tell you. Be my girlfriend?"
"Yes, I would love to finally be your girlfriend."
Fujio hugged ___ and spun them in a circle. "I've been waiting my whole life to hear you say that."
"In my defense, you took a whole lifetime to ask."
He let go of the hug to look at her. "But I've been showing you that I liked you since forever!"
"Showing me how?!"
"By being extra nice to you!"
"That's not valid! You're nice to everyone!"
The two held hands and walked off, continuing to bicker back and forth about whether or not Fujio's actions spoke loud enough to convey his feelings or if he should've just verbally confessed sooner. Behind a bush, Tsukasa, Jamuo, Todoroki, Yuken, Tsuji, and Shibaman hid to look at the two.
"Well, now they're dating, but they still bicker the same way they did when we were all 6." (Jamuo)
"I don't think that'll ever change about them." (Tsukasa)
"Finally! Now we won't have to hear him mope about how ___ doesn't return his feelings anymore!" (Tsuji)
"Yeah but now it's gonna turn into him talking about how much he loves her instead." (Shibaman)
Yuken was taking a picture of the two walking hand in hand.
"Uhhh what are you doing?" (Todoroki)
"Sending it to the Housen-Suzuran group chat obviously." (Yuken)
"You guys have a group chat?" (Todoroki)
"Yeah. It's new. Made it since Rao and Sachio are friends now." (Yuken)
"Are you updating Rao on Fujio's love life?" (Tsukasa)
"Yes. And making Binzo jealous." (Yuken)
TA-DAH! You made it to the end! This was just something small and fun I wrote today when I got a break from class and training at my new job. I miss writing😭 I need to get back into writing more, I didn't get to post anything in the Summer. This blog is gonna see an insane amount of self-indulgent fluff fics being posted because I'm gonna need those to get through my Master's program this year (help I'm dreading it already and this is only my second day)😭😂
© This work is copyrighted by enhashoutout. I only post my work on this Tumblr account. I do not allow people to repost or translate my work without my permission. If you do see anyone doing so, please let me know. Writers work hard on their stories, please don't be a crappy human and take our work. ♡
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yridenergyridenergy · 1 month
Hi hope you doing well I wanted you to help me if you can cause it is beyond my power,I'm so sorry for making trouble for you and thanks anyway
Hello everybody, wish great things for all of you
I don't know how many people will read this ,I think nobody care about what I think and what i want so I thought that this place is good to talk,I'm actually don't like to talk I always think I will take people time
I live in a small town in iran ,well I think having dreams for me was always sin japanese rock really changed my life, I had goal after that but it seems I'm always so weak for having dream ,I really liked buck-tick songs their songs was really life saver I really liked atsushi voice after that I listened to dir en grey songs it was very special and different also seeing people like me for the first time made me really happy cause toshiya's personality was really same as me ,after few weeks I watched Nippon budokan dir en grey 2014 at YouTube and I saw fans happiness at the live and from that day I think that I want to be a rock star at japan and wanted to see all of them ,I told my parents that I want to play electric guitar but they didn't allowed me at first and I was so sad after 6 months they told me that if you want to learn first you should learn classic guitar so I went for two years and now after two years I found that at the beginning they just wanted to play with me and they didn't wanted me to play guitar and didn't want to let me go to japan ,now the only think I have is my tears ,when I talk about rock that makes them angry I wrote this to ask you fans if you can tell the dir en grey that there was a girl that wanted to be a guitarist I really want to be a guitarist and I need help ,I am very limited, so I ask for your help
Hello! I sincerely apologize for the delay.
I've been pondering over this ever since you sent me this plea. It would be odd for someone else to send your message to Dir en grey, because then it's more like hearsay and it could seem like a story.
Your best option would be to communicate with Kaoru via TheTheDay, I think. Because he is a guitarist, but also because I think he's more likely to read fan messages and maybe respond. Shinya is guaranteed to read such communications too, but he might not reply seeing as it is a personal message rather than a question, and he's a drummer.
TheTheDay is run through the co-yomi platform, so I don't think overseas fans had as much difficulty registering on that than with the freewill-online sites.
Being a rock star is quite the dream to have! Few people make it into a band, and even fewer actually taste popularity and success. It's never too late - you can at least keep it as a hobby and explore your avenues. Good luck!
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yuukiyuunairumafan · 2 months
Stop trying to blame Mahiru.
"She's a monster." "She manipulate Guren." "She use Guren."
First thing first, ever since the beginning, it had been proved that, in chapter 97, both Mahiru and her sister Shinoa was born with demon implanted inside them. And yeah, she's also a freaking test subject. A guinea pigs. Seriously, it doesn't make sense if you guys try to blame her for everything she did. If you read Guren Ichinose Catastrophe at Sixteen, you'll understand what I mean by that. Mahiru, in order to protect and save Shinoa, she take the role as the guinea pigs. She's suffering in silence. It also had been claimed by Shinoa herself that the person who would go against her death is Mahiru. Shinoa is Mahiru source of happiness. She's the one in the Hiiragi family that she truly cared about. Okay, how could you expect someone who have went through hell since childhood to be sane? At that time where Mahiru make a deal with Tenri, he already have Shinoa as the hostage. And as you guys can see in some chapter, Mahiru appeared to be killing some soldier from the JIDA. And there's one person who clearly say "As expected of Mahiru-sama" It seem like all the followers whose been working with Tenri know pretty well and very aware of what they are doing. Back then, she was still a child. Mahiru also the victim of the Hiiragi Family. Not only Shinya, Shinoa and Guren.
It had been stated by Shinoa herself that being born into the Hiiragi family, familial love doesn't exist. Which make sense on why Mahiru beat Shinoa at chapter 97. Growing up without familial love might make Mahiru wonder "what is love?" "How does it feel?" And so, Mahiru, whose grow up with her live being controlled by the Hiiragi family, might as well doesn't really know and know very little of which is right and which is wrong. She think that beating Shinoa can save her from being possessed by Shikama Doji. She saw this as an act of love. She saw this abuse as an act of love. It's all because of her messed up life. Being experimented on since birth, she already think that this is normal. The "I love you" from Mahiru was truly genuine. If she didn't take this kind of action, Shinoa might as well unable to hold back Shikama. It's all thanks to Mahiru that Shikama never possessed Shinoa up until she started to developing feelings towards Yuichiro Hyakuya. Mahiru is also a human being. She have heart. She does. She too, have feelings and emotions like others. All Mahiru wish is to be a normal girl. She is someone who was desperate for other love. Being the only daughter in the Hiiragi family before Shinoa, she is responsible of heavy responsibility and duty. Just like Kureto. Even if it was clear that Mahiru can control her demon, we must not forget she has been experimenting on herself to make sure of it. However, due to her lingering love and affection towards Guren, it simply turn her love into an obsession. And at Guren Ichinose Catastrophe at Sixteen chapter 17, Mahiru had call Guren to hear his voice. She also had indeed, requesting him to kill her.
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She know it's too late already. But still, she never stopped telling him and asking him to kill her. But Guren, being stubborn, refusing to kill her as he is still inlove with her. He wanted to save her. He does. But in the end, he can't. He had to watches the person he loved the most turn into a demon. And the worse part is that, he had cursed Mahiru for enternity to forever be his demon stuck inside his swords. Which is also his own cursed gear.
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And just look at Guren expression. He was clearly hurt by this as his fist were clenches tightly. Mahiru cry. Tears falling down her amber eyes, following down to her cheeks. She smiles lovingly yet sadly as she tell Guren that she love him. She too, had asked for Guren to kill her before it's too late because she doesn't want her love, her feelings and emotions to be faded away by her own demon. She's scared. And truly care for Guren and Shinoa. She gripped her chest through the fabric of her uniform, signalling that she is hurt and having a hard time on controlling her demon to keep it under control. She doesn't want to turn into a selfish, manipulative demon who only care about is their master desire. She left the path. The right one. It's all because she wanted to seek out power to save them. Mahiru love Shinoa. She just can't show it. What did you expect if she didn't love Shinoa, she wouldn't make that kind of deal with Tenri. "Do not use Shinoa as a test subject." And with that, she struck off the wings of a genius. She too, willing to cut off Shikama from Shinoa body and put it inside her own body. It was clear on why Mahiru human self is starting to dissapear. When she already have a hard time controlling one demon. Not to mention now she doesn't have only one, but two. It only increasing the chances of having her humanity to be faded away faster. And so, her action is all was because of her demon. Not because of her. She already explain from the started that she wanted Guren and only Guren to kill her. And yet, he keep trying to save her. That's why. But don't blame Guren. He's inlove with Mahiru too much that he is unable to kill her and always been trying to find a way to save her and free her from the curse. He done this for Mahiru. For the person he loved. The girl he loved.
Stop trying to blame Mahiru. She doesn't deserve the hate. For those who agreed with me, please make a comment.
And yes, I know that Mahiru is a genius. She is. But still, she need someone to at least guide her.
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symphonic-scream · 1 month
Hey everyone it's time for more of my
Transboy Haru arcana swap
Starting off with just a list of the arcana, and under the cut I'll just. Blab
Fool - Haru
Magician - Ryuji
Councillor - Kawakami
Priestess - Morgana
Empress - Yusuke
Emperor - Makoto
Hierophant - Yoshida
Lovers - Futaba
Chariot - Shiho
Justice - Kasumi & Sumire
Hermit - Goro
Fortune - Rise
Strength - Sophia
Hanged Man - Sae
Death - Maruki
Temperance - Kanji
Devil - Tae
Tower - Mishima
Star - Ann
Moon - Akira
Sun - Shinya
Judgement - Naoto
Faith - Hifumi
Apostle - Mitsuru & Akihiko
Hope - Minato & Minako
Anyways. Before I do the cut I'm gonna just talk about which genders I'm gendering cause I'm gay.
So Haru? Trans guy. He/him. Has been out for the entirety of high school, has had top.
Futaba? Gender is a construct don't speak witch at them. Any pronouns. Akira is CIS but Ren is a trans guy too
Makoto is fluid/non-conforming/non-binary. Uses bandanas on their upper arm to show pronouns. Navy for He/him, forest for They/them, and maroon for She/her
Trans man Naoto! He's he/they, very secure in himself he's having a good time now.
And, trans girl Hifumi
Toranosuke being just. Best dad in this
First for Goro, by trusting him and listening when he would mention stuff he'd heard or seen that weren't there. And getting him meds and not punishing him, and
And for Haru, he lets him use his family name since he's been disowned. And teaches him to cook, and how to do life things Like SHAVE
Cause Haru is starting to get a little fuzz and it excites him but he doesn't like having it on his face, and he listens attentively as Toranosuke teaches him how to shave, and the gentle fatherly hug after
And even with Morgana, just, gosh
The little guy eats like a vacuum and Tora just. Smiles so wide when Morgana finishes a beef bowl and asks if he's allowed to have more for real
And he even buys a bunch of cool shit for Haru's "lizard". Ryuji feels pampered as AHIT. A big terrarium, a nice heat lamp, and even a little hat
And he gets so excited when Haru brings his first friend home
Cause when Tora got his papers, it said Haru was a loner with no friends back in Nagoya. That he didn't go out, and his anger issues would probably keep him from having friends
Especially when he happens to hear rumours about his foster son on the trains, even
So when Haru nervously asks if he can have two friends over for a little hangout, Tora is so excited
Goro never had friends over when he was in school, before he got worse. So he's playing up being host
Gets them snacks, buys Haru the DVD player so they can watch movies, and shakes both Shiho and Futaba's hands with a big smile. Offers them dinner too
Futaba: dude your placement is awesome! Not as amazing as my dad, but still!
Haru: yeah, he's pretty great
Shiho: pass me the popcorn? I'm snacky
Ryuji: the big guy is good to us here, Haru got lucky finding a guardian like him
During the Kobayakawa palace, he lets Makoto stay with them. She doesn't feel safe going back to the living space she's been in before, and hasn't reached out to Sae yet, and was planning to just, stay in a hotel room
Tora makes up the couch in his home and lets her sleep there. Haru brings home extra homework for her and they sit at the living room table and work together, and Tora smiles at them and. He knows
Tora: hey kiddo, did your friend find a safe place? I haven't seen them in a while
Haru: yeah, Mako's with their sister now. Thanks, Tora. It was nice of you to let them stay with you
Tora: kids like you folks haven't been able to trust adults, and that's not fair. So I'm making up for my generation, one interaction at a time
Tora: also, make sure you treat them right, and they treat you right. A broken heart can be quite severe
Haru: t-thanks,,
Ryuji: how'd he know you have the hots for Maks?
Haru: I don't know, maybe he's just good like that
Haru: can I have my friends sleep over...?
Tora: YES, YES OF COURSE! Oh, this is so exciting, I'll get the extra futons, and- and we'll do a grocery trip! Oh kiddo I'm so happy for you!
He sees Shiho and Futaba come into the shop just like last time, but Makoto comes in with a blue bandana on his arm, binder on, arm slung around Haru and smiling all gooey and
Tora: hey! Ms Shiho, looking bright! Futaba, are those new glasses? Nice! And- Makoto, you look handsome in that flannel, is it new?
Makoto, all beaming from gender euphoria: yeah, I went shopping with my Sis. Uhm, if you could use male terms for me today...
Tora: say no more. Now, do you kids wanna order food or would you like beef bowls? On the house?
Like. He just wants the kids of tomorrow to have the best chances possible
He doesn't get the gender stuff really, but he tries
Asks them questions respectfully, takes fucking notes
Tora: I don't think I need to scar you, you're a good kid. And your relationship is far from the norm, but- be safe, kid. And if you need info on stuff, I can find someone for you.
Haru: thanks, Uhm. Dad?
Tora, tearing up: Y-YEAH. UHM. HAVE A GOOD DATE
Haru: my dad really likes you
Makoto: he's your dad now?
Haru: don't dodge the compliment, love. He thinks you're the best thing since sliced bread
Makoto: gosh, that's. I'm glad,
Sae: hey, we're back with dinner! There better be two fully dressed boys at my table in a minute!
Makoto: COMJNG SIS! You ready for hotpot with my sister and her partner?
Haru: considering I met both of them before you? Yes
Sae notices the green on Makoto's arm and rubs at their hair: hey, sorry for saying boy without checking. How's my sib doing?
Makoto, voice cracking: I'm good,
Sae is a defense attorney who lives above a gym. She gets them weapons from a supplier for said gym, and the guns are special order from a Yakuza she infiltrated a while ago for the cops. They don't know she still has connections with them, and it would get her fired, Makoto out of her custody, etc
Tae is working for a pharmacy at the moment. She gets them info on people through her connections to an online group for past and present abuse victims
Their apartment isn't anything special, it's kinda small, and has a loft that becomes Makoto's when they are free from Kobayakawa
Sae meets Haru first and when she figures out the fluffy boy has something to do with that coach changing heart, she asks him to save her sister
Haru: you're a very sad looking girl
Makoto: excuse me?!
Haru: I'm attracted to you
Sae and Tae on a shopping trip with a newly freed Makoto, who is gravitating towards baggy clothes and masc stuff, and at the end Tae asks if they want an underfut, And she shaves it herself, and smiles at Sae when Makoto looks so happy
Haru is just slightly taller
He's short for a boy his age. Makoto doesn't mind at all, they like being able to rest their head on his shoulder
Ryuji: your group is quite something
Haru: aw, thanks Spikey
Maruki: alright, I think we'll call it there. Great work, Haru, you're showing great improvement.
Haru: thanks, doctor
Maruki: now, got any plans after this?
Haru: ...a date
Haru: ...yeah?
Maruki: that's so exciting! Good luck!
Haru and Makoto go to see a Yakuza movie and they share a thing of popcorn, and Makoto has an arm around Haru, and. Haru kisses at their jaw a little, not enough for a full distraction. Just, affection
They kiss just as the credits start, when it's still a little dark. Makoto's eyes blow wide, red ass face, death grip on Haru's arm
"...I wanna do that again"
Theyre touch starved and never realized it and now they have a touch starved boyfriend and it's just resulting in them being super casual about moderate pda
Makoto's favourite is playing with Haru's hands. They'll be in the Lizard Mobile or at Thief meetings or in safe rooms and they just. Grab at his hands and go to work
Having little bites of each other's lunches and shit
Okay so the reason I have Naoto as the Judgement? Cause the Shadow OPS would want to investigate into what's happening and wouldn't want Okumura and his people to cover up possible Persona stuff, so there's that
So they already know about Kirijo and shit
This ties into what I want for a Strikers. The metaverse suddenly comes back out of nowhere and Haru would probably wake up there, and find two confused adults. One with emo ass blue hair, the other with red/brown ponytail, neither with any memories, and an inability to leave
They tag along to help with the jail's. But then, Mitsuru Kirijo shows up and asks for Haru's phone. When he refuses, Mitsuru makes it clear she will get what she wants
It's weird and makes them freak out a bit and then the cops are after them
And Akihiko shows up to save them from the cops, and he confirms the twins are back somehow, and explains Mitsuru's stuff and. They team up to take down the baddy, and manage to get the twins out of the metaverse as it closes once more
Their memories are still gone. They're not sure how they're back, or what's happening with the sea of souls. The Royal semester shit messed with it, reviving the Justice Twins and all, and that's all I have lemme know if you think that'll work
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highway-road23 · 1 month
Head Canon
The first time the Guren Squad decided to throw a birthday party for Guren was a year after the catastrophe and the destruction of the world.
They were especially determined to do this because Guren's deep depression was very evident and he had become more reticent and withdrawn than ever.
Shinya personally spoke to Kureto to allow them all to be free on that particular day, and Kureto, after hearing the condition of Guren, which he had clearly seen, gave Shinya this permission, and he himself gave some of the necessary equipment and materials which were for the party and making a cake.
Kureto ordered Guren to go on a short patrol mission around the city the day before the party so that Shinya and the others could prepare for the party without Guren noticing.
The next morning, when Guren was returning from the mission to his house, as soon as he opened the door, he was greeted by the cheers of his friends and the Happy Birthday song, which made him surprised and totally shocked.
After singing that song for a while they took Guren to his birthday cake that Sayuri had personally baked and decorated.
In the meantime, Guren was deeply affected and extremely happy to the point that tears filled his eyes and his cheeks were slightly red from embarrassment. When it was time to blow out the candles, Guren wished from the bottom of his heart that his friends could live forever in health and happiness in a normal and beautiful world again even if he did not exist in such a world too.
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mementoboni · 1 year
[part 3/4] DIR EN GREY WOWOW Interview & Document (2020)
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"But looking at these, seeing Diru's behind-the-scenes production process, I still feel it's not easy, DIR EN GREY is really amazing." — Shinya
Notes before reading:
The whole interview is divided into 8 topics, and the translation is divided into 4 parts. This is the third part, including the 5th topic. The details of all topics and time markers are 👉 here.
I have added Chinese subtitles for this video in 2021. The whole interview was very meaningful, and I hope that with the English translation, more people can understand what they're talking about.
The five members were interviewed separately and then edited into a video, so the words spoken by each of them are not necessarily coherent.
Repost and share are welcome.🙌 I translated it all by my ears, so please feel free to correct me if you spot any mistake or any confusing parts.☺️
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05. Member Feature
[ 薫 Kaoru ]
►Memories of the Band Formation
Kaoru: Even ONE MAN LIVE, we still didn't have the budget to decorate the stage. But we still wanted it, so we went to TOKYU HANDS* and bought Styrofoam, flower decorations, and wire or something like that. It's fun that we all made  stage decorations in the house together. (*Note: "TOKYU HANDS" is a Japanese chain of home-based department stores specializing in selling DIY products.)
►Something of Recent Interest
Kaoru: I am often asked, but I can't think of anything. I don't want to do anything when I get home.  This month, in June, "Neon Genesis Evangelion" (the movie) will be released, and I really like it. Kaoru: It's almost over, of course I also want to see it earlier, but after watching it is really over. I'm a little happy that it's going to be postponed, that it won't be released this year (2020), and that I won't be able to watch it. (Staff: Emotionally, you still can't accept it.) Kaoru: Yeah, yeah, it will feel like it's not the end yet.
►Opportunity for Solo Exhibition
(*Screen caption: Kaoru held a solo exhibition”ノウテイカラノ”in 2019.) Kaoru: The reason for the exhibition is that a few years ago my hands started to become a bit uncomfortable and I couldn't hold the pick properly to play the guitar, so I had to put the pick on my fingers with tape*.  As a kind of rehabilitation, I started to draw and try to show some random things, but the story is not yet that rich. (*Note: Around 2014, Kaoru's hands began to show signs of abnormalities, which were diagnosed to be the occupational disease, caused by relaxation of the ligaments of the muscles or joints.)
►The Origin of「ノウテイカラノ」("nouteikarano”)
Kaoru: When I was a child, I often had a dream. I don't know if it was the sky or the ground, but there was a pure white place, and from far away, I could see a lot of dots, as if there was a large group of things coming closer and closer, and in an instant, they all swarmed towards me. Kaoru: Every night I would dream about it, and then I woke up with a start.  I wake up every time I dream about it, and what happens after that? I imagine what happens after that, try to draw a picture like this, go back to my mind at that time and imagine it. (*Note: According to Kaoru’s scend book “Dokugen ni” (published in 2018) P.85, "ノウテイカラノ" means "脳底からの" (born from inside the head), just written in katakana.
►Influence on the Band
Kaoru: At first, I wanted to draw with a different feeling, and I felt that my creative power was stimulated, so I thought I could compose with a different feeling. But, rather, it seems to be more difficult to make a song. (laughs)
[ Shinya ]
►The Person You Admire
Shinya: I've been in a band since my first year of middle school. X was very popular in the class, and YOSHIKI-san's presence was very strong.  At that time I decided to become a drummer like him, and I've always looked up to YOSHIKI-san since then.
►Memories of the Band Formation
Shinya: We used to compose in a studio in Osaka. There was a container-like studio, and I remember we stayed there for 3 or 4 days, composing the song together.  The studio was rented, and we slept there under the blankets. Shinya: I never understood why we had to share a room*. The studio was in Osaka and we could just go home, so why did we have to spend the night there?  I guess other members might have felt the same way. (*Shinya used the word "gashuku, 合宿")
►Reason for Not Changing the Style
Shinya: There are people who have liked me for a long time. Also, I can feel the beauty by keeping my old look, and that's why (I don't change my look).
►Opportunity to Start Solo Project
(*Screen caption: Shinya established the music group "SERAPH" in 2017.) Shinya: The concept was already there many years ago, but I felt that it was a bit taboo to have other band activities, so I didn't do anything.  But around 2012 or 2013, I started to think that it was okay, so I went into it with the intention of trying it out.
►The Concept of "SERAPH"
Shinya: The theme is the various things that I see from heaven, about human beings, and that's what I'm expressing.
►Influence on the Band
Shinya: The drum part is the same as DIR EN GREY. After all, it's an expression of my own creation.  In this respect, when I think of the drums of DIR EN GREY, there may still be some influence.
►Things learned from "SERAPH"
Shinya: I have to do a lot of things by myself in SERAPH, booking all kinds of things and so on.  I'm quite happy to do it myself, or maybe I'm doing it because I like it. But looking at these, seeing Diru's behind-the-scenes production process, I still feel it's not easy, DIR EN GREY is really amazing.
[ Die ]
►Opportunity to Go into the Band
Die: I wasn't that interested in music itself before. I like listening to music, but I don't know anything about the bands. After entering high school, I saw the performance of senpais' copy band at the cultural festival. I was dragged there by my friends, and it was a shock to me. The first time I saw a live performance, I realized that it's the band. Die: Although I had no interest in it, I wanted to do something while watching it, and I formed a band with my friend immediately after the show was over. There was no one else (in the band). I was a drummer at first. (laughs)  But it's boring to play rhythm all the time at home.  After all, guitar is a melodic instrument, and there is an amplifier. I guess the guitar is more attractive to me.
►Memories of the Band Formation
Die: When we first debuted, we spent the whole day in the conference room of the record company, signing posters, changing signatures, and so on. Filming also started at 6 a.m., and it took about 3 hours for a person to put on makeup, it's usually over time at the end. I remember these things very well.
►Something of Recent Interest
Die: In my daily life, I naturally see and hear things like the Japanese music industry, and it feels really peaceful.
►Opportunity to Start Solo Project
(*Screen caption: Die founded the rock band "DECAYS" in 2015.) Die: As far as music is concerned, it's something I can't do at DIR EN GREY. I wanted to try and see how far I could go without the DIR EN GREY label. There is a part of me that wants to do it myself, or to challenge it.
►Things learned from "DECAYS"
Die: At first I felt like I had to make some changes, but instead, I felt like I was losing myself. In the end, I found that it is best to be myself, in the next process.
[ Toshiya ]
►Opportunity to Start Playing Bass
Toshiya: Originally, I just wanted to be a guitarist, but I didn't think I could play very well. At that time, I was thinking about what to do, and then I was attracted to the bass. I felt like I could see my future. Toshiya: There are many people who are called "Guitar Heroes", but few people remember "Bass Heroes". That means there is still room for me to develop, so I thought I would play bass.
►Memories of the Band Formation
Toshiya: When our band first formed, four members came to my hometown. It was winter and there was still snow on the ground. They all came from Kansai and rarely saw snow*. I was very impressed by how excited they were to see snow. (*Toshiya's hometown is Nagano. It is said that Toshiya's mother took the picture at the time and still keeps it at home in Nagano :D → TOSHIYA AT JOE YOKOMIZO CHANNEL 4th FEB TRANSLATION/NOTES 2/4)
►Favorite Artists
Toshiya: I like painting. Vincent van Gogh and Francis Bacon, I like both of them very much.  The world of painting is usually a mixture of truth and fiction.
►Opportunity to Start the Apparel Brand
(*Screen caption: Fashion brand with Toshiya as creative director - DIRT) Toshiya: I think music and fashion are inseparable and both are very attractive. Music should be free to express itself, and in the same way, fashion should be free, too. Toshiya: When it comes to expressing oneself, everyone chooses what is acceptable to most people*. I don't like that, I think we should listen to our own thoughts more. (*Toshiya used the word "migimuke migi, 右向け右")
►Influence on the Band
Toshiya: Even if I'm designing clothes, I end up having something to do with music. Although this is a completely different field, it will eventually return to music and bands.
[ 京 Kyo ]
►The Person You Admire
Kyo: There are a lot of them.  Now I'm not just targeting one person. When I was young, there were a lot of senpais that I wanted to become like them.  But it's been more than 20 years, so now I don't take them as a target, just be myself.
►Interested Artists
Kyo: Haven't there "Kimetsu no Yaiba (鬼滅の刃)" recently?  I haven't read it yet, it's super popular, isn't it?  Generally speaking, if the sales are so good, it is difficult to end the series, right? There will be a variety of entanglements, such as the life afterwards, there are many to consider. Kyo: I think it's great to end the series like this, to end it at this time, with a sense of strength and determination. So if there is a follow-up manga in the future, I would like to read it.
►Opportunity to Start Solo Project
(*Screen caption: Kyo founded the rock band "sukekiyo" in 2013.) Kyo: The things I want to do often keep popping up. I think it's a shame not to do it, and I don't want to regret it.
►Influence on the Band
Kyo: I don't think so, but I feel less stressed (after the solo project).  People who like DIR EN GREY say to me, "Don't bring sukekiyo to DIR EN GREY!" Sometimes people say that, and I'm not going to do that. Kyo: I was asked why (I want to form a sukekiyo), "Diru can do it, right?" It's because I can't do it (in Diru) that I want to do it!  I don't know what criteria they used to say that Diru can do it, but I didn't do what I could do (in Diru).  If you finish what you want to do one by one, you will be less stressed out.
(To be continued…)
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part 1. & part 2. & part4.
topics & time marks
中文翻譯 (My Blogger) part 1. & part 2. & part 3.
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chichiichiii347 · 1 year
First impressions of the members:
scan credit to @deg-conce-blog
Kyo 💛
Both Die and Kaoru first met him in the Restroom of some live house. Die said the first time he met Kyo, he had his hair straight up and looked like a little devil, and Kyo spoke to Die first. The second time they met, Die thought Kyo looked very cute as he didn’t have make up on, and he was very quiet among his old bandmates, Die was surprised with the gap.
Kaoru first impression of Kyo was when he was putting make up on at some restroom, Kyo and his bandmates came in with full make up (they also rode the train with full make up and costumes), but when Kaoru was going to greet Kyo’s band after the live show, he found out that Kyo already went home because he felt cold lol.
Shinya 🩷
Die: Die and Shinya actually encounter each other during the event between their previous previous bands, but they didn’t notice each other’s existence. However, in their first conversation, Shinya would only say “uhm” or “yes” lol (Kao: he’s talked a lot during train rides etc though…)
Kaoru: I first met Shinya and Kyo when they were in their previous band and they invited me to join in lol. Shinya had short hair at the time (Die: Ah, when he was still a teenager, he often wore school uniform to practice…). After practice, we would ride the train together (for about 4 stations), he didn’t speak a single word and had a reserved manner, Kaoru wondered if he was even in the same band with the other bandmates lol. When they were waiting for the train, he was being polite and asked things like “should we sit on the bench while waiting?” (Die: Feels like the first Date!)
Toshiya 💙
Die: he first saw Toshiya when he was performing with his previous band, Die’s impression of him is a bassist with blue hair, tall and slender.
Kaoru: and when I greeted him, he didn’t have make up on so he looked really young (like a child), we didn’t talk much but I thought he is the kind of bandman who performs (gave a lot of fanservices). After their liveshow in Nagano, his band and ours gather together for fireworks, but me and Kyo didn’t want to do it so we just sat there and zoned out (Die: I slept in the car at the time). Then Toshiya came to us and asked many questions, such as “is your band doing well?”, I understood that he was interested in our band but he even asked more personal questions like “are the members getting along well?”. He kept his ponytail from the live performance so he looked quite cute, but I thought “this dude is remarkable”.
Die: I didn’t remember anything from that event, the first time I spoke to him was when he went to see our live show in Tokyo, he was quiet but he seemed normal when he spoke.
Kaoru: Yeah he’s quite normal when he started speaking. But since he’s very tall, he often stands out.
The time he came to Osaka to see us, we were planning to form Dir en Grey, so I told him to be careful and maintain a low profile. But because of his height, whenever I looked at the crowd I saw his head sticking out (lol). Everyone was wondering why does Toshiya from Nagano’s band came all the way to see us, rumors about him joining us started spreading within our fandom. I also heard that people often mistaken me and Toshiya since we both had blue and long hair lol.
Kaoru 💜 & Die ❤️
Kaoru thought Die was very intimidating at first.
Die said when he first saw Kaoru’s (previous) band name, it was a cute name so he thought they’re an all-female band. But when they arrived, they were all dudes that had their hair straight up. They also came out of a Red sport car (Kaoru: we just occasionally rode on that car…).
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